OMAHA UAijjr njfljfl : # yfcNi > Ay , AUIUMT , COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT i MI.NOU MHNTIO.N. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Dillon floss , ft oo. Tli * GMnd hotel , Council Illnffs. High cUM In every respctt. llntct , * 2.SO per dny end urwartl. n , F. Clnrl < c. pioprlctor. the Clilrstlan Hndcavar societies of the ConBrfentlonnl ntnl I'rcsbytci Ian churches will hold ri union meeting at the beauouar. ters on I'carl street this evening. JUBonlc The rcstilnr mcctliiR of Excel- iilor todgo No. ISO , A. t' . & A. M. , will be hold Monday evening , August 10. Vl ltlng brelbrou coiillally Invited. Uy order of the W. M , Ttcv. Ablicilcy will pieach at the Chris- linn tabernacle at 10HO : a , nt. on "Ilctnrn- InB I'rcm Spltlttial Ilnbylon. " At S p. in. i pn'trlotio sermon en "The inscriptions on a Silver Dollf.r. " ' James Gi Rhine , an Allnntlc eltUcn , was brought In ) Mtcrd.ty by the fcdcrcl author. Hies thai Bed with bootlegging'fho evi dence dirt not warrant hl being held nna ho was dliinlicctl. The Ladles of the Mr.ccabces meet Tues day nfternoon Ht 1:30 o'clock In Iloyal Ar canum ball. All new members are. re- qucstcd to be piompt and present them selves for Ini'.atlon. The Young Men's Christian association managers leport the association to be In a nourishing condition. During the Intensely hot weather the free baths have attiacUd many new members , tn Justlrc Cook's court ycstciday tlie ns- nault cased against ills. Kninm DitKRan brniiKht by Kittle Ptcelcvhlch have l-eon pending for tc\crnl weeks , were dismissed on motion of the attorney for the compbilu- Ing witness. Thu last will of the late Oeoi-Re II. Crisp was filed for piobnto ycslciday. Ily the terms of the document all of the property Is bequeathed to Mis. OilBp , who Is inado cxccutiK with full power to dispose of the estate , both personal ami real. Mr. John R. Illcharilson of the Union Park CongregHlloiiiil church , Chicago , has been engaged to sing at the llroadway Moth- odUt chinch this evening. He will lender the fnvoiltc "llelhlchem , " byVcutherly - Coombs. All arc coidlally lux lied. Keats free. free.While the March term of the district court has not been oinclally adjourned , Judge Smith Is refusing to bear any eases during theiio hot days unless the matters at issue are of the greatest Importance and demand Immediate adjudication. The Sep tember term of the court Will open on August : U. The board of directors of the Young Men's Chi 1st Ian association will hold their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock In the parlors of the association. One of the matters to come before the board will bo the appointment of a secretary to fill the place of Mr , Halter , who has re signed. During Mr. IJakcr's sickness the olflco has been filled by Rov. Henry Colter. News comes from Idaho of a thrilling adventure that William A. Hlghsmlth ol this city had. He was tackled by a huge grizzly xvhllo out hunting. Ho had lost blf bullet pouch and was In mighty close quar ters when a happy thought struck him. . Hastily tearing the tin foil from his sup ply of "Sultana" cigars he rammed the foil Into the gun and bruin died of a tobaccc heart. A man's In a bad fix when he can'l get good out of a "Sultana. " The Woodward Theater company No. ! w'ilT open nt the Doliany on Wednesday August 12 , for four nights and Saturdaj matinee , presenting n strong line of plays , a Woodward's popular prices , 10 cents to al parts of the house. The company Is con posed of Borne excellent people , and thi specialty work will be a strong feature Scats on sale Monday morning at 9 o'clock Those desiring seats will do well to securi them at once , as Woodward's companies an 011 right , and always fill the'-houscs. C. B. Vlavl Co. . fcmalo remedy. Mccllca consultation free Wednesdays. Health bool furnished , Annex Grand hotel. Won 11 Koynl Hurduiini I'lano. The result of the "Hoyal Hardman Piano' word contest offered , by the Mueller Plane and Organ company , Is as follows : 1st. C. R. Crockwcll , 12C Park avenue Council niutfs ; 770 correct words. 2d. Mrs. J. A. Dock , 2111 J street. Soutl Omaha ; 707 correct words. ,3d. Mrs. P. M. Harvey , 2409 Capitol ave nue , Omaha ; 7C5 correct words. There were 305 contestants. The lowes list of words was 139 , and the largest 2,918 Mueller Piano und Organ Co. , 103 Mali street , Council Bluffs ; 1522 Furnam street Omaha. . _ Sunday Clnireli Servli-OH. Rev. G. H. Hemmlngway will preach a the First Presbyterian church , corner o Seventh street and Willow avenue , at 10:3 : a. ni. and 8 p. tn. Services at the First Baptist church , cor ner First avenue and Sixth street , at 10:3 : a. in. and 8 p. m. Morning subject , "Dc llveranco' from Death ; " evening , "The Fal of Jericho. " Sunday school , 12 m. ; Huptla Young People's union , 7 p. m. V. C. Roche pastor. Rev , Henry J , Cokcr of Hmporla , Kan , .will preach In the Broadway Methodist Epla copal church this evening at B o'clock. Trinity Methodist Episcopal church , cor ncr Fourth street and Ninth avenue , Conra Hooker , pastor : Preaching , .10:30 : a. m. an 8 p. m. ; Sunday school , 11:45 a. in. ; Junto league , 3 p. in. ; Epworth league , 7 p. m All arc welcome to these services. Rev , G. W. Snyder will preach at SI John's English Lutheran church , James hall 17 Pearl street , at 10:30 : n. m. There xvll be no evening service. Sunday school a 12 ra. , and young people's song and gospt service nt 7 p. m. Fifth Avenue Methodist Episcopal , cor ncr of Fifth avenue and Eighteenth street Preaching at 10:30 : o'clock a. m. and' 8 i TO. by the pastor. Sunday school p.t 11 ! m , Junior league , 3 p. in. ; Epworth league , p. m. ; mid-week prayer meeting Wednesda evening at 8 o'clock. W. II. Cable , pastm Second Presbyterian : Preaching at 10:4 : a. m. and 8 p. in. by Rev. Alexander Llther land. Morning subject , "Christian Culture ; t evening , "God's Friend. Abraham. " Sunda school at 12 m , ; Young People's Society c Christian Endeavor , 7:15 : p. ra. Kill Hfritf Hound Over. Deputy Sheriff Baker returned from Me berly , Mo. , yesterday morning with Kl Herne , the Wabash newsboy who con fldonced a passenger on his train out of JH Ho was arraigned In Justice Cook's cour during the day. Judge W. W. McNInch o Moberly came up with him and appearc as his attorney. Before any of the tcstl mony was Introduced the attorney an nounccd that his client would waive prc Ilmlnary examination and let his case g directly to the grand jury provided th bond demanded was not too large. Judg McNInch stated that ho was prepared t give a cash boud and Justice Cook fixed th amount ut $100 , This was a little mor than the Moberly attorney had Imagined I would bo and he was only able to deposl $70 with the court. The justice sent th ttQWBboy to jail until the remaining $30 wa produced , xvhlch xvlll not be before Mon day , Judge McNInch will remain until th cash arrives from Moberly , then ho will re turn with his young client. Herne is on ! 