Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1897, Page 15, Image 15

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    THE OMAHA. DAILY BEEt gffiNDAY , MA11CH 7 , 1897. 15
Unmistakable Signs of Continued Improve
ment in Business.
on InereiiNcil Ilcntnml for
McrHinnillNv Connlry Storku < 2rn-
cmlly l.lwlil 1'roKroim I" Mnn-
Co Him CooilN.
"V Ti.kro nro unmistakable Indications that
the lone continued staRnatlon In trade Ms
reached Its climax and will soon give way
to healthy nctlvlty. Huslneas depression
cannot exist always. The time must come
In all dcjartmpntB of mercantile life when
RtockP , belni ? exhausted , must bo replen
ished. Dealers may refrain from buylns BO
long ns they have the smallest amount of
the wares their customers require , but when
they are no lonKcr able to meet the demands
made upon them they must either replenish
Blocks or retire from business , Rlvlnn place
to others. Ami that la very largely the
condition of the retail trade today.
It hi an Indisputable fact that the volume
of money In general circulation In tributary
terrltoiy Is lielnK Kradually Increased by
the nalns of farm products and llvo stock ,
The enforced economy of tne two years pnsl
lins placed consumers In a position where
their wants are many nnd urKcnt , a fact
that must result beneficially to the mer
chants , so loni ? an the ready money hold ?
out. Itctall stocks almost -without exception
nrn very light nnd any Increase whatever
tn the consuming demand mult bo rellcctcd
nt once In an Improved wholesale trade.
Upon tucli reasoning ns this local jobborp
nro bnslmr their expectations of a gradlt-
nlly Improving trndo ns t'Jo sprlnp ; season
draws near ut hand.
In rplte of "dull times and diminished con-
mimptlon of most kinds of merchandise , thr
Omaha manufacturers of overalls , ducli
clothliifr and nhlrts have been very busy
There are three factories In the city , al
maklnc similar lines of Roods nnd In each
case the mnnapement reports having hat
about all thu Imslflean that can be taker
rare of. That business In till * partlctilai
line irhotilil be active when so ninny mantt-
fncturlnR enterprises nre lanRUlshlnK Indl-
rates exroptlonal Rroxvth In this specln
branch. In fact It can truthfully l > o s-ili
that In no department for the dlstrlbutlor
of Roods to consumers has such expanslor
taken place In a tew yours as In the manu
fncturlnR of all descriptions nf cotton rjoodi
Into Rarments or articles for the use of men
women and children.
Hefore the opening1 of the Central Pacific
railroad In ISC ! ) the making up of coloret
cottons for overalls nnd other overwoni
was practically conllnod to the Pacific coas
trade and what wast done In the east was
nlmost exclusively In ollod clot'.ilmt.
In 1S70 the manufacturing of all kinds o
cotton goods Into Knrtuents ' .VPS ilevclopcc
In' the enstcrn stntes with slilrt. collar urn'
cuff mukers ; nlix > of women , misses' am
children's muslin underwear , about whlcl
time the mnnufacturltiR of felt and klmlrci
Kklrts was well advanced. In every cltj
ot 'any ' commercial or manufacturlm ; Im
portance this Industry has become one o
Brent Importance , while in some cities I
may bo said to take the lend of all others
In the last two years It ta said that uuvcrn
jobbing houses In the west have disc-on
tinned dolnir business In niece Roods ant
have extended t'helr manufacturing depart
ments correspondingly.
As vet Omaha has not undertaken tin
manufacture of muslin Roods , but In thi
line of working men's clotnlnc ; very conslcl
erablo progress bus been mndci nnd the fu
ture promises still further development.
Eastern llr.anclnl papers nro coinmentlm
upon the report of the Hurcau of Statistic
nhowlnR a reduction per capita in t'.ie con
sumption of corn since 1S02. According ti
these llKiires the consumption In 1SB2 wn
3.Xl < \ per cent , whereas In ISM It was enl ;
11.73 Tier cent. The subject l ! an Interestlni
onu because of Its he.irliiR upon the futur
price of this cereal and consequently upoi
the welfare of the "corn ibelt" country
Trom a per capita consumntlon In 1SP2 o
CO. " per cent the amount fell to 23.CO pe
cent In 1S5.1 , to 227(1 ( percent In 1SDI , to Ifi.D
per cent In 1S35 and to 14.75 per cent In lS9f
T ocal grain men do not take any Btocl
whatever In any 'such figures. There Is nl
mo-it nlwnj'H a fall In the price of corn , n
of hnv and potatoes nnd nil other staples no
lamely exported , when a larpe crop Is liar
vt-Pted. and slnco the ISM and 1S3G con
crops have no parallel In the history of th
country , ' It Is unnecessary to look furthe
than to that fact for nn explanation of th
discouraging prices.
.The hls-'h valueof corn two years n t
lilffher than nny year with one execution
uliico 1SS2. sulllolently proves that foe hoin
demand for this era In still remains nnd I
ready to nw < ert Itself In figures wheneve
the cron Is short. It l. the belief of man ;
thnt trore corn -will bo consumed this yea
ns food for man than ever before.
While It Is still some time before thn stoi
InK of CRRS can ba commenced , the storap
people nre already lltrurlng on the outlooli
nnd If thev nre anywhere near the truth 1
their predictions the future Is not vcr
promising for theproducers. . Many of th
largest Blilppers and dealers In eRfs exyec
to sec. PBKS sell for storacc this anrlns n
fi rents per dozen , wMlo the possibility n
0 to 7 cents belnR paid seems lo them vcr
Thn fact thnt storaRO men cenerally loa
money the pnst year may account In pat
for the bearish foclhiK noted reK.irdlnfr th
future of thn market. The open wintc
has kept up the production of ecus to sue
a' deprco that It has been Impossible to un
load the stornKo e ps at a price suIDclen
to Blvn 'holders ' n profit.
I is't year ntorniru men wcro onlv nnxlou
for the eRgji. while prlco seemed to be
secondary consideration with many , bu
with the experience of the pnst season I
mind It Is hardly likely that they will bl
the market up nRiiln very coon.
" Generally rnoaklns , the local markets c
the past week have been rather favorable
o thu selling interests. At Pouth Omah
u InrKo huslncss was done In llvo stock an
prices were as n rule entirely satlsfuctor
to .the sellers. J Justness nt Ihnt point con
tlnues to .s'low it healthy Riiln over n yea
IIRO , with a fair prospect of a rgiitlnunnc
for the months to come. If the present rat
of Increase could bo maintained until th
end of the year. 1807 wou'd prove to bo
very sfitlffnctory vear for live stork men.
The Omaha produce irwrlcet 1.4 very qule
nnd there Is very little of Interest to bo sal
conepinlmr IniHlnc'fs nlon : ; thnt line. Con
winners appear to bo biivlns- very sparing
* < md thouph many poods nrn t nd ! there I
no sna' > to thn trndo , which 1ms the np
penninuo of bclni ? very duH and lifeless.
The season Is nearly nt ' .land when bet
rles will comnietii'ii to cut some llRiiro I
the market and that may servo to revlv
nonio Interest In the trade.
Only little of ItiiKliicHH In AVliloh i
.Man .liny lie Inili-puiiilriit.
"To moat people,1' rcmarkcil . U. neb
crson , manager of It. O , Dun & Co. , whe :
approached for his usual weekly trad
talk , "tho announcement that nn envelop
factory had been removed to Ihls city fror
Denver carried no Intelligent notion of th
oxterit or importance nf the cuvelopo-niak
Ing Industry- Perhaps , therefore. It ma :
bu worth while to Kay that 23,000,000 en
velopea nn > produced In this country dall ;
nnd there are but fourteen factories
The Omaha factory Is now well under wa
nnd within sixty days will bo umploylni
farty-ilvo pcnplo and will bo maklni
15,000,000 envelopes per month. It will U
seen that this Industry can bu largely ex
"If thu leglslaturei will devote Itself I
U'Kltlmuti law-making and law-nmendlni
and not to crippling the enterprise and In
dustry of tlio state , wo may sea In Ni
brasba n great many factories and lltiun
clul InstltutloiiH which are now ntandln
aloof because they fear lioatllu leglslatloi
I knew of several Imporfaiit projects whlc
are held up to await the results of th
prcntnt legislative Kos.sloii.
" 15y the way. I got very tired of readln
about the oppressed and tax-burdene
faimur and hla S-eont corn. 1 undertnk
to suy that the average Nebraska farme
lm maila moru mcncy in proportion to hi
investment and risk than thu average Ne
liraaka. mcrcliunt or banker , Corn I
worth only 8 cents. If it were selling a
JG cents everybody would bo uhoutln
happy Jt has depreciated CO per ccm
Hcaruoly any stock In trade can bo name
> - which has not netted Ita owner a propoi
i ttonati- discount , The farmer hag grow
Ills own food and has been In no dungc
of ptarvutlon. in fact , If hu wan out c
drtht llvo years VKO , ho bus had no occu
Blon for incurring any obligations ulnct
The uveruyo II\IH'IIPBU man nho five year
go was out of debt has cither assume
obligations or greatly reduced his asset !
not to take- shrinkage , Into account. Th
farmer who wan out ot debt ( Wo yearn ag
! ui3 not lost money by continuing In l > ut
I ness , though ho may have made llttlo o
nonu. The furiner-stntesnian ought to b
broad enough to see and understand tha
In hard times the farmer Is the only Inclt
pcndeut buvlnexa man In America.
