- - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I A TJ11 OMATTADATLY iflTh ! SUNDAY , AUaVST 2 , 1896. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IOllTCACEES GET AN 1NNIG Oosing Out Wilcox & Draper's hooa to a Great , Thg Orowdi SlICES NEVER WERE SOLD BEFORE CoiiIi1erI ng 4h e 1'rIes nn.I ( tutu I Oilerc.I itt 1'ItlN Grent Seepitiic 4t % fl fit tIt 1ItWt SIIC Ier lirouglit to OiiiiIiit. tvery : hour an1 almost every minute ilur- Ing the day the store formerly occuptea bY WLIcox & Irnpcr was closed during Satur- day. The doors were opened only often nougli to ntltnlt anti let out the crowds of eager buyera. Omaha tiover saw such a Falo , nnl ( Omaha will never ECO another like ft. ft.It was ilue entirely to tile popularity of the line that Wilcox & Iraper carried. Every- l1Oly know that bartliis were In sight ; everyiirniy felt certain that anythutig that Mr. Wilcox managed vRS all right-that's why they cAIne iii tich crowds that Douglas street hiockalled ; that the store bad to be closed it seemed ahuost all the tinlo , in order to allow the great army of alesinen to even iaow once what the copte ( IC- menu cd , And what 1iey demanded they got. They got it for the aiking , though , for bargains were free to all. Awl you never saw such a sate In all your life. No store was ever so crowdel. No \ crovd was ever so well satisticti. Just to ICCCI ) IID the interest these prices arc qlioteui for the opening of Molulay's buslncss : hundreds of pairs cilI go for Dc that Wilcox & Draper Paid a dollar and a half for. Shoes for men that. WIlcox & Draper sold for 55,00-the best wearitig calf shoe is now $2.98 , A hundred and tsventy-tliree pairs of men's 5.OO tans , In time latest shapes , for $2.98. Many dirfercut kinda put In one lot , sonic were * 4 , sonlo 5 , and all slzCs , now' alt $1.93. Probably the greatest thing In ( lie stock Is the table filled with needle too button and square toei , a imair , 93c. All the tattles' tdioes sold by Wilcox & Draper for $1.00 , whether tan or black , needle or sqtlare , go in at prices like this- latest shapes and all sizes nod widths , $2 and 2.6O. Italtes' GOc shoes are now 20c. 'rho flOe baby liocs are tOc. ChIldren's apring heels that \Vllcox & Draper sold for $1.00 are now 55c. A iadie' regular line of kId button , svitii narrow toe anti pateilt tiil , has alivays been $3.00 , now $1.33. A ladies' Oxford-two lines , one was $1.10 , the other $2.00-now tbcyre liotli 92c. Ladles' house slippers , with straps or without - out , Wilcox & Draper got $2.00 ; we get OSe. And there's no time to deliver any of them. We're doing very well when we lit them-as we do perfectly. You never got such bargains In shoe lila- tory and yen hover wIll again , for such fine Etoeks are not put on the market more than once In a century. Come until time wiole stock is gone , for you'll get bargains with a great big 11 every time you come. LUnD , SCIIOI3EIL & CO. , ; Closing out Wilcox & Draper's stock At 1615 Douglan St. A. ilvillInnt Aflnlr. A novelty in trollpy parties will take place \Velnesday ( or Thursday evening nest. nest.v. . R. Bthnett Co. , who crc always up- to-date. will entertain their army of clerks e amid timir farniiics-30 people in all-with a grand treilcy excuriioii over the Omaha lineS bud to South Omaha. 'rho party will fIll a dozen or more brlliiantly Illuminated Open motors , decorated with banners , flags and Ak-Say-lIen colors. cvcral bands of music and oIlier novel features. original yihm t Bellntttl 'will make this the biggest - gest trolley party ever attempted , Vatcii for the date and hear the Bennett ' . . "yell" as they go by. JIRY.tNIC 'J'21E ltfl.tfl. General % Iiii,1 (1'PiIt II ) SLII ( % ( or 'n1- cott IIf Colorado. General Manderson Is of the opinion that the signed address on the financial Issues of the day that has just been written ly Senator Wolcott of Colorado and published : over his name is one of the best campaign documents that has yet appeared. Yesterday morning , after reading the ad. dress , Ime teicgraphcd the author , as follows : "To lieu. Edward 0. Wolott : My hearty con- gratulatlons on your sensible and admirable public statement. Colorado vili see that you have iOifltel out the direction of her true interests. Time sober judgment of time : American people will relegate Bryanlc va- garics to the roar. " lnlerit ' , Viiiiilt'li . &ttemi lou , . t. Funeral of Neighbor George 11. Crisp of Dcccli eQuip svIhl be held froni his late residence. 361 North FIrst street , Council Illuffs. Sunday at 6 1) . m , All Woodmen are requested to meet at time imahl of Hazel camp , Council Ihluffs , at 5:30 : p. in. sharp. A. 11. VOSBUItTII , Venerable Counsel. $ , ! for the Isiggest F'lslt caught by anyone attending the Printers' ; picnic , tp ho held at Ashland , Sunday , August 9. ; 'Tlmore'mm a cllanco to make expenses and : to have a day's sport besides. Tickets $1. ; . . Train leaves union depot 'at 9:0 : a , mu. _ t IIIEht.jty : O1' ltl.tI4 HS'i'.t.'I'C - 3llN , - NelIrabizu 'I'mVIIM to lIe VlSI ted % 'hult' lIIIUIIte. The local officials or the Burlington road r arc bestirring themselves in anticipation of the visit of eastern capitalists , immigration agents and real estate muon to Nebraska : - during the comini week. The visitors vihi come from Chicago tonight on a specisi train , as announced in yesterday morning's lice. lice.Time comupleto ilmtincrary for the vcek has just been preparel and is given herewith , Time lluriington roaI has arranged for the isitorml to be met in each of the towns by p a delegation of remil estate men , imorti. cu1ttlvits , fruit growers , grain men and : sugar beet macmm. These viii edmtbit and explain time lmroducts of Nehrablca to time lnqtmirlng visitors and tell them of the harvests that will be reaped this fail. ; The comnplete time card is as follows : Monday , August 3-Leave St. Joseph 1:00 : c- . in. ; arrive 'l'ecunmselL 4:11) : p , em , . Beatrice Ei:25 : Ii , m , , Wymnoro 5:80 : p. iii. , Superior : 8:40 : p. m. ' Tuesday , August -Leave Stmpem'ior 6:00 : a. mu , ; arrive