Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1896, Page 3, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAIJjY 1JEK : 'IT 13 : OCTOBER (5. ( 18 ! ) .
J. R. Meyers and wife departed for the
cast last night.
Mrs. W. H. Mullen and Mlsa Klla Row
arc visiting In Hi. Louis.
Mrs. W. II. Fisher left last evening fo
Kansas City to visit relatives.
S.V. . Hlxon , from the national bcodquar
tcrs at Chicago , Is In the city.
Miss Nora Ryan will entertain the Ham
llton Whist club this afternoon.
Mrs. F. M. Gault returned to Chicago Sur
day after a pleasant visit here with friends
Justice Walker yesterday made out th
pension voucher * for over 100 old soldlc
Mrs. M. 11. Arcn left yesterday for
southern business trip. She will be abscn
until the hllldnys.
Will F. Muse , manager of the Ottumw
quartet , Is In the clly. He Is well know
In newspaper circles of Iowa.
Today Is prayer day for Ihc Chrlstla
home. At the home between 8 and 8:30 : i
m , special services will be held at the chapt'
Yesterday was pension day In Iowa , an
the county clerk's office was crowded wit
' old soldiers having their vouchers certlflct !
W. W. Chapman war on Iho strecls fo
a short lime yesterday. Ho U slowly recov
ering from his long Illness , but Is still ver.
The Mcn'a Choral society of the Youn
Men's Christian association will meet Oil
evening at 8 o'clock. All singers are In
Walter F. King and Cornelia Schorlien
both of Osagu City. Mo. , were married Sun
day afternoon by Rev. T. F. Thlckstun a
bis residence on Willow avenue.
The marriage of Mlas Anna Hayes to Mr
Maxwell Goldsmith of Omaha will take plac
Wednesday evening , Oclober 7 , al 8 o'clock
at Hie bride's homo , 358 Norlh First slrccl
Assistant County Treasurer Gould ha
been keeping track of the gold received a
the treasurer's office during the prst si
weeks. Up to last evening out of aboul $10 ,
000 bundled only $135 was paid In gold.
The funeral of Mrs. R. K. Wlatt will b
held from the Uroadway Methodist churc
this aflcrnoon al 2 o'clock. The service
will be conducted by Ihe paslor. Rev. J. I !
Soiiecny. Interment will be al Walnut hllf
William Wiley was arrested yestcrda.
evening on a charge of lapping Ihc till a
Dan ( irady's restaurant on Lower Mai
etreet. Wiley was formerly employed a
the place. He secured $ .1 from the inone
drawer and also look a coat and vest will
A. H. Judson , father of Clarence Judson , 1
confined to his homo In Turicy's glen bj
what his friends fear will prove his Una
5 Illness , He Is 80 years old. For severa
months the old gentleman has been steadily
falling , until now he has reached a erltlca
stage. His friends are kept constantly at lib
A. IJ. Noble of Sidney was In the clt
ycstordaj' . He says Ihe search for Postman
ter Yowcll Is still progressing. The belle
now Is that the man Is Insane and ha ;
wandered away. Ills friends declare thu
they are satisfied now that his actions fen
n month or more can only bo accounted upon
the theory of temporary aberration. There
was no occasion for him to appropriate post
ofllco funds or to flee the counlry la IIP hap
tlouo HO by reason of financial embarrass
Deputy Marshal Hlllweg left ycsterdaj
morning for Anamosa lo deliver to th
warden of the state ponltcnllary there two
of Iho convicted Qulncy postolfice robbers terms of Imprisonment were to
served at that prison. They were Weslcj
Gale and William Robinson. Kit ward Mars )
nnd Robert Gale , the other two convicted
were taken to Fort Mndlson by the same
ofllcer on Salurday. Louis M. Hodgcrson
who was convicted of passing cotinlerfcl
money , was nlso a member of the crow <
thnt entered the prison porlals at Fort Mad
It required Justice Vlcn and several law
yers nearly nil of yesterday aflernoon to
determine what part of the criminal laws o
the Blato had been fraclured by John Mil
ler , nn 11-year-old boy. John was nrrestet
upon a charge of assault and battery upon
another boy named Peterson. The Inqtilrj
resulted In the discovery thai the law says
that a child between the ages of 7 and 10
cannot commit a crime for the reason that
ho Is not responsible to thu law for bis ac
lions. Uelweon 10 and 13 bo may bo pro
sumcd lo be able to do a wrong to the public
If he Is reasonably bright. Miller was cle
clarcd to come within this ruling , and Ihc
justice found him guilty. Sentence was BUS
ponded upon the good behavior of the lad.
C. U. Vlavl Co , , female remedy , Medlca
consultation frvo Wednesdays. Health booK
furnished. 309 Merrlam block.
For the Queen Economy stove , the best Ii :
the market , you must go to J. Zollcr &
Co. Telephone 320.
I'urliM .Mill Komi KlnUlit-il.
In the crupndo for good roads the county
board has made some Importaut improve
incuts on the most Important roads leading
to the city. For many years the Parks
Mills road lending along the Chaulauqun
grounds and oul In Iho direction of Wuslon
and Neola has been Impassable/ because of
the overflowing of Mosquito crock. H wns
found necessary to move the road aboul
100 feel from thu creek bed for n distance ot
over half a mile. In order to do this a
strip of land had to bo purchased and the
road raised four feet or moro for the entlro
distance. Five culverts were also built af
fording ample drainage for the land to the
west of the roadway , which now practically
nets as a dam against the water from the
croik In case of a flood.
Of Iiitcri-xt ( u All.
It will not pay you to burn hard coal at
$10 a ton when wit can sell you a soft coal
Htovu that makes a ton of $3 soft coal go
Just UB for. COLE & COLK.
For Rent Three unfurnished rooms. Mrs.
M. A , McGce , ISO Third street.
I < nliNl < > rVIIH I'nlnoiioiiH ,
A severe case of ptomaine poisoning oc
curred among the members of a fishing party
Sunday afternoon , and two of them returned
to tha city late In thu evening extremely
111 , The members of the party were 1) ) . IJ.
Fisher , J. C. Schcrmerhoni and J. M.
Thomas , One of the articles provided for
lunch was a can of lobster. Fisher and
Schenuerhorii ate freely of the stuff , but
Tlioinan confined bis nttentlon lo the bait
and other portions of the lunch. An hour
after eating both men \vvro seized with 4
violent pains In the stomach. They grew
worse no rapidly that iho fishing party was
broken up and the Kick men brought to town
us quickly au possible. Medical nt ten ! Ion
relieved them and they were able lo bo
around the slreels yesterday.
Teas , coffees and spleens , the largest and
best assortment In the market , J. Roller
& Co.
M'orli tit ( In * Y. M. O. A.
