5KIJIO' ' ' ll THE ( XMATIA DAILY IIIOE : FIJI DAT , OOTOU13K n , 1800. 1)1(1 ( ' Ailo \ Mi [ \j\\i\ \ \ \ \ \ EtarU the Day with n Speech to a Largo Crowd at Burlington. QUOTES FROM M'KINLEY AND HARRISON Slit IT .Nominee Mmvifl Hull liltUo - t > ii It I Iran CmiilltliiU * Put ori'il n l.nrmr ClrniliitliiK Medium \\licn tlio Country NrnliMl II. Ill HU1NOTON. la , Oct. S William J llrynn arrived In Iturllnston at 5 Bl this innrnlnK In a private * car. llio iiamo of which. ' Idler , Is somewhat of n contrast with this campaign's record of Mr llryan A lut.il reception comiulttco of 90 , headed l.vi 1C Tracy , had arUeii early to meet tin i mlld.aie. mid willed about the car ami Hi the ilrpot from 080 to S 30. when Mr then taken for breakfast lir > nn nrewe Ho waa fast lo llio residence of John J Kerloy < nillra uiei of Mr Hry.ut In coiiRress A re trillion was Intruded to ha\o been held at 0 .10 o'clock tit the court house , but on or count of tin- crowd , Mr. llr > an excused him self by making a short ipeech At 1" 01 lock tlio luocosston started from Main Mid Washington streets to Crape park , where tlu Coliseum. In which Mr Ilry.ui . spoke toda ) Is locates ! The parade was an Im posing onti It was headed by n plitoon of mountid police , and then came the Cltl xena band , followed b > the earrlago In vvhleh the nominee- was seated llehltul In regular order , follow id an escort of women on horseback a cavaluulo of horse-men , and nloxciiinoro bands. Including the Iowa State band Ranilvtlch.nl In between Narlous silver marching clubs At 11 o'clock the llrst spenh of the day was midi * It was In tin Coliseum building a gigantic .ilTalr. creetc < l for the BCinl centennial of Iowa's admission to the union of Mates llio crowd was llm Hid to th < al/o of the hillldlnK , and vvaj enthuslnstlc to a degree Thuro worn suv tiral minutes of cheering aiul npplatiso on Mr llryan s airlvnl. and when ho started to speak another great ovation was given At the Coliseum Mr Ilrjan found that there vvero lepubllcnus present , and tho.se republicans did not hesitate to applaud one moio daring than the others who chceicd for MelClnloy. Mr. llryan said he was glad they were there , as he wished to talk tt thoio who favored his opponent After be lug Introduced b > ox-Congriismau Zcrley ho said \Vo are passing thtoiiKh a campaign which means a gical deal to the American people , aye , more than that. It means great deal to the people of the vvoild Then are crlsca In human aflalrs While evcrj da > Is of equal length with everj othei day jet Into some days vast Importance Is i run tied , and into the .Id of November vast Impoitancu will be crowded Upon that dav the American people choose a president who fchall occupy the white home ( cries of "tlrjaii , Utyan" and applause ) for four years On th it day they select a house ot ropresentalivos and on that day thej select lecUHtuics which will choose * United Stilus hviiatoit Much depends upon the icstilt ot this election " DEMOCRATS DRAGGED OFF Then he told about tbo republican plat foim declailiiK for the gold standard "for the flrst time In the hlstoij at the Uuitu' ' States " Talking of the gold demounts , he * said ' Some have left us perhaps I ought to moellfv the term , because If 1 saould .say that men leuvo us it might Imply that the ) had reasoned themselves out of the dc-moc r.uic prrty It might Implv thit the > had 1,0110 voluntarily t will use anothci loim We * have Imd dtaggcd out of the emo-'Mtlo partj certain ones who wcte more ) attached to tlio great corporate1 Inter c-sts of this country than they were to the \velfaio of the people" ( Applause ) . And ho added i "That Is the dlfferenco be tween republicans who como to tin and dcm 01 rats who go fioni us The democrats who go fiom us imist repudiate the blsloiy of the democntle part ) and abandon tint v Itlch his been democrntk fiom the time when Je'rteison oifir.nlzed the demociatlc parly ( \ppliiisn ) Hie U'publleans v.ho come to us have simply to stand by that which the icpubllcaii pnity used to advocate , and which in this campaign it has abandoned ( Ore.it applause A voice "Hurrah of Mc- Klnli'j ' Applause and hisses ) Mr IJr > an "Mj frlene's I brg jou to re- finin fiom any manifestation of dlsplcas , ure I am glad to have that man hero who Is In favoi of in } opponent I only hopi that thoic are' man ) such bc'causo it is to Miili petsnns that I deslro ti cxpiess mj re narks ( Cheers and applause ) My filond has declaic'il his preference for Me Ktnlc ) I want to ask lil'n who he i.s for the MiKlnl ? ) of 1S1D or the McKlnley ot IMfi > ( Long ehoering ) Lot me lead > ou wlnt Mr McKlnley said In 1VIO , whc'n he vvs advoiating the Shcimiii law , which a Idrd to the volume of the nation's money Hi hald In tint speech * lut ) all agree that wt must have a larger \olume of moruy nnil that the i-dded volume shall bo sllvei 01 Us equivalent , based on silver ' ' Mr Hr > an explained that the object of the hill then proposed was to Increase the amount of money In circulation , and then < iuotul from some further speeches of Mr McKlnle8 on the same line These t > tate mints made in 1S9D Mi Ilijan ion ! raited with the fctalcment made byMr MeKlnlej In J DG In opposition to the frea co'mge ef silver as a remedy for business depression that It Is not moie money wo want Whni v\c w.int is , to put all the monej wo have alicady .it work " And he asked Which docs my friend favoi' The Mc- Klnlev of jviu who wanted more monuj , 01 tbc MeKlnlp ) of IbllS' " ( Oicat applause and triis of "I'-'JO" ) \NOTI1I311 HAI > AT M KINLHY Coiuinuing. ho said " .More than that , Mr MrKlnlc ) said In IbOl In .1 speech at Toledo O. that Mr Cleveland had been dlutim- Jnatlng ugiinst silver had been living to di Mde It. had been to Ing to contract the. ( uriono ) ami that by lessiulng the cur UIIPJ ht > made mojie.v de.irer by nuking It starccr and nuklni ; money tu ! > master u-id all things oho the servants. If It was wtong of Mr Cleveland to nul.p i.iomy H'e master and all thlnga clsc- the sennit" is it right for Mr Mi Klnloy to tiv and inaho money the mister and all things else the servant' " ( Applauao and eics ! of 'N'o , no l llovertlng then to Mr HiirrLon , he said that the ex picsident afitfi the passage of the Slurman Jaw said U'.t , ptb3u of that bill un lotibtcdly ga\o mi upward tc-ndencj tit tiale and had n matkrd effect on nrlccs "i an till us that wo raiitiut laSo tho'valuo of ail , or by law J point > ou to that law whuli was not is broul as the om > which no pmposo , and vhiih according to the luikidfiit , gave .in upwud tem'incj to the iinrhot and had a nmkcd tf/.ct on pi lies VnJ thin lie tuuii'd and u linked IIii > o wno auiibiiliHl this to the taiifY ait , and told tliem that U was due , not to Itiiff legisla tion but to bllvtr leglsUtion Ikru , m > ruernU Is aulhout ) that bllvci legislation will da Juatvhat wo claim it nil ! do. Moro t'nn that Mi ilairison sujs that Hint was not u l > the imtur.il efVut. hut the declrr.l T. i ut biuh livUUtloii Now Hie ) tell in < hat tlo ) > da nut want pi ices to rise , foi fiat tin laboring mc.i'a wages would not 1,0 