X ' TTTE OMATTA DATTArBET3' STrNT > SEPTEMUER 27 , 1SJW. 18 TnrrTIVP ? TIII ? Lull/A 1 Mb lllb Demand foi Campaign Litorattiro Snr- pascs All Bccords. WORK OF THE REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE > ! } Iho Million I'rlntril nnil IH.ilrllnitcil MKiilHrnnt De mand flir HlKM't'llL'N Oil the TurllT. WASHINGTON , Scpl Correspondence ( Of The Hec. ) The literary bureaus of the national campaign committees have never , since the war. done such clllclcnt work as In the present contest , Political manager * say this Is a reading campaign. Usually the great demand Is for small pamphlets and leaflets touching the main Issues. This year the cry Is for exhaustive- documents laying bare every phase of the great financial ques tion which Is agitating the country from center to circumference- . The democratic campaign committee has Issued ono sovcuty- six page pamphlet. The republicans tipped the high-water mark In a document consistIng - Ing of forty pagec , and , strange to say. this Is ono of the most popular pamphlets In their list. The demand has been phenomenal and probably exceeds anything In the history of political campaigns. Already the lepubllcan committee has Issued over 20.000,000 copies of speeches made In congress by prominent men on the silver and tariff questions , and In one day lecently shipped an aggregate of 792,000 doc- umentrf , all of them going to republican Btate committee * * and congressional candi dates to bo distributed among voters. Here In Washington the congressional headquar ters farm a distinct feature of Interest , and something about the inside workings of a J. W. DADCOCK. CHAIRMAN. great campaign and the men who are direct ing Its operations and the methods they em ploy will not be amiss. The committee used to occupy limited quarters In some by-street of Washington , where a few clerks and a small mailing force were employed In sending out about 1,000,000 copies of congressional speeches to candidates for congress. In this campaign the committee occupies the entire second floor of the Hotel Normandlo for Its execu tive force , consisting of editorial writers , Btenographers , clerks and messengers ; near by the committee has rented two buildings , where about 150 clerks and packers are em ployed In folding and shipping documents. QUARTERS OP THE COMMITTEE. Tbo committee rooms at the Normandtc overlook McPherson Square , and are among Iho most pleasant quarters In the capital. There are. altogether , ten spacious apart ments. Including two basement rooms , where eome of the light packing Is done. Five ot the number are occupied by the officers and their assistants. The remainder are reception rooms and apartments devoted to the use of the" executive staff , typewriters and telephone attendants. The olllcers o ! the committee are Repre sentative Joseph W. Habcock of Wisconsin chairman ; Representative Lewis D. Apsley of Massachusetts , vice chairman ; Repre sentative David H. 'Mercer of Nebraska , secretary ; Warner P. Sutton , assistant sec retary ; and William B. Thompson of Wash ington , treasurer. With something like Inspired foresight there was this jear a much earlier organi zation of the committee's working force than usual. The republican convention was held Juno 18 , but weeks prior thereto the energetic chairman of the committee had his headquarters located In one ot the most accessible parts ot the city and a force at work preparing the printed matter that war to bo sent out during the campaign. At that time It was supposed that the Issue would bo well defined between the pro tective tariff and the Wilson law. Few statesmen anticipated that the silver ques tion , would project Itself upon the political LEWIS D. APSLEY , VICE CHAIRMAN. arena llko an avalanche. The declaration of the St. Louis convention for the gold standard sounded thu key note ot the cam paign , but tbo gauge of battle had not yet been picked up by the opposition , CHANGE OF PLANS. Then came the Chicago convention. Free coinage was declared to bo the policy of the democrats who nominated Mr. Ilryan , and the hottest political campaign since the war was begun. Long before the managers bad recovered from their surprise , long before the excite ment which was engendered by thla bold divergence ot political declarations bad sub- Bided , the L'orgrcgslanal committee was at work. Even before the men had been selected who were to direct the campaign us members of the national committee , half a dozen printing presses were- running and thousands upon thousands of documents pre- eentlug the aound money side of the ques tion were going out from the Washington headquarters to the various elates where republican success was In danger. By the early days of September upward of halt a million documents a day were being mailed. To no man Is duo BO much credit for the remarkable work which the republicans are doing as to Chairman Habcock. Immediately after the organization ot the notional committee Habcock went to Cleveland - land and had a conference with Cbalrmaji lUnua , Ho was able to report that 300,000 documents were going out from congres sional headquarters each day , and that orders had been placed to Increase the amount to 500,000. Whtio the democrats and populists were still looking about for suitable headquarters , the republican chalr- man was sending out his tlrst edition ot 10,000 Campaign Text Hooks , which was Boon supplemented with further editions reselling an aggregate of 50,000. Chairman llanna could but bo pleased , and com mended the work of the puuliliig westerner In terms of highest pralso. As a result of the conference the jurisdiction of the con gressional committee was largely extended , and the chairman waa authorized lo take the atato committees as well as the con gressional nominees uuder bla