Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1897, Page 10, Image 10

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iA , Well , I think It would be more favora
bio both wnysi they hadn't had any convlc
tlons under the felony clause In ten yean
the law hail been a failure.
Q. You left an argument along that lln
to present ? A. Well. I guess you ore mla
taken about ray leaving that.
Q. Didn't jou leave a scrlen of cogen
icasons with Mr. Hlgg ? A. I can't sa ;
whether I left them or not ; somebody els
might liavo left them.
Q. Who else ? A. I don't know nbou
the who else.
Q. Don't jou know who It wan that hai
thorn ? A. I know that I hnd them , but
think I didn't leave them with Mr. lllgg.
Q. What I imdcrBtnnd from > ou Is tha
that was an argument to be used ? A. Yes
Q. Hut that wasn't the real reason bchlm
thin bill , was It ? A. Well , I don't know
I don't think It was.
QThe real reason behind the bill woi
they wanted a leoi stringent law on gam
bllng ? A.-I'rohably.
Hxamlncd by Victor Ilosovvnter !
Q. You say there novcr hav e been any con
vlctlons under thin law ; are you quite nitre' '
A. There have been no penitentiary con
vlctloni , I don't think.
Q.What about the case against Mr
White ? A. Ho was fined $400.
Q. Was that a conviction ? A. Yea , elr
what I mean Is , nobody ever went to tin
Q.Uut there were convictions under th (
law ? A. Ye , sir.
Q. And parties who have Mid there \ verne <
no convictions made a mistake , then ? A.
Yen , sir. White was fliicd $400.
Q. If anybody eald on the floor of th <
aonato that there never had been a convic
tion under tills law , they made a mistake'
A. I think t < o' If I remember right , and 1
think that Is the way , lie waa lined $400.
Q. Ho was not sent to the penitentiary
but convicted under the law ? A. Yes , sir
Q. And do you remember wlicso cour
thin waa done In ? A. I think It was Judge
Q. And Instcid of sending him to tin
penitentiary" he merely fined him ? A. Hi
was fined $100.
Q. Ho had the privilege of sending bin
to the penitentiary It ho wanted to , undei
the law ? A. Yc9. sir , I guess eo.
Q. And If Senator Howcll on the flooi
of the senate said there vvas never a con
vlctlon under thin law , he made a mis
take ? A. Yes , sir , to the best of my recol
lection , ho was fined. ( Witness excused. )
It being now 10.30 p. in. and no othci
witnesses being at hand , an adjournmcnl
was taken until the following evening. March
30. 1897. Victor Ilopewat r handed In tc
Chairman Murphy the following names ol
witnesses to ho subpoenaed to appear be
fore the Investigating committee : Miss Ger-
truiloO'Sulllvan , Louis J. Plattl and Charlet
Neb , March 30 , 1S97 , 830 p. in. 1'icsont
Senators Murphy , Ransom , Osborn , Ritchie
and Talbot.
Mlsa Gertrude O'SulIlvan. being duly sworn
tostlfl ° d as follows ; examination by Vlctot
Ro'ewater :
Q. 'State ' your name. A. Gertrude O'Sul-
Q. Your residence ? A. West Point , Neb
Q. Your business ? A. Stenographer am !
Q. And your present official position ? A
Typewriter for the senate.
Q. Are you acquainted with the bill whlcl :
was intended to reduce the penalties foi
gambling from that of felony to mlsdemanoi
and which has bccomo known as senate flic
331 ? A. Why , I am not acquainted will
the bill , but I leave read it ; I know what
bill you have reference to.
Q. You are acquainted with the bill , then !
A. I know what bill you have reference It
just from reading It.
Q. You have that bill in your hands !
A. I copied a bill ; I presume that Is the
one.Q. . The bill you copied was a bill for that
purpose ; It provided that the penalty for
gambling should bo not over $100 and for
keeping n gambling house $100. and on th-e
eocond offense double that sum ? A. I can
not state what it referred to ; I know It vvae-
a gambling bill ; I don't know what tlu
bill was partlcu'arly. becaufo I didn't take
particular nottco of the bill at the time.
Q. Well , what was the condition of thai
bill as < to the character of the writing ; vvae
It typewritten ? A. I copied tha bill from
Q. Who dictated It ? A. It was read tc
mo by Mr. Plattl.
Q. Did you see the bill which ho read5
A. I did not. I do not remember what he
read It from or anything about It.
Q. You dldnU have it In your hands at
all ? A. No , sir ; I know T didn't.
Q. What colored paper was it on ? A.
I Couldn't Bay.
Q Did ho toll you for whom he wanted
you to copy It ? A. Ho did not.
Q Is he accustomed to bringing In bllla
to copy ? A. I bcllevo I copied a bill for
him prior to that , but I will not say for cer
tain.Q. . You do not know then whether this bill
was written with pen and Ink , or pencil or
typewritten ? A. No , sir , I do not.
Q. Have you ever stated that It was writ
ten ? A. No , sir ; not to my knowledge I
have not.
Q. And when you finished typewriting
this copy what did you do with It ? A.
I handed It to him and he went away. I be-
llevo I made two copies of the bill ; I am not
certain. Ho found ho had made some mis
take In the number of ths > section of the
section that repealed and I Know I re-
coplcd It , but I recopled It from the type
written copy that I hod made previously.
Q. Did you glvo him both copies ? A. I
Q The original typewritten copy you had
made ? A. Yea , sir.
Q. And the carbon paper copy ? A. Yes ,
Q. And then the corrected copies , or did
you correct It on the same sheets of paper ?
A. No , sir ; ho brought mo back the llrst cop
ies I made , and I rewrote the whole thing.
Q. What did you do with these copies ?
A. I could not txiy ; I do not know whether
I dcstrojcd them or not or gave them back
< o him.
Q. D'd ' jou deliver them to him ? A.
It la lmpt < vllilo ) for mo to ejy ; I wrote BO
many bills ut that time.
Q. Did ho say tho&o liHN were copied for
Senator Hawaii 7 A. No , nlr. he did not ,
and I didn't know who ho was even ; I had
eeun him In the committed room , but I
didn't ' know who I was writing them for ; I
thought they wcro for him hlimulf.
Q. Afterwards then jou linrned they
wore for Mr. Plattl ? A. Yea. sir.
Q. The copy from whIUi ho read them
was carrk-d off by him ? A. Yea , sir ; I
don't know whether he read It from n booker
or whether ho had a written copy , I wouldn't
nay.Q. . You retained no copies In your poa-
Bivalon ? A. No , sir.
Q. You have no copies now ? A. No ,
Rlr. I might have copied the Hint tno copies
nd maybe I destroyed them and threw them
into the waste basket , I don't know.
Q. Can you It'll me what day this was ?
A. No , air.
Q. About what date ? A. No , sir , I
couldn't toll you , I don't know , It was In the
morning , but I don't know what date.
