THE OMAIIA DAILY aEAHQn 8 , 1897. SPECIAL NOTICES AiltcHliiPiucnfft fnr tlioxc column * nlll lie inUcn tintll lUiIIO p. in. for < ltc ovoiiliiK ntul until H . in. ( or the morning nnil Snnitny edition * . Ailsertl-cr- > - rc-iiticiithiK n nnm- licroil cli * clt , cnn IIHTC ntinn-ct-B ml- .IroHHPil in a iinmlicrfil lotlcr In cure of The lire. Animorn < mlilroinert rrlll lie ilctMcrcd on prciicntiitloii of the check ( inly. lln " < , I 1-Uo n woril Jlrnt InncrMoni Ic n noril Ilicrcnflcr. Nothing tnkcii ,1 for lc t tlinn 2rcfor llic llr l Itmcr- f tlon. TliPNC niHerllncluciitii iiiiiNt bo run coiiKi'i'iitlv ! > . HITUATIO.N9 WANTKD-UV M.UUUKU MAN , PG3ITION A8 liookkcopcr or nnMnlnnti flnt.clan ; reference , would not oljfct lo golnji out of city. Ad- drew F CO , Ilw. A-300 * AVANTI3M MAM3 IltSI.Fi WANTCD-AK IUKA. WHO CAN THINK OP * nmc lmpl < ! thlnR to jiatont ? 1'rotcct your Menu : they may trlng you wrnlth. Write John WoiMerhurn & Co. , UcpL V. Talent Attorney * . \V lilnjttnn. U. C. . for tlielr Jl.tOO prize offer nnd n ll t of 190 Invention * wanted. P 1U _ TIIAVKUNO SAI.TSMIN : KOH CIOAIIS : OI.D Tcllnblc homo- experience unnecessary : cxtf Inducements to cUFtomcrs ; 7S to MM per month nnd expetuc * . C. C. Hlshop & Co. , t. ! * " U-Mi 0 MIS * A Kiw KNKIMIKTIC. ItUSTMNO MKN CAN flml utemly , profitable work with C. r. Adams Co. f2 80. l th St. 1J SW $30 PKll WEI31C. ADVnUTIBINO ! POSITION pcrnmncnt ; cxyerlcnto unntccniiry : cither sex. Jone , , Kepler ft Co. . . WANTKD. YOUR ADDUHSS ! WIIA SKND particular * of how one man made > 22,000 In live jcara ; you can do the tame uy trying. Address 1' . O. box &S08 , lloston , MaSH. t20 WUKICI.Y HAI.AUY AND IJXl'nNSKB 1'Ain unlexmen for clttnm : experience unnecessary ; inrmnnent position. The W. I * Kline Co. HI. I/lulu. Mo. H-M3M A2' WANTED , MEN TO I.KAHN nAKIJCH THAnH ; rltuntlon Ktmrnnlcod ; high urailc tools given ntudcnti ; only 8 weeks required. Write for Ills , cntnlosuc , Wolcr'n Ilirber college , llu nnd rrnnklln avenue , St. J.oulB. U M302 D WANTED K1UST-CI..A83 SALESMAN TOIl IAJ- lnlc.ttlMK oils , Rfeapes nnd spcclnltlcij nnlnry or commission Equitable Helming Co , Cleve land , O. 1I-M41C 9 WAVrnn I'KMAi.c HEM * . WANTED KIllST-CI ASS MILMNUKY TJIIM- iner. Address 1" C5 , lice olllce. C 324 8 li-OIl IlKVr IIOUSK9. HOUSES IN AM , PAUT8 OF 11IE CITY. THE O , I" . Dnvii Company , 1503 Karnam. D 144 HOUSES IIENEWA & CO. , 108 N. TII ST. 1 > 143 MODEUN HOUSES. C. A , STAIIU 823 N. Y. LIFE CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES AM. . OVER the cltj. (5 to JOO. Fidelity , 1702 I'ornain 6t. D 147 HOUSES , WALLACE , DUOWN 1JLOCK , lOTH nnd Douglas. U 148 IIOU3iS. COTTAGES & STOKES. ALL PA11T8 of city , llicnmm , La\a Co. , 430 1'axton block. D 149 HOUSES. ri ATS. Q.VnVIN BIlOg , 1C13 rAKNAM D ISO HOUSES ron KENT. UIJ.MIS , PAXTON BMC. D 131 IAIIOU LIST. JI'CAGUE , 11TII & UODOE. D-1S2 TUItKlNQTON , C03 DEE UUILDINO.D D 103 14-HOOM HOUSE , 105 S. 17TII ; runNISII- Ings new and complete , ( or sale.D1I310 D-1I310 A2 THE JEWETT COTTAGES-GnEEN MOUN- taln Fnll.i. Colorado ; a summer home In the mountnlns ; tweUe beautiful cottaRcs fully fur- nlKhed , for rent by the reason , nt reasonable rotes Defcrlptlxe circulars sent to nny ad dress J. H. Jewett , Green , Colorado. D 321 10 * TOR HUNT MODERN EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE near Hanscom park. Hicks , 303 X. Y. Life. D 3U-6 Fen HBNT vimaisiiRi ) IIOOMS. ROOMS. Ctl SOUTH 17TH AYE. K-362 ONK FFXOIl (5 ( UNFURNISHED ROOMS ) WITH water and -natcr closLt. C14 Six 17th St. E M120 1-URNISHED ROOMS , 614 SOUTH I7TH AVE. H 3G2 3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING for man nnd lfc. Rent ta\cn In hoard , 311 N 17th. E-M3C3 J NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. HOUSE- Icccpltiff 1112 South llth. E-372-13 * FUUNI8IIEn ROOM FOR LIGHT HOUSE. Keeping Enqulio l'J2l Dovinlus st. E M4JO 9" TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TOR LIGHT hou-elii'epInK 1013 DmiBlin. E M45C $ UOOMH AXD JIOAHD. nOAUD : STEAM HEATED ROOMS. $1.00 A day. C02 So , 13th at. Lange Hotel.F F 71S Mil - * . * * " t FRONT IlOOMfl WITH HOARD ; MODERN ; reduced lateR. CIS So. JOth , F S7C M1S FURNISHED ROOMS , BOARD. MIO HARNEY. F-M923 M20 iARr-i : rnoNT ROOMS ; GOOD HOARD : VEUY rcii'pnalilr. C14 N. ICth. F M230 S HANDSOMELY ri'RNlSHED ROOMS. GOOD Im.ud ; rates reasonnhle. The Roe M20 inr- ney. F-Mlil 20 MODEUN IIIUCK , FROM H JO UP. MO N. 10TII. F M4J2 IJ \ t. i , , \ VttH Itr.V'P lIMfUHMMUM ) ItOOtIS FOUR ELEGANT ROOMS ON MAIN FLOOR , vIII. . bnlll. 510. 2121 ClnrU ft. ( ) -M < J3 9 FOH Itn.NT JtTOIfnS AM ) OIWICIJ9. KOR RENT , THE 4-STOUY I1RICIC IIUILDING at BIG Fnrnam st. Thla bulhllne has n nrtfproof cement bneemcnt , complcto uteam heating llx- tureatrr ; on all llooru ; t"3 , etc. Apply at the olllce of The Hoe , I 010 AGENTS WANTED. CAN MAKE 75 TO 1100 roi nionth , AddrPBd llox 27 , llcrk Inland , 111. J-M43I-S STOItACin. DM. VAN. & BTORAGIJ. 1415 I'AHNAM , TEL 15M M 134 PACIFIC BlOltAOE AND WARUHOU8R CO. . 90S-9IO Jones , ( lendal itoiace nnd foiwarding , M-155 ANTinT ( ) IIUV. OMALI , HOUHE AND SMALU I.OT. WITHIN lialf , to mm mile or postolIUa ; will piy cusli 1C a barenln. Demls , Puxton block. N M504 6 OR 7-R. HOUSE AND PAY | 500 CASH AND nma clour Holt Co. meailcm lanJ.V. . L. bolby , 534 lk > nnl of Tjode. N 1M OMAHA SAVINGS HANK ACCOUNTS NOUGHT for cakh. H. II. Hardir , 17W I'atnam U. t. I WILL PAY PASH FOIt ALt. KINDS OF Junl. , xuaranteo naturactlon a * to welrtit. A , II. Alplrn , 107 S , 10th , N-US-AI * WANTED TO 1IUY FOU CASH , RF.CElVEnS certlllcutu In German Havlnijo bank ; tut uninunt of certificate nnd loucjt price nsL.rd. AJJrons Q 3 , life oilier N iO WANTED , SHETLAND PONV ; GENTLE ; Of good Bt > U unJ nultable for mull children. Hubert O Hell , Aurora , Nvb. N-MIS1 U * f' von .S.VMMISCII.LAMOUS. CHEAPEST IIMIDWOOD WOVEN COIIN CIUB- blnit made. C. R. I e. POl DauvUs. Q-1U U : OT SEED SWEET POTATOES. II M PUK btl.j all lord. Addreiu Tlieo Williams. Oinnh * . Q-Mlil NEW 11ICVCLE , QUARANTEED. FOU ONLT 139. Nebraska Cjtle Co. , lltli and Harner. Q-MU6 US CHIC1CKN , HOO AND LAWN FENCE ; ALL wire ; cheaper than O < H | . Wlr Works. 