Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1896, Page 10, Image 10

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10 TITT3 OMAtFA "DATIiY 1 Marat SrNDAV. Atr ITST o
"Was It swoon or sleep ? At least It
Bccmcd to On en that presently once again
ho wad goring Into the dense Intolerable
blackness of the night. Thru a marvel
cnm to | ass , for the blackness opened ,
or lather on It , framed and nutroumlod by
It ; thcro appeared a vision. It wns the
vision of a native town , having n great
bore space In the center of It encircled
by hundreds and thousands ot huts. But
there was no ono stirring about the huts ,
for It was night not this his night of trial
Indeed , since now the sky was strewn with
Innumerable stars. Everything was silent
about that town , save , that now and again
a dog barked or a fretful child walled with
in a hut , or the sentries as they passed
sainted each otht'r In the name of the king.
Among all those hundreds of huts , to
Owen It seemed that Ills attention was di
rected to one which stood apart with n
fence about It , Now the Interior of the
hut opened Itself to him. U was not
lighted , yet with his spirit sense he could
ECO Its every detail ; the polished Moor , the
skin rugs , the beer gourds , the shields and
spears , the roof tree of redwood , nnd the
dried lizard hanging from the tlmtch , a
charm to ward off ovll. In this hut , seated
face to face , half way between the center
post and the door hole , were two men ,
The datkncss was deep about them , and
they whispered to each other through It ; but
in his dream It was no bar to Owen's sight.
Ho could discern their faces clearly. One
was that of a man of about 35 years of age.
In stature he was almost a giant. He wore
a knrosB of leopard skins , and on his wrists
nnd ankles WBrc r4ngs of Ivory , the royal
ornaments. His face was fierce and power
ful ; his eyes , which were t far apart ,
rolled so imichHImt at times they seemed
nil White , amthis ! fingers played nervously
with the handle of a spear that he carried
In his right hand. His companion was of
a different stamp ; a man 'of ' not less than
CO years , ho was tall 'and spare In figure ,
with delicately shaped hands and feet. His
hair and little beard wcro tinged with gray ,
'his ' face -was strikingly 'handsome , nervous ,
and expressive , and his forehead both broad
land lilph. But more remarkable still were
jhls eyed , which were of a piercing brlght-
'ncss ' , almost gray In color , steady as the
flanlu of a well-tflmmeu1 lamp , and so 'cold
that they .might have been precious stones
set In the head of a statuo.
" "Must I then put your thoughts In
words ? " said this man In a clear , quick
whisper. "Well , so bo It. for I am weary
of sitting here In the dark waiting for water
that will not flow. Listen , prince ; you come
to talk to mo of the death of a king Is it
not so ? Nny , do not start. Why nro you
affrighted when you hear the plot upon
the lips of another , that these many months
has been familiar to your breast ? "
"Truly , Hokosa , you arc the best of wiz
ards , or the worst , " answered the great man ,
huskily. "Yet this once you arc mistaken , "
hu added , with a change of voice. "I came
but to ask you for a1 charm to turn my
' " l/G * '
father's heart
"To dust ? Prince , 'if. 1 am mistaken ,
why am I the best ot wizards , or the woist ,
and why did your jaw drop and your face
, change at my words , and why do you oven
nbwitouch your dry lips with jour tongue ?
Yes ; I tfuowlhat it Is daik here , yet some
can BOO In It , and I am one of them. Ay ,
Prince , and I can seoybur , thoughts also. You
would be rid of your father ; ho has lived
too long. Moreover , his love tin us to.Nod-
wengo , the good and gentle , and , perhaps
who can say ? It IH even In his mind , when
all his regiments are about him two days
hence , to dcclaio that you. Prince , are deposed -
posed , nnd that your brother , Nodwcngo ,
shall be king In your stead. Now , Nodwengo
you cannot kill ; ho Is too well loved and too
wull guarded , if ho died suddenly his dead
lips would call out 'Murder ! ' In the cars of
dll men ; and , Prince , all eyes would turn to
you. who nlono could profit by his fnd. But
If the King should rlmncc to die why , ho is
old , Is ho not ? and such things happen to thu
old ; also ho groxys feeble , and will not
suffer the reghneuts 'to be doctored for war ,
though day by da'/ they clamor to bo led
to battle , for he seeks to end liH yearn In
peace. ,
"t say that you speak folly , " answered the' '
Prlnco with vehemence.
"Then , son of the great one , why should
you waste tlmo In listening to mo" ? Kare-
well , Ihifolii , the Prince first born of thu
King , who In a day to rome shall carry the
shlpld of Nodwengo , for ,1m Is good nnd gon- *
llo , and will spare your life If I beg It 'of '
ilitm. "
Hafulu stretched out his hand through the
Qnrkncss and caught Hokosa by thn wrist.
"Stay , " ho whispered , "It Js true. The
King must die , for.if he does not die within
three days I shall cense to be his heir. I
know It through my spies , He Is angry with
me , lie'lintel me , and he loves Nodwengo
and the mother of Nodwengo. But If ho
dies before the last day of the festival , then
that decree will never pass his lips , and the
regiments will never roar out the name of
Nodwengo aa the nnmc-of thu "King to come.
Htx must die , I tell you , Hokosa , and by
your hand. "
"By my hand , Prince ! Nay , what have
you to offer me In return for such a Ueed
> ns this" ? Have I not grown up In Uinsuka's
Hhndnw , and shall .1 cut down the trco that
sba'des me ? "
"What have I to offer you ? This ; that
urxt to mynclf you shall bo the greatest In
the land , Hokosa. "
"That I am alreafly , and whoever rules H ,
that , I must always bo. I , who am the chief
of wizards ; I , the reader of men's hearts ; I ,
thn hearer of men's thoughts ; I , the lord of
the all' and the lightning ; I , the Invulnera
ble I If you would murder. Prince , then do
> the 'flfcd ' ; Uo It knowing that I have your
secret , and that henceforth you who rule
' shall be my Hcrvant. Nay , you forget that
I can see In the dark ; lay down that assegai ,
err by my spirit , prince as you ore , I will
blusfyou with a spell , and > our body shall
b.o thrown to thu kites , as that of ono who
would murder his king and father ! "
The Prlnco 'heard and shook , his cheeks
sank In , the muscles ut his great form
ueniu-il to collapse , and he grovelled ou the
floor of the hut. '
"I know your magic , " ho groaned ; "use It
for'me , not against mo ! What U there that
I can offer you , who have everything ox-
ccpt the throne , whereon you cannot nit ,
steluK ( hut you arc not of the blood royal ? "
"Think , " said Hokosa.