lieu Cioutl 6:10 : a. mu. , Iloldrege 8:00 : p. iii. , Curtis l100 ; p. ci. Wednesday , August -Leave Curtis G:0 : a. in. ; arrive lloldrege 9:20 : a. in , , Eilgar l220 p. UI. . Straiig 1:45 p. m , Fairpiont 2:25 : p. mu , , Hastings 4:00 : p , ci , , Aurora 1O0 : p. ci. , liurwehl S:30 : p. in. Thursday , August 6-Leave Broken thaw 6:00 : a. in , ; arrive Eavenna 7:45 : a. mu. , Aurora r 10:15 : a , in. , Ltucoln 1:20 : p. in , - A I'ailr of Opera Olnaise. For best lady waitzem'-l'riuters' picnic , Ashiand , Sunday , August 9. Siiecini train for i'slmiand heaves union depot at 9:30 : a. mu , Tickets $1. At limir. lington ticket oiflce , 1502 Farnaui street and Labor Temple. _ ; -a- - Nu' 15 'Your Clmnncv. Low rates every day to Demmver , Colorado springs , Salt Lake City mind other Colorado and Utah points. L'xceptiouaiiy low rates to Utah and Idaho : week via the UNION : Vor particulars call at city ticket office , 102 FAUNAM STREET. S Ore I'rostmsl 'er ) ' llivli , B , E , Salmon , a hardware merchant and mine owner of I.ead City , shout yesterday - In Omaha. lie is on iml vu ) ' home fromu ' Kniun ( 'Ity , where ho hint been with a ear of ore li om Lmis milime. 'there 'nu one toim or the ore viIch returlied S00 ( ' In gold and - - about $ GC' In buyer. Mr. Salmnomi hiredicts t1at wittilli two years Lead Ciiy svihl be ' ? productive nilmilmig dhstriet In time r Tbeomla of cure may be discussed at Iexmth by physicians , but the sufferers want quick relict ; and One 'Minute Cough Cure 'viii give It. to them. A sate cure for ebil- dren. It is "his only harmless remedy that 1othices 1znwedite rciiilts. " " . . it. 1IHNNH'I"V CO. , llu. Itlc lIeiilirU Store 3lnst 1Iae iIurt' Itiotm t ) APIltItdlttC Ifs In rgs-1 Iner.'smsrii 'l'ridr. Tlm grocery , tea and coffee and hardware - ware department are now hieing greatly enlarged , which will enable our customcrs to trade in ease and comfort , The big stationery department is being removei to better quarters on time second floor-the greatest bargain floor in Omaha , This floor is now one of time attractions of the store , amid wo absolutely guarantee that nowhere Iii Omaha can you find bigger - ger bargains , nor sucim an array of new , clean , fresh merchandise at the how prices at wimicim we sell furniture , baby carriages , cooking and gasohene stoves , really mixed paints amId oiis , tssue ! paper , and everything - thing in stationary. Intending purchasers vihi comiammit thick interests if before buying they visit this floor anmi compare our prices aimmi qmiaiities lie sure and get In time right door We guarantee Fatisfaction. That's why we grow. \V.lL , BENNETT CO. 1IJ1)lE.'i Ol' 'Eli l 'OItl.i ) , Grim ad ECIrsIIII * 1 * tiii h'leiic \Vaterioo , Sunday , August 2 , via Union PacIfic. Special train leaves Omaima at 8:30 a. iii. ; South Omnlma , 8:40 : a. in. laro for the roulm(1 trip , 76 cents , Secure tickets from commimuittee on traimm. U - l % IXI ) LJS'I'ItY 1" ( ) IL OMA ll. ' . COflIIII mm , ' i'oriueddi , i I or It itil l'Ismce litlmogrn 1,1mb 4t4mmme on ( lie imtrlet. Omiialm.i. wili soon be known in the markets of the vorIml as time iieadqtlarters for time firmest hitlmograplitng stones produced in any country. A eomilamiy for the quarrying and mimarieting of these stoimes wiii be immcorpor- ated within a very few days , all hut one of ( lie limeorporators being Omaha citizens. 'rimevor'd's supply of lithograph atommes has imeretoforo been obtalimed fromu a small rrovllice in Bavaria amid time supply has been so comparatively smmmii ( luring rccemit years ( lint orders veie often ( lolayed a whole year , lit order to get stones large enough for ( loing woric of nimy commaiderable size time ptmrclmaser was obiiged to pay an exorbitant price , anioummtlng to 20 or 30 cents imer pound , amid also to liureimnac Ii certain amnoulmt of snmaii stones. As the imirge stones nmcastmre about a2xi I imicimea amiti are about two immclics thick , the lmiCO is a imeavy burden tmpomm thin vurclmaser and thin deiay in filling orders is a great imicoimveiiiemice. All thmis will soon be changed , however , as a quarry of vast extent lmas been discovered iii time Black hula iii Custer county , South Dakota , in which the supply of atomic seems to be alnmost ummiimited. Time qmmaiity of the atomic and its iirnctical utiiity has heemi made the mmimbject of a careful and commiplete cx- anmimmatiomi by practicai muon. Peculiar prop. erties are requisite in a good iitimographummg ( tulle , amid it has [ mccii fuily demnomi- stratemi that time South Dakota stone fuiflils nil time repiirenielits , Experiments in print- lag with sammiphes of timese atones have beemm made iim Omnaima nail Chicago , with time most satisfactory results , Time stomio is comitained in a tract of hand about 300 acres in extent amid the eimtiro section has beemi obtained by tue parties to the plan about to ho do- vehoped. It has been foimuml entirely practicable to "get omit" stones of time largest size used iii time iithographing bimsiness at a price which will enable the projectors of the enterprise - terpriso to compete in the mnarketa of the worimi with the German producers. Time Omaha liartics who are interested in time enterprise are time nmemiibers of the firm of IChOiim. ) liartiett & Co. , County Clerk RedOehil , wimo has been engaged in the print- lug business for years , amid one or two other parties who are silent partimers in time deal. 'lime imian who "niado the fInd" is also a hart3' to the arrangement , and it is time pur- 1)050 ) of the projectors to incorporate tinder time lawn of Nebraska and establish lmead- iuarters in Omaha , which will be made the distributing point. 'l'lic fluriiiigons host OfTurijigs In the tray of reduced rates : Hot Springs , S. D.-Half rates-July 31 , 1imgust II , August 25. ialt Lake City-Half rates , plus $2- August 7 and S. - Colorado , Utah. Texas , ctc.-Haht rates. 