Q. Do jou know what month It was ? A ,
No. Blr , I couldn't say that , I presume It
was February , but I will not rtalo positively ,
or It might have boon in March , I don't
know ,
Q. You couldn't fit It with re'ercnce to
other bllla you copied or other work jou
douu ? A. No , Blr , and t didn't oun ro-
racmbcr that hill until I noticed lt.i being
brought up so prominently.
Smmlor Murphy , Chairman Do jou
remember when that hill cam up to the on-
0roseln room for engrossment ? A. No , sir ,
for the laundry gives universal
' -when It but I remember
I don't rememberwhen came tip ,
member helping compare It , I think.
Q. Do you remember who sent It down I
the senate ? A. No , lr , I presume It wai
Mr. Beverage ; ho ta clerk of one of Uio com
Q. Docs ho usually take down all en
growd bills ? A , Ho doos.
Q.I > o you know whether any request wai
made that It be sent down with other bills
A. Not that I know ofi not that I heard
but I have learned since that such a. reques
woa made.
Q. Who Is Mr. Plattl ? A , I am sure
don't know , I heard ho was Senator Howell'i
clerk , but 1 don't know.
Witness excused.
Louis J. Plattl , being duly sworn , tcatlflei
as follows ; examination by Victor Hose
water :
Q. State your name ? A. Louis J. Plattl
Q Give jour residence ? A. Omaha , Neb
Q. What Is jour buslntwa ? A. Lawyer
Q. Your official capacity hero In Lincoln
A. I am the clerk of the committee on nut
nlclpal affairs In the senate.
Q.vho Is the chairman of that com
mlttco ? A. Mr. Howell.
Q. Did you dictate to Miss O'SulIlvan i
bill relative to gambling that has since be
come known as scnalo fllo No. 331 ? A.-
Yes , sir.
Q. Can you tell me about what tlmo yet
dictated that ? A. With reference to thi
tlmo It was Introduced , probably a day o ;
two before or the same day ; I couldn't tel
you the tlmo now.
Q State if you remember the tlmo It w i
Introduced ? A. No , sir , I do not.
Q. It was about the 2Gth of February
wasn't It ? A. M can't remember the date
probably ttat Is right , 1 don't know , the bll
itself will show ,
Q. The hill from which you dictated thlt
\\an upon apiece of paper , wasn't It ? A.
It was not exactly a bill that I dlctatci
from. There. ' were some facts on a plcco ol
paper that I had that -noro a good deal like
the bill thafiwas Introduced there , No. 331
the penalties'were ' different ; I Increased thi
penalties and Ones.
Q. What .was the difference that jot
made when you dictated it ? A. I raised thi
fin * In both cases , and raised the Imprison
ment In both cases.
Q. What was It before you raised It ? A.
I believe It was one month Imprteonmenl
for the first/ / offense , and I raised It to two
I bcllevo ; that 1 my recollection right now
I don't mean from the statute , I mean frorr
the memorandum :
Q. The irJ muornndum you had , was ll
typewritten tjr.jr.vrltten ? A. The memoran
dum I had was typewritten.
Q. Where did jou procure that memoran
dum ? A. I got that memorandum fron
Mr. Ulbblna.
Q What did ho tell you when bo gave
you that memorandum ? A. I met Mr
Illbblns In Omaha and Mr. nibbing showeii
mo this memorandum , and told mo that ll
that bill was enacted into a law he would
glvo mo a good fee , and I was In favor ol
that kind of a law , and have been for years
down there , and I told him r would do whal
I could with it.
Q Did ho stite how much the fee would
bo ? A. No air.
Q. Did he state the fee was alieady on
deposit for you ? A. No , air.
Q. Ho did uot ? A. No , sir
Q. Did he give you a memorandum with
this bill , the reasons why it should be
urged ? A. No , sir.
Q. Did ho state ho bad written the bill 5
A. No , sir.
Q. Ho ga\o jou a tjpewrlttcn copy of the
bill then ? A. Well , it wasn't a typewritten
copy of a bill exactly , but It was virtually
what this bill contains with the exception ol
the Increases as I say that I put In ; It was
not In the shape of a. bill. It was in the
shape of a memorandum.
Q. And when jou dictated this bill to
Miss O'SulIlvan , eho made two copies , didn't
she ; an original and a carbon as you dictated
it ? A. Yes. sir , I believe she did.
Q. And after she had finished these copies
she gave them to you , did she ? A. I believe
sbo did.
Q. Did you find any mistakes ? A. Well ,
thcro was some mistake in the first copy and
I had It recopled , I think.
Q. You brought It back to her and asked
her to lecopy It ? A. Yes , sir.
Q. Did you tell her for whom they were
to bo copied ? A. No , sir , I don't think 1
did ; I think I told her It was for me ; I don.11
bcllevo I said anything about it at , the time ,
Q. And when she ga\o you these twc
copies after correcting them did she give
jou the original copy and the carbon copyl
A. Well , wo compared them and then I do-
strojed the first two copies and threw them
Into the waste basket.
Q. And the first copy from which wou
dictated , what did you do with that ? A.
I destroyed that , too.
Q. And what did you do with the two
cope 'ihat Mlsa O'SulIlvan had made , the
tworected copies ? A. Why. the two last
copies one of them I had Introduced and the
other one I belle\c It Is either up in my
desk or In the state house , or I destroyed it ;
I don't remember which.
Q. Did your subpoena ask you to bring
with you any papers or documents bearing
upon this case ? A. I didn't get any Biih-
roena ; they Just showed mo a subpoena , but
I believe It did. I didn't make any search
for that copy , but I will do it tomorrow
Q For the benefit of the committee please
do BO tomorrow morning so they can have
that copy ? A. All right , If I can find It.
Q. Then what did you do with the bill
rou wished to have Introduced ? A. The
bill that was Introduced ?
Q. Yes , sir. A. I took It to Mr. Howell
ind asked him If ho would introduce it and
10 Looked it over and lie said ho was In favor
if that kind of a law , but he did not cars
0 Introduce it , to get somebody else to In-
reduce It. He sold , "Miller will Introduce
t for you , " and I took it over to Senator
Miller and be introduced it.
Q. Did you tell Mr. Miller that Senator
lowell wished it introduced ? A. No , sir ;
don't think I did ; I Just asked him If ho
vould Introduce that bill for mo at my rc
liicst and ho did so.
Q. Did you1 represent It came from Sen-
itor Hov.ull ? "A1.1 No , sir.
Q. Did Ije" understand that it came from
loucll ? A. I don't know what ho under
Q. Did you tell Howell anything about
ho fee that had been promised you ? A.
fo , sir ; I did not.
Q Old you ttll anyone else about the fee
hat I'ad been promlbcd you ? A. No , sir ,
did not.
Q. Have you ever spoken about this bill
1 llh 0. jr. jilgg ? A. No , sir.
Q. Have you ever spoken about this bill
vlth any membeis of the Judiciary comralt-
eeo ? A. No , air.
Q. Have you ever spoken about this bill
vlth any members of the Hitting committee ?
V. No , sir.
Q , Have you ever spoken about tlila bill
0 any member of the senate- besides Senator
Ion ell ? A. > No , sir , and 1 never had any
onv creation with Senator liniell about this
illl except when I n.sUed him to introduce It.
