8PEGIRU NOTICES. Ailvrrtlnrmeiit * for Mima column * will lie ( niton until 1'Jino p. m. for ( lie cvrnltiKr nnil until H p. ni. ( or the iiinrnltiR nnil Sniulny cillllnni * . Ailvcrlldcru , l > r rfiutlnir n nttni- lirrcil clicck , cnn linve n unworn nil- ilromieil in n numlicrcil letter In cnrr > f Tltc Ilee. Alum-em no nililrcnncil will lie itetlvcrcil oil prcMCiitntlnn of < li < * elicck outj- . It n ton , ll-2c n. word nmt liixorllnii | Jc utionl tlicrcnftrr. Xotlilitft tnkcii for ICNN tliII11 lir.c fur the flrnt liincr- tlnn. Tlieae mlvcrlUcnipntu immt ! " run oi WASTBI1 3IAM3 HU WANTED. AN IDEA ; WHO CAN THINK OP Homo simple thlnir to patent ? I'rotccl your Idrn.i , Ihry mny trine you wealth. Write John \VeiMerliurn ft Co. , Icit | V , Vnlent Attorneys , Wnnhlnston , I > . C. . for their Jl.800 prize offer nnd \ list of two hundred Inventions wnnted. 1) 575 WK WANT BTATB ANH LOCAL OUOANI7.R113 for the Alheneum Fraterntly , combining Itf * nml nccMent Insurance , B < " rr/titrneta nml Cholco territory ; njiply to J. M.Vnnl. . supreme organizer , t03 Ilee building , Oinahni offlce hours 8 to 10 a. m. H 7 AZJ 175.110 TO IISO.OO A MONTH AND KXm.MHKS pnlit ralenmrn Tor clgnrxj experience unneces sary ; rtnnclnril Roods ; Llttln Clerk clear mn- chine free to each customer. Chnrlr * ti lllsliop & Co. , St. I.ouls , Mo. II-MT39 S _ WANTED. MKN TO U5AUN JlAUIIKIl THAOtT ; only S weeks required : tools donated ; wages Hnlnnlny : catalogue mulled free , fit , I.in ( llnthcr Collese , ? 19 N. 8th St. , Kt. touta. Mo. _ _ D M774 1J4 WA"NTID MRN Fen CANVAKSINO ; IASY work ; Rood pay. 1812 Davenport street. 1J M8 S 13 TMAMSTKI18 AND LAHOHKIIH llAILUOAn work In Iowa ; Metulyvoik ; frco fare. White' * IrfiJ.ur ARpncy. 119 No. ICtli. H-831-U * \VA.\TI3OFKMAM3 IIKLP. WANTED TIN : aini.s AND WOMKN TO work mi pleco work ; only hunl worUlns slrla need npply. Omalm llasliet Co. , 1015 .lnnr . roil iiii.vr HOUSES. HOUSES IN MA , PA UTS OF TI115 CITY. THE O. F. Unvl Company , 1603 Fiirnam. D STC IIOUSKS , IJUNIiWA & CO. , 103 N. lOTU ST. U-677 11ODEIIN HOUSES. C. A. STAHU , 923 N.Y. LIFE D-G78 1IOUSKS. WALLACE , I1UOW.N 1JL1C. 16 .1 Doug. U-C79 E-r.OOM , DETACHED , MODI3UN HOUSU. J23. Enquire 2G21 Cnnltol avenue , II. H. Itoblson. D-CSO STKAM HEAVED STOUUS AND KI.ATS. Howiird llunck , ngent , 1C10 Chicago Direct. D M5S2 CHOICE HOUSES ANI > Ihe city , J5 to 150. Fiacllty , 1702 I-'arnnm. U-C1S LARGE LIST OF HOUSES. THE IIYHON Itcoil Co , . 212 S. 14th Bt. D-Mf HOUSES FOR HENTIMALL PAUTS OF THE city. Qrcnnan-Love Co. , 1'axlcn lllocl ; D-281-A15 TEN-ROOM HOUSKi ALl7 McStTnnN 1MPROVE- inetlts. Owen McCaffrey. J200 Hartley St. D M2S4 6-nooM HOUSE WITH UATH ; sic s. : IST ST. C-llOOM , DETACHRD , MODEHN IIOUSE , JK. In < julru 2C21 Capitol avenue , U. II. llohlson. U-6SO FOR UKNT inmMSlIKn 1 tOOM.S. S NICE FUUNISIIED ROOMS ; LIGHT HOUSE keeping. 1112 S. llth. E 734 12 * ItOOMS AM ) 1IOAHU. PLEASANT IIOOMS , WITH DOAIIIJ. 192i UoJeo. F MC99 S3 * .van HUXT SToiiKs AXIJ OFFICES. FIHST CLASS UIHCK STORE UUILDINO , 101 Kumuni ; three fttoilcs mid ba&eim'nt : wilt iilte to suit tenant ; low rent. 314 1st Nal'l It' ) ; bhlg I 5S5 FOR I'.ENT. THE 4-STORY IIRICK UUILDINO nt 9K Fornain bt. This bullJIng has a llreproo cement basement , complete steam heating llx tutcs , water on ull Uuors , gas , etc. Apply a the onice of The ec. 1 010 AGENTS WANTED. WANTKD-5.000 AGENTS FOR HUSSELL'S AU tliorlzc.l "Lives of McKlnlny and llobart. ' MO | > nies , elegantly Illustrated. Price only 11.00. The beet ami the cheapest , nnd outsell all others. DO per cent to axents , anil freight paid. Hooks now rraily. gave time by end ilii ; ( ,0 ccnta In stamps for an outfit nt once AilJrefa A. D. Wortmngton & Co. . Hartford Conn. .1 M2S1-A1T * WAVri31)'VO HKXT. ASTONISHING. THE DEMAND FOR HOUSES list now with 1'arrotte , Uauglcs llll : . , op ] > o HUB Hayilcn'B. 1C 701-S S STOKAUU. 1'ACIFIU STORAGE AM ) WAREHOUSE CO. 90S-910 Jones. General stnragn unit forwarding ; M SM ) STORAGE. FItANIC EWERS , KH IIA11NEY M M7 OM. VAN 1 STORAGE. 1U3 FAR'M , TEU 1559 M-SSS WAXTI3I > _ TO IIUV. WANTED. GOOD , OENTI.E HORSE Oil MARE must u > Eound ; nlsu light rprlm ; wiiKon , will cami | > y tou. l'ntry'3 lndlnnui > ola ! make. Ail ilress U 10 , lee. N KS-11 * "WANTED. A 1'ART JERSCV COW FOR FAM lly u e. Must te gentle ; fctute luweel rash price Address U 9 , lec. ! N su-li' ' s.\i.iiioitsis AMVA < ; O\S. FOR SALE. OR TRADE. GOOD PHAETON double light haineus , BliiKle li.irm'iM. ill.imulii. rlnj ; and diamond ehlrl stud. Will trudo mo of the above for horvea or mures. Call at 121 H.uney St. . upstaliu I' 4tu buitAiiiUTV TALK'S CARRIAGES. uiiacfnFs nhacluim , bottom i.rk-c-t. A. J. a\n\imm. \ \ 149 : Pudce. l'-SS9 SI'EKDY C-YEAR-OLD. STANDARD MARE ilrlvts single or double , clii\ \ > . Irey. lir.'i So 31 t , or Life bulMlnu. 1--S21 12 FOU WOOD , (3 TO JI.CO A CORD , T , ilURRAV. lj-.M4M.A21 1JEST HARDWOOD HOG AND ClIICKi : , * f ncu ; Rlao "all wire. " U , R. l.er , Wl Douglas Q--09J JD-IIAN1) IIHIYL'LES , } IO. J15 , & J20. HICYCLK3 rented , repaired. Oni. lllcy. Co. , &U rl. 16th St. Q-1 FOR | IJALE. 4 KRESII FAMILY cows. CALL after 5 p. m. 4311 Erllno et. Cjsn - ULAIHVOVANT8. MADAM RERLAN. I'SYC'HOMETIHO LIFE rendfr anil teuclicr nt occult sciences , M Myniter it. , Council JluTn. ( S 7J3.ll * .MASS.VCi : DATI1S , ISTC. MMW , SMITH. HJ1 DOUULAS STREET , 2D rl'icr. room S ; nmbnago , etcum , alcohol am BUlliliurlna i hatln. _ T MS14 15 MMU. LAUU13. ilATII , MABBAQH. KIT HO\V- ra St. T MSTl-AM * _ _ _ ' ' MltR. 1)11. LEON , UI.ECTillcTT.Vs'sAdlJ'pAir | on > , refieBhlnB and cumtlro ; don't fall to call. 417 S. lllh St. , upstalro. T MSOJ IS' . , JIAes.\Ol IOT 8. I Si. , room J. T-11W3 rUll.SO.VAL. Mr83 VAK VALKENHURG DESTROYS 1'ER manently by electricity tunrriluau * hair , moles \vurt , tc. Room 4U , N , Y , I.Ue Hide. . U-691 ItlllTUHB CURED ; NO I'AINj NO DETKN tluii from builneu ; we refer to hundreds o patients cured. O. K. 'Miller Co. , 307 N. T Life building , Omaha , Nctu U 193 VIAV1 , UOMK TRUATilKNT FOR UTERINh , troubles. I'hystclau lit attendance. Coiuulu lion er hes.ltb book free. SIS bide. BOSTON DRESS CUTTINO ACADEMY , n. sa Uarbach blk ; learn the l > e t system no rttlttlnt trach s wantid : circular * tent. Mr * . O. Shelter _ CUltB FOJl UANQETjl QAL. T. 4t HEK. _ U-MWS-AK' JIN EM'ERIENCKI ) TB\CHEIt WISHES TO ixMT iK > i\a with lliurds oj Educntlon tle lrlo raJ Uncher. Adarns U 1J , Uee. U-MWi U MOSEY TO LOAN UBAI. ESTATB. ANTHONY 1 ) AN ft TRUST CO. . 315 N. Y. Ij. Quick money nt low rates for choice farm loam In Iowa , northern Missouri , ca tern Nebranko. .W-CM CITY LOANS , C. A. STAUU , K5 N. Y. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urcnnnn , Love Co. , 1'axton block , W-19S LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Fnmam Smith & Co. , 130 Fnrnnm. 'W-SW MONEY TO IN AT LOW 1IATKS. TUB O. F. Davis Co. . UPS F rii m Ht , f _ IXANS , IX\V HATES. lltEYTJiol N. Y. LIFE. W S22 S9 MO.VEV TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , hon-es , waRonn , etc. ; at lowest rate In cltyi no removal of Roods : nlrlclly confldentlnli you can pay the limn eft at any time or In nny amount , OMAHA MORTOAOE LOAN CO. . 3 < > C So. Kth St. X 01 MONEY TO LOAN , SO. V ) , M DAYS : FURNI- lure , plano.1 , etc. Uult Green , room S Darker blk X 602 IIIJSI.VESS CIIA.VCES. FOR SALE. A110UT 2.000 L113. MINION TYPE. 700 Hi * , urfatp , COO lb . , brevier t > pe , 110 pair two-third cases , 40 double Iron Manila for two- third cnne . This material was itfed on The Omsha Ilee nnd Is In fairly Rood condition. Will I * sold cheap In bulk or In quantities to Riilt purchaser. Apply In person or by moll to The ISee PubllshlnR Co. , Omaha , Neb. Y 713 FOR BALK. THE M'TAOUE'HOTE Wmt first-clnss reMaurimt nnd bar attached. Is of fered for sale on rea on.iblo terms. Apply to J. II. Evans , Nat. IJank of Commerce. Y MCU WANTED. LIVE DRY GOODS MAN TO OCcupy - cupy fpnce In one of the best department Rtorea In Omalm ; centrally located. Address U 5 , llec. Y M7)7 ! ) I.I WANTED. THOROUGH HUSINESS MAN OR wnmnn as partner to Join the advertiser In pushlnu a liniment Rood for man and beast : tonic for the blood ; neurnlqln pad , rheumatism. Thousand ! ) In It If properly ivotked. Investi gate. Must have 5400.00. Address U 11. Ilee. Y SE-11' FOR SALR , AN OLD ESTA11LISHED REAL estate , Itigiirnnce nnd rental business. Good reason for selling. AUdicss U 12. Roe. Y MS36 IS * FOH EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE , J30.000.00 IN SOME BUSINESS property payln ? S per cent for vacant business room In Otnxha or uouu iui. . , . care Omaha Bee. Z M732 S5 TOR EXCHANGE , FARM OF ISO ACRES IN Hlsnn county , Nebraska , for a meat market. Address E. L. Nance , Randolph Neb. Z-M798 13 FOH SAM3 UEAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS. THE 11YRON REED COMPANY. RE-603 FOR SALE. SIX GRAIN ELEVATORS"IN Gaffe county , Neb. , on the Union Paclllc rail way ; easy terms and cheap. Addiess J. G , Shea , room C20 N. Y. Life bids. RE04 FOR SALE. TWO VERY PINE FARMS IN Douglas county , 120 and ISO acres ; 45S acres in Ivnox county : ICfl acres In Buffalo county ; also two burglar-proof , time-lock safes. Wil liam K. Potter , Receiver. RE M373 1CO-ACRE FAItM. CLEAR. ENCUMBRANCE- price Jl.fCO , Vi down , balance 12 years time , 6 per cent. Where they repair watches 7Jc. J. H. Day. jeweler. Bee building. RE 631 WANTED , 40 ACRES FOR CASH. Wanted , 20 acres for cash. Wanted , business property for cash. Wanted , cheap place for cash. Wanted , lot for land unit cash. Wanted , to loan , JfOO to J2,000. Wanted , 3.000 second-hand brick. Wanted , farm In Iowa for cash. Wanted , farm In Nebraska for rash. C. P. Huirlson. 812 N. Y. Life. IU2I725 * FOR SALE THE HANDSOMEST COTTAGE IN Omaha : hlsh , sightly , corner lot. In west part of the city ; admired by every one. M. J. Ken- nard & Son. 310 J. J. Brown block. RE 731 17 FOR SALE , C5 ACRES OF CHOICE O.VRDEN- InR land two miles and a half southeast of boutb Omalm : u great bargain ; will sell part or all ; terms to suit purchasers. Thomas Hoetor. Soutli Omaha. RE SM MUSIC , AltT AND LANGUAGE. GEORGE F. GELLENBHCK , BANJO AND guitar teacher. R. 412 Bee IJIdg. Tel. 23S. 100 BANKRUPT STOCK OF PIANOS ADOLPH Meier's line stock of Stclnway , Knnbe , Ivers & Pond , BrlBgs , Emerson , Vcse & Sons pianos and musical merchandise la now on sale below factory cost ; uprislitB. J110.00 and upwards ; Ktiuarcs. J43.00 and npnards ; Me folios. ISc ; 23c Italian strings , lOc , some 5c : Me Hohner harps , 2.c : violins and guitars , from J3.00 up ; new pianos for rent. William II. Schmollcr & Co. . 3d lloor MeCagtie bldg. M075 31 IIUlLni.VG AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL LT & B. APS'N PAY C.T. S per cent when I , 2 , 3 years old ; always re deemable. 1704 Farnam St. Nattlngcr , Sec. co ; HOW TO GET A HOME OU SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & II. Abs'n , 1701 Knrnam. G. M. Nattlnger , Sec. C0 ASTHOLOGV. THE WONDER OF TIII3 AGE ; PROF. A. Matery. the grc-atcst astrologer and palmlstcr In the worKI ; past , prevent , future told or no charge. 11(24 ( Farrmm , S to U m. , 5:30 : to ! > :3C : P. m. 419 A22 * DETECTIVE AGENCY. CAPTAIN 1' . MOSTYN , DETECTIVE AGENCY- all detective work carefully and promptly at tended to : 310 Karbach block , On-.aha , and 61C Ronnoke Blilg. , Chlcaso. M G6S-S1 Ul'IIOLSTEHlXG FUUNITUHE , FURNITURE PACKED. WINDOW CUSHIONS and nmttrvsbep madn nnd renovated ; get our prices before placing your order. M. S. Walk- lln. 2111 Ciimlnf tt. : tel. . 1331. COS DANCING. CALL ON MORAND FOR PRIVATE LESSONS. day or evening. 1510 Harney. C35 Bl 1'AW.MIIIOKEHS. II. MAHOW1T2 LOANS MONEY , 41S N. 1C ST. wr SHORTHAND AND TYI'EWUITING. A. C VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LIFE. (03 HAIR DRESSING. THE PALACE BEAUTIFUL , FIRST CLASS hair dressing , manicure and massage parlors. 1613-1G13 Douglas street , 2H7-Al7 PROPOSED CONSTITUIIONAL AMENDMENTS The following proposed amendments to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , as hcrnlnufter net forth In full , are submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska , to be voted upon at the general election to be held Tuesday , November 3 , A. D. 1898 : A Joint resolution proposing to amenc sections two (2) ( ) , four (4) ( ) , and five ( t > ) , of article- six (6) ( ) of the Constitution of the Stnto of Nebraska , relating to number o ! judges of the supreme court aud their term of otllce. Uu It resolved and enacted by the Legis lature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. Tliut section two (2) ( of article elx (6) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended so as to read as fol lows : Section 2. The supreme court shall until otherwise provided b > - law , consist of live (5) ) judges , it majority of vhom shall be necessary to form u quorum or to pro nounce a decision. It niiati iiavo original jurisdiction In cases relating 'a revenue , civil cases In which the stuto shall be a party , mandamus , quo warranto. habeas corpus , and suoli appellate jurisdiction , tia may bo provided bv law. Section 2. That section four to of article six (6) ( ) of the Constitution of tliu staiv ol Nebraska , be amended so as to read as fol lows : Section 4. The Judges of the supreme court shall be elected b > - the elpnmrs of the state at large , and their term of otllce , except ns hereinafter provided , shnll bo fern n period of not