THE OMAHA DAILY ttTSE : TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 24 , IvSOG , 8PBG1RL NOTICES. for Uirnc colilnini it-Ill lie tnlciMi until ISiftO p. in. , for UK orcnltiK nnd until H p , m. for the inortilMK niul Snntlnjeillllniifi , Ail * crllnera , liy rriiticNtltiK n tin in hered rhpclt , onn linrc nnnrrrrn nil- ilr 'i" eil to it iimitl > cril l letter In enrc of TinHer. . Annm-rn nil nitilrcHivil ttlll lie delivered on jireweiitutlmi ol < lir eli eric mil- . llad'N , 1 1-Uc ! n vrnril Hrnt Inicrdoin la a ivoril tlicrrnflcr. Nnllilnic tnUfii f < ir IPMN ( lillil tic lor Hie Hrnt liimer- iloti. Thexe erllxeiiieiilii nmiit lie r in SI'I'IFATIO'SS WAMTK1J. A yottNrt KAUT nnninnn A i-osmox AS Bccnml plrl nn.l to hol | > wllli xewlnB fall nt 4015 Izanl Rt Wnlnut Itlll A MW ? fi * TotJNO M\N WITH I'Aifi ixiMiuiNrn : AS tmrliM1 would like to Rot ctonily worK In drat- rind * Imrlicr nhopi lilRh wages no olijcrt X , eo. A M'JIJ 21 * : iMAI.i : lltil.P. WANTED. AN IDHAj WHO OArTHINK OF r-ome iilmplo tlilni ? to patcntT 1'rotpcl your Idcns. they may brlnr ytm wraith. Write John Weiliicrlitirn ft Co , liopt. V. Talent Attnrtirys , XVnihlncton , . C. . for their Jl.SW prli5lTer > nd n. Hat of 200 Invention * wnntcil n ill WANTKIJ-AN ACTIVIJ MAN IN KVIHIY I.O- cnllty tu rcpri'i-nt us ( no fortune hunter wnntCMt ) ; will Riiarnntre J15CO weekly nnd nil expenses ; Investigate at once. Ilex MOs. Una- ton , Mna < n-.MOT PC * " _ _ _ tCO TO "tl50 AND ixi'2NflKS ! I'AII ) HAI.r.S- men for rluars , enpeilcnce iinncccsB.ny , extra InilucfricntH to customera. Chan. C Hlhop & Co. , ft. Louis. D MOOT Oi \VANii2u SAI.KRMIN : rou JIUYAN ANII MrKlnlpy medallions nt public ami potlllenl KHthcrlnBi from inrt , pljtform or on street. Adilren Hleel Dimh & rentier Co , Maitnrn rnll , N. Y. n-M5C 24 _ _ _ _ 150 A MONTTT HAI.AIIY PAID SAI.nSMnN for ctRiira , line Hup ainl ppsclal Imlutvincnts. The \V. U Kline Co. , 104 S. Itroadway , 8t , I ouln , Mo. H-MI02 21' , 5IKN TO L13AHN llAUIinit TUAUn , only eUlit wiclto Kiilrcl | ( , situations or lo- cntlonB for whops furnlfhed Riniluatc * ; speclnl ItiiluiLiiionlh ( or nppllaintH fn > m country. yiolrr'a llatlitr School , 2S1 So. Clnrk ft. , Clil- CHKI < lllliniilteJ catalogue mnllcil free. 11 MlKi g > * WANTICD-AN ACTIVB WOMAN AT J10 M e kly to represent us. Address Ilex & 10S , Ilos- ton. MIISH , C Mf.Si OC \VANTIO TiionotKiiu.Y coMi'j-.rnxT OIHL for general housework , refereno B required. Mr * . D. II. WneHer , 2621 Itarney st. C 910-24 _ _ _ aooiT OIHL , roil anNnitAi. HOUHISWOHK. C30 South 30th Bt. , Mr.s. T. Bulllvnn. C M1000 2 < KOIl HKNT HOUSKS. IN ALU PARTS or Tin : CITV. TUI : O. I' . Daxls Compiny , 1103 rnrnnm U 372 I1OUSUS. UIUNUWA & CO. , 103 N. JITII ST. U-3TJ MOUUIW HOUSES. C. A. STA1UI. 925 N.Y WI'i ; D-374 _ ETIJAM IIHATUU STOIina AND riA18. llcnurd Uanck , acpnt , 1C10 CliIc-iKa streetD375 D-375 CHOIcn HOUSKS ANDCOTTAfinS ALK OVCI ! * Iho city , $5 to IV ) . 1'ldellty , 1702 Varnam. ilU LIST OV HOUSES. TIIU nvnoN Itced Co. , 212 S. Hth pt. D-377 HOUSES. WALLACE , IIIIOWN UL1C. 16T1I and Douglas. D 378 HOUSES & STOllUS r. D.W12AD , 1C A Douglas. D-246 fc:3 niJNT. 10-HOOM HOUSE , jierfect repair. 712 N , 15th St. 4 & . 5-HOOSI 11OUSK. S36 SO. 18TH 4-llOOM HOUSES , CllnAl' . 1109 AIAHCV FOH HUNT , A CHOirn , DHTAClinD MOD- crn 9 room houseNo. . M29 Capitol uve. . J33 00. It , If , Roblcon. D CG9 e-ROO&tTitobnRN CORNUR FLAT. 2401 LCAV- cmvorth pi. D MCC1 QIC * FOH HUNT , rURKISIIHD OR UNTUIINISIIIID IIOUBO , 8 rooms ; modern. tOD 1'ark avenue. , . D COS 'Til S-ROOSl COTTAGE , S. K. 23D AND CLAHKn * * D-tOl O VNIMSS Or STOItCHOOJtS , IJLOCKS. 1'LATS or centrally located houses vvlitch they wish to have icntcd shoulil list them with Potter & George Co. , S. W. corner ICth and Farnam. „ _ D M80S 30 IIODDRN FLATS WITH 13VKR\THINCJ NR\V ' ami Hrlctly llrst elttfli In the Duvldsi" hullii- Imr. ISth ami rimmm. Apply to John W. Itobbina. looms , 3 nnil 4 Duvlilse- _ * A IIOUSB WITH NINi : ROOMS , wffll ALL modirn comenU-iicm ; surrounillnss OKreeable , nt Lalte Inwn , southwest cor. 2lEt uinl L.nhe sis , DMOJ1 20' _ _ SIX-ROOM COTTACSlii 1'URN'ISIinD Oil UN- , . furnished. S02 S. 30th. D-M93S 5C FOR ItKNT , TOR Tlin WINIIIH. KINH-IIOOM house , fuinlshed , modern con\enlences , one liloelc trom I'.irk cur line , on Houtn 29th ft. , nenr I'arlc pchool ; will lent cheap tu HUltalile perxons. ISest of inferences required AililreHa X 21 , Hee. _ I ) DG1-K ) ' 8-ItOOM HOUSE. MODURN ; 852 S. 2D ST IJ-DJI 23' you Hi.vr Kimxisiiwn s runNisunn ROOMS FOR for man and wife Rent taken In board 319 N. . 17. _ E M 2 FOH RENT , ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT liourd , hlf.nn hrnt electric llRlit , elevator , free baths ; mtci rcason.ihle. Ilrtin lck hotel , E aac _ NI1WLV rtlRNlSHUn ROOMS. UOt'SEKEIIl'- Ing , tC2i St. Mury'H. R-M10I 29 * U001IS AM ) IlOAllI ) , NICK ROOMS ANU iioAllD. 2013 ! > OtOLAS. _ F 11791 Jb IJ-OH niiNTr FritNihiir.D UOOMS , WITH OR without liojul , lit'Mt iiinl all ininlcrn InilirovcinentH , law lutes fur the win ter. Mlillnm ! hotel , ICUi and Clilcago. M. J rronclc , proptlctor. r 906 roit IUNT : , ruuNiMiiii"iiooM : ANDTROARD on eoulh 2Jlll U , luui 1'url : i-chuol to one or tvvo juuni ; men ; private family ; na other hoarders , vvhuu l.mno comfortu cani ? had j lust Klvc lie-Kt oC r fe-uMiCLM and etnte vvheMc .mi > Io > i > il A'1'lrei-s X S3 , 13ee. r 8CO-gl ! ONtTrURNISlIKD RO'lM. ' SOU'lIl l-RONr" , inailcrii , nonr Illt-h sehnol , bo.inl If dcshe-d , for t\u > . AUcbctH X 2 , llec. I' ' M938 27 * FOR UOO1IS. K CHAMRERS TOR HOUHEKEEI'ING , MAN und \ > ! Ce , water In lillclien ; steel BlnX. 31'J N. 17th. G-M817 FOR UINT : yiouus AND OI F1RBT-CLASS lIRIC'li STORE IIUILUINU , 1011 rarnuni ; thieo btorle * und bjBenient , ulll niter to cult tenant ! low lent , Jll Ul Nut'l Il'k'bldj. I .179 FOR RENT , THE 4-SrORY URICK llUil.DlNCI nt 810 1'arimm nt , This bulUlus IUIH u nteprnuf cement liifenient. : complete uttum hiatliiK IIx- , turca.utir on nil rtouis. ! , > . etc , Apply at the cillco of Iho Doe , 1 910 TUB FOUR-STORY AND HASIIML'NT : ItRICK building , ut Kit Himard elii-et .suitable for utorage < id commUHlon , or manufacturing bim- tnesn , U. . fintlonal ImnK. I SSO STORUS AND Ol'I'ICKS IN TllT : Ni\V DAY- Idgo Imlldlni ; , IStli and Fuiimin A | > | > ly to Jnhil \ \ ' Robbing , rooms 3 and t Unvldga lilds. 