care. He waa given carlo blanche lu other material re- ENORMOUS SHIPMENTS. All the campaign work of the committee ii clouo uudor the ponomJ BupervUlou el the chairtrftn. nn.ilstcd by ViC Chairman Aplcy and Representative Mercer. Toe organization , however. Is wholly the work ot the chairman. How admirably the com mittee machinery operates Is Illustrated by circumstance that A carload ot litera ture numbering 231,000 documents was re ceived nt 2 o'clock Friday afternoon , Sep tember 11 , and by 6 o'clock 200,000 ot the documents bad been placed In t-nrelope * nnil rcsblpped to different abates. The Whole system of bookkeeping by which thcso thousands of pamphlets are kept account of , so that a. glance at the record will show how many documents of any description are on hand , lion- many have been Issued , what number are being printed , etc. , was the plan of the chairman. As a result there has been no confusion , no blundering , no delay , but every part of the work has been pushed with a steady energy that hns chal lenged the praise of republican leaders In all parts of the country Under Dabcock's management the con- DAVID H. MERCER , SECRETARY" . gresslonal committee has developed from an Institution auxiliary In character except In a congressional campaign to one of In- llucnce paramount with any working de partment of the republican organization. Ho Is a Vermonter by birth , but a west erner by choice and affiliation. One of hla colleagues recently said : "He went to Iowa and Wisconsin with nothing but an axe on his shoulder , and hewed his way to wealth and Influence by hard work and en ergy. " Ha Is a remarkable combination ot those qualities that make great men In the west. TO WHOM CREDIT IS DUE. As chalcmaa of the congressional commit tee In ISO I , he contributed more than any single Individual to the success of the re publican cause. Tbo democrats controlled the house In the Fifty-second and Fifty- third congresses by great majorities. In the Fifty-fourth their number was reduced to 105 , out ot a total membership of 3S7. The republicans that year waged one of the most carefully managed campaigns In the history of the party. General attention was quickly fixed upon the hustling chair man who had wielded the thunderbolts. In the organization of the house he was given tbo chairmanship of the committee on the District of Columbia , and common report In congressional circles Is that ho passed moro beneficial bills and wiped from the statute books moro obsolete legislation than any member that ever filled tbo posi tion. Habcock Is what popular parlance deslglnntes a "mixer , " a hale fellow well met with all men , shrewd In business , openhanded - handed by disposition and a natural-born campaigner. He Is In politics for the ex citement and because it affords an escape for bis pettt-up enterprise. Another strong factor In the successful WILLIAM H. THOMPSON , TREASURER. upbuilding of the committee Is Vice Chair man Apsley. He Is the most popular mem ber of the Massachusetts delegation In the house , and was associated with Babcock In the management of the congressional campaign in 1894. The two men are warm friends. He Is strictly self-made , president and treasurer of the Apsley Rubber com pany of Massachusetts , and llko his Wis consin associate , not In politics for the salary , but the pleasure of It. Ho has helped to Introduce business methods Into political campaigning and to redeem practi cal politics from the reproach and odium of corrupt methods. Men llko these make politics respectable and a legitimate object of ambition. The best commentary on their work la that they closed their accounts at the head of the committed In 1S94. after i signally successful campaign , with not a dollar outstanding. WORK OF SECRETARY MERCER. Representative Mercer , the secretary of the committee , represents the Omaha dis trict In the house. A better choice could not have been made. He Is another type of the high class westerner , popular , aggres sive , self-reliant and practical. He has worked as a harvest hand In the summer , taught school In the winter and practiced politics between times. A man of broad experience In many fields ot enterprise , be has proven ono ot the best working mem bers of the house. It was natural that a man who had overcome untold illlflcultlca to pass a bill In the last hours ot congress appropriating J 150,000 to support a Traus- mlsslsslppl Exposition at Omaha should not escape n keen observer like Babcock In or ganizing hU committee , He waa offered the secretaryship and accepted It. William H. Thompson , the treasurer , and Warner P. Sutton , assistant aecretary , are neither of them members of congress. The former Is ono of the leading business men of Washington , whoso Interest In the re publican cause Is of the most sincere ami disinterested character , and the latter Is an experienced diplomat and a. successful politician , who served his country for many years with marked ability as consul gen eral to Mexico , and as chief clerk , by Mr. lllalun's appointment , of the Panamcrlcan congress , Mr. Thompson has served the committee faithfully as treasurer In several previous campaigns and la one ot the bar monlous elements In the concert of lead- era who are commanding the batteries at the Washington end of the campaign. They have waged a remarkable campaign so far. Within thirty days after the Chicago cage convention the great work of the com mittee was beginning to tell , and from all sections of thu country republican party managers were writing the chairman that the timely work performed by his committee was having a marked effect and that thou sands who had been stampeded for free sli ver were returning to the republican fold. DOCUMENTS PRINTED. The committee has so far printed twenty- three different