1C years old and Is said to bo well con ncctod In the Missouri town. Davis , drugs , paints und glass. Tel. 289. \VntiU lo Ailiipl 1ln > lliiliy. A good many years ago L. C. Larsen o Doomcr township took a little girl Into hi family and raised her. Slio was marrle < and was deserted with her Infant child b her husband. She made her homo with th Lai-sens until a short time ago , when sh was again married. Now Mr. and Mrt Larsen want to adopt the baby , the resul of their ward's unhappy first marriage , Th preliminary legal steps were takeu ytster day looking to that end. Sewer I'lpc , KinUriel. . - , I Wholesale and retail. J. C. Ilixby , 20 Main stieet , _ I.lccliNfd t < > Wt'il. Marriage licences were Issued by tbo cler of the courts yesterday as follows : Name and Residence , Ag < H. O , Allnnlck. Lincoln . . . ! AUde ISvaiiu , Lincoln , . , , . CharlcB Fraziok. Omaha . , . , . 5 Josle Herdy , Council yiuffa , M.v..l POPS' ' COUNTY CONVENTION iCR3 Than Twenty Present , but They Acted Nevertheless. 'AVORABLE TO FUSION ON ANY BASIS Or tntilrntliii Will lie 1'rc- lint on All Ottior Point * TheVIII Combine i\llh llic Democrat * . The populist party county convention was eld yesterday nt the superior court rooms. The attendance was painfully light , the dcle- atcs present numbcilng less than a score. Int thcto was talk and discussion enough o have done credit to a convention of 100. ttllhu Meyers , chairman of the county cntral committee , called the convention o order and talked for an hour on the po- Itlcal situation. Hovent over the financial .ucstlon from start to a long deferred finish .nd finally declared In favor of a union of ho bimetallic forces of the county and tiitc. He was In favor of allowing the free liver republicans and the free silver ndvo- ates of all parties a voice In the naming if the county ticket.- Mr , Meyers was chosen temporary chair man and William Pattou secretary. A coni- nlttce on credentials , composed of William Osborne of Ncola , S. S. Shepard of this city , D. 1) . Gllstrnp of Norwalk , J. M. John- on of Crescent , C. C. Green of Garner and /Higcni ! Stnpfe ! of Hnrdln , was selected. On motion a committee on resolutions ivas named , composed of L. Klnnchan of this city , II. S. Alexander of Hnrdln , Henry larko of Garner , James Hatflcld of Neola , . W. norland of Lewis and C. D. Watts of Crescent. With this preliminary work out of the way he convention took a recess until the after- loon. The convention reassembled at 2 o'clock. H. S. Alexander was chosen per- nancnt chairman and then the delegates went Inlo a lengthy discussion as to what action should be taken at the state con vention. An effort was made to get n delegation plcdgcrt-to Join with the free sil ver forces of all parties on a state anil county ticket. This Aontlment was linnllj overruled and It was decided to fuse wltli other sliver forces In the selection of an Icctoral ticket , but that the party organ ization should he pieservcd In the selcctlor of state and county tickets. Delegates to the state , congressional ami judicial conventions were elected as follows State , J. A. Churchill and M. J. Kclley o this nlty , W. Spears and H. S. Wotkins ol Mlnden , D. F. Perry and Eugene Stnpfel ol Hardln , James Mcglnnls of Center , F. Stein berg of Norwalk , N. II. Bowman of Wash Ington , E. D. Spencer of Hazel Dell , C. B Bardslcy of Neola , R. V. Churchlir of York Judicial , Thomas Abbott , Mindcn ; C. B Bnrdslcy , Neola ; William Patton , J. A Churchill. M. J. Kclley , W. L. March , Conn ell Bluffs ; James Hatflcld , Ncola ; J. W Wilds , Hardln ; L. Hamilton , Rocltford ; C D. Watts , Crescent ; W. J. Lynch , Norwalk R. V. Churchill , York. Congre&slonal , E. P. Brown , Neola ; 'R. D Gllstrop. Norwalk ; L. Kinnehan , S. S. Shep ard , A. M. Hutchlnson , Council Bluffs ; II. J Clark , Garner ; II. S. Alexander , Hardln Eiihu Meyers , Kane ; S. V. Pratt , Crescent W. H. Bowman , Washington ; G. N. Reining ton. Ncola ; J. D. Bennett , Mlnden. While thqro was no action taken on th question ot candidates , the Pottaxvattatnli county delegation will favor the nomluatioi ot Theodore Ivory of Glcnwood as a Candl date for district judge. No one has of fercd himself as a candidate for congress and the prospects are that if the democrat nominate Judge Ivory for the district bencl the populists will reciprocate by nomlnatliii Lew Gcnung , the democratic favorite fo congress. The platform was a short and slm pie declaration of abiding faith in the SI Louis platform and the nominees of tha convention. It declared in favor of a re vision ot the system of taxation , so tha property owners shall be taxed for wha they own and not for what they owe , and th last clause of the document declares tha the party will support no man who will no stand squarely on the party platform wit both feet and erect. The convention adjourned at 4 o'clock. During tbo hot weather remember t send your wilted linen to the Eagle laundrj Clean , crisp , snow white work and promji rcrvlce Is what you get at the "Eagle. 724 Broadway. _ Wanted Agents to canx-ass Pottawat tomlc and surrounding counties. Snnu thing new. Sells on sight. None but "bus tiers" wanted , Call on or addiess G , \ \ Hazard , 1009 Seventh avenue. Council Bluffs CITY OWNS A IIK ! GIIAVI2L I'I'I Only TJiliiK Needed IN to Ilnlld Switch to lb < - Spot. Councllmen Shubcrt , Pace and Barstov accompanied by Roadmaster Flynn ot till division of the Northwestern railway , spcr the forenoon yesterday Investigating th feasibility of putting In a sidetrack o switch at the Wlckham gravel beds , nort of the city , to enable the city to haul th gravel needed for street repairs. The road master was acting In the capacity of rcpr < Eentnttvo of the railway company , and th compliance with the city's request for switch will depend largely upon his rcpor It was found that but little expense won ) bo entailed by the construction of a swltc at the Wlckham banks , as very little grai Ing or cutting is necessary. Mr. Flyn indicated by his conversation that he wa very willing to make a favorable report. While the count-Union and the roadmaste were In the vicinity they took time to Ir vcstlgato the gravel beds on the city proi erty , and the result was almost n sensatlonc surprise. The city owns property frontln on the railway right-of-way for a dlstanc of 1,230 feet. For a distance of seven hundred feet there Is a strip of land nearl level that Is ten feet or more above th level of tha railway tracks , A stratum c coarse sand and gravel crops out in mi merous places at this paint. The counuilmc borrowed Mr. Flynn's shovel and went t digging. Under eighteen Inches of cart they struck a bed of clean coarse gravel an dug Into It several feet with the result tha the quality Improved the deeper they went At other points they found the gravi stratum covered by three feet of eartl From the Investigations made Mr , Flyn and the cauncllmen were convinced that th city owns