a f.n Sliut * when. m > friend ! ) lus I lib of- t > i bicoi'io imdihlribli' ' ' M'uo the money gu * wiote a niiuhlican plitform tint iK cvuj jepubllian to illoiue the vuvo of lilt , eoiiscliuce Tso ! aiguuii'ius via h vou liiai" to > H > RH * aigiuucnla manu fa tuii 1 to support a pl.u.'urm that in juur lu irl jou lopublhang of Joiva are osluiiifJ to own Mj frKnds , our piopnsl- tlon is a jdala one \ \ plaiv our aigu- Keep on Going fa in'g J ! f wu want to. H vou want to cure that cough get Ayer'a Cherry Ffcteral. It ciiin mcnt on * olld rock when we tell jou that there I * scmcthliiK nec * * ary In money be sides quality Our opponents are always talking nlKiit wanting good money Uvcry- Imdy wants monpv but my friends , we * want qnintllv fm well as qunlltv In money " In conclusion ho declared "on this money question eclpty Is dlvldeel Into two classes ' and quoted Mr Illalne as authority for his At.itemcnt ' After the Coliseum p ( < ech Mr llrynn spoke twice from HIP carriage asking the people to ( itudy the question of finance .and fo make their silver speech on flection day There * were but few people at the depot it llurllnqton to see thn nonilnro off , and those who were there were not demon- slrallve * ACIIOS3 Tilt : STATH MARSHALLTOWN , la. Oct 8 lletwc-cn Iturltngton and Cedar llnptds Ihrco short stops weiei made * they being al Columbus Junction Nichols and West Liberty , whcro the rnndldalo gave nhort speeches on the samp lines followed by him In his former platform spee-clic * ( Vdar Rapids was reached shortly after I o'clock and the local committee escorted Mr llryan and his party In earrlages to the bn p liflll park near the outskirts of the city \lr llryan said ' We * are engjucd In n very Important campaign nnd we declared In our platform thai the money iiiestlon | vvas Ihe paramounl Issue \\c were willing lo fight the * campaign em that Issue. The three * par- tirs which aiMtp * ] on my nomination made the money qursllon of first Importance and our opponents will concede that the settle ment of the money question overtops all other questions , and yet our opponents , not satlsllrd to light the * battle nn Ihe money question , have ) attempted lo bring In other Issues They have even gene so far as to declare that In expressing a deslro foi an Income tax \\o v\t-re not showing proper icspert for the supreme couit. which Uc- ilared the last Income tax law nnconsllln- llonal Ue believe wo have n right to ex piess a desire for un Income lax. We bellovo Wo have a right to express n hope that n future * court v.Ill undo what the present court has done "If the free * coinage * ot silver Is going to double the value of the money owners' metal , then wo arc going to have 100-cent dollars and If wo are * going to have GO-ccnt dollars , It Is no profit ut all to the mine owner Now which side are they going to take' "If anybody Is afiald lhal this land Is going to he used for a dumping ground , let me icmove * that fear. 1 have about five ncrcs of ground near Lincoln , Neb , and I have made a calculation nnd I nnd there U room on tint flvei acres for all the silver In the world I am going to offer It us n dumping ground if they want to bring ol ! ver over nnd dump It there I have tried to use It lo raise corn on and It I cannot make more money by using ll for n dump Ing ground limn I have made raising corn on It , I nin going to give It away" CHL'Al' DOLLAR KOH FAHMKKS At Hello 1'lalne Mr Uryan vvas again ro- inlmle'd of his opponent by the cheers given for the republican candidate by a few of the huge crowd of fanners gathered about the Iraln when lhal station vvas i cached TIio enthusiasm , however , was on his side and the chce-rs for McKlnley served as a stimulus to the admlreis of the elemocintlc nominee for fuillicr effoit In the cheering lino. Ho said in part. "The farmer known "something about the gold standard When they tell him the eastein financier v ants a dollar lhat will buy a great deal of whcal , cats and corn , the farmer replies that he would like to have the wheat , oats and corn Iniv n great deal of money Now , whenever a dollar will buy a great deal It simply ncans that property sells for litlle , and as Iho dollar goes up prices must como down ' A short stop WHS maclu at Tama City and Mi Iliyan spoke a moment to the crowd Vihlch assembled there It being ono of his regular platform speeches Tiio train on the Chicago & Northwestern load , to which Mr Hryan'o car was at tached at Cedai Uaplds , arrived In Mnr- shalllown al 720 , making an average of Hfty-two miles .an hour , Including two stops of ten minutes e ach , one of the fastest trips made by the paity since It started Mr Hiyan made two speeches here , the llrst In 4 largo tent erected in a public square In the center ot Iho cily , and the second In the Odeon theater Ulg crowds grcc'tcd him at both meetings , and the enthusiasm was the moat marked of the1 day In his llrst speech the nominee spcke but briefly , le viewing ills principal arguments against the gold standard and covering practically the same ground as In his day lalKs In Ihe course of his address at the theater he said "I believe that you have met as members of the sllvei clubs of the state of Iowa , and I desire * lo speak lo you iciy briefly as mem- be 's of these clubs We have lo depend lately en clubs to cany this election I tliInk the club la of mere Importance in Ill's ' campaign than It has been of icccnt years The fcllvci clubs must do much upon our Urto to offset the clubs that cmploycis hold over their employes If some foreign en emy wene to appioach oui shores 1 could go among those people and could enlist mm who would be willing to devote not a day , but months and even yean , , to icpcl Iho Invadci Today wo are In the presence of the Invasion not of a foreign enemy , but of a foreign financial policy It is Invading our Chores , and I appeal to you to enlist for ono day election day. This gold stand ard that Is worshiped by those who dare not proclaim the God which they worship this gold standard which Is secretly advanced at every possible moinont , and yet with all Its advances under cover and behind a mask this gold standaicl Is loclay threatening Ihe American people " It vvas 10 o'clock when Mr Iliyan con cluded , and he was then conducted to his car , whcro hi * soon afterward retired foi the night Shoitly after 1 o'clock the party left foi Sloitv. City I'liIiiiINI l.rmlern Mill Tr > lnK < < > Hllrli Midi ( lie Dl-llllll'llltS , ST. I.OVH , Oct S Pursuant to a call I'sucil lT-t week the populist state com mittee met here today behind closed doors Qua of tbc purposes of the meeting , it Is Htatid is In K'jiiovo fioiu the state ticket Sheiidan We-btter , the candidate foi auditor , who Is chnigcd with desertion fiom the pai'y. It Is not ccitliin that another can dtd.Uo will bt > put lu AVobstoi's place , but ft is thought that It will b > * left vaeant In oidci to cany out the scheme of fusion , whlcll the meml'rrs of the populist committee - tee \pect will he made todaj on behalf ot the democrats i'lios poiulists and democrats who are In frivol of fusion on btato issues seem to feel much mom eonlldent ot success than fui come time. The populists' first demands were Unit the ) be given tbo lieutenant governor ami uillioad commUsitmci , but they Dually decided that they could be satis He'd with the attorney generalship in the place ot lieutenant goveinoi Whe'hcr thcii ) will bo fusion In thn con- gressloiul districts lias not je't been de cided , but ma } lui hi tiled within n fen dajs 'Hit-- populists want tivo timgicgs- nu'ii ami if their demand is granted they will probably fit-cmo the Kcu'iilh and Tour tecnth districts. 