0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ) H31TNDAY , JULY 10 , 1800. COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT MINOR MU.M'IO.V. Miss Mulfjuccn lias eono north to spend her siimmci vacation. Mis. T. M Cllmorc o ( Mlisourl Vallty Is visiting ftlcndi In ( tils city. Miss Noin llro n It visiting friends In Bloitx City for the piul two weeks. 12. Huntlngton and wife nnil daughlct , Miss Ucsslc. ate visiting In the cast. Mr. V. ' S. Homer IK at tbo Woman's Chris , tlnn association lie pltnl scilously III. Tlicic will ho ft band cowcrl this nttrr- nonn and evening at Pali mount purk. Mls Mnbel WilRht of Monmonth , 111. , will opeiul Sunday with Miss Miutd M'-Doiiald. 'llic Inst will of JoM-ph Kccbold vvun Illcd for probate In the dlstilct court vcsler- dny , Mjrtlo IO.IRO No 12 , Dearer nt Honor , will meet In togulnr session Monilny even ing. MIB J. A. SpaliMIng will lenvo next w ek for Corlntn , Miss , to visit her brother , Denton - ton KUlil. Mrs J I , . Corhrnn of Onto City. S. D . Is visiting Mn C. W. McDonald , Gl'J South Tenth strrot. Mia M C. Kld.lor of Ypollnntl , Mich , Is In the clt > , a guest of her son , City Ticas . tircr GUI 1mm. Mlbs Lnln Maplnn of Omahn U In the city ntjd will bo the guest of Miss Maud Hrv.int for two wcd\s. Mike Dolan of Clinton , laspent n few das a last week with the I'aschnls nnd other friends In this city. Mtsbos Corda Woolsey of Onawn nnd Bella Nllcs of Sioux City nro Guests of Mrs , Taylor Woolscy Mica Maggie Uoehc , who has been visiting MIsH Muliiiiccn left for Missouri Vnllcy jest- tcrday tolslt Mis Ollmoro. Henry Ucbcnscc of Keg Crook v 111 lenvo Monday foi Montana nnd Yellow btono park , to be gene two or three months Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Paschal , Mrs Peter Wils nnd Miss Lulu Tholl have gone to Hartliuiton , Neb. on n week's visit. Misses Mnud Wilson nnd Leoia Cnye of Cat son arc In the muffs to attend the sum mer term nt the Western Iowa college. The Grand hotel , Council muffs High class In every respect Rates , $2 DO per dnj nnd upward 13 I' . Clarke , proprietor There will bo n ball gnmo nt the Field Club park today between the Council muffs Athlctlu cssoelatlon and the Shennndoah tcntn. Judga Smith Is still nt Sidney , engaged In heating business nt the Fiemont county session of tbo district court. He will be home on Tuesday. The executors of the estate of M. M Mnishall have filed n notice of dismissal of the CHRO of M. M. Marshall against the estate of Mnry Sledentopf. It was n suit growing out of n real estate contract , and the plaintiff claimed ? 1,400. Mr , Knler has asked The Dee to express his sincere thanks to the friends who have shown him such great kindness slnco the Ldgan wreck. Ho particularly dcshcs to thank the Odd PellowV organizations and Daughters of Hebeknh for their aid and sym pathy so freely given. The Kreu Methodists will hold a camp meeting nt Honey Creek from July 24 until August 2 , In n good grove , with plenty of good water nt hand Presiding nidcr J. H Wilson will conduct the exercises. A num her of ministers from western Iowa and Ne braska will assist In the meetings. There will be four or fho meetings dally. John II. Day , n white man , procured the arrest yesterday afternoon of Charles Long , a negro known as " 4 O'elock , " and his wife , Mertlo. The woman was charged with lai- ccny from the person and her husband with keeping a disorderly house. The white man visited the negro woman at the solicitation of her husband nnd claimed she robbed him of $1 and a pair of scissors. Day was locked up with the negro nnd held ns n witness. All of the railroad yards were fearfully overrun with tramps yesterday. They were BO thick In the Northwestern yards that trnfflc was Interfered with. The police rounded up twenty-five of them in ono gang nnd made them move out of town. Each night campfires can be seen along the lines of the railroads , and the odor of roasting potatoes , green corn and spring chicken Is n common accompaniment. Our crowd of twenty boys , all under age , was rounded up by the police during the aftut- noon. Mrs. Anna C. Belts , who has