THE OMAHA DAILY "BEE : SUNDAY , FE.IUUTAU\r 21 , 181)7. 8 THEY ARRIVED TOO LA' Bat Will Qivo tha People the Benefit Wholesale Prices While They Lait. NOT MANY , BUT FINE P\M \ By IliMiiicnt f Many Wlio WUli Tn Ur Atlvmitiw "f I'HeM'H nail ( n UliiNf Onl Slot-It Cm Iatifrom Aii-nn HOSl'ti EXTENDS SALE. Wo expected that all the stock from various agencies would have been In the * t by Friday last , but some of our agents h been very Blow In returning stock. Wt want to mention here partlcult that arc nice , i fine pianos nvo or six very and the hlKhcst.'grado Instruments. four days , or u Wo will for the next wo close out all this stbcU , which ccrtal than two lo four di will not take longer ahem at fact continue to offer and sell cost. cost..Many have been made happy the past ' at just about ono-1 day's with tlno pianos and while the bala the usual retail price of this stock lads , you can have them the same price , viz. : Factory cost , and caey terms. Wo still have Eomc of those nice relh now upright pianos on band for III ! | 15fi.OO , $108.00 to $187.00. Then we have the very highest grade pianos that usually sell for $375.00 to $500 that will bo closed out at $108.00. $223 $230.00 to $2'JS.OO. Twonty-flvo dollars cash , $10.00 per moi buys any piano In the house. Wo warrtnt personally every piano organ for five ycara. Now Organs , $38.00 , $17.00 , $5C.OO to $ CS Six dollars cash , $3.00 to $3.00 per mo bujfi them. Store open evenings. A. 110SPE. , J KASTIill.N KUIJI ( JUTS TIIH .1 tinSliiI Wiirlc tf ' for tin- Co n ( I'Mt Kmird-tMifli SlriTl Vliiilm-l. The contract for furnishing the Iron steel work for the Union 1'aelllc's viaduct ncross South Fourteenth atrect yesterday awarded to A. & 1 * . Robe proprietors of the I'encoyd livn works , 1 coyd , Philadelphia , Ever slnco became known that tbo Union clfic would erect a largo t viaduct In this elty there has bcei stir among the big Iron manufacturers . Tl the country to secure ) the contract. were about twenty bids received from many prominent firms , but that of Ic was considerably Quaker City nrm than all other bids. The contract price not given out. In speaking of the contract yester Chief Engineer I'egram of the Union 1'a s.ald : "Tho contract requires tbat the shall be delivered In Chicago before Ma That will give It to tis In time to use du May. Ily that time the masonry work be completed and wo shall be able to right ahead 'with the iron work. The tract for the masonry work will be awai within the next tew days. We shall begin work , however , until we are abl start right In and push It through to c plctlon. We do not want the yard o- street torn up any great length ot tlmo. "Wo are going to use considerably r. . Iron than wan at first anticipated. The plans for the Fourteenth street viaduct , proved by the city engineer several y ago , called for a cross-tie 'flooring. ' S then the superiority of the iron flooring f city viaduct baa been frequently den Blrntcd , notably in the recent accldeni Twentieth street. Had It not been for Iron flooring there the results might 1 been much worue. I have always been aJvocatd of Iron flooring for such vlad and the latest plans for the Foui'tei street viaduct call for an Iron flooring ercd with coiicrc-tc. It will be solid capable of standing any strain placed i It. " Superintendent Calvcrt of the n. & M etlll considering the bids of numerous fl for Iron work and masonry > work for IIurHngton's portion of the Fourteenth si viaduct , which will Join that ot the U Pacific on the south. The bids are al Lincoln and are now under conslderal The IIurHngton's contracts have not yet 1 awarded , but will bo within a 'few 0 The engineering departments of both roads are busily engaged In working out details of construction and It Is absoln certain that the next frw montlii' . will active work and the employment of a 1 force of men on Fourteenth street , beU Mason and Marcy streets. UATUS TO THIS I > UKIUSTIC MK WcNtrni HiinilHKr ' v I'iMin One I1' for Iliiiinil Trip. After a fortnight of ivrangllnK the roads -In the Western Passenger ansoela havo.'bcen forced to put In a cheap rale- I Omaha , Chicago and St. Louis to Ca City , Nov. , the prospective scene ot Corbett-Fltzslmmons prize fight , The : llngton yesterday riniiounccd a rate $05 for the round trip from Omaha to Ca City and return. The Rock Island and Union Pacific Immediately followed announcements of the same rate. The 4s one farn for the round trip from her Ogden , Utah , and return. From that i to Carson and return the Southern I'ai lining the only line , InelMs upon the mcnt ot $35 for the round trip. The dual Kclllomcnt of tbo question has engaged the attention ot western sengcr departments for tlio past two w IB duo to the fact that certain railroads , nblo to secure the- eminent of the assocla have announced the rates on their owi snanslhlllly. The Alton was iho llrst In Chicago to plve notice that It would in a rate of $70.r 0. , \n ( ho nssoclutlou ntcndlly refuted to aullio'Uo n reduced from hero tlio Omaha roads will sell n trip ticket * for $0. > and let the opposing i make the best of 'It. ' Tickets will bo sold on March 12 am with the llnil leturn limit on Murch 2 ! coiiiliiuouu pasaago In each direction wll Insisted upon on all tickets to Carson t Those * who deslro to enntlnuo to Callfc for the races and other sporHng events taro t are advised to purchase regular Califr tourist tickets , secure a slop-over at 1 nnd buy a $3 cxcurrilon ticket from lien Carson City and return. Iliillvt'ii ) ' Noti'H mill Samuel W. Adelt , general freight and BbiiKcr agent of thu SI. Joseph & n Island railroad , was the guest of Asals ( icncral Freight Agent Lane of the V Paclllo yesterday. Colonel Dick , chairman of the hoard n rectors of Iho Plttsbui-g & Lake Erlo road , psisscd through Omaha ycstci bU car being attached to the v.