ORCHARD & WllIIELJrS SALE Soiling tlio Magnificent Orolghton Theater Chairs Monday at $6(75 , 65C COCOA DOOR MATS FOR 35C Every Dollnr'n Worth of FiirnHiire CarM' | < mill Ciirliilim In ( tic HOIINC till In Tliln Siicclnl Clearing : Sale uf 25 In 50 Per Cent Dlncotml. The very best bargain that \vc have over jet offcrc-I ilurlrjR this fjroat clean-up sale , Is to be placed At your clinposiU tomorrow. When the Crelghton theater wag building wo inniSo up for them eighty-four stall nnd box chairs , which , because of a change In their plans later on , were hardly nerd ; tin chairs wern tco large for the space they wtro to occupy , and wo took them back , after making up another set for tlio eliow people. The CrclRhton Theater Co. wcro to pay ua $18 apiece for these clialu- and If jou could have bought n single one ut that time , jou would probably have paid more. CHOICE $5.75 MONDAY. 30 of them arc stall chairs , with quarter- sawed solid oak frames and back : uphol- ctcrcd In heavy moth proof Titian vclour. CHOICE $5.76 MONDAY. 48 of them arc all over-stuffed ; upholstered In the same fabric , ' they have the brat steel springs , and make n most delightfully Ideal easy chair , As long as they last , $5.75 I'ER CHAIH. . Then there arc Iota of CDc cocoa door mats for 33c. " S12.CO black fur carriage robes , green felt lined , , 48x00 Inches , $7.50. The 6-4 oil cloth rugs arc all sold. But the best Ul yds. square arc 49c. And l'/4 ' yds. square zinc binding Is 12c. $3.50 extra good Brussels lace curtains , $2.48. J35.00 single pairs Brussels point curtains , $18.00. $40.00 elnglo pairs Druasols point curtains $25.00. HERB IS A BARGAIN. A new and special Importation of curtains , French gulpuro cluny lace , Honlton and Ilcnalssancc laces , on scrim and Arabian nets , was received during the week. It la a small , but exclusive , line and embraces all the choicest designs of HID year. Re- gardlcsa of the fact that It Is an import order , It goes In with the rc/t of the drapery Block and prices range from $4.50 to $15.00 for choice of pairs. The assortment will not last lung , so wo'd mlvlso quick buying. OltCIIAKD fcWIUKrM ! CAUPF/T CO. 1414-1116-1418 Douglaa St. Tim COJiTIXHNTAIj S.VIjC xtrntoM < lint There In Mimi-y In Oiiialin Wtii'ii AVimtcit. No success was ever so successful as the grand nnd glorious success of the Con tinental's money raisins sale , which be gan Saturday. Now they are after more Omaha wealth and offer , besides the many Inducements In their whole-page announce ment on page 13 , a DISCOUNT OF TWENTY PER CENT ON $25. $22 AND $20 OVERCOATS. This discount applies only to the over coats marked at these prices on these three high grade lines. The lower priced overcoats have already had the profit . .cut out. - , , It will pay to investigate this Continental talc. Comfort to California. Yes , and economy , too-If you patronize the llurllqgton'n .personally" Conducted once- a-week excursions , which leave Omaha every Thursday morning. No chaiige of cars Omaha to San Fran cisco amWoa Angeles. Second-class tickets accepted. Call at ticket ofllce , 1502. Farnam street , and get full Information or write to J. Francis , General'Passenger .Agant , Omaha , Neb. i . t , , tSara'l Burns Is opening a lot of 150 ban quet globes , "Old Delph , " "Dresden , " "Sil ver Etch'd , " "Fleur do LIs , " from 60c to $2 $ and 5 to 10 Inch. When You Ro KlIHt On the Burlington's ' "Vestlbulcd Flyer" you should reserve your berth as far In advance as possible. The "Flyer" has sleeping -car accommo dations for more- than 100 passengers , but If you want n "lower berth In the center of the car" the earlier you make your res ervation the more likely you are to get what you want. Leaves Omaha 500 ; p. m. Arrives Chicago 8:20 : a. m. Tickets ut 1502 Fa main street. Mrs. Cotton has taken rooms at the Mer- rlam , Twenty-fifth and Dodge streets , for the winter and will have her studio at the Davldgo block , Eighteenth and Farnam , rooms 1 and 2. Telephone 529. HEX PEPSIN QUM IS A most delicious nld to digestion. Try It. Don't put It off , but go right now to Ilclln & Thompson and leave your order for that new winter suit. STOCIC SUIISCKIIIRItS. St'crulnryVnUe III-111 Aiialyxt'H ( lie m Stoi-k . Holding. IK Secretary \Vakeficld of the Exposition as- EC toclatlon has made a.1 schedule showing the ECw classification of the subscribers to exposi w tion stock , arranged In groups according to fo the number of shares subscribed by them. foFl The list shows the total number of sub- Fl eurlbcrs to bo 6,121 and the total number of fa Bharbs subscribed , 34,308 , making the total se