Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1897, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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During this coming week thcro will bo
considerable Activity In the secret societies
of the state. Two state bodies are scheduled
to meet , both on the same day , Tuesday.
Ono of these , that of the Woodmen of the
Important In the eyes of
World , Is not only
the members of the order , but Is Interesting
to the members of other secret bodies bc-
cause of the strlfo which has been dividing
the Woodmen. Thcso state meetings will
bo followed In a couple of weeks by another ,
Nebraska division
the state encampment of the
vision of the Sons of Veterans , which will
bo held In this city on February 1C , 17 and
The contention head camp of the Wood
men will incut In Lincoln and will bo attended
. The other
tended by some 200 delegates.
state bodies , the head camp of the Modern l
Woodmen of America , by a somewhat I
coincidence , will meet on the same
( strange
day and will also be attended by some 200
delegates. Those who are familiar with the
histories of these two orders will find this
situation somewhat amusing.
mark the anniversary
The coming week will also
niversary of the birthday of one of the
pioneer secret society lodges of the state ,
Omaha lodge No. 2 , Independent Order of
Odd Kcllowu. This lodge may bo looked
as beginning the secret society history
upon of the state. It will , however , hold no cele
bration of the anniversary , although the day
will bo somewlmt of a red letter day because
In the evening one of the other lodges In
the city will bo consolidate with Omaha
lodge. t
Hxtcndcd accounts of all these matters
will bo found In their appropriate places
In the column following.
Inili-liriHlciit Orilrr of Oil it KcIlnxvN.
Tomornv Omaha lodge No. 2 of this city
will bo forty-one years of ago. There will
bo no formal celebration of the anniversary.
It may be , however that the ceremony which
will occur tomorrow night , the consolidation
of Allomancn lodge with Omaha lodge , will
more nttlngly mark the day than any birth
day party.
Omaha lodge cornea very near being
pioneer lodge of the state , not only of Odd
Follows , but of all orders. Some members
claim It Is. 'Other Odd Kcllows assign the
honor to Frontier lodge No. 3 of Nebraska
City. One or the other It must he. There
Is an Interesting story regarding the rite
of this discussion and the birth of the two
Omaha lodge received Its charter Novem
ber 17 , 18K5 , from the grand lodge of the
United States , now the sovereign grand lodge
It was signed by William Ellson , grand sire
mul James L. Hldgcloy , grand secretary.
A. 1) . Jones , Omaha's first postmaster , was
the man who worked up the charter list.
A little while before a charter was given to
Nebraska City lodge No. 1. A struggle en
Bucd to see which would Institute first
Jones succeeded In obtaining the necessary
five chaitcr members first , but before the
Institution could bo hold ono of these died ,
lleforo his successor could be gained the
Nebraska City lodge got Its five charter
members and Instituted first. Ncbrabka City
lodge No. 1 remained In existence until July
1SCO , when It was consolidated with Fron
tier lodge No. 3 of Nebraska City , which la
still living and prospering.
Thus a short time after the Institution ol
Nebraska City lodge No. 1 , Omaha lodge
vas duly Instituted on February 1 , 1S5C , by
District Deputy Grand Sire J. P. Cassady
of Council Bluffs. The following were the
five charter members : Alfred D. Jones
Hadley D. Johnson , Taylor G. Goodwill ,
Kcorgo Armstrong and Ambrose S. Bishop
. Ono Is Jones
Of these two are living yet.
who resides at Eighteenth < and < Wlrt street !
In tills .city. The _ other Is Johnson , who l !
, at present a resident of Salt Lake. , -
held Its second meeting on February
The lodge '
ruary 8 , on which date the petition of Hcn'rj
ho In-
C. Anderson was received and was
Itlated on February 15 , _ 1850 , as ' the flrsl
oovHlate. During the remalmlcr'of that yeai
and the following years of Infancy manj
the struggling cltj
of the men prominent In
were Initiated , Among them were : Dr
GcDrgo L. Miller , Governor John M. Thayer
Hev. William Leech of the Baptist church
Ucv. J. F. Collins of the Methodist church
0. W. Hepburn , J. W. Hlcha-d on. J hr
llelk , II. W. Tuttle , Judge J. It. Porter , now
of Los Angeles ; Asa Hunt , John Y. Clapper
J. D. Allen , Joseph F. Sheeley , Dr. Gcorgi
Smith ( Dox Box ) , A. J. Simpson , Byron Heed
John McCormlck , John Evans , Governoi
Saunders and General John M , Chlvlngton
8 1856. the degree of Tlebckah wai
On July ,
. J
conferred on Mrs. CoUlns wife of
to re
P. Collins , who was the flrsl woman
cclvo that degico In Nebraska. At that tlmi
lodges and tin
there were no Uebekah degree
degree was conferred In the subordlnati
On November 28 , 1850 , the lodge obtainei
leased a bulldlns
Its first headquarters. It
belonging to John M , Thaycr and know !
located 01
' block , which was
the 1'loneer
Farnam street between Eleventh and
streets. The rental was $300 per annum
As the lodge at that time had but Blxtooi
members It was assuming a
confidence In Itself and the city that mus
a buoyant. The later hlstor ;
been very
of the body hns shown , however , that tin
confidence was not lllplaccd or
Since that time the growth of the lodgi
hns been steady and Its condition has alwayi
been advancing. It now has 217 members
every ono of whom pay assessments promptl ;
and regularly , as the lodge has a reputa
Its members when the ;
tlon for dropping
fall behind In their assessments. Us en
tcrprlso was shown a couple of years agi
Odd Fellows
erected the magnificent
when it
which Is Its property. This
temple ,
bodies ha
society ,
for secret
Ing ,
Is occuplci
paying venture , as
become a
nn every night In the year by the lodge
number o
Ihero are a
order and
of Eomo ,
first night tha
applications on hand for the
becomes vacant.
During the existence of Omaha lodge No
2 tlio growth of the order has been proper
tlonato. In 185C the entire order
less tlinn 175,000 members and wan reducci
70,000 during the rlvll war ; but since ISC
It number
It hax shown a large growth.
today over 1,000,000 members , scattered eve
all portions of north and south America
Norway and Sweden , the Genual
empire , SwlUotland and the Sand
wlch Islands. The amount that has bci'i
disbursed in benefits since the Instltutloi
of the order Is hardly to bo appreciated. I
Is far over $100.000,000.
