8 Tirra oarATTA DATLV ISEE ; TOTSDAV , SEPTEMBER i , isoc. CONVENTION OF THE DOCTORS Faith in Fills is to Bo Demonstrntee Satisfactorily , FIRST SESSION WILL OPEN THIS MORNING I'olloivi-i-N < > f tlic I'rliiclplcM ( if tin ll < iiii < - < iiiillil | < - School Arcto Hold Thi-1r Ainiiifil .Meeting Jti Oiiuilm ' 1'lilHVocU. . If physblans can ho looked upon as pro- 'renters of disease as well ns curers , the mars of people who will bo lu the city dur ing the coming wct-l ; need hnvo llttlo foot of sickness. Them will bo enough doer- tors In Omaha to gmpplo with any microbe or perm th."t lives , oven If Its nntiio Is n yard long nnd so badly "pled" as to dlslo- late the Juw ot any ordinary mortal that trickles it. Thfso physicians are coming to alien' ' ) thu third nnnun.l session of the Missouri Valley Homeopathic association. Many ol them came- yesterday In order to bo here for the opening of the session this morning nt 1U o'clock. The meetings will continue on Wednesday nnd will close Thursday night , when an adjournment will be taken for another year. ' U Is anticipated that them will be about 800 doctors In tittendnncc. Many will come from Iowa nnd Nebrnsln because of the low rates that are offered state fair visitors by the railroads. Many arc coining , how ever , from more distant points. A big dcle- patlon Is expected from Chicago , St. Joseph , Ft. Louis , Kansas City , Minneapolis , St. Paul , Denver ami other prominent eltlos In this section nf the country which will In all probability lip well represented. This big uttendnnco will bu m great measure duo to the efforts of thu committee on arrange ments , the members of which have not been slow In advertising the festivities of state fair week end advising the physicians of their fnltli to drop their routine work fern n week and come on to Omahn to have n Food time. This committee Is composed of lit the following physicians : D. A. Foote , \l \ chairman ; W. H. Hanchett , U. W. Council. O. S. Wood , J. K. Mann of Omnlm , and A. P. Hanchett and P. J. Montgomery of Council Bluffs. TUB PLAN OF WOKK. The headquarters of the association nnd the meeting place will bo Myrtle hall In tlio Continental block nnd the adjacent par- lord. The location was chosen especially for the purpose of giving the visiting dele gates and their friends n good vautago point from which to view the parades of the week. 'Iho sessions will bo largely taken up with papcis In nil branches of the medi cal science and will deal with medical nomenclature , ranging from the familiar and ordinary clearup to the delirium tremens type. It Is sufficient to announce that no less than seventy-five papers nre on the program nnd most of them nre from promi nent nnj well known practitioners. The program of the sessions' work Is ns fol io u-s : Tuesday , 10:00 : a. m. Prayer , music , ad dresses of welcome , responses , rending min utes of last meeting , appointment of con mtttce-s. 2:00 : p. m. President's address , "Pom Obstructions to Medical Progress , " Moses 1 nunncls , M. D. , Kansas City ; report of eci sors. bureau of clinical medicine , bureau o paedology. Tuesday Kvcnlng , 8:00 : p. m. Music , miscellaneous collaneous business , unfinished bureau wori Wednesday. ! t:00 : n. m. Bureau of orlficla surgery , bureau of surgery , report of censors 2:00 : p. m. Unfinished bureau "work , bu reau of gynaecology , reports. ' Wednesday Evening Music , centennial oil dress , reception to members , visitors an friends nnd view of tlio grand paradu o floats "Nebraska Night. " Thursday , 9:00 : a. m. llureau of materl. mcdlca , bureau of rhlnology nnd otologj ophthalmology nnd Otology , bureau of in stltutes of homeopathy. 2:00 : p. m. linrcau of mental nnd ncrvou diseases , bureau of obstetrics , report of com miltccH. fixing place of next meeting an clctlon of officers , treasurer's report , appoint mcnt of chairmen of bureaux , appointmen of delegates to other societies. Music , unfinished bureau work , unflnishci business The present officers of the apsoclatlon are President , Moses T. Ilunnels , M. n. , Kansa City. Mo. ; vice president , J. Frank Klllott M. D. , Kansas City. Mo. ; secretary , W. A Humphrey. M.D. , Plattsmoiith , Neb. ; trcas urer , C. R Mennlngcr , M. D. , Topcka , Kan Ili-MltlM 1-fM tinStory. . A vast mass ot dlract , unimpeachable tcs tlmony proves beyond