Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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"Wheat Shows an Advancing Tendency
Throughout the Day , '
\ci ( Inclined to IMit Out Short
iifH nt the Ailvnuco l'rorl-
'nlunn Slnrt Mtriinw , liut Ad-
vnnce liont Later.
'CHtCAOO. ' Feb. 19. The advancing ten-
flchcy of today's wheat market was unin
terrupted , except by the moderate reac-
tjorw .which are Its regular accompani
ment , the liny option closing at a lo ad
vance. Hcnowcd war rumors were the
cause of the closing slrciiRth. Corn nnd outs
were stronger nnd closed * /4c hlRhcr each.
1'rovlflloiis started strong , but lost all tbo
advance later and closed at substantially
Unchanged figures.
There wns very nearly a repetition of the
Thursday market In wheat for the morn-
Inp. May opened In rather an uncertain
manner at 75V4O73c , against yesterday's
closing figures of "SViOTu'&c , but with hardly
any trading at the lower of tha quotations ,
Halea as u rule being mndc at 75t,4c. The
jirlco kept creeping tip slowly on moder-
atu and scattering buying , with no disposi
tion of buyers to take profits or foenra to
put out short lines at the better figures.
About the only explanation offered was
that tha whole trade felt bullish that tbero
iwn.H a feeling that wlirnt will do belter.
Jdverpool opened oiily VJd higher , which
was no more than had been expected , but
advanced later and proved moderately help
ful. Northwest receipts showed a small de
crease , 253 cnfs , against KG last year. But
the Icthnrcy did not hist long. The slow
advance of the llrst hour w followed by
a sudden burst of buying , which did not
ucem altogether a surprise to the pit. As
the Mny price touched " % Logan's
leading broker began bidding for lOfl.OOO or
200,000-btl. lit a time , lie bought 1,2,0,00 > ) bu.
in leas than a minute , getting' part of It at
7Gc. At that figure "tho crop appeared to
1)0 ) for sale nnd a sluggish reaction to 75r > io
ensued. Chicago received t.vcnty-ono car-
load.i and 75,000 bu. were Inspected out of
Htorc. The shipments hence by rail were
29,000 bu. and by canal 9,000 bu. The At
lantic port clearances were 420fOO bu. In
wheat and Hour together. After the de
cline to 7.V&C the market ruled very dull
until about 12 o'clock , when a report was
put Into circulation of actual fighting be
tween the Greeks nnd Turks. This caused
a somewhat excited bulge to "fi'.ic , but
plenty was offered at that price and a re-
iictlon took place , the market closing llrm ,
however , at 7G'/i'j7G7iie. ' ' {
Corn wn In good demand and fairly
netlve. The strength In wheat nnd the
very heavy export clearances were the
chief reasono for the .strength. There was
good buying by several prominent houses ,
largely In the way of covering by shorts ,
nnd prices were llrmly maintained to > this
oml. Atlantic port clearances wore 1.1SS.444
bu. May opened a shade higher at I'tlnf.
Hold a Hhnde lower and advanced to ai'/i ®
IM'&c. ' where It closed.
Oats acted In concert with wheat and
corn , opening steady at or very near to
yesterday's values and advancing to close
llrm. The bettor feeling wns not brought
about through sympathy alone , for out-
Bldn shorts were buying nnd this Item con-
trllmtod to the buoyancy of the market.
May opened at 17&C , sold to I' c nnd
closed with sellers at I'Ho.
The activity which came Into the pro
vision market a few days ago was again
noticed In today's business. Hog receipts
were again exceptionally small and though
llucttiatlons were frequent the general ten
dency of the market during the morning
was upward. Liberal selling caused a
uhnrp decline In the afternoon , which wan
arrested , however , before prices got ma
terially below yesterday's. At the close May
pork was n shade higher at $ a.OO to J.S.OSVi ,
Mny lard about 'Me higher at $4.0257)1.03 ) and
May ribs a shade lower at 31.10iH.12Vi.
The estimated receipts for Saturday are :
Wheat , IS cars ; corn , 1S5 cars ; oats , 270
cars ; bogs , 17,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. | Open. | Hlgli. | Lovv7T Cio o. I YBt'y.
Fou. . . . 7.1M&H 75 711K 74K
May. . . 75 H 7 i 7BHJ 70 } < M 76U0M
July. . . 71HBM 73 71k , 7I
Sept. . . 70)1 71) < TOW
Full. . . . 22 22 < a < 22JS
May.J4Hi LMitdtM 24
July. . . . 25KOSH tififc sOMb'f
Sent. . . atlK 20M aOVi
* "iiu
May. . . . 17 17 aW 17 >
July. . . . 18 18i ! lb 18K 17J4
May. . . . 8 05 8 l'2\i \ 8 0t R 0' > ) i 8 00
July. . . 8 22H 820 815 816 8 12 > s
May 1 01) 4 10 4 1)0 ) 4 05 4 00
July. . . 4 10 4 2 ( > 4 11) 4 12M 4 07H
Sh't Illbs
May. . . . 4 124 ! 4 17,4 4 10 4 12 4
July. . . 4 21) 4 2S 4 i0 ! 4 20 4 17M
No. 2.
Cash quotatlonR were at * follows :
VLOtlH Hteiidy ; winter patents , JI.31 ® I.CO ;
BtralKhts , J4.10ii4.30j tprlUK tpecluls. JI.50 ; Birlng
patenta , I.OO i4.30i pprlni ; straights , J3.40ii3.70 ;
bakera. { 3.00W3.40.
WHKAT No. 2 tprlnj74 i 75Xcj No. 3 spring ,
72W73o ; No. 2 red. MliffSliUc.
COHN-No. 2. 22V5SJ22'ie ) ; No. 2 yellow , 22'ifl )
l.'A'lb No. 2. KuniSV&c ; No. 2 wliltc , f.i o. b. ,
IS WlSc : No. 3 white , f. o. b. , 1G&19C.
UYI5 No. 2. 33c.
11AULHV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. .
2-.litUc : : No. 4. f. o. b. , 22'4fr25c.
FLAXSKKO-No. J , 74145 770.
. TIMOTHY SKKD I'rime , J2.GO.
I'llOVISIONS-l'ork. rneK , per bbl. . $7.5007.53.
I iird. per 100 11)3. ) , J3.92VJ. Short rlbi side * ( loose ) ,
$3.9504.20. Dry saltcil uliouldera ( boxed ) , il.Mit
4.73. Bliort cleiir Bldca Ibuxed ) . J4.231JI.37V4.
WIHSKy Distillers' Ilnlslied goods , per Bat. ,
HUUAK Cut loaf. J5.2C : granulated , JI.C4.
On tlio Pro'.luoo oxuli.Miffii tu.liy : tlio batlnr m.ti
kut waH stonily : cru'itnory , l.'i'J'JO. ! : ilulry , 'J4
17o. KIUS& . Hlcady : frehli. 15o. Chrvso. Hteady ;
HW IO4u ! , DtVMWHl poultry , tlrm : turtteyn , lies
HHu ; uldjlroiiB , tiM7c : duclca.
iM of ( Uu l ) y on ( iciioral
NI'\V YOUIv , Feb. -FLOUK-llecelpts , 5,300
tblx. ; f. t | > ortu , 1,313 bblh. ; inurket llrm ai > d
lilglicr , particularly on Kprlng ; toutii-
fitn Hour , tteudy ; city , winter pat-
cnla. ; Mlnnpxota patents. J4 35G4.4J ,
Mtnneiiotn liakerH , ! 3.iOtf3. ! ) ; winter low crudt'H ,
f.tXjf.W. Ityo Hour , eaay ; fancy , > ' . ' .8uf2.M. Hour , dull , 11.2 : .
llt'OKWlllIAT Dull , He.
toilN : MI'JAL-Dull ; yc-llow wectcrn. 5 > ic.
ISYH-FIrm : No. 2 wcntcru , SSIifc J9u.
IIAHLMV Dull : feeding , ! 57ic.
1IA11LKY .MALTulit. ) .
AVlllTAT-lteixIplD , 4'J830 bu. ; exports , 31,226
bu. t'pot ' tinner ; No , 1 hard , t.'Jic. . Oplloiu
opened tti-ady nnd xvns stroiii ; ' . with lew Inter-
riiinlmiH all dny ; floclm : UflHo n < > t lilcher ; the
aUvnnco wim bati-d on higher fori'lun IICWH and
lute war tnlk , tmlui'tui ; u ciivtllni ; by shorts ;
Mo , 2 February closed at &l' ' , r ; ltdy , (0 > 4Q$2c ,
clcixcd nt I2c ,
1 COUN Uevelptu , 1CI.775 bu. ; eiportu , iJS21 bu.
Spot llrm ; No. 2 , 21 is. Options opened uleady
nnd advanced on covering nnd heavy cleamnrea ;
clnxlng jjo net liletier ; I'Vbiuury flobed at
20 ; c : Mny , SO tfSOUe , cluicil at 30ic ,
OAT8 lloewlplu , 1I7.CUO Im ! < -iorlii , 4 , S77 hu ,
Bpot llrm ; No. 2 , 'i\\v \ , Option * ijulet. but llrm ,
with tlm other markets ; clotlnj ijo net higher ;
February elated at Vl' . 'i May , 2l c , clos.J at
Zl'ic. '
HAY Steady ; alilpplng , WiJHc ; good to choice ,
IIOI'H ftr 'ly ; date , common to choice. USi
civp , M)7c : W.'t crop , 61)13.1 ; 1'ai-lllo i-onbt , 1SJJ
crop. 5lf"c.
IIIDKH rirmi Tea8 , dry , IDfflSc ; ( lalvc ton.
IJo ; ( 'allfoinla , lOHc.
