10 THE OMAITA DAILY tUTUKDAT , AtTGITST 22 , 1890. SPEGiRU NOTICES. MicitirtilN for tlirxr Trill lie tuUcli until lUiitO p. in. , for tlir fioiiliitt anil iiulll H p. in. for tlie morrilnwr mill Stiiulii } cilltlnni. AiltorllNc-rn , lij rpijm-MtltiK mini- lirrril cli ( < ! { . -nii Imto niimvfrs ml- Ircniird t u nmnlx-ri-il Iftli-r In cure of 'I IIP lire. A HIM or * < > mhlri-ntcil Trill In * tlrllvcrcil nil | trpnll < li < li > n ( lli < > flicrU mil ) . Itnd-H , I t- ' o 11 Miiril llrnl Insertion la ii Miiril tlirrrnfn-r. ZWttlilHK tiiKi-H for ICKN ( tinM 2. > ( > lor tinllrnt liiNi-r- iliiti. TliPNi * nil * ortlneiiwnlM nitixt IIP run roiiNvrutl v cl > . SITUATIONS WVVIT.H. \VAN1iU. ; IIV INIH STIll'll H 11OV ( ir 17. pHce to work mornltiKS mi'l evinlnxi fur hoard or snlftry Krncnl Mnill TR Waterloo , A-'J'rt 22' I- n 111:1.1 * . IVANIUD. AN miA ; WHO CAN THINK Ot noine simple tliln to patent ? 1'rotpct jour Menu , they may lirlnir > n wrnllh. Wrlto John Wrililirlmrn & Co. Ippt V. 1'nlent Attorney , WatliliiKlon , I' C , for their $1,1W prlro nnvr and n list of two hmulic'l Invention * unnlnL U- Wi ! WANT STATH AN1 > I/JPAl. OIlOANIX.KItS for llio Atheneum riat"rnlt > , cMitlilnltiR life nnil nccldrnt Inaiirnncc , Rood rniitrnctn nml clioUc territory ; nppij to J. M Ward nupri-ma organlrer , 40.1 lite litillillng Omaha ; olllco liouia g to 10 n m -417-AI _ j-jw io fi-iioo A MONTH AND ixi'iN'si:4 : : pild fnlo mcn for rlRnra , experience unneres ni } ; Mntidnnl Bomla , Mttlf Clerk i Inur in i chine I'FH la cnch cu lomer Charles C. lllflirp A Co , St l.ouK Mn. I1-M730 hfi WANTI3U YOt'NClMKN TO I.IJAUN THK liarlier trnilc Ili-ro Is a cliincc to liecome a Hklllful tnulp'itmn In enl > two mnntlii. We furnish eonitiitu practicenml every nec- cssnrv re > iulrntnenl to make n llfFl clasi bit1 Ix-r , and donate rach ptmlriit a complete out fit1 "of hlglii'nl Kinilo tools Con H | O earn unRro Ii ) Hntitnlny work In nho | > s white loam Inif. Wrlti- for Illusti iteil cnliiloKUo t\- plnlnlnK all Molcr's Uurbcr bihool VH. . l'lnrl ( ptrcft , Chle.iKO. H-MS07-S3' w \irrni > . nooi ) iiAitiinii , noa' ? N. iciu ST IlrliiB tools , stetily position. II 101 gl * \VANTOD AOi.N"lS. : OM A V Kf.K SUlll ! TO \\orl.crn Ni-\v , oods New plan It'a u win ner. Cvciy'fiimllj nec.H . It Sollt nt night II. H Co. Uox 4SI. Cincinnati. Ohio , HSiniS WANTIIl ) , niTlir.U LAlllKS OH ( .tMitleniLn can iniiko from J75 to ! < " > per ninnth pclllliK m > Rooil * > , < hoii eliolil necei- lty. Per paitlculnrs , aildicys I. S Klldow , llose\llle. O II Mil ! ) 2i AVAM'1211 I'UMAI.IJ Iini.l" . WANTHD , A coMi'irrns'T , nxi'niiinNci n nurpe to take caru of two chlldicn llcfcrcncc" ! rcqulrwl Tall at 11C S Ml uve , between t. nn 1 7 o'clock. C i ) 2 i" 12MPUJYMKNT W'TliAlt : , r,2l DOOGH WANTS loti of liotel and jirlxate family liclp Tel Si. c siG fa ia * . OOOD aiur roit work , 1113 Oeoigln. ave C 1 > 1 U COOI ) OIItL TO VVOHIC IN IClTriIiN. _ 2101 jQjjf ] jm Lj Alllti 2 * iiiihiAiii. ! : iinriiusuNTATivi : 10 TAKIJ orders for 15r I'aj on'B Health bhoia , n grand opioituiitt | } for a conscientious \\orUer , full Infnrinntlon free , lluivnrd bhoe Co , ivi 1 tc- monl St. , lloston. C-M1.1) ) 22- rou HUNT HOUSUS. HObSlIS IN AM ; 1'AKTS OP Tltn CITY. TUP. O. P. Davis Compiny , 1303 Piirnam. U 670 IIOUSCS , IIUNHWA & CO. , IDS N. 15TII ST. D 577 MOUnUN HOUSnS , C. A. bTAIUl,923 N. Y. J > iri : 8-r.ooM , niri'Aciinn , wonnnN nousi : , ts Enquire 2 < iSl Capitol u\enue , U. II. lloblson. 1 > 4SO STHAM III3TI3D STOHnS AND FLATS Howard Kanck , ugcnt , 1GIO Chicago street. U JI5S2 CHOICI : nousns AND COTTAOHS AI.U ovnu the city , J5 to $30. l-'ldellty , 1702 Parnam. LIST or HOUSES. Tim iivnoN Uted Co , " 12 S. Hlh et. B-HOOSI IlOUSn WITH HATH ; 820 S. 21ST ST. 1J I3 > A 2 C-IIOOM , nnTAciiBO , > ionitN IIOUSD. ; . Inquire " 021 Capitol avenue , U. II. lloblson U .SO _ HOUSES. WAU.ACi : . IIUOU'N IJLK . 1GTH and DoURlas. U 57U ELEGANT MODERN imicic iioirsn. s Capitol avenue U1 ! > 24 * GOOD COTTAGES. OESIUAULY LOCATED , chc ip. ElKht-ioom uou'e neai ItUFlnesa He\in rooms , modem , fill S 27th htrett L. S Sl.ln- ncr , BBont , 310 N. Y. I.lfu. D-JI9-.7 rOH RENT. T\VO MODERN S-IiOOM HOfSES Hicks , ast. , 30"j N Y Life J > 983 24 TOR RENT-ONE OP THE PINiJST HOMES IN Oiniliii fiirnl lieil ill inndcrn conveniences IiiirKe > ard , fi\\ blocks from IIIijli school Will learo for one jcar. Totter Gcoige com pany , corner 16th and Karnam street LI MSM 23 ran RENT PINE MODERN PLATS LANGE block. COO S 13th street. D-MOS9-H20. SIX-ROOM HOUSE , 1S13 N. 251II Tiiqulre room b CrelKhton blk , fcouth i > ohtollke. D M1S7-23 * TOR RENT CHE.M' , riTRNISHED MODERN houbc ; line locution. U io. Hue olllce. D M10.G 23 1-OR RENT 10-ROOM HOI'SE , MODERN , perfect 11 pair. 712 N. 19lh st. U M1W ) TOR RENT-SIX-ROOM HOUSE , GAS HATH , furnace and steel ran e , pobcs lon hl\t.n Sept. 1. AddretH U 4S , llee D-M117 2J FOR ui.vrrijRMsiiii : > HOO.MS. J'URNISHED ROOMS I'OR RENT 230S CI'M- IIIRH St. , 3rd lloor K-1IM-J1 * NICELY PURNIbHED ROOMS AT 7u FOUT11 IStli fcticet. 12 MU7J 23 * 3 NICE PURNISIinn IIOOMS , LIGHT keeiilnu. J1IJ S lltb i : HO\Iin. PLEASANT ROOMS , WITH IlOUtO. inj Uodge , P Mi'jJ b3 1'RONT ROOM WITH ALCO\ . Al.bO SIDE IOOIIIH ; peed boaiU ; best li.c.illun In olty ill 8. 25th tit. P-ini- N1CU IIOOMH. GOOD ItOAlll ) ; \TIS ISUA- sonnlilo ; trnnelentK nccomnioduteil The Hone , 2i'tf ) Ilarncy. I1 M9I2 SJO * roit iinvi' bToims AMI OI-KIOHS. rnisT CLASS iiiucK sioni ; UUII.DINCJ , 1011 Parnam : three eluiloa and bimementi ull ! ullor to bull tenant ; low lent , all 1st Nufl ll'k bl ! „ - . I-CSi TOR RENT. THE 4-STORY I1RICIC I1UILD1NG at U1C Parnam M , 'lliln bulldlni ; has a tlieproof cement ImnMiu'nl. complete tleam beatlimllx - tuie , vutter on nil Moors , can , etc , Apply at the oillce of Tlio lice. 1no AOU.NTb WANTii > . 111(1 MONEY IN LATEST CAMPAIGN AND comlo buttons ; ICO KliuU , bottom pikes , box fcainplts for dime f.uiiiultii ioi ! > | > l > tonipnii ) , l Aixli Mrol. lloston , Miibs. J M'JU \VANTED-A LU-lfMAN WTnj SMALL "CAT" Itul to handle ranvaFveiH tin the tale of the ) al ? t and bfft life-size ( bust ) ptiotntuaph of McKlnley , viimplu , ixprets paid , r > uc Ihe Euston MfK. Co , , Dajton , O. J-MJ1S 24 BALESMEN-ONE IN EVJUIY STATE TO SELL out ilnura on credit , samiden , Kon.l pay LX. penmen an l exelublvo tcrrltoi > la proper appli cants AddlCbs 1 > , O , llox 13 J I , Nuvnh t ll > . J-M113 S2 A. > Ti : T 1IIJM * . ASTONISHING. THE DEMAND TOR HOUSES : lUt now v\lt > i 1'uirolte , Douylas 11IK. oppo- tllo lta > dcn' . K 701-bS WANTED. A rURNISHED HOUSE PROM October until July , or longer : reply Clifford T\- . binltli. 1S20 Paiiiarn t.t. K-S7S WANTED. 5 UNPURNIHIIED 11OOMU IN MOD- vin lioute for liounekoiiiltm" ; nun nml nlftt , no chlldien ; mu&t b nrai cur line ; n-fei- enct-a given and injulrvJ. U 4J. lice. , K-MI * U2 _ [ WANTE1AT ONCE , THREE ROOMS ( TvTo bedroom * ) , lUht houttkeipliiK : aneuer.iiuUk , Btatlns price. U 47 , Hoe. K Mlli ( 2S a'ACIPR ! S'lXJRAOE AND WAKEHOUSE CO , HOS-V1P Jones. Unurul utoraso and foinurdlnif. au ij OM , VAN & . STORAGE. 