sMISMfcacadSfiBB 1" * - Jts THE OMAHA X > ATLY BEE ; HUN DAY , SEPTEMBER 1,1 , 1898. SOCIETY IN EARLY AUTUMN Season of Social Enjoyment is Near at Hand , MUCH PLEASURE IN STORE FOR THE FUTURE Tlione of llio Gny Set Looking For ward tii tlic AlMironcli ' M'liitcr with Much KnJojiiMr AH- llcliintlun. Autumn , the moat delightful season of the year , ' Is here , and with It a perceptible quickening in the social world. Society people Imvu nearly all drifted bnck from Kcasldn , mountain nd lake resort , and houses thfit were darkened during the past few months aio again open to social gather ings. Ak-SaMlcn II. , after Inaugurating the fall festivities with hla grand corona tion ball , departed with his courtly train , and of all the glltteilng pageant that no iRtoly greeted Omaha "Chronos" alone re mains. Whllo ho Is telling the time with such unfnlllng precision , the gay set has filled the hours with the sound of dancing feet nnd the clinking of dainty china , for dancing and teas have been the older ol the past week. Plcasunt Informal affairs most of them , gotten up hurriedly In honor of some favored guest or guests who have been persuaded to remain for a few days after the ball , or a gathering of the younger members of society bofoio the return to their nlni.i mntcr of many of the young college lego men and women. Within the coming l\\o weeks most o these young people will have left the city , leaving social functions to the older set. Just the sort ot entertainments swell clr cles of Omaha will affect during the coming winter It Is too early to predict. One thins however , Is qulto certain , and that Is thai Omaha will be exceptionally gay , althougl there will bo few largo formal functions society each year Inclining more and more toward small recherche entertainments amr excluslvciiL-.ts , rather than ostentation and display. A good many days will Intervene between this and cold weather , when the social sea son will bo at Its height , and It would seen that n flower parade or some seml-publli function would make n pleasant break litho the monotony , while there Is really ver > llttlo to cntortnln social circles , but teas dancing nnd card parties. Although by no means a new Idc.i , as many southern and western cities have long made the flower parade a great socla ovcnt , It would be new und novel fo Omaha , .lust fancy all the smart equipages of the city In line for a parade , drawn by horses literally harnessed In wreaths o flowers and carriages decorated In every conceivable way with the same fragran blossoms , followed by a reception. In sue ! an event thcru Is great scope for the display of a good deal of taste and artistic ability by * the fair ones. By the pluck and energy ot a few ot the representative men of the city the order o Ak-Sar-Ben has been built up , and thcl annual reception and court ball hns galncc social prominence am ) popularity through the west. The floral kingdom Is most certainly the province of woman. B ; very llttlo effort women who are socla leaders could establish In the city on equally popular , brilliant and attractlv entertainment. It. Mill-tin KiitcrtnliiN. One of the enjoyable parties of the week was that given by Mis ? R. Martin In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Roes of Bonapart , la. The largo'double parlors were comfortably flllec with her friends and merriment rclgnet supreme from the assembling of the guests until R late hour. No attempt was made .at any elaborate docoratlona. The rooms wore tastefully furnished and under the soft rays of the evening lights needed little to niaUu her home pleasant and attractive fioiuo clioloo vocal and Instrumental selec tions were rendered , the Misses Shalda and Mr. l > . Stlenlger furnishing the music for dancing. Those taking part In the mu sical program acquitted themselves with ability and called forth a well merited ap plause. Dancing and cards furnished a very pleasant mode of entertaining ant nothing was left undone that would tend to add to the enjoyment of the guests on this occasion. Refreshments were server during the evening and the hour when the guests should don their wraps came almost too quickly. Those present were : Misses M. Hans Anna Shalda , B. KaulTman , Joslo Shalda M. Locsch. Bob Shalda , T. Kaurtman , L. Kurz , Lottie Shalda , M. Rawltzer. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Houk , Mr. riachman , Mrs. C. Roes , Bonapart , la. ; Mrs. Stlenlger Georgia Bachman , Messrs. G. A. Kneel Thau irwln , W. C. Bouk , W. McCoy L. Btlenlgor and II. Recs of. Bonapart. la. Society DuiifliiKI'nrtj - . Last Tuesday evening a number of young society men gave a dancing party at Moran's dancing academy , The affair was a very pleasant ono and was attended'uy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlck , Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward P. Peck , Mesdames Henry W. Yates and John G. Cowln ; Misses Georgia Llndsey Helen Mlllard , Helen Hoagland , Mabel Tay lor , Florence Kllpatrlck. Louise and Nettle Hugus of Pasedena , Gal. ; Bessie Towle , draco Allen , Susan Colpetzcr , Besslo Peck Helen Peck Salda Allon. Stella Hamilton ! May Hamilton , Adeline Nash , Misses Scnuldlco of Danbury , Conn. : Edna Cowln Clara Palmer , Eva Kennard , Lily Moore , Carlta Curtis , Gcrlrudu Kounlre. Preston of Chicago , Anna Shlvorlclc , Allco Drake Flor ence Yates. Besslo Yatcs and Grotcheu Crounso : Messrs. Henry Allen , Arthur Cooloy. Ezra Mlllard , Frederick Lake. HUH Boll Wilbur. Ross Towlo , Tom Orelgh Nothcrton Hall , Earlo Gannett. Herman' Kountzo , Luther Kountze , Moshcr Colpetzor Roy Crummer , Sam Burns , Will Cowln , Adel bert Smith , Parker of Dubuque , Sam Caldwell - well , Fred Nash. Harry Wllklns. Frank Hamilton , Fred Hamilton , Edgar Moruman , Patterson of North Platte , Jay Boyd , Asa Shlverlck , Herbert Rogers , Will Rogers , John Patrick and Charles Wilson. The chnperonoa were Mrs. ft. P. Peck Mrs. J. C. Cowin , Mrs. II. W. Yates and Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlck , Surprised Mr. Comlm. A delightful surprise- party was given T , L. Combs last Tuesday night by a number of hla friends at the hornet of Miss Florence Winter , the occasion being his birthday. Progressive