WHEN THE GENERALS COME Arrangements at Lincoln ti Receive the Distinguished Campaigners , MANY VISITORS WILL JOIN THE PARADE Tovmn Ailjncrnt to tlio < 'iiihnl I'rr- l.ni-f < o Si-nil Tlii-lr Cliilin iinil llnniln to TnKi > I'ni-t In Hie Itnll ) . LWCOLN. Sept. 23. ( Special. ) Among ( ho organisations from outside the cliy which have signified tholr Intention of par ticipating In the republican rally next Tuca- lay night , at which Generals Slckrh , Algcr , Slgel and Corporal Tanner will appear and Rpeak , are Iho York McKlnley club , York hand , York drum corps , Fairmont McKlnloy club , Palrmont band , Wnhoo Ladles' Mc Klnley club. Wymore Railway Men's Sound Money club , Wymore McKlnley club and J'almyra Mounted McKlnloy club. The parade - rado will occur In the afternoon and at Its conclusion there will ho an open air mass meeting at the capltol grounds , to bo ad dressed by Colonel Charles P. Lincoln , and Hon. E. C. Elliott. The generals , Slckcls , Slgcl , Mulholland and Corporal Tanner , will speak at two theaters and the N street headquarters In the evening. General C E llusscy , General 0. O. Howard , General Charles V. Mandcrson and General John C. Cow In will also appear and mnko addresses Applications for positions In the parade are coming In from other sections of thn state aside from Ih'.sa mentioned It Is expected to bo the grandest fcpubllcan ilemonstra tlon over1 seen In Lincoln. Tomorrow night the ( Undents of tlio .State university will meet at Iho N street headquarters to or ganlze a sound money club. This will be cn tlrely nonpartlsan , and will Include n largo number of democrats. Hon. G. M Lam- berlson will speak. Tomorrow night the Union Veteran Republican club will meet at Grand Army hall to make arrangements for participation in Ihe soldiers' rally Tues day night next. The republican stale cen- Iral committee Is much pleased ulth the political situation In Otoo county , where the cause of sound money Is making heavy gains. In Wyoming precinct , whcro the largest republican vote ever casl vvaa fitly five , a McKlnloy club of 100 members has jusl been organized. -Governor Holcomb loft this aft rnoon for Broken llow. Custcr county , whoic ho will tomorrow address the people at Iho counly fair at Broken Bow. A poll of the thlrly-one employes of Iho Lincoln hotel was taken today , nliou- Ing a result of twenty-sK for McKlnloy ami Jlvo for Brynn The Lincoln hotel is Hit- democratic and populist hcadquarlers of fhc ulalo , JUI.SIII.NG TIIH CAMPAIGN AVOHIC. Cann Count- tin * .Sc'i-nc of Uiititinl Political Activity. PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Sept. 23. ( Special. ) The campaign In Ihls section of the state Is being worked very vlgoiously by the re publicans and sound money men , and the nryanltes are having all of the enthusiasm knocked out of them. Mouday evening Ihe Hallway Employes' Sound Money league held a rousing meellng , and an able adurcss was delivered by Hon. John A. Daviea Tuesday ovenlng Hon. C. Duma addressed a large audience In the Bohemian language. In the McKlnley club rooms , and aroused consid erable enthusiasm. Mr. Duras gave a very clear exposition of Iho money question , and his hearers greally enjoyed Ihe discourse During his talk hesas frequently ap plauded , and at Us conclusion he received a very grallfylng burst of applause. Last night the McKlnley Flambeau club effected an organization by the election of J , L Unrush for president. Will Smith for secre tary and D. B. Smith captain and drill mas ter. The uniforms are white pants and coat , vvllh hussar caps , and the club , sUty slrong , presenls a fine appearance. The McKIn- lov Old Soldiers' club meets every Friday night , and the utmost enthusiasm is mani fested at lliese meetings. The old soldiers are as patriotic today as they wcro In Ihe ' 60s. and Bland up shoulder to shoulder for the national honor. Saturday night there Is to bo a great re publican rally at Murray , and a great turn out Is expected. This city will send down a largo delegation , and the clubs from Union , Louisville and Nemaha are expected to be In attendance. The enthusiasm Is glowing , and the outlook for a big majority in Cass county Is exceedingly promising. HUMDOLDT. Neb , Sept. 23 ( Special. ) Mrs. Rosalia Condon of Pawnco City ad dressed an audience yesterday evening that required the full capiclty of Ihe opera bouse Her presentation was patriotic , and senll- incnts of approval followed each polnl DECATUR , Vcb. Sept. 23 ( Special ) Largo and enthusiastic republican rallies wcro held Ihls afternoon , bolh In Riverside and Silver Creek pre-clncla. The attendance of farmers was Immense. Lyons , Tckamah , Oakland and Decatur were well represented WAKRPIELD , Neb. Scpl 23 ( Special ) The second republican rally of Iho campaign at Allen , this county , was held last night and was a most enthusiastic met-tins. Hon II. Ci llromo of Omaha spol.o to a crowded house for two hours , and held the clcst attention of his audience from start to fin ish , causing many voters hitherto In doubt to declare for McKlnloy and sound money The Wakcdcld Cornet band and Glee club and twenty-five members of the Wakefleld McKlnley club were In attendance * and as ! sisted In the piogram , Including a loich- llght parade. Allen has u McKlnley club of 100 members , which Is steadily Increas ing , and U doing noble work In swinging Dlxon county Into Hue for the whole re publican ticket. Republicans me well or- ganltul ' tluoughout Ihn Bounty , and are car- lying'on a school house campaign In al- to mo3l every district. LYONS , Neb. , Sept. 2J ( Special ) Hon. Is ing Si-v tliii next for are cluh take Ayer'a Pills , and you will sleep better nud wake in better L condition for the day's work , Ayer's Cathartic Pills have 110 equal aa a pleasant and effect tion ual remedy for constipation , om for biliousness , sick headache , and all liver troubles. They are . sugar-coated , and so perfectly prepared , that they cure with OUT out the annoyances experienced In the use of ao many of the pills on the market. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Cathartic Pills. When other pills won't and h lp you , Avcr's is THE PILL THAT WILL. . tlri' Prank S Howcll of DUIr spoke last evening at the McKlnl&y hall to a large and en thusiastic BUdlcnce. Ho dlscucscd the finan cial qucstlon ( and his arguments were welt received A Woman's McKlnley club was organized 1'ere Mcndiy evening with nearly forty member * . Mls Alma Walte ls presi dent. ASHLAND. Neb. , Sept. 23. ( Special ) Hon. Merrlott nroslun , member of conrcsa fiom Lancaster county , 1'ennsjlvnnla , will nihlrtxs the people of Ashland from the gold end protective platform Thursday night The \Vahon marching clubs will be here. PRLMONT , S.pt 21 ( Siccial ) The re publicans of Nk'irrson held a meeting last evening , which was addressed by R. J. Stlnsou of Premont Thcie was n large at tendance niil much Interest was manifested This township Is republican nml It Is ex pected will maintain Its foimcr position In the republic n column. NKIWASUA CITV. Bcpt. 23. ( Special. ) The McKmley club livid a largo and en thusiastic ircctlns ; lost nhht Rev. Mr. Williams of Pennsylvania made n very picas- Ing mlilrfss Paul Jcsscn , the nominee lor county attorney , additsscil thu club at length. Local republicans arc very much pleased over the county ticket nominated > estcrday nt Sjracusc , particularly the leg islative ticket , composed of Hon John C Watson , Patrick Ruddy nml J O Moore WAHOO , Neb. , Ecpt 23 ( Special ) Con gressman Hnlncr opoltc at Mnlmo In this count } last nlfht tu a large crowd Good- elzed delegations from Memphis , Ithaca , Weston and Ashland wcro present. A large croud went from this plice A largo tent accommolatcd the people , which vvaj crowded Ilr Hnlncr confined his rrmnik1 ? to the money and tariff questions , which hi brindled In an nblo Jiianncr. The crowd Is estimated at 1,090 The rcmark-j were well taken by the audience. Mr. Halncr ad dressed the people at Ccroaco tonight ALLIAN013 , Neb , Sect 23. ( bpcclal ) nx-CoiiKrcssinan Frank W. Palmer of Chicago cage addressed the people of Hot Unite county In the I'hclan opera house last night In behalf of republicanism lie la a very able speaker A special train brought the McKlnley club 170 strong , from llcmlng- ford , which , with the two sound money clubs of this place , participated In a toicli- llght pi occasion The free silver movement la on the wane In this county and Hex Hutto may safely be counted In the republican column PALLS C1TV , Neb. , Sept. 23. ( Special ) lion. Prank Martin , editor of the Journal , favored thu McKlnley club of this city last night with a speech that Is conceded to be the best jet delivered In this city The judge talked fiom a business standpoint and the large crowd of voters listened to the calm and plain truths with the greatest manifestation of Interest , and when he referred to Bryan's speech In this city four years ago , whim ho advocated ( under free trade ) "cheap overj thing. " and now bc- walllng thu fact that everything Is cheap , the ron' of the court house vvaa almost . howled out of place. 1IROKCN I10W , Neb , Sept. 23. ( Special Telegram ) -Judge Hayward of Nebraska City delivered an address at the county fall today and discussed the political Issues at the South Mi'o opera home tonight. Ho was favored with a large audience of the repre sentative voters of the county. His plain anil logical talk on the political situation was well received by the opposition and frc- qucntli applauded by the republicans OOALL.AL.'V , Neb. . Sept. 23. ( Special Tele gram. ) W P McCrary of Hastings spoke at the court house this evening from a re publican standpoint. A good-sized audi ence was present to greet him , and his re marks wore well received OSMOND , Neb , Sept. 23 ( Special Tele gram. ) Harry Drome of Omaha spoke to an audience of 4fiO people In the opera house tonight. He rnndlcd the questions of the day In an able and convincing manner. HUSHVILLE , Neb. , Sept. 23 ( Special Telegram. ) A rousing republican meeting was held here tonight , which was addressed by Hon Jack MacColl , A. 13 Cady and Or lando Tefft The speeches wcro listened to with the deepest Interest and had a telling effect on the largo audience present. CLEARAVATHR. Neb , Sept. 23 ( Special Telegram ) Hon Chester P. Bradley cfVyo ming addressed an enthusiastic audience composed of about equal parts of republicans and populists , In the town hall at this place this evening. The questions of the daj wcro handled , In an able , eloquent and con vincing manner , particularly the tariff and ? Ha effects on prices of farm products. This portion of his address was listened to with much Interest by the farmers , and good re sults are looked for. Republicans have con fidence In cairylng Antelope county by a good majority. TO IILOAV TIIHMSnijVnS AT ST. LOUIS. ! ) tiii < > ( * ritH I'l'ciiarlnn' for a Monslrr KT < > f tlic Faithful. ST. LOUIS , Sept. 23. Preparallons are be. Ing made for the convenlion of the As sociation ot Democratic clubs , which Is lo meet here In the Auditorium on October 3. The convention will last two days , and will bring to St. Louis some or the bluest men In the democratic party. Among those who are expected lo bo present are William J. in Bryan and Arthur Sett all , and ex-Scecrelary of the Inlerior Hoki * Smith of Atlanta , Ga. On the night of October 2 , preceding the convention , St , Louis will witness the grandest outdoor demonstration of the campaign. All the visiting clubs , the city clubs and the silver clubs will be In line , and If Mr. Hrjnn and his associates on the dcniocrallc tlclcct reach here In time they will icvlew Ihe parade , in which between 30,000 and 50,000 men are expected to take by ' 'nt A goodly portion of the membership of the Mr Colored Central McKlnley and Hobart club met last night at IfJH Dodge street. A con- alilerablo amount of routine business was for tiansactcd , In addition to the speeches that v wore made. The speakers , all of whom a dnclt upon the policy of tbo party and es till pecially tlic gold platform , consisted of M rail ' Slnfiloton , N. ri. Washington and G W Lewla During the business session the resigna tion of M. P. Singleton as president , on ac tlal count of his candidacy for the leglslatuie , was received and accepted. George C Col vote lins was utanlmously elected to (111 ( tlio posi toi ! tion In this connection plans wore. laid Increase the membership of the club , which Is now almost 100 , and to advance the the work It Is doing A committee of nine and to ho appointed to consolidate/ the colored seel Interests of the city for the local republican But ) ticket. nov an Uniliri-lla IlrlKiulc. Cn | Some fifty or more enthusiastic repub said licans met last evening at Patterson hall ard and oiganlzcd company "A" of the John L nnWill Webster Umbrella Will brigade. The