n THE OMAHA DAILY BEEf { mSSDAV , OCTOBE1 ? G , 1.SOO. COMMERCIAL AND F1NASCIAI Wheat Rallies on Reports of a Hcav * Shortage , OTHER CEREALS SCORE SOME ADVANCE Corn \\-ti * l\'onk ninl I.tiwrr 1'nrlj iiii ( InllrcnU In U In-ill , hut Climcil lit u ( ! < ioil CHICAGO Oct. n-rallh In ! he belief ol a I'on-ddornli'e ' shortdf-o In the world's ) ttlull supply , liotvvllliVandlng Ihe headlines ol tlio Imtnodl.itc movement VVHH Hit c.aunn til the rally Invlient ttul.iy , whlrh left It Uc lilKiii'i than It closed on Siitttul.iv. 7lie coirscr gr-ilns did oven bolter Cnrn n'i-1 on IK plejs'dc hlijhir enrh I'rovlslon-i ad- vtnri'il from Se to IJ'ie ' The flrot ttnnsjic- lions In December vvhtnt ncr < - ill from C7r lo CO/40 , compared with from Ci'-sc ' ' .o ( W .it tin close1 of the session Saturday Tin nr-WB icK.irdltiK the WdU'-i slil'Ticnt to I'll- rope- from the surplus uil lng countries .itnl thr hf.ivlne.sfi of Ihu domesticpoelpi | i wore to-roilier th"b raii'-c of the opening dcrllnc The tthli'tnonlft of wheat from Hliirlc sea ports wo * stnlul lo be5700,000 bu . vvhluh rin the' world's .hlptnent'i up lo the enoi mmis total of Hi,17t,000 bu The Mlnnr ipolls nnl Dnlulli lei-olpls vvrp l,2"f ! cirloads iigiiinsl loco IIIIM on Ihe Monday prcvlnim and 2,1107 unloads on the c-ont-spiinillng > lay HIP jr.ir brfoieC'hlr.igo iculptn wcro112 rnis , ii.ilii t iv last je-jr. Tliopp 11-nircM vv rc si-ircch i.ilealaud to Mn-ngthi n tin- IK l.e-f In llio riilliiro of criijis cltlie'l In Hussl.i in In tinAnu'ilean ncii ihvvesl. In inldltlou It np | was lather anticipating i heavy In- ( nan In tin : vmlblp mipplv ( Jullr n t-ooil ill in mil , lt OTr vns soiin i vldrnt NI vv Yolk h.nl Imvliit , oidprs help almost at the runt , irnl siiccepdi-d In nci-umul itlnc n i.ngc mini nit of rhtnp vvhf.it St Louis .ii , o tn \ I'd liuyln-t here on tlio di-i-Mne , HIP for- elniiirM nlso ii-suiiid put c hasps ami took a iiuil tone hpii- and the Hc-alionril. Prlei-- In L in In I I'o Immediate Iv and vvc-io vtslblv "boo'-leil" by tin1 vl lllp supply vvhlrli sl.uwid onlv IIOOJ ( 1m In thp Hpsslon Tl stri ngth pontlniipil until fiS"Vihad be-rn liiulitd lot Di'Pe-in'ior , tin- high point of Hu ilny At dv- however , n MI at di-.il nf vvlient vv.m foi snip , Iho POIISPIIIK lice of vvbl h vv u .mother "dlurk lo ( > 7sie , and Ih it was the- closing price Closing wales win ( isy nt lingulir dc-ellnes ( ' 'in v.iu vvc.ik nnd IOVVPI cnr ! > Inlln- d by tilebreik In vvhP.it and HIP l.ngei Ji IT than o\it | i tod. Liter , hovvc-vei , when vvhpnt hnd 'hephnrp re-icllon , corn nl n ii-povtipil and sold ' < above theclos - Hit in day , most of the ndvanre boltit * ic- taim d lo the- elmcMay opened a lower at 2i'tc and Kinilinllv udv.me-ed lo 2r"ii clos'ne ' , ste.idy at 2d'lo ' 0 its opened mthi'i easier on the In avy n < ipts prim Ipallv Tlieslrpiiiillilnwlii-.il nnd earn Inlliipupid n xtmllnr tone lure , and lln maikpt iidvntiee'd , closluc Ilrm nt prleos liom 'de ' to " < hlghpr th.m Sit-uJav's Ilnal ( | iiolntloii9. I'uslni-ss was milmoilir ilely 1 iv \ M u npomd otil > ' ( ,1lowei at lT ) c , advanced to 20c nnd clo cd steady at 19"ie. 1 ovi'lons were Hither H-A at the stall , Infliii-ni-i d bv heavy hoj n-ielpls although llx-y wenno larger Ihnn e\pecle-d I'acK- eis wire good liuvcis and piiecs hardejied as the session advinrrd January pork closed 12'ie hlflier nt $722'/ , : .Innliaiv lird 5c hi * lipr ; Jiiniiarv ribs 7''e ' higher nt jl fi"- . rslmitpil roeepis Tnisd-iv : Wheat. J7. eir corn , 1,030 cars , oils , 700 cars ; hogs 2I(0 ( bend The loading futuies ranged ns follows : Arl el _ _ _ | ] _ ] _ ' I J ovv J Clm \V I e . .it.No I I OL-I ' ' P" ' * M'I'V . Ci n No. a Oil 22H Die . . . S.'IMw'li MI D-IP Ko ' - ' . . Or' 17l li u . . . . i7k Til iy . . . U'Ti l'JH ' Poll ! perbbl Die . . . . ii no n tv 3 in . . . . 1 071 * 7 HO 7 07W I , ml 111011)1 " li e . . . .1 or 4 O'J1- 3 05 3 D7'x .Inn . 4 mi- 4 as 4 10 4 20 ilnilUlbB- Duc ' ! ( ) J in 474 4 47U t'nsli quotatlom weie ns follows : Krot'll-sie-idv ; winter intetiti , Jl Biff" SO ftralilit , f3 20fJ rn , tprln- ; special * , J3 soft I 00. tliiliiK pitents S1 i',0 .1 to , blrnlKhts , t300i3JO , bnKer > < } 2 'fin fO VVIIiVT-No : 2 iprhiff , CC' < o ; No. 3 spring- We , No 2 led fl' ' e COHN No 2 2.14iSic ! O VIS-No 1 17Viif17e. | N'o. 2 white , f. o. b , 20'i ' ? 2Jc No 3 whltiI o. b , 1C820C. lti i : No 2 Tc \HMJY No. t , nominal , No. 3 , f. o. b , 24'iJJ 37i No 4 f o b 2-JIWOi \\srin NO i 7iHft72'A TIMHTI1V Hii'P Prime , } 2fO I'ltnvlslDVSICFH pork per bill . fC 4,0i ; ,0 I.arl. per inn llm JS'iJWfiT * " filmrt l His bUtes ( If.i.n . ) $140fr1GO Ir ) > silled phiinlders ( boxed ) J3 S7'jjl ' 00 Short clear ikies ( liosed ) , SJ cn.j 37 * rol'LTHY-JInikct Bti iily ; turKeyH Sfille. clililiins. 7c , dm Us S'iS'/jr WHISKY Ulblllltrs1 llnlsbea goods , per Kl l Jl 1 . Tie follow Ing wcte the receipts anil shipments today . ket wan Ilrm. cnimiiv II il.1i c. ililrj. or > lientgallrm , fie-sli 1140 Chccs.iiulel MW vouic ( Jinnitu.iviticiri' . N of HitDnj on VIII-IIIIIH Coilllllllllllll-N. NI3W VOtlK Oct 5 l-UM-H-Hecclpts , S3 4CO libl , exports. 3.02G bids , quiet , hut ste-adllv lield , nnd cspcclnll ) on luvv winters , " which ate Bcune ; Mlnnesotu pntentx , J370(410 , Mlnne BOt.i liaKern JJ SOifl" 25. cliy mill patents , { 4705 475 , cltj mill clears , J4 IOC1 ! 20 , winter BtinlKits. J34" . | af5 , mill patents , J3 70If4 20. winter extris. JJS'Ju'kO , w Intel putt nn J3755MOJ Ilja Iluui , ilull , Miperllne , JJ Wi/J 70. llucliwlie.it Hour fjnlet at tl rc JUVKWIIKAT Quirt nt * 7 3S'4c i-OIlN MiAI/-full : ) jellow wentirn , 07e. ItMJ-tJulet , wettern , 43i$4f43i- HAIII.I.V Iitemlj , feeding S-'i3.1c | IIAULI'Y MALT -rirm weslern C1ffu7r WII13AT llecelpts , 317,400 bu ; i-xportH , SO 40 bu. hpot dull , No 1 hnid , 7Cc. OpIloiiB openi.d weak under prof peels of liinvy world's Flilp incntM , | IK | Ineic n ° u on pum-iiKo nnd liirKe sprliiK wheat leeilpts , ralllcil h uply on better late rnliliH fiirib-n tHijiiiK nnd H del reuse In llie KiiKllfli vUlblo , eloNlnc iiiichanKed to 'lo net cliillni' . Oc tolirr , 71'ie. ' December , 72iff73 ; 15-10c , ClllHll lit 73" l- COI1NIte'ii Ipls. 40000 bu : exports , 340 bu dpot hleiiiller , No 2 , LS * c Options opened enrlir but advances ! and were nrm nil day on covuliiB ninl piofpects nf nn nilviime In frrlslit rnlis. ilosliiB He bluher , October cloud ul Zd'na Don mbi r lW2U\o , cloud at 2a'c OATH lteills 311100 bu , exports , 270 bu Bpot li ady , No 2 SlUc Options oiwned ijukt mill nbmit 6teud > , clustiiR uncliiinncil tu He lowiir , Oetober , 2l' e , DnenilKr , 2J * c. HAY I'lriii , BhlpplnB , MflMc ) , ROW ! lo choice Mill..o IIDI'H Dull , -Into , common to choice. 1M4 crop 2Vif4'ic , 1 crop , f7c ; I'lielllo const , U9 * emu SiidSn IIIUIIS miner , OnlvcBlon , lie. Duencw A > reH , dry ICe , lexnu dry , IGi-'c ItllATIII'll Tlrin , hemlock sole , lluenon A > ns , l'JH < il ( ) c. I'ltOVlhlUNH-llrrf , quletj family. t 0c ; Jicif hams ICe Cut mints. Him plcklrd bil lies 4'iWM. Ijiril. fteud ) western ttintned. 1431 , Oclolur Jl 30. iiomlnnl. lellned , Blends , e-onllnctit Jl G3 , boutli Ameile.ui , 6c ; i-oiniuuiul | , 4V * e- TAI.IjOVV-Hte-ndy city 3c , counlry 3e lltlTTiniHuilplK SOUiker. ! . Ilrm. v"e t ern dalr > TS'illn , vvixtern eieamery , Il'i < fl7c. Kleins I7o , fnclorj , 7fillr < ( iiiisi-iiiieits : : : | MW iia-si auiet : HW- Tfi'i .c ! imnll , 7 )9Hc ) ; purl i-klms , jiiCc , full fcklnm IfflHc- IXiaS-Hieellit" S052 pkKH , utendy. ulate ninl I'innii > lvanlii , ISWH'c ' ; vvtstern , lUilSc. linJIN-nrm , strained , eummun lo nooil Jl Tl < > f ? | 75 OILS rctton-eril oil firm , prime crude , 2IW Sle , prime jollow 2dif.