Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Becomes the Star Performer A.raong
Speculative ) Markets.
Corn I.'nllM ( it Share < < > .More Tlmii n
SltBlit H.vt.-nt In ( lie Activity
mill Xlri'iiutli ut
O1ITCAGO , Sept. 16. Writ-tit wns the Btnr
performer nmoiiK Hie speculative mat-kola
toitny. After nn cnrly decline ofio It
turned slruiifc mul closed nt an nilvanco o (
from * ic to Tic. Btronu outside markets
nnil llbfrfnl Hcabrmril ciiKiiKcmcnts were
the principal factors In tl.e Mtcjngtli. Corn.
onto and provisions WML- nil favorably nf-
ffctud , corn closing Ho hlKhur , ontH from
Uo to U and provisions from 2'ic ' to 7'.4c
Win-Hi Mint-led cnny and dull at a shade
under yostcrduy'fl closing prlrc. It pro-
nerved HH opening cluirnotsrlBtlcs for about
forty-five minutes and then St. Louis began
to rush In buying order ? , which
ntartcd the crowd , who , iticnnllmu , hud
ppronil themselves rather thinly on the
short Mile. December wheat opoiii'd with
ftcllom at from f/j'io to BO'Jjc , HKutmU yi-s-
tentny'3 closing price of Ki'ic. ' and touched
from Gti'l ' < ! to WfC beforeIt ontercd Its protest -
test against a fuitlier itccllnc. Ihen ht.
Louis wlroil that she had sold 20"J " , W Im.
of hard winter wheat for export during thu
last two days and that then- were foreign
orders thrro for red winter , which could
nut bo illlcd , owing to the light stocks.
ThlH sinned Hhorts on the run. They
flelztd hold of the offerings and had to
stretch to 00 per bu. for that before they
could sti'iidy themselves. Northwestern
and local rocelptn were itgnln consiilcutitliily
heavy today and were the eauso of the
early wcaltness. IJul the shaketti ) given by
Bt. I.oills turned the eyes of thetradern
to thn other and more bullish features of
the situation. New York wired early In thu
day of ocean freight rouin for eighteen
boatloads having been taken to the United
Kingdom. Liverpool quoted from ' ,4(5 ( 'id
higher prices , notwithstanding yesterday's
9io declines on this aide , but continental
markets were lower. The clearances from
Atlantic ports. Including Hour , amounted to
SlS.tXK ) bu. The receipts at Minneapolis and
Duluth were fl.TJ cars , compared with 1,032
li year ago. Chicago received 2K ! ) carloads ,
only four of which were contract. Hrail-
street's world's visible statement showed
a net Increase for thuveek of i'J27,00) bu.
The innrkot ruled strong after the fU-st
forty minutes of the session , December ris
ing to from GO'sC to GOVie. with very little
reaction on the line and no general realiz
ing observable to the close. The latest
trading was at from CiO'ic to GO'HC
Corn dlil not share to more than a slight
extent In thu activity and strength ol
wheat. Offerings from the country were ,
however , heavier , more especially from Illi
nois points , and the weather continued
favorable for corn In the field. Knrly trans
actions wore ut a slight decline , but the
Improved tone In wheat started shorts to
covering to some extent. Corn opened ' , ( , ( '
lower at ffiiVJc and gradually advanced to
from 21'ic to ! Mc , where It closed ,
Oats were tinner , mainly through sym
pathy with wheat anil corn. The volume
of business WIIH only fair and pretty gen
erally scattered. May opened unchanged
nt from 18 &c to l'c. ! '
Provisions enjoyed only n fair volume of
business. Prices , however , were llrm and
ruled slightly higher throughout the HeH-
slon. Sympathy with grain , coupled with
lighter hog receipts , created a better foolIng -
Ing and prices which were unchanged at
the opening advanced slightly. January
pork closed at * 0.n7' , < , , 7(4c ( higher ; January
lard , fie higher at fi.72 : > ( . ; January ribs , S'/.c.
higher at ti.&ffU7l.4. : : :
Kstlmnted receipts for Thursday are :
Wheat. 215 earn ; corn , 4 r cars ; oiits , 21
cars ; hogs , 2S.OOO head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles | DIM. i > v. | Cljt ) .
Wlienl.No. ' . '
Corn.No. 2 ,
Sent SOH 20i
0 < 't am 2(11 ( 21W21W ,
Dec ai'4
-4i v4WS9s ;
OatB.No. it. .
Fciil UK
Oct IBM Ifili
Sept 15 V2lt
Oct R SO r. 72 r 77i
Jan 0 774 U 72 ! 0 774 !
Oct . . . . . 3 : io 3 30
Jan S U7H 3 i > 7ii ! 3 7iM !
Short Kll'i-
Sepl. . . a 10
Oct a i'Ji 3 I2 ( < R 1'J
Jan. . . . . . . . 3 : t5 3 37 ! S7K
Cash quotations were ns follows ;
FLOUR Firm ; winter patents , J3.20CT3.40'
strulglits. J3.00fc3.20 ; pprlngs. J3.40 ii.45 ; pnients.
f2.iOfi3.30 ! ; Btrulghls , J2.40ff2.UO ; bakers. Jl.t'0&S.23.
\VHUAT-No. 2 spring , M'.ic ; No. 3 cprlng.
f.5Hc ; No. 2 red , C2Hc.
COHN-No. 2. 2U)21",4o ) ; No. 2 yellow , 21'.t j )
OAT -No. 2. ICc ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. . 20' !
214e ! : No. 3 white , f. o. b. , lCf20c. |
llYM-No. 2 30'ic.
11AH1HY N'o. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. . 2 <
S2c ; No. 4 , f. o. li. , 22fi2Cc.
KI < AXSI3KI > Nn. 1. C4 ic.
TIMOTHY KI-i'i : > -Prlme , J2.r,2i4.
PltOVIHIONH MCKB pork , per bid. , Ji.7r. . f5.SO.
Inrd , IM-T 100 Ibs. , } 3.3fl3.37i,4. Short ribs bides
( loose ) . J3.1. ' . 3.20. Dry tailed Bhoulders ( boxed ) ,
t3.7bri4.00. Khort clear fides ( boxed ) , J3.fjOii3.C2U.
WHISKY Distillers' finished foods , per gal. .
i'o'lII.TUY Firm ; turkeys , 8fllc ; chickens , Sc ;
thicks , KffSip. !
The following were the receipts and shipments
today :
Oiitliol'roJueii oxclntuM toJ-ur tlin butter mar
ket was \vuV.t ; croamury. UCtlSo : ilnlrv. IK-J
JHc. Keits , linn ; iruuli , 13Uc. flieeao , Btuady ;
QiiiitiiUiuiH of ( lit liny 1111 ViirloiiH
NKW YOIllC. Fepl. 1C. KLOUIl-Hccelptii , 18.-
900 bills. ; exports , 7,297 bbls. Market llrm nnd
lilKbrr for popular brandv ; generally quiet ;
southern Hour , rteitdy nt (3.25 ; eprliiK , low
Kiadi'D , J2.002.2.r ; clly mill clears , J3.f > 0fj3.b5 ;
Mlnnesotn putcnts , HJO 3.K ; Minnesota baki-ru ,
J2.3002.HO ; winter putentB , 13.25ij3.CO. Hyu
Hour , llrm ; Biiperllne , J2.40Q2.CO ; fancy , J2.C00
llYK-Qtilel ; No. 2 mtern. 3 * Jc.
IIAltl.IJY Quiet ; ucHlern fi-'illDi , ' , SOHQllc.
IIAHI.CY MALT Dull : western , r.OiUe ,
WHHAT HrcelptB. 1W1.100 bu. ; exports , Z3.ti26
bu. ; upot ( Inner ; No. l liurd , CK > ; c. Options
opened rather eagy , but ut once turned MronK
uml mlvunrt'd all day on lilnluT rubles , Hiirupeun
wur minors , coed cnuli demnnd wett , pro p < vtB
of n Mimller rprlnic wheat movement and rover-
IIIK' , und elored nt ' e net udVHiice ; No. 2 red ,
May , tl'J 11-ianoVic , closed ut "Oljc ; December ,
eCltdfTVtc. clotcd at C7e.
COUN lleci'lpts , 170.000 bu. j exports. 'J7.C63 bu. ;
spot firmer ; No , 2. Me. Opllomi Kcnenilly firmer
On llKtit recetptH nnd the udvunt'u In wheat. Hnd
closed UfUu net tilKhcr ; Mny .rlorrd ut 30c ;
December. 27M < J27 13-lCc. eloted Bt 27Tie
OATS Itecclpu. f.2,100 bu. ; exportK. 20,077 bu. ;
iwt quilt : No , f , H * * " . Optic n * dull but B c.vller ,
wltti tbv oilier markclii , und closed Mfile Idelier ;
Bvptcinber t'loteil at 2itc ; December , 20UU21C ,
cloxrtl ul 2le.
IIAV Wi'Bkj tprlng , COc ; good to vholce , OO
HOI'S fitendyj ttnle , eommon to choice , ISM
crop , tliiHHc ; UUi crop , Sjilc ; I'aclllc coabt
U)4 ! ) crop , SVifMc ; IMS crop , aflCHc.
HiniW-Qulrt. Oiihrslon , lO'.tr. '
l.HATIIiH--OuU't ; ; hcinloclc Bole. ZOflSlc ,
1'ltOVIHIONH Ileef. utendy : family. JK.OOff9.00 ;
exlru ntrvs , IO.MifT.00 ; | .eef liaini * . Jl.S.M'WlC.Oi' ' .
Cut ineitlt. limit pickled liellles , f.ffCo . ; pickled
thtuldtr * , Ic ; pcklid hums , l.niil , Ha > ' ;
\vrntern rteain. I3.K ! > ( T3.7H ; September , $3.GJ , nom.
liial ; refilled , steady , 1'ork , dull : me i. J7.00&1
8.00 : kliurt cleur , J7,7CC9.2S | ; fumlly , ja.COij 10.60.
