EDITORIAL SHEET. OMAHA UNDAY BEE.PAGES 9 TO 16. . i5iWiivir ESTABLISHED If ) , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MOUXING , JULY 1J ) , ISOti SIXTEEN PAGES. COPY rtvui CEXTS. READ THE Offer IN CACH DEPARTMENT. © MIDSUMMER PRICES PREVAIL. DOLLARS NEVER WENT SO FAR AS THEY DO HERE AND NOW. a liys * towyi I HAYDEN And now the means are yours for the carry ing out of the studied economical plans. 50c oil the dollar is too large a it estimate now. Monday's sale of washable fabrics will mean , a great saving to the late buyers , as all i f goods are WAY DOWN. . > 30 inch Jaconet Lawns 6c ] y 30 inch Indigo Blue Lawns , figured 5c a B Fine Dimities sold at i2Ac _ 6Ac Fancy Grass Linens 8-ic 5 II Black and White Dotted Swiss Muslins lOc 37 inch Percales finest cambric finish 8c Strong Double Shirtings light colors 7Ac Lawns in light printings 2 C a jf | . 2 : . 1 _ k 'p-i ' r Bi0 in ! ri B fi T8 ] ! i/eepiy * OULdLW lid I I IIW3& Cut Our straw hats have been cut-to less than one-half the origin al selling price. An absolute cut come in and see the results. r Men's Straw Mats selling at 4oc cut to 19c Men's Straw Hats selling at soc cut to 25c Men's Straw Hats selling at 750 cut to 35c This sale ior one week is without an equal. a _ _ A clear sweep in Boys' and Youths' Straw Hats that sold for 5oc and 6oc cut to 25c a T The-Gut Price Straw Rat Terminus. Children's Straw Sailors that sold tip to 6oc at. . . 30c P I Children's Straw Hats that sold up to 3oc at 15c A few Straw Hats for small children at 5c NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET A STRAW HAT. Hat Department on Second Floor * " . _ - - * - o We have the finest Sheetings and Muslins in the country . . 4-4 Arrow Brand 5c 4-4 Fruit of the Loom 6ic 45 inch Bleached Sheeting 7-ic o 8-4 Bleached Sheeting 15c Ty ; 9-4 Fine Unbleached Sheeting 14c y F Specials in Table Linens. ) . A Table Linens at 25c , 35c , 40c 50c. 60 inch All Linen Checked Table Linen in red , blue and old gold , all going at 39c per yard , worth 650. Bed Spreads. Special values in bed spreads at 45c. 50c , 65c , 75c , 85c , $1,00 Red Table Linen at 19c , 25c , 40c. Specials in towels at 5c , 7-ic. lOc , 12ic , 15c , 25c. All Linen Toweling at 5c , 7-ic , lOc. Cotton Crash 3c and 3-ic. Specials in black and white linen at 5c , lOc , 12ic , 15c , 20c and 25c. Dotted. Swiss , very pretty , at lOc , I2ic , 15c , 19c , 25c , 30cancl 35c. Fttmiture. 2 specials In Rattan Hookers. Largo Rattan Keeker , well made , and well 1 nlbhed , usuul prlco $8.fiO , our price ? 4.8o. Anoili-jf , usual prlco $10 , our prlco 8t > ( x ) . 0 foot oak extension table , square , $3.75. High backouk chair , cuuo scat , braces 6oe. 6oe.Oak Oak center table , 24x2-1 top , fl.fiO. White enamel ctibol , 0 foot high , movable refrts , 75o , 3-plcco bedroom Butt , 24x30 bevel mirror , full bzo | beil , H2.60 , White iron led , 4-0 by 0-1 , brass knobs , K1.85. New lot of frumcs , 2T > c each , -MattrebsoB $1.75 , $ ± 2. % W.85. Oak Rnukor , eano boat , hiijli baok , . _ , wuhoffttuy rocker , catio scat , vl.OO , Get our. prices on furniture. Evening Silks. Are you going to iiei'd a new dress for the Knlghlb of Ak-Sar-Hen ballVVe have a maguliloent asortment of liven ing .Silks , starting as low as ! ! 5 centh a yaul , and from that on up as c.