1)105 $2-August 4 , August iS , September 1. Denver-Fare and a timiril for time round trii-Aimgust 6 emil 6 , August 11 to 1i. Cahi at Ticket 'jmce. 1502 Farnamu street , and get fuil information , J. B. Reynolds City Passeng'.r Agent. - IIOOYIi1R ' 1'ALlS OFI IllS FA'I'E. Sorr Ihmaf lie 3liirmlereil llIt Brother- I n - l.a Claude hoover , the condemned murderer cit Sam Dtihiols , iis brother-In-law , has about recovered his equanimity after the shock of hearing that tim governor had refused to interfere with the earryimig out of tIme sentence - tenco of time court. tIc discusses his fate very calmly with his jailer and eats his usual hearty meal. No visitors hare beemm admitted to see him except his sister , and time interview between them was very affect- lag. hoover has recently shown great contrition - trition for lila rash act and has expressed sorrow for the bcreavemeimt he has caused to lila sister and her children. lie still contends that. the act was committed whmilo lie was under the iniiuence of liquor to such an extent that he was not accountable for -imat he did. hoover's aged mother and imis sister have mint ceased their efforts to induce the governor - ernor to interfere with the execution of time death seimtemmco and are calling upon persomms timought to hare influence with time governor to ask them to use their good oflicea withi tilmit official. A great deal has bcen said by a certain newspaper to the effect that time sheriff would miot take any steps to tarry out the sentence until he received orders from time governor. Tlmeslmeriff has been ordered by the muammdato of the aupremne court to carry out the order of the court and exectmte hoover August 7 , between the hcmtira of 10 a. in. and 2 p. imu. , and imas received no orders to time contrary froma thin only official who bias the power to set asi(1o sucim mnamidate , the governor. One of the udge of time district bench said yester- tlity mnorimiimg , in reply to a question on thus point , that the sheriff would imot receive any commmmuimication from time goverimom' in time inciter unless the governor decided to either comnnmimte time death semitence or re- liriovo the [ irihoner. - p It.tLP ft.t'l'C HXCUIISIONS 'J'o hot s11ig5 ; ; , So. Igik , , July 21 , August 14 , August 28-via time Iltmrllmmgtomi route. Tickets good 30 days. $16.40 from Omaha , A. rare elmance to spend the hottest month in the year at time pieasantcst summer resort - sort iii the west. Call at ticket omce , l02 Farnamn street , mind get fuihi iimformnation. p EFPIIC'I' 015' 'I'IIH lt'Ol1'S ( iUIER , It Mukemm Much Iore % 'orh tim I'ohiee Court. The effect of Mayor liroatch's letter to Police Judge Gordon , in wimich hue called attention to time fact that time pohico judge bad no authority for suspending sentences , is being felt in anotimer direction , It is tendiug to Increase the work of the Imohice court , For seine days after the letter was re- ct'ived prisoners , especiahly vagrants , con. tinued to enter picas of guilty , expecting that they would be released with a sus. pended sentence on conditioa that they simmneml no umore or heft town , as had been time custom , Judge Gordon , however , dis. appointed tlmem by sentencing all who luieadcd guilty , As a result many of them refuse to iuicbd gulityan(1 stand trial , Comincil lhhulTs Joins ti-Smmr-hlei , . About thirty-five of the wide-awake busi- nest ; men of Council Bluffs will tomorrow night be initiated us Knights of Ak-Sam- Ben , Samsoim. iortl hmlgim chamberlain of the court of Ak-Sur-liemi II , commands nil Ha fuitliful sutjects to participate iii this royal reception toniorrow uuigimt , anti extend - tend a hearty welcommie to time court's visit. ors. A special traium will leave Broadway itt Pearl street. Council Bluffs , tomorrow imight at 7 o'clock. going direct to the den ms'ithout 'imaugo of ears. In mill timem-e will be nemurh 0t ) candidates , including ernor hiolcomb , wimo will ho inducted Into the uuystcm-ies of the order. 1)1111) , DAVIB-Lula Pearidaughter of Mr. and Mi-s. L , M. lavis. 3t North Twcnty.timird street , ueti 17 years , t mouths and days. Funeral from Smcond I'resbyterlan church Uuumiay m4 4 p. COOD DEh1I ) FOR REALTY Local Agents Report Many Sales of Besi' iloiioo Property. NON-RESIDENTS TAkING AN IUTEREST ltt'ailiil Aeniieies .t Isa hieport a mm Its- croitMiuig iei.satt for I'rouscrtr % 'ltIiIn Vnikimig iistnttee of fiR ! llltMiIICP4SS District. Probably at no other time siimco 1S90 have the transactions in reah estate Ia midsuim- iner licon ini large as timey are now. While ( ho business is being conducted quietly , time real estate dealers are generally well pleascl with tim 'volume of their trade for this easomi of time year and are entimusiasumo over time outlook for time futuro. lionme- seekers , especially , scent to reahize that they lutIst immake thmeir future purchmases of Omaha realty very soomi In order to get the advantage of time present lois' prices , commscqtlentiy , there Is an increasitig ( lenlamid for both imnlroved and usmimproveil mcsi- deuce propem-ty. An encouraging timing 1mm ( lila connection , too , is time fact flint a great mnammy inquiries are being received now front mien-residents about real estate ammd time rental agents hare mimadu quite a number of leases with parties viuo have recentiy removed - moved to time city. Time sales that have bcen immade have ahnmoat Invariably beemm for casim. The Onmalma Real Estate and Trust coin- pan } ' sold a half lc.t in Saunders' & lilmne- liamigim's athhitioim to a Missouri party for $580 caalm amid tue lltmrcimnser will soomi build . a residence on It amid immure his family here. It reports several other deals pending whmichm it expects to close tip. \v _ If. Gates olu1 for cash a house amid lot. on Davenport street , imnmeliately ( west of time Madison hmotei ; also two lots on Lake street between Twentieth amid Twenty-first streets. J. If. l'arrotto made the sale of a house mmd hot at Thirty-first avenue cmiii Daveii- port street for $3f00 cash ; also three hots in Ililieke's addition for $300 cash. Mr. I'arrotte. vhio does a rental business , says his ( lcmmmand for desirable imouses witlmin walkimmg distance is greater than ho cami suhmphy. 