THE OMAHA DAIIiV 1JFI3 : St'NDAY , ATOUST 0 , 1800. SPEGIRL NOTICES. for ihcr column * lie Inkcu until lUiTK ) i . in. for ( lie evening nuil iiiidt S p. in. for ( lie nitit Siiinlny cillllinm. \ty rriiiieitlliiB n nnin- licrcil rliroU , run time tiimwcrii nil- IrcKNcd ( o n niitnlicrcil letter Innrc of Thtf lice. A it Niter * no tulilrcuNcil nlll lie ilrll\rroil on iircucntntlnn of < lie cliccU only. IlnU'tr , 11--c n word flrn < linprtloitj lo n tinnl ( Iivrciiflcr. NotliltiK InUen for ICHN ttimi li..i ! fur the flrnt Innrr- < loii. TUi'Nc nil * ( rtlipiiifiitfi limit In * run o WAYHJU MAM : nr.i.r. WANiir > . AN'TnnTfwiio CAN THINK or * orn tlmiilo thin , ; to puuntv Protect yntir IrtMip , they may liilni ; you xsealth , Write John weiliiorburn & Co. , I > ept. V , Patent Attornejg , 'Wnflilnc.trm , U. C' . , for their ll.SOO prize olTcr nrol ft lint of lxi.0 hundred Inventions wanted. 11 6,6 , WI3 WANT HTATiTANM ) LOCAL onOANlKHIin for the Atlicneum rriitcinlly , comblnlnR life nnd nrrldrnt liiniirniuo , good contract * nnd choice tcriltory ; apply to J M. Ward , nupriine organizer , 401 lift building , Onlalm ; office hours 8 to 10 n. m. 11-457 A _ WANTED. MEN roit IASY WORKooon ray. 1M2 Davenport street. U M7W10 * $75iO TO IMiO A MONTH AND KXPKNHEH paid rMlenmen for ele.nm : enperlftice unnecm- rnry ; Mnmlnnl KOmln ; l.lttle Clerk dK r inn- rhlne flee to finli customer. I'hnrles 0 Illahop . Co. . St. I.ouln. Mo H MJM PC * BALATlv"TOrtW MKN OH WOMEN j STEADY miilojmtnt ; send stamp ; no trlllerH J. Drown , Wilton liUllilltiK. I.OB Ange-lra. Fill. 11 MttC 9 * WANTED , MCN AN ! ) WOMEN TO WORK for us ilay or exenltiK nt tlielr himim : nlcr. plrnnant work ! no ennxasfliiR , ' | nilnce not nectFFnry , We pnj xnlary. Send us MIDI nd- ilre * * , Htandnril Mf | ? Co , 142V. . 23d New York. LA not : ririAR IIIIIM"WANTS A RALEHMAN In e\er > loeiillty , } W per month and expenses to lipRlntHin. Entltoly nexIndiiee merits to nnd ilealem Aildiest box 210 , ChlciiKo , BALESMEN-TO HELL CIOAUS TO DEALERS , } 2" > per week nnd expenses , experience not - iiulred. Address. National Consolidated Co , ChlentiCi , 111. _ R _ WANTED-MAN TO MANAGE HUANCH or- llee ; COO leqiilred ! salary ll.SfO Rood ehnncc for rlRht person. Manager , 2W ) Jlonou liloek , ChlciiKQ. H _ _ _ 14 ro PER ixio ( CASH i-'ou nisTiuiii'Tixo cm rulais ; < nclo c 4 cents. U. S. Dlitrllmttm btireun , Chku o H THN YOL'NO MKK TO I'llin'Alli : POU Till npprouililnc clxll i-cr\lie evninlnatlnn1' for RON eminent pnf.ltloii ! < to be held In Omaha teen Thou nnd of nppnlntmentx annn ll > . Ueeenl extenrtons. rnrtlcnlarn nn to itatep , palarlen tie. , frie of Nntlomil Corre pondeiue limtllute Washington , I ) . C. _ II7C1 0 * QRNKIIAL AOHNCV. nxSl.t'fllVB TIMini tory. Cliiimiiliiii llijuld blejcle tire punctiiri liiiilvr. IIilUKH > V Uanter. 102 Kant 1-I'lh St. NcYorlc City. n 'fO-8 * _ iToo i'in ice PAID rou YOI'U NIIOIIHOUR addiepus. t-end ICc for blank book nnd In ( trnctlon * * , nnd fo tooik nt oiue. Ho.\ell A Co. . 370 N. Hainlln A\e. , Clilcncu J _ V/ANTIJD YOt'NO MAN TO LHAHN IIAltli ! ! trade. Only elKlit \ \ k reunited , rnnvtnn practice and c\irj rcnulrtimnt foi the mos HUccefBfiil teachliiK , time nnd monej Mixed toolH donated Rradunto ratal OK IHJ mallei free. Chicago llnrbir fatliool , SW bo Clalk St. ChlcaEo. II 7T8 1 * _ \VANT13D STIIKKT AII3N TO Sni.I M'KIN ley ROM monoKrain biilpen Woin lij mei nnd XNomen. Snmiile by mall 10 cents. Deckel & . I'hlllpB , C.ilcaito _ lt-75- ! ) ' ' ' ' roi WANTun succnssi-'t'i oinANixniis benelklary older , leriulrcs one ansissmcnt i > e month only. Apply Itooin 310-2U ! Denrboin ht Chlcniro. II 7fr 9 * Ti'ANTnrv Mii.Y : HOOK PAI.ISMIN TO MAN nse olllces nnd teams on the rend for new up t < ilnte worl. . Also men for three imiKlne com lilnntlon In connection with books Nntlonn Subscription Co. Security bulldlntr. ChlcnRO I'O Na au St. , New York ; 31 State St. , lloston 1213 rilbert bt. , I'lilladilphla , 70S 1'enn A\e. ritttburg. n 76i 9 _ _ WANTnt-r'iVK Filtsr ci > ASS AusMnN none but men who hnxe nmde n Rood recor nted apply ; we want tbo = c who can tnlk up new deal ti ) the bent clasi of retail ilcnlera plcai-e do not reply through curiosity at ou time Is xnlunble. Address , The 13a tern Mfc Co. , 125 College St. , lowu Clt > , la. II TC4 9 DON'T 1113 HAHD UP I TOOK Mil. COLU'i ndxlcc , took ngency for new aluminum peed nnd other specialties. KlCKimt , cntch > sellers customerx UellBhttd , permanent business. make r to J10 n flay , work C hours , no capital "Write World Mfg. Co. , ( W ! ) ) Columbus o. U 713 9 SALESMEN MAKI ; : oo A MONTH SIMINI our machines for coollnc refrlKeialors , HUUI nntcid 75 per cent cheaper than ite. Produce a dry cold that keeps perishable articles In definitely. Write for terms Arctic HcfrlKer atlng Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio. 11 773 0 rnnBNf\visHiNo TO TAKV : CIVIL Ice examinations , soon to occur In Omaha , fo Mirlnua KO\ eminent positions , to write for > alu nble Information ( free ) . I * . S. llurenu o Information , Cincinnati , Ohio. _ U 772 9 l/AUOUKHS l"OIl U & M. U\ * . ; WYOMING Rood watjes ; free fare. Kramer & O'Hcarr 1120 1-anmni ftrect. _ U M771 11 * A raw nNnnciirric , WULL UIAU MIN CA : secure perrmncnt emplojment nt good pa : with Western Library Co , Central City , Neb 11-776 ! ) _ MANin-ACTUUINGI COMPANY WANTS KN crcitlc man n general mnnaKer for branc oltlce ; strictly legitimate ; profitable buulnes ; Terrauraph Cooler. 225 Dearborn Bt. , Chicago 11-778 9 _ _ WANTED , MEN 1O LUAON llAHlinil THADG only 8 witltH required ; tools tlonnted , wate Saturday ; rntnloKue mailed free. St. I.oul Uarber Collige , M'J N. 9th t. , bt. tJiuls. Mo 11-M774 13 * _ VAN'rnn , I'Arnn SALHSMAN , ONI : UAVIN < good trade with dry goods and clothing house ? to fell the Climax IIIKH on coinmUnlon ; li nnmvtrlntr state where now emplo > ed am glxe referencea. Address The Climax Tag Co. Dayton , Ohio. 11 7jiU 9 _ nvn DOLLAHS PIH i.oco PAIU DIHTUIIIUT Inn circulars ; enclose stamp Commeriliil Ad MTtlnIng An-ocliillotl. Chicago. II 7U9 9 _ "VANTHD , TUAVHLINO HALESMAN. I 'A M IL Inr with the city grocery trade. Addrt SM ti S llee. 11 79J 9 * HUM * . WANTKD fiNRIlonTIC WOMKN IN EVUHI rlty to handle lailli's' fpeclaltlex. Muriled pre fcrrnl. No eanxasslm ; : MK prolltH. The Sere els Co , U:6 Masonic Temple , Chicago , III. U-7C2-9 * HINTIIOII.SIS. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OP THE CITY. Till O. r. Day la Company , U05 rurnam. D 570 HOUSES , IIENEWA & CO. , 108 N , 1STII ST iv in iionnim HOUSES , a A. STAIUI , 025 N.Y. Lint It78 t _ HOUSES , WALLACK , HHOTVN IILK. 16 & . Uoug D-679 , _ _ 8-HOOM , DirTACHED. MODKUN 1IOUSI3. "f5 Lnqulre 2C21 Capitol uxenue , II. 11. Hoblson. _ _ _ _ _ U-DSQ TWO riNi : iiousns. ONI : s. ONK noous 117 nnd U5 8. setli bt. ; nil modern ecn\en lenceij bem r ldi > nce purl of the illInuiilr _ S24 N.V. _ Life , telfphwne IWW. _ D-MK1 STEAM IIKATCU STOIIE8 AND I'LATS Howard Itanck , agent , ICto Clilcugo etr et. _ _ _ _ _ ' U-M2S ! CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAa'ES ALLOVEl he city , 5 to 10. ridcllty , 17UJ Turnum. _ . _ U18 : LIST or HOUSKS. TUB Co. , 21 ; 8. mil Bt. U 684 IIr8niTOIIUNTIN ? | ALLPAHTS OP THI city. llrennan-l.o\e ' - \ Co. , 1'axtsn lllock . _ _ _ U-J61.AI5 . ' IMPUOVi : n McCaffrey , ZJWJ llarney St. D-M284 HIOOM HOUSK WITH UATH : 6 8. Z1KT 8T D-4S5-ASI' _ ran IUNT. TWO STONE AND Tmicn houui , i : rooms each , modern lniiroxenirntii | adapted to boarding house , cheap. J. w. Sim eral. Kt IJee llldg , D MJ I ARQE rUUNISIinU MOUCIIN HOUSE. AD driiF * T ! . Uee. U 610 .IIOOM. JliETACllED. MOD'tllN HOUSK. W. . Inquire ZC21 Cupltol axenue , II. II. Itoblnon. _ _ _ _ _ D i.80 _ _ _ _ _ _ ELKQANT IIK81OENCU. CHEAP. 