MO1.ABSKS Klnn ; New ( Jrlrunn , open kettle ,
Kood to rlinUo. 29l37c.
TAII.O\V-.steady ; city. J 1-1CO3 S-lCc ; coun
try. 3 % < | 3 3-lCv , us In quullty ,
OII Cotlonieed , rleadvi prime crude. lOc.
yellow , 23 < < r'4o ! ; cnulf , ISOSOc ; prime rummer
yellow. Z49ifi2.r.c ; on" xummer yellow. ' 'JOn'-ie. '
1'clrolcuiii , flriner ; United , CICIMH ! J1.12 tld.
Itonlii , uteadyi Ftrnlned , eommaii to Kood , tl.COU
1CH. Turpentine , stc-udy nt :4H4Vic ,
IllCIO l''lrm ; domettlc , fair to rxlra , 3V | C ' ,
HttTTKU ItecelptB. V.iW | > kKs. ; wevlern dairy ,
ftil'lo ; wmtern creamery , HUlCc ; KlgliK , 16c ;
fuclory. Blflli- .
CHIiKHI' : llitclptii , t.MO head ; teady ; lurve
7fi h i cnmll. TijSUc ; part Mm. ' , 3 t < - ; full
iiklmii. ! Hi2c.
ICdCK-HfCflpts , 6S(0 ( pktv. ; ijulet ; wentern ,
MKTAI-S-riir Iron , oulot , roulhfrn. SI0.2.'C ?
11.110 ; northern. II0.7Sttl2.M. COPIKT , cjulet ; truk-
trx. J10.S7H ; exehaiiKe , 110.750 11.00. lud , aulet :
lutikrr * , I2.CO ; vxclmnco , i.tH.W. ( | Tin. iiteudv ;
vtrultH , fl3.ooOfll.7C. l'liitc , dull. r ! | > # lter , ipilet ;
domestic , I3.U03.CO. _
AfciiiiiiilntloH of ! nil 11 NioeUH.
Ni\V YOIllC. Fcpt. 16. Special cubic und l lv
Kruplilo Hdvlcm tu llrudftrr l' , co > erlnir the
principal inilnU of accumulation , Indlcute the
foi low I UK chuniLfs In uvullalde tuppllcs lu t Hut-
urtUy , a * fomiwrfd with the iirrcvdlni ; Kulurdu ) '
Available nupplle- Wheat , ( "nllut Bluten an4
( \inada tu t of the Itockln. lnrrra d. l.UC.OW :
unoat fur and In Kuroi * . Increatv. 1. 618.000 ; total
JuueuH ) worlJ'B available , : .722.000 bu. Corn ,
I'lilled Btutm and Canada , eait of the llocklcn.
dccieus * . tt ,000 , bu. O l * . United Btatca und
CfnimU. tnut of the Iloekles , Incrt-dnf , 1,103,0m
t/u. The only Important decrease In stocks o (
nvnllfthl * tUient list week , not covered In the
ffllcln ] vlsllile supply statement Is that of 423,000
bu. nt Fort William , Ont.
The lending Increases lire 250.000 bu. In northwestern -
western Interior elevators , 100.000 bu. at New
Orleans , bu. nt nnlveston nnd tos.OOO bu. nt
Winnipeg nnd other points In Manitoba.
CiniillfIon of Trmlr nnil Quotations )
( in Simile nnil I'unoI'rotluce. .
DttTTUIl-rommon to fair , 7c ; choice to fancy ,
country , ll12c ; leparntor creamery , l501Gc ;
gathered crenni , llfiUc.
OAMK-I rnlrle chickens , per dor. , J2.Wfl3.tO ;
luall , H.Kfil.lO.
CHBKSE-Domcstle brick , lOc : Kdam , per dot ,
J9.M ; club house , 1-lb. jars , per dor. . S3.W ; I.lm-
berger , fancy , per lb. , 51,40 ; lloqucfort , H-lb.
Jars , | , er doJ3.CO ; Younit Americas , 85ic ; twins ,
fancy , S'ic.
VIJAlCholce fat , 8 ? to 120 Ibs. . Is quoted nl
< { ? 8c ; large and coarse , 4flRc.
I'Ofl.THY Live hens Cc ; ct.cks , 3c ; fprlng
chickens , f.i * f7c ; l-prlng ducks , 7T7'4c. '
PIOCONH Live. We ; dead pigeons not wanted.
HAY npland , J5 00 : midland , J4.f.O ; lowland ,
J4.M ; rye straw , J4.00 ; color makes the price on
hay ; light bales tell the best ; only lop Erodes
top prices.
HHOOM COIIN Kxtrcmely iilow rale ; new
crrm , delivered on track In country ; choice urecn
Relf-worklne cnrpet. per lb. . S'.Sc : choice green ,
running to hut I. 2 t : common. IMo
WATiilJHlxN8-l cr doz. , crnte < l , according
to size. 1I.7CJJ2 S3.
OA.NTALOri'KS-I'or crntc , 7S050c.
TOMATOICS 1'cr 'i-bu. bnfket , 35JJ40C.
crcUMIlKUS-l'er doz. , IOI2Ce.
NI3W ONIONS llocKl ttock , per bu. , 35050e.
LIMA HKANS-1'cr II ) . , 4o.
1.IUNS Hniiil picked navy , per b . . : t.4nffl.r.O.
-AHHAOB Home srown , per hundred , 75tKc. )
OKI.BKV 1'er doz. . 2Jf30c ; fancy mammoth ,
CO j ; f.5o.
rOTATOBS New | Hitntm > * , per bn. ; 2.,83rK : .
, OUAris Home Krown wrapes , 15c ; large lols ,
14fi Ifjc.
I'AUI-'OIINIA l'iACIirS-Frepi.loncs. Jl.OO ;
J1.25 ; Cnllfornln fnncy , J1.255 ?
. > .
C'AI.IKOUNIA ailAI'KS Muscals nnd nihrr
fancy varletle . Jl.OOtfl.IO ; Tokn > K. J1.25 ; blnclt
I'Vrrnrn. ) .
Ari'Lis-Co < , klnK , per btil. , Jl.H ) ; cntln ? , J1.75 ;
Jonathans , fnno , J2.2.P ) ! < 2.HO.
KASTIJHN I'UACIIIIS MIchlRun , baskets ,
IlfthJ. 25c.
CAI.IKOUNIA rCAItS-llartlettR. JI.MitM.CT. ;
Hticrrc Hnrdy , )1.40jl.M ; llucrrc Cliilrgeau , J1.40
( Jl.Sfl.
TnortCAi. rnuiTS.
LKMONS MesBlnns , JG.OO ; California lemons ,
IIANANAS Cholcn Inree stock , per bunch.
J2.OOIt2.25 ; medlum-lze < l bunches. Jl. 1032.00.
I'INBAl'PI.ES-Nn hhlpplnff stock.
OYSTBIIS New York counts , per can 38c ;
llrunch & Co. . New York belc-etc , jior can , 33c ;
extra selects , per can , 30c ; New York counts ,
per 100 J1.25 ; per 1,000 , 111 ; New York selects ,
per Kal. . 12 ; per tub , Jll.
HUNKY huncy white , per lb. , lie ; cnolce. 130 ;
Citllf inla , nmber color , loc.
CIDBH-Clurifled Juice , per hulf bbl. , 13 ; pel
bbl. . t : > .
PUKSBnvns Apsortod , 20-lb. pnils , each , J1.49.
MAI'LK SYHUr Five c l. cnn . each. J2.75 ;
cal. cans , per doz. , JI2 ; ' ,4 gal. cans. JG.2S ; qunrt
cuiix. J3.00.
FIQS Imnorled fancy , C crown. 30-lb. boxes.
14c ; choice. I0-lb. boxes , 3 crown , 9O10c.
NUTP Almonds , California , per 11 , . . .nedlum
size , JOc ; Tarragona almonns , per II , . , lorKe.
12Vic : Ihnzlls. pet lb. , Sc ; English walnuts , per
lb. , fancy soft blicll , 12c ; medium Klzc , lOc ; III-
licrlfl. per lb. , lOc ; pecans , bollshed medium , tic ;
large , ICc ; pennuts , raw. C ift'ic : loasted , 7',4c.
DATES Halloween , per lb. , do ; farda , 10-Iu.
toies , per lb. . 7c.
DBBP Dressed steers , 4W to COO Ibs. . C',4Ji7c ' ;
western Bteei'8. 4i5f5'.ic : ! ' ; iood : cows und heifers.
Iliff.Mic : medium cows und heifers , ( Vi'u'Sc ; good
foretiuurrtrs , cotva and helfeis , 3Vjlc ; guui !
fnreatuirterH native steers.4U55c : iood lun'i-
niinrti'rn. cows and heifers. "y.Vic ; Rood hln. '
quarters native Bteera , Slfec ; cow rounds. f > c ; cow
nlntcs. 3c ; boneless enucks , 4o ; cow chucks , 30
3'ie ; steer chucks , 3iC ; beef tenderloins , l/c ! / ;
beef rolls , boneless. He ; sirloin butts , boneless ,
SHe ; loin hacks , boneless. 9c ; loin backs , 7o ; cow
ribn , No. 3 , Co ; cow loins. No. 3. Se ; beef trim
mings ic ; lump butts , ic ; shoulder ciuits , Cc.
MUTTON Dressed lamiu. , c ; dressed mutton.
Cc , rucks , lOc ; legs , So ; saddles , EC ; stews. 2'ic ' ;
ilii-op iilucks , 3c. sheep loncues. per doz. , 25c.
1'OHK Dressed lings , 4 Vie ; porlc loins , Sc ;
spnrc ribs , 3Hc ; bam > , ausiiscs , ImltB. 4Hc ; pork
Ehoulders , 4'ic ; pork shoulders , rklnned. 4Vic ;
pork trimmings , 3e ; leaf lard , not rendered , 4c.