-i < .o ivtinlfiiin qnlil. t'nllid ' elofcil at fl IS I | i | ( | n ijulet virilned criiiiiinu to iood. fl 7J's ' l 75 Turpentine- , quiet lit Jk'tc- Hiri ; rirm. dome-slip , fair lo exlru , 3SST6e Julian 4 < i4Uo MO.At | hiH : I'll in New Orleans , open kettle trnod In choice * 2937c | MI'.TAr.SI'le Iron merulj : southern , JIO S'ff 1200 , northern 1076 I2C9 ( -t.ner utendy bri'krrs II06t'4 ' , - clmnnH JIOMWto ; * Lead Fteady , buKrm IJ CO. uxehHUBO , t2.7S'iU2 " 7U Tin , rii y , ilriillH Jt2 7cif12 10 ; pbiles i-tarKet easy Spelter , iiulet , dome > tleJ3CU'u370 , I'l-iirlii Mnrke-tN , 1M-OUIA Oct t-COUN-KiKlrr , No. 2. 21'c No. 3 21'ic yAlAcllV | . CU'V. No. 2 while , 20 4o , No J 1IVT null nominal WHIttKY Market steady , llnlplied Rooda on Iho lia lH of tl IS for lil i wines Hllc'nms-Ceiin , IICMIO bus , i t , | > 5.900 bus ! r-r , 1 200 Lu . , wliUky , 7 * gal ; vvht-at 13,200 Inm KIIII'MiNTri-Cnrn IC.MO bug j rots , 134 SOO bus ; r > o. nune ; whisky , 1,715 tal . vvneat , J.fOO but , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . I.l-rriiiiol 'liirUot. i < iviui : > oou Oct. B - riofcWIIIAT : Ppoi nulet ; clemuiKl IMJOT ; Ko. 2 red -prim * F.H l' d , No 1 bun ) Manitoba , ' lUid. No. 1 fnllfornla , ts : Ui | lAiturm opened tlcady. with near uml illdlunl poiltlcim . < ! timer : rlotea Ilrm with near mid illitnnt ro > llloni W i4d * lower ; Vuslncai about equally ilitrlbuted ; October , 6s SWil , Nivemb r Bs S'iil , l > mbfr Ki IM Jn narj M IM , February 's inn l , Mnrch , fs 10 < * < 1 " OUN "pot. Amprlcnn mlxoo , 10s "V4 < 1 l"u turi s opfiuel qulel with near and dl-tant pot-l II ni iil lower , clow-il quiet with near nm dlxtnnt pndlllons unchnnpfd lo VI loner , burl ni-M about equally dlstrlmilml. November , 2i lOHd Hfcrrnhpr , f IM. Mnreh 2 * lltd f'IX > UI ( rirm , demnnil fair , freely -upplleil SI l < outx fancy winter , S Hops At l.on. Inn ( I'nrinc cnnut ) , 1 1'IIOVIRIONS Ilnron , Hr-nd > ; ilemnnd moiler hie CumberlHnil cut 2S to 30 Ibs S2s , shorl rlhs M to 24 Ibs 30s. lonff elcnr light. Ti tc W llis itn M , lone clear , henvj. . 40 to 4" > Ibs 2 < * , short cle-nr backs lldht 18 lb . 26s M , liott cl'ur mlddlen heav > 4 * to SO UK. 21 ! M , tlcnr belllM II to If lln , tin Phoulder- -quntr > , 12 tn I" lln . 2f.f Hxmx.iort rut. 1 tn 16 Urn 47s Tixllnw. fine Nrrth Amcrlcin ZOd SI He-ef i > xtrInilln me , 4 s 9d , prim mw > 17s 6.1 Pork | irlme IIIOM. tine western 40 medium western 3 R "H ! I.nnl. ! > te d } prlrni' vvenlern , 21 91 rellncil , In pnll 24 6d CliiI' | : ! rirm , lUmiml moderate , line- Alnerl-nn wblte 42i , flne t American colored 441. lli'TTI'lt KlnMt I'nllpd Stntes M , Rood 60s fillI.lneeil , 17s 3d I'etroleum. rcllncd O'id finritlOKtlATOIl nmn'-rori-quarters , 3Sil hlndqunilern , fi'id U'I.\IIA CHM-rc , .M.VIIKHT. roinlll Ion nf Trnilc mill ( liiiilutlnn on suii | ( . nnil I'liiic * I'reiilncp. PfUlS-rhntce stock , 13 > 4c III' rriil- Common to fulr , 7c. rholcp to fancy country , ll@12c ; icpurntor cresa-ncry , ISOlCc cnlliiTpil rrenm l"(15c < ! AMi-l : rnlrlc chlckenn , per iloz , (2 rCiT3 00 quail tl S.'fll DO , teal ducks , Jl.2."ffl CO , red head nnd mallnnls , 12 WflJ CO c"HI"tKI3 lomctlc brick , V , IMtm per ilo ? J ZI , cluli hoii-e , 1-lb Jars , per ilo ? , S3 U , I.lm bcrser fnnc > , per Ib , lie , llntiuufnrt. ' 4-lti JTIS jiri itoy Jl CO , Younff Amellcas , lOVeC t vine funcj lujc \ I"Al C'liolce fat , 0 to 120 Jbi , , are quotcil a < 47fc , larce nnd coarse , 49fffC. I'Ot l.ntY Mve heni. 5H Cc : rock , 3c , pprln cliltkrn , S'4 ' | fc , cprlnK ilucks , 7f7lic , turKeJH -t.lie. 10c , dead plcc-ons not wanted HAY -I'pland ' J * mldlnnr , | 4 f.fl. lowHud ' 4 iu tin , } 4 , color mnkes the price 01 huj , llRhl bnlea * ell the IKS ! , only top utade I rlnc lop pi teen IHIOOM COIIN-Kxtromely slow Bile : new mp dellvrcl < m truck In counlry. c'lolco ' Rreen nolf wnrlilnc rirpft per Ib isvic. choice green nin-iIiE to hurl 2'jr common , l'4c. \ I iHtrAlll.K- . SiUT : I'OTA 10iSOn orders , per bbl , J1.7S rOMATOl.h Pel ' / . till basket , 41ff.oc. ! Jl f'fVtlliHH-Per"do2 . 20SJ-C. Ni\V : ONIONSOood stock , per bu , 3S3Oc. MMA linANS-I'cr Ib 4e I.I AN'M Uni 1 ulrKid nnv > per bti ; | 40fft ro i Lllltfin - Home grown , per hundred , 7"OiOe cri.r.UYPer iloz 2o , fnncy , InrRe 4'i * 0c POT \TO17S New potatoes per bu , 30H3SC. 1 IIUITH. ripNew [ York. Ili-fflVir. CV1.1I oitNIA PI-Ariins-rieeslones , 90c cllticn > ' ( I'l.l M.S No ihlppliiK stock. t'VMt OltVI V OllAPis-To1vnvs nnd othe fiincy viiil tles I12i , 5 lo 10 lot" , Jl.lOfft 1" blui k re-riurn Jl (0 rltAXIlKUIHI K fnpi. Ted I el 1,1,1 , JUOOiifir.O , \ri'M"4 Oonkln-t perbhl , J17B ; eatlnir , J2 00 Jor.nlhnn ? fnnc > J2 2i I'VI.IPOIINIA Pl-Alts-llirtlctti. out of mar ket lluerreIIunlv Jt 7f > Iluerre Claln-raii Jl 75 ot'iNrns ' PCI 1.0- . , i 75 THOPICAI , PIltJITS -Mexican , J4 O0')4 ) 2 * I.IiMONS Mesblm s , J5 CO , California lemons J4 00-11 50 HAN NA * " i hiilcc InrBO flock per bunch , 1200Q22J , ini-dluni lcil bunches Jl&QTjZM Mlc.II.IANr.Ors OYPTI'llS Nvvork rount , per can 4c , New YoiU ce'ccts , per eiin , 40c , extra kelrcti liei canf > c , stand irds , IIT eon. 30c. iiiedliim , per can 2"c New Yi.rlt counts , per 1W (1 15 , ( iei low. Ill New IcrK Fdrcts , per Kal , R , UT lub. Ill , bulk HiruUril ] wi KaJl \ ' 0 11ON1Knnc > wlilte. ( .er Ib , 14c , ebolce l"c "utlfornla nnitif-r color lOc ( "IDl'H CHrtncd Juice , per half bbl. , J2 75. per bbl , 14 ' ( WN 7"i MAI'J.i ; bllll'l'rivegal ' cniiM , each , J2 7i Ki' . i.ins per doz , } 12 , halfhal. cans , JC 23 , q'mrt caun J3 ' 0 1'KiS liiiporled fane } , r crown , % 0-lb boxes , 14e. choice 10 Ib boxi i 3 i-ionn IITlOc NUTS- AlmondCnllfoinlj per Ib , meillun le , lOc , 'l.nr.iconn ulninuils , per Ih , larRi- 12'ic , IJra ? ! ! ? . per Ib > e , niiKlltli walnuts , per Hi fancj soft shell , 12c , m tium size , lOc , 111- Liiiti. per Hi , ICe , | ncan , polished medluin. tc larKc , lOc , pianuts , raw. 11 1(70 , roasted , 7'/.c. DAI IIS Halloween , per Ib , Cc , fards , 10-lb JOXLS , pe-i Ib , 7c HIDI3S AND TALI.O\V. HUM'S -No 1 wiecn hide' , 4c. No 2 Krecn bides. 3eNo 1 Bieen failed hides , 5c , No L run putted hides , 4c , No. 1 veal calf S to 12 Ibs , Ce , No 2 veal calf , S to 15 Ibs , 4c , No iliy Hint hides. 7fiic. No 2 drj Hint hliltt , C7c No t drsnlud bides , Cc , part curcU tildes , Uc per Ib . less than fully cured SHKii' ri'I/lS-Orecn > , .ilted. each. 2 * < J Or Krecn salted shell IUKS ( short woolcd oirlj skins ) , each , 13c drj fhearlnRB ( sliort vvooled early skins ) , Nn 1 enc.'i , Tc : drj she-irllnfis ( Minrt vvooled eurlv tklns ) , Iso. 1 , inch 5c. drj Hint KnnsuB nnd Nibrniha butchei wool pelts tier Ih , actual \v eight , 40"c ; iliy Hint Kansni and isebriiKkn Murrnln wool pelts , pel Ib aet- unl vvclKht , 3 f4e , dij Hint Colorado butcher wool uclts , per lt > , nctiiil wclR'it. 4Ifc , elrj flint CMorado Mm rain wool pelts per Hi , actual welRht , 334c , feel cut off , ns It Is UEckss to pn\ fulKht on them TALIXJU * AND GltnASn-Tallovv , No I , ZUc , : allovv. No 2 , 2c , Kie-ifc while A , 2Uc " , ere ite white II , me , nicuse. jellow , IVje , Bre"ahe , dnik , I'so old buttir. SJISVic , beeswnx. ptlnic. lift 22c. roiiKh tallow. 