10 THE OMAHA DAILY VJRTDAY , OCTOBER f ) , 1800. 8PEG1RL NOTICES. for 11iene column" Trill lie ( nlcctt until lUinit p. in. , for < lic evening : nnit nntll 8 p. in * for * 'lc ' tnnrnltiK anil Stiitilnjcilltlnun. . AilverllHpr * , liy rpinu-Mlnpc n mini- lipn-il chrclc , cnn Imve nnMrcr * nil- IrrMxcil ( o n mimlicrril loiter In tnVf of Ilic Hoc. A tumor * BO mltlrcsscMl rrlll IIP loll\orctl on prcwcnlntloii ol the olioolc onlj % ItntPH , 1 1-2cn rroril llrsl Insertion ] Ic n word liiTpnflir.otlilnu tnUcn for li-nn limn -"c for ( lie llrxt Inner- < lon < Tlir p nilvcrtlKiMiivntx must lie WA.vrnu SITUATIONS. WANTnn-1'i.At.v sr.vvtNo IN i-A.Mti.tn by ROW ! neiinistress , CO cents b"r day. Aillrra X 61. Her A5S IVAXTKn MAMJ HUM * . WANTED , AN 1DKA : WHO CAN THINK OP notnc simple thins to pttent ? Protect your Idpfts. they mny brlnn > ou wrnlth Write John VVVd iPt-burn ft Co. , Dept V. , Pnlrnt Attorneys , Wnrhlngton. D C. , for tliclr it MK ) prl e offer nnii n list of 200 Invention ! wnntcJ 11 271 - : ooon ixi cntiNPin : , Cnily Lumber Co. 114949 & Itood nppcarnncs , mutt ho iip-to-ilito inanj cowl unlnn' Apply to J II. McDowell , mam- per Smith I'rcmlcr Typewriter comimny , Omnlm. _ H-5H 9 _ WANTED. WAITHIW AND rmsr CLASS night cook. 313 3 ICth at. _ 11-515 8 * VANTitoNr : HAN IN CVCIIY COUNTY TO represent Inrro mrdlcftl IIOUPCJ good payl no experience required ; work light I. . Co , Ilex 700. ChlcnRu , 111. 1-M52 S J7I TO * ii SAt.AUY AND nXTONSHS TO nalesmen for clears : experience unnecessary ; I'xtra Iniluccnipntii offcrcil ileAlcrs. W. l . Kllno Co . St. Louis. H-M523 ! > _ _ _ _ SOLICITOR WANTRD WHO CAN AIM'nOACIt tnorclinntB nnd men of nuntiBl llbernl pny. Address X M , Ilee. -MGZt 10 WAfTI3I > KUMAI.B HELP. WANTED FIRST-CLASS QIRL TOR ral housework , 1113 Georgia nve. C 403-9 WANTJD. DININT } ROOM oim.aCALL AT 311 S. ICth St. tonight C 510 S KOII iiousns IN ALL PAIITS OP Tiin CITY. TUP. O. P. Da\ls Company 15C5 rurnnm 13 272 HOUSES. UENHWA & CO. , 103 N isTlTsr ! U 273 _ _ MODKHN HOUSES C. A STAHIWIo N. Y. LIFE D-274 BTHAM IIIATID : STORKSAND PLATS. Howard Hanck. agent , 1C10 Chlcngo street D 275 CHOIC13 IIOIISHS AND COTTAOnS ALL OVER the city , J3 to $50. Fidelity , 1702 Tarnam.D . D 276 LIST OP nousns. THU nvnoN Heed Co. . 215 ! _ H 114tli Bt. D-277 IlOUSrS , WALlACU. 13UOWN IILK. . ICTH and DoUKln" . D 278 _ " " e-RooM MODIRN"C ORNKR FLAT" 2101 LHAV- cnworth St. - U-MCC1 Old * rou RENT. runNisiinn on UNTUUNISUKD house 8 rooms : moiKrn. Wl IVrk avenue. D-693 J.IODUUN TURNISIIED 1IOUSH INQIIIRn N , E cor. 29th and Li-avcnwortri Sis. D 231 11 FOU RUNT , 9-nOOM MODEUN DWELLING at 519 N. 18th St. . for * 22 DO par month Apply W. 1J Slelkle , C04 1st Nafl Dank Dlrtns D 1I2CO 1030 S. 30TH AYR . 10-ROOM HOUSE , OAK Hoornnd llnlsh , inodcrii In < 'very ntptct. crates , mantles , furnace and liuml-y ; best built house In the city. 537 ro per month Omaha Real Estate and Tiuit Co , 211 So. 18th Ft D-M11C TWELVE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE AND brick barn ! 2252 rnrnnm Apnlj to J W. Kobblns , rooms 3 and 4 , DaUMse bldj ; . EKIHT-ROOM MODBRN I'llAMH. DETACHED. 2719 Popploton avenue , choice. J12 DO. nielli-room modern , 33rd nnd Hurt sts , $23. 7-room modern lirlck , COI N 2M KO 00 10-room modern brlclt , C20 N. rid , ) i CO 0-room incdcr.1 brick , C14 S 20th , 525 00 12-room modern , 20th and Woolnnrtli , J22 50. C. A. STARR , 923 N. Y. Life DldB D 31323 roR RENT , rou Tim WINTER. NINI > ROOSI house , furnished , modern conveniences , one block from Turk cnr llneon South 2tth st , , nenr Park school ; will i HbAieup to Eiiltable perions. Heat or referen ogAlrcd Address X 24. Dec. 3BHLB M352 12' A 4 AND C-ROOM MODERN PLAT , 1112 SO llth. D SCO 0 FOR RKNT , niGiiT-RooM MODnnfTiiousn with barn , V-500 Inquire 2CI1 Pierce St , or 17M rarnam. D J37-11 TEN-ROOM IIRICK. C1IGAP ; HCST LOCA- tlon In Omaha. W. P. Clark , 2M3 Douslas St n M133-11 * 2531 ST. MARY'S AVH , 9-ROOM "jrODHRN house , } 23 annln HroM , 1C13 rnrnnm I ) 17" > FLAT , J2000 : C ROOMS'MODIMtN , CLOUSHR Wk , S n cor ICth and Jones Oan In liros , 1013 Farnnm D 174 MODERN FLATS , LANOU I1LK COC S. 13TH. D-1TC-N5 ALL SIS5HS PROM $5 00 UP. T DV'K D , IGth and D&UKliiK D 178-31 FOR RENT. 5-ROOM COTTAOn. KTll AND 1'uclllc ; J10. J , E , Kljorsolo , 11D2 DOUKUM street. 1) Mltil 0 SIX-ROOM COTTAGE , 2522 HALF HOWARD street. D 503 9 SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE ; MODERN IMPROVE- mentl. 2552 Jones. I > M4M ) 12 * FOirRENT , 7-ItOOM"c6TTAGir OP LARGE dlmcii&lonssllh ; modem conxcnlcnceu , In- ' elmUna bath loom , with portelaln tub and ctatlonary.ish stand , nculj lluUlieil In the most uttractUo mannei ; laiKe yaid , with line tr es ; lent , S25 per month , location , 19th St. , thlnl door north of Lake Apply to W. 1J. Melkle , 501 rim National bank building D M510 Fi.ooa oi'1 coit\c ( i Asi ATI , JIG 00. 202. ! Howard at. . D 1S1 9' HOUSE" FOR RENT , c NIUE"LARGE "ROOMS , city water. 111 tie IS.'O I * , lith m. . Rood loca tion , ' D Ml ! / KOH lIU.VT KL'UMSIIiai ) UOOMS. FOR RENT , ROOMS WITH OR WI'lHOUT board ; nUnni lieat. electric lltilit , flcvatot , free butbai Kites lensonable. ruiiIck hotel E--6JC _ _ " NEWLY TmtNisHRD ROOMD" : HOIISE1CEE1'- In. . ! ! C23 fit , Mury' . E-MU4 ) noioisxu JIDAUD. FOR RKNT , rURNIbHED UOOMB , WITH OR without bunid ; i team bent nid ) all mndi > rn Improxcmeiitu ) vptjlal luu intoi for the win- tci. Midland hotvl , ICth nnd Chicago , M. J , FiniicU , piopUetor , ' r 900 " " Ai < n\NY-ioi DOUGLAS" ROOMS , FUR- nUlic.l nr unfuiiiUhcJ ; [ iiltoa lo Dull tlio tlii'"a , tahlo fX'.tllcnl. V323 3 . ROOMS , vlTH bo.trd , 1909 * e , Pt-aboly 1' Jll 9 * roil incrj-r rtRNU3iiinoMND . on bcuth Will tt. , mm P.trk n-lo.il to one or two > ouns men : inl\ati ) family ; no ether bonrilfi , wluio IIOIIIP inmoit t\n b had , Mutt iKo but of rcrcicnir * IIH ] uii ( , > h.re emplojcd , Addif-Mi X 23 , Het. F-MS'318 FURNISHED ROOMUVlTiTiaUt ) : UEPKR , once. SIC S 20th i-t , i1 j > .oj n * " ' " KIN EsuN : AmTo ; Ti oT\iT : iul\nto ( imlly ; l > - MtunlrU ; < l < tn > hed rcsldwioo ; relirrncin. 72 Noith J9lh t , F-USt ! 10 nnM' > .i\riiUMiiuii ; ! UOOM.S. S 1-011 110U8EICEEI'INO | StA > f nncl wife ; water In Kllciien , otscl ilnk. 313 N. mh. i ! 21 : - _ _ ANI1 rNPtUINISHED nllh \\llhuut Ij.irJ , U ( J.'ortli 'lfntthird ( ; -MICI 1'ou UU.NT A.