1-83J-30 WA.1'121) . LAUV AND aUNTUlMUN AGEOTS for vVnukvnlio6 11 fi , ' Co. conds , to work In Onmlia or Coutull IllufTs Call or address 11 08 Harnyy. after 10 n. in. J-MM7 Zi * _ 111O MONKY IN L4TBSI' CAMPAIGN AND coina tuitions ; (00 kliuln. bottom prices , box tmmplft for dime. CamnaUn Supply company , 61 Arch Street , Itostoti , Mxn. J-H9U WANTl'.D TO JIK.NT , A FURNIHIIKn HOUSU KROM Oc tober until July , or longer ; repl ) Clifford W. Smith. 1320 Kurnuin it , K ffl I'ACIKIC 8TOHAOK AND WARKHOU8E CO. , S08-810 Jones. Qenernl utoruge und Toruardlne. M-Ml OM. VAN & STOllAQB , HIS FAR'M TEL 1MJ. U 5331 SAL12 IIOIISISS AM ) WAGONS. DUKAUILITT TALKS : CARRIAOBa , 1IUOOIBS. tihiietoni , bottom pricea. A. J. Blmtiiori , KM bodgt. r-ni 1 IIUUQIIES , * TO W : i PlIAUTON'S. FROM JJ5 to ITS : % furrcyii. too to iw. 4 family : ai- r'iie , liii to JUSt ; \ \ \ open r ( ul wuc ra | i ! Uiununond CarrlaE * Co , . ISll , and llun y i i'- i.u sio TOR SAM7 3ltSCtM < A.MiOfS. A riNB CHICKKR1NO Ul'RIOHT PIANO only JIGS 00. Klr.e Stone ft Co. up ilit , H5 Some oilier upright * , Mid 00 I'lnnoi to rent. Wm. H Schmoeller A Co. . SIS McCncue bldg. CHKAI'KST HARDWOOD WOVEN CORN-GRIM JWInu mide C R. Loc. Ml DoiiRlnf. Q-58S ATTKN'TIOS" M'KINLKY C'LURsl m'ltT camp-ilcn lnntrnl burn oil burn brlRht , burn nil nlshl Red , white blue ami ( told. Send Jl for two unmplcs to Inihl Stamrdnc Co. , Detroit. Mlrh Q-MiMS 27" \IIIVOYA\TS. . MRS MARY riUTSC , CLAIRVOYANT Ml N. l ti. ! S M4I7-O3 * MASSAfSIJ , 1IAT1IS , IJTC. MMi : . SMITH , 1121 DOfOl.AH STUBKT. SI lloor , rrmm B , mastnge , steam , nlcohnl nm sulpliurlno l > nth . T MBIT ! C MIPS AMnsTvAl-Olf UATUS. \S3A(5K ( 307 _ S J3tli st , room 3. T M&jS OJ MRS. > n i.nox. iujrnic MAH Ant : i'7\TT lora ; rcfrMliIni ; nnd ruratlve , Oon't fnll to call. 417 8. llth t. . upstairs. T M9rf 28 * , . MISS VAN VALKKNUURO DBSTUOYS I'BR- nmiicntly by electricity cuierlluous "inlr. moles. warts , etc. Room 418 , N. Y. Ufa uid . U-3S7 - _ _ _ ' RU1TURI3 CURiD ; NO 1'AIN ; NO IMvFnN' . tlon from hu lnes i e refer to liumlrcds of patients cured O U Mlllor Co. . S07 N Y. Lire building , Ontnlia , Neb. U 389 SAVn MONlTY"TlY OOINO TO DR. HKYMOUIt for > our dental work , half ratei next tlilrty days , 933 North Hlh Rt , U Mltll S22 UATUlT M ASSArTu. "iSli : , I'OST , 31914 8 15TH _ u-sco VIAVJ. HOMI : IRIATMINT FOR u- iroublci l'h > Blclin In attendance. Consulta tion ur beoltb book ftte. Slli lice bldi ; t ; ; ao _ _ UO-JTON DRKSS r-lJTTINO AOADiMV 100 Indies wanted to Icain nyatcm taiiKht by Mrt Q. Sheller. 19M 3. 17tli street. U M383 TO 1.0A\HICAI , KbTATIJ. ANTHONY IXAN & TRUST CO , .115 N. Y. L Quirk money at low latcs for chnlco farm loans In Ion a. northern Missouri , cttctLin Nebraska. \\-331 _ _ _ _ CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 025 N. Y LIFE. \V 302 MONIIY TO LOAN ON IMPRUVnD OMAHA real estate llrennan , Love Co. , raxton blocl , . LOANS ON IMl'ROVni ) & UNIMI'ROVKD CITY property. W. Furnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam W 3114 _ _ MONEY TO LOAN AT I.OW IIATKS. Tlin O K Davla Co. . IMS I'.irnam St \V 3"3 FROM jico ur. r. D. WBAD , 10 & DOUGLAS. \V-243-S25 1'tIT YOUR MONI3Y INTO ROOD RI7AL ES- tatc moitRaReH , wi- can offer for sals several cholie morlBaKes bearlni ; Kood late of Inter est Hicks Real Instate Atciics , 3uj X Y. JLfe [ lildg. \V-V'3 ? 4 JIOMCY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE PIANOS hetEevvaKons , etc. , nt lowest lute In city r.o lemoval of goods ; strictly confidential ; > oi can pay tlio loin oft at imy tl-ne or In anv amount. OMAHA UORTUACiE LOAN CO 300 So IGth Kt. X 390 MONEY TO LOAN. SO. CO , 00 DAIS ; FURNI ture , pianos , etc. Duff Green , rooii 8 Darker blk X-3J7 ciiA > 'cis. FOR SALE. ADOUT 2,000 I.BS. MINION TYPE " 00 Ibs. agate , ISO pair two-third c.ise , , . 4 ( double iron stands for two-third cases Thli material was used on The Omaha Hee and ! In fairly good condition Will be sold ci-ai In bulk or In quantities to suit tiurchater. Apply In person or bv mall to The Hen Pub lishing Co. , Omaha , Neb. Y 713 " TOR SALE ON SATISFACTORY "TERMS C'OM- pletc stock of Jewelry nnd optical goods , safe , case , regulator , tools , m.iturlal , etc Addn > s X 11 , Hee. Y MSSi 2T GREAT WEALTH COMES FROM LEGITlTlATr rpcciilatlon In Wall street ol Chicago lioan of Trade : } 1 Is enough to start vvltti , Vander- bllt , Oould , Armour. Rockefeller got rich fiom smill beginnings ; no bucket shop nor fraud legitimate speculation , pnrtlculatn free , seiu postal with nnme and address American In vestment and Security company , yd Hro.idn.iy New York. Y M101 4 * FOH I2. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE TOR LAND OR merchandise. $4.000 stock Implement jobbing house. Addicss V. C. M. , llee odlce. Cnuncll Bluffs. Z-S71 _ A VERY FINE 320-ACRE IMI'ROVIjb FARM In .southvvPBteni Iowa to tiade for Omalia propvity Owner wants residence property ; will give good bargain. Fidelity Trust Co , Sole Agent ? . X M9C4 29 TOR SAl.n ItHAL ESTATE. IF YOU DESIRE TO PURCHASE FINE VA- iant property , cheap lots or lioutei and lots for cahli , ur on very easy terms do not fall to see the Fldelltj Trust Co. , southeast corner of lice building Their Iht Is large and they recommend nothing but bargains. Ho M'J7t AHSTRACTS THE 11YRON REED COMPANY RE 3JS FOR BALE. DON'T TAKE YOUR MONE\ out of the banks and hoard It or put It where It can bo stolen , Lletter buj a home , a lot or u few ncres mar tno cltj at one-half value , or buy a good ( Irst innrteiiKe on Improved real estate , pa > able In gold , and bearing 7 t > er cent semi-annual Interest. AVe have the homes , the lots , the acres and 110 n > st mort gage loans , which we are offeilng