Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Mi.\on M .vriojr.
1-5 . er LWa r > 4 Ansa Mkr ! ell lire g a *
. < friendi in western Xebraa.
t-.Mm4 : . jt C. LCrw ot t l fCM
.i * t Im the city n bti i sc ypt r-
IF r r < ixby. manager ef tbe St rllmg I -
.1 oonfMtiy. EMI Into X taska t * ay
, .I.IIWM trip.
F St. Oalr aad MM o. Chleaco.wbo
ltc Mltls t&e fawtlj J H. A Or
e aid of Sr rtty will
l a * Mey l Ar i TJntrs-
7 , evunt ) auditor ha * recrtrHI his
. j 'T of the laws patted at tbe ! at ut-
j of the low * lesiaUt-r * .
i , c funeral ot the late Mrs. Israel Lvett
I ' ; .e j.laoe at Id o'clock tl s morales
z 'he reflJcute. SMO Avenue B.
t.-a lirry t J Mr * McDowell el Crcs-
io faie brn Tteltlag the family f
V J Davenport , bare returned home. J
' - Grad hotel. Council BinSs. Hb ) i
. * in nwy r * t ect. Kates , J-S per dar ]
x ; ward. B. F. CUrVe. proprietor. j
. . . _ CiiTtl * departed for Chicago last ]
to tllcixl the national conTrntlon of ,
ialic i nt rceii after nhkh he i Jll re-
lo 'VVji'talnston. t
I dln' AM rwlety of SL Jntn's' '
t Lutheran chnft-h will meet al the
fi" of JO * . 1V. . Williams. FJS Com-
, * 1 strett , ou Thursday altrrnoon.
Tl * Women's ChiUtlaa Association li -
; 1 be ojxn to rlslton on Thureday , i
E st 1' . from S 50 to Z T > . in. MM. i
; y rpe SanTonS tivl Mi - 11. J. MclJrMe will
the jnjfi'K-
_ . „ _ _ frJcodlf-K Jog's --prt- killed at tbc
Ity juund jMlerdar. Th lt.t doc Mir Is-I
jcsteraay - as auniberod &IT. Tbe !
prcrknis nuralx-r orer lisoed la one t
was 4J * . Thirteen dogs are iiovr In '
i * paund. mod Trill be lillled today unless i
Itheir owners raasom them. j
Bert Haclctt. tlie "KanstK Flyer. " Gara- ] i
ion and Saver , the Denver pferaon' ' * . JQ.
jwtbtr with their trainers are quartered at I i
the OsJcn. The sen a e all entered In j ,
the Moore and Ellis mat IBM MOOS , -which 1 I
[ occur Saturday cfurnooB. AUEUit 15. tnd
.re tralntns oat on the mile train.
A tnUture of frt-e silver and free.nhUlcy
created a dieiurliance In front of the Etee-
man building j ttrday that neccEsltttod a
call for the po"cearrests were oade.
tut the disturbance drc r fcrth an order
tbtt hereafter all political discussions must
be carried on inside the building.
Mrs , D. Goldstein leaves today for her
new Jroroe In the east. She tj.ent the
er part of the day yesterday blddin ?
cr friends farewell. Mrs , Goldstein has
Ived here for nearly twenty jtarr. and
luring that time has ttood by tbe defith-
t-d of her husband and all of her children.
There Is a great deal of dissatisfaction
tnocK bicycle riders over tbe prize list for
he Moore & Ellis bicycle matinee , to be
Iven oa Saturday. Most of the cracker-
larks have diamonds and pianos enough and
r anxious to have a. box of "Sultana"
lgars offered in tome event. They claim
hat -such a priic. would bring out all the
lot riders. They know a good thing when
hey see it.
J C Patton has filed an Information In
Lfustice Cook's court , charging Gilbert , one
of Pcundmaster Dobson'i dogcatthtre.with
assault upon his little daughter Pearl. Tbe
Icged assault grew out of the dogcatcher'i
ffcrts to captuie Patten's dog. The child
rici to protect her p t , and in the scene
occurred received such a fright that
ervous prostration vfsjs produced. She VTES
: n.der the care of a physician jesterday.
Moore aad Ellis report a number of entries
.ilroiiy for the matinee races , which occur
August 15 at the driving park. John Law-
ioa , knoTrn as the "Terrible Swede , " has
cut. in bis entry and -nil ! make the cracks
Ight hard for -what they get. The Council
boys entered are Harry Hattenhauex ,
'oa ' Boyne. Gus Louie , O. C. Brown. Ed
uquette , > V. S , Rigdon and Harry Smith.
lie Tribvne Triplet , which will pace the
oes. Is expected in today.
The Woodward Theater company will
ipeaat the Dohsny tonight with a produc-
[ tlon of the four-act comedy-drama "Jack
o * Diamonds. " A fine cast ; a big prodac-
, tlon ; a large number of new specialties.
The only appearance of Miss Goldle In the
Kaloscoplan dance. All new plays ! ! ! be
iproscnted. The * ile of seats Is already
arge. The Crow sisters In Cne specialties
tad other strong features tonight.
C. B. Vlavl Co. . female remedy. Medical
| tmsultatlon free Wednesdays. Health book
furnished. Annex Grand hotel.
" Tor Pnlr.
. 'Welch antique oak combination folding
od also twenty-five volume set Encyclo-
| > odla Britacnica , Call Sr5 Fifth avenue.
Hot AVenllier Suit * .
Proceedings In foreclosures were ccm-
jinenceJ In tbe district court yesterday by
IT P , Bushnell against C. D. Palmer ar.d
[ others for IE frM. The same defendants were
{ named In a foreclosure suit for f3S09 , coin-
[ menred by Mary D. Cotton.
Officer ff Putey have commenced suit In
foreclosure against MInta Galnes for J409
n notes given in 1SEO.