For 'a while the Prlnco thought , till pres
ently lit * form straightened Itself , nnd with
; a quick movement ho lifted up his head ,
"Is It , perchance , my afllanccd wlfn ? " he
% \hUpvrtul ; "the Lady Noma , whom I love ,
ml who , according to our custom , I uhali
wed as thu Queen to be after the feast of
first fruits ? Oh ! say It not Ilokoxa. "
"I say It , " answvicd the wizard , "Lls-
ten. Prince , The lady Noma is the only
child of my blood brother , my friend , with
vhom I was brought up , he who was slain
at my side In the great war with thu tilhcti
of Iho north. Shu wan my ward ; ulie was
more ; for thiough her ah ! you know not
liow l held my converse with the things
of earth and ulr , thn spirits that watch us
now In IhU daikncss , llafela , Tluiu U
happened that , before everuhe wan a \\oinnn.
Jior mind gie\v Kreat r ( ban the mind of
any other woman , and her thought became
my Uiouclil , and my thought became her
thought , for I uii'l r.o oilier am her inastci ,
BUM I waited to wed her III ) ulic wan fully
yruMti , and uhlln I vailed I went upon an
umbaiuy lo Iho northern tribe * . Then It
vai that you uaw thn maid In vUltlng at
tuy kraal , and her beauty ami her wit look
told of you ; nnd In the Council of the King ,
n * > MI have a right lo do , you named hir
your brad wife , Ihe Queen that Is lo be ,
Tlio Klnjf heard and bowed his head ; he
tent and look her , and placed her In Ihe
home of luv Women tbaio to abldo
III ! ( till fcait of th first fruits , when khe
tFoll lie lilvrn to you In marriage. Yes , he
eut lor } to 'hit hou c ulierclu not oven I
may set my foot. Although I was afar , her
plrll warned me , and I returned , but too
late ; for she was sealed to you of the blood
rojal , and that Is a law which may not
bo broken ,
"llafela , 1 prayed you to return her to
me , nnd > ou mocked me. 1 would have
bought you to jour drath , but It could not
linve n\ailed me , for then , by that same
law which may not bo broken , she who wns
scaled to > ou must die with you ; and though
thereafter her uplrlt would sit with me
until I also died , It wns not enough , since
1 have conquered all , ypt cannot conquer
the fire that wastes my heart , nor cease to
long by night and by day for a woman who
In lost to me. Then It was , llafela , that I
plotted vengeance gainst you. 1 throw
my spull over the mind of thu King , till
he learned to hate you and your evil deeds ;
and I , even I , hava brought It about thut
your brother should bo preferred before you ,
and that you shall be the servant In his
house. This Is thu price that > ou must
pay for her of whom you have robbed mo !
and by my spirit and her spirit you shall
pay It ! Yet listen. Hand back the girl ,
as you may do for she Is not yet jour
wife and choose another for your Queen ,
and I will Undo all that I have done , and I
will find1 you a means , Hafela , to earn' out
your will. Ah , before six suns have set ,
the regiments rushing past you shall hall
you King of the Nation of the Amasukn ,
"I cannot , " groaned the Prince ; "death
were better than this ! " ,
"Ay , death were better ; but you shall not
dlu , you shall live a servant , and your nanic
shall become a mockery , a name for women
to make rhymes on. "
Now the Prince sprang up.
"Take her ! " ho hissed "take her ! you ,
who are an evil spirit ; you , beneath whoso
eyes children wall , and at whoso passing
the hair on the backs of hounds stands up !
( or wbato'or bctldrs , be sure of this , that
hour shall bn the hour of your dooming.
Hall to you , Son of the Klngl Hnlll and
farewell. " And , removing the doorboard ,
the wizard paused from the hut and was
The vision changed. Now there appeared
a valley walled In on cither -sldo with slopIng -
Ing cliffs of granite ; n desolate plnre ,
tandy , and , save for a single spring with
out water , strewn with bowlders of rock ,
some of them piled fantastically ono upon
the other. At a certain spot this valley
widened out. nnd In tlio mouth of the space
thus formed , midway between the curved
lines of the receding cliffs , stood a llttlu
hill or kopple , also built up of bowlders ,
U was a place of death ; for nil around the
hill atil ; piled In hundreds between the
crevices of Its stones lay the white bones
of men. Nor was this nil. Its summit
was flat , mid In the midst of it stood a hltio
tree. Even linil It not been for the fruit
( hat hung from Its branches , the aspect of
Hi at tico must have struck the beholder as
uncanny , even as horrible. The bark on Its
great bole was leprous white , and from Its
gaunt nnd spreading rungs rose branches
that subdivided themselves again and again ,
till at last they terminated In round , green
fingers , springing from gray , flat slabs of
bark , In shape not unlike that of n human
palm. Indeed , from a llttlu distance this
tree , especially If seen by moonlight , had
the appearance of bearing on It hundreds
of thousands of the arms nnd hands of
men , all of them stretched Imploringly to
heaven. Well might they seem so to tjo ,
seeing that to Its naked limbs hung the
bodies of nt least twenty human beings
who had suffered death by order of the
King or his captains , or by the dccreo of
the company of wizards , whereof Hokosa
was the chief. There on the Hill of Death
stood the Tree of Death , and there In Its
dank shade , or piled upon , the ground beneath
neath It , hung and laid the pitiful , rem
nants of the multitudes who for genera
tions had been led thither , to their doom , "
Now , In the vision , a man was seen approaching
preaching by the little pathway that ran
up the sldo of the mount the Road of L6st
Kootstcps , It was called.It wns Hokosa ,
the wl/ard. Outside th'o circle of the tree
he halted , and , drawing a tanned skin from
a bundle of medicines/ which lie carried ,
hn tied It nboUt his -mouth' , tor the A-cry
smell of thht trjo Is poisonous- and must
not be suffered to teach the lungs.