'rime Fidelity Trust commipany reports tIme sale of two 1ot on Davenport street be- twcen Twenty-sixth amid 'I'wiity-eighmthi streets , and a imoumse and lot in Lafayette place to Mrs. Eheammor Schmlt , all for cash , and propositiomms are pending on other prop- crties , Time Ommimiha Loan amid Trust company officials say they are having a good mommy inquiries for smnall houses and lots and that they imavo mmmado some sales. J. J. Gibson , wlmen called upon , was just leaving imis 0111cc to deliver a deed for a property lie had sold for $3,100 cash and he had no time for a further interview. Time Potter & George conmpammy closed time sale of a $1,550 property for cash in Ciiftomm 11111 amid reported time sale of several hots in the Fort Crook addition , Time McCague Invcstmncnt company has somno large deals in Omaima realty , in which loans are involved , that will be consumn- mated as soon as it is known that time campaign - paign of tlu business umien to save the country from financial dishonor imas been successfully waged , G. G. Wallace says that his loan clients arc miervous over tIme prospects of hmavlmig their mortgages paid off in silver dollars worth emily 53 cents. Johmmm V. Itobblns thinks the fact that lie has rented almost half the space in tIme now Iiaridge building at Eighteenth amid Farnam streets iii time middle of the sumn- mer , and before it Is fully completed , Is good evidence that it would pay the owners . of property accessibly located to begin. to improve it now with substantial build- lnisv. v. G. Shirlver reports the sale of three lots for cash 1mm the southern part of tIme City. City.TIme TIme largest reai estate transaction of time veck In Nebraska was the sale of tIme manch of Coo , Carter & Co. , near North Platte , to Turpie brotimera of Toledo , 0. , for $250,000 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Six Tliirty 1' . iriitt. of the - CHICAGO. MIL\VAUICEE & ST. PAUL RY. Best service. ELECTRIC LIGhTS. Dining car. City office , 1504 Farimam. _ - - have InIth. In Oimmtl.zt , The city records show timat for the last few years time Joseph Schlitz Brewing Corn- pan ) ' of Milwaukee have bought more property - erty aimd improved Omaha more timan any oilier home or outside corporatloum , and this company therefore well deserves the full patronage of all Omaha people. 'I'riimnvi ru to Chill , , Ihtutit iteipsit ion 1)zi- I'lenle , FrO1IHii t , Nei. The Triumvirate club has arranged for a grand excursion and picnic , to be imeirl at time Chmautatmquma grounds. Frernont , Neb. , August 4. Dr. M. 0. Ricketta , orator of the ( lay , assisted by lion , E. II. Hall and Fred L. Smith. Day programn-liand concert by Demlck'a hand ; boating ; bathimmg ; cycle races ; 100- yard dash rummuing race ; ladles' race , fifty yards. Evening program-Grand concert and reception - ception at Masonic temnple ; refreshments of all kinds wiii be served on the grounds ( Fare , 1 for the round trip. Tralim leaves Webster street depot at 8:15 : a. in. Positively mie liquors will be sold on tIme train or grounds. By order of committee. hamilton Warren , r. D. , eclectic and meg- netie iiimysiciamm ; special attention to diseases of women ammd cimiidren arid all obscure and long-standing diseases , 119 N. 16th at. , R 2 , - _ _ _ _ 'i'mvesity InyM for 11Phitzltit $ , Fred Fuhierrcml old fisherman who hives near the old ( muir grounds , lies on a number of occasions ot hate been guilty of Indecent conduct In time prcsemmco of little girls In lcountze addition , Last Friday several of the residents made comphaint and as a ro- suit Fuller was arreateih , 0mm hIs 'trial yesterday niornhmmg in police court a half dozen small girls testified to Fuller's beastial licimavior. Fuller explained his conduct by saying ( list lie had become intoxicated and did not know wimat lie was doing , Judge Gordon sentenced him to twenty days , p Low _ htmtte Bxcisrsloum. Aug. 4 antI 18 , Tuesdays , Sept. 1-15 and 29 , Oct. 6 and 20. ' Time Missouri I'aciflc will sell round , trip tickets to points south aimd west emi above dates. Stopovers ahiowed on time goizmg journey. For lurtimer information , Land folders , pamphlets , address. J. 0. PIIILLIPPI. TIIOS F , GODFREY AG.F.&PA , Offices N. E , Car. 13th and Farnarn , Omaha Neb , S 'l'myo l'olice I'oitio'is .AiIhislm.jJ , Whim the regular monthly cimange of the day and night sbitt of the police force at noon yesterday the positions of day and plgbt turnkey at the pohico station svro aboh. Ishmed , This was done in order to add the two mcmi to the dimInished force of patrol. moen , four of the hatter baring been dropped In the interests of economy , Consequently Turnkeys lieltteldt and Tiodeman will In time future vahk beats. Time turnkeys' duties will be performed by the JalIor and the patrol - trol conductors , - Wi'I''ln''iThll SPA'I'l. TIme Sfot'o-1isIrlE Siilimc-Tlie 'eil ( ( 'St 'ru lw lii Outittimit. Ihl time shirt 511th .fluat nmado by the workmen - men In remnodciilng oar store is now cleared away and we macel ou tomorrow in otmr flew dress. \Vo will sell all wool jackets tommiorrow for 78c. Somne worsted an , Lmroadclotlm jackets for $1.00 and $2.00. Black serge thrt'ase.q for $5 amid $7.f0. lihue serge suhtsfor'$7 antI $10. Pine biack serge skirts for $3.0. Odd bhack 1nohalrmkirts for $1.08 and $2.50. TIlE STATE , 15v1 Douglas street. -S Ch'l'Y COUNLI I 1'htO0Ehl ) IXG1. Cotmsii trailer hts'iorsnn ( time Cumuulitlun or ( 'I ( h'utn.i' . , Time slCciah tncetimmg of limo city eotmncil yes- tcrtlay nmornimmg stretchmcst lmmto a two lmoimrs' session in which as mtmclm btmslimess was traits- acted as at thmc avesage regular mmmeetimmg. Time judiciary committee ( liii mint report emi time xmppolmmtmnemit of Johmmi T. Clarke as elmmmir- amen of time Board of Public Works , so tlmmmt matter is ahullaremitly Imming mmli ummtil the council returns from its vestCrim trIp. City Attorney CouncIl submitted time contract - tract of time ally with Irving Allison for time constrmmctioi ! of mm city jell at Sixtcemmtlm and Leaveirrotim streets , wlthm tIme lmmformmmation that it \aM time best hue could do ( room time meager imiformatloim afforded by time orlgi- nat proposition , The comitrimet provided for a rental of $2,700 for time first year and $3,300 ( or the rcmmiainimmg fotmr yearn. Timis is a roductiomm of $990 a year fromu limo original figtmres , for which time city gives time oWner time misc of time two storeroorns on Sixteemmtim street , The mliscmmsaiotm broumgimt out imo muew pointe. Wheeler asked that time commtract be referred to a commnlttee for lmmvestigatloii , as he had been told that , accordimig to its provisiomma , time city wotmhd be comimimi'lletl to put iii its owim lmcatimmg aimnaratus. 