Judge Smith yesterday entered a decree of
foredos-jre in the care of Cochran against
True , the decree providing that the taxes.
the amount of which shall be determined
1 by J. M. Matthews , referee , shall be paid by
the plRlntifl.
Lawn social by tbe young ladies of Grace
Hplscopal church Wednesday evening at the
residence of J. Perry , 70S East Pierce street ,
Admission S cents.
Get a germ-proof filter and save doctors'
bills. Only > i- Stephen Bros.
nr lro > ril Iluu e anil Content * .
Shortly after C o'clock yesterday evening
a fire was discovered in tbe cottage owned
and occupied by Charlrs Estes nl the corner
of Grove street and Galciburg avenue.
The fire had fAldenlly caught from a
defective flue and when discovered the entire
rod was ablaze. The fire department re-
fpcndcd promptly to an alarm , but when
the firemen arrived all that could be done
was to assist In caving the adjoining build-
Inge. The bouse of Mr. Estes was totally
destroyed. There was an insurance of { IM
on tbe boubc and contents , and that will
fall fevcral hundred dollars short of Mr.
Kites' loss.
Wanted Girl for general housework. Call
after 7 p. m , C9 First avenue. Mrs , L.
Kosenfeld. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Special grounds for private picnic parties
at Grand Plaza ,
Se er IMpe , Tire Ilrlck. Melting- .
Wholesale and retalL J. C. Bliby. iOi
llain street.
Hrlil to tlie Federal Grand Jurr-
Ed Marsh. William Galle and William
Robinson , ihe three men accused of hit ing
robbed the postoffice at Qulncy , la. , erc
given a hearing before Commissioner Stead-
m n yesterday afternoon.
M Martb. ho is tbe oldest of the accused.
withdrew his former admissions of guilt
and pleaded not guilty. Deputy UoUe4 States
Marshal HUwtg had tn array of evidence.
however , that led the commissioner to hold
the three men to await tbe action of the
federal grand jury. Their bonds were fixed at
fl.OM each. _
* - Good Flather lathe for sale cheap , J. T.
/ " Pindley. SJ7 Broadwty.
i Go to Manava and camp ourins t' ' . -ited
1 lena and keep cooL _
Hntl n LUTKC Time.
Sheriff Morgaa tu returned from Dearer
wh.'re he was a dfcli-sate to the coavwasteu
of the Interstate Steriffs' ar&ocUtiaa. Mr.
Moigin had a big ; time. He cays the thitf-
Ukers were royally enterulnedHe ae-
cepu-a everythlns that was offered except an
oppjnunuy to enroll his name u a member
of _ free kilvcr club.
Have jour hotike touched up and your
ecrrUce repainted. C Miller , Man street.
Divls. ( irujs , and glus. Tel. iiJ.
Fkksraea Tdl a Strange Sterj of &a OH
One "Man Drnc * n Strancer l'lr t front
n Mlmr < ! rn\e In the Inil
mill Then front
the Utter.
An oM German , whose naaic otwM not be
k rned , ra4e tw desperate b t HBMC-
feMfnl ttterapts 1 cotnmtt talcWe , tbe
firs * st 7 o'clock T c 4ay evening awl
tbe last abrat S o'clock yeiterday
He ottgkt le droira himself ia b th In-
O Toed y eveolsg Henry Cleveland , a
man who lives In one of the bmtee beats
oo tb liver benk rmr Brwdway , saw a
man ttotuxderlag arotiud In the m d In the
jxrod Jast north of tbe motor bridge. The
water Is only a few Inches deep , but the
mad ie almo-t fathom ! es. and Clevelind
rcallced that the mm was In great danger.
He went to tbc rescue , and. after a great
deal et bard work , succeeded In dragging
tbe aid man from the mud. He appeared
to be In a dazed condition , and although
Cleveland tndratoied to induce the eld
men to give aa account of himself and
explain his presence la the dangerous
qultksends , tbe Interview was Tery unsat
isfactory. The stranger could speak but
little English , and refused to give his name
or tell where his home irss : , and made t ev-
eral apparent efforts to wander off Into the
mud again. Thli gave Cleveland and others
j > rttat an Impression that the man wanted
to commit suklde. He was watched closely
for a time , and every cSort made to In
duce hiia so tell the names of some of his
friends , but ho steadfastly refused. Cleve
land finally offered to share his home with
him. and the man accepted the offer for
the night- The old man passed a restless
nlslit , and made srveral attempts to get
up and go away , but was prevented.
Yesterday morning after breakfast the old
man said he wanted to go to Omaha , and
Cleveland spent some time In brushing the
dried mud from his clothes. In doing so
he discovered the fact that the old man
had a lasgc roll of money In his pocket-
When he was ready to go Cleveland started
to assist him on to the bridge , but the
stranger posithely refused to walk over the
bridge or take a motor car. He said the
only ay he would cross the river wts In
a boat. Cleveland finally consented to row
him across. The old man took a teat In
the stem of the beat and sal quietly until
j the boat bad teachcd the middle of the
stream. Then he suddenly arose and sprang
overboard. lie disappeared beneath the
water , and when tc came to the surface
again bewas being svept swiftly donn
.he stream. Before Cleveland could reach
ilm he disappeared the second time. When
head appeared the surface the thiid
time Cleveland caught him. The old Ger
man weighed over 200 pounds and Cleve-
and was not strong enough to pull him
nto the bost. He knelt in the stern of the
wat and held the man's head above water
nd called for help. Cleveland's brother
eoree , and another fisherman named Rob
ert Jones , happened to be on the shore
end they put In another boat to the rescue-
Cleveland held to the old man's shoulders
the others took the boat In tow and
irought It ashore. The man regained con
sciousness shortly after being taken from
the water. Whe-n asked why he wanted to
commit suicide , be answered nonchalantly :
"MeJn het vas dlzry. "
He was talen back to tbe boathouse and
the police notified. Officer Peterson was
sent to look after the old man. All the
officer could get from him was the expres
sion of a desire to go to Omaha. Instead
of taking him to the station , where he
could be cared for , Pttcrson put him on a
car sending him to Omaha , and all trace
of him has been lest ,
Imminent Iorrnn Selected tn Open the
I.IKTCnmnnlRn I'ulitlcnlotiik. .