Presently he was under the branches ,
where once again he halted ; this time It
was to gazQ at the body ot an old man
which swung to and fro In the night breeze.
"Ah ! friend , " he muttered , "wo strove
for many years , but It seems that I hnvo
conquered at the last. Well , It Is Just ; for
Tnko'hcr , priest of death ant ) evil ; but take
my curse with her ! Ah ! I als'o can proph
esy ; and I tell you that this woman whom
: you have taught , this witch of many spells
whoso glance can shrivel the hearts of men ,
shall give you ' { o drink of your own medi
cine ; ay. she shall dog you to death , and
J mock you while you perish by an end of
shame ! "
i "What , " laughed the wizard , "have I a
rival In my own a'rts ? Nay , flafela , If you
, would learn the trade , pay me well and I
will give you lessons. Yet 1 counsel -you
not ; for you are flesh , nothing but flesh ,
and "he who would rule the air must cultivate
the spirit. Why , I tell you. Prince , that
even the love for her who _ ls my heart ,
the lady whom we both would wed , par
taking of the flesh as , alas ! It does" , has
cost mo half my powers. Now let us cease
from empty words , and strlke'ttur bargain.
"Listen. On the last day of the feast ,
when all the regiments are gathered to sa
lute the King there in his Great Place ac
cording to custom , you shall stand forth
before the King and renounce Noma , and
she shall pass back to the care of my house
hold. Ton yourself shall bring her to where
I stand , and us I take her from you I will
put Into your'hand a certain powder. Then
you fchall 'return ' tothe sldo of 'the King ,
and after our fashion shall give him to
drink < thn bowl .of the flrst'/mits , but as
you stir the beer you will let fall Into It
that powder which I have given you. The
King will drink , and what he leaves un-
drunk you will throw out upon the dust.
Now ho "will rise to give out to his people
the royal decree , whereby. Prince , you are
to be duposed from .your place as heir , and
your brother , Nodwengo , Is to bo set In.
your place. Hut of that .decree never a
word shall pass his lips ; If it does , recall
your saying and take back the .lady Noma
from where she stands beside me. I tell you
that never a word shall pass his lips ; for
oven as ho rises a stroke shall take him ,
such a stroke as often falls upon the fat
and aged , and he shall sink to the ground
snoring through his nostrils. For a while
thereafter It may bo six hours , It may bo
twelve ho shall lie Insensible , and then a
cry will arise that the King U dead ! "
"Ay , " said Hafela , "and that I have
poisoned him ! "
"Why , Prlnco ? Few know what Is In
your father's mind , and with those , being
King , you will bo able to deal. Also this Is
the virtue of the poison which I chooan ,
that It la swift , yet the -symptoms of It are
Ihe symptoms of a natural sickness , Hut
that your safety and mine may bo assured , I
have made yet another plan , though there
will bo little need of it. You were present
two day ! ) since when a runner came from
tho. white man who sojourns , beyond our
border , he who seeks to teach us , the Chil
dren ot Flro , a new faith , and gives out that
hn U the messenger of the King of Heaven.
This runner asked leave for the whlto man
to visit the Great Place , and , speaking In
the King's name , I gave him leave. Hut I
warned his servant that If his inaatcr came
a ulgn should bo required of him to show
that ho was a true man and had ot the
wisdom of the King of Heaven ; and that If
he failed therein , then that he should illo
as that white liar died who visited us In by
gone jears. Now I have so ordered that
this white man. passing through the Valley
of Death yonder , shall reach the Great
Place not long before the King drinks of the
cup of the first-fruits. Then If any think
that something out of natural has hap
pened to the King , they will surely think
also that this strange prayer doctor has
wrought It , Then also I will call for a sign
from the white man , praying of him to re
cover the King of his sickness ; and when
he falls he shall be slain as a worker of
spells anil the falao prophet of a false god ,
and so wo shall be rid of him and his now
faith , and you shall be cleared ot doubt , Is
not the plan good , Prince } "
"H U very good , Hokosa save for ono
thliiR only. "
"For what thing ? "
"This- The white man who l named
MwgfiiKcr might chance to be a true
prophet of true god , anil to recover the
Kin ft. "
"Oho. let him Oo It , It ho can ; b'ut to do
It , first ho must know the poison nnd Its
antidote. There It but one , and U Is known
to inr only of all men In this land. When
no b done that , then I , yes , even I , Ho-
koswill begin to inquire concerning thla
uo jf his , who shows himself so mighty
In tno person of bis messenger , " Ami he
Uugbod low and scornfully. "Prince , fare
well ! I go forth alone , whither you dare
not follow at this hour , to seek that which
wo nball necfl. One word think not to
play me faUe , i to cheat ro of my price ;
If you could have had your % vay , your end
would have been my _ end. " '
Then very Idlsurcly. as one who Is sure
that he will not be Interrupted , he began to
climb the tree , till at length some of the
green fingers were within his reach. Rest-
ting his back against a bough , one by one
he broke off several of them , and averting
his head so that the fumes of it might not
reach him , bo caused the thick , milk-white
juice that they contained to trickle Into the
mouth of the little gourd which was hung
about his neck by a string. When he had
collected enough of the poison and carefully
corked the gourd with a plug of wood , he
descended the tree again. At the great
fork where the main branches sprang from
the trunk , he stood a while contemplating
a creeping plant which run up them. It
was a plant of naked stem , like the tree
It grew upon , and , also like the tree , its
leaves consisted of bunches of green spikes
having a milky juice.
"Strange , " ho said aloud , "that nature
should set the bane and the antidote aide
by side , the one twined about the other.
Well , so It Is In everything ; yes , even In
the heart of man. Shall I gather some of
this juice , also ? No ; for then 1 might re
pent and save him , remembcilng that he has
loved me , and thus lose her I seek , her
whom I must win back or bo withered.