During the pud week several new fealurcs
have bct'it added lo Ihe work of the Young
Men's ClirUtlan association. A men'b
choral society has been organized with a
good membership. Meet Ings will bo held
every Tuesday evening for practice under the
leadership of Rev. Henry Coker. The bible
class meets every Thursday evening and Is
wi-II attended , Last Salurday evening u
olious and checker club was formed with
ten members. All are enthusiastic , and meet
ings will bo held several times a w rk , as
the convenience of the members allows.
Charles Martin has bmi selected as presi
dent of tba club.
For wash machines , clothes wringers , tln-
ware , tmeeiuware , grnnltewurt1 , stoves ,
stovepipe , coal scuttles , shovela , etc. , call
on J , Xoller & Co.
MarrliiKt * Mi-rimm.
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued yesterday ;
Name mid Addrt > 9. Age ,
Hobert Kuhn , I'ottuwntlamle 21
Grace Al. ( . 'orliett , Pottiiwullumlu HI
O. M , Stoiu-r. Council ntuffs 35
Odt'xmi U. Dowmiiey , Council muffs. . , . IS
a. W. Wlllltumi , Mamhulltawn. . 24
MyrtleWliUei'tHeln , ( JrlswolJ , IS
UoKmayer'B fancy patent llou'r makes the
tciit fciid moat bread. Aik your grocer for it.
Oonncil Committee Pinelly Decides on the
Material for Macadamizing.
S < litiliitloitM | im ( u .Miid'rliil anil Man
lier of l.ajliiK : Allvrcil to Kit
the .ViMV C'omll I IOIIM unit
Contract Ordered.
After another long discussion the joint
committee of tha city council and til's lloatd
of Supervisors decided yesterday afternoon to
use Hlag for the bottom layer of the Lower
Droadw/iy paving. City Knglntcr Tostcvln
and B. A. Wlckham reporlcd lhal they had
visited the Omaha smelter and had found
nn adequate supply on hand. Mr. Tostevln
recommended thai Ihe slag be used wllh-
out crushing , and that It be placed as ob
tained from the dump. The leveling , be
thought , could be done with hammers , fol
lowed up by using the twenty-ton roller.
Ho also recommended that gravel be used
plentifully In binding the upper and lower
courses. It was finally decided to modify
the specifications so as to admit of experi
menting with sing In order that the greater
part of the work could be done In the man
ner found most practicable. The following
modifications of the original spcclficallona
were adopted :
It Is hereby understood nnd iigrtTtl be
tween the parlies lo IblH contract that ,
whereas , the uee of slug as n roadbed be
ing somewhat experimental the contractor
will nt the Instance ot the commissioners
nnil the clly engineer pcrmll nueli modlll-
callonH of the original suerlf'.outlons to
produce thu best results by the IIKO of slug
HH may be Hlioun by actual experiment
and trlnl.
The modifications above suggrslrd nlmll
consist In Mich Increase of the amount of
gravel In the top course as Ihe beat prae-
tlc-al result shall mnke necessary ; also In
tb use of cinders In combination there
with no may be lii'Mt , or of such amount
of clay an the * engineer shall permit and
direct. It Is hereby understood that the
original .spcclficallons nre not Impaired or
changed by the above conditions exrept
UH to substitute slag for Ilmestc c > , and
Unit such changes shall he under the con
trol of the c'oniiiiLssltiiiorH ami engineer.
The contractor will place the Hlaj ; on the
roadbed In the clzes ami tOmpiw delivered
ut the HiTielter tmd Hball for the purpose
of securing a. uniform surface break the
samp In place with hammers und reduce
the same to such slzca ns the engineer
sluill direct. This course shall then b ?
treutvd by Ibe roller OH directed In the
original specifications ami for the labor
above described thu contractor Hhall rr-
cnlvo the sum of MVP cent * per cubic yard
If said labor shall be required and directed.
The contract was then ordered drawn up
and signed , afler It had been passed upon
by the council.
AIixeomllnRT Nulooii .Man ( o ! ! < llrntiK
Uncle by Dun Cnri-littr.
An Information was filed In Justice Ccok's
court yesterday charging John Hcldllk with
grand larceny. Uan Carrlgg , proprietor of
the Turf Exchange saloon , signed Iho Infor-
inallon. The man wanted Is hid saloon man
ager , who came here about three'months
ago from Pair bury. Neb. Carrlgg has had
other business to look after ami let Hcldllk
have full conlro ! of Ihe saloon and Us af
fairs. Saturday night , after the business
of the day was over , the manager concluded
that he had enjoyed life in Council Illuffa
as long as there was anything In it for him.
and the present was a good time to get
Ik-sides taking all ot the cash and silver
ware In sight he took the cash register. The
stuff made a couple of good-sized bundles ,
but he succeeded In gelling It aboard a
motor train Sunday morning without at-
Iracllng attention. Ho took It across Ihe
river and checked It lo Falrbury over Ihe
Rock Island. Carrlgg did not discover that
his manager had robbed him until several
hours after he was gone , and then some time
elapsed before he learned the direction he
bad taken. A telegram was dispatched frrm
Sheriff Morgan's ofllce and Ileldllk was
stopped at Lincoln , where he was locked up.
He was Inclined al first to return to Iowa
without the formality of a requisition , but
reconsidered It before a Council Hluffs otll-
cer starled after him. The necessary steps
were taken yesterday procuring requisition
Hcldllk has evidently been preparing for
his sudden departure for several days , as
he supplied himself with all klndtt of goods
wherever ho could procure them on credit.
Hills conlraclcd in this manner will amount
lo as much ns his embezzlement.
Vllt 1111 Iiitcrcxtliii ; Couple.
Ex-Mayor M. F. Rohrer and wife , ex-
Chlt-f of Police Lucas and wife and John
Wright and daughter formed a party thai
enjoyed u pleasant Sunday outing In the
vicinity ot Pacific Junction. They were the
gueHts of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Gllllland , nn
aged couple who have lived In their present
ionic for nearly fifty years. Mr. Gllllland Is
53 and Ills wife SI years old. They are liv
ing alone on a farm of 120 acres and con
ducting It as onu ot the model country
liomea In the country. The farm Is parti )
orated on the silo of what was once a
lourlshlng town known as Pacific City. H
jail two dally newspapers , banks , stores ,
; rflt ! mill , hotels and a big railroad eating
louse. This was when the Kansas City
road was first built. When the Uurllngtun came through , the lawn was moved
jodlly three miles south and Is now known
as Pacific Junction. Mr. and Mrs. Glllllund
run their farm all alone. They seldom come
o town , but the old gentleman still keeps
well posted on current events. Ho refers
o Judge W. C. James and Gideon Robinson
as "the only two kids" now living In Coun
cil Illuffs with whom he Is personally ac
quainted , and "tho boy John Keller , " whom
10 used to know. These men are all now
considered as among the oldest citizens of
he city. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
21 pounds extra C sugar $1.00
Jl pounds granulated sugar 1,00
Dry nalt meat , per pound -fc
California ImniH , per pound C' c
German coffee , per pound. , , , , 17Hc
X coffee , per | > outid . , , 19c
Arbucklo coffee , per pound 20c
Ono car of Minnesota XXXX Gem flour to
close out at old price. A regular dollar flour ;
our price , 85 cents. At Ilradloy's liluo Front
DlNtrlut Court \otrx.
