THE OMAHA DAILY ttEE : HtTXIAY , JANUAIIY ! 31 , 1897 , CONDITION OF OMAHA'S ' TRADE General Trade Conditions Not Essentially Changed. WEATHER TOO COLD FOR RETAIL TRADE plnnufncttirer * Adopt New Medioilr tor Introduction of XelirnnUn-Mntle tloutln InJercHtltiK PnriuciIn Subject i > t Ilniuc Uoforc the advent of the prcsont severe cold flimp every ono was plnliif for roltl pventlicr some wmitcd It to i/inkc Ice , oth ers to harden up the corn which wns spoil- Inir In the country , and still olhors wnntcd It to ulmrpcn the demand for wlr.vcr mcr- clmndlso. The cold wcnthvr canto , but II would look us It those who hnd been i'my- Ing for It overdid the matter a little , n. they got moro they wnr.U'd. It inndc Ice imd stopped the corn from spoiling , but irndo did not receive the Impetus exp ctu'.l , for the very simple reason that the iwtathei wns so exceedingly cold tliiit buyer * ' were kept nt homo to the detriment of the retail business. The retail Irndo In the city on the very cold days was almost without exception dull , and the snmo WHS true of thu country trade , n.t farmni'H are not likely to drive nny distance to buy gooils when the tern- pcnUuro Is many degrees below zero. Un der such condition. ! ! It Is not surprlnlnu that the month of January linn not been entirely satisfactory to the retail trade , and thut Iho proapccts , which wove so promising durlriu- the flrHt halt of the month , wcro not entirely realized. \Vhllo the retail trade as a whole has not been all that could be desired certain lines liavo done very well , and the Mime If true of thrt Jobbing trade. The co'.d weather stimulated Iho demand for warm food ? , BUdi ns overshoes , wlileh ivere rapid Rollers , nnd for ninny other lines as well. There IB also a better feeling Jimons the trade , nnd n.H Htodts in the country nrp light gooJs nio going out ti little more freely. The IncrenHO In the bunk clearings over n year ago Is n very encouraging fenturo of the local hUHlncsp slUmtlon. NKUIIASKA MANUFACTUnKHS ACTIVE. Kvcr since the manufacturers of Nebraska formed an association for the purpose of Increasing the demand for home mnda icoodtt the great qticHtlon calllns for n Bolu- tlon has been how best to get their goods before the people.of the state. It wna Ul- \vays an easy matter to Induce a citizen to iidmlt thut he ought to patronize Ms homo manufacturers , but the trouble was to Im press upon his mind the kind ot goods made In the state. The residents of the different cities of the r.tato have been made familiar with No- bruMka made goods by moans of the various impositions that hilvo been held Hlnce the Jiomo Industry movement was inaugurated , lint the farmer * have been neglected for the rcnnon that there did not appear to bo any practical way of reaching them. It is now proposed , however , to po after the farmers , and a novel plan has been adopted. A scries of farmers Institutes nro being held In different localities under the auspices of the agricultural societies of the Btate , and as the meetings are well attended It is proposed to have a full line of Ne braska made goods on exhibition where the farmers can see nnd learn for themselves as to the finality and kind of goods madu In \Vltli tills object in view , O. C. Holmes , secretary of the Manufacturers' associa tion , attended thu Institute on Monday and Tuesday at Tccumsch am" , In addition to making a display of Nebraska manufac tured goods , addressed the. meeting , calling attention to the various products ot the state and showing liow all Interests would bo benefited by an incrojue In the manu facturing Industries , which might be ef fected very easily if all ci--.zens would give the preference to home products. DISPLAY OF NEHUASlCA PRODUCTS. The Tecumseh Chieftain , commenting on the subject , says : "The most attractive feature of the farm ers' Institute , held In Toeuniseh this week , was the very elaborate display made by the Nebraska Manufac-turi'rs' and Con sumers' association , and . - nhldias In charge of the society's spfre- tary , O. C. Holmes of Omah.x. This association la founded on the corner stone of patriotism. By that w r mean that Its object Is to Impress upon the minds of the people of Nebraska the advantages accru- Inf. from the purchase of the oroducts of home factories , as contrasted with the continued buying of goods made outside the state. One great Incubus which this wstcrn country has to contend with Is the continual drain of Its money toward the east. The railroads , the life and lire In- Buranco companies , the sugar and oil trusts , the lumber and Iron Interests , the great periodicals , the boards of . the various churches , the great majority of the fac tories , all belong to the rast nnd all arc constantly drawing on the finances of the west. The consequence is that this section of the country Is being continually de pleted of Its money and receives but very little back through corresponding channels. Now , If the money could be kept within the state that Is annually spent for articles manufactured In the cast It is very evident that the present monetary drain would be stopped to a very considerable extent. The financial condition of the state would stead ily Improve from year to year and the re sulting benefits would extend to every cit izen man , woman and child. The Ne braska Manufacturers' and Consumers' as- Hoelatlon has for Its great object the pro motion of this idea and hence we. say it Is founded on the corner stone of patriotism ; for patriotism Is the love of country. "Nebraska , though a comparatively young state , haw a great many factories within her borders and these factories produce a largo proportion of the necessi ties of life In food , clothing and machinery. -Tho display made by the association through Its secretary , Mr. Holmes , was for the purpose of affording visible proof of the output of Nebraska factories. Inviting scrutiny and Inspection of the goods , to the end that their consumption may be come more general among the people. "Wo were very much Interested In the exhibit , as wcro all who saw It. " From Tecumseh the exhibit was taken to Johnson , where an Inmltiito was held during the balance of the week , the nttend- nneo of farmers being very large , fivirry- ono seemed to take the greatest interest In the subject of borne patronage nnd the opinion Is expressed that the results of the efforts bolng put fortli by the manufactur ers will bo to largely Increase the demand In the country for Nebraska products. RASTHUX MBS IOOIC WISSTWAIUJ. ( h < - Solvency of Ionil ( 'omM'fiiN I'ri-Iliiiliinry to LIIIIIIN. Mr , Wi II. nobcrson , manager of the mer- tantllo agency of n. Q. Dim & Co. , speak ing of trade matters fop the week , says : "An eastern financier , representing ono of the largest financial conccins In Amer ica , spout most of the past week In Omaha. Ho eainn not to loan money , but to' look up the llnanclal standing of a dozen prob- nblo borrowers uhlelly engaged in the wholesale trade. It gave mo much Balls- faction to liavo him express his entire conlldcnco In the solvency of the Institu tions Investigated. This Is the Ilrst go nil - I no show I have neon slnco election foru- Hlmdowlng a movement of eastern capital to the transmlsslsslppl region , "Huslness people are watching the legis lature ) very