Let the Messenger of the King ot Heaven
save him , If he can. This tree lies on his
path ; perchance he may prevail upon Its
dead to tell him of the lane and of the
antidote. " And once jnore he laughed
The vision passed. At this moment Owen ,
recovering from his swoon , lifted his head
from the window place. The night before
him was as black as It had been , and be
hind him the little clock was still striking
the hour of midnight'therefore ho could not
have remained Insensible for longer than a
few seconds.
A few seconds , yet'how much ho had seen
In them. Truly , his want of faith had
been reproved truly , he alsohad been
"warned ofGod In a dream" truly -"his
cars bad been opened nnd'/Ills Instruction
sealed , " Ills POU ! had been "kept back
from the pit , " and his 'life from "perish
ingby the sword ; " 'and 4ho way of the
wicked hart been made clear to him "In a
dream , In a vision of thn night , when deep
sleep falleth upon men. "
Not for nothing' had he endured that
agony , and not for nothing had ho struggled
In the grip of doubt.
( To bo Continued. )
II. C. 1'nlne In Hnrper'n Ilazar.
Oh , I love the geiitlosummur for Its long
anil pleasant < laya , "
For Its s\yeet romantic .evenings beneath
the moon'HR0t rays ,
For Its llowers and ltn sunshine , but I
hate that ghastly fake , i ,
That travesty on pleasure culled thb plume
by the lake.
First there comes the burning question oh ,
It Is no easy task . , ,
Of deciding on the people you think good
' enollgh to nsk ;
Then such tiresome discussions on whal
each Is going to take - . . .
In the matter of provisions , to the picnic by
the lake.
When these vital points are settled nnd the
party la iitlont ,
There are -maldons five , u matron , and a
louo man in each boat ,
Who takes the oars anil struggles till ho
thinks his hack will break.
As hn rows eight miles to windward to the
plciilo by the lake ,
i When at last the voyage Is ended ho muni
clamber to the spring ,
Which la "somewhere up the mountain , "
that the water he may bring.
Ho iiuiHt get u load of drift-wood nnd the
cunip tire ho must mulcc ;
Though It's hotter than the tropics , at the
picnic by the lake.
Then ho has to mock hla hunger with n
diet of sardlnea.
Of huril boiled cgira nnd sandwiches , re
lieved with Dostoii beaiia.
Thcns'D a scarcity of chicken , but a plethora
of cake
Oh , the place to get dyspepsia Is a picnic
by thu lake !
While the maiden bo would flirt with , how
ever well ho plan ,
DevotfH hur whole attention to the only
other man
At least no I wns told by the ono who gel
the shake.
Ami I'll never glvo another girl a picnic
by the lake ,
See that your hotel keeper bag Oook'i Im
perial Extra Dry Champagne OB his menu.
It has no superior ,
DOG " "
j Way a M'inlpcg Hey ( Jot JHs Early
'ml ' i Start In Business.
C-'MHrlRht. MM by S. S. McOlur Co , )
A boy lu WJmyfnef ; , the capltnl city of the
provlnco of AfaijUoba , In northwestern Can-
uiln , who doesn't own a clog la looked upon
by his follows \\ltli suspicion. And a boy
who owns a doj above the sUc of a pug era
a fox terrier and doesn't train him to "BO , "
as It Is called , In n sleigh In the winter
and a small sulky In the summer Is con
sidered as being little bettor than a girl.
Like the gntno of lacrosse , the dog driving
hns come to Canadian boys from the In
diana , In other dnys , before the settlement
of the western prairies of Canada , winter
travel from Lake Supcror to the Hocky
mountains nnd from Mlnnosotn to the Arctic
ocean wns carried on by means of doss. Kven
today In the western parts of the Canadian
west the dog train Is the regular means of
conveyance of malls nnd travelers by the
Hudson Hay company nnd the fur traders
of the north. Dog driving , then , comes
naturally to the boys of Winnipeg , where )
twenty-five yetirs ago a winter -Journey with
liorscs was comparatively unusual.
And It c.itne particularly natural to little
Touche Tapper , newsboy and general roust-
a-bout. Tor Toucho loved dogs , and a boy
who didn't love n dog very seldom ( amounted
lo much as a dog trainer. Touchc's
parents had died and left him at 10 yearn
of ngc to run the race of life nlonc. Having
no kith or kin of his own to lavish any nf-
tcctloii ti.on | , and being human , and necoiil-
Ingly llndlng It necessary to have an outlet
for his affections , he became devoted to a
ilog. And such a dog. It was an ugly ,
Ill-conditioned looking cur , everybody said ,
tint that didn't make any difference to
Touche. He had found It as he crouched' '
one blizzardy n'lght In the doorway of the
l > ostofllca at the outset of his ncweboy llfy
when hewas In need ot sympathy , as much
as thu little imp that crawled up to him
and licked his hand. "We're traveling In
liard luck tonight , puppy , " said Touche. nH
lie snuggled the shivering little thlncr under
Ills coat. "This blizzard chased the ilcoplu
'torn the streets nnd I'm stunk with my
l > apcrs and you're nearly froze to death.
Well , mlstry likes company , so como on. "
And Dllzzaril , as he there and then chris
tened It , shared Touchc's corner In the half-
breed shack and the ups and downs of a
street Arab's life , until ho grew to dog-
As neither Blizzard or Touche made any
pretense to pedigree , there was a fellow foolIng -
Ing between them. They were both vaga
bonds. And when Toucho requested Bliz
zard to "go" In a sleigh at a very tarly
stage of his career , he didn't exactly sec
the drift of It until Toucho pointed out
that every selfTcspectlng dog In Winnipeg
went In for It 'and ' that It was not well to
be "out of do push. " Blizzard Uien strove
to excel at .Uu His long legs and lean
jotly placed him on an equality in the sled
with the dogs vchlcli appeared at bench
shows and showed their aristocratic teeth
at him as they passed Touche and him on
the street. & > I
"Yer a bettor dog than any of them , Bllz , "
said Touche.'sns Hie unharnessed him one
night after Dllzzard had berne him from
the center of > tbo' city to the little shack
on the pralr ) * . > i"And we'll show 'em some
day , Ycr mayn't be much on looks , but
ycr got the heart. Those small kids can
laugh at yctyibfif If we git a chance we'll
show 'em. " jiAfld the chance came.