Q You didn't ' ask him to look after the
illl when jou asked him to Introduce It ?
I. No , sir , I thought it was a good thing
mil would look after It nonclf.
Q , Ho has not nrciimcd upon himself the
hamplrmslilp of that bill ? A. No Blr.
Q. It was not at jour solicitation ? A.
Jo , sir , I don't bellovH bo did , and ha did
> ot do It at my solicitation. I never asked
; iiv fct-nator upon that floor to vote for that
illl or do an > thing for tba bill one way or
Im other ; I iucr said a word about it to
.ny one of them.
Q. Ha\o jou spoken with Mr. Dlbblna
Inco ho gave jou that bill ? A. No , sir , I
lon't bcllevo I have ; I don't bellevo I have
ver bfi'ti him uluco I ga\o him that bill.
Q. Do you generally do business on a
iromlsu without understanding what It Li ?
i. No , fair , but In IhlH business tranuavtlon
Q. Ha\o you done otlui business of this
1 ml ? A , He raid he would give me a fret
t It went through and 1 thought It would
.0 . a good law if It unit through , and I
ctcr thought nuuh about It.
Q That Is Just as you do In jour prao-
ice ? A. I don't consider I am practicing
aw do\\n here.
Q.- What Is this It this Is not a fee as an
Homey , us a lobbyist ? A. No sir , not as
. lobbyist , but simply to look after the bill ,
3 all.
Q. Not as a lobbyUl ? A. No. sir.
Q. What Is jour conception of a lobbyist7
, . Well , I will tell you. I don't know ex-
ctly what you mlKht call my tctlou In rt-la-
Ion to thlu blllr Aa far ce I was couccnicd
have never spoken to a ueuatar or done
i.e. act to pueh that bill to the front ; never
iked anybody la the senate to vote for It or
do anything with It after It was Introduce *
Q. You expected to get n good fee fc
doing nothing ? A. If the mm wanted t
pay mo a good fee and that bill passed , i
wag all right.
Q , Have jou over spoken to Lee Hert
man about this bill ? A. No , sir , never.
Q. Have jou spoken to Lee Hcrdma
about this bill In connection with this It :
vestlgatlon ? A. No. sir , I believe not.
Q. Did jou go up to Omaha with Lc
Hcrdman last night ? A. Yes , sir. I did.
Q. Did jou speak to him at that Urn
about this bill ? A. No , sir , I did not.
Q. Had your business In Omaha any con
ncctlon with this bill or this Investigation
A. No , sir ; my visit to Omaha last nigh
was not In relation to this bill or this In
\estlgatlon. It had absolutely nothing t
do with It.
Q. When you went In the Kerns salooi
on Fourteenth street last night did jou g
there on any business in connection wltl
this bill ? A. No , sir. I did not.
Q. When you went Into the Jacksoclai
club room lost night , did you go In In con
nectlon with any business connected wltl
this hill ? A. No , sir.
Q. When j-ou went Into Hcnshavv'fl las
night , did you go In In connection with an1
buslneas connected with this bill ? A.-
No. sir ; I went there for supper.
Q Did you meet parties at Hcnshaw'i
who spoke about this bill ? A. No , sir ,
did not.
Q. Or about this Investigation ? A. No
sir ; not a word was said about this hill 01
this Investigation ; I was down ( hero looklni
after the ward primaries.
Q. When you went into the saloon on Ihi
corner of Sixteenth nnd Leavotnvorth , dh
y1 K.L tlinr , < ; for nny nurnoso connectci
with this bill ? A. No. sir , I did not.
Q. Did you go any place after you wore
In the saloon on Sixteenth and Leaven worth
for the purpose of looking after this blin
A. No , sir , nothing In regard to this bill
at all.
Q. Have jou spoken to Dominie Cosgrov
about this bill ? A. No , all.
Q. Or about this Investigation ? A. No ,
sir , not a word.
Q. Have jou ever done bu&lncsi for Mr ,
ulhblns before that j-ou should rely upon
him in connection with his promise of this
fee ? A. Why , I have novcr dotio bushiest-
with Dlbblns pcrsonilly , no , sir.
Q. You have done business with lilm In
his capiclty as member of the firm ? A.
No , sir , I have never done business with him
In that capacity ; I have done- business with
that -class of people down there and found
thorn alwajs reliable.
Q. So your general knowledge In regard
to Mr. Bibbing was that his promise- was
good ? A. Ye ® , air.
Q You know of no member of the senate
or house who has been Influenced by money
which had been raised by Dtbblns for the
procurement of the passageof this bill ? A.
No , sir.
Senator Ransom Did you go up to
Omaha to look after Mr. Howell's Interest
In the coming campaign ? A. Not exactly
that either , I went to look after the delega
tion In the Second ward ; they nil seemed to
be for How oil down there , but there Is ono
Senator Talbot That was the object
of your trip there last night , was It ? A.
Yea , sir , our primaries como on Thursday
and we have to file our ticket by tonight un
der the Australian ballot law.
Senator Ransom You are a friend of
Mr. Howoll's ? A. Yes , elr.
Senator Ransom You are also a political
friend of Howoll'B ? A. Yes , sir , poltical
and otherwise.
Senator Murphy , Chairman Have you had
any correspondence with Charles Blbblns
alnco the passage of this bill , or slnco Its
Introduction , concerning the bill ? A. No ,
elr , the only correspondence I had with him ,
I beltcvo , Is I sent him a telegram after the
1 111 pap ed the senuto ; that Is the only cor
respondence , if you call that correspondence.
Q. What vvis tht nature of that telegram ?
A. Simply stated that the bill passed the
0 Jld jou have any reply from him ?
A. No , sir.
Q Did you follow the bill up over in the
house after It went over there ? A. No , sir ,
I didn't take any further steps.
Q.Woro jou In the senate chamber at
the particular tlmt > that the bill passed ?
A. Yea , sir , I was sitting directly behind
you , Mr. Murphy , and I remained In the seat
thcie. I didn't io around the hall.
Q -Did Mr. IJIbblns tfl ! you that this
moury was deposited In thn Omaha National
bank ? A. No , sir.
Q. Or that any sum was deposited any
where ? A. No , sir.
Q How long befora tli ? Introduction of
the Mil iJM you haveths conversation with
him. A Two or thrto days probably.
Q Vhere It' A. It was at Carter's
saloon on Douglas street between Fourteenth
Q Do you know how this bill happened to
bo reported down from the engrossing rooms
to the senate with a hatch of other ibllls ,
half a dozen of them together ; do you know
unj thing about that ? A. Well , I suppose
they were all reported In that batch that
was reported up there that day ; thcro were
seven or eight or ten of them.
Q. It came In with them ? A. Yea , sir.
Q. Do you know- whether there was ony
arrangement that It shouldbo reported with
other bills at the time It was with the en
grossing committee ? A. No , sir. I may
have gene in there and told them to hurry
It up or something of that kind , but I didn't
make any arrangement that ho should report
It sooner than any other bill , or ahead of
Q. Do you know at whoso request the
sifting committee lifted this off of tbo gen-
jral fllo ? A. No. sir , I do not.