amount of the subscriptions $313,080. In detail , tlio Hat shows that 3,090 persons to have subscribed one share each ; 1,076 have Invl subscribed two shares each ; 402 have sub vl scribed three shares ; sixty-two , four shares ; or 720 , five shares ; ten , six shares ; five , seven orhi tliarcH ; four , eight shares ; 401 , ten shares ; one , eleven shares ; one , twelve shares ; tl twenty , fifteen shares ; eighty-six , twenty Elinrea ; thirty-six , twenty-five shares ; thlrty- nt tlirco , thirty shares ; one , thirty-five shares ; ntTl four , forty shares ; fifty-two , fifty bhares ; Tlb two , sixty shares ; one , seventy-five shares ; twenty file , 100 shares ; one , 125 sharca ; two , PJ 150 shares ; four , 200 shares ; eight , 250 ai shares ; nine , 500 shares ; two , 1,000 shares , aipc \VI-Ui : : WKM. KIXKI ) FOR IHISIMOSS. ca Stool ; In Tr.'iiUuf Three Conlli1oiu-t thTl Tl .Me-n fiOcutiMl ' by tlio 1'olli-r. Tlio valises containing the stock In trade ct dc of Morgan , Williams and Wharton , the con- It Itat fidcjice men arrested In this city several at days ago , wore located by the police last erse night at a cottage on North Seventeenth etrrot , where the men formerly roomed , soPi These men nro the parties who successfully su defrauded a ioulli ! Dakota farmer named suTl Thomas Thompson out of $22.75 on the "pail , th lock" Ulok , Iu ( he valises were found a in couple of revolvers , a large number of blank checks on various banks In Nebraska ta and Kaunas , some brass knuckles and wear taw ing apparel. The police are o ( the opinion gc that tin so men have conducted their games thh over a large territory and that after they h have flnlthcd serving the short sentence ! ) e\ given them In this city the authorities of eo ( other cities will want them , , \l > oiitflU'HiI > - to llu Mimtri-ril Out , Tlip fplleiwIiiK members of the Tluiratou Itllles mo fllullilo to on houorublo illsclmrno from the ncrvlco of the Nebraska National Kimrd on Dec-ember 18. 1NW. by rra on of Die expiration of their three yearn" term of enlistment : U'lllluin HlocUluim , Walluco Taylor , Herbert Taylor , Lee Korby , Jesse hla Thornsc-lt. Ilobert Covcnlnle , llert Fowler , liniTCt CulemunVllllin \ C. Hnrtlott , Bporgo OMleppU" , Thomiit ) HMdlrk , John ho liuctmnan , Prod Klaher. GcorBo Fisher , Will der Kltdicr. Il rt given , Charles lluimtltc , J , C PiiKe. Clyilu Hut Ikon , .M. SI. HobeitHon. ser Oliurii > 8 8hri > ) er , Cluud Storlcham. Wlrt Thomi'suii , JI It. Wllllamo und Harry Yost. \ MV Sorretiiry TnUt'N llolil. Fred It. "Willis will address the men'n a ircot'.iig of the Ypunu Men's ChiUtlatt as- Boclutlon rooms this afternoon nt 4 o'clock Jlr. Willis Is u gtronir speaker and will not fn.ll to Interest nil \vlia come. Thin is tlio llr t iiitH-tliiK in which he olllclatca on generul nccrotno' of this association Mi uiul It U hoped tliut there may b n Inrgu attendance of members. AH men r ' " V'tpil. ' There will bo special tnu Ic. LAIRD , SCIIOBER & CO , FIXED Tiflocn Hnndrcd and Fifteen Donglns Stree ia All Brand New , LAIRD , SCHOBER & CO , WILL STAY l/'itilor tlic PerHonnl JlniiiiKcnipnt o Mr , I'rnnlt Wllcox They Will Coii- ilnet it Shoe HiiMliiVHN Sovonil to .None In the Went. Did you ever wake up out of a bad dream after a big footmen hid been chasing you uphill all night ; or did you ever swim across a wl le river and crawl up on the bank with a feeling of relief , clntlon and a whole lo of other pleasant sensations ? Then you must have felt something like Manage Frank Wllcox looked Saturday when hi said : "Now wo are ready fcr business. " I has been an endless Job preparing the nev cream-colored store at fifteen hundred and fifteen Douglas street for the pirmancn homo of Laird , Schober & Co. , the shoe dealers , The renovation Is not all In the front by any moans , although tnc show placed In the windows at the present will almost repay them for their efforts In this direction , It Is the prettiest and most tastefully ar ranged display of shoes ever made In this city , ultli just enough American beauty roses , smllax and other natural ornumcnta tlons to set off the whole to a degree o nicety , Mr. Wllcox , as manager of such a house Is at his best , and Is highly pleased with the many flattering comments even thus early received , The stock Is one of unusual excel lenee , for this city , and embraces all the fine the finest In the world , by the way ladles' shoes made by Laird , Schober & Co. , as well as all the other moat popular makes in men's women's and children's shoes , In modlum and high art footwear. Thrco dollars Is to bo the popular line In cither