1IUV VN AT MOl'X KAI.J.S TOIV , Will Itnxli lulu Unit I'll } nnil .Sprint llnlf un Hum , SIOUX TALLS S D , Oct S ( Special. ) Trlday VtuijttiaU * llijaii will an he on n spe cial tialn at 10 SO , make u speech of half an houi and leave at 3 30. Special ttalns i will bo tun for 100 miles niounl Tanneri * will diivo In full > that dlslunce Ihu com mittcu ex pens 2C > .l)00 ) people. Most c\tcn | ve eflaita have ) liern made * b > the slhoi people to draw u gieal crowd nnil aroiiK high i n- IhusUifin Henuier 1'ettlgicvv and thu state eanJl l.itis will be piriont. In the vvui- in , ; Judge I'lowman will talk for the sll\-i pioplt mul I km.llllani Ourle.v of Xe- brui-Iu. will talk to the republicans. Leav ing luio Mr. llivan will go to Huron , and thu samp tiUIit to Aberdeen. The populists at caeb ot thee points pa ) 510D toward the e\PI > III * of the trip They are lijtia.ug 8icat lioj'i'i on tins vl lt. \MUKRL\iN , S U. , Oil. S- ( Special Tilt mir > ) M n > flee fllv < .rit s le-f lifte tuU.v h ) trim to dilvc euoilaiu' ' to Hnun fll tllll lUltfHIC Of kOvlUK Alt' ! llMlll.X \\Hliaiu J Dr.van uluiu at Huron. Cdnn ) nior will liavi < l > ) tuiln in thn moinlng to * eu tbc lanaiOdto at Hi ut Tails. < iiirli * > * * ' Oiuului Cumpaluiilnu. MIl.tKD S U uct $ i pecUl IVle ka * * > i Tfce jio t hiu-imfiil re'pobliettti rally jot JifKt here wts adeUf * 'l ' las' by.Hv,1 William Ourlv ) of CKcha. OUT EARLY TO HEAR FORAKER Olio Thousand People \Volcomo Ohio's Dis tinguished Orator at Hastings. CLEAR STATEMENT OF CAMPAIGN ISSUES llrl.-IH KM.Iain * linn tinVfit Mi > luiiircx ( ItM ( ii'iiulne liitcrvst In ( In * Pudirc of Hie I'o u ii try. 4 HASTlNOS. Oct. S ( Special ) TCf Gov ernor Korakcr of Ohio spok to about 1,000 people in this clt > this morning at S 10 from the rear of his private cir He said there vvas no such thing as the "crlmo of ' 7.1 , " bill tlioro vvna a crlmo In ' 02 Ho said It wai the duty ot overv tanner In Ne braska who had his own Interest at heart and desired to bring prosperity back to this country to vote for McKlnlev , protec tion republicanism and sound mono ) In speaking of free silver he said If people wanted thn United States brought down on a lenel In wages and almost evervthing else with such countries as China , Mexico and other free silver countries they should vote for Iliyan lint ho thought tt much bolter It llryan wanted free silver BO bad ho had betler no lo China. In speaking of the beet sugar Industry , Mr Porakcr sitd that with such magnificent soil and enter prising people as nio to be found In Ne braska It would be but a few years until the United State's would bo entirely Inde pendent of foielgn countries , so far as nugar was concerned He * hoped that the repub licans of the rifth congressional district would honor themselves , ns well as Mr Andrews , h ) sending him back to congress llo concluded his remarks with a strong ap peal to the people to stand by the honest dollar and not bo led astray by the che ap dollar , whlcll would certainly bring cheap wages Hon. Jack MacColl was called , and made a very pleasant ten-minute talk. THOUSANDS OUT AT KAIUIIUIIY l-Allim HY , Neb , Oct S ( Special Tclo- gram ) The Koraker republican rally today has been a great success livery train brought in Jarge delegations , and several specials were run , while every precinct In the county furnished Its quota The parade this at lei Loon embraced the McKlnley clubs ot Pall bury , Dlllcr , Steele City , He bron , Uoatriee. ralrmont and Hasllligs The Veterans' club and nearly 200 horsemen turned out and five comet bands and drum corps fiirnlsheel the music AfteT Ihe parade rado Senator Korakcr spoke for nearly two hours In an Immense tent , which was filled to overflowing His addiess , while- touching on the tariff , was principally devoted to financial mailers , and was a masterly argu ment for the gold standard Ho was Us tcncd lo with great attention Every re publican Is enthusiastic and working with renewed zeal for the success of the ticket , while the sllverltca have lltllo to say. This evening llio drum corps and llamboau clubs of Lincoln headed a lorchllght pro cession , and were followed b ) the Hallroad Employes' club and other oiganbatlons It was the largest procession ever seen here and the streets vvero a blare of toichllghts and ( Ironoiks Jndgo V S Haker nnd lion J II MacColl addicssed an Immense crowd at the tent this evening. HUOU'N COUNTY WAKES UP. LONG PINE , Neb , Oct. S ( Special ) The republicans had a rally here last night About 100 torches were In the procession and the parade was a lively one The opera house was packed to Its utmost capacity. The orator of the evening was lion J. D Win tsbaugh ST. PAUL. Nob. Oct. 8 ( Special. ) } l H Lingford nddiessed the republican meet ing at Gage Valley prcclncl , Howard counly last night. The dcmopop that Langford can not reach with his forcible style , io-jical conclusions and Inimitable wit has to be high up on the tree of fallacy and piijudlco The bchool house In which the meeting was held was full to overflowing and many stood bj the onen windows to listen filDHON , Neb , Oct. S ( Special ) Tno republican laily of yesterday , al which Seu- atoi Koiakei of Ohio vvas the principal rprakcr , wan continued last night with no abatement of enthusiasm Early in the even Ing delegations began to arrive fiom sur rounding towns , and by 7 o'clock the streets of the village were again crowded to an ex tent that rendered them almost Impassable A gland torchlight piocesslon was , foimed , consisting of bands , cavaliy , MclCinloy and Hobait clubs on foot , followed by i Itlzens from all pails of Huffalo county The dele gallon from Shclton was u special attraction , with many finely decoralcil floats , , on one of which were foity-flvo young women dresacd In white The laigo tent was again com pletely filled Land Commissioner Russell opened vvlth a short address on the state Issues Hon A E Cady followed with a two-hours' address that was clear , logical and forcible , and WES received by all who heard him , regardless of party , with the closest attention and maikcd respect. GAUniSON. Neb . Oct 8. ( Special ) The republicans In this neighborhood arranged foi a meeting here of the Geimans last night A good many of the Germans here tinned out to hear Judge Klllan ot Colum bus , v ho expounded the sound mono ) doe- Irino in nil Us be-irings. The speech was well received and sol n good many to think ing Ills line of argument Is a practical ono nnd comes home to e-vcry voter The town of Garrison stands now twenty-two to 1 In