Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1896, Image 9

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Summer goods are going , fall goods are coming daily. The fall stuffs have the right of way , and we are putting room-making prices oa
All summer stocks. Each department has its own particular tale to tell. These are newsy bargain notes from all , and the half cannot be told ,
We fill mail orders. We are agents for Butterick's patterns and publications the standards of the fashion world.
Gents1 French LUle Hose , colors
black and tan , reduced from 17c to ISJc ,
Gpnts' Seamless Hose , colors brown
and blue mixed , reduced from 15c to 10
Gents' Seamless Black Hose , fast col
ors , worth 12c { , po at Sc.
Shirts and Drawers , reduced from 39c
to 17c
The 50c quality at 2c.
The GOc quality at 35c-
Laundered Percale Shirts , sizes 14j
t = 17 , reduced from 81.00 to SOc
Men's 81.50 Sweaters at J 3c.
Men's Sweaters , worth 75c , tro at 25c.
Bovs' Sweaters reduced to 22c.
Straw Hats
The balance of our Straw Hats go at a terri
ble reduction. A hat for almost the picking of
it. Do not fail to get a Straw Hat at thes-e
Men's Straw Hats at
19c 23c 30c
Worth up to 7fs.
Also a big cut in Children's Straw Sailors.
Trunks and
Our Trunk and Valise stock is complete.
Prices arc the lowest. We will give a trunk
strap free with every trunk costing 85.00 and
over for Mondav only.
Trunks from 82.00 to 800.00. Also a complete
stock of Telescopes and Traveling Bags.
Attractive Silks at New Fall Silks
Coming in Daily
Attractive Prices. .
The most complete assortment and the
lowest prices for good Silks at all times.
Black .Brocaded Taffeta Silks , 21 inch wade 59c
B ack Brocaded Taffeta Silks , 24 inch wid- ? 69c
B ack Brocaded Gros Grains , 20 inch wide d9c
BJack Brocaded Satins , new designs , 21 inch wide 75c
Black Pekin Stripe Satins , 21 inch wide 75c
Black Bengaline Silk for Capes , 21 inch wide 85c
Black Gros Grain Dress Silk , extra heavy 85c
Black Peau de Soie Dress Silk , 24 inch wide 98c
Black Royal Armure Dress Silk , 2.4 inch wide 98c
BJack Satin Duchcsse. 24 inch wide 98c
Black Faille Francaise Dress Silk , 24 inch wide 98c
Black Cachemere Gros Grain Dress Silk , 24 inch wide. 98c
Black Brocaded Satins , large designs 98c
Black Brocaded Gros Grains , large designs 98c
Magnificent assortment of Evening Silks at prices to suit
every purse.
That great provision sale is still on but prices cut deeper
Read this bulletin , it tells the tale
Countrv 'Butter
Separator Crearoerv.
Guaranteed Fresh E
Meat and Lard Away Down
nla Hains . 9C
Wide Bacon . Sic Salt Pork . 3c
Corned Beef . 3c Cottage Ham . i jc
Bonelens Ham . 7c Pip- , ' Keel . . . . . . . . . c
Potted Hnm and Deviled Hum. . . . 3c 3-pound cans Best Lara . 1/c
6-pound cunb BefctLnid . 2Uc 10-pound cans Best .Lard . 57c
f * ti * ccCL Young America Full Cream Cheese . 74c
/llCCaC Full Cream . Sc
Brick nnd Limberger Cheer-e . ; , " : ' . * ! c
SwissCheeMs . 12Jc. Me. Ibc
Sap SatroChe e . /c package
Keufchntel , only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ojc
Srda and Ojst-er Crajkers .
Ginger Snaps , Lemon Creams , Oatmeal , Graham
end Peerless Sod us , all at
Fish and Fruits SJS'feh"3 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
California RtMi Salmon , only . . . 7jc
S-SNoru-aj Herring lor. . . . . 20i
Fancy Messina Lemons . ISc
Oranges. Pcar , Pcacbos , Bananas and all kinds ol fruits and nuts on baud.
New Dress Goods. Cotton Values
The Dress Goods Department wishes to Have been pressed down so hard of late ,
call the attention of the ladies to the fol and the latene.-o of the wash goods sea-
lowing Indisputable facts : ton , make a combination of circumstan
Tbe early season is the only time when ce * , which partly account for the prce-
: / the stocks of Drees Goodj are complete. ent prices ai-ked.
