THE OMAHA DAILY 111313 : STTdSTOAY , ITEinUTAItY 21 , 1807. in SPECIAL NOTICES AilvurtlMCitienlN for lhc e colnnin * nlll lie tnknn until JSirtO p. in. , tor the c\-enltipr nnit until 8 p. nt. for the iiinrnlnu nnil Siitnlnr cilldiinn. A < 1 vrrtlficru , Jijrc < | tiontlni ; n nnm liereil olirck , cnn linvc ntimTcr * nil- drcHMPil tn n iinntlicred letter In care of The lice. Aimvrcru < > nililrcnxoil nlll lie delivered on prmciilntlon at the < iliick only. IlnlcM , 1 1-JIc n rroril flmt Itmerlloni lo ii t > oril tlu-renficr. Nothing tnkcn for Icnn Ihnn 2"c for the Ural Inncr- tloti. Thexo nilrcrtlMcmcntd inuxt he run < Minieciitlely. . SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED POSITIONFORLADY BTENOO- rnpher ; experienced ; good references , Address M 18 , Dec. Council lllurfa. A M87S a WOMAN WISHES GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 607 .So. nth , room 8. A MKil 23' 11V BOIII3l77lLACK8MITH. TO RUN SHOP Oil work In country town. Address Chan , Wtlon. Ho. Valley , Iowa. A Oil 21' WA.\T1.3IIS1ALI3 1I1CLV. WANTED. AN IDEA ; WHO CAN THINK OP tome tlmple thine to patent ? 1'rotcct your Idea * , they mny bring you w alth ; write John Weddorburn A. Co. , Dept. V. Patent Attorneys , "Washington. 1) . C , . for their J1.800 prize orfer , and a list of ZOO Inventlonn wanted. n 357 TAILORS WANTED. CONTINENTAL CLOTH- Inn Company. n MKC TRAVELING HALKSMEN FOR CIGARS ; OLD reliable house ; experience unnecessary ; extra Inducements to customers ! $75 to $150 per month nnil expenses. C. C. lllshop & Co. . til. Louis. H-M750-M13' 13 DAILY ( GUARANTEED ) TO nOOD BALES- men. 11. Miindhclm & Ca. St , Loute. _ WANTED , MAN WITH AMI11T1ON AND push , to Introduce n new article among mcr- , chants and stablemen In Omaha anil every city ami town In Nebraska anil surrounding states ; pays JS per day ; fella on sight ; no competition. Address , with stamp , Columbia Mf r. Co. . 1302 Hnuc HI. , Phlladelp.ila , Pn. IIM&sG 21 8ALK3MKN WANTKD TO HANULH THI3 I Uucrclti ) bill tile , aclla for 12.23 , merchants buy It ; Bond ciimmlKslon on every sale. | iay- Inn slilo lineAililn > 3 inanfr. , Win. Hnmlolpli Ailnms , Tupclitt , Kan. H-M879 2C * A rKW KNKUOKTIC. IUJ8TL1NO MI2N CAN find sternly , pralllnblo work with C. V , Ailnma Co. , C24 So. IClli bt. 11-S9I MIN : WHO WILL wonic von 51 DAY SAI- nry or commission , canvasslnff conauint-rn and dealers. Clifton Soap & .MfB Co. , Cincinnati , Ohlu. lt 1'iiu 1.000 roit nisTiuuuTiNu CIRCULAHS , Incliiro 4c. Ulobe Ailvcrtlsing Asa'n. , N. Y. City. " MiN AND WOMEN. TO AVOIIIC TOR US DAY or cvcnlnK Ht tbclr botncs ; pleasant work ; no cnnvassliiK ; experience unnecesaary ; we pay salary ; IncloBe slnmii for particulars. Stnnd- nnl MfB. Co. , 1 W. 22d St. , New York. WEN WANTED IN OMAHA AND HLSE- where. ti > " 11 clothlnK ; Rood wngcs ; steady lob ; suits to order , K 00 to $10.00. American Woolen Mills CO. , Chicago. 11-409 C1UCIJLAU AND SAMI'LH DISTHIHUTHHS ; Booil t > ny ; no cnnvnssliiBi experience unnccea- sary ; cnuloHC stamp. Acme Co. , 17 W. 2Sth St. , New York. 1 > SUO-21 _ SVANTIZI ) , SALESMAN TO SHLITO DiALl2nS on tlmp ; $100 monthly und expenses ; cx- K perlcneo inineccnsary. Write for pnrtlculara ; Acme Co. , Chicago. 11 8JS-21 * WANTI-.U. SA1.KSMAN TO SKLL CiaAIlS TO dealers ; $100 monthly and expenses ; experience ut necessary. Clinton Cigar Co. , Chicago. H-S97-21 * DON'T nn HAiin ui > . "TOOK OLD on. I/eo's nd\lcc : um making $1,400 a year and cxponsen ; ECcmeil agency for 55 Quaker Until Cabinets ; en y Job ; no capital ; Tinklsh smd vapor baths at homo ore delightful. Snvc Dr. nnd medicine bills ; cure und prevent disease. Write for place , L. World MfB. Co. . (12) ( ) Columbus. . O. n S3C-J1 * SALnSMIW TO BULL GOODS TO GllOCKRY trade ; } 2r > .CO pcn\celc nnd expenses ; experience not required. Consolidated Co. , Cblons" , 111. 11 962-21 * WANTKIJlUJLIAULn FHATimNAL OHC1AN- ; popular t > lan ; liberal term1 ? . Addicss .1. U , Junasen , 405 So. Wushlngton Bt. , 1'corln , III. 11 801 21' SALKSMHN'S SNAP 30 I'GU CENT COJIMIS- alon working driiRKlsts ; notions and Kroccrs ; KUinple dozen , terillory and terms. We ; re funded when sales icuch $5. A. D. Itonsall , lUclunond. Ind. n 000-21' WANTED , HnnsoNfi TO PHRPAIIR FOR Koveimnent positions ; iltn todny for Illus trated cntnlo uu contnlnln tcMtlmonlalH nnil niunCH of hundreilH who Inue been biict'Chhful. The National Civil Service School. 311 I'nst Capitol St. . Washington. D. C. 11-92021' VVANTIjn , SALESMAN VOll LINRNH AND domestics. Address , 1' . lliutln & llro. , Ornnd lalnnd , . 923 21' GENERAL CLATHING SALESMAN and window dresser ; experience und reference required. Apply 1417 Douglass ! . U-923 2t' A FK\V DOLLARS WILL START YOU IN A p.illng mall older business , Iusln > 'sn Guide Co. , Cincinnati , O. D 921 21' SALKSMAN. $10 DAILY MADI2 SELLING OUR mnchlne tor cooling refrigerators ; KUnrnnlepd 7.i per cnnl cheiipcr thnn Ice ; chureed Ilko a dtoiiiKO bnttery ; keeps perlshnbla nrtlcles In- ilpllnltcly ; Indestructible , everlasting ; c\cry owner of n refrigerator buys them ; exclusive iiKcnclt'n glx n good men. Arctic Refrigerator Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio. H 9J1 21' WANTKD-MUN WISHING TO UU nXAMINED for Rnllvtuy Mull Clerks and other guvcrn- mcnti poiltloiiH , wrlto ut onoo for valuable In- fflrmatlon , free. U , 3. Uurcau of Information , Cincinnati , O. 1I-51D21' nNT SIHN TO PRd'ARf : VOll CIV- II Service Kxninlnatlon for Kovernment posi tions. Information free. Rev. Dr. W. II. Oot- wnld. 1'res. Civil Service College of Corre- tpondencc , WnsliliiKton , D. C. IJ 018 21 * WANTP.D-RKSPONSII1LU PARTY TO CARRY utock , uttend to correapondence. BlilpplnK. etc. Address , cnclcHlng stanipod envelope , Mfur. , bjx JW , Jlelroeo Park , 111. 