SOCIAL NOTICES. AilvvrllxcineiitN for llic-nc columns rrlll lie Inkon until ISiIlO p. m. , for Hie ctfjiliitf mill milll 8 li. til. for Iho iiiornliiK nnd Suniln - oilIlloiiN. AitvfrJI ii-r , liy rcfini-nUiiR n nuni- ln-rcil chock , cnn lin o nnntrcrs nrt- ( IrvKucil 1 > a nuiiilicreit letter In cnre f The Hop. Anmrcr * nn nililrcnic- will lie delivered < in | ire ctilntlou of the cheek only. Itntew , 1 1-Uc ; 11 iroril Hrnt lnncrlon | la n. ivoril thcrenrier. NolliliiR : tnkcii for lexn thiiii 2ro for the Ural Itmcr- tlon , ThcMe nilvcrtUciiientd muni lie run cdi'urcutlrcly. I1IJLP. WANTKD. AN IDEA : VUO CAN THINK OF r.nie lmplo thlnjt to patent ? Protect your Ultnn , ihey may bring you wealths write John Wodili < rhurn ft Co. , Pcpt. V. , I'ntcnt Altornej'H. WnshlnKton , D. li , for their Jl.SOO prlio ofTei and a list of 200 Invention ! wonted. D-635 TAII.OIIU WANTED. CONTINENTAL CLOTH- IriR Company , D M178 30 A AV1JEK SALARY AND EXPENSES PAID nmcitinen ; experience not necessary ; permanent portion. The W. L. Kline Co. . St. Louis , Mo. H-MT32 K2- THOUSANDS OP GOOD PLACES UNDER THE JtcKlnley administration In every pnrt of tlio country. Do you wnnt onc7 The midwinter edition of the Nntlotml llccordcr will tell how to R t n puiltlon , Hond Ca In ntami'S to the National ItccorderVn lilnBton , D. C. I1-M2C9 ZS * WANTED. TWO MEN. C. F. ADAMS CO. , H24 a. loui t. H L170 M. WANTED TEN HOYS AT CIIEIOHTON THE- atcr. Apply Thursday mornlnR at B o'clock. II 3CO 27. WA.\Tin FHMAI.H FOR OOOD QIHLS CALL , AT SCANDINAVIAN V , W. C. Aeioclntlon Home , S01S Dnvcnport et. c aiioT rs * _ WANTED. AN INTELLIGENT WOMAN AS trnvellnit rnlcslndy for wholesale drug house ; no canvassing. Address E SO , lice.C C M303 30 ron JIOUSKS IN ALL PAHTS OK THE CITY. THE O. r. Davli Company , 1505 Furnnm. D G3C HOUSES ; J1KNEWA & CO. , 108 N. 15T1I ST. D-G37 MODEKN HOUSES ; C. A. STAlin D23 N Y LIFE V CJ3 CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAOE3 ALL OVEIl the city , J5 to DO. Fidelity , 1702 Farnnm St. D-039 1IOUSKS , WALLACE , DROWN BLOCK. ICTll and Doueli' D 640 HOUSES FHOM $3 UP ; LAHOE LIST. Me- Cncue Investment Co. , 150G Uodgo street. _ D-6U HOUSES FLATS , aAIlVIN linOS , 1513"rAnNAM _ D 641 n TOR 11ENT. 812 N. 39TH ST. , 7-KOOM MODERN house ; { 20 per month. Inquire on premised. D-6J1 HOUSES VOlt JIENT. UEMIS , I'AXTON IH.K. D-M354 ELEGANT 10-ROOM HRICK HOUSE , t03 S 2STH. F. 1) . ' U'c-ud , real estate , loth nnU DoUKlas. D Ml 31 " " ItODEKN rLAT"LANGE uLoCK , COC S. 13TlI 13 JI2J3 riS HOUSES. COTTAGES AND STOKES IN ALL parlH ' of the city. Urcnnan , Love Co. , 430 1'axton llock , D JI351 KOH UKXTFU X1SH13IJ HOOMS. S FUUN1SED ROOMS FOIt HOUSEKEEPING 17th for , man ana wife. Rent taken In board , 313 N. _ E 104 FURNISHED ROOMS HOUSEICEKPINO. 2CM St. ' Mnry's. E-M33S 31 * FUHNISIIKD" nve , ROOMS AT CI4 SOUTH 17TH E 3C2 I''UHMSHKI ) HOO.IIS I1OARU. THE MERRIAM. 25TH AND DODGE 1' 25S F21 ALBANY , 2101 DOUGLAS : ROOSTS. WITH board : select location , table boarders modnteil. nccom- F M271 29 * LARGE PARLOR , AI O SMALLER ROOMS , Harncy. board ; rates rcpHonablc. The Rax2020 F 274-FS * LARGE" MODERN FRONT ROOM ! ! cbol > board , $3.00vtck. . C14 N. 19th st. F M520 30 * VERY DESIRA1U.E FRONT ROOM , IVITH alcove ; hot water ; heat. 212 S. 25tli st. F-M36D FOIl KIOXT STOHES .tMJ OFFICES. FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY I1RICK HU1LDING r > t 310 Fninnin st. T.ils IjulhlliiK has n IIreproof cement basement , complete steam beating fix tures ; wnier on nil lloors ; gas , etc. Apply nt the olllce oC The lice. 1 910 AV.\ > 'TEIT ( ) WANTED , TO LEASE FOR THREE YEARS or longer , modern S-room bouse. Who will build ono for me ? North of Cumins street preferred. J , W. Nicholson , 010 S. 10th K M35I 30 * STORAGE. OM. VAN & STORAG EJ. 1415 FARNAHI TEL. 1559 M-015 PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE C ( i ailS-910 Jonc . Generiil .ttoingo and forvvarillng. M-C4fi > V.\XT15U TO IIUY. TOR CASH. OMAHA SAYINGS HANK ACcounts - counts ; r.ivc amount anil discount. AiMress , U Ucc. , N 221 FOH SALE CHRA1TST HARDWOOD WOVEN CORN CR1II- mad * . C. R. , 901 Douglas. Q CIS BLEIOIIS. SINGLE AND DOUULE RELO\Y coal. Drummond Carriage Co. Q $03-14 FOR 5ALEr FINE Tnw"IIIGn.aRADF.TuCY. . cr ! ; 1U. Omaha Illcyclo Co. , 223 N , ICth st. Q-SU MASSAGE HATIIS , ETC. B SMITH. 1121 DOUai\S , ROOM : B : MAS- 5 nnd etenm baths. T-M3H .10 * 5 ilISS AMES , VAVOn HATHS , MASSAGE , 607 C S. 13tti ft , , room 3. T M i FS 7 MllS DR. l.lJONi EijJCTRlO iiABSAGn bath parlors ; restful and curative.(17 ( H. lltli st , . m > stnll . T-M309 SO * $ _ PEHSOXAL. 2J.CORUPTl'RICUHEDTII.L MARCH 15 for $ Ji.OO ; no pain ; no detcntlun from business ; \\o refer to hundred ! of patients cuu'd. Tha O. E. Miller Co. , 717 New Yorlt Llfo nidi : , , Oronha. U-619 VIAV1 FOR UTERINE TROUIILES , SIS-S HEE liUlg. 1'hyilQlan , consulatlon or health book free , U 725 WANTED. MEN AND WOMEN TO ADVER- Use our goodi In cv ry county In Nelrafka ; go < xl pay ; ttml itnmp for particulars. K. 6. Co. . 1019 Hainev ( . , Omaha , Neb. u-m jt I1AT1I3. MASSAGE. MME. I'OST. S. 15TH , U-COO CARR & 1'EGAU. SUCCESSORS TO Lyl Dickey Co. , huvo remoud to 120 N. 15ih. U-MM'J Fll MARRY. WRITE TO HANDSOME L-VDIKS Oil lioncroble mm ; many rli-.i : tcnj too nnd Join coricsi > aiidliiK' club. ' Jiax 1513 , Denver , Colo. U B1300-30 * KORTH DAKOTA LEARN THY GOOD AND u\ll tlinoi ; give sex , .place , year , date of month and hour of birth ; your horoscope delin eated , tend 600 by radstvrcd letter or money order. Prof. H. II. liurrett , UUmarck. N. D. U-M367 29 31O.NEV TO ESTATE. ANTHONY qu'.rk LOAN & TRUST CO. , JIS N , Y. L. ; inon y ut low rates for choice farm loans In Iowa , northern MUxourl , caitern Nebraska. TO WU CITY LOANS. C , A. BTARR. 8S3 H Y. LIKK. \V-C54 TO MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urcnnan. Lovn Co. , Paxton block. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITV prcptrty , W , I'urnam BmltU & Co.lJ Karnam. 