elosely and somewhat anx iously , There Is n very general wish cx- lircfisi'il that the lawmaklng body shall hasten action upon the exposition bill. So ninny other legislatures are In session , \\hlt-li nro waiting to BCO what Nebraska will do for thu great occasion , that really the enterprise must halt until Nebraska nets. If our own state shall not I HI liberal - oral and Juat , other states rannot bo ox- Jieeted to bo generous. The legislature xhould avoid delay In this matter , whatever ulso It may do , A number of radical changrs aru proposed In the laws respectIng - Ing replevin , attachment , garnishment and exemptions , and all wholesale men will ngri'o that there Is grcut room for Improve. Jnont In thu statutes governing the pro cesses whereby men seek to recover what other men ewe them , "Wo do not fully appreciate South Omaha nor apprehend the enormous In dustries centered then ? . Ono packing house nt that point made sales aggregating J19- 000.000 last ycur and Its pay roll exceeded 11,380,000. One other honso puts up over 200,000 tons of Ice during the season , chlt'lly for Its own consumption , though It markets II part of thu product. Institutions like these dffervo well of the people of the stati ; and should not bo crippled or crumped by hasty and lll-advlseil legisla tion. "Kver since my arrival In Omaha I liavo heard a great deal of talk about u union iKissfiiKt-r depot , but the- enter prise iiuvt-r got beyond talk. I um happy to announce now , however , with sumo du- Krcu of confidence , that n now passenger depot , ca-jmto and spacious , will grace Tenth and Mason elrtu'ts , and that work will begin with the opening of spring. Tha contracts huvo been signed and sealed , which make It certain unit throe lines will use the new II. & M , depot , und pos sibly four will land their passengers there. In my opinion thu construction of this BtaJlon will shortly bo followed by ncttv- Ity in Ibfsnmc direction In the norther part of th/ > city , Hoptris for the year 1SW ! continue t reach agency headquarters and I wish were ( undent for one to publish name and figures. Many of our depressed nn discouraged fellow citizens would tak heart again , for nearly every wholcsal house In the city makes a gratifying ex Mbit for 18 % as compared with 1 . On of the leading IIOIIPOH made more mone during' the last year than in any otha twelve months of n history extending bac n. quarter of a century. " OMAII.V < ; IMH.M , MAHICKT. Condition nf Trinto nnd ( Itintntlnnn 01 Staple mill I'HIICJProduce. . EOOS-Freoh gathered , JEOlCc. IJtlTTEn Common to fair , tSSo ; choice to fancy roll , 13Hc ! fcparator creamery , ZOoj gath ered creamery , ISSlGc. QAMK Illue winged leal clucks , Il.TS ; gtcei wins , Jl.M ; redheads nnd mallards , 13.75 ; emal robblts , 40JCOc ; Jacks , Jl.00f1.23 ; squirrels , Mil 70o ! Canada B * e , larec , JC.OOa7.00 ; email , 4.00 fi.OO. fi.OO.CHKESK Domestic tricks , 10'je ; Kdnm. per doz. , f9 ; club house , Mb. Jars , per doi. , M.1S Llmbergcr , fancy , per Ib. , 9',4e ; Itoquefort , H-lb. Jars , per doz. , J3.CO ; Young Americas , 10&c twins , fancy , lO'.ic. VHAL Choice fat , fO to 120 Ibs. , nre quoted til 7ff7He ! larsc anil coarse , < B3c. DIlKKSni ) I'Ot'I.TIlV ' Chickens , Efl5V4c ; tur keys , lOCMIc : Reese , 7tiSci ducks , Sc. 1,1 VK roiHTHY Not wanted. 1'lClRONS-l.lve , 7J8MC ; denJ pigeons , not wanted. HAY Upland , fl.BO ; midland , J : lowlanfl , J,1.COj ij-o straw , J3.SO ; color makes the price on bay ; light bales tell the bittt ; only top grades brine top prices. imOOM COIlK-Kxtremely slow sale ; new crop , delivered on track In cnuntiy ; choice Rfcen fcelf.worklnu carpet , per Ib. , 2TiUc ; choice green , running to hurl , 2J2'te ; common , l',4c. VIIOKTAIILKS. SWEET POTATOEH-On orders , per bbl , , J2.00. ONIONS Oooa stock , per bil. , S5c 1.00. LIMA HEANS-1'er Hi. , 4c. I1KANS Hand picked navy , per liu. . ll.r3Bl.3S. CAIinAQK-aood Block , per 100 , 11.2301.50 ; Cnl- Ifornln , tl.73. OniiilY-Per : doz. , 25c ; fancy , large. c. I'OTATOIJS-Oood native Block , per bu. , 59 30c. FIIUITS. MALAGA anAPES-l'cr kee , > 7- CUANllKnUICS-Cape Coil , per bbl. , JC.OOJf 6.SO. AI'M.rS-OooklnB , per bl > I. . ll.KOl.TB : fancy Now York , J1.COW1.65 ; exlra fancy. JI.75. CAMFOIINIA PHAIlS-Per box , J2.00B2.23. rnoi'icAL , ruuiTS. OUANUES Mexican , J2.7G : California navels , ISOa lo SOOfl , iJ.7l ; large sizes , S3.CO : eceJllnes , 2.7C 3.-0. ( t.K.MONS Jlcstlnan. 3.COft350 ; choice Califor nia , J2.75 ; fancy , J2.75 < ? 3.itO. 1IANANAS Choice , large stock , per bunch , S2.COp2.r.5 ; mcdlum-slxeil btinclic ! ) , Jl. 5032.00. HONEY Cnoice.lSCHc. CIDUU-Clarinc.1 Juice , per half bbl. , J2.BO ; per blil. , W.0004.-5. MAl'I.i : SYHOr Klve sal. cans , each , J2.50SI 2.75 ; cal. cans , per doz. , JI2 ; ImK-xal. cans , iC.25 qiiait cnnn , J3.W. NtTTS Almomls , California , per Ib. , large size , 13c ; Uruzllp , per Ib. , IDc ; Kngllsb wnl- nuts , per Hi. , nncy , soft shell , 12j125c ! ; stand- nnlt' . llfflHic ; Illbcrts , per Hi. , lOc ; pecans , pol ished , large. 9ftOo ; Junibo , Iliffl2c ; large hick ory nuts , S1.23 per bu. ; small , J1.50 ; coconnuts , Go each. P1QS5 Imported fancy , C crown , 50-lb. boxes , 15c ; choice , 10-lb. boxes , 3 crown , lie. . HIDES , TALI.OW. ETC. HIDES No. 1 green lilacs , 5Kc ; No. 2 green hides. 4Vjc ; No. 1 green salted hides , 7c ; No. 2 crccn salted hides , Cc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , Vc ; No. Z vial culf. s tl 15 Ibs. . 4c ; No. 1 dry Hint bides. 9IOc : No. 2. dry Hint hides , 8f9 < - ; No. 1 dry nulled hides , BfJ'Jcj part curci ; hides , I4o per Ib. less than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS-Oreen failed , each. 2SfTCO < " green railed , eliearlrgs ( sliorl w > o"ej early tk ns ) , cacli , lie ; ury shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , EC , Ury Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska bulclier wool pelts , per Ib. , actual welglit. 45c : dry Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska Murrain wool pi-lls , per Ib. , actual weight , 3T4c ; dry Mint Coloindo butcher wool pells , per Ib. , actual welshl. W3c ; dry Hint Colorado Murrain wool pells , per Ib. acluni weight , 3Jc ; feet cut off , ns It Is useless tu pay freight on them. TALLOW AND GIIEASE Tallow , No. 1 , Sc ; tallow , No. 2 , 2\jo \ ; grease , white A. 3c ; grease , white II , Sc ; RrcaEe. yellow , 2c ; grease , ilnrk , Iftc ; old butter. 25J2'/c : beeswax , prime , 15SJ22c ; rougli tallow , lu. x WOOI * Unwashed , fine licixvy. CC7c ; nne light , Dc ; tjuarterblood , 10ffI2c ; seedy , burry nnd clmffy , SiiOc ; celled nnd broken , coarse , 7f9c ; cotted and broken , flue , utjSe. Fleece washed Medium , ISiilSc ; line. HjJlCo ; tub washed , ICfilSo black. So ; bucks , Cc ; tnij leeks , 23c ; dead pulled , SiTfc. nONES In car lots , weighed nnd delivered In Chicago : Dry buffalo , per Ion. 12.OOiJK.00 ; dry country , blenched , per ton , J10.00JI12.00 : dry coun try , damp nnd meaty , per ton , JG.OOQ8.00. FRESH MEATS. BEEF Good native steers , 400 to COO Ibs. , CO 7c ; weslcrn steers , CV6 TGc ; good cows nnd heif ers , OHOCc : medium cows nnd heifers , CVic ; good forequu Tiers cows and heifers 4y.c ; good fore- quarlcrs steers , EC : good hindquarters cows and heifers , 7' c : good hindquarters native slccrs , B',4c : tenderloins , 20c ; boneless strips , 9c ; strip loins , 7c ; . rolls , 8'/4c ; sirloin butts , y.c ; shoulder clods , CV4c ; rump butts , EC ; steer chucks , 4 > , ic ; cow chucks , 3',4c ; boneless chucks. 