THE OMAHA DAILY JVlSlSt tUESD'A.Y ' , MAROtt $3 , 1807. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Jl Market * Show Heavy Losses Duo to Entire Lack of Support. DEALERS ARE WAITING FOR DEVELOPMENTS I ) ( > rllncN Over n Cent nnil n Iluir ninl Corn nnil Ont Smaller KraetliHiH 1'ro- \lHtiiii * Ilouu n Dime. CHICAGO , March 21-Whont today closed weak at n ilrcllne of IHc. Statistical news ns a rule favored rin advance , but no ul- U'litlon was i < nld to It , the market at times being almost cnllicly without support. Other markets were tAcnk. partly In sym pathy with wheat , corn iH'Cllnlng . oats He mill provisions ? % 01Z % ( ! . ' In M'ltu of bullish Blatlstlcs antl much liail eioj ) news wCicnt nus dull and hciivy. The extreme dullness or narrowness In trade nml the wenknefH In the early crpoo ! cables more than offatt the \ HtatlzilcM and caused a good deal of Haul- dailon. which accounted chiefly for the ivc.nkne.ifl. Crop advices from Illliiolu , In- diam' nnd Missouri were l > nd , but those from Kansas and Ohio were fairly favor- nble. The visible supply ilerrcascil more than expected , the figures being 1.019.UOO 1m. and the clcaranrcs from the poahoard iwuro nRitln law. about tti.tSO bn. In wheat and Hour , but no demand for export use. Alt' world'H shlptnrntB last \\t-ck 'WCio a trlflo lei * than .1 , iO.OCO'li . . ntrnlnat .I.GSi 000 in thewiek before anil 5,4tW,000 bu. the lame week hint year. Nothing cou d Infuse splllt Into the Inillrt , however , and the pi ice within an hour ot the , 'VonlnR was IMP below the prlrcIt closed at Saturday for May delivery. Crop damage reports from fit. Louis and the fact of that delivery Hhowing no dec-line In that market caused ciotniiarittlvn firmness 111 July. Minneapolis iiinl Dllluth rerelved 301 cars of wheat oRnlnst 302 n week IIKO and uSI cars the cor responding day of last year. Chicago re ceipt B were tovelileon pars , ngnlnst twenty- . .IK'U a year a/o. ; The St. .mit.M support to July .was llnafly withdrawn , owns to the bc'-trlslinoxR of this nmrkM. and In the last Jialf hour be.ars were In Control cvory- Wheie. May Mnrtr-d at jS-fcc to ,4ttc. aualnst vpstcnlay'o clo.'o of il'ie. It eased oft to TS'SflTS'ic. ' recovered to i3V4fJji. < % c , then dpcllneil to 73'ie' , closing at iZTuC. Bpeculativc liiislnens In corn was fairly active and a stiff Hunt was kept up be tween ilid bulls and beam , with the final result ileeldedly In the lattcr'K favor. Much of the weakness was due to t'ne dee.lno n iwbeat altluniK'li ' the reduction of VAc n western freight rates nnnoutippd to po Into effect at once undoubtedly had Brent In- fiiu'nco. Seaboard clearances were 1,112.0)1 ) bu. May opened > , ( , c lower at 2l'if24Sic ' : and ilpellned to into , where It elpseil. O.itH were rather dull , although a fair business wnw transaptpd. KlncttmtloiiH were Influenced entirely on wheat and corn , but on a moderate scale. May started at a shade lower. 17 > { , < fil7'.ic , sold at li'xc up to 17Ue. and closed at 17'c ( bid. The visible Hllppiy showed an Increase of 2GJ.OOO bu. . which may have assisted In the heavier feeling. Provisions were weak under the Influence of some realizing by holders , iWho. althouKh Bllll feeling bnlllsbly on the market , were paid to bo taking chances of getting the property buck later for less money. The tendency of jrpes | was downward from the start. At the p.losc May por'.c was \'ic \ lower at JS.72',4 ' , May lard 7',4c lower at t.120 and May rlhs lOo lower at $1.70. The estimated receipts for Tuesday are : Wheat , 20 cars ; corn , 150 cars ; oats. HO cars ; hog1S.OOO head. The lending futures ranged na follows : 'Open. I Illifh. | Low. I Uloso. Wheat- March. 7.T ( 7154 May. . . 74' < 7f < July. . . Sept. . . OOU uii > { ( i.Sl Com March. Mily. . . . 249 < 2 IK July. . . . S.TiM ' - ' " Sept. . . dii { 21)16 ) HUM Oais March. 10M lli'lS 1014 May. . . . 17J < . ' ! < 17M 17H July. . . . 18 1S > 17H-1H ,18MHJ Fork May. . . . 8 80 8 85 flll-H 8 724 H R.I July. . . 8 l > 0 7 lli B 8U 8 83 B US Lnnl- Miy. : . . . 4 25 4 US 4 in 4 SO 4 274 July. . . I ! 17 ! < 4 37W 4 yO 4 110 4 37 H fih'tlllb * May. . . . 4 60 4 SO 4 70 4 70 4 SO _ July. . . 4 81) 4 SO 4 72K 4 72.4 4 saw No. 2. Cash quotallons wsrc n follows : 1'H.OUH Qulel : winter palcnlB , $4.2001.50 ; slralKhts , $ I.COiJ < . ! 0 ; nirbiK ciJCclalR , H.Mi ; Bprlnn lintentH , $ J.Wiil.lO ( ; stralKlils , $3.40fT3.70 ; bakers , $3.00ff3.30. WHHAT No. 2 fl'rtnn , 71THfT72T c ; No. 3 sprlne , 72c ; No. 2 red , Slv&fifS c. COHN No. 2 , 2,1 i0il',3C ; No. 2 yellow , 23i0 Zlc. Zlc.OATS OATS Nn. 2. lCKIC , > Jc : No , 2 white , 2lc ; No S white , 18I.45J20C. HYK-No. 2 , 33c. HAItInV No. 2 , nominal : No. 3 , f. o. b. , 2Sfi32c ; Nil. 4 , f. o. b. , 230. l''I.AXHI3ii > No. 1. "SVifiStUc. TIMOTHY SIIKIJ I'rltne , $2.CO. I'llOVISIONS Met : porli. per bbl. , $8 C5W8.70. Ixml. per 100 His. , $4.1U8i4.12J. ! Short ribs eldcs ( Inoi-c ) , $4.CO { | I.'O. Liy Kalted slmulderx O'O-0' ' ) , $4.7Iiifi.OO. riliort clear rldeH ( boxed ) , $4. J5W 4.87W. WHISICY nistlllers' llnlslieil goods , per unl. . St'OAHS rut loaf. J.1.215 ; gnmulalei ] , $4.61. Tn ! > following were the reeelpls and EhlpinentK today : On tliu 1'rj lucj oxclianera to Hv tha b.iltor mir- kct was l\r.n \ : croaniory. lO.ilH' ' c : d.ilry , 10 ! 17c. Kt't'H. Hlrady : fresh , Uc. Urvimcil jioiillry. ' . ' ' . ' ' l''H3iic ! : chlckcnu HH''i'.ly : turkL'j'B , ; , 7tHc : duclta , llUl''c. . _ M\V YOIIIC < : ! : vic UAL , JIAIIICKT. ( liiutnlloiiN f ( lie Day on Guuurnl ColllllllllltllfH. NKW YORK , March ! 2. FLOUR He- cclpts , 9.1C3 bbls. ; exports , 2,047 bbls. ; dull , weuker nnd lower , to sell ; city mill patents , } I.SP > jjr.K ( ; city mills , clear , t4,70r4.iO ; Minnesota patents. tl.20fi4.40 ; Mlnnc- feta bakers , t3.75Q3.lU ; winter patents , } 4.5 ; winter extras , 13. 15 ; winter low ( trades , t-.CO. R > t Hour , steady ; superllne , J'.COfi..C ; . Utick- wlieat Hour. 35i3."i'ic. c. I. f. , truck , lIUHtWlIKAT ijulct nt 35c. CORN MIAIUull : ; yellow western , S8c. HYK ( Julet ; No. 2 western , 374c. ! IIARLHY-Oulet at SC'S.c. HARLIY MALT Dull ; western , 45i8Me. WIII5AT Quiet ; ircelpts , 7,400 bu. ; expoits , 143- 455 bu , : No , 2 winter , hard. 7HH' ! . Options upended rosier nnd ruled weak ( ill day , with few n'nc- tloim ; cloflnir ! c olT on near months mid IKfiHic on late inuntlis. The bear fnclors were weak rabies , itenoral lliUlilntlun | and Improved crop w rather conditions. A ( joo.l . export di'innml de- velopeil near the olofc ; No. 2 red , March , closed nt Me ; Muy. 7SU ! > i > 'ic ' , closed ut 7kHc. CORN Receipts , 40,41)0 Int. ; exports. 40,370 1m. Spot , weaker ; No. 2 , 2'JHc ; steamer inlxeil , 59o ; No. 3 , 2Sc. Options opcnril weak nnd declined under heavy cables. Cut rates on western roads nnd sympathy with wheat ; cloreil * Wjc net lower : March closed at 2ilc ; Muy , 23iif30Vic ! , closed at 20'tiC , OATH-Recelpl.i , OS.400 hu.j exports. 90.853 bu. Rpol , dull ; No. 2. 22c. Options quiet anil easier , with oilier maikets ; closing ; Uc lower ; May , 2l1ifl21 U-lfc , clojed nt 2tic. HAY Hhlpplnu , D0855c ; good to choice , IIOl'S-lf05 t-rop , 2IJW5HC ! UOO crop. Oil lie : coast , IS'Ji crop , 3.Vc | ; If 90 crop , tif 12ic. ! $ HIII2S Klrm ; Onlveston. ] 3ii Iluenos Ayres , UHffl'Je ; Texas. lOHo ; CHliroinla , ICc. l.IIATIIint-l'irni ; hemlock , Wide. I'ROVIHIONH-lteef , quiet ; family , t9.00ifll.00 ; extra mem , f7.fiOfiS.00 ; href hams , 17c ; packet , J7.tOijS.OO ; city , extra India im-tH. S13.W Tir > .CO. Cut meals , linn ; pickled bellies , li'iW5 ; c ; pickled ehoulders , ( e ; pickled hums , 5ii'Jic. l.ird , dull : western steam , 14.40 ; refined , quiet. Pork , me * " . J .OOi)9.M ; short clear. t9 2509.75 , Tallow , dull und steady , city. 3U < l 3 * > c ; country , 3f3ic ! IIHTTKU-Recclplii. 