any possibility o doubt that Hood's Snrsparllln actually does perfectly nnd permanently euro diseases caused by impure blood. Its record of cures Is unequnled , and these cures have oftei been accomplished after all other prcpara tions have failed. Hood's Pills euro nil liver Ills , billions ness , Jaundice- , Indigestion , sick hrndache. Alt-Sar-ncn , special brew. . Omaha Brew , ing association , on draught by all Its cus tomcrs. TIVL II ( > - 'Ml n u ( < Service and no stops Omaha to Stnto Fair Grounds via the UNIO.V PACIFIC. Trains leave every half hour. Hound trip rate 20 cents. Get tickets at U. P. Ticket olllce , 1302 Farnam street. Omaha Brewing association "Ak-Sar-Ucn1 special brew for ono week only. AO.UXST .Sl-XDAv" 'llAl.ii IMi.VYIXn. lICNlilnilM of lluurlli 1'art of tin < ! < } I'rot.-Ht , Residents In the neighborhood of the University club's park at Twentieth and Miami streets have protested against the Sunday hall playing which has recently taken place there. The complaint , which Is ad dressed to Chief of Policy Slgwart , Is signed by W , II. Copcland , A , S. Cost , C. A. Carr , W. .M. Cm-sen and H. G. McKachron. The complainants eay that the park Is located In a district which is Inhabited by proplo who bcllovo In having the Sabbath strictly observed. Within a radius of six blocks are located e'lght churches , two of which are very close to the park : The com plainants say that yesterday's services were irreatly disturbed by the noises which arose from the grounds whllo the game was In progress. The chief of police will mlvlso the resi dents to prevent further games by causing an Injunction to bo Issued. Missouri Paclflo railway. Webster street depot , best route to the fair grounds. Trahis leave every half hour , Grand concert every afternoon and even ing this week at Bchlltz Hoof Garden. ijts.no ST. p. A.vn Hirri'it.Y-.9N.nn. Vlii llu > ( ircnt Iliu-lc iNliiiiit Koiilf , Dates of sale , Aug. 31 and September 1. final limit for return , Sept. SO. Through chair cars and Pullman sleepers. For full Information call nt Hock Island City Ticket Office , 1002 Farnam btrcet , Omaha Brewing association "Ak-Sar-Bcn" special brow for ono week only. - Ill'UI.I.JTIIOUTE. ( . Douvrr mill Iti-tiirn , Ifio. August 29th to Sept , 1st , The Burlington Is the short line to Den ver. Two dally trains from Omaha 8:35 : a. in. and 4:35 : p. m. Get tickets aud full In formation at 1D02 l-'arnam St. Omaha Brewing association "Ak-Sar-Bea" zncclul brew for onu week only. If you want to go to the fair grounds go to the Webster street depot. Missouri Pa- cltlc train leaves every half hour. Ak-Sar-Bcn , king of beers , brcvu'd by the Omaha Brewing uttioclatlon , on draught l > y all Its customers. Ill HMXSTO.V HOt'TK Spec In I Trnl n -r\lrc Diirlnp ; Stu < I'nlrViTlc. . I'nOM STATE KAMI GROUNDS. September 1 to 3 Through conches Icnv at 4ir : p. m. , connecting with Fast Exprce No. 3 for Ashland , Lincoln , Beatrice Wymore and principal stations on main Columbus and Grand Island lines. September 1 to 4 Through coaches leavi at 7 p. m. . ccnnectlng with Local Exprcsi No. 11 for Lincoln and Intermediate station and for point ; : on the Wahoo-Schuylcr line September 3 Through coaches for Wymori via Table Hock and Intermediate statloni leave at 7 p. m. FIIOM OMAHA UNION DEPOT. September 3 Special train for Lincoln Wymore and Intermediate stations , nnd alsi for South Ilcnd , Louisville and Cedar Creek leaves at 10:30 : p. m. Soptemlnr 3 Special train for Crcston am Intermediate stations loaves at 10:40 : p. in. For Information about regular trail service call at clly ticket ofllcc , 1502 Farnan street. Drink Gctllcmnn's tl.OCO Beer It's tha bcs Slv Thirty I' . Al. Train. of the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL UV. DCS. service ELKCTUIC LIGHTS. Dining car. City oficb ! , ir.04 Farnam. Ak-Sor-IIcn. special brew , Omaha Brew ing association , on draught by all its cus tomers. HOST lirvri.xc roi : ins LOST i.ovn. Fin-Hive * Her and Tnlcon Her- < < > III * Ili-nrl Auulii. Misi Anna Uurnea , a 23-year-old damsel of Atlantic , la. , has been Juggling with the hearts of at least two men with as much grace and ease as an East Indlaman with the glass globrs. Miss Buriica has been , Is now and will Drobably remain for a short tlmo longer the betrothed of H. H. Host , a railroad man of Chicago. She