-oatb Union Pacine "Fast Mull" train. A lengthy letter signed "II. W. H. " editorials from Chicago papers , all cxps Ing on the evils of ticket scalping , been reprinted by tbo railroads and scnl to all the lallroad reporters for repul tlon , For ilin state convention of tha Kn of the Maccalees , In thlx clt > , .Murch 25-27 road a In the Western Passenger assocl , have agreed upon u rate of ono fare tUe round trip from all points In the t They will put In the same rate for North Nebraska Teachers' convention Norfolk , from all polnta In thu state ref of the Pltiitu river , for Mr. Mi-KlnIc'N f iiiiniruriillii The nurllngton Koulo offers Ma'rcl ) I am one-way r lo for the round trip to Wflsl ton , 1) , C. Through deeper to W.ishlni Rcnervo berths NOW. Ticket olllce Farnam street. , J , I ) . Iteyuoldtt , City longer Hamilton Warren , M , I ) . , eclectic and i netlo phv.-Han ; tptclal attention to dim of wome.i ar.d children and all obscure l9agtandlng deascti , | , 119 N. 16th at. , TOMORROW IT BECli The Grand Sale of the Wet Cargo of 1 Goods Save : ! from Stoaraor Alvenn , AT THE BOSTON STORE , OMA TlilH Will UP HriiiHlfNl Wrt < Jni t S HOMlim Store Bvi-r Hrlil , All ( loin llcliiK Xrw , SlylUli. SiiH iiiillo anil In'lnnH t'oinlltliin. SAI.K nuaiNS AT HOSTON STC TUI3SDAY MOHNINO , FEB. 2.1IU ) . The steamer Alvena , ciirouto from ? Yorlt for South American ports , collides v another vtoflcl In ii dense fog olt Sandy II and springs a leak , anil Is towed back port hy the N. Y. Wrecking Co. On animation , It wss found that all of goods In tlio hold of the steamer v more or less \\ct. The entire portion the wet goods wore taken liy the Mai Ilifjranco Underwriters Co. , nnd eold spot cath to ItOSTON STOUK , OMAHA. TUESDAY MOtlNINO WI3 1'LACB ON S/ All the wet llnur.ii , \Vct dress goods nnd silks. Wet curtains and draperies. Ladles' wrappers and children's cloaks million ? , lacss and embroideries. Hosiery , underwear nnd shirts. Domestics. inuallnH , ginghams , die. All only slightly wet. This entlro shipment will bo placed sale from day to day as the goods arr nnd Tuesday morning will begin the I day of the sale. IJOSTON STOUR , OMAHA , ICth & Douglas St IIA Mi1'FA11H KXCIJUSIOXS Via tin- WASHINGTON , I ) . U. : Tickets on : March 1st and 2nd. Hate $30.25. POINTS SOUTH : Tickets on sale M.-i 2nd and ICth. For timetables , sleeping accommodations and full Information at WJhn > h oinco , HIS Karunin fit. (1'a ( ? hotel block ) , or write GKO. M. CLAYTON , Agt. . Omali Have your damaged mirrors resllvcrcO Omaha Mirror Mfg. Co. , 70S N. ICtb. ThrotlKli TrilliiN fur I In" IiiiiiiKiirnt Will leave Chicago Union Station at 11 m. , 3 p. in. , 9 p. m. , 11:30 : p. m. nnd 2:4 : ; in. via Transylvania Short Lines. Ext slon tickets on sale March 1 , 2 and .1. 1 Information free by applying to travel passenger agent , W. W. HiCHAUDSON , Omaha , Xcl Or H. II. DEllINn , A. Q. P. Agt. , 218 So Clark street , Chicago. Samuel Hums announces the last wcel tlio February reduction sale. Gold or si dollars , either go for OOc. For Phonographs , Graphophoncs , Ileco etc. , see A. 11. Fowler , Victoria hotel , the $23 Grnpnophone- . HAM' UATI3S \V.\S1II\GTOX , 1 > . Via ( In1 linrllnnloii Itniitr , March 1 and 2. Through sleeper to Wi ington. Call at ticket oflloe. 1502 Fan street , anil reserve berths NOW. J. 13. UKYNOLDS , City Pass'r Agcn Hot water fronts & backs lor all took ranges. 1207 Douglas , Om. Steve & Rep. W . "The Overland MiiiltciL" To Utah In 29Vi hours , California In hours via the UXION PACIFIC. This the fastest and finest train in the w Tickets can be obtained at city ticket ol 1302 Farnnm street. 1)11. FA III AHIIIVKS IX TIIR CI He.Mi y Acrt-iit TriiiKy'M Vno Rov. Campbell Pair of Grand Itaplda , has been called to the vacant paalorati Trinity cathedral , arrived In Omaha terday. llu was accompanied by : Fair. They are the guests of Henry W. Y until Monday , when they will return Grand Rapid * . Hoth Rev. and Mrs. Fair pear to possess In an unusual degree engaging personality that contributes largely to success In pastoral work. 1 Fair Is now f > 3 years of age , and has 1 engaged In church work for consider more than a cjuarter of a century. Ho boon formally called to Trinity , but whe he will accept or not will depend upon Impressions that he receives during lila ] cut vltlt. So far his Impressions of On have been In the highest degree favon Ho said he waa much pleased with whit tic ho had been nblo to see of the city Us people , and Inquired nt once whe such beautiful days were a frequent fea of Omaha wlnteia In discussing the question of accepting call. Dr. Fair said he would probably n Ills di'cisinu Monday , So far he was n pleased , but there wcio several detalh he arranged with regard to parish > which inuat be considered before ho i his final decision. " 1 have not been addl to frequent changes , " ho continued. "I In IJaltlmoro for twelve years , nnd I been In Grand Haplds eleven years. Du this last period 1 have received nlno to oilier