documents. The most popu lar one is a. sixteen-page condensation of the speech delivered by Representative James T. McCleary of Minnesota In the house last February. The speech was maile In reply to his colleague , Representative Towne , who was generally credited with making the best speech on the silver ques tion In the last session of congress. The committee has already Issued 2,500,000 copies of McCleary's speech. Next In point ot popularity Is a slxtecn > page pamphlet con taining the speech of Representative Dab- cock on the "History of Money and Financial Legislation In the United States. " Another very popular document U the one referred to In the first part of this article , consisting of forty pages , and dealing with the silver question In a conversational form. Tbls Is a document amazingly popular with students of the question. Four neighbors dlscuia tht ! problem during three evenlnga. Kicli bat diRuxcnt views and advance * bla specific Jroiu tt * tiaodpolnt of > popu list , n frco sllvcrlto and a sound money man. Senator Sherman Is represented In the Hat by two speeches , ono attributing the financial difficulty to deficiency ot revenue , and another embodying his famous speech In the senate ot August 30 , 1892 , In which he Kavo a complete history of the passage of the act of 1ST3 , showing that all tlio Pa cific coast senators. Including Stewart and Jonis , voted for the bill on the only roll call which was had on the measure In the senate , while ho himself voted against It. This pamphlet gives copious extracts from the spccchf * of Senators Stewart and Jones , delivered In 1874 In advocacy of the gold Btjndnrd. Sixteen months after "tho crime of ' 7.1" tht-y commended gold as vociferously as they now denounce It. The practice of silver organs and silver orators , extending oven to Mr. Ilryan , of quoting Mr , Hlalnc as opposing the demonetization ot silver , from a speech delivered In the senate In 1S7S. Induced the committee to print 1,000- 000 copies of the full text of the document , which has been sent Into every part of the country. The committee has reports that the reaction created by this speech among republicans who for a time became wedded lo the free silver doctrines Is ex ceedingly marked. TARIFF SPEECHES. The list Includes speeches delivered by Hon. L. 1) . Apsley , Representative Dlnglcy of Maine , Representative Martin N. John son of North Dakota , nn able refutation of the "Seven Financial Conspiracies ; " a speech by Representative Mercer and Reed's great tariff speech of ISO I. The tariff ques tion , by the way. Is treated directly In but four of the documents Issued by the com mittee. They nro "Apsley on Reciprocity , " Reed on the tariff. Hlalne'a reply to Gladstone , reprinted from the North Amer ican Review , and Grosvcnor on the effects o ! the Wilson bill. Indirectly , In connection with the money question , the tariff Is touched upon In the speech of Congressman Mercer , and In a document , In conversa tional form , entitled "The Poor Looking Forward. " Ono of the most fetching documents Is sued by the committee Is the speech of Judge George W. Aldredge ot Texas , which handles the silver question with a Judicious and highly seasonable Injection of western humor. Judge Aldredgo la a democrat. He delivered his Interesting speech some months WARNER P. SUTTON , ASSISTANT SEC'TY.J before the national conventions were held , and Senator Cattery of Louisiana , having Inserted It In his remarks In the senate. It becomes frankable matter and Is sent out by tlio committee In franked envelopes by tens of thousands. Among the ammunition used by the re publicans In the southern states where they have a fighting chance Is the printed form of the address of Secretary Carlisle to the worklngmen of Chicago , delivered last April. There has been an enormous demand for this speech In Kentucky. Texas and Mis souri. One of the latest documents pre pared by the committee for circulation Is a compilation of the leading features of the anti-tariff utterances of Air. Bryan In the house , March 16 , 1S92 , and January 13 , 1804. 1804.Tho committee finds that In sections where the silver question has been thoroughly cov ered In the way of documents the tariff question is slowly but surely coming to the front as an issue. The earliest demands for tariff literature came from southern states. A great many orders came from the Pa cific coast. In the cast and middle states the demand was wholly for sound money literature. Within the past two weeks , how ever , orders are Increasing In number from the middle section of states and the demand Is gradually extending eastward. Chairman Babcock and his associates regard this as ono of the most favorable symptoms of a reaction and upon It base strong hopes that the 1st ot October will see the tariff ques tion overshadowing the money problem. cmmcii is OIMS.V. Iloston Transcript. Our pastor comes to work refreshed- Looks llko another man ; An' Satan trembles when he sees That Iieiilthy coat o' tan. Yls , pastor llko n giant comes To wrustle 'rlg'nal Hln ; An' wife Hbo wrastlea 'rlg'nal alecp Ot husband's with a pin. She never somnolates , herself Ketch Huldy iloln' that ; Sho'd lose th * sermon perhaps a look At Missis Jones's hat. Th' church's debt wo tiicklo now , " Ily varied ways nn' menus ; When moral Buaslon won't piuvnll , Try oysters , pies fin' beans. TUB OI.D-TM1KHS. William Henry Smith of Burlington cnme to Iowa In August , 1833 , and has lived In Hurllngton over since , and unless an older settler Is heard from he will bo regarded as the plooCer ot the pioneers. Joseph Bowman , one of the pioneers In the collar Industry , of Troy , N. Y. , has just died , at the ago of 81 years. He did much to develop the collar Industry and kept pace with Its developments. Lady