2C01 I'AI'l' to ) axenur. D M701 10 * FURNISH nn HOUSI : , izzi so. Z TH ST , v , n Wead. iHli and Domls. .IB 17H 10 _ WODKHN COMl'LKTK DWEI.L1NO. I70S KAH nam St. , with or without trlik tlable. POJ M-S Blon Sept. l t , Wurren 11. ltO trn , Ml Boutl 3ilh ft. I ) 7-nooM coiTAQU : ALSO PART at n 10-i ooaj uoUtro boUM. luijulie ut ii : So , st D-J7T KOIl ( Continued ) , THE DEMAND rou HOUSES , ll t now with Parroltc , IJonglim lllk , op | > o- ulle llaydtn'e. D- . HOOM. BTI\M-HIATHD. MODEHN TLAT foi rent ; pnttlen nlll fell rtlnln * room and Kitchen furniture , also mnttlnn on floor rlieup , eurjtilng new InM cprlni ? . riat A , 1C1S Chlengo M. D-SM II * THAT nnAtmPt'L HOME , t"f PAMKOIIMIA t , 8 room * , barn , rompletc nnd modern. In * quire 1521 Howard ; tel. P47. D-M814 10 rou imvrruu.MitiiM UOOMS. NICE ri'UNISHED HOOMS ; LIOIIT HOUMK. keeping. 1112 H. llth , U 734-12 * Vlfitj UHNT flOOMS CHUAP TO UiaitT PAH- lies. 2007 Casa Ft. -M"49 ! ) UOOMS AM > IIOAHD. LUASANT IIOO.M9 , WITH 1IOAUD. 1H22 J odKC. -MCS9 M _ LOVELY HOOMS , GOOD HOAIIU , J3 A ND tl.OJ week. HI N. 191li. f-M7M 1C' IOOMS WITH ItOAIID : TllANSIENTS AC- commodattd. UtopU , 1111 Dnxenport t. 1' 710 10 ANTiu-nooMins : & DOAIIDEUS AT iso7 rnrniun St. I'lrst class meals and beds. Mont comcnlent lorntlon In the city , Siul door went ot court house. Cxeiy conxcnlence , p 74i10 ON13 OU TWO DESIItAHLE UOOMS , KUU- nlshcd or unfurnished , modern comenleiicci" ' terms reasonable. 2119 rnrnam , 3d Hour. BOfTIIKAKT rUONT HOOM , MODKHN CON- xenlcnceK , lawn surrounds house ; [ irUate fnni- lly. 702 B. 23th et. F M778 11 I'OU UC.NT STtlllUS AMI KlllST CLASS IIHICIC STOHE UU1LDINO , 1011 rurimm ; three storks and basement ; will alter to null tenant ; low rent. 314 Ut Nut'l li'k bide. TOR HENT , THE 4-STOHY IlUICIt 1IU1LUINQ lit S10 I'urnam st. llilK building lias n llieprool cement basement , compute stcum heullng fix. lures , water on nil Moore , CUM , etc. Apply at the olllcc of The lite. I-'J10 ACSUVl'S AVA\Tii > . WANTED S 000 AGENTS FOIl HUSSELI/8 AU- tborlzed "Llxes of McKlnley and llolmit. " CT.O pages , clegnntly Illustrated. Price enl > 1110. * ' 1 he best nnd the cheapest , and outsell * all other * . CO per cent to ngcnts , nnd freight ! paid. Hooks now ready. Sa\c time by send' ln ft ) ccntn In stnmpH foi an outfit nt once. Address A. D. Worthlngton & Co. Hartford , Conn. J-M2S1-A17 * 'AGENTS MAKE J6 TO $1S A DAY 1NTUODUC- IIIB tl > e "Comet , " the only Jl hnnp shot camerr made. The greatest teller of the centuij , gen , einl and local ngcnta wanted nil o\er the world llxcliisUe tenltoiy Write todaj for terms line samples. Alken-Uleason Co , Ln Croe , WIs J M747 ! ! CIOAIIS , A 11ES1DENT AGENT TOIl THIS clt > and \lclnlty to hell a superior llxe and let cent cigar dllect from reliable factory to Ilrat clncB letall trade on commission. Address stntlng age , experience , lefeiences and clas ! of trade > ou ean command , "Clnr l'nctor > , * P. O. Ilex , H92 , Phllndelpllla. J M745 AGENTS I'UOM Jl TO Jin 1'EH DAY GLUHAN teed to rell the "IIu lness Guide. " Oxer 4 pngex , 12 mo , cloth selling price Jl Outll free to hustlers. Tor particulars nildrees J. L Nichols S. Co , Nnpenllle , 111 J LAlY"AGTNTS , A DRESS I'ATTEIIN , HAND some trunk ( .Ilk umbrella , etc. , glxen free Send stamp for particulars. Ladles Suppl ) Co. 3118 1'nicst axe. Chlraco. J AOENTS EVEIIYWHEHE CAN MAKE 1M mcn c pronts Our summer spccHltles , Jus out Mil at sight. Write for ( ntnlo ue ful 'niiirmntlcm Ntmple lop Aluminum Noxcl ty Co. , 55T > Hicndvxny , Ncxv York. J ACILN'IS. HUSTLEllS ; J3 DAILY , SELLING unlx' icxolxlng griddle cnKc turner ; Bample lOc O Mlckel , manufucturei , Haxerhlll , Hats J AGENTS WANTED. 1IUYAN 1C TO 1 CAM palgn buttons. Qukk pales , tninplcs fiee Do en po tp.ild , 25c Tnctorj 22 , Mechanic tt. Nexvprk , N. J. AGENTS MAKE ICO TO SCO PER , CENT Or our article us-ed on exery horse. Phoxv It ui nnd pnle la cllnebed Prepare now for race and fairs. A. Hunter Co , Haclne , Mis J AC.ENTS HANDLE SOUTH APIHCAN OPr color diamonds nnd other Jewelry. Cntnlogu 4c ntampB. Sears Jexxelry Co , 22 ; Dearborn Bt. Chicago. j INDISPENSIIILE IN ANY HOUSEHOLD Hall's Combination Kitchen Tool , the onlj jier feet bread and ment Hiker and bone saw nl In one , jet offered the public. A simple de xlec needed In exery kitchen ; 100 per cent proll for iigentH. Kxcluslxe territory granted Write for particulars. Standard Steel Toe Co. , Akron , Ohio. Aug.Z-a-16-23 WANTED AOENTS-HIG MONEY bELLINI changeable sign to merchants Mnlics an sign. Changeable xxhenexer desired. Honanz for agents Quick sales. Immense profit ! Particulars free. Address Acme Sign Co . C 6th A\e. , Chicago. J 703 9 AGENTS WANTFTD ; BEST MONEY MAKEl In the world : agents mnke J50 clallj ; excluslx tcrrlton. The Moxoscope Address Souder Hitter Co. , 34 Park How , New York J 70S 9 WANTED , AGENTS TO HANDLE PATEN' folding cjcle eland ; great teller. C. V. HI ] & Co , Trenton , N , J. J 707 9 * X-RAY MACHINE ; GREATEST NOVELTY ; Nl fake ; can tee through xxood , tin or nny slz coin. Send for outllt , 15c. Prank Hros , 4 Ann st. , Nexv York j 7f j 9 * WANTED. AGENTS. LOCAL AND TRAVEL Ing. Milwaukee Camera Co. , Milwaukee. Wit J 7C3 9 * IIUILDINO AND LOAN LIPE INSUH.VNCI or plain Imestmenl agents , to repiesent ai Inxestmcnt company In southern California better than either , liberal pny. Catherltn Syn dlcatc. 115 W. 1st Bt. , Los Angeles , Cnl. J 7M 9 J21 A DAA * EASILY MADE SELLINO DOOM erans games ; new noxelt ) ; takes place unlaw ful slot machines , etc. ; letalln for Jl 00 , bona lido ; no humbug. Chicago Intro Co. , El Lttlli bt , , Chicago , III. J 7(0 9 > AGINTS. roiT-imYAN , SEWALL AND PREI Sllxei. " roi ) pages ; piospectus , ICc. 1'iibllsliers Supply Co , . SI. Louis , Mo. J tOl 9 * SALESMEN AND GENEIlAIj AOITNTS. MALI and female , local and traveling , to nppoln cnnxusserH , klde line or excluMxe ; no cnnxas sing ; or experience recjulred , expense paid ; net prollt. Jl.M ) 00 monthly , free- samples O. A. Pub. Co. , 3913 Market St. , Philadelphia ji j-'iio 9 AGENTS. OENEIIAL MANlTACn UINC - 10. I'ultnn St. New c-oinpnii ) , , Ynik ; innnu fncturers campaign buttons , badges , Uirhc > s etc. ; mall nonple automatic i > iininUn IKM on receipt of 31 cent ; compute ciiialimj > > ( ire J-ttO 9 \VAATRIJTM HK.NT. WANTED TO HENT , A 7 Oil 8-HOOM HOUSI In good repair , with > nrd , by man nnd wife no children , Add ! ess T C7 , lle-e , K 781 9 * WANTED. UNKUltNIHHED HOOM ANI board for gentleman and ulfe ; prlxnte fumll' preferred , Adilress U C , lire , K 803 9 * ' OH PIVIMIOOM COTTAGE. NORTH within walking distance of lice building ; glxi particulars. Addless U 4 , llee , K 794 il WANTED. 