THE OMAHA l > ATIi\r N I ) AY , ATjgiTST 10 , 1800. SOCIETY IN MID AUCCS' Llttlo to Attract the Attention of the Belli and the Swells. REASON FOR THE DEPRESSED CONDITIO 1'eoplo from h Alixencc of Jinny Clt > - Kfcim Oil' ! ny AVIiIrl Dinvn < n < lir I.o v- cnt Klili. Omaha society has reached the convalc cent period. H was feared that Its prostu tlon by the heat would result fatally , hi subsequent events have proven that the coi ncqucncca of the heated spell were not i Ecrlous as were anticipated. H must not I thought that Bocloty hag been In a gay ati giddy whirl during the past week , for hasn't , nut It Is doing very well for t Invalid , and unless It suffers n relapse , will lie In proper condition to partlclpa In the gayctlcs that are scheduled for tl approaching fall season. The sad and unexpected death of Pea Gardner threw a pall over n great uuiubi of society folk , Many social events tin had been planned were abandoned and tl hostu nnd the hostesses of other occaglot rcelved numerous regrets from those wl mourn thn loss ot n dear friend. The nbsoiio from town of a number society people Is partly responsible for tl depressed condition ot affairs. With tl single exception of n party to the oclgl boring state on Friday evening there h ; been nothing ot Importance en society calendar for the past week. Tliere ha' ' been several smaller affairs , parties , lime' eons nnd picnics , but nothing at all ot i elaborate character. The exception th navcd society's calendar from being a blat during thn past week was enjoyed large by the younger set , which seems to ha1 had Its full share of enjoyment during tl summer months. Humor has It that II members of the older set are holding thei solves back for many formal and splcud functions that arc on the tapis for tl fall. ' The coming week docs not give prot Iso of be-ltig a brilliant one , though siv : v parties , for which Invitations are nlrcai out , nnd the state tennis tournament , w aid In further reviving society. GnvMlii with UKUllli'K. . Captain Foyo assumed command ot li company last Monday evening , having r turned from a visit to his parents' home. 1'rlvatc ThoniUH H. Dlddlck has be granted two weeks' leave of absence for 1 vacation. The latter part of the month the Thursti Rifles will Inaugurate their social season giving un elaborate trolley party. The drill on Monday evening was co ducted In the school of "close order , " -ai concluded with a few brilliant movcmen of bayonet exercises. Many friends of t company were gathered on Eighteenth sire to witness the drill. The armory will soon present a me cheerful and Inviting appearance than ev before. A sclge of house cleaning has be In progress for the past week under t direction of Private Scrambling. The Thurstons nro pleased to receive t applications ot Harry C. Harrlnon , John La caster , Julius Allstrom , Otis Fisher and M. Ilutton for membership In the compan Mr. Lancaster was formerly second lloute ant ot the Orlando 1 titles , a crack southe company In Orlando , Fla. Mr. Harrison h held a like commission with the Cheycn Guards. Mr. Fisher has held noncomml Bloncd honors with both the Light Infant and the Light Guards companies of Detro Mich. Bicycle races and the extreme wat weather seem to have detained a few of t members from attending drills of late. T by-laws " * provide that members slu attend at least 60 per cent all company drills each year a any member falling to attain that star .ard will bo recommended as a lit caudldn for n dishonorable discharge. Toniorn evening every member of the company Is t dered to be prese'nt , to dispose of consldc able business ot vital Importance that Is conio before the meeting , and any memb who shall absent himself without sufllcle causa need not feel embarrassed if he sent for by a corporal guard. I'loiili * li ) ' Mi-fry MoiiH-utM Clu1 > . One of the most successful society ever ot the season was the picnic given by t young men of the Merry Moments club Friday last. The party started from theme home of Miss Mlllard and enjoyed an houi rldo over the principal trolley lines of t city , then to Falrmount park , Couiv Bluffs , where a delicious supper was serv ( Everything passed off smoothly until t' of tha younger members ot the par strayed too far away and became lost. gallant lot of searchers rescued them frt the dangers of thn night , and the mcr picnickers turned homeward. Those present were : Mcsdames HItc cock and Douol , the Misses Florence Mori Mary Le Bontllller ot Cincinnati. Etl Morse. Anna Shlverlck , Helen Mlllai Mabel Taylor , Helen Hoaglaud , Elizabe Peck , Helen 1'cck , Florence Kllpatrli Clara Palmer , Jane Campbell of Patera ; N. J. : Elizabeth Towlo. Gretcheu Croun Mao Hamilton , Adeline Nash , and Mess Asa Shlverlck , Fred Lake , Harry Ltndsi Henry Allen , Thomas Crclgh , Paul Ludln ton , Hosg. Towle , Leonard Dates , Char ] Young , Russell Wilbur , Herman Kotint ; Luther Kountzo. Arthur Cooley. Paul Hon land , Edgar Mormiian , Samuel Burns a William Ilogcrs. CJ > 1 1 Mciliil finMm. . Sliliiroclc. A Jolly surprise party wns given to M R. H. Shlnrock on Friday evening by number of her young friends , Mrs. Shi rock Is the state superintendent of t Domorcst medal contests , and for the pi live years has had charge of all such c < tests held In this city. During that time s lias conducted iilnety-llvii temperance 01 turlcal contests , and has awarded medi to nlnety-flvo boys aud girls