\I > i i.'i on i . ; I line alurK-u jnd b Mi.iii nt. ulll niter to milt tiiuuti Uu ici.l. $14 bit Nul'l U'kbldK I-IMJ roRRENr u-wTnv ut tilt Tarium bi. Thin bull'llUK ' h.u i Uif ( > ro4 > r conuiit Liucniml , ( vmpkttt htrnni hiullne 1U'- tiilo * . fttlcr mi all ltu.it j Kits , etc Apl > * 11 tli uCTc of Tlie U.'Q. ) - 10 \VA. > TII ) . Aor.N > s - nicttu und uniiwUn luttuni. hut n.llem. liu vcr Uut . il.TJ tinIW , pcsl DlU. (10 io ptf i.WJ far ciiiiicM. rmu > ln ( : Siiiiyito , w Ar.U SI. , A ( I2NTS WA THI ) . ( Cnntlntied ) WANTRD AGENTS TO tIAKK IHO MONB1 lth mir Comic Ruttnn ; best nnfortment brats them all , M. lirnst , Manufncttirer , l"le\c land , O. J-.MS18 12' \VA.NTnHTO JII3NT. 10 ! > , 40. fO Af'RK TRACTS. THREE TO KIVK mllpn nliwi fnrrtin Wn trt fifty Miles cf Omiha llemls Pnxton block. K Minj N4 isOAHl ANr > "llOOM lY TWO "l.MHIW " IN IitlMitc fnmll } ; inuat be reufonablc Adlr X , Ilee. K-MSM 9 PACIPIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO POS 910 Johes. G'neral etoroRo nnd fornnrllnir M-SS3 OM. VAN & STOItGI2. . 1415 PAll'M. TEL 1VD M-2S.3' roit SALIiioitsn.s A\I > WAGONS. DUItAniLlTY TALKS : CARRIAGE' ' ( iliactons , bottom prices. A , J. Simpson , HW Dodcc. P 2S4 'OH SALH MIHCI3ILAM50lS. ) CHEAPEST HARDWOOD WOVEN TORN-CIUH' blliR made , tt R. Lee , Ml Douglas. Q-2S5 roil S.U.E , soimiiri FHAETON AND Columbus Concord IIURKJ' , with full leather tup , neaily new ; bargain , T. J Iloscrs , 14th ami rarnain. 0 4C3 PINE 4 YR. OLD DRIVING MARE. I' D. Weld . Q 47T-3 POR 8VLH , A"oOOD UPRIGHT PIANO TOR sale. Call at 817 South Mil at. Q M410 10" roil RALE , CHEAP ! ONE SMITH-PREMIER typewriter , wllh ile k , one Imnk ihcclt punch ; two four-wheel trucks ; one letter prefi J. II Dumont , JteciHei , 1411 linrnty Mite. . Q M504 CI.AIItVOYAM'S. MRS. MARY FRITZ , CLAIRVOYANT. S21 N. 16th. S M3C3 17' MASSAOH , IJATHS , HTC. MME. SMITH. 1121 DOUGLAS , ROOM C ; MAS- enRp and steam baths. T M42o 10 MRS DR. LPON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE PARlors - lors ; rcfreBhliiB nnd curatl\e ; don't fall to call , 417 S. . llth St. , upitalrs T M401 11 * MISS AMEs7 VAPOR I1ATIIS. MAPSAOE. 507 S. 13th St. , ro m 3. T MoOO-NC' MISS VAN VAL1IENI3URG DESTROYS PER- nnnently hy electricity mjperlluous hair , moles , warts , etcRoom416 N. Y Life llldi ? U-2SG _ _ RUPTURE CURFD ; NO PAIN ; NO DETEN- tlon from business , \vu icf r to hunilre Is of mtlcnta cured. O E Miller Co 307 N Y Life building Oimha. Neb U 287 BATHS MASSAGE. MME POST. 319'i ' S r.TII U 2SS VIAVI. HOME TREATMENT Plttl UTERINE troublea. I'hyclclan In attendance. Consulta tion or health book free. 040 Bee bids U ! 80 SEE CARTER HARDWARE CO. , 1403 DOUGlas - las , for mantels , grates , tiles , mnible wnrK , etc. U 3C2 9IOM3V TO LOAX IUJAI. USTATB. ANTHONY LOAN Jt TUI'ST CO. , 315 N. Y L Quick mocey at low rate3 for c'inljp farm loJni In Iowa , northern Missouri , east urn Nebia'-ki. W 231 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 025 N. Y LIFE tt 2J2 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate Urennan , Lo\o Co. , Pa\ton block } s r 3 " " LOANS ON IMPROVED & irNIMPROVKI > "ciTY property. W , I'arnam Smith & CO. , 1320 Parmm W 291 - MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES THE O. P. Da\ls Co. , 1503 I'arnam St. W 293 " BUY REAL ESTATE SECURITIES , THEY are safe We can olter Kilt-edged mortsJKes , secured by Rood Omiha reil rotate , and choice Nebraska and Iowa , farms. If you hive $1,000 , J" COO or $2)000 to Invest , cill and ECO us The Hicks' R4\l Estate Agency , 105 N Y Life bldtf. W 406 PRIVATE MONEY. FROM $100 UPWARD , P. D. Wead , HUh und Douglas "V 479 31 MONEY TO LOAA CIIATTKI.S. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. ; at lowest rate In city , no icmoinl of goods , ttilctly confidential ; jou cnn puy the loan off at any time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 300 So IGth St. X 29S MONEY TO LOAN. 3D , CO 00. DAYS : 1'URNI- tutc. pianos , , etc. Duff Green , room 8 llarter blk HUSIM3SS ciiAXcns. FOR SALE , ABOUT 2,000 LBS. MINION TYPE 700 Ibs ngnte , 160 pair twtthlnl cases 40 double Iron btands for two-third cases This material was used on The Omaha lee and Is In fairly good condition. Will be sold cheap In bulk or In quantities to milt purchaser. Apply In person or by mall to Hie Bee Pub lishing Co . Omah.i.Ne.b. _ Y "U HOTEL TO LDT , AT A R LI NG1 ON , N E D , best location In vtllago , nil In llrst class order , 1C rooms In main building. If desired $ ad ditional across the street , terms fnlr , Oct. Cth , HOC , iJ. A Unthank , Arlington Neb Y I3S-I1 * TOR SALE. A 11,20000 STOCK OP DRl'GS foi K rents on the dollar ; best town In eastern Nebraska , store room and residence for rent at a bargain. A L Spearman , Gretr.a. Nib. Y Mill 11 1.-OK SALE HEAb ESTATE. IF YOU DESIRE TO PURCHASE FINE VAcant - cant property , cheap lota or houses and lots , for cash , or on. very easy'terms , do not ( all to fee the fidelity Trust Co. , couthcast cornei of Heo bulldliir. Their list Is large and fhsy recommend nothing but bargains , lie MS AUSTRACTS. THE ISYRON REED COMPANY lIOUKEa , LOTS. FARMS , LANDS CJco I' . UeiiiU Real Estate Co. , Paxtim I1IU. Rc-M2130.M _ FARM LANDfl. C. r , HARRISON 9'2 N Y L IOR 8ALII 9 ULicu , near South Omaha ; with geol louie ; , 1O4KO burn , flno trees and srrlns water on pl.ue ; pi lev. 11,700. 0 ncrci , near Houth Omfiha , % eiy dcjltabk' : price. 51 0(0. ( 5 iicics. rciu bouth Omatm ; $500 Acio lota , near Houlli Omaha ; 7150 each , POTTER A GPORGE COMPANY , S. W.Cor 10th and Parnam Ets. : RE M350 3 _ ACRE NEAIC MILL15R PARK. fIGHTLY ! , $ ; 50 Houte and lot 19th hear Leavruwuith , jtroo. HoiiKo and lot north 10th Boulevard , J950 F D Wead , loth and Douulas. RE 4W-S I.ObT. J500 RKWARD 1'OR RETURN OP FEAIALE Pot Tenlci pup to 1S17 Jackson Htj tnl.cn Wcdn day a , rn. ; t.in inloicd head blac't nirle and tall , no 'lucetlona ntked , Lent w. ! S' LOST-llLJTWEEN S61JI ' "AND nT" SOUTH Omnlia , nnd Uth nnd Il&fori stietla. Omaha , half cufl link ; blue enamel , ( jold cdaod. nlth diamond Ettlna ; icward for Kturii to Packerp' National banU Lost M5 ) 0 * T-LADIE3OLD1VATcfLETl'ERSl. ; D. enir.\\eil ; on cane ; rovnid ; Rlove leptV. . R. Bumidtt Co. Losl MKH ! ) LOST-A PACKAGE OP PHc7lOGRAPHS AND > erynliiubl' ) li > | ter at leojin-iicndatlon. ilnJer pleobo ( cturn to 1720 Dodie U. and Kit LOST OR STRAYED , BPLH ) COIXR cow ; inn small \\hlto t-pota on belly , hlacl , ? S'l.ch'.IlB.wmii ' lf re'i-f''fJ to J. U. Cowln , S32 Kouth 37th btictt. I est Mt,27 J9 .IH.'SIO , AHT A.M CEORGK iGEI.LRNilE'1K. . RANJO , MA NDO- lln ami juitf" trachei. Ixoom 417 1.0" 1II.U- , Tel. ! ilf. J5t' _ _ $125 11UYS AN EXCELLENT UPRIGHT PIAN3 Mltlnwuy Ur.Miii , bnij.-li , ; li-oliumcnf ) u-ntfd , SIS MoC'BKUe bid ? . 401 &i i AR ES NMUTUA L ! , ' Ai.AasjpAYsc i , k per cnt \ < 'ion 1 , S , 3 yeura old ; nh.ny * re. asei.Tiblc. KPI i'ar.uii U. ; jiltlri.cr Jo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! 