Arguments In the case of lr. He.od against
ho Northwestern Railway company occu-
iled the entlro day In the district court yes- "
erday. .Mr. Hubbard opened anil Mr. Daw-
ey closed for the defense. The closing ar
gument for the plalntlft will be made Ihls
nornlng. Considerable Interest has been
nanlfcsted In the suit by doctors and law-
cru of the city. It Involves the much dls-
uilod point of spinal concussion , an this Is
ho basis of the plaintiff's claim for $10,000
\hlch he asks from the company.
Mrs. Magdcllna Warncke has been ap-
lulnled administratrix of the estate of Peter
Inz of Underwood. The property U valued
t about | 500.
In ( lie estate of Klla K , Johnson a clta-
lon has been made on A , M. Joluiton , ad-
nlnlstrator. requiring htm to moke an 1m-
nrdluto report and tile an Inventory. et
Thu trial of the case of Ilrldgman against
Janforth was concluded In the superior
ourt yesterday. It Involves an alleged
in-ach of contract In a Irade of some Soulh
Jukoia farm lands for lots In Council niuffs. of
Judge McGce naturalized the following
Itlzena yesterday- : John Jensen Stoltcn-
UTS , Fred Kleffnian and Peter Wyma.
The Jury for the November term of the
Istrlct court will be drawn Tuesday , Oc-
ober 13. S
For tinware and hardware , J. Zoller & Co. , 1J
ho east-emlers , have the assortment , the
uality and the prices to suit , Noi , KKI-10 ! .
ifrtvvr l'li - , Klro llrlcU , IlellluGr.
Wholesale uud retail , J. C. Ulxby. 202
loin street. , Ot
V corxcii.'s nrsv snssio.v.
( ironI ( Ininillly < > f HoiUlno
UNiioieil of I.iiHt Mclit.
Alderman Casper had a grievance lasl
nlghi al Ihe regular mecllng of the council.
HP objccled lo the minutes , In which his
vote had been recorded In favor of approv
ing the award of the contr.irl for Ihe Lower
Hroadwny paving to F. II. Ouenella & Co.
Ho had voted In favor of the matter a week
ago , but In the meantime had changed his
mind. Ho was denied this ex post facto
privilege , nnd proceeded to assert himself.
"I Insist thai my vote be changed , If I
don't get a second lo my motion. " said the
First ward alderman , and his "Insist" failnd
and ( ho minutes were approved as read ,
after Alderman Casper and Alderman Green-
shield hail bad a little tilt about the matter.
The next subject taken up was the allow
ing of the bills for September , as approved
by the finance committee.
"Whose * name Is on those bills ? " asked
Alderman Casper.
When told It was that of Alderman flrcrn-
shleldn , he wanted to know whnl was Iho
mailer with the rrst of Ibc committee.
"You don't suppose , " said Alderman Qrren-
shtelds. "that we're going to let those hllli
lie around for n month , because Iho other
coininlllccmcn don't show up ? Do you want
mo to carry them around to the other com-
inltleemon's houses ? "
"Well , If your going to art dirt , " replied
Alderman Casper , "why let's go nheail. I
want to know what's going on. It you've
gel a secret organization muong yoursclus
It's tlmo sombody know It. 1 want lliose
bills read. I've voted for bills right iiloiiK
and never knew what I was voting for.
The public has a right to know about thes
matters. "
"Will you set tip Iho suppers Casper while
there nre being read ? " asked Alderman
After a few moro oratorical cffortH b >
Mr. Casper , City Clerk Phillips proceeded
lo read the bills. The monotone ot Mr.
Philips proved decidedly uiiintoroslhig to
all present except Alderman Cnaper , who
raised a number of objections. One bill
for harness snaps amounting lo $1 was ob
jected to as too high. Alderman Greon-
shlclds explained Hint Mr. Casper had
bought them himself and his objection \vn *
withdrawn. The next bill objected to wan
for a Jl.OOO Insurance policy on the Lower
Mcln street hose house. Alderman Casper
wanted to know by what authority the In
surance was taken out. The bill was InM
asldo for the time being. After all bills
had been road he tried to have the bill rr-
jcclod , bul received no second. Chief Tcm
plcton explained that oil lamps were used
there and when the company went to a
llro the place was left unprotected.
The bill for removing garbage next failed
to meet Mr. Casper's approval , and he had It
laid aside for a while. About the city rcar-
ciiRcr's bill for giving a dozen pet cats dt
cent burial , Xlr. Casper remarked that "tnoco
sro pretty deur dead cat" ! . " The'other alder
men wore aroused from their reveries by thr
laugh from the spectators. A few mate ob
jections were registered before the effort
of the city clerk had finished.
The coniiulltce on police and healt'i won
authorized to renew Ihe conlrnct with tin ?
garbage hauler.
The property owners petitioned to hnv <
the contract for laying the Kowrr on Madi
son nnd Graham avenues rnsrlmU .1 Vront-
aBe amounting to 1.900 feet renri rntpil
ami the petition stated that 15. A. U'lr-Miam
the contractor , was willing to r'lhtqiiioh ihr
work. The paving was slated to bo ; u stiih
i bad condition that the cons'rnstlun of the
sewer would completely ruin 'ho street And
makf it linpacsablo. The petition \ > na ic-
forrcS to the city atlo-Moy to fonairter Cim-
tractor Wlckham's clnlnii for the newer al-
rcatU' to be put In ulaeo.
The reports of the city ofltei > rs wen- re
ceived and referred lo iho flimnoo cor.ur.h-
The committee of ih" whole recommendo :
that the ordinance rrmovltho : telcohoi
and telegraph wires , > nd poles , bo. icblo
Similar action wns tnknn in r.-i'irl to tit
petition for the ImlMIng of a 'irlili'o nrrop
Indian creek at Myn.iVr und Milr. s'-tcts
Alderman Casper objected to gran'.ng T. H
Hughes the prlvll e of placing a smn or
the sidewalk In front of bis store on Urad
way. The requent of Mr. Hus'.it'i "we.
granted on the rccomnicidatiji : : of the toir.
mltteo of the wholf. The resul'.itlon limit
IIIR the oxiicmlllurns of thn rominll'i'c 01
streets and alleys to $20 ! ) .1 month ' .vs tal IP 1
The request that the bids 'nr Mi" . . ( : in
Third street and Fal.-vl'jw afonii" n , \ <
fcrred to the city attorney. Mi' . Wl < ' ' .lii :
has twice been the low bidder , ami lie sla'e
ho had bought the material for the v , , - ? !
the strciiBlh of the award made. lie mM i
would not bu fair treatment to him to
rescind the contract.