4c ; plates , SVJc ; flank steak. Co ; loins , No. 1 , 12i4c ; loins , No 2 , 10',5c : loins , No. 3 , 8Vtc : ribs , No. 1 , lO'Ac ' ; ribs No. 2 , S'Jc ; ribs. No. 3 , C&c ; steer rounds , C"4c ; cow rounds. Ec ; rounds , shank or rump oft , C'/4c ; rounds , shank nnd rump off , 7c ; trimmings , 4c ; brains , per doz. , 35c ; swectbreails , per Ib. , 30o ; kidneys , each EC ; ox lalls , each , 3e ; livers , per Hi. , 3c ; hearts , 2c , tongues , per Ib. , 12c. I'OUK-Dressed IIOKS. 4Jic ; tenderloins. 13c ; loins. Cc ; spare ribs. 4c ; ham sausage' butts , EC ; shoulders , rougli , 4Vic ; shoulders , eklnned , Be ; trimmings , EC ; leaf lard , not rendered , EVtc ; licndu , cleaned , 3Hc ; snouts nnd cars , 314c ; back bones , 2Vic ; ncckbones , 2',4c ; pigs' tails , 3c ; lilucks , each , EC ; chllterllnBS , Go ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per doz. , 25c ; stomachs , each , 3c ; longucs , each , Sc ; kidneys , per doz. , lOo ; brains , pur doz. , 15c. 15c.MUTTON MUTTON Dressed lambs , 7c ; drested sheep , Cc ; racks , E14c ; legs nnd saddles , 7V4c ; brcasls nnd stews , 2',4c ; tongues , each , EC ; plucks , each , 3c. NKAV YOKIC GI3M8UAI * 3IAHICKT , QuoinloiiN ( of tin ; Day oil Gciicrnl NEW YOHIC , Jan. 30. PLOUIl Receipts , 14.- 35 bbls.j exports , 6,630 bbls. ; steadier , wllh spring patents moro active and winter patents quiet ; Mlnncsoln palenls , J4.40fll.DO ; winter ex- trau , J3.3SG3.C ! > ; Mlnnesoln bakers , JS.GOffS.W ; winter low Grades , J2.COf3.X ( ) . Ilye Hour , steady ; superfine , J2.60@2.75. Iluckwhent flour , quiet ; ilUCICVVIIEAT-Qulet nL 343Sc. COUN MEAL Dull ; yellow weslern , 5Se. IlYK Qulel : No. 2 weslcrn , 38V4C33C. I1AHL1-JY Qulel al SS'.JGZS c ; mailing , 3804Cc. 11AHLKY MALT Dull ; weslern , GOfiWic. WHKAT Exports. 53,501 tu. Spot firmer ; No. 1 hard , 92Jc. Options opened strong- and higher on bullish cables and n little foreign buying , sold off sharply under realizing , but fully recov ered on icports of renewed'export demand and closed I'.MHHc ' higher ; February cloned at I4c ; May. SUifii > 2Mc , cklied at S2ic. ( COUN llecelpts. 20,475 bu.j exports , 43,317 bu. Bpot dull ; No. 2 , 29'Jc. Options opened firm , with wheat , but cased off u Illlle and closed un changed ; February closed at 29'lc ; May , SOJIO 30-Xc. closed at 30 > ic , OATS llecclpts , 27,600 bu. ; exports , 30,401 bu. Spot dull ; No. 2 , 21 , c. Opllons dull nnd cnsler , owing lo local pressure ; cloBlnR partially \la \ lower : February cloicd ot 21',4c : May. 221ic , closed at 22lic. rjIAY Quiet ; shippingE2QS5c ; good to choice , ilOP.SSteady ; UOi crop , 307V4c ; 18 % crop , 90 13V4c ; 1'aclllo coasl , 18I5 ! crop , 3 > , iG7tic ; ISiifl crop HIDES Quiet ; Onlvcston , 12O13o : Hucnos Aytes , steady nnd nominal ; California. M'o. LI-JATIII-JIt Klrm ; heavy welghls , IBVifi'SulSc. PKOVI8IONS- , qulclj family , J8.KW10.nOj exlrn mees. J7.60 ; beef hams , firm at $18.50 ; packet , J8.uOfi9.50. Cut meats. llrm ; pickled clly , 3c ; counlry , 3ic. ! IIUTTiU-Rccclil | , 3.3CI pkgs. ; eleady ; west ern creamery. 12fi20o ; Elglns , 2Uo ; faclory. lOOllc. ( MIEEHE llecvlpls , V72 pkgs. : < ] ulel ; flulc , large , S'.SrlH4o ' ; small. 6'i12cj ' part eklniK , W 9' ' c ; full Kklms , 3 3Vic , KanH-llecelpti , 3,100 pkgs. ; steady ; slate nnd r nnsylvanlu , ISc ; wenlern , UOlSc. OILS Petroleum , quiet ; United closed at (5c ; Pennsylvania crude , steady ; February , S3o bid ; rales , none , Rosin , quiet ; strained , common tu good , Jl.70. Turpentine , quid ; 27\jC2Sc. Cotton. seed , nbout steady ; prlma crude , 20u ; prlnui sum mer yellow. 23c tmked ; buller Brndes , 27W27KOJ irlme white , 2Ci ff27o. RIOE-Bteady ; 4ieC'lc ; Japan. 4U 4ic. MOLAPSES Quiet ; New Orleans. 22 30c. MirPALK I'lg Iron , weak ; southern. J11.CO0 2.00 : northern , Jll.domi.Ci ) . Copper , linn ; brok. T , J12. Lead , stronu ; brokers , t2.CO , Tin plates , lulct , LO'IDON , Jau 30.-SUOAR-Cane , dull nnd nactlve ; centrifugal , Java , llu ; Muncovado , atrone ; 8 9.1. Heel , weak , with business ut lower prlcei ; January. 9s ; February , 9s. NEW ORLEANS , Jan , SO. SUQAR-Qulet ; open kettle , 2fr3c ; centrifugal , granulated , 3Ko ; vlilldi , 3 03 .c ; yellows , 3 MCfjIVic ; vecnndu , ' , Hi23-16c. Mcilaffe * . open kettle , tleudy ; cvn. rlfUKul , flrm ut taiOc. Syrup , teudy ut ICc ; tithiTH uncharged. NEW YOIIK Jan. . ( , SO.-BlTlAR-Dull ; 2J 3 13-lCc ; ci'iitrlfugal , 90 test , 3'.i < (3 3-lCc : r flned , julel ; mould "A , " 4V4o ; ulumlard "A , " 4i4c ; confectioners' "A. " 4 , c ; cut loaf. 44c ; crushed , iTtc ; powdered , 4V4ci granulated , 4Uc ; cubes , XtMV Vorli IniporlH uud KvportH. NEW YOKIC , Jan. SO. The Imports of dry good * and general merchandise ut Hits port this week werp valued at S.liSSM9. The ImportM of rpcclo thin \ rek weie 1101,433 , of which K9.C20 were t > old , The exports of specie from UiU port for Ihe wf < 'k ending today aggregate I902.EU , of which JT1.810 were gold , MINNBAI-OLIS. J n. tO.-WHEAT-January chucd at "Sc ; May , 73c ; July , 74c. On track ; 'o. 1 Imrd , 7 < Uc ; No. 1 northern , 72Kc ; receipt * . C7 can. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wlicat Jumps Up nnd Down nnd Closes n Big Traction Higher. FOREIGN PURCHASES A BULL FACTOR Corn nnil Onl * Stnrt Out SlroriR , 1ml \\Hlt llvnvy llniiiincrliiHr llrcoinc Dull iitKl tinI'Mnnl 1'rlci'M Arc CHICAGO , Jnn. 30.-ConslderliiR the fnct tltnt It wns Snturdny , nnd therefore n short session , wheat hail n rcmarknble number ot ups nnd downs , but finally closed on the upgrnde with nn ndvnncc of 940Tic. Good export engagements were n potent factor In the advance. The other markets wore dull nn Inclined to weakness , corn declining about ! 6c , onts about ' 40 nnd prr.UHk.nn nbout 2140 , Inwheat n decided fcoliri < r that the liqui dation of long wheat hnd run Its coifrso for the present was nt the bottom rf the advance which marked he opening. Tiere : wcro < ilso other features which Influenced the ndvnncc , Liverpool closed at an ad vance. for the day of from Hid per inTitnl for January to l' d up for the Liter deliver- lea , with spot wheat uneh.iiiii d. N > iw York reported very general acceptances by the continent nnd United Kingdom of offers ca bled last night nnd early In the session ad vised the working of llftccn boatloads for export. Tlio Chicago receipts were 41 car loads compared with S2 n year ago. Minne apolis nnd Uuluth received 1S cars against 10 a week ago nnd 4SO the corresponding day of the ycnr before. Argentine Phlpped 40,000 bu. this week , against 2GSOuo bu. the similar week last year. Thu most of the Items enumerated were on hand before the openingnnd their joint effect wns that May wheat started with a jump of from Uo to % c per bu. at from 75vi to 7 ' ,4c. This ad vance wns satisfactory to the more timid speculators and their realizing brought nbont n reaction to 75c , which wns quickly followed by an advance to 754c. This , ns In the case of the opening strength , was brought nbout by news of a character too bullish to bo overlooked. New York re ported the sale