"Tho banks are In funds and good cut
tomers are accommodated for their ncedi
M the wholesale houses the credit me
Ml speuk of good collections and eood sale
'or future delivery , though demnnda for
mmediatc use are limited. In retail circles
l.ere In tha usual llstlossness Incident to
hp Kpason , but there Is less complaint than
ununl. Ilenl ratntc agents report out-of-
town Inquiries for houses and n. bracing
ip along the line , not In prices , but In
the Interest of buyers. Quito a little
trading In unimproved property Is re-
"Tho depositors In the suspended bnnks
nro organizing an association which It Is
expected will Include nil the victims of the
innlcky conditions which broke down a
mlf dozen Institutions. Their purpose Is
twofold : First , to recover their money ,
ind fucotid , to punish the ofllcers of the
Hinks where the law offers a reasonable
lope for n successful prosecution. The or
ganization properly managed may become
nn Important Institution In the city. If It
can restore to the unfortunates who have
lost their savings anything near the par
value of their deposits It will bo welcomed
by all classes of business men.
"Actual work on n new union depot nnd
the nssurnnce of the general manager of
the line which has undertaken the enter-
[ irlso that there shall bo no delay nro the
best features of an extraordinarily dull
week In commercial circles. Kvcn the ex-
[ losltton has taken nn obscure part In the
sosslp of the- men of business , though the
lelofrraphlc dbpatclien reporting appropria
tions In North Dakota and .Montana excited -
cited a momentary Interest. It can bo
said , however , that thn business pcoplo
nlmost to n man nro favorably disposed
to the change of the site from Mllle.r park
to the old fair grounds , not only for con
venience Rake , but becnusee they believe
It would Increase ? gate receipts by at least
25 per cent. "
Condition of Tr ml IT nml Quotation * on
StniiNnnd Knucy Produce.
nciOS Fresh pntlicrcil. S'/je.
HUTTKK Commcn to fnlr. "UOSc ; choice lo
incy roll , lOOISc ; separator creamery , ISc ; catb
ird creamery , He ,
( lAJIi : llluc winged teal ducks , H.75 ; Brccn
wine , fl.CDj redheads nnd mallnrdi. W.75J small
rnbliltB , 40350c ; Jachg , 1.00O1.2jj Bqulrrels. C0
71)c ! Camilla gcene , large , HI.0037.CU ; siiiall , M.OOO
> .CO.
_ VBAlChoiCB fat , S to 120 lb . , are quoted nt
iff Hc ; larue nnd course. 4iISc ,
lUKi.Hiu 1'OUt.TKV Chickens. < 0DHe : tur
keys , hens , lOWllc ; RCCCC , 7 fic ! ; ducks , SBDc.
l.IVK 1-OUUTUY IlPna. C SVS ; cocks , JMtc.
IMtlKONS Live , 75COc ! ) ; dead pigeons not
wnnted ,
HAY Upland , M.M ; midland. J3.5D ; lowland.
M ; rye straw , $3.0 : color makes the price en
liny ; light b.iles sell the best ; only toji eraUcs
brlnu top prices.
HUOO1I COn > f KMremclr slow pale ; new
: rep , drlivcred on truck In country ! choice crrcn
iPlf-uorklnR carpet. p r Ib. , 2f2'.4c ; choice crecn.
running to hurl , 202150 ; common. IVjc.
1MK 1'LANT-Per < loz. . COc.
S.WKKT 1-OTATOES-Fnncy Illinois , per bbl. .
ONIONS Goo. ] ftock. per bbl. . J3.00.
LIMA UKANS-l'er Ib , . 4c.
nBANS-IIan.l . picked navy , per bu. , Jt.NW.IO.
CAtltlAOtKincy ftock. per ICO Urn. , tf.OO.
CEM3IIY 1'nr doz. , 23c ; fancy , laisc. 43c ,
POTATOES Good nntlvp stock , per bu. , 30c.
MALAGA ailAI'ES-I'cr kcs. ; 7.
CnANIlEIlItlES licst Jeisey , per bbl. , 5.00 ;
boxes , { 1.40SI.M.
APl'I.ES-Kxtrn fancy , large. $ : .2.1i2.50.
CAItr.'OUNlA I'lJAIlS-fpr box. J1.7S.
ORANGES California r.avnls. IMt to 2009. J3.73 ;
larse sizes , 13.2303.50 ; fccclllnss , J2.20CJ2.CO.
LESIONS Merslnas. J3.23S3.50 ; choice Califor
nia , J2.75 : fntipy. J3.
HANV.NAF Choice , IP rg' stock per buncfi , JtOi )
62.23 ; mcdluin-slzpd hunches. J1.M5J--CO.
NUTS Almonds. California. ? > r Ib. . laoe
size. Koj Itrazlla. per Ib. . lOc ; KiiRllsh wal
nuts , per Ib. . fiincy. soft shell. 12 12'.jc : stand
ards , loajllc ; nil.cris , per Ib. , lOc ; pecans , pol-
libeil , laiRe , 0J10c : Jumbo , ll12c ; larRO hick-
o'V nnls. JLCi oer 1m. j cocoanuts. 4V4o each.
FIOS Imported fancy 4 crown , 20-lb. boxes ,
tic ; B crown , 50-lb. boxes , MSJ13c ,
HQNi : " Choice. 13JHc.
CIDKIt ClnrltleU Juice , per half bbl. . $2.50 ; per
bbl. J1.00S4.2 !
MAIT.K SYKUP-Flvo gal. cans , each , J2.50
Kal. cuns , pure , per Coz. , ? 12 ; Imlf-cal. cans.
SG.23 ; quart cans. J3.50.
HIDES Kb. 1 green hides. Cc ; No. 2 green
hides , Cc ; No. 1 green wilted hides , 7'/4c ; No. 2
Brecn halted bides , 6'Ac ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12
UIH , , 7c ; No. 2 veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1
dn- Hint hides , BffllOc ; No. ; lry Hint hides.
S4(3c ; No. 1 dry baited bides. MJ'JC ; part cured
hl.'lus4c per Ib. less than fully cured.
8HEKP PELTS Green salted , each , 23flCOc :
sreen unite. ! , shearings ( short wooled early
slIns ) , each. ISc ; dry shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) , No. 1 , each. &o ; dry flint. Kansas
and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . ac
tual weight , ! ? 3c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Ne
braska Murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
weight , 3'ijlc ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , < i3c : dry Hint
Colorado Murrain wool peltw per Ib. , actual
uclght. ? BJc ; feet cut off , as It Is useless to
pay freight on them.
TALLOW AND GUEASE Tallow , No. 1 , 2ye ;
tnllow , No. 2 , 2c ; grease , white A , 3o ; grease ,
white D. 2c : grease , yellow , 2c ; grease , dark ,
t5c ; old butter. 22ic ! ; beeswax , prime , 15tf22c ;
rough tallow. Ic.
WOOL Unwaphed , fine heavy , Gi7c ? ; line light ,
85J9c ; quarterblood , 10W12c ; seedy , burry ftnrt
clmffy , ttTOc ; cotted nnd broken coarse , 7SJ9e ;
cotteil and broken , Une , CQSc. Fleece washed
medium , 13ffilSc ; line , 14WlCe ; tub washed , IGJJlSo ;
black , tc- bucks , Cc ; tag- locks , 203c ; dead
pulled. 6Cc.
HONES In cnr lots , weighed and delivered In
Chicago : Dry lluftn.o , per ton. flS. Olfll.CO ; dry
country , blenched , per ton , fIO.C'0'jf ' > 12.00 : dry coun
try. damp nnd 'neaty , per ton ,
of the Day on Genurnl
NEW YOHK , March 6. FLOUIl Receipts ,
S.775 bblf. ; exports , 7.2S9 bills. Mnrket was quiet
but firm ; Minnesota patents , $1.25(31.50 ( ; Minnesota
seta bakers , $3.80p3.90 ; winter patents , Jl.COfl *
1.90 ; winter low grades , 2.Gi2. ) 0. Southern
Hour , firm at $1.23. nye Hour , dull ; superfine ,
J2.60tf2.75 ; fancy , } 2.70 < tf2.SG. Duckwbeat flour ,
dull at $1.:3.
COItN MEAI Steady ; yellow western , B8c.
HYE Finn ; No. 2 western. 3Sc.
1IAKLKV Firm : 2Ciic ; maltlnir , 3oH2e. (
1IAIILEY MALT Easy ; western , 43W32C.
WHEAT Receipts , H.fCO bu. ; exports , 15,871 :
bu. Spot , nuiet ; No. 1 hard. S9Vic. Options
opened steady , advanced on war news und
higher cables , but later eased oft under realizing.
luck of export demand and largo spring wheat
receipts ; clofed with a rally nt unclianxnl
prices ; No. 2 red , March. S3Sc ; closed , S3 > ic ;
Mny. 81l S2o ; cloEcd. M'.ic.
CUHN-llecflpts , 101 , < CO bu. ; exports. 118 CSS bu.
Spot , dull ; No. 2. 25c , steamer nilxcj , 27c. Op.
tlons opened steady nnd ruled Hrm but ciulet on
unfavorable weather news , closing ' /o net
hlsher ; March closed at 25Sc ; May closed at
O VTS Receipts , 223,100 bii. Rpot , finn ; No. J ,
22e. Options Millet , but flrm , clcwlne nt Ho ad.
vancc ; May. 2''c ; clci-ed , 22c.