11-017 21'- A SALESMAN 1 > "OR CALIFORNIA WINKH , $100 per month nnd uxpenfea ; chnnco for tidvanco ; L'ummtttttlon If preferrud ; no experience required Adilrens , enclosingselfaMilreshed envelope , W. A. VumlctTOuk Co. , San Krunclsto , Cal. 11-910 21' _ _ FOR THU aOVKUNStKNT 8 n It VICE \VAXT- rd A few bright men to prepare by mall for tlio Internal ii'vo'mie customa , , railway mall nnd other rxnmlnntlons tu be held soon In Omnhn. Sjilendlil chances of uppolnlnient this yi-ur. Our Announcement , with vluwa of Wash ington , particulars nbout all government poal- tlnns , Milnrloe , dntos , etc. , fiee. Nntlonnl Cor- reipoiKlenco Institute , 2nd Natl. Uank llldg. , \\nshlngton , D. O. 11 913 21 * aovinmiTNT : "rosiFioNsu'oN'Ticu the civil w > r\lco L'xamliinllon without eelng our catalogue. Sent flee. Columbian Coirc- Fpinidenco Vullrgu , Wnshliigton , D. C. H-3H tl _ _ _ 1 MN 9UVOMIN : TO PKLL MORRIS TOWEL lladc to wholemile nn-1 r. tall trade , ( looil pusl. "g"l _ Watt Ms CO ; Cincinnati , O. lt-913 2l IVANTIID-OOOlT'ciLUlACTnU ACTOR KOIl " " .1. VU""nSf ! f"Ury 'OW ' ! gprina unj 8um- | How /i'1-,1:1. ' . : . ? , Co > > 0ranJ l lnnd , 20 ; , 21-2.3. H 971 si * S SVANTIJI ) RVEnYWIIGR lfA l7 ; nry and commUslon tiperltnce unnecesiary- I J ' " ' 'y. l'o ltlon. Laredo Cigar Co. . > ! o ' box _ SW. New York City. ri-Mi7o' .WANTIJU. TRAVKLINQ 8ALESMAN roTl NKhinska , Apply to 1'alrbanki , lloreo A Co. _ O' ! ill . , - M'AXTKI ) . .KUIIAI.'IC UCII.p. " CAI < t < AT IAN \ . C. Amociatlon Home. ! 018 Davenport " CSNSS' l. " WANTID TO siLI , MMI ; \alc'H fninoiu toilet nrepiualiens ; aKfnU inn ng from I2J.CO to lloo.W Vcr week ; rite for l rtlculurs. Addie . lime. M. Yale , Chlcaeo " ' C ! ! ? I > AUn' ° V 1'AIH L'nfJCATION TO pc ltlon rgr one year , Adiircii V 88.11' . _ . _ _ _ " C M9H-SJ , GIRL I-OR a"LjNrn\L , mimll family. MJ7 - - _ C-Stifi7 ; ! 1'OU . - - K. D U Compuiiy , UM FnVnatrl HOUSEd ; 11UN13WA & CO.7 IDS N. 15TH ST U-333 HODKRN HOUSES. C. A. STARlf 5 N. Y YD400 D-400 CIIOICU HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVEIl the city , } 5 to $ M. Fidelity , J701 FarVuYni St U-401 HOUSES. M'ALLACC , IIROWN ULOCK. UTI1 unj Doujla . U 401 HOUSES , COTTAGES & STORES , ALL PARTS ? Bt v'lty. Uietuiku , Lovn Co. , 430 Paxton black. D MJil roa nnxT iiousns. ( Continued. ) HOUSES FLATS , QAIIV1N BROS , 1611 FARNAM U 404 HOUSES FOR HENT. 11EMI3 , PAXTON HLK. D 408 LAROB LIST. M'CAOUB , 1STH & DODO 13 , D 403 FOR RENT , FINF RKSIDENCR. WITH HARN and large Kround , on Park avenue. Stcntn healed flats and stores In the new DavlJgo building , opposite city hall. ID-room hmne , 1W Farnnm street. Hteam-heated brick store , cor. 16 A California. John W , Robblns , agent , 1S02 Karnnm st. D M7 23 FOR RENT A NICE TOUR-ROOXt COTTAOE nt E32 So , 21st st. U M870 it * 4S & 2fi48 DODOE ST. . 8 ROOM HOUSE , modern , nice place , $1 $ nnd water rent. Oarvln _ llroii. , 1 Fnrnam St. D-CH-21 H-ROOM NEWLY rURNtSHED 1IOUSI3 COM- pletc , the furniture nnd furnHJilnRS for pale cheap , half block from new potoirice. Se < - Jnmes Neville , room 11. N. E. cor. ICth nnd Dodge. D M9i5 23' RUNT 7-ROOM COTTAOE. MODERN , with or without bnrn. 1427 S. 29th elrfet. Ap- -dy to O , N. Clayton at Wnbnsh ntllcc. 1415 I : 'nrnam st. D-954 21' ron ni\Ti-uiiM.sini ) HOOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS , 6H SOUTH 17TH AVE. n 3M 819 NORTH TWENTIETH STREET , SMALL Bitting room , bed room , with closet.B.MSSS B-.MSSS 23' HANDSOMELY FURNISHED , COMMUNICATIng - Ing front moms ; small family ; references ex changed. 2303 Douglas st. E K > 3 21 * FURNISHED ROOMS , SUtTADLD FOR LIGHT housekefp'ng. 211 South 24th aU 13 9C5 21 3 NICILY ntiiNisiiED ROOMS ; nousn- kceplng. 1112 South llth. H MMl 27' ROOMS , WITH OR WITHOUT HOARD. C07 South 25th a\enue. E M9C2 27' rijii.\isiui ) IIOOMS AND IIOAHD. THE MERRIAM. 25TH AND DODGE. F 258-F 21' VERY DESIRAllLE FRONT ROOM. WITH alcove ; hot water , 212 South 25th st. F M365 HOARD : STEAM HEATED ROOMS J1.00 A day. C02 S. 13th. Lange Hotel. F-718-M11 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS , with board. Utopia , 1721 Davenport strrcU 3 FRONT ROOMS WITH HOARD ; MODERN ; reduced rates. CIS So. 15th. r 876-M1S' FURNISHED ROOMS. HOARD. 2210 HARNEY. HOARD AND ROOMS ; PLEASANT ROOMS with board , 1040 and 1012 So. 20th at. j , MODERN FRONT ROOMS. GOOD board , $3.t,0 week. 514 N. 19th st. K MMI 27 FOR HUNT STOUMS AND OFFICES. FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY 11RICIC DUILDING nt 910 Farnam st. This building has a fireproof cement basement , complete steam heating fix tures ; water on all floors ; BUS , etc. Apply nt the olllee of The Bee. 1 910 AGUNTS IVAJiTUI ) . AGENTS SOMETHING NEW ; JUST OUT ; Worder Egg Dealer and Cream Whip , retails 15e ; sample mailed free for Be to pay postage. Large Hie other quick selling specialties. G. C. Vlning , Mer. ( Dept. 19) , 23 Randolph St. , Chicago. J MS42 MUST HAVK AGENTS AT ONCE TO SELL sash locks und door holders. Sample Bash loa free for Sc stamp. Immense ; belter than weights ; burglar proof ; $10 a day. Write quick. Address Drohard & Co. , box 77 , Phila delphia , Pa , J A BONANZA FOR AGENTS , "COMPRESS" water filter Invented by a Harvard college profets-or endorsed by physician and boards of health. Even body buys on sight ; instantly nttncbed to nny fnucet ; makes muddy water pure and clear ; entirely new principle ; simple , self-cleanilng ornamental ; never wears out sample prepaid , $1.23 to agents. Huxford & Co CO Sstatc St. , lloston. Mass. J WANTED AGENTS TO SELL THE INDELI ble check perforator ; retnlla $5 00 ; lurge com rnbMon. Wesley Mfg. Co. , 41 Park Row , Nev York. J-907-21 * AOKNTS TO HANDLE OUR NATIONAL 1L lumlnatlng gaslight burner for kerosem lamps , comprising from eight to twenty-fou Jets ; gives a light more powerful thnn gas Samples free to active agents. National H lumlnatlng Co. , 239 llroadway. New York. J 906-21' AGENTS FOR ACME GAS BURNER. SAVE 20 to 40 per cent , quick seller , big money tc agents. Sample burner free. Earle Co. , No. 3 , Insurnce Exchange building , St. Loulx.J . J 903-21' McKINLEY'S GREAT RATTLB FOR GOLD sliver and protection. How fought. Why won Results to follow ; 500 pages : SO engravings Only $1.CO. Sells nt sight. McKlnlcy voters nl buy , many others also. Dig : lerms and bis money for agents. Send for circular nnd 2C rents for ngent's outfit. J. S. Klegler & Co. 321 Deniborn st. , Chicago , III. J-90J-21' AGENTS WANTED TO HANDLE CANVAS aen nnd sell mcrchanta In every city. Gooc commission. Exclusive territory. Addres : room 701 , K 5th avenue , Chicago , III.J . J 901-21 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL PATENT TRACE fastener ; sells nt sight ; used on nny buggy , outllt fiee to thofe meaning busliii-ts. Gem Novelty Co. , Noblesvllle , Ind. J 929 21' SALESMEN. $75 MONTHLY. SALARY AND expenses , greatest money maker ever offered , Steady work ; experience unnecessary. Ja ; Nichols , manufacturer , Chicago. J 930 21 * WANTED , RY CHICAGO'S LARGEST TAILOR Ing houee , salesmen to solicit orders fo ; strictly ciiKtom made tailoring. Mosaler