of fifteen boatloads of wheat for export nnd sales of Hour In the northwest yesterday were said to have been the largest In two weeks. Some of the leading commission hou.ics also hnd large foreign buying- orders for future. " . Here ncnln shorts got In their work , heloed by a big Incrcnso In the Liverpool stocks nnd pounded down the price to 7-rac , the lowest point of the day. It soon picked up again and touched 76e on the next upturn , getting down once more to 745T7. > c about hnlf an hour from the close , liuycrs on every soft spot were plentiful and the price soon re covered to from 75c to "uftcwith 7GVfcc the trading price nt the close. Corn wns llrm nt the stnrt , and It looked decidedly strong- for n time. Tlio offerings from receivers agnlnst purchases In the country wcro too heavy for the buying or ders In the market and shorts , who had good prollts In sight on ncoount of yester day's ndvnncc , unloaded. The larpe esti mated receipts for Monday also tended to weaken the market ana prices gradually declined. May opened Ho higher at 21'ic , sold at 2I c , then declined to 21c , closing at from 24V&C to 2l'/ic. Oats showed good buyingnt the start , but the shorts , like thosa in corn , were a thing of the -inst and the market showed some weakness , gradually declining under the hammering It received. May -opened He higher at 18c. It fell oft to K e nnd recovered to from 17c to ISc , under somu laic covering , where It closed. Provisions were dull nnd almost feature less. Opening- prices were n shnde higher on light receipts. Packers sold moderately , causing , a slight down turn. Prices fluctu ated within a narrow rahse throughout the s ession. At the close May pork was 2'/.c lower ut $7.82' , $ , May lard a shade lower at J.t.n7'X > ' ! Tl , and May ribs a shade lower at Estimated receipts Saturday : Wheat , 45 cars ; corn. 520 cars ; oats , 2CO cars ; hogs , 40,000 head. The lending futures ranged as follows : Articles. Open. [ High. | Low. ' ! Cloao. | Yeat'y. Wheat- Jan , . . , 7354 73K 7SM 73 May. . . 7BJK4W 70 74 J < 76 'n' ' July. . . 72M 71M 71H ! 'n'U Corn- Jan. . . . % ? 22S * 22H May. . . . 24V 24V * H4' ' July. . . . 155 ! Sept. . . StfJ 2UMOH 'Oats- Jan . . . . 10C 10 TOM May. . . . < C 17M-18 July. . . . 10 18M 10 Pork- Jan. . . . 7 77K 7 77 7 72W 7 72 7C May. . . . 7 00 7 00 782M BO Lard- Jan. , . . 3 00 3 00 q Q l 3 87 87H May , . . . 4 02M 402 4 00 4 00 00 Sli't Hlbs Jan. . . . 1 00 4 00 3 07 3 07H 07' ' . May. . . 4 05 4 05 4 02Vi 4 02 > < 02.S , No. Z. Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUIl Dull ; winter patents. J4.50S4.60 ; spring specials. J4.60 ; spring slralghts , J3.40U3.70 : winter stralghtH. J4.1004.50 ; sprlnu patents , J4.03 01.30 ; bakers. J3.0003.40. WHEAT No. 2 spring , 73-iffi74c ! ; No. 3 spring- , 71C'73'ic ; No. 2 red , 84 > JiifW.c. COUN No. 2. 22'ic ; No. 2 yellow. 22V4c. OATS No. 2 , ICiJc ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 19'/-i20c ; No. 3 white , f. o. b. , lG'.j.fl > 19',4c. UYE No. 2 , 3iy4ia35c. HAULEY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 25 35c ; No. 4 , f. o. b. . 2lr2Gc. FLAXSKED No. 1 , 74V40'C4c. ! TIMOTHY SEKO-Prlme , J2.73. PUOVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , J7.77'/j ! 7.S2',5. I ird , per 100 Ibs. , J3.63fi3.87l4. Short ribs sides ( loose ) , } S.87UR4.12 < , i. Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , J4.2ijM.50. Short clear sides ( boxed ) , Jl.12140-4.25. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. , SUGAKS Cut loaf , J5.14 ; granulated. J4.C1. The following were the receipts and shipments today : Market Il | ilnyM ( irnili-r StrciiKth mill Ilft'Oiut'H Knlrly Iliioyiinl. NEW YORK , Jan. 30. The slock market ills- ilayed exceptional etrcngth and activity , gauged by Iho recent average dally aggn ifntc , nnd to- vanl the close became fairly buoyant. The more Important contrlbulory factors were the evidence of growing ( merest In our emirlllus n Euroiw and the aggressive strength and dl'i- rlhmlon of biislnees In railway bonds. The Miggesllons of un linpendlnir friendly arrange- nei.t between Iho Northern Paclflu nnd Oreat Northern companies previously rufenvd to In hcse Oltpalches authcrlzcd decided Improvement n thu stuck' ' ) nnd lioiuls of the first menllont. il iroperly. common nilvanccd 1 % per cent ; irelerred 1J4 per cent and general 4 per cent bonds 1 per cent. Mosl of Iho olher railway hares were favorably affecled In sympathy , Tlio movement In the Industrials waa less ex- nfhf. Long Island rose 3 % per cent to 52 , on ho verification of favorable reports regard- ii the condition nnd prospect ! ) of the company , I'lio market doted at the best figures of the day , showing general net gains of 1 and 2 per enl. enl.Tho The markel of the week was characterized by extreme irro-KUlr.ilty and the dealings were only moderate In aggregate. In many Imliinccs vide lluctuallons occurred- particularly In tlio ppclaltles. The news bearing upon prices won nricd and Interesting- , but locally profeBBlonnls vere In control of Ihe niarUel , The coal ( diares vcre adversely affected by the demorallzallon n Ihe blluniinous Induslry and Ihe anthracite iropertles buffered from bear allacks. buietl upon Ihe unfuvoruble condition uf trade and orecasls of Iho yearly report * of the Delaware & Hudson anil Lackawanna companies , both of vlilch were given eut. At the low points 'cf- ' ectlve support was given , and some subslan- lal ralllen were made , partly nn covering , Toe i-no-al market work d In irmpathy with the coal , m. but mom of the railway Blunts moved vllhln a very narrow range. The lluctuallons n the Industrials were not particularly note- voilhy , aside from Tobacco , which sagged dead ly on tlio decision of the court that the otllclals f the company , who had been Indicted for conspiracy In maintaining a trunt , must stand rial. An exception In the group was General Ilectrle. which responded readily to purchases , llmululed by the reported favorable outlook for nrrenretl business to the company fiom Ihe iropoirej equipment of various turfuce lines , xindon and Ihe continent were conspicuous fuc- era In dflt-rnilnlnf the course of many rtuckii vllh favorable sympalhetlc eff ct on Hie general Ut , The foreigners cihlblled tlecldetl Intrrrnt n our pecurltlcs , iiartlt-ulurly Hie Alc.ilsons nnd ew Northern 1'nclllCH , ami bousht heavily our iond . Including- only the Kilt-edged railways. ) Ut aliio Uauiii of Ihe second grade. The Arbl- rage houce executed extc-nilvo orders for bolh iccnunlt , tHklng nl > o tit. Paul and Ixmlsvllle & .BBhvllle. u well as u iprlnkllni ; of lower- rlcea thart-u. This favorable wntlment on the iart uf Europe wan Influenced by rusler money dilutions , a more cheerful political outlook , nil In Ihe cam of Ihe Northern Paclllc expecta- lonn of nn entente with 11 Orcnt Northern und hf piMpfct of Impi ivments In car. Ings , l rgo nvvitineiit Uuylnir wa a ft-aturu for both local ml rcreltm account and the ilUlrlliutlon of tha ransactloiiB WBH very wide. Including also fovernment bontli. Ttic KfiKral market w.n telpeit by a declining tendency In exclmn ; , * ) utt'H. due to ratter money abraud and the Iliiiil- at Ion of loans In exchange , talcs to mtllit , nd the con tant accumulation or credits abroad on ni-tutint of heavy cxpi r "f