TUTS OMAHA DAILY 1MSTS-rtlTlUDAV , rEKTUTAUY 5 , 1807. COMMERCIAL AND FINAN Covering of Sborta Causes a Big Bui Wheat Oloscs Higher. CORN AND OATS ADVANCE FRACTIO 1,1 vorpoul Ciiltlrn I.cnil ( < > \VcnUi > CMM ut tlio Slnrt , 1iu ( ln rue ( iiilu TaUvN I.nlcr. rtl/CAGO , Fch. 4.-Whent toiln ; covircd nil tlic % c II lost yesterday , c nt the same price It illil Tuesday , closing advance suect-edcd a. very opening and \\nn enured more by thn Ing of shorts on ti somewhat oversell kct than to nny rcnl utattalli-al sit Corn and oats Mmrixl In tlie streugtl dcgri'e , corn advancing > c nnd oata Provisions were heavy , but showed changes. Two factors contributed to the wor with which wheat Marled. The prl one was the lower English cables , clally thOBu bearing on thn Llvetjiool kct. Home of the cm Her Liverpool reported n. decline of Hid , with pressing for sale us they put It. A decline on this Ride ycPtculiiy amuun only > 4C It could not bo alttlbuted Kcthcr to sympathy ; In fnct. many rc.fi the slump as n result uf manlptilatloi nnd simple , but U had Its effect nn 01 prices nevertheless. The other facto prominent yesterday , consisting of n that nnicli of tin- recent cash busliu's bren Bnld af-alnal for .May dellvcrv. u few minutes after thn opening ti \vrre rntHcr on the fence. Not HO was offered for sale ns hnd been exj In view of the low Liverpool quoin nnd this fnct encouraged honio tiailc buy , with the result Unit a slight nd onstic-d. Hut the liquidation , tliolig iityt-d , rnmu nt la. t nnd for half an the pressure to sell \vns pcrslstonl heavy not only from those nnxloii ? to date , but from professional bears , pi out addlttonnl short lines. Opening I in May were made ut 74 Hi7l' < .r. ns in yesterday's closing price of 7i'T < 75c. u brief rally to 74c an livegular deell 74'ic follo.vcd. This was the lowest or the day nnd proved to ba the r.i { mint of a I'dc bulge , the prlco rca ifi'.lio shortly before the close. As fi fresh IIPWH went there was nothing- meut ridded further than conllnnatlc cable from London of the reported T cent deficiency In condition of the F crop compared with last February's i Ing. An old but still active trader rent that he thought the market was , ns congested with wheat sold s-hort ns II with long- wheat when the price of Mir Ro'.tc. After 7C'c , had been reached reaction followed , but the closing strong at 7.VJio. Corn was dull , but firm. Local re < vre liberal , but although the market heavy for a time ; < rees ! never got 1 yesterday's clo. e. During the last u more active demand sprang up In ji.'ilhy with the advance In wheat and i advanced accordingly. May opened changed lo 24c and advanced slowl 2IHc. where U closed. Oats i.vere active fr.-m start to f Selling by shorts , which started Imi ntely after the opening , brought nbc decline anil for a time the market wa cldcdlv weak. The rally which ensui-d brought about through sympathy wheat , many who sold early buying their lines. May opened unchanged a Oli-Tjo. declined to 17c and recover. 174 , < [ il7 % . closing at 17ic bid. Provisions were weak , though kc within narrow limits. Thcra were reasons for tlrmness In the strong hog ket and llt'ht yard receipts , but neve lo' ' s the market acted heavy from the i About all tin- business , however , coiif or commission houue selling of lard , the close Mny pork was ? V-c higher at S' CMny lard Gc lower at } : i tii'5J3.S2'X. and ribs unchanged nt J3.S7M- . The estimated receipts for Friday Wheat. 23 cars ; corn , 550 cars ; oat ! cars ; hogs , 19.000 head. The Icmliiij ? futures ranged ns follov Articles. Tripoli. | llluhT" Wheat- Feb. . . . 74K 72 7-1 May. . . ' July. . . 70H1U 7i4 ! ! 7'j' Corn Frl 21 22M May. . . . 24 July. . . . Jo Snpt. . , -'OK iiJjs Oatn in 14 in'ii ir.U May. ! ! ; 17) ( , July. . . . 18M 18 > 4 Fob , . , May. . , , 7 no 7 Bfl 7 r.- July. . , 7 07JU 7 70 v am 7 70 Lard Feb. . . . May. . . . 8 B7 3 8 ! . ' Julv. . . 3 U j 3U5 3 [ 10 Eh't Klbx Feb. . . . May. . . . July. . . ! U 95 3115 3 07H No. 2. Cash quotations were nH follows ; K1X3UH Uull ; winter patcntH , $4.50tj Bpilni ; gpecliilH , J4.W ; spring KtrnlKlits , J3.40'i | winter stralgiito , J4.10.ir4.tO ; spilns patents , 4 30 ; linkers. J3.00fl3.40. WHKAT No. 2 nprlng. 74074 0 ; No. I p 73S75c ! : No. 2 red , SO ; < ijS5 ie. < : OUN-No. 2 , 22'/i'S2iic ( ; No. 2 yellow , S OATS No. 2. ICUc : No. 2 white , f , o. b. , 1 20Vic ; No. 3 white , f. o. b. , lC'13c. HYK No. 2 , 3IKc. IIAHI.HV No. 3. nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. 25fi133c ; No. 4 , f. o. b. , 2t'iWSCe. I'-LAXHUKD-No. 1. 73H 161ic. TIMOTHY SKI3II'rlnic , J2.75ff2.SO. ] 'HOVISIONS-Me a pork , per bid. , J7.r,2KS ( Ixird , per ICO llm. , J3.7083.72i4. Short ribs , i ( loose ) . l3.721itt3.a7U , Dry palled shou ] ( boxed ) . l4.25a4.CO. ' Short clear sides ( bo : 44.lkliQ4.25. WHlSlIY-Dlstlllers' finished goods , per KUOAHS-Cut lonf , J3.14 ; granulated , fl.M The follqwlng were the receipts nnd Ehlpra today ; Ou tlio I'rnJiico oxchaniru tol'ivtho b.tltor u KOI was linn ; creaincrv , IBiivOa ; dalrr 17c. KfK . woaily ; fri-Hh , IHc. Cheese. tei PWIIHc. Dressed poultry , easy : turUcyn , lac ; chickens , octTo ; ducks , loailc. OMAHA < ; i\KIl.\I. MAUICET. Cnnilllloii of Trinle iinil lluotniluiin Sduilu mul l.'uiii-y Produce. KC1OS Frviili Bolhercil , lie. IIUTTKIl Common to fulr , OfllOcj choice fancy roll , 13j l4cj separator crsamery , ZOc ; BI icd cri-amcry , 15616o. ( lAMR-lllue winded teal ducks. } 1.75 | gi wins , 11.60 ; redheuda and mallards , 3.7G ; r rabbits , 40ff60oi Jackn , U.OOB1.25 ; ucpilircls , 70 ! Canada Reese.laice. | O.WST.OO ; email , 4. D.UO. D.UO.CIIKKSU Domestic brlclts. 