The growth In Nebraska durln
the , forty-one years since
and Nebra&Ua City lodges wer
organize ) ! has also been great. In th
year of thn Institutions there were two lodge
with a total membership of ten. There ar
> iw ( 220 lodKcs In existence with a member
ship of 10,050 , Of those lodges there ar
seven In this city , with'a total paying mom
borshlp of S50 , although the rolls contal
n'iout ' 1,100 names.
Omaha lodge expects shortly to bo th
uliRC3t lodge of the order In ths state , n
honor which Is at present hold by Center
nlal lodge of Fremont. It In claimed tha
It .now lias more actual paying member Centennial. However , it propones t
have a membership r"ll tliat will contain th
i n t names. The ftrt step In that dlroctlo
will bo taken tcmorroxv , when Alloinnnc
Joilss will bo consolidated vlth Omaha. TJi
ceremony will bo conducted uy Charles . '
I'atteifon , secretary of Oniaha ledge fc
twelve years , who will act as deputy gran
matter. He will In ? insisted by the follownt !
John Kvans , Harry E. Uurman. N. II. Heln
Louis llclmrod , K. 11 , myant. J. W. Nlchol
II , Jju'liwui , 1) . Hartgon and F. J , Evan
At the conclusion of the ceremony refresl
im-liis will be t-med.
It Is expected that another lodge will t
consolidated with Omaha In the near tut tin
' { ' ' 'U Is KP > atone , which has a mcmborshl
of . .uom 110. It It tinted that only a sllsl
difference separates the two bodies at prci
cut , and ( hat this wll ) In nil probability I
overcome. This consolidation la expcctc
to take placfc Roa > e time during the arly pai
uf March.
Last Thursday nlcht fifty Odd Fellow
of Omaha ami this vU'lnlty went to Papllllci
to Uiitall the otllceri of the lodge at thi
place. Tlio party was chaperoned by D !
trlct Deputy J. S. Gojnsy , The vliltoi
were royally entertained by the 1'apllllc
lodge ,
nocautly the following officers were li
( tailed in Cora KslckaU lodge of Nelljl
Mrs. Ella nomlg. N. G. ; Mrs. Ellen Evcr-
son , V. Q. ; Mrs. Mary L. Davlson , Sj Kfllo
Uapp , T.
The lodge at Exeter has Installed as fol
lows : A. I ) . Cookus. N. G. ; H. II. Long , V.
Gj V. M. Elska. S. ' , G. A. Songster , T. ; W.
S. nimtck , U. S. N. G. ; Kills Lansdale , L.
S. N. G , ; I ) . T. Snow , W. ' , 0. T. Wheeler ,
C. ; M. K. Stammers , O , G. ; P. Ulce , H. S.
V. O. ; P. Wilson , L. S. V. G.
The now officers of Victory ledge No. 105
of Nemaha are : M. H. Taylor , N. O. ; F. L.
Woodward , V. 0. ; William G. Maxwell , S. :
J. E. Crothor , P. S. : H. K. McCandlcss T.j
R. J. Maxwell , W. : David Carroll. C. ; C. P.
Darker , G. ; J. I. Dressier , U , S. N. G. ;
llobcrt Frosl , L , . S. N. G. ; U. I , Smith , n.
S. V. G. ; Jerry Colcrlck , L. A. V. G.
The lodge nt HartlnRton has the follow
ing duly Installed omccrs : H. Wi Wallace ,
N. 0. ; C. M. Jones. V. G. ; George I. Par
ker , T. ; T. 11. A. Watson , S.
The officers of the lodge at Beaver City
were rccenlly Installed as follows : C. E.
Hopping , N. G , ; H. Ilcthorlngton , V. G. ;
Preston Miller , P. S. ; E. D. Quln T. ; J. C.
Kauble. W. ; J. P. Ulckford. II. S. N. 0. ; J.
F. Modlln , L. S. X. G. ; G. D. Jewell , I. G.J
O. W. Norrls , 0. G. The llcbekah lodge of Ihe
name place Installed the following officers :
Mrs. C. E. Hopping , N. G. ; Mrs. Hettle
Shafcr , V , G. ; Miss Laura Heston , P. S. ;
Mrs. llachel Buck , T.
The Rcbekah lodge of Hastings had quIUi
an affair last week. It was Intended to
have an Installation of officers , but this
was poslponcd on account of the Illness of
the Installing officer. Visitors were present ,
nevertheless , from Massachusctls , New York ,
Missouri and Iowa.
District Jepnly ) Grand Master D. A. Jones
of neldcn Installed the following officers of
Wayne lodge. No. 118 , on Monday evening :
G. C. Gilder , N. G. ; George Fox , V. 0. ;
Charles Warner , S. ; H. Ley , T. ; J. U. Hoover ,
n. S , N. 0. ; Ira Hlchards. L. S. N. G. ;
R. T. Carpenter. W. ; A. A. Welch , C. ; Fred
Volpp K. S. V. Q. ; Andrew Nelson. L. S. V.
G. ; Charier Holtgreen , L. S. S. ; Mark
Stringer , I G.
„ Of I1 } tlllllM.
Columbus lodge ot Columbus , 0. of which
Presldent-elecl McKlnlcy Is a member , Is
making preparations to attend his Inaugural.
The body will probably be present with Its
entire membership.
A district meeting of Knights was held
In the Castle hall of Morning lodge No.
20 ot Norfolk last Wednesday night. The
meeting , which took the nature of a school
of Instruction for the exemplification of
unwritten work , was conducted by Grand
Chancellor G. Norburg ot Holdrege , assisted
by W. H. Love ot Lincoln.'grand keeper of
records and seal , and "W. W. Young of
Stanton , grand prelate. The extreme
weather prevented the atlendance of many
from oulslde towns , who had been expected ,
but the following named braved the cold
and were present : J. F. Boyd , George Hangs ,
H. S. Ncsblt of Oakdalo , C. F. Drager , C.
H. Malheson , D. Malheson , Carl Johnson ,
J. G. Richie. J. Halley , C. n. Abbott , Frank
Parody , G. J. Bryan of Pllger , Thomas Chll-
vers of Pierce. The members ot Morning
lodge were largely present. This was the
first district meeting Grand Chancellor Nor-
burg has held In Norfolk since he ascended
the chair. After the business ot the meetIng -
Ing was closed a banquet was served.