locutions. I had always paid tl would accept tlio tenth , and Trinity Is tenth.Vc have two boys of 13 and 15 yi and tholr Interests miidt be conalderci deciding upon a change. I run going il to ee the cathedral this afternoon , and : what I have been told , I expect to be j ; pleased with It. " This Is the first visit that Dr. Fair over paid to Omaha , hut on account ol long friendship \ilth Ulshop Clarkpon , w ho had ciui'i'tulncd duHnn his pastorat Dnltlmnro , the city Is no' ' unfamiliar to Sovrrol members of the congregation c , at the Yatcs residence yesterday to i their prospective dean ttiid his wife , am acquired n decided anxiety that he fil accept the cull. Closing out prices at Hubermann's dry store , Thlrtrenih and Douglas etrec $ ( ! . * > Id Cai'Mia , NVv , , anil Iti'lur March 12 and 18 account Athletic 7 nnmont , 'In which Covbetl and FiUslmii will partlc.lpa'te. Tli'Uet olllco 1502 Farnam street. Take \nlliT , 1) . of II. OMAHA , Nob. , Feb. 20 , 3807. To Members of Social LoJgo Xo. 102 , Degr < Honor , Ancient Order of United Worki You are rcqnortoil to attend the funcrt our Into brother , William McClure , at residence of his parents , northeast co Eighteenth and Nicholas streets , Sunda 2 o'clock p. in. All slstsm Invited tc tend , MHS. WILLIAM AHNOLD. C. of MHS. MAHY K. STniNGKKLLOW. Uecoi I'mtso.v.u. ui'TKfTS OP .M\VS : \Vlf > of ( Inlltail Mil ii Woulil II Tin-in I'Nii'tntrili'd , The wife of Hudolplv Newman , the Invi who committed milcldo at the State n few da ye ngu , ban matin a request Ilia effcctu found upon Newmnn'n body be RC her In order that the may dleposc of nnd pay a board bill. The woman ta In tltuto circumstance * , oUhouylf she hat ileavorcu to get along by working as i nicatlc. These faqU wur'e detailed letter reeelved by Clilerof 1'ollco Sis front the C'heago.pollcvrr | > utliorlilc . > Among other thliigj hat are wanted gold watch and chain' Thesu , however , mot found on the body , and had prot been disposed of b > Newman. All the sections ho had cons'sted ' of the revi with which l | < i Killed liliiiti'K and a v full of clothing. Tlirso are being belt Coroner Ilurkrt va satisfaction for the fui expenses of the deceased. ECHOES OF THE ANTE > ROOM The state encampments of the Sons Veterans and the Daughters of Vctera which were held In this city during the ji week , ( ltd ono thing that was of general tcrcst to the people of Omaha. This c slated In the Instructions given to the di gates to the national encampment to do In their power to bring those big gatherl to this city In the exposition year. 1 the 1 matter assumes Importance from that the action will mark the beginning n moil active campaign to capture tbo mi Ings. Ings.Tho Sons of Veterans' encampment naturally the bigger nnd more Importanl the two conventions. H will bring thousa of delegates and visitors to the city. Sc dea of the size of the crowd * In nttenda can bo gained when It Is said that the i 'ormed men that come to the encampm number 0,000 or more. In point of numl ho encampment would be one of the ( conventions of the exposition year , and fit would undoubtedly r t the merchants great benefit. Kvcr since the exposition scheme broached the local members of the or lave been laying wires to capture this tlonal meeting. The state meeting was talned for this city In great measure n step toward the SUCCCM of the scheme , was believed that If the state encampm vero brought to Omaha the delegates could ro Imnresrtcd with the Importance nnd m iltudc of the exposition that they would E Instructions to the strongest possible Iclegates. The value of the plan demonstrated , because the two delegE every legitimate men were ordered to use n their power to bring the gathering this city. The Omaha memUers went Into the com tlnn with the Intention of having Seni selected as one of lolm M. Thurston lelcgates. and in this they were also i eessful. The senator has already flgnl Us willingness to assnnn the olllco. other dslcgatc Is J. A. Collins of 1-rem ast year's secretary of the state enca ment. nnd one of the best known member ho order In the state. The local members realize that n g task lies in front of them , and they In begun preparations for therefore , already onslaught. TliQ national encampment lot be held until August , but It Is consldi that the time Is none too long. This ye neetlng will occur In Indianapolis. Among other things , It Is Intended tin special train of Omaha people shall gc the encampment to work for the convent Tills project Is being pushed by Crook ca and more particularly by John G. Kuht that body. It Is Intended that the c : shall go In a body and be accompanied the Woman's Aid society , that lias just t organized. In addition to this contlnRon s believed tint many of the members In o parts of the state will be Induced to go ah The two conventions of the Sons Daughters of Veterans were very succcs and harmonious. Possibly the attend ! was not as gocfl as It might have- been , any lack In this regard was fully made .n . enthusiasm. The columns of The D [ ! ee have given prominence to both meetl ind this column will , therefore , dismiss meetings with but a few words. None of the business transacted by ell jody was of any great Importance , Daughters" were almost entirely oecui n delineating for the Increase of tbc 01 n every way. A few changes in the p cnt constitution and system were made , ; hey were not of any particular Inter The