company elected \V A Webster captain and empow poll ered him to select two lieutenants and two Sta guides to assist him In handling the com pany Those present vvero given a brief Ihlr lesson hi marching tactics and th l entlru does. company , 100 strong vvaa ordered to bo at the pub same quarters at 7 o'clock sharp this even the tu take part In the preliminary parailu they prrpaiatory for the blfe parade to bo held on great next Tuesday evening. app Indi - rn < \Vnrili-rn to ! ) < Out In I'orro. have A special meeting of the Seventh Ward opp Republican club was held last evening at den the club rooms on Park avenue. Arrange In ments wcro made for a good turn out on flna Tuesday evening The club has al Moi ready secured 300 nobby suits and torches cler the marching division. Negotiations pro pending for securing a band to play that kim evfiling. Only business of Interest to the and was transacted , reports from com andM mittees looking after tlio canvass In that thai ward bong | received. Iho reports are very and favorable to McKlnlwy and Hobart. In Iliidi-i- Count , ' II.-iMil.M.-aii Tlfkft. Jg" DAVID CITY , Neb. , sopt. 23. ( Special Ject read TelcBiam ) The lepubllcan county conven will jiominati.1 A. J. Evans for county at- tlon tou'py , and John Clock and George Halm before icpresentatlve-s. The ticket Is a strong most > , and will poll the full strength of the yet opposition to the fusion ticket. The con clrcM vention was harmonious and enthusiastic , M jv.ssing a resolution requesting County half Jiidgi > Halo to resign his olllce , having been Under clovtcd as u republican a'nl now flopped left to thu populists reac app 31iIvlitlt' > Cluli. to t Ihe Colored Republican club , No. 1 , of the a ri Third waid mot last night In the McKlnloy didate Mca headquarters on Fourteenth , near Dodge Dlai xtrcct. last night. An audience of over 100 duced. liitrncd to thu republican doctrine that was IJryau expounded by W. S. Husband , S , P. Garth bravest Will J clxfoii. In Mm , l.oitxn ( 'uiiiiiilirMlnu , raigned MRLLMI , S. D. . Sept. L'3. ( Special Tele- day decl irr.im. ) Mr * . Icattanil II. L Loucks ad- never ' eJ t'je popuiict meeting here today. peltcr. i BRYAN TALKS IN BROOKLYN Eemccratio Canfidato 'peaks Twica in Crowded Halls , QUOTES LINCOLN ON STATE'S ' RIGHTS Oilier anHllons Tlinu Mlpn Mr Ciiitlnluri ! In I'nJlilcnuo ( I'lnl- forni llrfiii's ToiioliliiK " till' Lf nllOOKLY.V. X. Y. Sept. 23 Mr. Ilrjan addrtascd iwo crowded mccllngs In Ihls tlly lonlght , after spending the day tiavel- lug Ihrough northern New Jersey. lieforo 6 o'clock tonight the Academy of Music In Ihls city was Ihe baltlo ground of a lion ling , tumultuous mob , and when the doors wrro flung open a llttlo past lhat hour. It took less than ten minutes lo fill thot \ \ building from the front steps to the rear wall. The house v-as bare of adorn' nient , except for two large portraits of Brjan and Sevvnll , draped In American Hags which depended from the proscenium , and the small : lablo reserved for Iho speaker , with a similar dress A very considerable por- tlor of Ihe audience conslsled of women , every box containing a paily while a mini- her v.cre seated upon Iho sloce. Fully 15,00 people vvero In the house. Among them were many of Brookljn's prominent democrats , Including Hugh McLaiighlln , the loci leader , and the members ot the county organization . There were few prominent Now \ Yorkers there , however. PA1TII IN BRYAN GROWS. When Jnn.cs D Bell , chairman of the King's county democracy , rapped for order , the candidate had not jet arrived In n few words. Mr Bell named as chairman of the meeting "righting Judge" William Gaynoi of the i supreme court A set of resolutions was read and adopted After complimenting .Mr. Bryan for the skill "with which ho has thus far led the fight , " the resolutions siy "Wo find our faith In him strcngthoiiul by tha abuse poured out upon him by the enemies of the people , the dcfamcrs of the democracy and the traitors to the democratic cause who , venturing to Insult the Intelli gence of the American people by using the democratic name as a decoy flag , have at last found their fitting home In the bosom of republicanism i as It Is typified by Qua } ofMai Pennsylvania , Platt of New York and Mair Hanna , the labor ci usher of Ohln " Distant shouts from the outslda of the building announced the arrival of the Bryan party. Mr. Bryan lost no time In starting to speak Ho expressed a wish that "the distinguished ! divine whoso name has added even to the farno of your great city , Henry Ward Beccher ( applause ) , were with us to day , that he might again champion the cause of the people In this great light. " ( A voice . : "No doubt ho would" ) Mr. Bryan dealt at the opening of hla speech with the plank of the Chicago plat form denouncing "arbitrary Interference bj federal authorities in local affairs , " and compaied It with the declaration for the "maintenance Inviolate of the lights of the stale" and denunciation of "lawless Invasion by armed forces no matter undci what pre text , as among the greatest of crimes , " con tained In "Abraham Lincoln's republican platform of I860. " Ho quoted also from the state platform In defense of the Income tax plank of thu Chicago platform. SAMC AS OK OLD. He ] also quoted from a speech of Samuel J. Tilden , to show "that In this day wo are as sailed by the same people , who assailed those win vvero striving to make government better tor In those days , who sought to lighten the burdens upon the backs of the people and give them a larger share In the control of the government under which they lived This Is history repeating Itself , and , my frlsnds , we should not bo discouraged by these things. "When you hear that I am opposed to . governments , you know I am opposed to l governments by corporations ; when you know I am opposed to a government by great aggregations of wealth , you will understand why : they called me an anarchist. " ( Ap plause. ) Mr. Urypu then took up the financial question. He said the present financial sys tem contemplated the retirement of gi ecu- backs and treasury notes , and the substi tution ! of bank paper for gold. Run to Ha logical ] conclusion , ho said , the system con templates gold only as legal tender money and bank paper only as paper money. Un der those conditions , ho asserted , the few iron who conlrol Iho national banks would have conlrol of all the money and Ihe peo- a