for sale and will be glad to show them to nny one wlBliInK profiUble and absolutely safe Invest ments Potter & . George Co , a. w. corner 16th and Farnnm RE MSOT 30 FOR HALE. CHEAP , HEAUTIFUL COTTAGE C rooms ; summer kitchen , hard and soft water ; good btlcU cellar ; lot 33x127 : cast front , part cash ; balance 6 per cent. 340 N. 25th street. RE 793 AN ELEGANT HOME IN THE VICINITY OF Ilanscom park. A delightful und clKhtly place Pleasant grounds , with shrubbery and every thing desirable Will take smaller place In exchange. If Intelisteil call boon on M. J , Ken- natd fi. Son , 310 J. J. lliown block RE-M827 TO I-TNU FRUIT LANDS , CLOSlTrO THE CITY M. J. Kennard , sole agent , 310 J. J. lliown bloclc , _ JIE MS2U 20 cllEAl' NEW BEVEN-ROO-vTMODERN COT- taKe , within walking illslnnce of business. Will take lot us part pajment Your chance ; eee us quick. M J. Kennard , sole agent , 310 J. J. HroHH block. .U ; M52S 26 f WILL TAKE CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT or book accounts In thu Oma.ia bavings liann for ual estate nt him ! times Millies G , O. Wallace , 312 J J. Drown blk. , ICth & Douglas. RE-ail 28 FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRIbON , 912 N Y. L. HE 8H OJO FARMS M lu'.ir lllencoe , la , , tl.GOO , 400 ucres Haipy Co , > 3J an acre. M In Ion a , level latnl , ) SUO , N ) Lincoln , 1W In Duller Co , (30 nn acre. ICO ork Co , , $36 an ncie. SW Mills Co . la. . J.'O nn acre , fiCO Monona Co , la , } 20 an acre. M Mdimn.i Co. , lu. , SO'XI SO Harrison Ca , la. , JJ.100. US near Mlllaid , > LO an itcre. 20 near Omaha , tS2M. 61 near Omaha , 53 SCO. 1GO nrar HennliiKton , (45 an acre. SuO WiishliiKton Co . JSi an acre. ktw Hurt Co , 137 an acre , 11.U near Omaha , $7,9)0. ) ICO mm Omaha , IG.4GO , O. F. Harrison , 912 N Y. Life , HE 507-:3 A FINE IMPROVED STOCK AND GRAIN farm 25 ml If a south w cm ut Omaha , Hrge ulunu houte , 10 rooms , b.isomcnt , birn , lurga irult beurliiK' orchard , ull fenced und cross-fenced ; s.ild to ho thu best feeding farm lu Cats county , ubout TOO ucirs. station and depot lit the door ; for sale cheap and will take smitll Iowa farm as part pajment. Hicks Real Es tate Agency , N Y. Life bldg. Omaha , 00 acres central Nebraska , will make llrst class strclt farm ; can veil and take smaller fuim or city propelly In putt pa > munt , Hlcke , Real Estate Agency , Omaha. RE990 21 A1US10 , AHT AMI ELOCUTION. PHYSICAL CULTURE. MRS. W N. Uorwurd , < C3 N. ISth , Cuttlnes from stand- urJ uutliors , < OiOItJE ( P QELLENHECK. I3ANJO AND tultur teacher , R. 41 : liee lildg. Tel :3i 100 A K1NU BTEINWAY TARLOR GRAND , worth 11.000 IM. only ISOOCO ; one upright Vote & Sons , only J11000 , iiiunos for rent. William H. Bchmoller & Co. , 313 McCugue lildg. -M91S KATHKRYN A. QOODSBI.L , TEACHER OK thu guitar , 1618 Hurt st. 900 1C * HUILDINQ AND LOA ASSOCIATIONS. BHAUKS IN MUTUAL L. & H. ASS'N PAYS 6. 1 , t \ > ft cent when 1 , 2 , 1 years old ; always re deemable. 1704 Farnnm St. Nattlmjer , Sec. 40 ? HOW TO QliT A HOME OR BUCUllE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha U it U. Au'n. 1704 Karnatn. Q , M Nat timer. Sec. 404 SEWING MACHINES AM > Sl'I'l'MES. NEW IIOMK. HOUSEHOLD , WHITE AND Davis Sewing machines. Office 1514 CApltr-l nve. MiS St AM ) SD wiiKr.LsoTo' * inYci.g RENTED nnd repaired. Omaha Ulcjclc Co , ICth nnd C'hleftRo 187 I'OIl SALE A LADY'S CRFSr-ENT Rli'YCLE , Z1 pounds ; perfect order , } JOOO cnah X ! ? , lice. MM6 27 LOST. MY TWO PONS. JAMI'S. AOED 1D YEAR1. about six feet tnll dnrk complexloned. welslia alnnit ICO pounds , wore blatk suit nf clothe * nnd brown imt , Frank , nrcd 12 ve rs. 4 feet tall , llirht complfxloi ed with Us it hair , left m > home on the 15th o' September They hid vv Ith them twn Tiny mires , one vvclRhliiR 1 200 , and the other l.roo Ibs I will rny $1000 for their ur- rejt. Notify V TclfK } , Hnvvell * Nebr/iska , or c1 Krci-Rcr , shcrirf , Schujlcr NI br-t la. Lo t 157-21 LOST , MONDAY OOLt ) PIN. WITH 'TILLIE" on j > ln nnd InltHls " 1C St 1 fc. K V M " on Maltese cross. Return to 1412 Fnrnam for re ward Lost-MlOO ! ' . SIIIHCIIANT TAIfiOIt. MAX FOr.EI. . MKltrllANT TAILOR AND eteam rlcarer. will remove to basement under German Savings banlt , September ltd , lei. 197. 2C9 S-Jr KHOUTIIAM ) AM ) TYI'inVIHTIXG. A. C. VAN BANTS SCHOOL , MJ N. Y. LIFE. 400 AT OMAHA BUSINESS COLLEGE. ICTH AVD Do-JKlas. M193 S23 IJIJTECTIVn CAPTAIN P. MOSTYK. DF.TECTIVR AGENCY ; nil detective work carefully and promptl > nt- tended to. 310 Knrb.ich block , Omiha , nml C1G Ronnolte Rids. , Chlc\io. MCOS Octl DAXCIXCJ SCHOOL. MORAND'S NOW OPEN FOR LADIES' GEN- llcmen , children and private elapses. For par ticulars and terms pleoBC call , 1310 Harney st. CS9 Oil UIM10LSTUHIXG. FURNITURE PACKED. FINISHED , RE- p-ilred. mattre es made nnd renovated. Try Wnll.ln. 2111 Cumlng. tel 1331 COS I'AW.MUlOICr.ltS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 415 N. 16 ST. 403 MEDICAL. 1HE PEOPLE'S DISPENSARY. 152i DUUULAS Rt , never falls In diseases ct women ; gives piompt relief without dangerous opetaliens , 23 je.iis' e\pcrlenee. M-951 20 * LADIES' ' CHICIIESTER'S ENGLISH PENNY- Pills ( Diamond brand ) are the best , safe , reliable. Take no oth ( r Send 4o stamps for paitlculars "Rellpf f ( r Ladles. In letter by return mall At druggists. Chlchestcr Chem ical Co. , Phil idelphln , I'a , Mention llee. M103 24 * SPECIALISTS 1.4 Kcrvous , liironic and Private oiseissi WEflFMEH BEXUALL * . All 1'rltuto l Uoi 5 l amlDlaordem of .Visa rrcumumt by mall coiiMiHiUlun ttea' SWHILiS Cured for llfo end the pnivu thoroughly tlranaed from th vJtcm. PILES. FISTULA an niJOTAIj UI.CKRS. HYDROCEL113 ANU VARICOCni.H permnnently nnJ euccenfully cur < d. Method new and unfnlllnff. STRICTURE AND GLEET By new method without pain or cutting. Call on or n/Mre wlin stamp. Dr. Scailcs & Surte , Compare The Bee's Daily Market Reports With those printed In rival newspapers. The Bee's Market Page Stands unrivalled. ( Y pinvlinsing gouds inndc at tjit ! ftillowinp Nebras ka f < ctoriu * > . If you can not you want , coiniiHinijati : vvith tile in.Hiti fact tire rs as to \v h u I clc.ilcrs liaiu ! ' _ tli.'ir BAGS. AND TWIKU. IIIIMIS O.A1AIIA IIAU CO. Manufacturers of nit klnla of cotton ami bur lap liags. cotton ( lour sacks anil twine u spec ialty. CH-R1C 61S S. llth St , OMAHA HHI\VI.M ; ASSOCIATIOA. Car load clitpments made In our ouii refii erator cars. Iliue Itlbbon , Illlte Export VJenn Ksport anil Taintiy Export delivered to all pa 'i. of the city. | _ _ _ inoN UAlb A. COAVC.ILL IUUWOlllt T" Iron anil llrum FonuilcrH. Manuracturcn and JoLbera of Maclilnciy < > tn. tra\ \ repairing a specialty. J5U ) , U03 and 1509 Jichson street , Oinuha , N < D. I.VDUSTHIAL 1HO1VOKKS. . MnnufacturlrE ana repairing of nil l.liv.a ot n.aciilntrx , engines puinp , ilevatura. ( ir mini ; preues , tinnReis , shaftini ; na couplings , lUd and OS Howard Bt. Omaha IMVl'O.N A V1UUI.I.VG IIIO.WOUKS Manufacturers ot Arctilteeuirai Irjnotk Geneiul 1'oundi-y. Macnlue and lllnrksnilit work Engineers nnd Ountracloii for File I'roof Jjulld- InKS. Otllce nnd works ! U. P. Hy. nd So. ITth street. Omnnn NIGHT WATCH. FIUI3 BKRVICC AMKItlCAN I1ISTIIICIT\l'II. The only perfect protection to propttt ) Exam ine n. licit thl-K on eartli. Hedut.M laeunince rates. 1304 Douglas street , i-\\croniES J. II. KVANS NUIIHASKA hlllllT COSI1M.VV. Exclusive custom shirt tailors. 151 i Farnam TENTS AND AWNINGB \VOI.K 1IU.OS. A. CO. Manufacturers of tenn , awnings , laruollans. fljk-a , banners ant ] sttismers. TKNTS FOR KENT. 703-705 South Sixteenth ctreit , Omutu , CURE YOURSELF ! .t' u lllgll lor unuiluta ) aUchtrjci , IaUamni3llua < . trrilmlluui ur ulccrutloai . , of m u com ninutirinn. cguucUra. I'minlcM. tad Lot fcltria ( "r p iiuii u , Mold Ity llrtiKrcl't' . or irnt In tliln wrtpiwr. br Mprw , prepaid. Jor II lo , or 3 bottle * , | 'TJ. Circular itut ub rvuugft- OMAHA WHEEL CLUB'S ' MEET Plans for the Knees'nt the Old Pali Grounds Track on Saturday , GOOGLERS PREPARE A GREAT LAYOUT x Knlrlc * Alrrmly ill llinul I'mtulmtlio nensed InelirnHlin Sonic or the DelnlN. Plans arc complete for the Omaha Wheel club's racing iiwt at the- old fair grounds track on Saturday afternoon , and It Is not promising too much to say that If rain does not Interfere there will be a sporting event to date from for a few years. En tries do not close until tomorrow night ; jet the list already booked Is a long one , made up of bona-flde racing men. Up to date the novice clnss Uery slimly represented There arc some nlco prizes for the novices and the young riders may jet drop in tint the big e\eiils have tilled nicely , and EPino race sport may bo confidently looked forward to. Yesterday the local riders who are train ing on the track pronounced It lightning fast. It is one of the fastest two-lap tracks In the country , and was nc\cr In better shape than at present. And this Is another guarantor of the sport In prospect. Among the professional are men who ha > o ne\cr met , and , as they are coming here from a distance. It Is fair to presume they a-e coming for some of the money. There arc nlno events , ono novice , four amateurs and four piofosslonals. Two of thcso will be 1 ot. No. 3 , ono mile , amateur , paced , will bring out the speediest ot this class ol riders. In this event the prizes reach the League of American Wheelmen limit. i\cnt : No. G Is the one mile , professional , paced , with $60 cash for the first man In , $25 for the second and $10 for the third. When men like Hanks , Coulter , Decker , Mlerstoln. Ashley , Kverhard , Maxwell , Don- man , McCall , Gadke , Krederlckson , lloltou , Law-son , Ouslaverson and McCultongh meet In an event of this sort , there will be some track burning. A tandem team that can rldo will sot the pace on this. Thcso arc only two of the racesf All arc short , ex cept the last one , the fhc-mlto handicap for the amateurs , nnd all have good money waiting for the winners. The prizes aggre gate $525. Upwards of sixty of the best known riders between Chicago and the mountains have al ready paid their entrance fees , and the meet at Kearney will send half as many more The list docs not close until Friday night. All the Omaha riders arc In , and all arc training hard. Ono thlnK the club ban arranged for that will bo appreciated is that only a single admlfcslon price Is charged. The ticket that admits to the grounds admits to the grand stand , quarter stretch or paddock. Hut the track will bo kept clear. On this especial stitss is laid. Marshals sulllcient to patrol the stretch will ECO to It that riders enl > have thn track. Trial heats will be run off In the mornIng - Ing , and the finals In the afternoon. GAM US OK THU IVATIO.WI * IUAiUU I Clfi eliiml Cinelies Seejiiul 1'luee iintl I lie Tenuile Cup Clinnce. CLEVELAND , Sept , 23. Cleveland today bccnred the right to defend the Temple cup by defeating Louisville. Wallace's pitching wiis very effective , stilUIng out eight men and holding the \lMltors down to thiee hits. Attendance , SOO Score : Cleveland 0 0020000 * 2 Louisville OflOOOOUOO 0 ISase hits : Cleveland , B ; Louisville , 3. Hrrors : Clo\emul. ! S ; Louisville , 3 First base on balls : Oft Wsilljieo , 2 ; . off rr.izu1 , 3. Struck out : U > W.ilme , S ; by Frnzcr , 3 Two-biso hit : MeAlrur. Hit by pitched ball : Uy Wallace , 1. I'.issed lulls : Xlni- iner , 2. B.Uterlp.s ; Cleveland , Wallace and /Clmmcr ; Louisville , Krnrer nnd Dexter. Umplies : Sheridan and Emslie. I'HILADKLPIIIA , Sept. 2.i.