On Wednesday evening lha grand chan
cellor and Ihe grand keeper ot records and
teals held anolher district meeting at Co
lumbus. The meeting was attended by the
following : F. C. Rclnecke , E. S. Cloycr
II. M. Fulmcr , H. L. Sacrlder , Emll Faltys ,
M. F. Shouka , George Nleman , C. J. Sefarlk ,
Joseph Zerzan , George Duffy and M. M.
The kntghls at O'Nolll will give a dance
on next Wednesday night.
Last week Marmlon lodge No. Ill of Lodp
City gave the first of a series of public cn-
torlalnments "and dances , with gre'at suc
cess. A laughable farce , enllllcd "A Box
of Monkeys , " was given , 'the cast beingatj
follows : William Nelk , F. W. Cllne , Card ?
Hniocmb , Mrs. F. W. Cllne and Mrs. M. H ,
Malhow. i
The newly Inslalled officers of Clarion
ledge at Alliance are : Banks Stewart , C. C. ;
L. Bucchsensleln , V. C. ; Fred Raymond , P. ;
R , M. Hamptlon , M. E. ; I. F. Marshall , M.
P. ; F. M. Brorae. K. H. S. ; Thomas Beck ,
M A. ; D. W. Butler , M. W. ; J. S. Paradls ,
T.J A. L. Field , P. C.
i The new officers of Monte Crlsto lodgE
I No. 127 of Ponder are : E. G. Kellner , C.
C. ; R. G. Strong. V. C. : C. W. Baker , P. ;
Chailes Bchnc. M. W. ; John T. Lenten , M.
A. ; John Stout , K. It. S. ; William Biles ,
M. E. ; Sid Young. M. F.
Tha Knights of Pythias band of McCook
gave Its second annual masked ball on last
Wednesday evening nnd the affair was a
social as well as a financial success. Many
of Ihe coalumes were unique , among Hit
moat pleasing being those of Mrs , J , E.
Kclloy md Hey Dlxonbo sscurcd the
prizes. The music was furnished by the
new orchestra ,
Ancient OrilcT of United Workmen ,
Omaha lodge No. 18 will discuss the graded
assessment plan at the regular meeting ncxl
Tuesday evening. The fapeakors to lead will
bo Messrs. Haverly , Rurchard , Reynolds ,
Carr , Dr. Mcrrlam and Ur. Crawford. Mem
bers of other lodges In the vicinity have been
Invited to bo present.
The band of Union Pacific lodge No. n
gave an entertainment nnd concert in Myr
tle hall last Friday night. The affair wai
ono ot the usual character given by the
lojgo when a fifth Friday falls In a month
On the evening of February 20 the lodg <
at Schuylcr 'will give a giand dance and ti
The lodge at Western Installed the follow
ing officers : L. J. Doano , M , W. ; C. A
Froal. F. ; 0. B. Hagan. O. ; C. C. McCluve
R ; William Schuelcr , R. ; G. W. Flke , F.
William Kaup , I. W. ; A. W. Lackey , G ,
Logan ledge No. 122 of Logan has seated
the following ofllcers : J. 0. Walker , M W.
A. R. Rudd , P. M. ; M. N. Hadsell. R. ; H
W. Beck , G. ; D. W. Hale , P. ; Flank Wood
head , 0. ; C. A. Sandberg , P. ; J. S. Winston
R. ; O. W. Gowen , I , W , ; E. C. Northway
0. W.
Tha lodKO at , Wayne has Installed the fnl
lowing officers : L. C. Glldersleovo , P. M.
H. E. Grlggs , M. W. ; Fred Volpp , P. ; Georgi
C. Gilder , ( ) . ; T. W. Moran , R. ; I , W
Alter. R. ; K. Hunter , P. ; W. II. Hogunwood
G. ; R. Q. Warnock , I. W. : Axel Koefoed
0. W.
Grand Lecturer Van Dyke of the Anclen
Order of United Workmen gave ono of hli
lectures ol Whlon , Neb. , on Thursday night
which wan much enjoyed by members of'lhi
j ledge and the public In general ,
( iriinil Ami ) ' nl' flir Itrpubllc.
CiiBtcr Relief corps No. 82 of this city wll
give a progressive hlgfi live party In Gram
Army of the Republic hull on next Wednes
day evening. Invitations IIRVO been extcndei
to HIP members of tha posts nud corps litho
the city to attend ,
The following are the lately Installed offl
eers of the corps al Broken How : J. W
Brewer. C. ; R. R Glass , S. V. C. ; C. T
' ' ' Crawford , J. V. C. ; M. M , Parkhurst , C.
John Ilruee , ( J , ; G , N. Rawson , 0. D , ; N
Hartley. 0 , G. ; W. H. Rufbull , A.
Following are the ofllcers elected , by Rob
luson post No. 2C1 of Crawford : Joshua B
Webster , C. ; William A. Thornton , S , V , C.
Andrew Hedge , J. V. C , : W. A. J. Raum
A. ; David Cox , S. : Sanford West , 0. ; Hem ;
Tlsch , Q. : J. 0. Mowrey. Q. D. : Franklli
Jaeoby , 0. G.j B. H. Mlllir , S. M. ; Jame
Hebbert. Q. S.
The onictm recently Installed by the pot
at Sohuyler aroV. : . I. Walling , C.i F. A
Crlsman. S. V , C. ; Gtorge Wilbur , J , V. 0.
G. L. Hanegan , 0. D , ; L , Staab. Q. ; J. A
Philips. A. : V. W. Graves , 0 , : John Bussc
, o S , : Joe Smith , G.
p. Tlio corps of the same1 place has Iho fol
p lowing .officers i Mrs. W. I. Walling , P. ; Mrs
u Warren Fusiclman , S. V , P. ; MM : I. Blatt
nwr. J. V , P. : Mrs. P. J. Bmllh , T.j Mrs. f
A. Crliman , C , ; Mrs. Joe Smith. C ; , Mrs. I-
Arnold , A , O.j Mrs. M , A , Wehol S.j Mr
V. W. Graves. G. ; Mrs. O.V , Kuler. | A. ( !
The corps at Edgar has Instilled tlio fol
lowing omccrs : Mrs. M. Hazlett. P. ; Mr * . M
in I Beck , a , V. P. ; Mrs. S. Cottlo , J. V P.
it ! Mrs , R. M. Oasterllne. S. ' , Mrs. M. R. f
Saxton , T. ; Mr * . K , Lake. C : Mrs. M Wai
ters. 0 ; Mrs C Stover , O ; Mrs.W. N CalJ
well , A , C. ; Mrs. Grace , Merrill , A. G.