favor of McKlnley and tbe > chances are lhat Ihe precinct will go republican by a nice llltlc majority. FREMONT. Oct 8 ( Special ) A Wo- inan'b McKlnley and Hob.art club was or- ganl7rd hero last evening Mrs G A Storey was chosen president , Mrs N S Short first vice president , Mrs 1) . E Wol- stcad , second vice president ; Mrs. Newton Hughes , secietaiy ; Mis Harry DreU , tieas- urer The club starts In with about fifty names on tbo list , but it will be largely Increased EDISON'S riJIST RALLY. EDISON , Neb , Oct. S ( Special ) The le- publlcans held their first political meeting of the campaign for Edison last night The meeting was addicsbed by Hon. J H Pugh of Mlndcn nnd was ono of the best offoits that many have listened to The meeting was held in thu church building , which was filled AMES , Nob. , Oct 8 ( Special ) The re- [ uiblicans had another big rally at the Ames lull last night and It was ono of the best of the campaign Hon J. E Tilck was the. hpeaker of Ihe evening and ho had the light kind of un audience to talk lo Thu Vines McKlnloy club bad sent out special Invitation to free sliver men and the audi ence vvas largely composed of the white mctil advocates Trick lalkctt for two hours and held t'le closest attention of his aut'l- emc He spoke of Bryan's piodietions of 1SU. and proved him a false prophet. He said In bible times false prophets VVCTO pun ished either with death or some other lalamlty , but 'ho world had advanced since then and some people now wanted lo honor IbU false prophet by making him presi dent He took up the money question from a labour s and fanncr'a standpoint ri'LLERTON Neb , Oet 8 ( Special ) Iho laigvst political gathering ever assem bled In N'tnco county met last night at republic-ail hoadipmrtem In this city. A pro cession one-half mile In length was farmed and paraded thu urlncipal btieettt for f-omo time * , finally Mopping at the Mieiifl opera house , where the Immense auJlfiuc. listened for four hours lo the ar- gumenth of lion John L Webster and lion Glenn Keator Ml Webster oponcil the mietlng in a two hams' speech , which the pioplo applauded to the echo from his open ing fcVllUIICO lO tl f ClObC1 I'XLLS CITY , Nib , Oct S. ( Special ) Judge Isham Reeves of this city addressed the M < Klnloy club at Its tegular weekly meeting ( it the court house Tuesday night COLERIDGE , Neb , Oft S ( Special ) The largest and most enthusiastic ! rally of the season was held hero Tuesday evening b ) Ihe icpubllutns About S o'clock the ton Might procession formed at tha lower end of Main street nnd headed by the Cole- rldgfi bund marched thinugh tha piinelpal ttrcoia , about -100 taking pail , after whlcll tlu'y congregated at the * opera house , where the * ) were addressed by H. L , lUmmond of Premont and Judge Tlpton of Omaha lloth men vvero loudly uppluudeul STEKLE CITY. Neb . Oct , \ > ( Sppjla ! ) Tim republicans of this locality had the laigont meeting held In thU campaign here TuesJny night Hon I ! M Daugherty of Ohio vvab the speaker Ho was escorted to the hotel by a large delegation of citizens After supper a large parade was formed , composed of.nboiit | nfty women nnd 20 ( men , carrying torehcs nnd headed by n band There not 'being n hall In the clt ) largo enough to hold the people nnd there being n circus licro toda ) the ceimmltUiiStronged for the use of the tent tonight nnd the speaking took place In the largo tent , vhich was crowded. There vvas splendid , fpitloM. . ADDlfipS KS MANY POPS. OHAND IS' ' " NobOrl S-Spp ( rial ) IVr the past few days the members of the Hall cwuWty central committees hai been endeavoring to Invo Senalor Kornke come to Orand Island after hla nfternoot speech at Gibbon , At 10 o'rlock yesterday morning they wcfe assured that the ) couli with satct ) Anitbunco his coming Not withstanding the short announcement , how ewer , the Ancient Order of United Work men hall , the largest obtainable room li the city , was packed lo overflowing las night with an andlemce In which Iheru wen qtillo a sprinkling of populists They heart some rather straight gonds from the dlstln gulshcd Ohio senator Owing to his wearl some trips nnd the fa < t that he had tnlkc ( all afternoon the speal er rut his address down to a little Irss linn nn hour. It which time * heeiy clevirlv demonstia.tec the fart lhat the election of Hiyan mean nn absolute silver basis nnd the descend enry of this country from Its past prom position among Ihe nations to the plane o China. Japan and Mexico Dmlmt the course ot his addrc s he read to the audl euro an extract from a iccent Interview with Senator Teller , In which Iho latter stated that the adoption of the new flnancla system would not give general prospeilly until twenty years , but after that time I would bring n piospeilty wlhch would bo nn example for the world , nnd that all who viould faithfully labor would be prosperous ELGIN , Neb. , Oct S ( Special ) Tues day's rally was a grand success There was a crowd of fiom 1,200 lo 1,500 people The .speaking was In the old settlers' tent which was packed to Its utmost capacity The Bpeakera came lu on the 1 "JO train am vvero met by a large crowd and e'sce > rtei to headquarlers by Iho Nellgh band and n largo crowd of enthusiastic republicans The speaking was at 2 o'clock In the after noon by Hou G. D Meihlejohn. Seymour Introduced the speaker , and when he stepped forward was met with a roar o applause. Ho held Ihe crowd for nearly two hours , The Woman's Marching company fron Nellgh , In command ot Captain N. U. Jack son , presented n lovely display , and went through their dull tactics which would do credit to West Point's ' best company. LONG PINE , Neb. Oct b. ( Special ) Dr William H. Ely of Alnsworth , republican nomlneo of the Twelfth senatorial dlslrlcl , dellvcied an address at this place last night Although there had been a rally the night before there vvas a large attendance. Mr. l lv spoke from the standpoint of a student of the money qncsllon , and bhowed by hMory that during the last 300 years every instance of legislation In this or any other country against silver or In favor of gold has not only lowered the commercial \nluc of silver but Iho market price simultaneously rose , with the one exception ot 1873 , showing that Mr Ury an's theoiy that n government can legislate value into sliver , Is not supported by hlttoiy. NORTH PLATTE , Neb , Oct. 8 ( Special ) Hon. A. C. Fish of Chicago addressed the citizens ot Htvrshoy at a republican rally last night. Tills has been a bael populist hole , 11 ere bring a lot of popocrals who have been attempting to break up the re publican mceHnnsi They came to make trouble last night , but Mr. risk's pleasing address and eainest manner seemed to quiet them and the audience sat still and vvas very attentive for two hours and a half , while the speaker expounded the doc- Ulno of sound money fiom Ihe standpoint of a business man This speech did much good at Hcrshev , good effects of it having already been noticed. PRIEND x l > Oct S ( Special ) Hon K 0 Holmes of Kearney last night ad dressed as large an audience as ever gath- eied at this place io .hear a