2 OR 3 UNPUHNISHED ROOMS refetenceH exehnnKed. Address U 1 , Hee. 1C-M793 11 WANTED. rUHNlbllKD COTTAGE 11V MA nnd xxlfe ; no children , hlchest referiife'i glxtn ; lolif or short time. T G3 , Hie , K 811 9 FOR fiAIiK roil SALE , ONE OP THE REST 11OARDINC houses In the i lt > ; om trade , AddrefB l < 7 Hee. o k76 9 AT AUCTION. PI'HNITt'RE AND CONTENT ! of Hat. 1U7 l < eaxenucrth , Tuesday , Aueust 11 bale ut 1U u. in , Alherfcin , Auctioneer. 0-M815 10 PAC1PIC STORAQE AND WAREHOUSE CO. 908-910 Jones. General ktorase and forxvnrdln M-586 STORAGE , PRANK EWERS. 1J14 HARNEY M-M7 OM. VAN i bTORAOE , 1415 PAH'M , TKU UMl M-MS WAM'UD T4 IIUV. AN OAK. ROLLER-TOP DESK. AdJltfa T CG Hee. , N M74 ! WANTED , A SECOND-HAND HlfiOLE. OEN tlemun'H roailxtri ; tlie 2S In. ; teur CS lei 70 mu t b chfup and In good lepair. Aeldresi R , lice. , Counull Illurrs , la. N ill U rou SAI.I : uolisns AMJ WAGONS. SALE. OR TRADE. GOOD PHAETON double light harnv , ulngle li mtb > , dluincn rlni ; und diamond shirt etud Will trad uiu of the above for horttu or marei. Cull nt 121i llarney St. , upttalr * . P (40 DURAniLmT-ALKS-CARRlAGES , HUOaiES phaeton * , bottom price * . X J. blmpsun , I4di FOIt SAMl MISCMMiANROUS. VOOD , J3 TO M.tO A CORD. T. MURRAY _ Q-M4SS-A HEAD GOOD PAMILY MILK COWS. CALL ftern < xir. , > nrd 8Sth ft Hurt st q-lto 10 * OH"SALK A VKRY FINE YOUNG" JERSEY cow nnd cnlf Just frech , a number one for family use. ZM6 Webster St. q-738-9 * BEST HARDWOOD HOG AND CHICKEN f ncej nlso "all wire. " C. R. Ixe , V > 1 Dougla * . Q S90 D-IIANI ) R1CYCLP.S , 110 , IIS. & $20. IUCYCLES rented , repaired. Om. lllcy. Co. , 323 N. 16th 8t , 'OR SALE , A JVW DECKER URO. PIANO TOR less than hnlf for cash. 940 N. 25th street. Q3 'OR SALE , A riNIJ IIARDMAN PIANO VERY reii'onnble. Address T M , llee , U "K S * 'OR SALE. A POINTER DOd , A GOOD Ht'.V- ter nnil bird Under. C. A , tlnllo\\ny , Hnlil- tge , Neli. q 784-9 * XT A DIHCOt'NT. SCHOLARSHIP IN REST lluslnesn nnd Shorthand College in the v\est. Address U 2 , llee. ( J 7S.V9' MISCKLI.ANKOUS. OUNTY PAIR ; MAKE ENTRIES HEPOHE the fair opens , get entry blanks nt once from the secretary , G. W. Herx ey. II M73X 10 .iiiscniiAvr.ti's. ' WANTED , A LOCATION POR A FI/OUR1NO mill In some good tmxn Hint will offer some bonus. A. 11. McGee , Oberlln , Knp.R R 78C-9 * CI.A1HVO\AATS. MADAM 11ERLAN , PSYCHOMETRIC LIPE render nnd tenelier of occult sciences , f > 22 M > nstcr et. , Council Rluffs. S 722-H * MASSAOH 1IATHS , KTC. MME. SMITH , 1121 DOUOI.AH STREKT , 2D Hour , room 8 ; massage , steam , alcohol nnd sulphurlne baths. T MS.07 . 11 MME. LAUUE , HATH , MASSAGE , 1017 HOWard - ard St. T M574-A29 * MME. AMKS. HATHS. MASSAGE. f,07 8 13T1I bt. , room 3. T M703 10 * MRS. DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE PARlors - lors , lefieshlng nnd uuatlxe ; don't fall to call. 417 S. llth st. , upstairs. T MS03 12 * IT.HSO.VYI. . MISS VAN VALKENI1UHG DESTROYS PERm - m ntntl > by electricity superfluous hair , moles , warts , etc. Room 41G , N. Y. Lite UldR. U-5S ! RUPTURE CURP.D , NO PAIN : NO DETEN- tlon from business ; xxe refer to hundreds of patients cured O. E. Miller Co , 807 N. Y. Life building , Omaha , Neb. U 593 VIAVI , HOME TREATMENT POR UTERINK troubles. Ph > slclan In attendance. Consulta tion or health book ficc. 3)0 lice bldgU591 U-591 BOSTON DRESS CUTTING ACADEMY , II. 50.1 Kiit-bach blk , learn the best s > stem no refitting ; tench's wanted , circulars sent. Mrs. O. Shelter. U J93 CURE POR MANGE ; Jl GAL. T. 42 REE. U MSJS-A23 * MAKE MONEY 11Y SPCCESSPt'L SPECULA- lion ; send foi our free guide , "How to Specu late on bmall Capital In Gialli and Stocks ; " good serxlcc guaranteed Comstock , Co.ileH K : Co . Rlalto lllds. , Chicago. U SUPERPLUOUS HAIR RITE roil PREE 1N- foimitlon how to remoxc hall permanently xxlthout slightest Injury to sUIn , superior to electilo needle. Curtis Co. , IbG 32nd street , Chicago. U MONUV TO I.OAX HUAL CSTATI3. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO , 315 N. Y. L Quick monc ) nt loxr rates for choice farm loans in loxva. 1101 them Missouri , eastern Nebraska , W 690 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. 923 N. Y. L1PE. W J97 MONEY TO IXDAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , IJrennan , Love Co. , Paxlon block. W SSS LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CIT'i pioperty. W. Kurnum Smith i. Co , 1320 Parnam W 590 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THE O K. Dnxls Co. , 1505 Painiim fat. W COO 9IOM4Y TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON PURNITURE , PIANOS horses , xxugons , etc. ; at loxxe&t rate In clt > no remoxal of goods ; strictly conlldcntlal ; jou can pay the loan off at nny time or In nny amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO , 30C So. ICtli St. . x coi MONEY TO LOAN. 30 , CO , 90 DAYS' PURNI- lure , plunos , etc. Duff Giecn. room 8 Barker blk X COJ nusi.vuss CJIANCCS. FOR SALE , ABOUT 2 000 LUS. MINION TYPE 700 Ibs agate , COO Ibs , brexler type , 150 pall two-third cases. 40 double Iron stands for txvo third ca es. This material was used on The Omaha Hee nnd Is In fairly good condition Will be sold cheap ia bulk or In quantities tc suit purchaser. Apply In person or by mall tc The Uee Publishing Co , Omaha , Neb. Y 713 TOR SALE Tin : M'TXGUE HOTEL. WITH first-class restaurant and bar attached , Is of fered for sale on reasonable terms. Apply to J , II. Exans , Nat. Hank of Commerce Y-MC14 $398 rO REALIZED IN ONE WEEK ON AN IN- \estment of J100 ; larger nnd smaller amounts realized proportionally ; could better results be expected ; gather jour share while the golden hanest Is ripe ; last yeum' axerogc more than J1.200 per month Write foi par ticulars. Condon Ac Co. , Clinton llldtr. . Cox- Ington. Ky. Y 770 9 * AVERAGE PROFITS , WITH J100 INVEST ment ; May , f'JCO , June , J820 , July , J1.240. Send for particulars , Rice & . Co , 111 Dearborn st. , Chicago. Y 7C9 9 * I WANT TO MEET AN ENTERPRISING I1U8I- ness man having 11,000. Will glxe him u rare business opportunity , but no fortune. Refer ences exchanged. Addiess T 64 , Hee.Y Y 787-8 * WANTED , LIVE DRY GOODS MAN TO Oc cupy space In one of the best department stolen In Omaha ; centrally located. Address U. S. , llee , Y M797 15 FOR EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE , J30.000 00 IN ROME IlUSINESb property pa > lng S per cent for xacant business room In Omaha 01 goou uum care Omaha Bee , Z M732 S5 WILL TRADE I1ICYCLE POR COW OR HORSE Call 5 % Douglas block , ICtli and Dodge. Dodge.K7t99 K-7t9-9 TO EXCHANGE POR CLEAR PROPERTY IN Plorldn or near Chicago one store on So. 13tl St. , nnd C lots In west side. Address I. M Street , 318 So. 2Cth Bt. Si 809 9 FOR EXCHANGE. J4.500.0D GRIST MILL , water power , good machinery ; 27 acres land , clear , for farm : xvlll pay difference , J8.000 00 stock gen'l. mdse. , S. E. Neb . clear , for farm In eastern Neb. , will pny or assume difference. ITO