10 JJON'KV TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. T1IK O , V. Davis Co. . ItOi rarnaai St.VCSl t i'Kll CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON gMAHA property , Neb. Jarros. W. U. Mclklo 3IOXI3Y TO LOAN' Iin.\T < KSTATI3. ( Continued. ) MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPHOTKD OMAHA property. U. 8. MnrlcuRO & Tmst Company. New Yorlt. Potey & Thomas , Agents , No. 207 First Notional Hank nidc. W 6SJ ON OMAHA PROPERTY. LOWEST HATES ! building loans wanted. Fidelity Trust Co. StOXUY TO LOAN CIIATTLKS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , Wilsons , etc. ; nt lowest rates In city : no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; j-ou can par the loan off at any time or In nny amount. OMAHA IIORTOAOE LOAN CO. , 800 Ho. ICth St. 3C-M1 MONEY TO LOAN. 20. 60. 00 DAYS ! FURN1- ture , pianos , etc. Duff Green room S Barker blk. X-C6J IIUSIN'KSS OlIANCKS. TO GET IN OR OUT OF I1USINESS GO TO J. J , Glbton , Sll 1st Nat'l Ilk. UullJlng. Y 3CC FOR SALE , A11OUT 2,000 LRS. MINION TYPE , 700 Ibs , ngnte , IDO pulr two-third cases , 40 double Iron stands for two-third cases. This material was uscil on The Omaha Uce , nnd Is In falrlr Rood condition. Will lie sold cheap In uulk or In Quantities to cult purchaser. Apply In person or by mall to The UPO Pub- llshlng Company. Omaha , Neb. Y 711 F1VE-N1NTIIS INTEREST IN 40-DAIIREL flourlnp mill ; vatcr power nnd a 75-barrel Btenm roller mill on railroad ! for sale 01 will cxchango for rood clear land. Address D 61. Dec. Y-M210 Fl MUSIC , AIIT AMI I.ATfOUAfJR. OEOROK P. GELLENnEClC. DANJO , MANDO. Iln nnd guitar teacher. Room 411 Ilee HM& . Tel. JM. 100 COSTUMES , THEO LIEDEN. AK-SAU-I1EN COSTUMEH. CM 8. Uth : largest stock masquerade nnfl theat- rllnl ( roods In the west. MS5 FS PHYSICAL CULTURE. EIX3CUT10N. MRS.V. . N. DOItWARD , C23 N. 19tl. ! MiM F2 rURMTUltE PACICKU. OET M. S. WALKIN'S PRICES ON FURNIture - ture packlnsn repnlrlns , upholstrrlm ? ! .mat tresses made and renovated ; 2111 Cumlng. Tel. Ml. 7i KA11M FOR REXT. FOR RENT-250-ACRE FARM. NEAR TORT Crook. Sarpy county. Sclby , 1C03 Farnnm. SKWIXQ MACIIIXKS AND SUPPMfiS. NEW HOME , JIOJSnHOLD AND WHITK ccwlng machine ofl.e , 1514 Cop. Avc. Tel. 1S74. PAWXimOICBIlS. 1 n. MAROWIT2 LOANS MONET. 4U N. JO BT , 871 PAHGER | IN THE BEE WANT COLUMNS. ' 'N , HATES 1 % cents a word llrst Insertion , I cent a word each subsequent Insertion No add for less than 25 cents first Insertion. FSF8is& POIl 13.VC1IA3VGI2 A 5-ROOiI COTTAGE. NEAR 2STH AND Chnrlea BtreetB , with cosh , for nn S-room house In eooj location. Uemls , I'nxton block. Z M33S 7-ROO.M HOUSE NEAR FARNAM AND 37TII to exchange for boots and shoc.i. shoc.i.Z Z M332 31 CLEAR OMAHA PROPERTY FOR CERT1F1- catci nl dei'ohlt on Ncbraoku , German or Omaha Savings banks. J. II. 1'arrottc. Doug las block. Z M333 31 TO EXCHANGE FOR MERCHANDisET ONI3 or two $1.000.00 C per cent county bands. Ad- dicss K , n. Kenny , Ncbraslca City. Neb. Z M3CS 23 FOK SAI.n UEAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS. THE DYRON REED COMl'ANY. RE C63 IOIJSES , LOTS. FARMS. LANDS , LOANS Gco. P. Dcmls Real Estate Co. , Faxton blk. RE-fiM MAHA SAVINGS RANK ACCOUNTS TAKEN at par In exchange for houses and lots. ( All or part. ) The Byron Reed Co. RE S16 CCbUNTFTN THB OMAHA SAVINaTnANK taken ot pir for real estate nt present low value' . George G. Wallace , Brown block , ICth and Douglns. KE-9IS ) RUYS FQl ITY IN 5-HOOM MODERN house on South Omaha motor. Vlnke mo nn offer for lots 13 and 14 , block 2 , Catnlpa Place. o reasonable offer refined for lot 7 , block 41 , South Omaha. J , II. I'nrrotte , Douglas block. RE M56 L.INNWOOD .RANCH. REAUTIFUL S barban home ; one hour's drive from P. O. ; 2J4 ncres ; commodloui boure and Inrge bnrn ; situated nt nn elevation vlewlrg1 High school ; must be eold Immediately : n Kreat borfal F. D. AVcad , ICth nnd Douglas. Douglas.RE RE M333 30 YOU WANT THAT J4.BOO MODERN HOME FOR J2.SOO ; that 14 COO home for JS.COO ; that JC.OO * biiflness lot , $2.000 ; $2.000 corner. $1.000 ; $3.000 west end lot , just north Fnrnom , $1,300 ; line residence lots. $200 to $500. near comer. Lyinnn iVutcrnian , 303 N. V , Life Illdif. RE339-2S * AND 10 In DotiRlns county , $1,400 , 4 clcn < In , $4.HO. ( :3 : close In , $4. MO. 10 close In. $4.4(0. i 0 elope In , $3.CtO. 10 Hurt county ( line ) , $8COO. jro Hurt coimty. KO nn nerc. Jto Hurt county , $20 nn ncr < > . 22) ) Hurt county. ! 0 nn acre. ICO Hurt county $ : o nn acre. SO In Iowa , J1.1CO. 10 In Iowa , $ " > oo. tco In Iowa. $ ! i > i > nere. 310 In Iowa ( Hnc ) . $1 OCO , SO near Lincoln. $ l , o. Vi Monoiin rduntv. In. , $3COO. fO Haipy county. J3.CCO. V. Life. RE-3C3-27. WE WILL TAKE AT PAR OMAHA SAVINGS bank accounts In full or part payment for cither one of ECvcral beautiful cottage homes that can bo had nt great bargains. rooms at 3'th , nnd Jnrlmon. $ t 200i worth tl.SW. irnis nt 27th nnd Grant. $1,200 ; worth $1,700 , rooms nnd Inriro lot , 17th near Vlnton , cost owner , $3.000 , $ ltOO. rooms , modern , 30th nnd Davenport , $2,200 , new anil worth J3.CCO. rooms , nil molern , 31th nnd Jjtclcson , $3,200 ; rest owner H.CCO. Reiiutlful lot In nortli part of town , $200 ; worth $1100 , Alee clfimnt bulldlnB lot on Georela nvr. , $2 , 00. Or will sell nny of ubo\e ' ,5 cash , balance icasonablo terms. Fidelity Trust company. RE SG4-30 THE PEOPLE'S DISPENSARY NEVER FAIL * to restore the period or correct IrrcculurltlOBj lady attendants. 152 ! Douglns street. M2I9 S' LADIESI CHirilESTEH'H ENGLISH PENNYroyal - royal PHI" ( Diamond brand ) nre Hie bent , K.ife , reliable. TaK nn other. Bend 4o btniniis for particular * : "Relief for Ladles. " In letter by _ return mall. At druRulKsts. Chlchcstcr Cher- leal Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. Mention . I3iO * > S nuuaiixa AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & D. ABS'N PAYS 0 , 7 , 8 prr cent when 1 , Z , 3 years old ; alwavi re deemable , 17CI Furnam Kt. Nattlneer. Bee. Bee.CCS CCS HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Intercut ' on ravings , Apply to Omaha L. & U. Avs'n , 1704 Farnain. a. M. Nattlnter , Sea. FI.VAXOIAL. LIFE1N8. TOT lESOJOI.'GHT. W. F. HOI.DKN HOHROW. IIOIIHOW. 