llros , 337 State , Clileugo. J 931 21' AGENTS ON SALARY OR COMMISSION TO Introduce tlio New Patent Chemical Ink ErasIng - Ing Pepcll. The greatest relllng no > clty ever produced , erases Ink thoioughly In two sec unds , no abrasion of paper ; 200 to "WO per cent prollt ; one agent's Mies amounted to $ C20 In six dayH ; nnothcr $32 In two hours ; we want one energetic general ngent for each state , For terms nddieea Monroe Emser Mfg. Co. , 16 , LaCiusse , WIs. J 93J 21' WANTED. AGENTS ; IX ) TAlvK ORDERS FOR photo buttona ; big profits. Photo Dutton Co. 120 Washington at. , Chicago , 111 J WJ3 21' GASLIGHT IN EVERY HOUSE , NEWEST thing out. nttnches to ordlnnry lamps ; no chimneys ; safe , economical ; outfit free to ac- IU workers. Stnndnid llrass Co. , Mfgs. , Cov- Ington , Ky. J 9J3 21' AGENTS-CHANCE OF A CENTURY ! A dainty staple article for Imrd limes ; cheap ; Bella everywhere : big prollts ; year round American 1'Iaiorlng Co. , Chicago. J 934 21' WA.VrBIl TO HUNT. WANTED TO RENT , PLEASANTLY LOCATED homo with ten rooms nnd stable. Apply to E. W. Gannett , llrown Dlock. K MS27 23' WANTED TO RENT , TWO PLEASANT ROOMS with good board. Address F 23 , llee. LC ? 2SJ.1 HY U. P. SHOPMAN. A FOUR OR riVE-lflOOSI cottage ; must be cheap ; Al references. F 30 , Dee. K 950 21' STORAGE. OM. VAN- & STORAGE , HU FARNAM , TEL 1559 M-407 PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. . 903-910 Jones. General ntcrneo and forwarding. M 40S WANTKIl TO IIUV. AM AUTHORIZED TO OFFER CASH FOR limited amount Omnlm Savings bank accounts. H 11. Harder , ] 70t Faniani. N-MjOO \VANTED Ttf RUY , A NICE CLEAN DRIIO strck wlthrut a srda fountain ; w 111 trtde Omaha property. K o carrier ! l Oiinihu , Neb. Neb.N812 25 IVANTED-A PARTY IN NERRASh'A TO RUY and crib "l.VOO buehels of corn ; stale price. Address llox 100 , Marenco , 111. N-MSS3 21' VVANTCOT TO I1UY A 5 TO 8 ROOM HOME In good location ; must be a bargain Address U Stehihjer , care Paxtoit & Gallaglier. N-W3-21' iVANTED TO IHJY A TWO-TON DERRICK. Addrcbs , gl\lng locution und pi Ice , P 3Ike. . N-974 23' _ _ 'LATFORM HA\ SCALE , FAIRI1ANKS OR Howe preferred. Adilrv > a. ftullng prlee , Ca. p.tclty and location. 1' if. Dee. N 93j 21 * FOR SAI.U MISCI3I.LAXI3OUS. IHL'APIWT HARDWOOn WOVEN COfW CHIR. blng inudtt. C. It , Lee , t'Ol ' Douglaii. Q 109 i-'OR SAL1FINI3 NI3W Hiail-ORADE BICY- clej $ w. Omaha lllcycle Co. , 523 N. ICth St. Q 410 UEST SEED SWEET POTATOES , $1.J5 PEP. bbl. ; all soitt. Addreti Theo. Williams. Omaha. Q-MMI JEW 1IICYCLE. FIRST-CLASS AND U UA R. antced. for only J15.W. Nebraska Cycle Co. . litk & Hartley , CJ-MSJ'J ' Blli -oiT8ALB OR EXCHANGE. ( HEAP. III'RC- lar proof safe , llox 1V7 , Ucaver Crosulng. Neb , Q-MWl : i' CliAIUVOVAM'S. MRS. MARY FRITZ , CLAIRVOYANT. 817 N. IClh. S M672 MIS' MASStOI3 , ILVTIIS. KTC. MMB. SMITH , 1121 DOUOIjAS. ROOM B ; MAS- cage and stenm bntlm. T M9 * > 2 27 * MR3. DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE IJATH parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth st. , upstairs. T 933 27' VI3IISOXAI. . I25.W-RUPTURE CURED-TILL MARCH IS for $2 .00 ; no pain ; no detention from business ; we refer to hundreds of patients cured. The O , E. Miller Co. , 717 New York Life nidp. , Omnhn. U 111 IJATH3 , MASSAO.E. MME. POST , 31 Vi S. UTH , V1AVI FOR UTERINE TROUI1LKS , 14C-8 1IEI3 Dldg. Physician , consultation or health book free. U 412 OMAHA DENTAL COLLEGE , II A PACIFIC BIS Teeth tilled with gold , amalgam , tin , gutta- percha , cement , and plates mude for cost of. material only. Teeth extracted and cleaned free n v.i- 1 CURE WRINKLES , HALDNESS AND SU- perlluous bnlr. 326 Chamber of Commerce. True . .Co. U-M79S M.15' LADIES THE MARVELLOUS "DI3VELOPA" preparation applied cxtetnally. enlarges the bust from two to nix Inches ; harmless ; by mail ( only ) sealed , $1.00. "Deielopa Co. " 49 . Columbira Ave. , New York. 17 LADIES , YOUR 1IUST ENUMU1ED SIX 1N- chcti ; failure Impossible ; result- ! guaranteed ! 1,000 testimonials ; book nnd full particulars sealed 4 cents. Aurutn Medicine Co. , Dept , E. 8. . Co State St. , Chicago. U MARRY , WRITE TO HANDSOME LADIES OR honorable men ; many rich ; send lee nnd Join corresponding club. Box 1600 , Kcnxer , Colo. U 937 21' CtlllA IF YOU ARE IN SYMPATHY WITH Cuba , nnd despise the Spanish butchers , ex- preta your sympathy and help alone- the cnusc by wearing a Cuban Hag on your breast ; ono sent for 29 cents. Henry St. John , ( 0 3d avo. , Uox 2(0. ( New York City. U 936 21' HtSI.M35IMUliA\Ct2S. ; ( Conllmied. ) . * t n _ _ , L _ , , $271 ntIAl.17.I3D IN OMK HVEEK ON INVESTment - ment of $ IM. F nd fOf'partlculars. ' Morris & Co. , 112 Dearborn St. . UlfresRo. Y 13VHUY DEALER iSHOULD SEND FOR StrawbrhUe , Ooml & iil wonderful new Mar. ket Manual for 1S97. drain and provisions. EJ- labll hMl 1S31. Committee Illds. , Hilcaso. Mailed free. J' Y-910 51' DHtJO STOCK. ri.XrriTRES , EVERYTHING new and complete. fpr wile , part on monthly payments ; or will Whoa BOCK ! dnurglit < i partner ; email capital 1-po.ulrcd It rlsht patty Addresi F 87. llee. Y-OS9 21 * WANTED. PARTY TO'.TjWltNIPH MONEY TO patent , valuable Imcntttm. Address , V * . C. Ilrlggs. Neb. 1 Y-MS 81 * nARRUifsiiop i-on SALE IN SMALL TOWN In southwestern Nebraska. Address W. H Johnson , sen , delivery , Kansas City. Mo. icon nx TO nxctiANon , FOR A GENERAL STOCIC 01 merchandise , 320 acre * of Irrigation land , tv miles from Lexington : clear of Incumbrnnces Address L. 1) . H3. Lexington. Neb ON AND AFTER MAUC1I 1ST AVP. WILL "P at 1G22 Capital Ac. IMr trade , 100 acres A bottom land. Iowa , for Rood house and lo here , other Ion a farms to trade for Omaha property. Arnold & VInton , 401 N. Y. 1. . IIM * ron EXCHANGE. FOR A GOOD. CLEAN stock of merchandise ; Improved Inside city or farm property ; unlncumbered ; rented. 11. M l > armcnter , Hastings , Neb. / 945 21 FOIl SALE 1UB.VI , ESTATI3. AUSTHACTS. THH 11Y1N5N RK1JD HOUSES , 1XTS. FAUMS , LANDS. IXJANS- Ueo. 1' . Ucinls Iteal Estate Co. , 1'axton blk. ! IK 420 OMAHA SAVINOS HANK ACCOUNTS TAKR > at par In exchftiiRC for houses and lots. ( Al or part. ) The , Uyron Reed Co. RE 427 Maud Muller smiled as she raked her hay , And thought of the fan she might have'had. If she had caught the judge in the modern way , "With The Daily Bee and a small want ad. niOMSV TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE ! . ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 313 N. Y. L > ; quick money at low rates for choice farm loans In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska. W 414 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. U. 8. Mortgage & Trust Company. New York. Tusey & Thomas , Acents. No. 207 Klrst National Hank Dldg. W 4iO CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 925 N. Y. LIFE. W > 15 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , llrennnn. Love Co. , 1'axton block. W 110 0 PER CENT MONEY "TO LOAN ON OMAHA property.Ncb. farms. W. 11. Mciklc , 1st Nat'l Ilk LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Purnam MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam St. W 418 ON OMAHA PROPERTY. LOWEST RATES ; bulldlns loans wanted. Fidelity Trust Co. $30000 PRIVATE MONEY. SELliY , HOARD OF TradeUlde. _ WZ ? ! . LL HAVE $ ; 00,000 TO $300,000 TO LOAN In April , May , June and July on first-class linpnneil Omaha property In sums of Jl.OOO to J10.000 ; want applications at once ; lowest rales on best loans. Fidelity Trust company , 170. ! Fnrnam St. * W M87 ? IIAV1J MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD FARMS near here ; straight 7 per cent. Stringer. 1022 Dodge bt. W 937 21 * MONEV TO LOAX CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc , ' at lowent rates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan oft at any time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO , . 30G So. ICth St. X 422 MONEY TO LOAN. 30 , CO , SO DAYS ; FURNIture - ture , pianos , etc. Duff , Iarker blk. IIDHI.VUSS CIIA.\Cis , FOR SALG. AI10UT 2,000 LI1S. MINION TYPH. 700 Ibs , ngate , ISO pair two-third cases , 40 double Iron elands for two-third cases. This material was used on The Omaha llee , nnd Is In fairly good condition , Will be cold cheap In bulk or In quantities to suit purchaser. Apply in person or by mall In The Dee Pub- llehlng Company , Omnhn , Neb. Y 713 TWO TO F1VG THOU- ROME ONH TO INVHST "ind dollam In nn e tnlilllied business nnd tecure position. Address F 17. lice. Y M814 21 * A 0000 LOCATION FOR A STORK ; MOST suitable for central merchandise. Address box 41 , AVOC4. Neb. - ' riOLD AND SILVRU MADE AT THI3 RATH of $100 to $200 a day on a. ery fctnall Imest- ment by the tue of the Atlas carpet clcunlng machines ; cheapest and beft niaehlne ever offered ; 3 Ues. Write the. Atlas Carpet Clean- till ; Mach'y Co , , 43 So. Jeffen on St. , Chicago , 1 MSaZ Jl' rt'ANTED-PARTY TO PUT DRY GOODS IN large defiartment store ; one of best towns In stale ; also party to put In Bhoc ; this Is a snap. Address The ! air , Hastings , Neb. \ MH1 IK ! L-LARK DKIMER & co. . PATENT ATTORneys - neys and experts , 169 llroadway. Now York , ciulekly procure and sell patents everywhere ; lowest terms ; one client makea $ lOiX > weekly from our private "Hints" hand book , mnllcd tree Hn'.i * t testimonials. _ * lw. YOUR DOLlI\RSwTL MAKE DOI - lara for you ; leap a golden harvest by sowing dollars. The ilch become * o by that pruceas , the l > oor remain so became they full to grnsii the golden opportunities within their reach ; labt sear we averaged more than $300 per week ; n per net mil Income within the reach of till. Write for particulars , Condcn & Co. . Plko llulldlng , Clr.clnnallO ' ' _ , _ Y WA-2I' . IlKST MH.I.INKRY store In Rloiu Cliy : enjoys llnest trade und has ulwnya made money ; dealre tra retlr. ' from butlnes * U reason for telling , will tuUc part In rath and balance In good farm land or other detlrable properly C. Tobln. li ! Jackson - son ttreel , Bloux City , la. Y UIO 21 * FnTcAClO HOARD oT TRADB our "Expose of llucket Khops. " Manual , tic. , free. Reference , sec'y Chicago Hoard of Trade. Members since USO. C A. Whyland & Co. , drain ami Provisions. 10 1'aclno a\e , . Chicago. Y TAKH MONBv'AaT ANIiASY : NK\V MOVIng - Ing picture machine , name s vllascopc ; lie. srrlptlon mallei , Weatern Phonograph Co. . U3 Jjlfc'illo st ChlcafiO , Y 999 SI' KOUNTZE PLACE HOMES AT MC ON THE dollnr ; $2250 , $3,000 to $ C.SOO ; tee photos at 16th nnd Fnrnam Morse bldg. J. J. Gibson , 514 First National bank bldg. RE M4SS THREE ACRES ON MILLER PAKK vnrd , $1,800. 130x270 feet east of old fort Omaha , $1.000. 120x235 feet on 30th street , paved , south of Miller park. $2,000. MX123 feet near 27th and Spauldlng , $400. John N. 1-ren- zer , opp. I' . O. RL 512 OMAHA SAVINGS' BANK ACCOUNTS HOUGHT for cnsh , taken at par for choice 1st mortgages or taken nt par In exchange for renl estate nt prei-ent low values. G. O. Wallace , llrown block. ICth & Douglas. RE-S29 1-AKM OF 200 ACRES , 15 MILES FROM Omaha , for sale nt half Us value. Room 320 , Ramge building. 1113 M83S 22' FOR SALE ONE OF THE FINEST 40-ACRE furms In Douglas county ; good buildings : only $1,000 ; rents for-lCOOO a year. Uyron II. Hastings , 212 3. 14th tt. RE MS71 2J TO SELL CHEAP FOR CASH , OR EXCHANGE for stock of general merchandise , 30,000 acres of land , one residence of eight rooms , bum and otheouthouse. . In a town of 3,000 popu lation ; nine unimproved town lots ; climate mild and healthy. Address Q. W. Drown , Jef ferson , Tex. RE-M8S7 21' VIRGINIA AND THE CAROLINAS ILLS. , gives general Information nbout three states and descriptions with photogravures of the buildings and vccnerot line farms for sale. Sent post paid for 23 cts. Southern Farm Agency , Lyncn- burg , Vn , HE-011 21' FOR SALE , WK HAVE1 A LAROR NUM11ER of good , well Improved fnnns , situate near Do Sola , Mo. , for pale , ns well ua splendid city property , well located ; Fnnns ranging In prices fiom a few hundred dollars up to $25,000. A few farms Including clock nnd farm Imple ments nt bottomrock prices. Fnrmera heie got much better prices for their products In our city than can be obtained In St. I/nils , Our climate Is unsurpassed , nnd Is just whnt you wnnt. Have bad not exceeding two Indies of snow nt nny time this winter , nnd two degrees below zero one or two i1u > , i. All kinds of frulta grain and grasses do well. Wo have nlsu a cplendld huh factory for pale , doing a thriving business , but must be cold because of falling health of owner. A lifetime clmnco for the right nmn. If you want n farm , tell us what you wnnt , Addiess Reppy & Ilulloclc , Ie Soln Mo , RE-Oll-21' EXTRAORDINARY SNAP , 33X140 , FOUR ROOM cottage , cast front , on grnde , city water , $ IOCO ; pait cash ; on So , 15th , north of VInton. J , A , Dodge , 3Cth und Cuba. RE 912 21 C-IIOOM HOUSE , CORUY ST. ; $1,100.00 ON PAY. ment a. C-room houne. 