Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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Ban Prancisco Papers Publish a Rumor to
that Effect.
Corlx-lt I'nli In n llnny l n > - nt Trnln-
liiKi While I Atitlriillnii In
1 in-11 HIM ! ( o TitUe
| TIlllIRM KlIN ) ' .
SAN FIUNCrsCO , Feb. 22. Martin Jtillfcn
cnmo to thin city from Carson todty. When
seen ho stated that Hob was In fair condition
when Julian left Cnrson.
"lly the mornlnK papcra I see , however ,
that ho was suddenly taken III. I hope that
It will amount to nothing , as we are very
anxious to have the mill go throuaii accordIng -
Ing to program. "
CAHSOM , Ncv. , Feb. 22. Corbo't nnd Mi )
friends do not like the cry of sickness foim
the Kltzsimmons camp. They arc afr.ild tliat
the Cornlshniftii Is getting ready to ilunk cut
of the match or clue. Is working for ft post
ponement. The California ! ! will r.ot submit
to the latter proposition under my oh cum-
stances. Ho Is timing his training P.O as to
lie ready on March 17. A week's delay might
prove fatal , as Corbctt appreciates that In
that time ho might go stale or ir.iln off an
The thermometer nt 8 o'clock this morning
utocd at 8 degrees below , the coldest wo.itber
known In Carson for several years. The sun
came up bright and warm , however , nnd the
mercury rose to 20 above at noon. Thu snow
IB melting rapidly today anil prospects are
ijood for continued bright weather.
IJob Kltzslmmons commenced work toJay
with a four-round bout with Hlckcy nnd a
Imlf hour's work with Ilocber on the wren-
ling mat. He finished the morning's routine
with bag punching for twenty-five mlnutca.
IIo showed no fntlgue from the work. After
Ills rub down. Kllzslmmonu sunned himself
for an hour. declarliiK that he was In splendid
condition. IIo docs not expect lo do tiny
road work until the strip of ground .1 mile
In length , now being cleared of snow , Is In
good shape. IIo Is also waiting Julian's re
turn from San Kranclsco with ntores.
Jim Corbett carried out his routine work ,
putting In more than an hour at hand ball
with Jils brother Joe , and then took on
"Woods until the latter was exhausted.
Aside frojn a slightly flushed face , Jim
allowed no effects. He stated that he ex
pected big JcffrleH up from San Kranclsco
Boon to hrlp nut Wools : , who has inoro th.ui
he can attend to In standing before Cor-
bc-tt. Oeorgo Orccn Is also expected here
nnd will train at Corbett'a camp. Ho has
fought under the ring title of "Young Cor
bett. "
rorhett Increased his work today , while
Fltzslmmons did very little. After light
work with the bag and a few rounds with
lllckey. Kltz drove to Carson with Uoeber ,
multlcd to the eyes In n great coat to pro
tect himself from the Intense cold. He
made a tour of the stores for 'the ' purpose
of buying tilings needed at camp , followed
by a curious crowd. After two hours' shop
ping ho drove back to Cook's place for
lunch. After resting two hours he took
another turn at sparring and bag punch-
Carpenters are at work on the pavilion
nt Cook's ranch , preparing a place with a
view to nrrangliiK a hand ball court for the
Australian. Teams were put to work to
clear a strip of ground for running. The
roads from the vicinity of Klts's ritinrtcrs
are rough and probably will bo bad for
Bomo time to come , owing to the continued
thawing and freezing of snow , and a level
piece of ground away from 'the ' road has
been chosen for a track.
Shaw's Springs is still the popular place
With the curbns. The air was filled with
tno music of sleigh bells all day , as people
drove out to see Corbctt at work. He has
numerous spectators whenever he works out ,
whether It be early In the morning or late
In the afternoon. All who come are ad
mitted to the big draughty handball court
and stand about shivering and stamping their
feet till the time for Corbstt's appearance.
Jim did moro work today tlmn on any
previous day since bo settled nt Shaw's gar
Wheeled : said today : "I have received
letters from all over the United States urg
ing the management to allow women to wit
ness the big fight. Wo have not decided on
that question , but I presume Stuart will call
a meeting of those Interested In a few < lnyu
to decldi ; the matter. Personally , I see no
objection. The light will be conducted under
the protection ot the law , and order will be
maintain ? ! ] . I BOO no reason why women
may not attend thn fight , as the theater cr
a foot ball game. Numerous orders for
teats are arriving. No teats will be as-
slgnrd until the plans of the arena are com
pleted. The money received for tickets will
be duly credited to the sender find the ap
plicant be given preference over all subse
quent orders. "
Ground wna broken today at the race track
nnd.lumber being1 dumped on the site. Car
penters will bo put to work tomorrow , and
the force will be Increased dally as the work
progresses. Tonight It Is clear and cold ,
with prospects good for continued bright
Claim Unit Tln-lr .Alan Will Win t lu
ll ! KKiulit In a WnlU.
CAIISON , Feb. 22. Martin Julian left for
San Francisco on the western express last
evening. He will bo back Wednesday. When
asked the purpose of the trip ho said ho
I was going to buy a stock of provisions ant
also make arrangements for the hlro of
Mechanics' pavilion for the night c
March 19.
"On that date , " ho went on , "Robert Kltz
Simmons , champion pugilist of the world ,
will appear before the public of San Fran
cisco niiil give nn exhibition after beatlni ;
the head off .Mr. Corbett. "
Krnoat Uoeber Is ns confident as Julian
nnd Illckoy Is full of rcocnto dreams concerning -
corning the result of the event that Is to
transpire on 'March ' 17. The wrestler said
yesterday :
" .My wrestling with Hob Is hard , earnest
work throughout. When ho throws mo It Is
on the level , not n gift. Konr days ugo , ut
Deliver , for tlio first time since wo have been
together , Fitzslimnons scored n game. 1
purposely gave him an opening , nnd to my
surprise , despite nil my efforts to prevent
him , he threw mo In n fair nnd square
manner and pinned mo to the lloor for three
minutes , When you consider that I weigh
217 pounds and Kltzslminons only 1G8 , yon
can appreciate the excellence of the per
formance. Kltzslminons Is stronger nnd mnro
cloyer than ho ever was before nnd I don't
ECO how ho can lose with Corbctt. I think
the light will bo all over Insldo of ten
rounds , Kltzslinmons concedes that Corbott
Is clever , but our innn la by far the hardest
I'.ltter. IIo can afford to take- two or three of
Corbett'a blows to land one of his own and
every tlnio ho gets ono In 1 want to tell you
that It will take thirty pounds off of him.
My reason for this statement Is based partly
on what I taw In Hob's light with Mahcr.
I think all fair-minded persons will agrco
with mo when 1 say Mnner Is one of the
bardlet hitters In the ring today. Well , bo
smashed Hob twice good nnd hard , but the
blown dll not bntncr him at nil ,
' 'When ' Kltzalmmons landed on the Irish
man the big fellow went down , nnd ono
more little punch put him to sleep , Cor-
bett'n gnmo will probably bo to spar nt Ions
range , the snmo as ho fought Sullivan , but
ns soon as ho begins to fight In real
earnest Hob will keep him moving , and It
will bo only a matter of time before ho la
put out. Many people profess to believe
that Kltrelmmons won't bo able to land on
Jim. Why not ? Mitchell landed on Cor
bett nnd mndo him think for a while. If
Mitchell could do that , haw much better can
our man , with his advantage In reach mid
everything else. Take my word for It , as
BOOH aa Kltzslmmoiiti lauds it will bo all
over but the shouting. "
Upon learning what Julian and Fltsslm-
tnons had to say about the outcome of the
bnttle , Corbctt said ;
"Oh , well , I am not making that kind of
talk. If they like to hear themselves
spoik , why It's all right. H does not hurt
anybody. I am surprised nt KltTslmmona
running out In thu now today , I don't
think It wns a very good thing for him to
do , but I guers ho knows bent. ' About this
loud talk from their side you juit wait
till Brady gets hero , aud then there will
be some fun. He cn outtalk tlio whole lot
of them , and is not afraid to say what he
thinks , cither. I expect him here on Thurs
day. He left New York today.