The pout of Shlckley has Installed na fol
low : William Shmtpr. U , ; Isaac K. BCCBOU
3. V. O.j D n May , J. Y. C.j John ( Justus , 0 ,
3. L , Straver , 0. D. ; Nclse Anderson , O. G.j |
L D. Phillips , S. ; W. II. Lee , Q. ; A. A.
Beech , Q. S. ; J. H. Springer , A. ; Nclso An
derson , D.
The corps at Shlckley has the following
officers : Mrs. R. M. Morrlncr. P. ; Mrs.
Jacob Schmutz , S. V. P. ; Mrs. J. H. Springer ,
J. V. P. ; Mrs. William Schuster , S. ; M'lss
Flora Anderson. T. ; Mrs. William Van Btl-
rcn , C. ; MM. H. Anderson , G. ; Mrs. L. D.
Philips , A. G.
A poverty social U to bo given by the
IT. S. Grant Relief corps of this city on next
Tuesday evening. Respectable costumes arc
to bo absolutely barred and prizes will bo
given to the man and woman who presents
the most poverty-stricken appearance.
The ladles of Garficld circle , Grand Army
of the Republic , will give a masquerade ball
at Patterson hall , Seventeenth and Farnam
streets , Wednesday evening , February 3.
Mod r in AViiniliuiMi of
On next Tuesday morning the state head
camp of the order will meet In regular bien
nial session In Grand Islandt There should
bo present dflegatea to the number of aboul
300 , as there are that many camps In the
Etnto and each Is entitled to a delegate.
While It Is not expected that this mimbsr
will be In attendance , yet It Is anticipated
that the meeting will bo well attended.
Tha principal part of the business will con
sist In the election of delegates to the
head camp , which meets In biennial session
at Dubuqiio this summer. This matter will
provoke quite a contest , as thcro arc many
candidates. The Jurisdiction Is entitled to
one delegate for each 1,000 of Us member
ship , a chnnnc from two years ago , when
the representation was one for each 500
members. AH there are abcul 21,000 members
In thn state now , this will give Nebraska
twenly-onc representatives.
U Is stated that there Is very little
else to conn > up before the body. The state
icad camp Is not a legislative body , but U
a empowered simply to make rccammenda-
Ions regarding legislation to the supreme
cad. camp through Its delegates. There Is
otlilng ot Importance that Is agltallng Die
rdcr In thu stale at the present time. The
mooting will be nn Interesting one , however ,
o the membership , on account of the re-
'orts ' of the officers. Since the last meet-
ug two years ago the order has made great
trlde ? In the state. It has gained over
,000 membtrs and Its financial condition has
logresscd at a rate.
The meeting will last only through Hie
lay , adjournment being taken In the aftsr-
loon. Tomorrow nlghl such delegates ag
vlll bo In Grand Island will bo entertained
jy the local lodge. Its team will put on the
work for their observance. The team of
Omaha lodge , No. 120 , was Invited to do
his , because the grand officers considered It
ho best drilled body In the state , but the
'orosters were unable to go as a body. The
nvltatlon vra > thtrcforo declined.
Each of the four lodges In this city will
end a delegate. They are as follows : J. W.
lender of Beech camp , Fred Elsasser of
Omaha camp , James' Mesltlmen of Maple
: amp and Schaeffer of Magnolia camp. John
! . King of Beech camp Is a member of a
lommlttce and will al o attend. This party
rill leave for Grand Island tomorrow morn-
ng.On last Wednesday evening Omaha camp
Mo. 120 gave an elocutionary recital and
intcrtalnmcnt In Its hall lhat was highly
iiicccEsful. P. A. Saxman was the master
if ceremonies and the committee on arrange
ments was composed of H. C. Martens , Al
Dukes , H. A. Day , W. T. Haynes and Charles
Morlnnd. The program was given by tin
'ollowlug pupils of Miss Zulcma Fuller :
.Inbel Wiley , Frances Huston , Frances
Jould. Mattlo Rector , Julia Nagle , Rogeno
Dellecker , Vivian Rector , Florence Hlllcr ,
Vcrglnla Slerges , Esther Martin , Bertha Sax
man , Edna Jensen , Marie Clctnment , Lillian
luston , Miss Rubeiibteln , Grace Conklln ,
Alice Hclnrlck , June Bennett. The others
on the progiam were Messrs. T. Broadhursl ,
( Vugust Miller and Taggart.
The camp at Olsen , S. D. , Is preparing to
build a large hall for Its exclusive use.
The newly Installed officers of the Albion
lodge are : F. M. Silk , V. C. ; E. J. Klng-
liam , C. ; S. B. Morchead , W. A. ; D. J ,
Poynter , B. ; A , J. Clark , P. ; II. Heed , E. ;
H. Gooch , W. ; F. Mansfield , S. ; B. B. Me-
Gill. L. ; II. P. Bull , M. ; W. Farrow , C. J
The officers of the'Schuyler lodge , recently
Installed , are : P. N. Nichols , V. C. ; C.jE
Beaty. W. A. ; L. V. Graves , B. ; W. G. Markham -
ham , d. ; T. P. Asplnwall. C. ; W. H. Blattner
C , P.TJ. ; C. McKlnlo'y. P. ; P.'J. Slnllfi' , 1
Blaltnef , M. ; J. C. Warble , W. ; Will Me-
CurdyL S. . -
The' lodge at Hartington has Installed a :
follows : John Schwabland , .V. C , ; S. C
LyndeV. . A. ; p. L. Dart , B. ; F. 0 , Robin
? on , C. ; H. C. Bruns , El ; Ole Salvorson , W.
Fred Roth , S. ; Frank Hall , M. !
A lodge was recently organized at Ong
Its officers are : J. 0. Walker , V. C. ; H. S
Shefler , W , A. ; O. "W. Rousli , C. ; Mans Nel
son , B. ; F. H. Brew , E. ; W. II. Morgan
1. W. ; A. M. Devltt , S.
It Is expected thai 500 delegates will b
In attendance at the biennial session of th
Nebraska state head camp of the Moder :
Woodmen of America , which meets at Gran
Island by special dispensation granted b
the head consul. All railroads 'In the stat
have granted a rate of one' ' and ai third far
upon lhe > certificate plan , which will In.iur
a largo attendance. At this meeting dele
gates are elected to the national head canu
which meets In June at Dubuque , la. Al
state camps meet on the earns day , Fcbruar
2 , and an exchange of greeting Is freely in
dulged in by the various state camps to cac
AVooilincn of tinWorld. .