Examined by Senator Murpby :
Q. Do you know hov this bill came to be
reported by the Judiciary committee ? A.
No. sir , I do not.
Q. It was referred to the Judiciary com-
nlttce ? A. Yes , sir.
Q. You gat the bill located all along , did
fou. where It was kept an eye on it ? A.
IV'ell , after It vvas read the second tlmo and
eforrcd to the committee I knew It was
; here , but I didn't keep any track of It until
t was reported for third reading.
Q. Did you ever spe-ak to any of the Ju-
llclary committee about this bill ? A. I
jellovo not ; I don't believe I ever spoke to
my of them about It.
Q. Do jou know when the report carao in
'ram ' the Judiciary committee on this bill ?
\ . I don't remember when It was brought
n.Q. . Didn't you request Mr. Beverage to
lave this bill hurried up but not report It
ilono , but report It with other bills so It
vould como In and be engrossed at the same
Imo ? A. No , sir , I did not. As I stated
> cforo there \vas a bunch of bills went up day , and I told Mr. Beverage to hurry
horn all along. I was Interested In that bill
nd I wanted it to go through as fast as pos-
Q. Did he ask you If he should hurry It
ip and ' ( II up ahead of the otbcis and get
t down , and didn't jou ay to him no , you
ranted him to report It with the batch of
thur bills HO they would all go In the eamo
much ? A. No , elr. I said I didn't want
hat advanced over any other blllb ( hat went
p there at that -tlniu. \ wanted them all
oported together , thoje that went up that
ay ; UJCIB wcro probably twfiity-flvo that
, ent up that day , I never asked him to ad-
ance it over any other.
Examined by Victor Ilosovvater :
Q , What U Mr. Hlbblna' occupation , as
ou know it ? A. I don't Know really what
t is.
Q. Is ho what you would term a gam-
> lor ? A. I believe ho has been Interested
n that business at ono tlmo ; I don't bollovo
o bas got any place now ,
Q , When he icprcsentod to you that he
rould pay jou j fee in case this bill was
laebcd and became a law , did ho indicate
n any way that ho waa representing others
csldcs hlmnelf ? A. No sir , he did not.
( } . - Do jou know for a fact
, hotber IIP IB Intcicslcd with other gamblers
a gambling houses ? A. No sir , I do not ,
Q. Do jo'J know It by reputation ? A.
fo elr , I do lint know it at the present time ;
ears ago he was.
Q. la he Eiippo&od to bo In partuertlilp
rlth a man named White ? A. Yearn ago
belluvn ho u s in with Mr. White ; yes sir.
Q. And Whlttt In located at South Omaha
ow ? A. I don't know that ,
Q He wai uppc e < l to have beco
ngaged In business with MorrUon before ?
i. Yea sir.
Q And Morrleon Is located at South
( malm now ? A. 1 don't know that.
Q. Not even by reputation ? A , No elr
do not ,
Witness cxcutcd
0. B. Beverage , being produced and dulj
sworn , testified as follows ! examination 1
Victor Ho ewator :
Q. What Is jour name ? A. O. n. Bo
Q. And residence ? A. Auburn , Neb.
Q. Business ? A. I am an attorncy-a
law by profcrslon
Q. And your present official capacity i
Lincoln ? A. Chief clerk In the cngrosslr
room in the senate , committee clerk.
Q. Are jou Acquainted with a bill r
latlng to gambling which has been know
slnco its Introduction as No. 331 ? A. Onl
as It passed through my hands for engrosi
Ing.Q. . You were the clerk who engrossed tm
bill ? A. It passed through my hand !
wasn't the clerk that really engrossed I
hut It passedvllirpufih my hands ; 1 rcgli
" -if
tercd it.
Q Who brojightjlt to you ? A. I got
fiom Senator Mutr , the chairman of th
Q Did -MuU-npcak to you about th
hill when ho brought it ? A. No , sir ; It wa
in a bunch of six dflicrs.
Q. Did anyone speak to you about th
bill after It ramd' rlnto your Ijands ? A.-
Yes , lr. _
Q Who did ? A. Mr. Plattl , I believe , hi
name Is. " * "
Q. What dld-Jie say to you ? A. He. same \
mo at the head ; of'the stairs and aiked m
If No. 331 waa in'tho batch. I looke
through It and said "yet , " and be said , "
wish you w oufiT engross It and get It bad
to the senate o * aulck as you can , " and
asked him If ho wanted It engrossed separat
and se-nt back Immediately and ho said , "Nc
send It back with that batch , " and I did sc
Q. Did ho represent to you that ho wa
acting forScrafoY ITnwell ? A. No , sir.
Q. Did jou understand ho wn actlni
for Senator Howcll ) A. No , sir.
Q. You understood ho was acting In hi
) Wn Individual capacity ? A. As far as
mow , ho was ; I know ho was In the rooti
across the hall there as commltteo clerl
of some kind , but I didn't know what , am
t don't know today what committee clerl
ho Is. I met him the same as I do othc
commltteo clerks.
Q. Have you seen the bill , or has It conv
Into jour hands since the bill was cngrossei
and pasaod out of jour hands ? A. No , sir
I have not.
Q Has Plattl spoken to jou about the bll
after ho asked you to send It down as rap
Idly ns possible ? A. No , elr ; that vvas al
the conversation wo had.
Q. Did jou ask him if he wanted thi
hill sent dowm separately or with the bunch
A. Yes , fir.
Q. What reply did ho make to that ? A.-
Ho said , "No , air. I don't care about that ; ;
want It to come down with that bunch , tha
Is all. "
Q. Ho made no offer of money or rewarc
for your assistance in Bending it down' '
A. Not In the least ; never Intimated such i
Q. You know of no money being used It
procuring Its passage ? A < Neither that noi
any other bill.
Q. Or any promise of money or othei
valuable thli-g ? A. No , sir ; neither that 01
any other bill that has passed through mj
Q Has any ono else epoken to you aboul
the bill ? A. No , sir. I would like to saj
this for the benefit of all parties concerned
and In fairness , that I did not consider any
thing unLsvial .about this bill that will nol
apply to one-third of the bills that gc
through my hands. On at least one-third ol
the bills parties come to mo and urge mete
to get them back as soon as I can.
Q. Do senators como or committee dorks !
A. Senators and clerks and outsiders con
nected with bills ; they alwajs , or not al
ways , but a great many times , come ami
urge me to get their bills back as quick ae
I can. I had a bill today that three parties
came to me and ; urged mo to get back ae
quick as I could.
Witness excused.
J. D. Lee , being produced and duly sworn ,
testified as follows ; examination by Victor
Rosewater :
Q. What is your residence , Senator Lee ?
A. I live in Boyd county , this state.
Q. What Is j-our occupation ? A. My oc
cupation and profession is a minister.
