THE OMAHA DATTAT 1J13E : 29 , 1890. COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT MINOU SIDVriO.V. Uun UV Bycrs ot tlarlan wat In the 1'tirny of Onuha Is a guest of Mlas Darraugii. Mr S \ Teal of Missouri Valley spent Cumlfty in this city. Hon. N M Pmoy Is the father of ti girl baby , born yrftteiday E. P. Brown ot Ncoln , fur.lon candidate for auditor. Is n Bluff * xlsltor. MlM Helen Stoddard has returned from a four months' visit In Keosatiqtia. Mis tl W. Burns of Clarlndn Is in the city visiting relatives and friends. 13 C Starbiitk ono of the loading allot- ot Mill * county , U In the city. It , Milnton ot Macedonia wan In the city yesterday on his way to Denver , Cole Mr and Mrs , Howard Bcnnwa of Omaha T oreIn the city yesterday visiting friends. Mra. J. n. Corrothcrs of Tails City. Neb. , Is In the city attending to some legal bus- i lliess. Dr P. T. Sc > bcrt and wlto have returned from their wedding tour and are at home in the Grand hotel. Miss Rll/abetu Coyne of Nevada , Mo. , has returned home , after n pleasant visit with lirr nunl , Mrs. McMcnomy. Mr. fttul Mis. Fred Voss of Logan won- Bluffs visitors Sunday , guests of John Hln- , rl and wife of Franklin a enuo. Samuel Kline , aged 2fi , and Anna. Smith , aped 28 , both of Omaha , were married > os- tcrday morning by Justice Walker. The Grand hotel , Council Bluffs. High class In every respect. Rates , $2.r,0 per day and upward , n. r. Clarice , proprietor. Mls Nclllo L. Dunn arrived Sunday from ti Ihrco months' visit at Ogdenshurg. N. Y. , the Thousand Islands , Montreal and various points. Misses Bay Brewer and Lottie Schurz en tertained the audience at Bryan headquar ters Saluiday night with some line cam paign-songs. Mayor Carson returned yesterday from the Black Hllla. where he has been testing a new dry gold separator. The imyor reports that the machine worked admirably. A hoiso owned by W. Jardlnc was fatally rfjmeJ yesterday by attempting to jump barb wlte fence. The owner found It necessary to have the horse shot. The funeral ot Ira Orason will take place nt 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon from the JVcsbjtorlan church. Ilev. Dr Phelps of L0maha will preach the funeral sermon Miss Louise Dellnvcn and her sister , Mrs J , R. Kelby of Omaha , started this after noon to visit Denver and the surrounding mountain towns during the next week or two. two.A A special business meeting of the Hamilton Whist club will bo held In the Brown build ing this afternoon at 2 30. All those who wish to continue membership are requested to bn present. Iho county auditor Is very desirous that secretaries of township caucuses file- their certificates of nominations as earlj na possi ble , so that theio may be no delay in pro- ballots , loloncl B. F. Montgomery of Colorado . rings , formerly of Council Bluffs , and known to fame as the "Vice president at largo of the I'ottawattamlo Agricultural so ciety , " Is In the city. Bvcry member of the McKlnley Guard and drum corps Is expected to be present at the armory promptly at Clu : this morning to act as escort to the visiting generals. Also this evening in uniform promptly at 7 o'clock to take car for Omaha. All members of Council Bluffs lodge , No 49. Independent Ordjor Odd Fellows , are re quested to meet at their hall at 1 o'clock Wednesday to attend the funeral of our dec - c ised brother , Ira Grason. By order Onarlcs Nicholson , Noble Grand 1 / When the members of the Field club re- /ported. fqr ; practice at the grounds Saturdaj * afternoon they found the club rooms had been visited by burglars , who had carried away nil the tennis nets and rackets , sweat- era , ball ground bases , bats , shoes , etc. There will bo a Jont | meeting of the St. Paul guild and the Aid society at the choir room of St. Paul's church this ( Tucsdaj ) aft ernoon nt 4 o'clock shaip. All ladles inter ested In the work of cither organization or not are earnestly requested to be present. Judge McGee imposed a flno yesterday of $11.40 on Andreas Joliansen for Intoxication and Henry Davenport was taxed S1G.SO for being In the same kind of n fix. Bob Scott has to serve his time for not leaving the city wheu ordered to. and Frank Carroll had his case continued till today. Rimer Treaux WUE > flncd | 10.20 for being drunk and trying tc Ipttll up every telegraph pole he came to. l\ Contractor Wlckham began work on the South First stieet sewer yesterday. Aboul thirty men wore employed. It is the Inten tion of the contractor to work all of the men possible and complete the sewer with tht least possible delay , In order to get It out of the way for the paving. The latter must bo finished by December 1. The sewer rnusl be completed and earth above It permitted to settle for at last a month before the pav ing is commenced. C. D. Vlavl Co. , female remedy. Medical consultation frco Wcdncsdnjs. Health book furnished. 309 Mcrrlam block. Ho Ivliifir Home ImliiMry Mov oiucnt. The executive commlltee of the Merchants and Manufacturers' association held a meet ing lasl evening In Iho office of Prejldunt F. Rohrer. The meeting was called for the purpose ot taking up the mombjrulilri lists and ascertaining Iho number nt mem bers who were in good slandlng. The work of soliciting the old members to ren ; w their membership for Iho year and Getting as many new members as possible bad been dclegaled lo a number ot cominlltecs. Sev eral of these committees were absent and this part of the work could nol bo com- plelcd. The eommllleo warmly commended Uic aclion of Iho clly council and members ol Iho Board of Supervisors for Iho ucllon taken in providing for the repairs on the Lower Broadway paving. Several communications wcro presented tc the board relating to securing manufactur ing enterprises for the city. The proba bility of ono largo manufacturing concern locating its plant hero was discussed and steps taken to encourage It. Hi-ail nml Ilfflert. There Is room for doubt as to who will bo the nexl president , but there oughl to bo no doubt as to the cigar you should select when you smoke. The "Sultana" makes Iho best showing It has been clearly demonstrated lhat It possesses moro genuine - ino good qualities than any other cigar on the market. It's the best shape , bcsi . Block , and beat seller because 11 possesses I" a mild , rich , fragranl aroma of such ex ceptional qualities that U cannot bo ex celled. They are popular because they arc good ; and what has made them so nothing In the world but their HIGH GRADE 01' 'EXCELLENCE. Merit always wins. Facts are facts Ihero may bo "others" later on , but Just now there's only ono cigar In town Ihal actually mitts everybody. Moore & Bills , Solo Agents , ROOM Itac-Ic Forty Vi'iirN , A petition was filed In the clerk's ofllcc of thedlslrlcl courl yesterday In a suit by Marshal J. Williams against William An'- peohelmer and others to quiet title to a tracl ot S20 acrca of laud. The petition gee * bacli to 1853 , when a bond for a deed was given Jairra arlerson. Grlersou was the- father ol William's mother. The deed wan subse quently execulcd , but never filed.V1I - sJlams has been in continuous possession cl 'the laud. _ You roaylraycl over Ihe entire greal west oud not find a better laundry than the "Eagle , " 724 Broadway , Telephone 157. MiirriilKC Mc'rimi-H. MarrUgo IlreiiEts were Usuivl yejtcnlay tc Ihe following persons : Name ant ) Addiess ARC , Earn Klelu , Omaha , , , . , , , , . . , . tic.- . 2t Annie Smith , Omaha . , , , . 2i II. W. Bates , Council Bluffs . 7t KClara M , Jo'jtison. Council fllultn . 3C ( ewer 1'ljn1'lro ilriiTk , Ilultluir. Whole-ale and retail. J , o. lllxby , 202 Divls , drucif palnU and .Uai. Tel. 28 . WILL BE WARMLY RECEIVED Jniou Qener.ils Are to Have a Great Wel come at UIQ Bluffs , VETERANS CROWD TO HEAR THEIR CHIEFS Slay ut < hrI'nrly Kxlcmlrrt Tv o Jlnnri unit I'lntiN I.a hi for n Great DciiiiiiiNtriitlou Up Tim u. Elaborate prcparallons have been made 'or the reception ot Ihe distinguished party of union generals who arc making a can- palgn throtighoul Ihe counlry agalnsl Ihe enemies of a sound currcncyi The special car containing Ihe parly will reach Iho clly this morning nt 7:30 : , via Iho Norlh- wcslcrn railroad. In Ihe parly are Generals Algcr , Howard , Sickles , Slgcl , Mulholland , and Slewart , Corporal Tanner and other promlncnl warriors who have gone forlh lo Inlllo for Iho financial and Industrial In- Icrcsls of Ihelr counlry wllh as much de- lermlnallon as Ihcy once fought for the prcscrvallon of Iho union. The program mapped oul for Ihe reccpllon ot Ihe generals Is lo meet them at the Northwestern depot with the Old Soldiers' McKlnley and Ho- iarl Marching club , Ihe McKlnley Guard and Drum corps , Ihe High School cadcls , Iho Dodge Light guard and a band of music , all of whom will act as an escort to the Grand hotel. Here the vlsllors will be breakfasted by the Joint reception coin- nilllecs. Men were put to work yesterday afternoon eroding a sland In fronl of Iho Grand hotel on the liayllsj park side ot the strecl , and a monster mass meeting will be held there. II was Hie original Inlcnllon of Iho cam paign managemenl lo hurry Iho parly through Iho clly wllh all speed , but by some diligent work Iho committee succeeded In getting the management of the car to allow It to remain In this clly longer than was at first announced. As the arrangements ore now It will bo turned over to Iho Ne braska stale cenlral committee about 11 o'clock Tuesday morning , Instead of nt 0 o'clock , as at first announced. The vet erans wore greally disappointed when the first announcement came of the decidedly abort slay of the noted visitors and they requested to have them remain longer. They were icwardcd by having the time pro longed for Iwo hours. This will enable them to give their generals a proper recep tion and allow the citizens in general to hear them speak. Supcrlntendenl HIscy prorattlgalcd an or der among Ihe leachcrB directing Ihal Ihe hour for beginning school loday should be poslponcd till 10 o'clock for the purpose of giving Ihe school children an opportunity at least ot seeing If not hearing Iho parly of dlsllngulshed general.1) . This aclion was laken with the approval of all Ihe members of Iho Doard ot Education. In case Ihe weather docs not permll of fhe open air meeting the crowd will be accom modated In the republican headquarters and other halls throughout the city , where speeches will bo made by the visitors simultaneously. It is expected thai delegations of veterans and citizens will come In from the surround ing lowns to join In the welcome. It has been proposed that the reception committees from Iho old soldiers and Ihe citizens meel Ihe vlsllors at Missouri Val ley as a special mark of distinction. These commltlees are as follows : Old Soldiers Colonel D. D. Dalley , Judge Reed , Mayor Carson , Prof. Paulson , Frank Grass , E. R. Fonda. J. A. Spauldlng. Clllzons C. M. Hnrl , D. C. Bloomer. W. 13. Balnbrldge , Sen- alor Pusey , P. H. Hill and Hugh Cole. The old soldiers and several of Iho coin- mlllces mel In Ihe McICIniey headquarlers last night for Iho purpose of concluding final arrangements for Iho reception and entertainment of the union generals. The formation of the escort determined upon was as follows : High school cadets. Mc- Faddcn drum corps , Old Soldiers' McKlnley club , guests and committee * In carriages , drum corps. McKlnley guards , concourse of citizens. The end of the slreet pilgrimage will bo the Grand hotel , where the parly will be served brcakfasl. Among Ihoso who will lake breakfast with Iho generals are Judge Woolson , Judge Macy , Profs. Hlsey and Hajden , C. D. Fullen , Thomas Bowman , W. II. M. Pusey , J. J. Steadman , C. R. Hannan , John Bcrcshcim. John N. Baldwin , George F. Wright , and T. C. Daw son. It Is not known definitely what mem bers of the party will address Ihe crowd , bul It Is expected that all of them will have a few words to say. The speaking will begin at 9 o'clock and continue for an hour. The school board at the special meetIng - Ing lasl night enlarged Prof. Hlsey's order. All members of the history classes and pupils of the High school will be excused during the forenoon , and oilier grade pupils unlll 10.30. DAY IN Tim rnnniiAii couiir. ' Sciiicnc-t- .Iiiiljr < - WoolNOM 1'roiiniiiieen on Rome Co inlo toil Culprltx. In Ihe federal courl yeslerday Judge Woolson pronounced sentence upon a num ber of convicted prisoners. Thomas Rifle of Red Oak , who sent an objectionable lel- ler to a joung widow and used the malls to secure Its delivery , was fined $50 and costs. Sentence was suspended upon pay ment of the costs , and the man wllh warlike name was given Ihree months lo secure Iho costs. Clvdo Hosklns , a boollcggpr , was fined $150 and costs and given a sixty-day Jail Bonlcnco. Both , however , vvero suspended upon