10'io ' ; Edum , loz. , jDj club huune , 1-lb. Jaru , per doz. , K Llmbfrecr , fancy , per lb. . O oi Roquefort. Jars , per doz. , | 3.CO ; Youiif Amerlcus , 10 lwln . fancy , lOVic. . VI'AIChoIco fat , fO to 120 Ibs. , nre quoteO 7ftiHcj laruo and coaree , 4Q'3c ' , DUKSSIJl ) I'OUI.TKY-ChlcUcns , SHfiCo ! l " ; > JMnio : KI-W , TMSO ; duck * , 50'Jo. 1'IVK I'OUI/mv-ltens , Co ; cocks. 3 lc. I'JOKONS Live , 75CMo ; dead plBeona , wonted. . "AY Upland ) J4.M ; midland , l : lowln J3.M ; rye straw , J3.Mi ; color makea the price Jiayi light Imles cell the bctit ; only top ira bilnii top prlres. IIHOOM I'OHN-Kxtromvly slow sale ; i crop , delivered on truck In rountiy ; choice RI reir-worklUK carpet , tier lb. , SWS'.io ' : choice grc runnlns to hurl , 2fl5c : common , l c. BWKKT I'OTATOis-On order. , per bbl. . Jl ONIONS Oood stock , per bu. , Jl , LIMA W-JANB-l'er lb. , 4c. IJIJANS-IIand picked navy , per bu. , Jl.KJfl C'AHIIAOIKuncy : utock , per m lb . . JJ. CKI.iniY-rer doi. . 25c ; fnncy. large. 45c. rOTATOlia Good nntlvu stock , per bu. , We. KHUIT8. MAI.AOA OHAl'KS-1'er Uec , J7. CllANllKaillliS-Cnpo Cod , per bbl. , JC.I Al'l'I.KB Policy , New York , Jl.COSfl.Co : ex fancy , larie , J1.7S. . CALU'XDHNIA 1'KAIIS 1'cr box , J2. TltOl'ICAL KUUITS. OltANOKS-Mi'xIcmi. JJ.7DU3.W ; Callfor IHUPii , 1DCB to SX > , JI.75 ; luruu elzce , J3J5r3 trrdliiK. t,75. LEMONS MCMlnan. J3.00OJ60 ; choice Calll nla , Ji.75 ; fancy , j.75 I3.00. IIANANA8 Choice , Itirne muck , per bun Ji.OOIiZ.tJ ; modluni-flie.l liunolifn. J1.COQZ.OO. MISOKU ANliOUS. IIONKV Cholce,13fI4c , CIDEH-Cliirllled Juice , per half bbl. J2.CO ; BYllt'r l-'lve gnl. can , each , JS.I 1.75 ; gal , cans , per doz. , $12 ; ImU-eal , can * , J quart can , JJ.tO. NUTS Altnundg , California , per lb. , la rite , lie ; lirnzlli , per IK , lOc ; Kngllili u nuts , per lb. , ancy , soft nhell , lUPltlic ; tn Urdu. llOUHo ; IllberU , per lb. , lOc ; pecuu > , r Ubcd , tarce. 1'tflOo ; jumba. llCHe. large ht cry nuti , $1.25 per bu. ; nmll , $1,00 ; cocouiu bo each , K1QB Impoiteit fancy , 6 crown , 50-lb. boi Uc ; choice , 10-lb. boxes , 1 crown , lie , IIIOUS , TAI.LOW , 13TC. 1 green tildu , W No. S ft , < if ; No. 1 rrren called hides , 7oj No 2 green salted hbltsr , fie , No. I vM calf , Ibs. , 7c ; No. i M-al cnlf , S II is Ibi. . 4e dry flint hides , JBIOcj No. J dry din H/9c : No. 1 dry ( nlled hlden , ftVj pal bll ( - . We per IK let * Ihan fully cured. PlliHI' J'KI.TS-drMn willed , raeh , erf ennltcd , lie il : C * ( short w o e I enrl ench. Itc ; iry KhenHngii ( short woote fklfiM , No. 1. tnch , If dry Mint. Knni Nebraska btitebtr wool titlt * , ffr lb. , weight. 4 < Jtc ; dry flint , Konrnn nnd N Murrain wool IK.-HS. per lb. , actual weigh dry Mint Colorado butcher wool pells , actual weight , 4tf&ci dry Hint Colorado wool pelt < ( , per IK netuai weight. 3fir cut on , nn U h ticelff ? to pay freight 01 TAI.I.OU' ANO < 3niASi-Tal1ow , No tallow. No. 2 , 2te ! ; KtMttc while A. 3c ; white II , To ; Rri'iiro yellow , -ci groan IV.c ; old butter , 2ii)3l4c. ) beeswax , prime , roimli tallnw. ic. \ VOOIfnwat > hed , fine heavy f 7c ; fir IQfr ; qtmrtellildoil , lCI12c' 'cedy , bur fliaffy , Sflfcotteil nti ( . Woken , coarft cottc , ! nnd iiroVen. nn ? , > < ! & < ) . Fleece w Medium ISfJlSr , On" , 14tlGc ( tub washed. Idnck. So ; buckr , Cc ; IK locks , 2B3c. dead bflSc. 1KNnS-ln car Ints.clnlc.l . and dellv Chicago : lrv Iniffalo , per ton , 12.00Q14. ifiunlry , blcnclied , p r ten. $10.00fM2.00 { dr try , damp .nnd mealy , iwr ton , $0.0008.00. VIIURII MEATS. ItliKl'-aoed imlhc Meern , 400 to COO 1 ic ; xvjslfrn ncers , C'.iflCci good cows nn ? rr , 5' liCc ; medium cons nnd heifers , 6'i ri.reitunilcrrt . cowx und heirom 4',4e ; goo luntieifl slctm , tc ; goi t hlndquaitcrs co iclfcri" , 7Ho , eood hindquarters tinllxc IViCi tenderloins , 20c ; bunelefs slrlpa , 9c loins , 7c ; lolli8 < tc ; Klrloln butts , S',4u ; fi ? lods , 5140 , rump buttx. Oo ; steer chucki : ow roumlH. Mic ; rounds , p'mnk or rur I'.ic ) rvunilB. shank and rump off , 7c ! trim I'.ir ; l.tiiln * . per dnS.V : ; sweelbreads. i 5o ; UlOnr > ii , each to , ox tails , cnch , 3o | icr Hi. . So ; hcnrtiSi - , tongues , per lb. , rOHK--lif ftd IIOKS. 45Jc ; tenderloin olns , Cc ; vpaiv illw 4c ; ham saiifnge bu lioulderi' , tniiRh , lU-c ; shouldcri' , fklnni nmrnliiKs , ci leaf lard , not ii-nilern n-ads , clcnned , SUe ; tnouts and ears , 34c ; ) ' < no , S'.ioj iiriKliunis , 2',4c ; pigs' tnl ducltc , uich , 5c ; chitterlings , uc ; buck icarts , per doz. , 25c ; Momachs , each , 3c ; tc i.ch , Sc ; kidneys , per doz. , iocs brnlns , pe 5 < * . AirTTOj : Drcffed lambs , 7c ! dressed a ; rnrl < . Sue ; legs and raddles , fc ; b .nd cievrt , 2Vio : tonuuc * . each , 5o ; plucks , c. STICS A 'l ) IIONDS. lullnciu-c-M llaviI.ltll fcot on n Sim'uliiK Mnrkvt. NEW YOIIK , Feb. 4. Thc stock i inked Mrctigth today nml showed a C cmlcncy to FIIRIn jplte of some seei cry favorable rarlnm In th outlook. Tin pot wnp clearly enough In the Industrial iut the effect , through iiyinpathy on tin 't ' the lest of the list , was sulllclent ti rnllc the encoui-iigliifr lulluences , mid ns a he mat kct cl < . I on n plane n f ruction hall lu > t night's clo > ! nsr. Hugnr wns the f attack for the decline , being FUbjeu iivirly nil the unfuvomblo Inlluences of th ) no of thi'-e wus the nppreheiiFlon of : lii'ct'.il