With legard to Sharkpy's statement that
ho hag In hta possession tetters from Cor
bctt that , If published , would stamp him an a
fnklr of the worst kind , Jim had very little
to eay beyond denying the truth of the re
port and saying that Sharkcy had evidently
become affected with a touch of what he
characterizes as "the Julian Jaw. "
.Strain Tno ( iron ! Tor Certain .Moil In
.Sl\-ln.v Ilnrc.
CHICAGO. Feb. 22. In the slx-diy blcy-
do race at T/Uters.ilIs only eighteen of the
twenty-nine riders were staying at 9 o'clock
tonight. All looked fresh , and all were
working hard. At eighteen hours Fred
Poll In or , the local man , led Hale by a score
of miles , and was ahead of Halo's record In
Mr.dls.on Square Garden. With this record
to hta credit , Schlner retired for n rest and
rub-down. Ashlngcr , th& Oklahoma boomor.
gained the lead and at the twentieth hour
Ashlngcr was abaut six miles back of the
reccrd , with Schlner barely a mile back of
Ashlnger. Teddy Hale WES troubled nil
day with his stomach , losing the lead
thereby. Toward night ho recovered and
made great going In the evening. At a
late hour tonight tlio fight seemed to bo be
tween Schlner , Aehlnger and Halo , with the
chances In favor of the founcr. Halo's
stomach Is very liable to throw him out of
the race , and Ashlnger Is hardly In ahape ,
owing to hard work of last week , to stay the
race out.
The score of thl nine leading men at 9:43 :
a. m. In the six-days' bicycle race at Tatter-
sails' was as follows :
Name. Mllcs.1 Name. Miles.
Schrnner 173 Hnrbncht IC2
AMilngor 173 lawson ( The Ter-
" le inn , rlble Swede ) . . . . Ifil
Stewart ( colored ) . 1C9 llrndla ir,7
Hnnnun 10,1 Carl Wright 157
Tlio score of the six leading men at 12:15 :
P. m. was as follows :
Name. Mllea.l Name. Mlloa.
AfdnnKor 120 ! Ilansen 20fi
Sehlmior 2i'0 Mlllrr " 02
Halo 21C I.clle 192
Halo was fourteen miles behind his own
record for twelve hours at noon.
At the end of the twenty-first hour the
scores of the nine leading men were cs fol
lows :
Nninc. Miles. Xnine. Mllos.
Schlner Stewnrt : :02 :
Ashlnser tlolbrccht 2(17 (
Hair- sin " '
'nrtwrlsht ric.
Miner H2i TrsL.n . . . . ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ot ; , ;
I--IWSOH 32 tlirr ( legless ilder ) ail
At the end of tha twenty-third hour the
score of the nine leading riders was ns fol
lows :
ttlders. Mlirs.RIdofs. | Mllr-x.
EchliKT 401'Stowurt ' ; v > ij
ANhlnRor 'Mo lira did ; ui ;
Miller TVJ Hanson sifi
'lV ' ! : Si7 Smith an
Holbrccht 327 : sciiuni'i.u is \ < nv IIIMDV.
Flrnl On nir u f tinSCIINIIII Id He IMiiyi-il
ill Huston , April II ) .
BALTIMOKK , Kcb. 22. President Nick
Young of the National League of Ilase Hall
Clubs has finished the preparation of the
schedule of thr games to be played during
the coming seascn and will submit It to the
spring meeting , which begins In this city on
Thursday next. There appears to bo but
little doubt that the schedule as arranged by
President Young will be adopted without ma
terial dissension and practically without
change , as It had been prepared after a full
correspondence with various clubs and careful
consideration. President Young Is very reti
cent concerning the schedule , but the fol
lowing details concerning It have been
learned :
The first league game will be In Uoston ,
April 10 , between Uoston and Philadelphia ,
but this U merely to celebrate "Concord
day , " a local holiday. The season proper
will bsgln April 22. with Hoaton In Balti
more , Brooklyn In Philadelphia and Wash
ington In New York. In the west Cleveland
will open In Chicago. PIttsburg In Cincin
nati nnd Louisville in St. Louis. There will
1)0 ) no Intersectional games until about May 1
when the west comes east , and will stav
until after Decoration day , May 31. rtaltl-
moro nnd Washington will , however , go
west on Decoration day , Washington probabh
going to PIttsburg nnd Daltlmoro to Cin
cinnati or Chicago. The eastern clubs will
be In the west In Juno and will also close
the season In the west , ns In 1S91. not as In
1S93 and 1S9G , when the season closed with
the western clubs In the cast.
i Show ti If < Ti-nse \iiinlicT
NEW YORK , Kcb. 22. The twenty-first
annual dog show of the Westminster Kennel
club opened today and will continue until
next Thursday at Mndlson Square garden.
The mastiff classes are not so large as last
year. St. Hcrnards nre very much In
evidence. Hloodhounds nnd Great Danes nre
well represented. In the latter class. Major
McKlnloy , prize winner for the last few
years , has found his rival In Marcus
Antonlus , winner of the first prize In the
oijen class last year. Dtiko of Kent , the
heavy weight pointer who beat all comers
last year , will bo challenged for flrslhonors
by Moulton Banner , who won In the llrst
challenge prize In 1S95 nt Chicago , Detroit ,
St. Louis nnd Uoston. There nre 119 Hoston
terriers of n better class than lost year.
Among the exhibitors nro J. Plerponl
Morgan , George Gould , Henry Jarret , J. L.
Kcrnochan and Oliver Ames.
The Blcmpton and Rutherford kennels are
the principal rivals this yeur In fox terriers
and besides all the old prize winners have
several new dogs on the bench. Among
these Is Clandlan , full brother to Claud
Dnval , the best dog In England. The setter
elasces nro well filled. Esquimaux dogs that
drew sleds for 1'eary'n Arctic expedition are
Interesting features of the show. Ono of
the attaches of the expedition Is also present.
The judgen are assisted by two English ex
porters , L , P. C. Astley nnd George Haper.
iiiiiii.\r.To.\WITIIDHAAVH HATH.
.V < > .Special Iniliifi'iiicnt for Travel In
< li - I'lliKlulit. .
CHICAGO. Feb. 22. The Hurllngton route
will not make any reduction In the rate to
Carson on account of the prize fight. This
stand waa taken today after a conference be
tween the olllcluls. P. S. Kustls , general
passenger agent , said this decision was
arrived at because the ofilclnls of the
Uiirllngton concluded that a prlzo fight was
not nn event which would justify them In
making such a concession ns a reduction In
The announcement of the above by Tin
lice was a complete surprise to the passenger
olficlnls at the headquarters In this city.
They had unofilclally announced a rate or
$ C5 from Omaha and of ? 7 < > .SO from Chicago
for the fight In order that their agents might
solicit business. They Imvo not yet been
advised that the rates offered and advertised
must bo withdrawn. If the message Is con
firmed they will ho withdrawn today. At the
local headquarters the reported action of
General Passenger Agent Etistls Is regarded
is a most probable fact. Should the Hurling.
Ion's lines west of the Missouri river wlth-
ilraw the rate the business out of Omaha
would be left to the Rock Island and the
Union Pacific.
MlNMIIirl I'lldllO HlllfN.
ST. LOUIS I'\b. 22. The Missouri Pacific
railroad made somewhat cf an Innovation
today by officially announcing- rate to the
? orbott-Fltzalmmnns fight , and Incorporating
tioard and lodging. The figures given are :
Faro , $72.50 ; lodging , $15 ; board , $17.50 ; total ,
John H. .loliiiHon IN Hrrovc-rlim- .
TORONTO. Oat. , Feb. 22. John S. John
son is now recovering from his attack of
meumonla , and unless complications arluo
> vlll bo around In a week or eo.
\o Kvlilcncc- Hold SIiHtou.
NEW YORK , Feb. 22. John A. Turner rf
Savlllo , Tonn. , with whom Mary Shelton ,
'ormerly ' of Poorla , III. , had been living In
his city , was discharged from custody , the
HCO | | tlmllng no evidence upon which to hold
ilm accountable 'for the woman's eulcldc.
Miu-li SIcUiifNM n ( WiM-iihuv Wntrr.
WIJEPING WATER , Nub. , Feb. 22. ( Spe-
: lal. ) Several cases of scarlet fever are ro-
wted here , hut none as yet are very te-
r'ere. There are also numerous cases of
thicken pox and rnauy ot the grip.