1415 PAIl'SI TISu"li M-Ol.'i ' YTA.VriSn TO IlliV. TO JJUY RE.SIDENCK OF A1IOUT TEN rooms. In Kood location , fcr a home , will pay ot c U for auRy. U < i. Hie , N-M191 tV > I'OH SAI.I3IIOHSIJS AJII1 c. , on TRADE , OOQID'IUETON double light harne'K , lngte tiamrsn , illamond Hntf and diamond < l > lrt ctutl. Will trade any of the above fnr rmrsea or maresj Call at 1214 Harney St , up tnlrs _ T BIO DURA11IL1TY TALKS-CARRIAGES , l phaetons , bottom prices. A , J. Simpson , HW r-5SS rou .SA WOOD , J3 TO J4 10 A L'ORD. T. MURRAY , CJ-M453-ASI UEST HARDWOOD HOO AND CH1CKP.N f Mice , also "all Hire. " C. R. Ixe , Ml DoucHs Q 5W JD-HAND I1ICVCLES , 110 { 15 , 20 I rented , repaired Om Illcy Co , 323 N Hth St. q-cji JMOOO DECKER IIROS. PIANO POR LESS tlun lialf , must lw cisli. Apply at 'Ho N. 25tli street QM'U ) _ YOUNO TUOROPnHURED JERSEV COU. gojd milker , silver Ri-iy , pet. Prank Hut , enter and r.1rd st IJ l * NP.WSI'AI'I R I'RKW. ALMOST NEW V'nugin Ideal , for fule Nev\s , Minerva , O Q-MIIS 2C POR RENT. hl'Al-IJ IN THH MERCHANTS bulldlnK nt Elate fair Addrts.s 2G33 Harncv pt. It-5v | 21 * MASSACH 1IAT1IS. M1G. MME. SMITH , 1121 DOLGLAS STREET. 2D lloor , mom R , massage , steitn , alcohol and DUlpiurlno bathi. T MM112 * MMi : I VllUC , HATH. MASSAGE 1C.I7 IIOW- anl S' T MS74-A20' MME \MisriiATHS , MASSAGE. T07 S. 13T1I bt. room 3. T MS 24' MRS DR LirON. El ECTR1C MASSAGE 1'AR- lors , refreshing and cuiullve , don't fill to call. 417 S. lltb Bt. , upstairs T M 7'i T. ' MISS I'ER- VAN VALKENriUUG DESTROYS - manentl > by electricity supcilluoua balr , moles , warts , etc. Room 4'C , N. Y. Life HldKf BOSTON DRESS CUTTING ACADEMY. R W3 Kulncli blk , learn the be t sjstcm no rcfUtlns ; teach'a uanted : circulars sent. Mrs G Shelter. U 595 CURPD ; NO PAIN , NO DETEN- tlon from business , v\c leier to hundreds if patients cured O. E. Miller Co , 107 N Y. Life bulldlm ; Omaha , Neb U 3X V1AVI , HOME TREATMENT POR tTEHINE tioubles. riDBlcUn In attendance. Consulta tion or health look free. 3IG llea bids II : ,9I DLACK COCICER SPANIELS t HEAP T 42 REE U 3IOMOY 'lit l.OA.N IIHAL IISTATK. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUbT CO . 013 N Y. L Quick money at low 1'iteb for choice farm loans In lotva , noithern Mls-fouil , cabtein Nebraska W GOb CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 523 N. Y L1PE W-597 MONKY 1O LOAN laofJIMI'HOVnD OMAHA real estate. Bicnnnn , IlSvcrCo , 1'nxton block < 4 / % f/ > MT \V-59S LOANS ON iMPitdvnb 'tT Mi'novnn CITY piopcrty. W. 1'mnira Snflth S. Co. , 1320 Farnim tl * W-5M MONP.V TO LOAN AT I.OVV HATKS. THK O. f. D.i\g | Co . TO' . Farnam t-t. _ _ _ _ _ LOANS , LOW IlAllii 1UUY , 301 N Y LITE. W-S2J b3 .MOMJV TO LOAA CIITTKI.S. . MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS hon cs , wagons , etc. ; nt lowest rate In city , no removal of tooJs : strictly confidential ; > ou can pay tin loan off at anv time or In am amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO , TOG So. ICth St. X-601 MONEY TO LOAN. 30 CO. 90 DAYS. FURNIture - ture , planoa , etc Duft Gieen. room 8 Uarker blk X C02 UUSIXIiSS CHANCES TOR SALE , AliOUT 2.COO LBS. MINION TYPE , 700 Ibs. agate , CUO lus. , bicvler Upe , 150 pair two-third cases , 40 double Iron stands for two- third ca-es. This material was used on The Om iha lien and Is In fairly good condition Will be soil cheap In bulk or In quintltlcs to Milt purchaser Apply In person or b > mall to The Pee Publishing Co. , Omilia , Neb. Y 713 POR PALE. " STTAOUrfllOTEL WITH Hrst-clasa restaurant and bar attached , Is of fered for silo on reasonable tenns Apply to J. H. Evans , Nat. Hank of Commerce Y MG14 STORE ROOM POR RENT IN CENTRAL NE- hrask.i , rich faimlnff co-nnmnlty , larse terri tory. Onlj one other store now In town Good opening for seneral nieichnndlte. Address U 24 , Iee , Omaha , Neb Y 879 22 * JS5 AVERAGE WEEKLY NET INCOME WI HI J2M Invested : F.ife. coiiBervatlve , picvpectus l oofs , free. 1Daly , 1293 Ilroiilvvny. New Yolk. Y 923 S1E ran SALE-A HIRST CL\PS MEAT MARKET In David Cit > , Neb. , only one hhop In town Addicts P O. llox D'A David City , Neb - POR SALE-TO CLOSE PARTNERSHIP , lumber jard , Brain , ind stock business Only Yanl Large tenltory , About $2/00 reijulied. No trades. ISox 76 HlK Sprlnss , Neb Y MS90-23. rou n.\c TO EXCHANGE $30,000 00 IN SOME TIUSINESS property pas Inn S per cent for vacant business loom In Omaha or Bood faim. AddicH T to , care Omaha I3ce. 55 M732 S3 POR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR LAND OR incichandl'-e , $4000 Block Implement jobbliiir hoii-c Address V. C. M , llee office , Council _ _ I'OR SALE OR TRMiB POR HORSES OR I'attle , the best monej luakliif , ' business In Iowa AddriHH box ! ) S , Herndon , Iowa , * . * X.-J1931-23 POR SU.E OR TRADE POR GROCERIES AND dry peed * , 10 ! acres > , oocl Hnd , price $1COO. A , II. Pcaice , Hcotln , Clieclej Co , Neb K 5111 1 2S * " YOl'JCO RIDING 1-ONY TO EXC7A"NnTT oil orj-an. AddieU 4'i , llee. K M103 SI * roil jsAMJ UKAI. IJhTATU. AI1STRACTS. THE RYRON RL'ED COMPANY 11 E COS A SMALL PAYMENT ITOWN AND f3 ! 10 PER month will buy a nlcn iottaB-e In Walnut Hill. Omaha Real Estate i Trust Co , 211 Bo 18 St J 11 : M9 _ POR SALE , CIIE\P , IlEAUTIPtIL COTTAoTT fi looms , Eiiinmei I.Itch , n , hard and soft water , Kood brick cellar , lot , S.1A127 , curt fiont , pait cish ; balance fl per cnn D10 N 21tli btroct. RE M 013 I'AIIM LANDS. C. P. HARRISON , 112 N Y. Life. RE SM S Ik- 411. * HOUSE. LOT SOXiO , S TTl/K PROM CAR , Clifton Hill ! 7.0 Clmlrcst bull HUB lot , Clifton Hill. $773 6 room houcc full lot , llnnsiom Place , 51.SM $1 ono Hist inoittak on Dotiiil is count j farm , vvoith ! JHO. 7 irr cent. $ ' 00 Ilibt mcttgcBe , new liouce und lot , worth M.roo. 7 per icnt Other buKMlna and good moilKaiieii. GY , Wallace , 31Jiinwn lllk , Ii ! an I DOIIC R E Ml 22 POll TRADE. A PIRST-CLAfiS SO-ACRE P.VR.M , ono mile eabt of Valparaiso , haundern county. Neb Nearly all undei cultivation and cplen- did crop * i.seuied Will take KOO ! Omaha prop erty Worth iiliout } S NO Bte II II Hinlei. iiEint , KM PHinam rtrcct RE .MUJO -ioiriintnj ; TO PURCHASE PJNE VAcant - cant iioprity , cheap lots , or honye.i and lots , for ia h , rr i > n vuy cut > > leim * , do net fall In Ma IliO Kllelllj Trust Cj. routheatrt corner of lUe Imlldlnt ; Irelr ll > t Is lai u mid liny recommend lunliuiff but b.ir uliu. RE JIJ71 roil HALE SoulheaEt corner of Efltli and Marllu , ultli tuo email I outes thu thould rent icaJlb at J1S per montli , only $1.550 Eight room bciiFo modern conveniences , lurn , full lot , cast fmnt on 23tb avenue i no block toulh of Leave'invorth ttiect , prlcn , . 