1C HONKS In cm lots , nelghcr and delivered In ChtciiKO Dry buffalo per ton , J1200fil400 dry country , blenched , per ton , JIO.OO(712 ( 00 , drj coun- U d imp nnd meatj per ton , JC OOJjS 00 VVOOI , I'nwn'hc'l linn heavy , ijj7c fine light SSiDc , iiinrtvi | blood , lOfTlie. peedj , bnrr > nmj clmffi , 8t3c , celled nnd broken COIIIFC , 74I1c , cotted and broken fine CtTSc rteece washed Medium 15 < ilSe. line , llSlGe , lull washed. 163 M . black 8c , bue.Ks , Cc , tuir locks. 2fi3c dead Milled. - < SCc. rUIISH MHATS. Scef- ( food native Etecrs , 400 to c-00 . . 6V. to 7 VVeMirn sti-ers . r , " to O'i ' liood eows jnd liclfiTH. . . . 5 Mi ilium cows an 1 bclfirs . 4iA ' ' < - > .1 forpniiirtt > rH r.msiind heifers. 3'f to 4 Good forequarters , nnllvi * sleers . . . . 4' " to f el i.l liln.iumiitetH. cows nnd helfeis . CK. O iod hlniliiiaiteis | , native stecit . . . , SiJ Covv immds . . n covpluten . , . . . . . , . . 3 HonclisH e huckH . 4 f'ow chucks . j Mccr chucks . -jit llnf ti ndirlohiH . is lieif rolN , bet clrsR . 9 Ml loin buttM boiulesi . S'J ' , Loin b icks , bonclesa. . . . . . , ; ) IMIbicks \ . . . . . 7 Cnvv illis , No J . C',4 ' c'ovv loins. No. J . vu Heef trlmmlnRs . 3" Hump biillH . o Shnuldei cbuls . . . . . . h Pork Dristeil IIOKS . 414 l-oik loins . . . . . . ( H PorK tenderloins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II hpare rlln . 31 Him siiUhiiRe ImttH . & ' „ Poik i-boul lus , rough . 41.- . Pork shouldeis , i-klnne.l . r. Purk IrlmmliiKs . 4'/ ; I -af l-inl , not rrnilpie.il . 4'4 ' MillionDiefed lambs . 7 Drehst-d mutton . G Hacks , mutton . . . 10 J.CKH mutton . . 8 Saddles mutton . . . . , . 8 Slews . . 214 Sheep plucks . . . . . . . * , , . . 3 Mieep tongues , per dozen . . , . . . . , , , 25 Colfi-e- -lni'l.e-t. Ni\V YOKI * Ocl B.-c'Orrii-Opllons : opened nirely stead ) at ' to 10 points decline , unxnt- Isfiielor ) forelsn newH and lack of fpeculatlve iii | | > ort , clo--iMt linn at 10 to 2i points net nd- vunreales , 22 WO baKH , December , J92ifil)50 ) Spot coffee , lllo llrnier. No. 7 , Invoice 10'4o , Joulilnt' HeIIIIil , quiet ; run ! ova , J15 001717 00 Tola ] warehouse deliveries from the I'll I lei ! Mutes , 7,051 hiiKH Including P , 674 } IIFH ; from New vntk. New \orle utock luduy , 184 4JJMKH \ , I'nlled ' Males stock 224 19J laRS , .illoat for tbu I'nlted States MUM IUIRS totnl vlilbbfor tlic 1'nltril Hliitus , D2U.IV2 b ks , URalnst 5U.014 bags last 'sANTc.)9 , Oct -OOlTTIJ-ririn ; Rood nvcr- umKintoH 10700 lets , reielpts. 23 000 IURH. utock , Ml (00 ( baps "iVieklj irp'irtrirm. . Rood averaRiSiintos , per 10 Kilns 10,700 rrls ; re- r lpts dinln. tin- week 113 000 IMRS , silpments to the United btutes , 27,0(4 IIOKM clock , Ul 000 bllRH HIO , Oct -ronTK-Hnllilft ) No 7 HIo 10200 relii , c-xchaiiii > , h 11-101 i.eelpts. 13 COO liarts , i lei' red fur thu rutted Males , 60m ) baus , foi lUirope , 2,00i1 IURS , i-link. 328 ( XW bass Weekly 1 1 port firm , c-xcliaiue rlalidunl 10200 icls , rec-lpls ilurlni ; the week til ( X.O liass , ship- nienln to Ibu I'nttc-il htalcs , 65,000 bigb , slock 3SKCCK ) IIURS IIAMIIUUn Oct. S.-ron---Hli-ail- | 1 pfB advance , cales 1WO bien HAViti : , oct -rorrii-Hoiiciiiy. . Wool 'liirUe-l. IX > NDON Oct 6 - At thevvoul iiucllon sales lodaj n,00 bales were t.fii'io.l , of which 1 ' 00 liiU'3 ; wiiu vvltlidiiiwn 'Ihe rule was a ROOI ! one' The continent boiiKht Rood Rreus ) . and tbeio was Id-Hi competition foi erots linds at llrmei prices Merinos were Dun and medium hails IniKUbir 1'ollawlni ; are Hie sales In iletall Ne'vv Hoiith Wales , 1 t'2 bulrs rroured , 7'jfil ' 3d isreusi ' 'jifMjcl ' Qui-eimlnnd 29j bale-s , rcourrd , lO'idffU ' lAil tieiu > 4iii(10V4 ( Vlctoila , I SOU lulei. scnured , "i-iliils 3d KUEISJ , . ' ' ( ( South Aimtiallii 3U8 half * nmlii.il lOdfils > xd ricns ) , I'i l7'.iil New X.ialund S.J.'i bnlei , seourtd ' .iKfl 3Hil HieiiK ) f j'J'jd ( ' | C.ipcof fnoi ! | Hope uml Nutul 46 biilcs hcouifd , I04dfls 3ii | KIIUK ) 4'tSiO.I It has been decided to close the lirttent serle-s of Kilrs on October 10. KIIIIHIIH ( ' ! ( > MiirUi-lM , KANSAS CITY , Oct. 5. WIIRAT Market no- live and ( trud > , No 2 hard Uiiid.'e , tlrsl price fur pour No 3 WdCOeNo 2 red , MiliOu , No 3 , r.'ilO'k' , No 2 spihiR , I.OCl61c , No 3 , CSc c'DltN Marxil steady. No 2 mixed 2\Hte. No ! white , 204O2lc. OATH Mm Let active inn liiiniiU ; , Na 2 lllUi'd. nomlnilly , ICe , Nn 2 whiteluvv , nominally , Un P | , | o > ( , c- HV1" Markel flim , No 2 nominally , 3l r32c HAY Marktt vteady , choice timothy , J7.00ff I'M. ehutie. prulrle , J4Williu ! HUTTI'll Markel Ilrm nnd hlelier on Increased ib-mnnd , rreumer ) 1314 | , dairy , i Ulc. i ; llS Market troiiR and blKlu-r on Incrcaseil ilamand , quotable , l'i- . MINNEAPOLIS. Ocl t WIIKAT ( Mnirel. Oc- liibt-r , Clc , Deet-muer. C4ic ! May , GSis. On traeki No. | haul. ( aeiM'tei No 1 northern 63i4B o , Ko 2 norllii-rn. UWiKMUc. rcrtlplv , lK9 earn. Ir > ( iiioiln , NKW YOIIK , Get * It lias Ixen a very quiet market. Mall onltn ( ; r few ana for small qunnlltlr * of colornl * nil f ncy KtxnK rnthei than Unple Rood * Of the hut nnmcd there WHS n fair mnvement onirevloiis orders , but the new reeiiiMt wan very llRht Printing clotb- were quiet but ptendy at SSc I'AT.h HIVKU , Mass , Oct. B. Print cloth mar. ket elull at ZSc. S'lOUKS AM ) 1IMS. ( ) .Soi-nrltli-H I'nlrljAclive - nnil the CiiurHeof I'rl - < -M IrrKiilnr. . NI'W YOItlv , Oct 5 The stock market tcnlny was fairly nctlvc nnd the course of prices Irre-K- ular , with n ptrotiR finish At Intervals cnnsld- crnble animation was elltplnyeil , and In a num ber of Ini-tnnces the fluctuations vvere material TiadlnR rrnlercel In the rnllwajs , BuRnr lielnR the enl ) lndu < trlnl that estnbllthed a ROCH ! record In polnl of nctlvlts. The maiket at the out et exhibited con-ldcrable wenkneiiA under n renewal of early pt-ctcure imd Komc offerlnRS for the loni ? necounts The RranRers and Supnr were the principal ebjectlve points of attack , the lisl tncnlloneil belnR adverrely nffected by re ports of dull trade IncrenslnR forelRH competi tion , and , llnnllj , lij the nntiouncement of a sweeplnR reduction In domestic lellned Rradcs of the product London was a steady purchaser of the Inteinatli nils laklnR fair lines of St Paul nnd I iutnvllle * Nashville The nrst named elcck led Iho entire matket In e\t nt of ili'nllnt,3 The leading bears were conspicuous In tbe early dtlves und durlnR the llrst hour iippcnred to meet but llRht resistance , soina InnR stock belnR forced emt Sugar St Paul , New lertej fetitral and Manhattan yielded Ui tier cent , HurllnRton , m per cent , and Hock Island , OileaRo ( las and Ixuther preferrevl 1 | ier relil Tim cliitlniimcnt of elcrleleil weakness In theforelRn cxcbiuiRe market turned the scale and Influenced n hcivy covcrlm ; movement , llapldly suciiedlnR ledurtloni In actual and posted sterltiiR quotations evenlimlly Imparted nRKicsulvp etrenRth to the share speculation nnd llfled prices to a point fr-utloniily above Sat urday s clnslnR The InrRc nccuinulatlons nf cnmmcrelal bills over Saturday. Incren-cd offer- ( MRS nRnlnst Rrnln nnd cotton , ami n derided contraction In demand for oxrh.inpe Ic 1 to n xlinrp cnneCFslon In nclual inles while \msled IlRureii fell off n full rent This development rticmmiRCd expectations of nn early rcsiimptlo of Rfild Imports. A sIlRhlly tinner imrkct to discount was noted. Some' of -pcclnllles el-pnsr ! ! > ' notable flrm nevs IncludliiR Manhattnn , which