Receipts of Cattle Exceed Expectations t
Come Extent.
llcrvcx nnil Pccilcm Soil
Well , lint Otlii-rM AnVonh _
.Stronu : anil it
SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 22. Ilecclpts tor
the days Indicated were :
Cuttle. HOBS. Shorn. Horses.
February 22 1,717 2.MX ) 3W2 61
Kolirunry a ) i , : w 7,411 U12 Ki
Fcbiuury n 1,357 6.245 2,404
February IS 1,501 4W. ! 3,136 12
Fcliriliiry 17 1,897 7,210 4.B29 11
February 10 2.KB W41 1,136
February IS 1.B2J 1.431 1KO 20
Kubrimry 11 8M ) 3f.05 1,011
February 12 1,102 3.70J 973 23
February II I , M 4,140 2,170
February 10 2S7ii 4,376 C01 13
Fobri'ary 9 3,374 4,12(5 ( 2.4C.I 2'
February S 2,037 1,2 ! > 7 30i5
The olllclnl number or cnrs of stool
brought In today by cnuh road was :
Cattle. lloj.i. Sheep. Hrs
C. M. .1 St. V 1 1
Union I'lifllle system 23 12 15
C. & N.V 1
F. ! : ft. M. V 13 S
C. St. I' . M. & 0 11 2
11. & M. H 12 12
C. H. & Q -I
C. 11. 1. & 1' . , wist. . 2
C. 11. 1. & I'.Wi-Ht. . 2 1
Total rcxelpts . . . . 70 40 In
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , t'lirli buyer pill cnaslns tlio num
ber of head Indicated :
lluyers. Cattlo. HOKS. Sheep
Omaha 1'ackliiK Co (1 ( WJ3
C. 11. llamtnond Co. . . . 218 491
Swift and Company 1SI CM 90
Cuiliihy I'nvklng Co wl l'G7 l.Sf
It. Hooker . < : Di-caii 2bS . . . . 22
J. I. . Carey. 18
J.olmmn Hotlisrhllils. . 121
W. I. fc'U'plK'lis 97
Henton A : Underwood. . . . MJ
Krebbs * Co 112
Hamilton & Co i ! )
Ctiduhy ICo. . , S. C. . . . 17
Swift , country 793
Oilier bujers 91
Totals 1,711 2,737 3.51.
CATTLK Thu receipts ol cuttle were ; i
little hirscr tliiin they \\eie a week ago
' 1'hcru WIIH the uvjnl propoiMon nf hiilf-tal
ciitllL- , too good lor luc'ior * ? .n l not good
cnonsli for beef , un ; ! the uaual sr.arclty ot
desirable cuttle.
The irarket in the bcttt- grades of fat
cattle was strong nnd the fuw loads hero
weie not lulls In e.iaiiKlng hands. Thn lit-s
desirable cattle that were neither beef nor
feeders * were weali and the demand not
overly f > rlFl . Hvi-rytnlng In the yards was
cleaned up In good f.cason.
Cows and belters ' . > rc lust nbout steady ,
the offerings meeting with quite ready sa.e
at last week's prices.
The feeder markt t was not ovcrsupplled
with fresh cattle and values dl'l not al o.v
any very mntuilil : change. The ilemnnd
was of HUlliclent proportions to clear up
the yards In good season. The feeders
bought quite n good many of tlio half-fat
cuttle that were shipped In for buuf. Repre
sentative Kales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. 1'r.
1..1040 $3 23 56..1201 i3 S2i ! 11. . . .12T1 ! J4 CO
1..1210 335 13. . . . 911 3 S3 It..1195 4 CO
1..1CUO 3 CO 1..1310 3 S3 10..1200 400
3..HSI ) It 60 17..1S13 S S5 1G..12I7 t V ,
1..I010 3 03 2I..U1S a ta IS. . . .1-135 4 03
20. . . . on 3 C3 ss..r : : : sir , ; . . . . : i ir.
22..10H .170 I..1i:0 3 t'O S..125 $ 1 IS
1..1010 373 16..I1I3 3 t'O ' 1..I430 413
0..1131 373 S..KW .1 93 40. . . .I2S' ' ) 4 li',4
1. . . . CIO 373 2I..I1I.G 4(0 1..1700 4 IT
G..12S3 3 SO 8..IIIO 4 00
1. . . . S20 175 4. , . . 933 260 2..1010 210
D. . . . Ml 173 2..KC3 a C3 1..10.W 301)
1. . . . SSO 173 3. . . . 9ii 270 2i..I03S 300
3. . . . HI 2 10 ' - ' . . . .1CGO 270 2. . . . S70 3 CD
2. . . . WO 2W 1 1110 273 1. . . . SCO 300
1. . . . 940 220 - 1. . . . ! > 275 7..D78 S IK )
1. . . . UO 233 1..1120 273 1..12CO 3 IK' ,
2..1010 233 1. . . . 790 273 2..1112 ! 305
2..1110 233 273 1..1CO31 \ > ! ) .
I. . . . 913 235 ' 5..1170 273 10..933 310
1..1070 2 40 1..1240 2 73 21..1116 3 10
1..1120 240 3..1073 273 1..1129 313
1. . . . 870 210 2..1040 273 7..100 : , 313
1..114I ) 2 f.O . 7..1107 2 SO 23. . . . E5S 3 13
1. . . . 910 2 M 22. . . . 911 2 iO 2. . . . 913 3 13
1..11CO 2 T.O . 1 lOi'O ' 2 S3 S..1CS1 313
1. . . . WO 2 W 1..1270 2 S3 31..1048 320
3. . . . B30 2 r.3 20. . . . . ' 29 2 S3 1. . . . COO 323
2. . . . 513 25T. 7.-.10C7 2 S3 10..10C2 323
2..1030 2 CO 1..11SO 2 S3 15..1164 323
2..1CCO 2 CO 1..1140 210 5..1021 340
1..1030 2 CO 3..13(10 ( 2 110 2..1330 3 43
2..1CO 2 CO 4..1137 2 90
1. . . . S20 2 S3 1. . . . 910 310 1. . . . S20 325
4. . . . 550 2 W 25. . . . CS1 3 10 1. . . . 410 3 23
4. . . . 725 3 1)0 ) 2. . . . 915 3 15 1. . . . CIO 3 25
2. . . . 495 300 12. . . . SCO 315 " , . . . . 7CO 335
1. . . . 750 3d ) 1..1100 315 3. . . . SCO 340
1. . . . CIO 310 1. . . . 403 315 1. . . . 430 3 fcO
. . . . (141 3 10 4. . . . 725 3 13 C. . . . 923 3 03
J. . . . T.-O 3 10
1..12SO 2 CO 3..1C16 2 5 1..1570 300
1..1770 275 1..HOO 2tO 2..1270 3 ( JO
1..13JO 75 1..14IO 2 ! 0 1..1090 310
1..1350 275 1..12IO 29. ) 2..1115 315
1..1C20 280 1..1CK ( ) 2M 1..1220 SSO
1 1)20 ) 2 SO 1..1ICO 295 1. . . . 970 340
5..1422 2 S5 1..KCO ' 300 1..19:0 340
2..1100 3 25 1..1420 3 25
2. . . . 375 300 2. . . . 1M 475 1..220 525
3. . . . 333 315 1. . . . 120 475 1. . . . 110 525
1. . . . 370 370 1. . . . 210 SCO 2. . . . 170 550
1. . . . 340 3 70
1. . . . 900 325 li..1200 390 C..9S5 410
1. . . . WO SI'S 15..120S 390 30. . . . S2S 410
8..100 ? 325 24..1013 390 4. . . . S97 410
1. . . . HO 330 39..11S3 390 2. . . . SSO 410
1..1020 3 SO 1. . . . 7 0 3 i" ) 4. . . . 457 415
2..1153 SCO 2. . . . 470 3 IK ) 11..SOI 415
1. . . . S3U 3 M I ! . . . . 71li 400 21. . . . GOO 115
1..1040 3 W 1. . . . 730 1(0 0. . . . 558 415
1..11CO 3 M 3..10M 4 CO 1. . . . 470 113
1. . . . 7CO SSO C. . . . (121 ( 4 00 2. . . . 710 415
1. . . . 900 375 . . . .605 4 ( JO 21..10M ) 413
5. . . . Clt 375 C..11M 400 2 fi S 115
10. . . . ( CO 375 33..1W3 400 II. . . . 4H1 420
C. . . . CS1 3 S3 41. . . . 1IJ3 4 00 7. . . . CT7 I 20
1..1020 3 S3 31..1197 4 CO S4.97 420
1. . . . C50 3 S5 30..10SS 105 27. . . . 410 425
20. . . . S70 3 W C..10G1 403 28. . . . C73 425
1..1110 310 C2. . . . 713 410 21. . . . 425 430
8..1007 31)0 ) M. . . . 909 410 29. . . . 470 430
1..1U70 3 90
No. I'r.