'fmmyior cited figures to show tlmat whmcmm time cost of feedlumg lurisommers at time couimty jail was coimsidered. the entire cost to time city of thin proposed Jail would be about half what it a year ago , aumd before the remit of time lreselmt jail tittarters Was reduced. Time contract was referred to time coin- mitico cmi pumblic ilrohiert' mmmiii bulhtllmmgs. Conmptrolier Wcstbcrg , City Clerk hhtgby cmiii Liceimse insiwctor Iltmrat were grammted two weeks' heave of nimsemmee in Atmguet , Time following tlmmanciah stateimicut froni Comptroller Wcstbcrg went omm file : CONDITION OF CITY CASH , I imaVe the Imonor to report that in commi- pllance with tile provli4ions of ordlummimmee No. 4,100 1 did , eu time evening of time alst nit. , coimlit time cn.sh in timO Immtntls of time city treasurer , wimicim I ltid ! to be as [ oh- lows : city School Fummis Fummds. Gold , slIver amil ctmrremicy S 1rS0t Clieck 25,21 G2 hiniances in banks- Koumntze liros. , New Yomk . . . . . . . . . . . . 110,36. , B 1,62700 Commimercial Nmtiomi- iii Iamik. , . . . . . . . . . . . 22COO 27 First National unfit is,5TI 03 Merchnhiti4 National . lamik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Si iG - National Batik ot Comninerce . . . . . . . . . z5c2l s Nebraska Nattommul bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,701 H Oiiialia N.itionul m.amik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,313 Ot U n I o mu National iank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,021 iS 2OC0 0722,317 07 Unitiqi States Na- lionel mamim < . . . . . . . . 21,29 : ; r. 23,1C3 CS Police Itelief n.soclzttioui utmnd- Ciernmnim Savings bank..ItCOl 74 Gem milan Savings batik , cam 115- cate of deposit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,617 H Amiicrican Savings bamik , certificate - ficate of deposit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733 333.9 CO Total of fimndson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , St I hereby certify timmtt time foregoing stnte- mccl is correctindtltgreeM with tIme books lii this otilce showing the nmommnt of ( nails onhand at the chose of business July 21. The cdmptrolicrm also -roported tlmmmt. lie had checked' time records bf the supcrimmtemidemmt or nmarket istalls azmd found timemmu correct. During - ing July the total receipts aniounted to $322.25. A communicatIon from the Onmahma and Grant Smelting and Refining compammy asked permission to submit a plamm fom' time disposal of slag. Referred to coimimitteo aim vublic property and buildings. Electrician Schurig was directed by reso- lutlon to perform time duties of superimm- tendent of the fire anti police alarm system iii addition to imis present dutics. In this commimectlon Major Wheeler coiled attemmtiomi to time fact that it had hieeii supposed - posed thmat this action would save the salary of time present atmperitmteimdemmt. But , instead of that , the Board of Fire and Police Coin- missloncrs had appointed 1mm assistant superintcndemit , time ecormoimmy emily ammmoumiting to $180 a year. lie gave notice that lie would vote against every salary orilimianco that contained an item for tIme paymncmmt of a salary to Mr. Vandervoort as assistant su ierl mm tendcnt. IIOLDING OUT LICENSE MONEY. The city treasurer was instructed to holti all funds received on account of coal licenses until fuirtimer notice. On a previous - vious occasion time coummcil passed a sinmilar ordinance and time proceeds were turimed into time school fund. Thmemi time coal dealers went into court and knocked out time ordi- nanco. The city had to refund time money. while the Board of Education was so mmmcii winner. Time present action Is to prevent tIme recurrence of the circunistammce. The special committee on street repairs , previously appointed , presented a hengthy report in whmicim was detailed time proceed- imigs with time Board of Public Works , as published mit the Iliac. It reconinieimded that hereafter all enmployes of time street and sewer departments should be appoimiteul by the full board amid not by the cormimmiis- abner in charge. Also that time council take immirnediate steps to retrench In otimer dep rtmncuits. Time report was adopted , together - gether with resolutions carrying omit time understanding with time Board of Public Works. Cimief Reilehh notified the council that tile National Assoclmmtioii of Fire ChIefs would meet at Salt Lake City August 10. lIt' wamited the council to forimmally imivite time arsociatiomm to imiect 1mm Omnalma in ISIS. i'reai- dciii Santlers aimsi Cleric hligby were 'hiroetesi to prepare a simitable iimvitatiomm to be 'ne. aentet to time associatiomi. Time resohutloiis hireviously ordered cx- pressing time gratitUle ( of time city timmough its mayor imimii couiicll to tile lCOiie of Logan , 1mm , , for their miuisehilsim asslstaimce at time titan of time recent wreck , were Irescmuted by time apecish committee , and adopted , They were ordered imamidsomOiT oimgrossctl , and imieni- hers of the committee will take them to Logun In person. Time comumptroh hera amid treasurer wore ( llrec- ter to romnaiim .1mm itimeir olilces during time afternoon tim orderith pay off time eimmllioyes , but as time nikyar Tused to sign time warrants - rants yesterday tilelr stay was to no imr pose , The council granled itseif leave of aim- senco for two weeks. and titan went Into executive aessinir to consider vays amid means for the trlpi - $1 PlMe4is of Music At time printers'IPlcnic , Ashland , Sunday , August 9. Train leaves , iaaipn depot , 9:30 : a , in , Tickets , $1 , AL flU M. ticket office , 1502 Farimam street , auid Labor Tellipho , corner Seventeenth and 0oughas streets. 