r 0 THE OMAHA DAILY riM * FRIDAY , APRIL 9 , 1807. COMMERCIAL AND "FINANCIAL Wednesday's Uump Brings Atoiit a Mntkcd Reaction. WHEAT GOES UP MORE THAN A CENT Corn nni1 On < HHltrt n Oonil I'riie.tlon Knvh iinil Provision * Ailvniicc tiitlxtlenl > v Kiivo ruble. ii CHICAGO , April 8.-A11 the Rtaln und pro vision markets were firm todny , closlnR us a""rul8 fit substantial advance * . The stmiRth wn.i wore the rf.sult of a natural reaction from ycsttrdny'o slump , ulthouch the ntntlstlvnl-news wnu ttcnorally fuvoni- Lie. Mny wheat closed ! ' , ( , < ' higher , corn vc h'lKhcr nnd oulS' UOHc hlehcr. Provisions - , . Yestenliiy's decline In wheat ii'.ipcnrcu to hnvo brought out all that was for sale lie- low OCo nnd 'buyers had to puy something o'verMdo' fl'K'iifc.f mtntloncd both for Mny and July deliveries during the greater part of today's session. Whatever reanon was Bfvo.n as tha cause which Induced shorts to cover wheat previously sold , purchases of tha't sort constituted nine-tenths ot the buying done In the forenoon. The. trading was neither active nor of largo volume. Mny opened at from Gtifc ! to fiCHu , compared With yuatcrdiiy's closing price of fwc , Im proved to CClic and declined from that to I'Aiv. It begun to Improve nfter touching the latter ilgurcs ami. rose once more to tti'.ic. During the remainder ot Hit : fore noon It rose and fell within the extremes of CiiV'C and We , being mor Inclined toward the' upper limn the lower edge . of that range during the time mentioned. Humors of some coun try milling demand for unrlng whfut were given n " one reason for the generally Im proved tone which rallied wheat again after Itii first 'drop from around Uti'.ic for May to C."ilu. Liverpool , whltu lower at the opening , wns not as weak as Chicago had been the day before nnd had already recovered ' , id of a Id decline before trading started hen- . Chlrngo receipts were fifteen earn. Minne apolis and Uuluth received ffl-l ears , against 117 cars a week ago and 2H ) cure the cor responding day of the year before. 'Ihe Cincinnati 1'rlce Curicnt ventured to eatl- matei the coming crop , should It maintain present conditions , at from 300.000,000 biv to SIO.WO.OOO bu. Atlantic port clearances of wheat ami ( lour were canal to 2r ) ,000 bu. New York reported business done for ex port , 1UO.OOO bu , , it was bald tor prompt , and 100,000 bu , more for May delivery or Juno. shipment. The reported export business , moderate ns It was. kept tlio market llrm to the close. Mny about half an hour from tlio close sold at 07c and July ut Wriic. July weld at mytc earlier Ifl the day when Aliiy ut the mime time was bringing only GGvie. During the last few minutes enough reac tion occurred to bring May down to Cfi ic and July to C8'i ( CC-c , wftlch were the rlos- Ing prices. Corn was also somewhat stronger , Influ enced partially by the better tone In wheat , but chiefly by the heavy rains In the corn belt- which have raised the presumption of light receipts. Shorts were good buyers. ISxportH amounted to 710,000 bu. May opened about % c higher at 2.MiC : , advanced to 23ic and closed llrm at 23'ic. ' ShortH covered In the oatH mnrket nud were mainly responsible for the firm feel ing , which was the most Important fea ture of the session. Sympathy with wheat and continued unfavorable wet weather were also factors In the advance. The ag- gregatfc business was larger thnn usual. Exportu wern > 41 , COO bu. May opened ' /ic higher at llr&tflGl&c , advanced to IGftc and closed nt lCc. . Provisions , althoiiBli starting weak , soon firmed up nnd Joined In the general ad vance , There wns some further liquidation by commission houses early , but an Im proved demand both from packers nnd Kn- gllsh Houses. Prices gradually advanced. At the close May porl < was about .1c higher at $8.1008.1214 ; May lard a shade higher at $4.07 > /jff-i.ia ( , and May ribs EC higher at MT' . , , .13sUmnted receipts Friday : Wheat , 8 ' " carsr corn' ISO cars ; oats , 1S3 cars ; lings , 1.1,000 hend. The leading futures ranged as follows : Articles. | Open. | HK-li. " ! LoTv. | Close. TYuafy. Wheat - April. . nun 0AM OOH Mny. . . 117 if. UBM OliM , , July. . . tlUti ( HI tMJ * Sept. . . 05 0-IH Corn- April. . Nny. . . . - July. . . . 4J4-26 24H-25 Sept. . . 20H JS2i ! Oats Muy. . . . , July. . . . 17W 17H 1791 1TH Sept. . . . ISM IHJi Pork May. . . . 8 OS R 15 R 00 8 1'J't 8 03 July. . . S IS 8 25 S 10 B yj > * 8 IB Lnnl Miiy. . . . 407 4 10 4 03 4 10 4 07 W July. . . 1 IS 4 20 4 16 4 10 ! 4 13 Eh'tHtbH May. . . . 4 37U 4 47tj ! 4 37 W 4 47H 4 4''S _ July. . . _ 4 43 4 60 4 40 4 SO 4 43 NoT 2. Cash quotations were ns follown : VIXUll ) Knsy ; winter patcntu , J1.30O4.M ) ; winter BtrnlKhtN , S ( . jI.M ; sprint ; Fpccluls. ll.r.O ; tiprlnK imtfiilH , } 4 , l(4.10 ; HtrnlKhts , . < oa3.70 ; bilkers , J3.COi3.o. WHMAT No. 2 rprtng. C SGC8 c ; No. 2 rerl , - ( XHN-No. 23i.4i3e ; No. 2 yellow. 22',4(8 ' ( > Z3c. Z3c.OATSNO. . 2. t. o. t. . , 20514121 0 ; NO. 2 white. f. o. b. . 18 r2lc ; No. 3 while , 21c , nominal. HYB No. 2 , t. o. I ) . , 2.'iC33c. HAHLIJV No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , 250330. FI < AXSHKIN'o. . 1. 72ii'7514c. TIMOTHY SKUD-Prlme , * 2.t2H02.C5. PIIOV1HION8 I'ork. metH , jwr hbl. , } 8.C5fii 8.10. Lnnl , per 100 Ibs. , T1.07U. llncon , ehoit ribs nldoa ( luore ) , JI.35Jj4.t. Dry raited Bhoul- ilern ( boxed ) , 15.12V4 ; vliort clear sldos ( boxeil ) , y nistllleni' nnl8he < l KOO.IH . , per gal. , 11.18. HIJOAilr-Cut loaf , > S.C4 ; granulated , J5.01. The following were the recflptu anil shipments today : On the Pro ItiQi * cxh.vio tcKliy : ti3 ! buttur mar ket waa eany : cre.iiuury. 14ai8c : dairy , ita llle. Kifsn. linn ; frrah. bMaiic. ClmeMO. linn ; KIMiMlOHc. Dressed | > onltry. linn : turkeyB , lie ; chlclieiiti , 7K Bo ; dueUs , I3 v YOHIC < ; IO\IIIAL CluotiilloiiN of tilt * Day nn , C cite ml CoilllllOllllU'N. NEW YOHIC , April 8. KLOtm-Itecelpts , IC.Olt bbls. ; exports , tV7'J hbla ; modfratvly.netlve anil bteadlvr , with wheat ; winter utralBlitH , Jl.00ff4.13 ; MlnncFotu piitditH , 13.M04.10 ; Mlnneeotii bakem , t3.3Sa3.CO. Hye Hour , fairly nctlve. IX ) UN MiAL : Htraily ; yellow ueitrrn , C.'QbTc , . .llVI'Iull ; No , 2 webtcrn , 33Hu. llAUMIV-Kleuily ; 2T.ie. HAHl.iV MALT-Dull : western. 4S054c. WIIIJAT Heeelpm , W.JOO bu , ; exporlx , fO 665 bu. HMt , linn ; No , 2 ml , "Soi No. 3 hurd winter - ter , 73e , Opened Htronccr on tlio rnllylni , ' power vxhllilted by cable , ruled unsettled all day , with u Una ) tlmrj' rl o nn export ordeni ami ncllve rovrrlni ; . Ulorml ftfile hluher : No. 2 red. April , T&OTic , clbvol at 7S74c ; Muy , 72UW73 3-16c , clcin'.l . at 73o. COItN Iterelptu , 32.1T5 bu. ; cxportH , 95,107 bu. Fpol , steady ; No. 2 , XX. ( ) | K'iif.l Uriner on bet- Irr cabU'K , WIIH > > ry Mf.uly all ij.iy on the rife In wheat and wi > t weat.irr news ; closed lie hlKher ; , April rioted at 2'Ju ; May , 2SHO23C , closed at 29c. OATK ItevelptH , 31. COO bu , ; exports , 7CO bu , Bpot uteaily ; Nu. 2 , 22o ; tinner , with the other maiki-ts. > iiij ) delayed H-edhm ; doted at Uo ad- vanoo : May , ilHJfil'.tc , clobed nt 21ic. ! HAY ( Julet : uhlpplnit , Wi55 < sc ; eood to ' choice. Tt'iv'Sv. H1UU8 I'lnn. but uulel ; ueiitern , 20 to Si Ibs. , 14o ; lluenim AJT.-K , IttiWIVo ; Texaa , lie ; Cjllfor. Ida , letio. ' IlOl'H-Qillfti i1 1 lit c , common ti ) choice , ISaj crop , Smjtio : ISiKi crop , SjflO'Jc. LiATHiil-SU'iiily : : ; hemlock ole , Iluenos Ayre . llKlit to heavy. 