1 fprintior Jl'b 00
1 rprlnscr 3000
1 coiv nnd CM If 33 00
No , Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
2 rows 1000 } 1 75 2 c-ows 900 12 40
1 cnw ! ' 50 2 40 30 ecws 97li 2 75
Crows 9CC 240 1 fct-iler fCO 3 CO
1 row SSO 2 40 1 li'dler 7ft ) 4 W
2 cows I'W ' 240 1 calf 110 4 ( H )
1 cow SSO 2 40
HOOH The rccilpta of IIORB wenllclit nnd
under tliu InllutiK-u of a ( rodl ilcm.iml tinpcnx
were1 n > on rlrarrtl. Tinmailiet was ntcnily to
fctrciiKi'r un'l In sonic In tnnee8 Co higher , co that
the uvcrnin df nil the salc-H WUH a bhiule better
tlmn nt the clot-o of liiBt werk.
Heavy IKIRH Mill ] at > 3.303.35 , ns nKnlnxt )3.25j
3.33 on Sntunlay. The nii'illum Molshta nn
light loads lnoUKht t3.3303.45 , IJe top being no
better than It WUH at thu clotu of laKt tveok.
Tlie week opens with the inniket a nil
BtronKor than U wau at tin1 npenlni ; of Hie
previous week nml an high an It IUIB been uny
lime this month. lU'i > n.'fcciitatlviMilcn :
\'o. Av. rili. I'r. No. Av. Sli. I'r.
:9 : 351 120JII30 21 253 . . . } J40
,0 , 2SS 10 3 32 ! 77 230 . . . 340
iO 339 . . . 3 32 > i Cl 250 . . . 340
5 223 . . . 333 M 200 SO 3 40
Z 1X3 . . . 3 35 7C 21S . . . 3 40
> a 3ic ice 3 35 ; o : M . . . 3 40
it ) 273 . . . 335 41 2 > M . . . 340
2 30.1 . . . 335 C5 2C2 . . . 340
3 247 . . . 3 S3 > ( IS 233 ICO 340
0 352 . . . 3 35 ; 90 :15 . . . 340
0 303 120 333 S5 229 . . . S 40
0 ' .SCO . . . 335 i C5 ; ; . . . 340
2 25S SO 3 33 02 JJi . . . 3 40
1 354 . . . 335 W 217 . . . 340
7 271 SO 335 140 ISD SO 340
2 2SS 40 3 S3 55 I'll . . . 340
2 253 40 3 35 19 261 40 340
) SSO 200 3 33 CO 273 SO 3 40
7 245 . . . 33714 65 210 . . . 3 42\i \
0 270 . . . 33714 77 220 . . . 3 f
4 2IS . . . S 37ii 75 207 . . . 345
9 148 . . . 3 37(4 ( Cl 242 . . . ' 345
i 239 . . . 340
1 410 . . . 303 G 290 . . . 340
3 290 SO 3 25 ! ) 1C1 . . . 340
1 2W > . . . 800 3 32S . . . 333
4 4CO . . . 325
HiniKl' There ere sixteen loads of thtep litre
ml In trite of Hit ! liberal tecvlptg and lower
narket nt Chicago llio market litre was kteudy
nil uctlvc , Keprffentatlve inku :
Jo. ' Av. IT.
W New Mexican ewca ts JJ 40
SI New Mexican lainta , , . . .C3 4 10
X MV York
NBW YOUIC , Feb. St. IIKIJVIJS Heculuts , two
lay * . 2,717 lieud ; market tlow and lower fur
tter and oxen : built , lOo lower , but bteady :
wo ran untfokl. Native uletTii , M.ioOS.OO :
IHk-a unJ oxen , 13.20(13.50 : bulli. tJ.HOiiJ.W ; dry
own. It.C083.00. European cables quote Amerl-
an ilren ut lOViOUUc ; li p. SSVci refrlncru-
or beef , 7UtiSSv ; exportu today , t9i b eve :
, S90 ( luartern of beef ,
AND LAUUS-Itccelpti , two dayi ,
13.7JO hcnd , on mte fp r ! tlLlO1) head ) . S.ifrp ,
quiet nmt tradj . l.ii fl,4.tnw nt ' * ( fUc lowrr ;
fhcep. > 3.0fi 4.70 , l ml J5VS. < X\ .
IIOOfl llroplptK , two days , 11,457 hcndj market
nrm nt Ia.70ff4.15.
Ciilllo little .SlcAU ) ! ( o Slrnntr lloRK
\ Viik Sheep I.oivor.
CHIfAOO , l-'cb. tt.-n-lccs for cnttlc rulcJ
very stonily and cornrnrntlvely small num-
tier of cnttlc wn tieXStty tnken nt MronK quo-
tntlons. Today's snle _ wcrc Inreely nt from
$4 to M.75 , fnles tjPlnc on ft biuld of from W.M
to 14 for the po < irpje''dr < l. n > < l lef ftects up to
14.M and $ S for Rood. In .rJiolco expert nnd fhlp-
plntf becVM , with rrlnie eiittle stonily nnd largely
nomlnnl nt from J5.10 tdto.35. Te nnK were tin-
chntiKPil. . , , , .
In hOKs the market opcnnt wcnk nnd n shade
lower than nt the clrto of lnt week , but nn
nctlvc demand ? ocn firmed up prices , nnd the
dny's snlcs were nt nbont tlie snmp prices ns
last Knlurdny. Sales were mnde nt from J3.2.1 tn
f3.55 for honvy lacking hOKS up to J.1.CO nnd J3.f2ii
for the most desirable droves , choice mixed nn < l
butcher loin telling tienrly n hlcli ns the best
Unlit welKhts. Tlie bulk of HIP offerings crossed
tin- scales nt from 13.45 to f.ltS.
In fhocp there -vns n fnlrly good demand ,
but prices weie iibmit lOc lower on large re-
erlpts. Sales were made of plieep nt from
J2.60 to } 3 for corniiioti , to frrm 14 to J4.f5 for
chnlce to prime lots ; westerns , which comprised
the larger share of the orferliiK' . selllne cliletly
nt from J3.CO to M.M. YenillnKs liroiiRlit from
[ fJ.BO to 14.35 nnd ccmmon to prime Inniba WI-IP
wnnted nt from J3.76 to $1.73 , chiefly nt from
S4.30 to } 4.i ! > .
Ilecclpts : Cattl ? , ILO.1 * hcnd. hosB. 42050 hfnd ;
sheep , 20,000 head.
KIIIIHIIN Cly ( l.lvc SlocU ,
KANSAS CITV , IVb. M.-CATTl.K-ltPcclpts ,
Br,00 head ; 1.100 head ! bst grndea
nrm. ot.icrs steady ; TeVns steers , ! 3.I5t73.S5 ;
Tcxns COWB , Jl.S5J12.fft ; liutlvo fti-ciM. n.005j5.CO ;
native cows nnd heifers , ll.2u5J3.c5 ; ftockers nnd
feeders , 2.73f4.15 ; bull , JZ.SOOS.W.
11OOS llccelpls , 0 )0 hrnili shlimcnts , 1.100
hcnd ; market strong : bulk of Fnlcs , J3.S5H3 43 ;
henvles. } 333/3.f.O / ; packers , $3.25fT3. < 3 ; mixed.
J3.r > I3.r.O ; llKlits. J3.20 < 83.40 ; Yorkers , $3351(3.40 ( ;
plg < . t3.0003.25.