was wooed and was sup- nosed by Hnst to have been won by him In Atlantic , la. His dream of happiness was llsp llcd about a week ago , however , when 10 learned that Ills gill had eloped with jcorgc Plmonton. also an Atlantic man and employed as a lineman by one of the rail roads. Host at once set out upon the trail of the runaway couple and traced them to Avoca. where he found that they had re mained for a few days. Then they came to this city and Host followed. Until ycs- teiday morning , when he met Sergeant He- bout of the police force , his search In this city was without result. Host met the sergeant at Fifteenth nnd Farnam streets and there unfolded his talc. While ho was describing Slmonton In de tail the police olllcor vas watching a stranger who was standing cm the opposite corner. As Host's description was slowly simmering Into his brain the olllccr sud denly realized that It exactly pictured the man wnom he was watching. "Isn't that your man over there ? " ho in quired , pointing to the stranger. "By gravy , that's the tomale , " excitedly exclaimed Host after a moment's glance , and started across the street. The ofllccr restrained Ii'm ' , however , and the couple laid low. In a few moments Slmonton , all uncon scious of the fact that ho was being fol lowed. moved on toward n house at Seven teenth ami Dodge streets , which he pro ceeded tc enter. The sergeant and Host followed and found him In his room. After a little bluff Slmonton weakened and made a conf-eslon. The girl , according to his statement , had gone to the Catholic church at Eighteenth and Izard streets and would return shortly. The party waited for the girl. She ar rived In a few moments and all four thru proceeded to the police station. The couple had TCglslered nt their boarding house as Mr. and Mr * . Smith of Avoca. To the police captain Slmonton stated that his name was George Smith and the girl's was Annie Hamilton , both of Avoca. The police Informed Host that ho could l > roscciitp the man and woman , but he refused to do so. He was willing to have the girl go back homo with him without Further ado , because , he said , he did not Icslro the scandal to gain publicity. The Sill was perfectly willing to do this and she shook Oimonton apparently without a particle of regret. Th.e fact that the lattc liad spent nil of his money and was strict ! "on his uppers" may have had something : o do with her willingness to leave him Hist as she left she returned to Slmonton , a ils request , his ticket to Atlantic and will : he exchange they parted. No household is complete without a cast if Cook'o Imperial Extra Dry Champagne ts the best sparkling wine made. Gettclman'K $1,000 Beer Is on draught a ISuropeau Hotel , formerly McTaguu's. Ak-Far-Bcn , king of beers , brewed hy the Omaha Brewing association , on draugh Ijy all Its customers. Take the Missouri Pacific to the fair grounds. Trains leave Webster street dcpo very half hour. Omaha Brewing association Ak-Sar-Ben jeer , tlio Vnc > iint I'lnooN , Now that some vacancies have been cro- Ued nt the county poor farm , applicants ire expected to pour In upon the county ommlssloners by every mall , The would-bo servants of the people do not rest content vlth a mere formal application , however , ) ut arc beginning to line up about the door- vays and approaches to the commissioners' ) IIlce. Some women were on hand bright uul early this morning to present In person heir credentials for .Mrs. HowclPs shoes t has been hinted that a civil service ex- imlimtlon may bo necessary to decldo be- vveca the relative qualifications of the vould-ho matrons. The commissioners lomplaln that they are given no peace and 'annot ' go to their homes without finding a trlng ol ollico peckers lined up on thu front web , THI : ( j. A. it. imr.wo.v AI St. I'd ill. Tickets only $8.60 round trip , on sale August 31st , and September 1st. Two solid rains from Omaha via the Sioux City oute. "Northwcsterp Line. " City olllce , HOI Farnam street. Webster street station and Union Pacific cpot. Hooni for everybody'on the Missouri Pa- lllc trains to the fair grounds. Webster treet depot. Visitors Don't fall to visit Schlltz Hoof larden. Concerts afternoon and evening , II TnUfN T > vo Limited Truln * very day to accommodate eastern travel la "Northwestern Line. " The "Overland"- t 4.45 p. ic Into Chicago 7:45 : next morn- ig , nnd the "Omaha-Chicago Special" 0:20 ito Chicago 9'30 next morning. City office. 