had a heap of trouble lately , was arrested by the fed- einl authorities jesterday afternoon upon the charge of selling Intoxicating liquors without a government license. She linn been using her house nt 1325 Broadway as 'on unauthorized saloon. She was bound over to awnlt the action of tbo federal grand jury. Her bond was fixed at $300. When she gets through with the federal authorities she will probably bo called to account by the police department on the same charge , C. n. Vlovl Co. , female remed ' . Medical consultation free Wednesdays I < alth book furnished. Annexe Grand hotel. A special meeting of the members of the Sav Ings Loan & Building nsoclatlon of Council Bluffs , la. , will bo held In the agricultural hull In the basement of the court house July 30 , at 7-30 p in , for the purpose of adopting new articles of Incoipo- rntlon nnd amending the by-laws of the association , as required by the new build ing and loan law , passed at the last session of the general assembly of the state of Iowa By order of the board of directors , D. W. Otis , secretary. Trains run every half hour to Lake Mnn- awa on Sundays. I , MIH AVomlM nt Iillierly. Lewis Woods , who was arrested for at tempting to s\\ India an Idaho dulegato to the St. Lquls convention , was uncondition ally liberated from Jail yesterday , The fact that his Idaho victim concluded to forfeit his $100 left here as security for his return to prosecute left the authorities without sufficient evidence to make an ) thing more than a jail case. Judge McGee suspended the Inst half of Woods' sentence and the federal authorities permitted him to go on bis own recognizance. r Campers are coming In dally at Grand Plaza , and It won't bo long before all the choice places are taken. For rent furnished rooms , 820 Second avenue. Davis , drugs , paints and glass. Tel 289 You M IT HllNuortli Will 1,110. A > oung boy named Ellsworth had a narrow escape from being killed on Thurs day evening. Ho was plajlng In the > ard of his homo on llcnton street and was kicked In the head by a horse that was tied to a post. The boy was thought to bo fatally Injured for a time , but ho finally recovered consciousness , and Is now slowly progressing toward recovery. Tor Sale Margaret S. , color bay , weight 1,025 , 4 > ears old , partially broken to woik Can show quarter mile In 42V5 bccands. Dam , Abdalla Messenger , Sire , Howes Mc Gregor , 0. M. Drown , Council Bluffs , Grand Plaza , at Lake Manawa , has the finest beach for bathing la the vvceliru country. To CoiiKl.lcr Count ) Airnlrx. The Board of Supervisors will meet al the court house on Monday In adjourned I session , The regular session of the board will not bo held until the first week In September. The besslon this week will be devoted principally to road business and sonic minor matters that were not cleaned up at the June session or have accumulated since that time , Mnrrliiuex I.li'riiNi'H. Mnrrlngo lite-uses Imvo been Issued bj the clerk of the comts ua follows ; Name nnd lu-sldenco. Ago C'hnrlrs Gleb , Lincoln , 2 riorenco Depue ' . Lincoln , . . , 1' Lee Heabton. Oinnhu . . . . , . . . , , . . 20 Matilda Juml&on , Council J Huffs 2c J. L Wilson. GU'iiwood . . . , , . . . . , K Sllnnlo A. Cole , qu-nvvood , 'J Go to Manawa aud camp during the heated term and keep cool. v Perfect filter , } 3. SUphan Uroa. ES1 none is BROKEN UP Ilia Wife midMistresa Discover His Duplicity and He Piecr. DOUBLE LIFE LEADS HIM INTO TROUBLE llluiscU n n Single Mini lie finliiN u Olrl'x AlU-otliniM anil UNVlfu riuilN It Out. The home of Phil Hlrtei , 1113 Avenue J , was the beone of a domestic honsallon on Trlda ) night that had among Its star fentuics nn expose uf n husbnnd'R Infidelity , a thlcalemd murder , an attempted sulcldo and culminated In lllrtes' sudden dcpaiturc for paits unknown. Hlrtes hat Hvnl In Council Bluffs n num- bci of jeais nnd wus well known. Ho was formctly cmplojed as a stove man In n Main street hardware house , but during the lust sl < c months has hern In the employ of a blevclo firm on Broadw.iy. He was mar- tied about five > enrs ago to Miss Hose Thnckn of this city and has