the most extensive and casil worked gravel bank In the vicinity , and tha It extends the full distance ot the city' frontage on the railway tracks , nearl a third of a mllo. Very llttlo grading wl bo necessary to lay a switch the entire db tanco. and the elevation of the bed abov the track will render It possible to caall load the ears. Sulllcient material to cove llroadway and thu other streets where it I desired to make the experiment can bo ot tulned without much stripping and llttl cost in addition to transportation. Sped meiu of the gravel that Barstow perspired t obtain were brought to the city buildliu It was found to be superior to any othe samples on hand. The experiment with thu material o Bryant street Is progressing satisfactory The strip In front of the city bulldln where the cedar blacks have been remove will bo filled and rolled with a fifteen to steam roller. Nothing but clear sand grave will bo used. If It packs down Bufllclcntl hard to withstand the heavy hauling tha passes over It the councllmen will take I as a satisfactory solution of the problem , au It not a top dressing of earth and cinder will bo put on , If this falls other experl nienta will bo made until the gravel questlo U thoroughly Investigated and proven to b a good thing or Impracticable. Go to Manawa and camp during the heatc term and keep cool. Mmle n Viv Ai > imiiNeiiieiit. Fletcher Hollls , N. E. Tyrrell and W , Wright , appraisers , made a new appraise incut of the effects of the firm of Jacksor Clover & Co , The original appraUemen of the machinery xvas $940. The new estl mate U $021 and Receiver Graham think he can cell the prpperty for that urnouul .xTs or rnoi'Ms YOU KNOW. inr Council UlnfTx 1'oUta Arc Spend ing the I , ant Summer Month. John M , Campbell has returned from n tip through Wisconsin and Minnesota. J. T , Hart has returned from Colorado and will spend a few weeks In the Bluffs , Mrs. J. C. Lane and son of Milwaukee are ho guests of Mr. and Mrs. John M , Lane in First avenue. C. Jj. Whitman returned yesterday from itanbcrry , Mo. , wheio he has been visiting ils parents. He will make a trip to Chicago cage and the lakes before ho goes to work gain , Mrs. A. Campbell has gone to Oregon to visit friends. Mr. Charles Blalnc has gone to Chicago on a business and pleasure trip. Frank Reed , a son ot Clerk of the Courts Iced , has gone to Ord , Neb , , to spend his vacation on a ranch. J. Hi Dcavers of Oakland was In the city yesterday. Miss Paula Krcldler and Miss Emma Rapp are visiting friends at Mlnneola and Glen- wood. H. A. Cole has gone to Colorado On a va cation. Miss Minnie Williamson has returned torn a visit xvlth Miss Sadie Davis nt DCS tlolncs. Mrs. Randscll and daughter have returned to their home at Franklin , Ind. , after a visit with Council Blurts friends. Miss Gussle Groneweg and Miss Bert Kel ler have gone to Salt Lake for n visit. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hughes have returned from their wedding trip , Miss Stella Royer entertained a party of friends at a croquet party at her homo on Eleventh avenue Thursday afternoon. Misses Carrie and Annie Leo of Kcokuk uiu the guests of Miss Mabel Lacy on Harri son street. Miss Nellie Hanlon of Mason City left Friday , after a pleasant visit with her aunt , Sirs. Mary Pierce of First avenue. She will visit In Kansas City , St. Joseph , Ucs Molnes and Marshalltown before returning home. Mrs , J. J. Burns and daughter , Sadie , oT Frccport , 111. , arc visiting the family of Henry O'Neill , 1C24 Tenth avenue. Mrs. A. G. Mlchcll has returned from a two months' trip to Philadelphia. Miss Susie Hoffman has returned from her summer vacation. Mrs. Hank Southers left last evening for a three weeks' visit xvlth relatives In Mis souri. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shepard and Mrs. E. II. Lougco leave today for a brief visit at Denver and other Colorado points. J. R. Dietrich and Charles Leichlltcr arc on the sick list. Mrs. II. A. Cole and two sons have gone to Mount Pleasant , In. , to visit at the old homo. Miss Ragsdale Is visiting in Colorado. Miss Cochran of Chicago , who has been visiting the Misses Harkncss , has returned home. Mrs. J. A. McDowell and Mrs. Dr. Torroy of Creston , la. , are visiting at the homo of W. J. Davenport. Mrs. L. E. Brldensteln and daughter , Chloe , left Thursday to visit Mrs. Brlden- steln's old homo In Saxton , Pa. They will visit Washington , D. C. , and Philadelphia before returning home. Mrs. D. E. Walton and family have gene for a six weeks' visit with relatix-cs at Al bion , Neb. J. M. Dlnwiddle and wife of Cedar Rapids , la. , secretary of the Iowa State Bankers' association and cashier of the Cedar Rapids Savings bank , have been visiting friends In th's ' city , on their xvay homo from Cole rado. rado.Miss Miss Myrtle Barndt of Aberdeen , S. D. , Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Swanson or Franklin ax'cnue. Mis. C. B. Randlctt has returned from a visit with friends at Fort Dodge. Miss Mamie Allen is visiting' friends -at Rockford , III. J. W. Camp Is cooling' oft up In Minne sota. sota.Mrs. Mrs. Arthur L. Stevens Is home from n trip with her husband through Iowa , Illi nois and Michigan. Miss Florence Stevens has returned from a visit wlih friends at Nlles , Mich. John Vcsey and family of St. Joseph are visiting Council Bluffs friends. Mrs. C. Smith of Iowa City Is visiting Mrs. F. W. Balluff at the Iowa Schoo ! for the Deaf. _ Wanted , a second hand light harness in first-class condition. Address G 8 , Bee of fice. _ Get a germ-proof filter and save doctors bills. Only ? 3. Stephan Bros. lloyn .Steal \viiteli. . John Hannuni , a brakeman employed bj the Northwestern Railway company , left a $90 gold watch In his vest , hanging In the . caboose of his train , when ho finished his run yesterday. Ho left the car a few min utes without taking the trouble to lock the door. Bonny Field , a 14-year-old colorei lad , came along , in company with the two Glllnsky boys. When ho found the door was not barred ho entered the car one stole the watch. The boys left the locality at once , but the theft xvas discovered a fexv minutes later and reported to the po lice. The boys xvero seen In the x'lclnlty and the colored boy , who Is known as "Gin ger , jr. , " xvas suspected , The police founc him at the homo of his father. When ac cused of the theft he admitted it and pro duced the xvatch. His brother , Clarence the original "Ginger , " xvas also taken Intc custody , as were also the Glllnsky boys but Bonny declared that none of them hai any part In the crime and they were dis charged. The Field boy xvas locked up tc await a hearing In the police court tomor row morning. His father says he ulll as ! Judge McGco for an order consigning tin boy to the reform school. Ho stated yes terday that the child bad gotten beyom his control , Henimerly Fuller , a 14-year-old boy. xvas picked up by the police yesterday and hole to answer a charge of