less . ! : an live (5) ( yenrs us Iho legislature tnny prescribe. Section 3 Thnt section nvc (5) ) of nrtlclc six ( fi ) of the Constitution of the Stnte of Nebraska , be amended to rend ns follows : Section 6. At the tlrst Kencral election to bo held In the year 1E96 , thcro shnll bo elected two JudRes of the eupremo court one of whom shall bo elected for a term of two (2) ( ) ypnrs , ono for the term of four (4) ) yrnrs , nnd nt cnch BCtiernl section there after , there shall lie elected one judqc of ; he supreme court for the term or live (5) ( ) rears , unless otherwise provided b > - law ; Provided , That the Judges of the supreme court whose terms have not cxplrril nt the Urnof holding the Rpnernl election of 1S3G , shall contlnuo to hold their olllcc for the renmlndcr of the term for which they were respectively commissioned. Approved March 23 , A. D. 1SD3. A Joint resolution proposing an amend ment to section thirteen (13) ( ) of article six of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , relating to compensation of supreme and district court Judges. He It resolved by the Legislature of the Stnto of Nebraska : Section 1. Thnt section thirteen (13) ( ) ot article six (6) ( ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo nmcmlcil so us to rend ns follows : Src. 13. The Judges of the supreme nnd district courts shall receive for their ser vices such compensation ns may be pro vided by law , payable quarterly. The legislature shnll nt Its first session after , the adoption of this amendment , Ihree-Ilfths of the members elected to cnch house concurring1 , establish their compensation. The rompensiitlon so es tablished shnll not cVmngcd oftencr tlmn once In four years nnd In : io event unless two-thirds of the members elected to each house of the legislature concur tncrcln. Approved March CO , A. D. 1S93. A Joint resolution proposing to amend section twenty-four (24) ( ) of article flvo (5) ( ) ot the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , relating to compensation of the officers of the executive department. Ho It resolved utid enacted by the Legis lature of the Stuto of Nebraska : Section 1. That section twenty-four (24) ( ) ot article live (5) ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as follows : Section 21. The oHIccrs of the executive department of the state government shall receive for their services a compensation to be established by iaw , which shnll bo neither Increased nor diminished during the term for which , they shall have been commissioned nnd they shall not receive to their own use ntiy fees , costs , Interests , upon public moneys In their hands or under their control , perquisites of otllce or other compensation , nnd all fees that mny hereafter be payable by law for services performed by an onlcer provided for In this ! " shall be paid in advance Into the state treasury. The legislature shall at Its llrst session after the adoption ot this amendment. three-Ilfths of the mem bers elected to each house of the legisla ture concurring , establish the salaries of the olllcers named In this article. The compensation so established shall not bechanced chanced oftencr than once In four yenrs and In no event unless two-thirds ot the members elected to each house of the leg islature concur therein. Approved March 29. A. D , 1SS3. A Joint resolution proposing to amend section one (1) ( ) of article six (6) ( ot the Con stitution ot the State of Nebraska , relating to judicial power. Be It resolved and enacted by the Legis lature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. Thnt section one (1) ( ) of article six (0) ( ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended to read an follows1 Section 1. The judicial power of this state shall bo vested In a supreme court , dis trict courts , county courts. Justices of the peace , police magistrates , and in auch other courts Inferior to the supreme court as may be created by law In which two- thirds of the members elected to cnch house concur. Approved March 29 , A. D. 1S9.1. A Joint resolution proposing to amend sec tion eleven (11) ( ) of article six ( C ) of the of the State of Constitution Nebraska , re lating to Increase In number of supreme aud district , court judges. I3o It resolved and enacted by the Leg islature ot the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section cloven (11) ) of arti cle six ( G ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as fol lows : Section Hi The legislature , whenever two- thirds of the members elected ( o each house shall concur therein , may , in or after the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven and not oftcner than once In every four years , Increase the number of judges of supreme and district courts and the judicial districts of the state.- Such 'districts shall be formed of compact terri tory , and bounded by county lines ; and such .increase , or any change In the boundaries of a district , shall not vacate ) the olllce of any judge. Approved March 30 , A. D. , 1S93. A Joint resolution proposing to amend section six ( G ) of article one (1) ( ) of the Con stitution of the State of Nebraska , relating to trial by jury. Bo It resolved and enacted by the Leg islature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section six ( G ) . article ono (1) ( ) of the Constitution of the State of Ne braska be amended to read ns follows- Section C. The right of trial by jury shall remain Inviolate , but the legislature may provide that In civil actions flve-slxths of the Jury may render n verdict , nnd the legislature by also authorize trial by a Jury of a less number than twelve men in courts Inferior to the district court. Approved March 29 , A , D. , 1S33. A Joint resolution proposing to amend section one (1) ( ) of article five (5) ( ) of the Con stitution of Nebraska , relating to officers of the executive department. Be It resolved and enacted by the Leg islature of the State ; Nebraska : Section 1. That section ono (1) ( ) of article five ( S ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended to read as fol lows : Section 1. The executive department shall consist of a governor , lieutenant governor , secretary of state , auditor of public ac counts , treasurer , superintendent of public Instruction , attorney general , commissioner of public lands nnd buildings , nnil three railroad commissioners , each of whom , ex cept the said railroad commissioners , shall hold his olllce for a term of two years , from the llrst Thursday after the llrst Tuesday In January , after hla election , nnd until his successor Is elected and quail- lied. Each railroad commissioner shall hold his otllco for a term of three years , beginning on the llrst