31 _ now 10 ai.T AlfoMi : OR 8cfiiur : uooo lnteii.it on B-ivlnva. - \ nly to Om.ilit L. ft 1) ) . Ass' , J70I rnrn-ur U. M. Nxttlnc'r , hec. _ _ SOI SUWINCJ .MACIII.VKS AM > bMU'I.IUS , HIM" HOME uoi-HEiioLir ANn wuFri : nuchlii9 cliko , 1314 l' i > . u\t , Tel. 1571 4S ! EI.OCCTIlt.V , ELLA DAY , n , i , SRD PU OR. 220 s. inn. s-i lU'lUU.VlT.IUXO. _ i-'t jtxn i in : TIu'lcEDr PiNiHiini > T nli- pulled , inultrosea matte und U'liKVdlvJ. 'Iry Will-la , 2111 CMiaUnr ; HI. IX'L U4 IIIC\CI.ES AMI ID 1IANH WHERLS . rente 1 and repaired. Omaha lllcycle Co. , ictl and ClilcnRO. 303 SHOUTIt\M ) A.V1) T\IHWI 1TINO. A. C. VAN SANT'3 SCHOOL , E13 N. Y , LIFE. I'AWMJItOKnilS. H. MAROWITX 1J3AXB MONEY , 41S N. 16 KT . ' 03 IIAN'CINU SCHOOfi. MOUAND'S NOW OPEN FOR LADIES' GEN tlemen , children nnd private clnpscs For inr tlculars and term * please call 1310 Harney St SUES & CO. , PATfiN'T SOLICITOUS , llcollulldln' ' , Onmbii. Nebr Advlco and I'niont Iloolc I'UKK , for ( Trade Hark. ) ACCIDENT TICKETS. Coiiiimiiy of New Yorlc. givsa THHEE MONTHS' intmranca , $1,000 for $1.OO , to men or between IS nnd CO jeara of nee , against fnta Street Accident ! ) a-foot , or on Ulcycles. Hoisee Wiiguns , Ilurec Cars , Italliouil cars , Hlevntud. Jlridhc , Tinlley ami Cahle cars , Steamships , Steamboats nnil Ktenm I'urles $100,000 deposited with the Insurance Department of the Plato of New York for the security of the Insured. I"or Smle ! > Chas. Kaufiiiauu , 1302 Douijlas Street. Tel. COP Omahi , N'eh. gyslnees for ยง a ! @ . Good Trade , Splendid Location. Price Ji.600.00.Vrlto for partlculais. ERNST IlIEPHN , Uenl.sau , Iowa. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS The following proposed amendments to tie Constitution of the State of Nebraska , as hereinafter set forth In full , arc submitted to the electors of the ? t/ / 9of , Nebraska , to bo voted upon at the gcnpral election to beheld held Tuesday , November 3 , A. D. 1896 : A joint icsolulloil proposing to amend sections two (2) ( ) , four (4) ( ) , and five (5) ( ) , of article six (6) ( ) of the Constitution of the Stale of Nebraska , rclallng to number of judges of the supreme court and their term of office. Be It resolved nnd enacted bj' the Legis lature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section two (2) ) of aitlclo sK ( GJ of Ihe Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended so as to read ns fol lows : Section 2. TliQ "Supremo court shall" until otherwise provided by law , consist of live (5) ) Judges , n mnjoilty of whom shall bo necessary to foim u quorum or to pro nounce a decision. It shall have original jurisdiction In cases relating to revenue , civil cases In which the state shall bo a party , mandamus , quo \varranto , Imbeas coipus , and such nppollnto Jurisdiction , as may bo provided by law. Section 2. That section four (4) ( ) of article f-lx (6) ) of the Constitution of the state of Nebiusha , be amended so ns to read as fol lows : Section 4. The judges of the supreme court shall bo elected by the elcctois of the state at large , and tlwlr tenn ot olliee , except as heiulnnttcr iirovldejl , shall be for i peilod of not less ttyinjlvo (5) ( ) years as the legislature mijprescribe. . Section 3 That sccllo'n'nve (5) ( of article six (6) ( ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraskn , be amended to read as follows : Section 5 At the .first general election to be hPld In the j-ear 1S9G , there bhall be elected two Judees of the supreme court ono of whom shall be elected for n term of two (2) ( jcars , one for the term of four (4 ; j'oars , nnd at each general election there after , there shall bo elected ono Judge of the supreme court for the term of live (3) jears , unless otherwise provided by law ; Provided , Thnt Iho judges of the supreme court whose terms have not explree ! at the time of holding the general election of 1830 , shall continue to hold their otllce for the remainder of the term for which they were respectively commissioned. Approved March 2S , A. D. 1S93. A Joint resolution proposing an amend ment to section thlrlcen (13) ( ) of article six of Hhe Constitution of Iho Slalo of Nebraska , i elating to compensation of supreme and district court Judges. no It resolved by the Legislature of the State of Nubrihkn : Section 1. That section Ihlrlenn (13) ( of nrticle six ( C ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended so as to rend as follows. : See 13. The Judges of the supreme nnd d sliict courts shall receive for their scr- vjpes such compensation as may bo pro- vldcd by inw , payable iiinrtcrlj- . The legislature shall at its first pcsslon after the adoption 01 * hla amendment , three-fifths of the , miners elected to each house conrurrlnk' xtnhllsh their compensation. The com -Jisntlon so es tablished shall not be chanii.u . - . tenor than once In four jcnrs and in n ven : unless two-thirds of the members el , otcd u each house of the legislature concm therein Approved March 30. A. D 18 .i A Joint resolution proposing to nmer.cj secllon Ivvonly-four (24) ( ) of arllcft nvo (5) ( ) of Ihe Consiriulion of the State of N.'iraska , relating to compensation of the omcers of the executive department. Ho It reached and enacted by the Locls- laluro of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section Iwenlj'-four (24) ( ) of nrticle five (5) ( of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended to lead as follows ! Section 2) ) . The olllcers of the executive department of the stale government shall lecclvo for their service's a compensation lo he established by law. which shall be neither Increused nor diminished during the term for which they shall have boon commissioned and they shall not receive to their own use nny fees , costs , Interests , upon public moneys In their hands or under thcli cojitrol , penitiijltcs of olllco or other nmnensiitlon , and all fees Ihat may hereafter be paj-ablo by law for scivices performed by nn oiiieor provided for In this | n shall bo paid In advance Into the state treasury. The legislature shall nt Its llrst session after the adoption of this amendment , three-tlfths of the mem- Lorn c-lectcil to each house of the legisla ture cononning , establish the salaries of Iho omccrs named In Ibis article , The compensation so established shall not be chnncod oftcner than once In four years and lu no cvcnl unlobs Uvo-thlrds of the rncmbris elected to each house of the leg- Ulnturo concur therein. Approved March 29 , A. D. 1S93. A Joint resolution proposing to amend section cue (1) ( ) ot article six ( C ) of the Con stitution of the State of Nebraska , relating to judicial power , lo ! It roscdvcd and enacted by the Legis lature of the Htato of Nebraska : Hccllon 1. That secllan one (1) ) of article U (6) ( of thu Constitution of the State of Nebraska lie amended tu read ns follows : Secllon 1. The judicial power of this btato Rball bo vested In a supreme court , dis