-TIio IMilllles began their last series today by winning Iiom Biooklyn In one of the biggest slug ging games neon here this .se.ison. After RACING MEET At the old Fair Grounds Track on Saturday , Sept. 26. In Cash Prizes Fine Events and the Fastest Riders in the West. Watch for the Entries. m. TICKET IS ALL YOU NtED. Mnission 2Bo-Grand Stand Frca , Tclcp'ionc ' 1531 , TOMC1IT K15 | THE mm ii OPER.4 GO , rretentlng Matinee Saturday 1'rlccH , 2Se , 35c , COo , 75c , } 1 00 Matinee pi-lien 25c. We .Sept 37 3U-C11AL .M I5V OL PfiOPLRS THIJATKi } I'OI > ULAU L M , Crawford , MCiv Biff nor Theater Go 1'itday , 25th , "Fri.nd ( i- ' B turdaj , Doll Mat inee , "Undo Turn's ( V'lV'n' ' ' Saturday nit ; it " - . ' ' bill Sunda ' . "LlEbtnlni ; liipn-M. Kient > 1'ilccx. | 0o , 2Cc. SOc LAUY FRin I'llday lilulit with Each 30o ticket , yJ ( . , the locnts lind pounded Vnync In tlio first for llvp slnqlo , n trlulo ntiu a Abli < > y took lil plncc , luit wnpqtmlly tut- In holdlnfr , the I'lillllps down to nn > - extent Cnrspy tlien took Orth's plnre. nnd nltlioiigh hit froolj" the Hrookl > itM could not overcome the lend. Attendance , 700 Score : 1'hllmlclphla . . . . . 7 1-17 Brooklyn . 320071 3-lfi Unse hits. 1'hMndelphln , SI ; Hrookljn , 17 nrror.i : rtillnilplphln , 3. Brookljit , 0. Uurned runs. 1'hllndolplila , 14 ; Hrooklyn. 7 Tv o-lmxo lilts : Lit .lolc , Tliompaoti. An derson , Cirlllln , Homier Three-lia e hits' Li : Jole , Orth , Urllltn , Shlndle. Home runs Ilallman , Anderson Struck out : Orth , Cross , Abliy (2) ( ) , Bonner. Fliat base on ballf. Off Orth , 4 : oft Cnrxey , 1 , oft Abbey , 2 , off l nvne , 1. Wild plteh : Abbey Hat- terles : Phllndelphiii , Orth , C.irsey and Orndv ; 1'rooklyn , I'ayno , Abbey nnd Orlm. Umpire : Phelnn. WASHINQTON , Sept 2.1Tho AVnshlnR- tons made n acnmttlonal rullj In the eighth InnliiR lodny , when the score was 7 to C nfialint them. Three men v\i > ro on the buses nnd Fnrrelvas s Mit to In place of Norton. After two striken und time lulls were called he landed on the next one pitched for three Imsei. utmost making u home tun. Attendance , 3,100 Seoie Washington . 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 3 - B New- York . 1 o 2 0 0 0 I 0 0-7 Bnso hlti : Washington , 9 , New York , 15 Krrors : Washington , 4 ; New York , 3. learned runs. Washington , B , New York , 3. Tlirre-lia o liltsKurrel , Tleiimn Homo inns Beekley , Utish , Domont. l-'list lia eon on balls. Off Norton , 3 ; oft Seymour , 4. Struck out. llv Noiton , 1 ; by Seymour , G. Batteries- Washington , Norton and Me- ( . til re , Now York , Seymour and Warner. Umpire : Lynch. STANDING OP THIS THAMS. 1'Iayed Won. Lost. 1 C. Ilaltlmoro . I2fi M 37 70 fi Cleveland . 123 71 < R G3.2 rinelntiatl . 127 77 f.O TO fi Boston . m 72 M r.r.3 riiicngo . 12 7i r,7 r.r , I'lttsburg . 120 01 01 51. fi New York . 12S C2 Kfi 4S.4 I'hrnilclphla . > 12 ( ! fl CIS. . I Washington . 12S 57 71 11.5 Blookljn . 127 5.1 7J 43.3 St. Louis . 127 3S SI I'll 9 Louisville . 128 3 < 5 82 US.l Games today : Louisville at Cleveland ; Baltlmoio at New York ; Brooklyn at Phil adelphia ; PUtsburg at St. Louis ; Boston at Washington , _ HCOIIKS OK TIIH WI3STIJHN MlACUn. InillniiniiollH OloHCM i | th u I'n I r or Illid-s fi'oni SI , ritul. INDIANAPOLIS , Sept. 23.-Toda > 's games closed the icgulur season for the Western league. Minneapolis und Indianapolis play three games hero for the Detioit Fieo Press cup , beginning tomorrow. Scoie , that Mime : Indianapolis . 06220200 12 Bt. Paul . 0 00100000 1 Base lilts : Indianapolis , IG ; St. Paul , 5 , Errors : Indianapolis , .1 ; St. Pnul. 7. Bat teries. Datnman and Buckley ; Mulhuic and Spies. Score , second game ; Indianapolis . 33G0000.1 11 St. Paul . 0 10101202 7 Base hits : Indianapolis , 23 ; St. Paul. 10. Errors : Indianapolis , 5 ; St. Paul , 1 Bat teries : Kncpper and Buckley ; Kcllum and Sclmub ; rilckun , Denser and Spies. COLUMBUS , Sept 1U Score : rolumlms . 0 9 Minneapolis . ' Base hits : Columbus , 14 ; Minneapolis , 10 Hrrors , Columbus , 4 ; Minneapolis. G. Bat tcries : Bosvvell and Wilson ; Flggoineie und Schriver. HOW THEY FINISHED. This table shows the history of this West ern league reason , \vhlch closed ycblcrduy CLUD3 Minneapolis o n 12 12 Indlnnipolla 7111 14 nH | 7SV | ) Detroit 10 14 1110 | 13 S0117. St Paul KanaH ( " "Ity. Mllnnukpc . . Columbus Grand Rapids. 47 01 50 CJ 00 7S SS 04 ] Itn.SUI.TM < ) > TII13 UIINM.'Sr ; TIlACIvS ToriiKiioH nt KM ) ( i. 1 Win * the Flftl Hnee at St. I.iiulH. ST. LOUIS , Sept. 23 The only successfu favorite was Alnrtha Grltlln In tbo openliifr race at the Fair Grounds lod.iy , althougl "pcoiul and third choices won the tblrd am fourth i.ices. Long shots took the otbor events. Teragnes at 100 to 1 jiavo the talent a shock by vvlnninR the fifth lace. Track fast. Hc.sults. First , solllnBr , sK furloiiRs : Martha Grlllln O to 1) won. Tricky Jim (2 ( to : ) hccond. Oak Forest (15 to 1) tblrd. Time Second lare , selling , six furlongs : Ethc Grey (0 ( to 1) ) won , King Michael (3 ( to L' ) second. Fatigh-a 'Ballagh (15 ( to 1) ) third Time : 1.16. Third ince , selllnir , Blx and one-half fur longs : Une'e ' Abb (3 ( to 1) ) won , Mercurj (7 ( to 1) ) .second , Tommy Hutter ( IG to & ) third. Time : 1-22V6. Fourth raee , six furlongs : Aquinas (3 ( to 1) ) won , H.nry Duke (11 ( to 5) ) second , J. A Grey 17 to 1) ) third Time : 1-14. Fifth race , selling , ono mile : Teragnos ( ICO to 1) ) won , John HlcUey (9 to 2) second Faslg (9 to 2) third Time : 1:43 : % Sixth ince , selling , for 2-year-olds , six furlongs : Queen Salie (7 ( to 1) ) won , Charlie IJelir ( S to ! i ) second , ll.vy H (30 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:15'J : , CINCINNATI , Sept 21 Not a single fa- voilte won at Oakley today , everything go ing to hccond choices Results' First race , five furlongs ; Tillle (2 ( to i ; won , Osuil (5 ( to 2) ) second , Doomfull (2 ( to 1) ) third. Time : ] .02 > i. Second race , selling , seven furlongs. , El.tnor JIc (4 to 1) ) won , Imp. Skate ( S to 1) ) .second. A 11 C (5 ( to 1) ) thltd. Time : 1 29'/j. Third iace , selling , six furlongs Solo (5 ( to 2) ) won , Next (0 ( to 1) ) second , lianquo II (7 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:1VA : Fourth race , soiling , hoven fin Tongs : Cllsslo n (4 ( to 1) ) won , Nlmrod ( even ) second end Helen Mark (7 to 1) third. Tlmo. lv/i. : Fifth race , mile and one-eighth : Morte FOIIBO (1 ( to 2) ) won , Cecil (2 ( to 1) ) second , Little Walter ( I to 1) ) tblid. Time : 1 K * ' , . Sixth i ace , handicap hurdle , mlle and a quartet : Undo