431 & Hth. roil sAi.n Miscni < f < Axnous. ( Contlnned. ) OPEN I1UGOY , | ! 9 ; TOP nUOOIES , $18 TO ICO ; goo < l nurrej(75 ; anoUier at ) K' ( rood phne * ton , 175 ; nice open trap fit lisa tbnn cost , Dmmmond Carriage Co. , llth nnd Hnm r , opp. court house. Q M3C4 At NEW JIOO IMWLERS FOIl $05 ! NEW MIt lands , I3S ; blcycirx repaired , Omaha Blcjclo company , 32J N. Kth street , Q M353 PURE PLYMOUTH nOCK EOGS PEH 8ETTINO SOc. 1)32 ) N. 2Bth St Q 347 A-3 _ HORSE CLIPPING MACHINES & CLIPPERS ! standard mnke. nil kinds repair ; cllpperSRround prompt attention. A. I * . Undcland , ioe S. 14. Q-3'.4-A4 _ FOR BAtE-PEDiqitEED JER1EY IKtLt , . n 12 , lice. Q-M415 11 _ COLUMniA IJICYCLEJ FinST-CLuVSS REPAIR ! only 140.00. II. n. Hastlngi. 212 S. 14th st. Q-M434 CLAIRVOYANTS. . . . JIR9. MARY FRITZ , CLAIRVOYANT. 817 N. Kth. S-M672 MI5 MASSAGE. H.YT1IS. KTC. tins. DR. l.EON. ELECTRIC MAPSAGE HATH parlrm ; restful nnd curatlre. 417 S , llth st. , upstairs. T M414 13 J25 C9 RUPTUlir. CURED TILL MARCH U for ( U 00 , no pain ! no detention from business ; We refer to hundreds of patients cured. The O. E. llillcr Co. , 717 New York Life Bldg. , Omaha. U 139 IIATHS , MASSAGE. MME. TOST , 319& 8. 13TH. U-1CO- _ OMAItA DENTAI/COLLEGE , 12 & PACIFIC STS Teeth ( Hied with gold , nimilKnm , tin , gutta- perch , cement , ami plates made for cost of material only. Teeth extracted and cleaned free tI-162 ron SAM : nuAi , KSTATIJ. HOUSES. LOTS , FARMS , LANDS. LOANS Oeo. P. Demls Real Estate Co. , Paxton blk. RE-173 OMAHA SAVINGS RANK ACCOUNTS nOUGHT for cash , taken at par for choice Ut mortgages or taken at par In exchange for real estate at present low values a. O. Wallace. Brown block , 16th and Douglas , RE SJ3 KOI7NTZE PLACE HOMES AT COC ON THE dollar ; S2.2SO , JS.WX ) to tG.Gno : eee photos at I h and Farnam , Morse bldg. J. J. Glb on , C14 First National bank bide. RE 175 ABSTRACTS. THE BVRON REED COMPANY. RE 172 rO745 feet' east front , on Hanfcom partt , $3,000 00 , tOtlSO feet , on Park avenue , opposite east en trance to park. $1,80000. 100x127 feel , corner , near Hanscom park , $1 000 00. Ixt , 30th nvenue , between Poppleton nnd Woolworth - worth , $1.33000. Ixit , Kountfe Place , on Illnney street , $1.31000. I/ot , Newton street , three blocks west of Kountze Place , $20000. 132x182 feet , corner , 13Hi nnd Grace streets tntrKnge ) , $3,30000. 102x182 feet , on lltli streets , near Nicholas street ( trackage ) , $2.500 00 House and lot , SSth ttrect , between Pacifle & Poppleton , $1.100.00. "House nnd lot , Georgia avenue , Tiear Loen - worth , $3,50000. FUe-room hou o , good location. $1,10500 Otic acre , well Improxed , Ea t Omaha , $1,00000 n\e acres. Itnpnncd. near South Omaha , $780.00. 11 acres , \\cll Improied , f2COO CO 40 acre' , N. W. ptrt city. $60 00 per ncre. 40 acres , four miles from P. O. , $03 00 per acre. POTTER & OEOUOE COMPANY. S. W. Cor. ICth and Fnrnam Kt . RE-M431 10 ELEGANT DOttULR HOUSE WITH I.MtQC grounds near Hnntcom park , only II4MO. Cholee acre lot near fair grounds , $ " . Recldencc lot near Slnd & Dodgo. $1.230. Two cottages , large grounds , llanrcom park , $3750. Modem S-room houfe. Hanscom Place , $4,800. Choice garden land , 10 acres , J2.S0 Good ICO-ocrc farm , central Nebrackn , $1,200. G acres near Elmuood pnrk , only $1$50. Nice lot , 24th St. , South Omnha. Oeo. N. Hicks , S03 N. Y. Lite. RE 343-6 was a in } je was wonrltou _ ' when t/je / { j piisse JfT rnaie VHTX-fta'tful | n9 ins'ertea f\ \ I CURE WRINKLES. BALDNESS AND SU- pertluous hair. 828 Chamber of Commerce. True Co. TJ-MTOS M 15 VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROUBLE'S ' , 346-S BEE Bide. Phjslcian conBultatlon or health book free. U-1C1 $2500 REWARD WILL BE PAID AND NO questions asked for the return of pocketbook. containing rings , etc. , lost nt 2Mb and Harney or between that and 2Cth nnd Howard Ad- tlrcts F 68. Bee. U M339 EUROPE SPECIAL TRIP , EMBRACING KNO. land France , Switzerland. Itnly , Russia , Ger many , the "Rhine , Holland ; conducted by experienced party. $490. June SO. Address Marie A. Foote 13 Wllloughby Ave. , Drooklyn. N , Y. Early registered the better. U M339 8 * TOO MUCH FLESH. I WILT. . SEND TO ANYone - one a recipe for a harmless and Inexpensive remedy and pre\entl\e for obesity , for 5 cents. Address G S , Bee , Council Blurts , la. U M402 S' 3IO.VUY TO I.OAX UUAL KSTATC. MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , Brcnnan , Lo\o Co. , Paxton block. W 10 $ MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THE O. V. Davis Co. . IMS Farnam St , W 1C4 C PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA property.Ncb. farms. W. B. Meikle , 1st Nat'l Bit W 1C5 ON OMAHA PROPERTY. LOWEST RATES ; building loans wanted. Fidelity Trust Co.W1C3 W-1C3 ANTHONY LOAN & . TRUST CO. , 315 N. Y. L. ; quick money ftt low rates for choice farm loans In lonn , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska , W 1C7 WI3 WILL HAVE $200,000 TO $200,000 TO LOAN in April , May , June mid July on first-class Improved Omaha property In sums of $1,000 to $10000 ; want applications at once ; lowest ratti on best loans. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam St. W Mb77 CITY LOANS. C. A , STARR , 823 N. Y. LIFE. W 1C8 LOANS ON IMPROVED H UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith S. Co. , 1320 Farnam MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Pukey & Thomas , 207 First Natl. Bank Bldg. W-1C9 MOXUY TO LOAN CIIATTni.S. MONEY TO LOAN OJ ? FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , wagons , tie. , nt lowest rates in city ; no removal of gnod : utrlctly conllilcnllul ; you ran nay the loan ulT at any llm or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 200 So. 16th SI. I X-I70 MONEY TO LOAN. 30 , CO , 90 DAYS : FURNI- ture. piaros , etc. Dud Gieen , room 8 , Barker blk CIIAXOKS. FOR SALE. ABOUT 2,000 L1JS. MINION TYPE. 700 Ibs , agate , ISO pair two-third cnsen , 40 double Iron stands for two-thlnl canes. This material vvau used on The Omaha Boa , and Is In fairly good condition. Will be eoM cheap In bulk or In quantities to suit purchaser. Apply In perron or by moll to Ths Bee Pub lishing Company , Onutha , Neb. Y 713 FOU BALE OR TRADE , GOOD CIROCEUY itore with lUtures , UOl St. Mary'tf avenue. Y-233 B' FOR. . BALE , ELEVATOR , LARGE TRADE ; good Inducements , Address box 113 , Spring field. Neb. Y-M295 S MEAT MARKET , DOING C1OOD BUSINESS ; proprietor dead , lienci- business for sale , J , J , QlUon , Ell Flret National l > ank building , Y MSO 12 SALE-CLEAN SrOCK OP DRUGS OF about $1,000 In mi eastern Nebraska town : line country- . Address Chapman Diug Co. . Chap man. Neb. Y M3W 11 VALUABLE PATENT FOR HARDWARE AND ftovo dealers. Will sell or trade for city or farm property. Write for circulars. Box , 365 Glenwood , la. Y M367 14 * FOR BALE CHEAP. THE FINEST AND MOST complcto clear toro west of Chicago ; best location ; rent , $30 ; mutt be cold at once ; owner hau other business. C. O , Etrovr. 6 Frarl street. Council Bluffs. Y MU4 t FOK UXCHA.VCU. X VERY FINU Mtf-ACRE IMPROVED FARM In S. W. Iowa to trade for Omaha resldrnc * property. Will give jood bargain. Fidelity Trust Co. , tola agtnts. Z MS13 WANTEOTO EXCHANGE-COLUMIIUS , NEB. real estate for Omaha property. Address C. H. W. D. . Columbus. Neb. Z-MSJ4 A3 FINANCIAL. [ JF1S INS. POLICIES IlOUaUT. W. P. HOLDEN Ut SNAPS GCxl20 feet ; price , $10,000 ; near 15th and Dodge StB. 43xCO feet ; $2,700 ; near 18th and Capitol avenue. Corner , 100x145 feel , east , Hanscom park ; } S50. Near 27th jiml Mnnderpon streets , full lot. COx 123 feet ; $100 00. John N. Frenzei , opp P. O RE M3C3 PARTIES WANTING ACRE 1-KOPERTY. IN tracts of from live to forty acres , near the city , desirable building : lots or homes of from five to ten roomii , nt very low figures , should see Potter & George Company , S W. cor. ICth & Farnam streets RE M430 31 CAUPET CLEANING. CHAMPION CARPET CLEANING CO , CARPET beaten , scoured and renovated , retlttlng nnd re lating carpets a epeclalty ; new management , T1S-720 South 14th street , Omaha , Neb . Tel 655 6CSM-17 snwixc aiAciiixcs AMI suri'Mcs. NEW HOME. HOUSEHOLD AND WHITE sevvlns machine olllce , 1514 Cap , Ave. Tel lr 74 JSt SHORTHAND A.VI ) TVPKWIHTIAG. A. C. VAN SANTS SCHOOL , 513 N. Y. LIFE. 179 AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE , 1GTH & DUGLAS. ISO PHYSICAL CULTUIUS. ELOCUTION , MRS. W. N. DORWARD. C23 N. 13 M S1 Mch22 BUILDING AXI ) JOAN ASSOCIATION. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & B. ASS'N PAYS 6 , 7 , S per cent when 1. 2 , 3 years old ; always re deemable. 1704 I'ainam street. Nattlnger , Sec. 182 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & B. Ass'n , 1704 Parnam. G. M. Nattlnger , Sec. . 1S3 FAKMS TO HI3NT. 60 ACRES 3 MILES R. W. OF BENSON AND one nlle N. of Dodge Bt. , now occupied by Claus Kuhr. Demls. pnxton Block , M-OC8 FUH.MTtmn I'ACICICI ) . GET M. S. WALKLIN'S PRICES ON FURNIture - turo packing , rejiilrlntr , uplioletirlng ; mat- trcBscs made and renovated ; 111 Cumlng , Tel. 13J1. 178 LOST. LOST , WEDNESDAY , NEAR 26TH & HARNEY streets , ladles' leather pocket book , contain ing G rings , Keyu and money ; Under will re turn to Bee olllce and receive liberal reward , Loat-lOS. STOLEN. FROM THE HICHI SCHOOL FEB. 18th. n Wnvcrly blcjclc ; No. 60494 ; n reward of 2500 will be paid upon return of same to 2103 lllnney St , Lost 405-8 LOST. PROBABLY ON BURLINGTON TRAIN , between Omaha and Lincoln , pocketbook con taining railroad parses nnd money. Finder vlll to rewarded by returning same to J. E. Kelby , B. & M. Headquarters , city. Lost 407-8 TYPHW1UTKHS. GET THE BEST TYPEWRITERS ; SUPPLIES ; icpalrs. United Tjpenrlter & Supplies Co , Mil Farnam al , 436JuneSO 3IUSIC , AUT AND LANGUAGR. GEORGE F. OEIO.ENHECIC , BANJO , MANDO- lln and eultar teacher. Room 411 Bee Bldg. Tel. 238. 100 WANTED MUSIC TEACHER WHO AVILL Give piano letsons In exchange for board. Ap ply 2020 Harney , M HO 8 I'AW'NHHOKnilS , II , MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N , 10 BT. PHYSICIANS , DR. W. R. HOBDS , 10 SHERMAN AVENUE , Resumed practice. Telephone Office , 1476 ; residence. 874. M2S6 1 SUES & CO. , PATENT SOLICllOUS , uuiuha Neb Advlct and Patotit Uook HIUSICOFTIIKMALLARD'SWING ' ) / ! . With the Mollowinf/B ys of March's Sun theHunter'i.'Joy . ' Returns. MENTAL SKETCH Of ft , MORNING SHOOT TJic SprlKtn'lV * Title The of AVI Id Kanl Tlir lleri'licnd'ii I2r- rnllc I'llKhl iic ; ( JroL-iilirnd , the Tcul nnd T IS quite ovtdenl , Judging from the un usual bustle among the craft , that the late widespread and heavy snow falls , combined with the present revivifying - vivifying symptoms r , tnttt Inevitably preo- V'V * BO the approach of * t balmy spring , have filled the sportsmen's hearts with most delightful anticipation ! . There la no Ingredient In the category of nccesMtlca EO essential to good , vim fowl t'hootlng ' as plenty of water. With empty streams and shallow lakp , drled-up marshes nnd arid sloughs , you can alwayn count on ix scarcity of birds , for It matters little how abundant ths previous fall's crop of feed was , the palmiped beauties find It ex ceedingly difficult to obtain the sustenance they demand , and they will not tarry , but meraly overlook the region and then wing their way on to a country where HID condi tions arc more to their liking , However , local shooters need apprehend no deprivation of their favorite sport through such causes this spring , for all through last summer the rainfall was far In exceta of the normal , and this winter coverlet nfter co\erlet of fiocculent crystals has been spread over the earth , on the plains and In the mountains , and when the ooft breath of the southern winds begin to work upon the Icy-fettered cjrth a freshet will follow - low that will ttart the rivers and streams gushing -with rapturous uproar on toward the gulf , fill the laKcs to the brim and In undate marsh and lowland everywhere. This means spurt the kings might envy A fcatheiy flight comes up from the land of perpetual sunshine. TI.O lordly canvas- baclc , the roval mallard , dainty redhead. the