HAY Dull ; bhlpplns. MifMc ; good to choice ,
. .
iTol'rf Weak ; slate , common to choice , 1S95
crcp SflSV&c : ; UOt ! crop. "Ijlllic ; Tuclllo coast ,
IS''S cii'p , 2fSHc ; 1MO crop , SltlJe.
IUDiS-Ileld nrra ; Galvcston. 25o ; Ruenos
Ayrea , 18'ic ; Texas , lOOlOUc ; California , ICc.
LHATI1EU Klrin , hemlcck Eole , lluenos Ayres ,
UUTfEIl-Recelpts , 2.87S pltss. ; steady ; west
ern creamery. 10tfl9c ; KlBln , ll'o ' ; factory. 7ffl2c.
CHKKSK Easy ; recelptH , 1C3 pkss. ; Btato large ,
01P12'ic ; state small , yyi-.ic ' ; part bklrm , Ci09u ;
full tkiins , 3 ] 4c.
EG(1S Receipts. C.SH19 pkg3. ; utendy ; state nnd
rcmuylvanln , IJUW o ; western , I3c ; southern ,
PROVlSIONS lleef. quiet ; family , $9.001711.00 ;
cxtr.i mess , J7.KH/S.OO ; beef hams. $ l&.COifl9.CO ;
paeket , $7,00JO.CO ; city , extra. India mess , $13.50
M13.CO. Cut meats. Hrm ; plclcled bellies , 4HW
BHc ; plcklwlshoulders. . BUc ; pickled hams , 8KB >
OUc. Lnrd. Hrm ; refined , steady. 1'orU , dull ;
mcCK , JS.tOSO.OO ; than clear , SS.71tflO.2J ; family.
f9.5CfilO.23. Tallow. Bteady ; city , 3ic ; country.
SHc.OII.R 1'ctrolcum , nominal ; refined. $0.30 ; I'enn-
Hylvanlu crude. April. 91c. llciln , dull ; strained.
common' to uood. $1.70. Turpentine. Hrm : 30
50V4C. Cottonteed , llrm ; prime crude , 20tf20sei !
iirlmo crude , f. o. b. . 16V c ; prime summer yel.
low. 23Hc ; butter grades , Sd'.iOSToi prime white ,
KICK Steady : STifiCVic ; Japan , 4'4ClV4c.
MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
good to choice , 22W80C , . . . ,
„ „ „
MKTAWJ 1'lit Iron , dull ; gouthern. $ .23ei2.00 ;
northern. $10.5C 12.W. Cori r. easy ; broker * .
$11U. Lead , Ktiong ; brokers. $3.05. Tin plates ,
KANSAS CITY. Marcb 0. W1IKAT Demand
Booiij No. ! Imnl , BOc ; No , 3. 75o ; No. 4. C3c ; No. 2
apring , nominally , 75O'Sc ; No , 3 , 73o ; No. 2 red ,
MVio ; No , 3 nominally , k3 90o : No. 4 , 75 Wo.
CORN-Markct steady ; No. 3 mixed , 16-Xo ; No.
OATH Demand fair ; No. 2 mixed , nominally ;
ICft'lSHc ; No. 2 white , 200.
11YK No , J. Sic.
HAY Market steady , unchanged ! timothy , IS.50
& .W : prairie. J.W (5.W.
IIUTTEIl Market dull ; creamery , 17c ; dairy ,
KQOS Market stronger , but unchanged ; 8Uo.
I'rorla .lliirUt'tN ,
TEORIA , March 0. CORN Firm ; new No. I ,
OATS Firm : No. 2 wliltc , ISJJlSc.
\\nilSKY-Market iteady ; flnlihed gooda on the
bails of $1.17 for high wlm .
HECIJHTS Corn , US , WO but , ; oati , 47,200 bus. ;
rye none ; whisky , none : wheat , l.tOO bus.
BIlirMIJNTS Corn , 4 ,030 bus. ; oats , 21.500
bu . ; rye , none ; whl Uy , C75 Lbla. ; wheat , 3 , COO
bu .
Toleilo 3lurk > t .
TOLEDO. March 6. WHEAT Dull n < l weak ;
I ° Mtty' ' ° c-
No. cash. WV4 i ' -
CORN Dull and steady ; No. t mlied , K\c ,
OATS Active : No , 2 mixed , IJu.
ItYK Dull : No. X cash , 37C.
CLOVER UKE1 > Active ana higher ; prime
cash and March. 11.80.
OIL UnchanucJ.
O | 1 City Blurkiit s.
OIL CITT , Fa. , March 6 , Certificates , no busi
ness ; receipts. 5iOuO blls. ; runs , 37,922 bbls.
Snu Krnuclnvu AVlient tuiitiitlun .
Traders Even Up Their Holdings in Yiow
of European Uncertainties.
Corn IloldK Sternly , < ln < n I.OMCH n Tiny
Fraction nml I'ruvlnloiiM Clone
a Simile UlRlipr on
I'nclccm' Support.
CHICAGO , Mnrch C. Evening up trades
In anticipation of developments on Monday
In the European political situation was the
order of the day on the Hoard of Trade.
Mny wheat declined Vidic. Corn held
Bteady. Oats lost 1-lfic , while provlslonn
wcro flrm to a shade higher on light re-
cklpta and support by packers.
It wns principally n lack of demand to
which the weakness In wheat was attrib
uted today and a sort of cvenlng-up policy
with traders necmed to hava been pursued.
Operators were not Inclined to do much
selling. Neltlttr was there much of a dis
position to purchase , the uncertainty of
nifalra In Crete making the Inclination to
ward a waltlne policy. Consols wcro
quoted a shade lower. Cables cnme a trllle
better , not so strong as dealers had ex
pected , though. Liverpool was only ViWSd
higher. The port clearances were small
nt 133.0CO bu. There was very little bus
iness , only 12.000 bu. ot mixed lots going
to millers. The receipts In the northwest
were large. The Ohio state crop report
made the condition of the growing wheat
S3c. The Argentine shipments were re
ported at lffiW bu. . against 1,152,000 the cor
responding week a year ago. llradstreet't )
estimated that the world's visible supply
of wheat would bo down to lOO.OUO.CW bu.
und It is claimed will be the smallest slnco
1SU1 at the corresponding date. Hccclpta
at Duluth today were 130 cars and at Min
neapolis 197 cars , a total or 327 cars , against
L"JS cars yesterday and 401 cars the corresponding
spending day last year. Local receipts to
day vuro 20 cars , of which 11 cars were of
contract grades. Mny opened UVic lower
at from TGJ&u to 7GV e , advanced to 7t > * ic , de
clined Irregularly to 76c and closed at from
70c to TG'Ac bill.
The trade In corn was heavy. The range
In prices was V4c and closed about as yes
terday , me prevailing tone was strong ,
large purchases by a prominent shipping
house being the feature ot the trade. bellIng -
Ingwna by receivers and commission
houses anil for scattered account. Light
shipments from Argentine , 40,000 bu. ,
agnlnsL ffiij.OOO bu. for the corresponding
week a year ago , and large exports from
this country during the same period , 5,253.-
000 bu. . were strengthening considerations.
Hecelpts today were 2M cars ; seaboard
clearances aggregated 778,050 Uu. A good
shipping demand was reported. May
opened ' /fee lower at 2IVic , advanced to 2iy4c ,
reacted to 24c , where It closed.
A fair trade was reported in the specu
lative market for oats , mainly on local ac
count , the shorts covering. The opening
was steady. ' Oats became strong In sym
pathy with the advance In corn , but cased
oft later on In the absence of support and
closed weak tit the lowest point of the day.
May opened a shade lower at 17M-C , sold
at from 17c to 17ic , and reacted to 1714.C
at the close.
Trade In provisions was fair at a trifle
advance. Holders were disposed to even
up and their soiling brought about reac
tions from the best prices. Receipts were
moderate , with a slight advance In hoga.
Demand on shipping account was rather
active. May pork closed 2V-.C higher at
JS.STtd ; lard , unchanged at $1.20 , and ribs
2' ' c higher at Sl.-IO.
Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat ,
14 cars ; corn , 270 cars ; oats , SOO cars ; hogs ,
34,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. | Oper. | High. I Low. I Uloao. I Yeafy.
Wheat -
March. "BM 15 75'i >
May. . . 70
July. . . 7.111.
Sept. . . 7-1H 71M 72
March. 23K 23 H 235
May. . . . J4 J UIW 2-JM
July. . . . J.-.54 -3 w M.H
Sept. . . 27 27
March , IS 10
May. . . . 7M
July. . . .
' ' ' ' ' 8 35 8 40 830 8 f74 ! 8 33
jii'iy' . . 8 47 } 8 CO S 43 8 47 8 45
May. . . . 4 'JO 4 22 420 4 20 4 20
July. . . 4 30 4 7 4. 30 4 3D
May. . . . 4 40 4 4VV 4 37K 4 40
July , . . 4 10 1 0'- 4 fiO 4 & 0 4 47J4
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR Steady : winter patents. $3.4004.50 ;
straights , $ I.OOf 4.SOj spring specials , JI.40 ; spring
patents. J4.COiJ4.20 ; straights , .40'iJ3.70 ; bakers.
} 2.UOTf3.40.
WHEAT No. 2 Fprlnir. 73@75c ; No. 3 spring ,
72F7JVic ; No. 2 red. yc.