LRATHI-JH Firm : hcmlocli sole. Iluenos Ayreii.
lltrlit to hrnvy vveluhls , ID'.iiWSOlje
1'HOVIBIONJJ llfcf , Btcndy , Cut inrata , nrms
pickled b lll , 4i4jSc ! ; pickled ulioillders. 6ffOVic.
l.Mnl , llrm ; western , stcmly nt $14.50 ; rellned ,
llrm. J't.rk , llnu ; mrm , ( S.50iit,00 ) : family , ) .50
BIO. CO. Tallow , stcndy ; city. 2'ic ' ; cuuiiln ,
8V- .
IIU'ITKUUfrolpU. . S.CCS ] , UK . ; nunkct steady ;
wcHlrrn crcumcry , liyi'uc ; Kljlns , : jc ; factory ,
i : Itfcelpts , 71 pkgt. ; market steady ;
tnte , lurK * . SOISUc : tut , iininll , UffltHu ; pjrt
klnu. rIia'c ' ; ( till skims , 303Jc. !
ii : > ns ItecelpH. 3,932 likg * . ; mniket nrm ;
state und I'ennaylvunla , 19ore tein , 12''Slilc ' ;
eouthcrn. 17ttl75 c ,
O1LI5 r troleum , ttcudy ; United closed at
PI1 it' bid. Itoiln , dull. Turpentine. , fu y.
ltliivStcuilfair ; to extni , ; Jap..n. .
MOLAS8fSQulet : ; open kettle , to
. Kittle.
MirrAUS-J'lK lr ° n- < > ' : wiuthern , } 10.M >
12.00 ! northern. J11.WWIS.M. Cupper , smy ; bixk-
r . 1 ! ; XKhunie. IIS. Tin , very < iuln. lialts ,
i IICOffl.03. frfnJ , steady ;
I.lvorpiml < ; ru I u mid I'rovlklotiB.
LIVKUI'OOU Feb. 1 . AVItKAT Spot leady ;
dumiiiid ntoleralri No , S red. prlns. 4. < 3.1 ; No.
I California , C OHd. Futures oponr j quiet , wltli
near ixxllluns unchnnced und dlslnnt p.ikllloni
tid higher ; clord llrm ; buklnem about equally
dlitrlbutcd ; FtLruury , Cs 3d ; Mulch , ( a tljd ;
Uay. ( 4Ud : July. Ca 4J ,
tXItN-Suol firm ; Auitruuin. ntw. ta IUO.
I-'utures opened easy , with near and distant posi
tions "id higher ; closing te dy , with near nnd
distant position * unchanged to UJ higher ; busi
ness about 'equally distributed ; February , 2s 6d !
March. 2s 7Hd ! April. S 7W ; May. la Slid ;
aunr , 2s RHJ ; July. 2 * Sjl. ,
FIxjun Steady ; dtmand poor ; 8t. tx > uls fancy ,
winter , 8s M.
1'UOVISIONS Ilacon , eteady ; demand fair ;
Cumberland cut. 24 to 20 lb * . , 27s ; short ribs.
20 to 24 Ili. . . 25 * M ; lonff clear , light , 35 to
3) ll . , Ka 6(1 ; long- clear , heavy , 40 to 43 Ibs. ,
2lfl M ; short clear backs , light , 13 Ibs. , 21s M ;
Miort ctenr mldrtle * . heavy , f > to GO Ibs. , 21s ;
clear bellies , 14 to 1C lb . , 2 s 6.1. Sliouldera.
square , 12 to 18 Ibs. , K * M. Hams , short cut ,
II to 18 Ibfl. , 4 < H 61. Tnllow , fine North Amer
ican , ISs. Ileef , extra" India mess. 60s ; prime
mess , 4 < H 8d. 1'ork , prime mess , nne western ,
4 : j medium western , 40s , Lard , steady ; prime
western , 20s M.
I'HKESK Dull : demand poor ; finest American ,
white and colored ( September ) , Ms M.
IlUTTKIl-Flnert United Stntcs , OOs ; good , D5s.
I'KTItOLKITM-Itcnned. did.
IlKFUIOKItATOIt 11KHF Forequarters , 4d ;
htiidquarters , CUd ,
IlOl'H At I ndon ( Pncinc coaet ) , 3 Us.
Ilecelpti for the past three days , wheat. 24S.OOO
centals. Including , 139,000 American. American
corn , 1S0.300 centals.
WKATHEtl Wnrm anil moist.
Coitilltlnii nf Trnilo nnil Iliinlntloim oil
Stni > lc nnil I'niicr I'l-odticc.
EQOS Fronh Kathercd , 12c.
nUTTEIl Common to fair , DfllOc ; choice to
fancy roll , I3014c ; separator creamery , 20o ; gath
ered creamery ; 1531M.
OAMn Blue winged teal ducks , 11.75 ; green
wing , 11.14 ; redheads and mallards , { 3.75 ; email
rnbblta , 40350s ; jacks , )1.00tn.25 ; squirrels. 105J
70c ; Canada geese , large , JG.WJfr.DO ; small , $4.COW
CIIEr-SE-Oointstlo bricks , lOVie ; Edam , per
doz. , 3 ; club house , Mb. Jars , per doz. , J3.15 ;
LlmberKcr , fancy , per lb. , 9 e ; Itoquetort , M-lb.
Jars. p r doz. , W.CO ; Young Americas. 10ic ;
twins , fancy. lOVJc. ,
VKAL Choice fnt , SO to 110 Ibs. , nro quoted at
7R7He ; Inrge nnd cnars . 4O5c.
DUESSKD rOlTLTHY Chickens. CO7c ; tur
keys. lOirilc : cepre , 7flc ; dueUs , SCOo.
L1VI3 I'OULTnY Urns , GflSHc ; circks. 3ifle.
1'iar.ONS Live , :5e600 | dead plceons , not
HAY Upland , J4.BO ; midland , 4 ; lowland.
tS.DO ; rye straw , f3.6i ( ; color makes the price on
liny ; light bales cell the best ; only top grades
bring top prices.
IlllOOM CO11N F.xtremely clew solo : new
crop , delivered on track In country : choice green
felf-worklns carp t. per lb. , 2f2'c : choice green ,
running to hurl , 2Tr2'ir : common , lV4c.
SWEET POTATOES On orders , per bbl. , 11.75.
ONIONS Good stock , per bu. , Jl.
LIMA llKANS-1'cr lb.4c. .
DEANS Hand picked navy , per bu. , Sl.2oBl.35.
CA11HAI1U Fancy stock , per 100 Ibs. , ft
CKLKIIY Per dnz. . 2.1e ; fancy , large , 45e.
POTATOES Oood native ptock , per bu. , 30c.
MALAGA OIIAPES Per kcff , $7.
CltANUElUHES-Cup * Cod. per bbl. , JC.009
APPLES Fancy , New York , { 1.C031.G5 ; extra
fancy , large. J1.75.
OHANGES Mexican , J2.7583.00 ; California
navelH. 150s to 2008 , $3.75 ; largo sizes , J3.25H3.DO ;
BCL15lf6NH-M5s : lnai. . J1.0003 50 ; choice Callfor-
nla. J2.75 ; faney. J2.7. f3.CC.
nANANAS-Cholce , large stork , per bunch ,
} 2 OOW 25 ; medium-sized liunrlip * . $1.5002.00.
HONEY Cholce,13S14c.
C11JEU Clarincd Juice , per half bbl. , J2.DO ; per
bbl. , $4.0004.25.
MAPLE SYHUP Five gal. rans. each. $2.50
2,75 ; gnl. , can . per doz. , $12 ; half-gal , cans , $6.25 ;
qtmrt cans. J3.50.
NUTS Almonds. California , per lb. , large
size , 13o : IlrazllB. per lb. . lOo : English wal
nuts , per lb. , fancy , soft shell , 12J12'4c ' ; stnml-
nnls. HOllUc ; nilwrts. per lb. , lOc ; pecans , pol
ished large , 9310. ; ; .tuinbo. 1101o ; large hick
ory nuts , J1.23 per bu. ; nniall , Jl.t.0 ; cocoanuts ,
Do each.
FIGS Imported fancy , 5 crown , 30-lb. boxes.
15o : choice. 10-lb. boxes. 3 crown , lie ,
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 5Ho ; No. 2 green
hldea , 4 > / > c ; No. 1 green salted hides , 7c ; No. 2
green salted bides , Cc ; No. I veal cnlf. 8 to 12
Ibs. , 7c ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 tl 13 Ibs. . 4c ; No. 1
dry Hint hides. 810o ; No. 2 dry flint hides.
E09c : No. 1 dry salted hides , 839o ; part cured
hides. Vi < s per lb. less than'fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Oreen palled , each. 23GO :
preen jnlted , thearli.Rs ( short wco'ej early ek ns ) ,
each , 15c ; ury shearings ( short wooled early
skins ) , No. 1 , each , Co ; ury flint , Kansas and
Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 4Q5c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska
Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3f4c ;
dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb. ,
actual weight , 4@5c ; dry flint Colorado Murrain
wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 3@4c ; feet
cut off , as It Is useless to pay freight on them.
TALLOW AND GIJEASE Tallow , No. 1. 3c ;
tallow. No. 2 , 2 < ic ; grease , white A. 3e ; create ,
white II , 2o ; grease , yellow , 2c ; grease , dark ,
IHc : old butter. 2G'2&c ; beeswax , prime , 15022o ;
rougli tallow. Ic.
WOOL Unwashed , fine heavy. 6O7c ; fine light.
KSa : quartciblood. lOiilSc"ody. . burry nnd
chaffy , 8ffl c : .otted ana oroken. coarse , "BOc :
cot ted nnJ nrokcn , fine. ( iOSo. FlPCce washed
Medium , lofflSo ; nne , 1416c ; tub w 9h d. ICOlSo
black. 8c ; bucks , Cc ; tag locks , JS' o , dead pulled ,
HONES In car lots , weighed and delivered In
Chicago : l v buffalo , p r ton , 12.00014.00 ; dry
country , bleached , per ton , S10.00@12.CO : dry coun
try , damp nnd meaty , per ton , $6.00S8.00.