Jumiwd 3 * per eenl from llie low point on FinRUlne reports as to tbe pinbable law economle-s to be e-f f cled bv a chatiRe of motive power to electric Ity If found practlMbfe The other lendhiR shares rallied l to 1's per cent Tic mirke closed nt tbe best npure with comparative prices slinvvtmsllsht net Rains. The bond mar ket shovieil maikid weakness In the- early FI-F- sloii , with lleadlni' krncrals and llrst Incomes recedhiR a point Suhrequrntly the market de veloped streiiRlh In H > niiathy | with the Mod Fpceulntlon and most of the- early losses were rccovcied The Files were JI , 19 000 Oovernments were rllRhtlyIrroRiilnr on dealliiRS of JllUil Silver certlllcatcB held steids on transactions of J20010 The revcnliiR Po t s London llnaiu lal cuble- Rrim FTJS The Fleck nnrkets todnv were dull to Hat , all the ppeculnllve markels closing nliuvp tin lowest ( "onsnH and other Invest ments were Ilrm Americans opened steady , but KIIVO way on disappointing prices cabled fron New iork ultlm itcly closlnp above tlie low est. The feature today was the bcnvy fall In mines Paris and German FCllliiR and n bear raid heie It Is feared If the fall ROCM further reil slock will come on the miuket here nnd cause trouble Already one tlrm Is said to be In dllllculty and recclvltiR assistance The blit African hoiires are supporting the nnrket to- nlRit , Imneve-r. and prices clo-eil above- the worst The llcrlln market was linn The I'nrls bourse was nervous and unsctlled. The i > osllloii Is rather weak A Rood in my accounts are still to be liquidated and very little preitlt was made recently by operators for the rise The follov InR weie the clnsinR quotations on the leadlnc stocks of the New York cxchance tcnlay : CX-lllV. Thetotnl nlrs of slocks toil ly were 200,822 shines. Including the following. American lo- hae-co , 7 SiO Atchlson. 300 American 38100 , IliirllnKton , 16700 ; ClilcaRO Gas , 3300 , I-3Ulnvllle K. Nashville11100 , Manhattan , 15,100. Hock iBlanil 3300 , St 1'iul , 45,3d ) ; houtliern prc- ferreil , C.900 , Sugnr certincati-s , C.200. > e- V irli Miine-j. N13YOUIC , Oct G MONEY ON CArj-r- rinn nt tViSio per cent I'HIMi : MIIKUANTIM * I-AI'KU 7 TS per cent HTnill.INT iCIIANaicnk nnd lower with nctual hiKlnras In bnnkrra * bills nt (4 S-l'ifi t 84 * ! for demand. Hint it S2'204 ! * for sixt > I'ori-lKii Ii'liiiiiu-liil. IliniLlfi , Oct. 5. IIxehanRB on I ndon , elRht a ) * ' t-ljiht SO murks 36 > j \ > tf PAULS Oil & Three per rent rentes , lOlf iV foi Die- account lOiehuiibe on Iionclon , i'f 5'jO for cheeks. IIALTLMOIti : . Oct , 0. Ckarlno. JJ.IIS.CTS , bnl- lice's Jjil4l ! , IlOftfON. Oct. C. ClearliiKM. J13,087K6 : bal- lui's Jl , - . ; [ . , ' . . I'HILADKLPIIIA , Oct.eiruiIngs. . J8.S ,727. lalances , ll.Cll.CIC. NKW 1OIIK ' , Oct. D. Clearhiftf , | SOS88.16. SAN KIIANCISCO , Oct , B Silver bars. , lextcun dollaie trOiSljc ; ilrafu , eliElil. 'c ; tUe- rupli. Ilk.- , HF. IXPIS. Oct. K.-Clearlng 1 J4lM.-4' ; Iwl. nets , ] K9ii , Mont ) , ilcudy ; tCU ( > tr cent for 1 call lo n 70S per c it for time lonns. Nei York exchange , Jl jf.I . .Uount bid. ellFcouni I ft keel l J , CHK-AOO. Oct -ClfarlnR . M4 7M VB Money , ntm , on cflli , f < M pe-r rent : on time , ' per cent , New York e-rlCltiKe , Mi ill-count , for fl-rn exchange , weak , demand JIM , sixty clays " ' - - UT'lII ' St. Liiul.H kJqin-rnl VlnrUol. KT LOl'IS. Oft "t - t'LOt'HIarkel ei-lei and Mill dull , patentJ176O1 90 , rxtrn fancy , J3 K1W3 10 , foncv J2 75fS 00 choice , J.3J f ! 4i. \\1I13\T I nu unl'jv lifH'J worlds Fhlpm-tit and lowei cables catfMJenc ush pressure to fell to open the future mitket lower but buyers ramp In frrely nt th-f tin line arid tbeie wan a -pee < ly reaction lx > ter from vnrlnus c-aures , the mnrkctvrnkriMf I but rlo-eil " * c to He higher than oniiliir < lii , 5pot higher. No 2 red , cash. In elevator 7iV , on trncK , CT'4B7c , No 2 Inrd , cash Mi'.ai I'cccmlwr , 70"4C bid , Mny "IHc nsket ! COHN There wn-i lltxte chnnpe In the future maiket nnd the trtidlnr wns lliTil but the tcne firmer In sympathy with vvicat , spot M Her , No 2a > h Sine Oetober ! lc asked , December , ! 1'4C nfked , Mnv 54r OATS l utures quiet , but tlio tone was firmer ! spot ensy , No 2 cafh , IS'4c bid , May , 20'io bl 1 1in in I" 34Uc In elevator. COHN MIAI-JI.-- HI'AN rirm , Fold on track , this tide , In sacks at 42c rLA.\Hnip-Ixwrr nt 6 c TiMomr siiu : i rime jsro POI'LTHY Slmv , rhlckenn , olil anil Fpilnp , ff. turkeys stendy at Ci4r7e. ducks , steady nt 6'ifi ' > 7c , Rfef * , Fttudy at 4i ! < c HAY Quit ! and in unmtllsfnctory ilciinnd , stronR for top grades whlr i arc Fcnrcc , prairie , JWfiJS , timothy , tl f > ffl2 00 1-X'flS Firm at 12Uc. WI1ISKY-JI 1 < ! LI'AO Dull nnd nominal nt 12 60 for common and t : K5 for desllv erlzeJ SI'ni.TI-U-Scllers ntklliR > 3 45. POTTO N Tins Jt 4 * ' -s PHOVIHIONSIVrlt. . lih-lur ; stniulnrd ine-s JobbliiR1 , JO fOI6 7" l Trd lovvrrj ptline ptcnln , J"77'i , ohoic-e Jt " 1 Iliron boxnl slioillder , J4 fo , IOIIRS , J4 2 , ' , ribs Jl 17'4. ohorts , JIM Dry Fall meits , I oxed Fbouldrrs. $4 , IOIIRS , J3S7H. rib14 Fhnrts , H HIX'IMtTS rimir P (00 bhls vrhrnt , S2 TOO bu corn. 1" ! TOO bu outs ion ( XH1 bu SIlIPMI'NTS-rimr TWO bbls , wheat , CO 000 bu , corn , is' 000 bu ; outs , 20,000 bu. Kiiiixn-i OHj I.Uo ' du-k. KANSAS CITY Oot tl \TTL11 Hr-r-elpts. 1010) ) head , sMIpnunls 2100 head , lu-il Riiulis Ftenly In BtroiiR. ithrrs stendv , 1e\is stei- ' . J20'mo , Texas cows Jl fOSJ2 2'i unlive Mceri. II 10 < li4 M. native eems and bilfets , Jl 2W1 00 , Mi-rkcrH and feeders , J2 00'iir. , bulls | 24ir2lo 1IO(5S Hecclpts Rco < ) bead. Blilpminls 2M head Market weak fs lower , bulk of Fales , J30nfl120 heavies JJ VlifJ 1' . pukers JIOOSiIl' , mixed 13(44120. HKlus J3 10 < f3 2 , * , , Yorkcis , W SOfitl 2' , . plRS , 13 luiia - . * . Sflnni' HecclptK 2000heTd , Rhlpments. none , Maiket steady , lambs , J100f/37S , imittons , JIM 02 CO _ " cViirK LiveSlnclt. . NPW 1OIUC Oil 5 HKI'Vi : * ! HeeelptB 2 " 11 brnl , active and firmer , steeip. JS'iO'iH'O oxen , J2lOtf4S > , hulls J2i)0T2'iO ) ( , div cows , Jl n i. 7' > , e-ablcs quote- American steers at lO'iSfll'.c ' , drc'ted wetRht , sheep at "I'iicTin'ic ' , dre'Fcd vvelRht , refrlRcrator beef nt S'4c ; no evporlb SHIIP AND LAMIIS itrceipts i"rvs heiii , shrep quiet nnd tteadv , lambs , lower , sheep , J2 OO'f ! 7 * . . Iambs Jl 003 12'A " HOGS Hecclpts , D.325 head" lower nt J3 70fi ( 4 10. _ St.n-U In HlKlil. Ilecord of receipts of live stock nt the four prliiclpil mnrkets Oclohcr K. I'M- Cattle. Hoes Sheep South Omaha . 3070 1 59 f 3 Clilc-iiRo . . 11 COT 42 0(1(1 ( 26.00D Kan-iiH City . , . 10 ( IK ) n COO 2 ocn ht lAJUls . 3000 3 W)0 ) 3,000 Totals . . 35670 C..OS ) 31.C93 NIJVV YOHlf Oct. f. . Sl'd sR Haw flat , fair retlnliiR , 2 11-lCc , crntrifiiRjl tC tiet , 3 1-ltr , refined , steady , Ftindard "A , " 4"ic , confection ers , 4140 , crUFh'd 4"4e , rrunulated , 4Sr IX NDON , Oct r ) srH Cnne. dull and de- pret--ed : ccntilfiiKil Java , 10s 9d , MuscoiiJo , fair rellnliiR 9s Od HIIT hrGAH Quiet ) rices fully maintained , October , t's , November , Sa ll'Sel CiiKeni Mlli'Ki'l. ST. I.OU1 * ! Oct 6 COTTON ' 'tendy lo 1-lfc lower ; inlldllnR , 7"nc , shipments , Gil hales , stock , IS.if ) bales NHW YnitIC , Oqt 5 COTTON Qul of ; mld- illlnis S 3-lCc NiW OIILRANS pet * -COTTON-Kapy , mlil- clllni ; . 7'ic , low inlddlliur. 