ueres. Richardson county , J7tOOOO , for SO- acre farm ; xxnnt it near n Catholic church , difference can run. Mdse stocks xvantcd to exchange. Henry C. Smith , Pulls City , Neb. V5-SOO S FOR EXCHANGE. PAltM OP I'O ACRKH IN Dlxon county. Nebraska , for a meat market Address E. L. Nance. Randolph , Neb. VC-M79S 15 SAI.I : HEAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS. THE 1IYRON REED COMPANY , RE-C03 r POR SALE , SIX GRAIN ELEVATORS IN Gage county , Neb. , on the Union IMcllio rail- xxu > ; easy terms und cheap. Addiess J. ( ] , Shea , room 620 N. Y. Life bide , RE C04 FOR SALE , TWO VERY PINE FARMS IN Douglas county , 120 and ISO acres , 438 acres In Knux count ) ; ICO acres In Iluffjlo count ) i also two burglar-proof , time-lock bafen. Wil liam K. Potter , lUcelxer , HE MS73 1CO-ACRE FARM , CLEAR ENCUMIIRANCE price Jl.COO , > 4 doxui , balance 12 ) eura time. { per cent. Where they n-pulr watches 75c , J , II , Day , Jeweler , llee building. RE C34 POR SALE , C3 ACRES OF CHOICB GARDEN. InK land txvo mlle and a half southeast of South Omaha ; a gleut baiKaln ; xxill sell part or all ; terms to i-ult put dinners Tnorrms I lector , South Omaha. HE (44 0 WA NTED , 40 ACRES POR CASH. Wanted , 20 acres for < a > h. Wanted , buslnets property for catli Wanted , cheap place for cash. Wanted , lot far land und cash. Wanted , to loan , 1500 to 1 ! COO. Wanted , 3 WO tecond-l.nnd brlik. Wanted , farm In lowu for cusli. Wanted , farm In Nebraska for cash. C. P. Harrison , m N. Y , Life. RE172E * 1-OR PALE , FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE , ON iA foot lot In Clifton Hill , for Jl.COO ; hall cash , One six-room house , full corner lot and ttuble In Clifton Hill , fur 12,350 , small cath payment , balance on lonir time , A , P , Tukey. City hall , RH-M74S JO FOR SALE THE HANDSOMEST COTTAGE IN Omaha , high , nlfhtly , corner lot. in weit part of the city , udmlred by exery one. M. J , Ken- nard & Son , 310 J , J , Hi own blotk. RB-781-1I FOR BALK. CHEAP , HOIVE AND LOT AT 27:1 ulouao ft , ; Inauire on Ml'SIC , OEOimn K OKLWm CK ! ANJO AND guitar teacher. R. 412 Hee Hide. Tel. m IANKRUPT Mcjer'n fine Hock of suelnnny , Knabc , & Pond , RrlcKB , Em r on , Vo e fc Sonn piano * And musical merchandise Is How on * ale below factory cost ; uprlghtti IllOOO and upwards ; squnreH , J4S 00 and tipwitrda ; toe folios , Ifc ; 2fc ItallHti utrlngiPc , , some 6cj 60c llohner hnrpt. Welnlln ; nnd ( tultar * . fiom 13.00 up ; new piano * for rent * \MIII m II , Pchmoller K. Co . 3d floor Mf-Cani * b'dy. ' M676 81 ASTHOI.OOY. THE WONDER OF THE AGE ! PROF. A Masery , the greatest hstrologcr nnd palmlnter In the world ; past , prt-j'/'nt ' / , future told or no charge. 1924 Parnnm , s'to ' ! 2 rn. , S0 : to ti. in. * 413 A22 * AOIJXCV. CAPTAIN P MOSTYNf DETKCTIVE AGENCY ! nil delectlx-e work carefully nnd promptly nt- tended to ; 310 Knrtrach block. Omaha , nnd 51 ! HonnoUe Hldir. CiilcnRO M-fC-Sl FURNITURE PACKED. WINDOW CUSHIONS und mattresfes made nnd renoxated , get our prices befoic placing jour older. M. S , Wnlk lln. Zlll CAimlne st . tel. 1M1 60S 11ANCIM3. CALIi ON MORAND FOR PRIVATE LESIONS , day or cxenlng 1MO llarney. C35 SI P.VWMIlKIICr.HS. H. MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY , 418 N. 16 ST. C07 MIOHTIIAM ) AMI TVl'EAVHITIXO. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LIFE. 009 MEDICAL. LADIES ! CHICHEPTER'H ENGLISH PENNY- real PI1M ( Diamond brand ) are the best. Safe , reliable. Take no other. Send 4o stumps foi particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " In letter by return mall At dnigBl'ts Chlchestct Chemlral Co , Philadelphia , Pn Mention llee ELECTRIC AND ELECTRO MAGNETIC IN stltnte. Nerxoui affections , rheumatism fnclal and skin Imperfections and nil diseast Incident to male and female xxeakncsi skill fully treated b ) n gtnduato electro tliprnputh pli > slclnn. The medical dlx-an nnd chnlt ( re ccntly patented ) are used xxlth remarkable cucccss. Rooms 410 and 420 N. Y , Life. 7SS-9 * LOST. CHESTNUT SORREL CARRIAGE HORSE weighs llfteen bundled pounds Flndei xxlll bi rewarded. E. I ) . Van Court , 1902 Wlrt. Lost M752 LOST , VELVET SHOULDER CAPE , PINDE1 ! sultabl ) revxuided bx' returning same to II C. Rn ) mend , llth and Douglas. Lost S02 9 * KItATEHNAl. SOCIETIES. THE CATHOLIC UENEVOLENT LEGION , the safest and most nourishing oiganlzatlor of Its class , hiixlng COO council" olid n mem bership of fiO.OOO In the Union , Is to be ex tended Into the states of loxxn and Nebraska All persons de lrous of joining the order , 01 Intetestetl In the formation of new councils , please addre-ss Ihomas I. Ilnirls. care of The Hee. Deputy Supieme Chancellor , C. II L English or German ritual. 808 9 HlIILDIMi AMJ LOAN ASSOCIATIO.VS SHARES IN MUTUAL L . It. APh'N PAY C. 7 , 8 per cent xxhen 1 , 2 , 3 > ears old : nlixnys re- deemablc. 1704 Parrtam St. NnttltiRer , Sec < _ | C05 _ HOW TO GET A IlM'l3 OR SECURE GOOH Interest on sax Ings , i Apply to Omnhn L. & B. Ass'n , 1704 Fnrnami t } . M. NattlnRer , Sec. I COG IIAIHVDHESSI'NG. THE PALACE BE/UmVUL , PIRbT CLAPS- hair dres lnR , manicure and massage parlors 1C05 DouKlas. ' 2S7-A17 RAILWAK1ME CARD .T T l.c-ixcs IJirULlNGTON & . MO. IllvniUArrlxes Omnhal Union Depot'I0th. ' & MiiEon Sts. [ Omalii 8 3r > um Dcnvr Express 9'35an 4:35pm.Ulk Hlllt * Mont , .U'UKet Snel. I2x. 4 OSpn 435pm ! . .Denver' Bxpress 4 05pn 7:00pm..Nebraska : LoM.1 ( * xcept Sundny ) . . 7.4Spn . . .Lincoln'Local ( except bumlay..ll 30un 2 !'a8t Mall ( fOfitlncoln ) dally. . . Leaves [ CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Q.lArrives OmalialUnlon Depot , lOUi & . Mason6ts. _ | Omalu 500pm Clilcnfro Vestibule S.OOan D,4gam Chicago I tprens 4lCpn : 7.SOim..Chicago and St. Louis Express. . 8 ( Klin llUOam Paclllo Junction Local CilOpn Fast Mall 2.j,0pn , Leaxcs [ CHICAGO. MIL & ST. PAUL.Arrives ) OmahaUnion ] Depot , 10th & Ma6onSts. _ | Omahi 630pm Chicago Limited S.O'nr ll:00um..Chicago : Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . 3.t'3pn Leaxes | CmCAGO & " NORTHWEST'NriArrlTes OmahaUnlon | Depot , 10th & . Mason bts. | Omahi 10 Slam Kaptern Express | 3:10pn : 4:4rprn : Vestlbuled Limited 5.43pn C:10pm : St. I'aul Express fl.SOir 5.40am St Paul Limited O.Ojpu 7:30mi..Carroll : & Sioux City Local..ll:10pn : 6.30pm Omiiha Clilcaeo bpeelal S OOan . . . . . . .Mlbsourl Yulley Local 3 30an Leaves [ CHICAGO , H .1. & I'ACiriC.Arrlxes | Omahal Union Depot , lOlh & Mason Sta. | Omalu " " EAST. lOMOam .Atlantic Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . C.fipn 7.iOpni NlKlit Expresi 8lraii : 4'SOpm..ChlcaKO Vcstlbuled Limited , . . , l.Mpn 4 fOnm . . St. 1'uiil VfMllmleil Limited. . . 1 .pn . WEbT. 6:45pm.OUlahoma & Texas Ex. ( ex. Sun..10.3jan l:40pm : Coloiado Limited 4 OOpn Leaves I C. , ST. T ? M. & O. I Arrives Omahal Depot , 15th and Webster Sta. _ | Omahi 8:15am : Sioux City Accommodation..T 8 OOpn 12.30pm..Sioux City Express ( e\ . Sun,11 Man BI. Paul Limited 9MOan Leaxei I T. , E. & MO. VALLEY. lArrlxes Omahal Depot , 15th nml\Yfli _ mr hm I Omahi 3.DOpm..rast Mall and Express. . . . , , 5OOpn 3.00pmex. ( Sat. ) Wyo Ex. ( ex. Mon ) . , B.OOpn 7)0am : .rremont Local ( Sumlns Only ) . . 