CORN No. 1. 23HQ23ic ; No. 2 yellow , 23V Q >
OATS-NO. 2. ic itin-Kc : NO. 2 white ,
Sl'io : No. 3white. . IC-uyiUc.
RYE No. 2. 3434Uc.
UAltLMY No. a , f. o. b. , 23S30c ; No. 4 , f. o.
b. , 25B2Go :
TIMOTHY SEED-1'rlme , t2.7S2.75.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. . JS.22',4SS.20.
Ijril , per 100 Ibs. , J4.10f4.15. Short rlb. , sides
( loose ) , J1.3034.M. Dry suited shoulders ( boxed ) .
$4.51X51.75. Short clear sides ( boxed ) , J4.50if
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
SUGARS Cut lonf , f5.H ; granulated , 4.51.
The fullowlns were the receipts anil shipments
today :
OiitlioProliiiSO oxoliinzB toJ.iy t ! a b.Utop map-
hut wan ( lull : uiv.unery. lUl'Jc : : Uitry. : 'Jin
Itie. Kirgs. llrm : fresh , lie. Clieeno , flruii
7 ! < 4lle , DreHHi'd poultry , firm and tinchanKCd ;
turkuyu , llullHc ; chlckeiia , UHiiii7Hu ; duclcu , KJ
\Vcelc CloHCH tvllh Market ISutlrely In
the HiliulK 4 > f I'rofcMHlonillN.
NEW YORK. March 6. Today's stock market
wns again almost wholly In the hands of the
professional clement. The course of prices was
rather Irregular and fluctuations were quite wide
In many shares , but tae rcuult of the day's trading
ing- left prices about where they started , a. net
decline of trivial proportions being registered
at the close. Prices tended downward at the
opening , the lone belntr rcllecled from the LOUT
don market , whcro Americans shared In the de
pression which ovcrvhiulows all values. There
was u continuation of selling for London account
In this market. The railway list absorbed the
lursc portion of attention , nnd especially the
grangers and the International clocks ,
volume of dealhiRS In both ti ( , Puul and lltir-
llneton cileeds that of Sugar , the usual leader
of the market. The other high period Indus
trials were comparatively neglected , St , Paul
was sold by London for a time , but thawed a
uood reiknanco. 'Ilia Louisville & Nashville.
on thu other hand , which wu ulxo heavily tol.l
by London , succumbed more vatlly und rallied
feebly from Ita decline. The decrease In earn
ings , and Increase ill operating expenses Indi
cated by recent reports of this road also affected
the price. Tno anthracite coal group continues
In a utute of dcprenslan. on account of persist
ent unfavorable outlook in the trade. New Jer-
gey Central wia especially a center of bear ut-
tuck nnd fell l i per cent. The fall In Louisville
& Nuslivllle amounted to 1 per ent. The Van-
derbllls ulso weakened In the amence of support
and went off with the gruiixers and the
balance of thu railway list. Omahn lost Hi.
New York Central U4 , Mlisourl 1'acltlc IV. and
Rock Island 1. Consolidated Ont declined a
iKJlnt and the other urunKern' , HUKUT nnd other
lendlnir shares yielded ? iifi. New York Central
failed ( o prollt by the subsequent rally hi thtt
market ami closed at the lowest , the report
being In circulation that no Immediate steps
would be taken toward the refunding scheme by
which it wan expected the road would soon be
benefited. There wan a cessation of tha sclllner
movement In the last half hour of trading and a
movement- cover over Sunday by the hort
developed. The bank statement was acceptable
as favorable with the Increase/ shown In the
amount of loam of 11,412,000 , Indicating- In-
created demand for money for mercantile pur
poses , Under these favorable circumstances prices
stiffened throughout the entire list , Omaha , for
Instance , retrained the earlier Iocs. The closing1
wun steady and tha average ot the net loeeea wu
The net result ot the week's trailing showed
an Improvement In the market and higher level
for prices , though the galni for the early portion
tion of the week have not been maintained. Un.
questionably the most Important factor in the
Improvement was the Issue by the Lake Shore
Cf 150,000,000 100-year gold bonds at the rate
of 3Vi per cent for refunding purpose * . Tlilo
Issuewm authorized and perfected on
Tuesday and tha effect on the value *
all through the Hat ot itocka wa *
marked and Immediate. Lka Shore jumped
10 point * to 172 , on the foreshadowing of the loan.
The low rate of Interest ut which the bond * were
lloated , and the good price * which they Imme
diately took. * ct tha whole street to looking up
the > tatu * of the railroad properties in the mat
ter of T per cent bond * maturing In the next few
year * , end which will thus l > available for
operation * and coneiucnt | reduction ot Intereit
charge * . New York Central , with J4I.COO.OOO
of T per cent bond * coming due In the next rive
y ar * . and with It * Vanderbllt control , waa
uittt Immediately affccUil In lympaUiy with
Shore , tl wan fours' ijl o that New Jer-
ey Central has nl o nrtvJlMl * * HI. no.flOi > matur
ing by 1902 ; Xurlln tnn. 3U00 In 1903 ; North
western over llJ.Ooo.ono lu 4 1 > St. Paul an nit-
Krrjratc of orer r.1.00O. ) , . iail twpcn now nnJ
1W6 ; Louisville & NnshvllltiC&r t7. W M , due In
? . nml Michigan renlFlf < M.WO.OOO. < lue In
1901. at 7 per cent. Theintvi4oy between these
roads nml the Like Kjorff ti de their valuables
aceptlbl to the Influence > MC the Lake Slioro
example. Th * VanderMIt properties wer * nat
urally alt nffccteil by no - .ynipatny nml th *
operation has tictn n Rerpipfli rcntlmental effect
on all rallroni ! propertied-ti * < mllci tlnl n higher
grade of credit nml cnrnftixrower. The con-
quencc wns n stimulation flt buylriK of rnllronil
stocks , which caused n larsur volume of trading
on the exchange on Wednesday than any dny
for mnny months. Prices eruloj upward hjr wide
bounds , the price of BO T . hlgh-prlceJ utockn
Ix-lnp bid up mnny polntn tlUjout cllcltlnff nny
offers of the ntock. ThaiipW4ril tendencr wns
also accentuated by the dlniniallon to anticipate
the "InnUKurntlon IKJOTO. " which nil traders have
confidently counted upon with the Incoming ot
the new pirMdent. Some of the advances In
prices attained by thnt time In the week were !
Ot th Vnnderblll's , Lake Shi-re. 10. Northwest
ern , 24 ; Omahn , 5' ; Omaha preferred , 8 ; Cleve.
UnJ , Clnclnnnll. ChlcnRO & tit. Louis. 34 ; Illi
nois Central , 2 ; New York Cftitrnl , 4H ; Michigan
Central B ; Canada Southern , 21 ! , and New
York Central preferred , 3'i. The ef
fect on some other Mocks WHS * hnwn In
the advance In Chicago ft Alton of S ; St. Paul
preferred , 24 ; Northwestern pieterred , 2 [ Omaha
preferrcil , 0 ; New Haven , 2 ; Pullman , 6fc ! ; Mani
toba , 2 , and Rome. Wntertonn He OgdetuuuiR. 2.
This list of hiRh-prlred Investment stocks held
the advance and resisted the reaction later in
the week , except Omaha preferred , which loat 1.
and Pullman , which lost 3i , The general mar *
kct came under the Imluenco .it n reactionary
tendency on Thursday , which continued to the
end of the week. Thin waa pintly due to the
fact that tinders had looked with conlldeni-e
to Inauguration tiny ns one of high pi Ices , ana
they proceeded to take prollts. The trust paia-
Rraph In the president's Inaugural address
also depressed the price of the Industrial * . Some
of those who hail expended their enthusiasm
over the Lake Shore loan began to argue that
nil roads did not have ns good credit
ns Lake Shore ; that It wouM not be
favorable to nil ut those which have
l > niids maturing a few years hence to
anticipate the maturity by a refunding scheme.
London nlfio became a heavy seller ot American
securities In this market nnd Intimated nt GO.000
xharcs for the week. These were well absorbed
nnd the prices here- were maintained nt n. point
with the London parity. This wns , in fact ,
what Invited the arbitral cnlc of utocks hero , but
this fact helped the reactionary tendency ot the
markets. The reaction was not compete in
any notable care , except there of the IntiuMrlals
nnd some of the internationals , Louisville &
Nashville showing n net decline of 2 per cent ;
Sugar of 1 per cent , nnd Consolidated Gas of 2
point * . The high-priced Imestmcnt stocks
mostly resisted the reduction , as already noted.
Vanderbllt's felt the reaction , but had left In
them a net pi In on the week us follows : I.'ikc
Shore , CV4 per cent ; Northwestern , "ft per cent ;
Omaha , 3i per cent ; Omaha preferred , S per
cent ; Cleveland , Cincinnati , Chicago & St , Louis ,
1 % per cent ; Illinois Central. 1 per cent ; New
York Central , 2U per csntl Michigan Central. 4
per cent ; Cnnnda Southern , IVi per cer.t ; New
York & St. Loutf , ITi per cent ; Second preferred ,
% per cent. Of the specialties Rrooklyn regls-
teied a not.ihlu advance of 7 per cent , and
Laclede Gas preferred , 4H per cent from special
caures. About 1.000.000 shares were sold on the
exchange during the week , and the Held was re
markably broadened. The outlook for specula
tion Is better ns a result of the week's opera
tions. Encouragement Is felt over the pnnpecta
for general business , promise of tao new admin-
IstruUon nnd the special Improvement In the
business of railways. No export movement of
gold ban set In , though a hardening tendency Is
mnnlfKit In exchange , attributed partly to the
selling of American securities for London ac
count. Thers In not much fear of n permanent
Injury to values In this country In the event ! ot
an European war. A feature of the week was
a fall In the price of silver from 04 % cents nn
ounce to G3T4 cents. The fall Is attributed to the
act of Japan In adopting a ratio of 32W , for the
Inauguration of n gold standard.