trict courts , , county courts , justices of the peace , police ma lntnitca , and in such other eourts Inferior to the supreme court n limy be created by law In which two- thirds of the members elected to each house concur. Approved March 29 , A. D , 1695. A joint resolution proposing to amend sec tion eleven (11) ( ) ot article six ( C ) of the Constitution of the State ot Nebraska , re lating to Increase In number ot supreme and district court judges. . Uts It resolved and enacted by the Leg' Islnturo of the Slate of Nebrnskn Section 1. That f-octlon eleven (11) ( ) of nrtl clo six (6) ) of the Constitution of the Stau of Nebraska be amended to read ns foi lows : Section 11 The legislature , whenever two thirds of the memli rs elected to each house shall concur therein muy , in or nfter tin jear ono thousand olshj. htmdrcil am ninety-seven nnd not oftener than once Ir every four j ears , Increase the number ol ludReq of supreme and district com Is , am the judicial ellstrlcts of the stale. Suel districts shall bo formed ot compact tcrrl torv , nnd bounded by county lines ; am' mien Increase , or any change in the boundaries of n cllsirlcl , shall nol vacate the olllce of any Judge. Approved Morclh 30 , A. D. , 1S93. A Joint rcs < jlutlon proposing to amend filiation six ( C ) of-article ono (1) ( ) ot Iho Con- stitutlon of the State of Nebraska , relating to trial by jury , i He It resolved and enacted by the Leg islature of the St.Uo of Nebraska : Section 1 , Tnnt'fecctlon sit (0) ( ) . nrticle one (1) ( ) of the Constitution of the Utato of Ne braska bo amended to reail us follows : Section 0. The right of trial by Jurj- shall remain Invlolhte , but the legislature may provide thftt'Tn I'lvll notions five-sixths ol the Jury mnj render a veidlct , nnd the legislature by alito aiilhoilzo trial bj' n jurj' of a leps number than twclvo men , In courts Infc.lor to the district oourt. Approved Mifr < ; h 29 , A , 1) . , 1S3S. A Joint resolution proposing to amenc section ono (1) ( ) 6 ? 'article five (5) ( ) of the Con stitution of Nebraska , relating to oHlccrs o the executive department. Uo It resolved and enacted by the Leg Islnturo of the Stulo of Nebraska : Section 1. That section one (1) ) of article five (5) ( of Ihe Constitution ot the State of Nebraska bo amended to lead as foi lows : Section 1. The executive department shal consist of n governor , lieutenant governor bccretarjof state , auditor of public ac rounts , treasurer , superintendent of public Instuicllon , nllornej' general , commissioner of public lands and buildings , and three lallroail commissioners , each of whom , ex cent the said railroad commissioners , shal hold his olllco for a term of two j'cars from the tlrst Thursday after the llrs Tuesday In Jnmmij- , after his election nnd until his successor Is elected and quail fle < l. I ach rallrond commissioner shnl hold his olllce for a term of three years beginning on the llrst Thursday after the lirst Tuesday In January after his election and until his usccessor is elected nnd quail fleil ; Provided , however , That at the lira general election held after the ndoptlor of this amendment there shall bo clcctoi three rnlhond commissioners , ono for the period of ono year , one for the period o two years , and one for the period of three years. The governor , secretary of state auditor of public accounts , and treasurer shall reside at the capltol during their term of ofilco ; they shall keep the public records , books and papers thuic , nnd shal perform such duties ns may be required by law. law.Approved Approved Marcli 30 , A. D. , IB03. A lolnt rn'olutlru p'nposlng to amend sec tlon twenty-six (23) ( ) ot article , five (5) ( ) ot lh Coustllullon of Ihe Slate of Nebraska , limit , ing the number of executive stale officers. Ho It resolved and emu-ted by Iho Leg islature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That beellon twenty-six (26) ( ) of article Il\o (5) ( of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to ircad as follows : Section 2G. No other executive stale offl- cera except those named In secllon one ( ! ' of this aitlclo shall bo created , except by an act of the leglslatuie which Is con curred In by not lees than three-fourths of the members elected to each houss thereof ; Provided , That any ofTice created by an act of the legislature may be abolished by the leclslaluie , two-thirds of the inembcis elected to each bouse thereof concurring. Approved March 30 , A. D. . 1S33. A Joint resolution proposing to amend section nine (9) ( ) of arliclo eight J8) ) of the Constltullon ot Iho Slale of Nebraska , pro viding for Iho Invcslmeiit of the permanent educational fuuds of the state. Ho It resolved and enacted by the Lg- Islaturo of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section nine (9) ( ) of article elsfht (8) ( of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended to read as fof- lows : Section 9. All funds belonging to the stale for educational purposes , the interest und Income whereof only are to be used , shall be deemed trust funds held by the state , and the stnto , shall supply all losses theie- of. that may Inwwry manner accrue , so that the same shn.ll ' remain Ton-vcr Inviolate and undlmlRlSiieVI , and shall not bo In vested or lonncd except on United States or state securities , or registered county bonds or registered school district bonds of this state , , apd such funds , with the Interest anil Income thereof are hereby solemnly pledged for the purposes for which they lire granted and set apart , and shall not be transferred to any other fund for other uses ; j Provided , T ie board created by section 1 of this article Is empowe-rcd to sell from lime to time any of the securities belong ing to the perrnnnont school fund and In vest Iho procdeds nrlslmr llieicfrom In any of the securities enumerated In this sec tion bearing , , a higher rate of Interest , whenever nn.pppprtunlly for better Invest ment is pirsbme.fl : And provided 'further , Thnt when any wartnnt upon the state treasurer regu larly isfcued in pursuance of an appropria tion by the Idslslaturo nnd secured by the levy of a tnic for Its payment , shall be presented to the state treasurer ror pay ment , and there * shall not bo anj- money in the pioper flind to pay such warrant , the board created by faction 1 of this arti cle maj' direct the state treasurer to pay the amount duo on such wanant from monej-s In his hands belonging to the per manent school fund of the state , and lie shall hold said warrant ns an Investment of said permanent school fund. Approved March 29 , A. D , , 1E35. A Joint resolution proposing an amend ment to the Constllulion of the Slalo of Nebraska by adding a now section to article