1401.Farnam . street. Ak-Sar-Ben , special brew , Omaha Brcw- ig association , on draught by all Its cus- micrs. To avoid tlm rush , purchase your tickets t the Missouri Pacific city ticket ofllcc , hlrteenth and Farnam streets. CIIHC of Tliri-i * AIIIIIN | | On ! . Gcorgo Stelr , a train boy , complained to 10 pollco yesterday that ho had been ibbcd of $10.00 In Charles Groves' iloon at Thirteenth and Dodge streets hlle la a poker game. Ho said tat ho had been steered Into the place by irt'e : ompai.lons , Hurry Crawford , "Kid" racy and Klmer Jones , who had given him 10 "big mitt , " When ho protested the ireo men grabbed the money and threw m out of the saloon , Warrants were Issued for all four on the large of gambling. Another complaint was so sworn out against Groves , charging him Ith keeping gambling devices. Groves al- ges that ho knew nothing about the oublt * . which occurred lu a private room , itll Stein cried out that he had been bbed. The whole system It drained and under- Ined by Indolent ulcers and open cores , ewltt'u Witch Hazel Salvo speedily hcaU eia , It li tb-j best pile cure known. IIOSTOX STOIli : OIM-JX HVHMXOS To ( ! lvo ICv < * r > liotljmi Opportunity li < < ! S'linuof Our OpcnliiK llnrnnltiH. 110STON STOHE WILL BE OPEN EVEHY NIGHT THIS WEEK. Come and listen to the grand promenade concert See the gorgeous brilliant electric dis play.Do Do not fall to visit our great cloak and millinery department on our second floor. Bo sure to sec our Immense new shoo de partment. It's larger than any other two shoo stores In town put together. In fact , be sure to see and visit Boston Store. It's the greatest object of attrac tion'In Omaha to thousands of people. BOSTON STORE , OMAHA. IGth and Douglas Streets. Colcnado Hotel , IBtli and Jackson ; mod ern Improvements ; 125 outside rooalB ; cuisine uncqualcd ; rates $2.00 per day. J. E. ISZARU , Prop. Physicians and druggists arc cordially In vited to call and Inspect the laboratory of Tlio Mercer Chemical company , manufactur ers of stardard pharmaceutical preparations , 1112 Howard street , city. GcUclmnn's $1,000 Beer Is the best made. Ak-Sar-Bcn , king of beers , brewed by the Omaha Brewing association , on draught by all Its customers , iio.Min OP ii > rcTto.MKKTI.M ; . Sintill Amount of Itoullni- Work UtitrklV -iiiiipllNlicil. . The Board of Education held a very short meeting Inst night , twelve members being present. The members were anxious to get out on the street and Join the throng which was enjoying the gorgeous electric display and the small amount of routiuo business was | iut through with a itiHh. II. S. Jayncs asked that arrangements be made whereby the eighth grade at the Loth- lop school bo allowed to remain at that building until February , when the members will enter the High school , Instead of being required to go to another building. The matter was referred. The Thomson-Houston Electric Light com pany offered to furnish power for the small motor In the High school training depart ment for $3n.r 0 per month. No other bids were received. It was stated that this service cost $4F > per month last year. Miss Edith Otis was assigned for trial us director In the kindergarten In case her services are required. The coirmlttco on rules recommended the rules be amended to provide that thn morn ing session of all schools , except the High school , shall begin at 9 o'clock and close at 11.43 a. m. with a recess of ten mlnutcu , when one-halt the session has expired , the afternoon session to commence at 1:15 : o'clock and close' att o'clock with a recess of ten minutes after one-half the session has explied. It was also provided that the sessions of the second grade , and those of the first glade that do not have half-day ses sions , shall close a halt hour earlier , the time specified. The Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben were granted permission to fire twenty-one guns from the High school groi nds Thursday evening. The special committee to secure a military instructor for the High school reported that the services of Lieutenant Clement of the Twenty-second Infantry had been secured and the committee on salaries was Instructed to consider the matter of compensation. Davidson