200 Zlc , , JMtaVIHION.S-.Hn-f uteaily : packet. J8.DOC963 ! lef hamn , neatly. ( Ml mcutii. Mtcady ; pk-klid iH-lllfn , JS-tO ; pU-klcd liliniH. | U 0)09.50. U-ml , Kwidy ; weHtera fleam , J.3ij ! : rvilniM , nii-ady , Pork , rtniiym ) ; Hi , | S.75iiU.2J. Tallow , quiet. OILS IN'irolcuni. iiulel , unchanKtsI ; closed at nup bid ; IVnrnylvnnlu crude , sttady ; May , S7'/5o bid. X'ottonweil , iiulrt , hut Inlrly steady ; prime crude , Srtc asked ; better Krades , 2iijij26(4c. ( Itoiilii , tleuily ; drained , rommc.n lu KOOI ] , Jl.Ciy l.t7H. ! Tuiventlnt' , tteady at 2S829\c. HICK Hlraily nt l'i ' j llo ; J | ian. % ( | > > C. MOI KSKH-Slendy : New Orleann. t > en Let- tie , KOO < | to choice. 23ii30c. 111'TTKJt Itoctflpl * . 3,770 pkK , ; mi'uily ; wett- cm crtamery. l ! 20c ; Klulns. ; 0c ; factory , tCI3c. I'HlvUHi ; HI'N.I | | | * . ( M pkii . ; iiulet rlate ci Hutu , ymull , Uil2io | ( ; pnrt sklnm , ttikc ; full klni , 2WC3c. Kanllecelptit , r..iiC pkur. ; steady : rtate and IVnralyvonla , 94 ilCk' : wcttein , ttiuv c ; south- eni. jjlCo. 1 UKTAIJt IMir Iron , nulet ; southern , JIO.OOO1 11. W ; northern , JlO.OOjnf.iC. . . iTupper , uasy ; l > n > k. em , Ill.eO ; cxchanKf , IH.KOiJII.75. Tin , iiulet : ( .trultn. 41S.JiVaiS.Mj plules , ijvilel. Speller , > | Ulet ; itomcsttc. (4.10 4.20 , Ix-'ml thcwj weskncts , fol- lowlntf unfavorable nilvlcc * from the u t aid unMitlifactory Ix > ndon cubic * ; cloied weak on 'change , with spot lots and up to July delivery QUVlt-U ut IJ.KC3.37H ; white lead , steady ; all the market ( julel at 1150. Cotton NKW YOUK , April J.-CXTTON-Spot , nrra ; middling , The ; mlddltof upluAli , 1e ; mljdllnjr , riilf , ( He.nlM , ,434 bait * . Futurrn r.ii.- ! > , , " < f > bnlen ; Junuiiryf > " * * ! April , J7.C1 ; Mny , IT 03 ; June , IJ.10 ; AUEUft. 17.18 ; Peptem- 1 > cr , 0. ; October , ! . ; Novemhcr , H.SJ ; l > e- ccnilirr. ffi.S. The mnrkrt ( , | n l quiet and nn- chonKfcl , 1 [ mint hlsher to 1 point lower. KnRllnh nen-d wns without Innutnce , Trndlnir hrc nt the t > iitf t wns fnlrly nctlve. New Orlenns nnd Liverpool houfen cold for n. time. After 10:30 : the market l > ecnme dull nhil nt II o'clock the rriaiket wmt Mcnrty , with fnltn of 30.000 bales. NiW OKIjKANM , April S.-COTTON-Slemly ! mliMIInK , 7 7-lBc , OMAHA CJKMCIIAI. MAHKUT. Coiiillllon of Trnilc * nnd ( Imitation * on Slnplr nnil l''nnoy I'roiliicc. r.OOS-llulk of snlcs , 7H7HC. lIUTTKH-rommon to fair , SfflOc ; choice to fancy toll , Kfrllc ; separator creamery , 21c ; frath- erc'l cicninery , Ifc. OAMIS Illuo winged teal duck * , ll.COi preen wlnfr , $1U ; redhcndii nnd mallards , J2.Mi72.73 ; ( . anvanbacks. $100 ; Canada ge s , Ic.'f.e , )3.W3 0.0i ! ; small. t2.M > < 3.00. VKAtr-Cholce fnt , CO to 120 Ibs. , are quoted at 8SHc ; largo nnd course , 485c. I.IVK POL'lvrilY Hcn . COCHc : cm.kf , tQtc. PHllvONS Uvc , 750Hc ) ; dead pigeons , not wnnlcit , lIAY-Opland , (4.50 ; mlilland , .CO ; lowland , i3.CO ; ire tlrnw , 3.f.O ; color makes the price on liny ; Unlit bales Fell the beat ; only top grades bring top price * . IIHOOMCOHN Hxtremely slow nalc ; new crop , delivered nn track In country : choice green sclf- worklnc carpet , per Ib. , 2tl2'ic ; choice green , runnlnj ; lo hurl , 2ff2Kc ; common , lUc , VKCIKTAHLKS. OUHKN I'KAS-1'cr 20-lh. box , J2.23. I OUCt.MIIKllH-Pcr ! dor. . , 11.75. CAUMKIxnVEH-IVr crate , 1.00 I.OO. ASI'AIlAtyjS-1'er II ) . , lEc. SI'INAOII-1'er bu. box. Jl.OO ; per bosket , 76c. TOMATOKS 1'er 7-bapkct crate , J5.00. WATER CRKS.S-1'cr 18-qt. crate , J1.75. 1'IK 1'IwVNT Illinois , DO-lb. boxes. JI.75S.00. Tt'IlNII'S-1'er bbl. , I.DO. OI.U VKQUTAIIMIS-Ueets , carrots , parsnips , per bbl. , 11.60. IlAUIHHKH-1'er doz. , 30c. I.IITTUfi : Per dor. . , SOc. WAX HHANS-ltu. bojps , | 1.50. I ONIONS-I'er iloi. , 20 r30c. I'Alt.SI.UY I'er doz. , 25c. IliUMUUA : ONIONS-1'er crate , J4.60. IJWKKT I'OTATOES Knncy Illinois , per bbl. , } l.bOO1.7Si KnnnKH stock , 1.25 , ONIONH-amid ttqck , per bu. , tl.SSQI.SO. U.MA HEANH-I > cr Hi. , 3c. lIKANn Hnnil-plcked navy , per Ib. , 11.0001.10. CAIIIIAOK- California , tl.COQI.75. ClSl.iilY-l'f ? doz. , huge. California. 7Cc. l'OrATOiti-GiHid native flock , per bu. . 2Ct30c | ; early Ohio H'fil polalnpi > : lied river valley , 45W Me ; Mlnncsolu early Ohio , 40iJ4c. . STRA\VUUURIK Tcxnii , per 24-qt. cases , J3.M ) ; IxjiilMnmi , 21 pints , J2.CO. MALAGA C'.IIAI'MS Per kep , J7.00 . APPLKS-Kniicy. large , J2.25 ; choice , .CO. THOPIOAL FRUIT. OUANOKS-Californla navels. lf,03 to 200 137V laraf Use.- . J3.1683.CO ' ; ncillltgs } 2 2532.C5Mrdl itcrn.ncim sweets , fancy , .oo ; choice ? i i.COW SIISC151.I.ANEOUS. lil ii ! molVlM' California , per II. . lame S S r W & isas lErE SJ S'a ' " " KII18 linpnrteil Tnticy 4 "crown , 20-lb boxes JiV.vt,0,1 , " " f' ° 'lbhoxen , 13ffl4c. HONI' - Choice , 1314c. bbl / " " " ' " 'cc ' > t < fr lin" ul12.50 ' ; per JAX } W 1'K - - ' : . .cnP . cli. * 2M ; HIDES , TALI/3W. HTC. 1I1DKS No. 1 green hide * . ic ! ; No 2 green hides , 5c ; No. 1 green raited hides , 7Ho ; No ' 2 green salted Jildcs , GVic ; N , > . 1 venl'calf. 8 t 12 Ibs. , , c. No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. . 4c ; No. 1 dry Hint lilJcjf , WOc ; No. 2 dry nint hides. 65JSC ; .No. 1 dry caltcd lililvs. Sfflic- part cuied hides. He per Hi. . IPSS than fully cured. SIIEHl' PRLTf-rireen fulled , each. MCMc ; green salted. Rhcnrtngs ( short wooled early tklns ) . each , i.e ; dry shearings ( sbort wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry Mint. Knnean and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . ac tual weight , 4f5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nc- brmkn Miuinln wool pelts , | > cr Ib. , actual weight , ST4e ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool polls , per Ib. , nctunl weight , 4J."c ; dry Mint Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3@lc ; feet cut r.ff. as It Is useless to pay freight on them. TALLOW AND ORKASH Tallow , No. 1 , 2Jc ; tallow , No. 2 , 2c : grease , white A. 3c : greatc. white II , 2c : grease , yellow , 2c ; grease , darl ; . 1-Hc ; old butter , 2S2c ( ! ; bectwax. prime , 15S2Zcj rcugh tallow , Ic , WOOL Unwashed , fine hcayy. Cfl-Ic - ; fine llsht. Sifjflc ; ciunrti-rblcod , 10012C feedy , burry and chaffy , Sfltlc ; cottcd and broken , coarse , 7 < U9c : cotted nnd broken , lineCfPSc. . Klceco' washed medium , ISfjlSu ; line , 14016s , tub washed , ICO ISc ; black , ic ; bucks , Ce ; tag locks , 2B3c ; dead pulled , r.BCc. HONKS In cnr lotc , wclghetl nnd delivered In Chicago : Dry Iluffalo. per ton , J12ffH : dry country , bleached , per ton , 5105712 ; dry country , damp nnd meaty , per ton. } C8. FRESH MKATS. DRUSSRD IIK12F Good native steors. 400 to COO Ibs. , CVSc ; good forciuarters slpers , 6ic ! ; good hlndiiuarlei-s , l > V c ; weslerr. steers. dic , fancy hclfere. fiUc ; good heifers , Cc ; good forequarters heifers , 5o ; good hindquarters heifers , Sc ; good cows Cc : fnlr COWB , 6'.4c ; common COWH , So ; cow forcciunrters. 4Vic ; cow hlndiiuartcrs , 71/ " . 11KEF CUTS Tenderloins , 20c ; boneless strips , Sijci strip loins , 7V4c ; rolls , 9c ; Elrlcln butts , DC ; shoulder duds , 5i.4c ; rump bulls , Ce ; steer churks , 4Vic ; cow chucks , 4ci boneless chucki ) , cow plates , 3Vic _ . ; steer . . _ . 