17th nnd Corby ; Jt , 100.00. Excellent building lot , Z8th nnd Corby : $400.00. Another near Farnnin ; $1,000.00. We 1m o keveral choice residence properties for sale tn vicinity of Hnnscom park. Garvln llros. , 1C13 Parnam stt RI3-9I7 21 $ coo IIUYS FIVK-ROOM ; IJOUSE. WITH HALF lot , 111 good location , nof'fnr ' out ; also equity In six-room cottage , close fn , for good lot. W. A , Spencer , 1014 Farnam street. KB 964 22 FOR SALE Aero property on paved ro'ail and on street car , $250.00 ; formerly sold for'KO.oo. Nlee In Orchard Hill , fiflxMO ; 0-foot sidewalk ; nb- Ktrnct ; all go i for KSKOfl ; former nrlcf , $1,000. 6-room house and lotjJtxlJS. . 12th and Center streets ; clote to sclioM Kouse nnd depot , $90000 ; these bargains only iot lfor u few days. Cull at Itooni 4J5 , Taxton block , RU 959 H * C-ROOJt IlpUSE , DARN , , KTC. , 2922 CHARLES street , $670,00 , S-room house , full lot S0i Llndsey ave. , $750.00. House und lot. 1943 South llith t. , $900.00. House ami full lot on 2Slh Bt. . between Paclflo and Poppleton ave , , ill'HAhsconi ' place , $1,10000. 0-rooni cottage , eutl front'lot. on Georgia a\e. half block south of Leu. yen worth st. $1.MO. ( < ) . Corner lot fronting routh and ea t , K0xl27 feet , near Hanecom park , $ 6 lots Joining exposition site on south , $223,00 I acre'In Delrldere , west of Miller park. 1500.00. 5 acres Improved , fronting Miller paik. $ i.OuOOO. 8 acres Improved , between 2Uh tt. und : 20lh nt. boulevard , near Sillier park , $6.000.00. 40 acres four mllea from pastolUce , $75.00 per 10 acres northwest part city. ICO.CO pr acre 0 ncres nenr South Omaha. JSO ( w per nrrc Several line forma In Douglas , Sarpy and Wash ington counties , from tSS.uO jn id.lO per am- Potur & ( Icurge company , S. W. r r. ICth and Jj > rnnm. RE M9I8 ! 3 OOOI1CO ACRES IN LOIJP CVJ. . ONLY $2 Ml . per acre. BUIngcr. 1I2J Dodge n , RE 953 21 [ 2.000 DOWN WILL SECURE A FINE PHI IT farm und homi u mile4 north of Umaha nukt- olllcu , plaie lt > clf will pay balance of pur. chare money , stringer , 18rJ Dodge t RE 910 Jl' " A C1RUAT \RC.AIN , 480) ACRES. t'KNTRAL Nebraska land ; cloau to twp railroads , gooj eull , water , etc. ; udmlidbly adapted far uen- crul stock pui-poM-s : ran offer at li.OO per ucra und tuku Iowa farm In part payment. The Westldc Imminent Co. , 305 N. Y Life Iildir , RI3-U73 21 HANDSOMi : IjOT , WITH C-ROOM COTTAOE. near Ilanicom park , only $3,750.00. HI k . 303 N. Y. Life Uldf. ( Ju973 : 21 rou sAi.i : _ n.vii KSTATH. ( ContlnueJ. ) roil SALE OR EXCItANOE One of the finest huMneo * lots In Omnhtt , tfpe- clnlly ndnpted for nholejale purj'O'p' , within four block * of principal banks nnd hotels ; price. $32NiO ; want good land. 16 vnlunblc lots In Oinnhn'H finest -sldence nclfchtiorhooil. all clear ; price , (12,000 ; for good town fnnn. p ' CO nice lots ndjolrlng Plnlo Pnlr grounds ; pa\ed street and motor lines ; $375.00 rnch ; want Iowa or Nebr.ifkn land. 10 choice Ion. rlcht Inside ; clofc to IniMnrfS portion ot city ; $1,5W each , for good lmpro\cd Intnl. Large lot ; foulh front ; handsome rhnilc trees. with two elx-room cottnges ; nenr Hnnscom park ; $6rM.oo ; will tnko nemd lown Innd or cholco vacant lot n < part pitmnt. tScoigo N. Hicks , 505 N. Y. Life Rldg. Z 973 21 TOR SALE OR TRADE , KIN13 HO-AC'RH WELL Improved farm. $2,0io mortgage due In three > ear ; will tuke good city propel ty for equity ; tmi't hnve J'Ol cnsh. J. .T. O'Keefe , t87 llioadwny. Council llltiffB. RE-MS90 ! 3 TO"lNvSTOHS : , MECHANICS , etc. Now l the time to buy. ACIP property COR < tci Omnhn. Money Judiciously Invented In well located ncrc propel ty will Meld bis returns. 1 cnn offer for snlc tlM ) wrek the cheapest ncrc property on the market , consisting of Several choice 6 , 10 and 20 aero tracts , Jtut west of the city , Nenr New- Elmwood park nnd State Fnlr RTOiimK This land Is splendidly located to rccel\c the benefit of Omaha's future growth. It l only twenty-live iiilmitcK' drive- from the po tolllce nnd fifteen minutes' drive from South Omnln. Close to good Fc iooK paved sttccln nnd rail- rends , but no city tnxe > < . Thl * land will bo sold In nve , ten nnd twenty-acre tracts , at $273 to $375 per ncre. There nre only n few of these tracts. Call and lot us show you the property nnd secure cholco of location , Savings bank accounts tnlien In payment. Gee , N. Hicks , 303 N. Y. Life llldg. RE 973 21 CHOICE ACRE IX > T , NEAR STATE FAIR grounds ; shade trees ; paved street ; only KM ( JO Hlcki , N. Y. Life llldg , RE-073 21 ONE OP THE FINEST LOTS IN TIII3 NICEST rtwldence neighborhood In this city , with two cottng-es ! for snle nt a bargain ; will tnko Omaha Savings bank accounts In payment. ' Y" r"lfo " 1Jg- H13-973 21 _ DANK ACCOUNTS TAKlJk IN PAY- tnent rtf the choice 6 nnd 10-ncre fruit farms we nre offering for pnlo near new stntp fair Rrotinili > . Illcks , N. Y. Life Dldg. RE-973 21 HANDSOME LOT NEAR 35TH AND PARNAM. for uulck snle , nt $1,200. Hicks , 305 N. Y. Life. RE 973 21 LOST. LOST SMALL BLACK DOO. WHITE STREAK front , short hair ; nnme "Jerry ; " rewnid. C. S Stcliblns. 1230 South 7th nxmuie Ixist MC97 I-O.ST. A RED TO\V. WITH WHITE SPOTS j dehorned , tall broken ; telephone 1W > , Omnlia Van & Stoingc Co. Lost 807 CAH1M3T CLKA\L\0. CHAMPION CARPET CLEANING CO. , CAIH'ET beaten , ncouied nnd lenovntcd ; rellttlng nnd re laying carpets a specialty ; new innnasement. 718-720 South 14ti Btreet , Omaha , Neb. . Tel C55 868 M17 S13W1XO MACIIIMSS AXIJ SUPPI.IKS. NEW HOME. HOUSEHOLD AND WHITE sewing machine olllce , 1514 Cap. Ave. Tel. 1374. 411 TYriSWKITEHS. GET THE REST TYPEWRITERS ; SUPPLIES ; repalis. United Tjpowrlter & fauppllea Co. , 1012 Farnnm St. 436Jun 30 IliiLll\a ; AM > LOAN ASSOCIATION. SHARES IN MUTUAL L & D. ASS'N 1'AYS 6 , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2. 3 years old ; nlwnys re deemable. 1704 Farnnin street. Nattlngcr , Sec. 428 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & D. Ass'n. 1704 Fnrnani. Q. M. Nattlnger , Sec. 429 I'AIV.MIHOICEUS. H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 418 N. 16 ST. 432 SHOKT1IA.MJ ) AND TYl'KWIUTIXG. A , C. VAN SANTS SCHOOL C13 N. Y. LIFE. 433 AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE.IGTH & DOUGLAS. 434 MUSIC , AUT A.VI > LANGUAGE. GEORGE F. GELLENUECK. UANJO , MANDO- lln nnd guitar teacher. Room 412 Dee DMg. Tel. 238. 