Thursday after the llrst Tuesday In January after his"election , nnd until his usccessor Is elected and quail- lied ; Provided , however. That nt the llrst general election held after the adoption of this amendment there shall bo elected three railroad commissioners , ono for the period of ono year , one for ho period of two years , and ono for tne period of three years. The governor , secretary of state , auditor of public accounts , and treasurer shall reside at the cnplto ! during their term of oflloc ; they shnll keep the public records , books and papers there , nnd shall perform such duties as mny bo required by law. Approved March 30 , A , D. , 1S03. A Joint resolution proposing to amend sec tion twenty-six (20) ( ) of article live ( G ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , limit. Ing the number of executive state officers. Bo It resolved nnd enacted by the Leg islature of the Stuto cf Nebraska : Section 1. That section twenty-six (2G ) of article live ( D ) of the Constitution of thu State of Nebraska bo amended to read ns follows : Section 26. No other executive state ofll- cera except those named In section ono (1) ( ) of this article shall bo created , except by an act of the leglslaturo which Is con curred In by not less than three-fourths of the members elected to each house thereof ; Provided , Thnt nny ofllce created by an act of thu leglslaturo may bu abolished by the legislature , two-thirds of the members elected to each house thereof concurring. Approved March 30 , A. D. , 1893. A joint resolution proposing to amend section nine (9) ( ) of article eight (8) ( ) of the Constitution of the State ot Nebraska , pro vldlng for the Investment of the permanent educational funds of the state. Bo It resolved and enacted by the Leg islature of the Stuto of Nebraska : Section 1. That section nlnu (9) ( of article eight ( S ) of the Constitution of the Stntu of Nebraska be amended to read aa fol lows : Section 9. All funds belonging to the state for educational purposes , the interest and Income whereof only are to be used , shall bo deemed trust funds held by the state , and the state shall supply all fosses there of that may In any manner accrue , uo that the same shall remain fsr-ver Inviolate and undlmlnbhed , and sall nst bo In vested or loaned except mi United Slates or state securities , or registered county bonds or registered school district bonds of this state , and such funds , with the Interest and Income thereof arc hereby solemnly pledged for the purposes for which they are granted and set apart , and shall not bo transferred to nny other fund for other uses- Provided , The board crculrJ ay section 1 of this article is empower * ] to sell from time to time any of th'j securities belong. Ing to the permanftlt/school fund and In vest the proceeds ansVlur thoretrom In any of the necurltles cnum-raten in thvs oc- tlon bearing n hiUi rate of Interest whenever nn opportunity lor better Invest ment Is prcseniriii .M v And provided funner ; Thnt when nnv warrant -jpon the ftjjfe treasurer regu larly Issued In pursnanbo of nn appropria tion by the legislature and scoured by the levy ot a tux for Its payment , shnll bo presented to the stmet'treasurer for r > ny- mcnt , nnd there shrtll rtot be any money In the proper fund to pay such warrant , the board created by station I ot this nrtl- clo may direct the sJaV ) treasurer to pay the amount duo on such warrant from moneys In his hnndif ttelonslng to the per manent school fund o | tlui state , nnd ho shall hold said warrant , na nn Investment of sold permanent sthobl fund. Approved March 25 , A. D. , 1S93. A Joint resolution proposing an amend ment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska by adding a new section to article twelve (12) ( ) of said constitution , to bo num bered section two (2) ( ) , relative to the merg ing ot the government ot cities of the metropolitan class anil the Government of the counties wherein such cities are lo cated. lie It resolved nnd enacted by the Leg lslaturo of the State ot Nebraska : Section 1. That article twelve (12) ( ) of the Constitution of the Statu ot Nebraska bo amended by adding to said nrtlclo n now section to be numbered section two (2) ( ) , to rend as follows ! Section 2 , The government of nny city of the metropolitan class and the government of the county In which It Is located may be merged wholly or In part when a proposi tion so to do hns been submitted by au thority of law to the Voters of such city and county nnd received the assent of a majority of the votes cast In such city nnd also a majority of the votes cast In the county exclusive of Jh' ' < cnst In such metropolitan city at such election. Approved March 23 , A. D. . 1S93. A Joint resolution proposing an amendment to section six (6) ( ) of article seven (7) ( ) of the Constitution ot the State of Nebraska , pre scribing the manner In which votes shall bo cast. Ho it resolved and enacted by the Leg islature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section six ( G ) of article seven (7) ) ot the Constitution of the Stnto of Nebraska bo amended to read as fol lows : Section C. All votes shall be ! > y ballot , or such other method as may be prescribed by law. provided the secrecy of voting be preserved. Approved March 29 , A. D. , 1S03. A. joint resolution proposing to amend section two (2) ( ) of article fourteen (14) ( ) ot the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , rela tive to donations to works ot Internal Im provement and manufactories. Bo It resolved and enacted by the Legis lature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section two (2) ) of article fourteen (14) ( ) of the Constitution of the Stnto of Nebraska , be amended to read a ? follows : Section 2. No city , county , town , precinct , municipality , or other subdivision of the state , shall ever make donations to nny wcrks ot Internal Improvement , or manu factory , unless a proposition so to do shall have been llrst submitted to the qualified electors and ratincd by a two-thirds vote at nil election by authority of iaw : Pro vided , That such dorintlons of a county with the donations of'sUcii subdivisions In the aggregate shall not exceed ton per cent of the assessed valuation of such county ; Provided , further. That nny city or county may , by n three-fourths vote. Increase such indebtedness flvo per cent , In addition to such ten ocr cent arid no bonds or evi dences of Imlebtedne'sb so Issued shnll h valid unless the sam'e.shall have endorsed thereon a certificate ! signed by the secre tary ana auditor of slate , showing that the same Is Issued pursuant to law. Approved March 20 ? A. D. , 1853. I , J. A. Piper , secretary of state ot