Georglanna Grey , aunt of Earl Grey , Is nearly 100 years of ago , but , though she la not very brisk upon her legs , manages to keep Informed on politics and the talk of the day by having guests to dinner almost every night. The oldest man at the bar ot New York City Is William Cookson Carpenter , who was 93 years of ago on July 30 last. Hla eyes are bright and shrewd , and bo might easily pass for 70 , Ho was born In Now Brunswick , and baa been In practice In this city for sixty years , A census of cejitcnarlans recently taken In France , gives 213 persons of 100 years or over. 117 of them women and CO men. The oldest was a woman who had just died at 150 , In a village of the Department of Haute Garonne. Nearly all the centenarians be longed to the lower ranks of life. After smoking tobacco fifty years or more Mrs. Hannah Chard , a Gloucester county , New Jersey , centenarian , has thrown away her plpo with the determination never to use It again. The old lady became con vinced recently that smoking was shorten ing her life. "AunL" Hannah still enjoys good health and Is looking forward to the celebration of her lOSth birthday. Peter Neeb of Shelbyvllle , Ind. , who cele brated his hundredth birthday last week , has been a moderate drinker of whisky all hla life. He la In perfect health , is lu pos session ot all his faculties , has never to hla knowledge been sick lu bed a day , and has never had the rheumatism , On hla birth day ho related bis reminiscence * ot General Lafayette , Daniel Webster , Henry Clay , John Calhoun and others. Partheula Bragg , a negreas , who lives at Frogtown , a settlement of colored people , about six miles from Versailles , Ky. . la probably the oldest inhabitant ot the Blue ( rasa atato , She Is In her 120th year ; as a slave uhn belonged to the Kentucky family < if Hamlltona. Among lier earliest uc- quatnjancea was the pioneer , Daniel Hoonc , She says she nursed the great commoner , Henry CUy , in hla childhood. "Aunt 1'ar- flny" Is the "Mother of Frogtown , " the greater proportion ot lla population being her direct descendants ; her children , great- granchllclren and great-great-grandchildren number abut 200 , She baa burled four hus bands and now Hvea with a married daughter , who la SO years old. The old lady U wonderfully strong , considering her great ago. OMAHA AND MEXICAN PRICES if-fU. Striking Facts foY"Yfago Earnora and COST OF THE NECESSARIES OF LIFE An OliJiTt lii'Buon TlliintrnlliiK Holnll Prlcrn I'ntlor frVJMirer In .Mex ice nnilic iiolil Stiinil- uril l'nnhiiinliu. It > Labor Commissioner Powers of Minne sota. In an address'to Vorklngmen on Labor day , made a sensible suggestion concernliiB tlio financial qiiestlotir * He suggested to all worklngmcn of nilddlo ago who had homes and families , not to accept as gospel asser tions of politicians with respect to the al- IcRcd evils of the gold standard. Instead , they were urgid to discuss the matter with their wives , particularly thb cost of living now compared with , that of twenty or more jcara ago. Mr. Powers declared that such comparison will show that the average of wages Is higher now and the amount re ceived will purchase moro of the comforts of llfo that were beyond the reach of most families twenty-five years ago. Mr. Powers' suggestion Is equally applica ble to the conditions existing In silver standard countries. A comparison of wages , prices of the necessaries of life and the cost of household utensils In Mexico and In this country brings home to heads of families the fact that depreciated dollars means higher prices for all articles. Several of those tables have appeared In The uce. Later lists of prices in Mexico , from two rt > - liable sources , arc published , together with the Omaha price for the articles named. They deserve the thoughtful consideration of the heads of homes In Omaha and vi cinity. cinity.A MERCHANT'S OUSRnVATIONS. A letter from Mr. J. L. Pernet. a coffee dealer at Orizaba , Mexico , to Mr. II. C. Nail of Louisville , published In tlio Louisville Courier-Journal , contains some Interesting statements on the condition of labor and prices In Mexico. Mr. Pernet says : "It docs not require any great ability In a man who has lived In this country any length of time to clearly understand that. If there Is any great amount of prosperity hero It Is not In any way. or to any extent whatever , caused by the fact that the cur rent money of the country Is silver , but on the contrary , any man , with any experience and common sense enough to comprehend the simplest business proposition , can easily see that If silver has any effect on the gen eral prosperity It Is detrimental and not beneficial , and you may bo absolutely sure that any man who makes a statement to the contrary Is either without experience and Ignorant of the 'truth ' , or for some reason of his own Is willing to misrepresent It. "The population of Mexico Is about 12- 000.000 ; of this about 9.000,000 are Indians who are In a state of seml-clvllizatlon ; as a rtilo peaceful , quiet and , In their way , In- duitrlous , but generally very poor , though some Individuals among them , and some tribes , have acquired considerable property These Indians supply the common labor of STAULE GOA'EHNMENT. "As you know , up to about fifteen years ago the government of this country was very unstable , and U Is'only since the begin ning of the administration of those In power that there has boon any encouragement to outsiders to come In and make Investments or embark In enterprises for the develop ment of the resources , of the country. Since that time , however , there has been a considerable ' siderable Influx of 6a'pltal , and railroads have been built , factories established , mines opened , etc. , and thcr has been considera ble progress towaril ' agencral _ development of Industry. "These things httvo irequlred the employ ment of operatives , and mechanics from the outside world , and the' activity that has re sulted has been largely mistaken for pros perity that has not yet become a certainty. "I think that mining and manufacturing have generally proven profitable , as well as certain branches of agriculture , but doubt If there Is a railroad In the whole republic that dcclnres a dividend tboi'pli thov nro all liberally subsidized by the government. CUnnENT WAGES. "Labor , as n rule , to which I know of no oxceptton , Is , as compared with that In the United States , poorly paid. "In this place , which Is one of the most Important manufacturing centers In this country , wages are paid as follows : Per Day. Journeymen carpenters . Jl 00 to $1 00 Journeymen brick anil Btone- ina-sons . 