\pciihive as you wish to go. Wo are receiving new goods every day In our Silk De partment , and It is the only place In the city where you can buy the newest creations at price * biiltable to the times and your purse. Come in and nee our assortment when you want anything In Silks Sl'UClAL SALi : OK SILK ItKM- NANTS. Black Silk Grenadines. Wo 1mvo Urn only assortment of black Silk Crenadlnes hhown in the city of Omaha. When our neighbors are out of goods some of the salespeople say the goods are out of style , but we are showing ' . ' ( patterns of new ( Jreuadliies lect'lvi'd this and the season , way they are g.ilng out bhows conclusively that they tiii ( a popular hot weather fabric. \\'e have some very liiimlMMiic patterns at JiOe a yaul , some lietter nmw at "r e anil OSc , and beautiful Embroidered Civnndlnes at $1.00 and ifl.'JO per yard. Conic In ami tee them. The BIGGEST STORE , The BIGGEST ASSORTMENT , The JhSlGGEST BARGAINS , Are to be found at Hay dens , It isn't an accident either. It's the result of doing business on business principles. Men's , Boy's and Children's Under wholesale figures. This week you have a splendid chance to invest a small amount of money to get big returns. Now make your choice of either of the following unusual propositions. We have been advertising last week We also offer , commencing tomorrow , a'l ' sizes to fit the largest or smallest of men , fMonday , several lines of men's suits made in the finest of men's suits in grades fancy of such famous cassimeres as the Sawyer and plain worsteds and cheviots in neat and & Suits that sold earlier in the Harris. ' . we nobby effects .he kind of suits that we and all other. : have been selling all this season season at $10.00 and $12.00 and they arc from $18 to $25 lor a few days .worth it today too but to reduce - longer take your pick of these : duce our stock we offer choice fine suits ( think of it , $10 for a iof all these suits Monday $20 suit ) for at t Special sale of men's odd suit pants ; Tp.clean up all children's washable choice of about 2809 pairs of fine pants , ' -'suits quick we ofler Monday and all week Monday and all week not a choice of any suit sizes 3 to pair worth less than $1.50 up 9 , mostly sizes 5 , 6 , 7 and 8 to $6.50 at $3.50 , $2.50 , cw'orth ' more than doub'e at $1.25 , 95c and ,95C , SOG and A Clean Sweep in Men's } A11 $3-5 ° and$400 bicyc'e suits at $2.00 RlrwAu q.Mfc f All $45 ° to $7.50 bicycle suits at $3.50 i-HLycie ouitb ) All $8 50 to $12.50 bicycle suits at $5.00 Boys' and children's wo6l suits for this week at half of regular price. A ( Break ) in Crockery and China flips and Saucers , regular price fU , our price 1c each. Deematcd Cups and Saucers , regular price loo. our price -'X-c. ' Chainltets , regular price -Tie , our price TM- . Milk Crocks , regular price lOc , our in ice lie. Lamp Chimneys , legular price 10f , our price lie. Dinner LMati'S , regular price lie , our price He. ' Potato Dishes , regular price 10c , our price tc. ! Mason Fruit Jars , regular price of pints 7."c , our price -iric per dozen. Mason Knilt Jars , reguhir price of quarts S."c. our price t"c per do/.en. Mason Knilt Jars , regular price of two-quart .fl.LTi , our price CMC per dozen. ( i-piece Cream Sets , regular price lOc , our price lc ( ) per set. S-Inch Krult Dlsht'S , regular price U."c , our price Sc. 10-Inch Krult Stands , regular price . ' ! > , our pricelOc. . 10-Inch Cake Stands , regular price Il.'c , our pi ice lOc. Half gallon Water Pitcher , regular price I0e , our price 7c. Wine Classes , regular price fie each , our price L'c. Ktc. , etc. , etc. , etc. Notion Department liargalns for Monday. Stamped Pillow Shams , worth U."u pair , only l-'XjO Linen Thread , per spool Ic. Hasting Tlncad. per spool J/fc Machine Thread , per spool. . . lie Tiaclng Wheels , each . He Curling Irons , each . ! ' , c Windsor Ties , each. . . . . . . . . fie Dress Shields , pair . Pie Klastic. pur yard . He Fine Tooth Comix , each. . . , Sic Steel Combs each . fie Children's Handkerchiefs. . . le Jet Trimmings fie up IVarl Uuttons , do/en ti'/-c. Special sale on Stamped Lli ens. Splashers J0c Stamped linen Dresser Scarfs Ific , - " > < and -I7o Jo ) lot Embroideries and Laces , Ic. lie , He , fie , lOe and Ific yd Our coffees roast ed fresh daily Illgh grade Mocha and Javn , special SlOt * Hust Golden Hlo , best grown ii.'c Hi-fit Java Ml.