twelve (12) ( ) of said constitution , to be num bered section two (2) ( ) , relative to the merg ing of the government of cities of the metropolitan class and the government of the counties wherein such cities are lo- caled. JJo it resolved ai'd enacted bv Ihe Leg islature ot the Slale of Nebraska : Section 1 , That article tnclvo (12) ( ) of the Constitution of the Stale of Nebraska be amended by adding to said article a now section to bo numbered section two (2) ( ) , to read ns follows : Section 2 The government of any city of the metropolitan clnsa and the government of the county In which It is located may be merged wholly or In pat t when a proposi tion no to do has been submitted by an- Ihorlly of law to the voters of such city and county and received the assent ot a majoilty of the votes cast in such city and also a majority of thu vote's cast In the county exclusive of those cast lu sucb metropolitan cllj' at surh election. Approved .March 29 , A , D , IS93. A joint resolution proposing an amendment to section six ( G ) of article eoven (7) ( ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , pre scribing the manner In which voles shall be cast. Bo It resolved and enacted \ > y the Leg islature of the State of Nobinska : Section 1 , That section six (0) ( of article sovc-n (7) ( ) of the Constllutton of the State ot Nebraska bo amended lo icnd as fol lows : Sfcllon C , All voles shall bo by ballot , or inch olhcr method ns majlui prescribed l y law , provided the secrecy of voting be preserved Approved March 29 , A. D , 1S93. A joint resolution proposing to amend suction two (2) ( ) of article fouitecn (14) ( ) of Ihe Constitution of the State of Nebraskn , rela tive to donations to works of internal Im provement and manufactories. I3o it resolved"nnd enurted by the Legis lature of the Slate of Nebraska : Section 1. That section two (2) ( ) of article fourteen (14) ( of the Constllutton of the State of Nnbraska , bo amended to read n ? follows : Section 2. No cjty. county , town , precinct , municipality olhcr subdivision of the state , shall evee make donations lo nny wcrks of Internal Improvement , or manu factory , unti'43 proposition so to do shall have been flr t submitted to the qualified electors and ratliled by a two-thirds vote at an elections liy authority of law ; Pro vided , That such donations of a county with the donations of such subdivisions in the nsgrccato , shall not exce d ten per cent of th assessed ( Valuation of such counly ; Provided , further. That anv city or county may. by a three-fourths vole increase such Indebtedness Ova per cent , In addition to such ten ner eetit und no bonds or evi dences of Indebtedness so Issued shall ba valid unless tiej/iamu ) shall have endorsed thereon a ccrtincalo signed by the secre tary and auditor of state , snonlnir that the same is tabued pursuant to law , Approved March Z9 , A. D , IStS. - I , J. A. Plper.t secretary of state of the state , of Nebraska , do hereby certify that the foregoing : proposed amendments ta the CojutltutloD of the State of Nebraska an true nnd correct copies of the original rn rolled and engrossed bills , as passed hy the Twenty-fourth cession of the legislature ol the Stale of Nebraska , as appears frora fiMd original bills on file In this office , and that nil and each of raid proposed amend ments arc submitted to the qualified voters i ot the slate ot Nebraska for their adoption i or rejection at the general election to be hild on Tucsdaj- , the 3d day of November , A. D. , 1S96. In tesllmony whereof , I have thereunto sat my hand and affixed the great seal of 1 the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln , this 17th day of July , In the j-car of our Lord , Ono Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-six , of the Independ ence ot the United States the Ono Hundred nnd Twenty-first , and of this state the Thirtieth. Seal. ) J A. PIPRU , Secretary of State Aus 1 ntoNov3 morn onlv DUFFY'S PURE Mil WHISKEY ALL. DRUCC1ST3. EVERY WOMAN 4 fci netln.es nrrni a ivllnbl monllily regulating mcillclnt DR. PEAL'S PEAL'SRILLS , Ara prompt , "yifo nnd certain In result Tito cccit too clr. ) iv-al's ) ni > T < > rillsauiM > uit bent anrwhera Sherman & McConnul Drug Co . 1513 Didgo street. Omaha , Neb I'AIUS DUPAUTM13M1 STOUTS. lijVliluh < Hriiillliij | I-.M Ar lr.cil , l.iidKcil ami l > 'od. Iho great department stoics in I'atls , sue as the Bon Maiche , the Louvre , and th Prlntcmps , carry the organization of thel employes to a point not dreamed of here says the Now York Sun , and Iitvo In opcia tlon extensive and costly plans for stimulat Ing the Interest and energy of the help In the huslnnia to the hlghe.it degree. The ne\ emplojo receive. } at the start a salary oleo lee francea , or about ISO a year , beside\ being lodged and fed , nnd in addition a com mission of from 2 to 5 per cent upon hi sales , so that the lowest salesman rarelj makco less than $1GO a year. A head o department , or bujer , as he Is Known hero may easily mnka from $2,500 to $3000 n jcar , and sonic of them exceed $5,000 While these figures are low compared vvltl thu $10,000 and $20,000 salaries paid in New York , they seem high when measured by th scale of salaries that prevails In France Thus the best paid among the higher em plo > cs receive larger salaries than the presl dents of sections In the Council of State ant generals ot division. The average pay o an cxperlen"ed salesman Is about 4,00 francs , or $ SOO a year. The total number of employes at the Bon Maicho and the Lorn re Is about 3,000 each among whom mo only about 400 women. Ii the Bon Mnrche and the Louvre lodging In the buildings provided by the eslabllshmcn Is optional for employes of both seics less than 21 jcars old ; in the Prlntemps It Is obligatory. The Louvre has on the Avenue Ilappn.gr [ at building accommodating 230 male omuloycs , and not far from It another where 100 joung girls ara lodged. The Boi Marche furnishes similar accommodations All these establishments are conducted under BFfit.larl1' stringent rules. The girls have a parlor where entertainments are organlzet on buudajs and certain evenings of the week but from which the other sex. is cxcludei utterlj- . Not even a father or a brother maybe bo received there. All the employes receive their meals in the stores except the highest , and these are permitted to cat outside and receive an allowance of SOO francs a jear In the waj of commutation of rations. Furthermore married cmnloj-es are allowed to dine n home , and receive a commutation of 1 franc a day. The average coat of food is from 32 to 10 cents a day for each employe The fare consists , nt the Louvre , of one helping of meat , all the vegetables am bread that can be eaten , dessert , and n pint of claret. For dinner soup is added At the Bon Marchu the employes rnaj' ack for two helpings of meat. The average daily quantity of food consumed In one o > these establishments includes 2,500 quartr of soup , 3,000 pounds of biead , 2,500 pounds of meat , l(200 ( pounds of flbh , 500 pounds of butter' nnd ten barrels of wine. At the Louvre the kitchen force Includes fifteen cooks and eighty waiters. The cost of the food c < xcecds 2,000000 francs a jear. The great stores have a medical service for their emplojes , which Includes an In firmary nnd outings in the country or at the seashore. In addition , when a man or a woman completes seven years of service al the Louvie , a sum of 1,000 francs Is cred ited to him In the pension fund , and after ward 200 francs a year up to his fiftieth jcar of service. The savings fund of the non Marcho amounts now to 2,000,000 francs and 200,000 francs Is added annually , and in addition there Is a pension fund founded liy Mmc. Bouclcault , who built up this 1m. mcnso business , which now amounts to 6,000,000 francs. I.BT IIP 0GAS. . The Iincnl ttdltor KIUMV When to S oi > * Iit > Knniiy MIIII'H .TuUos. The local cdllor ot a dally paper in an In terior town , relates the Detroit Free Press , had been havinu great fun with the gas ompany by poMng the usual gags nnd Jol.cs of the funny man at It and Its methods vltli consumers. At the same time In the own was an economical council that re fused to take gaa for the streets on moon light nights , thus cutting down the com- ojnv's receipts. Ono day , after n particu larly amusing nustlng , the editor came Into the local room and tupped the humorist on the shoulder. "Yon Jokes are very good , " ho said , kindly , "but you must let up on the gas company , " "What's that for ? " asked the funny man. The gas company is about all you have eft mo to monkey with. " "That's all right , " replied the editor. "It'n enough to know that you rnust let up , with out asking why , " The humoilst vvaa disappointed , for ho lad some moro good things In hla mind to Ire at the common enemy. At last his face bilghloned. "I presume , " ho said , humbly , "you won't object to my having n lllng at the moon ? " "At the moon ? " queried the editor , mysti fied. fied."Yes "Yes , the moon , Don't you BPO ? " "Oh , yes , the moon , the moon ; haw. haw , " aughed the editor. "Bang away at that all you please ; It's In competition with the gaa company and doesn't advertise , either , " O.UIGIIT Vim HOYS' PA\CY. I'liuy ThuilKlit tinI'rHty Olrl AVlio HoiiKht n 1'iiiKT All ItlKln. A jcung woman stood at the corner of Ilnl- strd street and Archer avenue waiting for a downtown car , relates the Chicago Chronicle. She hud a refined , sweet face , her brown mlr was parted over a smooth forehead , and a pair of wonderfully expressive and beaut I- ul ejes. Her dress was elegant , hut modest , and seeing her In that localltj one Instantly bought of aweet charity Two raggc-d llttlo newsboys came up to ho corner and ga ed at her In frank admlra- Icn. Their look was returned with one of tlnd Interest , and the girl bought a paper from each of thorn , Just then her car came , and with a smile she left the corner. "Ain't sha a beauty ? " asked ono of the > ojs , while the otner pang in a clear , pretty > olco , "She may flirt with another , but I'm sure she loves mo. " A middle-aged , motherly-looking woman , vho bad watched the affair , asked : "Do you nean mo ? " as she bought a paper , she could not afford two. "Oh , no , " answered the ulngor , "tho lady with the pretty eyes " "Now , I'm disappointed. " said the motherly woman. "Well. " called both boys as they went on , "jou're all right , too. " Ilio Ling of pills la Beecnata i Saceha.-j * / inn'n P < 11 n if IIT * \ * nif Tt v OUR ( JlliAl RA1LWASiSTtl. \ . A Year's Record ns Deported by the Interstate torstato Oommerco Commission , ROADS SEEK REFUGE IN CONSOLIDATION llnltronil Iliillillnr ; AlnmM nt n Sliiiul- Nllll NiiinlxT Killed I ) , \rrlili-tiln l.i-ii Tlinn I'xiiMl Itcrnmiiii-iulM n llitrciui of ht Trom the statistical report of the Inter state Commerce commission for the jear ending June 30 , 1S93 , which Is Just from the press , many Interesting facts relating to the rallioads may bo gleaned , paitlcu- larly reflecting the Influence of depression upon this great branch of Industry. The iiggrcgatc mileage on June 30 , 1S35 , wo me Infntmcd , was ISO.057.47 , being an Increase during the year covered hy the re port of 1,918.92 It was noto.l In last j-cai'i report that the Increase In mileage for the jcar ending Juno 30 , 18&4 , was relatively lesn than for any previous jcar since the organi sation of the commission , the per cent of IneieaBo for that year being 1 27. The per cent of Increase for the jear ending June .10 , 1S05 , Is but 1 09 , shotting n jet turner decline In railway construction. l''rom cur- lent Indlcatloiib , however. It mny bo ex pected that the year ending Juno 30 , 1S9G , vill show greater activity in the extension of railway facilities. Such Increase in lallvay mileage as hn taken place does not seem to have bcoi localized , but , on the coutrarv to have bean fairly well distributed. Arizona leads ll railway construction , with a new mileage o 2i7.lt miles ; Illinois shows an liu'icasc o ISS 70 miles ; Pcnnsjlvanla an Incicaso o 1G7 miles , Maine an Inerajso of 13. ! SO miles Texas an Increase of 110.11 miles ; Mc'itnua an increase of 105,7 ? miles ; these being Mi only torrltoiy nnd states which show an < n 'crease In railway mllmgo over 100 miles Attention has been called In previous re ports to the steady and continuous t\'en Uon of railway facilities In the southern states ; the present raport shows this ten dency to have boon In tome dcRScu M rested. rested.NUMBfiR NUMBfiR OK MRN 15M"LOYiD Last year's report showed both a relative and absolute decrease In men employed by railways as compared with previous jeans The report of the present jcar shows n slight Increase In the aggregate of men em ployed , but n decrease In the number o men employed per 100 miles of line On June 30 , lhS.r > . there vvcio 785,031 men Ir the employ of railways , as against 779 COS at the close of the pievlous jcar. The number of men employed per 100 miles o line for the jear covered by the repoit wao 441 , as agnlnst 441 emplojes per 100 mllca ot line during the previous jcai. Theio had been a constant Incieasc in lallway cm ployment both relatively and absolutely fioin 1830 to 1&9 * . CAPITAL KEPHESENTCD. The amount of railway "capital on Juno 30 ISJ5 , was $10,903,584,335 , which , asslgnei Upon a mileage basis , shows that the rail vvaj's ot the United States are capitalized at $6.1,20G per mile of lino. The Increase In the aggregate