1nl plates. _ f _ 4u ; A Hank . . . . . cow rounds , shank off. 7c ; cow rounds , shank anil rump off , 7'/4c ; trlmrnlims , 4o beef shanks , V4c- brains per doz. , 3icr ! swectbrends , per Ib. , MUTTON- . - , , - 7Uc ; mnrket racks , long , 1'c ; hotel racks , short , 12c ; legs anfl saddlea , 5c ; lamb legs , lOc ; bi easts nnd ( .lews , 3c ; longues , each. Oc : plucks , PORK Dressed pigs. 6 c ; dressed hotrs. 5'ic : tenderloins , lie ; loirs , 7Hc ; H'are rlbn , BVtc ; ham rnufcugo , butts , 5140 ; shouldcis , rough. 5140 ; shoulilera , skinned , r. c ; trimmings , Co ; lent 2rc' stomachs , each , 3c ; tonsues , each , "c ; kid neys per doz. , lOc ; brains , per doz. , 15c ; pigs feel , per doz. , 3Cc ; livers , each. 3c. STOCKS AND IIOM1S. co il IliiyliiK I" Many SlovkH nnil the Ceil < nil I.lHt IH Klriu. NEW YORK , April 8. Thcie was an unmis takable Improvement in the tone , of thei maiket for Blocks todny over that which has prevailed of late. The mnrlyt was not active , but there was good buylnu/n many stocks nnd the gen eral list wns W/n. the heavy liquidation In n number of slot/s , which has been a depressing Influence , having apparently come to nn end , for the time being lit least , There was a din- position to feel various points In the market nnd where reslslnnce of values was found theie was a buying of the slock. The general average price was higher at the close thnn at last night's dote. Apparently no apprehension was caused by the notlllcatlon of the roads In Ihe Joint TrnMlc nKsoclallon by the railroad commis sioners for Information concerning their con tracts , agreements not reduced to writing and rnle . It was rather felt that Ihls would nerve to bring Inlo line the road * which ar not dis posed lo mnlmaln rales and thus tervu ihu same purpose In maintaining th association' * rates as the western roads rcelt In agreeing lu Inform the comi.ilcslon of any dlecrlmlnallon in rales that may come to their knowledge. The giangers hi'ld Him today , being favorably af fected by Ihv rally In Ihe wheat market , All showed gains , which leached 114 per cent In llurllngton und 1 per cent In Hi. Paul. Thu Kouthnffctern shores did not partake fully In the general Improvement In the railway properties. Hut the Industrial mid specialties must bu looked to for Hie main actlvlly of the market , The coalers showed a recuKratlng | tendency. New Jersey Central gained H4 per cent and Lnckawanna 2 4 per ct-nt , Ihe Inlier on extreme limited dealings. Hugnr was far In the lead In tliu niailift , with a third of the total bales of the day In ll credit. Tr.u ugeregalu of Hugar sales numbered CO.OW shares. These enormous Iranructluns had no other vlklble motive than the conlllcttng gossip us lo whether cither biiycru tind Ecllera did or did not act for Insldu Inter ests In Ihelr operations. There was n steady ad- vnmv under thin buying , reaching 24 ! points lo 11411 nt Ihe close. A large pnrl of tills buying was said In be by short Inleresls and It had Us effect In raUIng prlren In the general list. The shorts were also In evidence In Chicago ( las , In which the dealings were heavy , dealers who sold earlier In the week on professed ulnrm over the municipal election In Chicago seeking to co\cr. The ( lock rote 114 per cent. Local eaa slocks wrrv also prominent. Consolidated gained 3 points nnd llrooklvn Uunlon lf\i per cent on prospective legislation. Tobacco was lemporurlly depiesied on u report of u cut price for plug tobacco by u comiutllor , but Insldo support was forthcoming and the stock rallied to u net gain. Leather preferred was also heavy at Ihe start , but later rorr 14 per cent with the general Improvement. Quite an nctlve demand for the flould shares developed In the last hour of trading and Manhattan gained IV. per cenl nnd Western Union J J per cent. Standard Oil today lunched SS5 on reports of nn Intended Increare In Ihe capitalization. Cana dian Paclllo showed un advance uf 2U per rcnl und Pullman of n point. The closing wns slrong and In nearly nil cases at the highest level of the duy. T.iu bond market developed a fair degree of activity , but changes were unukunlly narrow , ex. cpt In n few Instances. The market generally displayed llnimess ; m ! < H , { 107.00) . Uovirriiiitnt bondd ruled llrm and thowcil an Improving ten dency on purehusei of J1S.CW. The Hvrnlnir Pobt'v Ixmdcm financial cable gram says : "The reduction In the bank rate of discount rllmulHtctl all Ihe stock markets today , Ituslnets was not actually active , but was Ut ter than for come time pant , and prices nt the close was near the best , ConvU were 11 ! 5-16 ; lume tails were bought In view cf ( uster.i trail c * Argentine * are ( till rltlnr. Americans were Ir. regular , but linn , on the whole. In sympathy with other market * , and Ui do * * WM Mroo * ; at tb * 1xt. . Kaffir * fcmnln "il dull because of the nlmlMlc reports In th market which r bly rnRgnite < 1. liar ( folil w s In irtronp * mand , but there will t * practically no supplies till tomorrow to test the price. Following the decline In the bank rnle the Joint stock bank * reduced depcnltii by one-hnlf of 1 per cenl. There wan no further change by discount houses , Init ft reduction Is expected soon. The Paris bourse opened unsettled , but clowd Ptrnnff on the Lon don mArktt. The llerlln market WHS steady. " The fnllonlnc were the closing quolntlons on the leading stocks of the New York exchange todar : The total sales of stocks todny were 153 035 shares , Including the following : Darlington & Qulncy , 1C , SOO ; Chicago Onn trust receipts. 22,140 ; nelnwnie & Hudson , 3C(0 ( ; Heading , 4,000 ; tit. Paul , ll.SW ) ; Western Union , 4,3 < W ; New Jersey Central , 9,600. Vorlc .MonejIturkcl. . NKW YOniC , April S. MONKY ON CALL Kasy nt 114R2 per cent ; last lor.n , IH per cent ; closed nt l4f2 ! i > er crnt. PRIMK MEIICANTILK PAPKH-3Jf4 ! per cent. STKRLINO KXCIIANOK Klrmcr , with nctunl huslrvps In bankers' M1H at JI.S7Jf4.87U for de mand nnd nt H.SJ1 nnd } t SO for sixty ilnys ; poftc.l rates , Jl.80',4 ' nnil 14.S8I.4 ; commercial bIKs , ? 4.S. > . SILVER CERTIKICATUS ClOC2ic. ! HAH SIL.VKR 6151c per ounce. nOVKRNMKNT IIONDS Film. STATH RONDS Dull. RAILROAD RONDS Firm. Closing quotations on bonns were as follows : Silver b.ira. O'Jc : Moxlcm doll.irj. 43'S30c. ; rtrartH , Bight , 'JOu : dnifts , t'lajrap'i , ti'Ji j. Xciv York Mining CtiiotntlonM. NEW YORK. April 8. The followlnr arj the closing mining cinoutluiitr Choi a- . 103 Ontario , . , 7OU CroiMi Point 15 Onhlr. 03 Con. uil. & V.I lli'i Plymouth ' . ' 0 Dcmhvooil 115 Qtilckbllvur 101) Could A ; Curry ' . ' 5 Quicksilver pfd. , . 800 Sierra Manilla. . , . . 45 llumc.stako ' 'Olio Stnndir.l : 1UO Iron Silver 33 Union Con. . . . , % . . , . tf5 Mexican , 40 Yellow Jacket'I London Slocfc Uiiutntloim. MONKY ? i ? I per ccnl. The rate of dlrcount In the open market for three months' bills , 3 1-10 per cent. Il'llllllicllll I1O3TON. April 8. Clearings , } H,45I,327 ; bal- ancen , (1,32SUS. NKW YOHIC , April B. Clearing , JTO,93S,4U ; balanrCB , JC,273 , < 7C. I1ALTIMOHH. April 8. CIcarln s , < : ,2IO,1CO ; lialnnc'fp , } : G8U7 , I'HILADKLriHA , April 8. CIcarlnBS , J8,2SC- 95 ; balances , Jl.lSC.TJO. HT. LOllIB. April 8. Clearing , > 5,77lS5j ! bal- nncoK. ( 32'0i muney , Ci8 | pfr ccnl : New York cxchnngo , LOa bid , &C'c pu-lnlnni utked , CHICAGO. April 8. flenrlnss , Il ! , 39 778 ; New York exchange , ! o premium ; foielun exchange , steady ; demund , Jl.Si'.i ; tlxty < luy , II. 8C. Kii Pliuiiiclnl. 