The bond market during the week was charac
terized by marked nnlinntton'nnd strength , which
WHH mainly rcllectcd In thi high-priced mort
gages. The dealings Included nn unusually lanso
number ot Issues with the ( standard properties
well represented. The glut 'of'money , together
with the favorable outl&ok .generally , Is In
fluencing a brisk demand for prime securities by
Institutions nnd individual capitalists. Opera
tions over the country hhA-e been large , with
municipal Hens In specialfavor. . Large block *
of the speculative bonds have 'necn sold for for
clgn account , but these -offerings were easily
absorbed and. had no effect on general sentiment.
Gossip as to the llkellhoryl of further fundlns
operations being announced created. Increased
activity In various mortgages Hearing maturity
The St. Paul and Lnkis Snore bonds were
conspicuous In the operations and In some cases
no new records were established. The foielgner"
continued to display n marked preference for
the properties. T.lio aggregate sales of the week
were S3.S25.CCO. The more noteworthy gains were :
St. Paul , Laclede-Darenport division , 5s , S points ,
St. Paul 2s and 7s and Illlnols-Mlnnepota di
vision , 1 ; Tennessee coal. 1 ; Tennessee division ,
yt ) ; Vulton elevated' firsts nhd Lake Shore seconds
ends , . J',4 ; Flint & Pierre-Mnnitiette , 6j Oregon
Improvement conpolsps tms . pce.Ipts , nnd Wa-
pnsh , Detroit & Chicago extension firsts , 3 pr
cent-.The .CQVcnuacnt.-bandunadttlaUsulayBj\
aggressive strength throuslrerrt-on-actlve deal-
Ings.The Improvement was restricted to slight
fractions , with Investment purchases the sustain
ing Influence . Tne sales , were" JG37.0CO. ,
The Evening Ppst'n Lohirbn financial cable
gram feays : "The stock rfinrkels continue to
await political developments. There Is no real
feeling of alarm here. 1mt In the utter stagnation
which Is natural amid sruch' uncertainty , prlciu
any weak. The Paris bourse wna flat. The
Merlin market was weak. The final portion ot
the Japanese Indemnity , which was deposited In
the Rclchsbank , lias been forwarded to London.
German trade returns for February are unsatis
factory. The chief featuic Is a falling off in
the exports of textile goods to tie : United Statcu. "
The following were the closing quotations on
ihe leading stocks of the New York exchange
today :
Total ralea of stocks today wero71,170 shares
Including : Chicago Ons receipts , 2,200 hares ;
IlurllMKlim & Quliicy , 10 sliaies ; l ulsvllle &
Nashville , 5,000 shares ; Ht , Paul , 8,400 shares.
XiMV York Money Mnr ! . - < ( .
NI3W VOrtK. March 6.-MDNISY ON CAI..L-
Markct ensy nt 1HW1 % per cent.
I'rmtrc HIEUCANTIUS I > AFUU 394 per cent ,
HTRHUNQ iXCirANGl'--Market : ! Hrm. with
actual business In bankers' 'bills at Jl.87ffl.STU
for demand and Jl.S5ffll.tWi far sixty days ; posted
rates , H.Mjn.Wfc and ; i.8f0ljlUU : cpuunerclal
HA 11 SIUVBU-MKc. ' ' ' '
MEXICAN 1JOI.LAIIS t'tfii ! . '
IIONIJH Government bonds firm , state bonds
dull , railroad bomU heavy ; ' npw Is , res , ami
coupon , IMii ; Cs , teg and coupon , IH ; ta , res. ,
Ill ; coupon , 113 ; 2s , ret' . , fO'.SyH'aclllc Cs of ' 93 ,
Closing quotations on bonds were as fallows ;
II. 8. now-In , res. . iaau 05
II , H. new coup. . . , ilfj O. Hi VS. A. ( Is. , , , 101
II. S. B , res
" '
II , B. Bu , coup 114 IITC."O ! ; : ; ; . ; ;
U , 8. 4 , ros 111 . .a ° , j ) 101
U.S. 4scoup 11:1 : Hli
II. 8.28 , roIT ( IQ * 1 | Jjj. " ' aim
I'aclUcUBof'US. . . MiWij.Uiiioh" . . 110
Ala. , class A lUJi , ' "
101 Nwirtol'i8ti".r !
Alu.cln 3a uu noyM' . ,
Ala. Currency 05 N.WConsoU
1.3. Nuw Con. 4s. , no DOU.SS. .
3lH ! ovirlUa , 11)0 ) .lata. . . * 12-J . . 134
N.C.48 lU'JK doC.ntl' . W. 5s.
S. C.noiifimtl , 7B
Tenn , now Bet ,1a , , ni
Tenn. now HotOa. . JOS TexaaiPUo. iMta. . . HUM
Tenn. old tin uu Texan'dH. , , , Jlhi
V'a. Cunturlaa uuMH l7.V"-1 laof 'UlJ , . . 11IU
dodufurrutl DM \Vo8fSUora4s 1U7H
Alchlson-lB flliU I , , & K , linltlud 4 a.
A'.clilsou 2d A WV ? Soutliurn r
Canada So. ! * d O , IC..V N. luts. . . .
( ! . ! ' . Utaof 'U3. . . 10'JH , O. H. fcN , la
1) . &n. 0.7s n 'j N. P. 3d
I.All. O.4 sa
Sim I < * rniicUco Ilnliic Quntalloim.
SAN FKANGISOO. March O.-Tno olltclal cloalnr
quotation ! * f or mining utaalcii tally ward at fjl-
lowu :
Silver bars , Cla : Mexican dollars.
draftssight , 10c ; draft * , t9lurapi ! , ISa.
Wcok Ends with Tow Caltlo and a FairEun
of Hogs.
it Hoof Men liny ICvcrytlilnK
OfTernl at Straily lo Jitroujc
1'rlcfM Ilimx Take uu
, Another Mckel.
SOUTH OMAHA , March e.-Rccelpta tor
Iho days Indicated were :
Call IP. Hog * . Sheep. Ilorson
Mnrch C 770 2S > 'J3 ' . . . . 31
March 5 1,813 'J.VJ'l 3.705 . . . .
.March. 4 2,13i 5,73 * 2.770
March 3 1,510 5,18 ! ) 2,273
March 2. 3,333 G'J14 2.144
Mnrch 1 1,72 ? 2,001 6.3W7
February 27 831 r.,44l iz < 4S
February 2-J 1,501 6,251 1,576 2
Kebruary 25 2Sti ) 6,146 3,053
February 21 2,0'Ji 5.G51 3,810
February 23 a , B li.isU 3DOo . . . .
February 22 1.747 Z.fcUO 3,502 6'1 '
Febnnt-y 20 1,35 7,411 al2 3J
The olllclnl number o ( cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Horses.
C. . M. & St. P. Uy J
Missouri IMclllc Ily 1 2
Union Pacllla system 8 Jj
R , K. & M. V. Ily C 8
S. C < & St. P. Uy . .
a , St. P. , M. St. O. Ily. . . . 9 4 .
11. < 4 M. h. U. U 8 10 2
C. , 11. 1. & P. Uy. . cast. . . 1 _ 1 _
Total receipts 31 41 2
Thu disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num.
bar oC head Indicated.
Uuyors. Cattlo. HORS. Sheep.
Omaha PacklnK Co . 8
G. H. Hnmmond Co 190 SD2
Swirt nml Company 30u 8o3
Cudahy 1'ncklnu Co 101 63
U. Uccker und Ucgan . . . . 5
J. U. Carey 61
Other buyers 14j > . *
To nl
CATTLB-Tho week's supply , Includlns
today's light run , only foots up 11,609 head ,
usalnst 12,711 last week. While a larRe
proportion of the receipts were fed cuttle
and sold to killers , the showing of better
than just fair grades was very small nnd
nothing really choice was marketed. It wns
about the same with butchers' stock , the
biff end of the supply belnc ; on the medium
order , but , as a rule , the stoukcrs and feed
ers were pretty fair In quality , and mostly
of weights suited to the present demand.
Lighter receipts at all points than the
trade generally looked for has Improved
prices somewhat on such cattle as are most
uantcd In the dressed beef nnd export
trade , but the recent high range of prices
for feeders lias shut off the country de
mand to a considerable extent and lowered
values on the general run of cattle of this
description. , , , .
Today's market was without Incident of
note , supplies being too srmttl to excite much
enthus.astn or make comparisons of much
worth. The dressed beef men wanted cuttle
and bought what were in sight early , at
fully steady prices , a little stronger In
some Instances where ofterlngs just suited
the purchaser. Some very fair 1,400 Ib.
beeves sold at JI.40 , and from this point
prices ranged down to $ .1.50 for common
odds und ends. While the week's market not been particularly active prices are
lOSIGo higher than last wcere'a close for the
rroro desirable grades.
There was the usual good demand for
cows and heifers at fully steady prices , and
the four or five loads hero were soon out
of Ilrst hands. Hulls , otner rough stock
.ind veals were also steady and sold readily.