ngulnct the IrUfts In come ot the hat have recently adopted anti-trust 1 Ion. This Inllumcu wni < inanlfefted not o he cate of Hiicar , but also , 'In a dcgr .outlier prcfened , which decllnull iyt pci u triiiisuctloiiH iiKKregatlng 12.COO shniea ullncss In the trade nlco had Its effect o lock. National Lend shnicd with SUKU imicnce nnd lost 1 > , J nor cent , while Ti ist a klinrp frnctlon , but made a full rei iwnnl tinclone. . Chlcnito Ons was one uffeiers fiiim fear of advcrte action by itureH and fell off Hi per cent on nccoi bill 111 the llllnolH legislature to llx the f uas nt (10 ( cents. Sugar was nUo the t the tpcclnl apprehension of adverse c1 i the Impending new tariff nnd was boml enMstently by the leading bear ? . Then lack of suppoitlng orders from Interests re usually conrplcuous-ly active In this s n remit there wns ri heavy deullrg I lock , und the pi Ice run down 2'.i per c < 14'.4. Tlie offerings Included some very lock ? ot stt/ck. This wns the decisive lice In checking the hurdenlns tendency hlch tlic market opened und which wn irgely to the fact thnt the Hank ot Ki nd reduced Its rule of dlscout.t to 3 per he delayed Mntrmcnt of the Ilurlingto lecember proved to have been more fav ian hail been counted upon by tlio dot lowing an Increase In thn surplus of CHI fter chnritcB of JW9.752. This ulfo proied ut effect In saving the mnikct from a di loiiRh eurly covcilngs advanced the pti I'irp fraetlon und served to steady the el. Thn deallnst , In IlurllnKton footed ur : ,00i > vliarui. nnd niter rlElns und then il ! It clef . , l with u npt lUcllne of u per he railway list dropped In sympathy wll [ dine In the Indus-trials nnd partly o Hint of the rather ui favorable trndlc stnte om the lust week and month of Jnnuury , i t succumbed to depression and Ftink ie-clofc to f.ic lowest prlcCH of the day. nfnvornble ntatemcnt of the Jersey Ce lowing u dectfiiBp In surplus earnings of 2. caused that steel ; to fell down 1U pet id had a depressing effect on the Rroi Uhraclle coal ronds. The Noithcrn I'aclll nlon I'aclllc ptocl > showed comparative ; ss , but dealings were largely reduced oce of yesterday. London sclllnR was a tlonnl Inlluencp In the lifeline In ra mres , which , though general , wna only ma I. The bond market ruled active nnd gem ghcr. The Northern I'aclllc IFSUCB wen uturc. Ijirgc blocks ot thcfe uccuritles lilt In , with the Inquiry very pronounced e arbitrage houten. The Improvements I : ncrnl .market were mainly iroctlpiml , nrp concessloim were secured In a few o nctlvo liens. The tales were 2G9.,000 tl ivcrnmcnt bonds continue heavy on profit e , with the dealings centered In the no' ic tales were 2,600. The KvcnhiK 1'ost's London cablegram The change In the bank rate from 3',4 r cent had no effect on the slock muikH y. The tone was rnther dull. Bulls king prollts , the charge In rate being ? y went In for. Hence consols were a i vcr. Kainrs were weaker on the political > k. Americans wrre Rood , with nn exte yliic of bonds and shares , hut the close fraction under the bent. In 1'urls the m IK weak and In Ilerlln Ptendy. " flip foliowlns were the clnidng quotatlor a leading stocks of the New York excli lay : otal sales of Mocks today were 130ii ! Bin udlm ; ! Amerlnin Tobacco , 300 uliii erlcan SiiKar , 31. COO shares ; Uurllnston , 1 res ; Clilcano Gas , 3,700 tluiul.oulavlll ilivlllp 3.W ) shares ! Northern 1'uclllc , lesj Ncirlhein 1'ucltlu pruftrred , 5,100 i-hu I'aul , 8,100 shnre , Union I'aclllc , 3MJ shi \ MV Yiirk M < inc > - .Market. K\V YOHK , Keb , 4.-.MONHV ON CAI y at IWt : per cent : lim loon , 1 % iier c Inu iifferoil nt 1141(2 per cent. IIIMIJ MUHPANTll.K I'AI'UK-Sffl per c rKIU.lNd i\-CHANUI--Steudy. : with ac IIIC-M In bankers' bills nt 4.kC'i 4.MiA for id und ll.BWf4.S4 * ; for sixty day ? ; po ' ii.VKII ' AH SIl.VMIl Cl 4c. OVKHNMK.NT INIS-Wealt ; new 4 coupon , I2.'ij t , res. and coupon , 113'4 ' " ' "Si " ' H'K" y5l/i ! l > ac'1 OS j03iiCOUl'0" ! ' ' PA'TIS it'oNna-Duii. A1IUOAI > IIONDS Klrm. losing quotations on bond were as follow : . now 4 , 10 ; . . 11. A , K. ( ! . la i , IHIVVCOUp. . . , li'Jl < Krln 'Jds. . . . . . . . , . , . Bb. n\t. . . , , . . , iijiu a. H. fits. A ; tin , . , , ii .UH , coup . ItKW do 7 . ; , , , . i .4urjj. . . . . . . . in. , II.&T . , C. OB . 11 ,4 , coup . H'JVt do IU . ii . ' - . r / . , . , low M. . ic * T iht i : i Illo C of 'U3. . . IU.IU do-Jl-lH . i .cl.lki A . lll..u utual Uoloa u . . 1 10:114 : N. J. O. < laii. 5 . . . , i ; " No. I'aollla Ibis , , , ] ] l.'urronoy. . . . . Nrw.'oo.'iHo'pT.T ; . . jj * NowUou. U , . IIBH do S. r' ? l)3b. " . ' a . * i 1 lOiirlUu lee 11.0 Wobt. lata. , . . ' * . , . , laa yt. " ' ' ' ' . . ' n lU'M yt.iioc7i"f'v5 . i'i . StUI.M.oin.3 u. now uot Da. . 70 . . , . . II. IIIIW BCtJu. , IDS Texas 1'ao. luts. . . h il , Oldllrt . HI ) roxaa I'.io.yda.j ConturlOH . U'JU U. ! Utaof 'UJ. . . lu doftirrud . u Wuut Hhord 4i . ill . , . , U & N. uultluil 4B. M ilnou ' 'd A . 4HH Southern B . 11 idi So. ' 'd . 1U7 O. U , St N. IBU. . . 11 iHUOf MA. . . 1U1 0. 4h . t * 411 * ) > i . . t . . t 8 u.u.7 . . . . ui N.i'.3j . . . . ; . ; . : . . 5 Quutiitlu N FIIANCISCO , F u. l.-Tue Offlelal clot quotnttotiR for mlnlntr stockfl to.liy w.irj low * . Silver birn. Ol'.fr : : Mexican dollar. ? , o2 ( SlclitdraflH , ' 'Oc ; tolesr.xphlc. UJS2. llOMlon Slock ( liiotnlloiin. COSTOS. Pel ) . 4. Call lo.-vns. 2' < ' * 4 per llmo loans. ilsi t'tP r ojnt. Cloiliu prla fclocko. bonds und niln ' A. T. .tsTF. . : . " . . . ; iI i * < TwiC" Central . American Ruuar. . ll-m'.Kil. ' . E1o3. Ill . Am.Sncar pfd . . . ll'Jint , > n. Klqe. nfd . liny Slate Has . fiWlAtchHoa pfd . Hell Telephone , , . 