Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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, . jfl.VOIl MIJNTIO.V.
Clark & Wctrcl , I. O. 0. V. blk. , art par-
Inrs.Cereil coffee , tlie health drink , can
bo had at narlel and Miller's.
I. 0. 0. F. Ladles' No. 28 will give a
prlzo rtnnco nt Woodmen hnll Tueslay ,
February 9.
For rent , office nnd store room , GOxlOO
feet , In uood Implement warehouse. Ad
dress Marseille * Manufacturiug company ,
Council llluffs.
A. Jones will leave this evening for a vlctt
with relatives nnd friends at hla old home ,
Cassapolls , Midi. , where hu has not visited
for thirty-four years.
C. 1C. Hcsso left last evening for Ithaca ,
N. Y. Mr. llewe Is connected with the
treasurer's omco of Cornell university , nnd
may bo detained there some week" .
( . ' . V Nlcman & Co. , 52,1 llroadway , dealers
In slocks , Rtalnn nnd provisions. Corns-
Rpoudiiits of James 15. Tiojd & Co. , Omaha.
They will rurnlMi market quotations by tele-
phonu at any time. 'Phono 12U.
I't.-haps you haven't heard of ns. .lust
wolio up , eh ? Well , we-arc the people who
have learned to do one thing well. That
Is , to turn out flno laundry work. Wo arc
jtnown everywhere ns the Kagle Laundry ,
721 II'way.
Alice , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 11. II.
Grady.agcd 12 ycnrE.dlcd at 817 Sixth avenue
yesterday of pneumonia. The funeral will
occur Wednesday at 10 a. m. from St.
Francis Xnvler's church. Interment at the
Human Catholic cemetery.
Hon. Hmlth Mel'bersoa of Red Oak has
been 111 for several weeks , but has entirely
recovered nnd Is attending to his profes
sional duties. He was In the city yester
day enrouto to DCS Molncs , to argue some
cases before the miprctno court.
Grace D'Urrc ' , who has been In all of the
principal Kuropuan cities slnco she left
Council niuffs a year or more ago , and who
has been spending sonic tlmo In Mexico , has
returned and Is nt her homo with Mr. and
Mrs. Utcnvorth. She will remain In Council
muffs until warm wcnlhur arrives.
The supreme court has alllnr.od the de
cisions of the I'ottuwattamto district court
In favor of IJ. It. Huston against the city
of Council ( Huffs , and GrlmniPlmau against
the Union I'aclllc. In the former ease Hus
ton sued the city for $750 claimed as dam
ages for fulling through a defective side
walk on Washington avenue. Grlmmclman
sued the Union Pacific for damages for the
death of a son , as thn result of an accident
In tbo company's roundhouse.
Dr. Weld returned > esterday from Deadwood -
wood and other points In the Black Hills ,
Ho spent a week In the Hills , and rcturin
thoroughly Imbued with the Idea that the
country Is on the eve of a most phenomenal
boom. lie predicts that Deadwood and Kdge-
mont will each have 20,000 more people by
the middle of the season than they have
now. He says he saw enough of the mineral
resources of the country to convince him that
It Is the richest mining district on the con
While. In Denmark , Thomas W. Keene , by
permission of the director of the Museum of
Northern Antiquities In Copenhagen , had a
suuid made , copied from that used by Hoi-
g ) r the Dane , ono of the tutelary saints ol
the empire during the- Eighth century. It U
half sword and half dagger , about two feet
long , with a curiously fashioned open worked
guard , elaborately representing a scene of
4 Danish warfare , and Is of singular Interest ,
Mr. Keene lias many other Interesting and
historic articles In his home In New York.
For some wcokg past a band of gypsies ,
ten or twelve In number , have lived In
tents and barns nnd cottages in the north-
went part of the city , near the driving park.
Some of the band are well-to-do people ,
wlillo others are very destitute. Ono of the
latter class named Leo was found yesterday
In a tent , destitutes and with a broken leg.
Ho had' ' been kicked by a vicious horse sev
eral days ago , and was suffering excruciating
pain from the wound. Yesterday afternoon
the case was called to the 'attention of the
county physician , who will provide for the
removal of Lee to a hospital.
0. B. Vlavl Co. , female remedy. Medical
consultation frco Wednesdays. Health book
furnished. 309 Mcrrlam block.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Farm I.oniin.
Tor lowcftt rates on good farm loans call
at the ofllce of D. W. Otis , No. 133 Pearl
street , Council Bluffs. Money ready and
loans closed without delay.
Hughes for shoes. Shoes for men nt 20
per cent off for cash all tills week. 41C
Trick Kill In cm Seeuiul Trial.
C. Williams , an able-bodied tramp , whose
role Is that of an Intlmldator and abuscr of
women , was arrested ycstci day , after he bad
made the same woman twice a victim. Sun
day aftornnon ho entered a small restaurant
near the Northwestern depot nnd ordered
a full faro dinner. After bo had eaten It
with great relish , ho uroso to leave the place
without offering to pay. The woman remon
strated with him , and was vilely In
sulted nnd threatened. She was nlono
In the place at the tlmo and
was unable to prevent the tramp leaving
without paying , Yesterday afternoon ho re
turned and repeated tlio same performance
Muthow Miller , the woman's husband , hap
pened to bo In at the time , and while the
fellow was eating ho slipped out the back
way and called on otncer , and returned be
fore the fellow concluded his meal. When
ho started to leave , after repeating his
threats and insults , Miller walked out of
the back room and collared the fellow , and
held him with a iood firm grip by tlio throat
until Olllcer Ilarhyilt took charge of him.
' Ho will have a hearing before Judge Me-
Gee this morning.
Flro Insurance during this tlmo of year
makes one feel safe. Day & Hess represent
the leading companies. Order a policy from
them. Telephone 311.
Siiriirlxt * I'll r Ir.