At a meeting of tbe executive committee
of the MtKlnley and Hobart club Ian night
It was decided to hold the formal opening
of the club headquarters In the Eisemta
building on Saturday evening , August 2i
President Harl announced that he had re
ceived the assurance that Hon. Lafe Young
of Des llolncs would be present and address
the club on that occasion. Committees will
be appointed and assigned to various duties
in arranging for the warmest canvass that
has been carried on in this county for years.
At the meeting last night a music commit
tee , consisting of E. S. Allen , R. J. McBride
and Charles Haverstock , was appointed and
will have the work of adding pome features
for the campaign in tbe way of glee clubs.
The democrats will open their headquar
ters In the Eiseman building on Saturday
evening of this week. Colonel Lewis T.
Genung , the fre-e silver candidate for con
gress , will deliver the principal address.
Commltte-es ere at work now preparing the
room and decorating It for the event.
The McKInley marching club heJd a
largely tttended meeting at tbo republican
headquarters last flight. Colonel Tom Clark
prcrlded and made a neat spe-ech. Inwhich
he urged the members of tbe club to get to
gether and turn out the biggest campaign
club of the state. He said there were Mc
KInley men enough In Council Bluffs to form
tbo banner marching club of the state , and
he was anxious to see them together and
open the campaign with a hurrah. Dr. V. L.
Treynor was tU-cted captain of the club and
Dave Stewart. Ovlde Vien and W. C. Hen-
drlcks lieutenants. Captain Treynor was au-
thorlted lo call meetings of the club. Justice
Vle-a clofe-d the meeting with one of his
characteristically able expositions of the
money question.
I.nniII r < I I'elley of Oninhn Pnnble to
Iilcntlfr Him n n Cheek \Vurker.
Harry Hamilton was detained at the police
station for sevetal hours yesterday after
noon for the purpose of permitting Thomas
E. Pelley and wife to Identify him. Mr.
Pelley owns a number of flats on South
Eleventh and FaciSc strpe-ts in Omaha
and lives in one of them. Several days
ago a man purporting to be from Council
Bluffs came to Mr. Pelley and desired to
rent apartments In one of the flats for him
self and wife , A price of 112 a month was
agreed upon , but Pelley Inslste-d upon pay
ment In advance. The Council Bluffs
ttranger produced a check on tbe First
Xttlonal bank of Omaha for t0. He gave i
It to Pelley. who hunted Ibroueh bis poteU
end could Ccd only fS of the IS due tbe
stranger He pave him this with the under
standing that tbe remainder -would be re
turned wht > n tbe part It f moved in the bouse.
When Pelley went to the bank to ge-t his
money , he discovered that the check was
vrnhlcEE. He has tince been devoting his
spare time hunting for the confidence man.
Yesterday the Om ta drtc < ctlvrs figured it
out that it must be Harry Hamilton , and
Pt-liey vas cent over to Identify him after
the Council .Bluffs police brought him In ,
He was usable to do to and returned to
Omaha , for his wife , who had been present
wheti tbe house deal sru made. The
woman raze over _ nd rarae very nearly
JzvdMiUfyinc Deputy Sheriff Anderson , but
vas positive that Harry Hamilton was a
inuch abused man end looked like too good
a ChrUlUn to do anrthlac wrong. Harall.
too then bo td out of the police station ,
after ibc&V.ig all for the courteous treat
ment he had received.
During the hot weather remember to
wad your wilted line a to tbe Eagle laundry.
Clean , crisp , mow wblu work and prompt
* * rvicc Iswhit ywa cet at the "Eagle. "
7J4 Broadway.
Let all of your trouble * upward eo In the
xsoke cf "Gearral Je Pereeoy & Moore ,
nsle a.enU , Council Blcffs , la.
DivnixiM\a run GiiAvnb IIEU.
Ini eMIicntlnn * MIOTT Ihe Ippo lt to
lie nf Rrent Vnlne.
C BBcllmea Barsto- and Shubert spent a
large portion of the day yesterday lavpttl-
gatlng and dlrclng Into the travel banks
ktcated oa tbe elty's property north f
Myntter epilDgs lo Lake View. Tbe far
ther they puh their lavestlcrattoes the
more sng-lBe they are that the cHy has
tone valuable property IB a portion of the
park that has been regarded as esetess far
iwrk purposes.
Yesterday a port ten of tbe crave ! be4 was
tiBcovered. A portion of tbe sttatvn proves
to be a conglomerate miss of clean , eojirte 4
gravel , cemented together MJ irmly that ,
iaa8 es weighing tons can be qwarrted oat- ,
It it etsitr broken up with picks a&d ham
mer * , and is pronounced to be fatly eq cl
J to aacadam for roadmaklag purposes ,
( Street Commissioner Morris accompanied the '
: other oSciali yesterday and superintended .
I lt patting In and explosion of a blast
] of powder. It threw up great masses of j
j coo glomerate stone and cleared the way
i for further exploration as to the depth '
I of the dt-pctit. It was found to have a
thickness at that point of about Jtn feet , \
| I and lies on a bed of firm blue clay. The ,
explosion opened up a spring , and clear !
water rushed out In great quantities. Scvi i
eral men ere pot to work yesterday strip-i
ping the overlying earth from the gravel.