the state ot Nebraska , < jo hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendments to the Constitution of the fetat'e ' of Nebraska are true and correct copies of the original en rolled and engrossed bills , as passed by the Twenty-fourth scssloi 'of the legislature of the State of Nebraska , , as appears from said original bills on' ' , filq.Jn fills. oIOco , and that all and each1of'safd proposed amend ments are submitted to" the qualified voters of the state of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to he held on Tuesday , the 3d day of November , A. D. , 1836. In testimony whereof , I have thereunto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln , this 17th day of July , In the year of our Lord , One Thousand Eight Hundred 'and Ninety-six , of the Independ ence of the United States the One Hundred and Twenty-first , and of this state the Thirtieth. Seal. ) J. A. PIPER. Secretary of Stato. Aug 1 DtoNovS morn only. Searles & Searlos SPECIALISTS l.y Nervous , Chronic and Private WEAlEflEH BEXUAbl.lt. AU I'rUuto liuetiel onil Disorder * of Jlen rrralumnt by until eousultiitlon frou * smiius Cured for llf and the poieuji tnoiouchly rlfansed from th system. 1'II.ES. F1STUI.A nn JIKOTAI. UI.CEKS , HYDnOCKr.ES ANO VAntCOCRI.E permanently nnd ( uccesifully cured. Method new and unfalllni. STfllCTUREANDBLEET.ffoS Dy new method without pain or cuttlns. Call on or address wltn stamp , Dr , Scaries & SearlM , 1ENNYROYAL PILLS Urlgliiul find Only ticnnliir * ilit fwr CbUhuiir'i ; f 'WJ * < .j.Kilotl with Mu rlWwn , Tn no other * t ttttlar-gt'du wlttt Ionan4 rf.fif(4lm ( ( * . A , PruCTlIifl a ( Urani f r iiArtlcufftlnx ! " "Krllef for JJitHem" mMr. ( br return Una 1 < VHM1 T * nJrSi"V } / ' / : WOMEN Who read ! ' The Omab& Sunday Bee Have the Benefit of a Woman's Department Eeplete wltji Fashion tfexSs , Gossip about famous ' women , > Eeports ofJ woman's activity , Hotes about woman's influence And all the'features of a clean , bright , whole some newspaper. DR. S.B COLLINS an Palnlevi U iiioiphmo opium uulldote. Am. Exp. Bids. , Cnlciij } L , A , W , HEN IN LOUISVILLE Throngs of Wheel Enthusiasts f pinning About the Fnlls City's ' Streets. VISITS TO THE POINTS OF INTEREST Stuck KnrniN nnil Speeillinr TrnrUa I ) nor the Attention of Miiny IMtuiN f ir Todiiy nnil To morrow Announced. LOUISVILLK , Ky. . Aug. 11. Louisville and her hundreds of League 'of American Wheelmen guests were awheel today. Coun try runs were the feature of the day's program and those that attracted the great est Interest among the visitors were the spins to the numerous stock farms a few miles from Louisville. Heat had no terrors for thq enthusiastic wheelmen and wheel- women. Fountain Kerry park , too , had Its throng of capped and Unlckcrbockcred rac ing followers , Intent upon gathering Information mation as to the form and relative ability of the contestants In the events , which , be ginning Thursday , will absorb all Interest In the meet. All the fast men were out , paced by everything from singles to quints. The crowds of League of American Wheelmen members nnd visitors were In creased today by several hundreds , but the big rush Is expected to come before the races. Major Todd has Issued a proc lamation declaring Thursday afternoon n half holiday. In honor of the League of American | \Vhcclmen. On that afternoon the city hall will bo closed and city em ployes will be glvcu an opportunity to at tend the races. Tonight there wns a highly enjoyable smoker at headquarters. Tomorrow's pro gram Includes a fc'cntury run over the orig inal century course to Frankfort and re turn , runs to New Albany , Jellcrsonvlllc and the falls of the Ohio In the morning , a grand parade at 2 p. m. and a watermelon feast at Iroquols park In the evening. HHStlLTS ON THIS IllJNXIXO TUAC1CS. Illioilvnln Hiinllx lU-fentw Cleonlum at ' Trni-k. Six KnrloiiKN < m HrlKliton'n NEW YORK , Aug. 11. Favorites tool : the third , sixth and seventh events today , though the third race was In the nature of a surprise , for when Hamilton thought he Imd the race won on the favorite , Gold Crest , Taral came with a rush on Ker- rler and made a dead heat of It ; the second In two days. It was run oft twenty minutes afterward , and Gold Crest won easily In 1:42 : , the same time as In the race. The iraich race between Clcophus and Rhodesia was taken very easily by the latter , though Cleophus was thought to we a good thins. The Kcenc representative Is > . ° w thought to be a dangerous animal for the l-uturlty. FSrstSrace | , mile and a sixteenth , selling : Jcffrrson ( G to 1) ) won , Hornpipe (11 ( to 5) ) second. Formal (2 to 1) ) third. Time : 1:4. : fc. Second race , live furlongs : Break o U.iy (3 ( to 1) ) won. St. Bartholomew (9 ( to 10) ) second end ; Don Bias (7 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : l:02Vt. : Third race , one mile : Gold Crest ( . to 5) and Fcrrler (11 to 5) dead heat by ten lengths : Defender (20 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1-12 Runoff : Gold Crest (3 ( to & ) won , Fcr- rier ( G to 5) ) second. Time : 1:42. Fourth race , live furlongs : Second Chance (4 ( to 1) won. L. 13. (10 ( to 1) second , King Bon ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:0311. Fifth race , six furlongs : Rhodesia (8 to 5) ) won , Cleophus (3 to 5) second. Time : 'sixth' race , five furlongs : The Manxman ( C to 5) ) won. LMInnlc Alphonae ( < to 2) ) sec ond. Clymena (8 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:0214. : Seventh race , two miles , over hurdles : Fugitive (4 ( to 5) ) won , St. Luke ( G to D ) second end Marble (5 ( to 1) ) third. Time : Saw ST. LOUIS. Aug. 11. Three favorites , two second choices nnd a medium outsider were winners today. Eddie Jones had the winning mount in every race. Results : First race , selling , one" mile : Sinner ( o to ' 2) ) won. King 151m (7 to 2) ) second , Labelle France ( CO to irtHIrd. Time : WG',4. ' Second race , selling : Fredy Foster (3 ( to 2) won , Frcdonla (50 to 1) second , Travis ( even ) third. Time : 1:13" : . Third race , selling , one mile : Immllda (3 ( to n ) won. Castala (11 ( to 5) ) second , La Gallenno (11 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:44. : Fourth race , one mile : Linda (5 to 1) ) won , Blngbineer (3 to 5) ) second , Honor ( S to 1) third. Time : 1:42 : % . . , . Fifth race , Helling , seven-eighths of a mile : Ronne d'Or (3 to 1) won , John Hlckcy (7 ( to 2) ) second , Pitfall ( G to 5) ) third. Time : 1'29. Sixth race , for 2-year-olds , five and a half furlongs : Zamar II (7 ( to 10) ) won , Aquinas (3 ( to 1) ) second , Juanlta ( IS to 1) ) third. Time : 'CINCINNATI , o. , AUK. 11. The bookies had things all their own way