Mr. and Mrs. Clmrlce Dlcrwlrth were
tendered a pleasant surprise last evening In
the shape of a musical party by friends , The
program , uhlch was long , was taken part
In by Master Jackson Cady , Miss Anita Hler-
wlrth , Miss Oovalt of Osceola , Miss Margaret
Judge , Ernest von lllobersteln of DCS Molnes
nnd Kmlllo Illorwlrth. Thee present were :
Mr. and Mrs , Vanness of Chicago , Mr. Wolf
and Miss Anna Quintan of Omaha , D. A.
Qulnlan and 'Miss Carrie Anderson , Mm.
Urniery , Carl and Hurry Urnicry of Roono ,
Mrs. Zacharlah and daughter , Mr. and Mrs.
Devcny , Mr. Hoysell of Iloono , Miss -Alice
Judge , Miss Hutu Lctchford , Mlsa Herry , Mr ,
Clifford , Mr. llcntley , Mr. Weber , Mr. Col
lins , Mr. and Mrs. Cady ,
After the music there was card playing ,
and later refreshments wcro served ,
Attend the cash raising 20 per cent dis
count sale on winter goods at Hughes' , 415
Droadway , this week ,
llrnl KMIII < U TriiiiHf > rN.
The following real estate trancfers wcro
reported yesterday at the office of J , W.
Squire ;
C. W. Liiinin ami wlfo to Oordon
Hayes. eVj sett H , and nwJ !
12-74-3S , w. d . J 8,403 OC
Bliirlff to Northwestern Mutual
1,1 fo Insurunco Co. , o 40 feet , lot
151 , Original 1'lnt. . d . 7,850 7C
Ailmr. of J , lliiyden Hums to Juy
lliirns , iimlli no',4 neVi 1-74-43 , d. . 1 00
Three traimforti , ngKrccatlng , . > lB,257 7C
Twenty per cent discount on winter underwear -
wear , cops , shoes , gloves , wool shirts , wool
hose , etc. , at Hughes' all this week.
Muniiu-i , ,
Licenses to wc-vl were UsuuJ by the clerk
of the courU yesterday as follows ;
Name and Addresn. ARC
Prank Join's , Counoll muffs .
Carrie Kcott , Council muffs . o
Arthur H. Behoepfer. Omaha . 21
Nolllo Cherry , Omaha . , . , , K
lUcluird Wicks , Waterloo , Neb , , . , , , . 31
Mary Jackson , Oiniiha , . . , . , , . . , , , . . . 32
Forty Domestic soap wrappers are goad
for six silver spoons.
Any silk muffler in our stock for 75 cents
this week. Hughei , 415 Broadway.
Macadam and Vitrified Erick to Bo Laid Out
Into the Country ,
Tax Hoall7.cil from County t , < > ry on
City Property' to llt UMMI for
I lie CoiiKtrni'lloti of 1'cr-
At iho mectlnn of the council last even
ing Alderman Slutbert briefly outlined a
plan for the Improvement of country loads
that will no doubt meet the hearty approval
of the Merchants' and Manufacture ! s' isso-
clatlon and the Business Men's club. Each
of these organizations at meetings hUd
within the last few days has given an em
phatic expression of the opinion of the
members that good roads , permanently
built , leading Into the city are a necessity ,
and that the busliicsK Interests of the clt }
can best be served 'by bringing about con
ditions that will uiuko such Improvements
possible. Alderman Shubcrt'.i Idea Is a
practical ono and will be popular with
Council 1)1 ) lifts taxpayers and the farmers In
the western part of Ihe county. Ills plau
Is to use all of the road tax realized from
the county levy for purposes on city
property In the construction of permanent
highways outside of town. The total county
levy for all purposes amounts to a little
over $3,000,000. Of this sum Council Bluffs
city property Is assessed over JC.UOO.OOO , or
nearly three-fourths of the entire amount.
The road tax levied by the county board
upon Council Bluffi city property amounts
to between $20,000 and $30,000 each year.
This largo sum goes to defray the expense
of desultory road \vorklng all over the
county. The road supervisors get a few
farmers together twice a year , plow up the
roads , till In a few washouts , and holes , cut
down a hill or tuo and do u lot of tem
porary work that has to be all done over
again when the road working season again
ni lives. Shubcrt's Idea Is that the board
should expend the road tax collected from
city property owners In a way that would
bo of permanent benefit to all and of direct
benefit tu the people who pay It. It should
bo expended In the construction of per
manent roads , of macadam or brick. The
only benefit jhat Council Bluffs has ever
received from the vast amount of money Its
citizens have paid into this fund will bo
found In the macadam work that is now be
ing done on Lower Broadway , where $6,000
of last year's fund appropriated by . the
countv board Is being expended under the
Joint direction of the county supervisors
and the city council. Taking this work as
an example Shubert argues that five or
six miles of permanent roadways leading
In all directions from the city can be built
each year. In a short time every main road
within ten miles of town can bo trans
formed Into a permanent highway , ovur
which the heaviest loads can be hauled in
all kinds of weather.
It Is to be expected that the scheme will
meet considerable opposition la the hoard of
supervisors , whose members will he obliged
to fight the scheme in obed'once ' to the de
mands of their countiy constituents , who
cannot , or will not , underst-i'id its necessity
or Importance. The city council can only
recommend such a course un-i do mission
ary work among the people of the country.
A plan Is under roiislderat'ou fliat may
bring nbout a consummation cf the coun
cil's hope In another w.iy that will permit
some permanent road making to bo done
this year. It Is proposed ti secure the adop
tion In the code it the picccnt extra ses
sion of an amendment * o Uw "oad laws that
will require all the money realized from the
assessment of city property for road mak
ing purposes to be expended In building
permanent roadways leading Into the cities
County and city engineers estimate that
enough money has been expended In Potta-
wattamlo county slnco Us organization to
have built permanent macadam or vitrified
brick roadways over all of the chief high
ways In the county. All of the vast sums
of money used have been practically wasted ,
for the roads are In no 'better condition
than they were when the first furrow was
turned In the virgin soil. In many pltces
they are worse than they were l.i pioneer
days , but In others there has bcoa C.TO
permanent gain In the reduction of bills
and easing of grades.