9.2JO pkK .j marKet Heady ; wenti'rn creamery , UUlUo ; IIKII : | , l > o ; factory , 7J12c. t'HKKSK Receipts , 1.S4S pkics. ; market quiet ; state. lurci > . UiilMe ; atate , small , Si jl2Hc ; part tklina. Ci7'ic : full skims , 3Q4c. 70 KdOH llerclptii. 19,667 1'kus. ' ; market steady ; state and Pennsylvania , lOtyyilc ; webterti , lUijc ; J9 OII-S Pi'troleum , steady ; Tnlted closed at 9o bid : Pennsylvania , crude. utrotiBj April , ! > 2o hid. Rosin , quiet ; strained , common to coed II. Guff 1.67',4. Turpentine , quiet ; 29c. ! Cotlonteed , l > rlino crude , JOf20Uc | ; f. o. b. . mills , ICQUVic ; f. n. b. , cuminer , JJ\jc ached ; off cummer yellow , t3 i 'ic ; butler Krudev , 2C627c ; prime , w.ilte , 2611 JCHc. RK'MSteady ; fair to extra , 3i Ciic ; Japan , . MOI AS81-s-Steadyi : New Orleans , open kettle , MITTALfi Plir Iron , dullj southern , IIO.OO ® ll.Wj norlliern , ttO.WMU.t'O. fopivr , quiet : l > rok. ! ITS. I1I.S5 ; exehaiiKe. III.S5I31S.CO. Tin. ilull ; ftrnlln , tlS.SJWlS 40 ; plates , quiet , Bpclter , qultt ; t4.1S. Ixnd , firm ; exilninne quotvii rpot ut J3.J2 1(3. ( (7t ! , and leading broker * call the price at tJ.JO , Coffee NKW YORK. March -COWnK-Optlons opened steady at 1 points lower. Kuropran cables \vert > uiifallsfiictory Btul In the abienco. of out- aide lnten t ( rujlngwai lljiht und fluctuation ! ! Jttrcmeljr narrow. Continued lit vjr receipts b at Bmill cheek sperulattcn , both hero nnd tbro.iJ. ClOMd nulet nnd unclmneed to 6 points lower ; roles , 9.0 > X > bass , Including : Morch , I1SO : April. S.25 , May , $8.20 S.5 ; September , IS.S5W S.4d , Spot , lllo , weak ; No. 7. lllo. tS 50 , Invoice ) 9 , Jobbing. Mild , steady ; Conlovn , t4.00 TI5.75 ; Mies , 200 bags Mnracnlbo. Total wnrehouje de liveries from the ; United States. S.517 baps. In cluding 7.471 bags from N w York ; New lork Hock today , JS4.1M ) bags ; United Klfttes stock , 4M.9JO bnRs ; afloat for the United States. 3 i.lflO bagsj total vltdtil * for the Unltt-d Stales. TXi.KO bag ! " , nsnlnit W .262 bnqs lost year. HAMIIURQ , March 2i COl-'I'KU-No market ) holiday. IIAVIIK. March M.-COFFKI CIwed quiet ; net unclmnKed to Uf decline ; sale ? , 10,000 IUIRS. RIO IK .IANKIRO. March K.-COrKKB- Qulel ; No. 7. lllo 9.400 rets ; exchange. , S-3M ; rt-celpts , 3,000 bags ; cleared for trie I'nltcd Stale * , 5,000 , lngs ; for Kurope , 3.CW bntrs ; slock , 2V2.1CO Itfigs. Weekly report : Coffee , quiet ; coffee ex change standard. 9.900 rels ; receipts during the week , 54.000 bags ; fhlpment * to the United Stated. Cfi.oflO rings ; stock. 2S2.C01 bugs. SANTOS , March n.-COKKKB Oulet : good nxerago Santos , 10.200 rcls ; receipts , 11,000 bngs ; stock , 4IRroo bags.Vetkly report ! CofTce , quiet ; peed average Santos per 10 kilos , lO.tOO rels ; receipts during week. 8 , K > liaei ; ship ments to the Untied Stales , la.CW bags ; slock , bags. OMAHA ( SK.VKIIAI , MAHICKT. Comllllnii of Trinlinnil ( ItiotntlniiN oil Stiiplinnil I "it n i'y I'ruilucc. EOOS Vrtrrt calhercd , f-c. llUTTKH-Common to fair , 7i4ftSc ; choice to fancy roll , lOtflZc ; tcparator creamery , ISc ; Rath- crcd creamery , He. C1AMK Illue winced teal duck * , . $ l.tOi Brccn wing , $1.25 ; red heads and mallard : . $2.COi 2.'t ; ( 'nnada secto , large , (0 ( ; small , $3.0f4.CO. VIAICholco : fat , (0 ( tn 110 Ibs. , arc quoted nt 7' , < jf > c ; largo and ennrre , 4jjCc. mtli.SSUU I'OI'I.TIIY Chickens. 7 8c ; tur keys , hens , Hf/I2c ; geese , ( { Tic : ducks. SftlOc. I.IVi : 1'OUI.THY Hens. C CV4cr cocks. 34c. 1'IOHONS-L.lve , 75flMc ; dead plKcons , not ' .vanled , HAY Upland , $4.SO ; midland , $ J.M ; lowland. $3 ; rye straw , $3.CO ; color makes tlic price on hay ; llRlit bales Bell the bcel ; only top grades t > rlng top prices. HUOO.MCOIlN-nxtremoly slow pale ; new ciop , delivered on Irack In country ; choice prccn srlf.worklng carpet , per Ib. , 2ff2'.to ' ; choice srccn , lunnlng to hurl , 2T2ic ! ; common , IJic. ORKI-3N PEAfl Per 20-lb. box , J2.25. CUCUMHURS-Per iloz. , t2.00. CAUI.IKLOWKR Per crnle , t3. ASPARAOUS Per Ib. , 20c. SPINACH Per 2-3 bu. box , 75c. TOMATOES Per 7-bnEkct crate , J2 DOliTS.OO. PI 13 PLANT Home grown , per Ib. , SJJIOc. 8WKBT POTATOES Fancy Illinois , per bbl. , Jl.f,0il.75. ONlONS-Good stock , per bu. , tl.25. LIMA MEANS Per Ib. , 31c. HIANS : Hand picked navy , per bu. , J1.10R1.20. CAnilAOIf Fancy slock , per ICO Ibs. , $1.73. rEI.EHY Per doz. . large , California. 75c. POTATOES Oooil nnllvc slock , per bu. . 30c. FRUITS. STRAWnERRIES Florida , per quart. 23o ; Texas , per 24-qttarl cases , $5.00. MALAOA OUAPES Per keR , $7. CRANRERRIES Rest Jersey , per bbl. . $5. APPLES Extra fancy , large , (2 ( 25 : choice. 2.tfl. 2.tfl.CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA PEARS-Per box , $1.75. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORAN'QES California navels , 150s to 200s. $3.75 ; large Blzcu , 13.253.CO ; Reedllngs , t2.M82.DO. LEMONS Messlnas , J3.25IJ3.DO ; choice Califor nia. $2.75 ; fancy. $3. 1IANANS Choice , large stock , per bunch , $2.00 IJ2.23 ; medium-sized bunches , $1. .002.00. . MISCELLANEOUS. Nirrf Almonds , California , per Ib. , large elzo , 12c ; llraglls , per Ib. , lOc ; English wal nuts , per Ib. , fancy , soft shell , 12012V o ; stand ards , lOiillc ; filberts , per Ib. , lOc ; pecans , pol ished , large , UiilOe ; jumbo , H0l2c ; large hick ory nuts , $ t.S5 per bu , ; cocoanuts , 41tc each , FICiS Imported fancy 4 crown , 20-lb. boxes , lOc : 0 crown Co-lb. boxes , 13Jfl4c. HONEY Choice , 13014c. Ciunit-Clarined juice , per half bbl. , $2.CO ; per bbl. , $4.00if4.25. MAPLE SYRUP Five gal. cans , each , $2.M ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; half-gal , cans , $ ( J.25 ; quart cans , $3.CO. HIDES. TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , Cc ; No. 2 green hliltt ) , 5c ; No 1 green tailed hides , 7'tc ; No. 2 green salted hides , die : No. 1 veal calf , S to 12 Ibs. , 7c ; No. 2 veal i.-alf , 12 to 15 Ibs. . 4c ; No. 1 dry Hint hides. 9QIOC : No. 2 dry Hint hides. { ? 9o ; No. 1 dry salted hides , Sfl.c . ; part cured lihteH , lie per Ib. ICBS than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS Green Fdlted , each. 250Wlc ; green salted , shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry Hint , Kuntns and Nebraska hulchcr wool pelts , per Ib. , ac tual weight. 4S5c ; dry Hint , Knntas nnd Ne- liraska .Murrnlii wool pells per Ib. , aclual weight , 3S4c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4f5c ; dry Hint Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , Sifflc ; feet cut off , ns It Is useless to pay freight on tfiom. TAMXMV AND GREASE-Tnllow. No. 1 , 2 > ic ; tallow , No. 2 , 2c ; grease , white A , 3c ; grease , white It , 2c ; grease , yellow , 2o ; grease , daik , IMc ; old bulter , 2S25c ! ; beeswax , prime. 15j22c ; rough tallow , Ic. WOOL Unwashed , fine heavy , 6iJ7c ; fine light , Sij9c ; quartcrblood , IPlitllc ; seedy , burry and chaffy , 8i9ccolled and broken , coarre , 7Q9c ; celled nnd broken , fine. GSSc. Fleece washed medium , 1501Sc : nne , HSlCc ; lub washed , 16flSc ; hlnck. So : bucks. Cc ; tag locks , 2ffllc ; dead pulled , DfjOc. > HONES In car lots , weighed nnd delivered In Chicago : Dry Rufrnlo , per ton. S12 OOff 14.00 ; dry country ; bleached , per ton , $10.00 < ffl2.CO : dry coun. try , damp and meaty , per ton , JG.COiJS.OO. FRESH MEATS. nilKSSKD I3KKF Good native steers. 