7'50am..Norfolk Express ( ex. Sun..10 ) ran Cl&pm : St. _ l'aul _ Express 9lOan LeHTTST K. cTTst. J. & C. n. JArrlxes OmtthojUnlonJleppt , 10th & Manor Bt.iiMJniahi n.O'Jam.r.KanFas ' rlty Day Express 6:10pn : 10 00pm.1C. C. NlBht Ex Ma U. 1' . Trans. C 30an Leaxes I MISSOURI PACIFIC , lArrlxes Omahal Depot , llth nnd Webster Sts. ( Omahi " " 3:30pm..Nebraska : & ICunsas Limited..12,25pn 9,30pm Kansas City Express G.OOan 3 00pm. . . .Nebraska Local ( ex. Bun. ) 8 OOan Le.ixes I SIOl'X CITY & PAC1KIC. SkArrlxes ) Omahal Depot , 15th und Webster fetB , _ | Omah ! 6l5pm ! Bt. Paul Limited , ! Leaves | BIOUX CITY & PACITIC. I Arrives OirmiialUnlon Depot. 101 h .1 Mason Bt . | Omalu B:40nm : bt. Paul Pas cnier 11'lOpn 7,30im Sioux City PasteiiKer D OSpn 5 Mpm .St. 1'aeil Limited 20an , . . , . .ru > tI | * * - ' - > ni .t. iiviitt < rn OinalialTnlon | Depot. lOlh & Mason Bts. | Omahi Lfuxes | WAHASH RAILWAY. [ Arrives OmahaUnion ] Depot , JOth Mason Sin.I Omalu 4,30pm" Bt. Lou J'Cannon'llnll if.SOun Mnile CnllfoftHR'H Klrnl Klujc. Mrs , I' . Carrlllo of' ' anta Monica. Cal , , h dead. She had the distinction of havlni made the first Amc-rlean flai ; used In Cell fornla. The dcccaiijjl Jvas the daughter o Juan Handlnl , a man uf great wealth , xxhi lived In San Diego at tlie time of the Mexl can war. Commander tockton , commandlnt a battalion ot Amerlcai ) troops , came to Sat Ulcgo , Intending to make a triumphal cntr ; Into the city and proclaim the town undci American control , jjus before reaching tin town It was discovered ; that the troops hat no flag. The comnwdor * was In a quandary as he wanted to mbrch Into the pueblo It such a manner as . foijld Impress the rexi dents vxlth the power of the government hi represented. He ptdered the battalion t ( halt , and , leaving Hie troops where the : were , he went to Juan Ilandlnl , who wai the leading man o ( the , town , and madi known his predlc'dhlent. Dandlnl atsurei the commodore that he would help him ou ot the dllllculty , and called on his daughter ! to make a flag. The material at hand wai not suitable for the purpose , but Qandlnt who kept a small store , took from his ctocl Pieces of flannel of red , white and blue These he turned over to Ms daughters t ( make Into a flag. The deceased was tin eldest daughter and she did the neceesarj cutting and sewing , being assisted by hei two > oungcr sisters. The flag was finallj completed , the etars being tnado of white cotton , and , although It was a remarkabli banner , It answered the purpose. The troopi were marched into town , guns were firce and there ) was a general celebration. Thi banner which was made under such Blngulai circumstances now reposes , with other rellci of the Mexican vxar , In the national collec lion at Washington , D. Qt w , EXTERMINATING THE BUFFALO Upward of Six Millions Slaughtered in au Incredibly Short Time. WANTON KILLING OF VALUABLE BEASTS Aliiint 1OOO Now ItntniltiK AVI 111 tn Aorlh A merlon TheHe ml I ) ' Still limit Him the SlmiKlttcr AViiM Cnrrloil On fur the Hlilc * . AVIlllam T. llornadny , the stipcrlntcnilcnt of the Natlonnl Koologlcnl pnrk In WnshliiK- ton , n student and hunter of the buffalo In the old da } s , lias Interested himself In the question of prcxcntliiL ; tlielr \turinliintlon , and has done \Urnt ho could to bring the matter to the attention of congress. Un fortunately nil attempts at legislation for the protection ot this unlmal , Bn > s a corre spondent of the Ncxx' York Times , have been In vain , nnd the result Is that up\xard of 6,000,000 were slaURhtered In nn Incredibly short space of time nearly 4,000,000 killed In three > cnrs until noxv thrrc are not oxer 1,000 , of these animals running wild In North America. Such \\nnton destruction of a valuable beast , purely nnd distinctively American tn Its character. Is unprecedented In the history of the \\orkl. The familiarity of the Americans with the buffalo seems to have bicd contempt , for the great number ot these animals has led the people to think of them as animals which xxere valuable only for vxhat their skins would bring In the market. But oxxlng to the vast destruction of the herds , and the fact that the reduced number hus Increased the price ot the aklns and the other products , there has conio n revulsion of. popular fccnllmcnt In leganl to them , and they have become very valuable In the eyes of the general public , and , It Is necdliss to say , In the ejcs of those surviving among the old hunters vxhn can now get large sums of money for the robes nnd skeletons. rillST DISCOVERY. The earliest discovery of the bison In eastern North America xxns made some where near Washington , In the District of Columbia , In 1012 , by an English naviga tor named Samuel Argoll. The mm alive of the explorer affoids no distinct clewOB to the precise locality of this dlscovcij but as It Is doubtful whether this mariner went very far from the head of navigation of the Potomac , vxhlch Is nt Washington , It Is highly probable Hint the bison was found In the District of Columbia. Ktoin that time on the bison xxas seen by explorers In al most every state In the union except the country lying far to the xxest of the Rock ies and along the coast of the Pacific. In those rtavs they ranged from Mexico In the south , far north to the Great Slave lake above the sixtieth degree of latitude. Of all the quadrupeds that have lived upon the earth. Mr. Hornaday says that probably no other species has ever mar shaled such Innumerable hosts as those of the American bison. It would have been ns easy to count or to estimate the num ber of leaves In the forest as to calculate * the number of buffaloes living at any given time during the history of the species up to 1870. Even In South Central Africa , which has alxva > s been so prolific In gieat herds of game , It Is piobable that all Its quad rupeds taken together on an equal area would never have more than equaled the total number of buffaloes In this country forty or fifty years ago. To the African hunter such a statement might seem In credible , but Mr. Hornaday says that It Is fully warranted by the lltcratuie ot both branches of the subject. Mr. John Fllson , In 1784 , wrote of the Blue Licks In Kentucky' "The amazing herds of buffalo which resort thither by their size and number fill the traveler with astonishment and terror , es pecially when he beholds the prodlqlous roads they have made from all quarters , as if leading to some populous city. " In 1770 where Nashville now stands , were immense numbers of buffaloes and other wild game The country was black vxlth them. Daniel Boone found vast herds of buffaloes grazing In the valleys of east Tennessee , between the spurs of the Cumberland mountains Betxxeen the Rocky mountains and the state * lying along the Mississippi river , and the west from Minnesota to Louisiana , the whole country was one vast buffalo range , Inhab ited by millions of buffaloes. HERDS ON THE PLAINS. A volume could be filled with the records of plainsmen and pioneers who pcnetratce this vast region In the