plo would have nothing to say. Ho then discussed Secretary Carlisle's recent state ment , referring to the redemption of silver dollars in gold. "This means , " he said , "that all their a tall about retiring greenbacks and treasury notes to protect the gold icservo Is a farce and a fraud , because they Intend to start another endless chain as soon as they get through . with the present one. " Then followed a denunciation of the re cent bond contracts , during the course of which ho read several extracts from speeches John , G. Cai lisle , In support of sliver leg islation and criticising the acts of John Sher man , as secretary of the treasury "J have quoted those words before , " said R Bryan , "and I ehall continue to quote them until John G. Carlisle apologizes to John Sherman for them ; until he apologizes that slander If those words wcro false. You cannot make a graver charge against public man than to say that ho sympa of thized with the Idle holders of Idle capital rather than with the struggling masses. " Turning to the platforms of the opposing parties ( the nominee assorted that the republican . llca leaders had endorsed all of the finan policy of the present administration and that a vote for the republican ticket was a for tha continuation of present condi tions : and THINKS SILVER IS GROWING. Mr. Bryan declared that the growth of silver sentiment was strong In the west south first , because the people of those the sections Legan to study financial matters , ho said , the people of the cast were was beginning to study and the free silver agitation was growing stiongcr In the eist- and states. And the xilvor agitation , ho , had come to stay until the gold stand on was driven out. Ho then entered Into of extended statement of the conditions which ho believed would prevail under a policy of frco coinage of silver In the United the States , saying of "Shame on the cowardly American who thinks this nation Is not as big as Bismarck PI . ( Applause ) Oh , that some of the re publican ! campaign fund might bo used to pay expenses of those timid Americans If ; would go across the ocean and sen Iho : statesman and learn confidence. ( Loud applause. ) Wo say If wo cannot have an Independent ) financial system wo cannot n foreign policy of our own. Wo have opposed some of the policies of the presi , but let mo tell you , lot It bo said of reel people of the v.cst and of the south , that spltet of their opposition to the president's financial policy , they stood by him on the Monroe doctrlno when your conardly finan bngged him to submit. " ( Loud and prolonged ] applause , cries of "That's the In of talk to send you to Washington , " ment "Three cheers for Bryan. " ) Mr. Bryan then icfcrrcd to allegations but free silver would drlvo gold to Europe declared It had already gone , saying two years the nation's currency had been ver contracted ' $150,000,000 and added ; "J-et me their , you what Lincoln said on this sub paign * 'If a government contracted a debt a certain amount of money In circula was and then contracted the money volume and Iho debt was paid , It would be * the paign heinous crime against the people , ' And crats , my friends , we have contracted the circulation about ' $150,000,000. to Mr. Bryan's address lasted an hour and a and was concluded at 10:15 : o'clock under tha guidance of a local committee he the academy for the rink meeting Upon cided reaching Montague street , however , the dis under appointed < crowds who failed to got entrance the hall shouted for a speech end from rude platform , hastily provided , the can made a brief open air address , / Meanwhile Inside the ball , Senator "Jde" Dlackburn of Kentucky had been Intro lican . Just before leaving the stage , Mr. ; characterized Blackburn as one of the champions who ever lifted his arm other behalf I of the people. The senator ar judge the bolting democrats mercilessly , licans decUrlng the New York democrats were to- no confronted by a spectacle which they the oefore had 'From president to dog expect . " he cried , "the leaden ot the party tion arc skulklnRiul the rear" A mid great ap plausc ( ho meeting was brought to a close CROWD A SECOND HALL. It has been a mooted question whether the latini peopleSBf ( the cast would lespomt to n mil ( or nt ini.si meeting In ftuor of Mr Hr > an , but theft' ' tvns no mistake about the demonstration at Clcnnont rink. The ca pacity of the building was estimated a 8.001 and evJjQ available corner was flllei v , llh good-iiaturt-d humanity , while their sands besieged the doors ami were I i admission , "it as a typical labor gatherlnj 'f ' > nl even Iho women and children present were filled Ultlllio enthusiasm of the occa sion While -tlify wcro waiting for the nr- tlval ot Mr llrjaii the audience listened lo several speakers. The meeting was presides oer entirely by labor organizations and the stage contained a rrprcscnlativo from each local labor organballon When the meet litf was called to order evciy aisle and each corridor .was erowde.l 9nil when let ters of icgrcl wcro read from 13. V Deb ; and John W Hayes , secretary of the Knights of Labor , there were \oclferous cheers i Dtbs said In his telegram "Millions an with Bryan nnd will place him In Ihe chair Lincoln occupied In splto of Brills ) too Ism and corporation coercion" I Resolutions were adopted commending Ihe work of the Chlcjgo convention nnd pro claiming Iho pieaeiit cunlcst lo bo "much more Ihan a slrugglc bolwcen. Iho demo- cr.illo and so-called republican parties ; " "a batlle of Iho people against the oligarchy ol wealth , founded on special privileges , " anil pledging support to Ilryan. President John McUctchnlo announced It would bo 9 30 o'clock before Mr Ilryan would arrive , nnd Iho nndlcnco cheered lus tily ] his declaration. "We will wait until morning If necessary , " Ihcy said The brlcl lime before Mr Bryan's arrival was whlled away by brief speeches by local labor lead era 11 was after 10 when Mr Bryan ap peared , and utter the police had fought a way through the crowds at Ihe door for him. Ihcy had lo tcpeal Ihe opciallon Inside Iho hall. When Mr. Hrynn had secured order , he made n speech covering Iho same grounds as IN NORTHERN NIUV JKUSCY. Mr. Bryan's lee speeches In Brooklyn came al Ihe end of a day of Irnvcllug Since early morning ho had been on Iho move , stopping only for a few minutes In the towns hu passed Ihrougli to speak to the assembled people. Mr. Bryan