2heciiiiS ufillIol ! H's hioidsiumen , City Attorney 'Conneil received a brief note from T. J , Mahoney , as attorney for time Balm boadsineim , yefmerday morning relative to time hong.doferred proposition for a sot- tlomemmt , Mr. Mahoney said that lie had been unable to get time bondsmen togetimer. but a meeting bath been called for Monday or Tuesday , at wbicha ho expected that a definite proposition would be formulated. - - - - Highest of RI ! in Leavening Power-Lattac U. S. Gov't Report Yi Baking 1k Powder ADSOUTELY PJBE ECHOES OF THE ANTF ROOM 'Flue 1'rnteruuiml i'iu lout. Time mnenibers of lianmier lodge No , 11 ansi their friends were to have attended a lawn social at time residence of Mrs. F. 1' . htoose , for whilcim lIberal preparatiomis imati been muade , but time affair was Postponed eq ac- comint of time rain timat ilay. Ice cream and other refreshments lied been provideil for atmil a musical anti literary prograimi was to have been rendered , Time rain was a appolmmtmnemlt to mnany. Time social will be hmolil , however , sonic tinmo iii tIme future. ltaimmmcr lodge initiated five mmew imiernimers at its inst meeting. There are a mitmimmimer at hOW ailphiCatlomis in time huammtis of time see- retary to be t'otetl tupomm at thmd umext meet- lug , which sili occur next l7ritlay even- 11mg 1mm tue lieu iii tIme Commtineumtal block. Mi immembers nra reqtmestcil to be proseimt , and nil rho Imave beemi voted uimomm arc also ieqtiestctl to be tirescmmt to take time degrec of fraternity. hlammimer lodge has tiecided to mncvt but twice each mnontim ( hiring time imot weather , ( in time first amid third Friday evetmiimgs , uiitii further notice , Kmmimsns City lodge gave a literary eimter- taiiutncuit , at vimicii refreslmtnemmts were scrsetl lii time Parlor of time Mitliamiti hmotcl oh Friday evenimlg last. There were at least 150 of time ICammsas City elite 1mm attoimil. aiice. 'rhis hedge lies nmntIe elaborate er- ramigemnemmts for a Imilhie mmiccting nmmil cuter- taimmummont abcummt August 20 , at wimicim time several of thin supremmic officers riih the- liver nddicsees 1mm time itmtcrest of time order. At thus tinme time orgammization of this c'ty , vimIcim is how iirciiimminnry , wlhi lie mantle hlermimamuemmt. it is expected that 2I0 certificates - cates will be delivered to amemubers. 5ev- oral of Omnima's 3ouimg mmmcmi arc carryiumg aIm time work there with ( lie ciii of other ileptutles mmml time mneetimug m'itim rcmmmarkoble success. Time Order of America offers to its mmmcmii- hers ummammy features whicim are exeeetliimghy popular. it adummits botim woimmeim amid umicmm , 1)0th emmjoyiumg time annie hmrivihcges. Aeci- tient ammd total disability are paid , amid whien a mncimmber lives omit lila expectancy our.- haif of time certificate is paid in cash ammil a paid-imp certlfleato is lssmmctl for the ital- alice. These , vitim oilier cxeellemmt features , arc accountable for time rapid growth of time orti er. Arramigemnentmm have jtmst beemi mmmdc with quite a number of deptuties to vushi time work of time organization of lodges iii Iowa amid Nebraska. Time smipreune ofilcers are receiving a large mmmuuumbcr of commmmuuiicatio'is every week fromn eximeriemmeemi anti inexpcri- cncetl deputies who desire to emmgnge with time order. Arrangemncrmts hmmmve bccmm var- tiahly completed with an active dcpmmty to lmmstitute iii Omaha a. lodge of the order to he composed of business nmemm. Time new oflicial orgaum of the order is glv- limg widespreati satlstaetioum , It is oume of tue liveliest amid mmewlest fraternal journals hlumblishied. Its editoriais are able amid the commimmitmimicatloims are prepared by thin best talent of thin order , Menibers who fail to receive the paper should informmi the sum- premume president , giving time mmmcc and number - ber of lila lodge and his city address. ituujelomuuli'ii t Order tf ( ; ssssl 'l'ei.miulzuris , Ott last umlgimt. time first of tIme nroposcd mien' lodges to be cstabiisimetl 1mm tIme city was organized in Walnut hill , the cem-emnommy talcimig Imlimee in W'esiey Methodist chmumrchm. The affair was \vitnessed by a considerable numimber of hue frlemmds of time thirty-five or more cimarter nmemnbcra arid other Good Tern- rlars. Time new body teas mmamcd Golden Rod hedge. Time following partial list of oillccra was elected : Joimim hiamar , C. T ; Frank Warimig , secuetary ; Waiter Iiammker , treasurer ; Anna Haummar , M ; Bertha Weir , G ; Gtmy Munsell , L. D. Having established a lodge in this suburb hie' . 12. \Vhitwarn , who is organizimmg tim the city , imas decided that the next mmmost prominent district is the vicinity about the Kmmdx Presbyterian church in tha northern part of time chIp. As'a preliminary to limo work ho will prcach in the church today on "Good Tcmnpiary. " Ummtii further notice Ivy Rebekah lodge , Immdependent Order of JJdti Feliows , will hold its regular macclings on tIme first and third Thursday evcniumgs of each month In place of first and third Tuesdays , as imere. tofoic. Elks , The local lodge is preparing to cut a great flgumre in time civic parade dmmrlimg the fair vcck festivities. An invitation to take Part in Limo affair has been received and at the maccling of inst Friday mmlgltt tue first Steli ere takemi in respoumse. A coimmimiittce of fire imns bceim nppoiimted to ummake nil arrimmmgemmmcmits , imm line with the huist ; moIic' of time artier , time mncimibers will appear iii full tiress stilts. l'articumhar core , however , is to be takemm that all simahl be tiresseil exactly alike , eveum to neckties and canes. It is expected tlmat time body tvlhl forum one of time most eon- spicumotma parts of time hieratic , mis time mmmcummbcr- Simil ) has imicmcascd largely dumring time vast 3car anti