MHKKI' Hecelpts , 5.000 hfnd : thlpmtntx , none ;
maikct steady ; l.tnibs , M.Z54jl4.tX ) ; muttons , ? 3.roO
3. iO >
SI. li.llN"IlviSloclc. .
ST. LOl'IR. Kcb. JZ.-CATTI.K Itccellitn. 5(0
heml ; ninrliot .IfflOc hlRher , within tic rniiBo.
HOOK Itccplpts , I. WO licnd ; imitku firmly nt
the opening. cloMiui r.c lowrr ; llsht , 53.404f3.50 ;
mlxeil , i3.10H3.4u : hrnvy , W.0.13.r.Ji.i. |
SIIKKI' Ilecclpts , 1.rfO he-ail : tnnrkct steady ;
muttciiH , f3.rOQ4.2Tii Inmlia.
Stock lit
Heconl of rpci'lpts uf live Unrk nt the fmir
principal mnrketn for I-Vbnmry ! 2 :
Cuttle. Hot ; ? . Shi-op.
Oinnlm . . . 1747 s Sfo 3.T.OJ
Chicago . H.OuD 45 001) SO.OOO
KniiM * City . r.(0 ( : i 000 n.Odt )
St. Louis . MO 4.WJO I.SM
Totals . 51.717 f.s.SiO 23C :
Ciinilldon ofTi'iiilc n nil ( limtiitlmis nn
Slniili * nnil Pnnoy I'rcnliiCL- .
iciriS Krcsh KntlicrcJ , 11RI20.
HUTTI'll Common to fnlr. 9310c ; choice lo
Inncy roll , 12f13e ; r-nmtor crcnmi-ry , 20c ; leath
ered creamery , 15fflCc.
OASIK Ulue ulngcil tenl ducks , 11.73 : crceii
wins. Jl.EO ; redheads nml mallards , J3.75 ; cnmll
rabbits. 40ii.'iOo ; Jnclt. , tl.WWl 21 : fnnlriels. COff
.Oc : Canada geese , latRc , JO0007.00 ; small , UOOSf
rAI'v cllo'1'e ' fnl- " > to 12 ° 11)Snrc quoted nt
uiiUc ; InrKcnml coarse , 4i.V. |
DUIS.-KI-D : : ron/riiY
chickens , npnv-c ; tur-
heys. lO'ullc ; Kccce. 7 ! Sc ; ducks , SJflOc.
I.IVIJ rori.TUY Him. 55 < ie ; i-o.-Ui. Sfile.
HAY fplanil. J4 60 ; mlillnnil , Jl ; lowland , ; rye rtrnw. JS.tO ; color makes the price nn
uny : bales sell the best ; only top sradCB
brlns top prices. :
I1HOOM roitx Uxtiomcly Blow Kile ; new
crop , tlellvorcil nn track In country ; chulco jiii'en
Eclf-v.erklrK carpet. pr Hi. . 2JJ2'- ! ; choice green ,
runnlni , ' to hurl , /2'ic ; coiiiinun , Use.
I'll ! l'lANT-l'tr doz./COc.
\VKET rOTATOliri-Kancy Illinois , per bbl. .
M.I.I. i
ONIONS Good rto'c ! ; . per libl. , J3.JO.
LIMA ItKANS-Per Ib. , 4c.
I1I3AN.S Ilunil plche.l iinvy , per bu. . $1.131M.:0.
UAHIIAai : Fancy ttock , jcr 100 "Ibs. , $1.751 ;
CI-3L.UIIY 1'or iloz. . 2'ny fancy , largo , 45c.
I'OIATOKS Uoud native ctoclt , per bu. , SOc.
- kes J7.
CltA.\'liritUn.--lest : ; ! Jersey , per bbl. , f3.
Al'I'l.Ki ixtrn fancy. , liirite. 52.27R2.50.
CAiaroitMA I'iMl.Vr box , JI.-73.
OUANGis-Cnirqrnl.i : : navrtls. Kdt to 200s , $3 73 ;
larco rises. J3.23W3.30 ; scc.llnK. J2.252 | [ CO.
I..K.MON.S Mcsslnne , J3.OOffU.50 ; choice Callfor-
nln , $2.75 ; fancy , $3. " >
ItANANA Ciic.l.-o. Ir'njstock per Imrcli. J2.00
tf2.2. , ; medlum-.ilzfil bunches , JI.50ff2.00.
HONIJY-Cholce. 13S14c.
acoVST"1011 Jl" ' "cr" " . , $2.50 ; per
' '
MArLK'a'Yiirp-rivf Knl. can" , cnch. 12.50
Wl. cans , pure , per iloz , J12 ; hnlf-Bal. caiifc.
[ C.2.i ; quart cans , J3.CO.
MJTU Almonilji , Cnllfoinln , per lh. . larno
-Ize , 13c ; llnizlls , per Ib. . 10p ; nnsllsh wnl-
lUs , per Ib. , fancy , soft phell , 12f12i-.f stanil-
mis. lOSTllc ; ( llbcits. per II ) . . 10cpccaiih. ; . pol-
EheJ , laiBH. 9fJ10c ; juinbu , 115il2c ; larsihlik -
MT nuts. Jl.i3 per bu. ; cocoamits , 4V-o each.
M < . .S-IniportiMl funey , 5 uown. 30-lb. boxes ,
.10 ; choice , 10-lb. boxes , 3 crown , lie.
HinKS Nn. 1 irreen lihlcs. 5V--c ; No. 2 ifieen
idles , 4Uo. No. 1 Kicen salteil lililw , 7c ; No. 2
; reen raltfil hlileB , Co ; Ni > . 1 veal cnlf. S lo 12
bs. , 7c ; No. 2 vrnl calf. S to 15 lb . , Ic ; No. 1
try Hint libles. I'idOc. ' : V. 2 illy Hint hides ,
! tlic ! ; No. I dry unlteil II.IM. | Sff'.ic ; part euiiHl
ililfi , Ho per Hi. les-i than fully eiiieii.
SHinci' I'm/r.-1 Uipen Fulleil each. 23 jCOe ;
; rtcii haltcil , slic.-rings ( 'hurt wvoioil early
: kln ) , eaeh , 15e ; dry Khenilncs ( i"liert ' role.l
: arly hlitns ) . No. 1 , ench , 5c ; ilry ( lint , Kansas
mil Ncl > ] : tkn butcher wccl iieltt" , per lu. IIL-
mil v.-elKht. 4fi5c ; ilry Hint. KaiifiiH nnd NL-
irur.ka Murrain u-col pelts , | , er Hi. , i.etnal
velKht , 3fllc ; dry flint Cclor.ido Iniu-her wool
ic-ln. per Ib. . actual weight , 4f75c ; dry Mint
" "tdorado Murrain \ \ n | pelts , per II ) . , aelual
iVelKht. 3g4e ( ; feet cut on , as It Is ilrelem to
iay fivlRht on them.
TALLOW AND QHKASM Tnllow. No. 1 , 3c ;
alii w. No. 2. 2'.no : Krease , while A. 3e ; prease ,
vhltc I ! . 2c ; srcape , yellow. 2e ; ( jrence , ibirk ,
liv ; old butter , { j&r ; beisi\ax , inline , 13)2. ) t'i
oiiKh tallow. Ic.
\VOOI I'nwaHhcd , ( Ine heavy , CW7c ; ntu > lluht
iHi'Jc ; qunrlerblood , lOtillc ; seedy , bnny nnil
: linffy , Sfi9c ; culled ( inil bicken , coarse , 7m9c ;
utted nnd lircken , line , CflSc. Fleeee waclied
iK-dluin , ISJ/lSe ; line. HKc ; till ) wnKheil , 10Wl.Se ;
ihick , Pi" bucks , Cc ; taR locks , 23c | ; ileurt
inlled. fOOc.
UONKS In car lots , wclKhud nnil delivered In
'hlLMBo : Illy lluffalo , per inn , J12.0nil4.oO ; dry
ountiy. blenched , ner ton , J10.COI2.0 ; dry eoun-
ry. ilanip and meaty , per ton , 5'i.oOijS.CO.
liHIir Oood unlive ulcers , 400 to COO Ibs.