graceful sprig , widgeon , blueblll and teal , to ray nothing of the great Canadea and their cackling congeners of the virgin plumage. What kindles so quick a flre In the iportsman's ibcsorn as the scenes ho enjojs while crouched In his reedy hide on the shore of his favnrlte marsh his first morning out In the apilng ? As I'hoc-bus In his glowing chariot ap'prpachea the eastern gateway of glided masses of fleecy cloud , along the distant sky , yoy dlscry a long line of dark dots , and the bewildering Intensity of the situation beelnsi Perhaps a lone sprlgtall first elevates your heart llko a great lump to your throat , as he cleaves the upper ether toward vou , rtsplindent in his mot tled coat of gray andlodklug _ furtively from aide to side as If even before a sound la heard ho raspects danger lurking -within those greening stalks 4'ojtig ' the shore. Per haps he is an old cock who has traveled that same route befoie. and heard the crack of a haramerless and felt the sting of leaden pelleta. But on ho qp-JicS quickly from out the circle of gray audA-darts athwart the blue above In dim outline , catching sight of your couchant figup as you raise jour gun and pull ahcadiof Jilm. JJut alas for htm and good for you , he has made his discovery too late , Wit * frantic- wing beats ho essays to climb away from thatperllous , clump of reeds , but a.ftho crack of y6ur ' piece his long nedk doubles up and d'own he comes , overhand qver , until hla ashen form strikes the Icy water -with m resounding smaclc. * And what a thrilling transformation BCCIIB ensues. In an Instant the air Is throbbing with the sound of myriads of wings , as from out the yellow and bedraggled rice fields , beyond and behind you , with discordant quacks of aftrlght thousands of birds take wing. The rising horde breaks Into countless fragments , eacn circling toward the leaden and sullen sky , bewildered and alarmed , they know not which way to go , but as a whirring bunch of red- hrads swing within range your gun again flashes , the. report rings out with spiteful Intonation , a pair drop from the flock and for the ttmo the excitement ceases , for yo-ur second shot Is the signal for a grand aerial scamper from the vicinity. But the lull is a short one. the masses of birds circle off Into the dim distance , many disappear , but num bers still hover In sight and soon jou see them singly and In flocks returning Vour way. Your caller Is called Into requisition , the birds catch the imitation and then see your decoys and the morning's sport Is on In all Us ecstatic fullness. With every additional boim of light which struggles through the misty dawn the feathery stream Increases. Bluebllla pounce upon > ou from the bky , mallards circle about. In uneasy flight , the teal whiz by like rockets and the redheads swish In and out , and all aiound you , as If Impervious to shot or shell. From almost every point you see approaching or receding birds. They skim over the cattails in shadowy bunches , and cross and iccross eac'i ' other as If In futile search for something they cannot find. Of all the birds that comp up from trop ical climes In the springtime the 'sprig or pintail , as he Is nioro commonly called , Is invariably the avaunt courier. The pe riod of his arrival depends not so much on the weather as doe's , that of hla relatives , but ho gsnerally corrifs In with a storm of rain and snow and sleet , and this spring ho put In an appearance a week ago with the flurry of enow wo enjoyed , when small flocks were seen flying aimlessly up and down the Missouri river , The ex treme cold which Immediately fol lowed that brief storm , Inwevcr , evidently sent him on back couth to await moro propitious conditions for the trip to ward the arctic circle , When his migration sets In In earnest they eomo In fast flocks , flying very high aml seemlng to settle nowhere - where In particular forpny extended eojourn. Later , when his cousins arrive , lie la found much In the company of the mallard , the wlgeon and teal , As , said before , they fly at a gloat altitude and often In tremendous flocks and mostly frequent the open prairies and broad expanses of backwater which border - - der the big rivers arra'oxtcnslvo lakes. His plumage Is soft and leillTed | beautifully with greenish browns , gfhyvdnd dull , yellowish lines the cock bird/ being the perfection of graceful symmolry"and } quiet beauty , They are often fount pfcntlfully along our swiftest flowing rlvqro/jnpd wheretheao nro heavily wooded , as i they are In Illinois , they gorge themselves with acorns , of wntch they ore extremely foifd/'flnd ' for which they will venture a lone M if " from the water Into the forest's deepfei 'depths. They are anything but wlso Mrflii and decoy readily and are without a tlouUt the easiest killed of all the wild fowl genera. In Fcbruar and early March they are In poor form owing to their propensity for long flight without food or rest , and at this season o the year are not ptrMeularly attractive- the table. A fat , fall sprlgtall , however nicely sened , Is a delicacy not to be sneeze * nt by even the daintiest epicure. As the veriest tyro In shooting lore I nware , the canvasbaek l the world eve acknowledged to bo the king of his kind Ho Is the largest of all the wild duck famll } and Is supposed to possess edible qualltlci eminently superior to any bird that flies , am > et 1 have had mallards on my own tabl that came fully up to the canvasbacl stanJard. If they did not surpass It. They nro magnificent looking birds , especially th drakes , who will not take second place even to the mallard In all the blazonry of hi winter plumage. Their heads are shapely and of a do * > p cinnamon In color , while thcl bodies , with the exception of the wings which are a weak lavcndar , are as whit nnd spoilers as the driven snow. In fllgh tliby are the swiftest of not only all wlh ] fowl , but other birds , too , and are capable o i leaving 100 miles behind for every hour they are In transit. While extremely shy , the ; decoy beautifully , but arc so extreme ! ; hardy and so full of restless