1150.00. SIX MONTHS. GOOD iccurlteooit rate of lateicst. Address C C3. . Ilee. 6b9 50 J IIOIIHOW. J273.00 ; aOOD BECUIUTV ; ON Improved Omaha property , Address E 19. Hee. M3CO FOH n\TACIlBS. rotte. ACRES NEAR BO , OMAHA. J. H , PAH- U--MSJS a nv ma DAY ; WOHK anteed , C 17. Uee. M341 29 * DAXCING SCHOOL. JIOUAND'S , 1510 IIAHNEV , FOR I'RIVATB and class le < ons dally ; always open. open.806F4 806-F4 8AFKS. NEW AND SECOND-HAND SAFES : SAFE HE- pairlne. J. J. Derlght , 1118 J-' J' M710 F3 TYPEWIUTKriS , GET THE DEST TYPEWRITERS : SUPPLIES. r palrs. Unltcil Typewriter & Supplies Co. . . 12 Iftirnam St. 670 Juno-30 LOST. LOST ON NORTH SIDE FARNAM STREET , between lltli and 12th , Knight Templar Clmrm. Finder rewarded by returning to John Reed : ed. No. 2 Engine House Lost 301 27 S1IOHTIIAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , C1J N. Y. LIFE. iL. AT OMAHA nUS.COLLCOE. ICTH & DOUGLAS , 673 IMPROVED FAUMS FOR KENT. AN IMPROVED FARM OF 400 ACRES FOR ' rent near Omaha ; situated 5V4 miles west from the court house , on the Dodge Bt. mncndnm rend ; largest bnrn In Douglns county nnd line dwelling hoiiKca ; poseeiislon given by Mtircli i 1. npply by letter or In person to room 4)0 Uoard of Trade , Onialm. Joseph II. Connor. > M371 30 * SUES & CO. , PATENT SOLICITORS , UcoJlulldln ? , Omaha. Neb Advice nnd Patent obD RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves IDUULINGTON & MO. . OmahaUr.lon [ Depot , 10th & Mason Ivnit.iAmv Sts.j Omaha 8Mnm : Denver < : Mpm.Bl ! Hills Express 9SSam : Mont * Pugct Snd Ex. < Mpm ' 4:35pm Uenver : opm Uxinezs : ; . . , . 4U5pm : 7ppin..Lincoln . . . . Local ( ex Sunday ) . . . . 7 : 3pm .Lincoln Local ( ex. Sundayll:30ain : Leaves ICHICAOO , I1UULINGTON & Q.lAmves Omalial Union Depot , IQtli & .Ma cn Kta. | Omaha „ :4Sam : Chicago Yegtlliile SMam : 7:50pm..Chicago Clilcairo Express < : ] trmi . linoam & fit Louis Express. , EiOOr.m Paclllo Junction Local ClOpm : - Opm I'-ast Alall 2SOpm Leaves ( CHICAGO. MIL. & ST. PAUUIArrlves. es. OmoliaUnlon | Depot , 10th la Stuunn dlj | Omaha 11:00am..Chicago : Clilcnso Limited 8:05mn : Uxprcsa ( . ex. Sunday ) , . . 8 : Leaves ( CHICAGO & ' NOIlTIIWEST'N.IArrlves OmalmUnlon [ Depot , 10th & Majui Sts.f Onulm ve > 10 < ! am Eastern Express 4 : < 5p.m VcBtlbuled , 2iOpm : IlmleJ : . C:55pm.fcH. : 1'aul Express r.MOin | ? CMOam ' 9:0am : ; St. 1'oul Limited 7:30am..Cairoll : & Bloux Clti- 9:03pm : , , . 0:30pm Omaha Chlcueo CltiJvocal.llivpm ; Special S:00nm : Missouri Volley Local S:30nm : Leaves ICHICAao , R. I. & PACIFIC.Arrlv | s OmahatJnlon | Depot , IQtli & Maaon tit . | Omaha EAST. lOMOam.Atlantic Express ( ex. Sunday ) , , 63pni ; 7:00pm : Nlelit Express , . , 8l&nm ; 4M.'iim..Chicago : ' Votlbuled Limited. , , , l:3Ipm : 4iCpm..St. : Paul Vcsllbiiled Limited. . . . lMpin ; WEST. l:40pm : Colorado Limited 4:00pin : Leaves I C. . ST. P. , M. & O. ( Arrives Omaha ] Webkterv Street . _ Statloji. | Omaha ' _ _ I230pm , , . Sioux Clty'Expreis it-x. " Sun.llt5am ) ! Siliam , , , . .Sluux City Accommodation , , , . S:00nm : I'aul Llmltcii. . . . . . 810oin " * " " LeaC T1 1' B7"MoT VA LLEYi fArrlvT Omahaf Deppt. lltli andjVobjtyrBU. _ | Omaha J:00pm : , , . Fast Mall and KxprecH. , . 80iom ; ( , , ( ex , But. ) Wyu. Ex. ( ex. Mon.l. , 6Mnm tiOOiim ; T Ojmi. , Fremont Local ( Sundays only ) , . 7COnm : , . , .Norfolk Express ( ex. Sun.10sam ) : c:15pm : . St. Paul Express . 910am ; Leaves J K. a. ST. 3. STCTli. lArrleves OmaliajUnlon Ptpot. 10th & Mason Sts.j Or..ul.a 9:0 : am.Kunsas City Day Exprus. , , , CilOpm lOjOgpm.jv. C. Nlijlit Ex. via U. 1 * . Trans. CiSOam Leaves. | MIBSOUltl PACIFIC , { Arrives Omahq | Depot , lith and Webster Sts. | Onmlia 3:00pm.Nebraska : & Kansas Limited.lS55pm 9JCpm..Kansa : City Express. . . . . . . . c:00am : 2lS | > m..Nebraska Local ( ex. Sun. ) , . . . 8:00am : SIOUX CJTV & PACIFIC. ( ArrUcs Onmhal Depot , lltli and Wtbster Bis. I Omaha Paul Limited . 9lOam ! Leaves I 8IOUX CITY & P"AClFIO OmahajUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. tilOam . St. Paul Passenger . UUOpm TiSOam . Sioux City Passenuer , . 0Kiun : EMpm . St. Paul Limited. . . . . 9SOara : Leaves I UNION PACIKIC. ( Arrive * OmahalUnlon Depot. IQlh & Mason Sts.j Omaha CtOam . Overland Limited . il4pm 3:39pm.Ileat'ce : & Stromsb'e Ex. ( ex Sun.S Opm C.'Upm.Oranil Island Express ( ex. Sun ) . ! : &Ji'm BS ; pm . Fait Mall . WAUASlTru ILWAY ; Om bafUnlon Depct , lOlli A. Mason Sts f Oniata . . . . . . . . . . . Ili0am CLOSED ITSIIF1RST YEAR Annual Mcot'ng of lllio Omtilm Eotailore' Association , Followdcliliy a Eanquat , YEAR WAS ONE JOFftGOOD RESULTS One Hunilreil Jlpintirrx nnil Prleinln of the AHNoelntloii'Uiillicr ' ToKelhor to Talk of li < i 1'iiNt nnil 1'lnn for OioTntiirc. The Omaha Retailors' osaoslatlon has Juat passed the first anniversary of Ita birth. To properly celebrate the occasion on open meeting and a banquet were held last even Ing In the rooms of the Commercial club. In every respect the affair was a success The attendance was upwards of 100. The meeting woa enthusiastic. The banquet con sisted of a splendid menu and had the ad vantage of being well served nnd In the feast of reason that followed , lots of wholesome advlco on subjects akin to the betterment of Omaha trade was given by the speakers. At the annual meeting preceding the ban quet the following offlccra were chosen for the ensuing year : President , A. Hospe , Jr. vies president , Charles II. Sliennan ; secre tary and treasurer , C. D. Thompion. The following were selected members of the t.v ccutlvo committee , ono member to represent