good behavior , HJdio Pllner. a young man from Adams county , was given a ffno at $200 $ and costs and a Jail bentence of 100 days. The sen tence w-ns suspended upon the condition that the young man would refrain from violation lation of Ihe revenue law In Iho future. The Qulncy , la. , postofllco robbero , Marsh and Robinson and the two Gale brothers , are being tried before a Jury , the evidence Implicating all of them being about the bamc , The postofllce was located In a gro cery storo. The place was broken open one night last summer and a lot of groceries taken. Unfortunately for them , the thieves mined Ihelr attention to the postofllco after they had secured all the plunder they de sired lu Iho shape ot groceries and provi sions. Money , stamps and registered mall ntnttor were lakon , The lown authorities had made up Ibelr minds Ihal Iho burglar ) was 'bo work of professionals , who were uupposed to be far on their way to now fields , and If the robbery of the postolllce had not occurred the culprits would prob ably not have been detected. The federal authorities took a hand and after a few days' work In the little village Marsh and Robinson were arrested , the stolen groceries found packed away in ono of their houses and evidence also of their connection wltr the robbery of the postofllce. A second trip was necessary to secure evidence enough to comiKi. the Gale brothers with the crime , but Uwas obtained with but little dlfllculty , The governmcnl made a slroug case against the men ycslerday. It will probably not roach the Jury before the latler part of ibis afternoon. Hoifmavr's Farcy Patent flour makes the best and most bread , A V sour grocer for It. Illlxiiiril Uliiii IIU Pout. William Blizzard had a narrow escape from death veslerday morning. He U a woodchoppvr under contract to clear a piece of land a few miles south of the city. White at work > esterday morning he made a falie stroke , and the axe struck htm on tlie top of thu left foot. The blow cut clear through the arch of theInitep , severing the arteries and crushing the bones. He hobbled lo the nearest house , bul was almost dead from loss of blood when ho reached there. The people knew enough about surgery to know that the man's life depended upon utopplng the flow of blood and tuudagcu were adjust ed for thai purpose unlll a phyilclan could be called from Council IlluMu. Dm , Macrae have moved Ihelr office lo room 262 Merrlara block. Good dining room girl wanted at Metro politan hotel , Council Bluffs , IMlAUTlCAIi IiSM > .V I.N HISTOUY. linn- ( InVcluinl Ilonril HcKunlm tin- ( JrncriilH1 Co in I UK In Tlilx C'llj- . The Hoard of Education held a brlif ses sion last evening for the purpose mainly ol Approving the bonds of the newly elected officers , Treasurer Havcrstock and Secretary Daw son. Treasurer Havcrstock submitted a bond for $100,000 wllh J. D. ndmundbon , John Benncll , C. R. Hannan , U. II. Had , P. 0 aieason , 13. U Shugart , James Wick- ham , P. Wles , C. U. Walto and P. R. Davis as sureties. Secretary Dawson's bond was for $2,500 and his sureties were II. A. Woodbuty and F. R. Davis. The board discussed at length the tmbjctl of permitting the pupils lo be present and trko part In the demonstration this morning In honor of Ihe union generals. The dp- balahle question was whether thu dismissal of the schools would show- too strongly e prejudice In favor of the cause the dlslln gulahcd parly represents. Prof. Hlsey snU there were COO children In the schools ptuJy- Ing history and he thought It a good les son for them lo sec and hear some ot lh men who have helped lo make the hls'ory they are sludylng. Member Fonda thought every boy and girl above 8 years of age should be pcrmlltcd If pos > .slllo ) lo fliukc hands with each of the generals. He thought there should be no politics about U , end declared Ihal If Bryan came here again 1'c would favor a dismissal ot the schools In order to give the children a chance to sec him It they wanted to. This sentlmvnt prevailed and Iho papers were requested In notify the public Ihal all of Iho pupils ot the public schools need not report to the school : houses for atuily unlll 10 30 , i > nd lhat all members of the High school and the history classes In the graded could remain away all the forenoon , The question of the purchase of copy books and Ibc adoption of a new system developed Into a controversy thai kepi Iho board In session unltl nearly midnight. Supcrlntendenl HIscy called attention lo the necessity for Immediate action tn the mailer , for the reason that the question had been deferred from Iho beginning ot Ihe Icnn which hal letl Iho schools without any HJ stein of writing being taught. Ho favored the vertical system , and urged the adoption ot ono ot the many books published based upon that , system. Ho also Informed the board that a number of book men were walling In Iho hall lo submit propositions to furnish books. Member Thomas Inquired with some ap parent surprise when It was the board ordered the dlsconllnuance of Ihe old wrlllng system and authorized the calling for bids Fonda said the school had created the office of supervisor of drawing and writing and had employed n teacher for that pur pose. It now transpired thai writing had been dropped , by whose order and for what uuruojo lie did not know. Snydcr replied Ihal Iho board had not engaged a teacher for writing bul for drawIng - Ing only. Thomas said ho was considerably surprised Ihal Iho board had held an outside meetIng - Ing , and made changes without the knowl edge of all the members. As chairman of Iho flnanco committee ho had fixed Mlsr Blood's salary at $ SO with the dlsllncl un derstanding Ihal she was lo do Ihe same work as last jear. Ho declared Ihe board could not legally under Ihe rules , and In Ihls manner , dispense wllh one branch of luslrucllon. After consldnrable discussion during which It was shown thai Miss Blood had prepared herself to teach the new vcrllcal syslem of penmanship , and had been working Jusl as hard so far Ihls year as she did lasl , Iho quesllon of Ibe adopllon of a system ot writing was taken up. The American Book Irust had Us reprsscnla- live on Ihe grounds , and Glun & Co , Hcalh & Maynar and Merrill & Co. also had repre sentatives. Prof. Hlsey strongly favored the vertical system of Merrill & Co.'s books , but when prices were called for It transpired that Ihls form was Iho highest of the lot. Prices ranged from CO to 77 cents a dozen At 11:30 : the board had not agreed upon the system to be adopted nor the books to be purchased. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Myers & Dillon Drug Co. , leading druggists and agenls lu Oiraha for General Joe cigars. In the ninirlvt Court. In the district court yeslerday Ihe case of Dr. Hood agalnsl Iho Chicago & Norlh- weslern railway was slill on Irlal. The day- was devoled by Iho defense In showing the characler of Dr. Hood , and endeavoring to tfhow that It was not always good. Town Marshal Griffin of Independence , Kan. , was on the stand during a grealer part of Iho afteinoon testifying to the conduct and character of the physician while he was a resident of that place. The end of the case Is not yet In sight. The case of Z. W. Cole against S. Farns- worlh has been selllcd out ot courl and yesterday the suit was stricken oft Ihe docket. Judge Macy made an order on Iho probnle docket In the case of William Batoinan , et al. minors , fixing Iho hearing upon Ihe pelltlon of guardisa to mortgage , real estale for Monday , Oclober 19 , afler Itn days' notice to all parties Interested. In the estate of Martha Ceilings , deceased , Ihe hearing upon Iho application of Henry Qetllngs for admeasurement 01 dowry was fixed for October 26 , after ten days' notice lo all olher parlies lulcresled. Buy couches and fancy parlor pieces Ihls wctk at Durfee Furnllure Co. , 336-333 B'd'y. In Supreme Court. The following cases appealed from Ihls counly lo Ihe supreme courl are set for hearing during Ihe lenn which opens Ihe first Tuesday in October : Bpencer Smllh against Ihe Omaha & Council Bluffs Rail way and Bridge company ( rehearing ) ; Kearney Milling and Elevalor company against Ihe Union Pacific Railroad company and Iho Citizens' State bank ; Gllmoro & Ruhl against the Kllpatrlck Dry Goods company ; John Roanc against J. A. Hamilton , D. H. Huston against Ihe City ot Council Bluffs ; C. M. Officer against Z. Goodwin ; Iowa Central Loan and Building association against the Phoenix Insurance company ; the State against Thomas Brock ; Crnest Foedlsch against the Chicago & Northwestern Rail way company ; Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust company against J. D. Stuart and P , H. Wind ; Ihe Sterling Manufacturing com pany against the Pioneer Implement com- MAN DUIXICS AVHISKV AND UIKS. I'fciillnr GlrcniiiHtniiooN SurroiiiiilliiK tinI ) i'a Hi of n Crt-Hton ( JllUcn. CRESTON , la , , Scpl. 28. ( Special Tele gram. ) Berl Ewlng , aged 2B , died today , The circumstances surrounding his death arc of an unusual and peculiar nalure. Last Thursday ho look a dose of whisky and quinine and followed 11 wllh a hot batrt. He was found In a delirious condition. Artifi cial i expiration was kept up for three days , Physicians arc unable to account for the con , dltlon Into which the young man fell , but say the treatment which the young man look caused congestion of the brain. Some mys terious Incidents surround the affair. Mrs , Orpha McElvvaln , aged C4 , died lasl evening. The remain * will bo taken to Ot tawa , 111. , for Interment. Mrs. Bridget Carter , aged 81 , died thlt morning. She was one of the oldest citizens In the county , Kuril I or r tnll > Hurt , SIOUX CITY , Sept. 28. ( Special Telegram. ] Gus Carlson , a farmer living In Iho south ern part of Woodbury county , fell In front of a cornstalk culler Hits afternoon and was terribly mangled , One leg was cut off be low the knee and the other was cut open from the hip to the knee. Ite cannot live. Their Attitude. The London correspondent of the Woman's Journal reviews the changeful attitude ol the liberal and conservatlvo parties toward Ihe woman suffrage bill during Iho last few years. She couilders Ihal though much had been hoped from the conservatives , since Mr. Balfour and Lord Salisbury favored Ihe measure , their recent action has probably get back the work for year . Iho king of pllln la Beec-ani'i Boccliaiu'g IOWA'S ' FIFTIETH BIlMlDAY Hftwkeyes All Get Heady to Cmsowo the ' ' Jubilee of Statehood , REViVES MEMORIES OF FLlW HILIS ( if ( In- fircntHrlcliltiirnl CiiiiiiuiiiiiicnUli TliruiiKti , < li < > > illii1C Ccnlnrj mill Hi I'rrneiit > Glory tn He 1'iirmleil. BURLINGTON , la. , Sept. 23. ( Special. ) Ilurllngton Is all In a flutter over tlic approaching preaching semi-centennial celebration of lona's fifty years of statchooJ , which begins next Thursday , October 1 , ana lasts eight days. This flutter Is not alone caused by the excitement attending the preparation for the event , but ls lareclr duo to the uncer tain weather probabilities. For nearly a month rain has fallen almost Incessantly , and with but few dajn of sunshine the work on the celebration grounds has been largely conducted In the most miserable \vcathcr Imaginable. In spite of these drawbacks , however , splendid progress has been made and everything will be In readiness for the big event. Qrapo park , vrhcrei the principal portion of the celebration ls to be hclil , has taken on a very busy and populous appear * ance , there being a small village ot halls , pavilions , stands and tents already In com pletion. The park Is situated about two miles south of the city on one of the most pic turesque bluffs along the Mississippi river. It Is liberally ornamented with large and handsome trees and the park commissioners have spared no pains In the natural beauti fying of the grounds. Their situation affords lovely views up and down the Mississippi river , with glimpses of fair pralrlo and bluff lands over on the Illinois side. The chief building In the fair grounds Is the Coliseum , where all the Indoor exercises connected with the celebration will be held It Is a handsome oblong wooden structure with a hardwood Interior finish , and painted a rich , olive green on the outside. It Is 138 feet wide , 170 feet long and sixty feet high , and has a seating capacity ot 10,000. One of the pleasing features attendant on the preparations for the celebration will be the grand concert and ball given In the Coliseum on the evening of September 30 , In dedica tion of the building and to raise funds to pay for Its construction. The affair will beet ot a high social nature , the leaders of Bttr- llnqton society having the matter In charge. Although the park Is some distance from the city , the facilities for getting to and from It are ample to accommodate the