Introduced a resolution providing for thn purchase of 2,500 copies of "Headings from the Bible , " the book over which the board had an animated discussion at Its last meeting. A repetition of the long discus sion was threatened , but It was averted by Johnson , who moved to refer the resolution to the committee on text books. The motion carried. Tukcy giving the resolution a part ing shot by giving notice that he should In sist that some rules for the use of the book In the schools be formulated before the copies were purchased. The August pay roll was passed and the board adjourned. AMUSEMENTS. A special matinee Is announced for this afternoon at the Crclcliton , the performance commencing at 2:30. : The drawing card dur ing the entire week will be Merrott & Davis' "McPorlcy's Twins , " now playing to audiences which are Increasing with each performance. The ctirialn will rise tonight immediately after the parade. Matinees will bo given dally during the engagement , with the solo exception of Friday. "Tennessee's Pardncr , " presented by a large and competent company , is announced for an early appearance at the Crclghton , opening a two night's engagement , with a matinee Sunday , September C. The cast In cludes such well known players as Harry Malnlmll , Charles I ) . Hawkins , Esther Wil liams and Jane Corcoran. A speclsl holiday matlneo will bo given Labor day , Monday , September 7. The advance sale for the engagement ot the Calhoun Opera company will open at Iho Boyd theater box office at 0 o'clock this morning. The reputation of the company , which has been strongly reinforced both as to principals and chorus for this engage ment , together with the fact that the openIng - Ing opera Is the always popular "Black Hus sar , " will attract the attention and pat- onago of the hosts of visitors who are com ing In to the state fair this week. The im- lortant fact will bo to buy early la the day jcforo all the best arc sold. | . 'IIII3 KXiIXI2S IX TIII3 1 > AK.\1)K. 'oiillillNNlonrrH Order ( InMm'liliii'H Out WiMliifNilny Murht. At the meeting of the Board of Fire and I'ollce Commission last night , Chief Heilell , vas Instructed to place seven pieces of the lepartment apparatus In the parade Wedncs- lay night. These pieces will consist of mo chemical , two engines , two hose carts , ho water tower and the big hook and ladder ruck. Leaves of absence for tea days were ; rantcd the following : Firemen C. H. U'Uschmau , Charles H. Prlnglu , Joseph It. Icnderson , II. A. Perry and Thomas Gray , ( olin C. Wilson was granted two days' cuvo. A report was received that 135 feet of old lese had been turned over to the city sewer lepartment. JlllU'ii by u llotr , A herder of hogs , Mandclbaum by name , fho Is a resident of Blue Hill , was re- iioveil to the Presbyterian hospital ycs- L'rday to bo treated for a hog bite. His i' ( ! Is badly swollen and It Is feared that lood poisoning may set In. Mundelbauni has been herding Koma wcnty-flvo hogs. Sunday morning ono f them attacked him and bit him In the ? g. Ho thought nothing of the matter ntll yesterday , when ho discovered that h'j leg was lu very bad shape , lnn for CIIHIIHV. | | The police have been advised In a clr ilar to look out for Charles E. Culshaw , j ho , on July 20 last , obtained $10,000 from ; Is betrothed and skipped. Ho is thought i have gene to Now Zealand with another ion. Culehaw was a student In a medical illego at Philadelphia last year. The king of pills Is Beoeham's Bcccham's Uimrn-Iril nllli IIU A\Ui- , BOSTON , Aug , 31. Michael Hccnan , CO pars of age , quarreled with his wife at iclr homo In Dorchester this morning uout money and Heenan settled the dispute y crushing the woman's skull with an xe. Ho then cut his own throat with a izor. Both will die. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tl fie- /i ilallt sTif s/fT-Z IT * ' COG ROAD ENBI8E RUNS AWA\ \ First Disaster on , the Famous Coloraclc MouutninrEailway , LOCOMOTIVE DASHES : DOWN PIKE'S ' PEAK Tlirlllhmr.srniu - nf I'lirly of HMK HNI ) TourlMl * from u OiitiiMrii | > li > _ llllllIM | OVIT Fifteen il-Vet COLOHADO PPHINGS , Colo. , Aug. 31. Thu first accident on tlic 1'lko's Peak Cog Wheel railroad oliice It wns opened llvo years ago occurred yesterday nnd but for the safety brakes uted on nil the cars ot tills line a train load of passengers would have been hurled down the mountain to destruction. Coming down the mountain the slds bars on the drlvlni ; wheels on both sides of tlm engine broke apart , rendering tlic compressed air brakes on the engine useless. Conductor Gulmnn applied the automatic brakes in the passenger coach ami socn stopped It. The engineer and fireman were compelled to abandon the engine , which was beyond control , nnd It went down the 23 per cent grade at a terrific speed for nearly 11 mile , when it struck a curve , jumped the track and shot through the air for Tiilly 1GO fccc , going clear over a boulder nttcen fort high upon the mountain sldo above the track. It plowed Immense holes In the mountain and the tender and engine separated Just as the engine exploded , hurl ing Iron and steel In nil directions. The train wns n special , carrying General Man- icr Frederick Harrison nnd party of the London & Northwestern railway , and Major S. K. Hooper o the Denver & Hlo Grande road. " ! > F.SiitTii > UY IIISIIAM ) . lVlllMV Itl-fllNC-H ( O ANSlst Ills Wife mill Children. Mrs. J. W. Strlngfellov , ' of Oskaloosa has once moro sent a communication to the chief of police regarding her husband who de serted her and came to this city. She says that she and her children are destitute and almost starving. She asks that the husband and father be compelled to contribute to tholr support. The woman wrote to the chief about two months ago , shortly after her husband left her. At that tlmo the man was working at the Aetna house. Ho was located by tliu police and was informed of lilj family's con dition. Ho , however , refused to have any thing to do with wife or children , saying that ho had had enough of his wife. Chief Slgwart will write to the woman , Informing her that under the circumstances ho can do nothing. Theories of cure may b ° discussed n length by physicians , but the sufferers wan quick relief ; and One Mlnuto Cough Cun will give it to them. A safe euro for chil Iron. It Is "the only harmless remedy tin liroduces Immediate results. " Omaha Brewing association Ak-Sar-I3cn beer. . \II\IOIIM ConciTiiliiK Mlsxlnpr Mm. J. C. Curry ot Ilmcrhill , Mass. , has In iiulred of the chief of police regarding the whereabouts of Henry Moody , who twenty- five years ago is said to have been n drug gist In this city and who was commisslonc for Nebraska at the Centennial In I'lilladcl phla in ISTft. IJolatlves of the man , who liave not heard from him for some time , are anxious to locate him. Another person who Is missing Is H. II , [ 'helps , a resident of Weaver City , Neb. Phelps left home on July 2R for this city jn a bicycle. He urote from University Place a short 'timeafterward , but since : hnt communication nothing has been heard it him. . _ Omaha Brewing association Ak-Sar-Ucn beer. limiting for tilt ! I.ONt OlM'H. The sheriff at Normal , III. , has written : o the chief of police regarding an Irish voman who Is supposed to have relatives n this city and Council Bluffs. The woman lives the name of Mrs. Lizzie Hardin , and lays that she Is the widow of one John lardln. She appears to be demented , as he communication states that she Is "labor- ng under the hallucination that she Is in heiress of the John Cashman estate of reland. " She says that she has a hey In ) maha and two daughters in Council Bluffs , mt cannot find them. My llttlo boy wna nflllcted with Kczcma in ncnto form for a yi'iir , during which wo tried v.-itlioul uccwiH every known remedy. The ilia , older iippenied on the light cliiM-k nnd wns uf a Llletcry and bloody form. IIU pillow , morning , would bear tlio bloody Imprint uf the nliUof IU face , whllo It wni Imponelble to jircvc'iit him from ecriitchliij : hi a faro owllin to Iliu itching. Ailviieil to try CDTjcnu , I bouiiht n boi. The llmt iiupllcntfon > made at night , nnd U in n fact , thiit thu iim > citriiiico of tbo unvoted pniti cliowi-d n noticeable tiitiirorcment Me next morn ing , and , contlmilnt ; the tlcntmcnt. uf n rcKiilt , my child JIIM . . fair uud smooth olili ) n can be found anyubcrc. W. H. NKKDHAM , 1'atneknla , 0. Rrn-nr Cl'llB TmtTiievr. Warm lulhi , with CUTILUHI Siup. nnll n | > i > i.ruitniii nf L'l-mi'u * Mini- infnii. Ilie crtui kln cuir , mij milil doicior Curicuni ItCioi veifivcrfatt-M til I.uiiKir curr * . Sold iliroiiL'lionl Hie wml.l. Pnrt , CiTicrm. . ' .ita i Foilif