The local members of the order will lee
with Interest for news from Lincoln on Tuet
day , because on thai dale the eonventlo
head camp , composed of representatives froi
this state , Kansas , Indian Territory and 01 <
lahoma will bo In session In the capltol cltj
Hero In some measure will be Bellied th
difficulties which are agitating the Woodme
In this cily.
The convention head camp , which will hoi
Its first session on next Tuesday , Is compose
of representatives from all the camps In th
district containing the four states .and tci
rltorlos mentioned. This district contains a
present 5,300 members , who are enrolled I
Eome 175 camps. It Is presumed thai thcr
will bo between 1GO and 200 delegates pref
cnt. Of Ihls number Nebraska will have
mujorlly , because within the borders of till
state over 100 of the camps are located an
they have a total membership of 3,801.
A special railroad rate of one and one
third faro has been obtained for the del (
gates , The special rate la obtained by th
certificate plan. II Is desired that the deU
gates be certain to obtain certificates froi
the ticket agents , because only upon preser
tatiou of Ihcso can the return one-third fat
bo obtained , Sovereign Secretary Yates wl
bo In Lincoln to sign the certificates.
A big entertainment will be given I
honor of the representatives by Forest cam
No. ( i In Its lodge hall tomorrow night. A
excellent program will be rendered and n
freshmenls will be served. The convcnllo
head caraji will convene In session on tli
following afternoon at Z o'clock In the lode
room of Forest camp.
The fighl will bo over the question of
scparato Jurisdiction , which has been adv <
cated by the members of Alpha camp of th
city. As a compromise the sovereign oil
con offer the department plan , The merli
of the respective plans have been fully di
tailed In the IIUWA columns of The Bee , whe
accounts of the differences were publlshci
The head camp has no legislative power
and therefore the only thing It can do Is I
offer recommendations regarding the matt !
to the sovereign camp , which convenes In S
Louis In March , These rccommenditlor
will bo In the nature of Instructions to 11
four delegates the convention head camp wl
send to this sovereign camp mooting.
Convention herd camps will meet also c
Tuesday In * 1) tl.o districts which are ou
lined by tjio. 'constitution. Tha places of a
these meetings were published in this coluin
lasl Sunday , To all of Ihcso a reporl c
the condition of the order will be presentt
by Sovereign Clerk Yates of this city. Th
report Is not compulsory , but It was give
out for the Information of the members.
Is practically a synopsis of the report mac
by Frank H. Wilson of the Nebraska Stai
Insurance department to Eugene Moore , c :
auditor ot public accounts , which was late !
given out.
Tl-o examiner's report covers the last ye :
ending December 31 , 1896. It U entirely I
commendation of the system under which tl
order Is operating and speaks highly of tl
work of too supreme officers. . The cxauilni
advices against the plan of separate Jurlsdl
tlons and recommends that a reserve fui
bo established.
Camp Loyal No. 114 Intends to give I
first entertainment on the njght of Februai
18. The uftalr will be literary and soclsl I
character. A committee consisting of I ) , l
llocr , Charles I'eunoyer and John Flyi
was appointed to looWr jitter the arrange
ments. At Its last ratttlng the camp Initia
ted thirty-tight new member * .
The camp has also npp lnlc < l the following
committee to take sups for the celebration
of Memorial day , June. 6W , N. Dorward ,
J. G , Kuhn and Thomas. W. Hurchmore. Like
the affair of two years ago , It U proposed
that all the camps In.the . stale shall take
pirt In the cclebrattom It Is probable that
the celebration will ticcur In some city other
than Oniaha.
On February 11 tho/Alpha camp band will
Rive an cnlertalnmcnt and dance In the Con
tinental block.
Queen Esther grovp , No. 2 , Woodmen
circle , will meet on and after February I on
every Thursday evening at 7:30 : o'clock. The
grove gave a pleasant social on Sunday ,
January 17 , nr.d will follow It with another
on Sunday. February Jl. These socials wll
b6 a monthly feature of the grove. All
Woodnlen and their friends are Invited to
Valley camp , No. 100 , of Norfolk Installed
thn following officers recently : George M. P.
Walker. C. C. ; M , W. Crablree , A. L. ; H.
P. Freeland , II. ; George Correvon , C. ; H. C.
Morey , E. ; George A. Staplehurft. W. ; J.
Klrby , P. ; John W Fetter , George A. Me-
Arthur , D. V. Metcalf , M. ; M. W. Crabtrce ,
delegate to the convention of the head camp.
The ? amp will give Its first annual entertain
mcnt on February .
On lasl Monday the camp nt Superior In
stalled the following officers : B. C. Ward ,
0. C. ; C. Schaer. A. L. : H. P. Taylor , C. ;
W. P. Long. 1) . ; George Curry , E. . J. David-
ton , W. ; William Collins. S. ; J. II. Hanna ,
M. The camp will send H. C. Ward to Lin
coln. February 2 , to represent U In Ihe con
vcnllon head camp.
Union Pacific council No. 1,009 , Royal Ar
canum , gave a high five party at Its rooms
In The Bee building on last Thursday evenIng -
Ing and although the night was qulto cold
and other counter atlracllons kepi many
of Ihe membeis away , Ihero were enough
patent lo'flll twenty-three tables. After
two hours ot spirited playing refreshments
were served. The women's flrst prize , a
bcaullful hand-palnlcd car box , was won by
Mrs. J. B. Itnhm , and the cocond prize , a
silver-mounted comb , was taken by Mrs. C ,
B. Gcdney of Minneapolis. R. C. Hayes wet
first honors among the gentlemen , a handsome
someslher pockctknlfe , and A. P. Brink
took cccond prize , a silver stamp box.
The following were present : Messrs and
Mesdames A. P. Brink , E. H. Perfccl , J. B ,
Sheldon , C. L Gyger , Alfred Connor , I. O ,
Rhoades , E. E. Brando , J. B. Ralim , C. W ,
Cnnflcld , C. A. Grlmmol , H. S. Cochrane , R
E. Welch. E. A. Benson. W. L. Selby , F. L ,
Weaver , Byron Smith , \V. F. Mllroy , F. L.