DIIESKED Oood native steers , 400 to (100 ( Ibs. ,
fi io ; good forequarters steers , 5c ; good hlnd-
qunrters steei-B , Si c ; western itcera , Co ; fancy
heifers , Gc ; good heifers , Clc ; good forequarters -
ters heifers. 4 ic ; good hlndiiuarters lielfem ,
71io ; good cows. 5-c ; fair cows. 5V4c ; common ,
cows.4ytc : cow forequarters , tVc ; cow bind-
quartcrs , 7VtC ; tenderloins , 20e ; boneless strips ,
tic ; strip loins , 7c ; mils , Sijc : sirloin liitt'i ,
SHc ; sboulilers clods. 5 0 ; rump buttH , 5c ; steer
chucks , 4icj ! row chucks. 3'/4c ' ; boneless chucks ,
4Uc : cow plates. 3'.4c ; steer plates. 4c ; flank
steak , Cc ; loins. No. 1 , 12 o : loins. No. 2 , lOVjc ;
lotus. No. 3 , 8J4c ; No , 1 short loins. 14H ° ; No.
2 short lotnp , 12i < .c ; No. 3 Kbort lolnn. ICHic ;
Sirloin ends. 7cf ribs , No. 1. lO' o ; rl'js , No.
2 , 8V4c ; ribs. No. 3. C' c ; Rteer rounds , < IV4o ; cow
rounds , 5Xc : cow rounds , shank off , 6V c ; cow
rounds , shank ami rump off , 7o ; trlmmlnRs ,
3Vc ; beef shanks , 2c ; brains , per doz. , 35c ;
sweetbreads per Hi. . 15c ; sweetbreads ( calves ) ,
per ih. . 30c ; ItldneyH , per doz. . 33c ; ox tails ,
eaeh , 3c : livers , per lb. , 2 < Ac ; hearts , per lb. ,
Hie : tontjuea , per lb. , 12c.
MUTTON Lumbs , 7c ; yearlings , 6V4c ; Bbcep ,
Co ; market tacks ( long ) . S',4e : hotel nicks
( short ) , lie ; Irirn nnd saiblles , So ; lamb legs ,
3e ; breasts nnd Slews , 2"4c ; tongues , each , Oc ;
plucks , eacii. 3e.
POltlC Hm ed pigs , 5c ; dressed lions , 4)to :
tendeilolns. ISlic : loinf , rUc , ; spure ribs , 44c ! ;
ham snusngp butts. 5c ; thoulders. rough , 41ic ;
shoiiMera. Fklnued. 5o ; trimmings , IVic ; leaf lanl ,
not rendered. 5e : bends , cleaned , 34c ! ; snouta
nnd ears. 3".i : Imckboncs , 2'ic ' : cheek meats ,
So ; nerkbonps. 2Uc ; pigs' tails , 3c ; pluck , e ci ,
5o ; cldttirli'igs , PC : hocks , 4c ; hearts , per doz. ,
25u : stomachs , each , 3c ; tongues , each , 8c ; kid-
nnys. pr doz. , lOc ; brains , per doz. , 15c ; pigs
feet , per doz. . He ; livers , eucli 3o.
AnTovefliiw Ordci' for X
Si'iiNiiii irltli KorrlKtt Wooln.
IIOSTON , Feb. 13. The Iloston Commercial Iliil-
Ictln will My tomorrow of the wool market :
The sales nro utlll wonderfully maintained , when
the rnoiinoifii business done In January Is con.
Kldered. More attention Is being paid to foreign
merino wool , and less to domestic. Mills arc
covering orders for next reason with the foreign
wool they need for llnUhlng. Not only Austra
lian , but Montevideo and Buenos Ayres wools
have been moving briskly. Stocks of American
wnshnd fleece lire much reduced , but there Is
hllll plenty of territory or unwashed western
wool. Prices nro no hlsher , but the nmrkot
Is steady here. Foreign iroot markets nre less
steady. The coming- Australian clip is likely
to Iw onn of the largest kno n. The eales of
Ihf week nro 3.305.000 Ibe. domestic ami 3.0S7.0CO
Hi . rnrelgn , ngiilnct 3.2luOCO Ibs. domestic nrd
3.4l.OuO ! ) llm. foreign last weds , nnd 1,430,000 Ibs.
, lonieftlo ami 721.0 < > 0 Iba. forrUn for the mine
xeftc last year. Tim alei to date vhow an In-
crenso of 2I.CT4.500 Ibs , iloiiuttitlo and ! > .2S5,000 Ibs ,
foreign from the Hales to tlm aiuno late In ISM.
The receipts to date show an increase of 0,753
bales domestic Hiiri lO.C bales foreign.
ST. 1jOiiK ; , Feb. 19. WOOIr-Unchanged.
NEW VOltK. Feb. IDWOOIo Uncliar.Efd ;
fleece. 13Q7Cc ; pulled , ICOISc ,
NiW : YORK. Fb. 13.-rOFFEE-Optlons
opened vtendy S to 15 points higher In responto
to finimei'H In Havre : advanced 2 points on
European buying , hut litter eased off 10 points
iiiuier boar hammerlna ; c'lohi-d Imrely steady
und tinch.tiigrd to 10 points net advance ; May ,
tn.Ufj9.20 : spot. lilo. quiet ; No. 7 , Invoice ,
fS.WIi ; Jobbhur. $ IO.i,4. Mild , quiet ; Cordova ,
U5.WflC.73 ; total warehouse deliveries frmn the
United fit a I PS , 10.MJ bags. Ir.cluillnsr 8.9S2 bags
from New Vwk : New VorU Klcck tculay , 334. K3
bags ; Unltcil Rates pluck. 4:0.2. ' , ! ) bag > ; nfloat
for tha United Stales , 316.010 bags : total vl > lbl
for the United State * . 733,207 hays , agalnit 476-
135 b.iirn last > ear ,
SANTOS , Feb. lii.-COFFEE-Steady : Boo.1
averagu Hnnloi , 10 , SOU rela ; receipts , 11,000 bae > ;
stix-lc. JM.CC'O bags.
HA.MIH'HO , Feb. U.-COFFEK-tt | ifc. ad-
vancu ; snle . 11,000 bagr.
HAVUB , Feb. m.-COpFEE-Olosed steady at
a net advance of tpulnt ; talcs. 31,000 bags.
mo nt : JANKIHO , Feb. 19. COFFEE-
Stendy ; No. 7 , Illo , 10.J01) rel , exchange , 89-1W ;
receipt * , 0 > bags ; clenrM for the United
.suite * . 8,000 bncs ; for Kurppe , .4.000 bags ; stock ,
M7.000 bags.
icfnrrally hlBh < r : No. 2 hnnl , nominally 79f80j ;
No. 3. 75 7Sc ; No. 4. d&ISi'i No , J re.1 , nom
inally Sic NP. S. BHiUe : No. 4. nominally 70f *
SOo : Nil. 2 iipring. 7 > tf7 V4 < - ; No. 3. 73S7Cc ,
IY)1IN Active anJ. ' .iS'Je l'lsh ' r ; No. 2 mixed ,
OATS -ItHlher slow ; No. ! white , 17ii01S > ic.
IlYE No. 2. noniliiolly 3I
HAY-Steaily ; choice timothy. $ S.50C9.00 ;
choice prnlrle. tS.OOVS.CO.
niJTTEn-fllen-Jy , crejmery , KOlSVJo ; dairy ,
KOf.S-SlcaJy at M ,
PEOItlA. Ftb. 19. - COUN- Firm ; new No. I.
OATSQuiet ; No. ! white.
WHISKY- Market steady : I'.nlthed ( rood * or
HIP b * l * of t.17 | for blili nlnra.
WHEAT -No. S red. winter. Me ,
ItiOEIPTS--rorn , 6J.3M tu. ; oats , SS.C50 tu. ;
rye. 3.000 bu. i whliky , none ; wheat , 1,2 0 bu ,
KlIII'MKNTS Corn. ( T.tOO bu. : oaU. M.OM bu. ;
rva. uonti wblilor. Ill l .i ohttt. LOW bu.
More Improvement During Last Wcok Than
Since November.
Increnxc In Iron unit Sleet Htil-
IICHH , llrltcr Dcinanil for.A\vii lin ;
" '
Gen < ln , Price * for Ciriiln"
HlKhcr. ,
NEW YORK , Feb. 1D.-II. Q. IJun & fco.'s
Weekly llcvlcw of Trade tomorrow will
say :
A large Increase In the Iron tid jtcel . busi
ness on account of tmlcs cQV'erlhe eight to
twelve months' production of the largest \vorks ,
a better demand for Woolen Koods iliul sllKhtty
better for cottons , a gnln which mny tirove
lasting In boots and shoes , bllfflitly better
Iirlct'R for wheat , cotton , wool ami Iron , , nnd n
money market well minuted to oncournKe jmr-
chases BRitlnst future Improvement In lU lness
have rendered thu past week inoie hopeful thnn
any other since enrly In November. The heavy
excess of ntcrcliandlsc exports over Imports In
June , the continuance of exchange rates , shuw-
Ing that Knsland Is still largely Indebted to
this country on current accounti unit the pros
pect that congress will adjourn .without any
dlsturblnff action , nil have their favorable In
fluence upon the money market anil upon fu
ture undertakes * . In nearly every branch the
great Iron and steel Industry feels the upward
Impulse supplied by purchases of steel nilN
said to be 600,000 tons each from the Illinois
Steel company nnd from the Carnettle company ,
besides some front other companies , In part as
low its 15 per ton , about JOO.OOO to foreign
putchasers at 17 to 18 , but all recent sales nt
> ! 0 at eastern and JZl at western mills. Nearly
all the Rieat railroads of the country have
seized the opportunity to supply themselves with
rails for one to two years' requirements. These
eiiQimous orders have advanced llcssemer plB
at I'fUtburg only 15 cents per ton , with gray
tows a shade lower , nnd no considerable change
appears In llnlshed products , although plates
are unchanged In price with good demand , nnd
nulls are held at recent prices. The bar as
sociation no longer controls anything and Iron
bars are quoted nt J1.03 per 100 pounds , wh la
Other Industrials are gaining also , though less
confplcuously. The tecent decline and subpe-
( lucnt rise tn raw cotton have not materially af
fected thu manufacture , which Is gradually Kct-
linir rid nf Its accumulated surplus , though
there seems to be but little Increnro as yet in
thu demand for goods. Supplies of wools have
shniply declined , amounting to 7.013,0110 pounds
for the week , against 9.157.1ICO for the previous
wee , . ,
year , of which 6,987.f0 were domestic , and 10-
09S2M in U02 , of which 10.014,200 were domestic.