Jim (3 ( to 1) ) won , Captain Heche (3 ( to 2) ) second , Tippecanoe (15 ( to 1) ) third Time 2 1S)1. NHW YOIJIC , Sept 23. Hcsults at Oraves- cnd : First rnee. nvo and one-half furlongs : Plaudlta ( S to 5) ) won , Hed Spider (4 ( to 1) ) second , The Stock Uroker ( G to 1) third. Time : 1.12 Second race , nvo nnd one-hnlf furlongs : Traylone ( S to 1) ) won , Mnxln Ulllott < 3 to 1) ) second , Trlano ( D to 1) ) third. Time : lll'/4. : Third race , selling , mile and one-six teenth' Hondo (11 ( to 20) won , Volley (10 ( to 1) ) Beeoiiil , JIUHkaloiigL- ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:52'Xi. : Fourth nice , nvo furlongs : Xmns (10 ( to 1) ) won , Iloss Cl to f > ) second , III Uaddy (5 ( to 10) ) third. Time : 1J ) { , Fifth nice , ono mlle ; Dulinnr H to 1) ) won. Urnndywlno (10 ( to 1) ) second , Tinge (7 ( to l5 third. Time ; 1:42. : Sixth race , selling , sl\ furlongs : Tom Cromwell ( G to 5) ) won , Harrington (2 ( to 1) ) hecond , Arnecr (5 ( to 1) ) thlid. Time : Lie. Seventh laee. mlle and tlirro-nunrtcra , ever seven hurdlesApill l''ool (12 to 1) ) won , I''liishlug (8 ( to ! i ) second , Alakutna (15 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 3.21 , AiiHtrnllniiH , S mii | > , lei'Me > men. NRW YOUK , Sept. 23.-Tho International game of cricket which began today on the grounds of thu Nqw Jeisey Athletic rlub at Hayonlio , N. J. , can scarcely be called for Infanto and ChiBdren. Castorla destroys Mrorras , allays feverish "Castorla U t > owcll mlnplsd to children ness , cures diarrhoea nnd wind colic , relieves that I recommend It os superior to nny pro teething troubles , nuil cures constipation , scription known to inc. " Custorlu contains no paregoric , mornhiuc , II. A. Aacr.KH , M.D. , or opium in any form. lit $ o. Oxford Sir. , Brooklyn , N. V , " 1'or several years I have recommended "Tlietiso of Castoria la so universal nnd Castorla , aud slitll altrajs coutlune to deco Its merits f > o.veil known that It seems a co as it lias iuvariably produced UcueCdal work of supererogation to endorse It. J'ew tcsults. " are the Intelligent families -who da not Liep i . PABDHK , JI , D. , Castoriawithin easy reach , " rect and 71)1 ) Avenue , CAKLOS MARTIN , D. D. , New York City. New York City. .Children Cry for Pltchei-'e Gastoria. THC CIHTAun COMMMV. TT MUHnr TRttT. MCWVORK CIT n , tnntcli , for In ronlltv It wm only nn ft. hlbltlon The AiintrnllnliR swninlicd thcli ndvprsnrlcs completely by a score of 25 : to IS niim In the ( Irst Innings. Kroin tlu ! < hovvIiiK tnnile by the Jersey team toiln ) there li very little clmnce for It to MVO r slnRlp Innlns's drfent , with n good rrmrfili to the credit of the Atistrnllntiii. TUN MS PliAl HUH I1O NOT ( I ( WKST Ylnlt iif AVronti , l.nrncil unit ofl Ic I'nllfiirnln In Miniiitdiioiiil. SAN rilANClSrO. Sept 2-r-The otiHtcrr tennis experti , It D. \ VrennV. . A. I rii"il and Parr H. Neel nre not to Rrnco Iho fnt weslc'tn courts vvlth their presence iM * > tar. Their visit 13 off , nnd the tennH- lovlnK people of Snn riunrHeo nnd nelqh- liorliiR touns , asvi'll us the tennis pli\vcr themielve- * , arc soiely dls.'ippolnled The [ Irat Intimation of the fnllliro ot the "cliemr wni the delay In start Inn on neeount ol the neee-Jiity of I > urned's presence nt lil home , \vhrte hl < pnrpnt * vvi'te suddonlv taken 111. Neel was delaed by the Wvnii- ilotlo toiiriuiiiunt In riiieniovlilch only ended yisterday Then \Vit-nn , the eliain- plon , who H -Undent 'it ' ll-irvnril. remem bered just In time that tne fall semester beRlns In September. Yesterday a Una ! dispatch was received from Neel to the ef fect that llovey hnil llatly refused to make the tilp , and tlio project was lliereupon ahitndoned. P.-vt mill ( Ion for rorlx'tt. NK\V YORK , Sept. 23-Jnine- . Corbott , the professional iiUKlllst , was nrrosted to day In Asbtiry I'-irk on a lontlMllon by the Rovernor of New York. The charpe Isi aRrci'lni ; In eiiK"K' ' In u prize Unlit , the In dictment havltiR been found at the Manic lime us the one on which Kitrslmmons v > n ttiresled In Ihls city last week rorbetl tiRreed to come to New York next Sattirdav to plead to the indictment and was released under $1WO ( bond. Or niil i' nil AthlelliAnsoelnlliiii. . HASTINGS , Sept. ! 3.SpeclalA ( ) col- ICRO athletic aHsocl.itlon was oiRiinlzed yesterday - terday afternoon with a membership ol nearly fotty J. K Jones was made presi dent , Itnrness llartlfiixn , vice president ; J.tmcs Drown , secretary ; Will Chapman , Ireasuier Henry Heller was elecled cap- lain of the fool ball team nnd Adam Hreei ! Cm-belt finvn'l , V Knov > . LONDON , Sopt. 2.1Tho Nntlonnl SportIng - Ing club him decided not to offer u inirsc for nny match Inwhich Corbctt Is engaged , lint shouhl ritzslmmons nruxnge a suitable match with any one else the club will offet u substantial puise. ItoilM Lose nt Drlroll. DETROIT , Sept. 23. Score : Detroit 4 Cincinnati 0- : llaso hits : Detroit. 7 ; Cincinnati. 11. Er rors : Dctroll. : i : Cincinnati , 4. Hatteries ; Thomas anil Fisher ; llhlne.s and Karl. 11UI3V1TIIJ.S. Gorman Catholic societies have chosen Columbus as tlio next place of meeting. Odd Follows , at Dallas Tex. , selected Springfield , 111. , as the pl.ico for the next meeting. Ameilcan Hell Telepbono company has decl.ircil the regular J.1 dividend , payable' ' October 15. Edson Keith's body has been found In L.iko Mlclilsan at the fool oC Sixteenth street , Chicago. George S. Newman of Leadvllle , Cole , has dlsappcaicd from Chicago , vvheio liu was staying with his slstei. About 100 adillllonal members of the American Institute of Mining Engineers slted Cripple Clock yesteidiy. Palmer and Hucknor were endorsed by a Georgia national democratic convention , attended by about 100 delegates from fotty counties , Albert Wright Dickinson , for several years gencial supcilatendcnt of the AIls- souii 1'aclllc , died at Seymour , Intl. , aged 7i ( , of paresis. Eight brewers and brewers icpreseiila- tlvts ba\e been indicted at Kansas City , chaiged with violating