vitality tha they are the hardest to kill of all the ! clara. Years ago these Incomparable bird haltcl here In countless millions on thcl seml-nnnual migrations , but latterly the ; are rare , and lackaday growing rarer will each recurring year. In the spring of 1SD4 together with my old shooting pal , Ed Ham llton. I tnado the biggest record on canvas I bick ever known In the history of the state 1 On an Intensely clear , cold March day wo I bagged between noon and n short time before sunset 163 of these princely birds. The reJhead looks so much like the ctinvasback to those not familiar with their distinctly different features that ho Is often taken for the king. In fact. In mans markets In the big cities redheads are readily and frequently palmoi off on unknowing customers for canva bacUs. While there Is a pronounced difference In both the phj steal and constructional organization ol the two birds , they are matked In almost on Identical manner , and properly placed "upon the banquet board It would require the moat expert gastronomic connoisseur to separate them from the canvasback. Like their lordly superiors , they too are strong , rapid fbers , but decidedly erratic , decoy In matchless style , and when plentiful afford the most exhilarating sport , from a blind , of nny bird that quacks or flics. They are regular gormanda , and , like the canvasback , have an Insatiable capacity for wild celery , tender twigs and grasses , aquatic bulbs and smart- weed. In this particular latitude they are exceedingly plentiful in the spring , but unaccountably scaice in the fall season. But laud the other members of the wild fowl family as exhaustively as you may , none of them or all ot them combined , possess the attractive qualities of the commonest bird In the lot , and that Is the ever-familiar mallard. HP is to bs found throughout the country from ocean to ocean and from the pol ir regions to the gulf , ard furnishes tnoro sport and glvea better satisfaction to those who kill and those who cat him than any high-class icprcsentatlve on our long list ol game birds. With the first warm raya of th ! Mai eh sun thlinoble ( owl starts from the Uuld wMcis of the southern lagoons for hla favorite haunts In the more salubrious north. Ho Is alwa > s impatient to begin his vernal pilgrimage and is Invariably found here be fore nil the snow has melted from the hill sides or the fro/en corn fields begin to soften under the mellowing influence of soothln ; southern winds. He comes in flocks cl from a dozen to two or three hundred , and as they cleave the air on strong and regu larly beating pinions make a sight well cal oulatcd to accelerate the blood In a sports man's veins They are not BO speedy in flight as either the canvHsback or redhead , but plenty opeedy enough to tax the skill of the most expert handler of the Tiammei- less. They are exceedingly difficult to knock down and can carry away as big a load of shot as a gccseor a crane , nnd even when mortally woundeJ , so unconquerable are they they will place miles between your blind am ! the spot whsre the weary wing relaxes and the giand bird descends to caith to ga > 3p out his-precious life. They aio a great bjni to stalk in the jagged rice fields and smartwtcd beds , where the watcis are Just deep enough for them to reach the sedgy bottoms with their greenish yellow bills as they tip upon end In their quest of the good things that lie below. In this manner you may get quite close upon them and have easy shooting , as so Intent are they kipon their love-making and feeding that often they refuse to "Jump" from their reedy fcconco until you are within , n few yards of thorn. On the open water they arc ex tremely coy and alert , and yet line splen didly to a largo stool of decoys anchored properly In front of a good , natural blind. The slightest artificial tampering \ gen erally sufficient to warn Anas Boscbns of the danger lurking there , and It Is the nemo of exasperation to sco them give you the go-by whllo In every direction the nlr seems swarming with them. They Invaria bly piefer shallow waters , where they can both swim and wade and waddle about In scarqh of food In precisely the same manner as do our tame b'rnvard ducks. Still the } can dlvo well , and In fact almost as dexter ously as a blue bill or canvasback when wounded , jet they seldom look for Iced in water of a. greater depth than a foot nnd n half. Llko the geese , they are fond of field feeding and In stubble and fcorn find many a sumptuous collation on the scat tered kernels of the farmer's harvest. The Nebraska lakes and marshes are favorite feeding grounds for Ihcso birds , as they nro for other kinds , and In these spring dajs , where the brown brows of the sand hills nio pictured In the crystal waters , the slanting sunlight glistens allko on the em erald head of the mallard , the ruddy neck of the canvasback and mottled back of the widgeon. Llko the mallard , the teal , both green and blue wing , are partial to the shallows , low , muddy , estuaries nnd soggy woodland crypts. They whiz through the air llko mlnlo balls , decoy but in differently , and plump into the water with a suddenness that often discomfits the most experienced gunner. As a rnorceau for the table none Is moro highly prized and where one man would demand a canvasback or mallard a dozen would go Into ecstacies over a well browned teal , with a sprig of watercress stuck In Its crop. Who can con ceive of a fairer picture than a bunch of teal dozing along the sunny shores of some shallow bay , robed In their garb of gray and beamy cinnamon , slashed with bands of Iridescent blue and green. The forked tall of the sprig may steer him unerringly across the sky above and the swish of the gadwall H turtle the hazy atmosphere like tbo rush of a hungry hawk , but the teal cares not for these when In the glories of an early March eun bath. bath.Tho The widgeon , or bald pate , displays many of the mallard's characteristics , only his penchant Is for the open water and nothing can tempt him Into the wooded districts. They seldom travel In flocks , after their advent Into a certain region , but sneak about alone , or by twos and threes , and occasionally In bunches of from six to a dozen. They are also much addicted to the open pralrlo llko the pintail , and next to the mallard are the best known and most1 plentifully found In this part of the country. Whllo their market value Is Insignificant this can only be attributed to their lack of attractive looks , for once In condition there are few * wild fowl that surpass them for the tabl6. They lure well to either mallard or There is something that ought to be W ClVE Jted U-p Ln eyery ocery ! 