early part of the eentury , nnd w ho w ere "astounded by the number of buffaloes they observed. Colone Dodge described a herd which he saw on the Arkansas river. According to his ru corded observations , the herd extended aloni the river for a distance of twenty-five miles which was In reality the width of the vast procession that was moving north and back from ( he road as far as the eye could rtatl on both sides. At a low estimate the grouni visible from the road where Colonel Dodge was driving , which was covered by the herd , extended for a mile. This wnul < give a strip of country two miles wldo an < twenty-five long , or a total of fifty square miles covered with buffaloes , averaging at Colonel Dodge's estimate from fifteen tc twenty to the acre. By the lesser number fifteen , It Is found that the number actu ally seen on that day by Colonel Dodge was In the nelghborhoood of 480,000. If the , advanlng herd had been at all points fitly miles In length , as It was known to have been In some places , by twenty-five miles In width , nnd still averaging fifteen head to the acre , it would have contained the enor mous number of 12,000,000 head , but , Jutg- ] Ing from the principles which governed their periodical migrations , the moving mass probably advanced In the shape of n wedge , which would leave about 4,000,00 ( as a fair estimate of the actual number of buffaloes In the great southern herd , It Is no wonder , therefore , that the men of the west of those days , both white und red thought It would bo Impossible to exter minate such a mighty multitude. The In dians of some tribes believed that the buf faloes Issued from the earth continually nm that the supply was Inexhaustible ; and yet In four years that southern herd was al most totally extinct. "With such n lesson before our eyes , " said Mr. Hornaday , "con firmed In every detail by living testimony , who will dare to say that there will he an elk , a moose , caribou , mountain goat , moun tain sheep , antelope or black tail deer left nllve in the United State's In a wild btatc fifty years from this date , or oven twenty- five ? " DUCKING TRAINS. The AtchUon , Topcka & Santa Ke railroad was , In 1871 nnd 1872 , In process of construc tion nnd nowhere could the peculiarities of the buffalo be better studied than from Itn tialns. If a held was on the north side of the track It would stand stupidly Ka/ilng , without a symptom of alarm , although tht locomotive pKBsed within 100 yards ; but If the buffaloes were on the south sldo of the track , even though at a distance of one or two miles from It , the passage of the train set the whole herd In the wildest commotion , and at full speed , utterly re- cordless of congfijucnces , It would make far the track. If the train happended nol to be In the patTi cf the buffalo It crossed the track and stopped satisfied , but If the ( lain was in Its way each Individual buffalo went at It with the desperation of despali , plunging against or between locomotive am cars , just us its blind madncs chanced to direct It , Numbers were killed , but greater numbers still pressed on to stop and stare as soon as the obstruction had been passed After having trains thrown off the track twice In one vxeek. conductors learned to have respect for the idiosyncrasies of the buffalo. Tle buffalo of the past was on animal o ! very low order of Intelligence , and his dull ness of Intellect Is considered to have been one of the most Important factors In his phenomenally fcxvlft destruction. He wns provoklngly sloxv In comprehending the ex istence of the dangers that threatened his life , and would often stand quietly and fee two or three score , or even 100 , of hl kindred and companions shot down before hl eyes , with no other feeling than one of itttpld wonder and curiosity. Neither the noise nor smoke of the rifle , the fall , strug gling , nor final death of his companions conveyed to his mind the Idea of a danger ( a be fled from. I.Ike the Indians , and many white men alco , the buffaloes seemed to feel that their number was HO great tbat It could never senilbly be diminished , but jyilb. the approach oX extermination gncj ho breaking up of nil the herd * , n com- ilrtc change wna brought about In the chiu- ncter of the animal. The cr ek of the rlflo nnd Its accompany Ing puff ot smoke con voyed to the slow mind of the bison n BCIIKO of danger to hlmeclf ; nt lart ho rccognbcd nan us his mortal enemy , And nt Inst he earned to run. In 1SSO the scanty remnant of the * great northern herd were the wildest nnd most dldlcult animals to kill ever hunted n nny country , ailBW WAIIY TOO 1ATIJ. H hml only been through the Iccenost ex- erti < e ot their unknown powers ot kclt- ircservntlon that those buffAloa had sur vived to late n day , and they were us swift ns nntelopc nnd AS wary. The Instant a buffalo caught sight of n ninii , oxen IhniKh n mlle distant , he put off at the top ot his spctd , nnd genet ally made for tump wild region sevcrnl miles away. In llci'lnx troni in enemy a buffalo ran ngnlnst the vxlnd , In order that his keen scent might save lilm from the danger of running Into noxv enemies , This < xns his nwn Idea nlunc nnd not In keeping with the habits ot uny other animal In this or other loitntilcs as for as Is known Notwithstanding this. hoxv. ever , the buffalo of recent days was also n stupid rensoncr Be would deliberately walk Into a quicksand where hundleds of hit , fellows were nlrendy engulfed. He would quit feeding , rim hnlf n mile , nnd then innh headlong Into a moving train of euii that happened to como between him and the- main herd. A. herd of n thousand bultnloeK would allow an armed hunter to gallop Into their midst within arm's length , and any ot the bulls nearest him might ea lly have bo led him over nnd trampled him to death In a moment. If In the earlier dnys be'foio thebuffalo's elmo t complete extu initiation , the jnople had renllrcd thelinmcn&c money value ot the great heal as it cxIMed In 1870. the daughter toiild probably have been stopped At Hint time 500,000 head of bulls , young and old , could ha\o been killed eveiy yeai for a Ecoie of yours without npptcrl.ildy diminishing the size of the held. At Mr Hornadny's stlnmto thr e could easily have been mndc to yield various ptoduets woith ? fi e'nch , ns follow , Hobo $2.50 tongue , 25 tents ; meat of hind quaitcrs , $2 ; bones , horns , and hoofs , 2.1 cents , total $5. And the amount annually added to tin wealth of the > United Btntes would hnvi > been not less than JMO.OOO on nil the lobrs taken for the market , say 200.000. The government could hnxe collected n tax of 50 cents each , vxhlch would li.ivo yielded a sum doubly sulllclent to have maintained a force of mounted police fully competent to enforce the la\xs tegulntlng the slaugh ter. The American people , It seems luxe not y ct learned to spend money for the pro tection of valuable game , and by the time they hnvo leained It , theie will ho no gamete to ptotect. Even despite the enotmous xxabtc of raxv material that has been ohown In the utilization of the buffalo pioduct , the total cash value of