the Interstate com merce law and fosteilng a trust. Senator Ingalls Iris not yet accepted the republican national committee's Invitation to spend two weeks In October speaking for McKlnley and Hob.ut outside ot Kan sas. Emma Ashley , who shot at "Lucky" Ilaldvvln In court while U.ildvvln was on trial for seducing Lillian Ashley , her sis ter , bus been acquitted on the ground of Insanity. The Chicago & Northern Pacific and Wis consin Central lines according lo rumoi , will shorlly emeigo from receive ! ship. Ke- oiganlzatlon plans are already perfected and notice of sale is expected soon. Missouri's Second district domcciallc con- \cnlion taken 170 ballots. In addition to the 1,010 taken previous to the adjoin n- ment on Seplember 11 , and tlieie is no change In Iho- position of Ihe candidates Papeis on "Docs In Our Cities , " by O H. Todhunter of Cincinnati , nnd on "Kegu- latlon of Vivisection In Dlslrlct of Colum bia" were read at the second day's session of Iho American Humane association at Washington. A. K. Wind , tlio Memphis J3COOOO forger and embezz'er , has been Indicted on three additional counts , making ninety-live in all. If he receives the maximum sentence under thcso Indlctmenls bo will bo committed lo prison for 1,423 years. The Interslute commerce rebllllng Investi gation was concluded at Chicago and will be resumed at Kansas City Fi eight Agent Chirk of the St Pnul road and T F. Howe , tr.illlc manager for the Pabst Ilrcwlng company , leslllled jesterday , but gave lit tle new Information , Ex-Alderman Sa'o ' W. Hoth of Chlca/ro / has been Indicted for embezzling $ lb,37. ! from Ihe VIclor Hugo Building and Loan association , of which he was secretary Other charges are pending. Hoth at one time exposed an alleged boodle plot In the Chicago city council. At the final business meeting of the German Catholic centinl vcrein at Delroll , Mgr Stephan was asked by a delegate , who paid the convention had no time to lliten lo him , lo abbreviate his remarks Falliei Stephan look this as a snub and unfitly refused to speak fuithcr and stalked out of the hull. Petitions asking Senator Wolcott to ro- slgn ha\o been extenslvelv signed In Colorado rado J. H Holmes of Denver says bis opponents Intend to demand bin resigna tion , If ho refuses , ucllon by Hie 1'nlled Stales -jcnale will be demanded , and , If necessary , a test case to decide "whether a majority of the people of a sovereign state have a light to recall an olllcial who has been recieant to Iho tiust Imjtosed In him , " will ho taken Into tbo United States supreme court KOlllCCAST OK TODAY'S WKATIIIiill Ioral hliin > ri I'riiinlm-d for .VfliriiHl.-n During tinIltonliiK' "ml AlKlil. WASHINGTON , Sept. 21 The following Is Iho foiecast for Thursday : For Nebraska Fair In the morning ; prob- ulily local showers In tlio evening and night ; southerly winds ; warmer In eastern nnd cooler In western portion. Tor Missouri Fair ; warmer ; southerly winds Tor Iowa Fair and warmer Thursday , follow * d bv showers Thursday jilsht ; brisk ind liigli southerly winds For Kaunas Piobably fair and warmer rtiuisday ; threatening weather Thursday light ; southwesterly winds. For South Dakota Increasing rlomllncsi , ) rohably local shovvets Thursday and riiuisdny night ; winds shifting to westi rly mil cooler For Wyoming nnd Montana Local nhow- jrs in eastern and fair in vveslcin portion , loitlivvcHlerly winds , cooler In eastern Montana Local It < ( < > rd , OFFICE OF THE WCATHKn HUHKAU , JMAHA , Sept. 23 Omaha record of tem- icraluro nnd rainfall compared with the : orre.spondlng day of the past three years UW , lS3i , 1SSI 1603 tlaxlmum temper.Uuro. . . ift C'l ft'i ( ! " > tllnlmum tempeiature. . . . 41 40 17 4K Vvi'rngo ttinperutuiti CS Til M C'l ' tnlnf.HI 00 .00 .00 .03 Condition of tcmpuinliun and prcclplta Ion at Omaha for the day and slneo March . 1SW : formal tcmperaturo for the day. . . C.1 ) elclcney ( for the day -1 vceumulatcd excess since Match 1 Cl vTurmitl preclpltallon for Iho day. ( n Inches lotlclenej for tlio day ( Winches 'otal priclpltatlon slnco Mch 1 'JS-lOlndun Jxcess Hlnco March 1 Inches ) fllclcncy for cor period , 193. , (1 ( 71 IncheH ) i.IlLltncy for r-or. jierlod. 1W1..13.CO InchiM lli-lii > r < N friini .Slatliiiift nl H | i. in , P ll\n I 1 I TIM" ) Tt TP G rOR A LATER DATE Rotation Insist that the State lair it Hold Too Early. BETWEEN SUMMER AND FALL SEASONS Select Miif Their Amiilier nx Cniidti iluti-i for i\i | < illloii Director * lltiNlncMH Interi'Mx lletiiniiil CitiiMdrrafloii. Thomas Kllpatrlrk , Hohcrt S Wllcox , An ton Hospe. Jr. , Charles M.Vllliiltn , Henry Hardy nml John lliisslo were Inst evening placed in nomination ( or directors of the Trnnstnlsslsslppl Imposition by the Retail Dealers' association. Tlic mnnbors prrsont pledged thcmschrs to work for the election of these men. nml the secretary wan anting- Ized to notify all the members that the asso ciation expected hearty support Riven the nominees. This was the action that followed a ten minutes' discussion and the adoption of the following resolution : Whereas , The piotiosed Ttnnsmlsslsslppt ami International Kvposltlon u of neccs- Blty ttn enlerprlso which will minlro for Ha management mutt of ability and experience. Whereas , These men .should bo chosen with respect to their Illness to represent the sevetal Interests of o\ir citizens , and Whete-ns. The Interests of all of the cttl- zenM of Omaha , and especially those. Inter ested In the lotull business , are \llally con cerned In the success of thlH gienl onter- piise , then fore , bo It He.solved , Thill the Omaha Retail Deal- era' association do now place In nomination nnd endorse six of Its members ) for elec tion to the boaid of dltectors of tlio Ttiitta- mlsslsslppl and International i\posltlon. "Mogy" was present nnd favored each member ulth a Transmlsslsslppt Imposition button , for which ho received a vole of thanks. The harsh criticism of the Lincoln Journal on the parades of the Knights of Ak-Sar-llen was again brousht up for