discussions were only lively enougl make the sessions Interesting and v without acrimony. The Sons of Veterans did quite a 11 business , but this has already been notl ns the sessions occurred. Possibly jlggest innovation was in the establlshir of a relief fund for funeral expenses and rendering assistance to the families of. ceased brothers. This fund will be kept jy 'an assessment of 50 cents on each mem whenever a death occurs. The plan state divisions and : > een tried by other aeon found successful. The attempt to corporate a regular Insurance dcpartni n the order failed. Another Innovation was inaugurated both bodies in deciding to meet next yea ; [ he same time and place with the Gr Army of the Republic , the Woman's He corps and the Ladies of the Grand Arm ; the Republic. Thus the big patriotic on will mcej together next year. The cnca ments and meetings will occur at Nor : seine tlmo during the early part of 1 niary. They have never In the history of state been held together , but the sys lias been In vogue In other states. The Sons of Veterans elected the fallov olllcers : Commander , W. H. Davis of 1 ben senior vice commander , M. R. Glln of Valley ; Junior vice commander , S. T. \ gins of Omaha ; division council , F. J. Co. . of Omaha. George T. Wolz tf Fremont am W. Whiting of Albion ; delcgate-at-la Hon. John M. Thurston of Omaha ; reg delegate , J. A. Collins of Fremont ; altern A. II. Uawltzer of Omaha ; assistant cl lain , F. J. Coatcs of Omaha. The follov appointive ofllcers were announced : Adjut of Wllber ; surgeon , I ) R. C. Van Duyn Baton of Lltchllcld ; Inspector , R. M. Tj of Wither ; judge advocate , E. L. Dradlo : Omaha ; chaplain , J. A. Deck of S < Omaha ; muster officer , B. II. Jenkins of lumbiis ; surgeon major , William Grelssln Thi' quartermaster was not appointed. The Daughters of Veterans elected as lows : President. Cora Owens of From senior vice president , Mrs. A. R. Askwlt Omaha ; junior vice president , M'lsa Matlc Munyon of Rising City ; chaplain , Laura C of Lltchfleld ; treasurer , Clara Feenai Omaha ; Inspector , Anna Reding of Line mustering and Inspecting officer. M Stiles of Fremont ; council , Nelllo Bain Lincoln , Mrs. Stevens of Lltchfleld and 1 Sheldon of Geneva ; delegatea-at-largc , 15r Day of Fremont ; alternate , Rino Sheldo : Geneva ; regular delegate , Mrs. Phoebe Coy of Omaha ; alternate , Can-lo n.aldul Fremont. Only ono of the appointive olll secretary , was selected. Miss Emma Ga Fremont waa appointed to that position. The entertainment that waa offered delegates to both bodies by the local ir bars was excellent. On the first ever Tuesday , a reception was held at the C merelal club , where the vUltors > roundly welcomed. On Wednesday they ) allowed to their own means of tortalnmont. although such of the Daiigli of Veterans as wished to go were takei tlu > theater. On Wednesday an excel banquet was given to tha delegatca to ' at the Sons of Veterans' encampment lone hotel , This affair was moat enjoy and successful. On the same night Daughters of Veterans were entertained Crook Relief corps In Its hall on N Twenty-fourth 'street , Modern U'lioiliiii-n of .Vnicrlen. Next Wcdnetday evening the Modern W men of On-tihti and South Omaha will i In joint section to listen ( o a dlECiisslo the emergency fund question , which Is ono of the more Important being consld by the mcir.ttrs of tie ) order. The discus will be In the nature of a joint debat which there will be two speakers from i of the camps , 9110 from each on the affirm : and ouo on the negative of the ques The question for discussion Is : "Resol That the next head camp devlee some m for creating an emergency fund. " affirmative speakers will be Dr. L. Mcrrlam of camp No. 120 ; James II. Shea Maple camp No. 945 ; James H. VanDusc South Omaha camp No. lOSa , and J. Homier of Ileech camp No. 1454 , The sp era on the negative Avlll bo D. Clem DC of camp NO. 120 ; Qeorge A , Magney of M camp No. 045 ; J. II. Murdock of S Omaha camp No. 1095 , and John S. Kin Deech camp No. 1451. The discussion take pl.u'e In the hall of camp No. 120 Ir Continental block , Fifteenth and Don streets. The camps of Omaha , South Ornaba Council muffs have appointed confer committees which will have , a meeting week to cllti-uus the advisability of cttab lug headquarters and making an cxlib | the TranemUeUElppl Exposition In This committee will alco make arrangem for the entertainment of the Nebraska western Irwa delegates just previous to I martins to the head camp which will con At Dubuque , la. , Tuesdiy , Juno 1 , Two y ago the Oiraba woodmen entertained delegates la a royal manner before etai for Madison , WIs. , nrt they expect to ca out much the same uontral plan of error ments In onlor that'the delegates may come better acqunlntdd before entering u the work of the head camp. Should It doomed advlsr.blo to Uko part In the Trn mlsslsslppl Exposition -the committee ' take up the matter of setting the exposll recognized In n substantial manner by next head camp. Hazel camp of Council Illulta has b keeping right to the front In woodcraft the camp now has over 300 members , T liavo the credit of having ono of the 1 drilled teams of Foresters In western lo Not satisfied with their present nnlfo the Council niutts Foresters are going get line nev uniforms for dress parade , tl da-slrc being to have the best uniformed t ( of Foresters In the order. The Foresl will give a hop at their hall In the Mcrr block , Council Ulufts , Tuesday even March 2 , nnd from the way the Invltatl nre being accepted they will have a crow house. H goes without saying that all ' attend will have a good time. The Mod Woodmen of Omaha have been Invited , many have signified their Intention of tending. "Tho accounts of the trouble tween Rock Island nnd Fulton , over the headquarters of the Mod Woodmen of America sent brondi by the A&occlnted press are misleading , therefore I would llko to state the follow facts , " says P. 0. Schroder of Maple canii | this city. "The article referred to was gl to the Asscclt.tcd press by the Dasl brothers of Fulton. 