of Omaha , i behalf of these prize holders , and as token of their esteem. Mrs. Towlo on F day evening , presented Mrs. Shlnrock wl a beautiful gold medal appropriately c graved. The company dispersed at a 1 : hour , after having spent a niont enjoyal evening. _ An ICvi-nliiHr tit MIIIIIUVH , Mrs. J , Benson gave a pleasant plci for her clerks and other employes on Frit ] evening at Lake Manawa. A line lun was served there and heartily enjoyed. Wl tba music , the toboggan slides , the bath I and other attractions the time passed . too quickly , Those * who were thuro wei Mr , nnd Mrs , J. Benson , Mr , and M Kdward Smith , MUses Sanderson , Mvyc Wolnlander , Ilordus , Kelly , Landls , Hcavi Gordo , Scholler. Alice Gordo , Jessop , Purii Hlley , Percupllc. Havelton , Tvrpeuulng a Messrs. Iletghahu and Simmons. \\VililliiKH ninl lOiiKiiKciiii-iilM , 'Mr , and Mrs. H. B , Kennedy announ thu engagement of their daughter , I Marie , to Dr. Carl A. Hoffman , Miss Anna Anderson and Nels J. John eon wore , married Saturday , August S , is at the residence of the oftlclatlug mlulst Charles W. Savldge. Mien Margaret Blanche Her of thla c and Mr. Everett Lo Claire Paul of Konsi members of the Orris Ober dramatic troui wcro married at Laramlo , Wyo. , on Wedm day , August 5. l.'iinctloiiH of tlir In honor of Miss Woodgato of Kansas c , Mrs. W. A. Wyatt entertained u numt of frlemls on Thursday evening. An observation party was given on Thui day afleruoot ) by Mrs. Frwl Met * , Jr. , honor of her niece , Miss Clara Schailtz St , Louis. A Itoyal Arcanum trolley party has i ranged for next Thursday evening. An i chestra will bi > In attendance and the t horus and whlstka will bo tabooed. A unique social was held on Friday nig last on the lawn of Mr. George Ostro The Sunday school class of Mrs. McClau hau , assisted by the class of Mrs. Ostrt ot Lowe avenue Presbyterian church , ga a gypsy festival for th benefit of t church. The lawu was handsomely dec-oral with Jupauese lauterua. Special aUractlo were the gypsy fortune ) teller nnd a rnal'lcu at the lemonade welt. An cxccllci program of music nnd elocution was rci dered by thd classes ami refreshments we served. Mrs. A. B. Ilogcrs entertained Mr , Jam l ( Woodward , Mr. and Mrs. Charles 11. Nei ton and Miss Ituth Newton at dinner la Thursday evening at her home. After dl ncr Mr. and Mrs. Harry OrlftUh and M Ilobert Moran were present nd a vei pleasant erenlng was spent , muslo at cards Rervliifc to occupy the time. A birthday party was given on last Fi day afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Ann Schnmel. A luncheon was served and tl t-ccaslon was thoroughly enjoyed by the present. The guests wcro : Mewlamcs Lau Johnson. Annie lllncs , Eliza Metcalt , Berk mcr , Hattlo Knotts. Crawford , Llvlngsto Schnclderwlnd , Dr. Mcrlam , Annlo Schami Fred Schamcl and the Misses Dora Scham and Leone Schnmel. Mrs. J. J. Lanktrco entertained on Thur day afternoon In A charming manner honor of her daughter. Miss Mattle Lan tree , whose 17th birthday was celebrate Muslo and games wcro tajoyed during t ! afternoon , aud refreshment ! ) w-ere serve Mrs. Lanktrcc was assisted by Mrs. Jettc Dainty souvenirs In the form of a fan china plato wcro presented to the gucsi Those present were : Misses I3dna Slu wood , Mamto Boyle , Delia Day , MaV Stephens , Edith Cheney , Mattle Lanktn Gertie Carey , Oraco Weaver , Hannah M Nalr ; Mr. and Mrs. S. 1. Jeter , Kli Lan tree and Mrs. Lanktree , Mr. and Mrs. J. Lanklrco and Hugh Lanktrcc. I'lMIlltVlll | ) Clllllf II lit ! ( ill. Fred Lake left for iJcnver yesterday. Miss Horrlgan Is visiting friends at Coin : bus. bus.Mr. Mr. A. J. Love went to Colorado Wednesday. Bom , to Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Suinmot Thursday , a son. Miss Ada Taylor Is upending the sumni at Asbury Park , N. J. Miss Shanks of Denver Is the guest Mrs. Henry McDonald. Mr. Wllllar.J Hoagland Is home from 1 ranch near Alliance , Colo. MUs Grace Christian will be the guest Miss Boulah Sharp for a week. Miss Martha Stone returned today from short visit to Hot Springs , S. U. Charles E. Ford and family will retu today from a trip to Hot Springs , S. D. Miss Sarah Macomber Is at Lake Okobc the guest of her uncle , H. W. Macomber. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Krech , Scabrlght , N. J. , last week , n daughter. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Uathbuin will lea on Thursday for San Francisco , their futt home. Mr. and Mrs. Ncls H. Tunnlcllff have i turned from a six weeks' outing at caste resorts. Dr. AV. L. Began of Hamburg , la. , Is vlo Ing the family of his son , t. I' . Began , this city. Mr. Aubrey Potter nnd his sister , M Faith Potter , have gone for a week's vl to Crete. Mrs. K. U. Perfect and daughter rotun home Thursday from a trip to St. Paul a Minneapolis , Mr. J. T. Clarke , accompanied by Wi Clarke , left for New York ami Boston Mi day evening. Miss Blanche Miller Is spending the moi of August with relatives In Toledo and oil points In Ohio. Mr. W. A. Paxton , Jr. . Is on an outl trip to Denver , Colorado Springs and otl mountain resorts. Mr. Charles L. Dtindy has gone for hunting and fishing trip In the mouuta of the northwest. Grant Kenney and wife left on Frli : evening for northern Wisconsin aud a t around the lakes. Mrs. J. S , Horn and daughters have turned from a months' visit with relatli In Columbia , S. D. Miss Jessie Thain'of Tabor , la. , was I guest ot Miss Llndscy for several days d Ing the past week. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Burkct and son turned from a trip to Colorado Springs t vicinity on Thursday. Miss Irene Bynio and Miss Plttman sal ! yesterday from Liverpool and will nrr : In Omaha In a fortnight. Mrs. F. M. Bailey nnd son of Mluneapn are visiting for a month with her pareu Mr. and Mrs. George C. Hcnsman , Mr. ( } . N. Clayton and sou have gone a trip to the Pacific coast. They will ma a tour ot Alaska before returning home. Mrs. Kobert Frunklln Smith will bo home Friday afternoons during August a September at 60S Bluff street , Council Bin Miss Margaret Cook Is visiting Miss P nam at Chadron. Before returning ho she will spend a short time at Hot Spiln Miss 'M. ' E. Thompson , preceptress Doano college at Crete , has been vlsltl In Omaha the past week with Mrs. H. Allen. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Myers of Shcnandoi la. , are In the city. They are visiting M Myers' slater , Mrs. P. Hoover , at1320 Ct fornla street. Misses Luelhi and Josephine Allen left Wednesday for Ohio , to be gone until r vember. They will also visit at Oaklav near Chicago. Miss Flora Webster left on Sunday 1 for Denver , where she will spend a f weeks among the mountain resorts arou Colorado's capital. Miss Helen Kleffner left on Friday Kansas City , where she will bo for I remainder of the summer , visiting her slst Mrs. Charles II , Sawyer. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Porter , formerly Omaha , but now residents of Los Angel Cal. , are In the city for a short time , i guoats of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hauey. A. D. Baker of Butte , Mont. , who 1 been In the city during the past three wci visiting his father. U. AV. Baker , super tondent of The Bee building , has returi to his homo. Mrs. C. F. Atkins , who has been spendl Boveral weeks with her mother , Mrs , Hoover , and other relatives , at 4tl'0 : Ct fornla street , left last night for her ho nt Fort Worth , Tex. Mr. J. B. Berry and family , aceompaii by Mr. and Mrs. Hutchlnson and duugh of Chicago , and Mrs. F. W. Marsh , h : returned from their trip to the Black III having visited all the places of Inter and enjoyed the cool weather of tl delightful region. LINCOLN'S SOCIAL HIUH. LINCOLN. Aug. 15. ( Special. ) Thursi morning the young women of the Flov mlsslou met at Miss Maud Oakley's for I flowers which they were to distribute , a which had been sent In by some ot I thoughtful women in the city who lu more llowurs than they want for their o use , A partial list of those who have ci trlbuted ( lowers , fruits , Jellies and otl delicacies for the sick follows : Mesdan I. M. Raymond. Hudson Imhoff , C. 0. Wl don , Llndley , U. H. Oakluy and Miss Li Clark. Mra. C. L. Burr and Mrs. J. Buckstnff contribute bread uvery wc < Frey & Frey. C. II. Frey and Mrs. Chai Imvo given largn domulona of ( lowers , 'i olllcors of this year are : President , M L. M. Marshall ; secretary. Miss Mao Moo treasurer. Miss Lucy Griffith ; llbrari ; Olive Latin ; assistant librarian , Honrli ) Hollowbuah ; ( lower collector. Maud Oakl The committee to solicit delicacies Is follows : Grace Oakley , Helen Nance. Her Clark aud Mrs. W. I ) . Uoblnson , Mra , C Hector takea charge of the articles will necessity mny demand. Goergu Shodd and Harry Shodd of Ai land and Ernest A. Wlcglnhorn return Sunday from Colorado , Edith Shodd , w hag been the guest of Mlus Veru Upton several days , left the tiamo day with 1 brothers for their home In Ashland. Mr. and Mra. Wright of Flnlay , O , , are the city visiting relatives Mrs , Dr. Ti and Mr * . T. M. Marqu tte. Mr. and M Wright havu Just returned from a t to Yellowstone park. Miss Clara Buckstaff , who has been vh I UK relatives In Oshkosh , WU. , all suuuu expects to make a two weeks' atay Sandwich , 111 , , before her return to L coin In September. Mm. Hoover and daughter , Marie , am i peeled to return tomorrow from Spirit La1 Mm. Hargreaves aud Harry , who are of t same party , will return about Wednesday Bcman ( } , Djwes started Thursday Marietta , O , He will return lu two we to act an secretary of the First district c < trtsaloual committee. Air , W , U. Clark hu returned from Sul A hunting party composed ot Wl frcd and t'rcd Dowcese , Arthur Woods < Prairie , la. ; Krunlc Ryan , George Holnu nnd H. 11. Draws of Dawson , Neb. , wl leava today for 1'arkhara , Mont. Lake and 01 < obojl , where he has been cami Ing on DCS Moinea beach lor three weeks. Mrs. Governor Nanco and daughter Hcle left last Wednesday on a visit to Hot Sprint and other places In South Dakota. Mr , D. W. Reed made a trip to Columln on his I'loycle the early part of this \vce' He returned Wednesday. Dr. 0. R. Bpahr la enjoying an outing i IJglcs Mere , Pa. , before opening an office i his old home , York. Pa. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Dorgan , with D. 1 Mnlr and family , have none to Eatcys Tar : Colo. , for a short outing. Mr. C. H. Merrill ami famllv have r turned from their trip to Denver nnd otlu polntR In Colorado. Vice President George 11. Harris ot tl HurllnGton was In Lincoln on Wednesdr and Thursday. II. P. Vnlll and wlfo. who have been vlsl Ing friends In Illinois nnd Iowa , returnt homo Monday. Mm. Orant Hogclnnd Is entertaining In mother , Mrs. Catherine O'Oara , of Laf y lt Snd. Councilman II. E. Flnley. with his fninll Is enjoying a brief outing In the Ulack Hill Mrs. W. " D. Murphy has returned from C lumbiis , Neb. , whore she has spent tv . Miss Mabel and Grace Lnime of St. Lou are visiting Mrs. Bonnet at 1325 A street. Mrs. F. K. Campbell will leave Momli for n three ninnthV visit to New York stat Miss May Kcchet leaves today for an o tended visit with friends at Tort Mead , S. Mr. Paul Ilorbnch of Omnhn was n Llnco visitor for a few hours Wednesday. I lorry Evan has returned from a moiitli visit with relatives In Vermont. Miss Grace Kennedy of Omnhn Is tl guest of Mrs. rco.-go ) McArthur. Nancy an I Marjorle Lambcrtson will lea for Mineral Point Monday. Mrs. F. A. Flake Is In Omaha visiting h daughter , Mrs. Grant Kenncy. Mr. J. C. Illtchman Is entertaining J ! T. M. Howard of St. Louis. Miss Ellen Smith returned WedtiPsd from n visit to Ohio C. W. Wat-fel and wife started for Col rado Wednesday. Miss Miller Is the guest of Mis. Wlllla Clark's famllv. Mrs. Archibald Love entertained a smi rompatiy of friends last cvculug at n i ; Itghtful muslcale. Bominaiit Sevenths H llctcrrlng to the concert which Mu Adcllna Pattl gave at Albert hall on Ju 9 , last , the musical critic ot the Loud World Indulges in this complimentary pie ; antry : "Few things are more unattractive mo than a large miscellaneous uftcrno concert In the Albert hall en a stuffy Ju day. The hall Itselt alarms and nlmc appalls me. The vnilcty ot the progrt laakes my head spin , and the temper oi audience which bursts Into frtuzlcd t plauae upon hearing the opening bars 'Within a Mile of Edlnboro' Town' Isv beyond my comprehension. But Mn Pattl cannot , oven at this lime of day , lightly passed over. Due must hear 1 occasionally It one does not wish to forf what singing can bo. aud so. last week , was one ol the thousands of pleasure- ] : gilras who Journeyed to Kensington Go and I meekly enduted 'Within a Mile' ( M Amy Shot-win ) , 'Songs ot Arab1' ( Mr. I ward Lloyd ) , 'Simon the Cellarer' ( Mr. Sai Icy ) , and various other aucicut and tlshll favorites. ID order to marvel once more prodigious accomplishment of the tui extraordinary woman of the day. Pa Is lutrcdlblo yet true , like various fnots life. She Is a legeud and yet n llvl re-allty , a sort of magical mj and a charming woman In charming pink hat at one und the aa : time. And I'll swear she Is younger 11 yuar than she was last , and that she tjjt : oven more 'perfectly. ' ' Where are < h ybit vocalists with fresh voices who call bxbei oven one t\irn as she docs ? As I .listen to 'Homo. , Sweet Home , ' I found in ; s wondering. I never come across them. A then Pattl never gets what athletes r 'stale. ' Stale-ness in singers luvarlal leads them to exaggerate tholr effects. T woman who Ivia made n world bow do' by her beautifully pure and simple sliiRl of some pure aud simple ah- thinks to kc It bowlttg down by taking from the air simplicity , by drawing It out portentous Icnning ou it , going to bed on the hi notes , and generally stealing away Ita shu ; Only the great artist can lot well ale through many years. I'pttl never CXURW atcs. never takes undue liberties with t time ot a song , never tries to make i a ; carry moro Impedimenta ot expression th It can bear. She doc-3 not give ua 'lion Swceet Homo , " or , say , 'Battl , bait ! , * st : Bering under the load of a soul-force only bo properly borne by a ten-act tragic ope She can be as simple today as she coi twenty years ago , and that I believe to the chief reason of the astonishing hold a has upon the world. Wonderful creatu ; It is n liberal education to hear her si anything. The other day she won the usi enthusiasm with all the usual case , anil found myself positively listening with son thing like excitement to Tcrlgl o earn. ' a after 'Battl , batti , ' murmuring , with all t rapture ot a veteran , 'Pattl ! Pattl ! ' " Probably one of the most attractive I turcs of state fair week thla year will the Northwestern Scandinavian Singers' c < vontloti and sangerfeat , which will bo In in this city September 4 , 5 and 6. All I Scandinavian alnglug societies from BI rounding states will participate nnd I Scandinavian Band union , with at least i members , will bo In convention nt tlio sa : time. Most of the singers r.ii'J mualclc will arrive during Thmsilay , September Friday has been designated by the state f management as Scandinavian day , nnd that day , after a parade through the pr pal streets , the singers and visiting bai will march to the fair grounds , where tl : will give a concert from the grand stai In the evening there will be u reception the visitors at headquarters ) . Washing ! hall. Saturday evening there will be grand concert ut Ihe Coliseum , at whl the different singing HoclctlcH and a ira ; chorus of EDO voices will bo heard , besh several distinguished soloists , among othe Miss Kagna Linuee. soprano ; Prof. Oerti green , baritone , and Mr. Olat Pedersi Sute. Sute.No No effort has been spared by the lei arrangement committee to make- the sang test a nolablo success. Excursions fri mUToumllui ; towns will bring thousands visitors , nnd It Is thought that the citizens Ompha will give the singers n cordial a hearty welcome , The sangcrfOBt Itself \i be n novel and Interesting musical even a fitting and harmonious closu to the wee festivities. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sl'KCIAI. .IIUSIU iill.MlAV KVK.M.N MuxU-nl Trent lit ( InKlrnt Mrlliuili Clmrcili , The second of the series of snered cc certs at the First Methodist church , uiu thu direction of Thomas J. Kelly , will ta place this evening , beginning promptly 8 o'clock. The program will bo as f lows : "Hymn-tunes from the Qreat Master Prelude Choral ( from the Tower ) . . . .Chanl , "Ucus Mlscreatur , " Organ Pruludo ( Murchu ProccHslnnnlo In I > ) ilullmu Hymn ( by tlu choir ) O , Sacred Hcail Now Wounded , " MeiulHlsao Hynm ( congregation ) O , for u Heart to I'ruise 31 y Hod Spc Hymn ( by the cholr-Savlor ) of All Solo Soprano With Verdure Clndj from Creulloii Hay Mlra Ina Kennedy. Oman Solo Nocturne Choi Hymn ( by the choir ) Give to the \Vlmla Thy Feura Schumn Offertory -Thus Balth the Lord ( from "Holy City" ) Gi Mr. Shunk and choir. Hymn ( oongreuatloiO-Soflly Now the Light of Pay , . , . \\'el Benedlellon. Dcatli of Juy HriMvii , Jay J , Brown , son of J , J. lirowti. d nt 6 o'clock yesterday morning- from I effccta of un opurutlon for uppendlcll The young ; man wan 24 years of age. 'J funeral will tuku plueti ut 3 o'clock tl afternoon from the futility residence Snermuu uvcuuii , wltU Interment tit Fan J-uwu , CLOSING 3T CAMP L1NCOL tm * fn Ti i Days bfiitlio Kansas anil Nebrosl J I in _ . f u Eonnion ! itit i WORDS TOitlStlLL THE OLD VETERAN Ut'inlniloilff.'lirlr ( Jlorliiim I'nxt nil Tluit < thi. ( irul liiiilc or n Ad/iliui U Tlii-lr Xiil- i , - / | | SUPK1UOU , ' Nob. , Aug. 15. ( Special. ) Tliurs'lay wns one of tlio drawing cnri of tlio reunion. The crowds commenced gather In the very early hours , and ful 20.000 people witnessed the pnradc at o'clock. It wna formed as follows In fro of headquarters : Commander and staff , S perior and Ito.l Cloud bands , Nebraska N tlonnl Cluarcln. vvterana ami citizens. Vc erans unoblu to walk were conveyed uarrlnGfs , and many who took tin tlio Mi of march as briskly as they did thirty yen ago were unable to keep In line until ti end. Attorney Gciu-ral Churchill spoke hrlcl and was followed by General Culver , d partnicnt commander ot Nebraska , In t ! forenoon At 2 p n . . General Henry delivered i address to nil extremely liirgu atidleiu General Henry Is n man who vntliu&es 1 listeners. To him the boyH will always boys , ninl ho 13 one ot the most loyal all. Following this was n roll will ot vetcrn by states , and man ) who had not sc each other for years wci'o thus brought 1 gethcr. At the campflre of the uvcnl Mr. Kusscll and Uov. 1' . 0. Johnson we the principal upcnkcrs. Yesterday the camp was exceedingly llvt and the crowd outuuuibcred that of Thui day. At 10 o'clock the exercises commence being opeind by music by the Sons of V < erana' baud of He < l Cloud , followed by fcous by Comrade fimlgle. General lien made n short address , and It was with dc fcolliiRs ot rejrct that the comrades saw h take his depaiture. Ho lus worked \vl untiring energy , and much of tuo success this reunion Is due to him. The Knus and Nebraska comrades will always have warm welcome for him nu-1 his words patriotism will never be forgotten. Commander Shulcr Introduced Uev. 1' , Johnson ot Tnblo Hock , who Is olio of t most enthusiastic Grand Army ot tln > l public worki-rs. He spoke to them of t times they were living in ; times ot chaii of modes and manneis end In this rust in the singular sophisticated language the hour , the soldier was told to forget 1 paat. Ho had no sympathy with that. I the present wns but the product of the sues of the paat. There might bo thr whose past wore better dead , but if the p : bo honorable , if It le worthy , let him ; member It end be made better ntul l.etl by its unfolding , and In the Incoming dr he may see the light It has cast. And 1 the old Koldlcr'to forget would IIP to forj his patrlothim , his heart feelings , ami t prnndcst love tlmivrorld ever saw in the w of pitriolc ! < KacrlflcG and take out of I life Its ImpillSD. ' Agnln l-c ssUas he looked upon t young man. , hv * t cue time envied him , another cominlaeratul end felt a kindly i > for him , fovithot'sh the yntmg man of ted has Brand ncrs an ( ' lirivllcK s , he did i live from ' ! t ' 03 ; he did not feel t thrill. Evoayoi \ soldier -choed his \voi and felt thr trmh when ni > Bald "Thou I had not hbi oDftonunitios. ho did not Mr mine. Hr.'tfl'-UJ ' ' | lfsi ell tbnt from my 1 I v/ould not > eKTlanie ! ngpsvlth hii.i. " "Is U'.MO Ii-si sectionalism than-thrro n thirty ycnis'unn ? That jmin * man ' ! thi * ert di ) < r.'i frw'tr > t ' . " i'tv cover of glowlng'hvords , flo\very phrases n a mass 01 nrntovl. t-i. > > . , . _ allsm ? Did ho not pit the east the wnst , tht'-.north against tha uoiitli ? , jjpt i ay HijjtlM . dAsoldler there , is 110 .s ' cectlendlNnt'Mlfml ' 'h UonaliRru'foc'-hethf d him and felt the tu(6foii ; ( of shot arid she ) In.flush's 1'aai1 : "I would not forj the past ; srlJlcrs , you cnnnnt. " At . ' . ' p. L4 'Jen. ' G.E. . McKccby and : Hussoll'nddrcssed the audience. Mr. J Kcoby Impi-efued ujion all the' lesson tauj by thrsi- reunions , for , though too you himself to tpkc r. part 111 the gicat atri gle , ho oved to them hla liberty and cvi thought ami vlflof his was for the dicrs' neod. iVov 'l V/nti'i-r of ll > r FiiJH'It-r. . ASHLAND , Neb. , .Awe. 15. ( Special. A novel bet was made here by two ho fanciers , each'of whom had a speedy her The hot wjs their vote ? . Bill Woods , old-time democrat , one cf the General Ja son kind , ani Mr. P. Lemon , the