. The early se-xsan is tbe only time vlien
- sale .
15c Dimities go on at 5o a yard.
ladles exclushe novelty , different
can get an
liic Grass Lawns will be
. , price now
ent from their neighbors.
We will open on Monday moraine more Sjc yard.
Press Goods and at lower prices than we i5c Madras Cloth , spcciul price is on
have ever done in our Dress Goods ex Monday , 12ic ,
perience In Omaha , Wide Percales , sold at 12Jc and lOc ,
We will sell a 45-Inch silk new novelty on i-alo at Tie.
ftt S ! c. Printed Duck Suitinglignt c lors
show Dress Goods
will Novelty
We more
only , worth lots , at Tic.
at DOc the yard than was eier attempted In
the wert. 10 ploces of colored dot , fmn white
We will show a complete line of ; 11 tbe Swii-f , worth 25c toJOc , price will be
exclusive new goods , perfect copies of goods Kkjyatd.
vortb from 15.00 to Jfi.00 per yard , for 7&c Every make of prints , in all colors , 5c
Our line of ooteltles at fl. : & and fl.SO yard.
and on up to 5E.UO * .nd { 6.00 per jard must Apron Gingham , checks and fancy ,
be seen to be appreciated. SJcyard.
Hammock Sale.
Special Sale.
Closing out uur ttock of hammocks at
We will otter for special tale'a SMnch all ICNS than cost.
wool Sultlnc. the newest effect of the sea. Kow is yt.ur chance to get a good hum
on. kt : & . mock cheap.
Making room for the Largest Fall and Winter Stock of
Men's Boys' and Children's
In spite of jealous competition we shall continue the Clearing1
Sale of all Light and Medium Weight Clothing at less than
half of regular prices. We must have the room for our grand
new stock of Fall and Winter Goods. Therefore cost or value
cuts no figure in this sale.
Men's Fine Dress Suits
We continue to sell all $15 , $18 , $20 and $22.50
Men's Suits , choice for t
All $13-50 , $12.50 and $10 Men's Suits , in any
style , any size , for
And your choice of all our Men's Business * ] SL
Suits , formerly sold for $9 , $7.50 and $6.50 , at. '
Boys' and Young Men's Long Trouser Suits
To Fit lioys from 12 to 19'yenrs.
All $4.00 and $4.75 Suits for _ $2.75
All $6.75 , $7.50 and $9.00 Suits ati $5.00
All $10.00 , $12.50 and $13.50 Suits go for $7.50
Men's Odd Pants ,
All $1.00 and $1.25 grades nowfor. 75 c
All $2.00 to $2.50 Pants for } 1 $1.25
All $3.50 to $4.50 Trousers for. . JL $2.50
All $5.00 to $6.50 Dress Pants for $3.50
Boys' and Children's Knee Pant Suits ,
Junior and iBoefer Suits choice of all for "oc ,
81.50 , S2.50 arid 63.50 ; regular 91.50 to 87.50 Suits.
Odd Knee" Pants at IJDC , 35cj.nd 500 ;
worth from35c"tOiffl.WI. .
AH Light Summer Coats and Vests at
less than "half regular price.
Bicycler Suits and Odd Trousers to be
closed out at'less than cost ,
Fall and Winter Clothing Catalogue
ready for mailing August i5th , Send
us your name.
"Just over , " another carload of Iron Beds.
This makes four cars and a. bait we have
'received In three months. We are uow
prepared to fitf you up.
White Iron Beds , brass trimmings , at
M.B5. J5.5 , JS.J.3. I7.2S. JS.S5. S.S5. TiiEEe
prices njtan a saving of from 12 to J5 on '
each bed over any other concern on with.
The beds are all new styles , nnd you f.n
get them 3foot. . 3-C and 4-G wide by C-4
long. Reasons for owning an Iron Bed : >
t. They are cool.
2. They are healthy.
S. They are clean.
4. They are neat ,
5. They are cheap. - , ,
At one time they were a luxury ? " but It
remained for our hustling Furniture Depart
ment to piece them on the market at such
prices that ill the world cau now "own an
Iron Bed.
Below find 0 useful articles which we
will make special way down prices on
this week. They are accumulations of
thrM > . stocks all fine new h'oods. If you
need any of them 3011 will save about 50
per cent on your investment.