2,100 Good klx room bouctt with euet front lot on ! ith , l.nal Dodge iilrret SOU Seun loom liouse. with M fjit south frontlet lot on Jtunlctte l > etvveeii iih and 17tli bticeU . 2.500 Good luiiiec. full lot , touthtvett coiner lint and Parnam . . . 3,000 Good live loom hunte , linn lot , near c.ir line , honte rent a for til per month , pi Ice , , . . 1,100 Snull lioute , with 7 $ foot lot , fronting eact on 19th ttreets , near Vlnton , . COO Ono of the Unfit lots In Kountcc Place , on Hnne ! > street , between Kill nnd ISili btreeta 1,300 Six ncres on 3th Btrrct , near south Onnha , patllally covered with trerx , hnj eprlnj water , etr , viry desirable 1,0) ) POTfER i GEORGE COMPANY. Comer Iblb and Painani St , RE MW1-I6. HAIR iiusinG. PALACU I1EAUTIPUU AT 1C13 DOUOLAS , el > ea this \ > eck a free tralp tieatment with every fliampoo , and ll all kwltclies at re duced price * . (74 : i III IIDIM ! AM ) LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL L & ! l ASS'N PAY C , 7 S per rent when I , 3 , I jeara old : alna ) ic deemnblp. 17W Farnam lit. NnttlnRer , Sec. C03 HOW TO GET A HOMK OR SECURE GOO1 Interest on savings. Apply to Umaha I- < - U Ass'n , 1701 Parnnm. u M. Nattlnefr , SeeC06 C06 LOST. LOST , DOWN TOWN. A RING WITH EMEU aid and moonstone settlnx , will Inrewardci If returned to M S. 20th. Omaha , Neb Lost-100 23 I/1ST. ON SIXTIlTlJOOH IllTiT HnLI > INO. A BoM watch and clialn. Re\vaid for return to lice oillce I.QSI 102 21 * STOLEN , RELIANCE WHEEL NO. 2K1 | Model A , Vim tire , reward Prank Mahnney C2I H 2-th , M STOLEN 103 23 _ LOST-l AlY'S Goi7T > WATCH ( PILLED ) fiOMI plnco In business center , return to 1.113 Dodwo et , room 1-2 , and get regard , open to ft. Lost-MlOS 21 MUSIC , AHT AM ) GEORGE V C1ELLENDECK. RAN.IO AND tultar teacher. 11 , 4U lice Illdg Tel 21' . nTNKRUPT STOCK OP PIANOS-ADOI.1M t Meier's line slock of Htelmvay , Knabc , Ivcrs A Pond. RrlijEs Emoiron Vn o K. Sons plnnos and musical mnchandl c Is now on cale belon factor ) co t , upliqhts , $11000 and upwalds f.iiarcn. | $ r CO and upwnids , Me folios , ISc 2'c Italian Ktrliu ? ? , lOc some 5c 50o Holiner harps. 2"c. violins and RUltars , nom $1' ' up new pianos for rent William H Sclimoller ft Co. II flonr McCaKUp bide. MC75 31 ASTIIOLOOV. THE WONDER OP THE AGE , PROP A. Musery thexieatcst astrolo ei nnd palmlstei In the v/orld , past , present , future told or no chaifie. 19-'l Tarnam , S ! " ! 2 in , , 2 in to ! > . " 0 p. m. 41-V-A22 * D1JTI1CT1MJ ACI2.NCV. vAPr\IN P MOSTYN DP.l'l.C-rlVE AGENCY ; all delect.vc work caiefully and piomitly at tended to , 310 Karbich block , Crr.aha and 51C Roan ke Hide. ChlcaBO M-BHS-Sl ruiiMTiiun. Pl'RNlTURE PACKED , WINDOW CUSHION' and mattresses mtile n < l renovated , Bet oui prices before placing > our onler. M S. Wall ; lln 2111 Ciimlni ; t tcl . 1111 C01 SIlOltTHAM ) AM ) TYI'UWIIITIXJS. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , , 513 N. Y. LtPE C'U I'AAVMIUOKnilS. II. MAUOW1TZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 16 ST , C07 UAACI.NG. CALL ON MOHAN ! ) POR PRIVATE LESSONS , day or evening 1310 Harney. C33 SI iioii.sns i ASsTi HORSI-S PASTURED. 75C PER MONTH T. Murray MHO S21 PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS The follow In ? proposed amendments to tha Constitution of the State of Nebraska , as hereinafter set forth In full , are submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska , to be voted upon at the general election to beheld held Tuesday. November 3 , A. U. 189C : A Joint ipsolution proposing to amend sections two (2) ) , four (1) ( ) , and five (5) ( ) , of artlclo sK ( G ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , relating to number of Judges of , thc supreme court and their term of office. Be It resolved and enacted by the Legia- latute of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section two (2) ( ) of article hl\ ( C ) of the Constitution 01 tne State of Nebraska bo amended so as to read as fol io * v si Section 2 The supreme court hhall until otherwise provided b > law , consist of live (5) ( ) judges , a majority of 'thorn shall be nccessaiy to form a quotum or to pio- notinco a decision. It ntiali "lave oiigiiml jurisdiction In cases relating 'a revenue , civil cases In which the Mt.no snail be a party , mandamus , quo wiirr.mto , habeas corpus , and buch appellate Jurisdiction , as may be piovlded Iiv law. Section 2 Thnt section four ( l ) of nrtlcle fi\ ( C ) of Mie Constitution of the staiof Ncbi.isKa , W > amended so as to react as fol lows : Section 4. The Judges of the supreme court shall be elected by thn doctors of the state at large , and their term of oillce , except as hereinafter provided , shall be for a period of not less , ! : un live (5) years as thu legislature may prescribe. Section 3 That section live CrO of article six (6) ( ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , bu amended to read as follows : Se'ctlon 5 At the Ilrst geneial election to bo held In the year 1SDO , there shall be elected two judges of the Fupreme court ono of whom shall be elected for a term of two (2) ) yeai.s. one for the term of four (4) ) years , nnd at each general ejection there after , there hhall be elected ono judge of the supreme court foi the term of live (5) ) yea is , nnlcHs otherwise piovlded by law ; Provided , That the judges of the supreme court whoso teims have not e\plrcd at the time of holding the general election of 18DG shall contlniin to hold their oillce lor the remainder of the term foi which they were respectively commissioned Approved March 20 , A D 1 5. A Joint resolution proposing nn amend ment to section thirteen (13) ( ) of nrtlcle hit of the Constitution of the State of Nobiaska , i elating to compensation of supiemo ami district court Judges. Ho It resolved by the Leglslatmo of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section thirteen 03) ) .of article MX ( C ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended so us to lead as follows Soc. 13 The Judges of the supreme and district courts shall receive for their ser- \lces such compensation an m.iy bo pro vided bj law , payable quarterly. The lecIsb.J'ite shall at Us ilrst cession after the adoption of this amendment , threo-IIftha of tne ifiemners elected to each house conruirlng , establish their compensation. The compensation so es tablished shall not IK , chant-ill sftenei than once In four years nnd in lia event unli-sa two-thirds of thn members elected to each house of the 1 gslntur | concur tnereln Appiovcd March SO , A. U A Joint resolution proposing to amend section twenty-four (24) ( ) of nrtlcla five (5) ( ) of the Constitution of the State o' Nebinska , iclntlng to compensation of the officers of the executive department. lie It resolved nnU enacted by the Legls- latmu of thu Ht.ito of Nebraska : Section 1 That section twenty-four (20 of uitlclo live (5) ( ) of the Constitution of the Btnto of Nebraska bo amended to icnel as follow B1 Section 