75 to 1 09 Journeymen blacksmiths . 50 to 1 25 Per Month. Itnllrond engineers ( passenger ) . ilf > 0 00 Railroad engineers ( freight ) . 110 00 Railroad firemen . 4500 Railroad brnkeraeri . 33 C8 Railroad conductors fpnssenKcr ) . 110 00 Railroad conductors ( freight ) . 10003 Section hands G2' ' $ cents to $1.25 per day , owing to varying conditions , locality , etc Wages of common laborers rungu from 25 cents In some sections to CO rents In others , In rare cases little more , but 37'/j routs per day Is considered the nvcrjgo for the country. "This Is not a complete list , but other trades , as well as clerks , bookkeepers , etc. . are paid In the same proportion , and In sil ver money , of which one can buy today $1.90 for $1 American money. "I have not a list of prices of dry goods , but they are relatively quite as high. Calico , 3 to 1 rents u , yard In the atates , coals here . I2 ! o Common domestic , TVs cents there , coats hero . 20o Common lawn , 7 cents there , costH licro . 18c Common cotton shectlnp , 2 yards wide , about 20 cents , costs hero . 75c "Thus you see that , while wages are low , the cost ot living is high , nut right In thu face of these facts mere- are men assorting dally that as much can bo had for a silver dollar In this country as for a gold ouo In that. "Why mich assertions are made Is beyond my comprehension , for they are absolutely and equivocally false. CHKAP MONEY AND I'OVEltTY. "It Is as dlfllcult for a poor man who depends on his dally labor to acquire a silver dollar In this country , as a gold one in that. If not moro go , anil one. gold dollar will buy $1.90 of this monoy. "That is the rate of cxvlian o now. U has fluctuated from 84 to 9u per cent In the last Mix weeks , and. In the last five year.i , I liavu seen It range from above 30 per cent to 101 per cent. What moro argument can bo necessary ? "I have Illustrated , that under silver the wages of the poor are low , while the expense ponso of living Is high. "Heine a businessman , you can appre ciate the Inconvenience- necessarily detrimental effect that a medium of ex change , fluctuating1 , ail this does , muit : liavo on general commerce. ! and thu msrch&nt who sells goods must prpttjct hlmuelf against un favorable fluctuation * by putting high prices on his commodities. So I think It would be there , with gold driven from circulation , and silver , uusupporUd by the credit of the government , the niedfum of txchanije. Mr. Pernet Inclosed1 In his letter a price list Issued by ono ot the beat grocery ntorcs In the City of Mexico. The pi Ices corres pond with that of WHor 13. Stevens , cor respondent of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat , who U now In Mexico. Mr. Stevens explains that prices In the 'City of Mexico are loner than In most parts of the republic , on ac count of better transportation facilities and more active cotnpetltlpn , The list waa sub- milled to a prominent Omaha grocer , who furnished the retail prices for comparison. COMl'AltATIVB I'ltlCi : . . . , , Mexican Price Omaha Price. Articles. ( Hllvtr. ) ( UulU. ) JIame. American , p r pound . I .SO * * .35 J.l ! ? 13 Cuttee. per pound . UO .CO .toftta Tea. KUnpowtler , per _ l""iJ . 209 , W M Tea. Hyson , pr pound. J.75 .KWJiW Sugar , American , per puund . . , Flour , Mexican , per 23 I'oumli . I.75&S.OO Flour. American , per 23 pounJn . . . J.ss lluckwheat Hour , per pound , , . .H , 4 Corniueal. white. per pound . , . .10 , J' | Corn rai-al. yellow , per pound . , , . .U .Mi Hominy grits per . . . . . . . .IS .tli Mil ironl. ppr pound. HI. p p-r Y.mimt i 'irn Mnfi h. rr pound. 40 i > 1 Stnrrh , p r txmnd . Star h Mexican , prr pound . Table wilt , pvr tmunJ. . cVrnmon Mil , p r pound. llroom * . l.W \Vht k lirt m \Vfi ! > h tulvoo.1 . llitrket' . wood. . . . . ScruliblnR l > niMi * . Hhoe bninlie * . t'lothf * pin * , fprlne. per doicn . ClntlK' ! ! pln * . opllt , per Mnrkcrtl. pT kit . Ml dl pIcklM , per plnl lioltlc . 1.10 pound New Orl nn < moln c . . , tr itnllon . S.M VlnrRHr. per pnllon . .m 355.12 lVp | r , tilacli. p r pound 1.00 WS ? ? Urled npi > ! e ! , per pouml M " Piled prachet , per , pmmd . -M - " Cnnnrd fruit , nil kinds , , . 1.60 ' tr tin . powder , per HnkltiR it iiottnd " . . . . . . . 