1IKIII.1N , April S. Hxchanso on Ixjiidon , elaht ilnyn1 hlKht , 20 nmrtoi 40 plK. I'AIIIH , April 8 Three per cent rentes , Ittif 7c for exchange on London ; 23 ( He for chfckB. LONDON , April 8. Gold la quoted today ot HiienoH Ayres , 1U7.SO ; at Llebon , 4j.S ; lit Home , 103.40. liar' gold , 77a llliil ; American ' eagles , 70s 5d. CniTee NKW YOUK , April 8. COFKEI3 Openeil bnri'ly Bteiuly with pi Ices 10WIS points lower , folluwliiK' heavy rccelpta In Ilruzll and weakness In foreign marketf. Kurthcr declined 15 polnlH under lute disappointing caldea and bear sell- Ing. Free deliveries checked the decline. Clnfed eleady wlllt prices 1S { 25 polnls net de- cllnu ; rales. I3.7SO liatn. Including May at J7.10 O7.15. Bpot , I Ilo , weuk ; No. 7 , ' Invoice , I7.CO ; No. 7 , jobbing , ( S.OO. Mill , weak ; CVrclovn , S13.7J81i.2S ; rules , COO biiKs ; Itlu , No. 7 , caul and freight , OOU bugs , Muracalbo burls , JH.W ) for good C'ucuta ; WJ ting * unwaHhed Caracas p. t. ; total warehouse deliveries from the United Blair * . 17.C77 bnga , Including 1C , 703 bagi from New York ; New Yolk slock today. 37GWI bags ; United Ktntl'K block , 445.M9 bags ; alloal for the United mates , aC.KK ) bugs , ' tola ) visible fur Ihu United Htateti , CSl.ik'J bags , agalnat U1.3I1 bags lasl year * SANTOS , April S. COPFinf Quiet : good average Hantos , 9,400 rcl : receipts , JO.ODO bags ; slock. 415000 bags. HAMlU'lia. April 8 , COFKRK li. pf . lower ; sales. : : .000 bags. 1110 UK JANHIIW. April 8. COITIIH-Sleadyj No. 7 Itlo , 8 , 0) rels ; exchange , 8d ; receipts , 11,000 bags ; cleared for the 1'nlted Hlates , 13.600 bags ; cleared for Kurope , litlo bugs ; stock , IM.WO bugs. IIAVHK , April 8. COKKKK-Cloned barely steady at If loss ; tales , J .L-CO bags. 1'corlii .llnrkclH. I'KOniA , April 8. COHN-Market easy , lower : new No. Z. Klic. OATS Market Irregular , easy ; No. 2 while. . WIIIBKY Market steady ; ( Inlthed goods or the. busls of } M8 for hliih wines. . HIX'KI ITS Corn. i.tM bu. ; coin , 1.100 hu ; oats , 2,1100 bu. ; rye , none ; whlfky , 76 bbls. wheat , COO bu , Shipments , corn , 2,100 bu. oats , 7.UO bu. ; rye , none ; whisky , WO bbls. ; wheat , none , Ull Cll > .MurUi-t * . OIL CITY , ) 'a. , April 8. There were no quo tations for cerllncatu oil , Ttie purchatlnK price for commercial balances remained unchanged , but the I' . & It. advanced their price from tic to M ; run * . L17 * bbla. ; shlpmenU , M.lli bbU. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET \ Run of Onttlo Frflts Off Half in Hnmbor from-W [ < lncs6ay ! , BUYERS FORCE'.BEEF . PRICES DOWN Effort nt n Ilcd c/loii Only l'nrllnll > Sticcrnitrnl , Miiklnu Ilunlm-im Slow lliKM..1lKV'llnc In Hullo nn.l Sell llrlnkly. SOUTH OMAHA , April S.-Ilccelpts for the dnys Indicated were : Cattle. HOBS. Sheen. Horses April 8 . 1,003 4,0.16 3,000 . . . . April 7 . 3,420 3,475 2r > 0l April G . 1,937 3,323 1,719 April G . 1,052 952 2,031 IfCO April 3 . 1,401 3,201 W CO April 2 . 1.9S9 4,112 1,799 12 April 1. . 1,393 J.2CS .1.353 Mnrch 31 . 2,224 3,502 2 , 9 Mnrch SO. . . . . . . . . . . 2,730 5,119 J.PU 2 March 29 . 1 847 2,250 1.478 46 March 27 . 1,483 4.7SS 1,402 G2 Mnrch 26 . 1,653 4,031 3fifi5 Mnrch 25. . . . . . . . . . . 1,931 4.G3S 2.771 The oHlclnl numlwr of cnrs of stock brovight In todny by cnch road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep C. . M. & SU . , - . . J Missouri Pnclllo Hy . -3" . Union I'nclllc Symcm . 18. It ! P. , B. & M. .V. Uy. . ' . 17- t 2 8. C. & I' . Uy . . . . . 1 G. , St. ! . . M. & O. Jly. . . . 5 2 11. & M. h. H. Uy.K. . 12 . 20' ; G G. , H. & Q. Ity . ' . . . / ' ' „ K. C. & St. J. Uy . 2 3 C. , It. I. & 1 > . Uy , cast . 1 G. , U. I. & P. Uy. , west. . . 10 2 Total receipts . . . "GS , 05 10 The disposition of thoj'day's receipts was as follows , each linyer- purchasing the number of head Indicated : Buyers. guttle. Hogs. Snccp Omaha PncUliiR Co . 165 . . . O. H. Hammond Go . . Ifi7 F2D 39 , Swift and Company . , 3f > 2 ,1WW 1,458 Cliduhy Packing Co . 544 1,333 1,519 H , Itccker and Uo'gnn..vSI . J. Ij. Carey. . ' . . : .7 . - . . . . . . Iobtnnn & Hothschllds. . 184 > . . . 1JI11 & Lewis Co . -1 . Huston & Co . , . 24 . Hammond , K. C.- . . - . C31 Cudahy P. Co. , K. C..u. 4 § . Nelson Morris , Chicago. 25 . Cotton . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . 11 : Sherlock . < > . . . > . > Other buyers . ' . . 201 . . . . . Left over . 1"0 Total . . . - . 1,617 4.13S 3,71 ! CATTLE-Recclpts of cnttla were less than half \vhnt they were yesterday , onlj sixty-rive loads being reported In the yards Tne feeling among buyers that bei-f cattle have been selling too high here as compared pared- with Chicago made bilyers n little bearish , with the result that the trade wes rather alow. The first bids WPTO esneralb 5Q lOc lower and the belt cattle sold a little lower In most cases than yesterday. Butchers' stock was In very moderate sup ply and the market active on desirable cows and heifers rit strong prices. Some pretty decent heifers sold nt J4.05. Par a couple of days past feeders have been corning In most too fast for the- de mand and there * h tH"bcpn some tendency toward accumulation. Speculators In con sequence were "iTbT'sMch" free buyers and the feeling was litlle easier , llcshy cattle especially belnjl J $ cak. Uepr.esqntatlvc sales : ATIVES. vSTKRIIS. . No. Av. IV. No ! . AV. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r. 2..1ir. : > 3 50 IT.rt. 1217 } 4 13 13. . . .10 < 1 $4 30 24. . . . SPO 3 ? 5 . 16 7..1215 4 ! 0 2. . . . J50 300 CU..11W 4 13 21..1270 4 TO . 32..10S7 4 CO Sn..K'iO ' ! 420 7..1077 4 tO C. . . . S41 4 OH 19. . .1 < H9 4 20 S. . . . . ! > . " . 4 3i 3. . . . S11 4 CO 18..1022 4 ! 0 16..USS 4 SO R..110G 4 CO 7 , llll 4 TO 39..12M1 4 ; 0 S9..1243 410 MU'.I1M 4'23 1S..1223 4 3(1 ( 7. . . . Ul 4 10 40. .i.llHI 4 25 20..10'0 4 35 7..1C03 4 10 I ! * ; . , .12(3 4 23 1..1190 4 23 ' 2.1015 ( 4-10 , . . . , ( . : 423 G..112D 4 35 ,7 . . . ! I74 415 17.1M9 423 1..12SO 4 45 20i..103S 413 14.IUi2 423 23.O3 ; 4 4J < 2..12U ; 415 13 , . . , 1232 4,23 IS..1340 4 fS 52. . . .1170 415 21rrr.I3D5 4-30 ; ° .cows,1" tf , . , ' ' 1. .971) ) 310 2n..fl4j 3 50 2.-j HW 4. ' : . . 170 3 10 ' ,1 : )140 ' 3'5 < JJ ; IVJ030 : T7J 15 IV- . " ' 1..1010 250 21100"3 20 2J ! ! ! SC5 5 50 4..IU5 250 1. . . , 830 320 l..ij20 ! 350 1..11JO' 2 CO 1..1140 325 1..11FO. 3 50 ! ' . .760 2 C ! 1 . MO 325 1. . . . 920'S 50 2. . : . MO 2 70 1,1110 323 1G.-114S 3 63 ' 1 ' . . 930 270 ' 1..10JO 3'23 40..1CS3 3 65 2. . , . 953 273 l.-.ttllO. 325 7..1175 3 (0 1 . .1KO 2 75 5. . . .1062 3 15 1..12SO 3 65 1.I..110Q 275 1.750 " 323 1..1200 3 C5 1 . . .1080 2 M 1. . . ; 730 3 23 7..122S 3 .0 1. . . SCO 2 W 1. . .11310 3 23 1..12CO 3 75 1..1050 200 2. . . .1153 335 G..118G 3 75 1 . ,1100 2 SO 4. . . .1107 3 id 1..1090 3 75 L..IKO 295 L..IOSO 340 9. . . . S41 3 i5 1 . .12CO 300 21..100- 40 1..1100 3 75 1..11CO 300 13.-.US3 3 iO 3..1233 3 tO ' 1 . .1000 309 1. . .11000 343 1..12H ) 3 t5 1..1250 3 10 1..12M ) 3 43 4..1110 4 03 1..1100 3 10 HEU'RUS. 1. . . , 750 313 4.500 375 . 523 393 1 . . . CfD 325 5. . . . 5J2 3 SO 1. . . . 441 100 710 325 . , . , ' 3 S3 1. . . . 540 400 3 736 3 33 ' 3J. 910 3 K 8. . . . 835 4 CO 3. 610 340 1. . . . UO 300 19. . . . * 44 4 JO 11. 4:6 350 7. . . . 4E5 3 SO .1120 4 Oj 1. 9SO 3 CO 2. . . . 