I'fcc ; peed forc'nuarltrs bteers , 5c ; KOIH ) lilnd-
[ ur.rters steers , S'ic ; western s'.etrH , Ccj fancy
iclfiirs. fc ; Rood heifers , Mie ; KOOI ! foreiiuar-
eiv heifers , 4"iu ; nooil lilnd < | iiarlerH helletn ,
} ic ; ; ; ooil eows. 5'/c ; fair rows , fiifccj eoniiiiun
-ows. 44c ; eow foitrjuaiters. 4liC ; cow Idiul-
luarlers. 7Vic ; tenderloins , 0iljonilep ; Hiljv
o ; ttrlp loins. 7o ; rolls , 8Vjc ; tliloln buttvi ,
Vie ; shoulders clods , 5' c ; lump butts , 5c ; Fleer
-.lucks - , 4lie : cow c.iucks. 3140 ; boneless cliurks ,
' , Jc ; cow plates. 3io ( ; 'tlvvr idates , 4e ;
teak , f e ; lolnp. No. 1 , 12rjc ; loins , No. 2 , 10' ' e ;
olns , No. 3 , S'io ; No. 1 Fhort loins , 13o ; No.
short loins. Ic : No. 3 short loirs , lie ;
llrloln fnila , " 'be ; ill , * . No. I. lO'.fcc ' ; li'js , fm.
, S'ic ; libs. No. 3 , f'tu ' : steer rounds , CVic ; cow
ounds , S c ; row rounds , hhank off , Ciic , ; cow
ounds , bhank and rump off , 7c ; IrlininlnKS ,
HC ; beef * hani < s. 2o ; bill Ins. per ilex. , S."e ;
weetbreads. per Ib. , 15e ; swrotbreails ( cahes ; ,
er Ib. , 20i' . klilneyn , per doz. , 35e ; ox tails ,
ach , Ifi" , llvei-s , per Ib. , 3v ; hearts , jier Ib. ,
f ; tonsues , | .cr Hi. , 12i %
Mt'TTON l imbs , 7H'1 ; > enrllnKs , "e ; sheep ,
ijli'.ie ; maiket racks HOUR ) , Sifjc ; hotel racks ,
Bhurt ) , 1Kleps ; apil .saddles , ( c ; lamb II > K .
c ; breasts and stfwp , ' 3c ; ton ued , each , Sc ;
lucks , each , "c. i '
I'OItK Dreffed plus , % 5e ; Oretsed IIOKS. 41ic ;
snderlolns , ISe ; | olns , Wtf fpam ribs , r.c ;
am Miin-nBO butts , ' 5e ; shoulders , roiiKh. 4l4cj
liouldew , rklnneil4iu ; irlnnnliiBs , 4'ic ' ; leaf
ird , not lendered , Jcr ' hends , cleaned. 3o ; shouts
nil ears , 3'.ic ' ; backbones , 2'ic : cheek meals ,
? ; neckbones , 2HC ; iil o1 tnlls , 3c ; pluck , each ,
. ; cblllfili'iKS , Sc ; hocks. 4r ; hearlH. ) ier doz. ,
; e ; ( . ( oinachs , each' , 3rh tonuues , each , Sc ; kid-
eys. per iloz. , iocs bruins , per doz. , 15c ; | ) | BS'
'Ct , per iioz. , SOc ; liver.1 ! , ea h 3c.
Liiuiliin . ( oVk ( ( iiotiithiiiH.
LONDON , Keb. 'J2I j ) . in. clo'-iliij :
DiiHQlH.m'y llltilS ! . P.mlcommon. . 77
uiiholB.aeo't 1'N. . Y. ll.l'i
' "W-Jl'ciiiiHylviiula ' . \
: m.I'oullio ti'\tt
' ' ' ' ' ' " ' -
ntral. . . . . . . . . ii | ' . < Mu'ic"ii. . Vio'w V . llii
iAtchbon _ i ijf
per fjunec.
JONiy IWlWt fir cent.
The rate 'of ilUwgitn In the open market for
tort and three mnmhc'.ldlli ) , 2 per cent.
Kin-Hun Klimiii'lnl.
TAHIS. Kcb. 22. 1'rlies on tlm bourse weie
m all 'lay-
VII5NNA. I''eb. I2On the bmireo today prices
icneil llrm and rhitril eauler.
I'AItlH , I''cb , 22. Three | r cent rentes , lOJf
e fur the account ; exchange an London , 23f
ic for check' .
IlKIU.IN. l'"i-li. 22. lluflnens on the bourse to-
iy opened Hrm cm llu < comblrcd attitude of
ic | Kjwcr . Later pllcex lluclualed. but
in nn it import l-mt an ultlniutuin hud been
-nt - to Greece.
ijQNOON , Teh. 22. llunlness on tlio Ktock ex-
miiKO opened Hal all uround , but Improved
trr. owing to more favorable reports regurd-
S thf > actions of tho. i < jwtr . dold I > ipjotnil
; Ilut-niM Ayrcu tCMlay. at 203 ; I.lnU.n , 4i.7i ;
nine , 100.06. The ninounl of bullion pone | r0
e Dank of England on bal&nce today ,
KANSAS CITY , Keb. 22. Ht-'TTHIl-Markct
sady ; cr amcry. liOlS'.i-c ' ; dairy ,
iaOS-MarKf.t : firm. K' c.
Llvci'i'ofil < ; nil n nnil I'rovlnliiiiN ,
LIViUI-OOI : * Ktb. VHEAT-fiKit ( trady ;
iniuid locdtiute ; No. 2 red , ( prlng , C < 3lid ;
No. 2 red , winter , nothing quoted ! No. 3 hnnl ,
ManltoM. nothing quotdl ; No. 1 C llfornln , C
C'vl. Kiiturts clo cd quiet , with May nml July
Hil hUher. nml unchanged from Saturday' * clos
ing priced i business alioul equally distributed ;
Il l > ru ry. C 4ili March , Ot 4Hd ; May. C tHd !
July , Cs M ,
CXHIN Spot otedilyi American mlxeil , new , Ss
' 4jJ. Futures clnseit with ntar nml illMnnt
pnltlonn uncharir. d to e lower ; busings equally
dlrtrlliutcill I'cbnmry , Ss 7'4d ; March , 2s 7Mdj
Arrll , 2s 7iili ! May , 2s SHd ; June , ! s M ; July ,
Steady ; demand poor : St. Ijouls fancy ,
winter. S M.
I'HOVISIONS Hacon , firm : demand , poor.
Cumberland cut , 28 to M Ibs. , 2 M ; lonft clear.
light , 35 tn 38 Ihs. , 2. > s M ; long clear , heavy ,
40 to 4S Ibs. , 24 6d ; short clear inliMles , heavy.
2.1 to 26 Ibs. . ! 4s ; clear bellies , 14 to 16 Ilm. , 2C C.I.
Tnllow , line North American , 1S . 1'ork , prime
moo , line western. 43 ; tneJIum western , 4 s.
Lird , stcnilyi prime western , 20s t J ; refined , In
palls. 22s C.I.
ClIKKSK-Dcmand , poor.
llt'TTKU KlnMt t'nlted States. tOs ; fnc , D5s.
LlNHUIIl ) Ollfis M.
linrntOKHATOIl IIKKF I'orequartcrs , 4d ;
hlmliiuarters , EUil.
HOI'S At Iximlon ( Pacific coast ) , 3 13s.
London lloni-y .Mnrkrl.
JJBW YOIIK. Keli. 22. The Kvenlng I'ojl'n
tjomlon financial cnblecrnm tays : "Tlic stock
irnrkct opened panicky today on the Cretan news
nnd consols touched Illy. All the markets ,
howc\er. closed with n rharp recovery , consols
rMtiK tn 112 3-16 bhl , nn reports not yet con
firmed. that the powers had agreed on autonomy
for the government of Crrte. The continental
bourses followed the fame course ns the Ixindon
market from start to finish. Money rates arc
tightening. The Hank of England lent a final !
nmuunt tnday. Trench exctmngc , 23 15. The
London market rule Is 21il. nml firm. The rite Is
mainly due In ofTcrlng-x of continental bills , the
Ingathering of the revenue nml the displace
ment nf some millions of cash this week In con
nectlon with the payment of railway dividends. '
P.lltln llnttciMnrlicl. .