Jeweler , v Is an ardent JIcK'mloy man. Mr. Leu was to vote for Iiryan In case his ho lost r.nd Mr. V.'onda to vote for AlcICln In case he lost. A largo crowd was at i vaco track to ECO the fun. Mr. I.omo horse won tiio race , which adds one nv vote to the-McKinley majoilty In Nebras A large slzi McKinley badfje will ba p p santcd to Vr. "tt'co.ib , so he may wear and show his good faith. AI fulfil : \n n , X > Iirnrilcii Cr | i. JUNIATA , N.b. , Aus. 15. ( Special. ) fulfa Is the hay crop for thla country a docs better on the high divide than nether other grass. One farmer south of town 1 cut two large tTtps this season from a fl f.own last jcar , and will Kit another ci yet. Another mt'n has cut thrco crops fr a piece of seven years standlm ; and v also gel another crop. Stock cf all kli llko it well and hogs will eat and fatten It almost like corn. Uvery farmer ahoi seed down t < n or fifteen acres of nlfal It Is a sure crop here. York riiiint.v'H Tri'iiNiirc , M'COOL JUNCTION. Neb. , AUK. 13. ( S clal. ) At the York county Institute , h In illue Hlver park today , the exhibition south York county products was ihe b exhibit made In many years. The platfo was decorated with forty-two varieties grasbcs , large sa.onth potatoes that bi Colorado potatoes , the third cutting of falfa , mcasurliiK twenty Inches In leng wheat yielding thirty-five bushels to i acre , cornstalks fourteen to fifteen fi In height , and large cars of corn on sa eight feet from the ground. There was largo crowd in attendance. HnplUt ANMOi'lntlini ( 'oiivi-iitlnn. JUNIATA. Ny-b. . Aug. in. ( Special. ) 1 South Central Js'eibraska llaptlst assoclatl assembled hero iln ( convention thla afternc and will be Ih eeftslon thrcu days , A lai number of ( Jt-Je sUea and visitors from over the dlslr tlll , be In attendance. It Mr. Carson wud.i wife , lately returned in slonarles froatoUufirah , India , lectured h evening , and''lhJsinornlng it largo and tercBtlnu proftB 'will bu carried out. dinilKr ' / ' < lm \ wVlirnl. . ASHL-AND , ' , " / . . AUK , 15. ( Special. ThreshciH reiinrt' ' iio average yield of win BO far ' ' ' and one-half bush per ncro amf , lba $ cf oats twenty-flvo i aero. The o t < ave rather Hunt and v not weigh outi'iipi to measure. The gn so far has iiof'tion ' sprouted by the v weather and Vln-'bu of fair quality ap from light wdijjftj York OoWiftyil--ariiu > rii > Iiint I hit.- . YORK. Kf nAug. . ! S.-SpVQlftl.-l ( ) farmers of thhso bounty jleu tjleir „ „ „ , Instltutu and"'pcilo ' | yesterday at McC Junction. lute-rostlnR and instructive ] pers were read on topics concernlne I farm. The relation o ( the farmer to ( county press was. a subject that receh considerable attention , Mr. I'orter of A Pool told what could bo raised on slngl aero of grount ) , and ha surprised Ms ai dllorn. Intenslvo farming lit growlnR moi and morj In favor with the York count farmer , and good rciulta have already bee shown. The crowd In attendance was big and jolly one. A. < > > V. W. 1'lvtilc nt GUKTNA , N b. , Aug. 15. ( Special. ) TI tenth anniversary of the Instituting of II : grand lodge bt Ancient Order ot Unite Workmen was celebrated hero today I a picnic , under Ihc auspices ot Oroti lodge No. 250 , Ancient Order ot Untie Workmen. " The celebration was held I Hlshel's grove , Just east of town. The ai dress of the day was delivered by Ho Jnmcs Panel ! of Lincoln. After the bask < dinner In the grove , the afternoon was d voted to dlffcient amusements to criteria1 the crowds. The shooting contest was we by 1'at liolcn. Hey Sandy won the to race. Mart Donaho the potato race. I' ; Mel In the Mck race , and Plorcc Welch tl Pit eallug contest. Morrison won fir money throwing the hammer. Noi'innl rnllrno U iiiiiu > m > t > ! miil ! . WAYNE. Neb. , Aug. 15. ( Special. ) TI fifth annual commencement of the Nebrnsl Normal college began with the baccalaurc sermon by Hov. K. Van Dyke Wright this city at the opera house Sunday mor lug. The orations of the members of tl tetifhrrs' class were delivered Monday , Tuc day and Wednesday evenings. Thursdi evening the cantata of "David , the Shephe : Hoy" wns rendered by the conservatory d partmcnt. The scientific class deltvcrc their or.xtlons last evening after which tl alumni banquet was held , which was fitting climax to one of the most succos fill years In the history of the cellos About forty jouni ; women and gcntlpiiu \\ere graduated from the different course .Velti'iixKii .Still-in NutvH , LYONS , Neb. , Aug. 15. ( Special. ) Uurh n thunderstorm yesterday afternoon tl lightning struck a team belonging to Cot mlssloner A. J. White , Rtuiinin ; ; his 30 Harry aud Louis Waltc and canning one ten to runaway. There was but little rain fi but the lightning was very sharp. FA I Kill' HV. Neb. . Aug. ir--Spcrlal.