b. < < vi1 tuff nntl msnufm lurrd nrtU-lir lkkliiKnluy stock * nnd bonila reflected j.iri , u phatcit o ( negotia tions for ft tcltUmrnt of the toft conl wni nnl rumors nffectlric-tfiiKflr.nnclnl crrdlt cf the company , and i > oMidy of a default tin the In- terent ilue I-'ebrunrylJl iTne wcnkncts of the tecnrltltn wns nirgravnlnl by throwing out of lonnu In which thw , hiyl nsurcd n collnternl. The common broke JV4.pfr cent lo 7 ; general tnortcnge t , 1 per cent to CS , and the fs. 8S ! tier cent to 63. The announcement that nn agreement , operative Jor. : one yenr , had been reached by the Ohlmlhllumlnoiiit coil , carriers , nnd the news thnt llto mjmpnny , had fecuiel n six months' lonn , throby nvcrtlng the nppre- hendnl dcfnullf , completed the good results. The railway Clocks gr.ntmly ! niulntntned n Him tone o.i rxptctntlon -lilcrrnsltiR cnrntnK , but Rurllnfiton wtit rnldQriVnt Interval ! ! on nn nl * lescd poor forthcomlnr tjtntement for Ihe past six months of not' rbrnltiRs. Oilier con. rl'lorallons ' oi > eralli ; J ' 'In favor of the bulls Included tile ' ° Improved prospccta of the pasrage of Itilernntlonnl nrbltrallon treaty , the decided Incrrafc In bank clearings nnd evidences of ImprwvcincnU In the mercantile situation. The large n'cru'mulallons of money at tills center anil limited Inquiry on time nnd call , is well ns the rcntly absorption of the limited offerings of cormncrclnl paper force * the employ ment of the surplus funds In piirclmccfl of gilt * edged pecurlltrs , nml lmnk , InFiirnnce companies nntl other largo lenders of money nre conspicu ous In the various hcKOtlntlon * In pasfinge for nnnncliiR cltlen nnd munlclpnlltlrs. I'or the icn- dons advanced , Ihe lending of certain I < tuc9 ot bonds of prominent lines nppionchlng tnnturlly , nnct the Impending payments by the Union Pn clflc syndicate on nccount * if the agreement for Eetllcment of the government lien on the prop erly nre not expected to cniife n ripple In Ihe money market. Rnllw-ny vtnlcmcnla for the thin v.-cck In Jnnunry were mnlnly fnvornblc. Hcal- Itigs In KUnrnnlrcd riockR were In slightly In creased volume at material advances over prc- cedhiR pnlc.a. A brlfk Inquiry wns noted for Ihe various Issues of government bends , with the new coupon 4s nt ) orlilng HIP bulk ot Ihe denlliiKs. The ISMIC ndvnnccd to 1H , or practically the highest figure yet reached , Long Inland fluclunKM widely , but toward the clcfe nttvnnccd 8 per cent from the lowest on the olllclal flalement thnt the cxperl reports regarding the physical nnd financial con- dlllon of thp properly mibmlllcd to the tyndlcnlc confirmed Ihe synopsis previously furnished by President llnldwln. The syndlcnte nt once closet the deal , and will'proceed to further develop tin property. The formal declaration of nn Inltln' ' dividend on Ihe Omaha common slock of ! per cent proved to liavo been fully discounted. The week closed with n buoyant market nt net gains of from 1 lo 2 per ccnl. The nggrCBalc sales were C2S.4I1 shares. The bond market during the week dlfplaycil decided strength throughout on purchases for In vestment account , which Included mnny of the usually Inactive bonds. The ngcrcgnte snip * were Jii.tifiO.OOO. The more Importnnl ndvnnccs Included Ulnh Southern Kenrrnl Bs , Inist receipts , 9'/ : lltnh Southern extension fis , trim rocclnts , 8 ; Oregon Short Line consol ns , tmsl rerelpls , 4V4l Atchlson ndjiislment 4s , 3 % , nnd Northern Pn- cldc consol tin , trust receipts , 3K > The govern- nif-nt bond market was active nnd buoynnt , Ihe banks nnd Irust companies llKurlng Inrgcly ns buyers. The new 4 , rrclslered , pained 1H. new 4s coupon I'.S nhd olher Issues ndvnnepd sharp fractions. The pales were 1723.000. Silver certifi cates wer < > dull , but fairly steady on the Irans- nrllons of 8.000. The Evenlnc's Tendon llnnnclnl cable- gmm pays : "Chamberlain's Piccch | demoralized the stock market today , but the clo = c was above the lowest. Americans were good. There nre signs here of New York slerllnK bllYi beln < r converted Into onsli bv menns of cable Irnnsfers lo pay for wool , elc. " The followhiB were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York exchange today : Total sales of stocks today , 11GG77 shares , In cluding the following : Chicago , Ilurllnpton & Qulncy , C,400j Chicago Gas , 3,000 ; General Elec tric , 6,100 : Louisville & Nashville. 3.7CO , North- em Paclllc , 8COO : Northern Paclllc preferred , 23,400 ; Hock Iilnnd. 3,200 ; St. Paul , 8,800. X iv York Money MnrUct. NEW YOHK , Jan. 30. MONEY ON CALL Market easy at lHQHi per cent ; prime mercan tile paper , 3 4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Market heavy , with nctiml business In bankers' hills nt J.SC ! , fl 4.8CH for demand , anil fl.ft'/tfU'Si'.i , for sixty clays ; posted rates , $4.K > fgi4.UU , and 4.S7'.6 ; commercial l.llls. J4.4T4.EE'.4. HONDS Stfte ) bonds , dull : railroad bonds , stronB : government bonds , stronu ; new 4s , reR. , 123 ; coupon , 123ft ; Cs , rcg. , 11354 : Cs , coupon , 114Ji ; 4s , rfB. . I12T5 : 4s. coupon , 112'.t ; 2s , res. , 90 ; Pncllio Ca of 'PS , KU'X. . SILVER CERTIFICATES C4c. MEXICAN DOLLAHS-50c. Closlns quotations on bonds follows : AMKHICAN UAaLKS-Quoted lit 76s 7id. . IIAH SlLVI'il-K : ll-16d per oz. MONEY lOlU pt-r cent. The rale of illncount In the open market for ihc/rt bills and thr e montha b1IU , Sit ] > r cent. \IMV York .Mlnlnur < liiotntloiiH. KEW YOKIC , Jnn , 30. The followlni nrj thj tulwar. . , , . . . - . : f > 0 Ontario , . UOO 'hollar. . . . . . . . . , ! . . 0V ! inlilr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 ) rowu Point : ) : ! Plyinoiitl , ' 'i > tin.Cal. A Va. . , , , 205 Qu'c-kbllvor 103 > > adwoud Kill Qnlcksllvt-r pfd.,10UI > ijuld ACurry.1H Slt-rra Nevada. . , . , J.I lain A NorcroBH. , 115 SlniidarJ IDS loinoktaku. . . , . . .29011 Union Con , , 40 run Silver. , . , , . . , ' 32 Yellow Jacket SO I ex lean 43 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKE1 Saturday's ' Onstomary Light Rim if Lighter Even Than Usual , STILL NO NOTABLE CIJANGE IN BUSINESS \ < it RnnitRli Cnttlo of Any Sort t Trot tinTrn < trttoKM Unlit n I.ltUc I'lrnuT Tliini m Krliltty , SOUTH OMAHA , Jnn. JO.-nooclpls foi the days Indicated were : Cattle. I Toe * , Sheep. Hor.ics. January 30 7 T 5ocfi U13 January 29 1,050 4,201 2JU ! . . . . January 28 l.wi o.crj 2.M . . . . January 27 2.0S3 6.S11 2.0J.9 JnmTnry 2C. 2,023 3,1.11 1,413 January 23 47S 1,930 i.iuy . . . . January 23 1.U4I f,9JJ 4,078 . . . . January . . 2.7SI C.I3'J131S January 21 2r.2l 8,479 Jnnunry 20 2.C03 6,191 1,039 2 ; January 19 3,315 4,643 2,4'ja The olllclal number of rnrs of 8toc ! < brought In today by cnch road wns : Cattle. Hogn. Sheep , C. , M. & St. 1 > . ny 2 O. & St. L. Hy. . . . 3 Missouri I'nclllc Hy . . Union Pnoliic system - 3 C. & N. W. Hy .1 F. , K. , t M. V. K. K C 17 3 S. C. & V. lly . . C. , St. P. , M. & O. lly 0 S H. & M. II. 11. U. . . . . . S 17 O. , H. & Q. Uy C K. C. & St. J 1 C. , n. I. & 1' . Hy. , east 8 C. , H. I. & P. Hy. , west. . . 