111. One Is the publla of n dally parer , nnd the other Is postmu at that place. They are In a position send out the Associated press dispatch , wl look ? -bad , on the face of It , when as n ma of fact the Modern Woodmen cannot placed In the hands of a receiver for such cause , as the order has now In benefit fund a surplus of $147,500 , nnd in than $200,000 In Its general fund. The dlst court at Fulton decided In favor of Modern Woodmen , granting permission move to Rock Island , III. , as per vote of Omaha hoa-1 camp meeting , November , 1 nnd confirmed by the Madison , WIs. , h camp session In 1S95. Immediately n this meeting the officers attempted to movi Rock Island , when A. W. Hastlan secured Injunction , which held the head office Fulton. The head officers appealed the c. . nnd In due t'tno ' the Injunction wns dlssoli Mr. Dastlati then took an appeal to appellate court , and again the order caino victorious. The Rock Island people t agreed to move the records and furnltun the ordc'- free of charge , and took their < train to Fulton In good faith and for no ot purpose. The Fultonltcs prevented the moval of the furniture by turning city wi on the Rock Island people , and A. W. Hasl in the meantime took an appeal to the Un States court to further delay the remo A. W. Hastlan was at one time one ot head officers of the order with J. C. Root , was ono of the parties ngainst whom ; wns brought , during the stormy days 1S80-DO. On that account there has alw been a bad feeling- between him nnd present head officers , and on account the head office being located at Fulton , salary of A. W. Haatlan as poatma ; amounts to about $3,600 a year. Should head oirtce be removed , the receipts of poMofllco would be cut down at least c half and the salary of-the postmaster we suffer a corresponding- reduction , hence can.nHord to spend $100 or $500 to delay removal until thexplratlon of his term postmuatcr. Besides there Is somegratll tlon on hie part In this matter. " ICnlKlitM of 1'ylliluM. Triangle lodge , No. 54 , celebrated the nlvcrsary of the founding of the order giving an entertainment In the Castle h at Twenty-second and Burning streets , Thursday evening. Tfcoaffair was a v enjoyable one and was attended by a v good gathering. . Tlio curly part of the ev Ing was-occuplednvltli'a musical and liter program.This was followed b'y n dance , lunch was served during the course of evening , , The' SUCCORS of' the affair Is i to the efforts of the committees , which w composed of tlio following : A. H. Dau Theodore Kcstner , Henry 'Hoffman , Ch Hoycr , H. W. Snyder , J. R , Stlne , J. Ernst , J. A. Post , J. D. Munroe , Fri Snyder , Charles Strange , Charles Schnaul V. II. Ualcombe. The 'master ' of ceremor was A. H. Daublc. Nebraska lodga , No. 1 , will celebrate anuUcr-sary and Washington's birth lolntly , by giving a social dance In the lo anil tomorrow evening. Quite extern preparations have been made for the offal The uniformed rank at McCook has orde fifteen now uniforms. The body expects make a good showing with this addlt There are thirty-five now In the rank. > vestments foi- degree work are also be made. Fraternal Union of America. Banner lodge , No. 11 , last Thursday ov Ing hold ono of ! ( most Important nnd tcrcstlng meetings slnco organization. At fifty members were present , thirty-eight i applications were voted upon , ' fifteen cai dates wore Initiated nnd three members v reinstated. After the Initiation scrvi which were very Interesting , several pl ( ot music were rendered. The lodge t adjourned , and most of the members spei social hour. The lodge will hold an o meeting and entertainment -next Thurs evening In the hall. In the Continei block. Monarch lodge , No. G , of Florence , glvo a public entertainment and supper Monday evening. South Omaha lodge , No. SO , perfected a i mancnt organization , with fifty members. The supreme lodge has completed the tire paraphernalia , badges and lapel I tons. They are being distributed among lodges. Ilellevuo lodge , No , 90 , was organized J ! ilay evening , with twenty-two members , following officers were elected : J. L. G P. M. : Mrs. L. M. Guttcry , J.j Arthur Wrli S. ; Mrs. J. I. Goss , T. Imperial . IjNllr I.c loa , Windsor castle , Imperial Mystic Leg held Its usual weekly session at Its hal ! Labor temple Friday evening. Eight ( didates ventured across the moat and piled at the castle gate for admission were accepteO , They were duly Inducted the mysteries of the order. Twelve na were balloted on and elected to niemben and ten presented Inch' applications. On account of surrounding clrcumstai Windsor castle has decided to change meeting night as well as place of meet After March 1 gosilons will bo held Thursday nights 4n ( Foresters' hall , foi floor of Boston store building. Necesi changes have bocn and are being n : that the accommodations may bo conven and satisfactory to 'tho mystics. New llg dressing rooms , carpet * , etc. , will make hall a most deslrablo meeting place , open sessions hold > once every month the cause of much , awakening on the par thcHo attending , Since last report ( York castle has I organized at York/Nob. , Queen City ca at Council Bluffs andiRltz castle at Mitel S. D , Steps are . being taken tow starting- castle eat South Omaha another In Clear Lalte. la. Another IB al ready to organize otcPlpestone , Minn. OriU-r oCMlicVoiliI , Tomorrow evenlng'-a complimentary m toclal will bo glv ny ; Omaha lodge No , : Order of the WorldMt the rooms In Patterson block. The affair will be o private nature , as each member Is allo but one Invitation , and with this limit hall will bo packed , as the large me nil chip will no doubt 'bo well represented this occasion. The new degree staff w of Omaha lodge Is proving a decided i cess and draws out the members on occailons when the work U to bo perforn Monday evening , March 1 , a grand cha mask ball' ' will be given by Myrtle lodge , ? ! ) In Myrtle hall. Continental block , expense Is being spared to make this most enjoyabln entertainment ever given ono of the lodges. A large and merry party of members friends of Myrtle lodgs enjoyed a high entertainment la tbo lodge rooms last V day evening. Rlvervlew lodge No. 421 has moved fi the rooms In Keystone hall to For .1 li Sixth and I'krce street ! , which will the temporary home. The hall formerly cuplod Is being thorough ) * overhauled fitted up specially for Illvtrview , and 1 short time will present a fine appearanci the lodge will hold ft toclsl dance on Mor day evening , March 1 , In Forest hall. Last Wednesday evening a social danc was given by Banner lodge No. 419 ol tli quarters In Sander's block , Twcnty-Iourt nnd Cumlng gtrccls. This ledge U growln rapidly nnd Is destined to become 'ono < the solid nnd popular organizations In th northern part of the city. Improved Orilcr of Heil Men. n tralernnl body tin If there over was lias cause to bo proud of tlio success f n entertainment It Is Ynhnundnhsla tribe. N 2 , together with Its slstwr auxiliary , Alfa ctta council , No. 3. Daughters i Pociihontas. The affair that wi given by these two bodies on the sleep i the seventeenth sun , stiow mooon , G. S. I 406 , will always bo pleasantly rcmcmborc by these present. The program wns all tin could bo desired nnd the dances were n ranged to the satisfaction of all. The degree team under the nblo tutorahl of Mr. Charles Holllday , nn old-time "Injun man , gnva an exhibition of n squaw dam that was perfection Itself. Tlio performam brought rounds of applause. The drill tcai was under the leadership of Mr. Ed 1 Page nnd both were recipients of many con pllmonts , The costumes of the women wci the finest ever shown to an Omaha niidlenc Prof. Unyorsdorfer did splendid work wll his calcium light and much credit Is di him for the beautiful effect the Hght pn duced on the costumes. Exclamations i surprise were given on nil sides by 01 pale face friends. Ancient Orili'iof I'nlU'd ' Workmen. The troubles between Anchor ledge i Shclton nnd Grnnd Master Workman Ta lips resulted In"a split In tlio lodgo. La week a new lodge was started In the ell with n charter list of thirty. The majorll of those members belonged formerly to Ai chor ledge and transferred. Acting Grar Master Workman J. II , Erford of Linen ! organized the now body. It Is called Pho > nix lodge. The ofllcers arc : Rov. Grave P. M. W. ; A. D. Grnliam , M. W. ; J. V Weaver , P. ; E. A. Wescolt , 0. ; J. H. Heatl crlngton , P. ; J. P. Moore , H. ; J. N. Whit R. ; Thomas Blakloy , I. G. ; O. P. Gutte 0. 0. The ledge at Howells will glvo a ma : qucrado ball In the opera , house on the cvci Ing ot February 22. The Norn ledge has purchased a bulldlr In which to hold Its meetings. Inili'i > 'iul < "t Orili'r of I'liri-HUTN. The following officers have been Installc by Court Prokop Volley , No. 33SO : Job Kubat , C. R. ; Anton Malek , V. C. It. ; Joser P. Brown , R. S. ; Vcnzl Sobota , F. S. ; Job Hajny , T. ; Peter Dcgrlm , S. W. ; J. Such ; J. W. ; Joseph Chcshelc , S. B. ; Fran Bradll , J. B. ; Joseph Kramollsh , J. R. ; I Holovtchlncr , P. The court was formerly subordinate body of the Illinois organlzi tlon , but transferred to the Canadian ordi bodily. It has been Increased and Is In flourishing condition. MllNOIltC HoillL-N. The Installation ot the newly elected on cers ot Mount Morlah ledge of Perfectlo No. 1 , Ancient and Accepted Scottish Hit will occur tomorrow evening in Free Mason hall. The ceremony will commence at o'clock. The thirty-first degree was conferred ( candidates by Occidental Consistory No. last night In Maeonlc temple. Secret Society Noted. A new1 lodge of the Loyal legion has bee organized at Hartlngton. Its officers an A. M. Goodlng. W. C. ; Mrs. Hattlo Wol W. V. C. ; Dr. M. B. Hancock , W. T. ; Mis A. Ballantyne , W. S. Thu Grand Army of the Republic post Douglas proposes to enjoy an old-fashlone campflrc on the evening of February 22. . musical program will be rendered and supper will .bo served. u\ new lodge , the Royal Highlanders , wj Instituted recently In Ravenna by Suprem Deputy W. E. Sharp of Aurora. The ordc Is said to be gaining very rapidly. The fir ledge was Instituted In Aurora not si months ago , and already there are nearl 2,000 members In the state. Hagar Rcbekah lodge , No. 71 , Indopender Order of Odd Follows , ot Ashland , reccntl Installed the folowlns officers : Mies Maml Smith , N. G. ; Mrs. Edna Park , V. O. ; S. E Hall. R. S. ; J. T. Anglic , P. S. ; .Mis. Zell Blodgett , L. ; Mrs , Chamberlain , W.j Mn Arnold , C. ; Miss Maude Chamberlain , R. t N. G. ; Miss SIloa Gammon , S. S. N. G. Mrs. Aughe , R. S. V. G. ; Mies Ron.i Allen L. S. V. G. ; Mrs. S. B. Hall , 0. G. ; Mrc Olllo Whltlock , I. G. : Mrs Derleih , 0 The Woman's auxiliary to Crook camr Sons , of Veterans , has been almost com plctely organized. The following officer have already been elected : Mrs. A. I ) Rawltzcr , P. ; Mrs. J. G. Kuhn , V. P. ; Mrfi C. M. Rawltzer , Mrs. W. JC. Jacobs am Mrs. T. Anthony , T. Nebraska ledge , No. 1 , Knights of Pythias gives n social tomorrow in Myrtle hall. Danc Ing Is on the program. The several lodge In the city have signified their Intention c participating In No. 1's hospitality. IIAVI K\S IH Y A STOIII3. The I.eliiiiiitui Wall I'ntier Htoclt Ailile lo tinIllwr Slnre. Henry Lehman handled the finest line c wall papers and decorations In Omaha , bn his prices did not Jibe with the time * . Cm tomern did not como very rapidly and h assigned. Hayden Bros. , over alert for stcri Ing bargain opportunities , made a low spc cash offer , which , after some hesitation , wa accepted. This Immerse artistic stock ot wall pnpc Is now being arranged for sale In our ston and In n few days wo will be prepared t offer the grandest bargains In wall pnpc Omaha hn-i ever known. SPECIALS IN DRESS GOODS. "S-In. nil wool black figured novelties , In nl the newest designs for spring , regular 59 quality , Monday 39c. A largo range of spring novelties In nt mures , twills , checks , stripes , silk nnd woe mixtures , Scotch cheviots , bicycle suitings I fancy figured effects , would be cheap nt S9 < spcclnl price Monday 49c. These goods nr 40 In. wide. SPECIAL SALE ON SHEET Mt'10. ' Beginning Monday we will sell 40c to $1.2 Bhi'Ot music at lOc. Tills Is a now edition o 1,000 masterpieces printed from apeclally-prc pared plates , under the direction of P. Bos covltz. the world eminent music nutlmritj Without regnrd to price this Is the finest cdl tlon yet published. Teachers especially wll bo delighted with It. 40c to $1.25 sheet mils ! at lOc. SPECIAL SALE NOTIONS. 500 doz. Indies' fancy hemstitched , lace In ( tinted handkerchiefs , regular price 15c , Mon day [ ie. 50 gross fancy crinkled shell hair pins regular price "Ocjicr doz. , Monday 5c doz. lOc dress stnys , lOc corset steels , lOc dret shields. lOc curling Irons , lOc witch clott your choice Monday for Re. HAYDEN BROS. Selling the Lehman stock. Itoynl Arcanum. On last Wednesday evening Knoxall conn ell ot South Omaha was visited by n dele gallon from Union Pacific council of Omnhr The te.un constituted a portion ot the part nnd exemplified the work on three cnndl dates. A very cnjoynblo evening was spcnl A supper wna served nfter the Initiation The Omaha crowd Included the following William M. Glller , Thomas A. Parish , At fred Connor , J. B. Sheldon , A. P. Brlnl A. J. Van Kuran , R. O. Hayes , J. W. May nard , W. F. Thomas , P. F. Frenzor , H. Cochrane , W. P. Davis , W. E , Carter , J1 I. Patterson , C. A. Grlmmell , H. 11. Pint E. P. Berrymnn , C. E. Williamson , L. A Storck , A. E. Hutchlnson. A Vn sill union and Hrutrn , ijS.-to. r. . On March 1 and 2 the Chicago , Mllwaukc & St. Paul railway will sell inauguration e.v curelon tickets , Omaha to Washington , D. C and return for $30.23. City office 1504 Fnr nam street. F. A. NASH. General Agent. _ With but little care and no trouble , th beard and mustache can bo kept a unlforn brown or black color by using Bucking ham's Dye for the Whiskers. lO.vciu-Hlou Hilton \VanIiIiiKon. ( . For the benefit of those desiring to wit nesa the Inauguration of the next presldcn ot the United States , the Baltimore & Ohli railroad will sell excurislon tickets at oni faro for the round trip from all points on Iti lines In Ohio , Indiana and Illinois. Tlckcti will bo sold March 1 , 2 and 3 , valid for return turn until March 8. Similar tickets , vli the Baltimore & Ohio railroad , will be soli by all the railroads throughout the west In addition to being the shortest and mos direct line to Washington , the Baltlmon & Ohio passes through a region of grcatc ; scenic magnificence and historic In tercst than any In all America. Passenger : also have the option of traveling via Akroi and Plttsburg or via Bellairo and Grafton either going or returning. The througl trains of the Baltimore & Ohio are vest ! buled throughout , equipped with Pullmai sleepers , and the dining car service is un surpassed. Information in detnll will bi cheerfully furnished upon application bj L. S. Allen , assistant general passcngc : agent , B. & O. R. R. , Grand Central station Chicago. Six-Thirty T . 31. Trii I u. of the CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RY. Best service , ELECTRIC LIGHTS , Dining car. City office : 1501 Farnam. For your furnace use Wear Nut coal ; $4 pei ton ; for sale only by D ± T. Mount. 