HIDES No. 1 gieen bides. 4c ; No. 2 green
hides , 3c ; No. 1 Bieun Milled hides , 5c ; No. 2
gie rn bnltvd hides , 4c ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 12
Ibs. ic ! : No. 2eal calf. S to 15 ibs. . 4c ; No. l
dry Hint hides , 70S > c ; No. 2 dry flint hides C7c | ;
No. 1 dry Balled hides. Cc ; purl cured hides , lie
per lb. less thpu 'ully cured.
riflEEI' 1'EI.TSir -en tailed , each. 25CCO- ; ;
urcen salted tnfnrllngn ( short wooied early
rklns ) , each , 15c ; dry snearilnvs ( short wool'd
eurly ultlnx ) . No. 1 , tacR. i , . ; .iry shearlings
( bhcit wooled early CKnir > , Ko. 1 , each. 5c ; dry
flint ICun ns nnd Nebraska butchrr wool relts ,
per lb. , actual welglu , 475c | ; dry flint Kansas
und Nebraska Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , ct-
uul weight , 3ff4c ; dry Mini Colorado
wool pelts , per lb. . actual welglit. 4QOc ; d * y
Hint Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 3Ifc ( ; feet cut off , us It Is useless to
pay freight on them.
TALLOW AND GUBASD Tallow , No. 1 , 2Uc ;
tallow. No. 2 , 2c ; grease , while A , 2'ire ; gicaee ,
white H , IV.o ; Ere"8" , yellow , IVic ; greabe , dark ,
IHc ; old liutter , 2&2V4C ; beeswax , prime , 15 ®
22i. ; rough tallow , Ic ,
HONES In cur IOIB , weighed and delivered In
Cnlcago : Dry buffalo , per ton , J12.00WH.OO ; dry
country , blenched , per ton , JlO.OOff 12.00 ; dry
country , dump and meaty , per ton , JG.OOifS.On.
WOOL Unwnihed. fine heavy , 6if"c ; fine , lleht.
ESSc ; quarter blood , 10(3 ( lie , teedy. burry und
chaffy. 8 ? 3c ; cottcd and broken. coare , 7d9o ;
rolled nnd broken , fine , Cflfic. Fleece waslu-d
Medium , ISIflSe ; One , 14flCc ; tub washed. 16O
ISc ; black , Sc ; bucks , to ; lag locks , ! i3c ; dead
pulled. 5GCc , _
Coffee .Market.
NEW YOniC. Sept. W.-COFFEE-Optlons
opened steitdy. with September C points higher ,
und c > ther months- unchanged to C points lower ;
ruled tolerably steady nnd fulrly active on foreign
und locul support ; closed steady nnd unchanged
tn 5o net decline ; sales , 19.2M bngB. Including
January , $ S.lltf9.00 ; December. JS & 5J9.00. Spol
coffee , nio. steady ; No. 7 , jobbing , J10C2H ; In
voice. J10.12V4. Mild , quiet ; fordnvn , J15.00in7.00.
Hales late yesterday. 6,000 bags Hlo nt J10.12ij for
No. 7. Total warehouse deliveries from the
United States , 10,237 l gH , including 14,322 bags
from New York ; New York stock imlny , 1DB.CS2
bags ; United States Block. 72.1,142 bans : afloat
for the United States , 252. 750 baga ; total visible
for Ihe Unlled States , 477.S02 bags , ogalntt MG.tCT
bugs lut > l year.
HAVHE , Sept. 1C. COFFEE Closed Irregular
nl unchanged to Uf net decline ; pales , 51.000
SANTOS , Sept. 1C. COFFEE Firm : good nver-
agu SantoB. 10,000 rels ; receipts , 27,000 bags ;
Block , fi74,000 bngH.
IIAMIll'HO , Sept. 1C. COFFEE Steady at ' ,4
( J'/4 ' PfB. ndvuncc ; salen. 12.000 bags.
HIO. Sept. 1C. COFFEE-Flrm ; No. 7 , 10.150
rein ; exchanger 813-lCd ; receipts. 10,000 boga ;
cleared for the United Stales , C.OOO bags ; for
Europe , 4,000 bugs ; Block , 319,000 bags.
Sail FraiicUco Sllninn ( "nlntloiiii ,
SAU PIIANCISCO. Sept. IC.-Tha ofHoUl cloalinr
QUOIutloiiB for inliitiif ntJj.ti tony worj ; ii fal
lows :
§ Ivor bin. IISMi ; Mj\Uii ilulliri , jSlH'25'Jo.
faii'ht dr.ilu , lOo ; telek'r.\phlo. 163.
llintoii S ( < ic'K ( luiitudnim.
BOSTON. Sont. Itf. C.ill'lo-ini. 7 ( 3W usr oont !
lima lo'ins. OK J8 ivir cant. Uloiln ; pnsat for
iiU tui mini ir I'lirit :
KANSAS CITY. Sept. 10. WHEAT Offerings
llKlit. Market active und about unchanged ; Nn ,
2 hard , UttMVtc ; No. 3 , OtiMc ; ' No. 2 rt'd. noml-
nally , MiT(7c ; No. 3 , l > 3c ; No , 2 spring , nominally
COItN Murket firm ; No , 2 mixed , 20c ; No. 2
while. , 21c ; Heplember 20Vir.
OATS Mnrkit abcut steady ; No. 2 mlied , nomi
nally ISSlCc ; No. 2 white , old , nominally 20fj20Uc ;
new , nomlnully 156 17c ,
HYK-No , 2. 2Sc ,
HAY Market neuk ; timothy , cbolre , J7.500'
8,00 : prulrle. choice , J4.Wtl5.W.
IIL'TTKH Market Ktvudy ; creamery , 12013c ;
dairy , 'JiJIIc.
KOOB Market Briii ; receipts fulr ,
Co 1 1 ti ii Market.
NI1\V YOltlv. Sept. 10. ' 'OTTiJS Future *
closed easy : uleB. 204,500 bales ; January , J4.r ;
Frbruur ) ' . M-U ; March , tMO ; April. JS 41 ; liny.
18.46 ; t > fpteml > er , JS.OS ; Octolwr , IS. 12 ; .Nmc.-n-
t.or. JS.12 ; Decemlxr. JS.24. tipnt clot.-l quiet ;
mlddlintr , uplands , fctic ; mltlJIbnr , KUlf , Vo ; lule * .
l LiiK'H.
HT. UiL'IS , r"fjit. 1C. COTTDV-Ptfttdy ; m'.J.
, 74c ; ulei > . 257 bulen : recilpn , Vll lmlc l ,
shipments. C4 bales ; iitock , 1C III baleii
Ni\V OIII.EAN8. H pt. It COTTtl.V gu-xl ;
mldJIItik' , 7 1-lOu ; low middling , ; > , o ; coud ( Ml
nary , 7c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Wool .Market ,
ANTWERP. Sept. 1C.There wu a Kood at-
lendunco ut the Illver I'latle eel auction sales
loJay and an ucllvc demand , uwlnic to a favor
able tendency. There n re 1,400 tuUn offered , of
which 9iO were withdrawn. I'rlre * were un-
chauytd. Tbcr * w r ( U bi e ( Uutiio * A > r *
oM At ! 4 < ? fJc ? , nn.l . S6S l.itlen pf a 1tter i-flec-
tlon of Montevideo wool at IU7C.
IIOSTON , Sept. lThe American Wool am !
Cotton Ileporter will my tomorrow of wool ! The
tone ot thp market continue * more favorable. II
rcems to be generally taken for granted that
prices have touched bottom , and thnt the specu
lative position of wool Is stronK At the present
buying figures. Prices nre genernlty well main
tained , nnd offerlngn for large blockn of wool
have bwn refuseil , brcxuse of differences ol
He to Ic n pound In holders nnd buyers' prices.
Uood blocks of fleece ami territory wools have
been sold. For foreign stock the demand con
tinues limited. Hales In llosion , New York nnd
Philadelphia aggregate e,7M00 ll'S. , of which
f.o:3,3W Ibs. were domestic and ? 4.,000 Ibs. fur-
flgn. Snlos since Jantmry 1 Aggregate 134,2CS,7 ( > 0
Hi ! * . , against 241,218. 94 Ibs. during the corresponding
spending period last year.
SiK'Ciiliilliin In SiiKnr tinIicnilliiK
Kontnrt * iif tin * Mnrlicl.
NEW YOtUC , Sept. Ifi. Tbe feature of the
speculation In stcn-ks today wan n change of
front by nn Important Interest thai Is promi
nently Identified with the manipulation of Sugar
stocks , nnd has recently upheld the long side
of the market. The change Immediately ac
centuated the bearish provlllvltles of the rank
and file of thu professional denier * . Of actual
news bearing upon vnlues there was none to
speak of , excepting nn caster tendency In tha
foreign exchange market nnd nn advance In the
afternoon rates of call money to S per cent.
The Inevitable rate'cuttltig news cnme duly to
hand , and the Ixmrd room scalpers enlivened
the dullness of the early nftcrnoon operations
by n extravagant minor of active hostlllllen
having been begun In thu levant. The day wns
Interspersed with periods of practical stagna
tion , and the trading , which wns iiUllc limited
In volume , was centered In nbotit four stocks.
Sugar , Ht. Paul , IlurllnKton nnd Tobacco. The
first mentioned overshadowed nny other In
dividual Hock In point of activity , and Its
course , as previously noted , to u considerable
extent Influenced the trend of the general lint.
Incidents not leferred to nbove , Included niV-
dltlnnal engagements of gold from Europe aggre
gating J1,7M,000. ) bringing the grand tntnl plncc
the beginning of the movement to } 3 ! , S5,010. The
shipments of currency by the banks to the In
terior Kcrc on us liuno a sculo ns heretofore ,
but the transfers through the fuibtreusury fell
off considerably , only J45.000 being forwarded.
The treasury resource * \\ere swelled by the de
posit gf JtOO.OOO In gold , In exchange for Krcen-
liHcks. Although the market was only active , u
number of the lluctuullons leeorded were very
wide. TLe Hieclaltlcs were quite prominent.