Stonecutters' Tools.
\Ve have a very large line of these
goods which wo will fell less than their
wholesale price.
Wood Carving Tools.
We have a gieat variety of them
which sell from : i5c 10 75c will sell
thorn this WCCK for ISccach.
Wo have n very large line of odds and
ends in fine hand saws will make prices
to tuit buyer.
( .ar Hits nnd Ship Augers.
Wo have u vorj large line of them of
every site will tell th jin regardless of
cost or value.
We have the largest line in the west
of all kinds of fine chisels. Come and
see them will s-ell you a set at aoout
& 0cou the dollar.
Have everything in the shape of a file.
The celebrated McCoffrey file , finest
made , at Ie& than factory prices.
Table Linens.
Cheaper than ever i Monday. The pick
starts at 17c , from that to 20c , 23c , SOc ,
S5c. 40c. DOc. GOc a.ndip.
Blue and white che ck at Jfrc , wort * ) tOc.
White Goods.
These goods we will have to sell. We
are oierloaded. Tbe prices will be 3c ,
5c. "He. The best , worth JS' c , llic and
20c. all go at lOc per yard Monday.
Sheeting Prices.
Travellnc men tell us our stock of
Sheetings and Muslins is not surpassed lu
jthe country. w
Prices lower than mill urlces.
4-4 Bleached Muslin c. 5c
4-4 Arrow Brand , ' 5c
9-4 Bleached Sheeting ICc
15-Inch Unbleached Sheeting f.c
9-4 Unbleached Sheeting lie
' 10-4 Unbleached Sheeting IDc
No trouble to chow coods.
Shirting and Flannels.
A complete stock. Prices cut to the
White Flannel at 15c.
All Wool White Flannel , &c.
Swansdown. all shades , 15c.
A fine -Red Flannel. 25c ,
Blue Shirting Flannels. 26e. 25e , 40c
Canton Flannel , 4c. Sc. CVfcc and Sc ,
Shaker Flannel. f > c , CVic and lOc ,
Best Amoskeag Shirting. CHc.
Blue Striped Shirting. GVfcc.
Ticklnc. Ce , 7c , Sc and Jitc
Outing Flannel in all shades , tc.
Blan-ets and Comforts at l-oi weather
Optical Dept.
Are You Still UhingiClieap Glasses ?
Suffering with your eyesight ? To bo
sure and safe , visit our optical depart
ment. We will give you perfect fit in
the best French Crystflt Glasses at less
prices than you are'payinj for cheap
Eyes tested free. Satisfaction.
Seasonable House
Furnishing Goads
Mason Fruit Jars , 3 e each-
Tin top Jelly Globes , 1-jc. each.
Large site Preserve JKattles" , ? c each.
No. 7 and No. S Iron Kettles 15c each.
Dish Pans. 13c.-eacb ,
Coffee and Teu'Pots , 5c each.
Mixing SpoonsTScach. .
Paring KnivceJ 2o ea = h. *
Tomato .Strainer , 15c each.
GallQn Milk Crocks , Sceach.
Tea Spoons , 2 for Ic.
1-3 pint Tumblers , Ic each.
Large Glass Fruit and. 'Parry Dishes ,
"c each.
SAUCO Dlbhes , Ic each.
Tooth Picks , 2c per bo * .
Wash Tubs , 25c
All Rubber Rolls Wingers , 1.60.
Pr eterve Jarf with cxivers , "c each.
Tn cut once and to cut deep is better
than to back away a little at a time ,
Lace and Derby curtains under manu
facturers' prices.
Lace curtains reduced from S-4.75 to & 3 00
Lace curtains reduced from J3.00 to 2.00
Lac ; curtains reduced from 82.60 to 1.75
Lace curtains reduced from S2.00 to 1.35
Lace curtains reduced from SI.50 to 1.00
Lace curtains reduced from 81 00 to 0 > 0c.
Genuine Bagcad curtains 810.00
reduced Jo 810.00
Genuine Khedive curtains 87.50
i reduced to & 5.00
Genuine Venetian curtains iS.OO
reduced to 6.5i ;
Satin ground Tancstry 81S 00 re
duced to 812.00
A full line of Lysle Derbys 8-G.50
reduced to & 4.60
Satin Datnask 60 inches wide & & 50
reduced to & 1.75
Black Dress Goods.