The city taxes on property owned by Mrs
Mnry Ijrown were remitted.
The- committee on tire and light rcportci
unfavorably on the petition for nn arc llgli
on Frank street and Broadway. Councl
concurred In this action.
An assessment resolution was passed foi
the paving and curbing on Pearl streel. B
L. Shugart filed a protest ngalnsl nn as
sessment on his properly for curbing.
The notion of the Joint committee on th
lower Uroadway paving was approved am
made a part of the minutes of the council
A rcsoltillon was passed Instructing the elt\
engineer lo lay oul the lines for the now
paving on lower Urondway and have tin
old blocks removed at the least possible
expense to the city. A mail will be placet :
In charge of the street and anyone nllowei !
to get the blocks for fuel.
The city clerk was Instructed to adver
tise for bids for the paving cf the alley be
tween llryant , Main nnd Uroadway with
vitrified brick. All bids are to be In by
October 19. The resolution to advertise for
the grading of the alley In Vnorhls addition
between Lincoln avenue and Union street
was referred to the committee on streets
and alleys. Objections from n number of
property owners have been filed.
Thtf general sidewalk ordinance wtin
passed. After some discussion the provision
for a sidewalk on Avenue H between Thir
ty-second and Thirty-fourth strccls was
Htrlcken out.
An ordinance was passed providing fat
grading thu alley lu blocks 17 and IS In
William's addition , between Pleasant nve-
nuo and the Wabash tracks , was passed.
A proposition was received from the Rur- c
llngton Railway company about the grad
Ing on Sixteenth avenue.
Illds were received for f urn lulling coal
for the city from M. W. Williams , II. A.
Cox and the Council IHuffs Coal and Ice
company. The bids were referred for tabu
lation ,
A pctlllon of Iho Council Uluffa Field
club asking Ihat Its city taxes be remitted
wa granftl. t
The council adjourned until this even- (
ing. a
It pays to buy for cash where goods are r
good and cheap. Conic up cr telephone 320 , t
to J. Zoller & Co. r
You may travel over the entire great west ti
and not find a better laundry than the 11n
"Eagle , " 721 Ilroadwoy. Telephone 157 , 11c
The third assignment of civil cases for c
the September term of the district court has
been made by Judge Macy as follows : *
Tuesday HueUdonk against Fisher &
Aney , Tlnley against Union Pacific Railway
company ct al. . Roudcr against Schocnlng.
Wednesday Hybco against O'Urlcn & Cahill -
hill , Relchort against O'Connor , Huelsdonk Is
agatnsl Grundel.
Thursday Murphy against Falrcloth ,
Drexcl & Co. against John W. Paul , Stale
Savings bank against Ware et al. . Miller
Manufacturing company against Clark Bros ,
Friday McNamara against Clly , Weston [ "
against Weslon. True against Brans et al. ,
Slglur against Murphy.
Monday Wagner against Peterson , Town
Lo Maw against Lo Mars Railway com
pany , Williams against Love ct al , , Ander
son against Dickey , to
Tuesday Martin against Travelers' Pre
ferred Accident association , Peycko Uros.
against Hazen , sheriff ; Merrlam against uia
Swearengen , jr. ; Park against Massachusetts uib
Benevolent Loan association. b
Many lives of usefulness have been cut atI I
nbort by neglect to break up on ordinary a
cold. Pneumonia , bronchitis ami cveu con- a
lumptlon can be averted by the prompt use ms
One Minute Cough Cure.
( Continued from First
three emperors of Russia , One oFwioni ) was
dynamited. Her first aspiration ( it the age
of 10 , on . learning that she wag to f > ic-
cced her uncle \Vllllam , was "rp be1 good.
She repeated to her governess , "f will b
good. " and she has kept thh Voft'J ' whlcl
time has shown embodied theRil hcst po
lltlcal wisdom. Surely the d-itd'of lier six
tlcth anniversary should be an' ' bbjoct lessen
son of the highest Import to the eiar an
his gentle younn wife , and especially no\
that the moral sense of mankind U'-ihocke
with Ihc repeated massacres Of Armenia
Christians massacres for which tbd czar'
late ehanccllor , Prince Lobanoff , and hi
reprcsrnlatlve at Constantinople. M. ' Nelld
otf , are Greatly answerable In the eyes o
history , and , what Is more Important , I
the eyes of God.
The date that coincides with the landln
In France of Nicholas and Alexandra Is th
107th anniversary of the march of the mar
ket women rf Paris on the palace of Vcr
sallies to bring back the king , queen an
their children hostages cf the revolution
Their capture was effected next day , Octobe
0 , 17S9 , on the anniversary of which th
czar enters Paris for the first time and will
that | icetociilnr show which the Kretich ar
so skilled in arranging. The blind worm
vv In power here are doing what they ca1
to dlvcjt the date , which ii so far ns M
Hanotaux and Prince Lobanoft ( who sketcho
the * ceremonial ) were concerned , of Its tru
significance. The severe lesson that 1
should Inculcate Is being hidden away. Des
pc.tlc monarchs are , humanly speaking , as
surcd of impunity. The power that shape
the ends of nations as of Individual men am
women catches up such potentates In thel
posterity and often the seemingly innocen
are- made to pay for the guilty , ns In th
case of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
This lesson should at the present time
wl.en , with the taclt complicity o
franco and Russia , Armenians are be
Ing massacred and exiled In ten
of thousands , como home with awe
some force to the minds of Nicholas an
Alexandra and make thim tremble for them
srlveB and for their Infant daughter , thi
darling of their hearts. The only daughtc
of Louis and Marie Antoinette * was appa
rently born to the most brilliant lot of any
process of her time. Yet she was fatc <
to seq befcro she was 13 years old he
father , mother and aunt led out to cxecu
lion , to be a solitary prisoner during feu
jears , to witness In the course of her lift
three revolutions In France , and to die It
exllo with checks furrowed with the lean
that had flowed during C3 years. Tha
Daughter of Sorrows , llko the Infant gram
duchrjssag also on the maternal side do
bccudctl from one- who gloriously reigned It
her own right and was good as she wn
great , Muria Theresa , but whose gootlnes ;
did not counterbalance the mnlc.ilrtlons tha
welsh mi the house of Itourbon.