The scheme will bo a very po.iulir cne
to agitate , either as an act of Jusil.'o und
good business sense on the part of Ihe
county board or as a legislative cinetniFiit.
TJ'o plan will bo Immensely popular among
wheelmen and all progressive
Ilosto H Store , Council llIulVN , I own.
The close of our BIG JANUARY CLEAR
ING SALE finds us with many odd lots ,
remnants and odd garments In the different
These goods wo have marked nt prices
to close them out In the next week before
our annual stock taking.
100 pieces fancy novelty dress goods , worth
from 75c to $1.00 , on cale atISc a yard.
$1.00 and $1.25 high grade fancy dress
goods nt 89o and 95c a yard.
Our clearing sale prices will prevail In
this department for the next ten days. Cot-
Ion blankets at COc , C9e and 9Sc a pair.
Wool blankets , $1.25. $1.89 and $3,39.
Wo are bound to close all winter garments.
Value or loss will not be considered.
$ C.fiO garments. $3.39.
$10,00 and J1T..OO garments , $ o.TC ,
$15.00 and $19.00 garments at $ S.C9 nnd
Special reduced prices on all winter under
wear. Odd lots at prices to close them out
Council Bluffs.
Millionaire Slrattim SIIJH OlluTH .May
Ho MM Wfll IIH lit * HUH.
W. S. Strattan , the millionaire Cripple
Creek mine owner , was In the city nearly
all day yesterday , accompanied by a num
ber of attorneys and prominent mining men ,
They were hero to attend the annual meet
ing of the Portland Gold Mining company.
The meeting was held In the ofllca of Roes
& Ross , local attorneys for the company ,
The only business to be transacted was the
election of a board of directors for the year.
There was no opposition by the members to
the old board , and all were re-elected. They
were W. S. Strattan , J , F. Burns , James
Doyle. John Harnan. and F. G , Peck. Judge
Gunncll , Thomas Burns and Scott Athlon ,
attorneys for thn company and heavy
stockholders , were members of the party.
The company's articles of Incorporation
require that the board of directors shall be
annually riveted at Council Bluffs and they
shall elect the officers of the company at a
subsequent meeting. This meeting will not
bo held until after the party returns to Crlp-
pla Creek ,
Mr. ftrattan is very enthusiastic In hit
talk about the future of Cripple Creek ,
which ho unhesitatingly declares to be the
greatest and richest gold mining caup on
thu earth. Ho thinks there are plenty moro
mines In the district Just as rich as the In
dependence , that has made him a multi
millionaire , and his belief Is firm that their
owners cannot avoid striking It rich. He
spoke very encouragingly of the prospects
cf a number of Council Bluff men who were
wooing fortune from the Inhospitable hills
around the camp. "All that Is needed by
anybody In Cripple Creek U a pick , pluck
and erubitake , " said he. "and they will find
that the ramp will do the rest. " Ho aho
spoke very highly of the great Improvement
that lias been made In the town of Cripple
Creek since the fire. The fire has proved to ba
a blessing , and every vestige of Ito ravages
has been obliterated. Solid brick blocks have
gone up where the flames destroyed wooden
shacks , and plate glasj fronts have taken the
place of pole ehantlot and tents.
Mr. Strattan gives some astonishing fig
ures showing the wonderful richness of the
Independence and other mining property be
longing to the company.
The reports of the officers of the company
showed ) the property to be In excellent con
dition , In a high stage of development and
very profitable.
The annual report of the president , James
F. Burns , &ho\vs that , although the company
was cut off from the Anna Lee ore reserves
by the accident of n year ago , whereby sev
eral men lost their lives , and which caused
an entire cessation of work on all IU proper-
tics for a period of three weeks and entailed
heavy expense , the management paid out In
dividends $360,000 , ns against $479,790 the
previous year , besides paying out large sums
for permanent equipment and developing
The recapitulation of the general manager ,
John Harnan , shows that 23,693 net tons of
ore were produced , having a gross valua
tion of $1,11C,128. The cost of treatment
aggtcgated $213,038 , making the gross value
of the product to the company $897,089.
The total production of the company's
mines to date shows $2,872,208 gross values ,
and the amount paid out by the company In
dividends is $907OSO. ,
I.ISTH.V TO Till : MONTHLY 111 1.1.S.
City Council SpoiulN nil Hour In a
IIOIIK ; niul ToilloiiN Tank.
For a long weary hour the members of the
city council sat and nodded In their chairs
last night and listened to the reading of
the city's regular monthly Ills , work that
should be done In committee but Is done In
open councIMn compliance with the demands
of Alderman Casper. The 'bills ' were totally
devoid of Interest beyond the fact that the
amounts represented the disposition of BO
much of the city's funds. The bill of one of
the Justices of the peace for $3.50 , represent
ing the costs of a suit brought by the poll tax
collector In the name of the city , was pre
sented and allowed. The fact that the costs
accrued in a case when the city only ob
tained $2 elicited a little discussion , but
there was no < ! lsposlfor\ avoid payment
and the bill was allowed. It ls npt known
just how many more there are of the same
kind to follow. The bills were approved and
Alderman Shubert Introduced bis scheme
for the Improvement of the county roads In
the following resolution :
Resolved , That wo recommend to the
board of supervisors Hint steps'be taken ta
Improve thu county rouds by macadamizing
each year art fur as the funds will permit ,
the same to be paid out of the general
county road fund for that purpose , thereby
giving .work to unemployed labor nnd benc-
llttlng residents of both county and city.
The resolution drew considerable Interest
ing discussion and met the approval of nil
the aldermen. They realize that It could
have no effect beyond the influence It might
have on the county board as an expression
of the opinion and wishes of the council. It
was unanimously adopted.
The sum of $ COO was ordered transferred
from the police fund to the sidewalk and
curbing fund.