1.00 .JUT * These 'prVces"eslabIlsh the fact that the eoit of the- necessaries of life In Mexico are In every Instance moro than double and in many Instances treble what they are In Omaha. Rvory worklngmnn , every house keeper will i-eadlly sec from thN comparison of prices what a gmat gulf there Is bet noon the condition of a free slhcr country and that of the United States under a stable currency good for Its face the world over. PRICKS OF ntiY aoons. The aiobMcmocrnt correspondent gives the prices of dry goods In Uurnnxo , the second end city of the republic. The llgures were obtained not from ono but from sieral of the leading merchants , In response to an ofllclal request , and with care as to details. A vara Is commonly called n > aid In 13n- KlUh. It Is really a little IMS. about tblrty- tbrce Inches. The prices on thcso goocli are per vnra : Otmdalajara ( Mex. ) manufacture , 22'u Inches wide , lOc. Knglleh manufacture , 77 Inches wide , 69c. Ungllsh manufacture , 8H Inches wide , 75c , Muslins Kngllsh mnnufacture , 32V4 Inches wide , 25c , Hngllsh manufacture , 31 Inches wide , 22c. Kngllsh maiiufncture , 3 Inches wide , ISc. Ungllsh mnnufacture , 28 Inches wide , 15c. Calicoes Orizaba ( Mex. ) manufacture , 23 % Inches wide , 12V4c. English manufacture , 22 Inches , 18c. Kngllsh manufacture , 27 % inches , 23c. French manufacture , 31 Inches wide , 31c. Orizaba ( Mex. ) manufacture , 2016 Inches wide , 25c. Ginghams Parras ( Mex. ) manufacture , 21V4 inches wide , 13c. Kngllsh manufacture , 22 Inches wide , ISc. Orizaba ( Mex. ) manufacture , 2G Inches wide. 25c. English manufacture , 23 Inches wide , 22c. Outing and canton flannels American manufacture , 27 Inches wide , 31c. 31c.French French manufacture , 24 Inches wide , 3Sc. Monterey ( Mex. ) manufacture , 21 Inches wide. 31c. Jeans- United States manufacture 23 hidhcs wide , 44c. Parras ( Mex. ) manufacture , J22 Inches wide , 25c. Ungllsh manufacture , 24 Inches wide , 2fic. The Guadalajara sheeting , 2214 Inches wide , at 10 cents a vara , Is the coarsest cot ton cloth made. It cannot be compared with the Imported sheeting , and is almost un known to American families. If a gardener In the United States wanted the cheapest stuff he could buy for covering of his vege table frames , what ho would get would cor respond to this 10-cent Mexican sheeting. An American farmer might use It for hay stack covering , but not for sheets on his bed. OMAHA PRICES. The foregoing list of Mexican goods and prices was handed to Mr. Thomas Kllpatrlck of Oinah.i , for examination. Replying to questions as to the price of goods of like quality In this city , Mr. Kllpatrlck said : "We do not have any sheetings as narrow as 22 % Inches , and we are not aware ot thfir being made In this country. To correspond with the 77-Inch goods , we have 0-4 , which Is 81 Inches , at 11 % , 1G % and 18 cents per yard. "In muslins , wo do not keep anything to correspond to 32'31 or 33 Inch goods , but wo sell 30 Inch at 5 , C , C % and some flue grades up to 12 % cents. "American sheutlngs and muslins are always recognized as being better than English gocds , being Indeed the best made In the world , "Calicoes To correspond with 23 % and 22 Inch , wo have the best brands of Amer lean calico , which we sell regularly at 5 and G cents , and vhen they are a little off In style , they are often sold at from 3 to 4 cents. To correspond with English manu facturers. 27 % Inches wide , wo have a num ber of fancy weaves , usually In French styles , very handsome , prlco 9 and 10 cents. As corresponding with French 31 Inch , and Mexican 29 % Inches , wo have what wo think nro about the same goods tor from 9 to 12 % cents. "In Ginghams to correspond with Mexi can 21 % Inch and English 22 Inch , wo do not have anything ao narrow , and BO far as wo know they are not used In this coun try , but to correspond with the 26 Inch Mexican at 25 cental , wo have American made ginghams at C , G and 7 % cents. Wo have nothing to correspond with the 23 Inch goods. "In Outing and Canton flannels , to cor respond with the American manufacture 27 Inches wide at 31 cents , wo retail goods at 5 , 7 % and 10 cents. "Wo have nothing to compare with the 24-Inch French or 24-Inch Mexican , "Jeans Wo are not sure what Is meant by 'United States manufactured jeans' or ' 22-Inch Mexican Jeans , ' but wo think that they may refer to what Is known with us as corset Jeans , and If eo our price for the best quality Is 10 cents. " HARDWARE PRICES. Following is the list of prices of hardware - ware and household utensils In Duraugo : Mexican money. H.indenwB , 4 feet long . N.U ) to jj ro Th I - pound nxea . 1.1.8 to 350 Ordinary table knives , per dozen. . . . 0.0) ) to U.OO HalclietH , each . 1.5J to Il.flO DltHton'u double Imndn.kWN , (1 ( feet. . . , 7 SO ILirlivd wire , p r 100 pounds . 9.00 iVitton rope , per pound . CO to 47 Tin coltue polH , accorilltur to elze. . . . 21 to 1.30 Tin pans , 3 quarts , each . 1.75 Slop p.iils. uccnrdlnK to nlzc . 3.M to 41X1 ICpttlea , Iron , each , according to BZB | 1 ) to B.CO Krylntr pans , according to size . 21 to 100 HcUftom , according to & ! ze . C ) to 2.00 1'i-nrl buttoim , per KTU . 60 lo .1.00 Ordln.try vullxe , leather . : uo Ordinary /ullso. II.UMT . fi.co Cook Htovo , No. 7 , Mexican make. . . . 30.10 I.UIIIIIH , pint . 1 CO lo U.OO 1. interns . 1 . ' ,3 111-uil ; hooka , 120 paKC's , Mexican limku 1.87 Ix'nal cap paper , line "luallly , ix.r rrntn , Mcxicun make . 2.13 U 10.00 Note paper , per ream , Mexican . l. Tfi Writing fluid , per quart , Mexican. . . . S7 Cut imllH , per ki-nr , Mexican make. . . , 13(0 Wliu nallu , per hug , Mexican make. . 13. (0 They are so llltlo you hardly know you are taking them. They cause no griping , yet they act quickly and most thoroughly. Such are the famous little pllU known as DuWltt's Llttlo Early Ulcers. Small In slzu , great In results. Dohn "Queer Statistics" says that the steam engines of thu world represent the work ot 1.000,000,000 men. Dottle of CUTICURA RESOL VENT , greatest of humor cures , is often sufficient to complete n permanent cure of the most torturing and disfiguring of cUin , scalp , and blood humors. rEEnTunEjIBATMENT FOB All KIH AND DLOOII IIuuoui. Warm baton with C'l'TicUH ' * Hiiiigc'Dllu application ! of Cuilcuiii ( olal- meat ) , the ideal Lin cum , and mild do.ei of ( JlJTICL'iu lltauLVCNT , greatcit of humor curei , Bclil Ibrouihoul tht world. ti\tt , Cftirtm. MC.I S'i r. lie i lUtoiiriir. We. init IL 1'oitii Utca nt > CHKU. four . Sele I'ropito4ioa. / . eiCT-Uu * to Cure trujr Jluioer , * milled fttt. BENJAMIN WHITE'S STORY ! ny Captain Jack Craw ford , ' -Tlie Vocl SeotU' ' "Ileujamln White , " the court clerk called. and "llonjnmln Whlto" again. Whrn n man ot apparently fifty Mine out ot the prisoner's pen. Ho loaned on a ratio of hickory wood , and walked with a limping gait , And stood at the bar with determined fare , and there awaited his fate. "Dcnjainln Whlto , " hU honor snld , ft * the crowd In the court grew mill , "The charge which 1 see against ur name Is assault with Intent to kill ; How do you plead ? 