left Phila delphia on the 9 o'clock train on the Ilelvl- dero division ot the Pennsylvania railroad , accompanied by several mcmbeis of the Now Jeisey democratic slale committee There vvero vtry few people al Ihe hole' and railway station lo sec 111 inoff. . Shorl stops were made al Bristol , Pa and Trenton The first speech of the day waste made nt Lnmbcrtvlllo , N. J. , where i stop of four minutes was made. The plat foi in of Iho station was thickly packed with people , aa was also the upper shed of thr slrucluro. A baggage truck was wheeled Into requisition and fiom Ihls Mr. Bryan made a brief address Al Krcnchlovvn , N J. . .1am parly of politicians boarded Ihe Iraln and clasped bauds vvllh the candidate \mong Ihem was c\-Senalor Cameron of Hunterdon county , now president of the Fietichtown National bank , who assured Sir Bryan he Is a silver man. Mr. Bryan spoke briefly from the plalfoim. At Phllllpsburg a royal greeting was given Mr Brynn. The Etallon fronti upon a public . lie square , where a stand had been creeled A brass band and'an ' immense Ihrong werr in waiting , and 'lo Ihem Mr. Bryan said reeling Is aroused on both sides In lhli : campaign , and Well may thorp bo fi-ollni ; ( because Ihose who nre cnlrcnched behind spoclnl privileges know that Ihe election of DIP Chicago tlqket nipans lhat Ihey will be driven from their bulwark nnd made to cam their livings like other men ( Great applause ) ) It la not strange that , rc.illz- Ins that hereafter thpy must eal the bread they earn by thoisnc.it of thtlr own brow instead nf entlnK the broad others earn , they will flglH with desperation to hold ( onUu to the government. ( Great applause. ) Hut there Is feqllngon the other side , there Is fooling oil our own side , too ( Ap plause. ) Go i out Among- the masses of tbo people nnd ask clht-in what Ibey under stand llu- campaign to mean and they will lell you they inidirstand this to bi > a cam paign In which the people aio dcfi'iiditiK their homes and fhclr firesides and IlKhlltiK for poslerlty. ( Applause. ) If you would ask TUB what thex-nnipalgn song ought to 1)C Ihls yeac I t llyou Hint there Is iiio better SOUK to Illustrate this cnmnalgn than thai beautiful song. "Home , Sweet HoA . " ( inthuslistlc applause. ) At Belvldeio a few hundred persons were waiting at the depot and when the train ( bearing the Bryan parly rolled Into Iho I slallon they cheered cnlhuslesllcally. Mr Bryan spclce lo Ihem from the rear of the car At Mauch Chunk theie was a stop of ten minutes , In order to make up the train for Washington , N. J. A few hundred people were at the depot nnd Mr. Bryan utilised the tlmo there by speaking to them. . At AVashlngton , N. J. , Ihe home of ex- Congressman Cornish , who was In the party , stop of nearly an hour was made. Mr Bryan received an enthusiastic ovation and spoke from a stand erected In Ihe cenler of Iho town. At Dover , a few hundred people galhercd about the trnln , which stopped but moment. The crowd cheered the nominee enthusiastically He spoke a few moments before the train pulled out. Morilslovvn of turned out In force , There vvero feeble cheers for McKlnley. The streets of New ark , about the rear of the train , were " packed with people and long before Ihe sta heard by those on the train. The train stopped but a moment , but In thai lime Mi- Bryan tallu-d to those whom he could make hear. A. II. SOUND .MO.NHV MISSIONAHII1S. in Fuvnr of Oolil Mnmliiril to Three TlnMiNiiiiil l'oiil < * . In MADISON , WIs. , Sept. 23. The coterie of aoldlcr-ralsslonarles who are making a tour . Wisconsin In the Interest of the gold standard Generals Sickles , Howard , Gov the ernor Algor and Corporal Tanner , arrived at can .Madison this morning and addressed an au not dience of 3,000 at the university armory building at 1030. Upon ai rival at 9 a. in. , bo they vvero given an infoimal reception by will Governor Uphan at the executive chamber so grea * was the ciush that all did not have opportunity to shake hands with them before the hour for speaking arrived. will At 10 a. m a procession was formed for march to the armory , a mile away , and , in notwithstanding the early hour , the parade a mile In length. The speakers rode In to carriages , accompanied by Governor Uphan members of the reception committee roln escorted by 200 soldier veterans maiching foot followed by the Bound money club . the Puller & Johnson and QUholt nianu- and fnctuilng plants , ward clubs and delega tions from the surrounding country. As parade approached the armory a salute thirteen guns was fired. Senator Vllas presided at the meeting , and In opening it after madq a brief but stirring speech. This af lilal ternoon the partx lefton a tour through the biivu north and west , /peaking at La Crosse this our evening. the TO COMI2 DOU'.N try crlr ! i-11 ( ral Coiiinil ( ( < < I.e len plni lust The democratic , cj'ounty central committee have iilht at Bllver'lipaWiarters , at J514 Tarnara lint street , Tuesday ( night to discuss plans /or most ilai carrying on the campaign. There was a largo than attendance of mcaibers of the committee and Gcr several who rvwro not members wcro called Ore "lui to glvo advlae and whatever of encourage sla they haifo } offer. Am The principal , Jojlc discussed was finance , China 'ens It wasn't of iho free sliver vailety. It appeared that , tlfu | faithful were perfectly mor > res willing to Btaiid af/ound / and talk free sil sect , but when * U fyime to giving up some c. good own com tujhelp carry on the cam thai they vfbth "shy. " The question of good levying an asaissrftent on Iho candidates mv discussedAJ'motlon was finally put l hop carried that an assessment for cam been purposes be levied upon the demo Ing on thu fusion ticket , and that the mil touching of the populist candidates bo left his the managers of their own party. and ho Just where Frank Hansom would come In bank this resolution was a subject which their elicited some debate , but It was finally de lie that as the democrats had taken him count. their wing at the nominating con xtl vention they were entitled to handle his Of then contribution to the campaign fund. " br vor I/ouk Ilrlnrlil Inurlli NrlinmUa. In i Judge M. P. Klnkald of O'Neill , repub been candidate for contingent judge of the ind solu supreme court , vvaa In the cltx last evening than Concerning" political matters In Holt and printed counties In northwest Nebraska , the fellow stated that tbo outlook