Templeton , R. W. Bailey , A. II. Carpcnler ,
E. B. Treat. C. L. Pond , C. L. Smith , II. II ,
Salisbury , W. F. Thomas , I. F. Baxter , C
1C. Blake. C. E. Bedwell , E. W. Arthur , G
W. ShlelJsr G. II. Grlswold. II. C. Hayes , J
W. Robb , U , Bltlenger , J. II. Gayhart , G. L ,
Cobb , W. A. King , D. G. Wallace , R. A ,
McLaughlln ; Mcsdames C. B. Gedney , G. P ,
Cronk , Catherine Dyball , and Mlfscs Camp
bell , Becknian , Doollng , Dyball , and Messis ,
F. L. Gregory , A. E. Hutchlnson , H. H
Finn. P. F. F-enzer. C. E. Williamson , Stockton -
ton Heth , George B. and Charles Q. Dyball
The local members of Ihe order are hard at
work In Ihelr efforl 10 secure a state grand
council. In order to get thU body then
rausl be 1,000 members In the state. Further ,
more , In. order to get tae ] body this year , 1 _
Is necessary that this number of members
should be obtained before the meeting of
supreme council next IJay.
A supreme officer hqs been In the city
nnd stale during Iho .past few weeks In
the Intercsls of the ordor. During a part of
the time he has been * In * the country engaged
In building up the Iodge3 now In existence.
Ho has spent the remainder In Omaha , where
he Is preparing to organjze two new councils ,
ono In the northern iand the other In the cen
tral port-iocs of Ihe cily. A charter list o
twenty-five has been obtained for each , am
It Is probable that the institution will occa :
in the near future. It is proposed also ti
put a council In South Omaha.
SOIIH of A'ctcriniM.
The-committee which has the "matter In
charge has , practically completed the outline -
line of thei pyogram-for the three.days during
whlcij the stale encampment of the Ne
braska division will beIn session In this
, clly..The dales are February 1617 nnd |
IS. The meellng ivlll , bring to the 'city be-
Uveen 250 and 300 delegates.
The sessions will be held In Ihe parlors
of Ihe Commercial club and the headquarters -
ters of Iho delegates will bo the Dellone
hotel. The meetings will occupy the entire
three days. Tlio entertainment will bo of
fered In the evenings. It Is proposed to gjvo
a theater party on the first evening , a ball
In Grand Army hall on the second evening
and a banquet In the Dellone hotel on the
last evening.
The principal thing ot local Interest that
will bo transacted will bo In connection with
the movement to bring the national en
campment to this city In 1S9S. The delegates
lo Ihls body will be Instructed to do all In
their power lo caplure the prize. Senator
John M. Thurston will In all probability bo
one of the delegates.
On the same days on which the encamp
ment will bo held Ihe Daughters of Vete
rans will also have their annual meeting.
George Crook post will celebrate union
defenders' day , which Is the anniversary
of Lincoln's birthday and which falls on
February 12 , on the night before , February
11. The celebration will bo of a memorial
character. The following commitlee has Iho
arrangemenls In charge : J. G. Kuhn , uII. .
RowMzer and William Mulcahy. Frank E.
Moorcs camp No. 21 has been Invlled lo join
In celebrallng Iho day.
The camp has Installed the following of
ficers : John L. Gideon , C. ; W. H. Mulcahy ,
F. L. ; E. E. Cole , S. L. ; W. K. Jacobs , F. S. ;
C. M. Howitzer , Q. S.
KnlrlitH of Hie Mi
Supreme Dcpuly Commander W. W. Hub-
bard , who has been assigned to this state
to look after the welfare of the order , has
succeeded In awakening n largo number of
knights to the fact thai activity Is necessary
In order to keep up with the times.
Gate City tent , No. CO , elected and In
stalled the following officers for the en
suing term : H. L. Tostevln , P. C. ; James
W. Dodd. C. ; Robert A. Hayes , L. C. ; T.
W. Spaford , R. K. and F. K.J W. H. Smith ,
C. ; T. L. Combs , S. ; George H. Parsell , H.
S. Anglln. P. ; J. W. Rogers , M. A. ; Noyes
B. Spaford , F , M. G. ; M. M. Armstrong , S.
M. O. ; George W. Stover , S. ; George R.
Wcrt , P. A now team has been selected
and Initiations are being made every Thurs
day evening at Labor temple , Seventeenth
and Douglas streets.
11 The teni at Stromsburg has Installed the
11n following officers : M. A. Makeover , C. ; G.
n A. Peterson , L. C. ; O , W. Barnes , R. and
F. K. ; John Flllman.nC. ; A. G. Carlson , S. ;
C. Gilbert , M. G..Joln ; | Matin , S. M. G. ;
B. G. Peters , S. ; OlUUso Larson , P.
Iiiilepi'ui'i'HtUlnlni' of I''orcHtrrM.
The state high standing committee ) held
Its flrst meeting last ) week for the purpose
of laying plans for active work In Ne
braska. Nothing nf a definite clmractei
was decided upon , because the meeting wai
the first the commUtuo nan held. However
U is certain that a bjtUpmatlc canvass ot the
city and state will lf > made In the neai
future , T. W. WIlllUios , a new organizer
Is expected during tht coming week.
Court Omaha , wllliliold Its monthly "open
court" next Tuesday-evening. On occasions
like these the inembiTH ( nvlte outside friend *
to view the doings of Fprcstere at licane. Ar
entertaining programs has been arranged
The major part of the evening will be
spent with music mid : cards.
Omaha court U arranging to give a con
cert some time during the coming month.
Order of Keoltlxh Clium.
The cntcrtalnmenl thai was given by Clar
Gordon In" Washington hall lasl Monday
nlghl In celebration of the 138th anniver
sary of the birth of the Scottish bard , Roberi
Burns , was one of the most enjoyable af
fairs of the character that has been held U
the city during the season. Every numbei
on the program was of merit , and the entire -
tire program reflected great credit on tut
committee which had ai ranged it. Desplti
the fact that Iho weather on Monday evenIng
Ing was very cold the audience was a largi
one , and It fully appreciated the entertain
ment. It Is not necesfary for The Bee tc
make further mention of the affair In tlili
column , as It "wag fully noticed In the ncwi
columns , on the day after It occurred.
llrollifrlioiul of niKtt.