men's or women's shoes ; although even lower priced goods will be carried. There Is not to bo found a finer line of men's or women's shoes , nor a greater va riety of styles than Is to bo found In the now store of Laird , Schober & Co. , who have now fully decided to stay In Omaha and grow Up with the wild and wooly west. A Undines * Clinnce. District agents for the Manhattan Lite Insurance - suranco company of New York. This comM pany Is forty-six years old , and has paid to pollcyholders $38,796,900.00. Total assets held December 31st , 1895 , for protection of jiolley holders , $11,485,411. Sums paid to pollcyholders and held for their benefit , amounts to $53,282,341.00. Total premiums pal.l by pollcyholdora , $18,110 503. The company has Rained over all expenses J3.171.- 836.00 , a gain of 10 7-10 per cent , which proves conclusively that a policy in this company is a good asset for any one lo i own. The new policies Issued by this company contain valuable provisions regarding NON- ' FOUFE1TUHE , 1NCONTESTIBILITY , and r.iaU loans at 5 per cent Interest. To In dustrlous and cneriretic agents such help will bo given that success will crown their I ! efforts. Many agents have failed to realize tlio proper income from their labors , be cause the proper assistance necessary to success was not offered to them , We Invite correspondence , nnd personal Interviews with reliable persons , who would like c most lucrative business , that will be per- mmiPiit. und fil which a Rood anil safe In- COIHO may be built up for those who give It their best energies and labors. Please address or call upon J. W. Dean & Sons general agents , C07 and COS Bee building , Omaha , Nebraska. Thc llL-xt Service To "Denver , Cheyenne and points In Utah. Idaho , Montana , Oregon and California Is. via the UNION PACIFIC. For tickets and full Information cell at City Ticket Oulce. 1302 K.-irnain street. COUTANT & SQUIRES SELL BEST QTALITIES COAL. COKE AND WOOD. All the well-dressed men In Omaha have their , suits made at Helln & Thompson's. Is In VON PUI.ASKI Arthur , aged 8 years , 11 months , nt 5:15 : Saturday morning , of diphtheria. Fnnernl trnm resltlpnop 3TO Maple st. ; Sunday nt 2 o'clock. Interment Forest Lawn. Johnson Bros. , hard coal. $9. i T Six Thirty I' . M.Iriiln. . of the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL HY. Best service. ELECTRIC LIGHTS , Dining car. filty oflicp. 1504 Faranm An overcoat that will fit perfectly Is the kind Hclln & Thompson will make you. PAH Mi : II YOIUC TIUIJS OP LIFE. [ nt ii I.IINH ( o Aucfiniit for Ills SO Hcir-IK-Mtriii-Uon. John York , a well-to-do farmer living near Benson , was found hanging by the to neck In a barn located on his son's farm 10 several in I Ice from bis own home yesterday morning. When the ? body was dlscoverejl It was cold , life- having evidently been extinct ' ' for some hours. ' York worked about his farm until noon Friday , when lie departed In his wagon J. of for this city. Ho remained in town for several hours and returned home Just be ol fore nightfall. When ho reached his house ho Informed his family that ho Intended to 01 visit his son , who lives about two miles | "J and a halt southwest of Benson. None of his relatives saw him allvo after that time. ! The son did not expect the visit and did not BCD his father at all during the night. . The old man evidently went directly to the barn : to commit hla deed of self-destruction , From the condition of the corpse It was apparent that Yorlc died during the early part of the night. | Is ' The sight disclosed to the ghastly was son ot early yesterday morning when ho opened oth the barn door to. begin his day's labors. h The body of hla father was swinging at the- bo end : of a bridle rein , from an open trap door that led Into the loft of the building. is believed that York arranged the strap about his neck In the loft and then jumped to his death. The body was at once cut down by the be son , who hastened to Benson to Inform the In proper authorities , Coroner Burket was summoned at a late hour yesterday morning , The remains wcro brought to the morgueIn this city. The time for the Inquest han not 'yet been set. In Tlio relatives of the deceased are unable assign any motive for tbu deed. York the was abundantly supplied with worldly goods , ounlng other property In addition to the farm upon which he was living. He ' had not worried over any mailers what ever and had never Intimated any Intention jf taking hl own life , Properly Attarlicil liy Crcilltnr * . 