political speech Extra scats , nwerfc carried Into Warren's opera house , Increasing the seating capacity to probably tUiV Eveiy scat was occupied and many" had 'tn > imnln stnmllnK and gtene numbers went * ? M'ay , bolng unable to get inside The Woman's Marching club and the Young Men's Marching club of Dor chester were present and took part in the parade , which preceded the sneaking. About 300 were In line. Holmes delivered a very eloquent address ATKINSON , Neb , Oct S ( Special ) Hon C Duras of Wilber addressed the Bohemian voters ot this secllon Tuesday at the Opei.i house from the republican standpoint of piotcctlon and sound money Ho was list ened to Intently by a large audience com posed mostly of IJohemlans ENTHUSIASM ON ALL SIDES. MONROE. Neb , Oct S ( Special ) Mr. Caldwell of Lincoln was billed to speak here Monday night but failed to put in an appear ance. The republicans bad a large torch light procession , headed by the Momoo cor net band , and filled the hall lo overflowing S C Gray of Columbus , candidate for state senator from thij and Colfax county , made a good argumentative speech and wab fol lowed by Judge Klllan , who highly enter tained the crov.d for about an hour and twenty minutes. Ho spoke on the Issues of the day nnd the large ciovvd was -well enter tained. Everybody was. elated and well sat isfied. All Itic republicans are enthusiastic and the ticket Is gaining strenglh dally. ALEXIS PRECINCT , Duller County. Neb. , Oct S ( Special ) Saturday night the re publicans of this neighborhood had a rally in tbc Janiccck school house * Judge Killan of Columbus was the speaker of the evening and ho addressed a largo and orderly ciowd In German , and as there were many piescnt ivho could not undeistand the Ger man language , although n German meeting had been advertised , the judge was re quested to speak In English. Ills speech was well received , as It vvas a clear-cut , sensible aigument In favor ot sound money. The Clear Creole Glee club of Polk county ren dered five or six campaign songs , which were well received Sound money is thu watch word of a good many v\ho formerly voted tl.o democratic ticket. PETERSBURG. Neb , Oct. 8 { Special ) Judge Killan of Columbus was billed foi a German speech hero T uebday night and a good many Germans from town and the sur rounding country filled the hall and the G el mans i.cemed lo be1 well entertained , as they paid the strlclest attention and appre ciated thn Judge's arguments The Issues of this campaign were picscnted in such n clear manner that It set a good many of our German friends thinking They never heard a German speech before nnd were highly entertained and loft for their homes well satisfied WILSONVILLE , Neb , Oct. 8. ( Special ) A grand icpnlillcnn rally was participated In last night by about 50) pcoplo from this vicinity , who inarched In procession , headed by Iho Woman , s , banel , followed by the Woman's McKlnley Marching club I10ELUS. Neb Oct. 8 ( Special ) There was a fine turii'im of Gcimnn farmers of this vicinity to last night's meeting at the Paul- man school house , filling the house to Its utmost capacity' Max Adlcr of Omaha was the Bpcakci of ( he Vvcnlng IIo gave a two hours' lecture on tha political Issues of the day from a lopuhllcan standpoint , which was well received and frequently applauded , PAWNEB Cn'Y Neb. , Oct 8 ( Special Telegram ) Tlyj publicans held a big rail ) here this afternoon and evening At " p tn Judge Strode PP < jk0 at the opera house , It being we > l | Impel. .Stores . and residences of the town were , ek'corated clahoralcly vvllh Hags and hunUm ; A big parade occurred tonighl Pcopo | i aino from Richardson , Johnson and othon counties A big torch light procession ! * vbs held with the follow ing line of march Cavalrymen's Tecumseh band , TocuniEetli 'Women's Marching club , Table Rock riambenil club , Table Rock Hoys' Marching club , Table Rock Plag Hrl- gade. Pawnee band , Pawnee Kiag brigade , Pawnee Union Veterans' club. Pawnee Case's zouaves , Tire Works club , Pawnee ) Women's Marching club Judge ) Hay ward of Nebraska spoke at thoopeia house at 8 p in Judge Strode spoke at the court house. About 1000 people were here. TECUMSEH. Neb , Oct 8 ( Special ) An audience of local icpublicans was addressed at the court house last evening by 0 A , Pierce of this city and I Reavls of Tails City Each gentleman presumed the cause of bound money ami a protective tariff In u very satisfactory manner and their re-marks vvero frequuiilly broken by applause. The local Glee clul > was on hand with vocal se lections EWING Neb. , Oct 8 ( Special Telegram ) The republicans held a Kiand rally at tills place thU evening A largo torchlight par ade , in which tbo woman's club participated , added to the enthusiasm Hon James Taldv ell of Lincoln delivered an acldreis , which will result In much t oed to the party. - CAMPAIGN HAS COLLAPSED Mr. Eiynn's Eastern Tour a Detriment t His Cause. EAST IS NOT HOSTILE TO THE WEST i\-li : ifmitHlcr ( Jriioinl .tninei Write Itll Illllllllll Pl-ll'llll I'OIMIOI'lldi" I'lUI- illdutu AMHIIIIICN nil t llllU-.l AUltmU * . Major John U. I'nray ot this city was a Inspector In the Postolllce department dm lug the administration of President Garflolt when Thomas L James of New York oc cuplcd a seat In the cabinet as the head o lhat department Through their olllclal 10 latlons a personal acqualnlante and frlem ship sprang up between Mr Jnmcs am Major 1'niny , whlih has slneo betn main talned Mr Tut ay some lime slme vviol lo Mr James and mentioned the polltlc.a situation In Nebraska. Ho received the foi lowing riply M3W011K. . Del. B-Hon John II Tu niv Mv Hear riienel 1 ictuined by tin I'ily of Home" on S itnrday 1 ist Un nt living nt the I ) ink this moinliiK 1 fomii vour breezy letters of August II and 1" \ \ lint y on sav In respect to the polltlcu Munition In Nebraska Is Interesting , i-vn In the light of wlnt hns trtnxplred ilnee Mr Hrvan nrcrpte-il the poportutlt * Dies lilentliil nomination at Madison Sitluo U.ir- tlen In this elty , on the Uih of August list 1 am unable to seehow any pel son sklllc-d In Inteiiuelllig pic-elee-llon sinus inn full to be eonvltuetl that Mr Ilryan's inmpilgn IIIIM collapsed Ills niHMon in | ) n eiiMt was vvor o than fruitless. It has beei positively injurious to his prospects in tin mldd'c nnd extreme west. Thn high plnlii on which Mr. Hrynn's personal canvass vv.is orlRlimlly ndjimtcd fund imonlallv wrong In all esseiillil paitlc nluM , as f i oin Hie tlrst believed It to bo was noble minded , saiiei and pitrlolle compaied to tbo low level to vvlile-h he him descended lately. He is now appealing to pension and protii dice , and Is seeking by all the reprehensible aits of the agitator to Inllame the clllzens of one section of our common coiinirv against the other You know , nnd I know and every Intelligent nnd thoughtful nut In the west kiiow > , that It li not ellhei n.iini.cl 01 human foi Mich seiitlmcnlH lo prevail In Ihe west against the men of the i > ast You arc blood of our blood and liono ol out bone Our feellngM for the men um Interests of the west .11 e nothing