stealing a lot o brass castings on June C. The brass be longed to Thomas Decrwester , A xvarran xvfis Issued for the boy at the time , but he left homo and avoided arrest until yester day. _ Have your house touched up and youi carriage repainted , C. Miller , Main streel Special grounds for private picnic parties at Grand Plaza. Old Knldlri-K It was only eight days ago that Jo ( : Spauldlng started a paper to got a llsl of names of ol-l soldiers xvho wanted tc join In the organization of an Old Soldiers MoKlnley club. The first meeting xvas heli at the Republican club headquarters or t Friday night , and 1G5 names of vetcram B xvero found on the list , and Mr , Spauldlnf made the promise that the list xvould b ( Increased to 250 within the month. Tin meeting was a most enthusiastic one , aiu a number of Inspiring speeches xvere madi by some of the xets xvho can talk as 'tvel as they shot. The election ot officers re < suited as follows : Joseph A. Spauldlng , president ident ; Dr. 0. W. Gordon , vice president Dr , F. S. Thomas , secretary ; Theodore Quit tar , quartermaster-treasurer ; IS. R. Fonda captain ; L , B , Cousins , llrst lieutenant ; C S , Hubliprd , second lieutenant. The captain and the txvo lieutenants wen appointed as the executive committee ol the club and xvero Instructed to select ar orderly sergeant and report the name t < the next meeting of the club , xvhlch wil bo Ijchl Friday evening of the present xveek Let all of your troubles upward go In the smoke of "General Joe. " Peregoy & Moore sole agents , Council Bluffs , la. ToiTTFl to Travel. Mrs. Mary Ecket of Marsballtown Is belnj cared for at the Woman's Christian Associa tion hospital , Mrs. Ecket reached this cltj several days ago on her xvay to Sbviiandoah xvhere her daughter lives. She was taken ill and xvlll not bo able to resume her jour uey for a xveek at least. Good Flather lathe for sale cheap. J. T , Flndley , 337 Broadway. I'reiiarluir fur tlie Convention. Commencing tomorrow the headquarteri of the Christian Endeavor committee ol ' 96 , on Pearl street , will be open each after noon and eveulDe. Tbo committee Is xvork' nff hard to complete arrangements for the , entertainment of fflw1 state convention , which' 111 bo held IVhJtils city In a few weeks. Arrangements Jiivo already been nado for the cntertotanient ot EOO ot the delegates and provlsfdfi Is needed for the entertainment of 600 . .more , as there will )0 ) 1,000 delegates torbtentertained at the Convention. yJTJt ' I'lciilo. Uetiilln for tlie IVoildtnen'H About all of the final arrangements for the Woodman picnic 'Ht ' ' "Lako Manawa on Wednesday have beeVL oltiplctod. The Indi cations are now that Mo attendance xvlll each somoxvhero in iiic neighborhood of ! ,000 people. Nothing , hiis been omitted to irovldo for their xvabs- ; , ' The program xxas completed last night. It Is ns folloxvs : At the Grand Plaza : , Address , H. S. Hey- lecher , Waukegan , III. ; address. Mrs , E , 1) , Watts , supreme oracle ! Royal NjAllibors of Vmcrlca ; foot race , fifty.yard * ish , prize , iox of cigars ; foot race. 100-yard dash , prize , > ox of cigars ; yacht race , prize , sllx'cr cup ; tub rnce , prize , $1 In cash ; for largest fish caught during the day , fishing tackle ; wood- chopping contest , prize , Woodman ax ; xvood- saxvlng contest , prize , saw and sawbuck ; competitive drill , Foresters of the Western oxva Logrolling association , Foresters of Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs. At Manhattan licach : Log rolling contest ; swimming race on snxvlogs cift for the oc casion ; tub race , free for all , entries open to C o'clock p. m. ; sailing race by entire sailing craft on Lake Manaxva ; shell race , our-oarcd ; shell race , Ixvo-oared ; four sxvlm- nlug matches , Will Settle tluClaim. . The Union Pacific Rallxvay company has taken the preliminary steps looking to the payment ot the judgment obtained against Iho company In the federal court by Gran- vlllo James. James xvas Injured In a xvrcck In Nebraska some years ago and brought suit In the federal court and obtained a. judgment for $7,600. The case xvas bitterly contested and has been on the dockets for some time. The road has finally decided to pay the judgment , xvhlch , xvith Interest , now amounts to $3,293.34. Tnlceii to tlie Hospital. Herman Parr , one of the motoncors on the bridge line , xvas taken to the Woman's Christian Association hospital yesterday. Mr. Parr xvas Injured In tbo xvrcck at the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy crossing sox1- cral yearu ago and has been In poor health ox-er since. Ills aflllctlon Is largely mental. Hoflmayr's Fancy Patent flour makes the best and most bread. Ask your grocer for It. HONOR IX ) A IMONUISll I3DITO1I. J. C. Mitynnrd of tlie ( irniul .liiiietlon HeiidllKlit the Olijeet of Gift. JEFFERSON , la. , Aug. 8. ( Special. ) Txventy-flve years ago this xvcck S. C. May- nard assumed proprietorship of the Grand Junction Head Light,1 and has since , with out a break , edited the paper. Last e\-c nlng the event xvas celebrated In an approorlate manner by the citizens of the toxvn at the home of Mr. Mayua'rd. More than 100 guests xvcro present , most of them pioneers of those early days xvhen Mr. Maynard took hold of the paper , and'xvho , xvlth him , hnx'o stuck by the old staiid. W. M. Crow was master of ceremonies , ' and on behalf of the company presented the lu.irter of a century editor xvlth a fines couch. Later Mr. Maynard xvclcomcd'Uhe'guests , and follow ing , remarks xvere 'macfe by a number of old timers. In xvestcrn Iowa there are but t\xo other ncxvspapcr 'men xvho have been In charge of a paber "twenty-five jcait George D. Perkins of "the' Sioux City Jounial and J. M. Bralnarrf 6l"tlio Boone Standard. Wife of 11 FIMV MoivtliN AVniitN Divorce. CEDAR RAPIDS ) ! , ' & ? ' , Aug. 8. ( Special Telegram. ) John 7) ) . , Hjler of Chicago , a song xvrltcr of eonlc nq'tc , and Miss Alice McClelland of thisi city" ) xvho was In Chicago cage studying elocutionxvere married last December , after air .acquaintance of less than a week. A month , ago they xvent to Mlnneapolls-'to spend the s.utnnicr. M rs , . Hller's sister xventiio-a.'Jslt.itliem and -xvhllo there a quarrel emjuqd. Miss McClelland came home and xvas. , accompanied , by Mrs. Hllcr. Last xveek she commenced action for divorce , alleging cruel treatment. Hllcr came hero nt oncn arid today filed his an swer , in which he denies the charges made. He says ho xvill remain and fight the ac tion. Hllcr , xvho is not much over 30 , has been married three times. Crexqeiit City Crop CondltloiiN. CRESCENT CITY. la. , Aug. 8. ( Special. ) This section of Iowa' has been visited xvlth frequent shoxvcrs so that at no time of the season hax'Q the crops suffered for xvanl " ot rain. During the "past xveek the xvcather has been very warm , varying from 90 to 100 degrees. Wanted In Several I'lnceN. CRESTON , la. , < Aug. 8. ( Special Tele gram. ) Charles