high flvo and refreshments were the order of the evening. First lady's prize was won by Miss Selena Burns ; first Gentle man's prize by T. L. Combs , Consolation prizes wore won by Miss Hattlo Stevens and Roy Walker. The surprised was the recipient of several elegant presents. Those present were : ' Mrs. Charles Phelps , Mrs. W. n. Stnley Misses Phelps of Chicago , 'Agnes Rlley , Hattie - tie Lundeon , Henrietta Brtnlcman , Selena Burns , Ida Wagner. Edith Burns , Hnttle Stevens , Qprta Wright , Clemmlo Games , Laura Winter , Casslo Cortclyou , Mabel Mason , Nflllo Haller and Olga. Case of Blair ; Messrs , John M. Barren , Charles Pheljis , W. 1) . Staley , Roy Walker , B. J. Sullivan , James Cooke , E. 0. Furcn , L. E Lucas , R. S , Trimble , G , Kellar , F. M , Steadman and O , E. Trager , Arcadia. la. , A , 0 , Wolfenbarger , Lincoln , W. O. 6keel Arthur Angel , B. B. Combs. I'atfen-Ulei- . At the residence of the bride's parents on .Wednesday evening , September 9 , occurred the marralge of Miss Stella V , Rico and K. Eugene Patten. Only the Immediaterela tives and a few Invited friends were pres ent. The house was tastefully dccoratod with , rosea and sinllax. The bridesmaids wcro MUs Maude Turner of Frumoiit and Miss Flora Patten. Mr. John Rico acted as best man , Rev. J , I1. D. Llwyd outdated. The young people will bo at homo after October 1 , at 2112 Ohio street. MoNely.llell. A very pretty wedding wai celebrated last Thursday evening at the homo of Mrs. Kato Ilcll , Thirty-eighth and California Btreets. The contracting parties were Mrs. Kato Bell and T. F. Mosely. At 7:30 : the wedding march was played by Miss Holfrled , > sister of the bride. The room was taste- fullly decorated with flowers and vines. The bridegroom aud bride stood beueatb an arcti of while- ( lowers In the parlor , nor. Frederick Ton c nf Low1 Avenue Presby terian church In a few appropriate words tied the nuptial knot. Mrn. Dell Is ono of the organist * of the Low avenue church. Mr. Mosely I * a professor In the mute In- Rtltute. Both arc active , willing and sub stantial members at the church. Only thorn tf their own families ) yc-ir present at the wedding. After the ecrcnniiy was over the friends sat down to a bountiful wedding supper - per , after which a very pleasant evening was spent with music , etc. l'nrl > - for Mir f.ltlli * Oiirn. On Friday evnliiR the elegant home of Sirs. Charles Ehlvcrlrk WHS the scene of a most beautiful children's dancing party , which was nlven In honor of htr two sons. Masters Charloi and Nathan , the former of v. horn soon returns to his school , St. Paul's , at Concord , N 11. The large rccrn- lion hall , drawing rooms ami dining room wcro nil thrown together , cleared of all superfluous furniture , carpet , rugs , etc. , and floors waxed for the merry little dancers. Upstairs for those who did not dance , nil kinds of pictty games were prepared. Quan tities of g-oldcu rol and dear , old-fashioned yellow flowers banked in the grates added their bright glow1 10 the pretty picture and surely nothing was wanting to make It pcifcct. Seldom have so many dainty mln- laturo men and women been gathered nt once place. It would be difficult Indeed to Imagine anything prettier than the wee misses In tholr dainty full JresH costumes of all the blight llnt.i of the lalnbow and the yotitig mea In their regulation full dress blank. During the evening llttlo Miss Suslo Annin entertained the party by singing a quaint llttlo on In her quaintest manner , ami Flora Shnfer gave a prt'tty fancy danco. The favorite beverage of childhood , lemon ade1 , was served throughout the evening In the breakfast loom , and about 11 o'clock refreshments were sened In the dining room. The following are the happy llltlo people who participated : Misses Hazel Calm , Nell Floyd , Susie Annlh. Viola Calm , Carrlo Purvis , Jennie Urcutt , Julia Hlgglnson , Marie Coffman , Rose Coltman , Grace Thurn- ton , Jean Thurston , Margaret Wood , Ma bel Carter , Palmer , Marlon Hughes , Lulu Peycko , Pury Petty , llessle Ford , Helen Cady , Marlon Johnson , Jcsslo Nason , Henrietta Reese. Helen Davis , Jennie Shafer , Flora Shnfer. Zerelda Barrlnger , Elizabeth Bairinger , Besslo Brady , Lucy Gore , Mary Barker , Ada Klrkendall , Elsie Noyes , Veta Noycs , Joscphlno Drake , Jean- nle Wakefleld. Margaret Prlchett. Kittle Chambers , Ella May Brown , Lulu Boyd , Mary Leo McShann. Kittle Hobble , Janet Rogers , Laura Congdon , Beth Congdon , Vivian Rector , Hazel Ford , Eugenia Mor- and , Marlon Council , Ha7ol Council and Masters Gnylord Martin , George Barker , Joseph Barker , Ralph West , Harry Wade , Elmer West , Frank Brown , Loren Drake , Scth Dyer , Odin Jlackay , Max Morand , Tom Chambers , George I'rltchett , Harvey Clayton , Doanu Powell , John Redlck , George Redlck , Elmer Redlck , Edwin Roy noltls , Arthur Hartman , Gcorglo West , Wler Coffman. Barton Mlllard , Roy Wood , Harry Carter. Harry Wlgton , Edgar Polack , Ar thur Jayncs , Warren Calm , Windsor Doherty - horty , John Hughes , James Godfrey , Earl Ri'ymond , Glen Raymond , Ralph Palmer , Howard Johnson. Ed Petty. Phil Reed , Rob ert Bradford , Ed Polack , Dean Cady , Samuel - uol Rees , Thomas Davis. Harry Montgomery ory , Dudley DIckenson. Albert DIckcnson. Tlmi-ston llllli'V Onnoc. Last' Monday evening about flfty young society people besieged the armory for the purpose of enjoying a few hours at dancing and drills with the Thurston Rifles. This was the first social event given by the Rifles ilnco the icturn leap year party given last May. The armory was brilliantly Illuminated and the national colors were everywhere conspicuous , while- hero and there was a tinge of red , yellow and green as an evidence of the Rifles' loyalty to King Ak- Sor-Ben IL The first event on the program was the Inspection of all arms and accoutrements , with highly satisfactory results to both olllcers and men alike. In this Captain Foyo was ably assisted by Lieutenants Hayward - ward and Stockham. A short exhibition drill followed the inspection. The most Interesting event was the Individual drill for the Thurston trophy for Individual excellence cellence- . Private Fred Fisher was the successful competitor , with Corporal Bartlett n