at Newport today , as only one favorite crossed the llrst winner. Jockey Feeny was ordered from the park for pulling Langdon. Weath er hot ; track fast. Results : Firat race , six furlongs , selling : Imp. Skate (1 ( to 1) ) won , Liberal ! (12 to 1) sec ond. King Elkwood (20 ( to 1) ) third. Time : Second race , five furlongs : Kst-ne-Reglna ( S to 1) ) won , Let Fly (2Va to 1) ) second , Happy Hours (0 ( to 1) ) third. Time : l:03'i. : Third race , one mllu : Sir Dllke (4 ( to 5) won. Martin (10 ( to 1) ) second , Itasper (23 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:42. : Fourth race , six and n half furlongs : Whlleaway (10 to 1) ) won , Coffee Pot (3 to 2) ) second , Masse (2 ( to 1) ) third. Time : lOTi. Fifth race , five and a half furlongs : Otto H (10 ( to 1) ) won. Minnie Murphy (8 to B ) second , Once More (3 ( to 1) ) third. Time : liOSM- DETROIT , Aug. 11. Two favorites , two second choices nnd two outsiders took the purses today. Results : First race , lx furlongs : Ton Quirk won. Florence S second , Sam Tate third. Tlmo : Ij2.1t * . Second rare , selling , seven furlongs : Ncee- dah won , Marchaway second , Commissioner Frank third. Tlmo : 1:3(11,4. : ( Third race , mile and a sixteenth , selling : Urania won. Pepper second , Nlmrod third , . Fourth race , the Campan stakes , mile and throe-sixteenths : Lady Inez won , Kamsln second , Swipes third. Time : 2:11. : Fifth rare , five furlongs : Coloso won , Lady Callahan second , Adowa third. Time : 1:0.1. : . Sixth race , selling , seven furlongs : Red Top won. Mobalaska second , Lauretta D third. Tlmo : 1:31. : MILWAUKEE. WIs. , Aug. 11. First race. six furlongs : Clara Bauer won , Oiiecn Boss second , Ferryman II , third. Tlmo : 1:10. : Second race , four and a half furlongs , selling : Dash JJarlo won , Jersey Lad sec ond. Whltcomb third. Tlmo : OiBfi'/i , Third race , ono mile , selling : Trilby won , Campania second , Judge Baker third. Tlmo : 1:11 % . Fourth race , six furlonRfl , selling : Helen Wren won. Cossack second , ToragncB third. Time : llVb. : Fifth race seven furlongs , selling : Eaalo nird won. Hands Off second , Elwyn third. Time ; 1CO. : _ OIITCOMI3 OK TIIH OIIUSS TOUHXHV. I'rl/.rn In ( lie HlK llvi-nt \iirfinlirr IMHll-llmU'd ( o the \VillluTH. NUREMBERG. Aug. ll.-After the con clusion ot the Tnrrnuch va. Albln gnmo loft unfinished last evening , and won by Tarrnsch early this morning , the prizes In the International chess masters' tourna ment , which hail been In progress In this city since July " 0 , were awarded its fol lows : First prize , Laskci" pecond prize. Marocnzy ; third and fourth prizes were divided by Pillubury nnd Tarrnseh ; llfth prize , Junovskyj sixth prize , Stclnltz ; sev enth prize divided by Schlelchter and Wnl- brodt. Appended Is the score of nil the players at the conclusion of the tournament ; Players , Won. Lost. Lasker 131,4 41.2 J'arocszy ' , . , I2l | ! % Plllsbury , , , . , 12 o Tnrrasch 12 C Janovsky . , . . . , , . , , , , . . , , 1U4 G" " . Slelnitz 11 7" Schlelchter , , 1014 714 Walbrodt , , 10U IV , BehUferH . . , . , ftU s > 4 TschiKorln , , . , , 914 8' Blackburn , . . . , , . . . , , . . . . . , , . . . . , ! > 9 " Charousck , & * 9't. " Marco , 8 10 Albln , 7 11 Wlnawer , G'A ' 1114 Porges , . , . , , , y4 121,4 Show-alter , , W W& Schallopp , , , , . 414 1314 " Telchman . , , 4 14 Sturm l.nlic Shoot. JKPFERSON , la. . Aug. ll.-Sppclnl.- ( ) One of the main sportlns events In western Iowa this senBon will be the big shoot at Storm Ij ke , beginning Thursday morning and lusting two duys. The events are given under the auspices of the Storm Lake dun club and the program , which consists of sixteen events each day , Is tiulllclently varied to keep all camera occupied. Invi tations rave ucen gent to all the leading shots of the state and It Is expected the at tendance * will bu very large. A match of fifty slncles Is ono of the chlrf events nnd In addition to the rcRtilhr prlp a special prize of a Winchester rltlo U offered. < ; AMF.S OF THIS NATIONAL I.UACJUK. Colt * Give the Urdu Tlirlr 1'lrot Cent f WtiltPTvnsili. CH1CAOO , Aug. 11. The Colts played much better ball today , both In the.field nnd at bat , and gave the Reds their first coal of whitewash this season. Attend ance , 6,000. Score : Chicago * S Cincinnati 0 0 Hits : Chicago , 10 ! Cincinnati , G. Kr- rors : Chicago , 1 ; Cincinnati , 3. Earned runs : Chicago , 3. Two-baso hit : Hanson. Three-bnsn hits : llyan , IVItcr. Stolen hasos : Klttredge , Miller (2) . Double plays : Dahlcn to Anson ; McCormtck to Dahlen to Aiu > on ; Miller to Smith to Irwln. Struck out : By Terry , 1 ; by Dwyer , 1. Passed ball : KlttredBf. 1. Wild pitch ; Terry. Batteries : Chicago. Terry nnd Klttrrder ; Clnclnnall , Dwyer and Pcltz. Umpire : Me- Fnrlaml , WILD THROW SAVES ST. LOUIS. P1TTSHURO , Aug. 11. With two men out In the ninth Ely made a wild throw to llrst base , allowing Turner to score , thus spoil ing a shutout for the visitors. The game wns too onesided to bo Interesting. At tendance , 2,200. Score : Plttsburg 0 3 0 0 4 0 1 1 - ! > St. Louis 00000000 l-l Hits : Plttsburg , 12 ; St. Louis , 4. Errors : Plttsburg , 1 ; St. Louis , 2. Earned runs : Plttsburg , 7. Two-baso hits : Stenzel , Smith , Huwley , Douglass. Threobamhits : Mpr- rltt , Davis. Stolen bases : Smith , Turner , Cross. First on balls : Off Donahue. 2 ; on Hiiwley , 2. Hit by pitched ball : Donovan. Struck out : By Donahue , 2 : by Hawley , B. Passed ball : McFarland. Wild pitch : Don ahue. Batteries : Pltlsburg , Ilnwley nnd Merrill ; St. Louis , Donahuo nnd McFar- land. Umpire : Kmslle. TIE GAME AT LOUISVILLE. LOUISVILLE. Aug. 11. Today's game wns one of the most Interesting of the sea son and ended In a tic. Umpire Ivilly called the came on account of darkness at the end of Ihe eleventh Inning. Plcki-rlng nnd Dolan , late of the Virginia league , made their llrst appearance In Louisville uniforms and made n good showing. Attendance , H . Score : Louisville 0-G Cleveland 0 G Hits : Louisville , 12 : Cleveland , 13. Errors : Louisville , 3 ; Cleveland , 2. Earned runs : Louisville , 4 ; Cleveland , 3. First on balls : Oft Frazer. 4 ; oft Voting , 3. Struck out : By Frazer , 4 ; by Young , 4. Home run : Chllds. Three-bnse hits : Clarke , Frnzer , McGarr. Two-base hit : dimmer. Stolen bases : Dolan , McAleer. Double play : Chllds to O'Connor to Tebeau. Hit bv pitched ball : Tebeau. Batteries : Louisville , Frazer and Dexter ; Cleveland , Young nnd dimmer. Umpire : I/ally. GIANTS COMING FAST. NEW YORK , Aug. 11. Under Manager- Captain Joyce the New Yorks today won tholr third straight victory over the Brook- lyns. Kennedy was knocked out of the box In the first Inning. Attendance , 2,200. Score : Brooklyn 0-2 New York 40000130 0-8 Hits : Brooklyn , 10 : New York. 10. Errors : Brooklyn , 5 ; New York , 1. Earned runs : Brooklyn , 1 ; New York , 5. First base on balls : Oft Kennedy , 1 ; off Stein , G ; oft Mcekln , 1. Struck out : By Stein. 