Conley , the man noxv In the county Jail for burglary and breaking jail In 1893 , Is xvanled at St. Joseph for forging txx'o Adams Express money orders ol $50 each , July 20. HorMi- Thief Captured. JEFFERSON , la. , Aug. 8. ( Special Tele gram. ) John Gray , xvho stole a horse and buggy from a livery stable at Grand Junc tion , July 20 , xvas captured In Shelby county today. Hot Weather ut Kort Dod e. FORT DODGE , la. , Aug. 7. ( Special Tele- gram. ) After several days xvlth the ther mometer In the nineties it broke the record by going to 9S today. AVYO3IING ATIMXR INDUSTRY. -XIucli Work IleliiK Done In the Df. | fereut I.IIICH. CHEYENNE , Aug. 8. ( Special. ) Colone E , P. Snow , secretary of the Laramlo Min ing exchange , In a talk on the mining out look In Wyoming , reports that there Is a great deal of quiet but effective xvork belnp done in the mining Industry throughout the state , especially In Albany , Carbon and Fro raont counties. Inside of the next nlnctj days there xvlll bo three now plants started In Albany and Carbon counties , and eacl plant xvlll bo supplied xvlth enough ore tc keep It running to its full capacity. One plant of forty tons capacity xvlll treat free- milling ores ; another of fifty tons capacity will nso the cyanide process , xvhllo a third of thirty tons capacity xvlll concentrate the ores for shipment to ( an eastern market. Active work has been going on all of thU season In the placer ( mines along DougloH Muddy , Lake , Spring , and Beaver creeks emptying Into thoj North Platte river , ant Rock , Wagon Hound , lifourmllo , Threemllo Oncmllo and othcrti empty lug into the Lara- into. The oxvners Oti thpso placer fields arc well satisfied xvltliiilhd results of theli labor. There Is alsoutonslderablo placet work being done In thoiBavary fields and li the Swcctxvater amluWlml river districts. In lode claims illiaru Is still greatei activity In the various cVmps. In the Coopci Hill district , near Litrlinile , txvo tunnels arc being driven , wlthjitmu shifts each , am xx-ork on them hasribren continuous since April. A number < tof 'shafts are being pu dov.n , and active Ixvorld Is In progress 01 nearly all of the properties of the dlstlrct There Is also great atttivlty along the Blj Laramle and Its trlW'tiu'Ies ' , and some vcrj flno ore bodies are Joiu # opened. The sanu may bo said of tha tUouglas , Centennial LaPlatte , Gold Hill-ami Semlnole districts These arc all cold ca&ira , and xvhllo they arc not as rich as Cripple Creek or Mercui yet the men and owners xvorklug them arc well satisfied xvlth thu returns they are get tlnii. New Method ut Hefrl eratlon. CHICAGO , Aug. 8.-rAt the fruit auction rooms on Michigan street at 11 o'clock this morning xvas opened a car of fruit shlppct from California with carbonic acid gae Instead of Ice as a preservative agent. It la eald the process. If successful , xvlll effect j > saving of half on freight and refrigeration and xvlll revolutionize California fruit busi ness. _ AHUM Cleveland to Arbitrate. HIO DE JANEIRO , Aug. 8. Before the Brazilian congress yesterday the protoco of agreement arrived at betxveen Italy and Brazil , by which President Cleveland IE asked to act as arbitrator upon the claims for Indemnity made by the former in behali of Italian subjects xvho suffered losses during the recent civil war , xvas read tor the flrsi time. Maw nn.vij IN DIAMOND MATCH. , AnMi-lnii Ititnlt Iiitrronlpil In the Kn te > | irlNp thnt Hunted the Moore * . CHICAGO , Aug. 8. A cablegram was re ceived toay from George T. Smith of the Jlamond Match company xvhlch bids fair to ; reatly enhance the stock of that enterprise. U reads ; Deal with Lncndcr bank ot Austria closed Have contract. It Is xvorth more than nil declineIn Match stock. GEORGE T. SMITH. This Is the contract that President Barber and Director Smith were negotiating In Kuropo and It xvns the hope of making this contract that brought President Barber homo from Europe last spring xvhcn ho xvas accompanied by Dr. Furth of the firm ot Bernard Furth , the largest manufacturers ot matches In Austria. Dr , Furth represented the Lacnder bank , one ot the biggest finan cial concerns In Vienna , xvhlch had signified a xvllliiiKiiess , It the machines \\erc ns rep resented , to make a contract on the follow ing terms : The Lacnder bank to furnish nil the capital necssary to construct buildings and supply xvorltlng capital , xvhlle the Diamond mend Match company should furnish Its ma chines. The Match company xvas to hold Gl per cent of the capital stock In the nexv cor poration and the Austrlans 49 per cent , AMONG THU TKNNIS CHAMPIONS. W. A. I.nrued llent Holt "Wren niul \Vlnn the \omood Park Tourney. LONG BRANCH , N. J. , Aug. 8. W. A. Larncd today defeated R. D. Wrcnn In the Invitation tournament of the Norwood Park club by the score of 0-3 , 3-6 , C-2 , 7-5. The silver trophy offered by the club becomes Larncd's property , ho having xvon It nxvay fiom Wrcnn last year. The second prize , a sliver pitcher , goes to Wrcnn. This ends n tournament In xvhlch seven players took part. They xvero : R. D. Wrcnn , George WrennV. . A. Larncd , Carr B. Neel , R. Stevens , J. F. Talmago and E. H. Fisher. Bob \Vrcnn xvas only beaten by Larncd and Larncd xvas unbeaten. Hovcy , the prcbcnt champion , did not take part , and the outcome ot this tournament will , therefore , give added Interest to the national championship competition , xvhlch begins on Tuesday xxeek at Newport. O\\ner ShootH n Jockey. DUBUQUI5. la. . Aug. S. ( Special Tele gram ) Jockey Hugh Penny , formerly ot the Corrlgan stables , xvas shot at thp track tonight by Harry Sayre ot Mlddlepoit , O. , xvho had refused him the mount on His Brother. Penny struck Sayre , xvho shot him Uxlco In the back and xvas rescued from a mob of jockeys hy an ofllcer xvlth draxvn revolx-er , who took him to jail. Penny's xvounds nre dangerous. N1JWS KOH THU AllMV. OH In tlie KeKiilnr Service nn Iteceiitly An neil need. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 8. ( Special Telegram. ) The folloxvlng transfers hax-o been ordered : Tenth Infantry , First Lieuten ant Bogardus Eldrldge , from company D to cofnpany E ; First Lieutenant Robert L. Bullard , from company E to company D ; Eighth Infantry , Captain Egbert B. Savage , from company E to company K ; Captain Robert F. Ames , from company 1C to com pany E , Captain Thaddous W. Jones , Tenth > 'Jv airy , has been detailed to attend the tn- campment of the Fourth regiment , North Carolina State Guard , at Statesvllle , Septem ber 9 to 19. First Lieutenant Charles E. W. Kennedy , Third Infantry , has been granted an ex tension of one month's leave. CurllHle I.euven WASHINGTON , Aug. 8. Secretary Car lisle , his wife. W. J. Carlisle , xvlfe and daughter , embarked today on the lighthouse tender Maple for a two xvccks' cruise to end up at Gray Gables. Ti-imMcH In the IliiilneMM World. KANSAS CITY , Aug. 8. The Midland National bank has filed a suit In equity asking for the appointment ot a receiver for the local branch xpt the Columfrus Buggy ' company , xvhlch failed last Satur'day. An attachment suit to recover $1D,000 In notes xvas entered by the bank a xveek ago. The bank noxv , fearing the previous suit xvould not , hold good , brings the present one and asks the court to xvlnd up tlie company's affairs. The court took under advisement the question of appointing a receiver. PROVIDENCE , R. I. , Aug. 8. Attach ments xvero levied today on the funds of the Woonsocket Rubber company , in the hands of the Rhode Island Hospital Trust com pany , the Industrial Trust .company and the Merchants' National bank of this city. The attachments xvere made at the Instance of Joseph Bannlgan , lute president of the United States Rubber company , xvho brings suit against the Woonsocket Rubber company to recover a $100,000 note held by him. Sub sequently a xvrlt of attachment in a suit for $500,000 brought by the Woonsocket Rubber company against Joseph Bannigan , lately Its president and also formerly pres ident of the United States Rubber company , xvas Issued. The action Is brought for an alleged debt. Levy has been made on all of Mr. Bannlgan's real estate In this vicin ity , and also-on his funds in banks here. Money for Kate. Klelil'x Fuiicrul. SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 8. The Press club of this city has taken the initiative In the movement started by the Examiner to ralso funds for the purpose of removing the remains of Miss Kate Field from Honolulu to her old home In Auburn , N. Y. , In ac cordance xvlth the last expressed xvish of the deceased. At a meeting of the board of managers of the club last evening the list xvas headed xvlth a subscription of $50. A resolution xvas also adopted expressing the xvish that other press clubs through out the United States xvould take similar action. Many of Miss Field's friends In this city have offered to contribute to the fund and It Is believed enough money can be easily raised to accomplish the object sought. DeutliH of a Day. KANSAS CITY. Aug. S. Mrs. Elizabeth McCoy , one of the oldest residents of the city and the xvldoxv of one ot the original fourteen xvho founded Kansas City , Is dead hero , aged 77 years. Mrs. McCoy xvas born In NlcbolasvlIIc , Ky. She xvas a sister of Hon. Samuel H. Woodson , ex-judge of the circuit court. DUBUQUE , Aug. 8. ( Special Telegram. ) Judge Reuben Noble of McGregor , a prom inent attorney and sound money democratic leader , died today. Pipe niul Tile I'lnnt llnriieil. DBS MOINES , Aug. 8 , ( Special Tele gram. ) The plant of the Iowa Pipe and Tile Works xvas burned this morning , In volving a loss of $3,000. The entire plant was destroyed except the kilns , The ma chinery , drying building , all the clay workIng - Ing apparatus and an immense amount of green plpo tile and brick xvero destroyed. The Insurance Is $0,000. Montgomery County Iteiiulilloniix , RED OAK , la. , Aug. 8. ( Special. ) The republican county convention met nt 10:30 : yesterday morning. Every precinct , xvard and township was represented. State Senator J. M. Junkln xvas made chairman , The nominations are : R. M , Roberts , clerk ; Ed Mills , county attorney ; J , S , Anderson , au ditor ; E , G , Day , recorder ; George T , Cooper , supervisor , IlolilierH IlliMV u Safe. VERMILLION , S. D. , Aug. 8. ( Special Telegram. ) Iluiglars blew open the post- office safe at Mcckllng last night and secured $500 and a quantity of postage stamps. Most of the money belonged to McCaull , Webster & Co. , grain merchants , MovemcutM of Oeeuu VeMNelx , A K. H. At Boston Arrived Gallla , from Liver pool , Salled-Servlu , for Liverpool via Qucenstown. At Amsterdam Arrived Schlcman. from New York. At New York Sailed Patrla , for Ham burg ; Mobile , for Ixmdon ; Veendam , for Rotterdam , via Boulogne ; La Uourgognc , for Havre ; Saale , for Bremen , via Cher bourg ; Werra , for Genoa , via Gibraltar ; Edam for Amsterdam : Ktrurla , for Liver pool ; Anchorla. for Glasgow : Hekbi , for Stottln , etc. ; Rhynlaml , for Liverpool. At Havre Snilcd-La Goscogne. At Southampton Balled St. Paul , for At San Francisco Sailed Belglc , for Hone Kong and Yokohama , At Montreal Sailed Vancouver , for Mo- vlllo ana LIvcrpqqL LAWLER'S ' PITCHING WINS Ho Haa au Easy Tirao Pooling the Brewing ing Association Batters , WELL BACKED BY THE UNIVERSITY CLUB Otnnlin'n Clinniiilnnx I'U-ld Well niul lint VlKoruiiftly , TnkltiK Victory About tin Tliry l.lUc Other llllll ( llUIICM. The Universities added another to their long string of victories yesterday after noon , their victims being the Omaha Ilrcxv- Ing Association team. The game xvas one sided and uninteresting for the most part , but was redeemed by a few brilliant plays by University players. Jimmy Trail made a couple ot glaring errors , but offset them by eating up an equal number ot base hits. Jelen played a magnificent game , as did Rus McKelvey and Tommy Crolgh. The score tells the rest : UNIVERSITIES. AU. R. II. SB. PO. A. E. Crelgh , 2b Robinson , m Ford. ! Abbott , Ib 5 1 2 1 10 0 0 Hayes , c Jelen , 1 4 2 2 1 B 0 0 Trail , ss McKelvey. 2b 4 1 3 0 1 3 0 Laxvler , n TolnU * 37 " 9 10 1 27 15 1 OMAHA BREWING ASSOCIATION. AB. n. H. SH. PO. A. 13. Kleffner , 2b Shannon , ss Helin , Ib 3 0 2 0 n 0 0 Rooney , 3b Vapor , 1 Page , c Holmes , r Dans , in Soffelder , p 4 0 0 0 2 1 0 Totnls 3 ? 3 1 1 24 0 G University - ! > Brexvers 0-3 Earned runs : Universities , 3 ; Hrowcis , 1. Three-base hits : Jelen , Abbott , McKelvey. Holmes. Txvo-baso hit : Hayes. Passed balls : Hayes , 1 ; Sage , 2. Wild pitch : Sof- felder , 1. Bases on balls : Off Laxvler. 4 ; off Soffclder , 2. Hit by pitched ball : Laxvler. 1 : SofTelder. 2. Struck out : By Laxvler , 5 ; by Soffelder , 3 Time of game : One hour and forty-five minutes. Umpire : Crclghton. CAMION OK THU NATIONAL I.K.VC111 : . CliletIKo Seeiirex nVletory St. I.out * Should Hnve Scored. CHICAGO , Aug. S. The Browns out- batted the Colts txvo to one , but lost tbo game on a costly assortment of mlsplays and Breltensteln's wlldncss. Cross xvns fined $25 and remox'od from the game In the fourth for too much kicking , Douglass tak ing his position at short , Hurt going to left. Weather very sultry. Attendance , 2(00. Score : Chicago 4 St. Louis 0-3 Hits : Chicago. 7 ; St. I ouls , 12. Errors : Chicago , 1 : St. Louis. 5. Earned runs : St. Louis , 2. Txvo-bnse hit : Dowd Three-base hits : GrlHHh , Turner , Parrott. Stolen bases : Dahlen (3) ) , Ryan , Decker. Double plays : Dahlen to Pfeffer to Alison , Cross to Dowd to Connor , Cross to O'Connor. First base on balls : Oft Broltensteln , G. Struck out : By Grlfllth , 3 ; by Breltcnsteln 3. Wild pitch : Breltenstcin. 