Headquarters. Hc.'tdquartcrs-
To open the season In this line we will
oOer on Monday B DO-lncb all wool Jacquard
Novelty , goods that we retailed last season
for tl.2& . at 7&C ,
We will offer a complete line of Canlsche
Noirtty Cheviots at prices from fl.OO to
J5.00 per > ard.
We will sell an all wool Imported Jacquard -
quard for ! ftc ,
We have Just received another lot of
those famous 4S-lncb Mohcir Serges. Our
price Monday for these goods will be 60c.
For Henriettas , In both silk warp and all
vool , and the best value for the lowest price ,
> ou must vUlt this department.
Notion Department.
We make a specialty of fine dress
fittings at cut prices.
Stockinet dress shields 5c pair.
Velveteen fckjrt facing , 4 yard pieces
Best jJlk seam binding 12c.
Deloug hooks and eyes Sc.
Hand Hags on sale.
5 new styles , worth f 0c and 75c , your
choice on Monday only 25c.
Just received
The September Delineator
The finest number ever issued ten
pages colored plate ? .
Parlies subscribing for the Delineator
gel fiee the Metropolitan a 40c book.
SpecialTliread Sale ,
Basting thread 2 spool * for Ic.
2uO yards perfect miichine thread 2c
Linen thread 2c spool.
lOOyarrie silk thread 2c ] spool.
Crochet silk 4ic si > ool.
Crochet cotton 4c sj ool.
Summer Apparel
Children's Dressc * . sizes 1 to 0 years : tnaio of white
lawns , dimities , cambrics : al J fancy colored lawns anil
dainty colorings with fancy yokes of tucks , embroidery
and laces ; rufiles and s-boulder capes ; large sleeves ; very
cool and pretty ; the prices are lower than ever.
The -Ills Dresses at li > c.
The SI.00 Dresses at 45 J.
TheSlroO Dresses nt 75s.
The SI.OS Dresses at DSi.
An elegant assortment of reefers in red. navy , blue , plain
and cloths in
fancy o r- - Q
all the new effects ,
trimmed with braid
and sailor collars at
75c ,
Miiliner3 r
Milinery beauty continues. The styles
are as preUy a < ever. But the selling
season is about over and prices have been
deeply cut. Nicely trimmed hnU at 75c
reduced from 82.60. Give us a cull.
Suits ,
Skirts ,
pers , Waists and Capes ,
Ladles" fctyll'h Pcrcnlo Wrappers at GOc and 7.V :
I'ull line of fine Cambric AViupptr- sale at Hv.
Fine S-'jeer Lawn \Vrappers , made of tl-o-e .e ce , almost unob-
talimblennvy blue nnd black and wlillo stripes flnrt jokes. full
lllshop sleeve * . extra wide sUrt ; a t2lOVrupcer at H.19.
Ladle < * Fancy Hou < e nfe.seIn pink and lleut blue , trimmed
nlU ) fine lice , ruffled shoulder , worth 12 69 A. tiTTi. on sale t tl.8
Great -sale of Ladle * . ' Shirt YVaKts. in lawn , percales dltuitici
tnd organalei ; theurlcct. are 15c. < c. Me , CSc undTjc.
Ladies' and Children's Furnishings
Children1' . Bicycle Hose , double knees , reduced from 2T e to l ! > c. Children's Tan Iloso , worth
3Sc.pont three pairs for .VJe. Ladles' Hose , worth IT. ; , pout 17c.vLa.digi' lie Vests reduced
tovc. Ladles lOc els reduced to .Ic.
Pianos . , - : *
only place where you will find all the
" * ' " * " * - -
standard makes
Chickering ,
Steinway ,
and others , Before buying cheap or medium grade pianos
get our prices on the best. Special bargains in pianos that
have been slightly used. New pianos for rent.
The latest "The Trans - Mississippi -
sippi March" Be sure and get
a copy. Everything in sheet music and books at reduced
Jewelry Department.
Sterling Silver Sale.
Sterling silver sugar spoons 9Scworth
Sterling silver cream ladle 93c , wortL
Sterling silver olive spoons 93c , worth
Sterling silver meat forks HSc , worth i
? 2oa
Sterling silver butler fork 9Bc , worth
Sterling silver berrv spoons 2.93 ,
worth 8 > C.OO.