i IIM.IIVMT. at. IIM II. I'OIIIK bnra inn Cum. fiilir.foiIWi. . ll'-ti.n. - " ri ( > . . . . . . nf-"ltmr t rr * t-i t lh.i > j..f.H - - - * "MADE IN OMAIIA 9O J'1"1' ' t'KXT * " PIlllUlOIH , C our eiwu miiko work , utsiuts HIE Aiiovr. Wo offer a friiHlu carload of medium * priced vehicles , boaiitlfully Mulshed , , for the "State * Fair. " i but wo hnve them for nulo Instead. VKHIRLKS HKSIDK8 200 OF UVKUY VAH1ETV AVe artH ' "BffiY" ! pt-oplc. Unll Hearing Aalea , i Are no longer ( Solid Hubbur Tirua , Va novelty to < Pneumatic Tlrt'B. I our cumome-rs. ( 8co list of our. second bund bargains 1 In "for sale" column. DRUMMOND CARRIAGE CO. , I IStli and IliirneyiSti. Opp. Court llousa < Open evening * during fair week. ( A. J. SIMPSON , will keep open fiDuse to his patrons Fair week , noo-ii noDci snirti. Gladness Comes With a bettor uiiilcrstiuuling of tin ifaiisioiit ntilnro of tlii > nmny phys- loa ! ills , which vanisii lioforo proiiorcf- forls pontloolYortspli'nsnnlertorts riphtty tlircu-U-d. Tlmo is coinfoit In tno ktiowlptlro ( , that MI many forms ol siukncRs ntv not duo to any tictual dis- nsc. but simply to 11 constiputodcomli- tloti of the pystoin , which the pleasnttt family Inxntlvo , Syrup of Fifjs. prainpt- ly removes That is why it is the only remedy with millioiiNof families , and ia every wheiv esteemed so highly hy nil who vnlue fr < o'l health. Its hcuoCciiil ell'ects are due to the fael. that Ills thu one remedy which promotes internal cleaiilinehs 'vithotil ( lehilitallng the organs on which It aels. It is then-fore all important , in order to get its bene ficial olTects. to note when you pur chase , that you have the genuine arti cle , which is manufactured hy the Cali fornia Ki < f Syrup Co. only nnd bold hy all roputnhle druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health , and the system 'is regular , laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If tilllieted with any aetinl : disease , one may he commended to the most skillful physician. * , hut if in need of a laxative , one .should have the host , and with the well-informed everywhere , Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely ives most general satisfaction. LADIES Know the Certain for & " SL Remedy s diseases of the Liver , Kidneys and Urinary Organs is Dr. J. H. McLEaN" It Cures Female Troubles ) At Druggists. Price , $1.00 Per Bottle THE DR. J , H. McLcnri MCDICINC Co. E > T. LOUIS , MO. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY ALL DRUGGISTS. FakejEmOff They look rusty ! Nicoll wi'l make you a new iair for as little as $4.00. Imported grades $5 , $6 , $7. 8. They are worth nearly ouble but it's our way of leaning up remnants. 'ants to order , $4 to 912. uits to ardor , $15 to 50. Samples Mailed. Branches In all Principal Cities. ! 07 South 15th St. / " TEETH - \ OR , R. W. BAILEY , DKNTIST , Pax ton Block , I6tli mid l : riinni Sts. Tel IOH5. Lady Attendant. GojdWori at Heasonablo Trices. Set Teeth $5.00. \ nj ( up KXAMI.NATION VKK The I'eoplc's Common Scne Medical Advlwr. by K. V. fierce. M D , Chief Consult ing riiyniclau to the Inva lids' 11 utct& Surgical InMl- tutc.lluflalo.N V .UjoSpagc-s , illustrated. C.SO.CJOQ coplrn sold ( it | i 10. IMper-txiuml PKII : : oa receipt of i\ cent stamps for mailing only ; or , clotli-boir.idforji cenU. Ail- drees thu Author , at above , HOTEL. AM ) JO.VKS KTHUKTS. < 0 room * , buth * . Bteuni licut and all iuoJcr.1 nvenlc-ncei. Hates. Jl.W itnj I2.CO per day. tie unexcelled , Special low rules to rcKUlai lice , Aug , HI , 1MX li dealing- exclusively with cold hard fa s which everybody can understand , Co.nmencitgtoday we propose to give the public a few object lessons in clothing selling which will be more profitable than any other literature distributed during the campaign. These are hard times. People want facts , not n'ffuies ; proofs , not promises ; they want sttf > / > ortccl evidence , not flimsy theories or talk Today we have piled up on our first floor three separate tiers of Men's Winter Weight Suits about a hundred suits in each tier. The suits in one tier are marked four dollars the suits in the second tier are marked//Vv fifty and the suits in the third tier are marked # 7.50 a suit. We haven't got thc.se suits for ornament , wo haven't got 'cm for show alone , we've go I 'cut to sell. We expect to sell * eni