The sum of $4,000 was ordered to be trans-
fcrre.l from the police fund to the general
Ordinances and other matters/ approved by
the committee of the whole was reported and
The chairman of the fire committee was
allowed $100 and the chairman of the health
committee was given $50 to meet Incidental
expenses during the month.
An ordinance providing for the removal of
city officers and determining tie votes was
passed. It provides for determining tie votes
for the election of municipal officers by
casting lots , and permits the suspension of
city olllcers only , upon the filing of written
charges. It declares that the clerk shall. Is
sue to each contestant a notice to appear
at the next regular or special meeting. If
ono of the contestants fall to appear the
mayor or presiding officer shall draw lots for
him and the proceeding shall bo entered
upon the journal. Before any officer shall
bo removed fromi office by the council writ
ten charges shall be filed with the clerk ,
and the proceedings shall bo similar to those
of the district court. A two-thirds vote of
all the members shall be necessary to re
move any officer. The election of any city
officer may bo contested In fhe same way as
the election of a county officer.
The coasting ordinance was called and
laid upon the table by the nearly unanimous
vote of all the members , nnd the kids have
permission to coast on the sidewalks and all
streets as of yore.
The council annulled a number of old ordi
nances and franchises , fourteen In all , with
their recent amendments , and declared all
rights and privileges forfeited. None of
the ordinances have been utilized by tbo In
dividuals and corporations for whom they
were passed.
The bond and contract of the city scaven
ger , John Nelson , were submitted nnd ap
proved. The scavenger notified the council
that he had leased a tract of forty acres as
a burial place for dead animals. It Is
located north of the motor bridge. The
council approved tbo lease and location.
A communication from A. J. Mandcl , a
former resident , objecting to the rate of taxa
tion , was laid on the table.
A saloon licence was ordered to be Issued
to Smith and Rasmu&scn , the saloon to bo
located at118 Broadway.
A resolution was offered by Alderman
Casper directing that the contract for city
'Printing ' be taken from the committee
which now has It In hand and brought be
fore the council. Alderman Brongh seconded
ended Casper's effort , but when It reached
a vote all of the other aldermen voted
against It.
Alderman Casper called attention to the
failure of the employes of the gas company ,
the water company and of plumbers gen
erally to observe the provisions of the city
ordinance requiring the relaying of pave
ment taken up to repair broken pipes , to
bo done under the supervision of the city
engineer. Ho called attention to the fact
that this provision of the ordinance waa
habitually disregarded , to the serious damage -
ago of the paved streets. The engineer nnd
street commissioner wcro Instructed to look
after the matter ,
The council adjourned until next Monday
Just to show that wo handle a few men's
shoes we will sell any shoo In the house
this week for 20 per cent off for cash ,
Hughes , the men's outfitter , 415 Broadway ,
Special sale of parlor furniture this week
at Durfco Furniture Co , , 205 and 207 Broad ,
Hoffmayr's fancy palent nour makes the
best and most bread. Ask your grocer for It.
The genuine Domestic soap wrappers ara
red. Beware of the cheap grade of Domoitlc
put up In yellow wrappers.
rr llraiirr'H S
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Feb. 1. ( Special , )
The Investigation of the affairs of the Chey
enne postofflco has been concluded and re
veals * the fact that Postmaster Draper's
shortage Is $4,823.87 , Ills bondsmen have
been notified by the department to male.-
this amount good , The bondsmen have re
covered about f3,200 of the money , which
Mr. Draper abstracted from a registered
package , which 1s available for application
upon Iho shortage. They hope to retain ons
of tholr number as postmaster until the
close of Mr. Draper's term and by applying
the falary of the ofllce In payment of the
balance of the shortage to bo relieved
from the natter with but nominal loss.
The Investigation of the accounts of Charles
Draper , the postmaster's eon , who had
charge of the money order department , shows
them to be correct ,
Illvtil for llnmri'il Top.
SUNDANCE , Wyo. , Feb. 1. ( Special. )
Condderable excitement prevails here over
the discovery at Bear Lake , fifteen miles
ea t of this place , of a gold ore lead which
assays high values in gold. People are
flocking to the scene of the dlucoyery and
over 100 clalmi have been taken up. The
formation Is said to be the same as that
at the new celebrated Ragged Top mines.
Corporations Objsct to Being -utequirecl to
Toll Business Details.1' ' 11 ,
I.cndltier llii < tlncN < < .11 ru of IIMIM Ai- |
lionr llvforc dif W iM nnil Men UK
Committee tn Amur
DCS .MOINES , Feb. 1. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The first manifestation of Intense
public Interest In the special session of the
legislature was shown tonight , when the
leading wholesalers of the state gathered to
protest against the legislation which they
declared would drive them out of the state
or out of business. Fifty of them , repre
senting nearly every town that has any
wholesaling Interests , were present , to ap
pear before the Joint meeting of the senate
and house committees on ways and means.
They eamo to protest against the proposed
plan of taxation of corporations. The
bill provides that coiporatlons shall
furnish the assessor is certified statement ol
their amount of capital , amount paid In on
each share , description of all real estate
owned , date , amount and percentage of all
dividends nnd amount of capital on which
such dividend was declared ; press and net
earnings during the year and surplus ;
amount added to slaking fund , highest price
of stock sales between the lit nnd 10th of
January of th * year ; highest price of stock
sold during preceding year , and average price
of all sales during the year.
Among those who took part In the dis
cussion before the committees were : E. L.
Johnson and C. F. Fowler of Waterloo , S. T.
Mcsevery , George K. Itoberts of Fort Dodge ,
II. A. Jamil. 0. O. Tolerton and A. F. Nash
of Sioux City. F. C. Letts , G. F. Kirby and
A. G. Click of Marshftlltottii , W. II. Wai-field
of Webster City , A. T. Avcrlll of Cedar
Hnplds , T. M. Gobble , L. C. Eastman , S. M.
Highlands , W. S. Gardner , Clinton , H. 0.
Sclffert , E. H. Uynn , F. H. Miller of Daven
port , George Palmer , John Hayes of Ued
Oak , William Pllger , S. H. Jones of Burling
ton , B. Whitman , W. A. McNelll , Messrs.