400 to COO Ihs. , C'.ic ' ; BOO'l forc'juarlers , slecrs , EC ; good hindquarters , steers , Si.fcc ; weslern Blecrs , Cc ; fancy heifers , Cc ; Rood heifers. 6Hc ; Rood forc- qunrters. heifers , 4 > ic ; good hindquarters , hel Ifcrs. 75ic ; good cows , r > % c ; fair cows , 5Hc ; immon cows , 4 ic ; cow forequarters , 4Uc ; co v Lliuiar- lein , "U c. HKRV CUTS Tendirlolns , 20c ; bonelepn slrlps , Oc ; utrlp loins , 7c ; rolls , S4c ! ; slrlnln bulls , S4c ! ; shoulder clods , filic ; rump bulls , 5c ; steer chucks , Hie ; cow chucks , 3ic ; boneless chucks , 4140 ; cow plates , 3Vic ; steer plates , 4c ; flank steak , I'c ; lolnn. No. I , 13c ; loins. No. 2 , He ; loins No. t. SHc ; No. 1 short loins , Uc ; No. 2 short loins , ISc ; No. 3 short loins , lie ; sirloin ends. 7Ac ! ; illli. No. 1. lie ; ribs ; No. 2 , ! ) c ; ribs No. 3 , C14c ; steer rounds , li'.lc ; cow rounds , B4c ; cow rounds , chunk off , 6 ; c ; cow rounds , shank ami rump off , 7'cj trimmings , 4c : beef shanks , 2V4c ; brains , per dozen , 3.V ? ; sweetbreads , per Ib. , 15c ; sweet breads ( calves ) , per Ib. , 40c ; kldneyti , jicr dozen , l."ic ; ox lalls , each , 3c ; livers , per Ib. , So ; h earls , per Ib. , 2c ; longues , per Ib. , 12c. MUTTON I-ambs , 7Hc ; yearlings , 7c ; sheep , We ; mnrkei rncks ( long ) , Sljc ; holcl racks ( short ) , llljc ; less nnd saddles , So ; lamb legs , 9c ; breasts and stews , 3c ; tongues , each , 5c ; plucks , each , 3c. PORK Dressed pigs , MJc ; dressed hogs , Cc ; tenderloins. He : loins C14c ; spare ribs. 6c ; ham sausage but 18 , BUc ; shoulders , rough , Re ; Flioui- ler . skinned , 6Vic ; trimmings , 5cj leaf lard , not rendered , to ; heads , cleaned , 3',4c ' ; snouts und earn , 3 ! c : backbones , 3c ; cheek meats , 3\4c \ ; neck- bones , 3cT pigs' tails , 3V4c ; plucks , each , tc ; chltlcrllngs , Be ; hocks , 4o ; hearts , per dozen , 25c ; utomacliM , each , 3c ; longues , each , 7c ; kid- neyu , per dozen , lOc ; brains , per dozen , 15c ; pigs' feet , per doz , 30c ; livers , each , 3c. St. I.oiilH ( J.-nornl ST. LOUIS , Mnrch :2.-FLOUR-Qulet and un- clmnged ; patents. $4.C5ff4.f5 ; cxtrn fancy , $4.4015 4.10 ; fancy , $3.754.00 ? ; choice , $3.20iJ3.SO. WHEAT Futures dull and weak at the openIng - Ing , but after declining for a. willc : , there was n reaction , the early Iocs being recovered , There was but little support , however , nnd the market continued weak nnd featureless ; closing steady for May , with July ac to % c under Saturday. Spot lower : No. 2 red , casti , elevator , U3o bid ; track. 9C'.45TBSc ; May. 9SVfcc ; July , 72&C. CORN Futures dull nml easier throughout the day ; closing a shade off from Saturday's finals. Kivot steady ; Nn. 2 cash , 21',4c bid ; May , 22io ! hid ; July MKfl23'.ie. ' OATS Ensy In tone , but steady In price for May. Spot , lower ; No. 2 cash , ! 7J4c bid ; Muy , RYE-lllgher at 34Hc. IIARLET Nominal. IXJIIN MEAI-$1.40fl > l,45. 1IRAN Scarce ; eaut track , nominally , KOKc. FLAXSEED Nominal , nt 75o. TIMOTHY SEED-1'rlme , I2.C002.C5. HAY Quiet nnd firm ; prairie , $4.0037.50 ; Urn- olhy. tc.00flll.00. DRESSED POULTRY null ; chickens , etendy : old and young , CffO'io ' ; turkeys , quiet at Cliff ) 9io ! ; ducks , steady at 7'/4GS'iC ! ' geese , dull at HUTTER-FIrm ; creamery , KOlSHo ; dairy , 8'iflJc. KflOH IJOWPP nt 7c. WHISICY-$1.17. M ETALS-U-ad , held at $3.10. Ppelter , nrm nt $3.f < 0 bid. PROVISIONS Pork , lower ; slnndard mess , Job bing , ; 8.50ij9.10. Lard , lower ; prime , sleam , $4 ; choice , $4.07H. llucon , boxed shoulders , $4 f < 5 ; exlra short clear , 15.30 ; HlH. $5.40 ; shorts , $5.U. Dry sail meals , boxed nhoulders , $4. SO ; exlra short clear , $4.95 ; ribs. (5.10 ; i-liorts , $5.20. RECEHTS-Flour. 8 , iO bbls. : wheat , 14,000 bu. ; corn , U7.000 bu. ; oats. 40.000 bu , SHIPMENTS Flour. 4.COO Lids. ; wheat , S , 00 bu , ; ccrn , 203,000 bu. ; oats , 101,000 bu , KIIIINIIN'Ity KANSAS CITY , March 22 WHEAT Steady ; demand Indifferent ; No , 3 hard , 7Ce ; No. 3. TOM 75cj No. 4 , 68fiR.roj No. S red. Mo : No. 3 , SOHfj ) 81o : No. 2 , "SeMcj No , Z spring , 74O75c ; No. 3 , { | 73c , CORN Steady nnd active ; No , 2 mixed , mic. ( . OATS Steady nnd fairly active : No. 2 white , 21c. RYU-FIrm ; No. 2 , Sic , HAY Firm nnd fairly active : cholco timothy , i.C5ti .CO : choice prairie , t5.DOflfi.oo. IIUTTER tjulet und firm ; creamery , 15B17c : dairy. lOWlJo. EOGS Rarely steady at | | | | > Niiiily | | of ( irnlii. NEW YORK. March f2. The visible supply of grain Saturday , March 20. us compiled by the New York Produce exchniiKe , was as follows ; Wlunt , 40.430,000 bu , ; lU'cn-nse. 1,019,000. Corn , 3.077.O ) bu , ; decrease. 718,000 bu , Outn. 13- 797Xrt ) bu , ; Inrreane , 2C9.CCO bu. Rye. 3.C4S.OOO bu. : Inert-use. 32 WO bu. Hurley , JeS8,000 bu.j decrease , 61COO bu , Outlou NBW YOHK , March , -.COTTON Spot elfady ; inlddllnK. Jc middling uplandi. 7Kc ; mlddllnx trulf. 7Kc ; ialr , 1 9 < 0 bain. Futures qulel and iilcady ; caUi. 41,400 bale * : January. 6.M ; Feb ruary. ia.tfi ; March. JT.Wi April , $7.03 ; May. $7.07 ; June. $7.11 ; July. > 7.1S ; Auiruil , 17.16 : Beptembei , t.l > ; Octolwr , $ e.77i Nuvembcr , $1.78 ; Dccem1 1 r , | ( .tL Tb matkel wai flrd on better newi pt'r from Liverpool reports of damnce by flool , nnd from 1 to S points higher Light port re ceipts cnustd a further Advance of 2 points. \Mttr cables wete disappointing nml prices fell back to the opfnlnir flsiires. Trndlnn was ex- tr mely dull. Hnles reach but in.Ouo bales tn 11 o'clock. There were no outside orders nnd the market wnn fnty f < r locnl IttoVrs. NKW OIHnAN8. Mnrch K.-CXJTTON ( Julet ; middling , 66-16CJ low middling , die ; ordi nary , Cue. STOCKS "AMI"IJO.M . Uim-itr l TVmliMicy 1'iirtly Cli 'i'l 'il liy NK\V YOIIK , Mnrch 22The market cpcndl today with n tendency toward higher p.l-cs the steadiness for Amcrl--nn iccurltles on Ihc Ixn- ; don oxcjinnge.being rtflccled here. The flronff demand for New York Cenlrnl nlro lenled to Improve values In t.ic Vnnderbllt propel tic * m rc Immediately , bul to some extent nil t iroiiKh Hie lift. Th'n ' dttnan.l wan MltiiulnttJ by reports of the- early promulgation ef the refunding i > l n. Chicago On * bad tiumcious i > uf.porters . nnd hcnvy orders for the purclinre of Ihe tttck weie exe- culed , the nggrtgnlc of the shares told leaching o\er 23.010 , making It fit leader nf the day'u ! market. T.ic bright teuKOimhlccnther will Its incourngcmenl to rovUnl of trade In pome II fa wan nli > n n factor In giving ttrenttlh In the open * Ing market , Hut In the courrc cf trndlnjr. other feature * soon dc\cloped , which entitle the tn- cnurnRlng elements and pllces were depleted. New Jersey Central proved too heavy for nny business to rrMaln ami was the dtclslvc factor In Impeding the ndvnncc In Ihe markcl , < md well defined rumors were In constant circulation , though with no nulluirlly Riven for tliclr batty , nf nn Intention nn Ihe pm of the directors to reduce tlio dividend. The coalers teemed little nffectcd and the decline- them was only fiau- llcnnl. The statement of the Northwestern showing n decrease In grots earnings In Feb. ruary of $77,340 aggravated the weakening of the