- ( he.ivy rain , amounting to . ! )5 ) of an Inch , ft licio last evening , accompanied by some ha A residence occupied by C. G. Catlln w struck by lightning and considerably dai aged , the bathroom and pipes being lorn pieces and some of the Inmates we stunned. _ I'loiiiMiKllliil During n Sturm. OAKLAND , Neb. , Aug. 15. ( Special. ) Jesse Ulggford. the man who was caug under the falllur ; corncrlbs Suiulay durl : the wind storm , died last night. Blggto was one of Oakland's first ppttlnrs and fc morly wix ? a school teacher , but of la has Ihcd the life of .1 hermit , aud w supposed to have a lar e sum ot burled on his premises close to town. A. O , ' . \V. IMi'iilr Arm ii I'll. M'COOL JUNCTION , Neb. , Aug. 15. ( Si clal. ) Ten lodges of Ancient Order United Workmen In towns near liero w | hold their aunual picnic at McCool pa I Tuesday. The l alrmout Ancient Order United Workmen has challenged tlie Yo Ancient Order ot United Workmen for tug of war acre's nine river. Prof. Amro\VH l.oi-lurri. HAYES CBNT15H. Neb. , Aug. 15. ( Si , rial. ) I'rof. W. 1C. Andrews , oongressm ' from Ibis dlstiict , spoke to a large aitdlen ] on the subject of "Patriotic Scholarsh ! jesterday. In the evening he delivered o ' of the test lectures ever delivered hero , the subject of the "Public Schools Thi Debt to the People. " ! I'ri > - > < rut iMl l > y l.ltvli I I DUNCAN , Neb. , Aug. 1C. ( Speclal.- ] G. Hrann , principal of the Hosklns' schoo i ami his little brother were knocked doi liy a bolt of lightning near here yesterd : Mr. Urann Is not Injured , but his brotl , ntlll feels the effects of the shock and bet a mark across the face. IlstM 1/orll l lftoril l' ' M-t f ' ) ) 'UNC < ' \N-Nfib.Aug. ; 15. ( Special. ) AV i llnm Erhst of this place bet a keg of bi that be had corn higher than the sale ceiling , about twelve feet. He brought one stalk which measures exactly flftc I fi e-t. It Is now on exhibition In Columb1 K. I-IHIT ; . ' Institute tu Mt > i > t. PHKMOXT. Aug. 15. ( Special. ) 1 cllrci-tors ot the Farmers' Institutes Dodge , Washington and Sounders count met this afternoon. H was decided to h n meeting ct the Institutes In Fremont I second week In February , 1837. IlilllllllV'H ClldCOllllO llOllIlOllN. liy nature , perhaps , but certainly lorg due to their highly cultlvited tastes : averagn Americans are , of all people earth , the most fastidious , and nro given e : erclse pxlremc saueainlshiipss In select : sch gcoils as shall enter Into their ston'ac Nowadays their desires even lean tow ; things that are rather ahead of the. tlm \n article which h simply "In line. " I "up todntp. " Is uo longer considered digit ' It must be "par avance. " This rule Is ! plied with even more than ordinary p clsion If It concerns flnu confections. such a case purity , workmanship , elegat of form , dalnMiicas of color , delicacy flavor end wholesomencss are considered , nf which. If found really desirable , tal precedence of Its price. It Is with full recognition ot the exlstet of these conditions , and with full linowled of thn fact that It Is a trait of the Amerlc people to want the best , that we. call atti tlon to nnldufl's Chocolate Ilonbons. Th nipot these conditions , ami nro the best. Ilaldurf's Chocolate Donbons comprise extensive line of many different styles ea one an original design , an attractive uovc : of graceful form of morn than real met made of th best and purest materials , v dor Ills personal supervision. In addltl to their Bupt'iior elegance of shape a purity of materials , they possess a dellca of Ilavor nnd a rich , satisfying delicloiism that cannot be found in other ehocolnt IJalduff's Chocolate Ilnnbons represent t vonccd Ideas In the confectioner's art. Th ilelicloiiKnrss suits the demands of the mi fastidious hotter than any other confectl known. Kvcry box of them that leaves I establishment receives his personal utti tlon and has his guarantee to bu as ho n resents thorn. A lifelong experience and a careful atu of the confectioners' art has qualified h to know , better than any ODD else , what demanded In the way of better grades chocolates , and he has been successful his cfforta to produce an articlu which In every particular superior to any other I which may he claimed the distinction of f ) confection. Ills success In this direction fully realized and appreciated on the pt of thu public , and his representation as the mcrlU and quality of his chocolat can be depended upon. VUHoi-H ft l tll < - Illllirn. Mabel l.i'D got acquainted IUH ! night w B , I ) . McClclhuul , a Jiouso mover fri Council Hluffs , After a brief period R Ck'lluuil Olscovored that ho had lost n bill which ho hud tucked In a wat pocket , ami coming to the conclusion tl It hild ( k'parti-il with the Leo woman , h Imr iine.stccl , Cieorwo JK'iiry rnmo over from the Illu hiHl tilKhl fur A Kum-rul good time , and iho course of thii uvt'iilnu' bought mu'i' drltikH. Ho foil i id In lil.s traiisiictjoiiii so perHon had imssed a worlliU'Hs hulf doll on him utul for about an hour devoted 1 energies ! In trying" to gut rid of It. Ho v > arrcHtPil for iittfinptlner to puss coutnerf nioiu-y. _ ( Jlllirrll Itt-t'OKIllXfH lilt l.UHH. The- bishop und yeatry of Trinity < thedral have passed resolution * of r m ut the death of Dt-uu Charles H. Gurilr and uxprtsslng their appreciation of 1 many uood qualities of mind und lift und of hbi work for the church , Highest of ail m Leavening Power. kai O.S.jovt report O ed ha la. la.he he ill on . > at WITH HDS1CA8D GOOD CHEER Tonrtli Bionninl SaongcrPcst of tlio Ne braska Sacngorbund , CROWDS FROM MANY TOWNS PRESENT ICvont Will HP Coiirlmloil with n < ! rniiil l'li'iil Tixlity nt ( irniiil IMuiid l'riiKrnin Hotulcrcil ut the M GRAND ISLAND , Aug. 15. ( Special. ) Thr fourth biennial saengerfcst of the N'cbraskn Snengerbund Is now In progress In this city and will close with an all-day picnic tomorrow. The llrst vlsl'lng sock-tic * to nr- rlvo were Omaha , Columbus and MadlMMi. They were met at the dipol by the re-pep- tlon committee of the Ornnd Island Ucdcr- kranz and Pacino