; ! In tbe few hours they worked with their '
i < shovels they uasovere-d an area that is '
; estimated to contain at least thirty car
loads of clean gravel. It lies along the ,
.railway ( tracks , where It can be loaded Into ]
i cars at comparatively little expense. The
aldermen estimate that there is at least
K cars In tight that Is covered with a very
thin rnut of earth , tad unlimited quan
tities further back. Auger holes were sunk
, at various points , and the bed was found ;
to average a thickness of from seven to ten |
I feet. The clay beneath dips sharply down- i I
' ward as it approaches the hills , and the |
i thickness of the gravel deposit Increases , i I
I Xearer the bluffs It Increases in solidity ! !
until It becomes almost stone heavily Im- j I
: pregnatcO with Iron. | I
1 Mayor Carson has been deeply Interested
1 in the investigations. He is a veteran
, gold miner , and has a keen eye for gold.
. While the aldermen are blistering their
i hands the major is prosecuting his search
for gold. He has discovered a stratum of , i
' black sand that gives great promise of
i ! having something gocd In it. It Is highly I
magnetic , and is Just the kind cf stuff that I
used to set the old MSers craiy. He softly
'denies ' the story , but some of the council
man declare they heard him yesterday
whispering to himself while absorbed In the
I contemplation of a handful of bteck sand
, and declare"There's just a chance of
I Cnding gold enough here to pay off the
j city's debt "
A number of the councllmen will spend
1 the day theie today superintending the
I work of uncovering the deposits. By the
| ' time the railway company gets around
to put in a switch there will be several
' hundred carloads ready for shipment.
I Coroner's Jnry Xot Sntlfie l that
i Thciitini Ilnll Committed Snlclde.
j DES MOINES. Aug. 11. ( Special Tcle-
! sram. ) When Thomas Hull , ex-state mine
I inspector , was found dead in his coal oEce
' at noon yesterday It was announced that he
, had committed suicide. The coroner's jury.
; which has been ia session all day and has
rot completed its labors , is not willing > o
accept tils view , and will make further
. investigation tomorrow. When Hull wa3
, found his wife and 15-year-old son. Bert ,
were with him. Mrs. Hull held the rc-
J Tdier. which bad recently been discharged.
'Physicians testified today that there we-e
j no powder marks oa Hull's head -uhpre ihe
' bullet entered , and that this marking could
j not have been avoided had he held the
J revolver In his own band. The testimony
' was taken in secret. Mrs. Hull is prostrated -
' trated , and her testimony will b < 5 takfn at
her bedside tomorrow.
Bert Hull ctstlfled that he and his mother
arrived at the office from Tord , la. , asd
] that immediately thereafter his fail er
; handed his mother a roll of papers cud
! then shot himself. Nothing in the papen ,
produced Indicate any determinatlra to-sui
cide Hull's associates say that he was
making plans to go to Cripple Creek. Mrs.
Hull says that Hull wawornd a
daughter , Martha , was not icarrlM last
Sunday , according to planr , but other rel
atives testified that they kne r nothing of
any contemplated marriage. There Vas no
evidence of any trouble belwwn Hull jnd
his wife. The entire affcir Is shrouds ! in
rrlctitful Fall -ot n Ilor.
CEDAR RAPIDS. laAug. . 11. { Special
Tele-gram. ) The 7-year-old son of Mrs. Mary
Blngham fell Iron a fourth story window
of the Arcade hotel this afternoon , a dis
tance of fifty feet , to the stone pavement
b3ow. No bones were broken , but concus-
, sloa of the brain resulted and the boy cannot -
' . not live Mrs. Biagham came here Sunday
i to meet James Wallace , to whom she was
engaged to be married. He had skipped to
parts unknown , however , before her arrlvtL
Commercial Trn\-eler Itobbeil.
DES MOI.VES , Aug. 1L { Special Tele
gram. ) G. W. Shaffer of St. Paul , who
travels for a threshing machine company ,
complained to the police today that he
wandered into tbe "white chapel" district
by mistake last night and was relieved
of 11,500. He was not exactly clear as to bow
the transfer took place , but he thinks his
pockets were picked.
ItjSimmer. . Train or Jlonl f
Which of these have you selected as a
means of travel ! No matter. Whichever
It Is , recollect Out for sea-sickness , dis
order * of tbe stomach , liver or bowelt , en-
gendeied by rough locomotion and bad feeler
or water , and for malarial troubles. Hos
teller's Stomach Bitters is tbe most .useful
cpccl e you can take with you. It Is In
valuable also for rheumatism , kidney com
plaints and nervous trouble.
Mixed Sport * nt 1'errjr.
PERRY , la. . Aug. 1L < Sp Jal. ) The second
end annual field day exercises of tbe-Thelma
club will be held on August & A splendid
program of events has been prepare-d and
already enoucn e-ntrtM have be-t-n received
to jruarantt-e a day of splendid rport. The
jirlre list is Inrse and nil classes of sport
have btn arrange-d for. The following Is
a propram of events , tosftber with the
prize Jl tT Blue rock shoot , three prizes ,
i value HZ : mile bicycle race , county , three
i pritej ! , value K2M ; ICO-yard foot race , open ,
j three prlze-s , value J17 ; throwing base ball ,
I opn , two prizes , value K' quarter mile bl-
1 cycle race , optn , thre-e prirea , value J17 ;
' putting sixteen ; > our > d shot. open , three
i prizes , value KM : flow bicycle race. 3M
yards , open , three prizes , value $5 ; two mile
handicap bicycle race. optn. tbre-e priies ,
value SiOard ; foot race optn , three
. prixes. value FIX : running broad Jump , two
i prize * , vlue U.5Q ; nve mile bicycle race ,
opt- . three prize * value J37 M ; IW-yard foot
race , professional , three prize * , value P ) ;
i one mile novice bicycle race , ope-n thre
, prizes , value OS ; half mile boys' bicycle
race , thre-e prize * , value 17 : hop-step-and-
' jump , one prize , value R ; one mile bicycle
i race. open , three prizes , value J20 , roan
i against horse , forty yards and turn stake.
I t o [ .rizcs. value tT ; half mile mule race.
! thrc-e prizes , value n * ; pony race , three
prize * , value $16.
Seruud Dnjat Port Wnjne.