\ture , delicious llavor Ii7c No. J ! Hlo , a good drink tioo. Uioken Coffees , li > X.e , Ifie and IT1/ * ( guaranteed to pk'iiso or your money back. Free ! Free ! All this week we give away FREE , with a pound of our famous GOo Tea. A HEAUTIPUL CUT GLASS MILK PITCHER They uro beautiea-como and got one ( or nothing. Tinware and House Furnishing Goods Dish Pans , regular price L''c. our price 1 lo. l-qunit Milk Pan , regular price l0c ! , out price "ic. Fry Pans , regular prie.e l.'e , our price fie. Triumph Cooking .Kettle , regular price 4 < ) c. our price l.'c. I'ancako Turner , regular price fie , our pili-e Ic. , j Tea Kettles , regular , price H.'ic , our price Ifie. , Hardware * V Cutlery One set P.read. Carving- and Paring JCnlves , regular price fiOc , sale price . uic : A full steel Huteher Knife , regular pi Ice Uric , wile jirlce . ! ) < Something new the Savoy Plated \\nre warranted wear for live yea is , regular price' .f..OO , sale 1'rlce ' . . KHc Teaspoons. ] ) Inted on White ni"tal , regular price urn- , sale price. . . . itu Alcoluil Stoves , nice "for. traveling , regular price Slfie , sate' irice . 17c Trans-Mississippi Headquarters is the Place to Buy Provisions These Prices will S.'M .Heats Sugar cured bacon . , . . ( Iju Sugar cured California hams . < ! jc Salt pork . -'lie. Corned beef . . . . . . . . . . . He jlologim . oc I'lgb1 foot . . . . . ; . - . . . Cc Boneless ham . i . . - . ' . 7jc Cooked ham . ft . . . . ! lo P A Deep Cut on I/iril , li-pound cans best liirtl.J. . . IS aVu ' . . lU-pound euns bobtflprd Hlo Keinombor you can ! have your cliolcu of Ciiduliy's , Swlft'horf Hammond's best lard at ubjvo priced. Flhh nnd FrultH. , - ' When you wish any frcnu fruits or Jlsh of any kind don't forgot that wo uro pos- { lively the ( inly house IfiJtUo west curry- iii a full block , f Butter and Eggs. Strictly Froalj K ga. , 8c Country Bulter , . DC Beut Country Uutter , llc.nnd 12Jc Fancy Separator Creamery 15c We are .Strictly in it on Cheese. Pull Cream Young America ( JLcoRO , 8c Wlsuoiibin Cream , 7c { Urick Cheese. . . , , , . , . , . . l u Limburger Cheese Oc Swicii Cheofio..f.J. . ; J2Jo Neufchatel Choose. . . . . . . , , ' . , ,7.M UJc Crackers. Oatmeal and Graham 7jc Huttcr Cruekors , . , , . , . . . 4o Lemon Creams , . . 7Jc ' All pnr crackers are fresh raudo and j .we carry a full line of tbo Jewelry Dept. Kour-pii'w Silver Tea Set , quadruple plated , gold lined , hand engraved , woitli ! < 8. < IO. at $ 'I.IS. ! Quadiuplc plated , hand engraved , rol < l IliU'd Tea Sot , consisting of teapot , MIKUI biiwl , spooner and erwimer , worth . 10 , prlcoUl. . > . Set sliver plated Spooim , worth $1.00 , ISc. ISc.Set _ Set Silver Teaspoons , worth 'Oc , at Silver quadruple plated Butter Dish , wen Hi . : { . ( ) ( , at J1.-1S. Silver.piadruplc ( plated linking Dish , worth i'7.00. at .f-.lS. ' KiiKcr.- . ' 1L dwt. Knives and Forks , set of li ! pieces , SU.l ! . " . WK ) Wsilst S.'ts , sliver and Kilt , woitli Uric per set. c ale price fit * . Cents' KlKln or AVnltlnini stem wind and M't SllverliKWatuli , .f.'t.KS ; worth . Cents gold stiffened Hunting Watch. Anierican inoveineut , S.'I.-IS : worth $ S.h ( ) . ( cuts' gold Illled stein wind and ( Watcli. warranted to wear 1. years , with tliu celebrated V. S. Hartleft full jeweled Wnltliam nioveinuiit. S'.I.DS ; worth Siir > .00. Cents' gold Illled Hunting Case Watches , warranted to wear yd years , with full Jeweled movement , Klgin or Waltham , $ Ml.