21 The officers of the executive department of the Btnto government shnll receive for their services a compensation to lu CHtiibllhhril by law. which shall bo neither Increased nor diminished during the term for vvhlcji they shall have been commissioned nml they nhnll not receive to their own use uny fees , coots , Interests upon public moneys In thi-ir hamta or under tliolr control , perquisites of ollico or other compensation , and all fees that may hereafter bo payable t > y luvv for seivlci-a performed by nn onicei jirovldcd for In thin l Hhnll bo nild In ndvanco Into the ntntci trensury. The Icglsiuuiro shall nt Its llrst Beaslon nfte-r the adoption ot this amendment , thrco-ilfthx of the muni- burs elected to each house of the legisla ture concuulng. i > stnbllMi the halaiUn of thu olllccra nanifn in this nrtlele. The compenHatlon bo estublls ea shall not bu chniiKccl oftener than once In four yenrs 'ind In event unlenH no two-thirds of the members elected to each house of the leu- Isl.tturo concur theieln. Approved March SO , A. D. 1SD3 , A Joint rPHolntlon proposing to amend section ono (1) ( ) of nitlcle six ( C ) of the Con stitution of the State of Nebraska , relating to judicial power. He It rusolvt-a und enacted } > y the Legis lature of the btutu of Nebraska' Section 1. That acctlon one (1) ) of article six (6) ( ) of the CoiiHtltutlon of the State of Ni'lnuska bn amunilect to ie.ul aa folluuH1 Section 1 , Tint judicial povvei or ttiia stain shall bo vested ! J cuprums lourt. tils- trlct courts , county courts , justices of tha ppaeo , rolleo mnglstr.ues , mul in * ueh other courts Inferior to the supreme court 03 may bo created by law In which tuo- thirds of Uii.iin > mUM cle-etul lo onch honso C Appr"ovcd fltntghj1 * . A. D UU A joint rrsMiitlfcn proposing lo amend sec tion cloven tllj'of artlclo tlx { ( ! ) of the Constitution [ pf jhc State of Nebraska , re lating to Increase In number of supreme nnd district court Judges. lie It resolvrfli and enacted by the Leg. Islntnre oftiv \ Rtnte of Nebrnskn : Section 1 That ? e tlon eleven (11) ( ) of aril- ole six ( fi ) ot thq Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to rend ns fol low s'i Section 11 Thri'leglslnture. whenever two- thirds of thrt jnembcrs clectccl to tfiich house shall concurf , tnnrcln iiiny , in or nfter thr yenr one thou-ytnet clgla hundred line nlnety-spvoif/ifmt not oftcncr than once ii every four inuy , imreush the number o jiidg'-s of supreme mid district courts , nin the Judicial dlstrlctg of the state. Stlcl districts Hhnll be formed of compact terrl tory , nnd bounded by county lines ; nm such Incrcnso , or any change In the boundaries of n district , shnll not vnent < the otllce of nny Judge. Approved March M , A. D. , ISM. A Joint resolution proposing to amem' section six ( C ) of article one (1) ( ) of the Con stltutlon of the Stnte of Nebraska , relating to trial by Jury. Ho It usolvi'd nnd cnnptcd by the Leg Isluturo of the State of Nebraska : Section 1 That section six (0) ( ) . article one (1) ) of the Constitution of the State of Ne brnskn lo nmemled to tend ns follows : Section G. The right of trlnl bmry shnl remain Invlolnte , but tht leglslnUiK' nw > piovlili- that In civil actions five-sixths o the 1-iv 1'inv "eudcr a xenllct , and tin legislature by al.so inithorlz" tiHl by i 1iiv of a loss number than twelve men In couits litforlor to the dlHtrlct e-otirt. Approved March 2" ' , A , n , 1S95. A Jo'nt ' r'solutlon proposing to amenc pcctlon one (0 ( of aitlcle five (5) ( ) of the Con stitution of Nebraska , relating to officers o the executive department. 13u it icsolved nnd enacted by the Leg islature of the State "f Nebraska. Section 1. That section one Ii ) of article live (5) ( of the Constitution of the State , of Nebiaska bu amended lo lend us fo ! lows : Section 1. Thu executive department filial consist of a governor , lieutenant governor seeri'liuy of state , nuilltor of public iiv- counts , trensuter , superintendent of public , insttuetlon , attorney geneial , commissioner oC public lands nnd buildings , and thre > lallioid commissioners , each of whom , ex ce'pt the said railroad commlsslonets , shnl hold his olt'ce for a teilil of two ye-ars from thi ! Ilrst Thuisday nfior the llrs .Tuesday In Jaliuao , alter his election and until hi ? successor la elected and quail lit'1 l .ieh ntllroid commissioner pi.al hold hiplllco for a trim of tlnee ye-urs beginning on the ! ! ist Thuisday afte-i the Ilrst Tuesday In January nfter his elcc.lon niul until his uscccssor is elected nnd quail lied ; Provided , however. That at the llrs general election held after the adoptlot of this amendment theru shall be eleetce three railroad cotnpilssloners one for the petlod of one yc.ir , one fet 'ho period of two yeais , and one1 for tne period of three vcnis. The governor , secietnrv of state auditor of public accounts * > nd treasurer shall reside ut the capital Curing their term of oillce ; they shnll k.p the public re-cords , books nid papers theic. and sh il perform such duties ns may be required b > law. Approved March " 0 , A D. , 1S03 A Joint resolution pioposlng to amend sec tion twenty-six. (2G ( ) of aitlcle live (5) ( ) ot the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , limit ing the number of executive state officers , Be It resolved"nnd enacted by the Leg islature of th < i State cf Nehrnslr.i : Section l.'Thrtt ' section twenty-six (20) ( ) of article livel (5) ( ) bf the Constitution ot the Slate of Nobiaska bo amended to read as follows : . , Section 2(1 ( No. , other executive stale offi cers except those named In section ono (1) ( ) of this article shall lie ctcatcd. except bj an act of' the1'legislature which Is con- ctiried in by not less than three-fourths of tlie members elected to each house thereof : B Provided , .Thai nny olllco created by an net of the legislature may be abolished by the legislature , 'two-thirds of the members elected to dnch 'house thcreol concurring Approved I March 30 , A. D. . 1S93. I 41 A Joint resolution proposing to amend section nine (9)'of ( ) article eight (8) ( ) of the Constitution of , < ho State of Nebraska , pie vldlug for the Investment ; of the permanent educatlonalifunds of the state. 15j ( it tesolved and enacted bv the Leg islnturu of the Slate of Nebraska : Section 1. Thnt section nine (10 ( of article eisht ( S ) ot the Constitution of the State of Nebiaskn be amended lo read as fol lows : Section 9 All funds belonging to the state foi educational purposes , HIP interest and income whereof only .IIP to be used , shall be deemed ttust funds held by the state , and the state shall supply all losses theie- of that may In any manner accrue , so that the same shall lom.iln torpor inviolate nnd umllmlnlshcd , and s.