TORT WAYNE. Jrd. . Au ? 11. The second
day's grand circuit races were nrcll at
tended. The track was in cooJ condition ,
, but no exceptional time wet made. Re
sults :
1 Trotting. i-Sto class , purse , fm3 ( un
finished yesterday ) Derby Princess won
first , third and fourth beats. Time : ! ( ? - .
MJ k , : 12. Il ssle Wilton non second brat
in I 1U. and was second. Bdraonla vas
third. Dick Hubuard , Gorse B UHy
Gedde. Prince aad Blue Bell also staru i.
Trotting- , J-ytr-oldi. puree JI > > 1. M r-
g&ret von In stnUjht beats. Time : I.1H .
: -l H iinOHte Wood was f-feond and
Happy Itord third. Espy Boy. Alf. Itob Col-
tons. Axtelto. Oiklej and Ambit also
start fad.
I'tLCtas. 8-yr-oJds. purs * n.KO : Pairvitw
woa la straight be .ts. TimeTO * * , . tK.
2-.1CV. Iji ly Golden wa * second and Joe
lUol-v third. Athene and Gus Hornet also j
ttarte * ] . I
P iung , S24 claec. purse tllnO. Prank Bo-
raih won in strsifbt beats Tirat 2 JJU
2U I ii Jim E-rDtror.s VAC terond and
Moekinj ; Boy third. EllknooJ Nut also
BepaUicaa Coaveat a of onlfag
Good Timber In Slclit for State Office *
to lie Klllol Hnrn CnnluitRn
Work IK Thnnnlit < nU *
.Ncce M rr. Hi
CHEYENNE. A g. lL-fSpedU. tc
eraveaUovs will be hW Vy tbe repeb-
Jteans aad democrats ef Wyamiag this
week. Tbe repebUcao coBTcniloa will be. !
held Wednesday at Cfaeyraae ao4 tbe < J n- <
ocratlc on Thursday at Reek Springs. The ' 1
ruminations to be raide by these cenvea- ' I
' '
tlons are candidates lor a representative
In congress , three presidential electors and
one justice of the state supreme court. Tb
retiring congressman Is F. W Mcmdell. the j
retiring Justice H. V. S. GroesbecV. both
republican * . It IE pretty -definitely settled
that the republican convention will rcaom-
inate both of these gentlemen without op
position. Among democrats .SaaueJ T. Corn
of Evaatton Is of for the Domina
tion for the Justiceship and if he will ac
cept the nomination It will probably be
tendered him. Judge Corn wts for several
years on the Wyoming territorial bench
and In 15.S4 . served out tae uneipired terra
of Justice Clark on the state supreme
bench. He Is a Jurist of ability and if
elected will be an acceptable addition to
the supreme bench with all parties.
For the congressional nomination ex-Gov
ernor John E. Osborne of Rawllns and Tier.
A. A. Johnson of Laramle are considered
candidates. Governor Osborne is a young
man of considerable -wealth who enjojed
the distinction during 1SS3 and 1WM"of
being the youngest governor In the United
States. He declined a renomlnatlon for the
governorship in 1H. but Is now ready to
re-enter pollt'cs and is willing to try the
race for concrcss. He has always been a
consistent advocate of the free silver Ide-a
and Is a forceful debater on that and the
tariff question. The other candidate for the
nomination has for four years been presi
dent of the Wyoming SUte university , resigning -
signing the position on the first of the presI
eat month. Until the St. Louis convention
he had been one of the leading republican
workers of the state. He publicly withdrew
from the psrty when It refuted to endorse
the siher ideas of the western delecates
and has since been speaking and working
for Bryan and SewalL
The two conventions will also adopt plat
forms. The democratic convention will
adopt the Chicago platform without a dls-
scntlnc voice or vote and on state affairs
will condemn the republican administration
for reducing taxes of railway and other
corj-orations , while other taxes have been
Increased. The question of adopting a
financial plank is the only embarrassment
which tht , republican convection hts to
face. In 1E94 at Casper the state conven
tion adopted a radical silver "plank and
again at Sheridan In June of th'is year re
affirmed the Ctsper plank. " The question
now arises of standing by thli declaration
or facing directly about an4 adopting the
gold plank of the St. Louis convention. It
is probable that a middle course will be
pursued and a financial plank adopted not
quite so radical In Its desasirtijor silver as
tbe Casper-Sheridan declarations find not so
pronounced for gold as the St. I/rais finan
cial plank. The leaders of Uhe.-republican
party In the state recognite the embar
rassing position in which they .are placed
on the financial question and JsfJpit that if
the election were to be h ld Curing the
present month the state w ujd be against
them. They do not , however , concede that
tbe republican party will. be defeated In
November. The campaign on tie part of the
republicans Is belnc managed ( by United
States Senator F. Warren , . , o'ne of the
mpst adroit and skillful political workers
in the west , and it Is expectedDr the party
leaders that with bard work and ample
financial aid the stale will be saved to Mc-
Klnley and at the same time the congres
sional and legislative tickets carried. While
the legislature to be elected this year does
not elect a United States senator , ten cf
the state senators to be elected -will be hold
overs and will narticipate with the suc
ceeding legislature in a senatorial election.
On the other band , democratic leaders
and workers feeard tie success of the Bryan
and Sewall ticket in the state as absolutely
certain and expect to carry the congres
sional , judicial and legislative tickets by
fair ms'rrities.
T nrnmle Connty Reitnltllrnnii.
CHEYENNE. Aug. 11. { Special Tele
gram. ) The republicans of Laramie county
held their county convention today and
elected delegates to tomorrow's state con
vention and nominated county oScers. Of
tbe nineteen delegates elected a majority
are believed to favor the endorsement by
the state convention of the SL Louis plat
form. For the state senate E. F. Stahl and
Samuel Corson were nominated ; for the
house of representatives O. F. Cowhick.