11 The Western Button Itf Manufacturing com ttn pany commenced an attachment Butt In the id district court yesterday morning ngulnst 1C Frank Pokorny to recover on a note for $850 , lir given by Pokorny In 1E03 and duo In IS'JS. It Is ' lin alleged that Pokorny U about tii dispose of - nit property and remove from the city , with [ > o the Intention of dcfnutdlng hl.i creditors , and that he has told several partlcx that i/as never Intended tn pay bis debts , An or a tit of attachment was Ifsiu-d by JudgeKey - Its ! nnd given to the sheriff to serve , J Strerl Car Kiti ) > l < iyo ' llrnrllt. fllII The Street Car Employes' ncneilclury IIh society l'i milking grct pjvpnrntlona for Ilio miiKloul nnd literalcntvftaliuni'nt and n h social nt ConilneiUui hajj , frituiday wen * Inif next. - . r ( , HreeiiHoa to Mm , 1'vHlllr. be The Womr.n'M clulivHU fclve iu pruUKsit , an * . Ella \V. I'eattlu. a rorrijtlaii ut the Oommereliil rluli parlor * 'nn Moiulny even- . luf. to willed tlio uutilio U invited. 'Die 'fi ' hours will be from S to 10 o'clock. J ECHOES OF THE ANT ROOM Full reports of the session of the grand ledge of the Decree of Honor , Ancient Order of United Workmen , wcro given In The Dally Bee , and little remains for this col umn to say on the meeting except to give a brief synopsis of the work that was done. The session was In reality the only matter of Interest that occurred In secret society circles during the past week. All the matters which this column stated last Sunday would come up for discussion occupied the attention of the grand body. That In brief satisfactorily tells the story of the proceedings. Whatever qther busi ness was transacted was of little public In terest or else was of n scciet character. In nil , a great mass of business was accom plished , and the members were unanimous In BtntliiK that the session was the most Important and Interesting Iu the history of the grand lodge. In the first place , the body decided to Issue beneficiary certificates for $600 , Jl.OOO anJ $2,000. This change was even greater than had been at first proposed. Hitherto only a ? 1,000 , certificate had been Issued , nnd It was Intended to Issue only ono additional for $2,000. It was furthermore decided to nil in It to membership persons of the mini mum ago of 18 , this being a change from the former minimum of 21. Both these changes were sanctioned at the recent meet ing of the superior lodge. , . Another Innovation was an Increase of the mutual dues on the beneficiary members from CO to SO cents. The dues on the noclnl members remain as heretofore. This was dene In answer to the sentiment that the beneficiary dues should be greater than the social. Inasmuch as the former class require more bookkeeping than the latter. Dr. R. S. Patten was Instructed to so re vise the constitution of the order that It bo put Into systematic shape. The constitu tion at present has sections referring to the same subjects scattered throughout , and It was desired that these should be gathered together and classified. A similar system was arranged for the superior lodge by Dr. Putten. The following officers were elected nnd duly Installed before the session adjourned Mrs. | Adella Harding of Hebron , 0. C. of H. Mrs. A. Hosteller of Shclton , G. L. of H. Mrs. Hattle Jeffries of Wymore , G. C. of C. W. \ S. Hotlseworth of Lincoln , G. R. : Mrs. Owens of Grand Island , G. R. : Mrs. Fnnnlc Meyers of Ncilgh , G. U. ; Mrs. Addle Winkle- man of Sidney , G. I. W. ; Mrs. R. E. Mart- son of South Omaha , G. 0. W. ; Mrs. D. O. IJowltt of Havclock , G. T. ; Mrs. J. C. Gra ham of South Omaha. W. S. Ilouseworth of Lincoln and Mrs. Adella Hardiing of Hebron , grand representatives to the superior lodge. Lincoln was chosen as the place for the next , biennial session , which will convene OI the second Tuesday In October , 1R9S. On Tuesday evening , the night of the first day of the session , the visiting delegates were entertained In Crelghton hall with an excellent program. The entertainers con sisted of the Mogulllans ot the city In their great minstrel show , assisted by other local talent. The affair was very enjoyable. The session was very well attended. Prac tically all the delegates or alternates who were entitled to seats In the convention hal' were on hand atMhe opening ot the meetln ; and remained through" the adjournment mu ' " ' " " " The number present "was over ICO. Isl Friilcrniil Union uf America. Active organization work of this new order is carried on now in twelve states , the larger cities forming the headquarters for their respective vicinities. Deputy Supreme President Johnson has moved to Indianapolis and will push organi zation work there. The new edition