1 : by Moo'cln ' , 2. Two-baso hits : Van Haltrcn. Tiernan , Davis. Stolen base1 * : McCarthy , Davis , Connauphton. Double play : Shlndlo to Anderson. Paused ball : Warner. Wild pitches : Kennedy , 1 : Stein , 1. Batlerles : Brooklyn , Kcnm-dy , Stein and Burroll ; New York. Meekln , Warner and Wilson. Umpire : Sheridan. BALTIMORE GETS 'EM ALL. BALTIMORE. Aug. 11. The Senators to day lost their third straight to the Cham pions. German was batted out of the box and Flynn , who replaced him , fared HHlo better. Brown was fined and put out of the game by Umpire Lynch for scurrilous remarks. Attendance , 1,911. Score : Baltimore 1000 B 110 * -17 Washington 101001000 3 Hits : Baltimore , IS ; Washington , 9. Er rors : Baltimore , 1 ; Washington , 2. Earned runs : Baltimore. 0 ; Washington. 1. Two- base hits : Kelly , Jennings. Three-base hits : Reltz , Clarke. Stolen bases : Demont (3) ( , Kelly (3) ) . Cartwrlght , Solbach , Jen nings (4) ( ) . Brodlc , Clarke. First base on balls : Off Kper , 3 ; oft German , 2 ; off Cor- bett , 2 ; off Flynn , 3. Double play : Don nelly to Clarke to Jennings. Hit by pitched ball : Doyle. Brodie , Clarke. Struck out : By Flynn , 2 ; by Corbett , 1. Wild pitch : Flynn. Batteries : Baltimore , Esper , Cor- bctt nnd Robinson ; Washington , German , Flynn , McGuIre and McCauIey. Umpire : Lynch. Lynch.STANDING STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Baltimore 0 03 27 70.0 Cincinnati 93 G5 SO CS.4 Cleveland SO 57 S3 G1.3 Chicago 07 B7 40 CS.S Plttsburg- 92 ! )2 40 50.5 Boston 90 -I ! ) 41 51.4 Philadelphia 8 ! ) 40 49 41.9 Brooklyn 90 40 50 41.4 New York 92 39 53 42.4 Washington 89 Sa M 39.3 St. Louis 92 2S 04 30.4 Louisville S3 22 CO 23.0 Games today : Louisville at Cleveland ; Baltimore at Brooklyn ; Washington at Philadelphia ; St. Loula at Plttsburg ; New York at Boston ; Cincinnati at Chicago. SCORES OP T1II3 WKST15H.V M2ARVR. Mliine < i | > ollM AK'ilii OnteliiNxeM City nnil Di-troll IiullaiiaiiiillM. KANSAS CITY. Aug. tl.-Score : Kansas City . n ninoOO ! 2-4 Minneapolis . 0 ! > 0 3 0 2 2 2 14 Hits : Kansas City , 9 ; Minneapolis ) , 11. Er rors : Kansas City , 4 ; Minneapolis , 3. Bat teries : Kllng and Blanford ; Parker and Sell river. INDIANAPOLIS , Aug. ll.-Scoro : Indianapolis . 1 G Detroit . 02302030 " 10 Hits : Indianapolis , 7 ; Detroit , 17. Errors : Indianapolis. 7 ; Detroit. 2. Batteries : Mon roe , Mahafly and Buckley ; Gnylo nnd Twlneham. MILWAUKEE , WIs. , Aug. II. Score : Milwaukee . 1 0 1 2 > 3 0 12 St. Paul . 2 030000 5 Hits : Milwaukee. 20 ; St. Paul. S. Errora : Milwaukee , 3 : St. Paul , 4. Batteries : Barnes and Spear : Frluken and Solos. COLUMBUS , O. , Aug. ll.-Scorc : Columbus . 0 7 Grand liuplds . 0 0 3 0 0 1 2 1 * 8 Hits : Columbus. 12 : Grand Rapids , 11 , Er rors : Columbus , B : Grand Rapids , 0. Bat teries : Daniels and Watson ; McFarland and Hedge , STANDING OF THE TEAMS , Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Indianapolis . PO 51 3D oo.o Minneapolis . 93 51 39 ' 5S 1 St Paul . 01 51 40 C7.4 Detroit . til . " 2 89 57.1 Kansas City. . . . , . ! 12 51 41 514 Milwaukee . , . M 47 52 47.5 Grand Rnplda . 100 . SI Gfi 31.0 Columbus . . , . ' , . 09 S3 ff XJ.Z Games today : Minneapolis at Kansas City ; St , Paul at Milwaukee ; Detroit at Indian apolis ; Grand Rapids at Columbus. Ilnniloliili AVI M H from I'ieree , RANDOLPH , Neb. , Aug. H.-Spoclal ( Tel egram. ) A mime of ball was played hero today between Pierce and Randolph , It was the most exciting and holly contested of the season. Several hundred people wit nessed It , among whom were about fifty citizens of Plnrco. The seoro was 10 to D In favor of Randolph. Batteries : Plcrco. Gllck and Sloan ; Randolph , Morrison and Woods. InilliiiiN AVI n a Runic. FULLERTON , Neb. , Aug. ll.-S.peclal.- ( ) The Fullerton ulub played the Indmii luno of Genoa at this place yesterday. The game resulted In a score of 12 to 10 In favor of the red men. Score ; Genoa 0 12 Fullerton u 10 Batteries : Genoa , Weaver mid Stover ; Fullerton , Fulmcr and Knowles. IIIIIIIIIII | > 'H Itiinnlnir .Meet Off. DUBUQUE , In. , Aug. ll.-Speclnl ( Tele gram. ) The running meeting was declared oft today. It had fallen Into disrepute owing to the wholesale conndr-nclng of the bettors by the bookmakers' touts , the shoot. Ing of Jockey Penny and the many swindles worked on the side. Iowa may now be considered cloned to the bang tails. I.orlllnril AVIiiK Another , LONDON , Aug. 11 , On this , the second day of the Birmingham August meeting , Plerro Lortllard succeeded In la ml ing an other first , his horse , Draco , winning the Doddlngton stakes of 150 sovereigns for 2- year-olds from a Held of uuven starters. W. II , Marshall's Dovey was second and Mr. Peddlar'a Scotland Yard third. l.eid n ( Crlekel. LONDON , Aug. 11. The rubber cricket match between England nnd Australia , which commenced yesterday with the Kng- liBhmen at the bat , was continued today , The English eleven was all out for 145 runs. The Australians then went In for their first inning and were all out for 119 runa. Don't trifle away time when yuu have cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Fight them In Ihe beginning with De Witt's Colic and Choi , era Cure. You don't have to wait for re- sultB , they arc Instantaneous , and It leaves the bowels iu a healthy condition. South Omaha Nows. Yesterday cltr warrants for $5,183 wcro Issued to the Martin Lumber company to pay for the repairs mdo to the viaducts lost winter , The warrants were drawn on the "Q and L street viaducts fund. " There Is no such fund , as sd-ps have never been taken to provide money for such fund by nssmslni ; the railways or adjacent property. The warrants will , however , draw 7 per cent In terest , at least that U what they read on the face. As them Is no money with which to pay the warrants It Is expected that the lumber company will sue the city , and then the council will , by resolution , direct the city attorney to confess Judgment for the amount. When this Is done the trouble will commence. Yesterday several well known taxpayers called on an attorney and re tained him to procure an Injunction In the district court restraining the city from payIng - Ing the Judgment , It will bo alleged that the contract for the work was not legal , as by Iho terms of the contract the city agrees to confess Judgment as soon as the work was completed , The trouble between the contractor nnd the lumber company , how ever , prevented the city doing