all the mateilal derived from this source , If It could only be leck- oned tip , would certainly amount to many millions of dollars , perhaps { 20.000,000 nil told. When it is considered that In eight yeais from 1870 to 1SS4 , n single firm , that of Messrs J. . A , Boskoxxlt/ 103 flreenc street , Ncxx Yoik , paid out the enouiioiis sum ot $92.1,070 foi robes and hides , and thnt In a single year the film 01 Joseph Ullnian , 1C5 Mercer street , New Yoilc , paid out 5210,250 for robes and hides , the fact does not seem too Inci edible. THE STILL , HUNT. Of nil the dcadlv methods of buffalo slaughter , the "still hunt" was the dead liest. It xxas destitute of ncaily every cle ment of the buoyant spice of danger that accompanied buffalo hunting on horseback , and today It Is consldcied to have been mere butchery of the tamest and yet most cruel kind. About It theic was none of the true excitement of the chase. The chnbo on horseback furnished sport of n supeiloi kind , keenly exhilarating , with an clement of danger. In the excitement and eagerness of which the horse shared vxlth the ilder. To be successful In this chase required a good hoi Be , a bold rider , a firm seat and perfect familiarity with weapons When ever the huntcis discovered a herd of buf falo , they usually got to leexvmd of It and quietly rode forwaid In n body , or stretched out In a skirmish line. Usually the animals , with a confidence due more to their gnat numbers than anything else , would allow a party to approach within fiom 200 to 40 ( yards of their flank , and then they woulc start off on a slow trot. The hunters then put spurs to their horses and dashed for ward. The fatal spot on a buffalo Is twelve to eighteen Inches In circumference , and Is situated Immediately back of the foreleg , so that a man , even If a poor shot , keeping his nerve , was almost sure to bring down hla game at close range , seldom , If ever , wasting a shot. The dangers , of course , were many and on almost every round-up accidents oc curred , a few of which every year were fa tal. tal.But with the still hunt all was different. So long as the chase was the order of the day , It ordinarily required the united ef forts of from fifteen to tx\cnty-flvo hunters to kill 1,000 buffalo In a single season , but a single still hunter with a long-range breech-loader , who Itncxv hon to make a "sneak" and "get a stand on a bunch , ' often succeeded In killing from 1,000 to .1,000 In a single season by his own unaided efforts. Captain Jnck Bridges of Kansas , who was one of the first to begin the final slaughter of the southern herd , killed by contract 1,142 buffaloes In six weeks. By daylight the still hunter sallied forth on foot , carrying In his hand his huge Sharps rifle , weighing from sixteen to nineteen pounds , with from seventy-live to 100 loaded cartridges In his two belts or bags nt his side. From his belt hung his ripping knife , his skinning knife , and a butchci's steel , upon which to sharpen them. The totnl weight was seldom less than thirty-six pounds , nnd often more. Having selected a position within 100 to 250 yards of his game , although the distance was sometimes greater , the hunter got a comfoi table rest for his huge rifle , nnd , all the time keeping his oxvn presence thoroughly hidden from view , estimated the distance , carefully ad justed his sights , and deliberately began business. If the herd xxas moving , the nnl- mal In the lead was the first one shot. If the herd was at rest , the oldest cow , which was usually the leader , was the first one killed. The noise would stnrtlc the buffaloes and they would stare at the little cloud of white smoke nnd feel Inclined to run , but seeing their leader hesitate , they would wait for her , but she would fall to the ground and the other mcmbeis of the herd would go on grazing. The policy of the hunter was not to fire too rapidly , but to attend closely to business and shoot down any buffalo which attempted to make off. Ono shot per minute was a moderate ) rate to fire , but under pressure of clicumsUanccs two per minute could be discharged with deliberate precision , SYSTEMATIC SLAUGHTER. The period of systematic slaughter of the bisons began In a businesslike , wholesale way , although the species had been steadily driven westward from the neighborhood of the Atlantic coast for a hundred years by the advancing settlements , and during all that time had been hunted for the meat and robes , but Its extermination did not be gin In earnest until 1S20 , or thereabouts By that time the bison was totally extinct In all the regions lying cast of the Mississippi river , except In a portion of Wisconsin , where it survived until about 1830. The American Tur company establish ! d a post In 182C at the eastern base of the Hocky Mountains , at the bend of the Arkansas river , and In 1832 another was set up In n corrtBpeuidlnjj situation at the head of the south fork of the riatte , near where Denver now stands. Krorn these posts the killing of the buffalo was directed In 1840 the lied river half-breeds In Min nesota began making a business of buffalo hunting , and the other Indians of the coun try shortly took It up as a business with which to better their condition by barter with the white traders. The Western rail roads had their share In the extermination of the buffalo , for when they vxc-ro built many men now to the country cume out and slaughtered the animals for uport or for food. During the yearn from 1871 to 1874 little was done In Kansas and adja cent states but buffalo killing , Kvery one xvas willing to kill buffalo , but few wcrit willing to do the skinning and curing , Thousands upon thousands were killed for their tongues alone and never skinned ; thousands more were wounded by unskill ful marksmen and wandered off to die alone. ! ) y the close of the bunting season ot 1875 the great southern herd had ceased to exist ; an a body It had been practically annihilated. In three years 3 C'J8,730 anl- mala had been killed , and the body of the uurvlvors , about 10,000 head , fled southxveet late tlijj wild , dfuoUte , uninhabited country. sotllhwftrd Knil WMUaro" Th ! hunting jrnroiihlch IICRIMI In October , lv 2 , dial tml < i ! In 1'elinmry , ISS.1. finished the ( daughter ( if the gieot northern herd nnd left It u few small bands ot sttngglcrs , tiuinbctliiK only n few thousands cf Individ * iluls all told. Mr. Hornadoy furnishes the fclloxxhij ; PMIHS of the number of Amcrl- rnn Idsun itinuliiKxlld \ uml unprotected la ISSfti III the fan Hnndlc. Trvng . 5 In Cololadei . . . . . M III sou I Item Wyoming . . . . it In the Musxcllshcli ( ointtty , Montiiiin. . 10 In DuUotu Toliil number In the United States , , , f-5 INtlinnted number In Atlinbnscn North west Irirltniy , S50 ; total wild bisons In North \merlrrt , CIS. Adding to the nbovo the1 totnl number in captivity In dlfteront [ i.