Pitt Covert. A , D. Kelly. J. Bergman. J.
O. Mlddauch. B. B. Davidson. W. F. Mc-
Farland ; sheriff ; I. L. Freudendall ; county
clerk , John Roberts ; treasurer. D. D. Swan ;
surveyor. W. D. Pease : county attorney.
Robert W. Breckoas ; clerk of court , Paul
Bailey : county superintendent , Mrs. Eliza
beth Hawts. _
To Cleanup tbe S ktcm
Effectually , yet gently , when costive or
bilious , or 11 ben the blood is impure or
sluggish , to permanently overcome habitual
constipation , to awaken the kidneys and
liver to a healthy activity without Irritat
ing or weakening them , to dispel headaches ,
colds or fevers , use Syrup of Figs
of Diamond Match Deal.
CHICAGO , Aug. 11. The agreement *
under which Diamond Match and New York
Biscuit stock is to be deposited with tbe
Northern Trust company as trustee are
ready for signature. The exact terms of
these agreements will not be given to the
public until the signatures are received and
tbe stock reedy for deposit. They provide.
however , that the stock shall be placed
In the keeping of tbe trustees for a period
of one year and the banks and capitalists
who own it ate to be given non-negotiable
receipts for the stock deposited. It Is said
tbe agrt-ementc will be signed today and the
stock deposited immediately.
Theories of cure may be dlscnesd * t
length by physicians , but the snCerer *
quick relief ; and One Minute Cough Cure
will give It to them. A safe cure for eh. '
drea. It is "the only harmlri.sremedy : hzt
immediate results , " ' ! . !
Tr > lntr to lilenllfj-
HURON , S. D. , Aug. ll.-SSpeclal. ) The
young mm who died at tbV Aoty hospital
her * a few days since Is " "Jiejtr " ved to have
been J. S , Johnson. From1 % bose who were
with him a few days prloY'Xo.'i.hls . death It
is learned be lived for Several years In
Omaha and worked on sonje. tiilroad there.
but Inquiry falls to dlscoren toy one ho
knew him in that city. He uas about V )
> efs old. si > . ,
CifltuaKf Clerk I ru r 'n Defaulter.
SAN FRANCISCO. , A % ft. It hi * de
veloped that Harry K. rowp. exchange
clerk of th s Bullion and. jE jchange bank
of Carton , Nev. . vbo U Jtjit city suddenly
about two months ago. & " defaulter tea
a Urge amount. He robbed' d& institution
by which he was employed of nearly I75.WK ) .
He It bellrved to be in Meviro at preent-
He left bla wife and child In Carson.
H You Lark Knerny
Take Her ftir l' Aeld I'tiOk | > lmte.
It vitalizes tbe nerves , helps digestion ,
feeds tbe brain , makes life worth living.
It Is a mcidicine. a food and a delicious bev-
Trouble * In tbe llntlnc * * World.
DALLAS. Tex. . Aug. 1L Helhcrlngton &
K(4son. dealers In machinery supplies , sled
a deed of trust yeturday. Liabilities.
$31,430. _
Mot ruieutii of Oeenn Ve oeln , Auir. II.
At New York Arrived W * frnland.
from Antwerp. EalltxJ-Jlavrf. for Br n i ,
via Southampton-
At LU t-rpool Arrived C phalonla. from
At Southampton Arrived Labn , from
New York.
Mnn > Drnfli * frorrt Hrat.
Ar - Hrj ortrt1 Uttrlnc Ihp Dnjr.
CHICAGO. Anp. 11 A E l Jnreze tfra-
pered tbe brat to the K SfTlt K people of
this eltr tolir. Mlbovsii tbc < lrmoBttter
Tfpletrml StJ. bring onlf se dgre tower
than resttNUrTbe dfjilly * e tt of the
thirty fatalities from _ * trfce wwe al
ready reported it nWale-t. wltla UK Mn
till Incomplete. A boat fifty css rf ptf-
trattoa. awe r toe t rt * sl hare tit *
A tbcver at 7 e/eloek reoslbty cwrt 4 * ! t
tbe atnwpherp. b l only lor a hort tloa * .
The number of petwns driven cr ty by the
beat will probably x-rfr lx knows , and Its
effects In that direct lee my be estimated
by the fact that daring tbe irfvk twenty-
eight perw&s hiie been lockfd Dp la tb
detention b < * i < ltal. all of irbon had t-ea
driven cr&ty by tke neat.
There are about SW dead brw ftlll a-
removed la the streets , the city being vn-
able to tecare * f3el * t assistance to ert
away as jnaay ts dally sttccvtnb to t _ *
heat- The Kmror has isee4 aa order g * r-
aatt-elag tit to aay oee who will remove
one ot tbe cadavers ,
Among the deaths by heat reported are
the following :
nr rntr.
H 3. PECK.
Atmavnlirrr' If Stlfllnjr nml Mnny
lro trntlonrf Itcportert.
ST. LOV1S , Aus11 - The thermometer
mounted upward acaJn tosay. and caiae
1 within three palsts of the highest ttpls-
tcred thus Jar this rear. At 5 o'clock the
I Rovcrnineat record was S7 In the shade , and
since then there has not been rncch of a
! decline. There Is Terr little breerc ttlr-
, and the atmosphere Is fUSlng. Many
I prostrstlons have resulted , and the city
' dispensaries and hospitals are apaln fcelinc
] the effects of the rush. Vp to S o'clock
I tonight , twenty cases of prostrations were
J received at the central dispensary , and as
j many more it the north end south branches.
I A number were sent direct so the city hos-
j ! pital. and all the more serious cases col-
j i I lected at the dispensaries were also con
veyed theie. Other victims that were cared
tor at their homes will doubtless be re
ported before morning. A number of deaths
have not been reported yetThe follow
ing deaths from heat were reported to the
coroner today :
FRA.VK MUELLER , acei 37.
JAMES ni'STERMEYER. aged 2 ? , died In
the city hospital.