Hose Company band , and escorted to the Llederkrnnz liall , wheru they wcro treated M luncheon and refreshments. The opening program was carried out l st night nt the Llcderkrunz hall. All societies expt-ctcd , with the exception ot Howard , art present. The following progtam was ren dered last evening before : i most ciowdcil house : Overture La Qnzztx I.iulUx Addrci'fi ofwelcome lluyor W. H. Thompson Adilres'S of ' .vi'li-oiiii ! Test. I'reaklcnt Louis \ ell S.ietigcrgrus * Isenmuiiii liriiiid Islutid LleilerUrnnz. Am Worolherseo Kaschnt ( Jaialni Mactmeiehor. nittus Abschleil IJockol .Madison Maenneiuhor. JI.irch-Taunhnusor Orcbcstrs' Ucr Kruehllim L.isst SclHieiigrucssoti. . . , Sllbeisteln SI.niton Miiomii'rehor. AVald Prledeix Abl ColumliiiH Jluenuerrbor , Merry Wives of Windsor Nlcolal Oreliestni After Hie completion of the Ramo tin assembly was turned Into n general sochs : reception , enlivened by impromptu perform , auccs by various singing societies , character. Istlc songs and oven a little comlo operetta performed by Jacob Segrlst , I'crdluaiu1 Tammo nnd Krauk Kaabx ; of Stantou. Mr John U. Delterbuck ot Omaha rendered sonu very comical songs in tha manner of t long tr.ilned comedian , and ( ruqucntlj brought the house Into convulsions o ! laughter. This afternoon at 2 o'clock the local anil vlKltlng societies. oHlclal representatives ol the city and civic societies gave a parade At the opera , house this ovcnlne the follow- ins program was rendered to a puckci house : Overture IMquo Damp Fr. v. Suppi Orchestra , , Wundorbar Vranz Ab Di-r Urunnen Nebniskn SaPiigcrbuud , with Orchestra Accompaniment , ( ) Ave Maria , v Schubert a ( b ) Scherzo FantoAliu , v Uslzsilmi. . . . . . . . . lYiiiis' Aii'e'ri ) , ' ' qinnlin. Dca SuhlKur's Tnuim ( Miieiincrchor ) . . . . . OniahiV'Orpiicuk Nelken , nil Ihr Fliiminenrothen ( mixed chorus ) t > . H. KHBC Gnvnd Island Llederkrunz. Was Peut.Hcho Llco- Kalllwodt Madison Maeniierehor. ( at Fouerzauber ( magic lire ) ( b ) Hwi-l Concert liluden ( op. 23 , Nos. 7 Jinil U ) , Chopin I'liino SoU Joseph Oiibm. Oirmliu. Per Ijcthetrunk Vom Uheln . . . .Ueschnlt Columbus Maounurchor. Sonnfinaufgsiiiir Kd ITnrmci Nebraska Sncnevrbund , with Orchestra Accompaniment. Characteristic ( cello solo ) George Qoldcrmui Hy. StcckelberB , Mudison. Schwdzcn'salm Albert Zwyssli Stunton Ucrmnnia Mneunerchor. Hungarian ulrs , with varlutlona ( violin ROle ) . . . . . . . . . , , . . . Krnst Hans Albert , Omnhn. 1m Abciulwlndf . . . . . . . . . . . Adolf Kirch ! Grand Island Llodcrkrnni. Mnrch-HonRrolso ( from Uamnallon do Kiiti-M ) . Hoi Ilo Orchestrn. Hans Albert , the. violinist ot Omaha , en1 tertnlticd the astembly lost night with a | sftcutvdo by Stuibcrt and a variation ot Suwannco lUv r and called forth tremendous applause. U Is understood that at the business ! meeting , to bo heM tomorrow , Omaha will Invite the Sarngcrfrst for 1S53. and thai th same will bo located there. I'riMiinnt PIUJ.MONT. AUR. -Speclal.-At ( ) th regular meeting ot ( lift school board last evening Mrs. W. Iloyce , principal of the Kasl school , nnd I'rof. J , S. Curry , teacher ot commercial branches In the High school , tendcicd Ihflr resignations , which wr * ac cepted. Prof , Curry has n similar position at Mount Vermin , O. , At a larger salary. He has been engaged In educational worlt here for the pnst six \ > fcKs. and all In terested In the commercial department ot the -oliooU regret his departure. I'llnem * Crowcll was elected In place uf Mr.1" , lloyco and Amelia llruncr to take her pualtlon , HinlmCount ) - 'I'-noliorx1 PIIHMONT , Aug. 15.Special. ( . ) Supcrln * tendput J. A. Collins conducted nn examina tion of applicants for teachers In the Dodge county schools at Ihe court house this nfler- noon. Nineteen teachers took the e\nmlna tlou seventeen nt whom had tried It ouco bcforu und had failed. Monday Morning Will Iniy tlio in our houso. No matter wliat tlic prli'e lins boon , whether ? ! . & . , * l..r > 0 , $1.7- . , . < > 0or mora IS cents buys tlio choke the imUerns tire handsome-all clean ami fresh-nail ' This Is tha shape till of this year's greatest offer ever made anil will da what we expect close out our wttlnl ami t'Ivc " 8 l-om for stoe.1 ; at once new goods to arrive. Paxton Blk. , Cor. IGth & Furnnm Q < K > < K > < > < KKX > O < KKXX > < XXXOO O-OOOQ i in and complete We are putting a new for gentlemen who want plete line of clothing a perfect imitation of tailored to order goods They are extra good qualities and combine style with perfect Avorkmanship. THE NEATEST BOYS' SUETS Ever brought to this city will be displayed on our tables this week. BETTER COME TO THE OPENING NEXT SATURDAY. 1511 1511 DOUGLAS DOUGLAS ; o Do You Want to Know ? All About Politics in the State of New York ? If you would keep posted on every . . . . turn the enemy is making SUHSCKUJJi : FOR ale Brail A struiirlit out Republican newspaper , with the largest circulation of any daily newspaper between Chicago and New York. With trained and experienced correspondents in over 450 Towns in New York , Pennsylvania and Ohio , the concensus of political opinions as expressed hy leaders in their respective localities are printed daily in this newspaper. REMEMBER ; New York is going to give McKinley and Hobart a majority of 250,000. THE NEWS will be mailed to you Daily and Sunday , for three months , for One Dollar. THE BUFFALO EVENING NEWS , Ai.o , N. y.