7I6c. . VNIliIt-f Crnlii Sniiiil * . NHW YORK OA ' < T.ic visible mpplv or Rnln Sttiirdav , October 8 , as compiled bv the New Yolk Produce exchaiiRe , Is TS follows : \Vheit fOllfiOOO bu . ( Increase 1 4C1.COO bu ; corn , 13 S77OU > bu , Increase MO 000 bu . outs. BO .OfO bu . Increase , 133 POT hu , rve 2007(00 bu , Increase. 40 COO bu , , barley , 2,203000 bu , Increase , 60.000 bu , nLOIN , Oct. ST-IHTTTCn Firm ; offerliiKS , 31 , ! > JO Ibs j rales , :0,1.IV ) lus. nt lC .c. Hiillilay , lii TrlHiM ) I SAN ritAKCISCO. Oct H No inlnlnff or gi.iln matkcts to3ay ; holiday. STHIJI'T HIM'AIHS < ) HIKHii ) MA1JI' . Co ii true torn ( ) r ! c-rril in He-Kill 'be- Wtirls nt Oiic-e- . The Inferior condition of many ot the paved streets 1ms Induced Chairman Munro of the Doard of Public WorKs to orde r the paving companies to make the repairs as contemplates ! by their contracts. The Stand ard Paving company was notified jcbterduy lo resurface Cninlui * stieet between Thirtieth and Thlrtj-second , and Davenport street from Thlrtv-nintli to Fortieth. J. U. Smith & Co. has been notified to make rc- palta at onee on Thirty-second street fiom the north line of Euclid Place to Woolvvorth avenue , Caldvvcll street from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-eighth , Charles street from Thirtieth to Tortlcth , Chicago street from Twenty-second to Twenty-third , and Hamil ton street from Fortieth to the viaduct. Cradleanil ( lie Grave. The following births and deaths were re ported at the health ofllco during tbo twenty-four hours ending at noon > cster- ilay : lilt ths Itohert Houghton. 3029 lUirdetto street , boy ; H. K. IJcach , 3008 Pacific , lioy ; Peter Itclnharilt , 1C04 North Thlrtv-fouith , hey ; Vf. II. midges , 119 South Twenty-ninth , twins , hey and gill ; John Lund , 1417 South Sixth , girl , H. S. Hroolcs , 3712 North Tvveuty- secoml , boy. Deaths Sara Kllen Mvers , 00 , 2014 South Seventh , Porcst Lawn ; Helen M. Potter , -I , 2C02 Hamilton , diphtheria , Mount Hope. Hun Up AMuIit Aiieithe-r Jim Smith , one of the three men nircbtod on South nievcnth street lant Sunday for e-ng.iKlnK In a drunken row , In which ho rece-lve-d n broken nose , has le ) > en sent to the county Jull for thirty days on a chiirBO of larceny. It was found after his uireat that he was the party wanted for Htenllng Bomo clothes valued nt 710 from u ni.in named Will Harrington , Harrington anil Smith c-hunceil to ha In jail at the H.inie tlmo on September 21 last and Harrington vvlHhltiK to Have hlx clothes from the ver min -vhlc-li Infests the city jail , le-ft them In tlm patrol barn Smith located tint wearing apiiarc-1 and vvhe-n ho had servid Ills time called around and npproprlnled It. Coilte-inllliec fur I lie- fill lie- . The Koclirfiter I.cun and Hanking com- ) any camincuced an attachment suit ycntcr- lay morning against the McCIoud-Love Llvo Stock company , the Union Stock Yards com pany and IJntlstrf Poifrler , to recover on a loto for JS.ilSSO uUcii by Pourler to a Itushvlllo bank II'IH ) feold to thu plaintiff rho note was secured by a mortgage on ilxty head of cattle land tlio plaintiff al- eged that thcsq eaifio cattle had been ihlpped to South Omaha and were to bo > old. An attachment was Issued and turned > vcr to the sheriff to levy on the cattle , iilin Ki-Clli-il. Another of tuoeUEis against the North- cstern Hnllvvay rampany for damages arls- ng out of the Logan wreck last July has > een settled In lo-irll by the payment of leavy damages 'llie case ) was that of . .eonard Mack , a joung man of nearly egal ago , who wasjbajjly ciushcd In thu vrcck and receive ! " Internal Injuries about he chest and li.4Y ( { Ho eueil the railway oinpany for J4,0i)0jIlls father bringing the mlt us guardian , ' Tlio lallway company -onfresed judgment , .In the Jull amount , and ho money was paid to the father for tbo > oy , _ [ 'ullliii ; fur Another l\lK \ Cuiiv c-iilliin. Wilson C. Turiu-r and T r KturKlH left .cstcrduy . for Colorado SprlngH to nltend ho eebslon of the Ititernatlonal Typo ruph- e'nl union , vvlilcli convenc-H nt thut place u-xt Monday Tiny will ninko nn effort , o ni'curef th 18HS Kesulon for this city und o mined with liivtatlonn | from the Coin- in rcl.il club and olllclal liodlcH Washlng- on and Detroit arc also after the meeting , lut the Ormilm ili'leKutcH htivo Htiong IOIICH that the nttrautlon of the Trans- nlstilHRlppl Exposition will bo sutllclent to iccuro the meetlne- for Omaha , rnlle-il fei al Vt-r I-'ur. William WlU-y w.i arrested ytsterduy vhllc getting off the Council lllnfTs motor it the entrune-o of the Douglau Btrec-t irlilgeHu la wanted In the Jilurfa for tap- ilntf thu till of a ealoon In thut city. He vus ttO.cn back for trial last night. OMAHA LIVE STOCK JIABIiEl Week Opens with a Liberal Run of Wcsten Onttlo. EVERYTHING SELLS AT STEADY PRICE ! lliiNlnr- . I'iili-lj Ac-lit In All Miii- iiiiil Timllli-v SI.DII O\e-r IlciUM ' earc'ininl a Simile- Ijiivve-r. MON'IMY , OOt. 5. Cattle. ! . Hoics _ , Iug . -cs , October 5 3fi7u J.isp 1U Oclubcr 3 I.-M3 4.HO 2.l2i 21 Oc-lolie-r 2 .1203 I.l'.KI OotobeT 1 5.2H io.tj -2n September SO . . 4.51 I IIM - Scjitembe r 2CJ 0,131 iiisi September 23. . 2 , sort l.CC * l.-MS Z1.1 September M. . J.103 September 23. . ; t,710 3i70 The oinelul nuinljer of ears of stocV btought In today liv i-ae-ll ronil vvab : Cattle IIoss Sheep. Mls'-outl r.-teine. . IMt-Ilk' . . . . Si fc M U U It . 41 H & Q uy. . . . I it i \ i * . i * . . . u i & i1.v. . is C , St P M A O . M. v. uy . j ? Total receipts , lo y 2 The dl-posltlon of the day's * receipt1) jvns ns follows , inch biiyut purchasing Ihu iitttn- be-i of bead Indicated : C.ittlo. lloss. Sheep. n It Hammond Co . 117 710 Swlfl and Company . . . . 73J W ! 1 ! Cudah.v I'-iel-Ing Oo . f,7 ! > 212 H Ituker and De-gnu , . . . ; { 3"i . . . . . . Vans in t A. Co . . 3 . . . . .1. L Caie ) . a . . . . . . LobiiMli \ : llothsebllds. . 1G2 W. 1 Ste-pluns . 13J Hill & . l.exxls eompinv . . .2't . . . . P.entoli , t Undirwood. . . . .111 Huston ti Co . 144 . . . . L * Shallc . 29 LiMou iV Co . 91 Speiiy & Bodkin . 1C3 Other buers . nil . . . . Total . 3,000 u7 ? li ? CA'lTLIi-Tho week opened with a lib eral run of cattle' , 8,1)70 ) head , na against 1,013 Satut day and 2 , < XW on Monday a week ago Included In tbo 140 loads of cattle on s.ilci tbero we 10 only a few beeves of any kind. The few loads of natives vveio pietty fair stuff , and Ibeie was a bum b or two of gone ! vve'slerns The demand was good and the geneial market ste'.idy to strong. nighteen to twentv loads of cows nnd helfc'is were on sale and brought about SUuulaj'H prices Thu maiKit on feedei.- * wan fairly actlvo nnd values strong Regular oper.itors were pielty well sold out nt the close of last wctk , and all scorned anxious lor more eallle todav . so Hint the desluiblo lots were soon cle inert up. Kepiescntatlvo H.iles : No Av ] 'r No Av IT No Av 1'r 1 MO U 7C D. . .774 ] 'I 1 TO 2 CO 1 . Tlfl 1 1 ll"n S 2 . 1050 2 70 2 . . .1115 1 M 37..1WO 2 M 2. . . 720 2 1. . . 740 2 GO IH'l.I.S 1..1C40 1 1 010 2 SO CAL.VIS : 11.i. . 1 . Sin 3 10 1 . . . KO r i. r'o : i co i. . 170 4 no i.i AND rini3iits : i 0:9 2 r.i > 10 . ris j 10 1 " 0 i K 2 fO 20 Iflr ; 3 2. l 9iG 3 37 3 "CO 5 2 ( TO .1 2 AVJSTIKNS No Av. Pr No Av. I'r. 4 enws 11SO JJ fO 2 i tens. . 1S ! * l 3 40 htctrs 1217 3 40 NIMHIASICA. 1 bull . . IC'O 1 JO 1 heifer. . . 2 rows .1010 1 f ( > 1 e-inv . 2 bulls IITO 1 C 30 euws . . 1 bull. . 2 lOW S . 5 COWH . " -J 2 00 SI fliers 1 eow . . 