As compared with last week's close the
best dressed beef cows nnd heifers are
selling a shade higher , with the market for
butchers' stock otherwise unchanged.
Slockers and feeders wcro In small sup
ply and trade was quiet , with llttlo change
quotable from yesterday in values. This
has been an off week for all but choice
yearlings , and closing prices are 10tJ20c
lower than a week ago In the general
market. Representative sales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1'J..1075 $330 Z3..1023 $3 DO 18..1333 $4 10
1. . . . 970 170 II..1175 390 H..1404 410
G..1121 3 SO 22..1160 393 3..1330 410
13. . . . DM 3 0 3..1210 4 00 3..1310 4 10
33,1114 3 SO 21..1157 400 C..1543 440
" 0..121G 383 9..1132 400 B..1432 440
2 . . , ,1288 383 21..1124 400 3..1470 440
22..1U3 3 S3 22..1100' 4 00 10..1312 4 40
1 .790 223 1. . . . MO 2 SO 2..1220 2 OT
1. . . . 9.10 223 1..1050 2 SO 2. . . . 07 ! 300
1. . . . ISO 260 31. . . . 7W 281 2..1400 3 IS
1..1070 2 63 2..1155 2 90 1..1070 3 40
16. . . . S5S 3 00 B. . . . 9G4 3 30 3..1130 3 33-
1..15M 265 1..1330 290 1..1020 310
1..1CSO 2 70
17..1532 3 15 1..1C30 3 CO , .
3. . . . 273 3 25 1. . . . 130 B W
L. . . S70 300 1. . . . 9TO SCO 1. . . . 9SO 380
1. . . . MO 323 1. . . . 730 370 42..1000 393
2. . . . k20 360 2. . . . 820 370 L. . . 590 400
10. . . . 733 3 CO 2..4CO 373 3. . . . 453 420
3. . . . 833 3 SO 1. . , . 930 3 SO
No. Pr.
t cow and calf $2300
1 springer 27 00
I cow and calf 2S 00
1 cow and calf 30(10
1 springer 30 UO
t cow and calf . Si 00
IIOG3 Receipts were very llKht , even for Satur
day , only forty-five loads , making the week's
dccrcace Irani last rlcht aiound G.OOO head. The
quality of the offerings was generally good and
fully up to the recent nvcniKC , with medium
wdshts comprising the bulk of the supply.
The market was entirely In the hands of local
buyers , but they all wanted IIOKS. Blrom ad-
rices from other points and the Unlit supply hcra
Kavu Hellers the best of the situation again and
buyers had to settle , the pales averaging a full
dime higher nnd selling very rapidly. The range
was narrow , $3.00 .1.70 , and tha long string soM
at $3.03 , $3.S333.CO yesterday and $3.10ff
3.45 on Inst Saturday.
Today's prices wcro the highest since Match
30 , UW , and were close to UOc higher than n
week URO. During the same time provisions have
ailvnnced as follows : 1'ork , 27Vnc ; lard , ISc ;
ribs , 23c. Representative sales ;
* The market was bare of supplies for
the flmt time this week. The market has beer >
active ut llrm prices all the week and the Me
end of the 16,200 received sold for local | UUBliter ,
of a Dime In CnUIu nml
n H lluoli III HnKX ,
CIIICARO , March O.-RecelpIs of cattle
amounted to 473- head , and not only was tha
supply well taken , but sellers got an advance
of lOc. The prices paid were 25a higher than
a week ago. Sales were made at from 13.75 ta
15.35 for the poorest to the best native beef cat
tle , The bulk cold at from tl.2j to tl.S3 , 8tock
era und feeders remained active and strongwitli
sales at from 13.10 to JI.10.
Hog- were from Co ta lOo higher today. Com
mon to best Hold nt from (1.40 ( to t3.f > ; ealea
bulne largely al from f3.75 to t3.M. The re
ceipts were 11,000 head ,
The few sheep and lambs marketed today sold
at unchanged prices. Common to the best
Iambi told at from fl.50 to IS.2S ; yearlings , il to
{ 4.50. tiheep sold at from ' J2.W to JI.3' ' ) for com
mon to choice westerns , 'vomprUlm ; thu bulk , of
the offerings and Lrlnnluh' from $3.50 to II.S3.
KIIIINIIN ( Mll.tvc HtocK- .
KANSAS CITY , March . -CATTLK-ReceIpt .
1,000 head ; shipments , 2,500 head. Market un
changed ; only retail trade ; Texas Meeru , J2.75
04.05 ; Texan cows , t2.00a3.25 ; native steer * , 13.15
Q5.00 ; native cows and helfera. tl.75Q3.70 ; Block-
era and feeders , t3.2S04.00 ; bulls , t2.504.U > .
HOas Receipts , 4W ) head ; uhlpmcntl , none.
Market ttrone , lOo hltlitr ; bulk of kales , J3.C04 ?
3.80 ; heavies. 3.C5 3.bW : packen. t3.COij3.70 ;
mUed , t3.CJUa.SO ; light * , JJ.4yiC5 ; Yorkers , 13.04
03.65 : plya. U.2503.U.
SIICBr Receipts COO head ; shipments , l.SOO
head. Market steady ; Iambi , l. 0084. 00 : mut
tons , t-OOJf3.80. _
St. Liiulit Llvr Stoclr ,
ST. I/31'IS. March o-CATTLB-Rec lpti , 200
head , market uteady to strong ; fancy export
iteer * . (5.CO5.35 | , native hl | > plni ; stceri , H.Wii
5.J5 ; Mecr * . under 1.000 pmind , S. ( H.06 ; stockers -
ers n.l fee ter , JJ. I.15 ; rows and heifers ,
IJ.KTH.OO : TeJtnn strtra , J2.fOtI.N ; cows and
helfem , IS.0093.00.
11OOH Receipts , 2.000 head ; market active and
5c MKher ; IlKht. tJ.7MIS.SO ; mlte.1 , tJ.50SJ.SO ;
henvy J3.4ftffJ.S5.
SlIEKr Rrcelpts , 1.000 head ; market steady ;
native muttons , J1.WH1.J5 ; lnml > s , tl.00tr6.00 ;
Texas sheep , tS.SOfT3.SO.
St. LouN driicrnl AlnrUotn.
ST. LOl'IS , March G.-l-"tXVIt-Qulet nnd un-
WHEAT Future * opened low nnd noofi b -
raine fairly nctlve and strong on n iroud specu *
latlvc nnd caMi demand ; Inter the market he-
rarne unsettled nnd vlotml Irregular , with Mny
* W higher and July i c to c lower than yester
day. Ppot. hlshtr ; No. 2 red , on h , elevntor ,
M'ic ; truck. 94 c : No. 2 twnl. cash. Tiiic ; May.
SJKci July , 7.1V4 i3 c.
CORN 1'Mturt * rpcned firmer , with n fair
speculative ilrmand ; closed nl n fractional ad
vance over ye terd y , Kpol , firm ; No. 2 canh ,
SO ic ; May , UI lT ! c ; July. 23Hc ; September.
24vio bid.
OATH Fuliinc , dull , but trady to firm. Ppot ,
hlR.ier ; No. 2 en h , 174e bid ; May , ISHc bid.
ItYB Nominally , Me.
RARLBY-Nomlnal ; malting. 2S0JJC.
CORN MKAItl.3.i. .
llRAN-rirm , sacked , east track , worth nomi
nally. 26le.
KLAX.sHKD-Knslcr at 7SHe.
TIMOTHY 8KKU Prltnr , t2.COIT2.CS.
HAY UnchaiiKed.
IIRIISHKU 1-OULTRY-Chlckens. flnncr : old
and youtiR , "ViSi'c ; turkeys , firmer nt S fflOHc ;
ducks , firmer at 8iitJ9c ; greet , dull at 3 4c.
RUTTKlt linn ; creamery , 14J194fl ; dairy , tQ
ot lOc.
WHISKY $1.18.
MKTALS-Iad , nulct nt J3.lSff3.17JS. Spelter ,
dull nt J.1.1'1.
COTTON THIS Unchanged.
I'll JVISION'S 1' . r . tmchango.l ; standard menu ,
Jobuliii ; . JS.OOWS.M. Uird. steady ; prime rtrnm.
J3.M ; cliolco , 11.03. IJncon , boxed shoulder * , } 4.75 |
cxtrn short clear. } < " < ; ribs , J.V25 ; shorts , J3.37H.
Dry calt meats , boxed sliouldei-s and extra short
clear , Jl.KH ; lib ? , (1.73 ; short , t3.3m.
UECEllTS-Flour , 2.0M bbls. ; wheat , 9,000 bu.J
ooni , 4I.COO bu. ; oats. 30.000 bu.
SIUPMENTS-Flour. 5.10 Mils. ; wheat. 21,000
bu. ; corn , 91,009 bu. ; oats , 2fi,0l)0 ) bit.
1,1 vcriMHil Crjilu unit I'rovlHlunn.
.llVEItrooU March . WHEAT Spot , llrm ;
demand , poor ; No. 2 red , spring , Cu 4d : No. 1
Callforlna. 6s 7d. Futures clnseil quiet , with
May ! 4d higher , nnd other months Kd higher ;
business about eijually distributed ; March. Us 4d ;
May. fis CHd ; July , 6s 5Hd.
CORK Spot , llrm ; American mixed , 5s Giil.