-nll npt bo In vested or loaned cxce-Dt < > n United States or state sccuiltlcH. or registered county bonds or registered school < llslr : t bonds of this state , and such fumia , vvltli the Intcrent and income tlierc'Of are hereby solemnly pledged for the purposes for which they arc granted nnd set apart , and shall not be tranafeired to any other fund for other uses Provided , The boird crenic.1 : > y section 1 of this article is Pinpovvr d to sell from time to time any of the securities belong ing to the permanent school Tlmd and In vest the proceeds nrlsintr thercrroin in any of the securities rnuniTiued in this sec tion bearing a higher into of Interest vvher.- ni > onnor'unlty tor better invest ment Is presented. And provided further. That when anv wairant upon the st'i 'roasurer regu- laiiy Issued in pursuance of an appropria tion by the legislature nnd seemed by the levy of a tax for Its payment , shall bu presented to the state treasurer foi pay ment , nnd there ehpll not be any money In the propel itind to 1 iy such waiiant , the boaid created by ectlon 1 of this artl clo may direct the state xiensuror to pay the amount due on Biich vtnnnnt fiom moneys In his hands belonging to the pei- inanent school fund of the state , and he shall hold said warrant na nn Investment of said peimanent school fund Approved March 29 , A. Ii. , 1893. A Joint resolution proposing nn amend ment to the Constitution of the State of Nebiaska by adding a new section to article twelve (12) ( ) of said constitution , to he mini bored section two (2) ( ) , relative to the merg ing of the government of cities of the metropolitan class Jand the government of the counties wherein auch cities are lo cated. Ho It icsolved and enacted by the Leg Islatuie of the State of Nebraska : Section 1 That article twclvw (12) ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended by adding to said aillcln a now section to bo numbcied section two (2) ( , U rend as follows : Section 2 The government of nny rlty of the metropolitan clans and the Koveinment of the county In which It Is located may bo merged wholly or In part when n proposi tion so to do hns been submitted by nil thorlty of law to thn volem of such city and county and received ins assent of a majority of the votes cast in such city nnd nlso n majorltv of the votes cast In the county pxoliislvi1 of snr : f cast In such metropolitan city at such election. Approvedi-Marx-h 29 , A. D. , 1S93. ' .1 . | A Joint resolution proposing an amendment : o section Blx ( C ) of article seven (7) ( ) of the * Constitution .qf the State of Nebraska , pre scribing the manner In which votes shall bO CRSt. 8 . Ho It re/olvert and enacted by the Leg sluturo of the fltatu at Xebiaska : Section 1. Thilt section six iU ; of article seven (7) ( ) of the Constitution of the Stale ) t Nebmsluv , bo amended to read ns fol- ° Sietlon CgAH votes shnll bo by ballot or such other Tnrthod ns may bo piencrlbed ly law , provided the secrecy of voting bo ireserved. i 11 Approvcel Mnrch , 29 , A , D , IStj. \ Joint resolution proposing to amend section tvvom(2 ( ; of artlclo fourteen (14) ( ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , rcla- Ive to donations to works of Internal Im- irovement and manufactories , JIo It resolved nnd enaotecl by the Legls- atuie of the State of Nebraska , B.-ctlon 1. That hcctlon two (2) ( ) of article fourteen ( H ) of thu Constitution of the State of Nebraska , bo amended to lead nf ollovvs ; Section 2 No city , county , town , precinct. nunlclpallty , or other subdivision of the Btnte. shnll ever inukq donations to nny works of Internal Improvement , or maim- fuctoty. unlews a proposition so ( o do shall have been first Submitted to the fiunlllled electors und rntllled by n two-thlrclH vote at un election by authority of iaw ; Pro vided , That such donntlona of a county vith the donations of utun subdlvlHloiiH In ho aggregate shall not exceed ten per cent of the assessed valuation of such county : 'rovlded. further Tnat nny elty or county nay. by a thri'o-tourth vote Increase such ndebtcdnfSH flvo per cent , In addition to such ten ner cent and no nonil.s or evl- IciiPC-B of Indebtedness ! o ISHUCI ! Bhill bo nlld unless ttu < samn a' nil have endorsed hereon a c < itlflcatB signed by the atcre- Inry nnd niulltor of siiUo , showing thn the same Is Issued pursunnt to law. Approved Mnrch , A. D. , ISM. I , J. A. IMpcr , secretary of stale of the state of Nebraska , do hereby certify tha the foregoing proposed amendments to the Constitution of the Stnte of Nebraska are true and correct copies of the original en rolled and engrossed bills , ns passed by the Twenty-fourth session of the legislature oi the State of Nebraska , as appears fron said original bills on file. In this offlco , am that nil and each of snld proposed amend ments nro submitted to the qualified \otcrs of the state of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to beheld held on Tuesday , the 3d day of November A. 1) , 1896. In testimony whereof , I have thereunto set ray hand nnd affixed the great seal ol the stnto ot Ncbrnska. Done at Lincoln , this 17th day of July , It the jcar of our Lord , One Thousand Hlghl Hundred nnd Ninety-six , of the Indcpend' cnce of the United States the Ono llumlrci' ' nnd Twenty-first , nnd of this state the Thirtieth. Seal. ) J. A. 1'11'nU. Secretary of State , Aug 1 UtoNovS morn only. CIIATTHlj MOIlTQAGn SAM2 Whereas , Kor thu purpose of securing the fcllovvlng promlssoiy notes , executed to .1 H. llalsey and Smith , Limited , fet and Ii behalf of 1'eteis Dash company and Colum bus Ituggy company , to-vvlt : One dated March 10 ISW. . due August 11. IMti , foi $ U'C > fi3. one dated Apill 14. 1S % . due August 25 ! < . % , for W.nillll , one dated Apii 14 , 1S % , due August 2i ( , ISTG for $ IS5IC2 ; one dntcd Apt II 11 , 1S % . due > August 2S ISOb for $2 170 SI ; one dated April II , IVhi , due Sep tember 4 , 1S % , for $21UIJR ) . ono dated Aprl 14 , 18 % , duo September I IbM , for Jl , MOi one dated Apill 14 , 1&W5 , due September b ISM , for J2.201 > > 7 ; one dated AptII 14 , IVb due September S , 1S % , for $2,21" Ss. one dated Muv 1. ISM , due September 1S05 , for J240I21 ; one dated Apill II , duo Sep- te-mbor IS , ivui , for $ . ' ,10' ) .V ; one dated Apii 14 , 1&96 , dilu September U , IMG for $21095. one dated May 1. 