Sugar was dealt In on the recently declared
dividend of 3 per cent , and broke 3H i r cent
to lOHl , with n final rnlly of 1 per cent , At
the low level purchases for both accounts ex
erted n steadying Influence and caused partial
rallies. The closing was steady at general frac-
tlonnl declines. Itallwny bonds weic quiet nnd
generally lower , Kansas & Texas 2ds excep
tionally , gained u point on Increased transac
tions. The sales were { C12.000. Governments were
active but weak for the new In Other IshUeB
were barely steady. The dealings were $79,000.
Silver certificates were ftrong nnd 1 per cent
higher on purchases of Jll,000.
London cableginms to the Evening Post say :
About 250.000 111 gold will iirobulily leave Ihe
Hank of hOngland today for N"W York. The gold
withdrawal for America today surprised the
market , because there Is no steamer tomorrow.
I learn on good authority It wns taken because
a big withdrawal for Egypt IB likely tomorrow or
Friday , nnd II wns feared the Hank of England
might raise the price. Fully 700.000 will go to
New York by this week's steamer from France.
Theie Is Intcnte Interest ns to whether the bank
rate will move tomorrow. The best opinions
fnvor no change , but It Is Impossible lo Indlcute
the action with nny certainty. During the week
tlu > bunk has lost t > 32,000 In gold on balance. New York Evening Post's l indun Iliuilii'lul
cablegram t-nys : The stock markets weio titlll
flat and disorganized Unlay wllb-n fuilrur revere
depreciation In prices. Today's gold movement
WIIB nt first Incorrectly announced In tlio f-'
exchange ns nn Influx , with the result "but prices
spurted considerably. When the n.lstiilic was
reclined , a sharp setback followed , cnr.Mdrt dee-
Ing nl 10974. Americans were diill , with the oth'-r
markets , nnd clored llfcl.MS. The Paris b < iuue
wns dull nnd weal : , .ind the Uer.m markets wen-
steady. There IB In ten to Irli'.e t hern ns to
whe'.li T the bunk v.rp will trove tomirrvv ' . "lie c-plnlons fnvor no change , but It .s inr.rnl-
ble to Indicate the action \ih nny ci'itamty.
During the week the bunk IMS 542.VIO In
gnld buhtnco.
The follovliiR were the closing iiuotatlons on
Ihe lending stocks of the New York exchange
today :
K.&T.pfil 20W WeBlern Union. . . .
cx-illv , lollered. Jail nHSCHMinnntB paid.
Tutnl siilo of stocks today were 10S.73C flmres ,
Including the following : American Tobacco ,
15,1)00 ) ; American SiiRar , CO.tdO ; llurllngton &
Qulncy. 24.CO-1 ; ChlcaKo Ons. C.COO ; Louisville &
Nanlivllle , C.fOO ; Manhattan , 7,700 ; Itcndlns , 4,400 ;
Hock Island. 5,200 ; Pt. 1'uul , 25CCO ; Tcnnchtee
' < ml nnd Iron , 3,300 ; Westcni Union , O.COO ;
AVabOBli & Lake Krle , 3,300.
.VtMV VorU Money Murlcot.
NKW YORK. .Sept. 10. MONIiV ON CAI.I <
Firmer nt G'dS per cent ; last loun , li per cent ;
clot > ed ut f.fiti ptr cenl ,
1'HIMIJ MI-ilCANTIIEl I'AI'KU Nominally al
74TD per cent.
HTKKMNCi KXCIIANai'J-lIeavy , Ith actual
ImMneBS In bnnkers' bills nt t4.S2ff4.S4 for de
mand , nnd i4.Slff4.fc. ! for elxty da > h ; iKisted
rates. J4.62CT4.S3W and J4.S4iiffi4.b514 ; commercial
bills. J4.SO.
UAH HMA'iU- tc.
OOVKHNMENT 11O.NI18 U'cdlc ; Btnte bonds ,
dull ; rnllroad bonds , wenk.
Closing niiotntlons on bonds were ns follows :
IVerr York Mlnlni ; < tuntiitlnni.
NKW VOtltC. S3pt , 10. The following nro tlio
clobiinr mlnliiff ijiut itioiui
I.ouilon Slock Cluittntloii * .
IXJNPON , Sept , 10. t p. in. clo-iln ? :
IIAH HIIA'nn SO'td per oz.
MONEY 1 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market for
rhoit blllB , ITn per cent ; three months' bills , l'i
per cent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
KliinncliilottH ,
H08TON. Sept. 16. Clearing ) , J13 , 17,718 ; tal-
unctB , Jl.tM.1'37 ' ,
NEW YOHK. Sept. 16. Clearings. J95.W9.013 ;
balances , J5.t72.M7.
HAI TIMOIIE. Sept. 1C. Clearings , t2.3C , C2 ;
balance * , J2V4.C94 ,
I'llII.AnKI.l'lUA. Sept. 16. Clearings , J10.271-
722 ; balancen , J1.C 7,7I3.
BT. IXIUIS. Sept. U. Cleurlnr * . J3.S15.f23 ;
uncee , JI21.608. Money , t8 | per cent. New York
exchange , Jl.Io discount bid ; Jl discount akkul.
Kori-lx" I'ltuiiiclnl ,
I1UIUJN. Bept. -Exchance l en I nJon , tight
day ? right. 20 inaHra Jt'.iitg. .
PAKIH. Sept. 16. Three per cent rentes. IClf
(2Vic ex-coupon ; exchange on Ixmdon , 25f 21c for
IX > NIXN , Sept. K.-Oold Is quoted ut Iluenos
Ayrn today at 1W.W ; Madrid , l .tS ; Lisbon , go ;
Home , 107.i:4. Ainouni of bullion wlthdmun
from the Hank of England on balance loiUy ,
tZtJ.OOO. comldlnr of 203,000 In Aiatrlcun eucles
anil > tCM la tur * .
Arrivals of All Stitts Are Heavy and Bnsi-
j-Jdffiewhat Slow ,
Wcntprnn OIToVl-il'SplI Orillnnrlly Wi'll
After u Si'itVt In Mailo U KM
Cattle. HOKS. Sheep. Horse * .
September 1C . 3,270 4.487 K7
September 15 . 4 , ! > ) G 3.M7 3,112
September 14 . 4,277 l.OOC 1,001 K
September 12 . 2.031 5.SI3 ! S4
.September 11 . 2.077 2,447 2.470 1
September 10 . 2,0W ( 3.2SI l.Mt
September 9 . 3.7IR 3,207 1.913 3C
September S . 2.035 4,854 2.120 5
September 7 . 2,130 930 2M > 7 K
The ofllclu ! number of cars of Block
brought In today by enclt road Was :
Cattle. HORP. Sheep
C. , M. & St. P. lly . 1 2
O. & St. It. Hy . 1
Missouri Paclllc railway. . 23 E
Union Pacific system. . . . . . 5S 11
H. & M. H. 11. K . 13 19
C. , H. & Q. Ry . 4
C. , H. I. & P. Kv , cast. . . . 3
C. , St. P. , M. & O. 11V. . . . 3 7
R , 13. & M. V..11. II. . . . 23 22
Total receipts- . . ; . 12f ! 74 C
The disposition the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of hca-.l Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing company 2S .
O. II. Hammond Co . 145 GSS
Swift and Company . 305 1,093
Cudahy Packing Co . 172 1.77S 4S2
II. IJecker and Degan. . 48 . . . . MO
Vansant & Co . . . 1S4 .
J. It. Carey . 803 .
l.obman & Hothschllds. . 202 .
W. I. Sleohcns . lr,9 , .
Hill & 1.,1-wls company. . 119 .
litnton & Underwood . 142 .
Huston & Co . S9 .
Livingston , t Shaller . C7 .
Cudahy from K. C . 630
I.ayton & Co . 123 . . . .
Sperry & Uarnos . 3T.O
Other buyers . r.SI .
Left over . r > 00 . . . .
Total . . " 3,613 Zni2 UG2
CATTLI3 The receipts of cattle today
were 3,270 , as against 4.93G ycstctday and
3,71Ii on Wednesday of last week. The re
ceipts for the week so far arc 12,493 , as
compared with 7.SSO for the corresponding
period of last week. Of the cattle here
today G36 were consigned direct to packers ,
leaving about 2.GCO head on sale.
The offerings of beef steers were liberal ,
the most of them westerns and only a few
natives. The market was slow and It was
a little late before the packers got down
to business.
Good cows nnd heifers were in demand
at steady prices and the offerings were all
taken early. Common and thin cows and
heifers were slow and lower.
Trade In the feeder division was quite
brisk and the dci > lnii > lp ; : ! nns Fold freely
at just about yesterday's prices. A big
string of Colorado Tcxans brought J2.95.
Representative. ! Ealqs :
Jinni ; srnnrts.
No Av. Tr.rls'o. . 'Av. I > . No. AiI'r. .
i. . . .ii70 ra si , . . .ten $ .1 > IO..IIKJ $ .1 o
1..10KO 3 OS 7.iofi5 3 70 12. . . .1220 3 IK )
1..11CO 3 CO *
I. . . . 940 100 | 2..1fl70 2 n 1 _ 1020 235
1..1040- M ) . . . . .TTO 220 4. . . .HIT 2 M
l..U 0 1 CO ' 1. . , .1(100 ( 22.1 2. . . . .104.2 2.'i
1..10M ) 1 f > 0 l--.v. 11120 225 1..1030 2 M
1. . . . 790 IM li..10SO 2 W 1. . . . ! iK ) 2 r.
1..10W i r.n . , I.IIM 2 : r 1..1040 240
1..10W 1 C.I 2. . . .1230 2r. 21. . . . ! I7S 240
4 - 1100 I r. 'I.0 2 2T 2..11W 243
i. . . . oo iso 2 2r. I..HIO 200
B. . . . .M 1 ' . * > ,2 , . .jiCO ! 223 10. , . . .W.2,00
1 - 1 IO 2 ( HI .E..1070 2 2H 21. . . .1038 255
i. . . . 'to 2 ir. io. .j-oc 2 ro i. . . . 7o z >
1..11CO 215 4 , . . .1072 2 S3 14. . . .1040 2
' 'IIKil'-ISIlS.