Q. And you are hero In your official ca
pacity as a member of the senate ? A. Yes ,
sir. f
Q. Are you the Introducer of the bill re
lating to gambling Jnovii as senate fllo 30G5
Ar Yes , eir , I Introduced a bilUon'that
ject. - i r f f /
Q. Will youlAcIU this committee- from
whom you procured the bill ? A. Well. I
don't know that I an tell the name of the
party , but I know' the gentleman when I
moot him ; he Is up there every day in the
senate. Ho is bne of our employes , I think.
Q. Can jou Describe him ? A. Yes , sir ; a
rather tall man. ; 1 would Judge him. to be
about -15 years of age.
Q. You do not know what his official ca
pacity Is ? A. Tdo'not ; I think he has some
subordinate position thcro as an emplojo of
the senate. ! L
Q. What did lioieay to you when ho gave
> ou the bill ? A. Ho came In there ouo day
with this bill ; ha banded it to me nnd asked
mo if I would introduce it , and I looked , the
bill over hurriedly rand I eaid to htm I am
not prepared to Introduce the bill today , but
[ do not see anything objectionable In It ; I
said , "jou had better como back tomorrow
3r Borne other time , " BO ho came around I
suppose tbo next day , as well as I can re
member , and again presented the bill to mo
ind asked mo If I would Introduce It , and
[ said , "I haven't had time to look it up yet
3r examine it closely , but I do not see any-
: hinE objectionable in it and I will Introduce
it anyway , and If I am not satisfied with It
) f course I will not have the bill reported , "
mil BO I Introduced It. '
Q. Have you done anything else In order
.o procure the pa&mge of that bill since
rou introJuced 4t ? A. I Imv9 done some
.hlng to pi event its being reported.
Q. where is the bill now ? A. In the
muds of the committee.
Q. Judiciary committee ? A. Yes , sir.
Q. It has not bee-n reported ? A. No , sir ;
lot to my knowledgs.
Q. The bill as It came to you was type
written ? A. Yea , Mr ; I think It vvas.
Q. What colored paper wca It on ? A.
Veil , I don't remember ; I couldn't say as
o that.
Q. And you Introduced the bill as It was
landed to you ? A. Yes , sir ; I think it
m . I don't understand what you mean by
ho "original bill. "
Q I mean you had no copy made of ll
0 03 to keep a copy ? A. No , sir ; I did
ot.Q Arc you acquainted with the bill which
elates to the subject of gambling which
as oliico Its Introduction been known .is
enato fllo 331 ? A , Well , I am not familiar
Illi the number of the bill ; I am acquainted
1 Mi another bill on theJ same subject ; I am
omowhat acquainted with It.
Q , The bill passed by the senate ? A.
Q ! Did you vote for the passage of that
ill ? A. I did.
Q. Did anyone solicit you La vote for the
aasago of that bill ? A. Well , no , sir ,
nly 1 asked gome of thy boys In regard to
jo bill , but I am nut able to ? ay who ; they
ild mo the bill was all right , ei > I voted
Q\VCI-O the "boys" senators or mem-
era of the committees ? A , I mean the
inatoru were the ones I talked with about
, If I talked at all ; I am not positive any-
ilng was said about It , but I think some-
no suggested the bill was all right.
Q. And you voted ? A. Yea , sir.
Q. Did you vnto In favor of this Investl-
ition on this bill ? A. I did not , because
waa not present at the tlmo the resolution
mw up ; I would have , if I had been there.
Q. Did you vote in favor of a resolution
} odd two members to this commltteo ? A.
fell. I don't think I ever had a chwico to
oto on that ; I don't think I was thcro at
10 tlmo It came up ,
Q. I understand it was nreaented Monday
lortly after 2 o/dook : were you present at
lat time. A. ; t don't know as 1 voted for
; but I remember making the suggestion
mt the addition be made to the commlt-
: o. r '
Q. To whom did vou suggest this ? A.
, VI1 , I am not ablb to eay Just to whom 1
d make the suggestion.
Q. What was Jlhl ) reason that you sug-
jstod It ? A. MR' | IIB the addition to the
imnilttfo ? T
Q. Yes. gin i A'Becausu It was sug-
; sted to me , and I had no objection to It.
Q Who BugEWU'tf it to you ? A. I am
H able to say.
Q. You coincide ) with the view of the
an who to you ?
.Senator Rltchle-I think thin testimony U
ear out of order ; wo haven't got venute
o No. 30fl under ronildonition.
Victor Hosovvatcr This li in relation to
a. 331.
Senator Ransom I don't think wo can re-
vlow the action of the senate * iiero ftt a
The objection to this testimony Is su
talned by the chair.
Senator Talbot After you discovered tl
contents of your bill you put It to sleep , d
you ? A Yes. sir ; I went to Senator M
Oann and told him I would rather I
wouldn't report It.
Senator Talbol Itwas In the Jt
dtclary committee , was It ? A. Yes , elr , h
Is the chairman of that committee.
Senator Talbot Do j-ou know ot nn
senator being unduly Influenced In this c
any other bill , In the passage of It ? A.-
No , sir , I do not , I have no reason to sus
poet that they were.
Examined by Senator Murphy :
Q. I presume you voted for this bill Ilk
the rest of us , not knowing what it was o
taking somebody olso's word that 1L was al
rltfit ? A , Well , If jou will allow mo t
glvo Iho reason why I reversed mj-Bclf o
that bill I can state It very briefly to th
committee and explicitly Senator Murph
called my attention to the fact that tha
wasn't the right kind of a bill , and In accordance
cordanco t looked It up and found ho wa
right about It , and when ho aro'o on th
floor of the senate and Insisted that the bll
wasn't the kind of a bill ho desired to sup
port , I coincided with htm , and I think h
nnd I vvpro the only two men that Inshtci
that the bill bo brought back at that tlme-
nn d yourself , Mr. Talbot.
Q. Tliat was shortly after it passed ? A
I think It wan the next day.
Q. Well , that waa generally concurred li
by all tli a senate ; It was unanimous when I
was BUggestcd that the bill bs brought bacl
wasn't It ? A. No objection that I remember
ber ; I do not think there -wa * nny ono o'j
jcctcd , of course , I hadn't any occasion ti
take particular notice ot that.
Q. Wasn't it on Senator HovveH's motloi
that It waa drawn back ?
Senator Osborn No , I sent up the firs
motion to recall It and that wasn't In order
or my motion was to reconsider , and 1
wasn't In order because It had to bo callci
back first.
Q , You remember the first bomb that WAI
shot Into the hill was on the same day ol
its passage when I arose there and made s
protest against the way bills wcro belnp
passed and referred to a certain bill that hai
passed and received my sanction not kno1-
Ing Its nature ? A. I remember that vcij
distinctly and after adjournment I asked you
hurriedly as we were going out something
about the bill and you told mo It wasn't the
right kind of a bill. That was why I looked
It tip.
Q. On the day of Ha passage ? A. Yes ,
sir.Q. . And then the next morning Is when
action was taken to recall H ? A. Yes , eir ,
You said "That Is not the right kind ot a
bill , Brother Lee ; " that was the language
and that arousd my suspicions and I ox-
anvned It. I hadn't ever examined it closely.