but kindly and reciprocal , but we of the e ist do nios vlgoionsly and aggressively resent the klni of 'lolltltiil vvnrfaie , the .1011 of economic heresy , which totally misrepresent our feel Ing" , our aets and our business policy Yet know nt well ns I do that this talk about enstein money thinks , goldbiiffs , sdiylocks , etc , Is the veriest nonsense 1'or lust.nice lo illustrate ; there Is more speculation In teil estate in one d iy In twenty great cities of the United -States that affectH Ihe IntercMs of the pcoplo nnd Involves tin * use of vast sums of money than there is In Wall street In a week. The west Is develop Ing and must come to a slamNtlll unless It has the eipltal of the east In order to command the needed cipltal the west must possess inel di serve the conlldenco ot the eist The aci'iimulitlon of eipltal Is In the cist. In accordance with llio operation of natural laws that neither rongress noi politicians can niter in the slightest degioe A millionaire sdlver mine o.vncr has a rl ht to be such If hu came honestly by what he Ms , but he is not a bettei , a Uuer or a moie legitimate business man tb in the olh i man who has iccuinul tteil u fortune by self-denial , Industry and the exercise ot supoilo ) iniMnc'.s mgaelty. A QUESTION OF BUSINESS \s Senator Hill said at Chlcipo , the moncv question is not i nutter of courage , or Independence of all other peoples and H itlons. it is a question ol business , of economics , of what is piactlc.ible under all the circumstances And the Issue should not be , and Is not cloudi d by erroneous statements' nnd dlsregaid of all human e\- imlenco Mi. Uryan and Ids associates nn doublcdly believe what Iheiy profess about the fine coin i e of silvci at the latlo of 1C to 1 ; but they must understand tint others are as Intelligent as experienced and , per haps , more mindful of hlstoiv and the ex- noiinientn vvllh rreo rfiivcr llm * they are We Im6 , 'is it mallei of fact , that the free Coinage 6f silver at the * 1C lo 1 i.ulo means silver monometallism : we are acquainted with whiil h i Iransplred In llpjvlco Ohill .Tap-in , the United St lies of Colombl i , llta- zll , Argentine , Indli and China as veil as inioughout the history of our own country wo know whu IIIIH tinn plied In three in trrnatloni ] monetary eonieiences since IST Serious-minded and s ig.iclous buslm ss men and banki rs who do not take i political view of business know wlnt dlstiusl Is vvhal the buMiuss lnteic > sts of Ihr eoiiiitrv line Hiiffcicd since- the Cioim in-Wllson bill became a 1 ivv We know that a panic will not ipstorc confidence and that business prosperity will not come to stay until tin wholci vvoild knows thai the people of the I nltcd States arc Irrevocably opposed to upudlallon , even to tbn cxlciil of IT cents ou ihi * dollar When Mr liryan advocated tnn Wilson bill in Ihe house , lie was the nearest thing to an absolute fioe tridei that we had In elthci bianeh of congress He believed tl.en in I3rltl h llieorles anil molhod of government. How Is one to reo- onclle tin * vle-ws he entertained then and now' ' One conclusion is Inevitable ; he was wrong In 1S92 , 01 he Is wrong now. I think he was wrong both times The democratic pni ty at Chicago vvas not the great political organization with which you and I have been familiar It professed now faiths and wandered after Htraiv'e god * It was dominated by Altgeld nnd Tlll- mnn , It vvasiioicnt , radical sectional , un safe It did not appeal to the best , but to the worst Impulses of men The pcoplo do not want this sort of democracy. What the country wants Is the n-storitlon of bus- IncsH ( otifldence enough revenue to meet nil proper expenses of the government and ( me nn ample surplus besides ; .and wo want a stand ird ofalue as high and stable as tint possessed bv nny of the great com mercial peoples of the earth Tim lepnbllcnn paity Is In fa\or of reel- iroclly , mode rale piotcctlon , and Is opposed .o the * Hep coinage of silver al 1C to 1 , but t belloves In the Hvv of .supply and demand. nnd thinks llml. when all the mills and fit- : ories aio riiiinliiKjrooel times will eomp . ) ick to sny. The west can got on without free silver , but not without protection or ho confidence of Ihe paHl Yours slncerply THOMAS L , JAMES. SIXTH WAIlll Itni'UIIMCAAS aiKRT. llroKcn I'romlNCN Iliule ] , , tin * Jjfino- 4-rillH \I . DlHCIINNI'll. The republicans of the north end of the Sixth ward held nn enthusiastic rally last night at Thirty-second street and Ames ave- lue. The small hall In which the meeting \as buhl was crowded almost to miff oca ion. The meeting vvas opened vvlllia song by Iho Wcbslcr Oico club , which elicited ; reat applause. Edgar H. Scotl was llio first speaker and leveled llm greater part of his atlenllon lo ccalllng to Iho minds of his hearers Iho alnbou promls.es made by Iho democrats our years ago and reminded them of how ho democrats had failed to fulfill any of hose promises. Mr Scott also showed up ho fallacy of the line of argument pursued > y the free silver advocates and wound up \lth a canclso and pointed argument on the arlff question , W S. Straw n was the next speaker. He llscussed the Chicago platform nt some cngth , tolling his hcareis of personal rom- nlscenccs at the Chicago convention and referring to the remarks of Tlllman , who announced a determination lo array Iho e asl against Iho > > outh with Iho help of Iho west The plank relating to the supreme court albo received the attention ot the speakci , as I Id the plank referring to the use of the government troops to suppress riots Mi Strawn's remaihs met with the hearty ap- iroval of his audience and ho was loudly applauded vmmiss : rmsrvun IUI LI neuron anil W burton ) ) | NCIINH rail , , . ulfN of I IK ? llryaiilHlIc TluMirli' * , At the meeting of the Tlrst Ward Me- Clnley club last night JJ A Hcimon said hat the Ibsucs of the campaign were clear cut and admitted of no bupposltlons or "I ic'llovcs" Ho traced the growth of money rom the time when oxen were the standard of value up to the present day In the time of James II business vvas paralysed by the spurious coin which the bankrupt king olsled upon the pcoplo by thre'als of bo- icadlng and hanging it the money was not iccepted by Ihe common people The al onip of the free Hlherites to make G3 cents' worth of silver worth one de > llur ho cited us i parallel case. The hollow ness of Mi Iryan'a eloquence WOH described by the jieaker and elicited great applause. The next speaker , J. C. Whorton , cap- ured the audlenco at tbei outset by a men- Ion of the Ohio candidate for prcBldi-nt Ir llryan , Mr. Whartou said , did not imoko nor cheuv , nor play cards , but , ncvcr- helesii , ho had two vlcen , ono in Malno and no In Georgia , Betwccu the two ho was In a position similar to thn IrUhnun who went to the war to get peace from his two wives The failure ot the promise of the democrats to benefit Iho laborer by re moving the "robber protective ? tariff" from the dinner pall and woolen blanket vvas shown In an unmistakable' manner. The speaker urged the Importance of not ing for a monetary system lhat had been