100 PUHNITUKE PACKED. GET M. S. WALKLIN'S PRICES ON FURNIture - ture packing , repairing , upholstering ; mat- tro'nes made and reno\ated ; 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. 430 AVATCIIMAKEIIS. IARD TIME PRICES : WATCHES CLEANED , 75c ; genuine main spring , 75o ; watch crystals , ISc ; clocks cleaned and repaired cheap ; specta cles nnd eyeglasses half price ; eyes tested fiee ; work wniranted. Ashb'l Pattereon , 1C11 Fnrn'm 892 MC KIXAXCIAL. FOR SALE , WARRANTS AMOUNTING TO several hundred dollars ; general fund , Ne braska counties , 7 per cent Interest , first-class security for Investors. Inquire of Omaha Printing Co. . 818-920 Farnam street. Mi > 33 LOANS ON GILT EDGED SECUIHT1ES , LIFE Ins. policies bought. W. F. Ilolden , McCngue blk , 837 SAFES. " "JEW " AND SECOND-HAND SAFES ; SAFE RD- palrlng. J , J. Derlght , 111C Farnam. 5GO-M3 MEDICAL. LADIES ! CIIICHESTEH'S ENGLISH PENNYroyal - royal Pills ( Diamond brand ) nre thu best. Safe , reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles , " in letter bv return inall. At druggists. Chlchebter Chem ical Co. , Philadelphia , I'a , Mention IJee. UIHI1ER GOODS FOR HYGIENIC PRIVATE use ; send for particulars , Gem Co. , Kansas City , Mo. ATON'S TANSY PILLS FOR LADIES ; NEVER fulls ; get the genuine and avoid failure ; $1 nil drugglBta or direct. R. F , Caton , lloston , 1 Mnss. 1 1I I 1IICVCLI3S. UICYOLES. COO FINE SECOND HAND WHEELS all makes ; $3 to $15 ; write for descriptive lists , F. Y. Mead Cycle Company , Chicago , FAHM.S TO : 0 ACRES , 3 MILI3S S. W. OF HENSON AND one mile N. of Dodge st , , now occupied by Glaus Kuhr. 120 acres , 18 miles from Omahn. Demls , Pnxton lllock. M 3C3 . \ GOOD 8TOCIC AND GRAIN KAIlifi IN western lown , to trade for drug etore , Addrcsd F 31 , Dee ofllcc. /MS 21' SUES & CO. , * . PATENT SOLICl'iOKS , w " * . . , . . < ? rirn nnttm. ' .sf ucoiiuiiaintri " & . , . , Oumha Neb Advlco nnd I'.iiont Hook WHEK SllllK STI31' " 1IJH.SI3SII4 ( I3 _ _ , Consists of n stenl skel t < eton provided with rubber - ber thread that U ( .peel- ally adapted to grip the ground , secures u foot hold and prevents Iho borne from slipping or tumbling , and reduces thu Jan ing Hhock to both Its feet and fchoul- ' dcrs. dcrs.II. II. II , ALI.E.V , Practical Ilortethocr , State Agent Lucal agents wanted. , \iIJci > lo Htiii'Uliulilri'H , The rt'BUlur annual nicotine of the ntoclj- lolilorfl of Tlio Hoc I'ubllsliliii ; t'oninuny vlll bo hold In their oltlce , torniir JTtli .nil Kiirnum streets. In tlio rlty or Omolm. n Moiukiy , March 1 , 1W , : U 1 o'clock ] i. in Jy orilpr of tlio prcslUmit. GiO. U. TXSCJIUCK. Sec-rotary. Kotlco la htrcby Klvcn Hint the rc-Kular iinual mvotliiK of the KloelUiohlcr.-i of the louth Plutto Lund coinininy will lie htOtl 1 the ol ice of null ! company in JJucoJu , id' . , ut 10:30 : o'clock u. in , , on the Diet VtducHiluy In .March , 1SSI , beliiy tlio third ; iy of thu month. . , Jy order of the board of director.- ! . al H. O. I'HILLIKS. Kf-cretai-y , I inr-iin. Neb. , February 1 , 1S37. Fldsfltrn. OMAHA PEOPLE ON THE COAST Forrnsr Residents Enjoying Lifo on the Sunny Slopes of California , MANY OF THEM ENGAGED IN BUSINESS Familiar \ninoi > IMV 1'roniliiciit III th < - I'ommcTi'lnl mill .Sorlnl llc of I/ni AiiKrlo i I'liiuilciiii anil 81111 Juno. , Cal. , Pob. 1C. To tlio Killtor of Tlio llco : 1 lm\o tliotiglit It nilRlit bo of Interest to sonic ot > our readers to know something about former residents ot Omnlia mid Nebraska now dwc-llliiK In tills land" o fruits and lloneio. I think there exists bo twccn the enrly settlers of nny state or sec tlon n peculiar tcelliiB of nltaclnnent tint Is different from friendships formed nt Into pcrlodd , and which In Cherished through nl Iho changpa mid vicissitudes of life. Th remcmbrnnco of thu trials and deprivation ; experienced by thoseUvliiR In Nebrask thirty or forty years ago scoina to bind then together In closer and more enduring affec tlon than any mere- friendships of Ink- periods , nnd no matter how highly the lattei may bo prized , our hearts ever fondly tur to the frlondo of our youth , for we were al young when the foundations of Omaha * greatness were belliR Inld. Indeed , llf Becms too short to form again such attach ments as thoao of the early days of Omaha which I still cherish with feelings ot rea affection and which will continue while llf < lusts. 1 recently upent a most enjoyable cvenltm In Los Angeles' at the hospitable home of an early citizen ot Omaha , where the gnestn Borne twenty-five or thirty , were all formci residents of the latter city. To look nrouiu1 the cheerful board nnd see Iho happy facco ot so many who once took an active part In the dally life and business of Omaha , now residents ot tlio C5olden Kate , anil to 11-tei : to the conversation , whlelt was largely devoted voted ( o reminiscences ot Omaha , way niosi delightful. Of ccutco we arn not all oul here otrlctly "four our health , " like San Orchard , cr some one from Omaha , who came out hero for "a change and rest. " and who .said after his return homo that "the doctors took his 'change' and the hotels the 'rest.1 " In many indtanccs , however , the Nebraakans living here came from consid erations of health , nnd with few exceptions have got what they came for. SO.MK 01THR OLD TIMERS. Judge John H. Porter of Los Angeles , for Inst.inco , looks about as well as when be cx- orclbed the functions of pollco judge In Omaha so many years ago. The judge has a comfortable homo on 1'earl street , and ho and hlo good wife are surrounded with all that can make their declining years beauti ful , On the same street , only two blocks distant , llveu Mr. K. V. Smith , one of the oldest Bottlers of Omaha , whose name Is well and honorably remembered , Mr. and Mrs. Smith are enjoying their residence In the City of the Angels , and arc among Its most highly esteemed citizens. In the mag nificent Hradbury building , Los Angeles , occupying a line suite of rooms , may bo found Judge Louis A. Oroft , who was formerly one of Nebraska's most , distinguished citi zens , at ono time being commissioner of the general land olHco at Washington. The judge enjoys a largo law practice , and Is regarded ns ono of the ablest practitioners at the Los Angeles bar , and Is highly es teemed by all who have the honor of lib acquaintance. HEAL ESTATE HUSTLERS. Who , among the residents of Omaha twenty years ago does not remember the tall form and kindly face of M. G. McKoon , a