close sscond. A program of sixteen dances concluded the evening's entertainment. During the past week the Rifles wcro kept busy In gottlug In readiness to attend the annual state encampment of tbo Nebraska National guard at Lincoln. Tlio members have been looking forward to the annual massing of the state troops with hopes of enjoying a delightful outing In connection with their military duties. Owing to circumstanced over which they have no con trol and controversies arising on past occasions it is definitely decided that the Thurston Rifles will not contest for the governor's cup. Instead. th& Thurstons will bo contented to enjoy themselves and the episodes of camp life In n truly royal manner. All members of the company will assembleat the armory Monday morning. September 14. at 7:45 : o'clock for the purpose of traveling to Camp Thomas , Lincoln. The company will leave the armory for the train at 8 o'clock sharp. Itoth Vnlll'H Illrtliiluy l nrly. A charming llttlo birthday party was given on Wednesday afternoon In honor of Heth Vaill's fifth birthday by Mrs. Valll and Mrs. Helh at their homo on Dodge street. Among the amusements of the afternoon were dancing and a great Jack Homer plo , out of which each guest drew a pretty toy. In the dining room the table was removed and In Its stead was a Urge square of red , whlto and blue crepe paper , oVer which roses and sweet peas were scattered In profusion. In the center was the birthday cake with Its flvo lighted candles. The tiny company was seated In pow-wow fashion on large sofa pillows and there wcro much merri ment and excitement when the cake was cut , revealing In different slices coins , thimbles and tiny dolls. The following children were present : Harold and Charlie Keller , Annlo Keller , Codrlc and Cuthbert Potter , Louise- Bennett , Louise Annln , Robert Doherty , Dorothy and Mary Rlngwalt , Marlon Haller , Fred , Jessie and Sarah Harris , Helen Fuuko , Caroline Barkalow , Marian Hughes , Alice Kennard , Katie McClanahan , Marian Brando , Lalfo and Blanche Deucl , Bess Baum , Elizabeth Davis , Elizabeth Doud , Byion and Marlon Johnson , Dorothy Morgan , Clarice- Salmon , Frank Heel , Clarence Beobc , Annie and Jlmmlo Colley , Margaret and Ruth Hitchcock , Carmollta Chase , Sanford Glfford , Jack Floyd , Mary and Gertrude Schormorhorn , Carrlo Gold smith , Marjorlo Patrick , Dorothy and Ware Hall. Gilbert Loomls , Hunter Mulford , Vaill and Ernest Lascll , Louis Powell , Ileth Valll. They Hiir | > rlMd MNH ! SHfUln. Ono of the pleasant events of the season was a surprise tendered Miss Selfkln , Mrs. Merges rendered several choice piano selec tions from weU known authors and her charming daughter entertained the guests with nn exquisite rendering of "Won't You Play House with Mo , " In her sweet and childish voice , and responded to an enthusi astic encore. Those present were : Mrs , Merges , Miss Mlllan Bookmoyer , Virginia Merges , Etta Prost , Frances Malllard , Jennie Selfkln , Joscpnlne Frost , Orrllla Butterfleld , Grace Stiller , Fronclsca Frost , Gertrude Sebrlng , Harriet Foster , Lottlo Wlthorn , Mae Gates ; 3adlo Hill ; Messrs , Guy French , Archibald Lewis , Emmet Murphy , Edward Lowcry , Elton , Sclfkin , Ambrose Ellington , William Edgehlll. Eoff , LiU , Harry Gambell , Rich ard McCullough , Ernest McCowun , Frank Qoodrlcb. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'nrtr Olvt'ii liy HlRh School fill-In. Prior to beginning another year's hard work , B few of the High school girls gave a tally-ho and dancing party last Monday evening. After the ride the party returned to the Madison , where dancing was indulged In for some time. Mrs. Llndwull acted us cbaperoue. The Invited guests were ; Misses Jcssyo Lawrence , Hattlo Gunther , Mabel Fries , MyrtleCarr. . Halllo Hardln , Blrdte Austin , Winifred Bishop , Ellle Oerter , Cells Kessler , Blanche Howl and" and Messrs , Allen 1'ar- mer. Will H. Fries , Edward Krug , II. Gunther , Leo McShane , T. McShaue , T. Cole- man. Joseph Madden , Louis Dc&n and Nt-d Kcssler , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Surprise for Mr. niul MrJolinnon. . Mr , aud Mrs. D , JS. Chapln gave a very Ieasaut surprise at their rasldonco last laturday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs loward M , Johnson'a second anniversary. Ugh five was Indulged In during the ovcn- Ing and music \rHs rendered by Miss Peako. Al 11:30 dainty refreshments were ecrvwl. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Southmayd. Mr. and Mrs. Metallic , Mr. and Mrs. W. King , Mr. and Mrs. J. Green , Mr. and Mrs , C. Relpen. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. flppery , Mr , nnd Mrs. R. R. Welsh , Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McCaffcry , Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Chapln. Mr. and Mrs. H. M , Johnson , Miss Scott , Miss Agnes Scott. Miss Peakc , Miss Mldglpy , .Mr. and Mrs. Hall , Miss Hall and Miss Helen Rclr-cn. Siirprlxoil Minn Voni Wow. A very pleasant surprise party was given Miss Louisa Vorn Wcg last Monday evening. Cards were enjoyed by all throughout the pvcnlng. Prizes were awarded to Misses Bessie Oreor nnd Edythe Kratz , Messrs Clattiln Lewis and Frank Dohn. Those present were : Misses Louis Vom Weg , Marie Vom Wcg , Fredla Vom Wcg.Anna Hay , Jessie Blngham , Besslo Grcer , Edytho Kratz , Edna Shlpman , Marie Stafford. Mliv nlo Heicook ; Mesirs. Charles Sebrlng Frank Dohn , James Greer , Scth Kcnall , Junson Sutherland , Claude Lewis , A. 11. Acla-ns , Bert Osborne , Verne Coy , John McNIghtpr , Lunchford Sawyer , William Vom Wcg , Frank Uenno * . People AVIii ) Oniuo mill fin , Miss Katharyne Preston Is In Chicago. Mr. Sam Burns returns to Dartmouth to il nr. nr.S. S. L. Wiley and wlfo are at Hot Sprlngi , S. D. Mrs. E. H. Tcrrlll left yesterday for New York. Mts. F. W , Brown returned to Lincoln Sat- urda:1. Miss Alma. Urlau Is visiting friends In St. Joseph , Mo , Harry Llndsey returned Wednesday from Madison Lake. Mra. Henry Llevln has gone to Milwaukee to visit relatives. Miss Louise Korty returns to Rockford college this week. Miss Juliet Morris left Monday for her school In the cast. Mrs. Q. W. Megcath has returned from her visit to Denver. Mr. Frank Gould Is home from an exten sive tour In California. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Buchanan leave to day for Atlantic City , Miss Lydla Moore goes today to Si Mary's school at Knoxvlllc , 111. Mrs. Ralph E. Sundcrland will leave for Chicago this afternoon. H. F. Maync has gone to Malcomb , 111. , for a visit with friends. Mr. Russel Wilbur left Thursday to at tend college In the cast. Miss Carlta Curtis left Wednesday for Chicago to attend school. Miss Edna Cowln returns to her school In the cast In about two weeks. Mr. Fred Rusttn left yesterday to flnlsh his medical course In New York. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hall and children have returned from a visit to Macklnac. Mrs. Horace G. Burt will bo the guest next week of Mrs. C. S. Raymond. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Weller have returned friends In Chicago and Rockford , 111. Messrs. Herman and Luther Kountze leave for New Haven , Conn. , today. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Rhoades have returned from a short visit to St. Paul , Minn. Mrs. Wlllnm F. Cody visited In Omaha Wednesday , whllo en route to Chicago. Miss Elenorc E. Dutcher has returned from a three weeks' trip through Utah. Mr. and Mrs. V. O. Strlckler are back from a tevcn weeks' trip in the cast. Miss Marguerite Preston of Chicago Is the guest of Miss Kountzo at "Forest Hill. " Miss Mary Hogan has returned from her visit with the Misses Majors of Peru , Neb. Miss Laura Winter has returned from a three weeks' visit to Denver and the moun tains. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Matlock of Chicago visited the family of F. E. Alexaivljr last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bonner have returned from St. Paul , Minneapolis and Mluuetonka Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlck will return turn- ' Tuesday to the Paxton hotel for tjio winter : ' { VJ' Miss Ruth Bryan , after an tixtinrtadis't In this city , returned to her homo In Lin coln. coln.Miss Miss Erie Rutherford Chambers of Little Rock , Ark. , has been the guest of Miss Bechel. Having purchased a residence here. Cap tain and Mrs. H. B. Sarson will make Omaha their homo. Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShano have taken up their icsldence at the Mlllard for the wlutcr. Misses Ella Reynolds and Myrtle Carroll are on a two weeks' trip among the lakes of Minnesota. Mr. Case and Miss Edith Case of Rock Island era in the city , visiting Mrs. Robert McEacheron. Mrs. A. M. Coomes of Denver Is the guest of Mrs. C. L. Hawktnson at CIS South Sev enteenth street. W. R. Singer , who has been visiting his parents for 'he past week , leaves for Chicago cage tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Frances C. Grable and daughter , Katherlne , are now at the Devon Inn. Devon. Pa. Mra. M. E. Phinnoy departed Sunday evening for Denver to spend a week visit ing In that city. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Sherrcll of Kearney , Nob. , were the guests of Mrs. V. II. Bartlett during fair week. Mr. A. J. Vlcrllng and son , R. W. , left Wednesday for Chicago , where the latter will attend school. Mra. James B. Mciklo returned yesterday after spending the summer at Clear Lake and In the Dakotas. Mrs. C. F. Kieffer of Fort Crook Is visiting her parents , Captain and Mrs. Waring , at Fort Harrison , Mont. Miss Mary Bardwell has returned to Omaha from a two months' vacation spent on the Pacific coast. John M. Bless , president of the University of Oregon , spent several days In the city , the guest of B. N. Uobison. Misses Anna and Clara Hcywood left lost Monday evening for Chicago , where they will spend a few weeks. Miss Chllila returned to her home In Pitts- burg on Thursday , after a short visit with her cousin. Miss Acheson. Mrs. Spencer , after a delightful sojourn with her sister , Mrs. Will Rector , returned this week to Nebraska City. Miss Adele Fltzpatrlck , after spending the summer with Omaha friends , left for htr homo In Boston last Monday. Ml-s Bertha Wilkinson has returned from Michigan to spend the winter with her sis ter , Mrs. Robert W. Peattlo. Bishop Newman will arrive In Omaha Sep tember 14 , and whllo hero will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. F , Weller. Miss Oraro Knight Is again In Omaha on her return from New York to Texas and Is the guest of Mrs. C. 1C. Coutant. Miss Jessie Roe Weeks ! rft last Mouduv for the Peru Normal school , whore she will take one- year In the training school , Mis. H , S. Chase and son of Des Molnes , la , , guests of Mrs. Charlea B. Keller , re turned to their home on Thursday. .Mrs , K. S. Fisher left last week for Salt Lake. From thuro she will go to Los Angeles , Gal. , to spend the winter , Mrs. J. A , Hannan returned yesterday from on extended visit with relatives and friends in Chicago and Rockford , II. Mrs. A , B. Winchester , who has been visitIng - Ing at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Evans , has gene south for the winter. Miss Helen I , Norton departed Saturday for Minneapolis , Minn. , where she ban ac cepted a position in the city schools. Mr. Robert M. Tarleton and Mr. Fred Nash returned last week from Idaho , where they have bean camping for two months. Mrs. Shannon of Fort Ouster Is a guest of Mr. aud Mrs , A. J. Poppleton. Mr. Pop- pleton has been qulto 111 the past week. Mlsa Kato Donahue- has returned home a after an extended trip through Washlngtoa , New York , Boston and other eastern points. Mrs. S. D. Barkalow and Mrs. F , H , Davis , accompanied by their children , have re turned from a summer outing at Green Lake , Wls. Wls.Mlis Mlis McCord and Miss Lucy McCord of St. Joseph have been In the city the past week , the guests of Mr. and Mrs , II , 0. Mo Cord , 0. F. Wilklns returned Sunday from a two weeks' flihlng trip lu Qunnisou couuty. He - I , - ' was acconiTTsnlrtl by his daughters , Misses Allco and qwog. nho have been visiting for the last slxtAvncks In Denver. Dr. OalbraMniianil family , accompanied by Miss Harlean Ogrtls. have returned from a pleasant tnlB ; in Hallcy and Hot Springs , Idaho. , jq-t ,3f Walter Willis has returned from bis three months' touritthPough Europe and re-entered