In May , IBM , " Ihe little prairie city of
Winnipeg waW all agog with excitement.
The incptlng-of-tho Manitoba Turf associa
tion wasoh.Vesteriicrs who arc deprived
of amusement in the way of theaters , ex
cursions , ntc. , common to the east generally
take their vacation li'"strong | doses. Rac
ing Is high In favortSand business Is prac
tically suspended during a race meeting.
Touche , who was then 13 years old , while
laboriously reading the events announced
on the flaming bjg posters of the Turf as
sociation's spring meeting , placarded on
Portage avenue , saw an item which read
"Dog race , one-half-mile , purse ? 100 to first ,
$50 to second , best out of three heats. "
lie looked down at Blizzard , who seemed
to have one eye on his young master and
the other on the poster as If reading it
for Blizzard alwaya'trled to do what Toucho
did and said : "What d'ye say , Bllz ?
Shall we try a turn at It ? " Blizzard looked
as If running a race before the. people of a
city was just what he Jmil been waiting
for. "All right , thon. Bllz , " said Toucho ;
"we'll show those dude dogs a thing or
two. " And he went off and made arrange
ments for a sulky that cost him a winter's
savings. The making of dog sleighs and
dog sulkies Is tmc of the branches of a Win
nipeg carriage building establishment and
the little sulky that finally met with
Touche's approval was Just suited to Bliz
zard. "With a now collar I guess we'll
bo fixed , Bllz. " said Touche as ho too"Jc him
for a trial spin over the course of the. Turf
association one afternoon before ho went
for his papers.
"I'm not going to drive yet with reins
from yer nose the way the swells does.
If you don't understand mo now , yer never
will. " And Blizzard wagged his tall.
'Twas the afternoon , The dog race had
just been called from the judge's Rtand
and the gaily dressed ladles and their es
corts In the grand stand returned to their
places and the" crowds surging against
I- I fvrfT
the ropes surVdUndlug the course gave voice
to'a chcor. Mlif .interest In the horse racing
had been oooVngd to the liorso breeders ,
the gambling .jplemcnt and that peculiar
elasi that is" , to bo found on every sldu
track who low a- race they know not why.
But In the 'tJog'fraco ' everybody was Inter
ested. Therfti weru nineteen entries. There
was not a iflP ? or clique from the ex
clusive llcuU'/iajit governor's circle to the
half-breed cpjQBy on the Hudson Bay flats
that was -represented In the contest
ants. And aa.tljo bays In their queer little
sulkies parade ] ? ' , , before- the Judge's stand
to receive .TuMfuctlons , the cheers that
went urt wcre Iiiurtler than had been given
for the winner , R the Provincial cup , Every
body almoijl ; ' BUO.W Touche by sight and
as ho and Urlzzard trotted pant the grand
stand there was a half-satirical , half-
friendly cheer at the tatterdemalion news
boy and his mongrel-looking dog. But
Toucho and Ujlzzard heeded It not. Toucho's
whole attention was fixed on a dog , half
staghound , belt Esquimaux , called "Tiger , "
driven by th'o sou of the lieutenant gov
A dog race1 has to be quickly i started or
the dogs will tight , and when the nineteen
dogs with their boy drivers rushed In a
confused inabefore the Judgo'n stand there
was a cry of "go , " and they were off. Bliz
zard was In the center and had got a fair
start , At the quarter mile bo was third
nnd woa going steadily when the one that
was running .second , a lius klg that U , a
native dog which showed signs of Hag-
King , turned as quick aa thought and solred
Blizzard by the throat. There was a con
fused heap of dogs , boys and sulkies and
the others rushed on. But Touche hauled
Blizzard out of the melee and they wcro
just saved from being distanced. There
were only six dogs In the second heat.
Toucho spoke long and earnestly to Bliz
zard In the Interval about the evil of fight-
IIIK. especially In a race , nnd when two
dogs rushed at him In the second heat , as
they were coming down the homo stretch ,
Blizzard bounded forward and came In
abend of "Tiger" by three or four feet. The
chorus that greeted the turn of affairs was
deafening , but Blizzard , an he lapped the
water that Touche held for him , wagged
his tall and looked up Into Ton die's fnca
as If to say that he understood matters and
fighting was n thing for another day.
There were only four dogs In the third
heat. Now came the crucial test. Tiger
had won the first heat nnd Blizzard the second
end , nnd as they started neck and nock ,
thcro was a silence throughout the onlook
ers that showed the Interest that was being
taken. The other t\\o dogs were soon out
of the running and at the quarter mile Dllz-
> ai-d was five yards behind. "Tiger wins.
Tiger wins , " roared the crowd , hut Tiger's
tongue was out nnd his breath came thick
and fast. "Blizzard , " said Toucho as he saw
the whip como down on Tlior's back when
they entered the homo stretch and Bliz
zard's nose was at Tiger's flank. "Illlzzard ,
I won't strlka yrtu. I wouldn't do it to win
the race , hut. " and ho half rose In the sulky
and scrramed 'at the top of his voice "Hllz ,
Bllz , Bllz , " and llko an arrow from the bow-
Blizzard darted forward until ho was nose
and nose with Tiger. They were only n hun
dred yards from the wire and the people In
the grand stand were on their feet , yelling
like maniacs. "Tiger" "Blizzard , " "Tiger"
"Blizzard , " came the cries , but once again
could be heard amidst the boyldh
scream , "Hllz , Bllz , Bllzl" and Toucho could
see the long red tongue of "Tiger" at his
side us they dashed under'tho wlro and won.
If anybody goes to Winnipeg and asks
< ! < well dressed , prosperous looking boy be
hind the news stand in the Clarendon hotel
how It Is that he got started In business
so > oung , ho will probably point to an ugly
looking mongrel dog an'd say that "ho started
mo and we'vo been partners ever since. "
At least that Is what hn told me.
ins inr.A.
Vlrtm Shenrd In St. Nicholas.