'TIs a serious charge , with a heavy penalty ; The court would advise that you ponder well before jou enter a idea. " The old man slowly 'raised his head , and looked In the Judge's face , And said : "It's true , w'at you tell me , judge. 1 know It's a serious rase. 1 ain't goln' to make no trouble for the court and lawjors here , Fur all the wltnoswes In the world , I guess , couldn't get me clear. Hut If you will hear what 1 got to sny , 1 won't take much of your time. Twill show > ou the poner os urged mo to do this most despei.-ito crime. ily striking a human belli' with this cane with my utmost might. A deadly weapon > oti call It , an1 I reckon that's nearly right. 'Wny back In ol' Indla.ny , on Jolulu' farms there were two Voting boys ns were constant playmates , an' together they upward glow ; In nil o' their spurts and pleasures , they were like t\\o common pins , They stuck so closely together , the folks called 'em Siamese twins. One of 'em was me , jour honor , an' the othsr leg o' the tongs , Was a tow-hi-aded rnscal , named Hilly , a yon of ol' Simon DeLong's , We hot in the school house together , an' \\ohclped one another on sums , 111 all o' that deestrlck I reckon there want slch affectionate dm ma. Wo grew up from boyhood to manhood , our friendship still solid an * true , In fuel It got brighter and brighter , and stronger the older we grew. Polks talked about Damon nn' Pythias , some chaps o' the long ago days , An' hinted as how mo and Dllly was copyIng - Ing artcr their wajs. Wo's heard that a war was a comln , ' an' one April day us two chums Hitched up an' went Into the village an' there heard the llfcs an' drums. An1 Hilly DcLong ho says : 'Charlie , tliem drums Is fer me an * for you , Lets list an' go fight fur our country , as loyal men all ort to do. Well , wo both enlisted your honor , an' was ordered right off to the south To do our duty as soldiers , o'cn right nt the hot cannon's mouth. An' In all o' the marches and strges , In all o' the desperate fights , Us chums could bo found right together , an' wo. bunked together o' nights. Wo shared with each other our rations , we shared all our sorrows an' Joys. An' I reckon , your honor , wo acted Jus * like wo did w'en wo was boys. Fur I tho't the hull world of Dllly , an' Hilly tho't likewise o' me ; There wasn't two chums In the army more loviti1 than we was , you see. Ono day In the heat o' the battle , my chum got a shot In the breast An' w'en I was knuclln' besldo him ho made a most earnest request. That I'd say goodbye here an' leave him , you see we was belli' driven back , An' the robs was a whooplu1 an' yellln' like demons close on to our track , 'Go , Charlie,1 ho said , 'an' God bless you , fall back with the rcclmcnt , fur I Must stay where I am , you can't move me , an' perhaps hero I may die. If you live till the conlllct is over , an' back to I bo ol' homo shoujd go , Please tell them I fell like a soldier , that 1 fell with my face to the foe. ' I looked In his eyes for a moment , the eyes I bad long loved so well , An' Judge , if ol' Glnerat Satan with all o' the forces o1 boll An * all armed with bin/tin' hot sabers had over that bloody field come A wagln' of extermination , I'd a stayed right there with my chum. I knowcd all the horrors of capture , starva tion In nilh-rcekln' pen , The blous an' curses o' demons dressed up In the .semblance o' men , Exposures to storms and privations , an' suffcrln' no tonsue could portray ; But there was my chum layln' helpless , an' right there by him I would stay. They tuk us 'way down to Atlanta in cattle - tlo cars all o1 Hie way ; I sot all crouched up In n corner , In my lap poor old Hllly's head lay. I'd fixed up his wound as I could , sir , fur all o' the surgeons behind , Was busy attending thu wounded o' their own confederate kind. Ho kep' up a twlstln' an' groanln' . fur the pain nearly drove the boy wild. An' I kep' a Boothln' an * chccrln' Jus' like ho was only a child ; I sometimes tho't he was dyln' , and the pain nearly drove the boy wild , Most as bad as poor Hilly was suffering from that offul confederate shot. W'en wo got to Atlanta they ordered me out o' the car with the rest. I told 'em of Billy's condition , of Iho great gjpln' wound In his breast , An' axed If I couldn't stay with him , ap pealed to their fccllii's as men ; Rut with blows an' with curses they rushed me Inside of a great prison pen. An' nex' day wo Btarted fur lllchmond , a leavln' poor Hilly behind ; My heart an' my soul was In torture , an' my eyes with hot tear drops wor blind. My God , how I Buffered , your honor , with a most unendurable pain , Wen tlio horrlblo thought kep' a comln' I'd never tee Hilly again , Three months on Hello Isle , an" I reckon your Honor knows well what that means. Three months In that hell-hole o' Salan , amid tbo most horrlblo scones ; Hut all ray woo was forgotten , an' my heart was Just crazy with Joy W'en with a new lot of arrivals I saw the dear face o' that bov. From his wound ho had nearly recovered , an Judge , you m&y Uugh It you chooso. Hut uo bugged nn1 wo klusfel Jus1 Ilka women , nn1 danced In our old noteless Till the boys must hare , thought wo wor craty , but wo didn't