710 2(0 ( fl feeil < l < 3 10 1 bull . UW 2 Ci ) 42 foeilei s 072 1 20 1 envv . .1140 2 10 7 ft-eilers ri)4 ) 3 W 2 cows 1010 2 10 3 20 H COWFI . , . ' , ' 017 n 20 ' ' 10 cowh' . . 810 2TS 1 stt-pr . JiJO 1 JO 1 Htc-ei . . I'O 2 Ti fi focilero ' ' 1 20 t eows. . . 2 40 H fpedors . 7SS .1 20 10 cows 543 2 40 3 : : * 3 cows . . , ICO. 2 40 2 foe tiers . 'fO 3 2 * 4 cows . C-0 2 40 : foi-ilcrs . t 'i 3 JO 4 strs tip , .1217 2 40 1 calf 210 D 00 C heifers , . 7CO 2 43 C. IlaKrr 1 cow . . SCO . 1210 2 43 4 eows * ; , 4 rows . . . . 1020 J 4" t cow s . . . . 7'0 , . . . .11CO 2 00 n e ow s . . 1004 1 cow . , 1240 2 CO 4 row s . . 122J 1 bull . , . U0 ! 2 20A 12 fe-cib-rs . HIS 2 cow s , . ino 2 CO 1 feeder 2 ro 1 liclfer . . KQ 3 fepilers i 10 2 heifers . 713 5 fcl. ra 1 10 11 cows SS3 2 M ) fS feiclcis . ion i KI 1 cou . . . , .S70 2 * 0 13 fccde-is . S31 3 J3 7 cow8. . , 813 2 M COLOIIADO 3 I ! Hunter. 23 feeders 113. 3 _ _ Culmnljl i & I. S Co 11r. C1 Tex ' ' 1.1 stis Tex .1101 2 70 fi Btr . 'fex'.llOO 22i ll'i foeilers . . fKS 3 01 3.1 cows . . 'l > 0 2 fO 45 steers 112. ! 3 13 5 fe-eilera 9tS 2 0 SOUTH DAKOTA. 1 bull , 1130 1 71 2 fin del s W , 3 30 3 bulls. . . , .1411 1 S" 17 feeders 1107 3 M IDAHO ( ! cows . . 1 PO ' , vteori , . 12"S 1 CO 3 eows 1H1 2 00 7 fii'li-m . 1111 t 10 1 feeders . . 813 2 2i 17 fc i ill-is Kill 3 LO 2 cows . . . . . 1'5 n f. o it 11 into i 20 1 cow . .1120 2 40 ? i let li-n . n < r , i 'Ji 1 In I for . . . M ) 2 40 KS fc oilers 1111 3 20 I lii'lfua , . 730 2 40 . " 0 fccili-rs 'IM I so 9 CIMVb . . . . -VS 2 4i 28 feeders . ' ' 17 3 2 * 13 cows. . . . . .1001 10 teers. . . . 1.72 3 70 VV\OMIN ( ! Wettcrn Union IJccf Co 9 cows . . 9H 2 20 14J Stic , lux 1110 2 4 i-IIH 'Ii'x .1110 77 liters U7 3 40 3 stis , TfX..10SO _ _ _ J Jnck 1 Hag 1ISO 2 Oi ) 1 fceilor . .1210 1 W 4 TOVVH . . . ! 7 2 CO 47 feeders . .1034 3 45 17 cows 1011 1 CO 1 bull 1ICO 1 ' 0 KCOWH 102S J 4" 3 CIIWB . . . . 'i73 2 (0 1 Mr , tlir . 1270 2 r.O 1 eow S40 J 00 RfenlerH. . 1144 t 10 4 co\v . . . 917 2 10 H feeders. . 1031 J 40 11 COWH . lOTi 2 40 ] IO(1K-Thire wan tlie iisnnl light Monihij H run of Imi-s. 1529 li-lnir le-iiortcil In. nn ui-nln t 4,740 on balurdciy jntl lCu on Mondiy a wccv TTIilemand was fair ami the offtrlncs wc-ic nil taken , un oirly rlcirnnc-e bolntt i ffecle I % 'nluiH weru u Itttlo better linn nt hatunUy H cloco , lint SfflOc lOAcr tli.in the be-pt time hut unlnjTallllih" llii > market ns n wholeIt WHS a Hlmilc loner than the nver.ine nuirket on bum ilay. ilay.Heavy Heavy IIOKH welKliliiK "CO pounils nnil nvir solit at j2RfT290 as iiMln-t } 2 fcugt 00 nn Sut- unlay Meillnin welclils anil mUi-il liniti brousht } ! t.ijr' ! 00 , anil one .r4-lb Inml f" ij with a IlKlit luiil at the Mime prlecIti lire Hnliitho tnlcs. No. Av Mi , 1'r. No hh I'r CO , , to f2 kS 20 , ! ( , < > Jl W 15 120 S S3 M " 20 ire 2 10 . . : . . . . .176 2 H , 47 . sw KI 2 M ID . . . , .312 fO 2 Ki 61 2il l.'tl 14 . , . . . .317 * * X5 61OS , 274 fl ) 2 1 * , l" > , . MJ 1.0 2 'K ) eo . IM i 'Jj " ) . . . . .20. * 0 2 i ) CI , . . . . 271 2vO Mi , . . . .272 240 2 ! IO 70 J71 ro 3 AO C4 . , . ill 240 2 CO 74 . . . . " 'I , rose 1 00 . . S34 lie ) 2 'K ) f7 24J 3 00 . . 318 UO 2 10 7. . . . . t-iO 1 00 . iOl . . . 210 fO , sw 3 00 . . . 2S7 M 2 SO 67 SC4 3 10 . . 292 M ) 2 90 DC 18 * 3 10 SO 2 90 KHI'I'I' Tliero we're no ulii-ep here to mnlie u market Two cam arrived > ebtenla > , but -were shipped on without bcmc orTt-uil for Mile N'o Av I'r. 13 native lambs , * j * | CO CIIICACO I.IVI ! hTOCIf. .Native Ilt-t-f Slei-r Were AViinU-d ul u .SIlKlitiliiinee. . CIIICAOO , Oct B Native beef steem wcrn nanleil today ut from S3 75 to | j 10 for ordinary to prime lits Tim bulk lif the snles of need uleera uceurre-d at from J4 2j lo Jl 75 , nnd eliDleei ilruve-H were inoilly illcpofpil uf emly in tl . ilny llio tlocker und feeder trade uliouj the ncual anlniallon at front 12 CO to J3.S5 for com mon lo choice western feeilern , ielllns nroiind from Ji 1" lo f3.35 Texas steers wcro aualri ivanie- l lit from \i 2r. to JJ 20 for common und lirlme anil western rnngc mttle vvru netve | und ilruily. wllli mlfa clilnly ut from } i in tj co mil at from J-CO to (325 for rovv Trice * for heavy and medium weight horn lid nut enow much change , lut , llglit vvilklila ncre weak , mnl u nickel lower .Sules were n.ide at from < IW to t3 40 for riinrte lu.u > to irlineatnorteil IlKlit choice lluht and iiu-illuin ivelKhtH n-nlll ( hellliiK cloi-i , toiellier Ihu luilk if Ibu linkfalis oeruned nt rum (2 l > 0 to HSU iiirklntr lots celling largely at from tl M to liade In etieep wns Jiift fair nt umhanK" ! irlceH , we-nteni uliwii fcelllni ; nt from ( I ij to f3 ivhllu unlives of cliolru iiunllt ) wrr pretty uucli nominal at from 13 to M 2" ] imlw were mlable ut from 1275 In I * for Inferior tn fane ) 'tw Kulns above H 75 , wllh naleu laipelj at from J23 to H Kuelpn : Cattle , 19,000 bead , liot-8 , 42,000 head , iheri | , 26.W bead St. l.nulH IIviHIliiU. . sr. ixii'ia , oct c CATTM : iteceipti , aoco lead. Market artlve anil htyher ; native ship ilnK tli-r , tl&triHU , . TL-KUH sleirn 3XIQ3Cll I1OUH Urreltiln , 3.WO tit-ail Market iileady. licht , { 34'Jii3W , mixed. J3Mij39' , lieavy , IJ.OOfe ,3S SHEEl'-ltecelyt- lieael. Market wcalc. : PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS The following proimsnl amendments to tin Con-million ot ttio Slate of NYbinsltA. as hcri'ln/iftcr / et forth In lull , ate eubmltlei : to thu electors of the Stale of Ne'iiankfi , te bu voted -jpon at theije'nenel t lection to tx hclil T'liMlny , November 3 , A 1) JS9G : A Joint li solution inoposlng to runt-nil sections tvo ( . " ) , four (4) ( ) , nnd five (5) ( ) , ol nltlcliii.x ( t > ) of Ilic Constitution o ( tin Stale of Nebraska , relating to nviubor ol JII.JRCS of t'.ic suprci.ic couit and tticlr tcitii ot oltkc. He It icsolvcel nml emctccl by Die I.ORli- triliinof HIP Slnic of Nclirn-ku : C cllon 1 That motion two ( J ) of nrtlelc Hv fin of Constitution of the State ol iSVhtiiuRn be umi-nilrd to IIB to Kuil as fol low M i'otlon Z Tlio.upriMiiei couit KVinll until otlinrv'Kcpiovlcleil bv luw , coti il-.t of live ( a ) Judges n mnjorltv of whom slinll lie lirccs'iuy to form a quorum m to pro- iimince n dr-dslon It vimH imvo nilKtniil JiiiKelldloii lit ease * ! rclntliiK to reve-iiuo , p\ll | --HSI-M In which the stiilr shall lie a put tv in nidnnuH , < iuo vviirriiito , habeas col I"1' ! , inul . < ue-li nppc'llntvj Jiulsillctlon , IIH mny bo provided by lu\v Section 2 Thnt ppotlnn foul ( I ) of artle-lp > l(6) ( ) of the Constitution of the Mute of luavkn , bo ninc-mlcd so ns to read as fol lows : Keenlon 4 The Judgeof the supreme eotil t shnll 1 > o ele-i-tPil bv the olcc-tois of HIP slate at UUCP nnd llie-li term of olllee- . e-xe-e-pt ns here ( miller provided , shall ha fern n peilod of not less than live (6) ) ycitls .is the IcgKliturenmv pn-si-ilbe i-ortlon " That -.Pillcm llviM of article rlffi ) of t1u > Constitution of the State of N bri ; k.t , bo rune tided to uad ns follows Section fi At tin Hist RPlipril I'lcitlnn to bo bold In the 'Near 1" % , there shall be iltoted two judci s of HieMiptemc - court one of uliom shil ! be c-leclcd for a teiiu of two (2) ( ) vntrs , one for the te-i m of font (4) ) vears , .ind nt cnt'h Kvneinl election there after , their- shall bo elected one Jmlmof the Bllrpine ! court foi the him of live ( . " ) ye.us , unless otheiwlso ] ito\Ubd bla \ \ , 1'iovldod , That the jiulips of the supreme lourtho e terms