advocated by such men as Ooorgo Wash ington and Thomas Jefferson In opposition to the policy ot Pcniu er , Allgeld and Till- man Mr Wharton showed the onward march of prosperity that had ntlcnded the republican party's administration One billion dollars ot the public debt w s paid liefoie Cleve land enleied Hit * white house , but since that time * $262,000.000 of new bonds had been snld"Tho "Tho republican enemies say the reason we ? were prosperous In the past was because fil.ODOOOO ounces of silver vvero coined an nually Hut has this money been eaten up , has it been lost or stolen ? Wo have * It now and there are not the good times. The awful secret crime of 1S73 which coveted 170 pages of the Congressional Itecord was followed by Ihe mining of enough silver to make n tialn long enough to re'aeh ten miles , " added .Mr Wharton. suisNTii wYitmiis siTmv ri. % VMM : iNSIIfH Of (111 * t"llll | > lllCII | lIlNCMISNCll l > > Mr. olttiilcitil. Thn republicans ot the Seventh vvard gathered last night to listen to an address by P P Olmstead In Iho courseot his le.anuhs the speaker paid n tribute lo the honest ) of Iho Ainetlcan farmer , which he declared would not permit him tooto for repudiation By nie-ana of n piece of chalk and n black board thei vailous false arguments of Ihe free silver men were * exposed H vvas shown that a cheap dollar would leave the wage earners and the * fanner much out of pocket. In concluding hla "spelling class" Mr Olmstead showed Hint Iho dome > - crnllc nnd populist text books npcll out "re pudiation" and "deficit , " and their boolm did not contain the words "surplus" or "pensions " At the conclusion of Mr Olm- slead's address a number of lhe > candidates were called on for short speeches. 1'oTiTlonl i7te i\ < H. John lj Kennedy and John Steel will ad dress the voters of Douglas precinct on the evening of October 17. The presidents of the llryan clubs were to have met at the Knnmm street headquar ters last night , but as only a half dozen of the faithful were In attendance the meeting vvas declared off. The regular meeting of the Plflh AVard Republican club at Ulghtcenlh and Iako Rtreols was addressed last night by A H Murdock , Joseph Crowo and Hugh Myers The meeting was well attended and Interest ing addresses were made by nil of the speak ITS on local matters The Grand View McKlnloy rnd MacColl club held another cnlhusiasllc meeting We'dncsday night. The hall was taxed to Its utmost , standing room being at a premium Addresses -were made by Dr. Hanchetl , Mr. Woods of Ihe Slxlh ward , and A. G. Walkup The club meets again next Wednesday. The Associated Colored Itcpubllcan clubs of Douglas county are milking ariange- mcnta for a big rally at Karbach hall on the evening ot October 21. They expect to have as speakers John Langston ot Petcrs- bmg , Va. , John L Waller of Kansas City ox-consul to Madagascar , and Bishop Arncll of Ihe African Methodist church. The veterans of Iho ntghth ward assem bled Wednesday evening and organized n veteran icpublican club , with an en rollment of thirty members O H Iiathlmnas elccled president ; S Iv. Spalildlng , vice president ; James Uurrls , seci clary , and J. 13. U'est , Ireasnrer There are over slxly v derails and sons of veterans living In this ward , and they are all cainestly requested lo come foi ward and enroll themselves PS members of the club At present the club meets every Wednesday evening , at 1322 North Twenty-fourth slreel 'iitoiiun ) iron > ! ! . inn" DI-I-II < ; IICM A 11 a > ( inr.Mt tin Ibiiiiillilntf Kulf.-cl Him. OIU.CANS , Nob. , Oct 8 ( Special ) Hon. W. H. Dech , middle of-the-ioad popu list and candidate for congress In the Fourth district , threw a bomb into the lanks of the Biyan-Holcomb-Allen pope crats heio Tuesday night. Ho spoke to n crowded house , composed of mlddle-of-thc- oad populists , Bryan popocrats and qulle a nuinbci of republicans He denounced \llen and Holcomb as Iraltors to the Omaha ilalform and nil true populist principles Dcch also claimed ho would have been elected to congrees over Halncr two years ago If Bryan had not como Into the Touith disliict and pulled the democrats into line 'or Vlfquln , the gold standard democrat Many middlc-of-thc-roud populists have de- claied since hearing Doch that they will lever vote for HIJ.HI and Holcomb Bill Jech's visit hero has caused a great deal of fun at the expense of the Bryanltrs The illls announcing Dech's coming were sent through mistake to A Richmond a ladical republican Mr. Hlchmond's fiist thought was to suppress the bills and let no ono cnovv of Dech's coming , but knowing that some would try to make political capital out > f such a move , as quite a number v.ere at the postoftlco when ho opened the package - ago containing the bills , he took them to James McOhoachln. a middlo-of-tho-ioad lopullst. McGheachln started out to bill ho town for Iho "Irrepressible Dech. " III IIHCISTIIATIOV l.Y SI' . I.OtJIh. UiiliiiiMt n I'loiiK-iit lu ( lie nifftloii VIa.I . jmrl All ri'oKflio.sHi-ntIOHN. ST. LOUIS , Oct. 8. That the people of St Louis are unusually Intcieslod In Iho politi cal issues of the day cannot be questioned On the ( Irst day of roglhlratlon ovei 80,000 otcrs registered. This is marvelous , when t Is known thai Iho lolul vote of St. Louis n IS'JJ was only a llttlo over 72,000 The election commissioners bellove the total reg- sliallon this year will bo aver 100,000. According lo nn opinion lendcred by City Jounsollor Marshall poverty Is no satis- uctory excuse for the applicant for reglbtra- lon who has lost 01 mislaid Ills naturall/a- lon papers and suks lo have his name en rolled on an nllliluvlt hotting foith his In ability to pay the court charges for a cei- Itled copy. Last Tuesday there vu'io several hundred aliens reglsteic-d on the sliength of affidavits tatlng that they had been duly naturalized , nit could not produce copies of thedr papeis , because they had been out of employment a long tlmo nnd had no money to pay llio ccs exacted by Iho court clciks for certl- leel copies These loglslrations , unless the ourta decide olhenvisu , will bo slrklceii from ho books. IVilcrnl Omirt AilJouriiN nt I'li rri > I'immn. S. D. , Oct. 8-Special ( Tele gram ) United States court adjourned hero oday. The ? 25,000 damage suit against the Northwestern by frank M. Thomas vvas dis missed on motion of plaintiff's attoiucy. who vlli begin another suit. A GREAT PRACTICE. f You Wnnl u Conil Aiijx-tllc mul 1'crfcrt DlKt'xtloii. Aflcr each meal dissolve ono or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets In the mouth and , mingling with thn food , they eonhtlluto a pcrfccl digestive , absolutely safe for thu nest bcnsitlvo stomach 'Ihoy digest llio food befoie It has llmo to onncnt , thus pi eventing the formation of as and keeping the blood pure and hoe loin the pcUonous pioducts of foimcutcd , uilf-dlgcstcd food Stuait's Dyspepsia Tablets make the coin- ilnxlon clear by keeping the blood pine Ihoy incioaso llesb by digesting ( lesh- ormlug foods. Stuait's Dypopsla Tablets Is the only cmcdy designed especially for the euro of tomach doubles and nothing else. Ono UUcase * . ono i cmcdy , tint hiiccessfut physician of today U Iho specialist thn t > uc- essful medlclno Is the medicine picpuied specially for one disease. A whole package taken at ono tlrao would lot hurt you but would simply bo p. waslo f good material. Over six thousand men and women lu ho state of Michigan alone have been cmcd f Indigestion and dyspepsia by the USD of tuart'i Dyspepsia lableta Sold ball druggists at CO cents per pack 0. 