-i ! ; worth .yiiO.OO. Cents' Milld gold M kt.Vatch , high grade Waltham or Klgin inoveinentH , $ : ( . ) . - ; worth < ( X .0 ( > . Ladle.s * and gents' gold tilled hunting case , warranted liO years , line Mlgln or Waltham mnvements , $11.1- ; worth .fi' . Ladles' gold tilled Hunting Watcli. > tein wind and set , line or Waltliain works , $7.i."i ! ; worlli ifiru. LadleV coin silver fancy dial Waltham Watch , stem wind and net , s..7. ( ; worlli Solid oak S-day flocks , half imm- strike and alarm , /j Inches high , worth ! f-k : ( > , hale price $2.l. ! i. Hcautlful enaiiK-led Iron ' S-dny f'loclc , Louis IV. style , gold trimmed , Imlf hour Htrlke , c.Mliedial gong , worlli .filo.OO , sale price $ , ( ) , * . Kli'st i-liihs niekol Alarm Cloelts , worth ? l.Kl ( , sale prlco fir.c. \Vntch and clock repairing at reduced prlceH. Tools Hand Saw , regular price fCic , sale l'i'l ' < v .i ; Klnest Steel Square , n-gular price ifl.'J.-i , sale price ( K ( < j Tno.foot Hiile , regular price lc ( ) , sale jirlco c Screw Drivers , regular price lOc1 , sale price .je TiO-foot Tape Line , regular price 7r e , wit' IM'ice ; iiu ; One set six ChlsL'ls , regular price if 1.- ( ! > , .sjilc price ; ie Steel Hammer , regular price ( Vu ) , wile price 'Jlle Carving Clilsels , regular prlco fiUc , Nile pi Ice irm Hollow Id-Tool Set , regular price 7. > c , wile prlco . ' ( ! ) < Screen Doors worth 7 ' , sale price Il'.tc Lawn Mowers , 1 Mncli , worth If . ( X ) , sale price $ 'J.H ! ) Poultry .Vetting , , . , % e Nails 10 to ( JO D Nails ; wc 8 D Nulls 'Ili-rie 1) Nails Ui/.c J I ) Nails Mic U D Null * , 4u WE ARE AGENTS FOR Till : Butterick Patterns and Publications. GET A TREE FASHION SHEET. © - -iS The Butterick Patterns are Pre-eminently the Best. © © HAYDEN BROS. We arc selling summer millinery at less than one half price. We have some new trimmed hats a all the popular styles in untrimmed shapes. Sailors at 25c and up , Buy the Best the World Renowned We also have the STEJNWAY , KNABE1 . . . . and eighteen other different makes of first o class pianos. Mid summer Clearing Sale of second hand and slightly used pianos many as good as new. Square Pianos as low as $35. Upright Pianos as low as $125 , a- Some beauties , made with full gored skirt and large sleeves , were sold at $3.50 , now Nobby Blazer Suits in tan and white striped ducking , were $2.50 , Monday's price A Nice Blazer Suit in linen colored Marseilles at Wrappers Ladies' elegant Black Sateen Wrappers , with ruffles over the shoulders and very wide skills , regular price $2.00 and $3.00 , will sell for Shirtwaist Specials Ladies' unlaundered Shirtwaists , in percale . and gingham IOC Ladies' Waists made of best French Sateen , in plain black and stripes , would sell anywhere for * * * & $1.00. our piice 2OC Ladies' Laundered Shirtwaists in best shirting- percale , large sleeves and high , turn over collar OOC Ladies' Persian Pattern Dimity Shirtwaists in navy , pink and tan , largest Bishop sleeves and high , detachable collars and cuffs , worth $1.50 , t-rt-t at 75C GROCERIES. We save you 50c on the dollar. Best Flour on earth ( warranted ) 85c Strictly High Patent Flour ( warranted ) 75c 9 bars of Laundry Soap for. 25c Large bars pure Castile Soap 16c Breakfast Oatmeal , per package 3Jc Wheatel , the new breakfast food 5c Dunham's or Shepp's Cocoanut. loc pkgs only. . 5c * Quart cans Picnic Baked Beans only 7ic Whole Rice , regular price 8c , only 2ic Queen Olives , imported from Spain , per quart. . 25c * Large Pickles , Nebraska grown , per quart 5c Small White Onions , large bottles , only 23c Quart cans Snider's Soup 17Jc Armour's Soups , quarts 174c Mocha and Java Coffee , our price 30c Best Golden Rio Coffee , our price 25c Fancy Santos Coffee , our price 20c Meats. Corned Beef Salt Pork All Small Cans Meat Lard. 3-pound cans very best Lard 18c