of rslhvay capital during the jcar ending Juno CO , 1S93 , was $167,110 , 572. Of tills amount $127.1S2S97 is duo to the Increase In capital stock , 528,912,551 Is duo to the increase in funded debt , and $11,015,021 lo the increase in other form' of Indebtedness. Of the Inciease In capita stock , $93,113.185 Is due to the Increase K common stock and $29 060,812 to the Increase In prefered block. The incicase In fundci debt Is a net Increase , mon aye bonds hav Ing Increased during the jcar $47,823,791 and income bends ? ! ! ) ! ) ,515 during the ycui covered by the report , while miscellaneous obligations show a decrease of $11,035,905 and equipment trust obligations .1 dccica i of $3,031,877. An impoitant element In the organization of the lallwny property of the United States Is found in the extent to which rail .v ay man agers invest corporate funds lu railway ob ligations The ttctb ; cfcired to are signifi cant for two icnson.s : In the first place they tefiect In part the purchase and sale of railway obligations inultlng from con solidation , and in the second place , they show the use made of rescue Investments in tlnus of prpssuro and of surplus revenue In times of prosperity. Out of a total of ' 5I,90t,23 > , CjG stock out standing on Juno . .0 , lR9"i , $1.150071,178 , or 2357 pel cent of the total , was the property of nilvay corporations ; out of a total of $1,611,753.518 lallway bonds outstanding on June 30 , 1S93 , $137.-501iS41 weie the- property of lallway coiporatlons It Is suggestive to notice tint the amount held of both htocl-a and boi'ls at the close of the j' co\eicd by this report was con ideiabiy greater than al the close of the previous > cp.r , although last year's report , which coveted the twelve months In which the idllwaja for the first time- felt severely the pic-ssmv of business ilcmcBsInn , Ihcie was a decrease in the corporate ownership of both lallway stccks r.nd bonds. Al though there Is no proof of the statement In the facts preiented In this repot t , Ihcif are several indications which suggest that the Increase in corpointo ownership of coi- porato obligations dining the jear tndlng Juno 30 , 18 3 , Is duo to railway consolidation rather than to the. strengthening of reserve - servo funds. PASSENGERS AND FREIGHTS. The number of passengers carried by the railwaja of the United States during Die year , ending Juno 30 , 1895 , was 507,421,362 , Ijclng a decrease of 33,260,837 , as compared with the preivloua year. The number of passengers i opartcd by the railways as cai- rled one mlle during the same period was 12,188,440,271 , being a decrease of 2,100,999- f.22 , as compared with the previous year These figuies Indicate a marked decrease In passenger traffic , a dccrcabo which Is most clearly reflected In a comparison of the passengers carried one mile per mlle of line , which were 68,572 dm Ing the year end ing Juno 30 , 1895 , as against 81,333 the pre vious year. Every passenger Item In the nbovo summary bhows a decrease during the year coveted by the lepoit ; and the denf.lt/ of passenger Irafflc , It will be observed , la ess than for any o the yenis covered by .ho stntemcnt The number of tons of freight repot ltd jy the carrlcis during the j-oar , ending June 30 , 1895 , was C9C,7B1,171 , bslng an Increase of 68,571,018 o\er the number of tons carried the previous year The lumber of tons carried one mllu was 85,227- 515,891 , being an Increase of 4,892,411,189 , as compared with the previous year , while the lenHlty of freight traflle shows an Incicauo fiom 457,252 in the statistical year 1891 to 179,490 In the year covered by the present oport ; that Is to nay , an Incieaso of 22,238 on miles per mile of line. It will bo noted , lowever , that , notwlllistnndlng this Increase n the density of freight tralllc , the figure ittalned Is not equal to the density of fi eight traffic In 1890 , or In sutoequpnt jcars , up to 1891. The good tropa aeom to have done something foi frf Igut tratfio , but the figures lo not fehow the pioi-porlty of the year 1893. GROSS INCOME. The pros' ) Income from operation for the railways of the United Slates for the yar ndlng June 30 , 1893 was $1,075,371.402 , be- ng ail Inn easeot ? 2,009GG3 na compared vlth the prevlouE year Expenses of opera- ion for the same period v.ero $725,720,415 , lelng a den capo hi operating expenses as ompared v.lth the previous year of ? 5C93- 07 The Incense fiom operation for the j'car overed by thlt > uport is ? 319C01,017 , being n Increase of 57,703,572 as compared with ho previous jcar. It sbwild be noted , hoiy. ver , that the net Income fiom operation for ho jeaicovcicd by thU repoit Is less than or any jpar cub-.cqucnt to 1SJO , with the xccptlon of the year 1891. ACCUJENTS. The number" of railway emplojes Klllod urlng the yciir ending Juno 30. 1S05 , vv 'v ,811 , and the number Injiuo.l 2.pi,6l'0 , being decrease of twelve In the nuinhor of cm- lojci Wiled , and an iucrens ? of 2.271 In Iho umber Irijuitd. The number of passengers killed duiln ; ; lie year rmcied by the icport was 110. aim hu number of paicr < ; Injured 2,575 , l > n- \3 \ A tlcc'ieau- the .lumber of iut..scn. ; < r < < Hied ot 15t and In the number lujurcd of 59. It in worthy of remark that ( he num- cr of passengers Hllcd Jurlus ilia JKOI- avcrcd by the lepiu't J.i lent , both rrl.xliuly and absolutely , than during nny jear for which complrto statistics are obtainable. RECOMMENDATIONS. Among other requests Iho committee In S , closing Hi report recommend ! that coiiRre < ji ho requested to provide for the establish ment of n bureau of statistics and account1) , which shall have the right of Inspection and control of the accounting departments ot the common carriers. I hut .liijtnl With the r-xlillnrnllnR scnso of rcnowpj health mid strength and Internal ctetnll- ness , which follows ( ho use of Sjrttp of PlRs , la known to the fcvvho have not proRrr-Rscd lie } end the old-time moillclnoa nnil the chpnti stibitltntps soniptlinra offered but never ntcrptcd by the well-informed. LADY IIIIHCL VII. siu > llmv .Shu IlniiixMioiI to llnmlr. "Yes , " said the lady burglar , addressing the Sun rranclsco Call man , as she ran n dainty gold-tipped Jimmy through her back hair and tojcd Idly with a dark-lantern , "It was something of nil lnno\allon. I con fess. and I rather pride myself that I nm the first real Icdyvho has ever made a serious study of the science of but clary. Other ladles ba\c tried It , but It was a mere fleeting fart , Illte teller slotting nnd. hoop skirts They never took up the calling In earnest , and I believe 1 am correct In my asseitlon Hint 1 am positively the only lady who has adopted the profession as a mc.ini of livelihood How did I happen to enter It ? No , ilon't