this until now , when the const Is clear for such steps. llolilern of .IiulirnuMitu Are A vigorous protest was made yesterday by several persons holding Judgments against the city because the finance committee ot the council had not reported on Ihclr claims. Ono Omaha man , who was down hero kickIng - Ing , has a Judgment for $900 , which was Is sued In 1892 , and ho has tried every year since that time to have his claim recognized when the approprlallon became available at the commencement of the fiscal year. Mon day his claim was turned down for the fourth time and ho has engaged an attorney to mandamus the council to pay the claim. Other claimants who were also turned down are talking of doing the same thing , nnd a merry tlmo Is expected. Olllce for Milk limnt-etor. A room In the city building will bo fitted up today for the uso-of Milk Inspector Car roll where ho will hereafter make tests ot milk In the presence of milk dealers when It Is desired. The slatemcnl made to the council by Mr. Carroll Monday night that all ot the milk dealers In the city put water In their milk was quite a surprise and boms of the dealers take exceptions to the state ment. Mr. Carroll claims to bo able to substanllato his statement and Intends to raise the standard ot the milk sold In the city as soon as he gets his appliances to work In his new otllce. Violators of Iho milk ordinance will then bo prosecuted. Many Mfiiln to PrlmonerH. Councilman Caldwcll Intends to Irslst upon a more accurate accounting of Ihe mcala furnished prisoners confined at the city Jail. Ho thinks that the bills for feeding tha prisoners are altogether lee large , and claims that there Is no necessity for keeping tramp * a couple ot days before giving them a trial. The city ho says pays for three or four hun dred meals a month , and he thinks that la too many considering that less than 101) arrests are made In the course of a month. At the rcquesl of Ihe councilman Iho com- mltteeo on police will Investigate and see If there Is any way the cost can bo cut down. I'rnnic School HOIINO unit Fire The Hoard of Education will ask the city authorities for permission to build a frame school house on Twculy-slxth street , near M street. As the school property is Insldo the fire limits the consent of the mayor and council will bo necessary before the building can be erected. Mayor Ensor went on record yesterday by saying that such a permit would not be given while ho was mayor. Ho believes In enforcing the fire limit ordinance ns It stands on the books , and not showing partiality to any one. Wtitcliliiir Hoovor'M Grave. Ever slnco Claude Hoover was burled In Laurel Hill cemetery last Sunday n watch has been kept of the grave day and night by the sextons. It waa feared that on at- lempl to rob the grave would be made nnd for that reason two men at night aud ono during the day are kept on duty by John Sautter the owner of the cemetery. This will be kept up as long as Ihero Is any danger of ghoula making any atlompt to steal the remains. Still IIimllnKtliu Contract. A new commltti.-u consisting of Couucllmen Hughes. Bennett , Mullaly and Vnnsant has been appointed to look up the water works contract and to sco about relocating some of the firn hydrants In the Third and Fourth wards. Mr. Mullnly said yesterday that the committee Intended going after that con tract and gelling 11 and he Intimated that tha committee hnd learned the whereabouts of the missing document. Snort Strike at Cmlnliy'x. Thirty tinners at the Cudahy Packing company went out on a strike yesterday on account ot a reduction of wages. Ed Cndahy said yesterday aflcrnoon lhal Iho differences between the tinners and the company had been sellled and Ihe men had returned to work. The cut In wagea , ho said , was made necessary In order to com pete with the other packing houses. Sui'iiy County and SmellM. Thomaa Aldcraon , foreman for the Bal timore Hair company , who was arrested and taken to Papllllou yesterday for main taining a nuisance , was released on $500 ball to appear before the county Judge for trial August 19. The Sarpy county people complain at the odor of the drying brlsllcs and want Ihe locallon of Iho drying grounds moved. City ( JnHNlp. Born , to Mr. and Mrs , Dan Egan , a daugh ter. ter.The The police shot fourteen untacEcd dogs yesterday. Several of the gambling houses arc run ning again In full blast. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. J. Collins , Thirty- eighth and Q streets , a daughter , J. Uutterfield of Piedmont , Wyo , , brought In four double deck cars of sheep yester day. day.A. A. P. Falk of California Junction , Ja. , U In the city looking after b'.isinesH Inter- e.U. Remember the lawn social at Dr. Knsor's Thursday evening. It In for Ihn benefit of the hospital. Mrs , J. F. Rlchhart has returned from Atlantic , la , , wlioru shti visited friends for a couple of weeks , The cato of assault and battery against Joe Mandcrvlllo was dlsmlsseil for want of prosecution yesterday. Melvln Burton , a vagrant , wns sent up to the county Jail for twelve days yester day by the police Judge , T. J , Hart , a prominent feeder and ship per located at Reserve , Kan. , 1 In the city purchasing feeders to uat up his corn. Sunday the South Omaha club , which Is composed of members of thu Am'lnit Order of United Workmen , will give an excursion to Nebraska City. Rev , F. H. Sanderson , 1) , I ) . , of Trinity Methodist Episcopal church of Omaha , will deliver a lecttiro on "Men Wanted" at the First Presbyterian church Thursday ovcu- Ing , Mayor Enaor has appointed T. J , O'.S'cIl , Richard Swift aud John Locthner a com mitted to appraise the property at Twenty- third and Q streets , which Is necessary on account of o change of grade. An extra clerk has been put to work In the city treasurer's office making up a lint of all of the delinquent , taxrs nlnce South Omaha was Incorporated In 18S9 , This re port must bo In the hands of the county treasurer by September ID. Matt Murphy , ono of Montana's big cat tlemen , was at the slock yards yesterday In charge ot a two-train shipment of cattle , which were loaded at Fort Custer , Previous to this trip Mr. Murphy haa always shipped his stock to Chicago , but said that he waa entirely isat lulled with the prices realized hero and promised to ship to this market again. The city attorney In of tlio opinion that frequently property owners are not given the prope < notlcn in canes where nUowalk ! repairs are ordered. He says that a per * sonal notice must bo served on rcclilent property ownera and where the owner docs not live here a notice must be published In the otllclcl paper. Otherwise the taxpayer * at largo could be compelled to pay for tht Improvements.