IILOIN. III. . Kch. 22.-llt'TTKll-rirm ; offerIngs -
Ings , 80.250 Ibs. ; sales , 4S.1CO Ibs. nt ISc.
South Omaha News.
lllds for painting the two viaducts will bo
opened nt the meeting of the city council
tonight nnd It Is understood that the contract
Is to be let. Considerable rivalry Is ex
pected , although up lo last night only ono
bid had been filed with the city clerk. It
Is estimated that the work will cost In the
neighborhood of $2,000.
' .Mayor Knpor has fixed tip a little surprise
for members of the council In the shape of a
veto of the resolution passed at the last ses
Klon , Imtructlng the city attorney to con
fcss Judgment for $ .1.000 In favor ot the
receivers of the American Water Works com
pany. Thin bill was for hydrant rental foic
the last six months of 1S93.
Another matter oi Importance which Is on
the slate to comet up Is the scheme of locat
ing five nre and police alarm boxes In illf-
foruit parts of the- city at an annual coal
of $1SO. In cape this plan Is accepted the
telephone cc.mnany . will erect the street
booths , put In a'long distance transmitter
and a metallic circuit and maintain these
boxes for $ .1 a month a piece , making $3G a
year for each booth and a total of $1SO for the
live. U Is proposed to use these telephones
for police and lire calls only , and to locate
the boxes In sections of the city where there
are neither telephones or nre alarm boxes.
It ccots the city about $1GO for every lire
alarm box In use , and many of those now In
rervlco are of the old interstate pattern and
practically worthless. In cold weather tlicne
boxes stick , and the alarm Is not sent In cor-
lectly. Constant testing and repairing Is
necessary to keep thes ? 'boxes In working
order , and then U Is not possible to do GO In
extremely cold weather , as was demonstrated i
[ luring the recent cold snap. ly ! the pro-1
,5cacd , plan , the city would gain nve nre alarm [
boxes at a very low rate , and by continual
use would be kept constantly in repair
Councilman Franek of thu Second ward i
the originator of this plan , and will ur -
ts adoptloii.
; , . , Tcli'pliniio Company.
An agent of the Mississippi Valley Tele
) hone company was in the city yesterday so
Idling subscribers and managed to Intcres.
inlto a .number ot people In the proposed nev
Mim'pany. According to the promise mad
> y the agent , the present telephone charge
, vIII be reduced 30 per cent , which , if th
leal coca through , would make the price o
iclcphoncs in business places $2.SO a mont
ind residences $1.75 per month. It Is nn
lerstood that those interested In the ne
jompany will apply to the city council for
'ranchlso. The franchise now held by th
Nebraska Telephone company Is not cxclu
> lve , ami there would bo nothing In the wa
) f another company obtaining a franchls
At the present time 100 telephones are i
ise In South Omaha end the business house
ire charged $1 a month and residences $2.5
i month. This rate Is a reduction of one
ialf that formerly charged , the compan
ibotit a year ago voluntarily reducing th
Iir a number of cities In the United State
it the present time a tele-phono war is o
liiJ the mibsci'lbor gets the. worst of It fo
he reason t'rat he Is compelled to keep tw
c-lcphonco In bis bouse or place of huslncs
.nil the cost equals , If not exceeds , the charg
isually made by the Hell telephone people
5omo of the business liero do no
hlnk much of the Echcino. and It may b
iard work to obtain a foothold. The agen
vas askcj by me merchant , whom hs aske
0 subscribe , what telephone he Intended put
Ing In. and what system was to be used
nit he could give no Information on the sub
ect beyond saying that the new telephon
vould work nil right.
\V. L. Holland , local manager of the No
iraska Telephone company , Eald that h
vas not losing any sleep over the attemp
if a new company to enter the field. Ill
ubscrlbers , he said , appeared to be satlsne <
vlth the Ecrvico and charges of the compan
10 icpresented , and he did not think tha
.ny of them would leave him for an tintrio'
lliifrltriNViinl Clii-iiii Ifc- .
This evening therelall butchers will nice
, t Akoffer'e , Twenty-fourth and N streets
or the purpose of opening bids for Ico. Ir
mler to get ahead of the Ice combine the
IKul butchers , numbering thirteen , held a
iicetlng and decided to advertise for bids
hu contract for aupplylng Ice to all of the
hirteen shops to bo awarded to the lowest
cBponplnlo Milder. Up to last night only
wo bids had 'been recorvcd and It Is not
bought that any moro will come In. No
Ids were received from the companies al-
L'ged to bo In the combine. Last summer
lie butchers hero paid $4 a ton for Ice and
lioy nstort that for years past they have
ecu compelled to pay from $1 to $1.50 more
cr ton for ice than is charged butchers In
minim. On account or the action of the
utchera an Ice war In South Omaha Is
robablo nnd no doubt will be welcomed by
le people here , who la-st year wore compelled
> pay exorbitant prices. If the butchers
ucceed In their project ether large con-
inners of Ice may follow Iholr plan of or-
anlzlng and reiiestlng ( | bblu.
HiiNpllalKNiirlnllm Ounce ,
The women of the South Omaha Hospital
ssoclatlon gave a dance last night at Work-
icn ball , ledge No. 227 navlng donated these
so of the hall on Its meeting n'lght. ' Mrs. J.
. Carley , prtbldc-nt of the aspoclatlon , ap-
olnlod tlm following committees to assist
1 making tlio vontiuo a success : Floor , I ) . K.
, 'llcox , A. M. Oalhigher , II. II. ( Jhrletlo , Fred
ttcr , J. .M. Tanner ; reception , .Mr. and Mrs.
0. .Martin. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Caughoy.
Ir. and Mrts. I , . C. OJhson , Dr. and Mrs.
. M. Schlmlel.
An liulfiicniliMil ( 'lnl , ,
A Young Men's Independent club has
Ben formed In the first precinct of the Third
ard with ( ho following onicers : Patrick
Ickcy , prrrililcnt ; William Connautwi , nret i
Ice president ; M , McLaughlln , second vice
rcHliU-nt ; AVIIIIam J. Ward , treasurer : I'at-
ck Drosllne. nnanclal secretary ; WIIHam
'Connell , corresponding secretary ; Jamui
egan , cergeant-at-arms. Meetings will bo
aid every Saturday evening at Union hall
What t'oiiMlltnd'H llt > nv > UIIUTN.
Although there are more heavy bogy being
arketod here than at any ether large ' . * '
nter , ( hero hag been Increase enough tn
IQ supply of lioga below 300 | Knimln to per
il of calling boga ranging up from 280
mnilH as heavy In market quotations. All
inmgh the current winter packing season
i to the present time 300. pounds baa ticcn
Q dividing line between medium and htavj
) gj at this market.
Miiulc- City ( iiiHklii.
Ear corn 1s now being fed at the Chi-
go stock yard * , , ( lie ahellod article uo
Do you not sec Omaha on the globe ? Do you not
also notice the telegraph wires leading away into distant
lands ? These carry the news from all parts of the globe
direct to the Bee Building. We have already shown you
how The Bee surpasses all competitors in amount of news
published and now we will have a lesson on
Taking four days February J4 , 156 \ and \1 \ be
ing the Sunday , Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday
editions , this is the result :
Here again THE BEE is ahead of all competitors
for a comparison of Sunday and the following three week
days :
Tim 1\KK iirlntoil U ! )
AVorlil-IIrralil iirlnti-il ItlT'i liu-lu'M.
The Lincoln Journal iirlntoil IDU Iliclii's.
Tin * Sioux City .loiiriuil prill toil 1 < I1 ! % InoliOH.
That gives THE OMAHA BEE for the same period :
lUli'.i ' Ilu-ln-N ( nlioiil -olMills ) iiiiiri * ( linn the AVorlil-IIvrnlil.
KM liirlu-H ( nlioitt 5 colliniliH ) more tlmn tinIiliicolii .loiiriuil.