of rjthe constitution Is , . { ! - " ? - e0eurJ1JlI.ac'lie"neV ' cTrcllFate1 prepared in-conformity to the constitution have also been distributed and are meeting with satisfaction everywhere. The accident feature has been changed , so that all new members , instead of having their assessment rate raised In proportion as their occupation hazardous , will be entitled to benefits case of accident according to their occu pation. This change conforms to the grad ing as per the manual for regular accident companies and associations. The change Is commended by the leading members of the order and deputies. A contract has been let for shields , which will be handsomely painted and decorated. They | will be ready for distribution within one week. I Deputy Supreme Presidents Law , Walters , I " Hartman , Bender , Potter , Sylvester , Sturglll j ind others are actively engaged In appointM ' Ing subdeputles. They nnd but little diffi culty in getting good men. Some- fifteen or twenty more applicants wore- ready for Initiation In Banner lodge Friday evening , but , as the hall could not be secured for that night , they1 , with others , will receive the degree of fraternity on Friday evening , October 16. A largo at tendance is i.eslrcd on that evening. The lodge will give an entertainment on the last Friday evening of this month , October , at its hall In the Continental block. A flne program has been prepared and refresh ments will be served. F. A. Reese , supreme president , has gone Denver for several days in the Interest Aiielent Order of United Workmen. On the evening of 'September 29 Omaha lodge No. IS formally took possession of Its new lodge- rooms , and upon that occasion J , H. Reedy , 0. G. , delivered the address congratulation. Ills remarks were ap propriate and Interesting.- the course $ his address he said : a "Our lodge Is to be heartily congratulated its growth and success ; the standing and ability of Its largo membership ; the un swerving loyalty of Its founders and the continuance of Its faithful adherents ; Its timely and Its many tokens of mission wisely wrought out. The history of Its nets and priceless deeds remains unwritten In II any ono volume , but the record of Its vlc- fo erica Is engraved on living memories. Those who planned and those who enjoy the re tlidi sults of that methodical system rejoice over 5 the outcome of fruitful self-denial. | a'r The special subject of rejoicing tonight In In the fact that Inht our surroundings will ht bring us all Into closer touch with each IIE other In a pleasant hall , removed from many fu things distasteful or oven deleterious In th their influences. The environments here will fir moro healthy , because more In harmony Is with the laudable ambition to use the best Isad facilities for concourse , with freedom In In exercise of functions. "Tho Impulse to cater to the higher stand which education brings In Its train must followed ; licnco our lodge has done wisely making the change from quarters In In which the underlying current of force for InMi good work and attendance was hampered by Mi forbidding elements of unrest. There waa Itwe unanimity In the selection of tlio new hall we which to meet. May the same' oneness ke characterize our' converse together under lei good' ' of the order , and In every depart th ment of our lodge doings. " roi I'roU'i'll V < * I.eilKlli' of IIuilKllIM Coiinl } ' , th The public , outside of the politicians and SCJ the members of secret organizations , has Leo lioard little uf this organization to far , DC co ilthough this column made mention of Inception during the latter part of the summer. The organization Is of a purely ha political chaiacter and moreover deals with or polities unly when secret society orders ere Vc Ibreiiti.'iie'l. ' It ! ) avowed object during the I'l-fkint campaign U to fight any and all candidates for the loKlslr.tui&rwho are op- OKfrd to fraternal Institutions and Insurance. An has been mentioned the organization launched before -the campaign was on d has grown until it now Includes In membership very nearly all the secret Boeluty lodges In the city. There uro about fifty-three cf DifBO bodies In Omaha , and of these ore represented. iach U en 0 ! titled to tlnee delegate * . 