sroup nnd robbed Northwestern Itself of the Mrcrigr.i Injected from the common advance of Vnnderbllls , The news ot Ihe day from Wash ington was Ihe reverral by llic supreme cuurt of the decision of tile court below nnd the up holding of the contrncl of the government ngallut the Trnnsmlsfourl FrelKlit association to fix rates of transportation In the northwest. It nfTcctcd the grangers more Immediately than otherwise , but on account of lls fnr-rcac'ibig possibilities It deprcsFcd the whole of the lift. The Joint Traffic nscoclntlon agreement , under which the trunk lines apportion their business , being In lltUntloti , llie supreme court's decision Is felt to have Important bcnrlncs on tralllc. The heaviness tn the market wan somewhat counteracled for a lime by llic demand for New York Central nnd Omaha , the former touch ing IC2. the best price yet renched In llic prctenl Improvement. Cleveland , Clnclnrall , Chicago & St. LnuLi of llic Vanderbllts also showed gains and llie olhcra of Hint group shnrcil In the ilay'H decline. Mnnhntlan nnd Western I'nlon developed rntber conspicuous wenkenlng In ihe lale dealings , the former losing Hi per cenl. with a. rally of % per cent nt the close. Leather also losl 1U | icr cenl. nnd llic whole list fell off. Jersey Central advanced n polnl. The decision at Toledo of the Arbucklo suit In favor of Ihe Sugar company only nllghtly nffecled Sugar shares , ns Ihe prosecullon of the war which sought to enjoin has been n rather depressing Intluence In Sugar. In the bond market the changes were not great , and the underlonc of t'.icmarket was fairly firm. The pales were $133,000. Govern ments were lower for llic Cs nnd 4s on deallncH of $33.000. The Mvenlng Post's London financial cable gram says : "The flock markets were steady but stagnant today , awaiting political develop ments. Consols were up to 112. Mines were good. The settlement In mines will begin tomorrow , Americans were very dull. Huylng of New York Central was the only feature. The closi- was steady. A sharp rise In silver la partly duo to the statement that the Japanese govern ment will not sell lls present stores of the whlt metal. The continent nnd Japan continue tiv buy gold. The Paris bourse Is In llic same con dition ns llic London markets. There Is simply no lend yet In either direction , and even thb larKest financial houses appear to liavo no rpc. clal knowledge ) Inducing them to operate. " The following were llic closing quotallons on the leading stocks of llic New York exchange loday : AlchlHon . . . . Ontario .tw . Adamn Ex Oregon Snv . 11 Alton.TH Gil O. S. L. .t U. N . 10 Am. Express 111 Pacific Mail . ,7 Baltimore..t Ohio. IB'n ' I'eorla. Deo. .t E . Canada 1'aclllc. . . . 48 1(1 ! Canada Southern. . 4U'4 ' Pullman Palace. . . 100 Central Pacific. . . . HW Heatlln ? . . 2.1W Chen. .VOlilo 175ii U. G. Vf . Chlcairo.t Alton. . lllo < lo pfd . C. R A.Q 7II } Rock Islam ! . Chlcairo ( inH 81 St. Paul . 775) ) , Consolidated Gag. Ifiti do ) > M . 137U C. . C. . C. .t St. L. . . St. I'-iiil.t Omaha. Cl ? ( Colo. Coal k Iron. . Ifiti"S St. P. .t O. pfd . 140 Cotton Oil Cert. . . . "S Southern Pacific. . 14 Delaware .t Hud. . 10Ht Susnr Hennery. . . . Del. . Lack , i W. . . 151 Tenii. Coal , t Iron. D. Alt. G. Dfd Texas Pacific . East Tenn Tol. & O. Con. pfd. CO Erie Ril Union Pacific . COi i ; Krlopfd ID U.S. Kxprosi . 30 Fort wayne W. St. L. .tPac. . . . 30B G. Northern pfd. . rjo W. St. L. Jt P. DfO. . 14 C. iE. 1. pfd an WellBParBo Ex. . . 100 Hocking Vallev. . . WpslornUnlon. . . . Illh.olH Central. . . o.t St. P. ADuluth. . . . it ) W. i-L. E. pfd K.iT.pfd Minn. A St. Louis. 18 Lalto Erlo 4 West. Uen. ill. G 18OH dopfd Ocn. Electric 34 ! < LakeShore KIH Nat'l Linseed Lead Trust 13) ! < Col. Fuel & I 20 LouiBVlllui N. . . . 184 do pfd 33 L. At N. A Tol. St. L. & K. C. . 33BW Manhattan Con , . . . do Ufa 18i } McmphlH&C 1C Southern 8H Michigan Central. 1)8 ) Southern pfd 28K Mo. Pacific Tobacco 70 Mobiles Ohio Tobacco pfd 1054 Nanhvlllu Chat. . . . o Am. T.i C. Co. . . . 87 N. J. Cenlral V.C. Co ISO , N.A W.pfU Am. Sugar ufd. . . . 104 North Am. ( Jo Leather pfd fi7K Northern Pacific. . Rubber Mit rI rt . Pacific pfd Rubber pfd OIK U. t P. . D.&U Cotton Oil pfd BDH Northweatcrn 10Ri P. C. C. J : St. L pfd 40 dopfd 150 Am. Splrlta 13 N. r. Am. Spirits pfd. . . 33 H. V. 4 N.E 37 O. RAN. 4s 41 The total sales of etcck today were 103,257 Bliares , Includlni ? the following : American Sucnr 20,700 ; IJurllnBtoa , 18,300 ; Canada Southern , 1,700 ; Now Yorlc Mo n 05Market. . NBW YORK , March 22. MONEY ON CALL Easy nt IHfflK per cent : last loan , li per cent ; closed at Wttlli per cent. I'HIMlMEHCANTILB I'AI > I3n-3' ' < .G > 4 per ct-nt. STI'MILINO nxCIIANOn Strong , wllh ac tual buslnesH In bankers' bills at J1.87'.iG4.S7'i ' for demand nnd $4.MlAip4.fci { : ; for sixty days ; posted rates , J.fG5j4.kGVi nnd $4.SS64.SS4 ! ; com mercial bills. $4.S4V4. SILVKH CRHTIFICATES C2H0C3UC. I1AU SILVEH-C3C. aOVRHNMUNT I1ONDS Weak. BTATB IIONDS Dull. HAILHOAU HONUS Irregular. Closing quotations on bonas were as follows : I ) . S. now 4n. tee. D. , t R. G.Ja RO H. S. new coup , . . r.3V < Krlottda U. S. EH. re ? 11314 O. H AS. A.Us. . . . U.S. fis.coup do 7 100 U. S. 4sreif 111 II. 4T , C. fin 110 U.S. 4scoup , do ft ina U. S.2sre.i- , M. . 1C. .V T 1st 4 . Pacific lls of ' 1)3. ) . . ilo2J-4s Ala. , clans A Mutual Union Us. . 110 . . Id 14 N. J. C. Gon. fid. . . . Ala. , cla 9O. . . . . . . OH No. Pacific iHtH. . . nn s Ala. Currency 04 UoSils SIH VIof Ul. New Con , 4s. . DOM N. W. Connols 14m ofvl MlHsoiirlOa 100 do H. K. Deb. B8. . HUM vlfr N. O. rH 124 St. P. C. A P. W. Os 11M4 fr N.C.4K 103 St. L.Al.M.Oon.3 7n frPi S. C. nonfund SUL.4-S. F.Oen.lI. 111 PiA Tenn. now Hctfin. . ins Texas Pac. IBIS. . . BU ! . . A Tenn , now Bet 3s. . 70 TexaB Pa < ! .iils. ! . . . SIM In Tenn. old ( Is 00 H. P IstHof 'Otf. . . 10H < la Va , Centuries WoBtSliora 4s 107H in do deferred L. 4 N. unified 4n. 711 tlibi AlclilHon-ln 83 SontbenifiH DOM bi A'.chlKon ' 'd A. . . . . N. P. 4s RH biw Canada So. ' 'd , , . . . O. R. 4N. . lata. . . . w D. & U. G.7B O. U. 4 N. > BB tl HiiHtoii .Sftivlc QiiodilliuiN. inhi hi HOSTON , March aa.-Call loans. & 3 nnr hiw cenl : tlmo loans. 2UO-1 per cant. Closicf prlccu for ulockH , bondn and mlnhur aharot ; tvNi A. T. .VS. P 1 . . W. Eloo. nf.l 01 10 American flugrar. , 114U Wl8. Contrtl 01Hi 18 AmSugar pfd. . . . 103 ? ftl. Elej. Ill H5 10 ' " AlchlHon pfd ! ! 2K S3 Doll Telephone' 222 AtchlHon IH HO (2 IioHton SL Albany. 213 New Envland ( is , . lli : C9 IIOHton .VM.'ilno. . . 1(10 Gen. hlee. SH VV.-i 59 C. . II. .tO 7(15 ( Vmccnt. la M Fllchbunr 2 Alloucz Mining Co 47 General Klectrlo. . 34' < Atlantic G1K 7C llllnola Steel 33 Iloaton 4 Montana I''B CO Mexican Central. . H liutlu4Ik > Ht-n. . . . 1R ) < ! 9 N. Y. & N. K. . . . . . . BO Calimicl4 llccla , . 370 C'JCC OldColony. . . 177 4 Ci > nU > nnlal CC Ore. Short Lino. . . 10) ) ( Franklin Rubber , 14ti C8 Union Pacific US Ouccol.1 _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' WfHtKnd 71 Qulucy. . . . . , , . , , , , 10U Weal End pfd , . . . . HO Tniuar.ick ISO 1.S Went , Kino 23 K Wolvprlno UH S 4. 6 Sun FrnncUeu Jllnliiif ( lunlntlon * . PHANCISCO , March 22. SAN Tne official clos so ing Qiiotatlona for mining Blocks today were aa BO follows : BONl Aim ' - ' ( lould4Cnrrla. . , . so Alpha Con , . 6 llalo.t .Vorcroba. , BO 17 Julia Atulea 4 3(2 llelcher. . 17 ICcntiiclcy Con 4 871 lle l4Ilolchcr. . . . 