2U9 S. ICth y'H Inauguration Washington , D. C. , "The Northwestern Line , " HALF FARE. City office , 1401 Farnam St. 1)1 KIl. McCLURE William J. . February 20th , If97 need 21 years , nt tbo homo of his parents nori North IStb St. Funeral February 21st 2 o'clock p. m. Interment Forest Lawi cemetery. Special Invitation extended U 11. II. men. PIANOS Wo carry llio finest line of PIANOS in the city , and are Belling them at prices liat defy competition. Solo fac tory agents for Ivors & Pond , Voso & Sons , Emerson and other pianos. I3 CHIOKBUl.Vn Ul'IlIGHT YOUIl OW.V I'11ICI2. , ' ' , | , HO-cAiiin men CHADI : IMAXOS , $100.00. i ; 11 CAI1IM2T OIIGA.V OXIjV ( ? " . . > < ) . ' ' N. W. Cor. 10th and Dodge Streets. Schmoller & Mueller , 3rd Floor McCng-uo nulldlnt ; . A. C. MUELLEH-Plano Tuner. Telephone 1023. + 0400 + 00 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 00 + 0 + 0 + 00 + 0 + OO OVO > O + O + O + OO OK The Low Prices , different Rockers at ioo CO Combination Book Casei nt these li _ _ _ _ , , special i prices : , PI.CC.S | ! no , nz , JH , tc , us , $20. 25 , SHIVERICK & CO. CHAS. . , 12th and Dougius , Olt ( It.Mtl ) , t AMI.IIP.I.M CAUIM'.T C . Will Sell l.nop Ctirliiln * . Wo Imvc Just received our r > rltiR Importn- tlon of Inco Curtains nnd will rdncc them on sale tomorrow morning , nnd continue to sell during tlio week the bent selection of medium priced curtnlnn ever shown nil new nnd stylish goods nnd worth twice tlio amount which wo will nsk for them this wrck. Among othcrn , we will ell you n Klah Net curtain , 314 yds long , 46 Inches wide , but tonhole edge , beautiful design. t $1.60 $ per pair : Tlsh Net Curtnlna RO Inchcp wide , 3'4 yds long , new stripe border , buttonhole edge , J2.CO per pair ; Imitation Ilnnnlsnnso 60 Indies wide , 3\4 \ yds long , J3.75 per pair ; Irish 1'olnt l.ace Curtains 60 Inches wide , 3V4 yds long , In designs entirely new , $4.00 Tor pnlr ; another Irish Point Curtain 3V ! yds long , 60 Inches wide , Tamboured edge , well nnlahed , nt $4.75 per pair. In Hriifaels Lace we offer you some beautiful patterns on very fine net nt $4.7R nnd $5.00 per pair. See the Enmplrs of these goods In our west show window nil this wrck. ouciiAim & WIUIKLM CAHIMT co. No Rood -don't know how to llRht If llify'd rump to Oinnlm we'll show 'cm how to llRht \\"t > llRht 305 ilflyn n ycnr nnd nlwnys In trim inul don't Imvc lo KO tn Nevada to tniln for iv UMiitli. If .Ilin or Hob don't bellove our ftntr- inom let them nk Doc , the idiiRBcr , or the "tl | Htr. l KYiitlan I < otiii drum 10a I'altip'K ( Ylrry CVim ound ( vfl ( 'niter's Liver 1'IU * IS Stuart's Uynwpdn Tablets S2t > YVIlllnm'H 1'lnk I'llls , . . , , , Ka Scott's KmulMim Co Warner's Snfo Cure ROe lllincy'H Cnlnrrli Cute SOo Dinry'n Malt Whlcky fCa " Ylim Kolnfni . . , * > Aycr'n llnlr VlKor t\ > Cutlciira Sntip 1V > I'lctcc's Knvorlto 1'rcscrlpllon Mo No-to-linc f- " > - - MfimeM'x Tnlcinn Towdcr 15n MullefK Cod Uxer Oil COo Ilunyadl Wntcr ISO IVruna 7&o CUT PRICE DRUGGIST. Cor. Kllli ami ClilciiKii Stn. m TWINS. wS Purity and quality nro A V twin characteristics of Krtig's Cabinet Beer It pleases and satisfies. lvrui's Telephone , 420. r-OO-O O-O-O- O-O-O-O-OH For dental work renowned anil _ Tluit'B bclnc performed dully ; Go to thu man whoso work ban stood , HH iminu IH Dr. Bnllcy. In the Paxton block you'll find his room , I'loaminlly located ; And wo lull yon now we'll make things boom , When our "Dill" Is legislated. > < XX > -O-O"O-r < X > O OOO No Chinese Labor Employed at our colliery an American coal for an Ameri can people. 4 SHERIDAN GOAL is sold upon honor and with positive guarantee to bo the best coal mined in Wyoming. VICTOR WHITE , Tel. 127 1605 Ftirnam VU POSITIVISM' CAN Cl'1113S YOU AIIB INVITKIJ TO CAM * - cm icn IN KIIOM S TO 12 MONTIIH. JNDKH CONTHACT ONLY , Como ami nee UK , . JIAXAlilill'.S Ol'M'MCK , t\'M Chamber , ( if rcimnnTiM' , OMAHA , Niil. : rei. nn. 6REIGMTQN Mdmiicrs | , Tno MfililH , Coiiiuii'iiiiiiitf lint. Toilny n UiIKI TniilKliI "t _ . .IOII.H. . HUXSJIAW and the irrnslmw-Ton Ilrocclc Company In the puceepi'ful I'nmcdy IMMMiiT THU I'HUXril MAM/ . Mntlnen YVni'liliwIoii'H IMrtliilny. Prires 21 50-"fi-l 00. Mill Ini'iiiflu ami COo. February 20-S7 , rrancis Wh-- . _ JJO YJ ) ' S. I Tins wiinK- I ADMISSION CT8 l.M. Crawford , Myr. Moovo & Livingston Co. .IATINHK . TODAY I TONIGHT 8lfit- : "MAW 01' ANAN. " "I.OHT I'AlfAWHI- ! mill l.iiinlcrc'H riVVM.VKHJIIAIMIU. IlPBCrvrr Kcatn lOo and 2toFOWI.KIt JIICV- pli ; ( JIVIW AWAY 8ATUIUJAY NIUIIT , Kib. uary 28Tlio DazzScr , NFBRftSKaMUSIC i 3U'J DmiKlus. QUO , MITCH KiJ * 1'roprlotor For the week of February 22 flmt njipcnrnnco. f llmrry & IluxHdl , celtljintcil couirl ilucllntKj. lie 3 J.a IicnoH In llclit iui'1 hi'uty biiliincliiK ; lie two Fnn'.aB lluy DIUiVoiili , Mini. I Uiiylnn , iluo Dayton , Nellie Iloml , May L'aiiirrnn uml Jolllc lilnlicp. Conllnu'niB pir'tii'inanco every ' light Horn It lo 12 o'clock. Sunday nleht performance. ' Mora nil's Dancing School bcglna. lie lust term for this season this , vuclc , Atliills , Tuesday anil I''rlday. I p. in. Chililrcn , balurJay , 10 a. n. and 2 or 4p. . in. Tomorrow , . ViiHliington's IHrtliday Oral id Gala Cotillon , 8:30 : p. in. Admission , tur couple , 75c. T VHBN yOU COMB TO OMAHA BTOI' AT Till * IVEERGER HOTEL , Till ! lir.KT J2.00 a day house in the west * . 100 room * tZ.W per day. M rooms with bath. . 2 to per day. b'pcclal rule * by tbe month. Vk'IXIC TAVI.UII , Mummer. J08-10-1Z Douklaa. TV. M. 1IAIIII. Manaccr. 00fll iuriilthed ronmtKurcpccn or AmerK run plan. JIATKS 11.00 AND ll.Ml I'1JH DAY. il'rcClAI * 1IATK8 HY TIIIJ WKEK Oil MONTIL. Street car llnt tcuntcl to til inrti of the cltri