During the latter part of the. week George
Cronk , who Is one of the grand trustee !
of the order of Elks , left for Minneapolis
nbero a meeting ot the trustees was heu
yesterday. The object of the gathering ws
to make preparations for the grand lodge
meeting , which occurs In Minneapolis this
The social which Omaha lodge was to have
given last week was postponed on account
of the death ot Olln N , Davenport , who was a
member of the loJge.
Orilrr nf ( he World.
Tomorrow evening a minstrel entertain
ment , to be followed by a dance , will be
given by the members of Myrtle lodge , No.
399 , In Myrtle hall , Continental block.
Much Interest ls being manifested In the
new degree staff now being formed In Myrtle
lodge. i
The members of Rlvcrvlcw lodge , No.
421 , bcllcvo In enjoying themselves during
the cold weather. An orchestra has been
engaged for every Tuesday evening during
the winter months , and after the business
ot the evening has been disposed of , two
hours or more are given over to pleasure.
A degree staff Is being formed to perform the
ritualistic work ot the order.
MllHOIlIC lllllllCH.
Hev. A. G. I'lnkhnni , grand patron of the j
Order of the Eastern Star of Nebraska , or- j
ganlzed a chapter al Atnsworlh recently with
seventeen charter members , and with Mrs.
Ruth E. Burlclgh as worthy matron and H.
S. Rising worthy patron. A banquet was
given which was a grand success In every
Lodge Marvin , No. 127 of the Colored Ma
sons of Hastings , gives a ball tomorrow
night. A choice program has been arranged
for the evening and a supper will also be
Si-c-rct Soi-li'ly Notm.
A special meeting of the Protective league
of Douglas county will bo held In Odd. Fel
lows' temple on next Thursday evening.
Some bills bearing on secret soclcly Interests ,
which have lately been Introduced In the
legislature , will come up for consideration ,
and discussion.
The membsrs of Golden circle will give
a masked ball at Pallcrson hall , Scvcrttuonlh
and Douglas streets , on next Wednesday
The people of McCook are striving to have
the headquarters of n. now order located
In their town. It was born there. The new
association U a fraternal body bearing the
name of His. Order of the Star of Jupiter.
Oak Spring , circle , No. 21 , Ladles of the
Grand Army ot the Republic , of Mason O.ty
Installed recently as follows : Mrs. Mlnnlo
Miller. P. ; Mrs. M. J. Faster , S. P. ; Mrs. L.
J. Wood , J. V. P. ; Mrs. Rebecca Allen , T. ;
Mrs. Jcnnlo Allen , C. ; Mrs. M. J. Castollaw ,
C. ; Mrs. Mary A. ColeG. . ; Mrs. M. E. Fos-
ler , S. ; Mrs. M. E. Fosler and Mrs. Rebecca
Allen , D. %
If the hair has been made to grow a nat
ural color on bald heads In thousands of
cases , by using Hall's Hair Rcnewer , why
will U not In your case ?
Quick !
Leaves Omaha 5:05 : p. in. EXACTLY.
Arrives Chicago 8:20 : a. in. NO LATER.
Swift , safe , luxurious.
Tickets at 1502 Faruam street. ' '
Hot water fronts & backs for all cooks &
ranges. 1207 Douglas.Om. Stove & Rep Writs.
Finest hearses In the city , ? 3.00. Car
riages , ? 2.25. Jim Stephenson , 10th & Harney.
'The NortlnvcHtcrii I.I no. "
1401 Farnam etreel.
The "Overland Limited" leaves at 4:45 : p. m.
The "Omaha-Chicago Special" leaves :
Fifteen hours to Chicago.
Rates low , Standard of equipment high.
HOSTO.V STOlli ; llll VIS llllimi.- .
, of Itllitioiin Kvcr
Tti < > UriuiilCNt I nt
SliiMMi llnimlit from S lie riff.
This U the entire stock of an Immense
ribbon factory bought by Boston store. The
manufacturer failed , the stock was sold to
us by the sheriff.
They are all strictly all silk , high grade
goods. Thousands of yards of these rib *
bens have not yet been wound on bolts , but
there Is full ten yards In each piece. In
all widths , from narrow baby ribbon to the
widest sash ribbons , and all colors ,
U Is the finest lot of high grade ribbons
ever brought to Omnha , and al the price at
which wo bought them , It will make the
grandest sale ever In Iho west.
Sale will begin next Tucsdiy morning.
Watch Monday's papers for particulars.
ICth and Douglas. : .
California i\oiirNlonn.
Cheap ; quick ; comfortable.
Leave Omaha 4:35 : p. m. every Thursday
In clean , modern , NOT CROWDED tourist
sleepers. Through to San Francisco and
Los Angeles without change.
Scenic roulc through Denver and Salt
Lake City. Uniformed porter wlth each"
car. Excursion manager with each party ,
Second class tickets honored. Besl of cbro
taken of ladles unaccompanied.
For tickets , berths and folder giving full
Information , call nt ticket office , 1502 Far
nam street , or wrlto lo J. Francis , cGn-
cral Passenger Agent , Omaha , Neb.
To accomodatc the strong demand for gal
lery tickets to the Nordlca concert , they
will be placed on sale al Iho box otfico ot
the Crclghlon on Monday morning , -February
13 , at 9 o'clock. Price of tickets , Jl.OO.
Slx-Tlilrty 1 . M. Train.
ot the
Best service ,
Dining car.
City office : 1504 Farnara.
Klorliln ami < lu > Soutli.
Low rate tourist tlckels over the Pennsyl
vania Short Line from Chicago Insure en
joyable trips. This la the shortest route
thiough Louisville and Cincinnati. Tht >
Parlor Car and Coach Train leaving Chicago
Union Station at 10 a. m. end the Sleeping
Car and Coach Train departing at 9 p. m.
connect at both gateways with through
trains for principal points. Particulars of
Traveling Passenger Agent ,
W. W. RICHARDSON , Oniaha , Neb.
Or II. R. DERING , A. G. P. Agt. , 248 South.
Clark St. , Chicago '
Sam'l Burns announces his annual In
ventory sale , commencing Monday. 10 per
cent off everything In store. ? 10,000 to gofer
for $9,000. _
iiAC.r.nn TOP
rrlcH Dally. "
Now gold fields. Now towns spring up In
Ihe Black HIllH mining dlslrlcls. The
Northwestern line Is the best , and the
pioneer road to the hills.
General Passenger gent. Omaha. Neb.
iH South A In the
On Tuesday , February 2 and 16 , the
Wcibash will sell tickets to all points ( south
at half fare , with $2 added. For tickets and
further Information call at Wabash office ,
1415 Farnara streat ( Paxton Hotel block ) , or
wrilo G. N. CLAYTON , Agent.