05 Mexican 55 llulllon , . . 10 Occidental Con. . . . 1C .Mluilonln 11 Ophlr fin ChnllenroCon 3'j Overman , . , B Chollar. 11 < > Potoul , 35 Confidence 70 Savairo 20 Con. 01.4 Va 110 Sierra Nevada. , , . ' . ' 7 t > Con , Imperial 1 Silver Hill 1 Con , Now York. . . . 1 Union Con 7 Crown Point IB Utah Con. , B 12c Kxchequor ) Yellow Jacket. . . . 20 all Silver bara. UZlic : Mexican dollars. fW'a51c ; drafts , lht , 17Hc ; drafta , tclivrapla , 200. 4.45. Loniloii Stuck Qiiuiilluun ( , , March 21. t p. m. closing : f 2,1 ConuolH.m'y. . Ill 15-1(1 ( Maxleau ordinary. ' - ' Bh Conaols. aco't. , , , . 112 St Paul common. . 7 6.25 Can. Pacific. . . . . . . CO N , V.Central. . . . . 10.1' un Krie , I4 ! < Pcunaylranla M en Erie''da pfd 31 Rcadlnr 12 enTe 111. Central Olh Mex. Cen. now4a. CP 1 dividend Included. UK HAR OOLD-Quote.1 at 77s Kd. I I 4.S AMERICAN EAOLES 7C 4 > .jd. HAR SILVER-ZS 15-16d per oz. I ' tlvo MONEV-m I'r cent. ' The rule of dlscounl In Ihe open market for short bllU and three tucntlut' bills 1s 19-1GG1K ' cent. ( , | , , . , , 2tog OMAHA LIVJMTOCK MARKET Receipts Fall ! $ r 61oit of the Dealt M Arilirfrp&tiouS. LOCAL DEVA , D 'Hflfos ' U ? TilPRICIS Itntlir'i1 * f.lTlil nml ltriiu'nl Cmiil , .so Hint'tAiUtT Mnrkrlx at I'eiTriVN 1.010 Tlii'lr SOUTH OMAHA'Mnrch 22.-llecclpts for HIV days Indicated wore : [ Cattli" . llo S Mor es. j ! March 22 1.7SI I.O 12 .Match 1U 1,13 ? 4,1'Ji ' ' Tl 1 i .Mtirc'ii ii ! 2Uit ] 4d ; lI'sH 6 Murch IS l.JSI - " ' March 17 2.16U 'i5) ) Mnrch 1C lo:3 : 3,703 2,201 Mnrch 15 ' 2,49 i.o rj ' Mnrch 13 . CSO 3.STI 4.174 Mnruh 12 i.sio 3,7,7 .Mnrch 11 1.700 1 Mnrch 10 2,7S5 3,7 < 5 Mnrch f " .031 5,081 3.0J3 - > Mnrch S 831 3,821 25 Mnrch C . .770 31 The oIIlcliU number of curs Of stock brought In today by c'nch romt wtis : ' ' Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. G. M. * St. 1' . lty..i 1 Union Pnclllc system. . . . 2' ' ! 7 4 1C. & N. W. Hy. . . . . . 2 R K. & M. V. II. U. . ; . . . 0 S 2 C. St. 1' . M. ei O. Hil 1C -1 II. ft M. U , H. H 10 U C. H. K. Q. Ky 1 C. U. I , & 1' . , cast.A. . . 5 To'tnl receipts . ' . . . . . . . 71 2 C The disposition of the day's receipts was ns follows , encli buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Uuycrs. Cattje. Hogs. Sheep. G. H. Hammond Co 318 200 Swift and Company SOS MK ) Cudaliy Packing Co ! filG 1,25s , 1' . IX Armour , Chicago. . 157 . . . . IS. Hccker & bi-gnn . 113 Vansant & Co . 25 J. I. , . Carey . M Lobman & llothschllds. . KG Hill & Lewis Co . ICO Henton & Underwood , . , . N'I Huston & Co . 1 Krebbs ft Co . , . 130 Other buyers . 25.1 Left over . 300 Totals , 1,741' I.IHM 1,253 CATTLE Today's receipts of cuttle proved to bo light-for a Monday , only sev- t'lily-ono cars being reported In , a falling off of 700 head as compared with n week ago. Of the cattle here , about thirty cars were corn fed beeves and the balance consisted of butchers' stock and feeders. The beef steers on sale were mostly fair to medium , with quite a number of com- monlfli westerns , really desirable or choice cattle being scarce. There was , however , one bunch good enough to bring $3.75 , nnd a single steer weighing2,030 pounds sold up to $ "i.OO , showing what choice cattle would bring on this market. The demand for beef cattle was good , both local and shipping , and In H'lio ' of the fact that reports from other markets were not particularly encouraging , the mar ket here was fully steady. The buyers.pot down to business early nnd by the middle of the forenoon , practically everything In the yards was sold. TOo market ori butchers' stock was also steady nnd the few 'cows ' and heifers hero met AVlth ready tnlc.j' There were a. few bunches of feeders 4 In the yards In addition to the usual shonv- liiK of odds and ends and pieces of loads. Tha market wns'Tnlrly ' active and cattle In first hands met with prompt sale. One bunch of western'steers sold for feeders at $1.33 and brought J3.tGSl.20. . Ilep- rcsentatlvo sales : „ NATIVES. IJEEF TEKRS. No. Av. Pr. No , Av. I'r. No Av. Pr. 22..1122 } 3 Co 17..1127 ' } 3 S3 . .1173 J4 25 1. . . . 30 3 75 Ml..1172 4 00 41. . .1274 4 25 1. . . . 800 3 75 ra. . . < llj17 405 21. . .1300 425 78..1234 3 W 1C..1114 4 05 17. . .1474 4 25 1..I200 3 90 13. . . . 5S4 4 15 21. . .1279 4 25 4L..1230 3 90 22..1(01 ' 4 15 22. . .1173 4 25 CO..1402 3 90 4..1307 4J5 41. . .1274 4 25 20..I09G 3 SO 14U..11CO 4 15 22. . .1253 4 S5 43..1016 3 95 40..1273 4 20 20 , , . .1650 4 75 41.HOC 3 95 18.1330 , 4 20 . .2030 5 00 1. . . ' . 000 I'M' Tc'.V..nbi ' S'ftr ' 1..10SO 1 75 1..1000 2 55 3 : ' . . .1120 3 15 1. . 930 1 75 2..1120 2 K 2..10SO 3 15 1. . . ,7DO , 170 1. . . . 900 2 M j..ioo r. is 1. . 740 1 75 13. . . . 900 2 C5 1..H10 3 20 1. . SSO 2 00 9. . . , 902 2 75 2./.10C5 325 1. . . . 73 ? 2 25 3..1C90 2 75 1..H70 3 25 5..10S4 2 25 2..1090 2 90 1..1010 3 Si 1. . . . MO 2 35 1..1050 3 00 1..12SO 3 35 1. . . . 900 2 40 1..1140 3 00 1..1370 3 40 1..1030 2 CO 1..12SO 3 00 1..1KO 3 90 1..H10 2 DO " HEIFERS. 1. , . . 740 2 M 4. . . . 702 8 15 1. . . . 900 3 CO ' . .1070 2 SO 20. . . . 775 3 20 5..1024 3 M l' , . . CO 2 90 4. . . C77 3 25 1. . . . C20 3 CO 3. , . . 718 2 90 1. . . , 810 3 40 3 CO 1. , . .1040 3 CO 1. . . . MO 3 45 1. . . 950 3 90 IS. . . . G31 3 10 1. . . , C20 3 (0 4. . . E07 3 90 4. . . "iEO 3 10 HULLS. 3..115C 200 1..HOO 2 CO 1..H20 3 CO 1..1130 2 25 1..1430 2 CO 1..14CO 3 10 1..1110 2 25 1..1240 2 65 1..1000 3 15 1..1210 250 1..1CSO 2 90 1..10IO 3 35 19..lltC 2 CO 1..2210 2 S5 COSTAGS STAGS AND HULLS. 35..1041 3 30 CALVES. , 37C 2 75 1. . . . 90 4 00 31. . 4 30 4. . . 350 3 25 5. . . . 094 4 30 1. . C 25 1. . . , 370 3 CO STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4. . . 495 .1 20 4. . . . 932 4 00 1. . . . CCO 4 15 3. . . 360 3 60 14. . . . 914 4 00 5. . . . SSO 4 15 1. . . CCO 3 75 L. . . 830 4 00 45. . . . COO 4 25 1. . . 870 3 75 31. . . . 959 4 05 11. . 544 4 30 1..1070 3 75 S. . . . 925 4 10 1. . , 430 4 30 43. . . 430 3 75 3. . . . S53 4 10 L. , 4CO 4 30 1. . . C30 375 9. . . . 794 4 15 1. . 390 4 35 2. . . 945 3 85 21. . . . 730 4 15 WESTERNS. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 1 feeder 1280 J2 75 19 feeders. . . . 775 $4 15 1 feeder 1000 3 00 25 feeders. . . . C42 4 20 1 feeder 820 3 35 30 feeders. . . . C2S 4 35 28 feeders. . . . 9C3 3 95 COLORADO. 1 bull .1250 3 CO 79 feeders. . . . C44 4 20 1 feeder. . . 710 3 00 00IDAHO. IDAHO. 1 bull 1470 2 CO 16 feeders. . . . 1098 4 05 1 feeder. . . ; . BIO 3 00 20 feeders. . . . S19 4 25 2 heifers 900 3 20 13 feeders. . . . 715 4 25 HOGS The hog market was not the kind that salesmen like to * eo and still there was no very decided change In values. The chief cause dlsF.ilUfacllon was tlie lack of snap and vim wliich wai a characlerlsllc of the market from start to llnleh. At the opening hoga sold at about steady prices , that Is largely nt } 4 , with a J4.05 top. After about half of the liogg had changed hands the trade came to a standstill , and the last enil WBB very slow. A lower provision market and the iirot-pcct of large recelplu for the morrow made the heaviest packers rather bearish. They would take the hogs , but they wanted them at easier price * , while imlebmeii were not Inclined lo make any concession. In the : end everything toll ] , the late fates being $ mostly at $3.95. The week opens with the market clcve to 20c higher than It was at the opening of the previous week , and over 30c higher than It was Monday two weeks ago. Representative sales : No. Av. No , Av. Sh. Pr. . 