0 ! The Iraguo was Mailed bocniitc early In Beaten iui.cr * were afloat to the effect CI tbu old line liutiraufK rumpanU'H In- tcndvd to elect if r&sMbU : senators and rc.i- rt'kcntatlvfn tn the K'girlature who would opjitifiod to JraU-rnr.1 Uura : > uc , hi sour Itv i upon itfcut It In-yJ" nn 'nu-ntl- DP gallon itt n neto ! the vutidldnU'e v , Ho vnrc of cnVrhiK tlumi"lvr for petitions la ( lie 10 ! legislature. The Vi'crk lilt about beta wmpUteJ. In " alhi Myrtle lodge No. 399 will glvo Its tnonthly dime social entertainment nt .its hall over the Boston store on Monday'evening , Oc tober 19. These , ejfltrtalnments are. becom- Ihf JTi 'p ' ° DUl ° r a'jfln'Siio ffmbe , their friends ! * . > rSVablo evcnlns. ' thnl nive'rvTeW WSJ , , was changed its meeting night from Friday to Monday 'evening , n change which is desired by the majority of the members. The lodge Is holding social entertainments semi-monthly and Is oneof the most popular organizations In tli at section of the city. tliw Banner lodge. Is now holding its regular weekly meetings in Sander's hall , Twenty- fourth .and Cumlng streets , every 'Wednes day evening. Myrtle lodge 399 will offer an entertain inde program under the "Good of the Or der" nt Its meeting Monday evening for the benefit of Its members who may be fortunnte enough to be present. W E. Cady will glvo ono of his specialties Messrs. Hewitt and Dodd agree to do & song and dance. Miss Kleckner will recite , Mrs. Standlford will offer musical selec tions and others have promised to entertain Young ; MCII'N IlonuvitlcntHHOuliitlnn. . This body celebrated the anniversary of Its existence with an entertainment given the Knights of Labor hall Wednesday night. The program outlined for that even- ir-s was excellent It and will long be rr- memberud by all those who were present. II. Kntskey , who was master of ceremonies delivered the opening address. He was fol lowed by II. ZImman nnd Lesslo , who spoke very appropriately for the occasion. The chief fcatuio of the evening was an eloquent address delivered by Prof. J. D. Nathanson , which was enthusiastically encored by the audience. Ho wns followed by Rev. A. Bromson and others. At the close ot the entertainment tnblcs were spread nnd supper served to the members , The association was organized a year ago for the purpose ot rendering aid and as- slstnnce to the sick and Indigent people the Jewish persuasion. It has expenilci $407 for charitable purposes and has Bill , fair amount In thetreasury to keep the organization In good standing. Its ofllccrs present are : Charles Cohen , president ; . B. ZImman , vice president ; J. H. Lcssle treasurer ; I. Zimman , secretary , Order of SoottlHh CliniN. When the Scotch people undertake any thing : they go Into it with heart and head for the best results. In the preparation for the play of "Rob Roy , " which Is to bo pro duced at the Crelghton theater November C and 7 , young and old have rehearsed and drilled with enthusiastic Interest and addition to their head and hands they have given their feet. The pageant of nations and tlio gathering of the clans is full of dances. Not only Scotch dances , but the national dances "of almost every nation find a place on llio ! program. "Rob Roy a story ot Scottish hardihood and wild adventure and is goidramatlcnl ns to bring bold relief thuimablo character of this nmn of the hills. hills.With With ) tttr Ten of Oraahalsi citizens were Initiated Into the Omaha lodgi of Elks Friday night , Mayor Broatch bolriff ouo of the number , was expected Ithtt at least twenty-five would go through , ! hut the rainy weather kept a number awtT- Another class of at least fifty will go through some evening this month. A stag social wllli bo held at the lodge rooms Saturday evening , October 17 , As will open thtf 121 k festivities for the season , a good tlumlls looked for. Dr , E , W , will act as tlUlnnan , The committee consists : of Messrs ; Potter , Sharp and Mc Donald , If you desire a luxurious growth of healthy hair of a natural color , nature's crowning ornament : of both eoxes , use only Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Ilcnewcr , CIIICACU AM ) NOKTIIWJ3STI3U.Y. Operates two through superbly equipped trains EVERY day In the year. TUB OVERLAND LIMITED AND OMAHA-CHICAGO SPECIAL. DEPART. . ARRIVE. OMAHA , 4:45 : p. m. CHICAGO , 7:45 : a. m. OMAHA. 6:30 : p , m , CHICAGO , 9:30 : a. m. CITY TICKET OFFICE , 1401 II. R. RITCHIE- , FAIWAM ST. _ GEN. AGENT. Hamlltou Warren , 11. ft. , eclectic and mag. nellc physician ; special attention lo diseases women and children and all olncuro and lone-itandlng dUcatea. 119 N , ICth * t. , U. 2. Hello ; Co. , tailor * . 