Witness excused
( To bo Continued Tomorrow. )
The Great Amorlrnii InNtKudnn In
Scientific Inquiry diligently pursued has
discovered a hitherto unsuspected source ol
peril to the pupils of the public schools. In
seeking the causes of recurrent Indigestion ,
colic , dyspepsia , drowsiness and nervous Ir
ritability among the children attending these
Institutions , relates the New York Mall , It
baa been ascertained that the burden of re
sponsibility Is chargeable to plo and the
devastating effects ot the plo habit.
The Board of Education has therefore beer
called upon to abolish pie from the school
curriculum and from the lunch baskets ol
school children. It is seriously represented
that plo Is an obstruction to the progress
of education , and that until It Is totally
eliminated the schools can never fully per
form the Important work for which they arc
designed. This revolutionary movement In
volves no reflection upon the moral Integrity
of tbo modern pie. It concerns itself entirely
with the baleful effects of the pie habit upon
the physical nnd mental condition of these
of Its Juvenile victims who go to school. It
la proposed to rescue these Innocents from
the withering embrace of the great' pis spec
ter , to banish Indigestion and doubt from
their fair joung lives , and to make sute
that all their vvaja may bo free from sorrow
row and biliousness all ot which , It Is pro
foundly believed , can be most directly ac
complished by a formal rule forbidding them
to Indulge In plo during school hours.
Fortunately , however , this radical reform
la aimed only at the ostentatious but decep
tive plo of commerca , the deep-chested ,
brown-skinnod pie ot the lunch counter and
the street peddler. It is the mysterious
roady-mado pie of unknown ancestry that
doea all the harm. Gloss 10 every school
in the city is some enterprising dealer who
day by day hands out alluring wedges of
cold , eoggy , Irresponsible plo in exchange
lor the pennies of the pupils. Day by day
thesa unsuspecting children consume chaotic
masses of half-baked pastry and fruit until
indulgence becomes a habit and habit makes
dyspepsia a household word in the homes
of their anxious parents. The revolt of the
school authioritlea against the anonjmous pic
Is all right. The undated pie , bearing neither
letters of credit nor a clean bill of health ,
must go. It Is a threat of stomach ache
mental laEeltudo and nervous deprsEslon to
the vvholo army of school children. It must
bo outlawed , smashed and permanently ex
terminated In the Interest of Juvenile health
ind educational progress.
Meinwhlle the home-made plo will retain
Its honored place in the economy of the
household , a thing of unfailing charm and
goodness. It is beautiful and wholesome
If It bo the old-fashioned apple plo In hunt
ing cases , not a single germ of Indigestion
lurks beneath Its russet crusts. If It be a
lalnty custard plo of the opcn-faco variety ,
Lhero Isn't a hint of stomach echo In all its
; olden contents. The home-made plo has a
reputation of Its own ta sustain. . It Is hon-
: st , frank and modest , never pretending to
; o what it Is not and too upright to deceive
; vcn a child as to Its character and conatl
.utlon. Against the old-fashioned homc-
nado plo , Including Us variations In the
'orm of tarts and oven "dlpsles , " neither
ichool reformers nor social agitators dare
o protest. It Is an Institution which is as
Irmly established as our laws It would
irobably have gene into the constitution It-
iclf if It had not already been so largely ab-
lorbcd by the makers of that Immortal In-
'hat the Impurities which have accumulated
n your blood during the winter shall be
iromptly and thoroughly expelled It good
icalth is expected. When the wanner
. -eather comes these Impurities are liable
0 manifest themselves In various ways and
ften lead to serious illnera. Unless the
lood Is rich and pure that tired feeling , will
fillet you , your appetite will fall and jou
.ill find yourself "all rim down , " Hood's
ansapaillla tones and strengthens the
ystem , drives out all Impurities and makes
lire , rich , healthy blood. Hood's Saraapaillla
3 tha ono true blood purifier and the bent
prlug medicine. Bo sure to get only
n\Ttmis or fni\Tiit MJW vouic.
L City "f IllHlinii'fM , VIIN ! A r fii anil
Con Klilrrn I'oiiiiliUlon ,
The population of Greater New York
ascd upon latest estimates , will he 3,100,000 ,
rhlch will irnlie It rank second ia tha
wld , sajs the New York Herald
Greater New York will have an area of
bout 300 square miles making It next In
l/o to lyoiidon. Im greatest length will bo
early thirty-five miles from Mount St.
'lucent to Tottcnvllle.
The stte-et mileage of Orrator New York
1 estimated at about 3,000. One-thlid of
no stieets are paved.
If all the elevated and surface roads within
jo confines of Greater New York were
laced lu a single line , they would reach
bout l.COO miles. The elevated roads alone
ould Ktrctch nearly ICO miles.
The assessed value of the real estate In
; ow York , Kings and Hlchmrnd counties
nd that part of Queens r-ounty Included In
10 d eater city Is JJ.'JOJ.Hi.'JiJS. The value
f the personal property within the terrl-
iry Is $107,07GGGS. The total equalized
iluo of the realty and perbonal property
. VMG'J 795.1S7 The Indebtedness of tbo
miblncd titles and towns Is about $170,000-
)0. )
Greater New York will have a capacity
ir 650 miles of wharfage , and In this re-
mi will bo unexcelled by any other city In
10 world.
Tliu Incorporated city will contain 130,000
Lvelllnt ; houira , 27.000 buslueis lioutts ,
500 acres of parks , ) , SOO mllea of gas malna ,
100 churchcb. 1,125 hotcU ami 3DO public
: ncolu.
As a center of commerce and maaufactutc ,
with the thousands of mlles ot railroad
terminating within Ita confines and acres
the Hudson river , Its splendid dock an
harbor facilities and Its warehouse capacltj
Greater New York will bo without a peer. "
There will bo five boroughs In the Groale
Now York , known as the Borough of Man
battan , the Borough of Kings , the Borougl
ot Queens , the Borough ot Richmond am
the Borough ot Bronx.
The territory will bo divided Into tci
council districts , and tbc council will con
slst of thlrtj'-slx members , thus divided
Manhattan , 16 ; Kings , 12 ; Queens , 2 ; Richmond
mend , 1 ; Bronx , 4.
There will bo twcntj'-two aldcrmanle dU
trlcts , and the Board ot Aldermen , -will con
Blst of 104 members , thus divided : Manhal
tan , 55 ; Klng , 35 ; Quocns , 3 ; Richmond
3 ; Bronx , 8.
You should keep Salvation Oil on hand ; I
will euro all aches and pains. 1'rlco 25c.
for MiikliiK II nnil How ti
I'ri'lmro Uio I'riiK.
"And wo had the boat apple sauce , " &ali !
a young girl , when telling ot a visit to c
dear old aunt.
"Wherein did It differ from all other apple
plo sauce ? " the mother queried quizzically ,
For the mother thought sha know all thrc
vvas to know about apple sauce.