HENRY -WIXKEL. aged 26. died at resi
Police ThlnJc. However , tiint Hi- .
Dentil Wn Hoc tn nn Accident.
WASHINGTON . Aug. 11. The police thus
fsr have failed to secure any clue as to the
mystery surrounding the death of A. H
Pyle. a son of ex-Representative Pyle of
California , who has been in temporary
charge of the silver national headquarters.
"When the body was found in the Potomac
tbe shoes snd hat were missing , and these
are being searched for. There Is a theory
that he w-as the victim of a knockout drop
at some of tbe up-river gambling resorts ,
but this is in rtrt overcome by the fact
that his silver watch wts found on him. It
is staled that Pyle bed been drinking when
last seen on Tuesday night a week ago. He
was fond of games of chance.
"While no evidence of foal play has been
foand , the. police have found nothing to
' indicate that the dead man committed sui
cide. They are generally inclined to the
belief that his death was accidental. H
may be that because of the excessive ieit
he went over to tbe river front and removed
his shoes aid hat in order lo gei cool , and
accidentally fell into the -water.
Victim of Hont at Odnr RnplilR.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia. . Aug. 1L ( Special
Telegram. ) The hot spell of the past two
-weeks has been broken , there being a de
cided change this afternoon. There have
Tiavo been a number of prostrations during
the two weeks , only one of which has proved
fatal. Joseph Teplfy. overcome by the heai
last week , died today.
Murderer Admitted to Ilnll.
CAIRO , 11L. Aug. 11. Green 15. Crabtrce.
who killed Dr. I. X. Coffer , president of the
State Board of Phanaccy. recently , was
fjcimitted to ball in the sum of i3. { 0 today.
S K Martin , multi-millionaire lumber
man , died at Alma. .lica
Postmaster General TAlFon ! will not sail
for Eurore until next vreek.
The srold reserve now ftands at HflT.lOl -
23 ; CW.KKi wcs withdrawn yesterday , of
which rUsft'O was In bars.
One tramp dead and another dying Is
the result of a collision between two sec
tions of a nra"d Trunk freight train at
Haslett Park , Mich.
C. H. Farpoanil Edward Fargo , president
and -cretarv ot the shoe company which
recently Jailed in Chicago , have left the
city , and their whereabouts is unknown.
Complaint aeainst the government of
Mexico has been filed at Washington by a
Colorado man for refusal to extradite two
Mexicans who murdered his brother-in-law
In Xew Mexico.
"La Cubana. " a four-act play in which
the Cuban revolution Is used as a back
ground , has been completc-d by Itobert
Wlziarde. a. Kansas City man , and will be
produced In a few days
'William Tushong was arrested at Richmond
mend , Va. . for forcing a chock for HIM
on the Chicago and Fort Worth I'ackln ?
company. He was ad\ertlFing acent for
the company. He docs not deny the theft.
Japanese In Formosa , It Is reported , have
completely defeated tie native rebels.
Frias Hermanos. engaged In the cattle
trade at Itlo de Janeiro. Ivas failed , with
'i.MO.CW rolbreis ( JltKWftJOJ liabilities.
According to tbe London Dally News a
commission which has been sitting for
seven years will report against compulsory
vaccination in England.
Lord and Lady Playfair , Bishop Potter
of New York anJ Met-srs. Forbes Ix-ith. A
Barney and J. S. Grinnell sail from Eng
land Jor America on the Majestic-
By compromising with the liberals on
the renewal of tbe tobacco monopoly , the
Spanish government succeeded In getting
tbe ordinary budget bill through tbe Cham
ber of Deputies.
Italian newspapers denounce the lynching
of Italians In New Orleans and urge the
government at Rome to secure the co-
oK-ratIon of other countries of Europe
in a protest to the government of the
United States.
JJy Vi\.y Vn > V cut H'ith a run. lie voslj
rr > uh i'd terrain. It vci U taLe tvo to bold
lam. and use to put nodtciue on tiim. We bad
to bold tarn t.Mnrtlmi-1 ia hour Ifiuit > t cou d
get J..ra quiftd do a. A' > ' kild tint tlx-y ur\n
tktr kotlj a lcx or tody oa fff llf i on bin.
1 b d to tie bl b > nd ticlit In a c'olh. DlirLt and
d r. Jor fir icautbt. Uy utrr bud n fd CCTI *
CUII , aad I U-t" to OM it. inly tmt
afJiaatl nlt lay dine * and t 7 < ( c lie hkt ) t t
fora tociiita , i critUo fellotr. lie lia > col a rj-r
ooUini > orj ndUa > f irjaid U < Cofc liat toll
i > jtujbil r WtHe ho lad tliidl itl lud to
c t tbe lcrrc > out of la eiMk < - , fci l J'Ut piuie
CDdrrvnr oa kirn to Vrrp lum root. I l d to
iKf ] 4. eft < , { ft OMb feroabd - ) cecV , It Trtt
a wet rtth manure Jrira Uie orcs and I Ltd lo
C-LIEJ.-C the clo-i _ tcaelimrt tta c > r t * elre ficr *
adar. Uu. A. ilAYXEE. L.Un. K. It.
ntl T Oi T T > i r i a tttl lr ! m
lOi fVTWTti M r. t'flt
t Ala rv * .
rrri Oica
' - r-- - . - i f4
"Wanted For V S. army. ablt-Uodlwl. un.
married m n. bctwefn agt-s ot n and 3u.
cltirens of the I'nitt-d States , ot good t-bar-
acter and temirate baMtu. w ho can fp ak ,
read and write KtglisU For infi-rrr-aiun
apply , preferably l > y letter to It rultlng
, Officer. Fen Crook. Be.iex-ue , Neli.
The only perfect mild Havana smoke.
Beware of imitations. All genuine' have-
name "Gen. Joe" stamped on each cigar.