Kill for the repub call was steadily Improving. "Thero Is the question but we are making Inroads on tiePf demo-pop strength and we confidently I this condition to continue up to elec vim day. " Ira , TRUTHS FOR YOUNG VOTERS TlMe McKinley Tells ti Delegation Prosparity Cannot Bo Coined. TALKS ALSO ON VOLUME OF MONLY IlcmMlL'iii | .Nomliu'o 1'oliiU Out that Ann-lien HIIN "Now l.urKer t'lreiilii- tluit Per Cn | > l I a Tli : m Otlie-r ( , < > iin ( rlc * . CANTON. Sept. S3 The first of two train bringing a delegation from Wood county Ohio , lo cnll on Major MclClnicy rcaohe-i the valley depot at 1.4S , It broughl Ih Ladles McKlnley club of Bowling Grccu the members wearing white Tarn O'Shanleii vvllh gold hands ; the McKlnley first volcn of Bowling Green were In full uniform , while Iho Bowing Green McKlnley and Hobar club with old field hats , two bauds and n number of unorganized citizens. A seconi train followed an hour later. Mjjor McKluley addressed two delegation this afternoon. The first was thi Wood county delegation and the second was from Munlce , 1ml. The latler came on a special Iraln of five coaches and Includci four bonds , Iho first voters club , Prosperity McKlnloy club and vcteian soldiers The addresses for Wood county weio made by Allorney R S. Parker of Howling Grcei and for Munclo by Atlorncy E. A. Need ham. In speaking lo Iho Wood county dele gallon he addressed himself especially lo Iho first voters club , saying The presence of Ihls body of young- men who ure to vole for Ihe flrsl lime nexl No vember Is to me an InspllliiK Hlghl. I'Oi twenty-one years you have been cnjoyln ? our free Instllulloim , the protection and opportunity of otu laws without any polltl cai power or responsibility. 1 fear Home times lhat fovv of us csllnmlo suffrage at Its true vvoith It clothes us with .sover eignty. II l'i a guaranty to our liberties and InsUUiUoiiH , and Is our tut cat safety- It ia the conslliutlonal mode or o\prcs3lna the popular will Through It public poli cies are eletorinlned and public laws en acted Through It administrations aie mmle * Through It our whole governmental machinery Is conducted , and It Ii Indeed a priceless Inheritance and Mlioulil be con sidered nsbueh by every young1 man. With the privilege eomo grave rt sponslliUlllea In Us use. It should express the Intelligence and jtidgmenl mid belief of the voten II should never bo employed for any base use U should be exercised with courage , vvls dom and palrlollsm It should never , no never , be thiown against tbo countiy. und .should never represent public dishonor ( Great upplaus-e. ) HIS OWN : FIRST A'OTE. I recall , young men , my flist vote With vvh.it a llnlll of prldo I e\i > rclscd for the lirst tlmo the full prerogative of clllzeii ship 1 have nol realized greater prldo slme. 1 fell I had home p.ut In Ihe gov eminent. The pciiod and circumstances when 1 cnst my llrst vote ninv have miuU .1 deeper Impression upon me than It olher- wlse would , bill 1 rocal II now .iftcr thirty- two years with HonsUlons of joy and salis- factlon. ( Applause ) In the e-rMs of war on Ibo vcrv Held of conllict , my Hist vote was casl for Alirah.im Lincoln , ( Gic.il hcerlnif. ) II Is lo mo a priceless memory Wh.it n , glorious privilege to have beci permitted to vote for a candidate for pi evi dent whose .seivices to bis country In the rrrcatest peril of Its life rank with Ihe sorv Ices of Washington , the falher of his coun try. ( Applnusp ) Priceless memory to me th.it I could vote for the martyr to liberty the omanclp.itor of a race and the savior of the only free government among mon. Great rhecrlnK' ) You , gentlemen , did not h.ivo that pilvllcsc. but 11 having been de nied you , there will be some ij-itlsfaotlon to vote for Ihe pirly of Lincoln , which rallied the young men of Hie country arounel Iho banner of liberty , union and national honor. ( Appl.iUbc ) Mr. McKlnley then read a few words ul lercd by Lincoln to young voters on June 23 1848 , advising them lo form political clubs and "opcak and sing and hollor. " and then spoke of Iho Impoi lance of the present con test , and proceeded : I ve'lilured a fovv vveoks ago lo .sinjgi-st In a public hpeoch lhat It would be beltri " to open Iho mills Ihan lo own the mini t Great cheering and cries ot "That's rlghl " ) hei- that some of oui political adversaries criticize the .statement , saying It H 'pul- < tliiK the cart heroic the lioisi- " They henm to think the way to open the woolen mills , for example. Is to start a yardstick fiictorv ( Great laughter and appliuse ) They forget that you must make clotb ! > fore you can measure It and that the v.oave-i must be employed before I be yard stick Is required. Hut they say Ihe jard stick Is lee long. I answer If you make n yardstick nineteen Inches Instead of thirty- six Inches Its present length , you will not . ' . Inciease1 tlm output of cloth or Its value. 01 Kive nn .iildltlon.il day's labor to American weavers. . CAN'T COIN PROSPERITY. ! ( ' Nor will a St cent dollar Increase our in dustrial enterprise , aild lo the aclu.il earn Ings of nnvboily , 01 onluinco Iho real valnr a anything. It will wrong labor and wreck values , an'l has done HO wherever It lint boon usc'l ( Grc.U app'nuso ' anil cries af "Thai's rlshl ) MOID cloth might require more yaiilstkks. bill more yardstloks or shorter ones will not cieato n ilennnd for moro cloth. Nor will short ilollnrs from vvldo open mints file to all llio world In cit.iso our factories Moie faetorli s at work will 11ml voile for tlio good dollar * for now In their hiding places , nnd find em plovmo.nl for thn good men now Idle at thplr homes Industry must com" first Labor preccilos all else It Is the founda tion of wraith : It Is Ihe creator of all It wealth. Its active employment puts money nro. cliculiitlon anil bends It couislng Ihtousli . , _ every artuy of tiade Tlio rnlnls do not ' dlotrlbitto It In Hint way Start the facto ries In full blast nnd tlio money will llow from bank and vault. The lender will neck borrower , not as now the borrower the lender. Start the factories and put Amorl machinery In opeiallon anil there will bo nn Idlu man In the ooiinlry who Is willing' and able lo work ; there will not an American homo vvheio hunger nnd want will not dlsapp < ni at once , anil thoie not bo a fiirmei who will not lie cheprc-d nnd benefited by his Improved homo markets , and bv the better and steadier prices for his products f'redlts tnUo