The larger mills have ac-pdred full supplies for
the present nnd at any advance of prices they
appear ready to drop out of the market.
The hcnvs- exports In January following tha
unprecedented excess of expoits over Imports
of m the four previous months nre
largely due to the fact that neither the wheat
nor the cotton markets have been materially
. Wheat dropped tote
controHe. by speculation.
nT ' wltli no Important -
to ? . but rote to S3'i cents
portant Impulic except the conviction that re
cent prices hove licen low enough. The At
lantic exports. Hour included , were only 1.21.3 ,
week e only 1 507.813 burhels , against 2,41j.6,3
thr week.
and for
bushels la t year ,
daclng many million bush
? " ? the past week have l en 303
in the United States , against 2SO last year , and
fifty-eight In Canada , against sixty-six last year.
of IIUMlneMM TrnimnctlnnM of
tliu AH > iolatc l IlnnkM.
NEW YORK. Feb. 19.-The followlnff
Braclstreefs shows the
table , compiled by
total clearances at the principal cities and
the percentage of Increase or decrease , as
corresponding week last
compared with the
year :
CITIES. Amount I Inc. Dec.
York . ,
< a,7S4.r,3ri 17.5
Chicago 3.9
Philadelphia M,531.410
St. Louis 27CS5.927 |
13.347.031 ! . .
San Francisco
. . 11.3
I'ittsbun ? 13,512.237 . . 1.4
rinclnnlatl llf,33.4CO | < s.V
Kansas City 10.443.C5Gl
N'cw Orleans 8.S ,13C | . . 11.1
. . n.3
Milwaukee 4,877.1451 11.2
Detroit ' C.020,435 11.7
Louisville , , 20.0
Minneapolis C.013.10S
1'rovMcnce 4SS2:00 'c.5
Cleveland G.IGS.306 3.3
St. Paul 2,722,910 41.2
Houston C.SS1.993 10.1
Denver 2.750,123 1.4 "
Indianapolis 3.S4S.&V ) ' "iis
Columbus , O 3,262.700 'ii.2 "
Hiutfcr.l . 2.1S2 010 "z.h
Richmond l,930.2' i 14.C
\Vnshlnston 1,728,547 S.5
Dallas 2,565 1R6 10.
St. Joseph 1,003,22 11.5
1'eorla 1,642,444 9.1
Memphis " 14.4
Portland , Ore 741.850 17.1
Itorhesler 1.319.9SI ! J2.0
New Haven l,4.Vi.f.CS
Savannah > 2070,014 23.3
HprliiKllcld. Mass ' 19.0
Win-ester 1.4
1'oitland , Me 1,235,002 17.1
Atlanta 11.3
Kort Worth 1,250,9151 3.1
Waco 20.5
Syracuse 90..422 ! 12.0
nes Molnes 823 I&3 9.2
770,619 0,6
Oralid Itaplds '
Seattle 394,913 'siii
Augusta SM U10
Toledo J.2I7.27S
Lowell > 515,393 10.0
Wilmington , Del C97.i7I 22.7
Norfolk Ml.117 19.1
Sioux City 422.G20 . 2.3
I.ns Angeles 1).0 )
Tacoma 311.712 37.2
Spokane > 4C6.820 11.4
Jacksonville 255.73S
Lincoln . * . , . . 732.0SI !
New lli'ilfnnl 4"0.r,73 0.7
lllnnlngliam 3S5.9W a.t '
Toprka. 4B2.1S4 'sxs
I./cxlngton , Ky oo
lllnRlmmpton , 37o ! 300 11.5
Hay City , Mich. , , . , 194.9CS 2S.6
Fall River 915 rrc 3.7
Akron , O 233.WO 13.0
Springfield , O 21.1
Canton. O 14B.700 22.3
Sioux Kails 31,9491 M.O
Kreinont , Neb 51 OWI 5.5
Hastings , Neb 79.3SI n.r.
Chattanooga . . . . , , 30G.707 G.5
Kruno , ttlKf 25.0
Nashville 022.SFOi 9.6
ClulveMon 4.102.300 11.0
Salt Utke 1.C2U27) ) 20.9
Dayton . , . , , . . , . . * , , f,2ft.752l 5.1
Knoxvllln 340.160 ] 11.7
Kalatnazoo . . , , , , , , 215.3971 29.4
Ilocliford , III 21.0
Davenport 411,5231.
TntaK United States.1 $ M2.0I4 , IU | 1S.O
Kxcluglvc of New York. . . ' 4.4
Montreal 97C73"C1I 7.0
Rt. Johns SOO.SD9
Toronto . 14.5
Halifax . 1,007.327 15.8
Ilamlltoii C10.216 2.4
Winnipeg 8tct : 12.7
Totals | | 17.C21.55IJ 4,8
Not Included In totals.
finiwIiliTMlilc Improvement Shown ,
n-llli nn .lilvnnci * In I'rlri-H ,
NJHV YORK , Feb. lO.-Hrailatrcct'a to
morrow will say :
Ocnernl trade chows more Improvement , fea.
lures nf which nre the advances for pis Iron ,
steel blllctu , steel rails , tame ( trades of wool ,
raw UKor , Indian corn , pork nnd lard nnd for
print cloths , with on upward tendency for
leather , together with a number of metal and
textile Iniluitital r-ntnldUhmentii which have re
opened within the week and Improvement In re
pent railway earnings. Among thu more Im-
liorlnnl staple * for which prices have decreased
are wheat Hour , oats , rotfce , cutton , rosin and
Tin- unexpected weakness lit wheat nnil wheat
flour prlccn forms the befct pvlilencH of the lack
of conflilrnre by the trade and genera ! public
In mnclal reports of the size of thu dnmeitlc
wheat crop of hut year. Exports of wheat
fflour Included as wheat ) from both coaits of
the ( ! nltcd State * ami from Halifax , N , H. . and
St. Johns , N , 11 , , thl week iiKKrrKate ! KO * 95
bushel * , compared with i.OSl.OM bushels last
week , 3,149.MX ) hughe ) * In the corrrfrwmdiiijr week
of 1SOO. I.SCIS.IXO Inuhfls In HIP Ilkn wcelt of
1 > M , 1,730.000 bushel * In the cnrie'pondlntr perlbj
of 1KM , nnd IIB rnnlrafted with 2.555.CHH ) butbelc
In the like ttcck of U ! > 3.
Kxiort | > of Indian corn thin w rk nre the
rRot on record for a like period , nmiuntlni ; to
( ,411.120 bushels , as compared with 4.1C3.000
lait week , J.SJI.OCO buihtU In tbe week
i year ago , K > 3.toIonftricU { | n tht week two
years ngo , 1.385.000 busliris three years ngo , and
nn contrasted wlth tW.WO bushels In the llko
week of 1S93 ,
The total business failures IhrouRhoul the
country have Increased , .numbering S25 this week ,
compared with 301 iMsnrweek , 276 In the third
week of February , 1S9 : S27 In the like week ; of
ISM , 235 In tbe corresi w dlng period In 18M. ! and
203 In the like week of 153. There were 192 sus
pensions nnd fallurM * f banks , bankers ami
loan and tttut comifUjlts In the United States
as reported to ItraiMfeet's last year , compared
with 13f. In 1S95. nitty'Mighty-nine In 1S94 , and
contrasted with i.WJ , In the panicky
year of ISM , Wltefr the total of es
timated liabilities , nmotmllnR to more
than 1170.000.000 , wns"trs than the totnl Indi
cated assets , Only , one-third Iho number of
banks ( national , slto,0 savins * , private nnd
trust companies ) fi eJyor suspended last year
than were reported etmiarrapsed In 1SD3 , and IM
reduction In the totiil''estimated liabilities was
In the same proportion. Hut that such embar
rassments were In one sense more serious In
1S98 than In ISM lit Plain , as the total Indicated
assets of embarrassed banks In 1 were M.-
( MI.OiO smalUr than the estimated liabilities.
There nre llftyelRht fnllmes reported from the
Canadian dominion this week , compared vjlth
nfty-four last week , . llfty-elRht In the week n
yenr ago and as compared with thlrty-elglit two
years ago- .
I'milc'Uy KoolliiK Catim-il liy Ilio Coitill-
ttini of ( Jri-tnii AITnlrM.