1 Total receipts 31 77 C The disposition of the day's receipts was ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of hcnd Indicated : Huyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omnhn PackingCo 223 . . . . O. II. Hammond Co 152 l.CSO . . . . Swift nd Company ui l.oos Cudahy PackingCo 20i ! J.7S1 01 J. L , Carey a ) . . . . . . . Huston & Co 14 Chicago P. & P. Co. , N. C 24G Other buyers 253 Left over CO ' . . . Total S44 5,103 013 CATTLB-"The usual ligtit run nnd .In different market of n Saturday" really covers the whole situation ns regaids the day's trading- cattle. Thcro were very few cattle hero , nnd hardly enough of any ono kind to mnko much of a teal of the market. The few beef steers on sale brought about ycstor- dny s prices , one load being good enough to bring $1.35 , Cows and heifers were In good demand nnd sold freely at fully sto.uiy prices. There was not much doing in fecdcis owingto the fact that It was the last of the week nnd that only few were on sale. Values did any material change , lleprcsentatlve sales : NATIVES. DEEP STKKIIS. HOGS The week doted with a good , liberal run of hogs and wllh Ihe market In very eatls- faclory condition. The demand , was of liberal proportions and Ihe market opened nellvo and a shade slrongcr on heavy. It held that way until the cloec , everything being sold and weighed up early. Heavy hogs averaging 300 pounds and over cold at J3.2003.27VS. but mostly at J3.25 , while over half of the sales of the same weights yes terday were under J3.25. The light and medium weight loads eold nt J3.30T3.42'i. Hogs cold n little better the past week , making It the high week of the month. The week opened with an advance of GgflOc , nnd on Tuesday the market was still slronger. On thut day the average price paid for hogs reached J3.35 , which was the highest point touched plnce the last of November. -Wednesday the mar ket dropped back about 5c , nnil It was a shade lower on Thurtdny , while on Friday there was no material change. At the clore of week the market wns a shade lower than at the open Inc. , Tnc demand was good nil Ihe week nnd Ihe market active. FO that all arrivals met wllh ready sale. Representative sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Rh. Pr. 44 . 405 . . . J3 20 K3 . 33D 80 J3 274 ! J . SS8 EO 3 20 75. . . . . . . .231 ICO 3 30 56 . 335 0 320 77 . 236 40 330 8 . 390 fO 320 K8 . 272 . . . 330 9 . 413 40 320 S8 . 170 SO 330 32 . 310 40 3 20 i CS . 223 40 3 30 21 . 134 . . . 320 39 . 224 . . . 330 f,4 . 337 . . . 32214 C7 . 277 . . . 3 SO 19 . 330 240 32216 71 . 272 ICO 320 13 . 2S9 80 3 25 G4. . . . . . . ,282 . . . 3 SO ,8 . 202 . . . 325 40 . 234 . . . 330 50 . 358 , , . 325 Cl . 284 . . . 330 0 , . 280 SO 3 25 04 . 250 . . . 330 0 . 319 . . . 325 20 . 2D8 . . . 3 DO 16 . 312 0 323 13 . 301 . . . 330 8 . 311 . . . 325 77 . 2G5 . . . 330 1 . 299 80 3 2T. C3 . 258 EO 330 0 . 215 . . . 325 C8 . 252 120 3 32 ' 4 0 . 290 ICO 325 74 . 217 . . . 333 2J . 322 . . . 325 ' C9 . 231 120 333 iC , , , . , , . . 317 100 325 C2 . 284 . . . 333 ,3 , . 2SO . . . 325 G5 . 238 . . . 333 4 , . 332 . . . 325 73 . 224 40 333 1 . 2SC SO 325 02 . 214 40 3 33 1 , . 310 . . . 323 69 . 210 . . . 335 . , . . . , 331 . . . 325 74 . 240 40 3 35 4 . 2D4 60 325 71. . . . . . . .213 . . . 3 S3 W ) . . , , , . . . . 325 C4 . 2..9 10 335 M , . . ! S7 . . . 325 72 . 228 . . . 3 M . , , , . . , . , . . 325 fi3 ; . 238 40 333 C2 . 319 . . . 325 CC . 2SO . . . 335 61 . 2 ! 1 80 3 23 . 78 . 153 . . . 340 64 , . , , .2S8 . . . 325 i 2S . 200 . . . 340 69 ! .337 . . . 323 ' 72 . 222 . . . 340 US . 313 40 325 93 . 208 . . . 340 13 . . .SOfi . . . 325 S4 . 217 FO 340 12 ! .359 . . . 325 66 . 230 fO 340 C4 . . . . . . . .308 40 3 23 C7 . 223 40 3 40 54 344 . . . 3 25 79 . 203 . . . 3 40 H ! ! . . .303 . . . 325 95 . 221 , , . 340 00 . 306 . . . 325 28 . 170 . . . 340 30 . ! , , , .2M 120 3 27Vi 87 . IS3 40 3 42'J C5 . 278 KO 3 2714 P1Q8-ODDS AND ENDS. 2 . . .330 . . . 250 5 . 378 . . . 320 0 . . . . . . . 78 . . . 275 1 . 230 . . . 323 j , . . 3SO . . . 3 CO 1 . 180 . . . 3 SO SHEEP Thcro wcro only three lonilii of thecp In the yards , and they sold al feleady prices. Representative sales : No. Av. Pr. S23 western wethers . , . , , , , . .131 (3 35 287 Mexican lalilba. . . , , . . , . . , . . . , , . . , . . 68 4 10 Stuck In Record of rerelptii of live Mock nt the four principal markets for January 30 , 1SS7 : Cattle. Hogs , Sheep. Dmaha . , . . 7C5 5.WC Cl3 Chicago . SOO l.GOO 2.000 ICanhUH City . 600 4.6W 600 31. Jxmls . . . . . . . . . 600 2. 500 CM _ Tolala . , . . SiC5 ( 13.CC6 J.C13 KIIIIHIIN ( Mix l.lvt * Stuck. KAN8AB PITY , Jan. 30. CATTLE-Recelplg , WO head ; vhlpmc-nts. 6,700 lu-ail : market un- jhanged irom ycsltnlay ; enly ritall ira 'e , HOaS Receipts , 4.600 head ; shipments , 1.200 heu'li market slroni. , 60 higher ) bulk of ( aim. I3.3CO3.40 ; heavlra. J3.25 3.40 : t.uckt-m. J3.2093.Ui rnlxfd. J3.23 3.45 ! l-s | | | , J3.2CCJ. ! yorker * . 13.53 B3.40i pigs , J2.20W3.20. HHEKP Receipts. COO head ; thlpmentii , WO licait ; niarkel steady ; lamua , J3. 4.COj mul- ton , J.003.CO. _ HI. I.lllllH I.IVR HtOflt. BT LOU1B. Jan. SO. CATTLE Receipts , cno i cad ; market tteady ; imtUe beeves , J3.40Q4 M ; itoclu-rs and fevJcru , IZ.ZC S.SO ; light Hetrt , . JJ CO 1.15 ; Texns c.tftrt. jt.SJ04.r5s conn , J'.r. i IM , IIOSS--Ke ( lpH ! , 2.M-3 licarl ; marliel nctlvc , 3 < Mclicr. llRlit. 13.4003.10 ; mixed , JX2r.tU ; hcnvy , JJ.loa3.XJ. | I | RHEEP ltPiMlpId , MO hfn.1 ; market * > .r.idri inutlonJ , J2.UUI.Ui lntnli , f3.7.'f5.40. CHIO.VfJO MVIJ STOCK MAUKlVr Are l.ulil Alt A ron nit mill i-H Art * IiiitRi'lAnniliiitl. . . Jnn , S' . ' . Toilny's c.ltll ninrktt wnr pf tha iifiml Hatnrdny ciiaracUr. Hccelptsvtrc very Mnall nn . t-.ll iculllal from JX30 to J3 for IICIM' to cholcv ill cm. A few c.xlni gooil lcc\ts brc.uiit ; trout J3.10 to J5.M. 1'rlcto were larcfly nomliml. ' In hugs rcrclpuitit exceptionally llKlit , nml they tulil ttadlly nt nn advance of iiUiut JlrC per IW i > ound > . t-nieit raiigi-d from | 3.W lo * X55 lor common lo pihno lols , with trades liiriicly nt fiom J,1.3 ; tu f..r , . In ! . < > : > ] nlcacrv nrft'ly and Reucmlly un UiaiiKcil. t .il . iuninila il from , < i.i'5 lu I2.M tor n few Infulor ttvrkii. up lo irom SI to Jl.10 for n few pilniB 12J to ric-lh. tiuvp. llauiit fcnl.l nt from J2.M to J2.SJ nnd wtMctn icd iheep ItiMURht from > 3.M In JJ.FS ; ji-nrhncn wt-re In K-iiid di-niiind i li > iin > 3.b5 lo J4.2J , nnd lambs "t .frrm tl to J3 , a few prime lots telling ul Receipts : CatlliCM licad ; lions , l.tOO hf d. SI. Iiouln Cii'inialMiiil.rtK. . RT. LOW1M , Jan. CC'KI.'JtlP.Dull and un. chntiKvil. WHKAT V ture tponcd dull lut hlr.lier on lilRhcr cables and llnlilcr recelpls , AVhllo Ihe matkct was llrmcr llu-ro was but tittle jpccu- IMIon , Iho ti-iullnc ; ilrnpRlnif nloni : unlll the rlurc , which was ? ; OH4u above ycslintay. Hpol , Ptwiily ! No. 2 rod , cnrtt , clevatcir , f2 io bid ; Irnclr , sr.ffS c : No. 2 hard , cnrti , 74c : January. SSno : May , f2t4ys2c , ' July , 71V'o nukoil. OOKX l-'uturc-s ilutt ! batcly ntcarty ; closing tas-lrr nnd , - \ shade lower for May. , McJdy , No. ScnMi , 13 > ic ; January , ISlic : May , 21i ? 