301 C5 310 M $1 do . 295 62 2S5 40 4 CO . Kl C7 2CG SO 4 00 S3 213 4 (10 ( ICe , 310 C9 2 4 00 . S76 C5 253 4 00 . 290 CO , . .28 ! ' f-0 4 ( .0 . , C4 272 120 4 00 Cl 252 4 00 K CC S55 4 00 K 2C1 4 00 io 28 242 SO 4 00 , 84 ! 27 4 0214 Hll , 7C 1S7 405 , Of AND ENDS. Pt I'X . 4CO C 312 385 I'Xw . 92 C 274 3W . 3K L 310 3K5 IIIplr . 1S6 . . . 4 137 4 DO plr ell SHEEP RecelptiJ ) sheep were light and all ox sold iUlc ) ! < ly at prices. Representative Bales ; no I'r. of 1i 1 1 buck . ' { { 220 > 3t,0 th 2 i western twe Mj\f.r. . 14S 350 of ; weslern ewi'sJ.'AJ.U. , , . 112 350 th weelern ' 93 350 HU JVotv Yorlt Ilve HlorU. t'Xa NEW YORK. SL IIBBVEH Receipts. not no 21.CIO head ; fairly li llvo and generally vteady ; little firmer for good utters ; all sold ; natlvo nr ter , I4.35ir4.95 ; uags und uxen , I3.OOOI.00 ; law bulls , S2.95ft3.75 ; dry cows. JI.Wii3.35. Cubic * co quote American steers at llflnc ; Kheep ut Htf ind : refrigerator beef al 8 10o. bo KHKUP Ri'celpti. 6,117 head ; a little firmer around ; all told ; nheep , 13.0064.45. frc HOGS . lleceipU , 11,301 head ; higher at $4.200 . tiy ; St. iToiiu Llv - StiiuU. po ST. LOl'lH. March 22. C'ATTLK Iteceljilg , It 2.COO head ; market steady on good grades und u Itm shade off on others ; fancy export ulcers , | 5.00il ; ; native shlniilru ? steers , I4.00ii5.00 ; i.teers under 1.000 pound * , J3.40a4.15 ; Mockers and feed- cP , J2.75ij4.25 ; cows and heifers , ! 2.24.bO ; to TeiuH iteera , t2.75ill.25. the HOO8 Receipt * . 6,000 head ; market 60 hlRher : nil llKhl , II.KVil4.10 ; rnUoJ , I3.704/4.10 ; heavy , S3.C50 had SO. I pri HHEKI1 Receipts , 4,000 head ; market slow ; na 11 ( muttons , | 3.0&4.:5 ; lamUf , JI.OOCjO.40. un not KUIIHUM City Mvu titnclc , nomt KANSAS CITV. March 22. CATTLB-Recelpts , law. head ; ehlpmenti , IGO head ; market ttrooy to Iftc hlRhfr ; Texas Heers. i3.fCnt.r5 Texas cows , JS.PW , nnllxc Mcers , t1.i : > Clf > .10. native oow nnd heifers , tl MiffX. ! . Mockers nnd feeders , t275 4.6fl , hull * . JI.M'fll 8.1. HOdS-Rpeflpls. S.fro hend ; shipments. 400 head ; ntnrkpt strom to lOc hluhef ; bulk of mint , t4 < 044.10 ; hcnvle * . I.Dnfr4.IJii ; packers. t'S'rf' 4.tO , mixed. t4.OM7l.1754) ) IKIHs , IS.5i.08 ; Ycrk ers. tliWH.OS ; pl/s , t W > ffS.7S. 8111:1:1' : : Hccrlpn. Cioo hcml : shliunenls , luO head : mniket steady ; lambs , Jl.001fl.50 ; miittuns , mtl'ACO lilVH S'lOCK .M.tUKP.T. _ Cnltlt * MiinllSloiv MOKN < J -i CHICAGO , Mrrch 12. Tlure WBS n fnlr trails In cnltle. The bc t grades roM neil , bul torn * mon nnrt fnltly goad liKhlnelghlK were rnther Mow. Salf were on n brjsls ef frctu , J3.70 to U fur Ilio p ore l nallve ilre > fcd beef tlfers. ti | > to Irom J" > to t5.40 for choice to prime caillo. The btiltc rf llie rnles ocrurreI nt fivm $4.25 lo si to. liulclierV ealtle wtie netlve nml Mendy nn.l entir.eri fold fnltly well ill the Inlu ticI cllnc. Ti.ulo In IIOKS started tiff nctlvrly nt an nd. vniice ef nboul 2' ' e , bul Ihe lm ; < ro\rmeat wnn lest n little Inter , ns buyers refured ti > fay the hlKher HKIIIPH , Ihe cirrilnxs were will takin nt nn extiPiue range nt from ( .1.75 tu t4.2' , thn built of Hie hogs bringing from Jl.l. > to tl 20. 1'rlces for shfep eic stronger nnl ; ftuni lOu to Ite lilKher under the influence of an nellve local r.nd shipping demand , Common tti prime Ili/ckc of hcep ucre wnnled at from 13 In H.OO , westetn fed selling nl from t3.CO lo tl.JO. Uunbs sold actively nt from tXM to t'.50 , Colorado * ncllIng up to t. > .40. Hcccliits : Cattle , 17.COO bend ; boss , 21.000 head ; shEcp , 17,000 head , Stuck lit Record of receipts of live stock nt the four principal markets for March 22 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Omaha 1,7M 1.U8 t 257 ? Chicago 17,00 21,100 17.0JO Karens City 2MO BM > 0 BiiOJ SI . Lotll 2f,00 ' 5.COO 4 WO Totals 23,781 23.C3S 2S.2.-1 Mvorpool C Pit I n nnil I'ritvlHlonn. LIVERPOOL , Mnrch 22. WHEAT Spot , qulel ihinntid , poor ; No. 2 red , winter , nothing quoted No. 2 reil , Hiring , Cs 3'id : No. 1 hard , Manitoba nolhlng ( | iioteil ; No. 1 California , Cs 3Hd Futures opened steady nnd closed quiet , Vtlll near and distant positions Ud lower ; business nbout equally dlalrlhuled ; March , Cs 2d ; Mr.y CM 3.l ! . ; July , Cs 3Ud. CORN Spot , easy ; American mixed , new , is SJ , Putuics opened steady nnd closed quiet , will I'enr and dlslnnl poslllons Ijd lower ; business nboul equally distributed ; March , 2s 7 id ; April , 23 Rd ; May. 2s Wid ; June , 2s ! Hd ; July , 2s lOil , KLOl'll Quiet ; St. Ixnils. fancy wlnler , ISs Cd PROVISIONS Hacon. firm ; demand fair , Cum berland cul , tS to 30 Ibs. . S'Js ; short ribs. 20 lo 24 Ihs. , : $ s fid ; long clear , light. 35 tn 3S Ibs. , 27s Cd ; long clear , heavy. 40 to 45 lb . , 27s ; short clear backs , light , IS Ibs. , 27s ; short clrnr mid dles , heavy , 1" to DO Ibs. , 23s Cd ; bellies , 14 to If. Ihs. . 29s Cd. S.iouldcrs , Fqunre , 12 to IS lh . . 2lF. lnm.i. ! short cut , 14 lo 10 His. , 43s. Tallow , fine North American , ISs 3d. Reef , exlrn India mess , DCs 3d ; prime IIICFS , 47 , Cd. Pulk , prime mess , line weslern , 4F/i 9d ; medium wesl ern , 43s 9d. Kird steady ; prime western , 22s 3d ; rellned. In palls , 2s Cd. CHEESE Klrm ; demand moderate ; fl' est Amcr lean , while nnd coloted , 57s Cd. IIUTTKR Finest United States. 90s ; good. : ,3s , OILS Turpentine spirits. 21s. Petroleum , re , fined , CUd. Linseed , 15s. Nnphlha , C'.jd. REi.'RiaERATOR REEF-rorequariers , 4'.td ' ; hindquarters , 5Tid. HOPS At I > ondon ( Pacific coast ) , 3 15s. London ColoiilnlVoo LONDON , March 22. The wool Fnles were con tinued today with n good attendance. The American buyers purchnted a good selection of crossbreds nt extreme rates and their total pur chases for the day were 3,500 balen. Prices ruled firm , wllh faulty slock nol received there. The olTeilngw ninnunlcd to Ifi.fOO bales , nnd of Ihls number l.WO bales were withdrawn , Snlcs In de.tall : New Soulli Wales , C.OIO bales ; scouted , 3 = 4d ; greiusy , 4'4d. Queensland , 1,115 bales ; scoured , HV4d ; greedy. 4'sd. ' Victoria. 2.ECO bales ; scoured. S'fed ; greasy , BflCd. South Auslralln. 1,118 boles ; scoured , Is Id ; greasy , < PI'4d ' , New Zealand. 349 tales ; scoured. HVid ; greasy , 5ld. Cupe of Oiwd Hope nnd Natal , llfl bales ; scoured , "Ud ! greasy , 4'4f(74d. ' ! LONDON , March 22. SUOAll Cnnc , dull ; llttlj demand ; centrlfuual Java , lls ; Murcovailo. fair refining , 9s. lied , dull nnd Irregular ; Starch , 9.1 = Kd : April , 9 ? ld. NEW YOllK , March 22. St'GAIl Haw. firm ; sales , 9.500 bags , 90 lost. 3 C-lCc. cx- shlnmcnt ; 300 tons Muscovado , 9 test , 215-lCc ; molasses S9 test , 211-lGc , px-plilpinent , lleflned , firm : crushed , 54c ! ; powdered , 43Jc ; ranu- lated , 4'ie. 1'oorlu MnrkrtN. PEOniA. March 22. CORN Market firm ; new Nn. 2. 22' c. OATS Market quiet nnd firm ; No. 2 white , WHISICY Market Bteady ; finished goods on the basis nf J1.17 for lilfih wines. RECEIPTS Corn. lOO.SM bu. ; onls. 31,200 bu. ; rye , none ; whisky , 75 bbls. ; wheat , none. SHIPMENTS Corn. r.4W bu. ; oats , 42,700 bu. ; rs'ernohc ; whisky , 225 bbls. ; wheat , 8,000 bu. \i-\v Yorlc Dry (7noiln 3 NEW YORK. March 22. Although many orders were nt hand for more or less nssortmenls of nil classes of goods , Ihe general demand was not up to the corresponding day of last week , nnd on the whole , cotton grades were quiet , though for foreign manufaclurcs , flannels and blankets , the Inquiry was well maintained. Toledo MnrUofN. TOLEDO. March 22. WHEAT Lower nnd weak : No. 2 rash , S31 c : May. Wie. CORN Lower and active ; No. 2 mixed. 