NEW YOUK. Fob. 19.-Ur.u1atrect'3 Flnan-
clnl llovtcw tomorrow will say ;
The action of the European powers In Inter
vening In Crete revived tbe panicky feeling that
wns shown In the Imndon nnd continental mar
kets last week. The situation ns regards
Turkey nnd flreccc continues , however , so
strained that while there has been n recovery of
values In the foreign markets , there has been
no revival of speculative activity there. Our
own market was helped by these occurrences to
the extent at least of having the bear traders
deprived of the nld of foreign selling or of ac
tive depressing Inlluences from abroad. At the
name time the other chief bearish factor the In-
> cstlgntlon of the Industrial companies by n
New York legislative committee has ceased to
have much weight with the street. While Inside
supiwrt Is still lacking In the trust stocks , the
attacks Of the beara upon them ceased , nnd cov
ering of the large professional short Interest
caused appreciation In their prices. This was
the principal ppeculatlvo movement of the week ,
which , Indeed , has been n dull one throughout ,
nnd given up almost entirely to maneuvering by
board room traders. Among the other Incidents
a leading place must be given ' ° "le anthracite
coal stocks , which wcie Influenced by the ac
counts of continued unsatisfactory conditions of
the trade nnd to n greater extent by the decline
of Lehltrh Valley stock In Philadelphia , which
broke from Sj'/i ' to 51. ISmp.iatlc denials were
made of reports about on Impending receivership ,
but the action of the market certainly betokens
liquidation. '
The fact that the Iron Interests largely regard
the disruption of the steel rail pool with satis
faction , ami thnt the break In rails has attracted
large orders nnd steadied the mnrkot. have not
as yet had a , favorable effect upon tlit * bitumin
ous carrying roads. Hocking Valley , in par
ticular , showed a decline from S'4 to 4'A '
for tbe common. Stories t.iat the March 1
Interest might be defaulted and that a readjust
ment of the company's llmmces was contem
plated , found believers , In spite of olllolal denials.
The Gould stocks \\n\e \ \ been the object of some
attention , particularly Manhattan , which de
clined from 90U to SClj. The principal Inllucnce
In this stock Is the news thnt the management
has decided on cqujpplng It with electricity , and
thnt to this end application for capital Is
necessary. Missouri Pnclllc declined front 21VJ
to 19VJ , and Western Union was affected by it
renewal of the old story that the Haitlmore &
Ohio's block of stock was comlnR on the market ,
llallroad earnings were Irregular , though no
very unfavorable exhibitions appeared , and the
granger stocks generally acted steadily.
Market 13volt Mnro Limited Tlinii K
HUH Iti'i-li ' - . - .
NEW YOUIC , Feb. H. Today's market was
limited , even by comparison with the npathetlc
condition that recently characterized specula
tion. For the first , time in many months an
Industrial. Sugar , yielded Its place us leader
of the market to ( a railroad , llurllngton took
first place today ljtransactions. . Induced by
doubt as to the lyuMoi .of the directors on the
quarterly dividend. ] .There . werp rumors cir
culated In the rooming which succeeded in
arousing a feeling of apprehension that the
Iltirllngton dividend1 would be reduced , and this
aroused quite a llvely'J. selling movement. The
announcement later ] thot the directors had de
clared the regular , quarterly dividend of 1 per
cent caused .n. rally tn the stock of 1H per
cent , und th moyenjent pttttlned such volume
ns to give nn Inip ud 'to the whole list. The
morning wns chni'ttctorfzod by a. total lack of
interest In the iniirlwtl ! 'due to renewed fears
of European c6mi > ll.o-\IJpnstovor tbe Cretan ques
tion. There wer < ! Offering ! ! for arbitrage ac
count , but without "any manifest effect on
prices. Thcro wns some relief over the political
outlook reflected from the Kuropean exchanges
later In the dny , which helped along the rally
consequent upon the llurllngton dividend. The
anthracite coalers were conspicuously weak oil
the bad conditions existing In the coal track- .
New Jersey fell 2 per cent. This depression
was nlso manifest In the bituminous coal roads.
The anthracite coal .group participated In the
rally later. The industrials fluctuated regularly
on manipulation. Tobacco nnd Leather each ad
vanced 1 % per cent from the lowest. One of
the features of the day was the advance In Lnko
Shore of 3 % tier cent to the highest quotation
on record for that stock. There was a subse
quent reaction of 1 per cent. The buying was
attributed to Investment. Lackawanmt nnd
New Jersey tigured In the rally for an advance
of 1 % per cent. The railways generally were
prominent In the late session on Increased dealIngs -
Ings , with the grangers and southweeterns In
most demand , the Inquiry laelng stimulated by
the favorable railroad reports of earnings now
current. Profit taking somewhat checked the
advance In the final dealings and caused an
Irregular clofee , with most of the shares show
ing llght Improvement.
The bond market displayed decided animation ,
with some Issues figuring actively in the deal-
Ings. The main tendency was toward a higher
plane , but some severe losws were rcRistered
in a few Instances. The foreigners continue to
take largo blocks of the principal International
liens. Sales $1,729,000. The declines Include :
Atchlson , Colorado & Pacific firsts , 3 per cent ,
and Ht. Puul , Minneapolis & Manitoba and Mon
tana Central CH , IW per cent. Government bonds
continue to display activity on purchases by
financial institutions and Individual capitalists
generally. The sales were 177.0CO tlnircs.
The Hvenlnsr Post's London financial cable
gram Fays : "Stagnation and dullness continue
In the stcck markets. Politics hold the Bole
Iey : to the situation. Consols were lllVi at one
time today , but tlie close was lll'/i. A bear
account Is gradually Brewing all around , which.
If politics would only Improve , means a very
sharp recovery. It is rumored that India will
Issue a sterling loan soon. The Paris nnd Iler-
lin markets were dull. "
The following were the ctoMr. . ; _ quotatlons on
The total sales oftlocka tod/iy wci 131.4V )
hares. Including : ' 'Anicrlcun Tobacco , 8,100 ;
American riugar , .I'-'W ; llurllnctun & Qulncy ,
1.700 ; Manhattan. S.OuO ; Heading , 10,600 ; .St. Puul ,
8,400 ; New Jersey Central , 4,200.
I1AII SILVKIl 21 J1-1W per ounce.
MONr.Y-l'sOlV , per cent.
The rate of dlvc unt In the open market for
icit and three ni"ilh ' bills , 1 Ii 1(1/2 per tent ,
Xfw Yiirk 'Minify .llarUrt.
I-5n y nl imta per cent ; last loan. 1\ per cent ;
elo eil , flfffrert ( tl 1'ipS per cent.
rill MR MKRCANTILK PAPKIl-3 4 per pent.
ST1HIL1NO iXfANOK-Flrmer. with ncttinl
business In bankers' bill * at J4.S7CI.S7Vi for de-
rMir.rt , ' J4..s.iff4 > o > for slitty days ; pott * ] rates ,
JlS'-'ti/i.SS und , S4 Ji'afi4.SS , commercial bills ,
tl M < * .
it.Mt sn.vieu-wv.
ll.MLUOAI ) llONDS-Flrm.
Closing qifolitlloni on bonds were ns follows !
tlS. now 4ft. rop. . 1224 11. IL U. O.-19 .
tl. s. niiw coop . . . 12'JW
ri. rrs , . . . . . . . HHi , ( . H. .VS. A.Us. . . . 104
. do "i . . . DO
US , , ii. AT. c. ns . uw
tl , S. 49.00HD. . . . . . 11:1 : ' do IN . Itia
. S-Sd-wsr . ! > .1 MiUnnl Union Us. , lit )
P.iclllcUiof ' 1)3. ) . . 10.15 N. J. C. ( { on. fit. . . . 117 ? <
Ala.kcla-nA . lOd No. Pacillo IBIS. . . lir.l ?
ALT. , chins 11. . . . . . . 100 .
Al.t , class O . . H N. W. Consols . 140
Ala. ( irn-iiey. . * . . UH do ri. F. Dob. us. . ll'JW
Ut. Now . . /.W ft. HVHt , Ist-t. . . 7'J i
MistourlllH . Itio St. P. Con ot47fl. . 132
N.UH . P. . ! do C , A P. W. 3s. 1 1 : IM
N/C.-is . 1U1 St. L. &I.M.O n.J 7S' {
S. SUT.JteS.F.Rpu.l ) . Ill
, , , ,
. lll.i . lsf . . . Blili
Tcnh.pV \ \ not : is. . 77 . . . iH !
Tunn. Old < > . . . . . . 0 U. P Int. * of 'till. . . 104
Vi. | O-ntttrli-a . 01 Wrstshors U . 10HH
iloduferred. . . . . . DM L. Si X. unltled 4 . SO
Pontlii'rn"i ! > . . HUH
A'chlson u l A..r. -17 O. R. .t N. lain. . . . HUM
C.-inada So. i.'il . O. H. . .VN.Is . HH
C. P. Istsot tl.V. . IDiJ N. P. : id . dSH
U. A 11.0. 7ji. . . . . . lll'tl
Itostnti Stork U'tnliillon * . '
I1OSTON. Fob. ID.-Call loan1) . I'atfiltj ' m < r co'tt !
tlmn loans. UMIllur cant. Ole liu PNOJI to. *
stacks.boudfl ami inlnln ? ah.tnM :
A."T.'A . P. . . . . . . . 14 > iTivn-lrc. : lif.l 00
American Bxiirar. . lli : > ( | WlH. Central _ '
Am. Sunar pfd. . . . 1U21 Kd. Kloj. Ill „ ISO
Itay Stnto Oa MfjjOuu. nice , pfd T.l
Ittftl Tolophime. . . 220 ! < 'Atchlson ' pfd Ill
Iloston A Albany. . ' 0i ! ) < Atchlnoii 4i HOW
Ilonton&Malua. . . 1111 ti-n. Hoc. fis II4 (
C. . 11. AQ 7.1M WU.Ccnt. 1 3K.
Fltchburir It'J Alluunz Mlnliur Co 1
tJc-ncral > : loctrio. . fllli ( Atlantic -JIM
lllliioln Slcol ylH : Iloston A Montana lUDs
Mexican Central. . SH Hntlu A llo.ttcn.SH
N. Y. .t N. F. 00 c.thimol A llccla. . ; t.-
OldColony 177 ContPimlal U
Ore. Short Lino. . . IS Franklin 10U
llubbor * . . . . 1OH ! Koaraarso Ii
San UIOKO US Osccoli Hi
Union Pacific 7 Qutncy 11 , '
WpHtKnrt l' ( ! Tamarnoli l"i
West End pfd.IW Wolverlnu tl
Wosl.Kloa am
San I'runcl'n'o Mlnlni ; ( Itiotittlniin.