kccr , not a pin , Kur Hilly was llvln1 nn * klckln' , an' wo w i together acln. Then we formed a plan for escaping by tun * nclln1 under the line , An' tuck In a regular soldier , a feller named Jonathan Stlue ; An' week after week there wo Inhered tilt freedom seemed drawln to hand , An' wo cherished the blessed rellcctlon that soon with our comrades wed stand. The sun went down , the west was declining an' ITO U again would appear , We felt that us three would bo sloalltt1 to ward our own colors so dear ; Hut alas fur our fond expectations , an * all of our labor an1 rains , 'Iho guard to our tent cum m.irchJn' an1 wo found uurselM * carryln' cbalus. That spawn o' the devil betrayed us , that damnable regular client Had told of our plot to the rebels fur sake of A mouthful to eat. An' Hilly an1 mo made a promise If wo over should strike on his trail. We'd brwilt In his traitorous noKKln , It wo spent a hull lifetime In jail I met him , Judge , right In tills city an1 all o' the sufterln' an' pain That Hilly an' me had encountered cum rushln' back to me again An' right on that Instant I downed him as I would any traitorous cur , An' I laughed fur to hear him beggln1 when 1 told him Jus' what It was fur. They tell mo the blow nearly killed him , but that he's rceovi-rln' now , An' wants me to rot In a prison fur sort o1 fulfilling my vow ; Hut ono boonln' thought Ml sustain me , that If Hilly Doling Isn't dead , llo'll .Homo day run Into the rascal an * foller my lead on his head. An' t liopo l line has dealt more Indulgent with him an' he's stronger than mo , Ills muscles moro Kolld and springy , his sinews more activenn' free. So's his stioku Ml be mote satlstyln' an' fall with more power , fur then The world Ml bo rid of a critter that ain't lit to live 'lining men. An' judge , please your honor , I reckon as how 1 can't ; set any ball , An1 Instead of the A. P. reunion , I guess I must languish In jail. Vo see , I have tended reunions almost since the war right along , In hopes I might meet my old comrade , my chum , dear ol' Hilly Del.ong. An' at Hurllngton down In Vermont , sir , tomorrow the old boys will meet ; I was here on my way when I met him and tackled the- CUBS on the street , An * It some loyal comrade would ball me , right back from Vermont 1 would come , An' report to ycr honor fur service , for ycr bee 1 might light on my chum. " The Judge called tlio district attorney and whispered some words In his ear , The lawyer seemed flll > d with amazement , and to all the court It was clear That hn looked on the old man with favor , his story had struck tlio right place , For a tear and n look of compassion was fixed on the old judge's face. Ho drew from his pocket a check book and filled In the blanks with a Jerk , With quick , nervous movement ho signed it and handed It down to the clerk : "Misdemeanor , the charge has been put , sir , and guilty Is your plea , " then he said , "Tho court puts the fine at ten dollars with costs , and the fine has been paid. " The court was adjouiucd and his honor came down from his seat on the stand. Made his way through the lawyers and bail iffs. and grasped the old man by the hand , And hustled him out ot the court room and Into a carriage near by ; Each man la the crowd staring after with , wonderment fixed In his eye. Then followed a rambling discussion , some blaming the judge for hU act , While others with weighty opinions his ac tions with eloquence backed. But all were of just ono opinion when a bailiff cried out to the throng , "You lose sight of the name of his honor , that check was signed William IJe- Long. " OKAT1I 1'HACTICAI. .1OICI2. I ' 'ill ill TriK Mly OOM N Two IilvrM lit a lliiiirilliiKT HOIINC. NKW ORLCANS , ? cpt. 20. A double tragedy occurred In a Hoiirbon street boardIng - Ing hou.so this morning. Harry Goldsmith , a solicitor for n debenture company , and Joseph Goldstein , a clothing drummer , boarded In tlio house. Recently they have been playing pranks on each other. This morning they quarreled about a Jolio that Goldstein bad perpetrated on Goldsmith. The latter secured his revolver and asked1 Goldstein to bis room , and shot him twice In the head , indicting mortal wounds , Gold smith then turned the phtol to his own head and blew out his brains. Ucth men were young and unmarried. - I > OH < P IIU Until Aflor Kli-cllon. ST. LOUIS , Sept. 20. It was announced somu time ago that the Carriage Iliillders National association would call a conven tion and exhibition In St. Louis , October 13 , H and 15. Many eastern members of the association claim that times arc Inauspicious ; there have been many business reverses , and members feel unable to bear the expense of a trip to St. Louis. H was suggested that the convention ! ) < * postponed until after the November election , or else until next year. A mretlng of the executive committee will bo held In Now York next week , or else a vote ns to whether the convention shall bo held or not will bo taken. Tetter , eczema and all similar skin troubles arc cured by the use of HuWltt's Witch Hazel Salve , It Eootheo at once , and restores the tissue's to their natural con dition , and never foils to euro piles , .MnnyVrrrkN on ( In- LONDON , Sept. 2B , Advices received here from Spain , France and tlio west of Eng land show that Humorous wrecks' have occurred on the epasta , and that the gale has ilono much damage everywhere , -You'll find it's ths most perfect waterproof floor covering that's durable , sanitary and artistic that is if you get it here in plain colors and a great variety of artistic designs including the new inlaid pat terns like inlaid wood noisless and easily cleaned six to twelve feet wide -for kitchens halls bath rooms. Let us price it to you , Orchard & Willielm Carpet Co. , 1/H 0 Douglas Struct.