21H4 AtclilnonIn. . , . IIOHton .t Albany , WVIi I Kew Knirland ( Is , . lloslon.t Malno. . . HUH. ( ) ( > n. Klcc. r,3. . . . . . O. . II. A 0 . 74J ( Wl'.Cunt. Is . Fltchbutv . UlS'Alloucz Mliiln ? Co ( loncral Kleolrlc. . : ii mAtlnntla | . Illliiols Slei'l . 3il Ilios-oii , t Montana Moxlc.m Central , , KH Untie .V Host- , . . , N. Y. .V N. K . 150 iCaluniPt & Hccl.1. . OldColouy 170H Centennial . Ore. Short Lino. . . If. Franklin . llubber 2'JU Union I'aclllc 7)4 Osccol.i WcHtfrid tin Onlucy. WcHtKml pfd 8lln ! Tamamelt , \YoHt.KIco - ' . ? [ Wolverine. \V. Uleo. nM 60 I London Stock ( Itiotntlnnn. LONDON , Feb. I.-1 p. in. closing ! Cense B lir.v. . , . UH ! MHsi. , Paul common. . ! : OIIBOIH. ncc't. . lliir IU N. Y. Central can.l'.icltlc C.7W Pennsylvania Brio. . 1.1W Headlnir , KHelst pfd illlli Mex. Con. now 4a. III.Central H7 ! < Alcldson Mexican ordinary. yu AMI2IUCAN I2AOLKsQuolcd nt 7Cs Ci 1IAU HILVKU-iSMd per oz. MOMKY 1 per cent. The rate of dlncount In the open mark 'hurt ' bills , 1 13-1CO1T4 per cent ; for thrte m I 3ieTi per cent. \ < -\v York Mining ( luutntloim NKW YOltK. Feb. J.-Tho following ar : lo lnc mlaln ; niiotattoa < i : ilulwur 4H Ontario 'hollin- . On Opldr > own Point : m I'lyniouth : on. Cal. A Va 100 ! QulckHllverpfd.,1 Dcadwood 101) pfd.,1 iuuUIACurry in aierra Nevada . llalo&Xorcroas. . 100 Standard . loninHtako 'JOOn Union Con . roil Silver. IVJ Yellow Jacket . vlcxleati 40 Fill II IIC I 111Ot < * N. NKW YOIIK , Feb. 4.-Clearlngs , : G,430,4I ! inces , ? 2ts,497. ' 110STON , I'cli. 4.-CIearliiBS JI3,919,411 : inecs , JlT43r.21. HALTIMOUi : , Feb. 4. Clearing * , f3,0 PHILADICL' 1IIA. Feb. 4.-Clearlngs. 5 II3 ; balances , $ l,22a'J33. ST. I.Ol'IS , Feb. 4. Clenrllips , $1,438,013 .ncca . , Jl,031i22. ! Money btcudy at Sfl7 per few York exchange , par bid ! 23c pre .aked. C111AGO , Feb. 4.-ClcarInB8. * 13CC3,12 ; . 3 teady iind unchanged. New York exchung 'Ucount. ' Foreign exchange steady : del 4.SCH ; tlxty dayB , J4.S4j. V'orelun l.'lnancliil. 1ICHLIN , Feb. 4. Excliango on I ndon , uys' slplit. 20111 40Hr > fB. 1'AItIS , Feb. 4. Specie renlea. 103f 13c fc ccoimt. Kxchangc on London , ! 3f 19e for cl LONDON. Fob. 4. Gold Is quoted nt II iyres today at 101 ; at Lisbon. 42Vs ; at I 54.U2Vi. Tin- amount of bullion , withdrawn IIP Hank of ntiKlnnd on balance today was M. ItJW YOIIIC ( iKMJItAL MAU1 InoltidoiiH of Ilicliny oil GVII CoillllKlllitloH. TfEW YOUK , Feb. 4.-FLOUIl-IUcelpts. bis. ; exports , HCO bbls. Steady , but nougli thu day ; winter extras , $3.2.fi.1.CO. our , tiulet ; Hiiperiinc. J2.C002.75 , liuckv our , dull ; $1.03. IIUCICWHUAT Dull ; 34Q33c. COtlNMKAL CJulct ; yellow western , DSc. UYK IIAHLUY-Dull ; feeding , 2S' 029c. UAIILBV MALT-Uull ; uectcin , SOffJSc. W1IKAT Receipts , 10,183 bu. ; exports , 1 LI. Spot , dull ; No. 1 hard , New York , ! ptlonH opened weak uniler lower cables ; tlve telllnc lor chort account : later thera tharp rally on covering Induced by b'l rcnch crop news and fair Seaboard clenrni osed ifj ic net higher. No. 2 red , Febn oned at k3-T4c ; May , fO ll-inciiS2'ic ; closed. ! COUN Itccelpte , 4S.7C.O bu. ; exports , 101 3S ; jot steady ; No. 2 , 9c. Options opened st id advanced on covering prompted by length In wheat , closing at ' , tc advance , lary closed nt 2Sc ; Ma29J H30c ; closed , ! OATS Itcci-lpts , 70,600 bu. ; exports , 75,000 lot steady ; No. 2 , 21ic. Options quiet , padler , cloMni ? Uc hlRher. February close ! ! , cj Mny , 22B22iic ; closed , 22Uc. HAY Steadier ; Bhlpplng. i:037c ; good lolce , C7'/i072f.c. ; IIOl'S Steady" ; 1S93 crop , 3SJ7'ic ; ISM crop ' ,4c ; I'nclllc coast , 1695 crop , S'/S&fVic ; isue ( HIDES Firm ; Galveston , 12013c ; Ilu t'rcs , fctendy and nominal ; California , 25VK : LEATHUIl Firm ; heavy weights. WViSIl'Oi HUTTISH-Itecelpti. , 7.4SS pkBs. ; nimer ; v n crenmery. 122tc ; UlKliiH , 2lc ; factory , 7 ( CHEESB-Uecelpts. 3.274 pkgs. ; quiet ; s rjfo and small , S'4l2'ic ; puit sklma , CO II skims , 303VjC. . COOS llecelpts , 4G31 pkuH. ; steady ; state nnsylvanlo , IC'.ie : wcfiltrn , 135irc. I'HOVlHIONS-lleef , quiet ; family , } O.M1 ; it meats , steady ; pickled bellies. 4 Jiff : kled thoulders , 4Hff4rric. Liird , weak and < > stern steam , $1 , Pork , quiet ; mess. $ S 5. Tallow , quiet. 'JILS Cottonseed , steady ; prime crude Ime yellow , 22. > jJ23c. Petroleum , nn iltcil closed nt m'A-c bid ; Pennsylvania or ? lipr ; March , K'Ac bid. Ilosln , steady ; etral mmon to good , $1.70. Turpentine , quiet ; ilCK Steady at 4Tc. n' qulet ! . , . l cad , steady ; brokers } phnnw. } 3.17V4p3.22'i. Coppe ? . llrrn ; exel.a . Tin , quiet but Heady ; straits , $13.r,0fl lies , quiet. Spelter , rm ; domeatlc , $4.0JG SL I.iiiilN r.fiiernt .MnrkctN. - ' < - , Al Futures openoil lower on accoun iver cables , but ns ChlcaKo did not res VrtlBk licre the market beKan to nee slightly nftcr a few wide lluctuatl .riT Nnnc " 1 the rcin"'nder ' of tlio day irket clotud ajc to lo hlfjher than ycstei i- May and July ; rpot yto lilgher ; No. 2 011 traok- h jy. 21c ; July. 23823 c ; September , : 'i' " " ! ? , ' liut nr'ner ; hlKhcr for both d May ; No. 2 cafli , I7'ju bid ; ISo asked ; S * > c old , 'YK Nominal ; 33e. on track. lAHLKV-Dull at 33Q3UC. 