largest ciowd that will probably come. The electric street railway company has extended a double line of tracks to the park and says It will be able to handle 10,000 people an hour both ways. In order to reach the park the railway has to cross a deep ravine called the Cascade bccauco of a beautiful fall of water that tumbles over a high ledge of jock , near the point where the bridge crosses' . Iho bridge Is a handsome steel truss over , COO feet long and at the highest point Is 100 feet above the water line. The view from tins bridge Is very picturesque and will be otjc of the pleasant features of the park , nvlrpnments. IOWA'S GRAND MARCH. The celebration proper opens : oa Thursday , October 1. This Is Govcrnoro' day. Go\i ernor Drake and his entire Btafti will be present and they will be Jolne < l by all the governors from the states adjoining Iowa. There will be four companies v o/t militia present as escort , and the grand procession of the "March of Prourcss , " commtnclng at lu o'clock In the morning , will of the features. The "March of Progress' ' ! consists of floats and decorations Indicative of the advancement that Iowa has made from Its territorial government to thorpresbnt time. It will be headed by twentyjTama Indiana mounted on Indian ponies , and With all of the Indian paraphernalia that goes to an Indian camp , Including an Indian tepee , blrrh canoes , etc. This will be followed by a delegation of mounted trappers and hun ters , a log cabin In the form of a float , pralrlo schooners , etc. , Indicating the period of Iowa's pioneer settlement. Then will come floats showing the old state house , etc. , Indicative of the progress of our state from Its early history to Its present proud position. Over twenty largo floats are used In this parade. Reviewing stands will be erected at principal points along the route of march , and from the governor's otand Governor Drake and his guests will review the parade. Six famoui b nds led by the Iowa State band , will taKe part In the parade. In the evenIng - Ing there will bo a display of fireworks and on Illuminated carnival on the river. One hundred barges , boats and floats will be In this feature , and all the steamboats that are hero on this occasion will bo handsomely decorated and Illuminated. The second day , Friday , la "Pioneers' and Old Settlers' day. " Ex-Senator James Har- lan ot Mount Pleasant will be the presiding officer of the day. There will also be a parade In the morning and fireworks at night. The third day , Saturday , will be "Ruca- tlonal day. " All the exercises will be In charge of State 'Superintendent of Schools Henry Sabin of DCS Molne * , and Prof. Chat-Ice E. Shelton , superintendent of the Uurllngton public schools. At night there will be an other river carnival and the pyrotechnlcal display. The fourth day , Sunday , will be devoted to special services commemorating the semi centennial of the state In all the churches In the city. Rev. H. W. Thomas , the well known divine of Chicago , who formerly lived In Iowa , will conduct service ) In the Col'ecum In the afternoon , followed by a sacred con cert In the evening by a thorns of several hundred voices , all assisted by the lown State band. The fifth day , Monday , Is Republican day. There will be a parade of marching clubs In the morning and a procession In the evening , The day will bo filled with speaking by prom. Incut republican orators , chief of whom will bo ex-Governor Foraker of Ohio. WHEN THI3 WOMEN TAKE HOLD. The sixth day , Tuesday , la Woman'o day , and the fair population of Durltngton has been a unit In enthusiastic preparations for the event. They have prepared a program of exercises that Includes a number of the brightest women orators and workers In Iowa , Including MUs Mary Safiord of Sioux City , Mrs , Pauline Swalm of Oakaloosa , Mice May.Rogcra of Dubuque , Miss I/mma J , For dyco of Ccdur Rapids , and others. The orator > tor of the day Is Rev. Caroline J Jlartlett ol Kalamazoo , Mich , , who has H ipatjonal repu > tatlon as a speaker and writer , i Aside Iron these exercises there will tin a HI and laboi and trades parade In the morning , In wlild all tfio unions of the city nniljmany of the leading Industries and factories will taki part. i f < Tha seventh day , Wednestjayimvlll be de voted to secret societies and'musical organ Izatlons. At 9 o'clock In the morning then will be a grand street parade of Ekcret soclci ties In tlui state and COO Gentium singers o Iowa. In the afternoon thcro will be ad drccses In the Coliseum by prominent mem bers of the orders. At 3 o'clocteln the after noon there , will be a grand /musical / festlva In the Coliseum under direction of Prof Sheets of Durllngton and I'rbfl Recec o Davenport. In the evening tneVo will be an other river carnival and illnpluy , and tin grand Illuminated procession "At * King Hlu torlcus. ' ' " * The eighth and last day , 'Thursday , li Democratic day. Candidate Dryan will maki two addresses here on that day , and then will be a number of other promlncn speakers. ' Oroides the regular programs ot the cele bratlon , there will be many other attrac tlons In the shape of amusements amoni the outbldo attractions being a "midway1 that will contain many Intereutlng exhibits The various committees to provide enter talnmcnt , decoration and music have abou concluded their labors , The street decora tlona are about all up and already the cltj hag assumed a gay and festive appearance The city has arranged to illuminate thi principal business thoroughfares on eacl night of the celebration , while private Illu m'nattons will add much to the brllllanc ] of the display. Mualc will , be , plentiful. Tut state lends at Its own expense the lowt State band. The Second regiment band ol Davenport will be here and four or five ottv era of high excellence have been contracted with for the entire celebration. TO WISTIIIVISTKUAN : * . Stir lnt-N > f ilio I.ntp Wnr lloinriit- l rpil li } ( V Oi-nrrnl ( Sovcrnnion * . WASHINGTON , Sept. 2S. Pensions granted , issue of September S , were : No jraska : Original Warren Kunnlon , Tccum- sell , Johnson ! Robert Fuller , Omaha , Doug * as. Additional Isaiah Osborn ( deceased ) , Stnpleburst , Seward ; John Conner , Cortland , 3age. Increase James 11. Hogle , Pawnee 3lty , Pawnee. Mexican A\nr Survhor [ < c\vh H. linker , N'oith Plattc , Lincoln. Iowa : Original Daniel P. Long ( deceased ) , Knoxvllle. Marlon. HpUiuc and Increase Jacob Nell , Norway , Uenton. Original Wid ows , etc. Sarnh S. Long , Knoxvlllp , Marlon ; Anne Zcdekcr , Muscallne , Muscatlnc , North Dakota ; Original Widow Martha nmmons , Whratland , Cass , Colorado : Original Victor Kanot , Den ver , Aramhoe. Issue of September 9 were : Nebraska : Original Chauncey Ste.ulman ( deceased ) , Dradshaw , York. Reissuettdwln Illglcy. Dccatur , Hurt. Original \Vldowa , etc. Mi nors of Stephen 0. Millet , Daitlett , Wheeler ; Jane Stcadmau , Dradshaw , York ; Susan Dct- wolcr , Omaha , Douglas ; Susan Rowcll , Al bion , IJoono. Iowa : Addition. . ! ( Special , September H ) , John Henry Williams , ntdora , Hardln In crease Reuben A. Clcarwater , Ottumwa , Wapello. Original Widows , etc. Sarah I l.'nry , O'Lcary , I'lvinouth ; Thomna Goodall ( father ) , Ottumwa , Wapello. Colorado : Original Antoulo Romero , Trlnchera , Las Animus , Issue of September 10 were : Nebraska : Oilglnal George W. Field , Omaha , Douglas , Wesley Coppock , Omnha , Douglas. Origins ! Widows , etc. ( Special , September IB ) , Annie M. Church , North Platte , Lincoln. Iowa : Original Ferdinand H. Block , Ida Grove , Ida ; Richard D. Van Camp , Ccdur Rapids. Linn. Additional George W. liar * don , Clinton , Clinton. Increase George W. Foray the , Akron , Plj mouth. Colorado- Original Michael O.iugherty Hermosa , Li Plata. Increase Ansou Krlng , Denver , Arnpahoc. Issue of September 11 wcr.o : Nebraska : Original William Flcmm , Dmalui , Douglas ; John Irish , Omaha , Dnug- las ; Oliver Ilouvler , DC Solo , Washington. Increase George C. Wilkinson , lilue Springs , Gage. Iowa : Original William D. Mahann , Iowa City , Johnson ; Irving M. Fisher , Allison , Uutler. increase Leslie True , Chcicikcc , Cheiokec. Colorado : Original Humphrey JIcQucary. Hot Sulphur Springs , Grand. Original widow Increase Ann McNamara , Denver , Arnpahoc. South Dakota- Increase William 0. Cook , Dijou Hills , Untie. Issue of September 12 were : Nebraska : Original August Shcddell , North Plattc , Lincoln ; August Stelnbruck , Glenvllle , Clay ; Klbrldgo Gcriy , Nebraska City , Otoo ; George Ilcnton , York , York. Restoration and Increase George Uassman [ deceased ) , Oakland , Hurt. Incitase Filcdrlch Llndlr , Palmer , Mcrrlck. Iowa : Original Ambrose N. Ruckcr , Pa cific City , Mills ; Jacob Kuhn , Dea Molnen Polk ; James McCamloy , Oakland , Potta- v.attamle. Increase John C. Holllday , DCS Molncs , Polk ; William W. E11U , VII- llsca , Montgomery ; William H. Spcrry , DCS Molnes , Polk. Oilglnal widows , etc. Sarah A. Whltmore , Ljous , Clinton ; Martha A. O'Neill , Bcbbcetown , Harrison. Montana : Original William n. Shanks , Dig Sandy. Colorado : Increase George W. Haskell , Pueblo , Pueblo. _ MAiB 1IAI.I. IX TB\AS. HOTV n nrmiiinrr Uiiuilreil n Oniiic nml lletnliiiMl HIM CtistoiiirrN. "I umpired a game of base ball out In Texas the cthciday , " said Gannls to a New Orleans Times man , "under conditions which I will bet never before happened tea a fellow. The Jcwcttjuid the Ogden teams were to play the deciding same ot the sea son that afternoon. It was the biggest day of the jear In the town. All the stores closed and business was suspended on ac count of the game of ball. During the mornIng - Ing I was .casually talking about basa ball to one of the merchants , giving him a few of the late pointers on the game. Well , when It came to calling the game that after noon the umpire failed to appear and the teams wcro In an awful fix. Some one thought of mo and they sent for me. I did not want to umpire the game , because 1 knew the fellows who got done up under my decisions would bo down on mo and that I would never1 stand a ghost of a show Belling any of the merchants of the de feated town a bill of goods. It was a eerl ous situation to me , but they urged and 1 finally consented to act. Doing that I was In Jewett I wanted the , Jewell team to win the series for I wonted to sell. some more goods there , and I knew I might as well take the next train If they did not. Dut everything was against me. The Ogden team played great ball , and they were simply wiping up the earth with the Jcwetts. In the ninth Inning the score was up In the twenties In favor ot O&dcn. I was simply swamped In my desire to have the Jewetts win. There seemed to bo no possible chance for them. Then an Idea struck me. The crowd was wild with excitement and no body had paid any attention to the num ber of Innings that had been played. I grasped at the thought and let them play two more Innings , thus making an eleven- inning game. Well , sir. It was a great stroke. In the next two Innings the Jew ells picked up. In one single round they scored twenty-six runs , and al Iho end of Ihe elcvcnlh Inning 1 called Ibe game wllh Iho Jewells easy winners. Everybody was overjoyed wllh my umpiring and Iho lown was wild wllh enthusiasm , I sold ? 500 worth of goods before I Icfl Ihal lown on Iho strength of thai base ball game. " Fancy a hired lullaby ! A few- days ago on exchange chronicled Iho news lhat "a new Industry for young women Is that of lullaby Hinging. Girls who are sludvlng vocal music are now turning Ihelr growing lalenl lo account by going lo nurseries Iwo or Ihreo limes a week and singing to the children at the bcdtlmo hour sofl , crooning lullabies. This Is In house holds , ot course , where Ihe mother Is busy with social duties or philanthropic work or engaged In reform work for women , but most generally In the homes of the rich. Cven the newest woman admits the Influ ence of sweet and correct singing on the developing mind of the Hltlo child. This new Induslry may seem an cxaggerallon ot detail , bul In these days 11 is Iho trifles that are considered In their bearing upon largo results. " .IOIIV S. .IOH > SO > DORS IT OI'13MY. All Vrntntl * Itrcoriln for ( lip Duo Mile 1'aooil. TRCNTON. N. .1. , Sept. 2S. The National circuit meet ot the League of American Wheelmen opened al the annual Interstate fair al Ibis place today and as n re-stilt over 10,000 people were present , the largest In the history of lite fair , John S. Johnson , paced by Iwo ipinita and a triplet , beat nil pi ev Ions public iccords for one mile , crossIng - Ing the tape In 1.47 Hat , the best previous lime bel'iK l:4Si : made by Tjlcr at Wai- tham , Mass. , In 1S9S. ( Jimmy Michael , the Welshman , paced by t u quads and a triplet - let , covered five miles In 0 51 