216 South 13th street. ttfttl OHM I'M ' ) IIYTIIK MAMJl'ACTI'lllIltS ' Action Tnl < en nn One of the Proponed Conniltntlonnt Aiiirnilmrtitft. The manufacturers of Nebraska arc very much Interested in tlio proposed change In the constitution of the state -which would allow the voting of bonds to nld In the loca tion of factories , No manufacturer now In business can derive any direct benefit from such a change , but they all appreciate the Importance ot developing the resources of the state and they believe that Is the best way to accomplish the desired result. The executive committee ot the Manufacturers' and Concumcrs' association of Nebraska has adopted thci following as showing the posi tion of the manufacturers ot the state on this subject : llcsolved , That this association hoartlly endorses nnd recommends the adoption of tlio nropo.xcd nmendment to section 2 of articlexlv of the constitution of tlio stntc of Nebraska , nnd recommends that all mem bers use tholr Influence to secure the adop tion of the said amendment , uvilch Is to lie voted upon at the general election , to beheld held November 3. In the opinion of the executive committee the adoption of this amendment Is of para mount importuned to the people of Ne braska. It 'will glvo to cltlea , towns , coun ties or townships the privilege , under such conditions nnd safeguards us they may pre scribe , of aiding In the cstnlillshtnMU of beet sugar , glucose , chicory or other fac tories which would consume the natural products of our soli , Such factories would not only give profit able employment to thousand ! ) of our cltl- r.t-nn. but would more thnn double the value of every ncro of land In thrlr vicinity. Am ple proof of thlft statcmont can bo found at Norfolk and Ornnil Inland , where land which before the eMnblldhmpnt of the miRnr factories rented for $2.50 per ncre , now brings from $ . " 1 to W | > cr ncrc. Secretary Holmes has token the matter In hand ami will bring the subject of the pro posed constitutional changes to the attention ot the business men ot the state. TAICIM ; vi * AX H.\TIMIID cointsu. TTTO Ycnr * of MttMcnl Ntiuly I.nlil Out by the Womitn'K ( "lull , The musical department of the Woman's club Is about to undertake what Is known ns the Derthlck system of musical study. This Is an outlined plan , which will occupy two years , with meetings t\\lco a month from October to May. It covers the whole range ot musical literature from Bach to Grieg ; and gives an analysis ot about 500 representative works , by some of the beat musical special ills and educators. It Is designated not only for musicians , but for I those who wish to learn how to listen to ' music , and how to enjoy Its beauties. U Is a somcuhat unique plan , and Is attract ing great. Interest In tlio club. Miss Cun ningham ta the newly elected leader of the department , Mrs. , Frances M. Ford Is the secretary and Miss Sue Colpetzcr the treas urer. Leave your watch for repairs with John Rudd , Jc\\clcr , opposite Boston store. T yv f ( lO A TB lii iCT ROGERS IT PAYS IT PAYS TO TO TRADE TRADE WITH WITH HIM. HIM. The Best Stoves at the Lowest Prices. Prices Reduced this Season. Now $28 and tip. Home Stoves AH kinds , stylus and Garlatid sl/tfd Stoves and _ KUIIKCS , $10.00 up. stoves and Ranges Steel Ranges $24 ROUND OAK STOVES. The genuine ' ! ) C .stylo uses less And there Is only ono genuine soft conl and keeps Hie longer Round Oak Stove and wo than any other Oak Stove. have It on sale. Other Oak Stoves good ones . S-1-5O Cook Stoves warranted . 87 , OO Milton Rogers & Sons , 14th and Farnam. " * . * J JW W - - . . Have you thought of our kitchen helps conveniences R that lighten household cares ? Here are a few of our Towel ItlllllTH. . . IliNll I'll II H. . . . Donlilc 3-l-IiiL-h ( Mu tcli Safe Folding ! C T.llllcll IIOXOH. Mokol Our < | ililorcs. . . ? ft "XVtlNll G Silver IlllNllIM TtiiNioniiN < . ftto Tootlinlx Silver C lioiI K-K- to $ ? I'crfurntiMl c -A Tollft I'IIIIOP. . Wilier Pliclier , 'Wa ( | < . I'U-eeit GIiiNH I/niu ] > C $ DIjllUTH Complete. . . . Kg ( JlO l-'l re Hraclcvt K f * JO " ! C ShovolH Cc l Can Kltclieii ? c i * l Q Dili-Torn ( lieiier > Jj > S3 The 1319 Jjifr J5 99-Ceiit Farnam ifr < S Store. Street. 'Or i w. , " . , - % . * " > . , . * / - ' . , , . . _ _ ' ; .ii..lfl. ' L' ' : - „ } n JifUiilJ1 Table and Sofa Pillow Covers , stamped In Roumanian and Nordlsch designs for cm- broidcrlnit. New designs In Table ( Covers and Sofa Pillows for Hulgarlan embroidery. New designs In Stamped Centers , Trays , Doylies , Lunch Cloths , Dresser Covers , with hemmed and scalloped edges. Now pieces In Mexican drawn work Squares , 9x9 , 2Sc ; 10 Inches , 51CO ; 24-Inch drawn work , 6 Inches wide , price $4.75. Tray Cloths , 20x30 , drawn work 6 Inches , price 14.75. Now Commenced Embroidery Pieces. All Embroidery Silk put up In skein holders without extra charge ; price , 40c a do/.rn , or 3 skeins for lOc. Now Crepe Drapery Silk , New Japanese Tinsel Crepe In Oriental designs , 12c to 2Sc yard. I'eautltul Madras goods , 2 yards wldo , ? 