' .
1. . . . ( SO 135 'S..r4SC 2 45 4. . . .677 2 CO
1. . . . 830 223 33. . . . MT < 2 . ' 0 20. . . . Cl ( ! 2 CO
3. . . . 990 233 . . . . r 2 S3 4. . . . 677 2 C. . .
1. . . . CUO 240 2.-.flS03 " 260 2. . . , 173 2 05
.1. . . . TCOK240 viNl l .1 _ v < ini . . ! ? < : .
1..1290 1 CO 1..1100 2 10 1..1GCO 2 20
J. . . . au 173 1.MO 210 1. . . . 7M ) 220
1. . ,1220 IM 1..1030 213 2. . . .1120 223
1..I3W 200 1..1720 2 15 4. . . . 733 2. 1'O
1..1.W1 20) ) 7. . . . 930 220 1..1520 325
1..1MO 2 W
1. . . . 310 223 3. . . . ICO 4 0 1..130 500
19. . . . 2S5 373 1. . . . -SO 475 1..110 500
1. . . . 230 4 00
1..1130 2 SO 2..1010 300 11. . . . C25 320
1. . . . 4SC 2 CO i. . . . 4M ) 3 M 1J. . . . S79 320
1..11CO 2 C3 Ci ! , . . . Cd ! ) 300 17. . . . ( TiO 323
3. . . . 440 2 C5 43. . . . f,90 , 3 W 2. . . . fi75 3 r.
1. . . . CSO 275 1. . . . ! I70 300 12..7M 823
1. . . . M * 275 I. . . . ( CO 300 . . . . B46 325
2. . . . COO 27.1 3. . . . 423 3 0 3U..K.S2 325
11. . . . CS5 2 K5 P..1274 305 IS. . . . 727 3'f.
1. . . . & 20 2 f.5 1. . . . MX ) 310 ! ) . . , . uST , 330
1. . . . 490 300 12. . . . MS SIC 2J..942 330
2 , . . . 400 300 33..1010 315 1..470 375
1 cow nnd calf J27 00
1 cow nml calf 29 oo
1 KprliiKcr 30 00
1 cow untl culf 32 00
\v. i : . HUH.
No. Av. l > r. No. Av. I'r.
2 cows S45 1 25 1 cow 1200 } 2 60
4 cows 1097 1 ! K ) 1 fce.lor . MO 300
1 liolfer SCO 220 2 COWH 1285 315
8 cowa 10CO 2 20 8 fec-ilcr . . . . 9SS 3 25
II. Ornlslui.
2 bulls..1135 2 30 25 fee.lcra..llOS 3 10
Mutt DnuKlierly.
3 cows. , 1143 2 23 1 steer 1440 3 23
Scows 1002 275 34 fccileru. . . . 971 3 S5
5 feeders..lOL'O 3 10'
1 bull 1210 215 1 fceiler 1400 290
1 bull I'fO 215 Ifet-Jcr 1100 3 OS
2 bulls 11C5 215 49 feeders..1145 303
limit 1100 210 24 fee.lerH..10UO 310
1 bull 13N ) 215 23 fecderB..1120 310
1 bull 1570 2 40
W. II. Mauler.
2cowB 1071 223 22 Htm. Tex..1120 2W
1 cow 1210 235 23 sirs. Tex..1120 210
7 cow 1071 2 M 45 feeders..1127 2 CO
1 feuder 10CO 200 14 feeders..1273 293
1 bull 1330 200 3 fcoders. . . , 7 3 275
1 bull 1100 210 177 feeders..1138 295
1 bull 1310 It 10 18 feeders.,1057 3 ID
IS strx , Tex..1115 2 Z5 21 feeders. . , . 6i9 325
l.cow 1200 2 40
K Campbell.
27 feeders..1219 3 45A.
A. lllnford.
1 cow 1020 215 3cow 990 250
2 cows 1130 215 17 feeders..10S2 325
1 utr , IIK..1050 225 iculf 230 500
10 feeders. . . . 99S 2 C5 27 feeders..1012 2 E5
Alexander Han ,
24 feeders..1157 3 25
James Murphy ,
2 fcedern..l2 < 0 2 " 5 70 feeders..1183 325
Kwnn I ind and Cattle Co.
7 Bteere 1'JOS 225 1 feeder.11CO 315
9 feeders.ISf.O 260 S48 feeders.1244 315
4 Kteers 1140 275 00 feeders.1177 315
2 steers 1275 2 VO
Jnmca Taylor.
2 feeders..11C.O .S.lOi 43 feeders.,1259 3 40
K , Jl , Blmrtlcff.
1 bull 1270 .ifrf ) _ 8 lielfiTH 733 2 CO
1 eow C70 Its 1 feeder 400 275
C cows 778 210 10 feeders. . . . 9 320
7 cows 1035 2 SO 12 feeders. . . . COO 325
9 heifers M4 2 W 2 calves 30tl 3M
1 feeder k',0 l-'MH 4 calves 225 4 23
3 heifers 620 225 70 feeders. . . . 944 315
15 cows 1(75 ( 2 25 93 feeders. . . . 912 315
19 belfcrs 704 2 U 21 feeders. . . . 7W 3 20
2 feeders. , . . 9457S -
Hhurlea Porter.
3 cow * 1030 3 M 1 calf 230 4 00
2 cows 1010 Z 10"
HO < 8-TJiero were' 4.487 fresh IIOBH In this
mornliifcas ujjalnsc 3.C67 yesterday and 3,297 on
Wednesday of > af\ \ week , Tor the week lo dale
the lecelpts amount ( u 9.160. as uKBlimt 9.0S1
for the corrckiiondlnK days of last week.
The market oiienei ) with Unlit nnd medium
weight hogs , such as would FUlt the gtilrmeni ,
nelllntr at Heady or nearly steady prices. There
were , however , orily'u few loads that sold on
that basis , mid tlie general market practically
cjiened Do loner , 'f' ' ! " trade was active on the
llKht and medium welifhta and the offerings
were all taken early In the morning. One niece
of u luad of guod lights sold up to Ji.15 , huw-
Inf w at that kind of liogn would bring If they
were to be bad.
llravy hogs were Do lower , and while the
trade was not especially active , the i > rn wert >
cleared early In Hie Uay , The moet of the
beuvy welKhts sold at I2. 5 ( < 2.70 , with a few
as high us (2.75. The market as a whole did
not average quite lie lower. Representative
No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Hh. I'r.
10i 409 . . . 12 M'rl W 291 120 J2 75
4S 333 120 ! 60 67 2 ! > 3 80 275
19 331 120 2Cd 48 S41 40 275
t8 , 343 120 2 CO U .242 40 275
68 , . , 319 1W rcj 74 271 320 275
S5 J12 . . . 165 K 276 . . . 275
13 323 120 2(5 . C9 , 29S . . . 275
(4 .SU ) 1W 2 C3 . ' 04 271 60 2 75
43 2 > 0 40 2 5' CO..193 . . . 275
32 120 : CS 19. . . . . . . , S9'J 120 275
42 3W . . . I CS C7..2n 120 Z75
w , . , KS ice tcs es. , zc ju > 275
(6 . . .301 SO ! CS , U , .190 40 275
39 973 tO 2 CSV U , , , .3C5 (0 275
(2 323 . . . Id- C ! KH . .27 ;
57 > OC l > 0 J W 34 80 60 t 15
(0 S3Z JtO t CS M , S 0 . . 3 75
47 } < 1 1CU 2 5 U 318 10 275
49 , .3i4 ICO 2 CS It , .302 120 275
a. ! u ? w t u g iw jji'.i
( .2 , t43 Ml 2 M 61.C ! SO i 77 }
(7. . . tM . . . 2(5 41 . . . . . . .24J 160 I 80
. . . . . . . . fO 2 C5 64 278 IM t (0
(7 , 3 2 1:0 : s eo t4 > no : M
19 119 120 2f7H It 197 160 1 80
CO HI . . . 9 70 K 175 . . . JW
U ill 40 270 74 . . .252 40 ISO
22 : ra 40 270 n c so t fo
45 310 UO 270 72 1(4 ( . . . J 0
7S 2SO 120 270 C9..320 JO IPO
(12 ( 17S . . . 270 52 JJ4 160 I SJ
M 2S2 . . . 170 CS ISO 160 2 M
64 294 200 270 f.9 16 120 IM
CS 30 40 270 150 200 JM
SI 802 ISO 270 f.6 78 . . . 2
M 320 . . . Z 70 K M6 320 ! M
SS 800-150 270 C9 ZM tO t W
K SOf 200 ! 70 79 511 . . . 290
47 214 120 270 66 259 M SM
67 2M 150 275 14 178 SO 315
( .2 253 SO 2 75
riOR-oims AND INI S.
1 40 40 2 00 4 335 40 5 M
8 M . . . 200 S 31 . . . S M
3W , , . 240 6 ISO . . . 260
6 3r,6 . . . 2 47'4 3 313 . . . S 60
f 3W . . . 2 M > 1 UO . . . 290
2 35 . . . 2 SO
SlIUKI1 Tlie rrceljits were modernte nnd the
driiinnd KOO.I. The offerlnc * wert ; nil tnker
enrly nnd nt nbout ftcndy prices. Ittprerentatlvc
sales :
No. Av. I'r.
70S Colorado ewes 93 12 ( H )
! 7 Houlh Dakota e e 90 ! 00
IS South Dahntn culls M 2 W
127 Koutli Dnkotft PWPO M 2 40
IM Kouth Dnkola wethera U 2 W )
SO South DHkolft Intnlis S6 2 SO
172 South Dnkotn lambs M 3 U7' , < .
S7 South Dakota lambs CO 3 ! 5
TrniUIn Cntllc Slmv nt n
< > < -nrriiI Itciliu-doii.
ClllCAOO. Popt. 16. Trndc In entile wns ulnw
nl a further Kenernl roducllon of lOo In nntlves.
I'rlniG elilpidiiB- , dry fed cattle nloue , rule Mendy.