The czar and czarina will not be cscortei
to Franco by Russian warship * . The Frencl
Kovtvunipiit was most anxious that thej
should do so and give an object lesson In the
roaila of Cherbourg of the naval strength
of France and Russia unltrd. But Nichola
was too much the gentleman to lend hlnuel
to that game of brag , which doubtless wouli
have been most gratifying to the president
who wants to figure in the eyes of Kuropi
as the Sea King and head of the Frencl
army. He never , to place himself on the
same maritime level as Victoria , misses ai
opportunity to make excursions In" mcn-of
war. with a whole squadron In his wake
The czar , seeing through hit' ' purpose o
posing as a rival of the tmeefi dn-'tho wa
tery clement , sent word Ihal'Mie1 Would be
nuiiely escorted by the sister' yacht of the
Standard , in which he and the'carlha cross
fro 11 Portmouth lo Cherbourg. ' * To make U ]
for this disappointment ( for Prince Lobanof
hail come into the idea of a Franec-Russlai
review at Cherbourg ) M. Fcllx > Faur > o , whose
vanity crows on what It feeds , caused i
part of the Atlantic and Toulon squadron
Ui bo ordered round to Cherbourg ; There
will be , llicicfore , a grand nsval spectacle
In honor of Iho Imperial ' .visitors * ; It was
hoped that they would go to' vf fron
ihu For. Uu Route , on a high hjll.bohlnd the
town ; but slnrc the dynamlta scare this Idea
bus been walvod. The U ts through whlcl
the imperial and presidential party wouli
have had to drlvo are narrow , crookci
slums , and present sharp turnings and stce ]
grading * , extremely inconvenient for car
riages and four. It would 'have been Impossible
possibleto surround the vehicles with :
cavalry escort. If desperate nihilists or an
archists hung about they might be able to
execute their wicked will. The whole grount
was gone over by the French minister o
t'io lutrrlor , the director of public sifet >
and French and Russian detectives. Al
Hireed that It would be running a great risk
to take the emperor and empress Into BUC !
a den. Any malefactor standing at a win
dow could throw a bomb Into their carriage
The fact that thr-y did so .shoys that the
talk at Scotland Yard about' conspiracy to
blow up Ihu czar and Queen Victoria. Is not
so Idle SB the Paris press would malto bo
M. Faun ? has , however , been able to sc
cure the picscncc of the c/.ar , In companj
with himself , nt a review of 70,000 soldiers
at the camp of Chalons. He tries , on the
ono side , to revive Hit ! glories of Versailles
( of which more presently ) , and on tin
other to revive the military glorlc.i * of the
empire at Chalons , where the Emperor Na
poleon III annually "held , " as the French
used to say , "PniE-.U nnd the Germanic
confedrratlon In rcspo- ' . . " M. Fauro's de
parture at the grand V.'esl-of-Krance ma
neuvers of last week prepared France to
KPO him on horseback along with the czar.
The example set by Carnet and Caslmli
Perlcr was thought to have bound him
to appear In a carriage drawn by six ar
tillery horses , held with artillery traces
and ridden by artillerymen acting as pos
tillions. The car would not have objected
to ride In a carriage with the president.
The difficulty would have been what to
do with the czarina , who IB completely
Identified with tha life of her husband.
If Fhe rode In the same- carriage with
him and the president , ono of the gentle
men would have had to sit with his back
to the horses , which la considered undlg
nlficd. If there were two carriages , which
slirmld KO the flrat ? Gallantry would have
plven the pas to the one containing the
c-arnn. ! She was forbidden by her doctor
to pn on horseback. It Is now settled that
M. and the czar , with an escort of
< -nrras. ! arc to rlilo bef.oro her carriage
nt rb-ilons that Is. should she feel well
rnn'igh to go to the review after a very
fntiKiilncr three days' bout of sight-seeing
and frfitlvlty In Paris , snd a run down to
Chalons between midnight and 9 In the
morning , which would only leave an hour's
tlmo for dressing and going to the camp.
The mammoth Imperial train lpr6ved * un
manageable and dangerous. In. B9lJnB round
the Girdle railway , from VaugjrarJ ) to Passy
Green , whpro the Imperial jiiarty are to
alight , It flattened out the rails , and ran all
them. Had It net been gojm ; ; at a snail's
pace there would have been a ftrave , not
to say fatal , accident. Russian railways
run In a straight line from one , great city
to another without regard forjptermedlato
burgs or villages. As the whole country Is
flat for thousands of miles tliero are no
moro steep gradients than abr'unt'jbends. The
colossal weight of the Imperial train , 430
tons , on a downward grades might have
caused a catastrophe. A trofn , , therefore ,
was arranged to replace that of the em
peror. which will afford greater iccommoda-
tlon and bo only half the ,
lrim > uu will/ * ( * ! HIM 1 * Glfl Vij b.ut It will
nol bo constcraled unless his Jmnerlal ma
jesty particularly desires that 'plnfce ' may bo
made fnr the Icon , or picture'of1 ' the
, patron
. . . . , . . . . , _ _ _ _ _
saint with ! I „ ! lL/J ' M
, a lamp burning tfcfor 'lt. There
a chapel In the regular : fmifcflal train ,
with Icons of the Virgin and Child , of St. of
Alexander Newsky , St. Olga and St. Nich
olas , the czar's patron saint , and also the
patron of little children. In Russia ho Is
regarded as a sort of Father Christmas , The
nursery compartments will be missed In the
"reach specially arranged train ,
On the other hand. M , Faure will have the
ntenst ) joy of acting as host to the Imperial
visitors all the way from Cherbourg
Paris , and of giving them more
ban the eight hours of his company and
onversatlon than they bad agreed to put
with at Cherbourg , The original ar-
angeiuent was that they should travel In
beir own train , and be In his , a short
llntance before them. He Is to mcut them
Cherbourg without Mine , Faure , and Is
Iso to meet them unaccompanied by the
adles of his family at the palace of Ver-
allles the day they go there. Mine. Fauro
no national or International rank and
he president's many Journalistic enemies ,
whose envy he Is constantly arousing , have
made It Impossible fdr the empress to Ig
nore a Mad : rape ot the good lady's ( am
lly history. About a fortnight ago Ihoy
returned to the charge and published lie
sentence by default passed on M. Itelinot.
1 ' her father ( a lawyer by profession ) , with
I i the contract of marriage of his daughter
and a Journeyman tanner , who Is now presi
dent of the republic. The first document
recorded twenty years of penal serv
ice on Hellnot. who had fled to Spain , then
out of the reach of extradition , for robbing
a client by a forged paper : the second
showed that M. Felix Faure got as a dowry
100 000 francs out of the assets Bellnot left
In dying. This exposure was mean and
spiteful. Hut the court of Russia bad to
take It Into account. The empress , accord
ingly. Is not to associate with Mine. Faure
In publle. SheIs only to see her when
she calls at the ICIysee ami dines there.
Great efforts are being made here to gel
Ihls flat altered and to bring out the Faure
ladles at the Francals and the Opera house
when their Imperial majesties go there.