"What are you going to be , dour Jnclc ,
When yoU're quite grown up ? " I Siild.
"Will you be n lawvcr , like pupa ,
Or a soldier , like Undo Ned ? "
HP shook bis curly head nnd smiled ;
Then answered , "I think It Is queer
I'apa wanted to be a lawyer ,
When ho might be a pioneer. "
"A pioneer , Jciir laddie ? " I cried ;
"Why , how bnivu and bold you must be ;
Hut , If you roam , you must como back
Your poor little mother to Bee. "
"Oh , I'll not go fur nwuy , " ho cried ;
"I can , ilo it as well ut homo.
I don't think when I'm a pioneer
That 1 shall euro to roum.
"I Hhaiild think thut a pioneer , " he said ,
With calmly smiling eyes ,
"That a pioneer would have to do
Something 'r other with pies. "
Little Brooklyn girl of 5 to lady whom she
Was visiting -You ought not tcr let your
little boy say 'nit , " because It's slang. Lady
You are right , my child ; you don't say It ,
do you ? Little Gill Nit.
Little Sister What Is a tannon tracker ,
Willy ? Ulgger Brother A cannon cracker
Is a thing that never goes off until you
crawl back to see what's the matter with It.
Johnnie Challlu Come , Slamle , let us play
Adam and Eve. Mamie How will we play
It ? "You tempt me with an apple , and I'll
eat it. "
Johnny May I wake the baby , mamma ?
Mamma Why do you want to wake the
baby ? Johnny So's I can play on my drum.
Little Elsie Ain't those cows small , ma ?
Ma Yes , dear. Elsie I guess them's the
kind that they gets condensed milk from ,
ain't they ?
Johnnie Chaflle-rGrandma , will we all
know each other In heaven ? Grandma Yes ,
my child , we ehall know each other thcro.
Johnnie Chnffle But , grandma , we can make
bcllovo we are out when some of them call ,
can't we ?
"What are you going to be when you are
a man. Willie ? " asked the man who alwaj.s
asks that question. "Mo" ? I'm going to be
a policeman and stop trolley cars right In
the mlddlo of the block. "
"Will some" little scholar please tell what
happened after the children of Israel had
marched seven days around the walls of
Jericho , blowing their horns ? " asked the
Sunday school teacher. "Tommy Taddclls ,
you may answer. " "Please , ma'am , " re
plied Tommy , "they tumbled to the racket. "
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The following proposed amendments to the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska , as
hereinafter set forth In full , nro submitted
to the electors of the State of Nebraska , to
be voted upon at the general election 'to be
held Tuesday , November 3 , A. D. 1S9G :
A joint lesolutlon proposing to amend
sections two (2) ( ) , four (4) ( ) , and five (5) ( ) , of
nrtlclo six ( C ) of the Constitution of the
Stnto of Nebraska , relating to number of
judges of the supreme court and their term
of office.
Bo It resolved and enacted by the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section two (2) ) of article
six (0) ) of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska be amended so us to UH fol-
Scc'tlon 2. The supreme court shall until
otherwlso provided by law , consist of live
( fi ) Judges , n majority of 'vhom shall bo
nucesnary to form n quoium or to pro
nounce a decision. It otiail nave original
jurisdiction in cases rclatlnfe " rovi'iiue ,
civil CUSOM In which the Mtau > shall bo n
party , mandamus , quo warranto. habeas
corpus , and such appellate Jurisdiction , IIH
may be provided fov law.
Section 2. That section four (4) of article
six ( C ) of the Constitution of the staiof
Nebraska , be amended so as to read an fol
lows :
Section 4. The judges of the supreme
court shall bo elected by Iho elofinrs of
thu state at large , and their term of ofllcc ,
except as hernlnaiter provided , Hhall IMJ for
a period of not less than live (5) ( ) years us
tbo legislature may prescribe.
Section 3 That section five ( M of article
six ( ( ! ) of the Constitution of the State df
Nebraska , bo amended to rend as follows :
Section G. At the first general election to
bo held In the year 19G , there shall be
olceteil two Judges of the supreme court
one of whom shall bo elected for a term of
two (2) ) Tears , one for the term of four (4) )
years , and at each general iiectlon there
after , there shall IIQ elected ono Judge of
the euprdmo court for the form of flvn ( B )
years , unless otherwise prdvlilrd by law ;
Provided , That the Juilgos of the supreme
court whoso terms have not expired at the
tlmo of holding the general election of 18 % ,
shall continue to hold their olllcn for the
remainder of the term for which they
were respectively commissioned.
Approved March 23 , A. D. 3S93.
A Joint- resolution proposing an amend-
irient to section thirteen (13) ( ) of article six
of thn Constitution of the State of Nebraska ,
relating to compensation of supreme and
district court Judges.
Be -resolved , by the Legislature of the
Stnto of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section thirteen (13) ( ) of
nrtlclo six ( B ) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska be amended so as to
road as follows :
Sec. IS. Thn judges of the supreme nnd
district courts shall receive for tholr ser
vices such compensation as may bo pro
vided by law , payable quarterly.
The loglsluturii shall at Its first session
after the adoption of this amendment ,
three-fifths , of thu niombers elected to
each house concurring , establish their
compensation. The compensation BO es
tablished shall not be changed oftcner than
onew In four years , and in : io event unless
two-thirds of the members fleeted to each
house of the legislature concur tnercln.
Approved March 30 , A. D. 1893.
A Joint resolution -proposing to amend
section twenty-four (24) ( ) of article five ( l > )
of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska ,
"relating to compensation of the officers of the
executive department.
He It resolved and enacted by the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That nectlon twenty-four (21) )
of article flvii ( ! > ) ( of thu Constitution of
the State of Nebraska be amended to read
; IH follows :
Section 21. Tbo officers of the executive
department of the stnto government shall
rocelvn for their services a compensation
to be established by iuw. which shall bo
noltlicr Increased nor diminished during
the term for which they shall have been
commissioned and they shall not recelvo
to their own use any fees , costs , Interests ,
upon public moneys In thnlr hands or
under their control , peiqulsltcs of ofllco or
other compensation , and all fees that may
horonfter bo payable by law for services
performed by iin otllcer provided for In
this 'inlf * uliiill bo iiald In advance Into
the stntn treasury. The legislature shall
at Its Ural session after the adoption of
this amendment , threo-llftliH of tlio mem
bers elected to each houseof the legisla
ture conenrrlni- , establish thn salaries of
the olllrors named In this article , The
compensation so established shall not bo
changed oftener than once In four years
and In no event unless two-thirds of thu
members elected to each house of the K'K-
Islaturo concur therein.