24',5c. ' OATS Dull bill steady ; No. 2 mixed , JSc. RYE-Qulet : March :7',4c. CLOVER SEED Active. i " \VonI NBW YORK , Mnrch 22. WOOL-Sleady ; fleece , 16R20c : pulled , ISffSOc. ST. IX3UIS , March 22. AVOOL Unchanged. OH City MnrlcctN. OIL CITY , March 22. Credit balances , 92c , ccrllflcales , no bids ; shipments , 170.S37 bbls , ; runs , 172,394 bbls. HIvln llnti.-r Mnrkcl. ELOIN. HI. , March 22. IIIJTTER Steady ; of ferings , 1 F30 tubs ; ealcs , 810 lubs nt ISc ; 1,020 tubs at ISHc. Sim FriinolNun Vlu'iif ( luotatloiiN. SAN FRANCISCO. Mnreh 22. WHEAT Inac tive ; December , $1.I6U ; May , $1.34'.t. ' Pliiiinulnlote . ROSTON. March 22. Clearings. $11,702,33C ; bal- nnces , $1,448,293. HALTIMORE. March 22. Clearings , $1.005,013 ; balances. $319.1 > 02. NEW YORK Mnrch 22. Clearings , $ C5,195,7C4 ; balances , $8C3CG78. PHILADELPHIA. March 22. Clearings , $0- 977,923 ; balances , $1,348,943. ST. LOI'IS , March 22. Clearings. J4,73S.f,06 : balances , $ C2 .7C3 , Money. 5fr7 per cent. New- York exchange , 25o premium bid ; OOc premium nsked , CHICAOO , Mnrch 22. Clearings , $12HC.CS1. New York exchange , 2i f0c dlscnunt bid. For eign exchange , linn ; demand , $4.87'i ; sixty days , $4.65 % . Fliiniii'liil. RERUN. March 22. Exchange on London. glit days' slRht , 20 marks 37'/4 ' pfg. LONDON , March 22. Oold Is ituoted at Ruenos Ayres today nt 209.SO ; Lisbon , 44 ; Rome , 105.00. 1'AIUH , Mnrch 22 , Three per cent rentes , 102f 47'je ! for tin * account , Exchange on London , 25f for checks. KUl'HKMi : COIJHT HVLLAIII. Affholdor ngnlnBt State ex rel MoMullcn. Error from Hurt county , Alllrmed. Opin ion by Commissioner Iltigan. Section 11 , article III , of the constitution should be HO liberally construed as to admit tlo ] Insertion In a legislative net of all . provisions which , though not specllleally { expressed In the tltlo. are comprehended wll'hln ' tlio objects and purposes of the net - oxpresscd In Its title ; and to admit all provisions which are germane nnd not for eign to the provisions of the act ns ex- cxprvsfced In Us title. 2. Chapter 48 , session laws of 1831 , contains subject that Is not germane to the object the act as expressed In Its title : und therefore docs not violate the provisions section 11 , article III , of the constitution that "no bill shall contain moro than one subject nnd tliut tlio same olmll bu clearly expressed In Its title. " 3. Bald ant Is complete. In Itself and does violate the requirement of section 11 , > article III , of the constitution , that , "no d ' shall bo amended unless the now net contain the section or sections so amended the trotlon or sections aa amended , shall repealed , " Wilson \ against City National Hank , Rrror from liuffulo county , Jteversed. Opinion Commissioner Itugan. Within the meaning1 of itectlon 314 of tlio Cede of Civil 1'rocedure n Judgment Is contrary to law when the finding on which Is based Is not responsive to the Issues made by the pleadings. 2. A plaintiff in replevin alleged In his petition thnt he was the owner and entitled the Immediate possession of the property ! of a answer was a general denial , all tlio plaintiff's evidence tended to show that ho a special Interest In or lien upon the property replevlned und Uio court so found. Held : 11) ) That the evidence was Irrelevant under the | BSUC ; (2) ( ) That the finding did , respond to the Isnues ; (3) ( ) That the judg- infiit based on such findings was contrary to Beck . against State. Error from Otoe I I I I ' I I I I | ' , > I ' I I { i. iint" i vi LigwSI I" , Can you define wnat is a Newspapsr ? A Newspaper is a publication issued at stated intervals. What are the duties of a Newspaper ? To publish all the news both local and foreign , Can you tell me what paper does this ? The'Omaha Bee. Are there any others ? There .are some that make a pretense of publishing all the news , but there is only one that does , that is The Omaha Bee , You are right if you want to read it all , you must When la doubt what la use foi Nervous Debility. Loss of Tower. Irn potency , Atrophy , Varicocele and other weaknesses , from any causa use Scxine 1'ilU. Drains checked and full vigor quickly restored. irnrglretra. loehtroablri renull Mttlr. Mailed for $1.00jObo esJ5.00. Will $ . " .00 orders we give a guarantee la cursor refund the money. Addrect M'CONNBLL DUUC3 t O. . Omann. Neb. 0 RESTOO | ft J Thlaercat "CUPSDEWE" Vegetable _ EJVItullzcr.tticpruscrlp- tloa of n famoii ! ) Trench pliyBldun , will quickly euro you or all ner vous or diseases of the generative oriinn : , such in Lust Manhood , Insomnia , Pains In the Hack , Sunilnal KmlssliiiiH , Nervous Drblllly. 1'lmples , Unfltness to Marry , lizliuustlui ; Dmlris , Varlcorclc and Constipation. It stops alt losses by day or night. Prevents quirk- Ut-t-UHt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AND AhTtH . - _ _ _ nil DCssoi tlm horrors discharge of , Impotonry. which If notcliTKPd 'iri'll fpftds f i\KclcauscsthoUvcr : totipcrmiitorrhaMkanil , Ihtf - kldncysand thonrltmry orcansof ulllmpurltlcs , cnPIDENKBtrengthensandrestoreanmallwcokorFans. Tlio reason BiifTerprs nro not cured by Dnclnrn Is herimsu ninety per cent nro troublcil wllU ProslaIII . CUPIDENEIsthoomy known remedy to cure wlllioutun operation. fAKJtesilmonl- n3. ! A written frunranteo Riven and money rclurnwl If six boxes docs not clTcct a pcrizmncutcur& S1.00 a box , sir fur (3.00 , by mall. Send for FUEH circular and testimonials. Address S ) A VO1 , MEDICINE CO. . P. O. Uoz 237C- San F : iclsco , Cat Stir Sale bt ) Mpors-Dlllon Drug Co. , S.B. Cor. IGth county. Reversed nnd remanded. Opinion by Commissioner Irvine. In a criminal caw It Is error to Instruct that the burden of proof Is upon the ac cused to establish nn allhl by a prej > onder- anco of the evidence. Casey against State , OS N. W. Hep. , C4H , followed. 2. Where the law Is Incorrectly Htntod In ono instruction , the error Is not cured by another which correctly states the law upon the same subject. Flanders against Lyon & Ilealey. Error from Douslas county. Iteverscd and re manded. Opinion by Commissioner Irvine. In a replevin milt where the plaintiff has taken the property It Is error to permit a stranser to bo substltutca ror the original plaintiff over the defendant's objection. Woodbridtfe against Dcwltt. ICrror from Douglas county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Commissioner Irvine. The ordinary rules of pleading do. not apply In replevin. A party may prove fraud under general allegations of owner ship and right of possession. 2. The foregoing rule applies equally to Interveners In a replevin suit. 3. The doctrine that the negligence of a party In signing a writing estops hltn from afterwards urging that It does not contain the true agreement of theparlies , Is not applicable In a milt between the original parties thereto or their privies , where the party peeking enforcement practiced fraud or deception In order to induce the other to sign without reading. 