1 It s on a signboard over a large YOU V New York store in Broadway , 7\ where they don't believe that IIIOT iA/i n JUOi WHAM "substitution" pays. And no- YOU / kody does believe it , except " .T' * " _ f sh'fcy ' a ° d short-sighted store- i keepers. When a woman wants _ J Pearline , for instance , she won't ' / / i/J ii'j j\ | \ \ \ \ \ be satisfied to have some inferior / / f'l I I M I \ \ \V washing-powder in its place , It is a fraud on the customer and a fraud on Pearline. You can help to put a stop to it. When you ask for Pearline , don't let any imitation of it be substituted for it. cas redhead decora , And cnn bo brought down from iramrasB heights by the Imitation o their * bcczr quack. Reports of arriving birds are coming In daily nnd the ehootlnK season will Boon b here. The main Issue of birds may bo looked for In the course of three weeks and oven earlier should the weather turn favor nblo. Already the sportsmen are prcparlns for the fray. Hoata are being hauled out and recaulkcd , shooting duds mended waders patched , ehells loaded and Rims In epccted , the w hole preparation amounting to almost us much enjoyment lo a largo per tlon of them ns will nctlvo operations In the marsh a halt month later. At the last regular meeting of the Dupon Gun club a resolution vvas unanlmouil pisso.1 requiring each member of the club ho Is delinquent In luw for 1S9G to llquldat the some on or before the first Tuesday In April , 1897. Payment may be made to Henry S. McDonald , sheriff's ofllcej James H. Davles 1314 Parnam , or W. D. Tortnsend. 110 < utl Fifteenth street. H wns also resolved tl-a each member of the club must pay his due on or before the date sot for the nquarlng ot old accounts. Upon compliance wit ! thteo requirements each member will receive a certificate entitling him to all the prlvl leges of the club. On Wednesday next George Nlcholat o Suit on , and one of the crack trap shots ct the state , will shoot Jim Den of Arapahoe a 100 llvo bird race , for JIOO a side , nt the lattc placo. Tills Is a return match , Nlcholal hav Ing beaten Den at Sutton two or three v.rckn ago. After1 this match Sid Smith of Mlndoi and Hon. E. E. Halrgrovo of Sultan \vll also shoot a return match , 25-llvo blrJs. for $25 n side. Smith defeated Halrgrovo lu a similar match at Sutton on the same day the lago fluxed the Man from Wild Jlorao Can yon. And this Is not all. for on this same occasion Colonel Lcn will hold an all-day live bird and target shoot , adding $100 to the purse , and It Is qulto probable that n number of Omaha shots will go down to i > artlclpato In the sport , as well as to witness the two special matches. The Dupont Gun club Intends to collar a llttlo of the trap shooilnt ? plo from this on , and will be heard of frequently and distinctly during the coming season. The membership ot the organlratlon l < i now the greatest of nny club In the city and growing continually. At the regular monthly meet ing held at Townaend's shooting headquar ters Inst night there were fifty members In attendance , and all business vvas transacted with an enthusiasm that promises the beat of results. A committee of flve. Henry Mc Donald , William Shepherd , J. C. Know IDS , Jim Davlos and Walter Watt , was appointed with Instructions to have plans and speci fications for a club house drawn up Im mediately , which Is to be built without delaj and bo In rcadlnc a for the opening shoot In April. This cliib house- to be erected on the club's flue grounds at Anderson's , across the lake , to which n 15-mlntito motor car service has been arranged for. A house for the now Magautrap will also bo bullt and a % compact cinder foundation put In for the trap shooting field. The annual meeting , at which tha full lostcr of offlcora will he elected for the cut rent year , will bo held at Tovuisend's the first Tuesday In April. Mr. Fred Qulmby , who represents one ot the big New York powder houses , was lu the city several days during the past week. Mr. Qulmby has a host or friends In this city , and Is one of the best known and most popular shots In the country. Irvlno Gardner Is In camp with Sam Ulch nond , the old redoubtable goose killer ot the t'latto , out near Clarke's , nnd writes that the Canados are In qulto plentifully and that great sport Is promised within the next fort night. Henry Oleson , residing at Fifty-fourth nnd Center streets , while hunting rabbits with n companion out on the Paplo , just west of the city , last Wednesday , came across a huge ? rny wolf lying1 asleep alongside a log on ths creek's bank. From Henry's story , It would be hard to determine which was the woiiso scared , he or the wolf , but as It Jumped for the tall grass he let It have both barrels , and was elated to eee It roll over , dead aa a door nail. Tk ? animal was a big fellow , weighing over eighty pounds , and while tJenry Is to bo commended for killing It , he Is to bo censured for killing rabbits at this season of the year , when the females must bo heavy with young and utterly worthless , for the table. Captain Simon Gcotz glories and chuckles over the fact that lie was allowed to sink his nclsors Into the first goose ot spring. A 'rlend from out somewhere on the legendary Platte sent him In a big thlrteen-poundor a week ago and the captain had It for Sunday's dinner , and he says that upoitsmcn may talk all they please about the poor condition of spring birds , but his Sunday gooao was a Ittlo bit the most dclectnhlo piece of game 10 ever had the ecstacy of helping to devour. 