Approved March 29 , A. D. 1S93.
A Joint resolution proposing to amend
scctldn one (1) ( ) of article six ( C ) ot the 'Con-
htltutlon of the State of Nebraska , relating
to Judicial power ,
Hu It resolved and onnctcd by the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska ;
Section 1. That section ono (1) ( ) of nrtlclo
six ( C ) of the Constitution of thn Htato of
Nebraska bo amended to read IIH follows ;
Soctlon 1 , Thu judicial power of this Htuto
Bball bo vested In a MUprcmo court , dls-
trlut courts , county count ) , Justices of the
peace , police iniiKlatrate.s , and in inc.h
other courta Inferior to the supreme court
IIH may bo created by law In which Iwo-
thlrdx of tlio members elected to each house
C <
Approvfd March 29. A. D. 1S9S.
A Joint resolution proposing to amend sec
tion eleven ( II ) of article six ( C ) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska , re
lating to Incroano In number of supreme
and district rourt judges ,
Bo It roitolvcd and enacted by the Leg
islature or the Hlntc of Nebraska :
Section I. That section cloven (11) ( ) of nrtl-
cla six (8) ) of the Constitution of thu Htuto
of Nebraska bo amended to read as fol-
flfo'tlon 11 Tha loglslntuie , whenever two-
thirds of the momburs elected to each houao
Hhnll concur therein , may. in or nfter thn
year onu thousand eight hundred and
nlnoty-Buven nnd not -oftener than once In
every four yenin , Incrensa the number of
JudKos of MUprcmo and district courts , ami
tha judicial districts of the stale. Such
illotrlolH shall bo formed of compact terri
tory , mid bounded by county llnea ; tind
Buoli Inorunite , or any change in the
boundniics of a district , shall not vncuta
thu office of any judge.
Approved Mnrcli 30 , A. P. . 1893.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section nix ( C ) of article ono (1) ( of the Con
stitution of the State of Nebratka , relating
to trial by jury.
Hu It reuolvurl and enacted by the Leg
islature of the Btuta of Nebraska.
8 ctlon 1. ThRt iratlon nix ( fi ) . article one
( t ) of the Constitution of tbo Stale of Ne
braska bo amended to read IIH follows :
Section 6. The right of trlul liy j i-y ahull
rcmnln Inviolate , but the legislature nil
provide tlmt In ctxll actions flvo-alxthti
flip Jury nmy render n verdict , and tl1
leglMaturfl by nlso authorise trlnl by
Jury of n less number thnn twelve jnoi
In courts Inferior to the district court.
Approved March 29 , A , D. , 1S93.
A Joint resolution proposing to union
section 0110 (1) ( ) ot article five (6) ( ) ot the Con
stltutlon ot Nebraska , relating to officers c , !
the executive department.
lie It lesolved nnil cimcteil by the LiMjs '
Isluturp of the Stnto ot Nebraska : '
Soctlon 1. Thut section ono 0) ) of nrtlcli
ivo (5) ( ) of the Conatllutlon of the Stnto
of Nebraska bo amended to read na fol-
See.tlon 1. Tlie executive department Blmll
consist of n governor , lleiitnimut governor ,
secretary of stnto , nudltor of public 110
couuts , treasurer , superintendent of publta
instruction , nitoriiey general , commissioner
of public land * and buildings , nnd three
rnllro.ul coininlssloncrii , each or whom , ex
cept thn paid railroad commissioners , shall
hold his olllec for n term of two years ,
fiom ths llrst Thursday ntter the first
T uesdny In January , after his election ,
and until his successor Is elected and quail-
lied. lOni-h rnllioad commissioner Hhnll
bold his olllco for n term of three yenrs ,
beginning on the flist Thtnsdny after tha
llrst Tuesday In January nfter hit election ,
"lid until his uscccssor Is elected nnd quail-
ned ; Provided , however , Tlmt nt the llrst
general election held after the ndnptlon
of this amendment there Hhnll bo chicled
three railroad cominlssloncis. onu for the
period of ono year , one for ho period of
two yenrs , anil one for tno peilod of three
years. The Governor , secietnry of slate , ) !
nudltor of public Accountn , and treasurer// / /
shall reside ut the ranltol during their1
term of olllce ; they Hhnll keep the publlo
records , books and papers there , nnd shall
perform such duties as mny bis required by
Approved March SO , A. D. , isos.
A joint resolution proposing to amend sec
tion twenty-six (28) ( ) of article five (5) ( ) of tlw
Constitution of the State at Nebraska , limit.
Ing the number ot executive state ofllccra.
lie It resolved nnd enacted by the Lcg-l
Islaturo of thn State cf Nobr.islr.t :
Section 1 , That section tuduty-six ( M ) of
article llvn ( B ) of the Constitution of the
Htato of Nebraska bo amended to read na
follows :
Section 20. No other executive ! state ofll-
cers i'\cept those named lu section ono (1) )
of this nrtlclu shall tin created , except by
an act of the legislature which Is con
curred In by hot lesl than three-fourths
of the members elected to each house
thereof ;
Provided , That any oftlco created by nn
net of the legislature may be abolished by)1 )
the leglslatuic , two-thirds of thn member *
elected to house thereof concurring.
Approved Mnrcli 30. A. D. , JS93.
A joint resolution proposing to amend ;
section nine ( U ) of article eight ( S ) of tbo.