each retail trade In the city : Clothing , Major n. A. Wllcox : stoves am ranges , John IT. Hunslo ; expressman's do livery , W. A. Gordon ; shoes , Hobcrt Hos cnzwrlg ; photographs , II. Lancaster ; crock cry , Samuel Hums ; Jewelry , T. L. Coombs furniture , John W. Shank ; rubber ntnmpa J. I' . Cooks ; confectionery , W. S. Ualduft coal , Jeff W. Hodford ; credit companies II. O. Heatty ; dry goods , C. C. Holdcn stationery , Clement Clmsu ; hats , II. Urlggfl liquor. Henry HIJIcr : drugs , C. R. Sher mim ; cnrpetH , D. D. Miller ; bicycles , KM Riisscl ; hardware , A. S. Carter ; buggies W. U. Drummond ; cigars , O. D. Klpllnger groceries , Max Gladstone ; printers. Lew W Rnlier ; tnllors , Kred Pnffenrath ; black smiths , W. A. Walton : painters nnd nape hangers. T. J. Hoard ; barbers , Fred Bile low ; nrt , A. Hospe. Jr. ; restuurant , T Houson ; millinery. L. D. Lovcy : furnish ings , Albert Calm ; undertakers , M. O. Maul : florists , J. J. Hens ; butchers , Hlcb- nrd Welch ; toys , H. Hnrdy ; lumber , Wll- llnm C. IJullnrd ; laundry , Prank Klmbnll. The secretary's report , reviewing the work of the year , was then read by C. D. Thomp son. It follows : The Omaha Retailers' association held Its Initial meeting In the Commercial club rooms January 22 , ISM. This meeting was presided over by Major Wtlcox , A. Hospe , jr. , tiding as secretary. A : a subsequent meeting A. Hospe Was chosen president ; T. 1' . Cnrtwrlght , vice president ; II. A. Thompson , treasurer , nnd C D. Thompson , secretary , and a regular constitution and by-laws adopted. The organization of this association wns not the result of accident , but rather the direct outcome of a demand for nn organi zation which would repfei ent the Inter ests of the retail merchants of Otnnhn , It wns not at ( Irst , and has not been since , the Inttntlon of the Omuha "Retailers' associa tion to disparage or supplant the work of any other club or organization. The llrst Intention wns to organize as n retailers' bureau oC the Commercial club. This plan was abandoned , however , nnd the associa tion decided by a vote1 cast January 23 , 1S9G , to become an Independent organiza tion , under the name Ot the Omaha Re tailers' club , which wns later changed to the Omaha Rotation ) ' association. Among the objects for which the association was crentedwas the cstn shmcnt of n more nclBhborly > feollnp nnd ' a wider personal acquaintance nmonc ? tli6 retail dealers of this city , and. Incidentally , the looking nftcr the Interests 'oC ' 'the retail dealers of Omaha In Koneral. Oao of the first grievances of the retail merchant to come up f6r notion was the practice of wholesale houses In some lines of rotnilltiff to fi lends nnd employes at wholesale prices. A cdmmittee wns ap pointed , with instructions to take active measures toward suriprttainK' this practice. Much hits 'bisn ' accomplished In this direc tion , and A little persistent effort will en tirely eradicate this 'Invasion of the right of the retail dealer , " The first subject of Rcnernl Interest to tbo city to which the new orRanlzatlon ad dressed Itself wiis the reduction of the rate : charged for fire Insurance. This movement was popular with the members from the start , and from the Intense In terest : shown by them nnd the lively antics or the Insurance men themselves. It soon became apparent that the Omaha Retailers' association " was , ns the newspaper men say , "nilliiR a lontr felt want. " A committee was appointed to take charRe of the work , and the fullest discussion of both sides of the question Invited in open meeting. After nn heroic effort , extending over several months , the work wns crowned $ with success , and a reduction of i > per cent all over the city of Omaha was secured and several thousand dollars saved to honk property owners of Omaha. I do not think it will arouse any feelings of jealousy If I refer nt this time in. words of commenda tion to the members of the Insurance lam mittee of this association. Their painstak ing Investigation Into the practical work ings of the lire Insurance business as car ried on In Omaha wns so thorough and their conception of the whole matter so Intelligent as to command the respect soml confidence of both the Insurer and the In- sured. Inrk It is owing to the Indefatigable work done by these gentlemen that success has been achieved In this direction. Whether the Retailers' association was the orlg. Inator of this movement to secure a lower rata for writing fire Insurance or not , to It belongs the credit of the present reduc tion In rates and the almost certain pros pect of moro to follow. of The next enterprise to demand the attcn- It be Mrs. JosephlnoPolhill , of Duo West , S. C. , Imtl .n Bovero cnsa of catarrh , whioli finally became so dccp-scateil that sha wns entirely dent in ono car , and partofthobonoin liernoao slougliod off. Tlio best physicians treated her in ain , nnd she used various applications - cations of sprnys rind washes to no avail. Fourteen bottles of S. S. S. on promptly reached the scat of the dis ease , and cured her Bound and well. H B. 8. S. never falls to bo euro a blood disease , and ' it Is the only remedy td wjilcli reaches deep-seated or do address ttwitt Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. ion of the association wns nn effort to CP- rtirp a ni > w union passenRer depot for Omaha. While other organisations Imvo advocated a union depot , to bo located nt Ninth ' and Farnnm streets , the Omaha lie- : allers' association took the Initiative , nnd t may bo said that no orruilzntlon or l > ody of men ever took hold of nny enter- > rlso with more zeal or determined energy : han did the Retailors' association In pro meting thlo enterprise. Committees and - nibeommlttrosere appointed , the work mapped out nnd active , nijgrcsslvc work ICCllll. Tno point of attack wns determined upon and ono of the InwU nnd most i > owerftll lietltloiis ever