the place of debts The wasted cainlngs of tbo poor will ln rontorod. A surplus will take the placn of a ilclleloncy tlio public treasinv ( Cilos of "That's right. " ) Plenty ami prosperity will rc-tinn us again : and dn not fnigct , men and women of Wood county , that you cannot prosperity , and you cannot levlvo In dustries through iho mints ( Great up pl.iliso and cries of "That's rleht " ) Thev come through labor and confidence , sl.lll enterprise and honesty , nnd they will como no othei way ( Great applause ) MOIli : THAN OTHHIl COUNTHinS. To < the Muncle dolegnllon Mr. McKlnley , welcoming his visitors , said Tlio complaint , Iho chief cause of com plaint of our opponents is , first , that we not enough inoncv , and sec-ond , tb.it money is too peed ( Laughter ) To llrsl c-oinplulnl I nnswer lhat the pci capita of clroul.itlriK medium In this coun has been grimier since the so-called crime of U7J than II ever was before ( ap plause ) , and Hint It has been greater In tlio five years than It owrwas In all our history , eerie * of "Tlml's right" ) Wo not only Iho best money In the world , vvc have more of It per f.ipllii than of the nations of the world ( Ap plause. ) Wo liuvn moro money per capita the United Kingdom pur c-apltu ; than German , than Italy , limn Switzerland , Greoeo. Spiln , Roumanla , Sorvla , Austria , Hunraiy , Norway , Sweden , Unnmark , Hits- , Mexico nnd Ihe Central and .South American states , and moro thnn Japan or ( Great applause ) So thru some reason rather than tlic lack of volume of money must bn found to account fni the present condition of the c-ountry To the second complaint , that our money Is too , it would seem to bo enough to pay Mi the money of nn ronn'ry ran be too Ml : , and that no country Miffcin from St' having Its medium of exchange m ido front best material obtainable ( Applause ) u poor money not good money that luia the c.insu of so mmli loss and sulfei- In the past , both to Individuals ami in nations ( Applause ) The older mi n of audience v.Ill remember tint before war vvc did business with an uncurtain lluctuallii ! , ' currency known IIH Htato. money Many of those Innles and noles were absolutely wound , but for most part they were subject to n dis . The total number of hanks In iv-fl. exclusive of stnte hank branches , w.is l.&TO this number the "counterfeit delcctoiV In constant use , reported K.12 as "broken , closed , failed fraudulent nnd wDriblet's. " The notea of Iheso lunKs were circulation nmoni ; Iho people anil had recolvcd by them for their good labor their good products They were ab solutely vvorlhlMB nnd of no more value thn paper upon which they were I'pon whom did this loss foil , my cltlzensT There H nonrcflv an old gentlemen I In Ibis niidlencn who will not re that It fell iiiioii the laboring mm und fnnncrv of the United Slates POOH MIN LOSI : nv POOH MONKY allude i to this only to show that those suffer most from poor money are the t ulikla licur the lo s It la the his- lory of innnkind that the lenat vnlunlilo money which will pass current Is the money that nt last finds Its resting place among the poorer people , nnd when the crash comes fie lo s must be borne by them. Aln7 I doubt It there Is a man In this au- illence who has not among the belongings of Mi family or the family of his father some ! of that old bank piper as a reminder or vvhal they lost. ( A voice "I have JIO ut homo invsolf" ) I cannot Imaplno any In- torosl tt.it can be pe-rmnnenlly subserved l > y having toor money. The biro MIIWI- tlon of eucJi u proposition to u man of reason niMts its Instant rrjoctlon You will remember thai fiom Isfi2 to 1SBD wo llli ! liti lnoss with piper tnoncv exclusively , we hn-1 nollhii gold nor silver , nnd you v.lll : loimmlx-r thai gold was constantly at n premium ranging from 40 to ICO per cent Then when a mnn wanted to boirnvv tTionry lie Inul to piv a hlulx-r rate of In- lereit tlinn lie- has to pav since 1STD on a itolil : basis. ( Applauxo. ) When wo were do- Inc ; business with a depioe-latod piper money intore-st was very much higher to tin borrower than It Ii now I ran ice-all In Ohio vvlion the ruling Inlorost for lhat inner jnomv was 10 jior cent nnnuilly and ofie-n I prr < nt a month or 12 pot cc-nt u y car. Uo you remember that , mi n of In- ilhmi ' ' When In Iho ilivs of the ijreoiili.uk oiirnnc-y jou paid from 10 to 12 per cent for yom monoy' Iho ruling into hero In Ohio for what f > omo people uro pleased to rail n yx > conl dollar Is i , or 7 per cent lo- da' ' . It may run ns high ns S , and possi bly that has boon the rullnit rnte dining the hnl Iwo years , but Hi it Is becaimo illslrusl has fallen upon Iho e-ounliy and who have money will nol part with It anil take clmnoes vvlthoiil a higher fate of lull-rest. ( Applauip ) Money can bo borrowed nl n limei rntp of Inlerost ihan It eou'd i have been borrowed at any time from the days of 1SCO to tbo ilnys of lev sumption. Wl-al mote healthful sign lli.in this ( fncl thai n dollir Iho wet Id over ran bo borrowed al a less rate Hi in i-vi-r befoio7 Thai money Is bard to ; ; ol not IIOP uisti It Is si-arco , but bec-auso Ihoso who have U keep It , fearing lo loin II bo5' pause of the iinsoltlpil business cnmllllon of the counlrr Money Is Idle loiluy bo- o.an-so U cannel be profitably and nift-ly In- vesloil bv Uio " who have 11 H Is neither IX Iiiok ! of voliimp of our money nor Iho ( Unllly or t'io money thai Is our tioiiblo , bin i Ini-k of conlldi-npn In Ihe stoiiillnos.1 inn stability of business The threat of fie silver Is driving our money Into hid Ing today ; tin1 way to bilugll out Is to icstnro confidence' , and how will you rc-stoie eonlldcnpp' ' There Is only ono way ( A volco. "Vote for McKlnloy . " and aji- pla ) The way to icstore c-onlldpiici' Is to ilefe-it through the ballot , the party thai ileslroypil cotilldeneo The way lo ic- nloro iirospcrliy Is to ilofeal , Ihrough the bil'ol. ' those vvhn have destroyed proiiper- Itv AVe do not believe the way to restore confidence ! Is through the mints of the I'nltcd States ( Cries of "No. you are ilsht" I ) Wo can only iistoro uoulldcnce vml prosperity , nol through a ilobased ciir- icnc-y i , bill tlirougli a policy Unit will ro- toic Ihe wasted revenues lo tlio piiblle troasurv and reklnillo llrcs In Ameilcan ivorksbops ( Cheers. ) IM.A I > S rou A uni'imMCUAI.I.V. . fii-rnl niitlnixlilNiii Otrr The oommllleo of arrangements for Iho republican demonstration of