'OltN MCAL-$1.33. illy VoTm" " ' euckcd' en t trnck' worth " TIMOTHY SEED-Prlmc , $2.DO. < unchanged ; pro r.riO ; ilmotliy , $3.0033.10. VIIJHKY $1,18. . . ! ' rerimery , lS021o ; dairy , : aaH Firm at njic , 'tKTALS-Leail ' , linn nt $2.02'S. Spelter , ; . . UOVISIONK-Poik. steady ; standard m ililnir , J7.43jJS.tO. Uinl , easy ; prime ste ; 2H ! choice , $3.fO. llacon , boxed sbould JO ; extra short clear , fl.i'2V-j ; ribs , $1.6 ) rls , $3. Dry unit mentH. boxed slioult il extra short cltar , $1.23 ; ribs , $1.40 ; bhc xO * IKCClPTS-Flour , 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , . ! corn. ! )3.CO bu. ; oats , SO.COO bu , illll'MMNTS-Flour 3.CO < ) bbls. : wheat , S < , ; corn , 22DXK ( ) bu. ; oula , S.O'W bu , London Colonial Wool Jin I CM. .O.NDON , Feb. 4.-Tlicre was a full ntte e at \\ool.puctlon ealcs today. A ml pctlon was offered , conilirllns of 15,33'J ba which 10.000 were withdrawn. Good mcrl I crofsbrcdn thawed a hiudenliiK tendti lie lower grades luled Irregular. Good el pe of Oood lltpe und Nutii ) wools were II B ; Now Keulutul hllps were linn und grcu nblned lock active. Following are the t-n South \Vulen. 4,333 bales ; scoured , C'iflO asy. tQlHid. Quecniiliind , fllo bales ; jcoui : d ls 3d ; greasy , 5Vitf&l. Victoria , 2,049 ba uuil. In Id f3s 2.1 ; , greasy , CHtfll.l. Ho strallan , 1.C13 bales ; Fcoured , wUilfiU a y. 4WOS.I. NVett Aiislntlla , 114 ha asy. COCd. New Zealand , CIS bales ; scoui fls 2d ; greasy. 4Q10d. Capo of Good Hope i till. Z.703 bales ; scoured , 7dWls Sd ; grei ijd. Punta. 167 bales ; grcuHy. 4"-ii7d. ! uenos Ayres wool firmer , with tales of e of greuny at ICiuiHiiH City .ll : ANSAH CITY. i b. 4-wiiKAT-Mai rly uctlvc. about ur.clmnKed ; No. 2 bard , ; No. 2 red , nominally , MftSSo ; No. 2 tpil " Ioweri Nl > tlu"i - - lA.Ts ? Inrl < ct ' auy ! Nowhite , 17 4 jZO , \ Kr-No. 8 , nominally , { Oe , IAY Market Bleudy , unchanged ; choice t y , t8. n88.W ; choice prulrlf , $3.00fi5.50. iU'iTEU-Market ilrm. sllglitly higher ; crei . 17'.UM9c ; dairy , ICClSc. OOS Market steady ; rreelptu llBhtj cjuotu ONDON. Feb. 4.-8UGAU-Cane ; quletj 11 land ; centrifugal Java , 11s ; Murrovado. I nine , V Cd. lleet , ilfiidy. but lltlle desire rate ; February , 9s ; March. Us * id. i\V YOltK , Feb. 4.-HUClAU-Haw. dull ; c OJIAIH LIV& STOCK MAR I > . rrtirly Libctnl Rtm of Onttlo but Snpj > l | of Hogs. GOCD BEEF STEtHS Common SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 4-Hccclpts I ilnys Indicated \vcro : Cntlle. HOBS. Sheep. II , , , { ebrunry 4 . 3,631 4,780 2.Z37 I'Obrilnry 3 . 1,721 5,759 1.9J3 } ebrunry If. . . . . . . . 2,372 6,307 ! MS I'cbiunry 1. . . . L3SI 1.7S 2053 Innunry 30 . 765 6OM C13 January 29 . 1,030 4,204 2M2 January vs : . . . . u-til s.itt ) 2M January 27 . 2o > io P.KU z.uss January 20 . , 2,0 3 3,431 1,415 January 25 . . 473 1,950 1.1R ) January 23. . - . j.oil BM2 4.078 January 22 . J.7S4 c.433 1313 The olllclul number of cars of In today by cnch com ! was : . . . M. * St. R. u 3. & St. I * . Ity. . . . . . . . . . ; . 1 Missouri I'aclllc Hy . ; . 2 .Jnlon I'uclllc system , . . . 38 15 : < \ 13. & M. V. It. 11 . 10 17 ? . c. & i' . ny. , . a i : . . st. P. , M. & o. ity. . 21 4 I , & M. It. II. It . 33. ' 23 : . , n. & q. Hy : . i- B c. c. & st. j . t in . . : . , K. l. & P. Iiy. , oast.l M 4 : . , 11. I. & P. lly. . west. . 10 Total receipts . 140 74 The disposition of thu day's receipts is follows , each buyer 'purchasing the > er of head Indicated : Itiyers. Cattle. Hog-g. E Imnlin Packing Co . 47 tfO 1. 11. Hammond Co . M2 1,075 iwlft and Company. . . . . . 2.Y7 Ifil9 illdnliy PncklliK Co. . . ! . . 573 1,433 t. Hi > ckcr & Dcgnn . ISl . 'iinsanU & Co . , , . . , . . ' n . . I * Carey . Zfi > ; . . . . .obmiin & HoUiBehlMs. . 114 . V. I. Stephens . i . . " > . 1111 & Lewis Co . 3S7 . luston & Co . . . . . . . . M . inmiiton . : m . ! udnliy P. Co. . K. C . 105 . wltt , country. . . . . . . . . . Ithcr buyers . . . 522 . .eft oVcr . v . SOO 500 Totals . . aoM 5,237 CATTLE The receipts of cattle wer xrgc-st In several days , but still the s f Booil beef was light , the most o attlo bolnn on the eoinmoulsh order. iiirket as u wliolc did not show any mtcrlal change as regards values. Hoof steers were In good demand o art of local packers , and the commi : iirlsh stuff sold about like yesterday. cellns on the better grades was stn nd buyers claimed a lOc advance. ' . rns one bunch of cattle good enoui rlnti $1.4 " , , but there was nothing lioleo In the yards. . Cows and heifers ' old freely at Just i Icody prices , and the market was wl wturu of special Importance. Quite u good niany feeders , as .we ght stock cattle , w ro on sale today , 10 demand was quite brisk , the in ; i consequence Ueltig. fairly active at .eady prices. Representative sales : iNATIVKS. ItUfcl' HTEURS. 'KHNB , Cpt-Q/lADO. / Av. V . -.r No- Av. Pi CPdem. . . . 72S 13 ! iO " to fecdeiu. , . , MS } 3 i eedera.10ll 3 fO u 4 feeders , . . . 7C2 4 I f MONTANA. ows UFO IS toy 1 feeiler 1320 3 ' nils,1251 2,10 , , 14 feeders.,1332 3' ows 1(03 ( Z CO SO feeders.1024 3 ! ow , ll-.XJ y 03' 13 feeders , . . . 745 4 I ov , ' , . . , , . .1015 ,3 , 00 ll feeders , . . . 970 4 I own , 7S3 3 1" 1 feeder W ) 4 I ecdprs.,1116 3 50 Cl fwder , . . ,10'J5 ' 4 { eeders.liOO ( 3iO M feeders.1018 41 J. n , lllake. ow , .1000 Z 60 2 fcedeiu , . , . C2S 3 I taKS 1340 2 DO 93 feede . . , . ] 010 3 I Otis There wus a fair run of hogs today. ! demand was of liberal proportions und ket Mronger In coi sequence. 