855 3 SO IJUIJ S. 1..1CCO 250 1..17SO 3 CO 1..1230 3 Oj 1 1S90 2 CO 1..1020 3 00 1..WO 3 05 1 , ' C40 275 1..1530 30) 1. . . . < 0 313 . . " 2 75 1..1110 3 CO 1..14DO 3 15 1 "mo 2S.O 1..1270 SCO l.w.1310 335 CALVES. 2. . 375 345 1. . . . 180 550 1. . . . KO 650 ' 1. . SCO 425 1. . ! . 200 6 TO 3. . . . 213 SCO 1. . SCO 4 40 C. . . . 151 5 60 STOCKEIIS AND FEEDERS. 1. . 720 3 25 9. . . . 594 3 90 47. . . 794 4 20 1. . 7N > 340 4 , ; . . 1135 390 3. . .568 425 1. . 520 310 1 820 400 5. , 688 425 5. . CSO 350 3. . 940 400 11. , 972 425 3. . SC3 3 50 4. . 705 4 00 4. . 4C2 4 30 2 . C30 360 1. ; 7CO 4 05 1. . 5 < 0 440 1. . 920 3 C5 12. . 745 405 3. . 426 4 tO 3. , C93 375 2S. . K35 ' 4 03 31. . . .472 460 2. . 765 3 fO 2. . 905 410 2. . . 500 4 CO 3 . . .10SC 3 K 4. . 7PO 4 10 6. . . 63G 4 65 8. . . .1070 3 85 1 f50 4 15 WESTERNS. COLORADO. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. J'r. 1 heifer. . CCO J3 00 7 feeders. . . . CS2 J2 83 C feeders. . . . 870 325 10 feeilcm. . . . 60:1 : 3 Si 5 fcertoiu. . . . S06 3 23 C feeders. . . . 6SI 3 k3 13 feeder . S34 3 25. 22 fepdern. . . . 7kS 4 26 6 feeders. , . . 61 3 25 2 calves . 3C3 4 45 IDAHO. 34 feeders. , . , 673 4 25 93 feeders. . , . 035 4 25 HOGS Every clay for live day tlic IIOK mnr- Uet has teen luwer. On Tucnlny It wns 5o lower , lint on the other days they took off only a plmvliiK. the nvenmo price pnlil for nil the IIOR Khowlnn n drop of only IftDc iier diiy , A toleralily thick Bliavlns came off todny , for while the IUIEB sold yeMerday nt 3.tn. J3.f2i4 nnd J3.k5. the Brent hulk hrpiiKht only JS.tO today. The market was fairly active lit the decline , nnd n reasonably early clearance was effected. During the five days that the market has been tcndlntr Mendlly downward values Imve declined a ttrone lOc. The market Is now 20c Io\vcr than the extreme hlfih point of the tetacn. hut 20s hlcher than It was one year nt , ' " . JteprcEcntatlvc sales : 9il J.lf No. Av. Sh. IT. " ' No. Av. Sli , Pr. 12 373 . . . J370 41 . 273 . . . } 3 80 63 36T. f.0 3 H J } 61 . 237 40 3 tO 37 330 120 3 Vj.r ( . i , 64 . 4 380 02. . , 257 H > 3 7S'IJ ' 80 . r,5 SO 3 0 38. , , 2C3 40 3 75 ; 'I" ' 62 . 244 . . . 3 tO 64 224 40 3 7SlIl t 71 . 277 $0 3 tO 21 295 40 375" | 55 , . 2S3 3 SO 67 319 fO 3 JUJ' ' " 49 . 251 3 fO 14 2i9 3 29 310 41 . 2..9 3 81) 23 298 tO 3 TtiiV . 3 0 23 298 3 23 ! 'l ' r. . 10 193 38 2SU $ C5 237 3 80 I < " G4 244 ; GO 203 3 M 42 2(5 , 67 -J52 3 tO 60 2il ) 3 lee ii 79 237 3 10 76 238 3H > iii- 41 273 3 tO f4 293 74 238 3 80 71 2C8 10 38 15 , 220 3 t > 0 19 218 S W" X (2 241 80 3 M 37 277 3NHi U , . . , „ . , 3 CO CO , 219 3 SUM „ S3 2C2 3 10 G < ! 2C.O 3 ( t > it 2C1 3 (0 < 72 , . ,235 3 JO fc9 230 3 FO 65 , ,291 3.i } , . . . . . , . , , . , , 3 fO 61 280 S'Ul111'1 G3 237 3 (2Vi 77 2CO 3W- 64 314 3M C4 228 3 10 J ' CO 2IS 3 t2 > & 40 244 3 (0 , 45 207 3 5 73 25C 3 tO 17 207 3 H 68 270 3 kit 48 ! 20 SO 3 1-3 22 209 3 (0 49 211 3 63 I'ldS-ODDS AND KNDS. . . , . , . . . . . . 325 6 . 330 3.75 2 . 310 . . . 350 . . . , . . . .34(1 ( 375 1 , , . 310 350 5 . ! 12 3 75 2 . 445 ICO 35' ) 6 . 1-00 375 8. , . 275 370 1 . 250 310 1 . 270 3 75 7 . 231 3 S3 9. . . . 251 375 8HBEP The cheep market was tttong nnd active and the offerings met with prompt tnlo at very nutlnfuctory prices. Hejirt-teiUalU-e ralrs ; fo. Av. I'r. 91 western yearlings . . . 19 } 4 CO 00 we tem yearlings . , . . . , , , ks 4 CO 234 wentem lambs . , . U 4 70 (57 Colorado lambs . i . . . 72 (25 nc Colorado lambs . , . . . 78 6 25 at , Ixiulx l.lve StooU. 8T. IOUI8. April 8. CATTLE necelpls , t.OOO head ; market steady to ttronic , Fancy export liters would brlnK 15.1006.35 ; fair to cliolce native shipping ( leers. J4.11HT5.CO ; it rr undtr 1.000 pound * , | ) .C54.20 ; stockers and feedenv U.tiC .W ; cow * and belfu * 1.7S61.15 ; Tcuui nriil Indian utrcro , J2.75C74.40 ; rows unit h lftn , lt.KOt.75. IlOUS-Itrrrlptu , 4,000 hcod ; mnrket ( ten.lr tea ( a Icm-rr ; llxht , JJ.fOdJ.DO ; mlxc-,1 , UWU5.55 ; hwivy , U.60t4.CO. nilEEr-ltrcflpts , 3,500 hmd ; mnilict Mradv ; native rmitloiiR , > 3. ( J4.fO ; laml . JI.4W6.t5 ; Texns shtcp , W.OCf4.35. OHICAdO 1,1 Vli , STOCK MAHKKT. Cntttis Aliont Stcndr HdRx n Mattel liiitrer Sliccp AoUvc. CHICAUO , April B. In cattle prlctn werp stendyi nnd fairly well held. Comparatively few fnlcs were made nt from JJ.75 to 14.00 , and the bulk of the entile crossed the fcalcs nt from M.30 to H.S5. There was n Rood stocker nnd feeder trade. , most of the offerings going for from 13.60 tn 14.30. Calves sold at from il.OO ) to 15.25 , n few brlnRlng from (5.35 to (5.55. Ituyers of hogs mnnnced to force a decline of About ! kv the bulk rtt the nfferlngs relllnR at from f3.SU to * 3. ! > 3 ! rough to RMK ! heavy | > nck. Init lots sold nt fn > m 13.60 to J3.SO. Vlgr , llcht weltiitr , were more numerous. Trade In Klicep was nctlve. Common to strictly choice > lmp were wanted nt from W.2. to 13.25 , weMern * lnliiRltiff ( Kim J4.fi to (6.CO. I.amlm told on the basis of from 13,75 tn J4.25 for the poorest to from JS.OO to J3.75 for fnlr to choice wcMeins , with choice Colotndos llrm nt SG.OO. YcnrllnRs Fold nt from (4.60 to $3.20 nnd shorn InmKi at fronv J" > . " 0 to (5.23. Itrcelpts : Cattle , 8.500 head ; hogs , 18,000 head ; cheep , 12,000 head. Kniinnn City Live Stock. KANSAS CITY , April 8. CATTL.K Itecelpl * . 4,000 head ; nhlpments , 2..V < 0 head ; market nbout steady ; Texan ftcem , ; : l.60)r4.40 ; Texas cows , J3.30i4.00 ; native elects. J3.W05.10 ; native cows nnd heifers , ( l.GO f4.23 : stackers nnd feeders , (3.25 U4.CO ; build , I2.COfl4.50. HOaS-llecelpls , S.OCO head ; shipments , 9tX > head ; market 6c lower ; bulk of tnlc , J3.7Sfll.SO ; heavies , J3.70if3.tiOi ( lackers , J3.fCiIJ3.lO ; mixed , (3.7603.90 : lights , $3.60 3.75 ; Yorkers , (3.7083.76 ; . . . . . . - . HIIEEI'-Itccelpts , 2,000 hend ; shipments. 1,100 head ; market strong ; lambs , JI.OJS7.50 , latter for spring lamU ) ; mutton ? , (3.5CU ( < i.oo , latter for fancy. Slock In Iteconl of receipts of live tlntK nt the four ptlnclpal mnikcta for Apill S : Cuttle , llnjg. Sheep. Omaha . 1(01 4 136 3.C03 Chicago . , . S.r.oi 18.MO 12.000 Kansas fllty . , . 4,000 E.OOO 2.CTO St. Louis . 2,000 4CW 3.K03 Totals . Tc.lM .14,0V. 21.10 : > New York I.lvc StnoU. NE\V YORK , April 8. IIEUVES-Rccelpts , C.60 head ; no trading ; cables quote American MCITB nl llfi'12o ; Bhcvp , 10fT12o ; refrlserator beet ut 9'SWlOo ; exportp , 17 hcml. HI1EEP ANH LAMIISItficlptn , 1,713 hend ; quiet , but strong ; no clipped stock Hold ; unshorn sheep. J4.WS.K > ; unFliorn lambs , r.i5fl.C2 ( ( > . ! , . HOGS lUcelpti. 732 head ; stenily nt J3.750'-W. St. I.imlM Cciu'i-n ST. I.Ot'IS , April S. l'LOfU-Dull and weak ; patents , t3.r > 3Q3.70 ; extra fancy. J2.35Q3.Xi ; Inncy. i3.tCT.1.Wcholie , J3.ir.4i3.23. WHEAT rutiircs opened " ,4c hlKhcr and strong , but trading was slnw and the market weakened. Aftsr lluftuntlnv considerably the mnrket clo ed Mendy to ll'do higher than yes terday. fpot , steady No , 2 red , cash , elevator , SSo bid ; truck , 92 > ifi02'ic ; Nd. 2 hnnl , cash CSftc : May. f6c bid ; July. 7 < ) c bid. COHN KiltuioH were nlim stronger , nlthotiRh the trading was llRht nnd the clnsc was higher than ycstenlny. Kpot plrndy ; No. 2 cash , 21C ; May. 21 > i 21Uc : July , 23'.io ' hid. t OATS yulct nnd firm , with prices fractions better tlmn yesterday. Spot , lower ; No. 2 cash , 18't-o hlil ; May , ISHc ; July , K'tc. ItYIl Dull and nominal at 31c. LAX'.SEED Lower nt C9'.tc. ' CORNMEAIJ1.4Cfil.45. . . 