"Well , I don't know1 said the young per
son , "but It was the best , and she put tlii-
sugar In It before she cooked It , and It wae
so different from any other. " '
It so happened , relates the Household ,
that the mother had occasion to make eomc
apple sauce for tea , nnd not to be outdone
by the auntie , however worthy she might be ,
the mother also put the sugar In before shs
cooked the apple , but the j-oung pel son said
It wasn't a bit like auntto's.
Now , I happened to know Just how thla
auntlo really did make her apple sauce , and
will tell you , besides giving you another
way , too.
Pool tart apples and qviwtcr them ; If veiy
hrgo cut the quarters once In two. Have
two quarts when peeled"and put them Into
a granlto' kettle ; pour over them two cupa
of sugar and set on the back part of the
range- , when there la n fire lu It. Let them
cook elowly until perfectly clear. Cover
them cloaely.
I didn't say anything about the water ?
No , and that Is Just where the difference
comes In ; the apples are cooked In their
o\vn Juice- , and this combined with the sugar ,
makes a rich and delicious syrup , which will
almost Jell when cold.
Don't ba afraid of tholr burning to the
kettle , though they will if put over a hot
fire at first ; It will not take long tor enough
Julco to exude to cook them , and they maybe
bo left whole. They must bo cooked until
they look clear and translucent.
For the other reclpo , use red apples , if
you can. Cut up a couple of quarts of ap
ples , or have a cotiplo of quarts when they
are cut. Do not pare them. Put them Into
a small atone Jar. Put over them two big
cufAS of augar and cover closely ; p'aco In
the oven and lot them remain four hours ,
at least. The even should not bo very hot.
The apples will como out looking as red as
rubbles clear through , nn < l tasting so de
licious they would tempt even a non-applo
sauoo lover to try them.
li ea
Searles &
Searles ,
Specialists In
u nd
All Private Diseases
mid Disorders of Mctt
Treatment faj mail
Consultation lrcc.
Cured for life.
MSS AM ) msnAsns OPvo.wn \ .
Catarrh , all Discuses ot the Nose. Throat
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Cldney Diseases , Lost Slnnhood , Hydroecle
krnrlcocele. Gonorrhea. Gleet , Syphilis urn
: 'lle3 , Fistula and Recta ] Ulcers cured vvlth-
mt pain or detention fiom business
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Call on or address with stnmp ,
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Originul and Only U. .
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UR l5i Tor CAfctWvfrrt MiiJuJ
trtU J/PIMJ in Itcd an 1 Go/ m
HM icil-J wltU tlun rltboo TnUc
10 other * ftffuit danyrrovt *
sn * an t inittihnt At l > rufslii > , or crdJr. .
In fimpi for ; i\rUcnnr ) , lettlrnonlili tnJ
5I 1L IO.OOO rm.mbr > < as X-trt * J'ayrr ,
| chi * tirC bcnilcAl Co < | Mu 1lnn S iinrc *
DrLgf litj. , i'hlJLa < li Vf | Jo >
19 Tilt ONLY
\Vcalncu ft Disorder ol
20 Ye r Krperienca.
B Vein in Omaha.
flojk Krcc. Consuliatloa
ant ) l.iamination rrct.
I4lh and farnam Stsv.
Wo ecnJ tlio Ftcncli Itemo'Iy
CALTMOO free , ( to O.o.p l i"J
legal KiiarnntcotLatCALTllos will
BIOI'DUeharcMnnit I'mluluoi ,
CUUK hpermuturruen , V urleoicle
iiu IJF.KTOHK ix t vieor.
} l/tt ttandpayifiatiijied.
VON MOHL CO. , 332 B ,
8 < l > icairlr.n tetott , Cl l > i ll , Ohio.
U.o Ilia" for unnatural
illicliargts , lutlainruutlons ,
IrrltatluiK or ulceratluni
n i w ulwmtJof in n cu us nirnilir n .
Irrt'tuti ooi ( i o. PitlnlDii , an I not a < trlo >
IrmEvAiiCHtMtcnCo " " or roi unoui.
' 1 Mold \tf IlrtiffcUl * ,
"or scut lu plklu 'rmrcor ,
by cxrreif , prepaid , tat
tl ( U. or 3 bottl-r , { J.75.
Circular < ent ou ; < ] CHt.
Now is when you need
Scott's Emulsion , especially
if you had the Grippe , and
the system is depleted and
you are virtually exhausted.
A tonic won't do. You need
the combined food and tonic
properties of Scott's Emul
sion of Cod-liver Oil with
Hypophosphitcs and Glyccr-
inc. It will give you flesh
and strength , and tone up
your nervous system in a
manner that will almost sur
prise you. Ask your doctor
about it , if you will His
word will strengthen ours.
a. Written Gnnrnntco to CUKE EVEttlZ
Our cnro Is permanent nnd not a. pairhlnR up C tei
treated ten yean ffo liarn never een . f rmpimi alnro.
all money. Tho&a who prefer to como hero for treat *
tncnt can do no and wo will pay mllroad faro both waya
and hotel bills while hem If wo fall lo cure. Wo dial-
lenne UK-world foracase tint oar Single Ilrmrily
rill not euro Write for full particulars anil RTI the
evidence Vo know that you are skrptlral , Justly so tno ,
as trio most eminent physicians hive nsver been blo
to Rlro more than temporary relief. In our ten yenra
practice with this Magic llemerty It hat teen most
difficult toovcrcoma tbo prejudices atwlmt all no-called
specificlut under our ntrong fruarantee you should
not hesitate to try this remedy. You take no chance ol
losing your money. Wo guarantee to euro or refund
every dollar and aa wo have a reputation Id protect ,
also financial backing ot ( tHOO.UUO. It Is perfectly
Mfe to all who will try the treatment. Heretofore you
have boon putting up and paying out your money foi
different treatments and although you nrc not yet cun-d
no one liu told back your money. Do not waste any
more money until J ou try us Old. chronic , deep-rcatcil
rasos cured In thirty to ninety ilnya , Investigate our
financial Btandlnir. our reputation as business men.
Write us for name * and addresses of those wo hava
cured , who have given ponnlsslon to refer to them.
It costs yon only potUKo to do this i I twill rave you *
vrorld ofsurTerinft from mental strain ! and If you arc
married what may ) our olTsprlntr suffer through roue
own neallfromcl If your Rymritomj are pimples on faca >
vore throat , mucous patches In mouth , rheumatism la
bones and jclnu. hair falling out , eruptions on ant
Eart of Ilia body , fecllnR o : Ki-ncml depression , palni la
ead or Iwnes , yon have no tlmo to waste. Thone who
are constantly tnklnR mercury and pfttnsn should dis
continue It. Ccnstant u o of thew dnig-s will surely
bring tores and eatlmr ulcora In the end. Don't fall to
wrtto. All cormnondenco sent sealed In plain envel
opes We 1m Ite tue moet rlirld Investigation and will
do aJI In oar power to aid you in lu Addrcu ,
& 00K REB5E3Y CO. . Chicago , ill.