10 trude opened about lie higher and lieJd tl until thu close. The movement was net evcryttilni ; In the yards was cold c U'lied up long before midday , ravy louda. uveriiKlnir 300 pounds nnd ov I at 13,10i(3.:5. | m ( .largely at 13.2u. 1 Hum wclK-itu und | l lit brougUt | S.i503.S7'.i > day's advance leaves the niiirket only ilc lower than It was at the openlrir of k. will be noted tbat there lias been a Kr ilie In weights during the past few days , a hogs this week will average the light . they have before this icason. There I i a corresponding change at ether mark well , and It begins to look as If the hen i have teen pretty well cleaned out of I itry. The Debt and medium weight * r. coming nre young IIORH ntoMtv , nml of vi Rood quality. Iteprcttntatlvc ralext No. Av , Sh. Pr. No. Av. Rh. I'l lit 43) ICO M 10 U ! 01 SOU2 10 511 . . . 315 m 571 . . . Si tl 337 40 3 IS 67 . . .S57 . . . 32 21 316 . . . 3 IS 29 ! M > . . . 32 . . . . . . . . CO 315 M 313 SO 3 2 10 SSI . . . 317'4 Cl ! 201 . . . SS M 335 FO 81714 60 2 < 3 . . . S ! W 384 1GQ 3 17V4 CG 90 . , . 32 M 3C6 120 3 17H 43 : : .J . . , 2 ! 13 3:0 40 320 f,1 274 40 3 S M 315 lift 320 . ' .7 300 . . . 32 4f 3M ICO 320 M 253 . . 32 47 27S . . . 320 32 23 ] . . , 32 43 293 120 320 M 2 ! > 7 . . . 32 M 3o . . . 320 c ; : ; i . . . : 2 ' Ki 52S 40 320 t ? 203 4'J 32 10 333 40 320 CO 2D3 40 3 2 C2 312 . . . 320 M.V > 120 .1 ? CO 30.1 120 321) . . . . . . . . 40 33 , . . KO 320 M 20 $ . . . 33 r,7..S.M 230 . . . 3 H < 45 374 . . . 320 31 4 4IG K > 30 r.9 276 . . . J S U 300 40 320 , . . , , . . , . . . 33' ' 47 311 ! (0 320 1.0 24 $ . . . 33 231 40 3 Si 21. Ufl 120 320 77 CO 294 . . . 320 f.2-l SO 33' ' 10. . . 202 . . . 320 71 1- ! ' . . . 53' ' 13 331 . . . 320 SI 203 . . . 33' ft 317 . . . 320 Cl 223 . . . 3 V. If. 313 2SO 320 < 200 . . . J S ( .8 . -333 40 320 K 212 . . . 3 3 { - 19 .7504 . . . 320 S5 511 . . . 33 ! .7 323 40 3 22'4 C3 , . . . . . . . ! . , , ST. 3 320 320 3 22V4 S2 210 . . . f. K S 2Cfl . . . 3 2214 72.,23G . . . 33 ! 10 327 SO 3 2214 70 225 . . . 33 ; 9 ? 21 40 322U SI . .1ST . . . 33 : .2 . 321 120 3224 < % 210 . . . 33 = .1 . 309 . , . 3 22(4 ( 70 , ,217 40 3 33 9 2S7 40 3 2.$4 01 . . . 33 ! 2 2.9 . . . . a : : , s : 21.- . . . a 3 ; 3 303 . . . 3 23 . . . . , . . . . . . S 35 3 215 40 3 23 C9 , ! ! > ' ) . . . S.1 1 242 40 3 2.- CO 192 . . . 337 I ! rf . . . 325 76 200 . . . 337 1 222 SO 3 25 1'IOS-OUDS AND 13NU8. 2 r,20 SO 3 Or 4 310 . . . 320 3. . , 403 . . . 310 n 2J5 . . . a 20 5 410 . . . 310 5 1C4 . . . 320 S , .3IG . . . 3 IS C , .JOS . . . 3 2i 3 > 306 . . . 320 SHIIKl' The sheep market was fully stead tr even stroni ? , the demand being irood. nnd II rcclpls liberal. ItcprcfcntuUvc snlea : No. Av. I'r 20 native lambs f,3 J3 i 3S Mexican feeders , , 51 3 ; 50 Mexican wcthorx , fed , 75 3 ; ,9 Colorado mixed $7 3 18 western wethers , fed IDS S 1C Mexican wethers , fed OD 31 W Mexican yearlings , fed , 77 4 | 54 Mexican lambs , fed. . . , 02 4 : 10 native lambs , fed , . C3 4 ! MIICAUO MVK STOCIC MAllKl ? ' ] M StroiiK mul HlKher for Goo Ciiltl.HOKK AlNii Avtlvv. CHICAGO , Keb. 4. In cattle prices wtr Irongcr to lOc higher for Rood cattle , nnd dr ? il beeves averaged fully 20c higher than tit lh lose ot last week. Sales were on a basis c rom J3.CO to { t for common dressed beef steer P to from J5 to $5.40 for choice to extra cattle llh the built of the sales nt from tl.10 to J ! tockcra and feeders were again In good dpmnn t from 3.M ) to JUS. llutchcrs' and cnnncrt Luff was scarce and active , cows selling largel t from J2.23 to $3.35 nnd helfcra nt from $3.2 ) | 3.i5. Texas fed steers were llrm , with sale irgcly around $3.85 to $4.15. In hogn the trade wn active nnd price ronger to Tic higher , common to prime drove lllnR nt from $3.15 to $3.W , largely ut fron ' .30 to $3.40. It. sheep trade wns animated nt firm prices ales were made of Inferior sheep nt from $2.1 > $2.oOj fair to medium grndeH nt from $2.75 ti : .2jj peed stocks nt from $3.fo to $3.7C , nm lolcc to prime lots nt from $3.70 to $4. West ns and Mexicans sold largely nt from $3.CO t < .DOj yearlings sold at fiom $3.90 to $4.30 , am : mbs wcro In seed demand nt $1.15. a few In rlor lots going nt from $3.50 to $3.)0. ) Itecelpts : Cattle , 5,600 bead ; hogs , 22,000 head Knnnn.1 CHy Ilvo Stock. KANSAS CITKcb. . 4.-CATTLE-Hccelpts 000 heuil ; shipments , 4,200 head : mnrlict strong 'c ' higher ; Texas steers , $3,15fii.M ) ; Texas cows .COST2.75 ; native Ete.crs , $3.25T4.90 ; native cow ] id heifers , $ l.L'3f3.73 ; stockers and feeders , $3 in 4.10 ; bulls , $2.45(03.35. ( HOGS Receipts , 10,000 head ; shipments , C0 < > nd ; market strong. 5c higher ; bulk of sales , . : ofj3.50 ; heavies. $3 15JJ3.35 ; packers. $3.206 S7't ; mixed , $3.0ff3.35 ; llshts , $3.1003.25 ; York. s , $ .1.2503.30 ; pigs , $2.90 3.10. SHCIiir Hecelpts , 2,000 head ; shipments , 20 ( ad ; market strolls ; lambs , $3.0035.00 ; muttons , li J3.75. X MV York I.lvc S < oc1c. MEW YOIIIC , Keb. 4. IlKHVKS-llecelpts. 541 ad ; no trading. Cables quote American steers Bhccp nt 6j9c ; refrigerator beef , SV40 c. Uxports , 840 beeves and 300 sheep. Calves jelpts. 317 head ; llrm ; veals , $5 < gS ; barnyard Ivca , $3.00f3.SCr ; no westerns. ) I113K1' AND LAMIIS IlecelptK , 1,957 licnd ; Irly active nnd somewhat llrm ; sheen. $3.CO 5 ; lambs , $5. 00(35.50. ( IOCS llecelpts , 2,738 head ; Blow at $3.COS4.00. St. I.ou I H I.lvc Stock. 3T. LOUIS , Feb. 4. CATTLK Ilecelpta , 2,500 ad ; market strongnnd lOe higher ; native eves , $3.DOJj5.10 ; stockers nnd feedeia , $2.25 ® 0 : light steers , $2.C54.25 ; cows nnd heifers , OOG3.50 ; Texas nnd Indian steers , $2.S5if4.20 ; -s. $1.7503.00. IOCS llecelpts , 7,000 head ; market. Do higher ; ht. $3.4003.45 ; mixed , $3.2083.40 ; heavy , $3.10 .47' , * . illKBP Hecelpts , 1,000 head ; market steady ; muttons , Jl.OOC4.40j culln. 