on his dtttlKs In County Treasurer Helm rod's oIlce.iM ( > * Miss Ml mi It ? J-J. Thomas and her guest , Mrs. EdwhP'Orilyko of Chicago , have re turned from thblr tour of Yellowstone Na tional park1l ! Mr. Charts Tjalbaeh , Miss May Ualbach and Edward .tlHlbach returned last week from Idaho , VYUCTO they have been spending the summer , . _ _ Miss AdnoiVan Cllcson , accompanied by Miss Helen Van Oil-son , left yesterday for Hollldaysburg , Pa , , where the latter will attend school ! Freight Traffic Manager Mo'invj ' of the Union Pacific nnd Mra. Monroe returned Sunday from their trip on the Pacific , visit Ing Honolulu. ' Mrs. A. S. Paddock of Beatrice , accom panied by her daughter , Fannie , spent the last week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dcecher Hlgby. Lieutenant and Mrs. James Arrasmlth , Second Infantry , left yesterday afternoon for Lieutenant Arrasmlth's new station at Fort Harrison , Mont. Mrs. Chester A. Andrews , nee Miss Anna Mcllhenncy of this city , now residing at Marysvlllo. Mo. , has been spending a few days visiting friends. Mrs. Arthur llcmlngton Is homo from Sheridan , Wyo. , where she had been spend Ing a fortnight on the ranch of her brother , Harry T. McConrllck. Mr. T. L. Combs and Mr. John M. Bnrron loft Wednesday night for Chicago , from which place they will go to their respective homes for short visits. Miss Gertrude Cornicle ot Cedar llaplds , la. . Is In the city , spending a few weeks with her sisters , Mrs. George F. West and Mrs. Samuel J. Riimcl. Mrs. A. M. Fleming and son , Charles , of Logan , Utah , are visiting with Mrs. V. H. Bartlett. Mrs. Fleming is en route to her old home , Louisville , Ky. Mrs. J , N. Cornish has returned from a two months * sojourn on the Pacific coast. She was accompanied by her son , Judge A. J. Cornish- Lincoln. Mrs. M. MacDonagh with her little grand daughter , Dorothy Smith , left Friday evenIng - Ing for Chicago where she will visit her daughter , Mrs. Carl Smith. Mr. Lon Bryant of Cedar Kaplcls , la. , Is spending a few days In the city as the guesl of Miss Gertrude Carmlclo , who is visiting her sister , Mrs. George F. West. William H. Willis has returned from his ranch near Camp Clarke , Neb. , accompanied by his sister , Miss Blanche Willis , who has been spending her summer thero. Mrs. P. J. Qucaley , jr. , and children of Uock Springs. Wyo. , accompanied by Miss Lovetta Quealcy , are the guests of their parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. P. J. Quealey of this city. city.Miss Miss Ellaboth Barge , n former school mate of Mrs. Nott's at Hockford , III. , is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nott. Miss Barge returns to her home In Dlxon , III. , the first of this week. Mrs. Hugus' of Pasadena , Gal. , and the Misses Hugps' who have been guests of Mrs. Victor'Caldwcll , left for tholr homo In Pasadena , Gal. , [ Thursday. They are just returning frfanY i long sojourn in Europe. Mr. Arthur Urandels has returned from his summer' ' In fturopo , leaving his father , who underwent an operation at Vienna , with his brother 'I uKb , who wont over to meet them. Tho'cldcr Mr. Brandels Is recover ing slowly , 'arid ' Wlll shortly return t'd this country. Minor mtptloiiH of tlio AWek. On Friday afternoon I'roin 2 to 5 , Mrs. Charles E. Ford-entertained delightfully a Kensington for iMIss Thaver of-OcaU. Fin. A pretty Informal' tea was" given Tuesday afternoon by MUft Emily Wakclcy , In honor of her guest , Miss Van Patten of Daven port , la. The Misses Yl5cs gave a pretty Informal daniing party at ? "Hillside"'Friday evening Inhonor' ' df "Ihelrguest , - 'Miss Johns'on of 1 ' " ' - " * ! ' ' - St.sJoseph , Ho. Mr. DeKlsden Stambaugh gave on In formal rccital'at his residence Saturday last in honor of Miss Harriet Bray Ponnell of Dennlson , la. Those assisting were : Mrs. C. M. Enton , Messrs. Fred and Burt Elliott , Robert M. Weir. In honor cf her guest. Mlos Crounse. who spent a fev/ days in town last week , Miss Florence Kllpatrlck entertained Informally at luncheon Wednesday. Covers were placed for Mrs. Kilpatrick , Miss Crounse , Miss Pal mer , Miss Helen Mlllard , Miss Lindsey und Miss Kllpatrlck. In honor of Miss Ella Raymond of Lin coln , who was the guest last week of Miss Bartlett , Mrs , John Gordan entertained In formally at an afternoon tea on Tuesday. A bouquet of roses was presented to Miss Bartlett for having given the clearest an swer to a score of literary conundrums. On Tuesday afternoon a Jolly party of young people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Longwell for a house pic nic. After .partaking of refreshments , music and speeches on the "New Woman" In southern dialects were tbo order of the evening. W. II , Allen and wife of Clinton , Mo. , were the guests of honor. A piet.y Informal dancing party was given Monday evening by Miss Nash for the Misses Schuldlce of Connecticut. About 109 guests participated. The rooms were taste fully decorated with American beauties and asters. At 11 o'clock refreshments were served In the dining room , Mrs. Crofoot and Mrs. Cartan presiding , The Misses Schuldlco were artistically gowned In whlto organdlo over whlto satin. On Thursday evening of last week a num ber I of the friends of Mr. Silas Wright and wlfo called nt thulr homo. As the com pany ' filed in the members Informed Mr. Wright that it was his 45th birthday and that they had coma to observe the occasion. Just before the guests retired to tholr re- spectlvcs homes Mr. Evans , on behalf of the company , presented Mr. Wright with a fitting token of tholr esteem and wished him many happy returns of the day , A merry crowd of young folks enjoyed themselves at the homo cf Mr. Charles M. Foster Friday evening. Several very pretty selections were rendered by Mlas Hnttye Webster and Miss Laura Schnler on the piano. At 10:30 : refreshments were served , after which high five was Indulged In. Those present were : Messrs , Herald Garry , P. E. fillers , James Bell , Jesse Coy , Charles M. Foster and MUacs Hattyo Webster , Minnie nhoes , Myrtle Satinders , Des Molncs , May Sutherland , Council Bluffs , Laura Schnler. The 0. T. N : cub ) gave a party at the homo of W , KMartla last Thursday even ing. The