A.I.T. Jfrrroui HUrnifn l'nWnj Mem.
orjr. Impot ncrhloi < ploxnoMeto .cnunmt
by Aliuneand other Fxiegsm and Indls-
cretlon 77ir/ rurlu arid &ilit-/i/
restore Ix > Ht Vpllfllltr In old or ) oun , nnd
nt n mnn fomtudy.btmtnoMS or n nrrlntie
. _ 'Prevent ' Insnnllr anil CJonsumptlon It
taken lu tlmo.'Iholr UKO Knows Immediate Improve
ment nnd erTuct-t a CURE wliero all others tall. In
slit upon having Ilia i.cnulnn AJnx Tabletn. They
hava cureil thousands and will cura you. V\o clvo n
poiltire written Eunrnnton to effect B euro In ouch ca e
or refund the moner. PrfrafiO cents nor pivrkatfn , or
sli packages Ifull tioatluuntl for $1'i > II r in nil. In
plain wrapper , upon rcceljit of t > rlc . rlrculnr free.
AJAX REMEDY CO. , "Vi lr ? , , " "
For sale In Omaha by James rorsyth , 202 N ,
Ctli KtrLct.
Kulm Co. , 15th and Douglas Streets ,
And Omaha will stay
by you
Is the acknowledged
newspaper of the west
Advertise your city ,
state and the Exposi
tion by sending The
Bee to your friends.
'nily ' und Sunday by mail , ' ! mos. , $2.00
iiudiiy only , by nmil , oni > year. . ? U.OO
! ully and Sunday delivered by
cai rior in Omaha . Joe per weak
ormltoiy UuliaiiiK. U. S Indian SMV
e , urn ) Fox Agency , Toledo ,
ivva , .March ISlli , lt > ! )7. ) Henlcd pro-
is ila , ondoracil : " 1'ropoi lit for isicctlon ot
ulldliiK"ind ntilie.i ] < ! oil to Iho umli-r-
KiH'd at Tolfdo. lovvn. will bo rucolvi-d at
ils nKonry untlf 1 o'clock p , m , of H.itnr-
iy April Itith , 1R97 , for fuinlahlru th ncu.
; siry muterl.iH nnd labor ronulu-il In the
ectfon and compli'tlon of ono (1) ( ) brlc It ilor.
Itoty liiilldlnB. with Htc.un healing plnnt
nl wiring fur cli'ctilc llKhllns , on Kovcm-
ont Hlto Toledo , lown , lu
rlct nccorJujic" with plans ami
n.clllcitlons vvhlcli may Incxam -
cd at the Indian OMIco , Washington.
, U. , the olllcei ot the "Io n Blato Uc | s.
r" or Oca Moliius. lovva ; the "Journil" of
oux City , Iowa ; tno "lino" of Oniiihn , NP-
dska ; the "Inter Ocean" of Cnlc.iKo , Illl-
ilx , and at thlH Accnt-y niuin-is will Htiito
o.-irly In Iholr hldx the linpth of tlinii 10-
1 1 reel to complete the v , oik The rlKht li
helved to reject any anil all hldx , or any
irt of any mil , If doomed Tor UHI heat In-
rusls of the service The attention of hid.
TH IH Invited lo Dm net of cnnirreMi. up-
ovi'd AuiUHt Jst , IfOJ , entitled , "An art
latliiK to thu limitation of thu hoiif nt
illy Hi-rvleo of hi hoi ITU and mechanics
unloved upon the puhllo work * of the
lilted Blales and of the UlHtrlct of f'o-
inhhi ; " nlpo lo the net of cnnurLHS .in-
ovril AUKUHt 13 Hfll. entitled "An alt
r the protection of pornons ftirnN'ilnt ; ma-
iluls .Hid luhor for thu construction o !
hllii vvorKn" which will lie m.idu a put
anv contiact entered Into under thlx nil-
rtlf ment , CeitKHd fheelcx Kich I > I < 1
lint IIP accomp mled by n uirtllled ihccic
draft upon Hime United Btate denoHltoiy
Holvent national hank In the vlilnlty of
u icsldenee of the lilililrr , in.idc nayablu
tha ordei of tha Cominlxsloner of Indian
Tails , for at leiiHt FIVi : I'Kfl CI'.NT of
o amount of thu proposal , which i lu Ut or
aft will ! forfeited to the United Slates
ciso any bidder ar bidders recUvInt ? an
. aril Mm 11 fall to promptly u\ccuu < a ton.
ict with Kood anil Htilllclent xnrctl's ,
litrulso to no returned to the bidder Mils
compinled by c.ifdi In lieu of a urtllluil
crk or draft will NOT IIP considered Poi
ntier Information ap.ily lo IiOIlAOII Af ,
JPOIC. U H ( ndlan A-ient mSOdlilt
tl i VI I i I [ i r B I 7 " ' " eroatVt'iiotulili
. . . . . , - IlkV I UllbUVltullt rtli | iriscrlii *
tluaot u fumoiM French , will quickly euro > m ) of nil u r.
\MIII or dhiatiH of lliH gomriUlve iirKuns. Mich ns J.oit Matibnod ,
InjuBinla , I'uliislmhoJlick.HBmliial KnilsBUinn , Ni-rvotm UcMllty ,
I'lrcples , UnUlntM to Marry , Ilxlmujllnt' Jlnilns , Vnrlcfx-tln UK ]
Un.-atlpjtloD. Itbtoinull loiuir-4 liyilay i > r nleliU 1'ineiits quirk- ,
nl h.i c [ tllicharcc , u lilcli If not thr-rkpd lomls to rjpcrmutorrhaiu und
olllhohorrnniof Iwpolanrr. 1'IJIIIKNKrlejiLw.stlJoHver , tbe
Inrrnnr | AND flriUli Lldiuysanilthonrlnnryorennanf ul ! Impurities.
rirpIDBNKKtronsthonsunilrestortsainftllwcalciirirnna. . . . .
'Ilio reason nurfi-ri rt are not cured by JJorlnrs li liprnuru ninety per cent are tronblert nlth
ProBtalMlH. f'UrmUNBU the only UnownrHmwl/to euro wliUouluiiiijitruUun. U jlrsllmonl.
relurnud If Eli linn * ilom not ctfoct a
. wrlt'cn truiranli-nglvi-n end money pcrmuiitiucura
§ Jio A boialxf"ri.aby mall , bond for j'HBtc circular und leetlmonlab.
Myers-Dillon Uruir Co , S , E. 101. ICth and Finn am Sta. , Omaha ,
Wh rt In doubt what to ute foi
Nervous Debility. Lou of 1'owcr.
Impotcncy.Atroiihv.Vancocelc ar
other v % caLncs 3 , from any ciuia
utt Scilne I'llli. Hralni checked
and full vizor quickly restored.
' ' ' '
Ifculwli ? . inciuolf.i'iVu'u'i'uill/ . \
Mailed/or 11 W.Obojcj J500. Will 4
$1OQ orderi v\eclveauarftnteei |
rur > or refund t e money , AddrtM
mtUQ C O. , Ornana. NeU