1M11 , duo September lj 1S9G for $2,3SO 20 ; one , dated Mn > 1 , 1SHI > due one dated May 1 , ISSfi , duo October G. 1S % foi $1,5')1 ) 11 , one dated June 1.1 1S90 , due October 2S , IS'W ' , for $2.4(11 ( 20 , one dated Juni June lr , l < iSG , due November IS1 * ? , for $ llHfi77 ) ; one- dated June 11 due No- dated June 27 1S % , due'Novembei 1 ! ) , lXnf for $1,00098 : on the29th day of July , 1S % , George M Peters and Clinton D. Kliestone partners under the Ilrm name and style ot Columbus liugiy company nnd Peters Dasl compiny , u.xeeuted and dellvcied a chattc , mortgagu to J 11. Halsey .t Smith , limited In the Mini of $ ' > 9 7dfi r.9 , upon the following described goods and chattels to-'vlt : Al of a certain stock of buggies , pi actons , sur- tpys , cairlages , vehicles , harness , blocles whips , robes and muich.indlse owned lij said Columbus UIIKUJ cnmpiny and Pet"is Dash comp inv in their branch house , situ ated nt IlflS-liilO-1612 Harnev street , In the Pity of Omaha , County of Douclas and Stale of Nebraska , which said moitgam contained the condition that In case default be made In the p lyment of the above men tioned notes , or in any pai t thereof , at the tlmo limited for such tnyme'iit , then all ol said obligations should become duo , and then it should be lawful for the said J. H Hnlsey Ac Smith , limited to take such goods and chattels and dispose of the same nt public or private hale , and out of the inone-j uilslns from such sale to pay the costs of belling the same and the amount due upon said obligations Whereas , Default has been made In the payment of the first of the above mentioned notes , and J. H. HnlscyK. Smith , limited , have deqlared all of said notes due , and thnt there Is due J. II. Ilnlscy & Smith , limited , thereon $ > 9,7 < ) G 50 and no suit or proceedings have been instituted to recover the debl secured by the said mortgage , or any p.nt thereof , and snld mortgage was Hied for record In the otllco of the county' cletk of Douglas county , Nebraska , on the 1st da > of August. is % ; Therefore , Notice is hereby given that the undersigned mortgagees will sell nil of the ! above described propertv at the building known as ] OOb-lfilO-lt".l2 Harney street. In the ICty of Omaha Nebraska , on Tuesday the Sth day of September. 1W at eleven o'clock In the forenoon of said day , nt pub lic sale to the highest bidder thereon for cash , nnd thnt the proceeds thereof will be applied to the payment of the s ild mort gage debt. Dated at Om ilia. August 17th , 1SV J. II. llalsev & SMITH , Limited. By Bartlctt , Ilnldrige & DeKord attor neys. AlSd20tm Aotii-c. To C. K. Hiving and to Whom It Miy Conccin : Notice Is hcrebv given that on tovvit , the 2.1th day of February , A. D , 1S % , the board of managing trustees of the Texas Colonlzitlon company levied nn as sessment of $10 per shate upon the capital stock of said company , payable within sixty days from said date ; that said as sessment upon fourteen and one-half slmies of wild stock belonging to said C. U. Riving Is now delinquent , and that said shares ot stock or so much thereof as shall bo neces sary to meet such assessment , together with Interest and costs , ns provided by the by-laws of slid company , will bo sold at public auction to the highest and best biddei for cash at the olflco of said company In Oiange City , Sioux county , In , , on the 31st day of August , A. It. , 1SSG , at 2 o'clock in thu afternoon TEXAS COLONISATION COMPANY. 15y A VAN DBU MUIDK. Secretary nnd Munnirpr A15dl7t-M. SPECIALISTS 1.4 Kcivous , Uiroiiio and Private Disease. > < AH I'rHuto UMote BiiilUUonlf r of .11 oa rrrutlxi'lit by mnll coniullutluii frou * SYPHH.IS Cured for llfo nnfl the i > uUon tnoiounhly rttanaed from tin kvitem IMI.KS FISTULA Ul nKCTAI UI.CUII3 , IITDIlOCBhKM ANU VAniCOrrjI-R pernunpntlj' nnrt succcmfullr cured M'tliod new nnd unfalllnB. STRICTURE flfJD GLEET , lly new method nllhout pain or cuttliiiT. Call on or nddregi ivlin ctfimp , lit ) b. Utnil , Dr , Scarles & Searlss , OR , rilcCREVV 19 TDK ONLY SPECIALIST WII.1 TFHATK AIL PRIVATE DISEASES VYeiklirM Kr ) orctei o * fVIEPJ ONLY ? 0 Vcary t petirnce , V Venn in Omilia Rook Kiec , Consultation and l-jkjrinnation Kirr * | 4lh and rarnam S | | t ) A ! All A N : il. CURE YOURSELF ! ! T riiKiTSBwl iu" " " ' " ' " * " ' " " " ' "I rln I to J 4 ; . \1 'lliiliaH.ii , liilluimimllyim , nmr > iiufi "J lirililluiiB or iilurullousi not lo ilrliurc of lilllLolltf Ilirllil'r.lllvs , rotmi euiii | lon. ] 'iineii | , u\\'l \ I ol lltliln. tTHE [ AmCHtMICllCO rol onm \CININK TIO .SolllLy DruiTBlnlo , v.a.t. or unit In plulii ur | | nr , by expnri , prfjutl.l , fof il.ii ) . or 3 potllei , t..7A. Circular ttut vii lu-jusjt nnul'hrr. { trfaidaiiimt'MMltv ? , . . 5 . * .l'i l " < ? * - . U mail foi | i > nlcu > > ' > t illmouUll > il "K"iieV fur r .iicfc" < ' 'tf ; , " ? " § BITS OF FEMININE GOSSIP. The pearl Is the one gem ( hat comes to us perfect from the linml of nnturo , ami to this Its great Antiquity as n gem Is largely due , 1'rcclous stones whose beauty and brilliance depend on polishing and cut ting would naturally be discovered nnd titll- l7cd Inter. The. discovery of the diamond for Instance , probably dntcslthln historic times ThoiiKh known i-nrller , Itvas not generally Included among the gem treasures ot rojnlty e\cn as late ns the seventh cen tury The modern cuttliiK of cl In mo nils Ir regular facets was Invented ns recently as 1456. Indeed , It l t iiulte probable that the pearl was the first gem known nnd treas ured bj prehistoric mnn since the search for food must have been the first occupn lion of the. earliest of the lace nnd the shining penrl would thus have been discov ered In rlxcr mussels It not In marine ojs- ters Certain It Is that the old testament nnd the ancient \vrltten histories allude to pearls , nnd that remoter evidence Is foun In the tombs nnd excnv.itcd cities of stll earlier cms The Egyptians , Habylonlans nnd Assjrlnns held the pearl In nil cstceiv verging on reverence "Wives" nre now being discussed by the Oklahoma courts. The l.uv of that lenltory Is very severe on polygamy nnd Indians on lesorvatlons rre not exempt fioin the pric- tlce The Kicl < npoos have an nvetage of Ihe sipiaws e.ich and the Cheyennes Arnpn- hoes , Klowas , Apaches , Comnnchcs ami Wlchltas are nil poljgnmlsts. The duchess uf 1'lfp Is the most retiring member of CJueen Victoria'1 ! famll ) . Prln cess Maud has nlcKnamed lur "Youi Hojal Shyness" on this account. The joung duchess of Mnrlhorough lias made , It Is understood , an extremely aglet- nble Impression In Hnglnnd. H Is men tioned there that she Is rapidly gaining the affections of her Hugllsh iclatlvcs and con nections , and the people about Dlenbelm .ire delighted with her. Due onthualasl writes "Were we aslced what was the most strlk Ing of the sights we saw nt this great palace , with Its glad and grand surround ings , we should nnsnei n large painting , n portrait In the ( list room we entered The fair face upon the canvas was that of the present duchess of Mailborongh The beau tcous ejes are almost black , nnd so ex pressive In spite of nil the otner beauties of Dlenhclm , thej seemed the fairest sight sweetly they linger In memory , Insplie the soul , and nro a moving Inllucncc for good llecause this joung duchess has come as a bride1 , ciossed the blue Atlantic , some think she Is n stranger to our land , but this Is a mistake. Whep a tiny child of 3 she cnmo to England and has vo > ngcd the ocean so often since that the Hying Hollander , with his phantom vessel and his phantom