SAN FHANCISnO. Fob. HI. The olllulal closing'
nnotatloim for mining- stocks toilty werj ai fol-
Alia I HalnJcNorrrovi. . 110
Alpha Con fi Kentucky Con 1
Andes PJ Mnxlcan D7
Ilolchcr Hi ! Occidental Con. . . , 7
lifil.V llolclu-r. . . . lll : Ophlr S3
lltilllon 11 Overman 10
Caliiilonla t ) Polosl tr.
Challcnpo Con no S.ivairu .I'J
Chollar lia Scorpion 'J
Contideiicc 0.1 Sierra N'ornda. . . . Si !
Con. Cal. & Va INK ) Silver Hill 1
Con. Imperial 1 Union Con , II. >
Crown Point 22 Utah Con i )
Kxchrouor IJ Yellow Jack t't. . . . SU
Silver bin. ill e : Mutloa't dall-trj ,
Sluhl drafts , ' . ' "ic ; tulo raplilc , 2T > ta.
St. Louts ( ifiifral .tlur
ST. LOUIS , Feb. W.-FLOUll-Qulet , easy nnd
WHI3AT Futmes opcneil dull , became firmer
with prices higher on account of the laige cash
sales nnd tlie threatening aspect of tlio eastern
situation. There was but little trading and
the market closed l e to V c higher than yes
terday ; ppot. dull and higher ; No. 2 ti-d , cash.
elevator , S7c : track , tSSKlc ; May , SS c bid ;
July. 72 c bid.
CORN l-'utures continued ns strong ns yes
terday , thotiRh the tradliit , ' was IlKht ; the close
wart t fractions higher tlian yewterday ; spot ,
Htcuily ; No. 2 , casli , SOo bid ; Muy , 22c ; July ,
23c bid.
OATP Dull nnd flnn ; No. 2. cash , IC'ic hid ;
May , ISVic bid.
UYK Hull ; 31o bid.
IIAHLKY Quiet ; 2SQ:3Co : for maltlnB.
COP.NMKAL $1.35.
11IIAN Firm ; Hack , Racked , 4.1C.
FLAXSKMD-IllRher at 74c.
I'lltMR T1MOTIIY-I2.70.
HAY Hull , weak nnd unclmnKcd ; timothy.
HUTTKll Unsier ; country , 13ff22c : dairy , 9Jj >
" KOQS Lower nt 12150.
I.KAD Kasy nt SZ.KQl.Wt- .
8PKLTK11 Lower nt n.S2"-i.
! PIIOVISIONS Pork , llrm ; stiindard mess. Job-
bins. $7,7ri5I8.2. . I ard , higher ; prime steam ,
J3.S714 ; choice , Jl.MVi. llacon , boxed uhouliierH.
JI.73 : extra short clear , SI. 73 : ribs , $3.01 ! shorts.
J"i.l2y , . Dry fait , ftendy ; extra short clear.
J4.37'4 : rihs. J4.CO ; PhortH , $4.7,1.
HKCEIlTS-Flour , 4.000 lbs. ! ; wheat. 70.CCO bj. ;
oi-n , 123.000 bu. : oats , 40,0ft ) bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. 4.000 bbls. ; wheat , 1C.COO
bu. ; corn , 30,000 bu. ; oats. 13,000 bu.
Cotton TlnrkftH.
NKW YORK , Feb. 19. COTTON The market
opened with need cheer fnllmvlm ; Indications of
broadenlm ; spcculattve inteiest en satlsfnctory
early 'cables , moderate lecolpta , encouraBlin , ' d-
vlcea from pouthern spot maikets and New I-ns-
land , nnd particularly from Fall Itlver. Specu
lation showed considerable encrsy for a time
on the theory that American nnd Kuropean
splnnern will need all the cotton this country
can supply nt lietter than present pitcey. Un
certainties ns tn leKlvlatlon at Washington ,
however , led to caution nmi In the afternoon the
market broke sharply under liquidation started
by. active Nw OrleanH pelllnK follow Ins ruinorn
of warlike conditions in Kurope. All the early
advance was lost and iimler considerable ex
citement the market cloyed easy nt a net de
cline of 1W7 polntn ; spot rlifed tiady ; mlddllns
uplands , 7Hc ; mlililllnB Kiilf , 7 ? c ; palc'9 , 7C" >
middling , 015-lCc ; luw mlililllm : . 6Vji' ; Rood in-
dlnary , 6V4c ; net receipts. 3.S13 bales ; cross
4,436 bales : exports to Oreat Hrltaln. 1.702 bales ;
[ "ranee , 3.301 bales : continent. irS bnlei : const-
ivlpe , l.CCO bales : sales , 5,700 bales ; stock , 3Cfi,40l
'IV.xtllf Mnrkot.i.
NKW YOIIIC. Feb. 19. The package demand
wns of much better propoitlons than for two
or three days and the collective takings from
stoch1 ! were fairly larse , while the mall nnd tol-
e rnuaBemenU > called for larger nssor * .
mcnts nnd quantities than for pome time. It
was a healthy trade and reflected a better f > el-
Intf. Heiilers throughout the country urc inak-
Inc purcliabca of rprlnn RooiN. PrlntlnB cloths
nre nulel nnd Meady nt S 11-Hic.
FALL IlIVBIl. 1'Vli. 19. Pilnl cloths arc quiet
and steady nt 2 1l-1Cc ; very llralti'd demand for
M VNC'HKSTBH , Feb. 13. The markets for
clotii and yarns are quiet and rather easy.
TOLBDO , Feb. 19. AVIIBAT IIlBher ; No. 2 ,
rush , SSc ; May. EJ'ic. '
C'OIl.N' Active and sttT.dy : No. 2 cakh. 22e.
O \Tfi- Dull , but fteady ; No. 2 mixed , 17ic ! ,
H F-Ouitt : No. 2 cash , S.'i'/je. '
fll.OVIIP. BfJBI' Active and stfndy ; prime
Mni.-h , ft.iS.
OILUnf'innced. ' .
I/1NDON. Feb. 1 . Sl'GAIt Canf. qulctj pen-
trlfuxnl ' Java. Us ftd : Muscovado , fnlr rctlnlnir ,
5 3d. Heet , firm ; February , 9s US1' ' ! March ,
8NKW' YORK , Feb. 19. SITOAIl llaw , firm ;
fair rennlUK. ! % e : contrlfuial , Slic. llellncd ,
nrin ; BranulnteJ , 4Jc ; crushed , Cc ; powdered ,
Oil Clly
OIL CITY , Pa. . Fob. 10. Credit bilanccs. Sic ;
certlllcatcH. nn Mils ; shipments. lO'.i.r.C'J bblu. ;
runs , 107,002 bbls. '
Sun KrrniflNiM ) .Vlicnl < lncititloiiH.
December , IWti May , SI. 31' ' ; .
Kliinnrlnl NotCK ,
I1ALTIMOI1IFeb. . 19. Clearings , $1,701 , MO :
balances. J329.4CO.
NBW YOHK Feb. 19. Clearings , Ji3,402,75 ! ;
balance- . tG.20C.SSG.
IIOSTON. Feb. 19. Dank clearings , JI2,770.830 ;
balancea , | l.f,9l,2SO.
PHIL.VDBLPIIIA. Feb. J9.-ClearIngs , J9.400-
CC7 ; balancv , JlS07rsr , .
CIIICAOO , Feb. 19. Clearln a , SI2.101.CSO ; New
York cxchanKC , "Oo ; forelKit excbanRe , llrm ; de
mand , J1.87 ; sixty days , { t.f5.
1'oKi-lnn I'lnii iirliil
IlBRIiTN. IVti 19. Bxchonne on I ndon , cluht
d.iyi. ' rUi.t 2f nurks U pft.
PA lilf. Feb. 19. Three per rent rentes. Wil
32VjU fet tit ! ncrount ; exchange on London , 23f
ISVjC f'jr ' tlnekfc.
I ONDON Feb. 19 CSold U quoted today at
IIUKIICIS Aju-s nt 211. M ; Lltbon. 42.75 : Home ,
10370 Thu amount of bullion one Into th
lank of lii-.T'aml on balance toj.iy U 7.000.
ArllMiN Aftfr I'roU-clloii ,
BOSTON , Kch. 19. The artists of lioaton
nnd Now Knglaml liavo been asked by New
York artists and fine art craftsmen , through
Secretary G. Wilfred I'earco of the Society
of Decorative Art , to Join with them In
prcspiitins a petition to emigrcfe relative lo
pertain provUIonn of the present tariff which ,
they assert , have worked grovous Injury
to trto'jgandE of decorative artists throughout
the pountry.
ThrotiKh the Importation of the products of
European artlslfl and eculptors , and e peclally
the work of atalneJ glata artists. It is nalil
that the Interests of more than 1,000 Ameri
can artists and 3.000 stained glass \vorkcre
have been i-eriously affected and the Society
of Darnratlvo Arts Is engaged In gathering
statist' : s with a vlow to presenting the facts
to congress in the form of specific Inotancps ,
It Ii epoclcd that Congressman C'liarh's F.
Sprague of Manar-lius"lta will present tlio
petition Ii IsJUtr'l ' Ihut III" movement has
the all " * < ! -uport ; of tlie tnnst prominent
" ri In Itcaton and New York.
, ( i cured by Beecbam's I'llls ,
EcccipU Continuo Light in All Lines o :
Cattle nnd Hogs.
Hoof SU-crs ] AtlIn * nnil Ton Onta
, VinliT ( Irnilcn StrotiHT
anil HORN lllKlicr Tlmu
SOUTH OMAHA , Fob. 19.-Receipts for
the days Indicated werv :
Cattle. Hogs. Shocp. Horses.
February 11 1.357 fi.S.S | 2.101
February IS lWl , ) i.nsti 3.I3K 12
February 17 1.S97 7,218 4fi29 11
February 1C 2ttt2 K.Hl ' l,7Si i
February 15 l.rci M51 1,520
Kehrttnry 11. . . . . . . SV0 StrOT > 1,011 .