tlmo was spent with cards and games. Rcfr sUmpnts were served. Those present were ; jjTho Misses Buck , Nelllo Fisher , Lulu Ocheiibeln , Anna Quintan , Lulu Jones , Nora"McGrlinn , Anna Julius , Lizzie Backus , Anna' Bllropshlro , Mao McCleary , Mao Boyle , ICdnat. Moore , Mao and Agnes Morand , Mln lo > a < Heaeoch , Llllle Hernia , Lcona Cottrtiss and Messrs. James Clark , Art WachterC ? Gardner , Baldwin , MartU , Iloyer , SuilthlFaleoner ) , Hartcr , O'Nell , Her man and Wath < ur , The Impcrfft'pyTub was emar.alnu.l by Mr. Tom Tlpton Ihst'Thursday , Progressive high five was ployW , 'and prizes were won by Miss G rtruii 7AVpltu and Mr. Curds Eaton. Later in thespvcnlng refreshments were served. Those present were ; MUscs Gertie Stewart , Allco'Hpdrtor , Mabel Turplu , Cecil Hay , Mary Dfacktnore , Lelth Clayto.i , Anna Thomas , MWW' Vntcs , Minnie Saunders , Julia Steels * mid"Miss Dradholm ; Messm. John AustftSf "James Robinson , Arthur Adams , Daveoaofdman _ , Will Tlpton , Tom Tlpton , Curtls.iEaton , Fred Martin , Don Overman , Dave Edwards and John Wilson. M j Edna Chapln entertained on Friday evening her little friends at her home , 2407 Emmctt street. The owning was devoted - voted to games and dancing. At 9 o'clock refreshments were served and at 10 the llttlo ones commenced to depart , all as suring the hostess that they had passed very pleasant evening. Those present were ; Vivian Rector , Qladls Sutphen , WIN lard Buttler. Willie and Mable Christie , Kay and Earl Bocock , Edna Proctor , Maud Rolso , Grace Lenhtart , Clifford and Luella Hlne , Ida and Carlyle Smith , Hultlo John son , Sliver Parrott , Francis and Roily Shields , Elmer and George Redlck , Maud Blue , Grace Leard , Ethel Lawrlo , Lulso Parmelee and Kiuil and Frank Lynn. mill Mr. Leon Lobcmi and Miss Ella O. Lun- -cll were married last Wednesday at the "SI'RIVC SIIAU rUSt AM ) 4UIIMN CirtMR. " FALL You arc cordially invited to attend our First Fall Opening , which takes place at our store on Wednesday evening , September J6th , at half after seven , Thomas Kilpatrick & Co. Music. "OUR BCAUTV IS Al Tilt TAIL OF Tlir. HAT. " The FailMlllneru Opening of JinlilaHil JoliiuoHiellloeetiron .Vojicfii/ ! ( iiid Ttic.iility , Useiitetnbfr IJtli cnid JtStlt , l > l > en tilso Weilnomluy evening. residence of the bride's father. John S. Lun- ilell. The newly wedded pair are at homo at 1103 South Twenty-ninth street. The wedding of Miss Grace V. Dotwiler and Mr. Paul W. Kuhns on next Tuesday will be vtry quiet , owing to the Illness of Mrs. F. N. Clarke , sister of the bride. List Tuesday a couple reached Brighton , Colo. , from Denver on a tandem wheel and were married by Rev. Heltman. They gave tholr names as Howard V. Benewa of Omaha and Miss Lillian Ponder of Denver. Last Sunday Mr. C. M. Boggess and Miss Addle J. Towns , both of this city , were married nt the home of Mrs. A. J. Cook , a sister of the bride. Only the Intimate friends of the contracting parties were present. At the home of Dr. A. J. Cook on Monday evening at 7 occurred the marriage of Mrs. Addle J. Towns , a sister of Mrs. Cook , nnd Mr. Caleb M. Boggess of Oska- loosa , la. The wedding was a quiet , but pretty one , attended only by the immediate friends of the contracting parties. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Stephen Phelps , TD. 'D. The future homo of the couple will be Oskaloosa. Mrs. E. A. Holyoke's school for boys and girls will reopen , 118 South Twenty-fifth street , Wednesday , September 1C. XOTISS 1'MIOIU OMAHA SUIIUIII1S. llCIIMItll. Miss Ema Woods of Omaha is visiting friends In Benson this week. Mr. Hlllyard returned from a short trip to Minnesota Friday morning. Mr. and Mis. F. M. Watenpaugh and family returned from their pleasure trip on last Saturday evening. The business meeting of the Epworth league was held Friday evening at the Meth odist Episcopal church. Misses Smith and Tldd departed Wednes day for their homes In Plattsmouth after a two weeks' visit with friends. Monday Will Bosse left for the Peru uni versity at Peru , Neb , , to continue bis course of studies for the coming year. Mrs. , Doc Williams of Wayne arrived In Benson last week , and is the guest of her brother , G. R. Williams , and family. Llttlo Charley Bailey returned from a visit In Shelton , Neb. , with his grandfather , who was visiting here during the fair week. A social hop was given at the town hall Saturday evening by the social club of this place. It was well attended and an enjoyable bletlmo was had by all. A political meeting was held at the Benson town hall Friday evening by the demo-popu lists. Several lively discussions were had during the evening. The schools commenced Monday morning with two now teachers. Miss McDunn of the grammar room and Miss Walgus of the pri mary room , in which there Is a largo In crease of small pupils. Mr. Ely retains his place as principal. Vnrl CrnoU. Captain Ketchuin will bo In charge of tbo post mess hall and canteen during tbo absence senceof Second Lieutenant Davlson. The calls have changed in regard to drills , the callsthenlc drill being at 7 o'clock a. m. , and battalion drill at 8:30 : o'clock , which In much better than Is used to bo , owing to the heat. Wednesday nt the residence of the bride's father. Colonel James A. Casey , commanding officer Twenty-second United States Infantry , Second Lieutenant Peter Wlomcr Davlson and Miss Adele Casey were married in the presence of a small number of friends and relatives. The famous Twenty-second In fantry orchestra rendered several excellent numbers. They played the bridal chorus from Lohengrin , when the party entered the spacious parlor where the ceremony took place ; then came the celebrated Mendelssohn wedding march. After the ceremony they played the Midsummer Night's Dream , Lleu- tcnsnt Davlson Is a talented young officer and steadily coming to the front , having distinguished himself In nioro ways than ono , Ills wlfo Is a most estimable young woman. _ 1'lCllSO.VAJ. I'AHAaUArilS. Bud Latta of Tckamah was in the city yes terday , Charles Walto and wife of Deadwood were In the city yesterday , L. Stone of Keystone , S. D. , was among the yesterday arrivals. S. H , Elrod of Clarks , S , D , , was one of