secured In Omaha forwarded to the powptfl that be. Although the union depot nskod for has not yet materialised , the sanif road has seen fit to promise thl * city n depot which will bo a credit to the city and afford ample accommodations to Iho traveling public , The members of thin association , In conv mon with all loyal citizens of Omaha , took 5 most nctlvo pirt In pei-tiring stock sub' ncrlptlons to the TTaiiRmls < ! > lsslppl Hxposl tlon. In till1 * work , and In every kindred enterprise , the mc-mbem of this association have shown a willingness and nil cneigy which ts most commendable , and which can bo boasted of by few organizations In this or any other city. The association Is at present engaged In nn endeavor to sfciiro better collection laws for Ncliiiiska. This organization has taken an active part In the promotion ot the Ne braska state fair , the fall festivities , the Juno races , the exposition , nnd , Indeed , nny and all enterprises for the good of this city. The association closes the llrat year of Its existence with no financial Inntim- braiices , a balance on the right side of the ledger , and with the satisfaction of bavins demonstrated by actual achievement Its right to exist. Wo desire to thank the following firms for kindnesses extruded to this association : Ilenn & Co. nnd Allrn Hros , , for a supply of most excellent clernrs with a popular name : 1'axton & Gallagher , for hard tack nnd cheese ; McCord & llrady , for the cup that cheers , but does not Inebriate the coffee that Is 111 for the gods. Jlr. Thomas Frey n\ay his shadow never grow less- enabled us to have oysters In our con- tiomme , and It Is to the genial Dan Fnrii'l that \\o owp our good fortune In bavins preserves with our brend nnd butter to night. Tin * Hnarman Pickle comtmny gave us the appetizing pickles ulilch shnrpct your appetites for thoyo sandwiches wliiel came so Swlft-ly from a popular packing house , and the firm roast from the mend racking company , while Messrs Krut , and Mots furnished the amber lluld whlcl the best of folks take for their stomachs sake. To all of these gentlemen wn rctun our thanks for the courtesies extended , \ \ Ith past experience for a capital , th prospect of better times cloo at bund , am vctopmpnts the mtinlllpciit | possibilities of future do consequent the upon iimugurn tlon of our great Industrial 1J33 , the tournament li Omaha Retailors' association ha work , honor and success before It. President Hospe acted as toai-tmaster , and delivered the prosldeut'o address , which embraced ' most of the facts given In the secretary's report. Charles U. Sliennan and F. Paffenrath ppoUe on "Organization. " Captain Palmer told of the many valuable reductions that Omaha firms had secured it tliclr ( Ire insurance rates of the efforts of the association. Jolm H. HUM ! told of the benefits that the retailers wouli derive from the Transmlsrtsslppl Expcaltion II. 0. Iloatty spoke on the " subject : \Vha It means to bo chairman of a committee. ' There were also a number of informal talk , on topics of popular Interest. South Omaha News . The committee of citizens appointed to li vcstlgato Into the necessity of voting bout for the purpose of erecting a now High schoo building has gone over the books of the secretary and found out wn'at it costs to run the schools under the present management. For the year , 1S9G , the expenses vten : Teachers' salaries , $32,070 ; Janitors' salaries , $4,095 ; fuel , $3,000 ; bcoks , etc. , $2.000 ; inci dentals , $2,500 ; total , $43UC3. The receipts ware : Fifty-six saloon licenses , ? 2S,000 ; state apportionment , < li,01S ; police court fines , $300 ; total , $30.318. This leaves rta deflclt of $13,317 , and shows how much money will have to be raised by levy. Now this committee has recommended that bonds to the amount of $15,000 be voted to make Improvements and adding six rooms. "With six rooms added the expenses for 13.h a year have been estimated us follows : Tcach- : ers. $34,545 ; janitors. $4,095 fuel book' ; , $3,300 ; $ iGG90. ' ' eto2250 ; Incidentals , ? 2,500 ; total , Tlio receipts are estimated thus : Fifty-six saloons , $28,000 ; slate appoi'tion- 1 ment , $4,300 ; police court fines , $400 total $32,700. A deficit at the end of the ; school , ! year , June SO , 1S9S , of $5,100 would be In ' . sight , providing this ' arrangement went through. the The condition of school funds at the end of lows present school year Is figured out as fol : Amount oils now available for $33,551 warrants , ; estimated cost of running the schools until the end of the school year , $24,787 ; bal ance , ? 8,7C3. It was thought that witli a 4 mill levy ivy and the ? 15,000 In bonds the schools could get along very nicely. At the present valua tion , which Is $1,700,000 , the 4 mill levy will bring in JC.800. Taking 85 per cent of this amount , which Is all that bo drawn warrants can : against , the amount available will bo ? 3,7SO. Some of the members ot the Hoard of HJucatlon do not take kindly to the 4 mill ! levy The scheme citizens' , and want at least a C mill levy. that committee , however , asserts the bonds will not carry unless tax payers are assured that the levy will bo roses duced. The last levy for school purposes was 15 mills , nnd there is some talk of mak ing the levy this year 20 mills , unless bonds are voted , or other means for the relief tha schools brought forward. Again Is urged that the salaries ot the teachers nud the superintendent bo reduced. The members of the board are opposed to the re- duction of salaries , and it Is not likely that any attempt to economize along that Hup will made. To I''IrIit tinCiiiiiililorn. . The Uireo republican members of the city council , Vaneant , Dennett and Schultz , have asserted that they ore goingto compel the : gambling housea to pay the monthly fine nmossed or else clogo their places.Vhllo these three members realize that the mayor and the "big