4-5 , the fast est tliuo ever made on any Irack. The be t lecord ever nmdo on a Irotilng track such as the one today was by Michael four davs ago at Waverly Park , when ho established a record of 10-10 1-5. There wcro a num ber of "spills" In several of the events In the third heat ot the two-mile professional , Otto Hclgler , thu Callfornlah , broke his arm. The races of Ihe day were the pro fessional events In which first honors were carried off by Arthur Oai diner of Chicago and Tom Cooper of Detroit. Results One mile , professional open , ptlzc. final Arthur Gardiner. Chicago , won , Tom Duller , Cambrldgcport , Mass. , second ; Tom Cooper , Detroit , third Time. 2:14 : 3-5. Two mlle handicap , profostdonal Tom Cooper ( watch ) won ; J. P. Starbuik , Phil adelphia (40 ( vards ) , second ; J. B Uowler. Chlcntso (140 ( vards ) , third. Tlmo , 4.43 35. Cliili Unfnroi' * I NEW YORK , Sept. 28. The stewards ot the Jorkoy club held n meeting this after noon nml took severe action against a num ber of people who have been Infringing on the club's rules. Among other things the stewards did was to tulo Rllcy Ginmuui off the turf. Jockey Martin was suspended and the BUEpcnslon may bo made permanent. Mr A. DIM low was ruled off the couises of all assoclallons inclng under the rules ot the Jockey Club. Jockey Fred Taral was reprimanded and ordered to refund n pres ent of JCOO which ho had received. All en tries of W Wallace will hereafter be refused. In regard to the Qiannnn case It was rc- sohcd thai Giannan be warned and uilcd off Ihp Irack for offering and making pirs- cuts to JoiKevs in violation of uiles of lao- Ing. Ing.Dr. . A. nunoURhs was ruled off until such time as ho shall bo willing to answer the stewards of the Jockey club all questions respecting the charges of corrupt practice which he has made. According to the evidence submitted to the ( stewards , Jockey Fred T.tral received a present ot 5500 during the season of 1SD3 In vlolallon of Iho rules of racing. Owing lo Tnral's universally acccplcd good char acter. the stewards announced ho wsn merely reprimanded and ordered IT refund the money and nil Jockejs are warned thai Ihe penally for acccpllng picscnts will here after bo strlclly enforced An order was adopted and ordered scni to HIP secretaries of the Brooklyn Jockey club , Queen's County Jockey club and the Westchcstor association lhat any owner or stable emplojo who directly bets on any horse owned or trained , or lu care of such persons shall bo ruled oft. CoaiiofT ami Uncoil Sluices. DUBLIN , Sept. 2S. The final deposll of fho slakes of $500 a side for Iho first race , dlslanco four miles , between Commit and Bacon , was made today , and at the t..ino time Ihe first deposll for Ihe stcond ri > ce , lo occur al Manchester , was put up The slakes are Iho same In this event as In the other. The first race will nke place on the track of the Dalsbrldgo grounds on Salurday next , u ! 4 30 p. in. Conncff lb under l'ie care of R. P. Russell and Bacon Is being looked after by W. Cummlnqs. I'lilliKlclplila lli-ifii Arvaln. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 2S. The Philadel phia crlckclers were dcfcaled In Iho second end malch with the Australians today by an Innings and 71 urns. The home eleven Im proved In their balling In Ihe second Innings , having evidently gotten over their stage fright of the fiisl Inning. The Phil- adclphlan-j scored hut 144 runs In Ibelr flral Innings and 207 In Ihelr second altcmpl. This was a decided improvement over their Manhcltn form , when the highest score for ono Innings was 12G runs. FOHKOAbT Oli" TODAY'S WRATIIUIt. Ocnonilly Fair nml AViirmcr In Iho I'riMlilmfur .N'olii-nnlia. WASHINGTON , Sept. 28. The forecast for Tuesday Is : For Nebraska , Kansas and Ion a Generally fair and warmer ; winds shifting to southwest. For Missouri Local showers In the mornIng - Ing followed by fresh warmer weather ; southwest winds. Tor Montana Fair ; followed by local rains In northern portions ; cooler westerly winds. For South Dakota Fair ; warmer ; south winds. I.ooal Kocuril. oi'picu OP Tim \vnATnnu nuniiAU OMAHA , Sent -Onmlin rccoid of tempera- line nnd rainfall tumpaiid with the corrcspowl- Inu flay or the past three jeuih. , , , , lb % . 1S35. ISM 1S93. -Maxlnnim temperature C3 CO EH o > Minimum temperature 40 46 C2 42 A\cniBe temperiiture M fi2 75 M Halnfall W ) .00 .00 CO Condition of temperature uiul preclpltntlon ( it Omnha for the dny and Blncc Slnrch 1 , IVJO : Normal temperature for the dny CO Doflclcnry for the day . , , g Accumulated eicets Blncc March 1 40 Normal precipitation for the day . . . . OU Inches Deficiency for the day 09 Inches Total pieclpltntlon tlnee March 1 . 20 00 Inches Ilxcerr. flnco March 1 3 Cl Inches Deficiency tonenpondliiK period Ik'ij. . 7 21 InihcB Deficiency conospondlnir period Ib94.,14 1C InUieH IlC' | > nr < H from SlntloiiN nt (1 ( 11. in. T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. Wii.HH. ; Oh rver. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT WATER. Bpttlod at the UJ HUNYAlJi Cprlngs , Buda Pest , Kunrjary. * ' Gentle , but satisfactory in its action. Remarkable lor its richness In manes > ium tvtphate , exceeding that oi all other latter water * aluaji of I lie same ttrciujthhich is , of course , a mailer of great " Ntvt York AleJital f "A mucli-ettecmcd jmrcotlve water. " " Itscprnpositinn la constant. The | ractitioncr 3 Ihus enabled to prescribe definite quantities for definite results. " "A Natural Water , " Me Lancet. " Affords those guarantees of unifoim Etrenclh nml composition which lia\e lone l > ccn wanting in the bcst.kuemn Hunodt v > ateis. ' "Arjrttatlc to the palate. " "l.xccp. fionally efficacious.1' Britiih Hcdital Journal. "This Water maybe classed with the best Aperient Waters and be pronounced one of the tlron 'cit. " Profcswr Oscar Lidreidt , Unl\kilty of llcrliai _ ricea : 15 conta and 5 ronto per bottlo. OP ALL URVCCIS7S AND MINERAL WfXK Sale xft > rtert ; THE APOLLINARIS COMPANY , LIMITED. BEE that the Label bears the well-known RED DIAMOND Mark of THE APOLLINARJS COMPANY , LIMITED. Employed , at the leading HOSI-ITALS In NEW YORK , BOSTON , PHILADELPHIA , BAI/IIMOKE , CHICAGO , etc. , and ut , th < j prindnal HOSPITALS in ENGLAND. A GREAT REMEDY Tor 5nfTrr 'or Prom IMlci , Dr. Redmond , n Rf > cclnllitt In the ntudf and treatment of Piles and i petal diseases , recently stati-d llml the 1'jrnmld