the yesterday arrivals. B. A , Earle of Lander , AVyo. , was an Omaha visitor yesterday , Hon. John Thomson of Fremont was In the city for a few hours yesterday , T , L. Mathews and R. II , Knowles of Fre mont were Omaha visitors yesterday. Major A. R. Anderson of Hot Springs , S. D. , came down on the evening train yester day , Euclid Martin , Lee Spratlin , W. D. Mc- Hugh and James B. Sheean left for Chicago yesterday. P. A. Valentine of Chicago , private secre tary to P , I ) . Armour , was among the last evening arrivals. A. C. Dunn , city ticket agcn of the Union Pacific , accompanied by his wife , left yes terday for Milwaukee. * The whole system is drame.1 and under mined by Indolent ulcers and open sores. Dewltt's Witch Hazel Salve bpeedlly heals .hem. It la thi best pile cure known. IiIXCOLN'S SOCIAL SID IS. LINCOLN , Sept. 12. ( Special. ) Miss Win ifred Hill gavea Kensington to a number of her young lady friends yesterday after- .110011. Cut flowera were used In the decora tions. Refreshments were served In the afternoon. This was one of the few re maining days before Miss Winifred leaves for school at Llndenwood college at St. j Charles , Mo. The Invited guests were : Misses Rose Foster , Marjorlo Winger , Clara Quick , Minnlo Sharp of Plattsmouth , Bernlcc Becker , Ella Harper , Laura Flske , Mary Hartley. Edna Polk , Besslo Turner , Minnie Parker , Marian Camp , Besalo Bartruff , Kate Klinball , Anna and Clara Hammond , Grace Lemlng. Ircno Courtnny , Mae Honeywell , Helen Welch , Frances Cunningham ; Mrs. Bigger and Mrs. Welch , Some of the Lincoln people who attended the Ak-Sar-Ben ball lost Friday night in Omaha : Misses Sadlo Burnhani and Grace Oakley , maids of honor ; Mrs. Q. M. Lambert- son , Mrs. Clark , , ladies in waiting ; Dr. and , Mrs. Hlghtor , Mr. nnd Mrsi S. H. Burnham , I Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Smith. Mrs. Smith , Mrs. Walter Hargreavcs , Mrs. L. C. Burr , W. S. Latta , F. W. Brown ; Misses Alice Rlghtcr , Mao Burr , Marie Marshall , Olive Latta ; Mr Mallalleu ; W. Morton Smith , John Dlxon J. W. Mason. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Campbell have re turned from an extended trip through the east. Whllo away they attended the na tional librarians' convention at Cleveland , 0 C. G. Wolcott returned this week from Dakota , Wyoming and Montana. Mrs. Wol cott , who Is visiting at Oskaloosa , la. , will not return for two weeks. Mrs. C. E. Yates Is entertaining Miss Ruth Phtlllppl of Omaha , Miss Louise and Bertha White of Plattsmouth and Miss Taylor of Tacoma for a few days. Miss Rose Carson stopped over a day on her way from Omaha to Brownvlllo. In the latter place her father and mother are spending the summer. F. M. Bentley started Monday for a second year's post graduate study In the Sago school of philosophy at Cornell university at Ithaca. N. Y. A. W. Hargreaves , with his daughter , Hiss Blanch , and son , Harry , visited the fair Thursday and stayed for tbo parade In the evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lewis Baker nnd son , Philip , have returned from a month's Journey to all the principal cities as far cast as Rockport , Mo. Miss Efflo Sleen returned Tuesday from a brief trip to Denver , from which place she took several delightful trips with the young people. Mrs. A. D. Becmer of Boomer and her sis ter , Mrs. Keller of Pennsylvania , are the guests of Mr. and Mrs , W. H. Dorgan. Miss Ella Harper and Miss Laura Flske have returned from Omaha , where they wcro visiting friends during fair week. T. G. Munger returned Wednesday from Spencer , la. His brother , whoso Illness called him there. Is slowly recovering. Dr. and Mrs. S. F , Ladd have returned from Minneapolis and St. Paul , where they have been for a short vacation. Miss Eleanor Raymond returned Thursday from Omaha , where BIO was the guest of Miss Mao Bartlett a week. Miss Marie Marshall has returned from Omaha , where she visited her sister and attended the Ak-Sar-Bcn ball. Rev. F. H. Schultz nnd family departed Monday for Shnwneo , Okl , , where they will uiako their homo , Mrs. S. M. Leonard relumed Friday from California and will spend tbo winter with her son , W. M. Leonard , Mrs. Leo Newton and pretty llttlo daughter Lillian of I'uorla are visiting friends and relatives In the city , On Monday evening Mrs. Branch gave an Informal neighborhood inuskmclon party at her homo on K street. Miss Mao Burr , who has been the guest of Miss Lll Tukey of Omaha , returned the first of the week. Master Sam Foster has returned from Tecumseh - cumseh , where ho lias been spending the summer with relatives , Miss Grace Oakley remained in Omaha after the ball several days as the guest of Mrs. Cook. Miss Dena Loomls returned this week from Chicago , where she had been visiting Miss Lizzie Ilonnell. Miss Allco Rlghtor , who visited Miss Mao Bartlett In Omaha during the fair , returned homo Tuesday. MUs Julia Cunningham has gene to Omaha to visit her sister Mary for a short time. Miss Clara Loose , who has been In Omaha for a few days , returned the first of the weelf. B , G. Dawes Is again In the city after a long visit to his old homo at Marietta , O. MUs 111 audio DoWltt has returned from her trip to Denver and Marshalltown , la. Miss Florence Winger has returned from her summer trip to Chicago and Buffalo. Dr. R. A. Holyoke and family have re turned from n visit with friends in Iowa. Miss Joslo Tremaln has returned from Now York , where sha has spent the summer , Mr , and Mrs. Ode Rector wcro among the State fair visitors on Thursday and Friday , Miss Cora Outcalt has returned from a brief visit with friends in Denver , Mrs. Edith Flska Kenny returned to her homo in Omaha Tuesday. Ii I Hi ) , O'NI3ILI-Mr . Isabella , aged 85 years. Funeral from residenceof 13. I' , Flood , 2121 North Twenty-eighth avenue , Mon day at 8:30 : a. tn. Services at Bt. Peter's church , Twimty-el.htk uud Leaven worth streets. A XI3W G1U2K.V C.OOUS GAMO. The Order of ( lie Aiiicrleim of .TIjMlle XiiinherM. The recent nrrcst of George R. Bell nt Noosbo , JIo. , and of seven of his alleged accomplices In various parts of Kansas nnd MIsHouri , has brought to light the dp- tnlls of the most elabonito counterfeiting" swindle