1. Batteries. Chicago , GrIIIHh and Klttredgp ; St. Louis , Brellcnstein and McFarland. Umpire : Mc- Farland. TERRIFIC SLUGGING AT WASHINGTON WASHINGTON , Aug. S. Today's ganio xvas marked by such a. continuous run ot hits that txvo of the best pitchers of the respective clubs McMahon and Meicer xvere compelled to retire. They xveic fol- loxved by Clarkson and Washington's noxv acquisition , Norton , who xvere unable to do much better. Errors on both sides counted considerably In the score. Attend ance , 1,200. Score : Washington 11C00004 4-lf Baltimore 1 G 107003 21 Hits : Washington. IS ; Baltimore , 21. Er rors : Washington , G ; Baltimore. 5. Earned runs : Washington , 9 ; Baltimore , 14. Two- base hits : Farrell , Dumont , Kelly (2) ) , Cart- xvrlght. Homo run : Kelly. Stolen bases : Donnelly (2) ( ) , Doyle. Double play : Reltz to Doyle. First on balls : Oft Mercer. 1 ; oft McMahon , 1 ; oft Clarkson , 4. Hit by pitched balls : Jcnnlnps , Brodle , Farrell. Struck out : By Clarkson , 1. Batteries : Washington. Mercer , Norton and McGuIre ; Baltimore. McMahon , Clnrkson mid Clarke. Umpire : Hurst. CY YOUNG LET DOWN. CLEVELAND , Aug. S. Young lot doxvn In the sex'entli Inning and the remainder of the home team became demoralized. That explains the x-lctory of the Pirates. At tendance , 5000. Score : Cleveland 20000100 0 D Plttsburg 00000032 2 1 Hits : Cleveland , 10 ; Plttshurp , 1C. Errors : Cleveland , 5 ; Plttsburg , 2. Earned runs : Cleveland. 2 ; Plttsburg , 3. Two-base hit : Paddcn. Home run : Klmmer. Stolen bases : Burkett , Smith. Double play : Young lo dimmer to O'Connor. First on balls : Oft Young , 3 ; oft Huxvlcy. 3. Struck out : By Young. 5 ; by Hnxvley , 2. Batteries : Cleve land , Young and Xlmmer ; Plttsburg , Haxv- ley and Merrltt. Umpire : Emslle. PHILLIES FINALLY WIN. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. S.-Orth's snlen- dld pitching , coupled xvlth brilliant field ing , won today's panic for the Phillies. Sullivan , xvho xvas In the box for Boston , pitched n good game , but his banes on balls and the hitting of n batter xvero responsible for txvo runs. Attendance , 5,500. Score : Philadelphia 01002003 0-fi Boston 10000010 0-2 Hits : Philadelphia. ! ) ; Boston. 5. Errors : Philadelphia , 2 ; Boston , 2. Earned runs : Philadelphia , 1. Txvo-baso bits : Cooley , Clements , Nash , Hamilton , Stolen bases : Hulen , Dolehanty. Hallmnn , Morten , Hamil ton (2) ( ) , Tonny. First on balls : Off Orth. 3 ; oft Sullivan. 2. Hit by pitched hall : Merles. Struck out : By Orth , 2. Passed balls : Bergen , 1 ; Clcmants , 1. nalteiles : Philadelphia , Orth and Clements ; Hohton Sullivan and Bergen. Umpire ; Conihan. REDS RESUME WINNING. CINCINNATI. O. . Aug. S. LouUvllIc slightly ouNiatted the Reds , but her hl's xvero scattered , save In the eighth , xvhen three together resulted In txvo rims. The Reds scored on bases on balls and errors with a hit noxv and then. Atlemdance , 3,000. Score : Louisville 00000002 0-2 Cincinnati 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 5 Hits : Louisville , 7 ; Cincinnati , C. Eirors' Louisville. 2 ; Cincinnati , 0 , Earned runs : Cincinnati , 2 : Louisville , 2. Txvo-bane hll : McCreery , Three-base hit : Clarke , Stolen b.ises : Hoy. Miller (2) ) , McFarlnnd , Burke. First base on balls : Off Foreman , 3 ; off Frazer , 3. Hit by pitched ball : Ily Frazer , 2. Struck out : By Foreman , 2 : by Krnzer , 1. Passed balls : Peltz. AVI hi pitches : Fra zer. 2. Batteiles : Louisville , Frazer and Dexter ; Cincinnati , Foreman and Pcltz. Umpire : Lally , CAPTAIN JOYCE'S FIRST TRIUMPH. NEW YORK , Aug. S.-Tho Nexv Yorks outbatted and outfleldcd the Hrooklyns at the polo grounds today , Joyce Is noxv cap tain of the Nexv Yorks In place of Glcason , who resigned. Score : Brooklyn 100000000-1 Nexv York 00030020 ' -5 Hits : Brooklyn , 10 : New York , 12. Errors : Brooklyn , 4 ; Now York. 0. Earned runs : Brooklyn , 1 ; New York , 3. Three-base hits ; Grlllln , Payne , Tlernan , Htolen bases : Beckley - ley , Tlernan , Double plays : Connanghlon to Bcckley : Joyce to Becklcy , Batteries : Brooklyn. Payne and Jiurrelf : New York , Clarke and Wilson , Umpire : Sheridan , At tendance , 5,100 , STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Played. AVon. Lost. P.C Allilun , llcnteii In n Ion Content Iiy the Kullerloii Teiiiu. ALBION , Neb. , Aug. 8. ( Bpeclul.-Ono ) of the most exciting games of li.-ill ever played on thc-homo diamond was played yesterday betxveen Fuller-ton und Albion , Fullerlon winning the gurnet In the thirteenth Inning. Score : Fullerton . . 2-8 Albion 3 7 Batteries : Albion , Itugnn und Stemback ; Fullerton , Athey and Fulmer. Struck out ; By Ragnn , 12 ; by Athey , C. BRAINARU , Neb , , Aug. 8. ( Speclal.-A ) very interesting base ball gnmo xvas played here today bctxvecn Valparaiso and Jlralti- ard , which icsulted in u victory for Val paraiso. Quito n number of tlie leading business people of David City took In the came. ELMWOOD , Nel > . ( Aug , 5.-C8"ecIal.-A ) very exciting panic of ball xvas here VMterdny between Weeping AVatcB and F.lrnwood. resulting In n victory for tlio home ttnm by the Bcoro ot 10 to D , The routine of tha xnmc v\us the excellent Pitching of Emll I.nitghorsc , Uattcrtcsl Cogllzcr ( inil Stoncr ; GmnMMo nnd l.nng > horse. Giccnwood encl Elmwood play l Elmwood next Thtirmlny. August 13. SPRINGFIELD. Neb. , Aug. S.-SpcelaI ( Tolecrnm. ) The locals won easily from the Louisville team todny In n fairly Interest ing game. Score : Ppilngdchl O-o Louisville 0 01201000-4 Hits : Sprlncneld , IS ; Lmihvlllo , 10. Er rors : SprlnKlleld. 3 ; Louisville. 2. Batter ies : Springfield , Fackler and Frans ; Louis- vllle , irxvin nnd McNcaly. Umpire ; Mc- Inlce. _ scouns or THUVUSTIU.V i.n.vmm. Indianapolis PnlN u Lit HP Vnrllie * An-ay from SI. Ptiul. INDIANAI'OLIS , Aug. S. Score : Indianapolis -8 Grand Rapids 001000030-1 Hits : Indianapolis. 11 ; Clvaud Rnpldx , 7. Krrois : lndlanaiojls. ) 0 ; Grand Rapids , 3. Batteilcs : Monroe and Buckley ; Woltcrs ) and Hodpe. KANSAS OITY , Aug. S.Hcorc ! Kansas City 0 3-11 St. Paul 4 1-11 Hits : Kansas Clly , SI ; St. Paul , 13. Er rors : Kansas City , 4 : St. Paul. 0. Uat- tcrlef : Kllng and Riamoid ; Denser , Filckcu and Spies. COLUMBUS , Aug. S. Score : Columbus 3 00100000-4 Detroit 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 1 * -7 Hits : Columbus , S ; Deliolt. . " . Eriors : Columbus. G ; Detroit , 1. Hatteile' < Jones ) and AVINon ; Klllcld nnd Ttxlnclmnt , MILWAUKEE , AVIs. , Aug. S.-Scoie : Milwaukee 0 .10110010-0 Minneapolis 1-7 Hits : Milwaukee , H ; Minneapolis , lo. Er rors : Mlhxnukee , 1 ; Mlnnenpolls , 1. Bat teries : Barnes nnd Spear ; Hutchison uiul Sch liver , HTANniNQ OF THE TEAMS. Played. AVon. Lost. P.C. Indianapolis l > 8 Bl .11 61.1 St. Paul ill B4 37 M.3 Minneapolis ! H > 51 39 M.7 Detiolt S7 49 3S M,3 Kansas-City S ! ) 50 HI M.2 Mllxvaukeo lili 4.- . 