Pile Cure , thu hew dlrcovcry for the cure of piles , was the moil tfinarkablo remedy ho h d ever seen or tr'.ed In one respect : und that was , the Instant relief experienced In nil cusps , no mutter how severe * , from the moment Iho remedy was applied ; this was the liioro surprising to him , beeau * ? ho had carefully analjzcd the preparation and no tiaco ot opium , cocaine or similar poison could bo detected. riijslolHiii look \vlth grfnt favor upon Iho Pjramld Pile Cure , because It Is rapidly taking the place of surgical oprmtlons ami because It la to simple , so easily applied and contains no mineral or other poisons en commonly used In pllo cures. Dr Ksterbrook lepnrts Ihal the Pyramid Pile Cure not only cures the various form * of Pllps , but never fills to glvo Immediate relief on Iho llrsl application , no nutter how severe the pain or discomfort may bo. People who have sufTored from piles for years are often astonished at the Instant relict experienced from the first application. Another Important advantage Is the fact thai any one can use HIP remedy without detention from business or Interference with dally occupation Sold by dtugclsts at JO cents per pncXngp. Send for frco book on cause and cure ot Piles. , DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY ALL DRUGGISTS. RHEUMATISM : : Results ill from a Badj | Liver and can be Cured by Usin * A Certain Remedy for § Diseases of the Liver J | "i Kidneys and Urinary ! Organs At Druggists. Price , $1,00 Per Bottle Tin DR. J. H MCLCAN MCOICINE Co. ' < P GT. LOUIS , MO. © SW * ! T NATIONAL Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL , $100,000 WE SOLICIT VOUIl UL'SI.NCSU. we UEbinn YOUH COLLKOTIONS. ONK OK Tim oi.uiuvr IIA.MCS i.v IOWA. C PKIl CH.NT PAID ON TIMI2 IHt OAU > AKD fJEE UB OU WHITE. MADE ME A SV1AN AJAX TAttUTnoSITIVir.Y CUIIE A Lit _ % rriaifDlrnt * I'aillnR Mem ory. _ inpotutHtiIceplewmeictc ( tnucJL liy AbUMB end olhor rireNfun nml Indis cretions 7/try 9ufrAfu antl Jt/rrfu teMoinl-O-tMUlItyin old or joune , and 111 u man fnr6tii < lnui < tnoBor ni or rinse , 1'rerignt Intantty nml Consuinftlon it taken lu tlnio. Tbrir Ub shows itnmo.linto Improve * meat ami cffectx u CUItH wbero nil others .all In * fiUtuiKm littrlna the cnnulna AJux Inbleta They havocurotl thoiisimltonJ will euro jou Ue cite a I > oiUve written gunrantea to Affect u euro In each cess or rotund the tnooor. J'rice OO cent IBP tiackair * or BixpAOkiuoi ( full troaimontl for 3-.w ) . IJr mnil.m plaiD VTrHpnrr. i.jmn tncolj t or crico. ( Irrular free AJAX REsMEDY CO. , " . 'i rm'- Kor sale In Omnlia by James ronth. 202 N. ICth Bit ret. Kulm Co. , ICth and Douglas Streets. DrUCKlBlB Happy Day © arc those upon which sufferers experience the return of lost strength , vitality and energy. The Mmous Brnln nnJ Nerve Peed , brine about this happy result. They create healthy dl.esllun , pure , rich blood , firm muscles , rugged strength , steady nerves and a clear brain. Drains checked forever. $1.00 Per Box , 6 Boxes , $5.00. A lesal guarantee to run ? or refund Hie T'Uey with - - ' ' 'T r Ipr Address Bliermnr. & McConncll UniR Co. , 1513 Dodco St. . Omaha. Nrb. Nrb.CARD CARD Leaven lUUHLlNQTON & MO. IUVEn.Arrl\i | OinahalJnlonUepot | _ , liui ( A. Maeun ati. | Oiniiln E"iain. . . Dctuci nxpiut-g . 0:25atn < :25pmIll < llllla , Mont. & I'ngel b'lil. Hx. 4:0jum : : : : > m . Denver Uxiiresa . 4 : > 5pm 7Mi : >'itmiska Local ( except bunitay ) . , 7Upm . . .Lincoln Local d'xtept bui\Juy.JV:3Cuia \ : 25pm..rust Mall 'for Lincoln ) Jully. . . _ _ _ Lraxes ICH1CAC10 , nURLfHOTON & u.lArilic- * Om liaU | lon Depot , lOtli A. Mubun Bts | Ornali * S.OOpm . . .Chicago Vestibule . 8.00am QMSum . ChlcuKo KMHCSH . 4lpm : 7OOpmChlcnKo : unit HI. Loula Kxpregs. , 8:0 : < am H:40am . Puclnu junction Local . blOpm : _ . . . .j. . . . rant Mall . 2:0ijinj : ( Leave ! 1C1UCAUO. MIL. & "ST. r.vllL JArrlves" OmaluUnlon | Depot , lOttj & Mason Bts ( _ Umuha C,30nin . Chicago Limited . . . 8:03nni : UOOum.Chlcno Kiprcm lui ( Sunday ) . . \ es"CH1C | OnialiaUnlon | Dcpot )0th ) & Mauon HU 1 _ Omilia lOH'nin. . . . . . . .llnnlern Kxiirean 4iiim : . Ventlhiilec ] Limited 5:40pm : CS5pin. : . . . . . . Bt , 1'aul Hxprisa 9.30am G(0am ; . ril , Paul Limited. . . . , 9,01pm 7130am..Curi" ! > . jt Hlout City I > cal , , . .llO ! | > in C.sopm. . Omnha Chlcnto Special 8.00am . . . Ml tour [ Valley Local Leiden ICHICAnO , n .1. & I'ACIPIC. OninliuIInlon | Depot , 10th ft Maion " Bin 10'40um..Atlantic nxprtM lex. flumlay ) , . CUpra 7,00pm Nlchi HxtiroBs i iK : > _ rn ( .Mpm. , .Chicago Vestlbulcd Limited. . . . l3Ipin ; 4 fluiin. Ht 1'aill Vc tlliiilPd l.lrrltcil . . lM'm : | WES ? . C.IOpm.OUUhoina & Texan Cx. ( tz. Sun..10iam 1.40iun. . . Colorailo lmli ! a.i.i..j:00pni : iJeaMs'l'CTTST I' . . M & . u7 ! A rrlve Oinnhaf Dil'Ot. 15th atiJ WeDbter Rtf. _ l Omah , . .Sioux rity Acxommodutlnn S.COinn K.SCpin..Sioux city lixftm iix. riuii..ll:61ain ) : Cl5i : > in bt. I'aul t-imllei > .10ain P. . n A MO VALLKY. ) Arrlve Onutlia nenolJtitt na r Hti. I Omaha z.OOnm..Fust Mull and Exyrii.B 6:00 : | > m , { [ 8ut.Vyp. . K * . ( ex. Mon. ) , . D.OOura 7.Warn..Fremont Ixwal ( Bimday * Only ; . . V.tOam. . .Nonolk Rxpre ( ex. Sun ) . . . ,10.25am Cir ; > pm. . . Bt. I'aul Iliprena : ldanj r avi I l C. , Ht J , & C. II. TArrlveT OniuhnUnlon [ Depot , 10th A Maaon St I Oinah * " OSam--'Kaniiaii rity Dcy nxpre < ; 10prn IB OOiim.lC. f3. NlBht Tin , via U. 1' Train. t-iOa-n leaves I" MIHBOUHI I'AUl'JC. JAiTlveT Omalial Depot , litli and Wcbiter Sti. [ Oirtaha S Mrim , Nehraoka & Knn n Limited,12:2'/rin : SOpm .Kulisus City KxiJl-m. . . . . . . . 6.00am * _ onmn .N'ibiafkn IxKal ( ex. Bun ) . . . . . I.OOani J. aveTT HIOI'X T'TV ' ft I'ACIKIC.Anii \ \ * Omaha ) Depot , 15tli and Webatrr Bti.J _ Omalifc , _ l'.iul Limited . .JUOani I.tuvtM [ TfilOUX CJTV" & PACIKia lArrlvcT Oinahauiilon | I ) pot , IClh & I.laKm 8I [ Omaha ' 40arar.Bt. rul ratneniter , , .ll:10i : > mj Mam Bloux City I'umtmtrr. . & t5nn | 81. I'aul Limited ttOam iTenvta I UNIfJK'i'ACIt'lC. Arrlvci Qmalial Union Depot , 10th & XIa on Omaha "s.SOamT Kearney Kxprr i. 4:10int : | k 20am. . . , , O\trl nd j.lmlUil " ' " ' ' " ' ' ' ' pmVl"lVatice''Sirdm : b > ; . ( . ; : ! 6:45pm.Grand : Inland i : int § ( ex. Hun. ) , i,05pm S.SOliin Kuit Mall . . . . . . . . . .40uinj Lta\c-u ( WAIIA81I IUILAVAY lArrlvt * OinahalUnlon U pot IDtll & IJUBOII Sin I ' ' St. Louli Canuoa