uumahm3' will ttirii omit. 11mm necoulmmt Of time zmimntmai ouutiiig of ( lie hotly , simtch occmmmred yesterday at Lake Mammawn nimtl Mamihmattami heacim , will be found iii ammotimer coiumnmm of this ummorniumg's lice. \ VniterS'ehls , deittuty grimmid master , anti Janmes Tumiieys , grand conmmmmammtler , organized Fricndshmip lodge No. 239 , AncIent Free amid . ' .Cc'ltCi Masomma. at Chahulumnhm otm Mommtlay , time mnilowimmg oillccrs beiimg installed ' .i. TrimmmnmmnV. . M. ; \ \ ' . Ii. llnirl , S. .V. ; J. J. Gaihoyly , J , ; ' ! muihhiahm1 flicks , S. I ) . ; Johim iloihister , J. 11 ; M. Tester , S. ; M , It. FisIm- bmirum , 1' . ; J , Joffers , P. Providence cimapter No. 108 , Order of time Bastern Star , was regularly commmmtltmitetl at Sidney \'etImmcsday evcnimmg , Time chapter imas beemi working ummmticr disileumsatioum for time past teum ummoumthms. Mrs. Eva Ilaitiwimi of North Platte , deputy grammti worthy mmmatromm , \.as time iatstahiimmg oflicer anti was assisted by Grnmmd Marshal Joseph Oborfeitier of Sidney. itefreshuumeimla vere served mmmml several ehoquemitaddresscs were delivered. ICiulluts of l'itimlmts , The local hodges are begiummmimig to wake fromum time lethargy into whuich the heat of tilL' early part of time summmner imatl apparcmitiY timrowum timeni. Omme of time first to gIve signs tf immmiimmmitiomm is N ebrasicim No. 1 , which is rejmarimmg to limitiate a mmuinbcr of canihi- ( hates iii time uuear fumtume. Active vork will : e eontiumumcd from mmo' cmi. Time lmmigiits of Pytiiia.9 of Battle Creek ( lii last Timesday nlgimt received a nicasamit amid imistrmmct ire visit frommi Grmitmtl Cimammceilor George E. Fortl of Kearmicy. Immitmmntiiately after time chose of time acssiomm a bammqtmet nos heid 1mm time imnii , 'which was highly emmjoycd by nil hiresemit. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ilusi era Veil mmmeim of Ammus'i'iemi. Next \VedmmestIay night Ommmalma. caummp will give a reception ammd eumtertainument iii honor of its team amid carried oft first imonora iii the comlmpetitive dm111 at the iogrohiiimg at Blair. Very extemmsive vrevaratiouis have been made for the affair. A literary pro. gram vihi be rendered , carti tables will ho provided amid refreshments will be served during time ovommimig. From vrcsemmt mdi- cations time hail iii time new Odd Fellows' building xviii be crowded. TIme oilier teams iii time city Imave been Invited to be presemlt. Mrs. Watts of time Royal Neighbors lies been in atteimtlancc at a mneeting of time head boamd of mnammagers of her order duriimg tIme past week. The meeting was held iii Ftml- ton. lii. _ _ _ _ Suumith Side 'Vimriiers. On next Sunday thus hotly of Turners wili give a picimic at miser's park in conmrnemno- ration of time birthday of tIme fathci' of turimimig , 3dm. Tile festival will be time flrct picmiic that has been given by time hotly , Ai excelIclit program of sports hmas hesm arratiged ( cm' tIme occasiomm , imicludiug turn- imig , running and otimer events itm which adults and children of both sexes can cml- gage. A big tug gt war will be one of time features of the day. The lovers of dane- ing will be given ample opportunity to enjoy themselves. 'I'hme l'rImttcrs 'Picnic , Make a memmiorandutmm of th ratc-i-- anti date-Sunday , August 9. I MRS0 Je BENSONO t i PRICE OF SUMMER - GOODS CLT 1EflLY I HALF Ladles' Simirt Wrmlsts-$2.00 Waists for OSe 42-inch wide imematitcimed goo1s. 29c. . . See time En-miiroideries we arc selling at $1.00 WaIsts for SOc. Girls' amid Youmng Ladies' W'nitn-1.35 3c Sc. Pc mind lie ii. ymmrd. \Vmtistui for 87c , $1.00 Waists ( or 6Sc , 7Cc l. Embroitlerl' omit to GPo. Waists for Soc. i'OflgCO Parimsols , worth $2.22 , cut to Chiltircim's Colored Dreu.ses for 6 mrmonthq $3.t5. to : i years-price $2H-cumt to $195 , $1.75 cut Cimrriitge Shades , worth $3.50 , cut to $ l.9 ; to $1.25 , $ i.8.i cult to 930 , 7Cc cut to Soc. $ i.as cut to 93c. ] ieimt black Silk Mitts , ? lc quality cut to Sofa Pillows , haif former prices anti Skirts to lie sold at . . . China Silk Gowns SOc. SOc cut to 35t' 2c cut to l5c. . . Chmmtelnlmme nlmti Simopping limmgs , price $1.50 utiJoUt ommc.timird of former hIrices. . cut to $1.00 , $1.22 cut to bPc ; others at himtlf Jlliuck Silk Sale-iimtnclsorna Fnmms , Itle. Baskets , in iii- . Basicet - former C'iuildrcmm'mo price Stlmmmnmer , 25e ammti Ferris up. \Vaists , 2Sc. faimti , olilce , work mmntl fancy styles boimgimt I.mtdles Summer Corsets 29c. very cheap anti lviii be sold at iittfe above Dresser Covers , llrice $2:25 : , emit to fl 75. halt regular price. 4. 4 ! Tm Top Jelly Gasses ! 4t Cent [ dch 4 I This is for \'Ionday only-we haven't got a carload- 4 but we've got a good many and if you don't wait too ic long you can get what you want of them WE'RE CLOSING OUT- 4 Our baby carriages at t0 lOr cant below value-Our Importations foi' 4j ftll are arriving mind we mnus have room- 4 $ ig Buggies at ro.oo :4f $12 Bugies iz $8.oo _ 4f $10 Buggies a $ .oo : For that cutting we have Telescope ITandbs , Croquet , Tennis Rack- ct , hammocks , &c. You'll find prces ! it low hero as aimy place c 4 else , how much louver depends. Come and soc. : The 1319 4c 99-Cent Fariiaiii 4 Store. _ _ _ Street. 