116003.00 ; laml , J : 05.40. Stuck III SlBliI , ncetlpls of live Mock At the four principal m ; kcts for February < t Cuttle. HOCK. She Oninlm . . . . , . 3 , CM 4.7SO i. & .600 S2.000 14. Kansas City . . . . . 4.000 10.000 2. 8t. Louis . 2. WO 7,000 I. TotftM . 15.M1 43.780 To [ Collon Market * . NRW YOltK , Vcli. -COTTON Steady ; m Ollnc. 7 5-lCc ; middling upbind' , 7 6-ltc ; lulddll julr , 7lCcj net receipt * . 41 bales ; gro ! < f , i f : ; nUuj fxporlH to Dn-nt llrltnln , 7.7CI tm ! ( to Ilic continent , 1,371 K-ilcs ! forwunloil , 32 tnli ale ? , 413 Imlc * ; PDlntii-io. J13 b.\lefl ; stock , ISTi , ' l > nlo § . Totnl today ! Net rccclpt | , 15,7(13 ( linle xporls to < Ufnt llrltnln , 12.M4 t > nlc ; to the c llncnt , 1,3 , t bnlcsi tock , 1,013.033 bnltt' . Co collilntdt : Net iTcelit , 86,100 baled ; cxportu Clrcnt llrltnln , C9.CO * bales ; to Prone * . 21,093 bnlc to tlio contlnrnt , 31.05C Imlca. Tntnl jlncc So tcmbcr 1 : Not receipts. tw.Ojl bnliexi ! > orl * Uront llrltnlti , 2,3M.vi bnlex ; la Fi.ince , M , { biiles ; to llu > ttmtlncnt , 1.3V' , ! 'V ! lmle ! > ; to t chnnncl , r,4or baliv , Tiiturcn , < i let nnd He.iil Rules. M.OOO Imlcs : Febrilniy , | f)0 ! ) ; Mnrcli , f7. < : April , $7.10 ; Mny. JT.17 ; June , K.22 ; .luly , U.I Auijunt , (7,27 ; geiilember , JC.H' ! Octnlier , fC.5 l > eceml > er. Ifl.SS. There weio few If : in > ' lie fcuniKs lo the cotton murkct ( oilnjTlifc ill : ouniKlnK linrncltJlst ! ; Is still tlic inilllTri-cii if otitMilc r-pnciilators. The liiiiMet ivilcil rlui Ihrougliutit HIIO II opcuuJ nt un .lilvnncc ot ( in i tn 3 I'olntR on belter cablv.-i Ihnn c < < | > ei.te reports of firm vpot nutrkrls In tlin Koutli tu ' irivilcllors Of tubMiUni ; vc < clits. | Fu'ilc\\lni ; II llrnt en II. ho'.vcver , tlie tnuiket soU tut ( rum lo I pfr i-ent und for tlio rei t of lit f slon t lualnctl flit on a i > tnle mul < iti | > rolltitble luifl jloslnu < iuit | on'l Mvmly nt a net aUvmico of mint. NBW Oni.KANS , Feb. -CO'lTON-l'ltn uldailnR , C llc \ ; J low mlilillhix , < 7-lCc ; mx ) nllnnry , fl 3-lCc ; net recclptii , 4tJ7" bales ! urns I.9C6 bulcs ; c.vvi-ts | | , 5,400 bales ; sales , 0,100 li.il > ' ituck , 3ST.43S bales. l.t UVRRI'OOU I'cb. 4.--\VIlHA.T-Fpot dull : il naiul poor ; No. 2 red , fprlni ; , 0 > 5d ; No. 1 Cnl 'oinln , Us SH < 1. rutuics opened iinil close le.iily , with nrur nml tllftant V" Ulons 1'i owcr ; burltieis lienvlesl In niUlille. posltloni 'cbruniy. I'M svd ; Xlurch , Cs 4'id ; Mny , Cs 3 li luly. Cs "i.i.l. COtlN Spot quiet ! Amcrlrnn mixed , nev s S',1'1. rnturcH openoil rpilet , with near an lUtunt position1 * Vi < l lower ; closed quiet , wit icur poeltlons Vlil lower nmf dlstnnt position -1 , ' lower ; burlnem nbutit eaually dlotrlbuleil ' ebritary , 2s Ml ; Mnrcli , 2s SUd ; April. 2s 8 > , Hl .Iny , ! s SVid ; June. 2s SVSd ! July , 2s Vb < l. I'M.OUH liusy ; dcmnnU poor ; St. Ixiuls fniic cl liter , fa. I'HOVIHIONS llacon , dull ; demand poor ; Cinr wrlttnil tmt. 23 to 30 ll > . , Xt ; s'.iort libs. : u 21 lb . . sru 3il ; lore clenr. lluht. 3S to 3S His , : M ; IOIIK clear , benvy , 40 to 45 Ibs. , 'Ha M licit clenr bncka , Hslit , 18 Ibn. , 24s C.I ; phot lentmbltles. . lanvy. 45 to .r,0 Ibs. , Sin Oil ; clea cllle . 14 to 1C Ibs. . 27s. SliouldrM , vqiian 2 to IS Ibs. , 2 la W. Hams , sliort cut. 14 In 1 IP. , 39s. Tnllow , flue North American " , lOCs leeT , extra India mess , 4ls 3d ; prime" mess X Porle , medium western , 10s. I ird , dull rime -.vestcrn , 20s 8d ; rcnncd , In palls , 22s. CHKKS13 Hrm : dcinund moderate ; flues .merlenn white and colored , September , 59s. 1IUTTKH Finest Vnllcil Klntea , Ws ; Rood , 531 = OILS Unseed. ICs 3d. I'ctroleum , rellncd , CHd IlKFUianitATOH 11BKK Forcqunrtcr , 4d Indquarter , Gd. HOI'S At 1/oiulon ( Pnclflo coast ) , 3 15s , Coltco AlnrkoiN. NKW YOIIK. Feb. 4. COFFKB Op' lans odiet ilct nt uncbanKed prices ; ruled ilull nil duy ables were. Indifferent nnd without Influence , rndlnK WHH entirely local , nnd closed dull to i ilnts lower. Sales , 2,000 bnRS , Includlne March , .33 : Mny , $9.43. Spot coffee. Hlo , null. No , Jobblnir. J10.2.V. Invoice , J9.75. Mild qluet ; Cor iva. J13.50li.75. ( Sales lute yesterday , COO b.nKi lo No. 7 , spot , J9.75 ; COO bass Maracalbo , 19.CO ; 9 II.TRS ItucaramanKo , J9.CO. Total warehouse : llverleH from the United States. 10.B32 bngs , cludlnK 9.0C3 bass from New Voile. New Yorlf nek today , 319,201 ! baits ; V'nlted States stock , I.2S5 ImKs' nlloat for tlie United States , 302,000 IKS ; total visible for the United States , CSSOC Its ; nRnlnst C03.2CG IIUBS last year. IIAVIIK , Feb. l.-COFFEl Closed quiet nt Vti t decline. Sales , ll.WiO liacs. CANTOS , Feb. 4. COPFKB-Steady ; good av- ; > Ke Snntos , 11,200 rels. llecclpts for two dnys , 000 bn s ; stock , r > . " 7,000 bags. IIAMIIUIIU. Feb. 4. I'OFKEIS Quiet nnd nn- aneed. Sales , 3,000 bans. IUO , Feb. 4. COFFBE Firm : No. 7 Illo , 10330 Is ; cxchiiiiKi * . 821-329 ; cleared for the United ntcs , 1,000 bags ; for Uurope , 0,000 bags ; stock , 1,000 bogs. Now York Dry Goods I NEW YORK , Feb. 4. Mall nnd wire orders lied for many moderate assortments of wool , ess nnd some sensonnblc speclnltleH. For jthlnff house woolens tlio Inquiry of previous ys was well maintained and the collective les for Inter delivery were fairly eood , n | . ouBb the large preference of buyers was for . 1'rlntlng cloths steady v to medium line goods. 