H.i < < ii of native Kteers today \\Uf on n \m\ \ * of
from t to (3.25 for the poorest to > rom M.SO to
} . * > foi choice tn prime , with the hulk of I In1
K le nt from 13.90 to f4.7t > . The KlucHCr * anil
I'ciMet Undo wan good ill from K.ftt to $3.C5.
Texas cuttle weir In fair dumuml , KTIIM Flf-rn
H'JlliiK at from | 2.20 t J2.S : . , nnd rows mid bullr
ni from Jl.SO to J2.23. WesleniK cold bni'ly ' lit
from J2.70 to > 3 for Pteers nnd nt from 2 to $2.3 <
for cows mul heifers. Selected \vp t niHciv
taken ut from t.1.40 to V3.70 , lillo feeders Kold
nl from $2.7f. In $3.lh.
There wns n very slm ; mlv mul t < nil mm KM
for IIORS , prices belntr from So to lOc lower and
lienvy felllni ! at fiom 2 4' T J3.7S ; inrillntiis
from { 2.7S tu M.ZT.j IlKh'n .il from :1 : In JS.30.
Sn'cs weie IniRely nt frnm J2.70 to } 2. } > G for p.iclc-
crn and nt from f2.Mi M fJ.OL lor Hhlpt > ers. 1'lKH
holr. ut from } 2 to J3.1.i.
The sheep trade ns . .low .It urn-binned prices ;
western cheep fold at from lo $2.75 , nnd
cMotpe nntlves were rcnrro am' Inrwely nominal
nl friini } 2.fO to J2.90. Kwdlnic .beep Hold nearly
the Kame n klllcis , cblolly nt from J2.SO to $2.73 ,
Lnmbs sold nt from f2.SO to J4 , chlelly nt from
ilecelptu : Cattle , 17,000 bend ; hogs , 28,000 head ;
sheep , 17,000 head.
KaiiHitN Cliy Uv < - Stoolc.
KANSAS CITY. Sept. 18. CA1TI.K Receipts.
10.0UO head ; shipments. SWK ) head ; beet grades
barely steady ; others SlilOc lower. Texas steers ,
S2.1Sii3.00 ; Texas cows , $ I.S5i(2.25 ( ; lif-ef fleers ,
t3 < iriill.Ui ; unlive cows , $ l.Mifi3.ifl ( ; Mockers nml
feeders. J2.30a3.70j bulls. J1.7S4i2.40.
IIOOS Receipts. 9.WO bead ; shipments. l.iOO
SI IKHr Receipts , 4.CKIO lirnd ; shipments , 3.700
bend ; market weak ; lambs , J2.S5ft3.60 ; mutton * ,
J2.00iff3.90. _
Now York I.lvc Stoolc.
Ni\V YOIllC , Pcpl. 1C. RBpVIWRecelpls , Jt4
CS 4 > l.u < J4J jl , l > : l'.UUit. ju ; i'v ui' ' ' 'tit- * * - . < >
9'.4iiriOc ' , dresseil weight : refrigerator , 6J7c ; ex
ports , 3.600 qiiarlers of beef.
KirKKP AND LAM1IS R celjiM , 1,261 he-id.
dull nnd easier ; she < | > , t2. ( < t2."S. . . - „ , ,
HOGS Recelpls , 7,172 heiul ; slcn-ly nl J3.C00
4.00. _ _
Stock lit
RecelptH of ttock nt the four principal markets
for Wednesday , September 1C , 1K.'I" :
Cattle. HOKB. Sheep.
South Omaha . 3.770 4,487 3.11 :
( -IHCI.K . 1T'i'0 IS.OJ ' 7iU
KnnciiB City . I'J.M O.'OO . ' ; "
St. Louis . 30J C.OCO 2.4UC
Tolals . M.yTO 47.4S7 ' . 'li.t-lS '
. St. I.oulH I.lvf Stock.
ST. 1XDUIS. Sept. la CATTI.K Receipts , 30 <
head. MurkPt steady ; nntlvc shipping steers , $3.C $ (
04. M ; Texas HeerF , J2.30W3.40.
HOGS Receipts , 6.000 head. Mnrkel Be lower ;
llsht , J.1.0003.2rp ; mixed , J2.73J3.W ) ; he.ivy , J2.y > { (
SlIEKI' Recelptp , 2,500 bead. Maikct steady.
. St. I.oulH Ceiiorul MnrUot.
ST. IX3LHS , Sept. 1C. KI.QUR Quiet : pome cx-
nort. business , but high ocean rates pln-cked sales ;
pudrfils. 12.2041 3. 3V ; er.tni fancyJ2.8 < ! ( a2.0 ; fancy ,
rA40W2.SO : cllolce , J2.00i2.1.ri.
\V1 1 KAT Sliownl consldcrablo strength at the
opi'iilnK. despite tbe wt-nknes elsewhere , nnd nn
advance wns made later on ftronR nml higher
cables. Futures eloping1 fractions nl > o\e yester
day. SIKH llrm nnd higher ; No. 2 red , cnsh , C2ff
C2'ic ' , elevator and trackNo. . 2. hard. S4o bW ;
September , Clue bid ; December , Ol SietVjc.
CORN Futures decllneil easily on the d.iy , but
rallied again when wheat advanced , and eloped
a shade over jesterday. Spot llrm ; No. 2 cnsh.
19V4f19tP ( ; September , 1914 bid ; December , 204 ?
20'Ac ' ; May , 22n 22T c.
OATS Quiet but htrone. Spot steady ; I o. 2
cash , lO'.ic bid ; Septcinlicr , 'i7c , nskuil ; MJJ19'ic '
bid.RYK Stronp nt 29S30C ,
RRAN Ailvnnced. but offering small and held
ubove wbenl , buyers would pay , salable wanted
eiiHl track nt 2Sc.
l.'LAXKKiiJ- ) bid. ,
TIMOTHY J2.60 for prime.
WHISKY Jl. 18.
1'OULTRY Quiet ; chickens , old , 6'.Jc ; fprlng ,
Sc ; turkeys. ( ii'.tHc : ducks , CiiCVic ; geese , 44) ) 6c.
KCGS Higher nt lO'.ic.
HAY Steady ; choice timothy In Rood demand
and scarce , but no pralrlc sold ; prairie , J5 ; time
thy. J3.OOjjlO.00 , this fide. , . _ . , , . , .
RUTTBK Ijowcr ; creamery. HSlC'Sc ; dairy.
8ij 14c.
l.BAD Finn at J2.CO.
HI'lJUTl-Ul J3.W ofkcd.
( XJTTON TIK8 11.45 , nnd in demand.
, .
I'ROVISIONS Pork , higher ; standard mess ,
Jobbing. JG.2.r.(6.50. iJird , higher ; prime slenm ,
I3.20ii3.22V4 ( ; choice. J3.WI. liacon , boxed flioulders
and long ? , f4 ; rlba , J4.12'i ' ; sliortR , JI.M. Dry
sail meats , boxed flioulders , J3.C2lij longs , J3.W ;
ribs. J3.62W ; Bhorts. J3.75.
HKCKIITH Flour. S.OOO bbls ; wheat , C3.000 bu. ;
com. 21. ( W bu. ; oats , 12.000 Im.
BHirMUNTtU-Flour. 10.000 hbls. ; wheat , 29,000
bu. ; corn , 120,000 bu. ; oats , 18,000 bu.
Liverpool llnrUcl.
LIVKRIOOL , Kept. 16. W1IKAT Spot Mfady :
demand poor ; No. 2 red winter , stocks cxhnuhted ;
No. 2 ltd fcprtni , ' , SH 4d ; No. 1 California , is nl.
Futures opened ijulet and unchanged ; clotcd llrm.
with February unchanged and W'lid lilKher ;
biislnesK about equally dlslrlbnleil ; heplember ,
Ss 3d ; October. Ss 3V4 * ' : November , SK STiJ , I.e-
ccmber , SB 4d ; January , Se 41i'l > February.
BCo1tN Riiot. quiet ; American mixed , new ,
2s 9id. 1-Mtures opened ijulet , wllh near and
distant iKisltlons lid lower ; cloied linn , with near
positions ' .id lower to il lilcher. and distant
poalllons unchanged ; business al mt rqually dlH-
trlbuted ; September , 2s 9id ; October , 2s 9-id ;
Novemlx-r , 2s 9 id ; December. 2s 9ld.
FI/3UK-Flrm ; demand fair , freely supplied ;
St. Ixiuls fancy , winter , 7s.
I'KOVISIO.N'H Itncon. steady ; demand ni.ulei-
ate ; Cumberland cut. 28 to 3 His. . 28s ; short ribs ,
20 In U Ibs. , 28s ; long clear , light. SS to S3 Ibs. .
26a ; long clear , heavy , 40 to 45 Ibs. , 25s tfd , shoil
clear backs , light , 18 Ibs , , 25s ; short clear middies -
dies , heavy , 45 to SO Ibs. , 21s 3d ; clear bHlles.
14 to 1C Ibs. , 2 ( > s 6d. Shoulders. r'lUaie , 12 lo IS
Ibs. . 24s. Hums , short cut. 14 to 16 Ibs. , 21s M.
Tallow , Hn North American , 17s 9d. Ileef , txtia
India mess , 46s 3d ; pnmc mess. S6s yd. I'ork ,
prime mess , line wettern , 45s ; medium wt-mern ,
3XH * 1 , Lnrd , Bteady ; prime western. Its t l ; ie-
llned. tn palls , 19H ,
< "HKKSB Firm ; demand moderate ; finest
American , white , 42s llnest American , colored ,
44sji UTTER Finest United States , Ms ; g ( l , CCs.
UIJKIIKIKRATVTR111 Fore iuarters , Sdj
hlndiiuarters , ( lid ,
I'lrMlOLKIiM Itenned , 6Hd ,
HOI'S At London ( Tacitus coast ) , * 1 15s.
MliiuciijnillM VVIint. .
MINNKAI'OLIS , Hepl. 16.-\yHBAT-Slronif ;
Paptember. SOHc ; December , (7Jic. On track :
old. No. 1 hard. SSV.c ; new , SSljc ; No. t norlb-
ern old S7Hc ; new. S6-c ) ; No , 2 northern , old.