M. Faure will await them at the Francals
and Opera house. They have arranged to
go by themselves to the former and to Ver
sailles. The road thither hns A central
pavement of cobble stones , thirteen miles
Ions. It Is to be thickly sanded the whole
way to make It smooth for the Imperial
carriage. The whole garrison of Paris Is
to be under arms and posted along the
road. An Imperial levee will be held In
the Gallery of Mirrors , which lias been fur
nished as In the time of Louis XIV. Hut
physiognomies and the costumes will be so
different , and alas ! the manners , too. Am
bassadors In the eighteenth century were
never professional diplomats , affectedly re
served , but men bom lo great stations
and chosen for their social gifts ns well .
an for their clear heads , bright wits and
Insight nnd readiness. They dressed mag- '
nlflccntly and had a gram ) nlr. The corps
diplomatique which will present their hem
ages to the czar and czarina at Versailles
will contain such diplomats as Lord
Stair , the duke of Portland , the earl of
Albom.irle , the Cotite de Hare , Hie duki >
of Osuna. The grand bodies of Ihe slate
will also be received. They are formed ot
men who have pushed their way on and up
nnd are ready to show themselves In nil
but restraint of manner utter courtiers.
Original busts and portraits ot Peter the
Great , the Catherines and Paul and Alex
ander I have been brought down from the
nttlc gallery and placed on easels In the
south wing , where their Imperial majeu-
lies can see Ihem without climbing lofty
The different portraits of Marie An
toinette will bo submitted In the same
way lo Ihelr Inspection , ns also the
miniature taken of Catherine the
Great Just after she became empress.
A wonderful work of art It Is. Scaf
foldings have been removed at enormous
cost from the terraces , fountains and basins
repaired ; a fleet of elghteenlli century royal
barges furbished up to take Ihe Imperial
visitors by the canal In his gardens facing
the west front of the palace to Ihe Trlnntra.
This excursion Is lo follow a lunch In Ihe
Gallery of Rallies nd a long rest of the
Imperial visitors In hie suite of email rooms
fitted up by Jttrlc Antoinette SB a private
residence. They are pokey ntt0 | rooms and
all look out en dingy , narrow court yards.
Hut they are dliTercnt from Ihe slale rooms ,
the grandeur of which was wearisome and
his discomfort dreadful. The small rooms
nro a room , salon and reading room ;
they look llk > a doll's house. Fluted bro
cade or satin of tender and yet lively shades
cover the walls. The furniture Is dainty ,
but It Is In the style affected by mercenary
'benntles of the corps du ballet toward the
end ot the last century.
Old courtiers were shocked at the
frivolous prettlness of Ihese rooms. In
Ihe blue room or salon Ihcre Is
ii dalnly sofa In sky blue wllh gilt frame
In a niche sel round with mirrors. The
lovely cjuccn whose fate was so tragi
cal liked to see her beautiful head
In front In profile and vanishing pro
file. She ordered In three mirrors to be
set at right angles. Hut , the' first lime she
went to survey herself In them at one of
the corners she behold what a headless
lioily , and sank fainting on the sofa. She constantly meeting with Incidents and
facing catastrophes that seemed presages of
coming woes. In this respect Nicholas and
Alexander resemble her. Their wedding
was on the morrow of his father's funeral.
The first year of their reign was blackened
by the first set of Armenian massacres , In
which 100.000 people perished. Their coronation
nation was marked by the appalling catas-
trophc nt Moscow , nnd the day they reached
Vienna the first news they received was
that fresh massacres had taken place. Then ,
on their roturu journey from Vienna , Prince
Lobanoff , wliom history must find guilty of
complicity with the sullan , died as Ihcy
were stepping out of the train lo stretch
their legs. When they were enjoying real
at the patriarchal court of Denmark the
family circle then wns appalled to learn of
the dynamite conspiracy.
Providence seems to have warned then
that long life , prosperity and universal
love and esteem may be won by following
the example of Victoria ; but that disaster
must In the long run catch up with those
monarchs whose grand political schemes
nre executed through liilcjutty. Halmora"
and Versailles , September 23 and Octobci
5 and C , Inculcate this warning.
ItltlTISir SEAMAN Fif"
Torpedo Ie < royer I'pNet After KN-
cordiiK' " " ' CVnr (11 ( Krimc'i * .
PORTSMOUTH , Oct. 5. While the Brit
ish fleet was returning to Portsmouth , after
escorting the Imperial Russian yacht , Pole
Star , Into French waters , the torpedo de
stroyer Lightning was struck by two heavy
seas , which throw her on her beam ends
and washed overboard four seamen. One
of the men was drowned , but the other
three were rescued.
TIiU Yfiip'M Yield of tin- While StnpU-
a Ht'i-Miri ! lrifilctr. !
WASHINGTON , Oct. 5. VIC3 Consul Wash.
Ington , writing lo the Department of State
from Cairo on the prospects of the cotton
crop of Egypt , says the present season's
in quantlly. According lo Klallatlcs com
piled by the finance department there arc
under cultivation this year about l.O.'O.OOO
aercs , as compared with a little under 1,000-
000 acres last year. Last yt-ar's crop
amounted lo about C20.000.000 pounds , so thai
on the basis or area alnnc a crop of CGO-
WO.OSO pounta la probable this y xr.
So far the weather ban been favorable and
the plants have berne an abundant crop.
Up to tin' present time thorn lias been no
appearaiica of the worm which caused tuich
alarm last year , and whose ravages led lethe
the appointment of a commission to study
the ciicsUcn | of dcalroylng It. Some of the
cotton has been picked and shipped to
Alexandria , but buyers refused to pay the
prices asked ,
MIIK ! KHIiuiulMli < ; > -irun inn !
CiiOtirnitvllli | ( ItiiNNlii.
LONDON , Oct. 5. Sir William Vernon
Inrconrt , the liberal leader In the Housa of
Commons , speaking tonight at Ebbvalc , ex-
iressed himself upon the Turkish questioner
or the first time since the present conditions
isvo developed. Ho called upon the gov
ernment to grant security and protection to
ho Armenians. The Turkish government , ho
aid , could never bo reformed until It ceased
o exist. Hut. ho added , England could not
act alone , because only a military occupation
Turkey would avail to protect the Annu
itant ) . England must co-operate with Ilus-
In , the IIrat vtep being to obliterate the ;
'yprus convention , by which the Island of
Cyprus wan ceded to Great Ilrltaln.
KliuiiK'liiI TrouliU'N In llrn/.ll ,
NEW YORK , Ocl. 5. The Herald's cor
respondent In Rio do Janeiro , Ilrazll , tele
graphs thai tbero has been a run on the
o lety known as Ihe Culda Economics ,
'lie funds of the- society are guaranteed by
he government , but numerous persona with-
row their deposits. Coffee producers and
csporters are greatly alarmed at the famine II.
prices , , -
dlii i 'H I IIiiiiKiirliiii Dirt.