five" will most likely op- posa them , they say that they will stir opup the matter enough to let the people of South Omaha know how things are running down here. "Aa It Is " now , Councilman Van- saiit eald yesterday , "tho city does not dc- rlvo nny benefit from these places , dcal though a resolution pnst ; < oil the council some time ago levying a tax of $50 a month each gambling hoube , payable In advance. , For January only two places have paid in. every house where a game Is In opera tion was compelled to pay the city would the gainer by at least $300 a month. The city needs this money , and I propose cer. do what I can , to sco that it In collected , eLse close tlio bouses whoso proprietors not pay. I am In favor of taxing every saloon where there Is gambling , or where the on Neb. Neb the for infants and Children. , a Castorln destroys worms , allays feverishness " - "Caotorlu Is so well adapted to children day ness , cures diarrhoea and \\Ind colic , relieves that I recommend U as superior ta auy * way pro teething troubles , nnd cures coni'.Ipatlan , flaljitloti known to me. " Cutturln contains no paregoric , morptiluc , H. A. AKC3R8 , M , D. , In or opium In form. auy m fio. Oxford . Sir. , BrooUyu.N. V. "For several years I liavc recommended "The Is use of Castoria Is BO universal nnd Castoria , ntij shall nl'vays continue to do Its merits so well known that It W. seems a BO It aa lias invariably produced beneficial work of supererogation to endorse : results. " it. lcw are the Intelligent families who do uot J-cep JI.DWJN F , PARDCB , It , D. , Castoria witlilii cosy teach.1' - / to , . lamp Street and 7th Avenue , CAKLOS JIAHTVW , D. X ) . , " * } New York City. New York City,1 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorta. nalr ) IHt OINTAUn COMPANV , TT MUHR1Y BmCCT. KtWVORK CITY Paul son ( imos of thancc run for a few hoiira In the ttcrnoon or evening. As for the policy iop , I Intend to sco what Is the mutter lore. The ohop hns been running right long , with the exception of n few days , nd has never contributed one cent to the Ity. llcsolutlcna have rnsseJ the council rderlns this place to pay up or closo. but lie onler has not been enforced. " Rt-litiltlli-nn liovp I'Vnal. Tonight at Masonic hall the republicans f this clly will gathDr around the banquet card , and for the time at leapt forget all Ifforenccs. The spread has been arranged o harmonize the different factions and make some arrangements for the coming nunlcipal election. After regaling the Inner man these present will lloten to words of vlsdom from a number of parly loaders. ' . J , llarrott will ofllclato ns toastmaster , nil J. H. Van , Duscn will deliver the i > rln- Ipal ndJress of the evening on the general oplo of "llcpilbllcanlpm. " Toasts will then jo propos-oil and rospondo.1 to as follows : 'State Politics , " C. C. Stanley ; "Tho SUto Central Committee , " A. H. Kelly ; "The Con- grcsslonal Committee. " B. O. Mayflold ; "The County Central Committee , " W. S. Ken- vcrthy ; "City Politics. " Henry C , Murphy ; 'The School Hoard , " O. 13. Hruco ; "Young leptibllcanu , " A. H. Mudrock ; "Reminis cences , " Dr. J. M. dlACffow ; "Always with llj , " W. H. Dudley ; "The Old Soldier , " (1 ( J , Kttcr : "Tho State Legislature , " A. Sutton ; "Municipal Uctronchment , " 13. J. Lane. _ _ Why Mil- Conductor SultmUU-il. Serious trouble on a north-bound motor rain was barely averted a night or-two ago , and unless the conductor had backed lown ho would have without doubt been tin- lergolng repairs at some hospital. Quite n number of packing house employes boarded the trailer ot this train at the close of their lay's work , nnd wore getting as much com fort as posslbln out ot the feeble blaze In ; ho car stove. Tlio conductor passed through the car and his nostrils detected the odor of the packing houses In the closed car. tie at oncu opened the donr nt each end and asserted that he could not stand the stench. The passengers protested , but it did no good , the conductor Insisting upon kcsplng the cur doors open. K'u < lly the men who had worked all day on wet floors closed the doors nnd held them , and Ihreatened lo throw the conductor oft nnd punch his head besides if he did not allow the doors to re main closed. The conductor backed down and thus averted trouble. Would Ciil Xo It-is Several of Cudahy's men were on the Blrccls yesterday trying to find men willing to work on the Ice at Seymour park. Hva . a hard matter to Induce any of tlio unem ployed to agree to EO to work. The excuse1 given was that the pay was only Ifi cents an liour and that meals cost iO cents each. Further sonic of the unemployed alleged that , the food dished up was not fit to eat. An other complaint was that men \vho agreed to work at the park were compelled to walk out there. Tlio city Is full of unemployed man , but so far during the cold snap there has not been any unusual demand on the city au thorities for nld. A number of pastors arc looking after the poor In th ° Ir Immediate districts , and the raising of the fund of $103 at the tlnn * when it Is so badly ueede-d Is greatly appreciated. .Jnnnl for Odd FclloivN. District Deputy 'Samuel Oosncy of the Odd Follows and a number of his staff , will go to 1'apilllon tonight to install olllccrs. Members of the order from this city and Omaha will also go out. A special coach has been provided and will leave th ? depot hero at G : 7 this evening and return at 2 a. in. Mnirle City A. Mayherry , Glcmioad , la. , was a visitor In the city yesterday. Al Abbott , Hockport , Mo. , was a visitor at the ntock yards ycaterday. George C. Powell , Itcd Rock , Mont. , Is j I registered : at one of the hotolj. I ' This evening the Bpworth league will give a match social at the First Methodist Epis copal church parlors. X. C. Chrlstcuseu , Mindcn , was at the yards ycaterday with a couple of cars of cattle - tlo fattened on last ycara corn. The