Bay what was the Hr t mil- strp. Thnt Is mere ucntlmcntal RU II There vvn i no misstep. I took up burglary de liberately , and , If I may say It , with malice aforethought. All the lesltlmate profca slons v\ere overcrowded and 1 was far too proud to think of becoming n house maid or n v\nltrc5s In one of those quick and dirty lunch places. Ami there wns no money In typewriting Once , " and the lady btllRlar lnlthrd | ; a merry , i-euilnlscent liiiRh. " 1 re member entering a Gentleman's house by way of the second-story window ho was n rm&onal friend of mine. Oh , no , I never let such trifles stand In the waj of business ; In fact , If I am not much mistaken , he wat an old sweetheart or something on that or- ocr. Well , I was Razing In the glnas to sea If my Imt w q on straight piepnratory to going thfouqh his jeans and whatever other articles of furnitures he had , when ho awoke with n violent 10 , 20 and 30 per cent popu lar price stnrt 'My Gawd , Mag , Is It you ? ' ho ejaculated In a low sad voice , 'what arc you doing hero at such an hour. Think ot what the nclghbois will say1 ! 'I am heio to tob , ' 1 replied In a hard-boiled tlaibaiy coast voice. Ho doomed surprised , but con tained himself with rcmarkablo self p s- sesslon 'If jou will promlbo to gn homo and shed those bloomers forever jou can htuo anything I have got , ' nd ho gave mo the key to his wlfo'a bureau drawer on the spot Yea. 1 liavo found that , na a rule , men are gallant. I always make It a point to disturb them as little an possible , but whenever I do arouse them they tccelve mo In a courteous and kindly manner. I recall an instance ) of my caily Uaja when I vv.ta llttlo better limn a second-story novice. I had enteted a bachelor's apaitmunt , and was hastily separating the wheat from his unpaid bills , when be unexpectedly opened his eyea and gazed long and earnestly at mo. " 'Do you find anything that strikes your fancy ? ' ho asked , in a gentlemanly way. " 'Nothing , ' I replied , 'tint will enable mete to Ilvo In east- and luxury. ' " 'Wellho answered , 'In that lower "V drawer you will find a pair of pink silk pa i' jamas If jou will bo so good as to take them I think you can xise them when jour bloomers have gone into dry dock. ' "Oh , no , I was not offended. Wo lady burglais ha\o to put up with a great deal of rlstjuo remarks , and besides the paja mas , 1 found , made excellent shlit walsto for the seaside. Would I recommend other young women to follow In my footsteps ? No , not unless they were willing to put up with all manner of unconventional things. Sometimes I almost envy Illlllo Kly , D.uy Dare Devil and those other ladles who hang by their toes 'from olghtopn-atoiy buildings at $7 a column It la a great deal more genteel than to go through a pair of gentleman's trousers with the honid dread lu jour heart that his wife- has already been through them. " Many lives of usefulness nave been cat abort by neglect to break up an mdlnaij1 cold. Pneumonia , bionehltls and even con sumption can be averted by the prompt us rf One Minute Cough Cure. THEY CAM. US "YAXKllHS. " Syiioniii llic V.'orlil Over for Durliin Skill unit I5iir y. nvcry one Is aware that the word "Yan kee" ii applied abroad Indiscriminately to Ml citizens of the United States , but it is ti'jpd generally as a "nickname" and not ahvajs In a complimentary spirit. Our Spanish friends jiu > tnt present arc doubtless Inclined to employ It In a sneering and derogatory sense , says the New York Mall and Express , but , however It may bo use' ' ] by them or othei Kuiojioans , It has long ilnce ceased to carry with it the slightest sting of latent satlto. From a term of re- ? ioach or ildlcule , It ban become to a citl- /on of the United States a verbal badijtj of honor , and is now synonymous the world over with shrewdness , entoipriso , pluck and achievement. Its origin Is uncettiiln , According to ono Buthotlty "yankces" Is a variation of "yen- cees , " or "yensecs , " or "yaunghhceV "a name said to how been given by the Mrwa- chusottH Indians to the nnpllsh colonists , icing , It la supposed , an Kngliah toiiuptloii of the word English or ot the French An glais. " Washington Irving , In hla history of Now Yoilc. explains the derivation sorao- what differently. The first settlers of Now' Knpland , ho rayu , cams to America "to enjoy , unmolested , the inestimable right n * .clklng And In fact , no sooner did they and npoi the shore of this freo-spoken oountiy tlm't they nil lifted up their voices iiid made ! .uch a clamor of tongues that u > ute told they filghtoncd every bird and ueast out of Hut neighborhood , nnd aliuck tuch mute terror into certain lish that they linvn been called dumb fish over Mncc. "The slmplu aborigines of the land for a vlillo contemplated these straiiKO folk In iltor asto'ibhinent , hut ilhcoveilng lint hey wielded luniilesi. thouji ; ! noisy v/cap- ins and woic a lively , ingenious , Rood hu- noied raeo of men , they lucjno very rlcndly and soulnbln and K.IVP thorn Iho namu ot YanoMni , .vliieli In Iho Molf > - 'chiiKicg ( or HaKsahu3Pits ( ) luiusuago Hl < ; nl- : UH Eilent men ? v/aK/i / h nppcllntlun , elnco hortened Into the familiar tnlil'ct of yankecs " It had gained | ; : cat ( iiirency 11 dcscrlpllvo of the rolnnlt > ts In 17fi3 , when Jr KohucUbniKh , a Hrltlah suijicon , h said n have composed Iho word ? ot "Ymih'-B ) nodlo' ' In tlr-rlslon of Iho lolonlnl militia , nit the ( line to'whlih It wi > .s ret < s drclaiud iy fl'jrao authorities to have " 101 n populrr In rjngland durltif ; the cnmmouwcalth , at which icrlod [ ( H iotgei ] ; l woidl , It li nllrfjod , also xistpd and were applied to Cionwell Whatever ila antentry and orlglr.al Bl alfi- atlon , It ha corno In the IHit ! of hUlmy iinl accnmpllshmcut to bp a designation of vhlch the people of tula round./ have no canon to bo axlumcd , TJiov have : m oh- ectlou to being railed by n nltknmo v/llch K BO aasoelatcd with dating , skill , rno'iiy ml triumph that even 'vliun used In do > I * ion and nngoi It crraloti In the : nlnd of tj-a ury ralter nnd scoffer a sicict feeling 1 nvy. The Uiigllshinnn , frenchman , (5cr- nan , rtusslun , Spaniard und the lest will ave to content theniHolv. " with tholr nar- ow national appoUltlons , cxrept on sprflal ccnelons of merit , when they show tho.u- elves vvoithy of bolng docoralcd vvll'i ' tin 'nnUee cross of honor tnd bolnfj eoni'ill- icnted with the tltlo of Ilrc'l li or K-oicli : r Spanish Yankees. The siiut&tl.in ; ; ns ta bo selection of some other nlcknamu than Ynnkeo" muy bo vvlso , but It IK not puctl- nblo. Nobody would ovrr adopt It , hope or broad. Let t.a bo rontrnt with the deslfiiu- Ion AH It la Wo car. stand It If our rJivn ) > sb uoualus can. O.A.I3 U ? OZTIXA. .