HUDA PESTH , Oct. 5. lu his speech at II.
ho closing of the Diet today , Emperor
Vancls Joseph , as king of Hungary , ex-
trussed enpec-lal satisfaction over the mil-
eiinlum and Iron Gates festivals , as well un .
U subtcqueni visit to Koumanla , laying :
Statistics prove that In the prscllec of
Drs. Copcland & Bhepard catarrh , asthma ,
lung troubles , stomach troubles , rheumatism ,
and all sen ted and serious maladies arc
periuatitnliy cured In about one-lmlf the
time required under ordinary methods frf
treatment , \\hieh Is another general ad
vantage especially appreciated by Invalid
Resides the fact thai nil medicines. In
halations , healing balms and remedies are
free- , oil sufferers who apply In person are
accorded n careful examination , diagnosis
OIK ! trial treatment without charge a medi
cal attention paid to the sIcK under no other
system In the country an attention , and a
courtesy which 11011 are so quick to Interpret
In Its true meaning as the Invalid women
of Ihe communlly !
lloiv UIP Iliimo Ti'pnlim-nl l n IIU'-
IIIK to I > | HII < I'lidcnli ,
MI-K. I. . 1 * . Snj-liir. Hroi-UoiirlilRp ,
Ciilo. , MrlU * ii" fulliMVH to Urii < < ! ' -
In ml A Mu-iinril , tmilcr date tT Srlitciu-
l > or UU , lSlii |
"I write to tell you how nicely my lltlle
clrl Lorenc Is doing under your treatment.
Hnr rnKn was n velv bad ono. Indeed , as
she had Buffered for years with clmmlc
catarrh , thin blood and nervous debility.
Ilefore putting ; her under your cartI I had
spent over two hundred dollars for nil
kinds of medical treatment , but with no
benefit whatever. I wns truly heartsick
when 1 wrote to you for blanks with which
to begin a course by mall. The catarrhal
Inflammation closed Ihc air passages so
Ihat she could hardly breathe at nil while
sleeping , her nose being tightly closed. She
would have smothered If you had shut her
( AHUfl
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , - - - S 100,000
OM3 OK Tilt : HANKS iIOWA. .
"I assure you , wllh sallsfactlon , thai we
stand on the best and most cordial relations
with all the powers , and this seems to
Justify the hope that peace will continue
undisturbed. " Referring to currency legisla
tion , has majesty said Hint everything was
prepared for removing the Impedimenta In
the way of cash payments.
IiidilfiilN of tinCiilinn AVnr.
HAVANA , Oct. G. An Important engage
ment In which General Lopez , the well
known Insurgent leader , was killed has been
fought at the Rcscrva plantation , province of
News has been received hero confirming
the report thai Ihe Insurgent leader Alvares
was among the killed al the fight which re
cently took place at Ccano , during which
fifteen Insurgents were killed and fifteen
wounded. A special dispatch received here
says that Roban , the well known Insurgent
leader , died a few days ago of wounds re
ceived In baltle.
The manager of the United RnllwnyH has
been Imprisoned , the nature of the charges
against him not being made public.
Gold coins are at IS per cent premium
over bank bills.
AVniilH tlie Mrd'lr S.VNm. < .
WASHINGTON , Oct. C. United States
Consul Sawter at Gnauchau reports to the
Slate department that as a re-suit of the
strong agllallon In England for the Introduc
tion o' the metric system of weights and
measures It would neen that Its actual use
Is not far distant , and n bill is already
pending before Parliament legalizing the
system. The Drills ! ! merchants , lie says , nro
ut last becoming convinced that they cannot
longer retain their Hold of the world's
maikcts with their old nnd cumbersome
system cf pounds , shillings , pence , yards ,
feet and Inches.
South Omaha News .
Councllmcn Schultz and Franek failed to
answer to their names when Clerk Carpen
ter called the roll at the meeting of the city
council last night.
An amendment to section 5 of the milk
ordinance was read for the first time und re
ferret ! to the Judiciary committee. This
amendment provides for a salary of $70 per
month for Ihe milk Inspector Instead of re
cclvlng fees.
An ordinance granting the right of way
along Q street from Twenty-fourth streel
to Thirty-second to the Metropolitan Street
Railway company was read for the first
lime and ecnl lo the Judiciary committee.
By Its terms the company Is given the use
of Ihe street free of coat , providing It layn
track and commences to operate cars on the
line Inside of sixty days. Transfers to the j
main line are lo be given and cars are to
be run every llflecn minutes or Ics-i. During
the evening the commltlce reported favor
ably on the ordinance and It was passed
under u suspension of the rules.
The ordinance relating to levying tax on
telegraph , telephone , motor und elivitrlc
light poles was tailed up and placed upon
Us final passage. When a vote was taK''r >
every member of the council voted against
the ordinance.
A petition was read asking that the grade
on Twcnty-Hoventh street from C to ! ' bo
changed. The property owncis who signed
waived all damages. The total frontage In
volved Is 2,100 feet , and on tiers of 1,140 feet
Binned the petition.
Another petition asking the city tea -
cate Kourtrcrith slrccl from the north line
of I street north to thu city limits was lead
and placed on file. There IH a deposit of
Baud on this property and the owner * want
to take Ihe same oul.
Chief Holland of the llro lepartmenl re
ported that thi > alarm gen .in lira lull No. 1
was unreliable and reoomnien led the pur
chase of a now gotig.
During September Live Slock Inspector
Howatd condemned ijnventco'j neal of tatilo
and elghly-slx 8lirv ! > .
Attorneys for Mrs. ICllzabeth Freeman
threatened to btio the city Uieir cli
ent's claim for ihiiia ; is scllle.l at cnie.
Mru. Krteman full through a di'tectlvo aide-
walk some time ago and filcO a claim ft/r
rnoo. Slu > is willing U ki-ttlo now for f.l'jo.
Harry Whlto obtained n judgnieiil ( ifiUnet
the city Borne two yeirs ago fur ? 200 , tiH
now ho wants his money. HU attorney ap
peared und urged ' -hat warnmtu bu drawn.
No action was , however , tultc'ii. '
Mayor Knsor appointed a coin mil Ice of
tliren to look over .ho iipplle.illons for po
sitions on the Hoard it RoglKtnilltm. The
Former oppolntmenu were iovluc-1 and the
list now stands as fol'oui ' :
Mrnt Ward Kim j.reclnei. T. H. Halrl-er ,
. A. Nunn , J. 0. Uastman. h'econd pre-
-lnct , John Rlloy. jr. . J. ) ! . Krlon , . 'nines
Carroll. Third projl-t , 0. M. Mayflcld , J.
. Smith , Ralph Sage.
Second Ward First precinct , John KU-
lie , Thomas 0. Kelly , Richard ( Irindon.