Bentlcy , Langland , Sladc , Hanibleton and
H. L. Spencer of Osknloosa , J. C. Davis and
C. P. Blrgc of Keokuk , D. F. Potter nnd A.
IVIlroxvn of Fort Madison.
They Informed the committees In their
addresses that the Inquisitorial proposals
would compel them , together with the plan
of double taxation proposed for corporations ,
to cither go out of business or leave the
state. 71ie bill proposes that corporations
shall pay , at the principal place of business ,
taxes on their full amount of capital stock.
lleprcscntatlves of concerns that have
branches showed that under this arrange
ment they would pay no taxes
In the places where their branch
establishments arc located , and would as a
lesult bo boycotted In those towns as carpetbaggers
pet-baggers , Maiiy of them have branches
outside the state ; they would have to pay-
taxes In Iowa on their capital stock and in
other states on the property located there ,
making double taxes. The requirement that
they make public all the details of their
business would work Injury to them.
Colonel C. II. Gatch of Des Molnes made
the opening address , opposing the proposal
to us.sass all property at 100. . or qvcn 50 per
cent , the house bill proposing , the former
and tha senate measure the latter figure.
Then the Jotters appeared In' turn and stated
their case. The committees , 'took no action ,
but announced another hearjng for Wednes
day evening. Nearly all the people who arc
no\v h re will remain and expert to bring
enough n-rre to have 200 leading business
men on hand at that time. V
Th6 houto held no session todiiy nnd the
suato cession \\as devoted to- routine mat
ters , lastlns only a short time.
AVimilmeii Flock to DI-M
DES MOINES , Feb. , 1. ( Special Hole
gram. ) Six hundred delegates from the
Iowa lodges of the Modern Woodmen of
America are hero tonight for the annual
convention- . the order for Io\\'a , which \\I11
open tomorrow and last two days. A meetIng -
Ing was held at the tabernacle this evening ,
at which the 1,400 DCS Molnw Woodmen met
thei visitors and planned , for the convention.
The object of the convention Is the election
of delegates to the national encampment
and of officers for the state camp.
AiulKor'H HcinifNt ItcfllHccl.
DES MOINES , Feb. 1. ( Special Telegram. )
State Auditor McCarthy Is at least tem
porarily defeated In his application for the
right to ex. ' mine the failed German Savings
bink. The matter was argued today In
district court and the court announced that
It would make no order till the receiver
had presented his report , which would con-
latn all th * Information desired by the au
ditor. The Judge afterward stated that In
all probability he would not allow the au
ditor to make the examination , as he had
confidence In his receiver.
IIoinlNiiifii MIIM < I'ny Mulct Tax.
DES MOINES , Feb. 1. The supreme court
today decided In the case of Marshall county
against John Knoll and others that londs-
men must pay mulct liquor tax If It Is not
paid by the principal.
S < < ' HOII TnlltH of Woman mid
1'oltdfH 1171)1 ( iOVrrilMKMll.
The Omaha Women's club met in Crcigh-
ton hall yesterday afternoon with the pres
ident , Mrs. Harford , In the chair. The usual
order of business was set a side , and Mrs.
Francis M. Ford , leader of the department
of sociology , was called to the chair. She
announced to the club that It had been pos
sible at a late moment to secure the serv
ices of a well known speaker , and the reg
ular progrjm prepared for the occasion had
been Joyfully set aside to give place to Char
lotte Perkins Stetson.
"First , " said tlila free , alert , strong look
ing woman , "I will talk to you about 'poll-
tics. ' the 'women. ' In the savage state
each man works alone. As ho begins to
develop ho bcjtlns to work with others. At
first ho learned co-operation through fight
ing. For many centuries all peace was the
'peace of pigs. ' In war he learned conserted
action brotherhood ,
"Women think of government as some
thing above them , something way off. it
Is only a method of doing business together
of concerted action. ,
| (
"Tho growth of civilization Is measured
by the extension of the fupctjons of govern
ment. Politics Is Iho sclc.pQooJ the admin
istration of government , T.bon ns to women.
She Is not , " according to tills keenest of
satirists , "a species of angel' Invented by
providence for man's espiclal satisfaction , "
and the speaker most carnestly'dcplorcd that
of all the animals , It Is pnly In the genus
homo that the female Is either In strength ,
cunning or usefulness , Inferior to the male
species. Even In her maternity woman Is
Inferior to all her little ulstoi-s of the ani
mal world. "Who Is to be1 blamed , " she
asked. Ho who does not now apply the
remedy which is to lift Half-the world to
Ita birth right freedom , 'tflre'ngth , perfect
development for the Individual nnd a share
In perpetuating the race and maintaining
Its standard. t '
Mrs , Stetson believes that the woman who
would really bo mistress of'tlie homo must
bp Intelligent about It at every point Its
sanitation , Its foods , Its every detail , When
care taking encounters the water supply
she says It la politics , She graphically said ;
"You all know what It U to dust ; well when
Us out side the fence ( the- street ) Its politics ,
when Inside Us dusting" She believes man
and woman should work together for the
weal of all. That women have a duty out-
sldo of the homo as well as Inside It. The
woman who lets herself become a mere
housemaid cannot bo an Ideal mother and
"tho children of the nation are being reared
by housemaids their mothers and others. "
So women must do tholr share to clean up
outside the bouse as well aa In It , "Politics
and women are bound now to become ac
quainted. The time has come , and you can't
keep back the ocean tide by any teaspoon
remonstrances "
It la difficult to say which characteristic
of Mrs , Stetson's made for her the most
admirers , the clearness of her logic , the
unerring shaft of satirical wit , or the In
expressible chnrni of hsr frantic , fearless
face lit with Us swift smile.
The business session of the club was much
given to resolutions , and "the honorable
boJy" at Lincoln which Is busy with law
making for the state WAS the t'argct of these
Mrs. Andrews presented an appeal for the
reinstatement of the law of ISS ! ) tin the
subject of property rights of married women.