-uts uf the United Suites , iibont 250 , and lliORo under cox eminent pi election In the Yellow Ktolio About 200. the xxhoJo number of Indlxlduals of the butfnln spectra In the I'nlted .StntCR llxtng , In 1SS9 , wn 1 till Since Hint time the number of those In c.iptlvlty hue bemi somewhat reduced , while thiHO i mining wild lire divided Into t > ox ci 1 small hctds In Wyoming , Montana , Colorado nnd one * In Canada. Ante Room Echoes tlood Hope lodge. Independent Order of Oond Templars , was organized Prldny night at the- home of Oooige L Fisher , 151fi Sher man avenue , with twenty chatter members , by T. L. Combs. U. 0. C. T. The * orsanlra- tlon la the result of the peuonnlvoik of Rev E A Whltwnm , who hns been stirring up the Good Templar spirit consldciobly of Into. The new lodge Is made up of good woiklnt ; mateilnl nnd starts off very piomlslimly. The follow lug ofllceia were olceted Uilof Templar , Gcotgo I. Fisher ! 1'ast Chief Temphir , James Mtilr ; recotdlng secictui ) , Dolllo Askwllh ; financial secre- tniy , Mnigucilte Davis ; treasuiiM- , Fred W. I'lshei ; chaplain Therlza 0111 , marshal , Uiwienru Deine'lt The election of the balance' of the ofilceis was defened until the next meeting vvhlth will be held Tues day night at the home of Miss Dolllu Ask- xx I Ui 2117 Uinnt stieet Golden Hod lodge. Independent Order of Oood Templars , held Its Hist regular meet ing In Hoys llilgadc hall , Korty-thlrd and Kinnhlln stirets , Thutsday night with a splendid attendance They added sex en nexy names to tinclmiter list nnd elected the luiKturo of otllccis n > ? follows I'nst Chief Temphir , Tinnk Plcknnl , chaplain. Ixittlo Hodilor ; sentinel , Lillian Paul This now lodge piomlses to be " " n "hummer" mid Is splendidly officered The members mo dote - to mined to capture the throe hills. Walnut , Oiehaid and Clifton , The next meeting will be held Thursday night nt the Boys' llrlsndo hall In order to get another good large Inde pendent Oidei of Good Templars lodge In the south part of toxxn , Ilev. E A Whlt- xx am xx 111 speak on Good Templary In draco Baptist church , Tenth and Arbor streets , tonight It Is expected to luxe a large crowd of tompeianco people out nnd to get this Hili ( I no\\ Good Templar lodge started off with the largest duller list , rrntcriuil fiilon. Haulier lodge No 11 , Tratetnnl Union of Ameilcn , met Friday excnlng nnd xott-4 upon the application of live new members and had one initiation. The members are manifesting great Intel est In the lodge , and arc determined to make It 0110 of the largest In the xxest. A lesolutlon was passed ex tending thanks to William Winner for nn elegant gaxel presented to the lodge. The lodge meets on the first and third Friday evenings ot the month during the summer. The ne.xt meeting will be held on the cvcu- , liiK of August 21. Two men who 1m e been Interested In business for a number of years past Ih this city have engaged as deputies and will push organization vxork in Nebraska. A young man who has been employed dm Ing the past year by another order has been working xxlth n foice of txxclve depu ties. He , with his entire force , has been engaged by the Fraternal Union , and has begun active vxork In Iowa. F. F. Itoosc will Institute a lodge of the Fraternal Union at Hastings next Wednes day , and one at Harvard next xxock. Orilor of ( he World. Teutonla lodge No. 262 , Older of the World , , Is arranging for n grand ptcnlo at Hlbblcr'a park. Forty-fourth and Lcaveuworth streets , on August 1C. Brother E. Engler , a well known member of Omalm lodge No. 200 , died Thursday even ing last. Brother H. K. Follansbce , one of the old est members of Omaha lodge , died very suddenly Saturday morning. The lodges extend their sympathies to the bereaved families. The extremely warm weather of the past 'exx xxecl's has had n most decided effect on the attendance at the lodges of the order , but they \vcro able to conduct busi ness and Initiate now candidates ut each Fesslon. _ IoilK < > Hooin .Nutt'H. Ivy Ilebekah lodge No. 33 , Independent Order of Odd Fellows , will give nn Ice cream social in Myrtle annex hall , Fifteenth and Douglns streets , next Tuesday evening. Geoigo Crook Woman's Ilellef corps No. 88 had n delightful time ou John B , Furay's lawn. Twenty-fourth and Scxxard , Friday evening , where they entertained their friends , serving Ice cream and cake. Not the least enjoyable part was a serenade by the Omaha Military band. - Dean Gardner was a prominent member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and belonged to lodge No. 18 of Omaha , The membeis will attend his funeral In a body , a special meeting having been called today at 1 o'clock to arrange for this. The lodge officers hnvo received telegrams from the east stating that the body would arrive this morning Telegrams of condol ence have been forwarded the family. CHAV > O S , " ' \Vlint I lii Ari'liiu'oloKlHt 1'linlM III Ire- liinil'M llurlril VlllMKcx. Slumbering beneath many a peaceful corn. field In IrcHnd nre bulled villages which one * stood In the heart of the primeval foi est. in * glulled by the waters of some stagnant , peaty lake. The Iilsh farmer of to-lay turn * up with his plow the wooden piles upon \xhlch these lake dwellings rested ; Ihcy nro black xvlth age , but you tan yet trace the mortise holes which the ancient Celt made with his pilmltho Hint chisel , says the Lon don Chronicle , The ) arthaiologlst , sniffing such a find , brings along his navvies , with their spades , and pHKently the burled "crannog" Is ex posed to daylight. There l a circle In the stockade of piles which kept the artlflcal Isl t tosiPthi'r. Inside are layers of cros * beams , hurdle work , brush Woik , clay , peat and other matters , which formed the suc cessive floors of the dwelling , continually renewed , perhapn , ns they sloxUy subsided. Into the peaty bottom of the lake. To'luy the lake and Its waters are rep resented by a layer of peat , In which theno relics He well preserved , together with Humpies of the ancient Irishman's knives , chisels nnd axes stone , bronze or Irou , according to the period of hlu clvllUutlon. The Iilsh "crannog" was n modification of the lake dwelling of central Europe. t Upon thB topic of lake-dwelling ages which nro quite prehistoric acei , belne prnctleally the same ns the ages of stone and bronze Mr. Munro , the secretary of the Scottish Society of Antiquaries , Is a pro found authority ' * The people who thus elected to keep them selves aloof from their enemies were , accord- Ins to Dr. Munro , pastoral farmer Im migrants from the far east of Europe , Thc xcro of a high degree of civilization , for , ] though their weapons and tools were but of. stone or bronre , they could u c them well.j Altogether , no far as wo can gleam any Idea. of the life led by these prehistoric Inhabit ants of central Uuropo , It inuit have been tc fairly quiet and peacful one , comparing very favorably with modern peasant lite , The lake age canio to an end when Iron found Its way Into the hands of man a revolution" In Itx way , said Dr. Munro , fur nurpasilng Id its Intlmnce on human life any development that either utesm or electricity has brought about or Is likely to. j Mnny a day's work U loit by nick caused by Indigestion and etomuch trouble/ ! DeWltt's Little Karly niters are the mort cUcttual pill ( or overcoming iiucb