Second precinct , J. J. Lunoy , James A.-nler-
ion , J. J. Maly. Thlr.l pru'lnct.V. . V. City-
.on , P. 0. Dewyer , John Kotera.
Third Ward Klrst precinct , Chrla Huff ,
mouth. Her lips were discolored and gums
Inflamed , ami she was weak and puny.
"She has been under your care only a
fsw weeks and every one remarXe what A
Lorene Saylur , nreckenrldKP , Cole ,
change there la In her looks. Fhe Is gain
ing In strength nnd color and her whole
system Is undergoing n remarkable ctmugo
toward health. In fact she Is nearly cured
already. I nm Indeed thankful for the
remarkable effect of the Homo Treatment
in saving my child. "
\V. II. rol'UI.AVIl. Jl. I ) . , , eon . . | llne
C. S. SIIUIMlll ) , M. 1) . . f l'liy lclaiii .
Olllce Hoursto ! ) 11 n m ; 2 to fi p. m. Rva-
nlngs 'VWdnesdnyH and Satunlaya only
C to S. Sunday-10 lo 12 m.
DrcssH aid llonsftoll GO > ! J
OMAHA OKK1CE 1MI I'urnam. Tel. IWt.
COUNCIL HLUKK8 Work * and Omce. Cor. > v
nue A and 2 lh St. Tel. 110.
John Mclntlre , Kd MeCUo. Second precinct ,
John IlIontlon.Thomai O'Ocnnnr , J. L. OlFon.
Fourth Ward An bur Sharp , Tom Carroll ,
D. McLean.
Hills for September were read and ordered
AnlJM tin- Court to Ciiiuiiel llic- City lo
Lliiililn ti * .
An alternative writ of mandamus was
served on the mayor nnd members of the
council last night by Deputy Sheriff U. A.
Pierce. The writ was Issued by Judge linker
at the Instance of John G. Corlelye/i , who
prays lhal the council be mandamuscd to
pay a Judgment of $ .r)53.51. Cortelyou pur
chased a Judgment from G. T. llarlnw In
1832 and has tried frequently since that
time to get his money , but up to this tlmo
has been unsuccessful. The writ 'commands
the city council to proceed at once to make
provision for the Immediate and prompt pay
ment ot the amount due Cortelyou. If this
Is not done Ihc mayor and council will bu
compelled lo appear before Judge Keysor at
10 a. in. on Oclobcr 10 and show cause why
Iho order has not been compiled with.
It is n question what the city authorities
will do , as out of $12,000 in the judgment
fund on August 10 there remains today
only $82. _
lu CKy ( JciMsIp.
George Loveland of Norlh Platte Is In
the clly.
E. A. Graves , n stockman located at
Prague , Is hero looking over the market.
Last evening the Women's Relief corps
of Samuel Dennis post met and Installed
John LaCouree .has returned from He.rlln ,
Out. , where he went to attend his father's
J. E. West , a well known business man
of Merrlam , was hero yesterday with four
cars of cattle.
The second debate on the silver ( | iicsllon
between Prof. A. A. Mini roe and E. C. Lane
will occur at the Young Men's Christian
association parlors this evening.
This afternoon the Women's auxiliary of
the Young Men's Christian association will
luold a meeting nt the association parlors.
An Interesting program lias been provided.
J. L. Ntirval brought In n thlrtecn-car
train of cattle yesterday from Walcott. Colo.
The local horse market Is looking up.
Ono hundred and ninety homes wore re
ceived yesterday. There Is a demand for
smooth , little horses that are fat and broke.
.Sin-clot of llnjr Clioli-rn KluilN Slimy
11 n nm ii VlrflitiH.
WATERLOO , In. , Oct. D , ( Special Tele
gram. ) Word lias Just reached this city of
a strange malady that Is affecting tho. people
In the southern purl of this county. The
sufferers nro attacked with symptoms
strongly resembling hog cholera. At present
there are three cases , two In the family of
flus Kohn , Mrs. ICohn and her son. They
have been doctoring diseased hogs. Doth
are dangerously III. A neighbor named Wal
ler Is nlso suffering from the disease and Is
In a precarious condition. Hogs are dying
by the hundreds ,
I'rrnrhcil ( o ( In * ( Mil ScfUrrM.
GRAFTON , Neb. , Oct. 5. ( Special , ) Rev.
Mr. Crcsaman held " '
an "Old people's meet
ing , " yesterday morning In the Congrega
tional church. Special efforts were made lo
bring to clmrch all the old and Infirm lu the
neighborhood , easy chairs being iirovlilsil
for Ihi'in. Ho preached an excellent dis
course on the text. "Tho Hoary Head Is a
Crown of Glory If It be Found In the Way cf
Righteousness. "
Found n VuliinliliMusi , . Ho * .
Oflleer Hulllvnn found a valuable rniiPio
box near the- corner of Twelfth and Oodgij
HtreetH last night anil sent It to the Htntloii
until nn ovvm-r i-iin Im found for U. Thu
muhlc box Is mvposetl lo litivo been utolen.
a iuffercr for cl lit ycnn from nczcina , lut
now uin iMillrcly curril Thu ji.ilin * of my liuiuU
\.ITB tovvrrd uiul badly Inlliuniil ; llulu wlillu
blUlcm ui | > i'iireil , then would ] > rel til , louring
a red , imuolli turfuct , wlikh would burn liku
llru Mini lull. tn the limldu of Iho ujijiur part of
Iny Ilinln , L'ri-nt ri'it IIouhr would npprur. nnd
u > > UOH m 1 ui'Ciime uaun , Ilia turnlaxmiU lull.
Ing would begin. Night ufUr night I would Ha
uwako and ncrakli , and nlmont cu wild. I pot a
box of CuTlcUHi , ar > l a bottle of ( 'UTICUIU UK.
SOLVENT , nnd nftrr a fnw ] ijillcaloni | I n tlccil
tin ) miner * anil liillammntloii disappear i btfurr I
h tuittlflnttiO tltfrt uninotit tfaa ojKtttmti
It ft. I can trullifully n crt that fMX ) woitli of
L'imcuui HEMKiurb cure. ) mo ,
JOHN 1) ) , 1'OUTli , 1'ltUburjf , ) > ,
Rritnr rrm TkHTurxT Worm l > itln llli < ! v-
TICUIU b'lir , Kcutl * rjiHolloni nl Cfiici'M ' * ( olut-
imnl ) , mnilUdi ] elolCmi.Il il ! lul.v iil , ( tcit
tit humor cure * .
Hold Ihtojtljout Iht world. IMrr. fiTirrii , Uic.i
Pair. Ut i KixoivtxT. Vv , n4 It I'uini l ) ui
tu Cu u Cum- . , but * 1'fi.pi. , Ikiilun ,
Bjr " 1U to I'cnnuiutlCuie Ecitiui."mU 4 bH >