1JRANVcnli nnd dull ; east track , worth nominally 4i4 ! > (1. TIMOTHY SEED-1'rlme , J2.60f2.75. HAY Earlcr. timothy , JS.:0fl4.00 ; prairie , ( J.WJt7.f,0. , lIUTTKn Steady ; creamery , 1621V5o ; daily , 10217c. EROS rirm nt 7',4c. WHISKY 1 18. METALS lxad. dull nt (3.15C3.20. Spelter , weaker nt 13.90 bid. COTTON Tl ' "S C5c. . PROVISIONS 1'ork , steady ; standard mess. Jibbing. JS.2l'flS.60. Lard , Ftcndy ; prime steam , } 3.f'2Vj ; choice , J4.0J. Ilacnn ( | > OMM | ) , ahuul Icrs. J4.95 ; extra short clear , (5.27V6 ; ribs. J5.43. Dry EE.l'.e.l meats ( boxed ) shoulders , J4.i2'.i ; rxtra shcrt clear. J4.M : rlb. . ti.07ii ; shorts. J5.15. DRESSED 1'OUUTRY-Chlekens. llrm ; hens , CfiCVic per pounda rprlngs , J303fl.OO per doscn , turkeys , firm at 7)9c ; ducks , llrm nt 7'iSk's < ! , gxrcEC , tlow nt 2t4L . 'RECEIPT ? Kluur , 3 CCO bbls. wheat , 5.000 bu.j corn. 67.000 liu. ; Oats , 14,1'00 bu. .SHIPMENTS Klour. 6.000 bbls. ; wheat , 27,000 bu. ; corn , 437.COO bu. ; oats , 14,000 bu. Xeiv Yfirlc IJry fiiiodN Alitrkct. NE\V YORK. April 8. In a general seni-e the market for cotton Roods was quiet , so far ns | fppt' .dernanfl U "eonae'rnqi\ > ut tlirough tray- 'clers jtxKt orders Wjsre received for fabrics ndapted to the went a of the cutting 'trade , to which mall orders from pilnclpals direct nddeil a peed amount. The feature of next week will bo a peremptuiy trade at auction , April 14 , of 19,500 packages of cotton Roods by the agents that will Include 4,500 packages of Atlantic mills4 ! brown nnd nil widths of wide sheet ings , 3,600 packages Appleton mills white and colored dcmets nnd hygienic llannels , 1,000 pack ages 1'eahudy mills 4'4 bleached cottons and 10.5CO packages Chtcopee and Ellerton new mills brown and bleached rottnn llannels In all weights and gradex. Wuol ilrcfb goods of all descriptions were In Improved demand for both staples nnd fancies , as were also men's wear goods , but agents are slow tellers for late de liveries. lllnnkets and llannels also showed good attention , as did wool underwear and hosiery. 1'rlntlng cloths were quiet , but firm nt 2 9-16c , with a fair bUKlnesH doing In all good * . London Sulcx of Slii'i'iiNkliiH. LONDON. April 8. The shceptkln sales opened with a fair attendance. The demand was good and the average quality of crosbed : clothing nnd combing ruled weaker and cold' ' ! fil lower. Short nnd Inferior skins were slightly cheaper , while merlncs Fold nt unchanged prl 'cs and In buyers' favor. New Zealand Mock was In good request. The offerings aggregated 3,977 bales. The rales In detail follow : New South Wales , CC5 hales ; clothing and combing , V'M 534d ; locks nnd pieces , 5d. Victoria , 1.1.3 bales ; clothing and combing , 2V66 Hd ; locks and pieces , l'/4Hd. South Australia , 225 bales ; clothing and combing , SliG il ; leeks and pieces , lW4id. ! Tafmnnla , 181 bales ; cloth- Inn nnd combing , 2 > ,4 j'7 ? d. New Zealand. 655 bales ; clothing and combing , 3JJSil ; locks and pieces , ZViijE'.iil. Cape of Good Hope and Natal. 2G hales ; clothing and combing , 2'iff 4d. Falkland Iplands. 4S bales ; clothing and combing , atifffHd. 1'untn Arenas , 217 bales ; clothing and combing , 2VsBCd ; locks and pieces , H4fl5Hd. Iluenos Ay ' res , 189 bales ; clothing and combing , Liverpool d'riilu anil I'rovlHloiin. LIVERPOOL. Apill S. WHEAT Dull ; No. 2 ifd , winter , no stock ; No. 1 red , northern , tprlni ; , ( is 2d. CORN Spot , American mixed , new , 2s 6-id ; American mixed , old. 2s lOd. Kuturcs. tteaily ; Apill. 2 5.Jd ; May , 2s C d ; June , 2s 8d. KLOl'R Dull ; St. Ixiuls fancy , winter. 8s 3d. HOPS At Ixmdon ( Pacific coast ) , 65S5s. PROVISIONH-Ilecf , extra India mess , line. 60s ; medium western , 45s. Hams , short cut , 14 to 16 Ibs. , 42s Cd. llaccn , Cumberland cut , 2S to 3i > Ibs , , 28B Cd ; short rlbc , 20 to 24 Ibs. , 27s ; lonu clear middles , light , S5 to 3S Ibp. , 26s ; Ions clear middles , heavy. 45 to CO Ibs. , 24s Cd ; clear bellies , 12 to 14 His. , 27s 6d. Shoulders , square , 12 to 14 Ibs. , 25s. I ard , prlrno western , 21s 6d. Tallow , prime city , firm at 18x Cd. OILS Cottonrecd , Liverpool , refined , 15a Cd. Turpentine nilrlts , 20s ! > d. Itotln , common , 4s 4-l.il. | Linseed. 15s. CHEESE KlneM American , white , 57s ; finest American , colored , 67s. LARD-Spot , dull at 21s 5,1. lO.iixnn City MiirkotH. KANSAS CITY. April 8. WHEAT Dull and nominally lower ; No. 2 hard , 73M77u ; No. 3. 70W 74e ; No. 4 , COftCCc ; No , 2 red. 92c ; No. 3 , 87ft9lc ; No. 4. 700M > c ; No. 2 spring. 75Jf7Cc ; No. 3 , 7lj74c ' , CORN Slow , about steady ; No. 2 mixed , 21 - ! ! $ < OATS Rather slow , about steady ; No. 2 while , OW220. RYE-Slendy ; No. 2 , 31c. HAY Higher ; choice timothy , f960 ; No , i to No. 2 , (7,104)9.00 ) ; choice prairie , (3,5007.00 ; No. 1 o No. 3. J4.OOije.OO. UUTTKR Creamery , barely steady ; country grades llrm ; creamery , 1CJ175P ! ! dairy , lOJJHc. EOOS-rirm , Jio higher ; ttrlctly fresh , 7Wc ; cases Included , 8c , 'J'olcilo 31iirki-tH. TOLEDO , April 8. WHEAT Higher ; No , 2 cas'.i , 84c ; May , Sfc , CORN Active , but lower ; No. 2 mixed , 23Uc. OATri Active , but Mcady ; No , 2 mixed , 17lic. RVE Dull nnd weak ; No. 2 caidi , 3ljc. ! CLOVER SEED Active ; prime canh , (4 60. NEW YORK , April X. HUQAK How , quiet ; air refining , tc ; ceiitrlfueul 9'J lest , 3c. Re ined , dull ; crushed , 6e ; powdered , 5c ; gninu- ated , 4ic. Molami-s nugnr , 2 c. Hl'lllUM'N till * UlNIMMIIll IllllO. LONDON , April 8. The Hank of England's rate of discount has been reduced from 3 ler cent to 2'/6 per cent. TIII : HIAI.TY MAIIKICT. INSTIltJMUNTS placed on record Thurs day , April S : WAHUANTY DRUDS. Ilonjninln I'aul and wife to O. W. Hcyc , t34 feet of lot 12 , block " 13 , " IMWU'H add . 11,220 I * . W. Siannon nnd wlfo to C. H. NldhoX lot 3 , block ! , Waterloo . 73 C. li. Nichols and wlfo to H. H. Hop per , tame . , , , . 75 Daniel Hayes nnd wlfo to J. M. Kran- cls , loin s nnd ! ) . Jeroma park . W QUIT CLAIM DKKUB. Adolph filA'obodu et 111. to Josephine Bwobodu , u'A ' of n',4 and e'/4 of s > of lot 5 , block 5 , Kountzu'H 3d add . 1 DBBD3. Special master to New Knglnnd Loan and Trust company , B105 feet of lot 20. Jlurr Oak . . 233 Bhcrlff to II , i. . CowIeB , lots 69 , CO and 61 , Kalrmount I'luce . . . . . . . ° < Total amount of transfers . 