51 40 , ! > Grand Rapids OS 33 63 3.1.7 Columbus 1C. 31 01 32,0 Games today : Detroit nt Columbus ; St. P.iul at Kansas City ; Minneapolis ul Mil- xvunkee. _ _ i tireliia Hall Team Disbanded. GUETNA , Neb. , Aug. S.SpeclalAt ( ) a meeting of the Bane Hall association yes terday the Gretna team was disbanded. The attendance has not paid current ex penses and the toxvn Is not xxllllng to de fray the expenses. Out of twelve games played on the home grounds this season the homo team lost but txvo and they xvero both with the Omaha Oilglnnls. Of tbo four games played away from home Gretnn. lost txvo , making a total ot twelve gamca xvou out of sixteen played. UKSUIiTS OX TIIH Ur.VMXtt TRACKS. Favorite * Win the l.imt Three ItnecM at llrlnhton lleiieli. NEAV YORK. Aug. S. Favoiltes won tha fourth , fifth and sixth events at Brighton Beach today. The llrst xvent to a second choice and tbo second and third to out siders. In the steeplechase Red Pat xvaa the favorite. He fell at the first Jump , stunning his jockey , Dunlap. xvho was re moved on a stretcher. Dunlap was not scilously hurt In the xvliitiplng finish Mar- ens xvon by a head from St. Anthony. Re sults : First race , one mile , selling : Formal (7 ( to 2) ) xvon , Chugnut ' 10 to 1) ) second , Emma C ( ft to 2) ) third. Time : 1:11 : % . Second race , tlvo furlongs , s-elllng : Hurl ( In to 1) ) xvon. Time Maker ( I to 1) ) second , Insplrer (7 to 1) third. Time : lu'l. : Third race. Ocean AVave stakes , six : fur longs , selling : Tremaigo (7 ( to 2) xvon. Xanono ( S to 5) ) second , Sherlock (4 ( to 1) third. Time : 1:111/ : . . , Fourth raco. Greyhound stakes six fur longs : Sulsun (2 ( to 5) ) xvon , Dr. Jim (10 ( to ) ) second , Slow Poke (12 to 1) ) third. Tlmo : ' ' F'lf'tli race , seven furlong.'i : Premier ( ? to 2) ) xvon , Aurollnn ( I to 1) ) second , Harry- Reed (7 ( to 2) third , Time : l:2S'i. : Sixth race , five fnrlones , selling : Emily Henderson ( S to fi ) xvon , Little Nlpgcr (5 lo. 1 } second , Mahoney (20 to 1) ) third Times 1:0u. : ' Sex-enth race , steeplechase , about txvo. miles and a quarter : Marcus (3 to 1) ) xvon , St. Anthony (2 ( to 1) ) second , Spot (8 ( to G > third. Time : 5-19. ST. LOUIS. Aug. S. Not a favorite xvas. successful today. Four heavily hacked second end choices and txvo outsiders \\on Tho- feature of the day xx'as the fourth race. Don Caiillo declined the Issue. Masnet. . the favorite , nnd Leader Ban shoxved the- xxay to the head of the stretch al a killing- pace. Then Leader Ban stopped and Magnet - , net broke down. Then Sllgo and Blng- hlnger drexv away and In a fighting finish Slltro won by half a length. Results. First race , selling , one mlle : Fayette. Belle (13 to 5) ) won , Fled Foster ( S to 1 > second Picaroon (9 ( to 6) ) third. Time : 1:4.1-4. - Second raco. flvc-clf-hths of n mile , fop 2-year-olds : Forsythe (3 ( to 1) ) won. Siigar- foot ( G to 5) ) second , Russell A (9 ( to 1) ) third. Thlid race , one mlle , selling : Ontxvny (5 ( to 1) ) won. Pitfall (10 ( to 5) ) second , Gouronno- d'Or (8 ( to 6) ) third. Tiim > : 1 : M. . . . . . Fourth race , seven fin longs : Sllgo (5 ( to. 1) xvon. Blnpblnger (4 ( to 1) ) second , Leader Ban ( G to 1) ) third. Time : 1:27V4 : ; Fifth race , mlle and n sixteenth , sellings Dcvault (4 ( to 1) ) won , John Jl'ekey ' to 1) ) second , Crevasse (15 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : . 'sixth race , six furlongs : Amelia May (3 ( to 1) ) won. Dare 11 (5 ( to 2) second , Hes ter (7 ( to 2) ) third. Time : 1 14. CINCINNATI , Aug. 8.-Slr Dllko xvon tho. first handicap at Newport today rather- hnndlly. This race xvas the star feature * of the card. Only two favorites xvon. 'Iho track xx'ns slow and the xveather hot. lie- First rnce. sex-en furlongs : Elano (3 ( to > 10) ) xvon , Buck Knlgbl (10 ( to 1) second. Chagrin (10 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:3114. : Second race , four and a half furlongs : IIIu (4 to 1) ) xvon. Sprlnpduv (15 ( lo 1) ) second , . Ladv Estelle (30 to 1) third. Tlmo : 0:1XH. : Tlilrd race. Fort Thomas handicap , mllo- and u sixteenth : Sir Dllko ( fi lo 5) ) won , Almeo (10 to 1) ) second , Langdon (5 ( to 1 > third Time : 1:52 , Fourth race , six furlongs : Kitty B ( G to. W xvon Parson ( G to 1) second. Margaret Allen (2 ( to 1 > third. Tlmn : 1I7'4. : , Fifth race , flvo furlongs : Once More ( eycn > xvon , Elkln (10 to 1) second , Rosendyllo ( I lo 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:01. : MILAVAUKEK. AVIs. , Aug. 8. The track. XV.IH muddy at State park today , owing tea - a novel o rain Htorm that net In Just be Torn the first race. Three fax'orltes xvon. bum- mFlrs't race , six furlonw. selling : Fiiero- xvon , Bpokcnu second , Imp. Bimbo third. .Second' race , flvo and onu-half furlongs , for 2-vear-olds : Dornltor won Paul Kaiivur sironil. Last Fellow third , 'nine ; UH. Third race , mile and a half , selling : Mlsa Francis xvon , IJelvour second , Undo. Jln > third Time * 2:4d : i. Fourth race , six furlongs : The I euce won , Fervor second , Jack of Spades third. Fifth race , onn mlle : Ida Plckxvlrk xvon. Lllllo Matt second , Aunt Salllo third. Time : 1'44'S , Klxth rnce , six furlongs , Helling : Joe Man- elnl xvon. Morven second , Clark third. rm5TROJT. Mich. . Aug. 8.-Flrst race , soiling , one mlle : Pepper xvon , Lidy : Doleful second. Fred Bair third. Tlmo : ] : , Second race , flvo and one-half furloiiKS : Dr Cat let xvoii , F F V second , Bernardino " ' ' ' ' ' 'nilril ! 'on'o' mlle nnd a furlong : Countess Irmn won , I.'idv Inez second. Lansing third. Tlmo : 1:67M. , : Fourth race. Peninsular Btovo company stake , six furlongs : Moylan xvon , Motllln. second. Nick third , Time ; llr > . j.'lflh rnce , live furlongs : Adown XVOIK Tnlnca second , Altanera third. Tlmo ; 1:01. Sixth race , Belling ; Imp , Remedy won , Hlnalon HI second , Mnrarhiixvuy third. Tlmo ; lilC'/i. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ In H I llnee at ColiiniliiiM , COLUMBUS , O , Aug. 8.-Tho grand cir cuit mectbiB closed yesterday , but the 2:12 : Oaco was postponed lo this afternoon and ) It proved to bo one of the most hotly con tested r.ices of the xveek. A heavy ruin lr the morning made thu track li trifle heavy nnd slow , but severnl fast heats xvuro driven , Bright Light seemed a sure xvlnner. but the puce the first two heats WIIH too fust for him and bo xvus shut out of second end money by being distanced In the Ilitu ' ' " ' 'ViK imce"$1 , M : Bjihlnxi-ttn won the third , fourth and fifth heats , 'lime : 2:0914 : 2:10. : 2:12 : % . Nlcoll H second. rl ht Light xvon the llr t and second heutH but xxmi distanced In the Jif'b. Time ! 2.0h < 4. 2-0314 Lucllla H. Guerutta , Maxim. Blblllu , lial Cr.iifo Captain Crouch. Charley ! < < -r- rel. Olii Hutch , AVurren C ! and Dcmpsey uluc * started. , - Vuelit IdieliiKnt .Mami" " . This nfte-rnoon will occur the opening of a series of races to take i lace belxvcen the/ sailboats composing tbo Mriimwu fleet The start will occur nt 3:30 : o'clock , Just out from Manhattan Beach , find flnUh ut tha * amo place. Valuable prizes will be corn- pe-ted for and us much rivalry exl t be tween the different crexvs nnd the murllM of their respective boats the , races will be spirited und a cootl tlmo b promised to All present.