2.00 per yard. Now Art Denims , Now and pretty patterns in Sllkallno. Now Opera Hags. New Uostoii Shopping Dags. FINE DINING CHAIRS Hero ( H nn inconsistency. Your room chair IH tlio onu t-linlr on wlilt'h you Hll tlio nitwit , yet It In usually ono of tlio iiKllust and most uncomfortublo t'linlrn In Ilio whole IIOUSP. Is not tlio scat on which you Hjipnd two of tlio twelve dally hours Import- antunoiiKh to warrant n little t > xient-o | In Its wli'ctloii ? IH any other seat moro continuously occupied V Xow look at the matter from the stnnd- point of Health. Digestion requires an vijoyment ( of tlio ute.nl , whfeli IH Impossible - possible- with Imrsli , uucomfortahk fur niture. And It's all n question of a few dollars only."Q \ arc holding this week n ppeclnl wile of Dlnlnt ; Furniture. We Hhow u collection twice n largo aa over before seen under a sln lis roof In'Omahn ' , lit The prices tire at the lowest low water murk , Chas. Shiverick & Co. , The Largest Stock of Furniture in Nebraska. , . NEXT TO , . 12th & Douglas Sis. Millard Hotel. They Couldn't Hold Him. AV > mp n the Mu utoifs In the middle of th tilock If llfirrr xvn ronnlnp n chop of M * own- * tint h * > not nml fa he'll continue to j 1ny for the blc nnrtf l > ul he vtts good judgment ana Kfts hl l iy In advance. I.y < 1 la Plnkhxm Compound..1 'to MAltlne j'lnln ; ro Mfllllne with cod llvrr oil ; .V > ( "Astoria Ka 1'nlnc's Olcry Compound. . . . . . . . , . , , . , , , f-Vi C inolp Juniper , , , . , . . , .11 N Williams' rink rillo .v.a Cnrter'n I.hor 1M1I l a Wnrner'n Safe Cure * "O Hyrun or rig * . . . . . . < ui. . . . . . . . . . Ka HOO-TH Snrjup.irllln. . , , , . . , . , . . . . C4o Illniey'n Cntnrrli Cure. , . , 50o ( 'arslmil ) Hprinlol Palls , . . . , . . . , ,11. 7So Mnllnr > 'ft Catarrh OUT. . , 7 o l KVPtlnn Ixitiii crtntil lOa KcAtt'n KmtilMon . . . , i. . . , , . . , . C7o Durty'n Mnlt WlilFky , No Vine Kolnfrn > T..o ( "utlcura llcjolvcut , . . 7Sa 1-utlcurn Sonp , l.'Q No-Tn.Unc i.i i. . . . . tea S. S. , "f-o .lancV i : | irctornnt . . . . . . .i. . . 7'a 1'jnunlcl i'1o | cure , . . , . . , . . SSa ONT nuru DltUl ) Haydeu Bros- ' Shoe Sale Monday MAIL , OnDEUS FILLED. Infants' fine ] Kid Shoes , 23c , "Gilt Kdgo" Shoo Dressing , 15c , . Ladles' Croquet Rubbers , 25c. Ladles' fine Cloth Ovcrgnltcrs , 2Sc. Ladles' Dlcyclo LcgKlns , Me. Children's line Kid Button Shoes , C5c. Missus' fine Kid Uiitton School Shoes , $1.09 $ , Ladles' flno Kid Button Shoes , $1.45 and ? 2.00. 2.00.Men's Men's nno Shoes , ? 1.2G , $ ua and $2.00. Men's Sandal Hubbcrs , 15c. HAYDEN BROS. PEERLESS STEAM COOKER ) Marlon Harlniltl recommended It. So docs Harrison's S daughter , bold only by KRUQ'S CABINET BEER. 420. KRUQ'S CABINET BBER. 420. KRUO'S CABINET BEER. 420. KRUG'S CABINET BEER. 420. KRUG'S CABINET BEER. 420. KRUG'S CABINET BEER. 420. KUDO'S CABINET BEER. 420. KUDO'S CABINET BEER. 420. KRUG'9 CABINET BEER. 420. KRDG'S CABINET BEER. 420. KRUG'S CABINET BEBR. 420 , KUDO'S CABINET BEUR. 120. KRUG'S CABINET BEER. 420. KRUG'S CABINET BEER , 420. KRUO'S CABINET BBER. 420. KRUG'S CABINET BEER. 420. KRUO'S CABINET BEER. 420. KRUO'S CABINET BEER. 420. KRUG'S CABINET BEBR. 420. KRUQ'S CABINET BEER. 420. KRUO'S CABINET BEER. 420. KRDQ'S CABINET BEER. 420. KUDO'S CABINET BEER. 420. KRDO'9 CABINET BEER. 420. KRUO'S CABINET BEER. 420 , KRUO'S CABINET BEER. 420. KUDO'S CABINET BEER. 420. KRUG'S CABINET BEER. 420. KRUG'S ' CABINEP BEER. 420. KUDO'S CABINET BEER. 420. KRUG'S CABINET BEER. 420. KIIDG'S CABINET BEER. 420. KUDO'S CABINET BEER. 420. KUDO'S CABINET BEER. 420. KRUG'S ' CABINET BEBR. 420. KRUG'S CABINET BEER , 420. KRUO'S CABINET BEER. 420. KUDO'S ' CABINET BEER. 120. "A STITCH IN TIfllE , etc. AB Boon as you know your tooth IK decayed consult BAIlEr , TIH : Dentist Special iittcntion given to flllliifir too tli , THIRD FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK * Oije Tholisatjc ) for Oijc * . ( Trade Mark. ) ACCIDENT TICKETS. THE INTER-STATE Cii milf > - Comiinnx ot Noir VorU. gives THREE MONTHS' ' insurance \ $1,000 for $1.OO , to men or uiini - ) > , t ween IS and Oft ycnr < < of age , ogalnit fatal Street Accidents u.fciot. or on Ulrycle * . Horeo , Wagons , Ilorso Can , llallruud earn. Elevated , llrlilcf. Trolley anil Cable ran , HteumuMps. bte'aiiiLcaulinif filcam l-Vrrkr. JIW.CW drponlted with theIntuinnco L't ' ] > arlimrl ot Ilia tUle of Ni-w York for tlic necurlty ot tfce .r..iur d. Var fain liy Chas. Kfiiifmatin , Poutl Elrett. Tel. Mt Qinthl ,