ha\e not e\plnd at the time of holdliiK the p < ncrnl election of IS'fi shall continue to hold their olllre foi the reinalnder of the term for ulilch they eic > lespi I'tlM-H coninil soned | Ajplo\ed Mai eh 29. A D l&M A Joint resolution proposing an amend ment to section thirteen (13) ( ) of artlele sl\ of the Constitution of the State of Nebinska , relating to compensation of supreme and district court Judges. lie It resolved by the Legislature of the St.ito of Nebn la' Section 1 That bpellon thirteen (11) ( ) of : iiiicle slv ( fi ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended so as to re.ul ns follow1 ? . Kfc n The Judges of the supreme nnd dls'ilct courts shall receive for thdr sffr- \ICCH such compensation us may be pio- \Klrd b\ law , pijnblo quniteil } The IpplM.itlire Mmll at Us flist session after the adoption of thin amendment , throe-fifths of the members elected to each house concurring , establish their compensation The compensation po es tabllshed shall not bo ( limited oftonei than once In four jears and In no event unless two-thirds of thu immbeis tlocted to each house of the IcKlslature roiuui tluruln. Approved March CO , A U ISto. A Joint resolution proposing to amend section twentj-four (24) ( ) of nitlclo five (5) ( ) of tlio Constitution of the State of Ncbiaska , relating to compensation of the officers of the executive department. He It resolved and enacted bj the Legls- liture of the Stale of Nebraska Section 1 Th it bcctlou twenty-four (21) ) of .ullcle live (3) ( ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebr.ibka. bo amended to read as follows : Section 21 The ofllcers of the exeeiitlve depirtment of the state Kovciniiitnt shall receive for their servkej a compensation to lie islnliMs ) ' . ri by law. which sh.ill be m Ithcr Inc rcnhctl nor diminished during the term for which they shall luivo been commissioned and they shall not icctlve to their own use anv fe < s , coats , interests upon public monevs In tlieli hands or under their control , perquisites of office or other compensTtlon , and nil fi'cs that may hi i rafter bo paj.iblu bj law for hervlccs perfoinud by nn ollicer piovlded for In tht- I shall be paid 111 advance into tlio state tre.iHiuy. The legislature shall at Its Hist session nftci tlio adoption o' this amendment , three-llfths of the mem bers elected to each house ; of tlio legisla ture concurring , esl.ibllsh the Mihuics of the oflicers inmed In this article Tne compensation so established shall not be chaiiRpd oftcncr than once In foni years nnd In no event unless two-tblids of the membois clcrtpd to each house of the leg isl.iturc concur tlieuln. Approved March 29. A. D 1893. A Joint resolution proposing to nrapnd section one (1) ( ) of article six ( G ) of the Con stitution of the State of Nebraska , re-1 itlni , to Judicial power. IJo It resolved and enacted by the I.cgli- laturis of the State of Nebraska : Sept Ion 1 That section one (1) ( of article slv (0) ( ) of the Constitution of tlio State of Nibiiishn bo amended to read an follows Section 1 Thr Judicial powei of this state shall bo vested In a fttipiomo couit , dls trlct couits , counlv couits , Jiibtlcoa of the peace , pollco magistrates , anil In such other couits infeilor to the supii-me cour' as may be cicatcil bj law In which two- thirds of the mcmbeis elected to each hout > e- concur Approved Maich 20 , A D IS9S A Joint resolution proposing to amcml sec tion eleven (11) ( ) of article six ( C ) of the Constitution of the Slate of Nebraska , ro- Intlng to Increase In number u. gupie-me and district court Judges , lie It resolved and enacted by the Lcg- Isl itlire of the State of Nebi.uiKa Section 1 ' 1 hut bectlon eleven (11) of arti cle six ( I ) ) of the Constitution of the ; htatn or Ncbiaska be amended to lead aa fol lows : Sec-lion 11 The legislature , vvhenever two- thirds of the incmbcitj elected to each house shall concur therein , inuy. in 01 nfti r thr year one thou-and eight hundrpd ami ninety-seven and not oftemr than once ; In every foui jiuib , Ineiease the number of Indges of snpiemu and district courts , and Iho judicial cllstrle-th of the state Sm h .llstnct'i shall lie formed of enmiuet terrl- toiv nnd bounddl by county Iliua , and bin n IncrciiHC , or any ehaligo In llie ImuinI.irUfi of a dlslilct , shall not vacate the oilice of a.n > Judfe- . Appiovtd Moich SU , A D , IbDIi. A Joint resolution proposlns to nmenil s'-itlon sU ( C ) of artlilo ono (1) ( ) of the Con stitution of the fiUtu of Nkbiaska , relating to trial by Jury. JJe It resolved and enacted by the IXJB- Islituio of Ihii Stale of Nebiasku : Section 1 That section six (0) ( ) , aitlclo one (1) ( ) of the Constitution of the 8tato of Nc- biahka br umended to re-ad IIH follows : Sccllon 0. The right of trial by Jiuy shall remain Inviolate , but thu leRlslatuio mny provide that In civil actions Jlve-Hlxths of tlii ! ,1uij may rendcT a vet diet , and the leKlslaturo by also authorise trial by a Juiy of a K-HT number than twelve ) men , in couits Inti lor to thu district court. Appioved March ' ) , A. I ) , 1S95. A Joint resolution propoplni ; to amend section ono (1) ( ) of article flvo (5) ( ) of tlio Con stitution of Nebraska , relating to olllceiu of thu executive ) dpp.irtincnt. Ho It resolved and emu lid by the Lcg- Islatliro of the Kialo of N hraHka Section 1 That section ono ( ! ) of article flvu ( D ) of the Constitution ul the .State of Ne-brualtii bo iinunded to lead as fol- loy * Section 1 Tlio executive department shall consist of u governor , lleuic mint Koveinor , sec-relary of stale' , auditor of public ac- c'oiinta treasurer , suiiciliitendent of public Instiue lion , attonuy ge-ne-ral commissioner of public lands ( end buildings , and Direct railroad coininl xlonciH , each of whom , ex cept the said railroad rominlssoner | , Hhall hold hl oltlce for n term of two jeara , from the llnU 'IhurHdny lifter the llrst Tuesday In .January , after lilH election , ind until his successor Is clcotid and < | iiall- lled lZ.ii b railroad comrnlHsIonc I tball liold bis olllco for a term of thrco ycara , lie-ginning on the first Thursday nftir the llr t Tuesday In January after his election , ind until bis uscccssor in ilecttd and nnult- lied : 1'iovldid , howeivt-r , That at HID llrut , - ( iu-rul tltctlon held after thu adoption > t this amendment theru shall bo elected lirrn railroad comnilKsloncrs , ono for Iliu iierlod of ono jear , emi for the period of [ wo years , nnd one for thu peilod ot thrco ream The governor , secretary of stain , tudllor of publlu accounts and tre-asurer , hall rcbldu at thu capltol durlnif their Lrrm of ulllce , they shall lucii thu public nc'ords , books and pupera thcio , and Khali icrform uucli elutle-w ua may be required by aw Approved March 80 , A I ) , JW3 JL jelut roolutlon propobloe to amend tec- tlon lw * > nlT six (2fi ( ) of irtlclo nvo ( fj ot tli Constitution of the Stole of Xrtirfitkn , limit , lug the number of c < pouthe utato odlccre. He. It resolved anil cnnctcd by tbo Lcff- Isl.ittiro of the Stnte of Nc-brnskn : Seollon 1 That seel Ion tncntj-ntx (2fi ( ) of nitlclo Hve ( S ) of tbo Constitution of th State of Nebraska be amended to tread as follow v Section 26 No other extc-uthe Mnto om eers \cept those immcd In sretlon oito (1) of this nitlcle ehnll be created , except by nn net of the leglslaturo which Is con- cinied In by not lees than three foiirthq of the members elected to each hous tl rreof ! 