57c ; new , S4Ucf receipts. 477 cars.
SAN FRANCISCO. Spt. . 16.-WIIUAT-Enileri
December , J1.02VS ! _ Ma ' _ < 1-M-
KiiKiir Miirki > t.
NK\V YORK , Sept. 16. SUdAR-Ruw. fp let
K , S. .IIIFIIIIAV .fc CO. ,
] -l-t ; nml 1-1 Itlullo Hid. , ChlniKo ,
you with their latest book on statUtlcH and re
liable Information leganllnif the markets. Write
for It and Ihelr Dally Market Ix'lti-r. lluth free.
Telephone 1O30. Onuiliii , Nob.
Rtom 1HH. Hoard of Trade.
Direct wlr lo Chlcaco and Nrw Vork.
Corremxindenls : John A. Wsrren * C
n < l barely steady ! refined , nulM : trumilatel , Tic
I < ONIK N. Pert. 1S.-BPOAU Cnnf , quiet ; cm
trlfiignl Jnvn , I * M ; Muscovado , fair rfflnliiK
P W. Heel HIRST , dull , September , 5 lOtt'li ' l > c
totr. J > s 1U < 1.
Dry < iiiot1 * .
NEW YOIIK. Rfpt , ! . Printing cloths nrm m
211-lGc for regulars and no talcs reported , nn < '
sales ot 20,000 piece * odds nt full rules. Hu l.
ness moderate , owingto holl.lny In ccttalr
house * .
FAI.I. UtVint , Sept. 16.Print cloths. Z 11-lCe
Mendy nnd llrm ; moderate demand for odd count *
OH City Market.
on I , CITY. Pept. 1G. Credit balances. JI.12
certificate opened nt 11.12'i ' ; hlghrsl , Il.KVi
lowest , 11.12 ; closed nl J1.12 ; no Mies ; ship-
incut * , M.3SO bbls. : ninn , 107,053 bbls.
INSTItmiKNTS placed on jccoril Wndncs
day , September , Ifi. IMifi :
11. 11. Hopper and wife to 11. A. Han
son , 2 nett-s In n H ne 13-15-10 J 121
D. C. Sutphi'ii to M. T. Patrick , umllv
! 4 subdlv lots 3 and 10 , In KOVITII-
mcnt lot 3 and another tract In gov
ernment ; lot 3 , In 2.1-15-13 (
Columbian Investment company to
M. S. Schroeder , lot 2r > , IJurr Oak. . G.fXX
It. Schroeder and wife to Charlcn UcU ,
o % nw BO 36-16-13 1. " < X
Sanuto C. H. HtiPtln , s\v nw C-ll-13 ,
se ne l-H-12 and part ofv ' .4 o
l-H-12 4 , (
1) . O. Hurling and husband to W. U
Abbott , lots fi , 7 nnd S , Mock 2 ,
Omaha ,
A. W. Wagner to M. M. Wagner , lot
19 , block fi , Itcdford Place MX
It. D , Holmes and wife to ,1. S. C5II-
bert , lot 11 , block " 11 , " Shlnn'fl 2d
add 2f.CK ,
Commerclnl National bank of Fre
mont to M. T. Patrick et nl. , lots
3 and 4 , block 1 ; lots 7 to 11 , block
2 , Pope Place < , r.O !
Special master to Commercial Na
tional bank of Kremont , lots 3 and
4 , block 1 ; lots 7 to 11 , block 2 , Pope
lllacu 4.2K
Total amount of transfers ! 23i7 !
The followlnr ; proposed nmcmlmrnts to tha
Constitution of the State of Nebraska , as
hereinafter set forth In full , arc submlttet
to the electors of the Stnto of Nebraska , ti
bo voted upon nt the general election to be
held Tuesday , November 3 , A. P. 189C :
A joint resolution proposing to nineni
sections two (2) ( ) , four (4) ( ) , and five (5) ( ) , o
article six ( C ) of the Constitution ot tut.
Stale of Nebraska , relating to number o
judges of the supreme court and their term
of olHcc.
lie It resolved nnd enacted by the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section Uvo ti ) of article
six ( C ) of the Constltullon 01 tno SUita o
Nebraska be amended so as to reail ua fol
Section 2. The supreme court shall untl
otherwise provided by law. consist of live
(5) ( ) Judges , a majority ofvhom shall be
necessary to form a quorum or to pro
nouiino a decision. It c > r.t : yiavo orieinu
Jurisdiction in rn. o relatlnfi ' revenue
civil cusca In which thu suite Klnill bu n
part" , inap'jp.mus. iuo wurrnnto. nnbuua
corpus , and such appellate jurisdiction , us
may bu provided b.v law.
Section 2. That section four M ) 01 article
plx id of be Conmltutlon of thu stat of
Nebrasna. tm amendeil ho as to read as fol
lows :
Section 4. The JudRes or the supreme
court shall be elected by the elpninrs o :
the state nt InrRC. nnd tnclr term of olllce
except ns hereinafter provided , shall be fern
n period of not less . .Sun live to ) years ns
the legislature may prescribe.
Section S That socU : > n five CH ) of nrtlclo
six ( fi ) of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska , be amended to rp d n follows :
Section 5. At the first election to
bo held In the year 1S9G. there shall be
elected two juilKcft of the supreme court
qne of whom shall be electee ! for a term of
two (2) ( ) years , one for the term of four (4) ( )
years , nnd at pnch Rciu-ral election there
after , there shall bo elected one judRO of
the supreme court for the term of five (5) ( )
years , unless otherwise provided by law ;
Provided , That the Judges of the supreme
court whose terms have nc-t expired at thn
time of holdlnc the urencral election of IffflG ,
shall continue to hold their olllce for the
remainder of the term for which they
were respectively commissioned.
Approved March 29 , A. D. 1S93.
A Joint resolution proposinR an amend
ment to section thirteen (13) ( ) of article six
of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska ,
relating to compensation of supreme and
district court Judges.
He It resolved by the Legislature of the
State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section thirteen (13) ) of
article six ( G ) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska bo amended so as to
rend ns follows :
Sec. 13. The Judges of the supreme nnd
district courts Hhnli recelvo for their ser
vices such compensation ns may bo pro
vided by law , pnynuit ! quarterly.
The leKlsl&J'lro shall at Its first session
after ihe adoption of this amendment ,
threc-Ilfths or tlio inemuers elected to
each house concurring' , establish their
compensation. The compensation so es-
tabllched shall not b& change : ! nflonei- than
once In four years , ami ! r ' : o ? vcnt unless
two-thirds of the members ejected to each
hoiiff ! of thn leRlslnluro concur tnereln.
Approved March 30 , A , D. IS95.
A Joint resolution proposing to amend
section twenty-four (24) ( ) of article live (5) ( )
of the Constitution of thu State of Nebraska ,
relating to compensation of the uiUcera of the
executive department.
He It resolved and enacted by the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska :
Sectlor ) 1. That section twenty-four (24) ( )
ot urtlciu 11 vo ( .1) ) of the Constitution of
the State of Nebraska bo amended to read
as follows :
Section 24. The olllcers of the executive
department of the state Kovcrnment shall
receive for their services a. compensation
to be established by law , which shall be
neither Increased nor diminished dnrlnu
thu term for which they shall huvj been
commissioned find they shall not recelvo
to their own-lino any fees , costs , Interests ,
upon public moneys In tbolr hands or
under their control , perquisites of ofllco or
oilier compensation , and all fees that may
hen-after bo payable ny law for services
performed by nn ofllcer provided for In
tMf ' ! " flmll bo pnld In advance Into
the state treasury. The legislature shall
at Its first session after the ndontlon ot
this amendment , three-fifths of tno mem
bers elpt-tPd to each hoiiho of thn loilsla-
tnro coiicMirrlnR , i-stabllHh tb " "larlt-s of
the ofllccrs named In this article , The
compensation so Pslablbhstl shall not be
chanced oftener than once in four years
nml In no event unless two-thirds of I he
members elected to each house of the leg
islature conrnr therein.
Approved March 29. A. D. 1W5.
A Joint resolution proposlnr tmrnd
section ono (1) ( ) of article six ( ? ) of the Con
stitution of the State 01 ° Nt-brwiltu , relating
to Judicial power.
liu It resolved and enacted hy the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska.
Section 1. That section onti U ) of article
six ( fi ) of the Constitution of the SInto of
Nebraska be amended to read UH follows :
Hi-ctlon 1. Tlin judicial power of this slnto
shall bo vesU'1' ' lr' ' " supreme court , dis
trict courts , county courts , justices of the
[ K'liro , nolle1 mn lstnilrs , and in such
other courts inferior lo the uuarcinc court
us may bo created by law ; n which two-
Ihlrds of thu members elected tn each house
C ° Appfoved March 29. A. D. 1890.
A Joint rrsnlutlon proposing to amend sec
tion eleven (11) ( ) of article MX ( C ) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska , re-
latlnc to increase In number of supreme
and district couri judges.
liu It resolved and tnuctc-d by thu Leg-
sluture of thn Ktatu of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section eleven (11) ( ) ot aril-
clu six ( C ) of thu Constitution of thu Btutu
it Nebraska bu amended to read on fol-
flection 11. The legislature , whenever two-
thirds of the members elected to fU'jh house
shall concur therein , may , in cr . > fter the
year ono thousand elulu Mundred and
ilnety-scvun and not ofiener Unui once In
every four years , Inureusn the numbur of
udK 'H of suprernti and district RourlH , and
bu judlolul districts of thu Plate , Such
districts shall bo formed of roinpnct terrl-
ory , and bounded by county linen ; und
kuch Ini'rease , or any change In the
joundnrles of a district , shall not vacate
thu olllco of any Judge , _
Approved Murch 3" , A. D. , U j.