crew. Is not more familiar with the perils of the sea. H Is pleasant to notice at Blenheim how every ono loves her grace Mat thorough did not conquer his enemies as she has conqueicd the hearts of her people. " Another English observer , In commenting on the successful dlnnci parties lately given by the duke and duchess at their London house , sajs concerning the > oung lady that she "Is quiet , natural and veiy sweet In disposition. She Is not exactly pretty , but she has n sweet and chaimlng face , a clear , rather pale complexion and dnik hair , and deep clear blue eyes , which often look quite dark. She tsery tall and slight and catries herself erect and grace fully. Her voice is pretty , uud altogether her giaco Is really a great social acquisi tion. " Lady Londonderry's yacht , which has jiibt been completed , will probably be the most beautiful small yacht In the world It Is made entirely of cedar and mahoganj and the metal work Is silver-plated alumi nium , with gold beading and scroll work The calls are made of silk , and the jacht has been rendered unallocable by metal cases nt the bo\v nnd stern. Miss Ella Hepwoith Dlxon declares that clgaiette smoking Is enormously on the in crease among well-bred women In Hugland An authority on mankind lins given his views on the sort of men that make the best husbands. An eng the icallj nice OHM ho classes the man who Is fond of flshing. the lawjcr and the all-round jouinnllst Ho does not enthuse over the popular doctor as a husband , nnd a musical genius or a man of letter- ! gives him cold chills and bhuddois The author , he iajs , Is so fond of his fine sentences that he is disagreeable when the baby cries , and makes himself gcnerallj odious about his food , the noise of the chil dren and any domestic Infelicities that iniy come nlong , The musician caies for little except his art , and the wife Is often sec ondary to the claims of the prlma donna , or the sympathetic creature whose soul Is as full 6f melody ns his o\vn All In all , the good journalist seems to have the most strong points Ho Is n bit of a philosopher , Is likely to bo practical , makes the best of what cannot be helped , and is full of alternatives. The lawjcr Is good to have In the house He Is HKely to bu alert , a good Judge of human nature , a good talker and quite as fond of listening as of he.uing the sound of his ovn voice He studies human nature at home as well as abroad , and Is altogether a good fellow Tint politician is a diplomat , nnd while he MimctlniGs leaves all of his diplomacy outside of his front door , this Is not nlvvi > s the case The bachelor comes In for a llvelj scoring , especially the one who claims that lie has no small vices Miss Elsie Cross Is the name by which a Ittlo waif In New York City will hencc- 'nith bo known. She Is &ald to bo icry icnutlful but the 15 jcais of her life lave been spent In the most abject poverty n the poorest of New York tenements A rich and highly lespected ex-sea captain lamnl John C.oss adveitUol the- other moin- ng In a largo daily piper ns follows1 "American ghl , 14 to 15 , Protestant enun- ly home , with elderly cotiplt , must bo strictly honest , truthful ami nmlcistand ntu of needle ; fortune nt 21 a'.valtu hci , will lethe , hoard mid rducite , guardian mint apply between 0 nnd 12 today. Captain , J-l ' 'Ifth Avenue. " Ill tesponsa hundredH nf little girls ap- illcd. Klslo was selected and will receive ; G,000 when sho'bccomca of ago and an Im- ncnse foitune. when the old gentleman and ils wlfo die. Two beautiful diuightets of Captain and Mrs Ciosa i'ied tome time ago ml this accounts fnr their adopting a child. The kitchen of Ilucklngliam Palace Is nt a most Inconvenient distance , Iha dlbhcs lave to ho can led a quaitoi nf a mlle to ho * queen's private apartments , on the . lorth side of thu palace. Charcoal hot closets outside nf her majesty's dining room .11 o a necessity for heating thu victuals. An old custom was recently revived by thu Nci I'crco Indians and tlielr vlbitnis , fcnya the LewUton ( Idaho ) Teller The na tives of thu local trjbe are. very wealthy people , nnd theru ure designing mothers f among the aborigines as well na In Ihe dlf- frunt classes of clvllUed society The > oung bucka of the NeI'cico tribe are rexnrdril somewhat Ilka the scloiia of rojalty In matrimonial circles. Thu maidens fiom nil vlsltlni ; tribes wtro hiought to Lapwal to Hnd husbands The ciisloma of thi ) tribes which were icvlvcd for the occasion were moio effective than the while Cupid ien- cially Is The mari-lagta'de ' maidens wcro by common ntcord quaitcrtd In a BcleUcd spot Isi the valley of the Lapur.l At an appointed hour the jounc men who wanted It UIVIM to share their annuities , their home steads , and the affections of their hearts , apptaied In procession on the hallowed . camp ground The hour was midnight , and b the tucnu wan In a grove of trcea , made flagrant by tlin rlid llowera , and ever/ n lit art danted to the music of the rippling vvateia , The young mm inarched for III and none but candidates for matrimony joined the. march They were dicnaed In their brightest coloia of customary toggery and each carried a vvhllo willow cane. As they approached the tents they chanted an [ Indian chorus that wan doleful aa the song : of an on I , and kept time by beating upcn ? the tents with their canes The drummluri wax deafening to the distant spectator and must have been distracting to the wait In ; ; : maidens In the tents At last the slmlnK ; and thu drumming bad the deulrcd effect , I Tie ? maidens came forth after a delay Jui long enough to satisfy Hint universal pnsslo of the mind of woman to drive a lover nin with doubt. Hut the toy maidens cnmo fort from the tents , cncb to chose a husband There were more men thnn tnnldcna. Thi former l ept up the mnrth nnd the mush \ without n sign of the tumult of their hearts. 