'Fat and toothsome , " paid he , "and as tender as a September chicken. I would llko to enow how you would bent It. " Stockton Heth'cs thoroughbred English setter "neha disappeared and a suitable reward will bo paid to anybody returning him. lex is good sized , white and blue black , an ticked on shoulders , nose and legs. Omaha sportsmen will bo pleased to learn hnt M. C. Peters' matchless Irish retriever , 'Samaha , " took the first prize at the St. jouls Kennel club's great show last week. 'Samaha" Is undoubtedly one ot the finest and most valuable Irish spaniels In the coun- ry , the Ideal of his kind. HP la big nnd nuscular , with long hnlr on body and ears , iut a muskrat tall , and Is ono of the moat horough retrievers that over breasted wavs or dead or wounded duck. All the gun club ) oys know "Samaha" well , and Mr. Potorn can depend upon their unanimous congratu- atlons. "Samaha" la probably the 1,000 dog In Omaha. C. C , Claflln has the sporting editor's nc- tnowledgments for a basket of ths * finest ilack bass ho has seen for many a long ear. Superintendent O'Brien of the State fieher- cs made the sporting editor a pleasant call ono day th9 past week. Mr. O'Drlon Is jarcly convalescent from a severe attack of appendicitis , but hopes to continue right on he road to perfect health again , for ho says ho commissioners are cutting out name great vork for him this year , and that the elate nay expect the host of results from her ntorcsls In fish culture. "Stroebel'u" article on German carp will appear In next Sunday's Issue. Excuse these flowers , they come from the New Orleans Plcayuno : Sandy GrUwoId , the dlHtlngulsbcd sport- ng editor of the Omaha Dee , getn up about as realablo stuff on the big fight as any vrlter In the country. There are no "Its and ands" about Sandy's work. It Is all Iralghl leads with him and Ihcro Is a charm n hla pencil that tew can Imitate. Grlswold s a royal fellow , a good newspaper man and ono of the "wits of the west" In the Jour nalistic profession. lie never missed coming icro when wo had our fighting blood up , and many 1s the laugh that I had on him n tha "children's corner , " a separate and Deluded spot In the great club house , near he ring , -wlcro I and "some" others used to ocato during the great fights. Sandy was always a nervous fellow , and -whenever the nan ho was betting on was lilt hard enough o upset him ho felt It his duty to demon strate himself ono way or another. One light It was the night poor Dempsey fell ust , as Jack was knocked down first , Sandy ill a big , red-whiskered sea captain , who vas also a Dempsey adherent , and who by ho way , wasn't In the beet of humor. AH eon as Sandy "landed" ' on the captain's aw the "sea dog" proceeded to logically efuto the "familiarity , " but before the two made one ( on the floor ) a friend explained what It meant to the excitable Journalist rom Omaha , nut Sandy Is known to be a oyal friend to thousands of sportsmen over his broad land as well as by IIAimy M'BNEIINY. The championship among professional ycllsU ot the United States Is a disputed or unsettled honor , and lies between Cooper , iald and Duller , Cooper , on the score of his wfonnances , baa a slight lead over Dald. 'he e three crackerjacks came together hlrty-slx times during the circuit of ti.i League of American Wheelmen , which closed t Washington on October C , and at the nlsh Cooper had ecoreil forty-flvo points , laid forty-two , and Duller thirty-one. In he races in which all three men or two f them came together , Cooper leads with first * , Ilutler having eight and HalJ soven. Cooper ran placed twenty times In the Iwenty-nlno r cf In which ho competed with thcso men , The situation Is further complicated by another tie In tr-at Hald ran placsd twenty times , having started four tlm s more than Coopor. Cooper In the season finished first eleven times , second thrco times , third six limes , fourth three times , and fifth , sixth , seventh and eighth ono time each , and was unplaced twice , his percentage being 45. Dald ran first seven times , second eight times , third , five times , fourth , eight times , fifth , twtcn , nnd sixth nnd tovonth once , and vvas unplaced but once. Score , 42. Duller scored eight flrslt , two seconds , Ihreo thirds , four fourths , ono fifth , two sevenths , and was unplaced but once. Score , 31 , All this leaves the truci question ot the championship In a vexed stateso far as the genera } public Is concerned - corned , -and blcyclo lovera would llko to sco a serle-g of races run directly between the three loader ? , and that Is probably what wilt happen this summer. Ice boating Is R comparatively unknown winter sport In the west , but In New York and the New England etalcs every llltlo lake nnd liver has Its quota of these aw Iftly sailIng - Ing yachts. There Is something exhilarating about sailing over the Ice that la wanting on Iho water. An Ice yacht skims along with out any resistance , and Instnncos are op record where Iheso boats have cohered a mtlo In considerably less time than a minute. It has remained for Dr. Despecher , the well known dentist ot this city , to Introduce ttila fasclnallng sport to Iho people ot Omaha anil vicinity. The doctor had built last fall an Ice vacht of the regulation slzo , which ho Balls upon the frozen surface of Lnko Manawa , Quito a number of Omaha oiiil Council lllutl * people IIHVO cujojeil the doctor's hotvltallty at Manawn this winter and spent the time sailing orcr the lake at express train speed. The framework of an Ice yecht Is built In Ihc shape of a , letter T , Iho runnel's on the cross-arms being sixteen fret apart , whllo the rear runner , which Is also used as a rudder , Is sixteen feel fiom Iho oonler of the cross-arm. Heavy planking Is used lu building the framework ot an Ice yacht , as It Is subject to a very severe strain. A portion of the framework , from the mast back to tlio rudder post , U planked over and am rounded wllh a low railing , making a sort cf cock pit. In which Iho passengers ami crow sit. Ice yachts are rigged the same