A joint resolution proponing to amend
ccctloa ill ( C ) of article cue ( I ) of tbe Con-
' stilullon of the State of Nebritikn , relating
to trial by jury ,
IkIt resolved nnd ctmctctl by the Lcff
IMnmro of the Stuto of Nebrnska ,
Section 1. That section six ( G ) . nrtlclo ono
(1) of the Constitution of tjin Stan of No-
brns > kii bo amended tn renti ns follnws :
Section C. The rlRht uf trial hy jury shnll
rcnniln Invlolnie. but the it-Klslnturo may
provide that In etvll netlonn five-sixths ot
the Jury may render a vprcilet. nml the
IpRl.ilnturo by also nutborUe trlsl t > y a
iury of n IPS * number tlmn twelve men ) ,
In courts Inferior to the district roiirt.
Approved Mfirch 29. A. U. . ISM. I
A Joint resolution proposing to nmonfl
section one ( D ot Article five (5) of the Con *
sUtutlou of Nebraska , rclatinj ; to officers ot *
the executive department.
lie It lesolvetl nnd cnnclrtl by the I.cs *
Islnturc of the State if Nebraska.
Sfctlon 1. That section one in of nrtlcU
nvo (5) ( ) of the Constitution of the Btat
of Nebraska bo iimeikltM lo reud IIM fol *
lows :
bectlon 1. Hie cxeetiilvi1 rtepnrtnicnt shall
consist of n poveinor. lleutei.ant Kosxruor.
secrctiuy of . tntp , auditor uf public no
counts , tri'UMiirr , Kiipcrlntendrnt of inibllo
Instriiftlon. nttoiney Kuneiai , commlssloncp
of ptibllu mml . nnd bulldliiRH , und tbrou
railroad coiiinilFSlonciM , eneb of whom , ex *
cent the cnld nillrond commissioners , shall
hold his olllco for a term of two years ,
from thu Ilrst Thursday anur the tlrst
Tuesday In January , ntter : > | s election ,
and until hts successor In Cr ciea nnd < innlj-
ttt-J. Knch railroad commissioner shall
hold hU offleo for a term of t'-'so ' venrs. <
beginning on tin1 first Intus ay utter the
first Tuesday In Jantinrr after his election ,
nnd until his nscecssor Is elected nml < j all-
fletl ! Provided , however. Thai at the Ilrst
KflHM-fil election held niter the adoption
of this amendment there shnll be elected
three inllioml commissioners , one for the I *
peflotl of ono year , one fo * ho period ot
two years , and one lor tno period of thrco
years. The Rovernor. secretary of state ,
KiidUor of public- accounts -Mid treasurer
iilinll reside ut the enptln ! utirliiK their
term of otllce ; tney shnll kc-i'p tbe nnbllo
reeords , books Mid papers there , anil shall
perform fitich duties ns may be required by
Approved March M. A. P. , 1S9S.
A Joint resolution proposing lo ainoiwJ sec
tion twenty-six (20) ( ) of nrtlclo nvo (5) ( ) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska , limit.
IIIR the number of executive state otllcers.
Ho It resolved and enacted by the Leu-
Ishitnrii of tbe Stnto of r'ebraU.- !
Section i. That section twomy-six (2G ) ot
article live ( B ) of thu constitution or the
State of Nebraska bo amended to rcnil 03
Section 2C. No other executive stnto ofll-
cprs except those named In section ono (1) (
of this article shnll bi > created , except by
an ant of the legislature which Is con
curred in by not lers than three-fourths
of thn members elected to each housa
thM'eof ;
Provided , That nny ofllr-o created by nn
act of the legislature may be abolished by
the leglslaturi' , two-thlnls of the member *
elected to eneh house thereo ! eiinclirrinif.
Approved March SO. A. D. , 1S93.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section nine (9) ( ) of article eight ( S ) of the
Constitution of the State ot Nebraska , pro
viding for the Investment of the permanent
educational funds of thu state.
Uc. Il resolved and enaciud b.v the Lcc-
Islaluro of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. Tlmt section -line (9) ( ) of nrtlcla
eight ( it ) of the Constitution of the Stnto
of Nebraska bu nm > .Mitlca to rend ns fol
lows :
Section 9 All funds belonging to the state
for educational purposes , the Interest anil
Income whercot only are to be usuil , shall
bo deemed trust funds held b.v the state ,
and the state shall supplv all loSHe there
of that may In nny accrue , so that
the same shall remain icr--'cr invlolato
and umllmlnlshcil , ami s : . net in. in
vested or loaned excel ) ' . < m iTiiiteil Slatca
or ! ilu o sccurltlen. ot rvcusteruil county '
bonds or rcglstereu senuol rti.strlcl bonda
of this state , nn < r stleo ftituiH , with the
Interest and Income iiiereof are hereby
solemnly Dh-at n 'cr tlvi lurposes for
which tiicv me praiuen ami set apart and
shall not be iransftnvd to any other fund
for other uses :
Provided , The board crcitu-.l t > y section
1 of thin article " ' "jxnvvMU to sell from
lime to time a.ty ot tuo Focuri'i s 'lelong-
Ing lo the permanent Mehnol fund nnd In
vest the proceeds nrlsnm tnereirom In any
of the securities unumratcd : n ' . ! ns sec-
tlosi bearing n higner rater interest
whenever an onnor > uiilty lot tictlcr Invesb'i
ment Is presenieilj
And provided further. That when any
warrant tpo' : JhR ttt.-xo 'rrasurer rcfru-
larly Issued In pursiiniicp of nn r.pproprla-
tlon by the legislature and secured by tha
levy of a tax for Its payment , shall ba m
presented to the stale treasurer lor pay
ment , and there shall not lie any money
lit the propel inml 10 pay such warrant ,
the board created by section 1 of this nrtl- , _ , ,
cle may direct the state treasurer to pay "
the amount due on such warrant from '
moneys In his hands belonging to the per
manent school fund of the nlate. and ha
shall hold said warrant nsj nn Investment
of will permanent school fund.
Approved March 29. A. D. , 1S93.
A Joint resolution proposing nn amend
ment to the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska by adding a new section to nrtlclo
twelve (12) ( ) of said constitution , to bo num
bered section two (2) ( ) , relative to the mere-
Ing of the government of cities of the
metropolitan class and thu government ot
the counties wherein such cities are lo
Ho It resolved nnd enacted by the Leg.
Islaturo of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That nrtlclc twelve (12) ( ) of the
Constitution of tbu State of Nebraska bo
amended by adding to ni article a now
section to lie 'lumbered section iwo (2) ) . to
read as follows :
Section 2. The Koveinmeni of nny elty ot
the metropolitan class and the government
of the county In which It Is located may bo
merged wholly or In part when a proposi
tion so to do has been submitted by au
thority of law to the voter.of such city
nnd county and recelveil Oio assent of n
majority of the votes cast in such city and
also a majority of the votes cast In the
county rsclnclvo of tn" ; rant In such
metropolitan city nt suen ! ccton. !
Approved March 20 , A. D. , Ifflr , .
A Joint resolution proposing an amendment
to Bectlon Blx ( G ) of article ueven (7) ( ) of the
Constitution of the State of Ncbraalca , pro
scribing the manner In which votes shall
jo cast.
He It resolved and enacted by the Leu *
Islature. of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. Thut section six 1C ) of nrtlcla
seven ( " ) of the Constitution of the dtato
if Nebraska bo amended to read us fol-
Section C. All votes Khali bn by ballot , or
such other method as may bo prescribed
iy law , provided the Bccrecy or voting ba
PrAPp7ovc'd March 29. A. P. . 1895.
k Joint resolution proposing to ninenJ
section two (2) ( ) ot article fourteen ( H ) of tha
vOUBtUutlon ot thu State of Nebraska , rela-
Ivo to donations to works of Internal Im-
irovcinent and manufactories.
He It resolved and enacted by the Lcgla-
iituro of thn Btntu of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section two (21 ( of nrtlcla
fourteen ( H ) of the Constitution of the
Stale of Nebraska , be amended to read a *
Bectlo'n 2. No city , county , town , precinct ,
r.unlclpnllty , or other HiilnllvlKloit of tno
Btate. shall ever mnlco donations to any ,
wcrkn of Internal Improvement , or mnnu-
'nclory , unlei-s a proposition so to do shall
lavci been flrst submitted to the < juallflc4
lector" r nd ratified by n two-thirds vote
it nri election > 'Y i iiihorUy uf law : Pro
vided , That -tien flomttlonx of a county ,
with the donations of sum Hiibillvlslons In
hn aggregate shall not exceed ten per cent <
of the assessed valuation of such county ;
rovlded. further. Tnnt any city nr county
nay , bv n three-lonriliB vote. Increase such'
ndebtednpss Mvo per -lent In addition to'
Riieh ten per crr.i .inn no nomlH or vl .
lences of tnflebtctinemi so Ismicd shall bo
valid unions the Ham" until ! have endorsed
hereon n c < Ttllleau- signed by the sccre-
iiry and auditor of state , showing that
ho name Is Issued pursuant lr < law.
Approved March 2tl , A. D , , 1S05 ,
I. .T. A. Piper , secretary of state of ths
itate of Nebraska , do hereby certify that
ho foregoing proposed amendments to the
oiiKtltutlon of the Stale of Nebraska are
rue and correct copies of the original en-
oiled anil eiiKronard llln ) | , as passed by the
Twenty-fourth session of the loKlslaturo of
ho State of Nebrauka , ns appears from
mid original hills on die In this olllce , and
hat oil und cuch of said proposed omcnd-
ncnls are submitted to the mialided voters
} f the state of Nebraska for their adoption
jr rejection at the general election to bo
icld on Tuesday , the 3d day of November.
A. D , 1890.
In testimony whereof , I have thereunto
et m > " band and alllxed tbe great seal of
he state of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln , this 17th day of July , In
ho year of our Lord , OHO Tbouuaud Klglit
lundred and Ninety-nix , of the InJepend-
nco of the United States the One Hundred
nd Twenty-Unit , And ot this etatu tut
Thirtieth ,
Seal. ) J. A. I'U'Ell ,
Secretary ol
Aug I DtoNovS inoru only.