2lfcc. OATtf Dull and Rt'iuly ; No. 2 ctsli , ICUc ; May , IlVE-DuIl ; sajic track. HAHLEY Dull : choice maltlr.E , , IlllAN Quiet nnd steady ; sacked , cast trnclc , D Hotter ; 73'.4c. TIMOTHY SEED-Prlme. J2.40. HAY Quiet nnd steady ; prntrlc , timothy. J3.59O11.CO. IH'TTKR Unchanged ! creamery , 15JB2tc ! ; dairy. OSflfK ; . ECUS Lower nt 12c. WU1SICY-H.H. METALS-Lend , stronK ! } 2.S2t ! < 32.0 : ' . Sfcllcr. ilull ; J3.C5. COTTON TIES-fnchanccd. UAfiaiNO-Unchanged. rilOVIHIONR 1'ork. higher. Btnndanl nies , oblilnK. J7.COJS. 0. I.nrd , bclicr ; pilmp uteain , $3.75 ; choice. J3.S5. Uncoil ( boxed ) , shuulders , Jl.tO ; extra short clear , JI.C2 ; libs. JI.S714 ; sliorla , J5. Dry Bait ineali ( hoxuil ) , shoulilcrs , Jt.25 ; ex tra short clears. JI.25. Receipts : rioiir , 3,0(0 bhls. ; wheat , 1,000 bu. ; coin. 111,000 bu. : onls. CO.OIO 1m. Shipments : Flour. 3,000 bbls. : wherit , 50,000 bu. ; corn , 2C.COO bu. : oats , 2.0CO bu. I.lvei-niol | MiirlicfH. LIVERPOOL. Jan. CO. 1:30 : p. m. Closlns : WHUAT Spot , quiet , dull und pnor ; No. 2 rcil , tprlns , Ca Cd ; No. 1 California , (5s ( tl. Kutun-s Ilnn. with near and dh-laut positions slcady ; business heaviest on mlddlo positions ; Kehruary. Cs 6d ; March , Cs Cd ; May , Cs GUdj July , Cs Cd. COIIN Spot , vlcmly ; American mixed , new. 2.i 1M. Futures cloi-cd Fli-nily , with near nnil dis tant positions ! d higher ; business heavlt-sl on latest positions ; I'Ybnmiy , 2s 8 id ; March , 2s 9d April , 2s 8d ; May , 2s 9'id ; July , 2s KM. Kl.Ot.TH Dull ; tlemund poor ; St. Louis , fnncj winter. 9s Cd. PROVISIONS Uncoil , qulel ; demand poor Cumberland cut , 2S to SO Ibs. , 27 : fhrrt r.b. > , 2. to 21 Ib3. , 25a 9d ; loui ? clear light. 35 to 3S U > s. 2Cs ; lonff clear heavy , 40 to 43 Ibs. , 23s ; Blior clear backs , light , 18 Ibs. , 25s ; short clear mid dice , henvy. C5 lo 70 Ibs. . 23s ; clear bellies. ! to 1C Ibs. , 2Ss. Shoulders ( Eciunre ) , 12 lo IS Ibs. 2 s. Hanif , short cut. 14 to 10 Ibs. , 403 Cd. Tal low , fine North American , ISs. licet , extra India inesi , Cls 3d ; prime mess , COs. 1'ork , prime mefs , line western , 2Cs 3d ; medium western , 40s. Lard qulel ; prime western , 21s : refined. In palls , 22. . CHEESE Firm ; demand moderate : tirejl American , white and colored , September , 57s. HlTTTER-Flnc t United .States , 90s ; wood , Ma , OILS Llnrreil , ICs 3d. Petroleum , refined. CU < 1 REFRIGERATOR REEF Forcquortcrs , 4d liimlnuartcrs. Bd. HOPS At London ( Paolflc coast ) 3 13s. CoffoiMnrktMn. . NEW YOU1C. Jan. 30. COFFEE-Ontlons opened quiet , with prices unchanged to 5 points ndvnnce ; ruled gencrnlly llrm on Havre Im provement nnd smaller Urnzlllan receipts ; tpec- ulallons slack , but fellers scarce and llrm under tone apparent In view of large warehouse deliv eries In this counlry. Closed firm nt net ad vance of 5 points. Sales. 3.600 bags. Including March. J9.35 nnd liny , J9.45. Spot coffee , lllo dull ; No. 7 , invoice. J0.73 ; Jobbing , J10.25. Mild quiet ; Cordova. $13.50JT17.CO. Total warehouse tie liveries from the United States. 23,702 bags. In cluding 12.730 bags from New York. New Yorli stock today 315,736 bags ; United States stock 337,793 bags ; atloat for the United States , 305,7iO bagsT visible for the United States , 663,793 bags against 5)0,571 ) bags last year. SANTOfiv Ja/i. 30. COFKElE Steady : good average Santos. 10,700 rcls ; receipls , 10,000 bass ; slock. 65S.OOO bat it. IIAMIIUUC5. Jan. 30. CO FFHE Unchanged ; pales. 8.000 bags. HAVIIK , Jnn. 30. COFFEE Opened quiet at iJf ndvnnce ; nt 12 m. , unchanged ; at 3 p. m. quiet. Uf ndvnnce : sales , 9.COO bags. UIO. Jan. 3d. COKFEE-Stendy ; No. 7 , Ulo , J9.00W9.M ; exchange , l20-22d : receipts , . S.COO bags : cleared for the United Slalos , 10,000 bags ; for Europe , 6,000 bags ; stock. 309,000 bags. KIIIIHMH City Mnrki-tH. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 30. WHEAT Mnrkol dull ; No. 2 hard , nominally. 75SJ77'ic ; No. red , tSftOOc ; No. 2 cprlng , 7407Cc. CORN Market fairly active , higher ; No. mixed. 17'i T174c. OATS Market firm ; fair demand ; No. 2 while. 19S-21C. IIYB No. 2 , 30c. HAY Mnrket steady , unclianged : choice tlm olhy. JS005T3.SO ; choice prairie , jri.00fi5.50. IlltTTHn Market active ; creamery , 17H01 ! > c dairy , lOfliSc. IXiGS Market wenk , Vic lower , 13'ic. 1'forlu PEORIA. III. . Jan. SO.-CORN Market firm ; new No. 2 , 20c. OATS Market quiet , eary ; No. 2 , 344e. ! WHISKY Market steady ; finished goods on the basis of J1.17 for high wines. RECEIPTS Corn , 103.1SO bu. : oals , 42.150 bu. ; rye- , COO bu. ; whisky , none ; wheal , none. Ship ments : Corn. C7.9-0 Int. ; oats. 28.2T.O bu. ; rye , COO bu. ; whisky , 7CO bbls. ; wheat , COO bu. Oil MurlictH. OIL TITY. Pn. . Jan. 30. Credit balances. S5c ; certificates , offered at SCc ; shipments , C9.4CS bbln. ; runs , 91,146 bbls. ; on Fale nt E5U.C. WILMINGTON. Jnn. 30. Nothing doingon nc- count of very llglit receipts. CHARLESTON , Jan. 30. Rosin , flrm at J1.40 ® 1.75. Turpentine , firm at 2f.c. LONDON. Jan. SO. Calcutta linseed , spot , 33s lli'l ! December shipment , via Cape , 33x lltd. Pull Hirer Print CIotliM JInrIi - . FALI < RIVER , Mnss. , Jan. 30. llrokers report a disposition on the part of converters to hold off and rce what odect the proposed curtailing will liavo on tlio prlnl market. Accordingly the Bales of the week have been of pmall amount , mainly ordered Roods. The deliveries have been heavier , however , anil have prevented any material increase of the stock on hand. Market steady at 2'/4c. TnTo MnrlcrlM. TOLEDO , O. , Jnn. 30. WHEAT Higher nnd steady ; No , 2 cash , 475c ! : May , fSlic. CrtllN Active and steady ; No. 2 mixed , 22c. OATS Dull : No. 2 mixed , 17'ic. ' RYE-rHtendy ; No. 2 cash , 37c. CLOVER BEKD-Qulet ; prime , March , J3.27i. ! Sun KrniiolNcit Win-ill UmiliilloitM , RAN FRANCISCO. Jnn. 3D. WHEAT Steady ; December , Jl.22 % bid ; May. Jl.41 i per cental. _ Kliiani'liilcittH. . NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 30. Clearings , 11,329- 139. 139.I1OSTON , Jnn , SO. Clearing , JI4 , ; 3C33 ; balances - ances , J1,8OCC9. I1ALTIMORIJ , Jan , 30-Clcarlnr , J2,172,3I3 ; balances , J203,030. NEW YORK. Jan , 30.-ClearlnB9 , J88OSC,611 ; balances , J5,3I1.000 , PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 30. Clearings , 8W7- iJC ; Imlunci-H , 51,170,8)1. ) MEMPHIS. Tenn. , Jan , 30. Clearings , ji7- r,79 ; balances , ? 28,7f2 ; Now York exchange , fell. Inir nt Jl premium. HT LOUIS. Jan. 30 _ Clearings , JOM > .D32 ; bnl- nncos Jf50,4 ( > 7 , Money , 6(7 ( ( per cent : New York exchange. SSo dlccounl Mil ; COo nfked. ( IIIC'AaO. Jnn. 30. Clearings , I1ICCC,25C , Money , steady lit C4J7 per cent ; New York ex change. too illrcount ; forelBii exchnnso ; weak ; ilemund , J4.84W ; for sixty days , J4.t4'j. I-'ori-liiii I'liiiiiK'Inl. 11UIILIN , Jnn , 30. Exchange on Lond'.n , eight lays' fight , 20 maiks 40 ptx , PARIS , Jnn. SO. Three per cent rentes , 102f > ' , o for the nccount ; exchange on l > mien , 2Cf ll/o for checks. I/NDON , Jan. CO. Money , K pc-r cent. Thu rule of discount In Iho open mniket for both r.iort and three months' bills Is 2 l-lCiC'-i ' per nil. Gold Is quoted at Ilueroa Ayrt-a today at M ; LItbon , 4) ) ; Rome , 104.95. NEW YORK , Jan. 30. The weekly bank slate. in-ill shows Iho following changes ; Itcfcrve , ncrentc J2OtO,450i loans , ilecreanc 11,753000 ; pec-le. Increare JC24,600 ; lexal tenderii , Incicato 11.493,000 ; ilepd-ltii , ilecreare > 147KKi ; clrcilliillnn , It-create J3C8.300. Thu hunka now hold tr/J.HS.KO n excetii of the icnulit-menlii of Iho 25 per cent ule. I J I _ Vit DlHiilii- < .tlrx , 'l-'linHl'H - Kiim-riil. SAN