Sterling silver oalad forks 8-4.48.worth
& 7.60.
Sterling silver ice cream spoons 83.-1S ,
worth 8-0.00.
Sterling silver jelly spoons 52.93 , worth
Sterling silver ovstei ladles 85.95 ,
worth J9.AO.
Sterling silver soup ladles SO.Ojworth
The goods are warranted sterling sil
ver. ! .i5-1000 fine.
Quadruple plated , gold-lined , hand-
eugravwl tea set. worth $10.00 , at $ : i.'JS ;
consisting of tea pot , creamer , Migar
and i-pwuier.
Sectional plated tea gK > oiif ; , 4Sc per
K-t of < i ; worth ? 1.K ) .
Holers' lllvt. . knives and forks ,
, ' 2.ii5 ] Kr M't of 1" piecc'P.
Ciciith' Klt'in or Walthntn watcbcp ,
t-Ilveriue t-iK-s ; Mt-ui wind and M't ,
? , ' ! .4S ; worth < S.KI.
I uliCh * and Cents' pold-fillwl , hunting
cjii-c watches , wan anted to wear 1SJ
.vcars ; flue Klslu or Waltham move-
men is , $11. ri ; worth $25.iO.
Solid old hand rln s , 7r c ; worth
Solid soldt rin s , { Sc ; worth $2. ( > 0.
Itabiea bolld gold rings , 18c ; worth
: ir.e.
Sterling t-Ilvcr thlinhlcis , lOc ; worth
Nickel alarm clocks. r.r.c ; worth (1.
Solid oak clock , half-hour strike aud
alarm , ? ; worth .fJi.OO.
I'tiamellcd Iron clocks , French dial ,
jiold trimmed , strikes every half hour ,
Cathedral pong , ( UCi ; worth ? 12.00.
Porcelain clocks. fl.'JTr worth ? 2.'X ) .
Watch and clock repairing at re
duced prices.
We Save You
50 Per Cent on Teas.
Our Ambrosia Tea makes the finest
Iced tea you ever drank 43c
Teas you pay OOc for , any kind ,
\ve Mill for S5c
Choice Teas , any kind , for 25c
Good Teas , flue drink * lOc
Grocery Dept.
Now I the time to buy. Never before
rrere Groceries so cheap. Just read the
following list , and see If you can't t-ave
50c on the tlollar.
Sliced IMue Apple , eyelet and corelesa
can. ICc
Sulder's pure Tomatoe Catsup , pint
bottles , 17.c _
Suider's or Armour's quart can soupa ,
Baked Pork and Rcans , o art cans ,
only f ,
Colnuibln River Hed Salmon , per can ,
Imported Queen Olives , per Quart , 2T c ,
Imported small Tickles , per quart ,
Imported French mustard , per bottle ,
Importfil French Sardines , in oil. TV-c ,
Imported French MucUird Sardines ,
Itaker's chocolate , per package , 17' c.
Sweet chocolate , per cake , only Wfyc.
Dunham or Scbepp's Cocoaiiut , lOc
Sl7X' , .r C
Kvaporated Cream , unsveetened , per
can. He.
Condensed Milk , unskimmed , per can ,
Pure Goods , etc.
California Breakfast Food , only yc ,
Wheatel , the new breakfast dish , y-c.
( iranola , the new health food , 7'/-c.
Good .lapau Hice , only 'Ji/ .
Onmnlated Corn Meal , white or yel
low. Ic.
Breakfast Oatmeal , only i c.
1Mb. can Callftirulu Teaches , W/jC.
'Mli. can California Apricots , ! i'c. .
'Mb. > n California Tears , 1H/.C.
Klastlc Starch , JK.T package , 7c.
1771 ! , Tearliue Soap Towder , etc , S' c.
Kai olio , per bar , .r.c
Our Coffees Roasted
Fresh Daily.
High grade Mocha nnd Java ,
special . 30c
Best Golden UIo , best grown . . . . . . 25c
Best Java Mixture , delicious flavor l7c
No. 1 ! Itio , a good drink . 2Cc
Broken Coffees , 12c . , 15C and . 17 > o
Remumber we favo you from 5c to 8c
an every pound of Coflco you buy ol UF.
We handle nothing but the very
choicest fancy grades , but wo don't
charge you fancy prices.
Satisfaction or your money back.