1'io.Med , That nnj oillcft created bv n net of the legislature mm be abolished by the legislature' , two-third * of the member * electee ! to each house thfteof concurring. Approved Mnieh 30. A U , 1SJ5. A Joint resolution proposing to amend nectlnn nine (9) ( ) of HI Uric elsht (8) ( ) of Ui Constitution of the State ot Nebraska , pro viding for the Investment of the permanent iduratlonnl funds ot thr state Ho It lesolveel and clineteil bv the I g- Islalunv of Ihu Suite of Nebraska : Section 1 That section nine (9) ( ) of artlcla fkht IS ) of the Constitution of the Hints nf Ncbiaska bo amended to lead ns foi- loun reetlon 9 All funds belonging to the state foi edueitlonnl puiposrs , the Interest nmj Income v hereof 011)5 ) are to bel \ \ . shall be deemtd trust nmds bold by the mute , nnd the slate Miall supply all losses thereof - of that tnii ) In anv maiinei neprttc , no that the saiuo shall nmaln foi ever Invlolata and undlmlnlc'ipd nnd shall not bo In vested or loaned e\ rpt on Vnlted Hlale-n 01 stale Kccurllli-s , 01 icglsioted county bonds or reglstcipd r-eliool district bomli of Ihls state , and Mich funds , with tha Intercsl and Inoome thereof are hereby solemnly pledged foi the pin poses for which they are gianted nnd set apart nnd shall not bo transfeired to any other fund for other uses ; I'lovlded , The bonid ereated by section I of this article Is cmpoweled to sell from time to time any of tinfecilrltles belong. Ing to the permanent school fund nnd In vest the proceeds niMng tboiefroni In any of the sec urltles enumerated In this sec tion bent Ing a higher into of Interest , \\henevei an oppoitunll ) for better Invest' input Is piescnted. And provided fuilher. That when any warrant upon the statetieastller regu larly Issued In IIIIIKU niceof nn appropria tion bv the legislature nnd seemed by the levy of a tax for Its pivment , shall bo ptcsented to the stale ireastlier for pay ment , and there shall not be nnv money In the pioper fund to pav such vvairant. the board eie-ateil bv mctlnn 1 of this nrtU cle may direct Iho stale' Treasure ! lo pxy llie amount due cm such warrant from moiievH In his hands belonging to the pcr- nmm nt school fund of the stale , and ho shall hold said waiianl us an Invcalinent of said pctinalieut school fund Appioved March 29 , A D , 1S95. A joint resolution proposing nn amend ment to the Constitution of the State of Nebiaska by adding n ncv\ section to article twelve (12) ( ) of said constitution , to be num bered section two (2) ( ) , relative to the merg ing of the government of cities of the metropolitan class and the government of the counties wherein such cities arc lo cated He It resolved and enacted by the Leg islature of Ihe- Slate of Nebraska- Section 1. Thnt aitido i\vvlv is (12J of the Constitution of the Slate of Nebraska bo ameii < l-d by adding to said article H nevr section to be numbered section two (2) ( ) , to re-ad as follows. Section 2. The government of anv city of the ) metropolitan class and the goveinment of the rounty In which It Is located may b merged whollv or In part w hen n proposi tion so to do has been submitted by au thority of law to the voters of such city and counlv and lecelved the assent of a majoilty of the votes cast In such city and also a mujoilty of the votes cast In tha county exclusive of those cast In Bucli motiopolltan city at such ele-ctlon. Approved March 2J A JJ IW . A Joint resolution proposing an amendment to section six ( G ) of nitlcle seven (7) ( ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , pre scribing the manner In which votes shall bo cast , lie It resolved and enacted by the Lejr- Islulure of the Stale of Nelnaska- Section 1 That section six ( C ) of nrticlo seven (7) ( ) of the Constitution of tbo St.ita of Nebraska bo amended lo read as fol lows : Section G All votes shall be by billot. o such other method as may be pre-serlbetl by law. provided the sectecy of voting bj preserved Approved March 29 , A. D , IStj. A Joint resolution pioposlng to amenfl section two (2) ( ) of rrtlclc fourteen ( H ) of th Constitution of the State of Nebraska , rclat tlvo to donations to works of Internal Ira. provemcnt and manufactories He It resolved nnd emc led by the Legis lature of the State of Nebraska : Bectlon 1 That section two (2) ( ) of nrtlcln fourteen (14) ( of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , be amended to read a.a follows : Section 2 No city , county , town , precinct , munlclpalltv , or other subdivision of the state- , shall cvei make donations to any wcrlcs of Intel mil Improvement , or manui factory , unless a proposition so to do slull hue. been first submitted to the inmlirieij electors and latlllcel bv a twothirdsoto at nn flee tlon by authority of law ; Pro- vldc-d. That such donalions of n county wllh Ihe donalions of urn h subdivisions Inj Ihe aggregate shall not exceed ten pcir cent of Urn assessed valuation of sueh county ; Provided further That any city or county may. by a three-fourths vote Increase such Indebtedness live per cent. In addition to such ten per cent and no bonds or evi dences of Indebtedness so Issued shall ba valid unless the siine shall have endorsee ! theicon a certificate signed by the secro- taiy and auditor of slate- , showing thai the s ime Is Issued pursuant to law. Approved March 29 , A D , 1803. I , J. A. Piper , secretary of state of tlia state of Nebraska , do hereby certify that Iho foregoing proposed amendments to tbo Constitution of the State of Nebraska are tine ami correct copies of the original en rolled and engrossed bills , aa paised by tha Twenty-fourth session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska , OB appears from sild original bllli on fllo In this ofllco , and that all anil each of said proposed amend ments arc submitted to the < | iiallflcd voters of the state of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at tbo general election to l > hold on Tuesday , the 3d day of November , A. . , JS90. In testimony whereof , I liavn thereunto set my hand and olllxcd tbo great seal of the stale of Nebraska. Hone at Lincoln , tills 171U day of July , In tbo year of our Lord , One Thousand night Hundred and Ninety-six , of tbo Independ ence of the United States the Ono Iluudrcct and Twnuty-firfct , and ot this state tb Thirtieth. Bcai. ) j A Pirnn , Secretary of State * ui : 1 DtoNovS morn only. VVu tin.l tiu 1'iuuih llccivdj CALTHOOIrejc.luaC II L.il nd. It Cut tfiuranliulliatC'AlTllun Mill hi ( ! DUi'liiu-EH unJ I aJuJuun , Vllt HnfrmiUurrLr * . > urlcfioclo nut ! i ; ' MlOItU l-oit Vllior , c se it ut.tifa ) i/iatis/ed , VON MOIII. CO. , 332 O , Hoi. Jnfrlfla lt' t * , ( Intlccill , Obla. WHEAT BOOMING ind never offeif" a betler oppoitunlly for mak- liij , ' muiiiy Write ) l : U Murray & ( u , Uutiktis it IlrukriH 12. Illnllo Illdi ; , t'llcaKo , n > inlitrn of the e htmio llaard nf Trude In Ruua iiandliiR f r linn buok un Hliitlstli'n mid hprcu * latlvc Infuiinutiuii und Dally Market Letter , 'oth ' freiHPIiriAL A lTiN'ION QIVIJN TO " r nr TOWN onnrns JAMES" . BO YD &Tco Tcluplionu lOISO. ( JinalM , Nub. COMMISSION jRAIN : PiMJSIJ.\S : AND ; SfOSKS , Hoard of Trade. ! > ! rct wlrei to en. > .ntj un I Nrw York , Cerre8txind ntii John A Warren 4 C- > ' OKI file CREW If Till OKLV SPECIALIST Wlin THIATI ALL PfilVATE DISEASES Wcukaco If DiioriitraC IV1EN ONLY 0 Y nt Kipcrlcnc * . 9 Yean la Uoinbi. llook KCcniullilio * jud Kiianoilldu free. 14th and rtrntm Stt. *