rilANCISCO. Jan. 30. The funeral if Mrs. Flood , widow of the late James C. Mood , was notable for Its simplicity , There vero no cmblenia of mourning , no ( lowers Hid no pallbearers , All this was In ac- ordauco with the wishes ot Mrs. Flood. COLD SPELL A LOOD THING Drici Out the Corn Crop and Makes it 'Jfnrkotnble , INCREASES Tilt RAILROAD BUSINESS P < r Con I ot Corn Which Hnd II oi" ti Kiu'iiHKeri'd ' > \Vct \VenttiiT In \ imSnvcil niul Slllpticd. The cold ppcll of tlie past week has been ( treat ! ) ' appreciated by the rnllroatls. Whllo It Interfered with passenger trnfllc for a sliorl tlmo iliirtiiR the extremely cold weather , It Is believed that It has had the effect of stlmulaltns travel to ( southern and California resorts. Up until this lime the passingor business of the trn'nsuoiiUnoiitnl lines , botli southward and westward , has bc n unusually light. A Rrealsr effect of the cold snap has been noticeable In freight circles. The freight ascnt , as well ns the farmers , have been hoping for cold weather for some tlmo Now that It has come It hns had the effect ot drying prcat quantities of the corn through out the stiito that wns spoiling from the effects of damp weather , and would liavo entirely spoiled had the moist climate con tinued. While there has not yet been any sudden demand on thu railroads for grain cars , they nro bundling moro corn than they wcro before the cold spell set In. Assistant General KrclRbt Agent riiltllpl ycdtcrriay said there was no doubt but that the cold weather of the past week had helped \d \ make Nebraska corn merchantable and had caused quite n movement of It out of the state. He estimated that thcro was now 50 per cent moro corn moving out of Nebraska than there was ten days ago. The freight departments of tha Union Pa- clfle , the Klkhorn nnd other ronda also report Increased shipments of corn. The Ulkhorn reports that since It put In grain rates to southern porto via Superior , Neb. , a few weeks ago , they have proven quite popular among shippers dc'lrliiK an additional outlet for their corn. Within the past few days , however , the reports of a grain blockade at tluurprincipal gulf ports liavo changed the shipment of considerable corn toward the east. HAII.HOADS IIAllVKSTINfi ICI3 CHOI * . All of ( lie CoinpinilcN I'liltliiK In n Lai'KO Supply.- All the railroads In the state are taking advantage of the cold weather to 1111 their respective Icehouses. The KlUhorn has been cutting more than enough Ice to supply Its wants for the coming season at Valentino and Sioux City. The Union Pacific has been filling Its houses In the state , as has also the Burlington. The Missouri Pacific is having Its con tract for Ice for Its entire svstem Illlcd at Weeping Water , this state. The men began cutting Ice there on Monday , and are now working In two gangs , night and day shifts , In order to complete the work while the cold spell Is on. About fifty cars a day are being cut and shipped to Tcxarlcana , Llttlo Kock , Memphis and other southern points on the Missouri Pacific lines. The Ice Is cut from a small creek and from nn artificial lake. It Is clear and measures twelve and a half Inches In thickness. The contract of the Missouri Pacific calls for about 8,000 tons of Ice. The Milwaukee railroad cuts most of Its Ice along Its northern lines In Minnesota and the Dakotas. The Ice for the Iowa division conies from the neighborhood of DCS .Mollies ) , and Is being cut and stored there now for future use. It nil's for Chrlntlaii IS Oha'lrman Caldwcll has just announced the details for the sale of tickets to San Fran cisco for the Christian Kndenvor convention. The rate will bo one-half regular faro. Tickets will be sold here on Juno 22 , 23 , 20 , 30 , and July 1 , 2 nnd 3. The going trip must bo continuous up to Colorado common points , Choycnno or New Mexico. Stop-over priv ileges may 'bo ' allowed at these points or west thereof within the final going limit , which Is not to exceed July 9 In any case. Returning ths Emleavorera cannot leave San Francisco earlier than July 12 , and the final return limit has been flxed for August 1G. Returning stop-over privileges may be ob tained on the line of the Oregon Hallway & Navigation company and on the Oregon Short Line ut Shoshone Falls and west thereof. Ilnllwny Xot 'N nnil I'orMimnln. General Manderson yesterday telegraphed his ofllco that ho had been delayed. In Lo- gansport , Ind. , by a late train and that he would not arrive home before today. General Manager Iloldrego of the D. & M , has finished his conference with President Perkins , presumably on Omilia depot plans , at Burlington and wns In Chicago yesterday. The December earnings of the Santa Fo system bhowcd an Increase of $35,005 over those ot December , 18U5. The last six months of 1S9C showed an increase In the earnings of $1.441,033. General Agent Kuhn of the Northwestern Is making the corner of Fourteenth and Farnam rather conspicuous and attractive by the addition of several Immense North western line signs along the side and at the corner of tlio Paxton hotel. The Kansas City , Plttsburg fe'Gulf has been Invited to Join the Southwestern Pas senger association , but It has not accepted .ho invitation , It has announced that It will lot consider the subject of Joining any radio aspoclatlons until Its through line is n operation , which Is expected to bo about March 1. Commencing on Sunday , January 31 , the Qurllngton'B afternoon train for Chicago will leave Omaha at 5:05 : p. m. , five minutes later than it now departs. It will cross the river hern and run to Chicago vli Council [ Huffs Instead of via I'lcttsnioiith. The morning express from Chicago will arrive In this city twenty minutes later now , or 8:20 : i. m. It will make a similar change in ita "Oil tC. Soldier IN Fro/en ( o IlciiUi. NEW YORK , Jan. 30. Private Frederick Clinton , U. S. A. , was frozen to death In ho streets of Whltestonc , L. I. Ho was trunk and fell by 111 a roadslilo last night. Clinton wn to have quit tlio army In a few lays , after ten years service. JAMES E. BOYD ( S CO Telephone 1030. Omaha , Nob. COMMISSION iRAIN , : PilOYISKMS : AD : Sr3JIJ . IJoarJ of Trade. ' ' iVrsct wlrei 10 CnicaEo and Ni-w York , CurrccDondents : John A. Warren & C-i IJIAHA GIUIN'AHD STOCK EXCilAHCE Baai'd ofTi-nlc , Ynu can buy or fell lUiylhlny dealt In on the urloim fcxchnnut-s of the country throuch us. Itefeu-ncc-sj Flifi Nal , , LI. it. Nat. , Commer- lal Nat. banlai , Omaha ; Union Nal , bank , vaimuB clly , ( iitA.vr w. icu.v.vnv , JI ' Teltphono IKij. MAKE HONEY. K ? A ) ur COOPHIIATIVISYNDICATE PLAN , en- jt > cil by k-aillnir financiers , an unprecedented , XKU' HVAIIICATU XO\V KOIIMI.VC. 'rovpfclus , giving full partlcularu , also Market /-tit-1 mallei ] frco bn upl'llc-iillon. ' filMII-MO.N'l'HLV .SUTTI.KMi.VT , > e AVO1.K & COMPANY , Hunkers and Dicker * No. GO Uroudway , N. Y. Clly. Hank Ilefi-renceii , SAM KEtLER& CO. . IJANKiiUS AND HHOKKKS. , 4 Uroadnny iiu-J 15-17 Hw Street , Natv York Atrcntk-H In nil largo cltlcu uf thu U. B. Ni-urly 70 per cent prollt on our "Ilolhlay Joinlilmitlon , " covorfnir only twoiity ev 'H iHVH1 tnuiHUdtlons : OViail 8 I'KU OKNT vc-i-lcly un tlio Invi'Mtiniiiit fur tin.IUIHI nix cnru. Ko IOBJCS ever loc-onk-il. Tim uufcxt mil most prolitublo syatcin of liivcatinc-nt mown.