September 29 net yostcidiy forenoon and found occupv ! Qr In attending to the minor detilh of the affair Through a misunderstanding Ihe pie's- cnce of Ihe Lancaster counly crowd will have a lo be dispensed vvllh. The Lincoln people acquitcd Ihe idea lint Ihe Omaha demoii- slrallon was lo bu held Monday nlghl and now Ihey have a big rally of the-lr own scheduled for next Tuesday nlghl H had been cxpccled lhat a big ciowd would ho brought up from Lincoln , but they will now be required at home. So much enthusiasm his been manifested , however , by the local clubs that the absence of the Capital City republicans will makij no pe-rceptlblo dlffcr- enco In the appearance of Hie parade The local establishment , which hecured the or der for Iho lorchcs. Is turning Ihoni out as _ rapidly as possible and the full complement i lo of 5.000 will be ready for use when they are i nc wanted The attention of the committee has been ' Jjv" called to the fact lhat General Cowin had111 , boon advertised lo speak at the Lincoln demonslrallon , but It Is assured thai ho will consider home demands flrsl and call the Omaha meeting to order as originally ar ranged. According to the present plans the dis tinguished speakers who will be here the night following Senator Tnnrslon's meellng vi'l ' not spralc at the Coliseum It Is thought advisable to divide the ciowd In order that "aeh of the speakers may speak at length ind bo hcaid by all who come. The county rcnti.il committee expeets to have both virr.i 1 OHOPS and one largo hall In addition. Gencial Sickles will speak at one meeling , General Porter at another and Russell A Alger at Ihe third. < liu-slli > iiM Proo rriinbli-Hoini * . A flee silver orator Irundlcd a box out Into the stieet at Fifteenth and Capitol ave nue last ovenlng and soon had a cio\\d .inund him. At Ural he Invited any of the iudlcn"e who wcie anxious Inriuliers after light on fiimielal topics to ask any questions hey } siw fit He had not piocccdcd far with his speech before some questions vcro pro pounded to him He floundered mound for time In the vain atlonipl to answer them and Ihcn proceeded with his harangue wllli- out deigning to pay any further notice lo queries dddieased lo him When the meellng adjouined there were no convcicions an No nounced I"IiinIx-nii Cluli IliiMj Drilling. The John L. Webster Flambeau e.lub met drill last evening in the Omaha Guards' aimory. There was a full turnout of the membership and they show the effect of pcr- slslent ill 111 Tlio club proposes to keep at peiMstcntly . and nt the present late of progress ' will make a fine appearance In Ihe parade Tuesday night. DEMOCRATS ISSUE A CALL Straight Out Will Hold n Convention on October First , EXPECT A FULL REPRESENTATION ( "linlrtiinti Mnrtlii of tlio Opinion ttuil a KulI Stnto nnd electoral TleUellll lie.Nom - IllUtl'll. The straight democrats of Nebraska have Issued a call for a state convention to bo hiP In this city on October 1 at 8 o'clock hiM in. The call is Issued by Chairman Euclid Martin. The convention will bo composed ol 150 di'Icgatcs , live from each of Iho sona- torlil districts In the state. The state central committee has discussed the mailer olhi selee-lltig Ihe drtrgatrs and the members hiivo reached Iho conuuslon that thla method will bo moro satisfactory than to name the doU'cates frsm thi > counties. Mr. Martin Is of the opinion that there wilt bo a full attendance of delegates at the con vention. Ho It also of the opinion that a full , , electoral ticket for Palmer and Buckncr will be put Into the field. Regarding n state tlckcl Mr. Martin said yesterday ' morning tint the straight democrats vvero undecided as to whether or not they would make any nominations , as that was a question thai the convention would decide. By putting stralghl dcmocr.illc electors In the field , he said that Iho ili-mocrntlc or ganization could he kept together and would be In a condition to do business after the silver crao had subsided In the state convention Doiiglns county will bo entitled to fifteen delegates. Mnx \ llcr WIIM "Sol Tlu-ro. OMAHA , Neb. Sept. 22 To the Editor of The liceIn The lleo thla morning I find Iho follov. Ing Item "ORAFTO.V , Neb. . Sept. 21 ( Special. ) At a proposed McKlnley mecllug Tuesday evening In the Yost school house , a few miles southwest , two old veterans , neigh bors , while awaiting the speaker became Involved In a qunrrcl , coming to blows. The row became general and when Iho speaker , MaAdler. . n German , came up ho was sot upon and hooted off , so Iho meeting came to naught. " Permit me lo say thai Iho report as far as I am brought In connection with It , is not true. On the day mentioned I spoke at Norfolk. MAX ADLER. Ooloindn Si-nlliiM-itt Dr J. M. AKIn of this city Is In receipt of letter from his brolher , J C , Akin of Ster ling , Colo. Mr. Akin Is superintendent of public Instruction in the Colorado country , wheio ho resides , and Is a staunch re publican. He and his wife were dclegalcs lethe the icpublican coiivcnllon at Colorado Springs , where a lesolutlon endorsing Mc Klnley and Hobnrt was adopted by n vote of : tlO to 13 Uo says that the political sentiment In Colorado Is rapidly ehanglng , and that theic is a good prospect of the state glv Ing a majority for McKlnley. I'l-niti ( In * Count to Caillon. SAN PRANCISCO , Sept 23. An effort Is bo made lo get up an excursion parly of nol less Ihan 100 republicans from this coast to make a political pilgrimage to Canton " to see and shako hands with Major McKlnloy before election day. For Infants and Children. Pattern Hats , Bonnets and Turbans. cards. All are welcome , THUBSOiYFBIBJIfSJlTUBOJiy , F.Seia1eSi ; [ < Ko , f 1522 Douglas Si. v * That's settled- Just the minute you buy a Round Oak Heater the stove that dozsn't bum any more tons of $4 soft coal than the ordinary base burner do s of the $9.75 kind There's no other stove like a Round Oak to throw out heat $ J2,00 for Round Oaks , J396 pattern Some Round Oaks higher We alone sell them. Kl ! , ? otor MILTON ROGERS & SONS , Ueul ' 11 ini'.sot ! uj ) . . . . jomiili-U. 1JA Mill and fAltMM SIS. ALL THE WORLD Knows that the Peerless Remedy for Diseases of the Liver , Kidneys ! and Bladder is Dr. J. H. Me LEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM It has Cured Thousands of Desperate Cases. Try It Ar Ait. DHUOGIETB. Pnict , tl 00 Pen DOTTIC 'THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE co , ST. LOUIS , MO.