discussion , but action \\as postponed for- ono meeting , The thntiKs of the association wire tendered the board of governors of the Knights of Alt- Sar-len ) for Us recent work In preparing "tho grand show that wi all know It was , " as ono member expressed it. The advisability of arranging some sort of an attraction for the month of November , similar to the society circus of last season , was discussed , but no action was taken The association In an emphatic manner declared that the State fair mint next year bo held at a later dote than It was this year. It was the general sentiment that the fair should bo held the last week in Septem ber or the first week In Ortobcr. A promi nent dry goods dealer Raid that the time the fair was hold this jcar was a poor one for every business man in the city , except these interested In serving liquid refreshments , that It was ton late to sell summer Roods and to early to dispose of fall stock An officer of the Knights of Ak-Sar-lJen wandered Into the meeting at this juncture , and stated that the boa id of governors of that Institution had decided that the street pageants should not bo exhibited bofoic the last of September next year No communi cation to this effect hail been sent to the State fair managers , he explained , hccaURO the governors had giown weary of asking consideration from the State fair board It was the sentiment of the meeting that the fair of 1897 must be held later , even should the State fair board be coinpell.ed to withdraw the Nebraska State fair from the western clrcuk In order to airange a satis factory date. A committee , consisting of F. Paffenrath , Albert Calm and II. Hardy , was appointed to decide upon the time for the fair best suited to the local retailers , and to Inform the State Hoard of Agriculture and the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ilon of that date and of the opposition of the retailers to the se lection of any date far removed from , that decided upon. lUlYA.V AXn THIS SIll'IKMAIV ACT. Dirt \il PrncUt'c Wluit lie IN Xow I'riMit'lil IIKT. OMAHA Sept. 23. To the Editor of The Omaha Hee : I have moro than once been amused In reading Mr. Bryan's speeches to the people in the east , as ho rushes through the country fiom ono place to another like a flying squadron , to see that often what ho says to the people there. In his efforts to recommend himself 10 their good opinions Is not strictly in accordance with his record as wo happen to know It hero. A fair Illustration of this is aiforded In his Philadelphia speech of yesterday . In which , liter presenting the various platfoinih from 1SS4 to IS'JG and denouncing the nun In olllco who betray thu people who vied them , said "I deny the right of any ubllc servant to secure office upon a platform and then abandon It after ho Is elected I was reared In a dlflcient school of democracy. When I find my conscience w 111 not permit mo to cairy out n platform on which I am elected I will resign and let some other man hold the office. " And yet does not Mr Ilryan and every Ncbraskan know that the very last time ho was elected to olllco he was guilty of that very thing. In 1892 Mr Ilryan secured hU election to congiess upon a platform that demanded the repeal of the purchasing clause of the Sherman net of 1890 , nnd yet no sooner was ho elected that his con science rcadllv permitted him to willfully abandon that part of his platform and "be tray the people who elected him" by voting squarely against the repeal of the objection able feature of the Sherman law and ho did not resign his olllco either , but drew ils pay to the last moment , and his personal organ In this city but yesterday applauded this treachery as an heroic act. Mr. IJryan may say what ho pleases to iho people of the east , for they probably : ako but llttlo block In his utterances In any event , but If the voters of Nebraska will but assert their manhood Mr Ilryan will have to square himself nn a good ninny things ho has said and done In his brief lubllc career befoie ho gets their suffrages. A. 0. TUOU1' . Olionp Mom * ) HrliiKN DlHlislrr. The Third Ward McKlnloy and Hobart club held a largely attended meeting last light In Karbach'a ' hall at Fifteenth and Howard streets. Speeches were delivered by J. A I'owerH nnd A. W. Jeffeiles Ilolli th speakers dwelt with the financial ques tion , showing particularly that the history of nations taught the lesson that the sub stitution of a cheaper for n standard metal In the monetary system resulted In financial disaster. The protection policy of the re publican party was Incidentally touched upon. The rcmaiks were enthusiastically received by the nildlenco , which filled the largo hall. 1 13HSO > AI. 1'11A < ! HAI'IIH , C. K , Wllklns , Philadelphia , I'a. , In Darker guest. Judge M. I' . Klnkald of O'Neill was In the city yesterday , Hev. A. (1 I'lnkham of Grand Island was in the city yesterday , John S. Stull of Auburn spent the day In the city yesterday. ( Icorgo W. I'arker , Chcyonno , Wyo. , Is stopping at theHarkor. . Frank 0. Host of Shelby , la. , wan an Omaha visitor yesterday. W. I ) . Drlsklll of Bpearflsb , S. I ) . , was ail Omaha vlnltor > estcrday. Jack Mnhara of Malmra's Minstrels it registered at the Ilarker. U. r. Kloke , one of West Point's leading business men , wa.s In the city ) e8tcrdayv A. J. Gustln , a prominent populist poli tician of Kearney , was In the city yegtt-r- day. day.Judgo Judge Bam M. Chapman of I'lattsmouth wan among these who visited Omaliu > ci- terday. Joint A. Hhrlmrdt , a prominent lawyer and politician cf Stantou , was among thu jcsterday arrlvaU. Nebraska us In the city G. W , Meyers and Andrew Anderbon , Ik-atrlco ; John Wlthruw and Edward Bheldon , Nubraska City ; Her man Swltzcr , Hastings , L. M , Morgan , Fro * mont. J V. Wallace , Grctna ; 8. H , 1511- wood and J I. , Mclntosh , Sidney ; A , H , I'ciklnt Meadow Groveu , M Owen Nor folk , Thomas I' f'hapman , PlatUinouMi T , H Coin and Jame'i fonway , Hartlngtou ; i't"ll I'on , Hcliion ; U , U. Smith , Krtmotil.