The present law gives a widow only n dower-
right In her latehusband's estate. The IHW
of ISS9 , which wat. thrown out upon a tech
nicality , gave her one-half the cstato in fee
simple. The club responded heartily to Mrs.
Andrews' defense of the resolution , which
passed without a dissenting voice.
Mrs. Wayne presented thu matter of the
homo nt Mllford , asking the legislature to
leave Its present management undisturbed.
There Is much strong feeling upon this mat
ter and the resolution was passed.
A resolution was then read asking that a
law bo passed to provide vestibules upon
street cars for the protection of the motor-
men. This also expressed the desire of the
club as shown by the vote.
The musical iommltte.9 that has purchased
for the club a fine piano , which was selected
by Mr. Godowsky , were thanked and dis
Mrs. Ford was delegated to represent the
OmnhaWomen's club at the national congresi
of mothers which meets In Washington ,
D. C. , February 1C. The meeting of the
directory of the general federation of clubs ,
of which Mrs. Ford Is a member , calls her
cast at this time. At this gathering the fate
of Omaha as regards the biennial of 1893
will be decided. It Is a.matter of great
satisfaction to the club members that they
can thus bo so ably represented In these
two Important gatherings , If Mrs. Ford
does not bring homo the biennial It can't
bo had , Is the feeling of the club.
The next general club meeting will bo In
charge of the Current Literature department
On that evening from B to 7 o'clock dinner
will bo served in the dining room of the
club rooms to ladles and gentlemen. U Is
thus hoped to defray the expenses of the
course In cooking which the executive com
mittee of the department of sociology has
given to twelve young girls.
Ollloi-r Flint HoportH to the Fire anil
I'lllll'l * CoillllllHMloll.
At the meeting of the fire and police com
missioners last evening liquor licenses wcro
Issued to James S. Quinn , 1024 North Six
teenth street , and Amalia Blescr , 414 North
Sixteenth. License wn * refused Gustav
Stcpp , 2239 North Twentieth.
Leaves of absence were granted poMccmen
C. L. Mndsen five days , A. C. Hauney ten
days , and fireman J. C. Farrlsh two days.
The amount expended for feeding city pris
oners for January wns ? 93.12.
Iho following report f-om Officer Flint to
the chief of Police was ( lied :
OMAHA. Feb. 1 , 1S37. A. T. Slgwnrt ,
Chief of Police : It Is reported thiit there
was a prize fight In the vicinity of Six
teenth and Vlnton streets on Saturday
night , January 1 , between the hours of 11
and 12 o'clock. I being detailed In thai
vicinity failed to notice anything unusual
and In any way that would Indicate that
there was a prize fight In the vicinity.
HAUUY FLINT. Police Olllcer.
Gorge Blake , driver of engine company
No. 3 , and Leonhardt Van Bicker , plpeman
same company , were before the board
charged with violating the rules of the de
partment. Both were docked their "offs. "
Charges were preferred against Hlchard
Grant , assistant engineer of engine No. 3 ,
by Captain Taylor of Hook and Ladder No. 1 ,
and Frank Urban , lieutenant of engine No.
3 , of having city properly la his possession.
The charges were thoroughly sifted by the
board and Its decision was that they were
utterly false and malicious. After comple
menting Grant he wns promoted to engineer ,
and on motion of Mr. Palmer the chief was
Instructed to prefer charges against botli
Taj lor and Urban for hearing at the next
meeting. It was the opinion of the board
that It was dangerous to have men who could
bo guilty of such malldnus work In the de
partment. Richard J. Grant was given the
highest average by the.examlnlng board for
thD promotion of assistant engineers of the
four examined. _
Fcliriinry liO In Sot for the Aiiiiunl
Content at Vermllllon.
VERMILLION , S. D. , Feb. 1. ( Special. )
The military department of the university
will give Its annual contest and entertain
ment February 20. There are three compa
nies of cadets. A , B and C , each containing
about twenty students. The first two are
composed of old students who have had one
or more terms of drill , while company C Is
made up entirely of recruits. Companies A
and B will compete for first place In the
executing of the various evolutions. There
will also bo a contest between the captains
of the two companies for the championship
of the university. Each company Is given
fifteen minutes to go through the various
maneuvers In marching , manual In arms
and the different exercises which are used
In the dally drills. There are also to be
several sword and sabre drills. It has been
the custom heretofore to have the governor
of the state present to view the exercises
In all probability Governor Lee will be at
home In tlmo for this occasion , and will be
prevailed upon to sit in the chair of state
The governor Is an enthusiastic admirer of
the state militia ,
I.iuiilH 1'ntcntoil In January.
PIERRE , S. D. , Fob. L ( Special Tele
gram. ) The office of the commissioner of
lands has Issued thirty-one patents for the
month of January. Clay county has secured
the highest number for any one county ,
with seven. The rest was scattering In
ether counties In the southern portions of
the state.
11111111111 * ; a Xrw Town \VyomliiR. .
CASPER , Wyo. , Feb. 1. ( Special. ) The
work of building the new town of Wolton ,
fifty miles west of this place , Is proceeding
rapidly and the town will soon bo a fully
equipped sheep shearing center for a great
area of country In Fremont , Natrona and
Swcetwater counties. A forty-stall sheep
shearing house , the finest In the state , has
been put up , a store building Is being
erected , a hotel nearly completed and bunk
houses and residences are under way. The
town will have a postofflce , to bo opened
April 1. The town Is believed to bo the
objective point of the Fremont , Elkhorn &
Missouri Valley line for a westward ex
tension from Casper.
Hutch of CrlinoH In AV
LARAMID , Wyo. , Feb. 1 , ( Special. )
Judge Bramcl of the Albany county district
court has called a grand Jury for February
1 , for tbo purpose of making a special In
vestigation of the serious crimes which
liavo recently been committed In Albany
county. These include the assassination of
several ranchmen , the brutal rnurdur of
Mrs , Wurl , the Incendiary burning of barns
and haystacks of several ranchman , nnl ( be
sending of threatening letters to otucr.-t.