Futures clored nulct , with near and distant ptnl-
lions 14tl hlKher ; March. 2s mid ; April , 2s 7 idi
Mny , : SUd ; June , lit SvM ; July. 2s 94d. !
PLOt'Il Film , demand , poor ; St. Ixjulu , fancy
winter , Ss Cd.
PROVISIONS Hacon , steady ; demand poori
Cumberland cut , IS to 50 llm. , 2Ts fid.Short
rltis , SO to 21 Iba. . 2C ; loilK clOlir , IlRllt , 35 to US
Ibs. , 23s Gil ; IOHK clear heavy , 40 to 45 His. . 21s
Cd ; shott backs. Unlit , IS Ibs. , Us Cd ; short
clear middles , heavy , 43 to DO Ib * . , 24s 6.1 ; clear
bellle. ' . 14 to 16 Ib * . , 26s. ShouMers ( niuare ) ,
12 to IS Ibs. , 2lH f l. Ilnma , xhort cut , 14 to 1C
Iba. , 40s 6.1. . Tnllow , finest Noith American , 17s
Cd. Ilcof , oxtia India meet. S3 9d ; iirlmc mern ,
4 < s 3d. Pork , prime mess , flue western , 43s ; me.
dlum western , 40s. Iwiitl. steady ; prime western
21s Cd ; lellned. In palls , Kn.
( 'IIKKSK Steady ; demand poor ; finest Amer
ican , white nnd colored ( September ) , f.79.
IllTTTBH Finest United Slates , Ms ; good. S3s ,
OII1'etroleum , refined , cyd.
ItKFIlIGKItATOR HLEt'-rorequarlcrs ! ' , 3iJ ;
HOI'S At Ld'ndon d'acinc coast ) , 3 ISs.
CiilTi'i' llurUi'l.s.
NE\V YOniv. March C , COFFKn Options
opened steaily , September I points hlzlier ; othei-
monlhs unclinnKed ; ruled quiet all through the
session. Tradlmr was IlKht and entlicly local ,
cables were tllcappulnthifr. Closed quiet , un.
chanspil to 5 iiolnts lower. Sales , 2.230 bass ,
Incluilliic April , $8.93 ; May. JS.SO ; September.
JJ. Spot Rio. weak ; No. 7 Invoice , IJ.ffiii ; Job.
blmrtlO.1214. . Mild , steady ; Cordova , J13.WJO
16.73. Sales. 2,000 II.IKS Savannah. Total ware
house deliveries from the United States , 5,670
bans , liichullnrf 3,437 Imus from New York ; N'e\v
York stock today , 203,330 baas ; United Stales
stock , 301,619 baus ; ntloat for the United States ,
375KK ) bans ; total visible for the United States ,
73D.A49 l > ois. aRalnet 4V.2\3 ) bajrs lantyear.
SANTOS , Mcrch C. COPFI3U Quiet ; good aver-
Due Santos , 111,000 rels ; receipts , 11wu bug ;
Htock , 413.000 baits.
IIAMIIUUO , March 6. COI-'FEK-Unchanprcd ;
wiles. 17.COO bDRs.
111O E JANEIRO. March G. COFFEE Flat ;
No. 7 , Hlo. 10,200 rels ; exchange , S ll-32il ; recelptu
3,000 bass ; cleared for the United States G.OOO
bags ; for Europe , 4,000 bags ; stocks , 263,000 bags.
HuHtoii Stock < tuotitlonn.
DOSTOX. March O.-Call loans. 1X32 nor
ceul ; limn loans. lo ! : J per cont. Cloalui ; pncai
for Blocks , bonds and mlnliiff aliaroii
ATr'TTs. F riTftTweStTEico. . . . . . 5TU
American Rnear. . HUM n * . Klec. ufd 81
Am. Snsrar pfd. . . . IDPfVI | . CLMUIM !
Cotton .IInrkc-tN.
NEW YORK , March B. COTTON Spot , quiet ;
middling , 7 3-16c ; middling , uplands , 7 3-lCc ; mid
dling , culf , 77-l c ; sales , SK ! bales. futuicit ,
steaily ; sales , [ 9,700 bales ; January , J0.73 ; Marc.i ,
J6.SI ; April , fC.87 ; Jlay , JC.02 ; June , JC.OG ; July ,
J7.01 ; August. $7.02 ; September , $ C.7I ; October ,
JC.C1 : November , J6.C3 ; December , $ C.Ci. The
market opened steady nt a decline of 1 to 4
points In sympathy with rather easier rabltn from
Liverpool. Selling was by local speculators , the
olTerlngs being free. Then was no finding
here for the business transacted was the smallest
In some time. At 11 o'clock the market wan
dull , at a decline of 2 to 3 points , with gulcj of
25.1CO bales.
middling ; "cj low middling , 0 IMGcj good ordi
nary. C 5-lCc.
Lnniloii Stoclc Oiin < iitloiiN.
LONDON. Mnrch 0 1 p. m. oloslng :
HAR SILVER-29 5-lCd per ounce.
MONEY lUCfr-ltt per cent.
The rate of discount In thn open maiket for
short bills , 1' per rent : rate of db-count for
three months' bills , 1 % per cent.
\ < MV YorU .Illnln ( liiofiitloim.
NEW YOHIC. March 0. The fallowlus nro the
lOBhic mining quotation * :
assessment paid.
Murk IIN. .
LONDON , March 0. SUGAR-Cane , n'ltiH ' ; cen
trifugal Java , HB ; Mupcovuilo , fair rcllnlng , 9s ,
licet , nulet : prices fully maintained ; March , 8s
h')4d ; April , 8s lOVjd.
NEW YORK , March B.-SUOAR-Raw. milel ;
fair refining , 2 13-lGc ; centrifugal , W test , 3 13-lCc.
Hales. 2,000 hugs. Rcllned , ipilet : mold A , 4VjC |
standard A , 4' ' , u : confectioners' A , 4'ic ; cut loaf ,
4 Tic. crushed , 4Iic ; powileted , 4 lie ; granulated ,
4'io ; cubes , 4Hc.
RERLIN , March C. Exchangc on London , eight
days' Bight , 20m 41Hpfg.
PARIS. March 4. Three per cent rente ? . 102f
27i" ! for the account. Exchange on London , 23f
ISo for checks.
LONDON. March 0. Oold U quoted nt Duenoa
Ayrea nt 212.50 ; at Lisbon , 44. Amount of hull
lion withdrawn from the Rank of England on
balance today , 0,000. American eagles are
iiuoted at 70s 4d.
I'MlilllU'lill .Viilc'M.
JIOSTON , Mnrch C. Clearing" . 117,324,230 ; bal-
March 0. Clearings , J2,033E05 ;
balances , M7I , ! > 1S.
NEW YORIC , March fl. Clearing * , JOO.HZ.CiC ;
balances , , U4G74.
PHILADELPHIA. March C. Clearing * , J8.7C8-
SCG ; balances , 11,907,275 ,
CHICAGO , March 6. Clearings , > 11,98S,4C3 ; for
the week. tS2.310.123 ; balances today , { 1,353,335 ;
for the week 17,779,778. New York exchange , "do
discount ; London sterling ' rates , Jl.i7'i and
JI.WV4 ; posted rates , tl Gtj4.bS.
Wcrlcly Jliuik .Slatciiirnt.
NKW YORIC , March C.-The weekly bank
statement shows the following changes ; Re
serve , decrease tl.OCI.OM ; loan * . Increase tl , 472,100 ;
rpecle , Increase tl , 120,800 ; legal tendera , decrease
12 , 161,1/00 ; dcpoilts. Increase | 3C9ltOO ; circulation ,
decrease JSU'CO. The banks now hold } ; 5. 0./J5
In excess of the requirement of the 25 per cent
\Vt > f > l < H' IniiiiirlM mill Kxport * .
NE\V YORK , March C. The exports of ipecle
from tha port ot New York for the wotk
amounted to (230,900 in gold nnd JS08.723 In illvrr ,
The import * for the week were : Gold , t22J,921 ;
Bllver , t38,74l ; general mcrchandlbc , } 8.002U1I.
DiillV Tri-iiHiu--
WASHINOTON. March C.-Today'a tatcment
ot the condition of the trcaiury * howi Avail
able caih balance , > ! llCOllSC3 ; gold reserve , JIM-
875,527. _ _
l'iirf vi-II Ilovenllun.
William JIuIlley of 2321 Patrick avenue ,
II.IH secured a civil ucrvlco position as a
bookbinder In Washington und will leave
for that city tomorrow. Ijiat night tils
ncelRhbors und a large number of the con-
urcKatlon of the Seward atreet Methodlat
church met at the residence of Councilman
Myron D. Knrr nt 2518 1'nlrlck avenue to
triulor Mr. Mulllpy n. reception. Th oven *
ins wn * very plensrtntly unssed nnd In ml-
illtlon to numerous good wishes. Mr.
Mutlley was presented with n very hniul-
some prexpiit na n testimonial of the ro-
Rard of his Omnhit friends.
ConiinninIi-'r-n-Clilcf ClnrUnon StnrJ *
fur tinSulii tin it ilVcnl. .