1 The maidens counter-marched on the HUP * of the name circle , each selecting a husbanu from the line. The chosen ones hastened to follow their brides , while unfortuuato suitors were life to dc'pnlr. A woman In Wanco may not witness a legal document , but she may be decorated with thc > Cioss of the- Legion of Honor , or be on the Hoatd of IMucntlon or prnctlco , law or mcdldne , or leave her husband fo cause Mme X. has exercised her right nbout slinking the dust ot her husband's house from her feet , and tlio cause Is a plcntj. All the cafes hnve been talking nbout the escapade ot M X Wnlklng with a filetul In the Hols , llio water In the Inku loolicil very Inviting In the moonlight , nnd he decided to take a swim The gen tleman with him , not taring for nautical spoil , ngrced to watch his ilolhcs As scon ns the swimmer wns out ot eat shot nn officious policeman nppcnred upon the scene nnd took the gentleman , nml ns he assumed , the stolen clothes to the depot. When M returned nnd could neither Hud his fileiul 1101 his clctlus he BiienKcd nlong fiom lice lo tne until lie dtscoxercd n cnbp In wnltlng nml the cocher fnst nsleep. With n dexteilty thnt would have been a credit to M. Lccocq himself he dived Into thu cnb and ordered the cocher "homo. " Hut they disagreed nbout the locntlon of , home , and a policeman was called upon to nuiltti M. pay his fnre. The pollccmaii took the Impoverished gentleman to the ( depot. Ihe ue\t dn > It wns town talk , and Mme X. s.ijs she will no longer bo the wife ot a man with so much notoriety at tached to his imme. One of the queerest of the old-time super stitious wns the one that la icspouslblc for the notion , that peails nnd diamonds "bleed" nsl anlmnls do Rues snjs "As for whnt t know conceinlng the reputed stoty that precious stones aie divided Into sexes , male nnd female , Just as me plants and animals , ami thnt the.v breed ns the' ' .1 latter do. 1 telnte the following , which camei | y under m > knowledge A certain princess ' of Luxembourg had two diamonds the colors of which betokened that they Wcro nulo and fcmnlp 'Iho pilncess laughed at the. . , notion until ono day she was startled b } finding a tiny speck of a diamond In liefjl. i casket. She put the two Inr e diamonds/ / " nml the little one nway together , nnd they hnd a. whole famll > In n reabonablo couisc of time. " A slmilai tnlo Is told by Hoc- thlus The queen of Sweden , who Is ono of the J richest women In the world , owes her grea' | wealth to the gambling tnblcs nt Wels badcn , which were owned by her brothers from whom she Inheilted her vast foi tune Her majtstv , who is a bit eccentric , alwny dresses In the costume of the Salvatloi Aimy , to which oiganlzatlon she belongs. , " M | It Is expected that the Haroncss Bodlacij , ' of Hussla may visit Washington within t i few months , as she is coming to America * nt nn carlj day Olga Uodlsco , the beau-j tlful daughter of the baroness , was among the maids of honor to the ciartna at the recent coronation , and In a few hours after ward her father , Harou Dodlsco , died. I2ver one Is familiar with the romantic hlstor. on MIsi Williams of Georgetown , who man : jears ago , when but a school girl , WH wcdicd to the Russian minister , Coun Dodlsco The late Haron Uodlsco was thj sou of that man Inge , and , like his fathci fell In love with a Georgetown girl n Mis Dai ton. The estate of the late baron wa | largely In real estate In this country , beliii no doubt Inherited from his mother , and 1 Is thought thnt the piescnt Haroness Ilodlf1 , co's liip to this country wll be to settle u ] the family matteis. Olga Hodlsco Is re' ' ga.ded as a great beauty , a trait which sh.'i ' came by naturally if she Is anything Ilkil , her ginndmother , the lovely Miss Williams or her mother , Miss Harton , in appcaiance' ' The pilncess of Wales Is an oven tempered ) woman , who always looks the same. She has no giay hairs and hci complexion Is still good , but them Is a ceitaln sadness i In her expression that Is Incxplaliiable. i Ill An nctress belonging to Mme. DcrnharcU' * company has entcied bull against n countess for tiylng to steal her stage name. It Is curious to think what a short tlrm It is since the cmeprors of Russia trcntet their womankind in the same way as the > * aio now treated In Turkey It Is true tha ) In those days the car chose Ills-wife fron among his hubjccts , and she was novel conshlciod his equal. On a ceitaln day tin nobles brought their > oung daughters tc bo looked nt , and she v , ho took the poten tate's fancy v\as foilhvvith chosen. The ] > ilncess < s were kept with the same stilct- IIFSS as eastern princesses , nml marriage only changed thoh place ol residence , but gave them no moie ficcdom They wcu allowed occasionally to bo present when guebts wcro icceivcd , to v\hom they would ! hand a cup of wine , ami then rellio to their apartments , thine being a suite of rooms nt the noith side of the palace re served especially for them. The Ilrst czar ina who emancipated hcisclf fiom this etnto ' | of slrmTj , and so Instituted a new ami hap pier eia for Russian women was the beau-1 tlful Nathalie Naiyschkl , the second wlfo' of Alexis Mlchnclovllch , and the mother of I'ctcr the Orcat , and her Ilrst triumph was when she obtained hi'r husband's consent to dilvo v , Itli him In an open cairlage to llio monnsteiy of 'lioltsky , a proceeding which at that time occasioned a gicat scandal. Naturally , when the Russian princes began to Intermarry with otlur European royal families , they were obliged to treat their wives differently , but It wns a long tlmo > t lief mo thn couit of Russia became us civ II- I/.RI ! as the rest of Uiuope j Ono of the fcatuies of the method of ; , v.ork of the National Council of Jewish , ' ! < Women Is most commendable , and If lt | uould be ran led out on n largo scale thoi charity problem would ho practically bot-'JI tied This la the pledge taken by fnmlllut J to Icccp each ono other family from poverty. \ , \ Simple giving to satisfy mnterlnl needs Is ' not all that Is Imposed In the pledge , sym pathy , Interest , plans for permanent better- ' mrnt of the proteges' cdmlltluu being also included. Thu pledge taken , there Is no ( fuither red tape about the matter except the lonoit of work accomplished 'ihU sim plicity Is a good auginy of success , The .Needlework Uulld Is n shining example of . what can be accomplished b ) Individual j | elfo.-t If that bu hulllciintly widespread. * Hundicds of thousands of garments are nii'de and lifstovvul each year by this or- , innl/allon without red tape , salaries , or elruuinlocution. Mrs. Thomns Itny of Ottawa , Canada , died II < cintl ) , leaving a will which dlicctcd that | J her ilanglitcr shoiild marry In twenty-four hours or suffer the IOSH of her Inhcrllunce , Iho lady was able to fulllll the condition , althougli the demand was very sudden. Them wna pomo amuslns anecdotal go ilp the other night at Mrs Kllzroy Stfp.iunscn'a eolrco iiniBk&lo anent the life ami adveii- tuiia of eminent ( Jcrinan coniiusuu | It Is Elngular th.it tlielr loflu was uhvajH of a very similar character. An 4 bamplo ot , a story WHS told of hovJicothoven dlsi i missed hla cook , and , when nskid by n filcnil for the reason he said "Well , she told n lie. It Is trno It wan In my Interont. but then whoever tells a lie In not pure , and a cook who la not puru cannot make puru soup" 1'oor old Iliet ! Llttlu ild ) ho u8 | > c'et the horrors which tuko place In those very Utchena wluneu laaue. thu moat LxquUItu and dullcato and dainty of culinary iiiBHtcrpk'cts ! Uuilng her rcient visit to Spain tha Km- treed Eugenie received much attention from 11 ho authorities and nobility In Andalusia. / lu > visited her estates In the south of Spain and tliu house In Granada where ehoi au born This la now the. property of the nurehloiu'sa of Vledam , who has kept In Ita original ntuto the room v.heru tliu cut- preaa wan boru.