K , Irrlteted , scaly , crusted Scalpi , dry , t
nnd falling liulr , clcanied , purified , and beauti
fied liy warm itiainpaoi wltli CUTIOUUX Soil- ,
and occnilon&l drcialnyi of CUTICUBA , pureit of
emolllcnti , tUe grentcit Bkln cures.
Treatment will produce a cleaa , healthy tctlp
with luxuriant , luitroclialr , vIien ull tlio fclli.
Isild throurtiout thi worltt. 1'orrn Dnco ivo Cam.
Cotr.i > < > lt I'ror * , Uo tan. . .
ajr "liow la IU&UM I.uiorltnl lialr , " milled fret.
OTftD I Bt ° fl every ache and pain quick
O I Ur 1 na " " electric Hash with thu cele-
bratud Collins' Voltaic Electric
I'luttcrf , greatest paln-allovlat-
Ing niutcle-HtrcugtUonlui ; yU -
It's a ( I real CImncu for Sick Folks niul L'lrrjtfl Numbers Arc Taking
Advantage of If. Citlzu ns of All Classes Under Treatment.
Iri. Cnitrlnnil A Sltrpnrrt nrp iirc-
linrnl to trrnt xiillnlilc rnnen nt
t'lirutitu illnciiNc l > y vnrliitm forum of
riootrlolly. Till * ilrimrtnif lit I * In
ctiirti < < ( if it iih.i nli-luii thorouulilj-
i'iiiiiielotil | In till * iti-lil. Itlii'iiimitlMin
IMMirillUllt , m't'tOIIK ptOMllllllOII ,
femnle illxcitNCfl , mid IOTT > Utility , In
turn niul MUIIK-II tif < < IIIIIOIIK ( lie iiiuiiy
i'limlltloiiH ( lint rt-iiillly j Iclil in thlx
n iimtorrul iiKciicy. Pnlloiitx from
nliroiul rccolvcil ill tlio liiNlllutu for
treatment , Midi or Million ! board.
A. M. niUTTBI.U Imperial. Neb. , thn
clerk of his ( Chase ) county , writes Dr.
Shcpani :
"My first symptoms appeared nbout ten
years ago. I felt n smarting In the noco
nt I lines , with roaring In my mm. Thn
followed the constant dropping of did-
charges from the head down Into my
thront nnd Htormich. A tickling of the
thront wns extremely annoying nnd my
oya became weak , watery nnd Inflamed.
"If I took a xovcrf cold ( nnd 1 did so al
most daily ) I would have terrible heart *
arhfslth pnln and soreness throughout
nil my body. My nholo system scorned In
fected by cntrtrrhnl i > ol on nnd I lost
stroiiKth ind uclKht ,
Wfcon 1 found out Hint your Home Treat
ment through HIP malls wns curing my
I friends and neighbors Ivroto for n ques
tion blank nnd hcunn myself. You had me
In your uhnrgc for two months nt n trlillnp
cost , and you mnde mo round nnd hearty.
I nm nble to resist all weather conditions ,
nnd , In short , nm perfectly cured. You
have a ANonderful plan for sick people In
thn country , for they cnn Jmvo a special
ist's skill nt their own hnmcs. "
A Idler of Inquiry ( nidi utittnti ) nrt-
ilirnsril to A. M. Ilrldoll , Iniiiorlul ,
\eli. , tvlll elicit n roiily vcrlfyhiK the
above toKlliiiony.
Every mnll brings additional proofs of tha
micros * of the homo or wall treatment.
If you cannot conio to the ofllce , wrlto for
a symptom blank.
il Instil ,
W. U. COIMSIiAMI , M. ! . , I Consulting
C. S. smi'Alll > , M. 1) . , f Physicians.
Office Hours : 9 to 11 n. m.2 ; to D p. m. Eve
nings Wednesdays nnd Saturdays only
6 to 8. Sunday 10 to 12 m.
Good Things Come
To the Top
every tlnin. There
nro no better slioos inutle limn those we
soil , and It hasn't taken them IOIIK to
coinu to tlio top. Shoes to be satisfac
tory must look well , wear well and feel
well. Our shoes always look stylish
and lit like a Rlovc they iVul as easy as
cotton they wear homitlfully. When
U comes to shoo satisfaction wo feel
conlldent no one can go ahead of our
ifU.GO and $3.00 shoes.
The Duncan Shoe Go ,
25 Main St.
, ? ; i > lKrcitv < 'sctall8 .
Vltultz < Ttlinpri'i > orl | )
tlonot n famouiTrench physician , will quickly euro } on of nil ner
vous or dlspatci of the Bciiuratlvo orcmis , btich at Lust Manhood ,
Insomnia , I'ulns in Uiolluck.Bornliml .Emissions , Krrvnns Debility !
I'lmples , UnOtness to Hurry , KxliniHtlni ; Dralng , Vnrlcnrolo nMJ ,
Cous'.lnutlon. It stopi RM losses by < lny or night l'ievents nulclt-
ness of discharge , wlilcu If not chirked loads to Spornintorrliiru nnil
. -NO AFTER i11 ! t > io horrors of Irapotoncy. ; iripII > iKI5clcauifSUioUvcr , tha
-HDHric-n kidneys nnd the urinary orenns of oil Impurities.
CUIII > F-Xr ; ittrcngthensaml restoressmnll weak oigans.
Tlio reason nunrcrrri nro not cured by Doctors Is because ninety per cent are troubled with
Fraifatlll * . CUP ! DEKE Is the only known rcmi-dy to curu without un operation. M oicsiim < > n | .
K A written pmrnnti'ocrren nnd nmney rcturnuil If six duxes docs not cticct a permanent euro.
{ l.OOa box , sl.-c for $3.05. by mall. Bond for rnEU circular and testimonials.
y\dr < " " < nVol. . SJEIIECINB CO. , P. O. lox 2070. San Francisco , Cal. FnrSale by
Myers-Dillon Drug Co. , S.B. Cor. 16th and Farnam , Omaha , Neb.