0.Send Send for 1'roo Hook on itoraacb dltoasM to tuait Co. , Marshall , MkU. TALKS FOR SOUND MONEY Tliotnns Kilpntrick Addresses the Touith Ward Republicans , ARGUMENT AGAINST DEBASED CURRENCY Prominent Iti-iitorriillo Mcrcliant frK < * H dial 1' ! < ami t'lillinllcil ' r liinu < > MIMIIIN ln > I UK Ui-lili nllh Inferior Dollnm , Thomas Kllpalrlck , a prominent local dem ocrat and merchant , made his debut heforo n political me cling lust night , when he ad dressed Iho Potirlh Wnid Ite'publlcan club at Palterson hall on sound money. Ills leMiiiirks , as well as those of County Jndgo lln\ler , Ihe other speaker , VVCTO listened to by n good sized audience * , which Include-d In Its numbers mall ) of the business ami pio- fesslonal men of the city , besides many laboring men. Mr. Kllpatrlrk riled particularly the ex periences of this countiy wllh a dopreclnled curtency ns an aigument against the free silver theory llo showed that In 17U ! the forefathers placed thu ratio between gold and sllvet at 16 to 1 , "not nrbltiarlly , but because that ratio was ns near the eom- morclal latlo as the ) could get. " At that ratio gold was undervalued and consequently quently left the country. Iherefoio , In 18.14 the ratio was changed to 1C to 1 , "about which there was nothing sacred , but which WHS flx il because such a ratio vvas thought to bo the commercial ratio again. This undeivalued silver and that riirioncy left the country , oven to the subsidiary coins To bring the l.atler back Into circulation again the amount ot silver In them was decreased and they once moro appeared " As a further maniple ; of the manner In which the cheaper money drives out the dearer the speaker showed fill then that both gold and silver left Iho country when In 1MU giccnbacks were made Iho legal lender of Ihe country Mr ICIIpatilck stated then that during the war nn apparent prosperity iclgned , despite the fact thai prosperity could not exist In a country devastated by war. Ho showed lhat as n mallet of fact the prices ot com modities did raise , but entire * ! ) out of pro portion with llio price ot labor. Where a commodity jumped In value from $1 to $2 50 labor increased In pi Ice from $1 to but fl BO. The drop came after the war nnd developed Into the panic of 1873 It was during this pcilod that the fallacious and vague Idea that there was not enough cuircncy In cir culation , which has developed In this Inter fieo sliver agitallon , was born , for Iho pco plo were unable lo see the real cause of the hard times a debased currency. riauuES ON PIH CAPITA. Mr. Kllpatrlck also exploded tbo theory that an inctcased circulation would bring higher prl.es for commodities If Ihe white metal was coined at a ratio of 10 to 1. Ho showed that since 1S7S an enormous amount of silver was coined , so that during the past five ye'.ars the per capita ot circulation of the country was grcatei than any other live years. Yet prices were no higher. "Accoidlng to the sllveriles' argument , Tiance , whlcll has the greitest per capita circulation of any European country , should have the highest prices , whereas , ns a mat ter of fact , It has the lowest prices , " urged Mr. Kllpatrlck. "By the adoption of the free bllver theory the debtors of Ihe coun try would reap a benefit by paying their obligations In an Intel lor dollar" Mr Kilpatrick maintained that the value of good money was the same as the value of the material of which It was made He nigued thai Iho supply of gold was large , but that the demand was conslanlly In creasing , and therefore Us value was kept up. On Iho oilier hand , ho blated thai Iho supply of silver was enormous and Iho de mand for it was fulling oft , as the nations of Iho world had found It unsnlted for money , and it was therefore cheapening. County Judge Baxter urged a return to prosperity with national honor and integ- rlly , ralhcr than to bellove in the fanciful promises of Jiryan , which the cxpeilcncc ot history has shown to bo Impossible Ho said that the popocratic doctrine vvas lhat 1 a G3-cent dollar could bo boosted up to 100 cents , when experience taught that no metal could bo raised by law above Its commer cial value He quoted such democratic idols as Thomas Jefferson , Uogei Q Mills and Hoko Smith , who had -various times de nounced the free and unlimited coinage of silver. T K Sudborough , republican candidate for the s > tale senate was called for and after d few brief remarks and In response to n question , stated that Iho charge that ho was unfavorable to fraternal Insurance com panies was utlerly false He said lhat he was a supporter of secret fraternal organi sations , as well as of the valued policy law. Ilolenni1 > mul Illlincr Till I. . . M'COOK , Neb , Oct. 8 ( Special Tolc- giam ) Governor Holcomb and G , C. Hlb- ncr of Lincoln epoko populistic doctrine hero tonight to an overflowing opeia house. Both speakers touched upon the money and tariff questions and the governor de voted some time to state affairs. It was a successful and satisfactory meet ing from the populistic point of view , but will not kejsp McCook from rolling up a bl majority foi McKlnley In November , .Sill ) til DiNCiihHCM Silver. UAVKNNA , Neb , Oct. S ( Special 'Tele gram ) Hon. C. J. Smyth of Omaha ad dressed a crowded house hero tonight on the political Issues His address was well received and liberally applauded. THE GRESQHTON AM. THIS WIJI3IC. ANO HIS C \11UICIC TlllMTIJIl JiTOCIC CO. . I'UlJSUVriNG 'lOMfiHT uLSilB BEAU r.atmiloy Mntlmo . . "Merchant of Vcnlco' Saiujduy LMIIIHJ ; nr Jtltyll nn 1 Mr , llydo" anls now on t ilo Prices fiOi7V. . } 1 00 H 50 Tifi ? " lllli . Mamtfcr-t. TIIKEK MOJIT3 , COMMKNCINU bUM\Y MATIMJH , OCTOIU1R ll VV ] ' , 'Jorinnn n Cuini ill.ius In A GREEN GOODS MAN. I'riocH ' 'IP OOc 7i ( , < $1 00 M iimeu I'riecs V'Suanil COD fill ? ffl7iriiTfl\f ) lilli l/KJjHilllUi\ / > a oit . D.NIJ MflllT ONLY Wo4iicsdiiy. October 14 JOSEPH JEFFBRSON J TIIIUrHJi J' L. M Crawford , Alur I TOMOIIT vi * si7r > 7 v iniH'i.vr : ' , Tlio pretty Irish coninly-clninu Saturday matlnco 21 larfc-c elylla t.\\cn \ avvny , "UNCLE JOSH , " 1'ikrn Id 20o mid SCc ROYIVS MW ! Tfifsw i > u i u ' riuiA ( jtJ ! . . I , At Ciawfoid.Al.ir. ) 1'lttO K9 I MO I ! I'M .jneiilnu SunJny MATINIMl OCT , 11 lUifcatu li.i > lluilnto Wcilne-sdaj UWIY KATIE EAIMETT m "mi : uirs or MJ\V uwic , " J'lUcs O oil ifKcutJ nut * nrtl Itoor We , ull uutcuiiy tiHU 3it Lullcr > IPo and 26i * I'oiulnu , Out. IH--.JI _ "Dili-Lent UiiNiilii. " 1IOT1CM. HOTEL. nmmi.vru AM > JOMS HO iuain , tiulliii , rteam Iieal unit all .uoern | pn\cnlriiccv llutee , H.te ) and Jt 00 ptr day. lulle uiiBiccllcJ , Special low iate lu trrulm > i/urJn. / riUNK UILUITC1J. UfT.