1-7 iiirlieH ( n III ) ut 7 no I u m 11 N ) more than the Sioux City Journal.
ee eo
Primary , Scoontlnry or Tor-
tinry Itlnod I'olsoii perma
nently curctl In 15 to US
flaya. You can be treated at hoino
for the same prlco under eamo
Cnarnnty. If you prefer to como bero wo will
contract to pay railroad faro and hotel bills , auj
no charge If wo fall to euro. If you have takcq
mercury , Iodide B"g" HS ( ? Ti B P H ( T * Rf" B V PotiiMli , nnd still Imvo
aches and pains , Silicons H ' % AU Bfc.Uai D j-atclicH In m&ulb ,
More Throat , I'lrnplcM , Copper-Colored WpoJH , Hirers on any part of the body ,
Hair or Eyebrows Hilling out , it Is this fi iOOl > POINO.V tbat we ijimrntitoo to
cure. \ VeEOllcltthomoEtob8tinatef = B R fa2" iHfi tE& f yBJlE ? CUHCH ana
- : ; : : : : tlio world fora case G E EKiiy KO H g OK , we ciicnot
curt . Tbls disease hr always liafllcd tlio skill of the moHt ciufnuiit pliyNlclniiH.
S5OOOO ( > capital behind our unconditional guaranty. Absolute prooffe scut scaled oa
Address COOK JtE.IIKDJi CO ,
307 Masonic Tcinplo , CIinCAOO. 1M/ .
Tills urcntVcsPtnblo
tlonota fanioui French physician , will quickly euro you of nil ner
vous or diseases of tup generative orfrmn , Hiich ni LostMnnlK.oil ,
Insomnia , I'alna In thoJInck.Ucmlnul .KmlsslonH , Nervous IJeblllty.
I'lmplea , UnUlnessTii Harry , Kxliauitlni ; JJnilns , Vnrlcorolu nnd
Constipation. nil losses . 1'iovciits
ItBtopi liydny or night. quick-
nfss of discharge , wlilcu n notclinrkod loads to Hporniutorrlin'ii nml
- _ _ _ _ „ . _ _ - . . , nil tholiorroriuf Irapotcney. 'IIB'HjMck'autc-a : thollvi-r , tin
HEhOflt AND Ahlb.ll kijnoygmiatioitrlnnrynrKniiaof , ulllmpurlllca.
' ' ' . ' .
( 'tJl'IDI'.Ni : BtrenglhcnsnnilrcstorcsRiimllwcnkort'ana.
Tlio reason sulTeri'rs arc not cured liy Doctors It liecanso ninety per cent nro tronlilcil wltrt
K'roulalllli. Ot'PIDENE la the only known remedy to euro wlihoiH mi opc-mllon. MootpnllmnnU
nls. A written ( fiiiiranli'OBlTcn nnd mnncyrelurniMl If six IMIXPB iloen not vllcct a periiiunuutcuro.
{ 1.00 a box , six for { .VOX by mall. Bend for run : circular nnd testimonials.
Ti , WT-uiriVI ! CO. , I1. 0.11010171 ! , San -iclsrn.C.-.I. : . f Kntela
Myers-Dillon Drug Co. , 8.E. Cor. ICth nnd Farnnm. Omaha. Neb. " "
When In doubt what tn use foi
Nervous Debility. Loss of I'ower.
Irapotency , Atrophy. Varicocclc and
other weaknesses , from nny cause ,
use Scxlne Pills. Drains checked
and full vigor quickly restored ,
Ifnrglcclrd. loch Irootiff * rCBUtlhUllr ,
MailedforJ1.00Cboiesf5.00. ; Will
J3.00ordcrswcilveafuarantccia ( ;
cure or rcfum ) tlie money. Addrrsi
& 51'CONNBLL DUUQ t O. . Umnnn , Neb.
elng satisfactory to ablppcrs and commis-
lon men.
Mrs. II. Hlce , Fifteenth and Archer streets ,
3 very sick.
Attorney W. H. Patrick la confined to
la homo by sickness.
Mrs. W. E. Ilonnle. Woodbine , la. , Is the
ucst of Mrs. Maxwell.
J. T. Robinson , Loveland , la. , was a vis-
.or In the city yesterday.
H. I ) . Reynolds , Ccnlral City , Is rcgls-
iretl at one of tlio hotels.
The Presbyterian women will.nerve din
er today at 2S09 U street.
William Thompson , Krlend , Is tlio guest
t hla uncle , J. W. Cleary.
W. A. Tucker , Chicago , Is In the city
loklng after business matters.
The Third ward republicans will meet
hursday night at Evans' hall.
Joe KoulBlty will bo tried In police court
iday for assaulting J. M. Tanner.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Smlloy entertained
10 Monday .N'lght club last evening.
J. II. Donsoii , Grand Island , was hero
estrrday looking after property Interests.
J , A. Ilerry , Market I.uko , Utah , was at
10 yards yesterday with two cars ot cat-
Colonel K. E. Short of this city Is visiting
Is son-in-law , L. M , Foula , at Fort Worth ,
Miss Etta Ilecd , 2407 N street , Is confined
her home with Inflammatory rheutna-
Mrs. Whalen , Twenty-third and S streets ,
ho was dangerously III , U reported some
; tter.
It. V. Armstrong , ono of Kearney's big
ittlo dealers , was u caller at the exchange
T. W. Tallafcrro. manager of the Omaha
jcklng company , has , gone south for a ten
iys' trip.
P. H. McCarty , a representative Grand
land farmer , spent yesterday In thu city
tending to business mutters , ,
F. II. Karnsworth. Elm Creek , was a vis-
) r at the yards yesterday , thu guest of
s fathor-ln-law , Sol Hopper.
A meeting of the park commissioners will
held this evening at the olilcn of Colonel
unt. Twenty-sixth and _ N streets.
Oospel meetings will bo held every even.
K tbU week at thu Chrlstlau church.
Telephone 103 ! ) . Omaha , Neb.
llunn ] of Trade. 4
Direct wires to C'lilciiKO und New York. T
Corn-vnciiilcnta : John A , Wiuren & Co ,
Board of Trade ,
You cnn buy or tell anything uualt In on tlia
v.irluu i-xchaiiBM of the country through us.
Ileferenccn : riret Nat. , U. H. Nat. . Commer
cial Nil I. bunks , Omaha ; Union Nat. bank ,
Kuntus City ,
UltA.N'T W. 1C It.V.MS V ,
Telephone 1C3J.
A / * / * froi fl / > frnf i''uilnii ) Mum *
orjr. liiii-otoncy.HU'DjilannieKH -'iun'il
h > * AliUKttUiid othur r.iwMj * itn < l ln < ll -
crfllofm. ' ! ' / ( i/ < / iifrfnnit * urr/t/
restore Ix > t Vllullly In Oi I or } oun/ , and
tit a man fur * tu < ! r. miln "n or uuirrlaH .
. „ , . - 1'ruvunt Jiituuiily nnd ( ! onnuini'tlon ' If
takuu In tlnta. Their U H khouH ( ininn'IJHte Jinpruvo *
tient and i-ifccU u CUltH wliero all othora fall. In/
-ou liurliiK Dm k'unuliHi AJuK Tublolu. ' 1'huy
urt" ) tliou iiiiJi ( iniJ will euro yon. UH KVM | A
u written { 'uuntnlon toftfect a euro In racli c ku
ir refund tliu moitoy , J'rlrw CO IHIIU i ur I'Ucknue ' , or
lx iiuckfiutM ( full UoMiiituU ) for $ ' , U ) . ] fv nmll.lji
uiHin wrBijr. | in oii rwttljti of iTlce. Circular frup.
Tor ialo In Omaha by Jamei Vonylli , Ki tit
ICth filreet.
K'uhn & Co. , 15th and Douglas Street ) ,
"r *
U > o Illg i for uDimturtl
dlidmrgr , liittamniatloni. '
Irrltatloiii or ulceratlang
of U1UCUUN liltIlltranei.
IfiiTtgli tonuiloo. r lnf | , utnl nut i
ltHtE NlCHllllCUC3. " ' or
1 Hold by
? T.I nJ.I ? ' 1 l.a. [ Jfl' ' r.
ty aiprui , i > rtpalil"for
{ .in , ot 3 Uottiei. | ; .75.
Ircultr icut on iciueit.
The topic tills evening Ia""s6ldnion'ir"'r < ) rn-
jilo. "
J tm J , Muridiy , IIOK buyer for Cudaliy nt
Sioux City , and formerly located at thin
I > olat , wan hero ft low. hour * yctitcrJay , ,