When In doubt what to use (01
Nervous Debility. Loss of I'owcr.
Irapotency , Atrophy , Varicoccle and
other weaknesses , from any cause ,
use Suinc Pills. Drains checked
and full vigor quickly restored.
If nfecltd. ! inch troabffl rwulthullr.
Madcdior$1.00Gboxcs$5.00. ; With
$3.00 orders we Rive a Ruarantce to
cure or refund the money. Addresi
Searles ,
Nervous , Chronic
Private Diseases.
Private Ulscaioa
Disorderof M u
Treatment by mall
Consultation frco
Cured for Ufa and the poison thoroughly
cleaned from the system. PILES , FISTULA
and VARICOCELli permanently and suc
cessfully cured. Method new and unfailing
By new method without pain or cutting.
Call on or address with stamp ,
Dr. Searles & Searles. ' K.aj.4
I All Druggists.
Purchasing Commissary of ( Subsistence ,
Oimitm. Neb. , January 21 , Ik'Jl. Sealed pro
posals , In duplicate , mibjcct to the usual
conditions , -will be received nt thin olllco
until 11 o'clock u , in. , February 3. 1MI7 ,
U which tlmo nnd place they will bo
opened In the presence of bidders , for fur
nishing the uubslstenco department , U , S.
Army , on or before February 23 , 1S37 , IIH
may bo required , with Hour for IKHUO and
flour , cholco family , at the following places
of delivery , viz. ; On board of ciiru or at
flubslstcnco storehouse nt Oniulm , Neb. ,
or nl Forts Crook , Nlobrara , Robinson ,
Neb , ; D. A. Russull , WiiHhaklo , Wyo. , nnd
Fort Mendo. 8. U. Preference will bo
given to articled of domestic production.
The right Is reserved to reject any or all
bids , or any part of any bid. limnu pro-
IiOKulH and upeclllcatloMH , showing In de
tail tin ) articles nnd quantities required ,
und giving full Information IIH to condi
tions , will bo furnished on application to
thlH olllco , or any of the commlaHurlc.s at
postu named above. 1'rojjosuln will also
be received by the purchasing cominls-
nary of subsistence , Denver , Cole , , nt 10
a , in. , mountain standard time , February
3. 1897 , for the furnishing nnd delivery of
the above Hubslatencu stores free on board
R. R. cars nt Denver , or near the place of
production or purchase , or at the posts
named. FRANK. B. NYB , Major and C.
& , U. B. A.
ALIj f-'trrotii IHttntrf Fullluw Mem
ory , I iniiotKlicjr. HI | ilo lJ6 , etc , fnuwxl
1)7 Almm uiici other Kiie m ami Imlli.
crvtlout. TtftjMtr / / iam ! jrutt'i/
ri-nloro I/iil Vitality In old or tonne , und
lit u mim forfttady , bunln ii > 6 or innrrlBgo.
, I'rjient Insanity unit ( ViniuiiiMlou If
Ukuulu time. Uholr UMI kliowt liniiroTo-
laoiu anil effect * a CUHK wlioro all others ( nil. In
tUt upon h nn tha Keuulne AJax Tsblcty. Thor
liuvecureu thoufianiliund will cure ) ou. Wn giro a
lo.ltJTe wrlttoa nunrcplea to rtfttst u euro In each cuio
or refund tun money. 1'rlca CO r nt | > or pnikane , or
tliiuwkmiw Hull treatment ! for V2m llr umil , In
plnfn nrfx-elj.tof | .rlc . Circular Jrer.
AJAX REMEDY CO. , ' , % # : ' ? , } ? *
For eale In Omaha by Jamti fonyih , ZOJ N ,
Kth Btrret.
Kuhn & Co. , Uth end l > ou < lai Bireet * ,
Reader of DIHRUHCH of men ami
World's Herbal UUpeniwry of Medicine.
1 CURK Catarrh of Head , Thront nnd
I.uiUfs , Dlbi'iiBcs ot Kyo and liar , Fits untl
Apoplexy , Heart , Llvur and Kidney DlHent > cg ,
PwbotoH , IlrlKbt'n Disease , Bt. VJtils Diuico.
lllioiiniatlsin , tSoiofnin , Diopsy cured without
InpphiK , Tnpo Worms removed , all clnonlo
Nervous and I'rivutu Ulseuscs ,
I flQI" IflKMHirainJl In ro'intr and
I mfiWSilljyBJ
LUu inlddloiigedmcn.
CVnUII 1C Only I'liytlflnii who can
dlrnlLldi propcilycuio hVJ'IIIMH
wltliont destroying tcetn and bones. No iner *
ctny or poison mlncrnl uged ,
The only I'hyglclun % vho can tell what alia
you without iislilnir a ( jiicstlon.
Tlioso ut a dlsliinco tend for questloa
blank. No , 1 for men ; No. X for women.
All correspondence strictly confidential *
Mcdlclno sent liy express.
Address nil letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
D55 Urniulwuy , COUNCIL. ItMIITS , IA
t TBcnd S-ccnt stuinp for reply.
Council Bluffs , Jowa.
CAPITAL , . . . $100,000 ]
We ceml the French Itemed/
CALTHOC fi-cc. ( D C.O.I | I > nd
Ici'ul Kuurnnli-albutL'iLTIKU will
MTII > Dltcliurcr * und Kcil luu > ,
Clllfl ! hnrriuulGrrucnurlcucclo
aud KK T ( lti : l.oil Vigor ,
Use it and faytf'tafiijteii ,
VON MOHUCO.,332 8 ,
Bolt inrtlrta ijtut. , ClxloMtl , Olio.
Accompanied by mid under the inunnfc'erncnt ot
8upi > orled by u large and compute orKir.lza-
tlon , luettnlliiK
Ron In on tale at iSellciV Drue Htore Monday
inonilnu ut ft o'ckck. 1'rlc.u 2Co , Z'-c , Mo , Tie UL < J
U.W ,