4f $69.00 $69.00 $69.00 $69.00 $69.00 THE WORLD I N I $69O0 : $69.00 BICYCLE $69.00 TO OflDEU , $69.00 WILL UARNUM BROS CO. , $69.00 Siksroom ; , 15th & Caimitul Ave. b69.00 $690O $69.00 $69.00 - . _ _ i _ - - - - - - - - . , - . - - - - - - - .ttcmi tints liepisisi lean lrmmgruue Cistismi For time purpose of electing delegates to the state convention of liepuibilemun Leagim Cltmbs , to be hmeltl ott Liimcoinetlndtiy , Augmmst 5 , thin following named climbs am hereby called together to meet sit limo timmm ttmmtl vlaces imereaftem' dt'signntcdt Mettinley chub , Mlhlamtl hotel , Saturday cremming , at S o'clock. Sccoumtl W'artl citib , Mueller's hail , Eighm- teenthm and Vintomi , Saturday evemming , S o'clock. Eigimth W'nrd htcpmibllcnn league , sanders' hail , Twenty-fourth numsi Cimuiming , Mommday cvc'umiumg , S o'clock. Sixtit Warti clmmb , hianseli's hmmmli , Twenty- fotirtim anti Frankilim , Saturday cemmimmg , 3 ociocic. Seventh \'ar.i Cimmi ) , 131 t l'ark avemitmo , Mouutlay eveuuiumg , S o'clock , Nimmthi'arsl ehmmb , Twetity-mmintim amiti Far. ummiumi , Mommday evening , S ochoek. Yotutmg Mcmi's ilepuibhicami ( 'lmutm of First \ armi , Schim'otim's hell , Sattmrilay cveuimmg , 9 o'clock , . Scauimllnavinmm.Ammmerlcan Repmmbhieimn cimmb , - rehuumhulicimmi iieatlqmmarters , New 'oric Lifo bmmlliilng , Mommilay evemmlmmg at 8 o'clock , TIme m-epresemmtntlomm f eacim club iii said Coimveumtlnimvihi be as follnum Puree delcgntes-at.largo anti ommcm for each fifty mmmcmmibcrs , or mmmnjor frmictiomm thereof , it is iesirctl thiat reels club have tutu repro- semmtatioum , nuisl nil ummeummbem-s are mmrgei , to ho hmrescmmt at the imieetimmgs of their respeetivo citibs. All delegates elected to time state conven- tiomi are hereby called to meet at repimimlican imeasiqtuarters 1mm tIme Now York Life buIlding at 7:30 : o'ciock , Tuiestiny evcumimmg Augmist 4 , for thin iulmrpose of coimslslerlimg such mmmnttera as shah Iumtercst time dehegatlomi froumi lommg' las commmmty. 113' order of iurcsltiemmts of said cimibs. JOHN LE'i\'IS , Chunirummamm Comimity Ceimttmul Conmmmmitteo. Meimmbers of time Iomugias Commmmty hiepumbe hicamm clmmb , coumsistiimg of timirtecum rrechmcta outside city of Oimmnima , anti time harrison chili mlii tiict't at hietmmion Sattirtiny , Atmgumst 8 , at 7 o'clock p. in. , to ( 'heel ofilcerms for ( ito cimsuuliig ) ear mmmiii trammsnct mumieht other bumaL. lucas that mmmmuy 001mm before time club. J \\'iil'rNii'i' , l'residemmt , C , STIGEI1 , Secretary. - - - - - _ _ _ t Pris fr iboW - . - . . - - - l'alne'm * Celery C'mpommmmd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( i5i I 15)0,1 8 Sn i-sit mci ri I in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ailcocks l'oroiis l'lastems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 'cm-Iris l.iitle 1.imcr h'mit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stiiimi ts DYS1'cl.sia Tabiet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so 'iIitnmimh h'tmmk i'ilis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \nu-mm's Siste Cute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Seotts hm.lsiislomm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Co Hym-imi , of m'mg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iuirmmeys Cittarris I'oa.l'r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICe lltrcv's Fiivom-ite I meicrllitloim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2o m 'mirry Malt \Vhisky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iOo 'imit , loiafra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Cc Slim odors I Icadmichme I'ov.ieri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Co h'owtereii LIomax , mer l.oummd. . . lOo Iii.tli halls , Per POUmid Go AIcr's haIr Vigor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COo (2mitletrn , Solim , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb l'k'rce's C.olimemm Medical 1)ii.coi cry. . . . . . . . . . . . . minIma C"ntnmrlm Cure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( iartlemii Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iSo Qmi isimno Cal'stmles , h-grain , per dozen . . . . . . . . . Co Qiminlmme ( 'amsmmies , 3 grimimm , per .Iozon . . . . . . . . . Qmiimilne Capsmmles , 5gratmi , iler dozemm. . . . . . . . . 100 No-To-mine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gb .temimmemm's Talcmmnm l'omv.ler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15o Gcumm Ctmtimrrlm l'owder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ibo 7 GOOi ) ( 'mGAmtS FOil :5c-'rlmc lenihimig nickel ' gratlea soul In Omnaiim. 4 lOc elnAmus , 25r.-'i'iila hue lnciules Irish Girls , Teiiers. ( emi. Artuimmrs anti . 'tlberts. ICC cutn.ar SODA , C CENTS. - ' ( 'i3'l' l'iilCfl hum V S C-'EFER lIIUG STJIIE ( itiiil ti tiii C1 "A" stiids for accidents- . Uncerttiiii thnqs- Insurance the safegtrnrd ThUt IldfpiflesS brings. Protect yourself and famiLy now with a policy in the Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co. A. V. TODD , Gen. Agt. , 607-GUS lIce Building. 4 V Chicnr&mer- = ml. , , IlHU'fl'I IHflb. ? EYYL. PILLS U - Ortt'il nnl ti , .ig c.e , . uua , ' . . -c- cerE ivaye rditbi. LAOILS sIt 4 ( _ 11) is , tttutI ror , , rtiiUil. i.iimoi.iail It. . ) l : ' . ( , . . Cu , IlitdI.nn , mtu & 'ca ' , . .imL..cm mJrutlIit 1 Li. a . , . . . . - - - - AM IJSEM li\ : CIU3IGHTON THELTER : FIFTEEN DAYS , The Woodward Theater Oo The 1idnigIit Watch , SUmmtlmiy HilzoI Iilr , Prices , lIe to all Parts of time house. ' Politics talked witim siivei' anti gold iii yomir ti'ethm mnmmke5 your mmrgmmnment more cont'incimmig , heed a note of warumimmg an coimsultDR. . BAILEY , 1'iInIcss D.2ntlst , 3d Floor Paten BIR , , 16111 & Farnani. 'I'd. 1 08i. Lit .1 t esmdmu t , Filling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ 'Ca upwflt ( loll Fillings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . uiwr Porcelain Cromvn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . , . . , . limbigo TC'etim , per . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( lll Crowmms , 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( to ISCO Pull iet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hicist Set Teetim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . liest Tectim climutlo riate. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Alumitturn l'latea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teeiim hixtractcd AIaiilttll' , VliimoUt 1'ain h'iatea nma.ie . seine day lnipreeslomm is lulmon. _ 1 - - - - - - - - - . il'I'IILS. - - § SOHLUTZ § 8 EUROPEAN 8 § -HOTEL 0 314 , 316 , 318 South 16th Street. 0. 0 Just opened , tvorytlmIng now , 8 E81 iOA1ED IIOTEL I1 THE CIII o 8 76c , $1 and $1.50 Day , g 0 Elrttt Class Cafe iii CozittcctIou o - 0 - - 0' 8 HENRY LIBVEN , Proprietor. 8 : 0000000000000000000000. _ y 1'1 pull : tooth W1THEg:2.'r : - - - . - - & - ; - - - - : -