CommanJer-ln-Clilcf Clarkson toft yester
day afternoon for a number ot official visits
to the department ! ) of the south. , nnd from
thence to the Pacific coast. His Itinerary
Is AS follows : Nashville , Tenn. , March S ;
Cullman , Aln. , March 10 ; IllrmliiRhittii , Aln. ,
Mnrch U : MonlROtncry , Aln. , March 13 }
KltZBcrnld , On.lnrch 13 ; New Orleans , I/a. ,
March 15r lllversl.le. Cal. . Mnrch 22 ; Los
Angeles. Oal. , March 2.1 ; San Krnnclsco , Cat. ,
March 27 ; Portland , Ore. , March SO ; Tacoma ,
\Voali. , Mnrch 31 ; Helena , Mont. , April 3 ;
Snlt Lake City , Utah , April G.
I. ( I. 11. 11. Kiitci'tiiliiiuctit.
Nebraska 1 oil so No. S.M , Independent Order -
der of 11'Niil llrollicrhuod , will entertain
tta members and friends this evening with
u very line propram nt Continental hnll.
llivtldcs un elnboriUo tniislcul t'rogrnm , the
feature of the uvonltiK will bo nn address
by K. C. Hamburger of , who la
well known ns an excellent spcnker. After
the entertnliiment nn Informal reception
will be tendered Mr. llnmburRor nt thn
Arcade hotel. Kor several years ho Jins
In-Ill the restmiislblo position of secretary
of the pniiul lodio. Slxtli district. Inde
pendent Order of H'Nnl llrotherhood , which
Includes tin ) Mulct's of Illinois , Wisconsin ,
Iowa , Nebraska and Missouri.
Telephone 103 ! ) . Omnliii , N b.
Hoard of Trade.
Dliect wires to Chicago nnd New Yorlt.
Correspondents ! John A. Warren & Co.
The wheat market has seldom offered an fa.
vorablo an opportunity foh buyers. MAY oix
tlon In 1'ROVl.HIONS nnd JULY CORN ore nlua
very attractive. Consult us before buying. Out
llluo Rook on "Fuels. Figures and Statistics. "
nlso Dally Mnrket Letter , both M'lit fire.
.H.YM.'OKI ) . AlAICKKVint .t CO. .
Hankers , Ilrokers nnd Commission Merchantn
526-227-22S Rlallo Itulldltii ; , Chicago , Meniuen
Chicago Hoard of Trade.
Stocks , Grain aod Provisions
314 South 15th St.
OMAHA ; - - NEB.
For other people , why can't we do the same for
\Vo have hundreds of customers who derive
from our WEEKLY SYNDICATE a handsome
Income ,
Write for our 1'nmphlet rxplalnlnu our Sys.
tern , mailed free on application.
MA. n iviiiin .t co. ,
Established 16S7. Lord Court Illdg. , New York.
Is belli ? made by our utinloiiura coiitlmitlly. Our
plan ot iipcuubitloii IH a hUrh grade
paying over
remitted to InvoKtora
Especially interesting to CL.inrvatlvoliA5to
lliHkB eliminated.
Do WOLF & COMPANY. Hankers and Hrokers ,
No. < $ Ilroadway , N. Y , City.
Highest rcfeienecs.
We will tend you by mall ( In plain package )
AHSOI.UTKI.Y KltlStS , the powerful lie.
Iliill'iiiiui'H Vltni lU-Ntoriitlvc 'I'libK-lH ,
with u legal euiiratileo to permanently cuiu
IjOHt MllllllOOll , SrirAlMIHCVrllUllCNH ,
Viirlcoci'li'i&toiu forever .Viu'lit KmlxNloiiM
and all unnatural drains ; speedily restores health
and perfect munlioiM.
We have faith In our treatment , und It we
could not rure you we would not scud our
meillcliio Kit III' : to try , nnd pay when batlsfled.
\ V13ST13H.MKIJIOIXIC CO. , ( incorporated. )
Kiililinil/oo , .IIIcli.
fQl Chtoliehlvr-N t tii ; : . li jiaub ii llran .
el * < r * v OrlcinnI anil nly Genuine.
Atf y * > * > OAFCi ulwrtj * rullible. L Dicn > ik
Druffhi for r leA ( rrt lltvituh fs /
\numt J'.rnnil In Jlt-J an < > " < JU nift lllo\
iJmxi-a r lwl wi'h hl'i-rlh , i. Tal.o
f Mont and tmitnttoni , f\t Pru tend
ll Btaoip * f-r iiariffluUn , t" llruoiiaU (
"Itellcrfor LH < > U' * ' ' tnlttttr , T return
Mull. l y * * * ' ) T < > ' -i | * - .Vin /\\pr
( |
UK hr
Loaves InURLlNaTON & Jlo7 RIVEILIArrlvcs'
Oimihnl Union Depot , lOtli & Mason Hts. ( Ornalm
8:3oam : . Denver Express . 9:3tom :
tKvm.U\'A : \ HillH , Mont & 1'uget Snd Ex. 4:0 : : > | ) in
4:3r : > pm . Denver llxptets . 4:03pin :
7:0.'ipm. : . . .Lincoln Local ( ex. Sunday ) . , . . 7i : > ' > iin
lill"il ' iLlc.'n"c" ' ! ' Hiinday.ll30am ' ) ;
Leaves [ CHICAGO. IMJItLlNGTON & Cj-lArrlvea"
OirmlmtlJnlon Depot , 10th & Muson rila. | Omuha
5:0upin : . ChlcaRO Vestibule . . . . :
3:4Sam : . Chicago Express . 4ipm :
7COim..ChlcaKO : | & HI. Louis Express. . . . 8:2Uam :
llMOara./.l'nclllc Junction l . CHOpm
_ . FiiBt Mnll . 2:00pm
r Mir * & RT. PAUL.Arrlvcn" |
OinolialUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason 8ts. | Omaha
CiSCpm . . . .Chicago Limited . 8:03am
llOOam..ChlcaKQ : ' '
i CII I CATfo & " NO RTH WEST'N. " ] A rri veiT
OmahalJnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason Su. | Omaha
UilSiim * . , . , . Eartcrn Uxpnsa . 340pm ;
4 : < rpm . Vesllbuled LlmlUd * * . . . . . . . S:40inn :
tiLSiim . Bt. Puul Express . ! ) : r,0um
C:40am : . St , I'nul Limited . 9:05 : ] > m
730nm ; . Klnux City . 11:10 : , .m .
< C30pm ; . Qninlia-ChlcnRo Hpeclal . 8GOum :
. Missouri Valley Local . 9:3Uiim :
Except Sunday. " Except Mc-mlay.
Omaha | Union Depot , lOlh & Musnr , rit.i. ' Omaha
10(40am. ( . Atlantic Express ( us. Sunday ) . , C:3pm :
700pm ; . Kit-lit Exprcrs . 8lSam :
4ODpm. : . . .Chicago V'eslllmicd Lbnltcii. , . . J:33pm :
4Mpni..St. : Paul Veatlhulcd Limited. . . . l:3i : > m
l40im | . Colorado Llmlten . . . . . 4:00im : )
Leaves" ! C ST. ' P. . M. & O. " ( Arrives"
Omaha ] Depot , 15th & Webster Sis. | Omaha
Ji:3f : > pin. . . Sioux. City Kxpreii ( ex. Sun..115Sain ) ;
8lCuin. . . .Sioux City Acuuiumoilatlon. . . . fc00pm ;
Bt. Paul Limited .
leaves I F , , E. & MO. VALLEY ] fA rrivTs"
Oinahal l > cpot , 15lh ft Webster His. | Omaha
S00pm ; . Fast Mall and Kxprers . B00pm ;
3:00pm : , . . ( ex. Sat. ) Wyo , F.x , ( ex. Mon. ) . . . DiMnin
7Muin. ; , Fremont Local ( Handaya only ) , . .
7SOatn. : . . . .Norfolk Kxprem : ( ex. Hun. ) . I0:23sm :
6Upm ; , , . Bt , Paul KrjircHt . . . . . . ailOain
l ( ivo I 1C. U. , RT. J. & C. II , JArrlves
OmuhajUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason HU.f Oinnlia
SKnm : . Kansas City Day Express . C:10pm :
10OOpm..lC.CNlg : ? Ex via U. p. Trims. . B30tin !
Leaveii I MIHBOUR'T'pACIFYcr'"lArrlves"1
Omaha ] Depot , 1'tli & Wtlnler Sis , I Omuha
3OOpm.Ncliratka : & Kaniai Llmlt d.12 ; ipni
930prn ; . Kuiinao City Kxiirean , . . , . . . C00am ;
Ziliipm . Ncbrniika IMCHex \ , Hun.uoum ! ;
" "
Omulm ] Depot , 15th & Wcbiler 8t , ] Omaha
Cltpm . 81. Paul Limited , . . . . . D:10ain :
Oinulial Union Depot , 10th & Muion Uti.j Omaha
540am ; , . . Ht. Paul J'aieenger . , , ll:10pm :
7:30am : , . , . Sioux City Pasuencer. . . . tuDpm :
SMpm : . St. Paul Limited . :20ura :
OmahaUnlon | Depot , IDIh & Maton Hli.f Omuha
$ ; 20am . Overland Limited . . 4:4pm :
230pm.Ileut'ce ; & Slronub'K Ex ( ex Sun ) . 3SOpm :
5:3Spm.lrand Iiland l < xpremi ( ex. Suit. ) , 8Mpm :
; 80prn . . . . . . . .Fttut Mall . 10:20aia :
" " "
Leaven" I WAOASII RAILWAY. ( Arrive *
OmahalUnlon Depot , lOlb & Maion Sti.f Oimtha
< : SOpm. . .
4JOim : . , . Canon Bill . ll:30 u