Here are a Few of the Many
Bargains in our . . .
niuck Feather Boas , 1 yards , flint were ? :5.25 : , now ? 1.S7. Boas , IVi
yards IOIIK for 7. > c. Uoas \ ' > yard long , 50c.
White Feather lions , 1V4 yards long , Sic.
Ladles' Spun Silk Mittens , wool lined , -JSc.
Tlio finest thread silk , wool lined Mittens , former price ? 1.25 , now Toe.
Children's Wool Lined Mittens , all sizes , 15c. , 1
Lnce Fnco Veils , le each.
Soiled Linen Collars , lc each. j I
Fine quality of Toilet Soap , two calces for "c.
Hoys' Flannel Bhlrc Waists , duo quality , box pleated , regular price
? l.fiO , now fiOc.
' 83e , now 25c. t
Children's Illuck Wool Yosts , w ere
Ladles' Hlack Wool Tights , size a , best quality made , worth S'-MX ) ,
now 05c.
Phyllis Union Suits , sleeveless , quality made , never
sold for loss than Jfl.'jri , now $1.87.
Ladies' Hlack Silk Tights , we ) o ? 2.7. , now $1.25.
Opera. Length Hose , lisle or cotton , were 83e , now BSc ,
Ladles' Wool Seamless llo'-o , merino heel and toe , lli'/Gc.
Ladles' rink or llhio Silk Hose , We. )
Children's heavy cotton Seamless Hose , lOc.
Lace Bolero "Jackets , Infants' Wear , Plaid , Kmbroid-
ciles , Mus In I'nderwear , etc. , etc.
O-O-OOO-OO-O-OO-O-O- > < KK > < > O-O-O-O'6
Factory Cost of Pianos
Is not what makes them so expensive , It In the expense Inoiirrri
Helling them. Wo hnvo reduced our cost of HelllnK to n. mini
mum , and our patrons receive the benefit. Ueforo buyliiK ex-
ninliui our Inrtfii Block of IVIJI18 & POND , VO8I5 & SONS um !
loguo und terms.
OM3 UYDKIl IMAM ) , OMY . . . Ijt'ft.OO
Other llarnuliiH oil Kuny 1'ayiiiunlM.
W. Ccr , 15lh and Dodge Streets.
A. C. MUELLER Piano Tuner , Telephone 1G25.
The Low Prices.
ioo different Rockers at
CO Combination Hook Cases at thecu law
special prices , price * : 110 , f2 , { 14 , { 1C , $18 , ? 20 , $20 , ? W ,
12th nnd Douglas.
12 oiii-Mntiw , Kcli. S ,
To points south and west half rates , plua
12.Cull at ticket office , 1R02 Farnnm street.
J. II , UEYNOLUS , City Passenger Accnt.
Merchants' lunch dally , 10 to 2 and'after
heater. Crclghton Thcalcr Cafe. Walter
"The O-icrluml Mntllril , "
To Utah In 29U hours. California In
ours via the UNION PAC1KIC. This In
he fastest and finest train In the west.
Tick-Ms can be obtained at city ticket oDlce.
" 302 Farnam street.
Tor your furnace use ; $4 per
on ; for gale only by IX T. Mount , 209 S. ICth.
Hamilton Watrcn , M. D , , eclectic and mag.
ftlc physician ; special attention to dlncasra
f women an children and all otacuro and
our-standing diseases. 119 N , ICth St. , K , 3 ,
January Prescriptions.
During thin month our prescription
an to Incrcnred If tlic 1'cts nnd
could noc the number \\o Imxc filled I hey \\oukl
come lo the conclusion Hint tlirlr Infnmoiiii nt-
tnchs ucrc doing us Rood IriMend of harm.
The ) iulillc liuu got tlrcil at l my I UK nn nut >
nKcoun inlcc lo thopo 2x4 Pott In order Hint
hey mny pay a tig pcrcentngc to the UOCB ta
Plug for them.
Ono dozen 2-Rrnln Quinine Cnr-sulei Co.
One dozen 3-Kruln ( Julnlnc CupsiiloB. . . . . . . . . . To
One dozen C-crnln Quinine Cnnule | . . . . JCo
' 'nlne'n Celery Compound K > o
Ionil's Rnrrnimrllln > C4o
iVIlllams' 1'lnk I'llln Ko
tnliliR HpnrnRUU Kidney 1MII ? . . . . , Ka
llrney'it Cnlnrrn Cure 30o
Aycr'R Iliilr Vigor foa
Kcott'n Kmulelon GTo
lerce'g Pmorllo Prescription G2a
lutTy'K MnltVhlrkey , KOo
Vine Kolnfrn . .i > " " 'Q
No-To-IInc r.o
Mollcr'fl Cod ll\cr Oil CCa
ximbert's I.tstorlne T5a
: ? niitorln i ! 2o
ond's Kxtrnct 33o
Cur. Kith ami ChlciiKO Si.
nnd Jewelry
llejicnlrlng lo
2 Rings f
For tlic price of ono.
Lots of watches at
half price.
25 per cent dis
count on all cut
All prices cut at
IStli and Douglas.
Buys any Ladles' Shoo In our
housetomorrow. .
The regular prlco of many of
thcso Shoes Is ? 3.CO , $1.00 and
$5.00. Ladles who desire a ulco
Shoo cannot afford lo miss Ihls sale.
They come In lace or button
turns and welts any style toe.
107 S. 16th St , < 5 >
McKlnloy wants n ciiblnot ,
Thcro uru hundreds in the race ,
KriiR could furnish n cabinet ,
But decs it by tlio caso.
Brag's Telephone , 420 ,
Now It's an established fact
la the moat popular fuel in
Omaha toduy , and JiiHtly po :
will do the work of nurd coal
nt half the coat If you trout It
the same. Try It ; you tnUo no
chances ; wo uuranteo tmtlufuc-
tlon , absolutely no H trim ; a.
Tol. 127. 1005 Fornami
Your mouth opens you show
people the condltrn of your
teeth. Lot thorn see that you are
particular about , .your tooth.
But Teeth. $5 00
Jlest Teetli , $7.50 ,
Gold Crown , 22lc , $5.00 y
BAILEYr Dentist
I.ud/utteii . 3.1 llnor , Vaxu hllc