4. An assignment that the court erred In permitting the Introduction of evidence must spnclllcally designate the ruling complained of. 0C' Slater against Sklrvlng. Appeal from Holt county. Alllrmed. Oplnron by Commis sioner Irvine , There Is a difference between the effect of a Judgment as a har or entoppel against tlm prosecution of a second action upon the name claim or demand , and Its effect as ati estoppel In another action upon a different claim or cause of action , in the former case a judgment on the merits constltntcH ca co absolute har to a sul > SfriH | > nt action , not only as to every matter offered and received to sustain or defeat the claim , but as to any other admissible matter which might have been offered for that purpoMe. Itut where the t second action Is upon a different claimer or demand , a judgment In the prior action operates ns an estoppel only as to those matters In issue upon the determination of which the finding or verdict wan rcn- ilcreil. Cromwell against Sao county. 94 U. S. , 331. followed. 2. Where the record lcavr It uncertain as to what Issues were adjudicated , extrinsic evidence Is admixslhlo In another action fern n different object to show on what Issue or Issues the first case was determined. Hut extrinsic cvldencu Is not admissible to contradict the record. 3. A party may not present Issues for determination and avoid the effect of an estoppel by withholding proof thereof. 4. Therefore , where a plaintiff alleges sev eral facts the proof of any one of which entitles him to Judgment und there Is a general finding against him , It will bo con clusively presumed thai each fact so averred was determined against him. B , Judgment by ( It-fault was rendered agiilnst A and others. At a subsequent term they filed a petition unaar section COJ : to vacate the judgment on the ground that It Jiad been Irregularly obtained , that the petition , stated no cause of action , and that It had been procured through a fraud upon the jurisdiction of the court. This petition was dlsmlxsed on a general flnd- ng itKiilnst petitioners. They then brought in original action to enjoin against the enforcement of the judgment on the ground that It was void , alleging the same matters. Held : That each of tin ? mutters pleaded n the former proceedings being pertinent to such a. proceeding , the judgment In that CIIHO made them res Judlcatao here. C. Where a defendant IB In default , the illcKfitlons of the ictlllon nre to bo taken is true against him , except allegations of value anil lunount of damage , arid If the ctltlon states n cause of action the plaintiff entitled to judgment without proof , ex cept ax to the iiuantum of damages. Chicago , Durllngton & uulncy Hallroad Company against Unrdlncr. Krror from Adams county. Affirmed , Opinion by Commissioner Hynn. J An Instruction which , ( hough technically naccurnto in some respects , nevertheless , correctly states the principles really In volved. Held : Not prujudlclully erroneous. 2. A limitation of the llulmity of a common carrier contained In a shipping contract vlll not bu recognized or enforced In tlila Htate , though valid In the stnUi where made when such attempted restriction of liability Illegal and contrary to the public policy this state. Sen robing for Cii-noriil Kiillorton , , OAKLAND , Md. , March 22. The nearch or tho. body of General Fullcrfon of St. ouls , who was killed In the railroad accl- Icnt Saturday , wag resumed this morning. The searching party was reinforced by a party ol tea expert river mea from JJaltl- JAMES E. BOYD & CO Telephone 1039. Omulin , Neb. COMMISSION GRAIN : PAOYISW3 : AND : SfOKJ Uoanl of Trade. Dhcct wires to Chicago and New York. Correspondents : John A. Wnrrfn & Co. has cut off the supply of HORB. Pork , Lnnl and Ribs are advantelriR rapidly. Our nilvlco has been rrllnble nnd prolltnblc to our cus tomers. We make n tpeelulty of handllnc I'rovlhlonn on ClilCHKo Hoard of Trade. lluo Hook and Maiket Letter sent free. Saiifortl. Malieovor fc f o- , HllliUiTH , Hriltrrn anil ConiiuiHNliiu MlTflllllltN. 220-227-22 ? P.lalio llulldint ; , Cnlcago. Wo etnd th * marreloai Fre ncmdy CALTH06 fr-M-fiiuuI If nl Ruarantoo that C'ALTIICJ mill I I.eb | rcix A Eml.iloni , odd IttSTOHU Loit Vlaor. } Use it and pay if tatiifiti. , VON MOIIL CO. . Bol Itiriltia iftnb , CladniuU. Ct < t II tL Written Gnarnntco to CTCnE EVEIIU CASE or MONET ? REFUNDED. Our euro li permanent and not a patching up. Case * treated ton ye ro ago bavo never teen a BJ mpton ilnco. Ur df tcrlblnc > our C BK fully we e n trsat you ty mall. indwoKlvothoB-.inoBtrontrBuoranttotocuioorlofuni all money. Those who prefer to coino lieru for triat- ment can do so and wo will jay railroad tare both war * and hotel bills while hero It we fall to cure. Wo cliak Iftnire the world foracaso that our Maitlc Jlcmcilv will not euro , Wrfto for full | > artlculai and gel thi evidence. Weknow that you arotkrptlcal , Ju tly to too. ai the most eminent pkytlcjaua liavo never been bl to Ktve more than tcmimrary relief. In our teniran piactlcewliti tUls Jtluulc ateinvdy It liaa been moil dlRlcnlt tonvcrcome tbu prejudices nicalntt all lo-rallcd poclriu. Hut under our btronf guarantee jou hould not liesltute to try tbln rcinedy. You lake no chance ot lotluit your money. Wo Kuaranteo to cure or refund every dollar and aa wo liavo a reputation to protect. alw > rlnonclnl backing or 85OO , < IUO , It It pt-rfectlr fate to all wliowlll try tbo trcr-tinenu llcretoforojon Iia e been putllnif up and paling out your money fo dllferent trt'atmcn altuouirh you art-net yet cured no one has paid back your money , fJo not watte any more money until you fry ui. OU.chronlo.dern-ieateit catei cured In tblrty to nlnty diyi. Invculcate our financial tundlnr , our reputation u liuilno * in fa. Write ui for names and addretKS of tlioso wo li v cured , who have Riven iwnnlulon to refer to them. It coits you only poktaito to do Hill i It will iav you a. tiorl.1 or aufTcrlnB from mental ttritln i and If you ar married what mav your ofrxprlnu ( ulfiT IhrouKh your own negligence ! If your ryinptonis are plmplea on laco. con throat , muco-jn patciiei In moutli , rheumalUu It bonea and Jolnt , hair falling out. eruptions on an | part or Ilio body , feeling o ; general depriuulon , pains 111 header have no tlmo to waate. Ilioie who. are roiiitautly tailing mercury and potath ahould dis continue It. Comtant u j of th o drum r-lll rurtlr trinKuoresand catlnir ulcera In tbecnd. Don't fall to write. All correiiiondcnco tent aealcd In plain enrel. opes. We Invite Ilia inont rlKld Investigation aildnlll QoaUuiuuTpuwcrtoBldyoulnlt. Addreu , . , Chicago , III , raoro , This ii'akes ' about 160 men engaged In the work on the Pullman far Iti which ( jun- cral Fullerloii met hlj death and under which ho IH thought tn bo lying. Up to midday - day not a trace of the remains has been found. I'llOl .SA.M1S OF 1)01,1AHS fJrrrriu-- ( n Olili-mni Iliillilln Lllllll ANHIH-lllllllll AlHO MlHHlllK. CIIICAOO , March 22. I'rculdent Julius Ilrleako of tlio Glirlstoplier ColumbuH Ilulld- Ing and Loan aHsoclatlon ttatc'B that David , SachM'l has loft Chicago nnd that hlw ac counts nro being Invcttlgatcd by a com- " inlttee of ten stockholders. President Hrleske declared tlicro wan evidence to bo- llcvo that the mlrslng olllclal would be callcil upon to explain why from $10,000 to $00,000 of the nn oclatlon'ti funds was not In sight. Mr. Sacheel appears to have left Chicago on Tiiewday last. Ilia wife says that lie Ima sono Into the country to ralno BOIHO money. Those Interested In ( lie concern are largely laboring people employed In the vicinity ot Uecrlng. Sufferers from Coughs , Sore Throat , etc. . Bhould try "Ubrown's llronchlal TrocJieu , " 81011)10. but euro remedy. Sold only to lioxea. I'rico 2G ccnU j , . , , .