as asleep sloop yacht Hint ( j , wllh a main sail and Jib , the ropes being to arranged thai Iho man al Iho tiller can handle the sails with out any assistance and without being com pelled to move f i oni bis scat. The mast la placed dlrcclly In the center of the cross-arm , this being eight feet from each ot the forward runners and sixteen feet from Ihe rear runner. A bowsprll tvvalvo feet long Is used on Dr. Dcspschcr'a yacht , and n good-sized Jib Is carried. The runners are two tcet In length and are made ot wood and cast steel , being very much llko the runners on n bob Died , with the exception that the elioo Is of steel and In Iho shape of a letler V , Iho point being upon the Ico. , \n ice ynclil costs from $50 to $100 , It nil depending on whether anils are purchased From a sallmakcr or nro homo made , the lumber necessary costing only about $10. Whllo an Ice yacht Is sailed the same as n sloop or any other water craft , not everyone ono who Pills a boat can manage nn Ice yacht , as It Is qulto a trick to handle ono without lipping over or meeting with an accident ot some kind. It lu great sport skimming over the Ice at a epced that fairly takes ono'n lireath away , nnd one Hint would no doubt bo very popular bore It there was a body of water near at hand largo enough to penult the manipulating of nn Ice boat upon It , as It oughl lo bo manipulated. QiicNtloiiH mill AiiHncrH. HILb CITY , S. D. , March 1. To the SportIng - Ing Cdltor ot The Duo : Would you please give the rulo-i for playing the game ot high five In Sunday's Dee and oblige a subscriber ? N. D. At. Ans. Too long Buy a book. OKLAHOMA , Old. , March 1. To Iho Sporl- Ing Kdltor of The Dee : Will you kindly answer mo a question on this sheet ? I am stakeholder In a bet on Kentucky being for McKlnley ; now , ns Bryan got one elector , la It not conceded that McKlnley carried the stale , and -were not nil buls given up ac cordingly ? Kindly oblige ? C. M. Mead. Ans. McKlnley carried Kentucky and all bets go that -way. OMAHA , March 3. To the Sporting Edi tor of The Bee : Sandy , to decide n hot please ansvv or In next Sunday's Issue of The Reo the following : If a player sets his checks In docs that call a bet , or Is ho re- qnlroJ to say ho calls. A Header. Ans. That Is equivalent , or would bo ! aken so by poker players , to calling. AUIIOIIA , Neb. , March 2. To the Sport- ng Hdltor of The Dee : Will you please In- 'orm mo the number ot rounds In the Cor- belt and Mahcr fight and oblige ? C. C. Jones. Ans. They simply sparred three ono- nlnu.o rounds at a New York exhibition. OSCHOLiA , Neb , March 2. To the Sport- ng Editor of The Dee : I am Ihlnklug of a rip to Haircpe. Can you loll mo of any ) rlef , compact book that will aid mo In uniting It a piofltahlo and Instructive ono ? 3omellilng conlalnlng points of Interest and lowlo FOO them. Please answer In next Sundaj's Dee and oblige. J. II. Hender son. son.Ans. . Older Baedeker's Kuropean Guldo ) ooks ot jour bookseller. COUNCIL , DI.UKF5. March n. To the Sporting Udltor of The Dee : Please state n Sunday's DPO how many limes Corbett whipped Choynskl and oblige a number ot jour readers. II. M L , Ans. Ho whipped him ouco In 27 rounds , Jiul beitcxl him once In i. PAWLirr. Neb. , Feb. 2. To the Sportlns dllor of The Dee : Can you tell us how to Ind a party to wlioin I can wrlto regardlns ) looilhounds ? W. E. Cohen. Am. Ilockwood kennels , Lexington , Ky. , mndlcs the best strain ot bloodhounds In Iho world. No answers by mall. OMAHA , March G , To the Editor of The 3eo : Can congress In extra session legls. ate on other subjects than Ihosa mentioned n Iho call ? A. 'D. ' Ans. It can. DAVID CITY , Neb , , March 2. To the nd- lor of The Bee : Please state whether United States bonds are payable In gold or coin , and oblige a reader. H. W. K. AUB. They read payable In coin , and the ast Usuo gives unqualified choice as to which melal anay bo used In payment. CRAIG , Neb , . Feb. 21. To the Editor of The Dee : Please Inform mo who was the first governor ot Nebraska slnco Us becoming a state , and give names ot nuccoselvo gov ernors following. J. II. Campbell. David Duller was the first governor slnco Nebraska bccnmo a state , and after him : anio Robert W. Furnas , Silas Garber , Al- Jlnus Nnuco , James W. Dawcs , John II. Thaycr , James 13. Doyd , Lorenzo Crounco and Silas A. Holcomb. IAUr.HJi ) LAST AMJ IIK.ST. J'rlrKvil by n YOIIIIK Womnii , lint Ho Illlll Huil-IIKC. Ho was a smart young man and ho a protly girl , and lliey mol by non-appoint ment In a Stao street cafe at the noon hour , repatcs the Chicago Tribune , It happened that their oup was served at the came mo- nont , and whllo tha waiter was absent with their meat ordoru the young lady took up the popper and gave a liberal aprliikllnc of It ti > the dish before her. "A-c\iow \ ! a-chew ! " micczcd tbo young- nan on the opposite ldo of the table. Ho tad begun a d&perato Illrtatlon with Iho > retty Irl , but at this point bo started or the other side of the room to get hla laiulkerchlcf from the pocket of hU top coat. coat.So So ho did not see what happened , The young woman had handled the pepper box with BO much energy that the top came of ! and the contents were emptied Into her soup. Quick as a flash elm changed dUliea \ltli her vls-a-vla anti wan demurely cat- ng hi i oup when M returned. Ho looked et her with ardent admiration , nnd thus regarding her elowly carried & epoonful of the fiery compound before him o lilfi mouth ard , without waiting to teflta t , ( swallowed the dose. Ho behaved llko a Htolc. A purple color mounted to hid brow and the /oung woman , as she fltola a glance at him , feared apoplexy plexy , Dut ho took lilti BOUP llko a martyr , although perspiration flowed over btfl face. Dut ho bad Ills revenge. When hla check vas brought to him IIP reached over and Iropped U beside the one which had boon given to the young woman. "My wlfo will pay both chccka , " he- said , anil hnltlnz from the place was gone befora explanations could bo made. They are utlll ooklng for him. m > i Pec-cham's pills tor stomach and liver 111 *