February 12 1.102 3,70 W.I
Kchnlnry II 1.755 4.14B 2.17fi
February 10 2S7tt l,37fi UOt 1.
Febrt'ury ! > 11,371 4.1M 2,4iU "I
Fehrtmry S 2Wi7 , li47 ! 3075 .
Febrnnry r arc .t.245 iw.i
February r. .2,020 3I7 : 1.W3
The ofllclnl mi'miicr of cnrs of slock
brought In today by each roatl was :
. Cattle. llOKS. Sheep. H'r'8.
C. . I. & St. I' . Hy. . 3 -I
Aliivtottrl I'ncllle Hy . . 1 . .
U. P. system 13 15 0
U. K N.V. . Hy. . . , . , 1
F. . 13. .t M. V. lly. . 9 TO
f ! . . St. 1 > . M. O. . . 11 5
IJ. & .M. H. Hy 0 21 -1
U. . H. At Q. Hy : i 0
1C , O. & St. .1 2
C. , U. I. & I' . , cam. . . . 4 ,
C1. , 11. I. & 1' , , wi-sU . . 1
Total receipts . . f.3 . iSt ) 13 1
The disposition of the day's receipts wns
ns follows , each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. HORS. . Sheep.
Omnliii Pneklnqr Co MB . . . .
O. U. llnrnmoml Co 128 SM r.SI
Swift nnd Compitny 117 1,521 2o
ftid.ihy I'iicklnir Co , ' 19,1 l.MO
II. Heritor and UoKali.117
Vaurtilllt * Co
.1. U t\iri > y 101
l.olmum A HotliMi'hilds. . 50 . . . . .
\V. 1. Stephens 2T.
Hill & howls Co 170
Ponton it Underwood. . . Di7
Huston & Co 13
Hamilton iw :
Fryc .t Co , Son It IP M3
Cudnliy 1' . Co. , S , City. . 20
Ktvlil ) & Co 19
Other buyers 145
l > cft over 200
Total Ii7l : n.279 2.S.11
CATTLI3 The receipts of cattle today
were still llphter than yestcnlny , thotiuh
about uu with a wck IIRO. IvlRht receipts
for two days In Hiiccessloii. with n
prospective lit lit inn for tomorrow , made
the buyers a little anxious lor cattle. He-
ports from other markets wore also en-
eourutfiiiK. MII that conditions WPI-O all on the
side of the sellers , lluyern were' early nt
work and the yards were soon cleared of
beef cuttle. The prices pild : were strong
ns compared with yesterday , and In uiuny
Instances r lOe hlRher.
Hutchera' Block was also In netlve de
mand nnd the. few loads here sold at good
strong prices.
There were more buyers for feeders than
there were cattle of Unit kind today and the
offerings were picked up early ixt strong
I'rnctlcnlly everything In the yards was
sold and weighed tip snortly nfter the
middle of the forenoon. Representative
sales :
nicii > ' STEKHS.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
12..1340 { 1 10
-I 10
4 10
I l.'i
4 30
950 2 SO
92(1 ( 2 K
1120 2 S3
ic > o 2 oo
1070 a w
9io n co
.122. ! 3 00
.1230 : t oo
.1333 3 ( .0
.1200 3 Oil
.1170 3 00
. .112.II 6.3
.1037 'I 15
: i i- ,
.12(3 3 n
HID : i 15
.nso : i 13
720 3 20
.1220 3 20
.12S1) 3 85
.1080 3 23
3 2.- ,
.107:1 : 3 2. >
.10M 3 25
.10.10 3 23
1320 3 V )
! I70 3 13
S10 3 I. ,
7C3 3 15
111 ! 3 25
74i ; 3 25
1010 3a \
310 3 S3
r,63 3 19
7GO 3 40
770 3 40
1000 3 K
.1370 3 10
.ICO 3 10
.1000 3 10
.1490 3 10
.1200 3 23
.1190 3 25
7CO 3 23
ia : : 3 i3
! IOO 3 33
130 3 43
750 3 23
100 4 73
120 4 73
120 r no
240 f M
ISO 5 23
ISO fi 23
M3 I 00
722 4 03
W ! ) 4 I"
078 4 1
SCO 4 1
: " ' } 4 1
4CI I ]
7CI ( I 13
sco 4 m
MO 4 20
72'J 4 20
410 4 25
S30 4 30
lift" evidently had'tlie eirpi'Tof fctlimil.ilinf' H'i'l'n- '
mentk , UH thfo | wt-iu a few nioie In than there
were the day before , and 1.1(0 more than u
week ntfo.
The market wns utmost a repetition rif ycsim-
day'n trading , inasmuch UH It opened Cc hliihrr
und became etrons , rloHliiB SfflOc higher The
tradu WHK very active nt thf mlvanrp. and the
offerings wcio all tnltcn In a very H.iort time
Heavy IIOKH , averiiKliiR M pounds and above
nolil t J.30 | 3.31 , nn u alnat } 3.-5trJ 30 ynti-j-l
day , and medium weight lo-ida brought
$3.35i3.0 , while the range ycbtcrd.iv was JJ.SOW
3,40.Today' * advance carrion the inarKct to the
lilKlivHt point toucliml since tha lust of Novcin-
her , but It | u Hill 45c lower thdii it wu a year
ago. llfprcrentatlvo nuU'0 :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Hh. I'r.
20 312 . . . WSJ i 59 273. . | 3 < 0
IS 34'J . . . 325 51 251 . . . 340
1C 341 10 330 71 213 . . . 340
f,0 JOG 210 330 78 240 . . . 340
31 Sia . . . 3 SO 71 291 89 340
ft 3 . . . 3 KO 67 2S2 . . , 340
13 3'Jl . . . 330 ( /i 2o | 0 310
5'J 383 . . . 330 II 2- | . . . 34Q
4S 33' ) . . . 330 73 21(1 ( . . . 340
41 2'J7 120 330 ii < J3J . . . 3 40
f,7 31.1 Sl > 330 M 2UU . . . 340
49 340 SO U SO Cl 270 . . . 340
22 3'.0 40 330 I 13 B70 . . . 340
61 352 ffl 330 S2 2.-.I . . . 34(1 (
1C SC5 W 3 SU 62 riO . . . 340
5J 341 SO 5 ZIV 42 US . . . 3 0
M 373 . . . 3 2'/j ' 3S 217 . . . 40
VI 2Si ! . . . . " 33 C5 274 . . . 2 | 0
S2 VA . . . 333' ' 70 K | . . . 340
6S 328 M .133 72 2.9 . . . 340
(17 ( SW 0 33'i n 270 . . . 340
Gl 3'tt . . . 3 S'i I i 2 > J8 . . . 340
C2 8 . . . 3 33 40 213 40 840
C5 KC . . . 33" M " 70 40 340
01 311 . . . 3 3- ' W 244 SO 340
f. 2M . . . 333 j6 201 SO 340
33 2S1 . . . 333 CO 273 . . . 34.11'
i ! 2CT 80 333 CC 211 . . . 3 4'td
41 333 SO 3 ST. K ? Jil . . . 3 4'ti
20 278 M ) 3 33 17 IXf 40 343
10 201 . . . 395 10 213 . . . 343
23 VU . . . 333 70 200 . . . 843
45 S35 120 3 S3 07 2(0 ( . . . 843
4G 351) . . . 3 r. 12 2M . . . 345
US 3oO . . . 3115 1 ? 213 . . . S 13
& 8 3l'i ' . . . 3 M W 2JG . . . 543
47 3H 1UI .133 47 1J8 . . . 843
21 2JO . . . J 3 , ' . 77 215 . . . 345
10 SKG . . . 3.13 M n > . . . 345
R ) i'72 . . . 383 40 271 KO 3 13
Ol 2M no 3 K 'J ! 117 . . . 343
K 310 ICO 333 II 173 . . . S 43
W 203 . . . 35 ! 21 Zi'i . . . 3 45
62 211 . . . 315 71 : il . . . 343
CO SU . . . 333 72 211 40 360
f,1. , . . .320 1ZO 333 77 1S7 . . 3 CO
CS 272 120 387VJ IS 203 . 360
n. . 274 SO 3 37',4 SO 233 . . 3V )
Ct 271 . . . 3 10 n 2C4 . . . 3 CO
C | 251 40 340 89. . . ,213 . . I 60
I ) . , , I 20 I , , m , 333
2 . sco . . . JM ; 4 . as , . , s 40 ,
4 . , i > so s , ; . , . . . .aso . . . j 49 *
K . KG . . S K , . , . . . . . . . . . 34)
7 . 511 ? 0 330 . Z13 . . . S 43
3 . 243 0 3 35 6 . Ill . . . S 45
HlinKP Hrcelpts of Mioen wore- liberal nirtln
loilny nnd the nmrkft strong nnd notlve. ller-re-
fcntatlvo ittlea :
N'n. AV. Vr.
35 native ewes . , . M JIM
IS western ewes . 4. . . . . . . . . , .i , , 07 .1 10
07 nntlvn ewes . . * . . . . . , . . , . . . . . S3 225
5rt4 western written. . . . . : . , . , , . . . . IM 3 43
1 < Orrmm mixed . , . 110 SOT
1M OrcKim mixed . . . „ . . . 110 ,1tt
12 western nrthrm . US ,1 W
8H wi'.Mern wethers . 1M SM
101 Mock lambs . j . < M 3M
KO western wet tier * . . . . . . . . . . . -Id ! 3W
SS wrMcrn lambs . . . . . . . . . . M 3 .3
471 Mexican mixed . 79 3 K7'4
479 Mexican lambs . : . . 6 ? 464
Stonily Di-nimnl for Cnlllt- mill ln >
.Smiill Supply Well TiiU < > it.