PEREGOY & MOORE , Sole Agents ,
It Began August 2d and Will Hun 12 Weeks ,
w w
IX this story .Mr. HagfjarJ relates the terrible eiperi-
* cnces of ihe Keverend Thomas Owen , who , persuaded
that Faith , if strong enough , could accomplish all things
even to the performance of miracles , gave up a comfort
able living in the Church of England to pracuce his
, preaching among the Children of Fire.
He went knowing that this savage African tribe ,
under the sp ll of the AVizard Hokosa , had put to death
the last " \Yhite \ Messenger" because he could not prove
his religion by raising from the dead his companion
whom they had slain before his very eyes. This he
learned through a third missionary whom they sent
b ack to hispeople with this message :
"Tell them that having prove ! you to be liars they
dealt with you as all honest men seek that all liars
should be dealt with- Tell them that they desire to
hear more of this matter , and if one can be sent to them
who has no false tongue , who in all things fulfills the
promises of his lips , that they will barken to him anl
treat him well ; but that for such as you they keep a
spear. "
It was this challenge that the Reverend Thomas
Owen accepte.1 ; and in this serial is told the wonlerful
story of his single-handed conflict with the Children ol
Fire and his almost miraculous success in baflling their
prophets and confounJing their Wizardry converting
first the king and then the sreat body of his people ;
among others his son and rightful heir to the throne.
. .
EP-ic Uj I'lTTitr u-- „ ' -
The Keeley Institute
\V. ite for tc-rmsand testimonials. Correspondence confidential.
- - - NelD.
In chirge cf tb
Ttli vJdclr tcowa IcrtltuUcn tt beta
< ! cabled la ctz dance tbe past summer aad
taade cat ot tbe raos ; modern tad model
InilltotionB ct us cbaraeler in tbe ueit.
Tbe new tidiUcnjnill be reiij tor occu >
pancf br tbe fint cf tbe fetr. Wbco tull ;
coapUttd , tcronmr.deUoni will be tKcriti
lor 399 pitlenti. It It be&ntlfullf tltaeted.
ortrlooklDg tte city of Council BluZc. A
full ttaC of c-ajnent phj-itin ! ! and trrlnti
nurtft mloiutr to tbe comfort cf ti fi-
For teller ptrtlcuUri. ip lr to
Council nidi. Ii _
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , 5100.000
c run cunTfAio ox TIJIK DHPOSIT * .
L - i nUJlUNGTON & MO. niVEH.iArri t
Omaha Union I.vjiot , Htbc Wabon Sli-j Umnh .
C-an > Denver EiprtM , . i Sim
4:8.m.Bk | HlIlR. Wontk 1-uet-t find. Kx. > ais > ra
< . . . . .I > t n Expires < ; Wpia
Ntlin < i-ka L > ocitl ( eictjit Sundtj- ) . . " : tipn
3-incoln l ocal Ct-Tit-j't Sund r..llSOaia
.Fan Mail tfw Uncoln ) dally. . .
Lfr ir * CHICAGO. BURUNGTOK & < 3 | Arrli -
Otusna Vnlon Depot , Itth & MJWD Sit , ; Omaha
Cfclcaro Vertlbult tW a
.Chlceo jind 6L Li/uls Eiprrei. . tMisa
U.Item I'eclfic Junction Ix > ml Cl ( > pia
rt Mall
' Dtpol , lnh ( & Mti oa st .j Onuba
C ; * ; > ra. Cblc ro LJraited. . ' . . . .
( CHICAGO & XORTinvCS7X.Anlr | < -
" " jiot , } btb & MaKin Sts./ / Omaha
. , . . . . Etftrrn 7.rr.T. . " .
SL t'.ul
St. P ul
. . .Ctm.ll & Siour Cily
CX > Im. . . .Omaha Chlro
Vallry Jjucul
Omaha [ t'nlcn Pci-ol. Jtah & . Mtson SU. | Omalia
" "
JD:4dam..Atlantic : Eijirtfi ( fi. Eunday ) , . t-iupni
< Ottpni NJebt EiiireEf ill : in
I lrti.ra . Chltfcea -rtlbult l Umlted laspm
I.M n. . . M. 1'aul V Ubult4 Limits. . . . Itfljiin
WUaT. "
Oi.lah m & 7txu Ex , ( . Pun..10 5jLi3
Colorado I.tmlttd . , : Wnia
. C . fT. I' . M. & O. IArrii -
Omiib ! D < r > ot. l ! > th tiJVtLntr 5tE. [ Omvha
S Item . Biocx City AoPcuBmoltUon.7. . , 6 : < Kpm
.Bt ux City Crttfvu ( . Sun..ll:4Uin
I'att Mull snd Bxi > rt-u .
P l. > iVjo. Et ( n. Man. ) . .
T.MOM tttmnrn I oeal ( t-Xmlty Only ) . ,
; Kti > i < u < rx.
St. I'mil
K C Ft j. & o n.
b & M tco StE. )
% Mnm . .Kjknu CUy ! > > ' E d- .r..T . . „ , _
H ptu.K. C. Xletit El- Tin r. I' . Tran. . f:9tom
Iv iw-f I MIPSOfRI PACinc. jArrtrrt"
Om lii''ntui. ' \ . tiUi taa Wetoler St * . I Omaha
I Mpn. .J.'lUri Va ,
. * 'm KIBM.S lr
IXHtau. . . ytUttV * lx l tn. . tnin. )
LXCT < i 1 UrrtJ
: . 1 Oictta
: liim
Kt-rs 7 Ilrpru *
Oierl t 3 Uaittua
V'SOf n Heat'ct- . &trcjoif4- | : 12x 44-1 _
I 4 > m. Qrta > t Itltnd CiyrtM ( ec. Sun. ) U : .im
r.jfci m rFt w.ii t.
Ueir.4 ) iju > A : Mat Ji Eu. . Otnahfc
-fct. c&ciiua iiiU. . .