Kings' Daughters will give a parlor entertainment at the homo of Mia. Schlndel , Twenty-isecond and 1C streets , this after- noon. Mrs. H. 0. Mayfleld left for Louisville , Neb. , yesterday , to attend the funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mm. L. J. .May- fleld , who died yesterday. L. ti. Ormsby , a well known sheep feeder f Arlington , was here yesterday with three oublc decks of sheep. He says he has about ,000 sheep still on feed , and that he hr Iready marketed nearly that number. Until atcly Mr. Ormsby has always shipped to Chicago , but says that this Li a much better narkct for him and ho will patronize South Omaha after this. Henry Kcsslcr , sou of .Mr. and Mrs. Jus- . us Kcsslcr , and Mls Julia Kulln , dnugh- ; er of Mr , and Mrs. Anton Knl la. were married yesterday afternoon nt 2 o'clock at the Lutheran church , Twelfth nnd Dor cas strectH , Itov. Mr. Hrucehcrt ollU'latlni . ni ? Last night ' nt Kesslcr's hall a number of ho young friends of the married couple as- snmbled to properly celebrate the event. : About llfly couples weio In attendance. Jnncln < j was the order of the evening and at 10:15 : n grand inarch was formed ' , which ed into the dining . room. Tlicro wus i a OIIK table set nnd loaded with countless good things to tr-mpt the appetite. In the center of of It was .a mammoth wedding cake three mounds. After the Hiippcr the guests nfinin rp- i.ilred to the dance hull , where they unused themselves till n Into hour. Two or t'tien ' tables nt ono side of the iall were loaded down with the wedding presents to the married pulr nnd were the center of attraction the earlier evening. part of the Talked of ( lie KMi A fov/ prominent colored held men nn ex- cutlvo ' meeting In tlio rectory of exHt. . Philip's Phuroh , Twenty-first nnd Paul ' streets , last evening1 to dlsciiBii the work : of their race in connection with the TinnsmlB- KlBSlnpl lined Kxposltlon. The business . \\na con- : Jo n general discussion of the tiubject. Another meeting will be held at willed i n number of committees will bo elected to take charge of the work. A committee , composed of Dr. nicketls , Rev John . , A. Williams nnd John Ixmg. was appointed to draft rcpolutions mg.of thanks to Cd Unwell for Introducing house roll No. C3 in the state se/iata. PARAGRAPHS. II. B. Watzlco of St. Louis Is at the Mer . Judge M. P. Klnlcald of O'Neill la in the city. city.S I S , Kirk of Oakland , Gal. , Is stopping at Mercer , i II. F. Benedict has gone to Lincoln on a short business trip. 3. W. Slmeral loft last night for Lincoln n short business trip. O , T , Sccly , jr. , a stockman from Grand Junction , Colo. , Is In Omaha. . Jules Lombard left for Oxford , Neb , , last enl night , to t > e gone several days , Thomas Palmer and wife of Uelgrado , . , are guests at the Mercer. Mrs. II. H. Allen and daughter of Oxford , I , , are registered at the Mercer. A. II. Smith , assistant passenger agent for gre UurlliiBton , returned from Denver last night. II. 0. Phillips and wife left yesterday for Chicago , where they will visit friends for short period. the ' J. W. Mettlen was In Sioux City yester the on business In connection with the rail- mall service , sa M. H , Lyon , an assaycr at Deadwood , la we the city. Ho is just returning borne after ono I Captain James A. Lucas of Pratt , Kan. : , use In tto city on a short Visit with his son , Lucas , oftho Pullman company , Mrs. Mary A. Malnes of Philadelphia , mother of Mrs. W. II , White , who was burned death la this city by the explosion of a , arrived here yesterday to attend the funeral of tier daughter , the Nebraskans at tbo hotels : O. TS , Dcrry , and ; Charles Straps , David City ; C. P. NoUon , Axtell : Luke Finn , Greeley ; Q. n. Souter , Schuyler ; Theodore J. Steen , St. ; Charles P. Murphy , Cedar Itapldi ; William Spelts , Ulysses ; Thomas January , at ABhton ; C. 13. Welly , Stockham ; J. A. Peter nt , Greoley. CIIOULS ARE AT WORK AGAIN Body of Christian Hoilz Stolen from It ? Grave. ALLEGED DREAM AND ITS FULFILLMENT i\niiiltintloii : of the Crave In Sirlnw | Cemetery HlNpliiie-N the Karl that Only Uie'olllit nnil ClotheM Itetunln. ' Joseph Dunn , n young man employed at the Model restaurant , nar Sixteenth nnd Howard streets , was visited by a nightmare on the night of January 1 , which , It true , ha * had ti strange fulfillment. Dunn was the Intimate friend1 of Christian Hertz , n young German , who committed aul- cldo nt the house where they bath roomoil , S,1S South Nineteenth , Among the loiters left by the deceased 'M ono which re quested that his body ho turned over to n medical college. Despite this request , the remains of Hertz were given to the Danish brotherhood , nnd with appropriate cere monies , were burled In the association come- tary nt Sprlngwcll , out on tlio Military road. The death of Hertz left such a profound Im pression upon Dunn's mind that he wno continually haunted by the memory of his lost frltnd's fnce nnd three iilghts thereafter ho wns visited by n west realistic dream. Fro'ii out of the shntlowlnml pictured by his mind he saw the grave of his dead com rade In the cemetery. The grave wns still damp from the fresh earth which had been , turned upon It and the ( lowers deposited upon the mound bloomed forth as If just placed there. As lie looked a wagon con taining two men drove up. Ono was nn elderly man muillcd In an overcoat and had a growth of black whiskers. Tlio other was much younger and of light complexion. Tlio two men look from the wagons two shovels nnd n pick axe. They worked stead ily at the grave nnd at length one of them disappeared from sight and a moment later appeared with the corpse of Hertz. The body was stripped of Its burial clothes and wrapped In nn oilcloth blanket. U was placed In the wagon and the two drove off. The mind of Dunn , even In the dream , was concentrated upon the act of the robbers to such an extent that ho seemed to follow