Constitution of the Stnto ot Nebraska , pro-V
vldlng for the Investment of the permanent )
educational funds of the stato. )
Do It resolved nnd unacted by the Leg
islature of tbo Stulo of Nebraska :
Section i. That section nlno ( ) bf nrtlclo
night (8) ( ) of tbo Constitution of the Stnto
of Nebraska bo amended to rend as fol
lows :
Section 9. All funds belonging to the state
for uducntlonnl purposes , the Interest unc
Income whereof only arc to bo used , shal
be deemed trust funds held by the Htalo
and tlio .state shall supply till losses there
of that may In any manner accrue , so tha
the B.ime shall remain for vur Invlohiti
and iindlmlnl.shcd , and H.iill ; not be In
vested or loaned except on United State.
or state oecurltlcH , or registered countj
bonds or registered Hchool district bond ?
of this state , nnd such funds , with the
Interest and Income thereof nro hereby
solemnly pledged for the purposes foi' '
which they are granted and set apart , and
.shall not be transferred to any other fund , .
for other uses ; I }
Provided , The board crcul < - T fty section' ' '
1 of this article Is rmpowred to sell from
time to tlmo any of the securities belong
ing to the permanent school Tumi nnd In
vest the proceeds nrlsinir tlierstrom lu nn ;
of the securities cnum rnteQ in this sec
tlon bearing a higlier rate of Interest
whenever nn opportunity lor bolter Invest- '
incut Is presented ;
And provided further. That when am
warrant upon the sU" i treasurer regu
larly Issued In pursuance of nn approprla
tlon by the legislature nnd secured by th >
levy of n tax for Its payment , shall bi
presented to tlio Htate treasurer for pay !
mont , and there shall not bo any mono' ] <
In the proper fund to pay such warrant' '
the board created by section 1 of this nrtf. '
clo may direct tlio state treasurer to pay
the amount due on such wuirant froHj
moneys In his hands belonging to tbo pen
mancnt school fund of the state , and li.'i
shall hold said warrant as an Investment' '
of snld permanent school fund. \l
Approved March 23 , A. D. , 1S33. ( '
A joint resolution proposing an amend
ment to the Constitution of the State ol
Nebraska by'adding a new 'section to article
twelve (12) ( ) pf salil constitution , to bo numbered
bored section two (2)'relative ) to the mcrg
Ing of the government of cities of tli
metropolitan class and the government o1
the counties wherein such cities are lo ]
catcd. ) i
Uo It resolved nnd enacted by the 1o
Islnture of the State of Nebraska : H
Section 1. That article twelve (12) ( of tlf '
Constitution of the State of Nebraska b )
amended by adding to said in Iclo a ne\
section to be numbered auction two (2) ( ) , t
read as follows : i
Section 2. Tho'government [ of nny iclty o ,
the metropolitan class and the governmen
of the county In which It 4n.located mny In
merged wholly or In part when a proposl
tlon HO to < lo has been Submitted by nil
thority of law to the voters' of Much cltj
and county and received the usscnt of f
majority of the votes cast In such city am
also n majority of the votes cast In tin
county exclusive of th'.ie cust In sucl
metropolitan city lit mich election.
Approvcll March 25 , A. 'T ) . , 1893.
A Joint resolution proposing an amendment
to section six (6) ( ) of article seven (7) ( ) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska , pre
scribing the manner In which votes shall
bo cast.
Bo It reKolvpd nnd enacted by the Leg
islature of thn State of Nebraska :
Suction 1. That section six ( C ) of nrttcla
Hnven (7) ( ) of the Constitution of the Btatn
of Nebraska bo amended to read ns fol-
Sec'tlon C. All votes Hhall ha ! > y ballot , or
such other method nH may bo prescribed
by law , provided the secrecy of voting bo
Approved March 20 , A. D. , 18D3.
A Joint resolution proposing to amend
section two (2) ( ) ut article fourteen ( H ) of the
Constitution of the State of NebruKka , rola-
tlvo to donations to works of Internal Im
provement and manufactories.
Ho It resolved and enacted by the Legis
lature of thn Stnto of Nebraska : .
Section 1. That Hectlon two (2) ) of artlnlol
fourteen (14) ) 'Of the Constitution of the
Htuto of Nebraska , bo umvnded to road a i
follows ;
Section 2. No city , county , town , proelnct ,
municipality , or other subdivision of thai
Htate , shall over make donations to nny
u cries of Internal Improvement , or manu
factory , unless n proposition so to do shall
have been first mihmlttnd to the ( nullified
cilcctoiH nnd ratified by n two'thlrds vota
at nn election by authority > of law ; Pro
vided , That such donations of a county
with the doinilloiiH of Hiiuh sulMllvIxlonH In
the aggregates shall not exceed ten per cuiif
of tlm assexHOd valuation of mich counts
Provided , further. That uny city or county
may , by n three-fourths voto. Increase HUoh
IndflutcdnoaH llv ixir cent , In addition to
Much ton i > er cunt nnd no bonds or avl-
dnnccs of Indnbtednesu so Issued shall bs
valid unless the same Hhall have endorsed
thnroon a certificate signed liy the secre
tary nnd nudltor of BtnUi , showing that
the same IH Issued pursuant to law.
Approved March 29 , A , D. , 1833.
I. J , A. riper , secretary of stain of tha
state of Nebraxka. do hereby certify that
the foregoing proposed amendments to tbo
CoiiHtltutlon of the State of Nebraska are
true and correct copies of the original enrolled -
rolled and engrossed bills , on passed by the
Twenty-fourth session of the legislature of
thu State of Nebraska , aa appears from j |
said original bills on file tn this ofllco , und
that all and carh of laid proposed amendi
nienta are submitted to the qualified voter *
of the Rtata of Nebraska for their adoption ,
or rejection at tbo genera ) election to beheld
hold on Tuesday , the 3d day of November ,
A. I ) . , 1830.
lu tostlpiony whereof , I have thereunto
sot my hand and afllxed tha great ufal of
the state of Nebraska.
none at Lincoln , this 17th day ot duly , la
tha year of our Lord , Onn Thousand Klght
Hundred and Nlnety-alx , ot the Independ
ence of tbo United States the Ono Hundred
and Twenty-Drift , and ot this atate tb
Thirtieth . ;
Seal. ) J. A. PIPEll. ]
Secretary of Stitr
1 ntoNovS morn only.