to shrewd , sensib'c. level-headed people , and \ve will sell them on these conditions , and these alone : If any man or woman can match the 54.00 suits for less than $5'5 ° \ the $5.50 suits for less than 7.50 , ' or the $7.50 suits for less than $ ro.oot we will return them their money cheerfully and TIIICV MAY KKEP TIIU SUITS. De scriptions of these suits in the papers would be only theories. We are dealing1 with facts. The suits are all- wool , and for further particulars you will have to see the goods. Them's Facts. More facts tomorrow. Open Evenings During Pair IVcck. Offers itt > Greatest Inducements to Fair Vis itors Ever Attempted. Agents for Buttericfc Patterns. Our buying was practically unlimited in this department. We show an immense line of the newest styles in the finest fabrics and at the very lowest figures. Be sure co see these goods. Soecial Sale i Black Dress Goods for Tuesday. 50-Inch Imported French Serge , 30c. no-Inch Imported French Cheviots , 75c. 100 plcees nil wool Jacqnards , the S9c num ber , for 39c , .10 pieces GO-lnch Imported Lizard Cloth , the J1.2C number , for 7Gc. Priestley's $1.00 , $1.25 Cloths at 75e. Tlio best 46-Inch Imported German Henri etta , the ? 1.00 number , 50c. Wo will sell 25 pieces more of our famous Mohair Serge , full 18 Inches wide , for 60c. Cloak Sale. A moat Important announcement for every economy lovlm ; woman. 1,000 ladles' Capes and Jackets at one-third price. Wo have assorted them Into four lots. Lot 1 are to sell at $1.18 Lot 2 arc to sell at $2.48 Lot 3 arc to sell at $3.18 Lot 4 are to sell nt $ I.9B These Jackets are worth from $1.00 to $15.00 , Wo have Just received COO of the most stylish now Capes and Jackets that ever caiuo to Omalm. Tuesday morning they go on sale. Sue them. Skirts , Our splendid line of Skirts at $1.48 , worth $4.00 $ , proves an attraction to every lady who visits the department. SHIRTINGS A.N'I ) KLANNKLS. Shirting and Flannels Special sale of extra heavy Cen. Hen Flannel at NOVELTY SIMTINCS- For BOo per ynnl we will show on Tucit * day moro Novelty Dress Goods than have over been shown In Omaha. We have a full 40-Inch Novelty Suiting , warranted all wool , wo will sell for 39c. Our 3S-lnch all wool Ladles' Cloth for 25o has no superior In America. Wo have mountains of Dress Goods which wo lack space to describe. They must bo seen to bo appreciated. No lady should buy a Dress Pattern without first visiting our Dress Goods Department. 200 dozen nil wool Skirt Patterns at. . . . CiTe 10,000 yards blue checked and striped Shirting at C'io Hi-st Amoskeatf Shirting at lOo Outing Flannels at Su Special line of Outing Flannels at 7'io All thu best Outing Flannels , In light and dork shades , Including Persian and oilier effects , at , yard lOo Cotton Flannel nt 4o Good Shaker Flannel nt Co Ked Wool Flannels at 12V eSpecial Special line of CO pieces all wool Ited Flannels 25o 100 pieces fancy nil wool Flannels at , , 25o Whlto Wool Flannels 15o 32-lnc.h all wool White Flannels 2Ca Specials in Blankets. 10,000 pairs of IJlnnkctH on sale this week at special prices , Wo will glvi ) you an extra heavy Blanket at 75c , 95c , $1.00. All wool Illiinkets , largo sizeat $2.75 ; DlankctB that are worth $3.75. Wo have the largest nnd best selected stock to bu found anywhere. We lead them all in Silks. Headquarters At Moderate for Reliable Prices. Our Fall Assortment is now Complete in Every Respect No matter what you wish in silks , look hero before you buy and we will save you money. A Magnificent Collection of NEW EVENING SILKS. We have a beautiful quality of Chnugeablo Hutin Liberty , In six different colorlngw , 39ca full 22 InchcH wide , other houseH call yard , them clicup ut 75c , our prlco Is Wo show on largo table In center alsln a grand rollfctlun of Brocaded and ITIntcil Warp Taffeta Silks , In almost every Hta- ple coloring ; the quality In Huporb , the 49ca yard. Htyk'ti art- new , and you cannot duiillcatu . them ) SlIkH elnvwhcro for lesu th.in a. dollar a yard ; our prlco during fair net-It will be There IH a great demand for Chnneeablo HllliH with rustle to them , for dress tin- IngH. petticoats , capo llnlngH , etc. Wo ulifc'.v 25 different color comblniitloas In a 59C yard. peed quality of Taffeta that other houses a . will link you 75e n y.trd for. uml our prlco on them for fulr week lu only