2 ! c l < ld and decline for spots. Oil MnrlcitH. 51L , CITY , Pa. . Feb. 4. Credit balances , OOo ; rtlllcntes , opened , 93c ; hlRlKDt , H3c ; lowest , ic ; closed , 93c ; tales , 2.000 bbls. ; bblpmcnts , M2 bbls. ; runs , 109,216 bbls. .ONDON , Feb. 4. OILS Unseed. 15s Cd. Tnr- Ulne spirits , 20s 7d. Spot petroleum , CUGs ' . ( .il. . Sun FrnuclNCOVliont IAN FIIANCISCO , Feb. 4. WHEAT Decem- , J1.231J ; May. } l. < 0'-t. MliincnpoIlN IINNEAPOI.IS , Feb. 4. WHEAT February , ? J' < e , May. 71Uc ; July. 7 'tc. On tracks tTo. 1 lisnl , 75c , No. 1 norlhcin. Tc. Ilccctpls , :0 ( card , 1'corln MnrKrt * . I'KOniA , Feb. 4.-fOllN-KnRy ; ntw No. I. OATS-Qiilet : No. t white , KitMc. IIYR-Dull , nominal. WHISKY Stpndy at 11.17. HP.OEllTS-forn , 1M.COO bin. : onts. 83.W hu . : rye , fOO buo. ; whltky , 70 bbln. : wnMt. 2,400 bun. Sltll'MP.NTS-Corn , W.JOO bus. ! ontd , SI.CCI bus. ! whIMiy. COO bbls , ; xvheat , COO bug. Slrll ST. 1'AUU Minn. , Feb. 4. The 1'loncor Press' Anaconda , Mont. , special says : The strike on the Unite , Anaconda & I'aeinc railway v\as \ declared oft today. All trains nro running as usual , The nlrlk- ITS , seeing the Issue was lost. Rave \ip the tht'tlo. l.cailcra nmong the men declare they failed because the men railed to keep Ihnlr t.loilcos , and the men say they were ntsln'onncd as to facts or Uicy would not tiavo voted to strike. Voi'.y men lost tholr njsitlonc. The mines at licit , \vlilrh mis * H'illicit pcndlni ; the result ot the strike , estltnt.'d wcrk today. Ila.'hvny oHIclals do- dnru the stnkc. but firmly rcfuso to take jacl ; the nun who wont cut. TTVO Children lluriu-d ( o Drntli. nnAYljINQ , Midi. , Kcb. 4. Seelo ? V'nkely's house la Orovctown , near her1 ? , itirncd last evening , and his two children , ied 2 nnd 4 years , wcro burned to death , "he mother wns vIsltliiB relatives nearby. Jpon her rctnrn she found the house In latmts. She attempted to rush In for the hlldmi. hut was restrained by the neigh- inra , ns to have done so probably would liavo icun deiilh to her as well. e tli < > l.lln-l Cni c * . Kcb. 4. When the libel ases of Stale Senators Mtigeo and Kllnn Bnlnst tha Commercial ( ! , i.cttc and Press f thla city wcro called In the criminal court Ills afternoon Attorney Patterson of the cfen o iisked for a continuance nn account f Illness , The deposition of Chairman 'aiiiin , who vas present , was then tnkcn oud 30 case waa crntlnucd. TIII3 ItK.H.TY MAUICKT. NSTnUMENTS placed on record Thurs day , February 4 , isw : \VAtltlAXTY OKEDS. . H. Schmidt to Uora Schmidt , lot 2. block "S. " Shlnn'a 2d mid. . . . . { l homas Hntton , trnstoc , to J. I' , lliiw- Itt , trtisU'O , w ' , i of o 41 foot of n 72 fpiit 'of lot 1. block 11IH nni'thn ' 1 . I' . Taylor nnd wife to J. M. Wcstcr- ( lold , lot 27 , block 3 , Ml."sourl Avenue pnrk E2 | , J. Plcknrd nnd wlfo lo Arrlnda I.nr- son , 1 aero In no sw 25-1S-12 100 , M. Hoed nnd husband to B. A. Wear , lot II. block 77. South Omulia 1 ihn Hammond and wife to O. W. Wattli'H , lotH 1 to S , block 1 , Cobb's add , and 5 acres In so no 10-14-13 10 > nth Omaha Invcstmrnx romuny : to Patrick Cojran , lots RS and S3. block 1. MrGuv 'k & O'K.'s Hcplat 800 ilia llcafcy to l . SI. Cogan , lot 10. block 1 , Urcxol's stibfllv 20CO DEEDS , icclal master to M. P. Harris , lota j and C , block 3. Ames' Place 213 icrlft to C. A. Socorv G3.y , feet of n 13. fcut of lot 121 and p 3 feet of n / 133 fcot of lot 120 , Nelson's add 3170 V Totnl amount of transfers $5,730. AMES E. BOYD & CO e Icphunc 103 ! ) . Omaha , N b. COMMISSION PiWYISDNS : AXO : SrO.K5 , lloard of Trade. Xrcct wires to Chicago and New York. irresiy > nd nt : Jolm A. Warren * O HAS LOST MONEY IX STOCKS AXIJ GHAlXf Wall St. or Chicago. Write to us and we will Ip you to iot U buck. Positive Irulde Informa- n furnished from Chicago and New York. Stop , nR misled. Many complimentary letters from : cessful clients on nio In our olllce. It will " pay u to write us for particulars , which we "will dly furnish free. Address Investors' Informa- n Uurntu , 235 Fifth Ave. , Chicago , 111. IAIIA GRAIN AND STOCK EXCHANGE Board of Trade , ou can buy or sell anything dealt In on the lous exchanges of the country through u . cferciiccs : First Nnt. , U. S. Nat. , Commer- I Nnt. banka. Omnlia ; Union Nnt. bnnk , lisas City. GHAXT AV. KUXXI3Y , SIffr. , j 1 . Telephone 1C03 , A New and Great SS > . . . .BY. . . . Joel Chandler Harris Herford. A SEQUEL TO. . . . "Aaron ( So Named ) the Son of Ben AH. " One of the Most Popular Books of 1896. > Y01 Begin Publication in The Omaha Stitiday Bee y FEBRUARY 7TH- ft S WITH "Uncle Remus" and "Little Mr. Thimblefinger , " Mr. Harris V \ carries his latest and most popular hero , "Aaron , " through a series of * " " - new and delightful adventures. AH the familiar interesting char acters of the first book are introduced , including the "Little Master , " known as "Little Crotchett , " "Grey Poney , " "The White Pig , " "Chunky Riley , " "Uncle Fountain , " etc. , etc. Every one of the fourteen chapters are of vivid and sustained from southern swamp and plantation life tained interest , with original scenes told in Mr. Harris's inimitable manner , "Aaron in the Wild Woods" will as entertaining to grown folk as to boys and girls , and is sure to prove prove one of the strong literary features of the year. Mr , Herford's exquisite fanciful illustrations of the strange scenes and characters go far to enhance the value of the story. „ , The Omaha Sunday Bee. . . . .A NEW SERIAL STORY. . . . r