Cnif.UIO. I-Vb. w. - | n rnttlr Hi * demand wan
steady nnd llic > supply wits well taken. drittnori
to strictly cliulro cattle void at hn cxtirmo
rniiKP of from $ tto to J3.S.1 , the l.ulk nf Iho
Mies twins' nt from J4.TO tn H.73. The utoekcr
ntnl feeder trnilo wa netlve , with sftle. * nt n ,
rntiKP of from J3.T. In $4.21. Calves were active
nnd llrm. tlie best fetclilni ? $6. ! : , Texas Rtasmrii
nvriAKliiR 920 Hn. mild n * low an J1.2S. while
Mlfxoiirl fed Tex mis hi-Might 5J.3J.
In hum thetoatt t ho liveliest kind t\t \ A
demand frntn OhleaKo packers mid eastetn ship
pers nnd mica were nwde nl mluuires of from
r > o to lee prr 100 lb . , the llstf IxliiR on nn nver-
IXKO at We. Cimmion tu prime lots i found pur'
dinner * nl fi-um n.S."i tu J1.G. , nnd sales wcra
latKfly nt from J.1.60 to $ .1.CO.
In nhec-p there wa nn netlve market nnd
price * were stiimK. Sheep sold nil the way
front J2.2.1 to $3.23 for Inferior up to from J3.\
tu 14.23 for medium to prime. Western * com
prised the lawr pall of the offcrlnn nnd fell
nt from $3.23 to 11.10 for rommi'ii to choice ,
Hilelly nt from $3.7S to $ .1.90. Ijimln sold nt
front $3.23 to $3.75 for u few poor lots tip to 14,75
for ( food to extra Hocks , the hulk fetchlnff from
$1.45 to $4.75.
Hecelpts : Onttle , 2,00 liend. IIOKK , J2 000 Ite.tdi
sheep , 6,000 head.
KIIIIMIIN City t.lvo Slook.
KANSAS CITY. Feb. ID. CATTI.F. Iteeplpts ,
4,000 ; shipments , 3 , ! < 00 hend ; iniirltet Mcady to
KtruiiK ; Texan Meers , $ J.S."ifl.CO ; Texas cows ,
$ l.2Sr3.M ! native steer ? . $3.23Cf&.t > 0 ; native cows
nnd heirem. $1.00ffJ.M : Mocktrs nnd f.'C.Urs , $321
O .r.O ; tmlls. $ > 4fXfO.
HOtia Itccelptn , 10CO ( head ; rhlpntcntii , fW (
I. end ; market KtroiiK to Ilk : hlulur , nctl\e bulk
v-t nl : s , $3.4ail3.4Jj ! henvlcd , $3.53ff3..0 ; ( inrker * ,
f..23srr.45 ! : mixed , $3.33t3.t.O ; tl htf , $3.2if3.43 ;
Ycr/.tm. $ .1.40513.45 ; plK ! , $270(13.25.
HilKHP Ilifi-lplss 4.CI'0 head ; vhlpnti'nt , none ,
arket steady ; lambs , S3.WMI.CO ; mutton ! ! , $12 !
.SI. liOtllH l.tVIMlll'k. .
ST. l.OIMS , Keb. --ATTI.K-Kerelpts , lO.MD
head ; market m-tlvo and stnmRor on all kliidn ,
.ifttlvo shipping utei'ifl , $3.fiOt ) , > .fO ; nloeki-m and
. ' 'eileix , ! 2.10 i3.M : IlKht sleern. | 2.C3ff 1.10 , cows
uid mixed , $ l.r.0ff3.50 ; Texas slcei'S. $3.fOfl.OO ,
ootvii , $ l.7T4f2.75.
1IOOS llccclptp , 4.X ( head : tnirlirt HfflOa
hlRlirr : IlKht , J3.Wifl3.fi3 ; mixed. $1.20W3.,0 ; heavy
SIII51M * HeoelplM , f.OO head ; mat lift Hi roil if
within thu rnnite ; muttons , 53.fH.Hi3.SO ; l.iTnlj : ! ,
XIMV York l < lv < - ytook.
NI\V Tonic , I'Vh. is. iuivis-Ue-eipt : : ,
2,621 ; active1 sleeis , higher ; rmiRli HtiicK , Him ,
hteerfl J4. COSTS. 20 ; KtiiRS nnd oven , J2 7'iff t 20 ;
bulls. J2.7.1f.1.25 ; dry row * . $2.HHf3.oi ( | ; cnlven.
rccclpt.M. SH head ; steady ; \eal , S2.05i2.73 , b.iin-
ynnl rul\vB , S2.r,0fi3.00 ; no wentetns.
HIIKtir AND I.AMUH-ltrcclptB. 2.P.02 bead ;
quiet and bloody ; sheep , $3.7f.@l. < . : ' < [ ; lambs ,
. . .
HOGS llceelptfl , S.IM ; tlrm nt } 3.70ffl.:0.
Stuck In
Uecord of receipts of live hlock nt the four
principal markets for February 19 :
Cnltle. 1 loirs. Sheen.
Omaha U.7 5,2(3 2,40 !
2f,00 2i.rO'l C.OO )
ICnnsas Pity . 4. < W 10.000 4.000
fit I.Ollls . 10,0110 4.000 G01
Totals 17,857 41,213 12,101
Dentil * or a * Dny.
LONDO.V , Fob. 1U.Kathcrlne Lsily
Orantlcy , wlfo nf Unron Orantlcy anil
( latiRliter of William U. McVlcar of New
York , is dead.
TIIRNTON , Kcb. 10. Mercer Ilcaslpj' . clilef
Justice of HIP Kuprctno cnitrt of New Jersey ,
died today at Ills homu Iti this city Irctu
pneumonia. Ho was SI years of age.
The chief Justice was unconscious wh n
ho illc-tl. The irlp ; was the original cauao
of death. All the members of Ills /amlly
wore nt his bedside , with tlio exception of
his son , who IB .seriously 111 with
pneumonia. Justice Ileasley was appointed
chief jup'.lco by Governor Joel I'arlter In
IS'M , and has been reappolntcil by Oov-
ornora llaiulolph , McI aiiKlilIn nnil 'Abbett.
His lenn would liavo expired In 1S99. Ho
wan a , but did not take an m-tlvo
part In polities.
NI3W VOHK. Kob. 10. Angustiw S. Sey-
moti ; * of Kow Herne , K. 0. . Jinlfio of tbo
Hulled states district court for tlio e.jstern
dlfitrlct of Not th Carolina , died hero toilny
of cancer of Hie stomacb.
ST. PAVIi Neb. , Kcli. 19. ( Special. ) V. It.
Ik'Kun , another of tlio honored old settlers
of Howard county , llvlns on a fine farm
about live miles south of St. Paul , died yes-
erdny at I bo nge of .81 years. Death was
luo to oM nge. Mr. llcfiiin eamo hero from
lllnols about flftc'en years ago. Hu leaves a
lamlly in good circumstances.
Slii'i'Iir Shut t'foiii AinlitiNli.
SANTA ri2 , Keb. 19. Sheriff Dow of KiHy
county was Ebul Inst night by two mvii
concealed but'.veon billldliiRS. Ho died today
[ Ie was , active In the prosecution of cattle
hlcvea , Clovernor Thornton oilers a rcwarJ
of $300 for each of his murderers.
FOIIHCAST ! ' TO1 > AY'.S \Yli.\TIII3It.
Itulu or Siion \cliriiNkn ,
! ' Coht Norllt
WASIIINOTON , I-Vb. 19. Koreuast for
Siiturdity :
For Ni'hniBka and Iowa liiTi
clouilltiOBS , with riln ; or snow ; iioiitb wlmln ,
shifting- northwest , anil colder
li'or Missouri Ocnornlly cloudy nnd
ilily HhowcTsj flonth wlmls , BtilflliiK lo
liitnrday iifturnuon , unil uoldi.-r Sat
Kor South Dakota Snow unU ooldc-rj
north winds ,
For Wyoniliifr Uocal unowc ; colder
wliidg Hhlflli ! ) , ' Lo nortli.
l.oi'lll Ilvi'oril.
'MA1IA. Foli. lO.-dnmha record of rntnfiill
mil tc'inpnrature comp.ircd wnh corri'.ipond.
UK day of tbo three ycum :
ISO * . ISM. 9i 1S3I.
Maximum tenipprntnro. . . ) ! " ? 41 11
Minimum tPinpiTiittir" . . . J'i 12 Si ) 1
\v < nuo ; tnnipcniturr . SO 21 . ' II
tnlnfitll . 00 T CD M
Itcuonl of tcinpenituro nnil iiricliili
nt Omaha for thlu day and Mnro Alui ' -h I ,
S90 :
S'orrnal Ipmpenitiirp for tbo dny . 21
fixeess for tno day . 10
\ccuniulatcd cxcosa fincc .M.irch 1. . . . . . . D
Normal precipitation for Iho Juy . . 'B me'i '
Dullcloiu-y ! < > r tno day . 13 Ineli
Total pri'dpltntlon Bliuiijcti. . l."i > .1C ! ' 'iclini
SXCOSH Hliifd .Mnrdi 1 . 1.71 Inches
> plelcncy ) fur for. ticrlod , 1Siii..ll.7'j ! Ini'lit-.i
H'lielency for cor. period , lSrj..l.'iriMnehc *
lt < ' | iorlN I rd in SInlloiiN nf S | i. in.
Hrvcnty-dfiH meridian time.
T Indicates trace of prcrlpllatlon ,
L. A. WISI-Sll. 1/ipal 'ori'cott Odlolal.
Board of Trnilo.
You run buy or " 11 anyllilni ; ucalt In on the
Vrirluim exrhangen of Iho country thiouKh up ,
lli'fcrcnccs : First Nat. , U. H. Nut. . Commer
cial Not. bnnku , Omuha ; Vnlun Nut , b.-nk ,
JUiM-a * City.
( niA.N'T W. ICK.VXHV , Mur , ,
Telephone IClll
Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb.
Hoard of Trade.
Direct wires to Chicago and New York.
Corrc.-pC'tiiJciUa : John A. Warrtn & Co ,