them , The route taken was Indefinite , but { Jjj length the wagon drew up before a largo brick building , and the men , unloading tha corpse , walked with It up several ( lights of stairs and deposited It upon n long table. Around the table there appeared to be n gathering of men and women and as the dreamer looked they brought forth small knives nnd set to work upon It. Mr. Dunn states that ho had the face of ono person In particular su strongly stamped upon his mind that should he ever sec hint pgaln he should recognize him Instantly. The chief operator was ILIs person , and he appeared to have charge of a class to whom he was demonstrating some physiological problem as ho worked upon the remains. Horrified at the spectacle of his friend's mutilation the dreamer awoke , but so strongly \\us Iho scsne imprinted upon hH memory that ha told several friends about It the next day. The story of the dream eventually came to the cars of A. P. Gram , superintendent of Sprlngwcll cemetery , and to quiet the ru- niors arousfd by It he advised the cemetery yesterday afternoon nnd had the grnvo opened. Tje body of Hertz wns mUalng. The coffln had been unscrewoj and the ic- malns taken out in the ordinary way. The burial clothes , Including the underwear of Hertz , had been atripped from the body and carefully placed back In the collln. The earth above the grave , before opened by Sexton August Yung , was evenly smoothed over and bore KO trace of ever having boon disturbed. The ; earth ' was frozen and It Is evident that the _ robbery ' was committed ijoon after the body was Interred , which took place D&ccm- her " 'J. Superintendent Gram and the sexton arc completely nonplussed aa to the manner In which : the theft could have been committed. On account of the request of Hertz as to the disposal of his remains the grave was very closely watched by Sexton Yung. His house U located In the cemetery in ouch a position that ho has at all times a complete view of the entire i number of graves there. Super intendent Gram dialed lest night that an in vestigation of the case would be made at once by the Danish llrothorhood nnd for this purpose a meeting of the hoard of directors of the : cemetery will be held nt Washington hall this afternoon at 2 o'clock. He stated that ho did not think any ether graves had been tampered with. The late burials which have taken place In the cemetery were those of children and are not supposed to be of use to I body snntchers. Those who Imvo been buried ( there within the li > st month are Christ Lareen , aged G years , and Alma Smith , aged 13. The last named was burled Friday , January 22. Her grave will be examined. . Mr. Dunn has had a peculiar experience in the realm ' of dreams. Three years ago while tramping from Salt Lake City to Ogden , Utah , ho took refuge In a deserted one night. While sleeping there ho witnessed in his dream the murder of a woman , The crime- was committed by a man who accom plished the deed with a razor. The next morning ho called upon a neighbor who llvc < l but a few doors distant and was surprised to learn that just such a murder had been committed in the house sixteen years pre vious , The neighbor chanced to bo a relative of the woman who had been murdered , and ho showed Dunn several articles of furniture which had formerly been used In the old house. The furniture was exactly ns pictured In Dunn's dream. Dunn denies that ho ever conversed with Sexton Yung upon the sub ject of hla dream , as stated In a local sheet , or that ho told the reporter of the paper that ho had done so. Klreriir Counell It III ft * . T < nst night shortly nftcr 11 o'clock a bright glow was seen In the nicy several miles southeast of Council I Huffs In the vi cinity of the deaf and dumb asylum. It IB supposed to Imvo hi-eii a farm FIOIISO which wn.i destroyed by Urn. Communication by telephone failed to elicit any information. BEDRIDDEN. KIFTRISX YKAIIS OK SIlKK Tim Doc'InrN AViuit Seven Hundred DnllnrM ( o Attempt I In1 CIINL * . The following Is a letter wo received a abort time nio ; from Mrs. M , C , lllnklcy , C02 North Mississippi street , InUlauapolIu , nil nilG Gentlemen While Buffering Intensely from pile , I became Interested In your adver tisement In ono of our dally papers and pro cured n package of your Pyramid Pllo Cure from our druggist. Contrary to any - cxpce- tatlona , the relief wns iMBtniitaneou.i. I uxod two boxes of the pile cure and ono of the Pills and am convinced that they are the only ; sure euro for plica on the market. I have been a offerer from piles for fifteen years and have been confined to my bed about oncihalf of the time , expecting and wlahlng for death , for tbo pain was o great. went to the college hero and the doctora Bali my case wa.s a new one to them , the great pain having brought on a large rup tur , which they wanted seven hundred del lau to cut out , I was very much afraid that death would result from tlin blncd poisoning , which they said would result from operation , I feel 0.1 though I can't pralso Pyramid Pile Cure nnd tlio Pyramid Pills too highly , as I am convinced that they saved my life. Ik'foro using your cure I weighed only ninety pounds and now I weigh hundred and fifty and feel na well nn over did In my life. You are at liberty to this testimonial In any manner you may co fit , os I want all tiuffcrets frcni this terrible disease to know that there lias at last been compounded a remedy that will cure pllc.i. WHS , M , C. 11INKM3Y. There la no need of the danger , pain and expense of a surgical operation from any form of pllro. The Pyramid Pllo Cure does v/ork without pain and Is the eafrat best. Hemember also that the Pyramid Pills are a certain cure for constipation , acting without griping and restoring natural action to the bowels. The Pyramid 1'llu Cure Is cold by druggtats SO cents and Jl.OO , and the Pyramid Plllo 25 mas , or by mall from Pyramid Co. , Albion , Mich.