man who seems to have no enemies , especially since the war , In which ho bore an honor able record as captain of a Now York regi ment. Mack has a real estate olllce on First street , Los Angeles , and by some subtle In- lluonco everybody arriving in the city from Nebraska feels himself drawn thither , until his ollico Is now the recognized Omaha head quarters for Los Angeles. The hospitable mansion of Mr. and Mrs. McKoon graces ono of the most sightly eminences In the city. Captain T. W. T. Richards , once prominent In the business llfo of Omaha , resides with his wife and children on I'lco Heights. The captain conducts a largo and successful real estate business at the corner ot First street and llroadway , Los Angeles , In the Redlck block , one of the many valuable properties owned there by Hon. John I. Itcdlck of Omaha. The name of Samuel Howard reaches far back to the very early days of Omaha. Mr. Howard and family cnjuy their attractive homo In Lea Angeles , surrounded with fruits aind Uowers , largely indulging a taste for the flno arts , In which Mr. Howard liasof late years become an artist of marked talent. A. H. Pratt , whom the older patrons of The Bee will recall as at ono tlmo an en terprising citizen of Omaha , Is actively en ! gaged In the well-represented business of buying and selling "Iho earth. " In Los An geles. Horace Jonea , years ago an extensive dealer In live stock In Omaha , Is residing In. Los Angeles , engaged with his son In a prosperous mercantile business , Dr. Matthowson , once prominent In medi cal circles In Omaha and Lincoln , lived In Los Angeles for several years after leaving Nebraska , but now resides with his family In the prosperous town ot Vlsalla , Cal. , where , I am Informed , the good doctor enJoys - Joys a largo practice. Thomas Gibson , of the late firm of printers , Gibson , Miller & Richardson , la a rcsidenl of San Jo-so , Cal. Sam Johnson , of the late big grocery firm of Steele & Johnson , which for many years did the leading wholesale businosfl In that line In Omaha , has several largo fruit ranches In the vicinity of San Jose and elsewhere - where in California , which ho Is managing on lines of both pleubtiro and profit , resid ing with his family In ono of thu finest man sions In San Jose. DELIGHTFUL HOMES. Mrs. J. H. Kcllom , widow of the good man of that name who honoicd Omaha an < a useful and enlightened citizen for nearly a rjuarter of a century , rt-sldM at Tustln , Drango county , Although full of years Mrs. Kollom Is In the cnjoynenl of fair health physically , while her mind Is as clear and rigorous as when she taught her llttlo school In Omaha forty years ago. Shu lives Alth her daughter and son-in-law , W. C. Adams Is In aa fair a home as heart ould desire , surrounded with all the oflncmcnts and luxuries of life. The ( ipaclous mansion Is embowered In the llncst irango grove of some thirty acres that It las ever been my fortune to nee , which 'ielda Its lucky owner about $10,000 a year > rolt. ! Mrs. Adams , although the mother if children "women grown , " looks but llttlo > Gauged from the "Clar Helium" who graced ) maha society In the years that are no nore. ' P. A. Schneider , whoso name was synon- 'inous with the hardware trade of Omaha or over twenty years , with his good wlfo : ind three BOIIB grown to man's estatu ( ono low In Berlin penmlng musical study ) , Ives a llfo of retired eaen at Uollego Park , suburb of San Jose. Mr. Schneider came o Omaha In 1S.1G , establishing the first inrdwaro store In the then vllluKO "t Onmliu. ilnco coming to California Mr. and Mrs. Ichiielder , Ilka many othcru. have icnuwcd hulr youth , so to speak , In this laud of unuhlnu anil Ilo trs. II. H. laselit-r , halo and hearty , lives In 'auadena , in the liuxplublo mansion ladlaoa avenue , with three married ers , Mr * . Heysor , Mrs.Vfatherby and Mrs. tauts , living within n etonu'it throw of the aternal home. Mrs. A'Hichei , over kindly ml sympathetic , cnjovs excellent health , tit still owns , after thtso many years , a trong leaning toward "dear old Omaha , " Ir. VlMclwr Is not engaged In any actlvo ' but enjoys th < > fruits of his labors beneath hN own vine and UK tico. " Mis. Alex l-'ruK'lislianlc lf > aUo a dwellt'r In Mar husband , formerly of the dry goods llrni of Ros ft Crulck- lianU , carried on business In Pasadena SPV- I'al years. Ho wan a prudent mid SUCCCHS- il merchant , jian esulng sterling qualities f character , and wtis In-loved by nil who now him. IIu came hero with ahaltered eallh nnil died Mv or sevun years ago , Icav * \K \ a handsome homo on Moline uvenuu , bicli Is still occupied by Mrs. Orulck- hank and her only lemalnlng sun. M.- Homier , another old-timer from Omaha -a brother of Mr. Ilonurr , the cattle dealer resides In I'AS drn and Is doing A thriv ing express nnd forwarding business. "Thero are others , " doubtless , but I ilo not at present recall their names nnd think I bnvo already trespassed suinctently upon jour valuable space ns well na the pntlcnco of your readers. Hoping The llco innjr share largely In the good times we- all be lieve to bo close nt hand , as It richly de serves , I remain J. W. It. iiMrio\v SAY.S IT is IH.ACK.MAII. . ArrcMnl on tin Initleliiioiit I'tiiiiiil In 1'runItIIM Comity , I mii. O. M. lilgdow. n solicitor connected with the secret benevolent society known as the I'Vnternal Onion of America , was nrrestMl yesterday afternoon by Shrrlft McDonald t the request of Sheriff Tucker of Hampton , Krnnklln county , la. , who notified Sheriff McDonald toy letter that Hlgelow had been Indicted by the grand jury of Krnnklln. county on the charge of "forcible deillo- ment. " A complaint wa.i filed In Justlco locator's court , charging IllKolow with bolus a fugitive from Justice , and ho was ar rested. As soon as the nrrest was niado the Iowa sheriff was notified and a reply was received that ho had started for 1) ) < M Molncs for requisition papers nnd would then ? tnrt for Nebraska , In the meantime Hlgclowi had secured nn attorney and habeas corpus proceedings were commenced at one. Ho was taken be font Judgellakor and was ordered released on a bond of $ r > 00. The hearing In the habeas corpus proceedings was set for Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock , Monday being a holi day. day.Tho The point rnlso by the attorney for Illgc- low W that his client was not taken at once before the magistrate/ before whom