52.351 AMUSEMENTS. The Woodward Theater ctunpiny oponrd At the Crelphton ln t nt.tht to the capacity ot the theater , presenting the coined y , "Thrco 811k Hnts , " which received the en thusiastic enOorxcictnt of Its auditors. AH the older members of the company received a cordial recognition on their entrance. The IMUon m Kiilsco [ > e , with new views , proved nn enjoyable feature of the perform- nnco. "That Cheerful Liar" Is the attractive tltlo of tonlRht's production. "The Ootton Spinner" will be the matinee bill to morrow , when a souvenir will be presented to all children. "The. Octoroon" will be the offering tomorrow night. Tlio 1'nyton Comrily comi.any preecntivl "A Mitch Married Man" at tloyd's lat't night. The play IH funry and these prrnent oxpresiixl their pleasure liberally. The bill tonlKht will be "Driven frt'in Home , " anil at the matinee tomorrow , "Braving the World. " One of the features with Salter Martin's "Undo Tom's Cabin" company , which comes to Hoyd's Sunday , Is MalVlim Morrnu's Cicolc K I rift' band. This band Is the only ono of the kind ever organized. H consists of Creole girls from Louisiana , nnd In ad dition to being musicians , they arc all aald to hnvo remarkably sweet voices , and the Creole girls' sextet Is onu of the leading features ot the performance. AUH U.VAIILn TO IIKKAIC A Qt'OUllM. ' Silver DciiiocriitM I''O | . < > CM ! ( n A'ote In the Joint Session. PKA KKOUT , Ky. , April S. When the roll was called In the Joint executive ses sion today the silver democrats declined to answer their names , hoping that with the arslstanco of the bolting republicans thty would be able 4o break a quorum , In thltj they wore unsuecoasful , the gold democrats uniting with the Hunterltea In order to force the balloting and the roll call showed seventy ono present , one more than neces sary to constitute a ijuorum. Unable to pr - vent a ballot , the silver men voted for Dlackburn when the ballot was ordered , while the gold dcmocrata voted for the com promise candidate , IJwiry L. Martin. All but the paired members vtvted. They wore no t'lgnlllcnnt chaiiRis and the votca stood : Hunter , 01 ; Dlnckburn , 44 ; Martin , 13 ; Doyle. 7 ; Stone , 1 ; necessary to choice , C4. On motion of Representative Howard , re publican , no ono was allowed near the clerk's desk during the ballot , not even the wrgeaiil-iat-arms nor the doorkeeper , for fear that something might be dnno In case Hunter should bo elected that would cauae trouble. When President Worthlngton first an nounce ! the vote he gave lloylo nine votcrj when bo < hnd only received seven. This occasioned a stampede , and for a time It looktyj as If there might bo trouble. It was finally found that it was purely a clerical error , and a recapitulation of the vote was had , The motion was made to adjourn and de feated and the second ballot was ordered. The exclteicent was Intense at all times and when during the first ballot It looked PS If one vote would elect Dr. Hunter , there were a dozen men around Senator Stegen endeavoring to got him to cant the deciding vote , but he voted for Uoylo. There was no change om the second ballot with the exception that Hunter received sixty In stead of sixty-six and Martin ten ir.atead of cloven , owing to a pair. The general assembly then adjourned without a dissent ing vote. IlKTlilt.NS FROM IIIIODK ISLAM ) . Rli-c't All Stale O Hirers ami Mnjorll.v In LcKlslntnrc. PROVIDENCE , R. I. , April S. Later re turns received today Indicate that the re publican cardtdato for governor , M. A. Dwyer , was given a plurality of more than 10,000 votes -In the state election yesterday , while the plurallfy for Bennett , secretary of state , and Clarke , general treasurer , are over 11,000. The republicans have a large majority In both houses of the general as sembly and a majority of sixty-seven In grand committees. In thla city the democrat and good government voters combined and elected a senator and eight representatives. The straight republicans elected four rep resentatives. The license question was voted on in six cities and towns. Itlverton was the only place In which the advocates of no license were victorious. ; THACIC FOR WIIEKLME.X. Ooinpnny to lit' Iiiforiioratcil of Local Frit-nil * of ( lie Wheel. The Omaha 1898 League of American Wheelmen National Meet club held a special meeting In the Commercial club rooms last evening , at which time a permanent organ ization was effected , and the following named partlea were chosen directors : W. A. Mcs- alck , D. J. O'nrlen , Frank B. Moores , H. C. Hartry , E. n. Henderson and George Michel. The orgar.lzctlon IB capitalized at $25,000 , divided into 5,000 shares of $5 each. Work will bs ccmmcnccd soon after 500 shares have been subscribed , ( something over 300 having already been taken. The articles of incorporation will be filed Saturday. In view of the fact that the Transmlssls- slppl Exposition ) directors have been talking of the feasibility of having a bicycle .track within the grounds , a proposition will be presented coon whereby thin organization , which Is to endeavor to secure the national meet of the League of American Wheelmen In 1S98 to be held in this city will build a track and give a certain per cent of the re ceipts to the exposition. At the conclusion of the meeting the di rectors held a short meeting and elected the following officers : President , W. A. Ales- sick ; vice president , D. J. O'Brien ; secretary , B. n. Henderson ; treasurer , J. J. Derlght. A one-thlrd-mllo cement track will probably be constructed If the proper permanent loca tion Is secured. IllH Volee CIIIIMOH HIM Arri'Nt. Ud Tnttle , who lays claim to oncu having occupied the position of mayor of Shcely town , was arrested early yesterday morn ing and locked up In a cull at the station for being drunk and disorderly. Trittlo him n powerful pair of lungtt , and his Juiiftniifre at tltneH IH not of the cholcoHt. After half an honr'H cxi-rclHO of his vocal pawvra ho succeeded In awakening1 all the rent of Omalui'H wicked who were behind the bars , nnd ho was at length stowed away In the dark cell. Yesterduy afternoon Tuttle sobered up sufficiently to go before Judge Gordon , and ho was discharged with the Injunction to sin no more. An hour later ho came In on the patrol wagon with four officers holding him down , nnd emitting more noU-n than a calliope. Just to demonstrate the fact TutlloVIIH capable of helm ; drunk and dis orderly he wan placed In a cell directly lionmth Judge Gordon's court. The at- taohcH of the police court wui'o regaled with a munple of what llfu might bo In tin Insane ( ixylnm. Tuttle will probably bo given th limit by the police Jmlfc-o and sent to the county Jail , > liirierer ( iolniv Uncle for Trlul. C , K. Hash , the Wayne county murderer of his wlfo nnd children , was In the city lull last night for snfo keeping , while on ils way buck to the scene ot his crime , whore lie IH to bo shortly placed on trial. iruJIi was taken to the state penitentiary at Ijlneoln about a month ago for pafii keep- ng , ; IH It was thought that In * might bo ynched If he remained near the scene of ila terrible deed. Ho IB In chursn of Blierlff IleynoldB of Wuyno county. Hash put In most of his time weeping and praying In IH ! cell In the Jail hint night , nnd When questioned by the Jailers would mty noth- njr except that "they roiilil not hang a crnzy man. " and that he expected to o free nfter trial , lie will bo taken to Wayne county thlH morning. M r Money fur Kri'iiHi Xnvy. PARIS , April 8. M. Lucks Lcroy , the former minister of marine , notified the naval committee of the Chamber of Deputies yes- : rday of his Intention to transform Into a substitute bill his amendment asking for a naval grant of 2,000,000 francs , He nald : hu chamber ought to vote the whole sum , ilthough the expenditure might be spread over a period of four years. The bill iroposea to establish , naval docks at Balgon , lapltal of French Cochin , China ; Diego Surlez , near the northern extremity of the uland Omega ; Ajacatu , the capital of Corilca ; orto Vrcchlo , Corsica , aad the French Pacific porU. ItVILltDAI ) MKN IV Dei-line In StnJv ( tie Olijrct of tlio Meet Inn. NKW YORK , April , S. A meetlnR of the rail read presidents Is being held nt the head quarters of the Joint traffic association hero today. The object of the meetings hag been kept eecrct. When a recew as taken for lunch , Mr. Depew , who