with which the Unllcd States sccrist servlco has had to deal In yc rs. Bull's scheme was In essence the old green goods game , relates the New York Bun , but it was covered up stud Burroundml with the variations he devised as to bo scarcely rtcognlzablu Thteso Included a aupnosl- tious conspiracy on the pnrt of high gov ernment olllclals , an extensive secret organ- izntlpn. iiiul nlieiwd credentials for Bell bearing the slgiiaturo of the secretary of state , Bell's operations wcro confined principally to the tninsml.H.slssippi states. His nlnn was to KO to ono of the smnllor towns nnd Wad approach his prospective victims with ia- , show of great scorc'cy. II ; said ho was' Jnnies T. Swnrtz , and icprcsentod himself as i government olllclnl coining direct from Secretary ot the Treasury Catllsle. Ho proceeded , to disclose the existence of a conspiracy nmonp treasury oiliclals and ptneiH In the K-overnincnt servlco , includ ing several cabinet officers , to dlaposo of a lot of greenbacks. Ho explained that creen. backs were bulng constantly presented I " t f o ijroaauiry ff lemptlon by individual" , subtrensurlon. Instead of their beiiis ; cancelled , he said , they were ab stracted by those engaged In the con- "P'fjpI"1 ' ; ' were put back Into clrculaton - k-Sft oJ'V'r ' Tubers of the American Kiilehts of Mystic ft , umber * . Hy a number of clever devices Hell supplfod Iilmso f vvitli documents which appeared to support hla ° m0n _ . olll- By Rending his address to tbo Treasury Mfl Department ho had his name place , I upon the list of persons to whom the dally reports - ports of the department nru sent. Thrao n,1" "rr"t to u"y - ' " " who re them. They me mat cd In. Treasury " -1 onvel ° l" > . which are unwa l"/ liell threw away the reports nnd placed forged letters from rcfcrr/mr / officials , " In mysterious terms to the greenback "over" volopes. ' He " ' ns , he , P'kd ' " I" the on. sealed them up and cllpneil off the ends of the envelopes ' , so that to nil hP earanctr , Ul , ° , Iettura ' " ' been Bent to clincher Bell ! ? Tren8Ut7 department. AH n produced what ho called hla commission. This consisted of nn ordinary passport which ho had obtained in thi usual manner from the State department. It was Issued In the name of James T ! Swartz nnd contained a description of Bell ! "I ? Photograph was nlso attached to It. States" .tho wor < | s "citizen of the United engraved on the paBsport , Bell had written "and member 87li C. A. M. of A. Jjj. ' ot . H. N. " After hlH name was stamped " 879 M.which was his Individual number In the secret order. In Boveral places werS Htnmped the words , "Hy proxy , holds com mission under 63. " In the lower corner was a. cryptographic table of letters and nutn- bcrs , with a number of cabalistic chnrac- ters , somewhat , like Chinese letters. I3ell" " of these " " . jtwo "commissions , ono fltfiiPd by W. Q. Greslnim und the other by Richard Olney , ns secretary of state. They proved to bo very convincing to the people among- whom Bell operated. Having csiahllshod ) IH ! official standing- , Hell next proceeded to unfold something of .h ° worynB8 , ot the American Knights of Mystic Number * . In order to assist In Iloatlnff the overissue , tlio victim must Join this mystic brotherhood. It waH not a cheap affair. The prlco of a full member. ship was J-1,000. Kach member was to re- celvo $40,000 111 greenbacks to dlsposo of to Ills own advantage. Bell's Ingenuity , however - over , WUH Hiifllclcnt to provide for the mnnli fry who hadn't as much as1,000 to Invest. Ho arranged n scale of fractional members Bhlps with corroHpondlnp Initiation fees and profits. The smallest was a ono-Hlx- tepnth memberHlilp , ut an Initiation fee of $250 and a $2MO share in the "overissue , " As soon as Hell had n chapter of hla order In process of orgnnlzatlon ho held a meet- IHR of the noopiiyti-s nnd read to them a forty-pago paper giving In detail the history - tory , purpoHo , ncopo and methods of the American Knights of Mystic Numbers and the conspiracy of government officials. As a Btlll further precaution against uny BUS- plclon of a green poods game on tlio part of the initiated , Boll voluntarily offered to guarantee them against loss by glvlnc them deeds to real estate of milllclent vuluu to cover the original Investment Involved in thn Initiation fee. When the arrangements were nil com- nlctcd Bell dlHplityed the genuine green- hacks to the now members and collected the Initiation fee * , in return for which ho handed them packages of tlio money and thn real eslntu deeds. The deeds wcro en tirely fraudulent and the packages , when opened , disclosed only brown paper. In the me.'uitlmu linll hud moved on to n new Hold of operations. His nxsodateH were also cnRiiKcd In working other IOWIIB at * the same tlmo by the use of exactly similar methods , nnd for two or three years u rich harvest was reaped by the ganir. Enoucli members were Initiated Into thn American KiilKhtB of Mystic Numbers In Knn"aa a nd Mlssouil to form a pretty good m clous for an extensive imsooiatlon of Hurkers. Boll was thn chief of the Kantr niid the most successful operator" Iloifon well njipearlntr , plausible man , ready to meet all questions and objections with n ready answer. Ho Instructed his confederates to approach men of standing In the towns. such us lawyers , doctors and merchants ! { .veil n Missouri banker Is mispacfed of having been Initiated Into the order. The name * of many persons who joined the order are In the hands of the HB- cret service officers , and n full Investigation' of ull the cases wlfi shortly bo made. Made n. Itnlil on tlio Urn Coop , "No , sah ; I didn't steal no chlk'ns , no- tiow , " Ell 'Mitchell was vociferously male- hit , ' this o.pUnatlon lust night at police , station , In answer to a hurry call ho hud lievn taken from the vicinity of Qeorirn Ileclier'u nun coop nt 2223 Dodge street about 9 o'clock und onu cawklng hen was liroiiKht with him , 'Both ' were lodged hY , " hind the bars. Shortly after detectives up. > eured , carrying a whola sack of chickens or whoso disappearance from their roe { Mitchell is held accountable. He will ba charged with bur _ jury , ns the theft made by breaking Into Ueckor'a barn.