the com plaint was ( lied Instead ot being placed In jail. No arguments were had before Judge Ilaker , but thq amount ot ( ho bond was fixed and Ulgelow released ns soon an the bond was furnished. nlgolow was seen Immediately afterward and said that the Indictment was nothing but a blackmailing scheme on the part of a man In Hampton named Prank Ross. Ho said Ross bad tried to "bleed" him for $100 and had tried the same 'scheme wllh Ulgclow's wife , but had failed In both In stances. Hlgelow said ho did not know who the complaining witness was and wa" ? entlioly Innocent ot the crime charged against him. HM ICiiMpor. OMAHA , Fob. 20. To the Editor of The llee : Allow 1110 Hpaco to contradict the alle gations made by BOUIO of our city cauncllmon against Street Commissioner K.ispar. I my self have worked utuler Mr. Knspar three dlfferpnt tin os durliiK thp past year , both lit the street cleaning nnd grading gauga , nnd Imvo found that the majority of men em ployed aio Aiccrlcaus. I also Itnow that there are very few Hohcnilnus engaged In cleaning our streets ; also that the greater part of thn men employed live north of Far- nnin street. I can also otnto that Mr. Kus- pnr has always been kind nnd considerate townid old soldiers nnd has employed them whenever the opportunity presented Itself. I think It very unjust and wrong In any person to mal < u such allegations against Mr. Kaspar , when H Is n well known fact by these who have ever worked under him that he la fair , honest and unprejudiced , and will give employment 'whenever he can to any man willing to work , Irrespective of nationality or place of abode. JOSIJl'Jl K. LUl'TON , 3819 Fort street. MiiNt Not It hion Slili-ivallCN. A. D. T. messenger boys will have to dis continue the practice of riding bicycles on the sidewalk at the corner of Thirteenth and Douglas streets , where the company's olllce la located. Within the past two days two boys have been anestcd for so doing. Their eases have been continued for a month on the promise of the company that the practice will be discontinued. The ar rests weio made as a result of nn accident that occurred several days ago ou the cor ner. As one of the boys rode upon the sidewalk ho struck a woman. He did not Injure her , but It was feared that some serious accident might occur In the same manner. _ Ilrfiirciitloiinl I'3 lut'iiorH. Next Monday Superintendent Pearse of the public schoola Is expected to return from the annual meeting of the Department of Super intendence of the National Educational as sociation at Indianapolis. Thursday after noon he delivered an address on "The Ka- sentlals of a C'ourso of Study , " and was also appointed a member of the committee on nominations. Mr. 1'earse's paper was fol lowed by onn on "School Sanitation , " by Dr. A. I' . Mai hie , formerly superintendent at Omaha , hut now assistant superintendent of the echooU ot New York City. IJnliH-Ux IllH Oilier Door. P. J. Vart'enherg , who runs the "Com mercial College Course company" In the Ramgo block , locked hlmselt In his ollico Friday morning and remained there until > o'clock In the afieinoon In order to prevent Constable Johnson from serving nn attach ment upon hlo ollico furniture In satisfaction of n judgment. The attachment was Issued nut of Justice Morrow's court and was In favor of the Douglas Printing company. Vandenberg wan finally released by his at torney filing a bond for the appeal of the case to the district court. ' LOCAL I1IU3VITIK.S. Monday being a legal holiday , Iho olHcei In the court house- will bo closed. E. P. Sawyer has been granted a permit tea a two-ftory frame icddenco at IIOO.'I Jhlcngo street. Amended articles of Incoiporatlon of the ICIlpatilck-Koch Dry Goods company of Dmaha were Died with Secretary- Slate I'oiter nt Lincoln Friday. The county court will bo clojcd Monday jxcopt between the Uoura of 10 n. in. and noon , when the olllce will bo open for the issuance of marriage licenses. The ptBtoIllco will bo open tomorrow till loon In all departments. The carriers will make all scheduled runs for the foienoon , rho afternoon will bo taken as u holiday. Fred llenedlct , who was hi ought down From Crawford a few dajn ago on a uhargu 3f cutting government timber , pleadud guilty before Judge McIIugh thlo morning mid wan lined $ ) ! > and costs and sentenced tu twunty lays In jell. Articles , of Incorporation have been filed vltli the county elerk by the Loomls & Day 3oal company. The capital stock Is $20,000 mil the Incoiporatoru are Lewis J. Loomlfe , V. II. Loomia , P. P Loomls , J. P. Day and .els M. Lcrinll. Next Monday evening at the Chautauqua ollcgH at tlio First Methodist Episcopal ihuruh , Mrs. Keysor will deliver u leuturo in "The Acropolh , " which will bo illustrated y thirty vluws , The public In also lu- Ited to thlH lecture , The recclpU at the custom house during ho last week were : T nnty-slx cars of ere 'or the smelter , flvo cars of Ftigtir licet < ieo < l rein Germany for Meyer & Itaapko mvl three ars of salt from England for the ( loorgo 1. Hammond company. Senator Unwell has received the printed imcndmonts to the Omaha city charier ami us Iho name at liU nfllee. Ho HUVJ that any no wishing a copy of ( hesa amendniPiitH an get It ! > / tailing nt his ollico on Four- ccntli flrect near Fa mam. The Smith Premier Typewriter company ave just Usuod n humltioinu hnlf-tono Illun- rated catalogue , which In certainly a work f art. The catalogue seems to he qtifto n line with Ihu high Idea of this company n manufacturing typewriters , The Hoard nl County Coniml al n ra mot cstcrday to continue hem Ing tin * pro- uitn against the Issuance- a liguur IC'-MSO ! j Mary La.Motto on Weal Hedge , street. A'4 ho altorneyfl In tlio own were engaged In ourt. tlio hearing wan postponed until next 'unHday. The Jury In the case of Ed O'Connor , hurgol wllh HBsaiilt upon M , (1. HJH , HID artcnder of thu Drexel hotel , with Intent D do great bodily Injury , a penitentiary ICiWBO , returnud a vurJIct yesterday aiiur- eon after 'being out nearly Ivvenly-four ouu , ( Indjug O'Coijnor guilty of aanault nd battery. There will bo a plvll service examination u tlio ia\ernniciit building on April HO fur tie following positions : Iiookkeopor , drafts- mn , all departments of the Indian service , lest Inspector , law clerk , observer of Urn feather bureau , positions en the fish com- ilsilon and a fcsv otheia unfamiliar In tlili art of the country.