called the ronfcrcnco and Is Its chairman , was asked about the < lo- Inge up to that time , but declined to make any tUtpmrnt. Mr. Utanchard , A commis C sioner , experrssly denied , however , that the meeting had anything to do with I6 rrtcHt' supreme court decision , which declared the Transmltsourl Traffic arfioclatlon Illegal , adding tlmt It had to do with ratco ftKi together. A ntErilns of the trunk line association was also held today. It was given out that rates for summer passenger traffic were beJ " Ing fixed. * The meeting adjourned shortly before 1 o'clock , when Mr. Dlanchard gave out tin . following typewritten statement : "Tho meeting of today was n conforcnco ol the prrsldpntd of the trunk lines with tin presidents of the eastbound railways from' C'hlcagn , and the board ot managers , to con * nlder eastbuund lake and rail rates , as com * pared with nil rail rates from lake .Michigan * and lake Superior ports. Other question ! wcro only considered Incidentally and na action was taken beyond n recommendation ot the gentlemen present that a meeting" ot * * the Hoard of Control be held In Now York on Tuesday next , the 13th lust. , to consider all subjects which might then be called tip1 In connection with rates , the rights of the association under the decision of the supreme court , etc. i.ossns mm TO SMALL WHBAT emu * Aiiniinl Meetlnpr of ( lie Cniiiullnu 1'ui. ellle Itallroiul. MONTREAL , April S. At the annual meeting of the Canadian Pacific railway yes terday recent losses' In earnings were as cribed to the small wheat crop and general business depression. Reference was made ( o nn Increase of 21 per cent In freight anil passenger business on the Pacific , division , due to milling In British Columbia , anil estimates were adopted for expenditures of $ -.337,737. At a subsequent meeting ot th directors the same olllccrs and executive committee were re-elected. Southern t'-tolllr SAX FRANCISCO. April S. The- directors of the Southern Pacific railway today' reelected - elected the olllcers of the company by unani mous vote as follows : President , C. P. Huiitlngton ; first vice president , C. 1st. Crocker ; second vice president. Thomas H. Hubbard ; third vice president , J. C. Stubbs ; assistant to the president , Henry E. Hunt- Ingtun ; acting vice president and assistant secretary , I. E. Gates oC New York ; second asplslant to the president and controller. William Mali ! of New York ; secretary and assistant controller , E. C. Wright ; assistant secretary , C. F. Krebs of New York ; chlet engineer , William Hood ; treasurer , N. T. Smith ; assistant treasurer , F. H. Davis. ii I'-U'llIc OlllccrM. SAN FHANCISCO. April 8. Jultue Krutz- scnltt , general manager of the South Pa clilc company , Is now a director ot that cor poration. Ho was elected today at the an nual meeting of the company to nil the va cancy caused by the death of A. L. Tubbs. The remaining dlrectoro were re-elected nnil the hoard now t'tandu ' as follows : C , . P. Huntlngtcn , Henry E. Huntlngton , C. F. Crocker , W. H. Hubbjrd. T. K. Stlllmnn , Kmnell J. Wlhon , Charles G. Lathrop , J. C. Stubl-s , F. P. Sm'th and Julius'Krutzschltti' ' Tomorrow the directors will meet to elect ofilcers. "Knly1 Dlrt'clorH ClioNpn. PAUSONS. Kan , , April 8. The slocUhold'- ' ers of thu Missouri , Kanras & Texas and also the Kansas City & Pacific Hallway com panies held their annual meeting In thla city today. Thu old boards "of directors of each company were rc-qlecteil. Myron T. Herrlck was elected a director of the Mis souri , Kansas & Tuxas company to1 succeed' William Bond , deceased. No other matter'a of Interest were transacted. \IMV Itallroiul SANTA FB , April S. Articles of Incor poration of the Pccos Valley Railroad and Construction company have been filed lieroi The object of the company Is to extend the Pecos Valley road from Hoswcll , N.M. . , 225 miles northeast to the Texas Panhandle , ami- connect with the Santa Fo or Hock Island , with the vlsw of establishing a now through line from the Missouri river to the Mexican border. r. 15. Convention Ilnle. NEW YORK , April S. The board of man agers of the Joint Traffic association ordered todny that the fat < o to bo charged to the Christian Enodeavor meeting In San Fran cisco , July 7 to 12 , shall bo one faro for the round trip to Chicago or St. Louis , plus the baaing fare of $51 from Chicago and $47.50 from St. Loula to San Francisco. Now Slci'l Italic- . CHICAGO , April S. The offlclals of tha Atchlson road have decided to re-lay sev eral mllcB of the Atlantic & Texas with now steel rails. _ ItllllM-liy Xol 'H Illlll I'CTHOIIIllM. General Manager Dickinson of the Unio.n Pacific yesterday returned from a trip to St. Louis and Chicago , Traveling Passenger Agents Davidson of the Colorado Midland and nranch of the Erlo line were In the city yesterday. Traveling Passenger Agents Giles of the LaUo Shore , Marley of the Michigan Central and \VeBtburg of ths American Steamship line were among the visiting railroaders In the city yesterday. At the annual mooting of the Burlington road In the early part of May o proposition will lie submitted to the stockholders provid ing that the flE'Cal ' year of the company shall be changed to end on Juno 30 and begin on July 1. At pretent the fiscal year rinds and closou with the. calendar year. H Is alee proposed to make a change In. the date of holding the annual meeting. "I'roMy" I , ' niter Ili'tivy IlonilH. "Proby" Smith WIIH yesterday hound OVJP to the district court by Judge Gordon In jl.COO bonds. "Pnwy" In chnrgrd with hav ing robbed and Hcrlously Blabbed 1111 Italian named .Tiimi-H Moore down near Twelfth mil Podge HtrretH about a month ago. ' 1 ho woman IH alleged In have met Moore in an illey. and after demanding money to hUvo nt-HniiltiMl him with a liutc hi-r krilfc. Bho lino. BO Moore nsserlH , took JIO from jila pocket. "I'roHy" wcnl lo the oounty Jail to await her trial , as who was unnble to glvo bondH II. J. Clover lJlHiiilNM ! 1. ' II , J. Clover , the young man who waa nrrrptrd Wednesday night for disorderly ; conduct at the Orclghton theater , wu ellK- mlHHcd In Judge Cordon's court yrntcrdiy. aH It WBH found ii | n InvoatlBiiilon Hiut there WIIH nothing In the charRo lodged by the olIlcL-r. Clover WIIH merely on his way through the alley , and wan , tending- , hlri own bUMlncHH when the olllcor urn-Hted hlin on HUBpli'lon of IwliiB nnother jiureon i who him commuted a number of petty theftu about the theater. _ _ Tfflililcxl Clilli The Omaha Technical club , composifd of civil , mechanical , electrical and chemical engineers and engineers engaged In tech nical work , mot ut tlu qoinrnerrlal flub room last night nnd orpniilzed by tha fleo- tlon of the following ollccrn ! : George H. Pc-Hnirn ir.'Hldent : rtcorgc T. Prince , vlco prpBl lent : J. "nrry Harcy , Hccrctury ; C'ur- tlHB t ! Turner , treasurer ; Andrew HoBcwatcr and Edward Schiirlg. directors. There -wero about forly members present at the meet ing. ( ; onxr 'KiitloniiI KiiHler Hale. The women of tlio First Congregational hurch will hold an ICaater sale , In coiui'ic- tlon with an Easter supper , In the church l arlors Friday afternoon nnd ovenlnir , April 9. Supper will be served from 6 to 8 j'clock. JAMES E. BOYD & CO Telephone 103 ! ) . Omaha , Njb. COMMISSION CRAIN ANi ) . - f UourU L ! Trade. Oliect wires to Chlcnico kriil New York. Crr ipoodcuU ; Jebn A. Worrta A O