been living for Rome time on Avenue J. Ho has two child ! rn. Some time ngo Mrs. Hlrles noticed that her hueband was rpi-ndliiR ; n great deal of time from homo , mote than was necessary , and she commenced an Investigation. She dlsrovoied a letter In his pocket , addressed to 'Dear Phil" nnd the name , address and photograph of the concspondent. She acted nt once and coon discovered the woman. Theic v.as n stormy sccno for n minute when Hlitrs' new flame explained the sit uation and convinced Mis. Hlrtes that she thought Hlrtes was n single ninn nnd hud recelve'd his attentions In good faith She promised to go to the Hlitcs homo and face the man who had wronged two women whe'ii ho came home. That's how It happened that when Hlrtes arrived homo long after the usual dinner hour on Friday evening he found n hot roast waiting foi him. When ho entered the house he faced Mrs lllrtes and the othci woman , whoso name has not been divulged The wife was silent , but the new love came up nobly "Weil , Phil , " she said , "I have iiiscovercd that you are not n single man ns you represented joursclf to be nnd that the money jou hnvc been spending on mo has been taken from the funds that should have gene to make your wife and chlldrc-n happy. I never thought much of your looks , but you were good company nnd spent youi money fieely enough. 1 detest you for your action and will leave you lo make your peace with your wife , " and she- sailed out of the house. Then came the domestic crash. Mrs Hlrtes denounced her hiibband and he sought to justify himself , but failed , and then threatened to kill her nnd the children Ho Hnally left the house and filled up on beer and came back and asked to bo allowed to kiss the bnbles. Ho told his wife ho had taken poison and wanted to die right quick. He went out Into the yard and fell In a nt and bade the world good bye. But Phil had been full of beci bcfoic and when the folks.began to pour milk down him he came out of the spasm promptly , put on his best clothes nnd disappeared. He Is suppobcd to have left tbe city. Much sympathy Is cxpicsscd by the neigh bor for Mrs Hirtes and her bnbles. She Is without means of support and has re turned to her paients , who are In no posi tion to bear the additional burden placed upon them by Hlitcs' cussedness. in : HAH nib xuiivn WITH HIM. i.srnin-a Jul | Hint m ( > iilN u Ilnrso In < h < - Mmilovt < > l the I'olli.Million. . A well dressed , decent appearing young fellow applied to W. C. Utterback the other evening for the hire of n riding horse for a few hours. Ho said he had Important business a few miles out In the countiy and would be gone but a few hours. He secured the horse , but failed to return. Mr. Utterback's bam Is just across the street from the police stntlon , nnd after waiting an unusual time for the icturn of his horbo , he went over to the police station to nsk the assistance of the authorities In locating the missing animal. He found the police sergeant reading a descilption of a young man named James Gibbons , who had broken jail at Lognn and was missing. He gave n descilption of the man who had taken his hoi so nnd the description tallied to a nicety with that of the man wanted at Logan Ycsterdny n boy named Turner found the horse down below the tranbfer depot , and as ho was just needing n ho.-be to herd cows with , he appropriated the animal to his own use Ho had found the hoi o with saddle nnd bridle , just as It had left Mr. Utterback's barn. Deputy Sheriff Baker discovered the horse and re turned It to Its owner. Young Turner proved his Innocent connection with the case and ho was allowed to depart. Council HIiiIlK CliurcIicH. Fifth Avenue Methodist Episcopal church , Corner Eighteenth Street and Fifth Avenue Preaching , baptismal service nnd reception of probationers at 10 30 a. ra. ; Sunday school , 12 m j Junior league , 3 p. m. ; Cpworth league , 7 p. m ; preaching , S p. m. All arc Invited. W. II. Cable , pastor. First Baptist Clinch Preaching ut 10 30 n. m. Subject , "The Sublimity of Palth. " Sabbath school at 12 in ; Baptist Young People's union at 7 p. m. The 8 p. m seivlee conduetcd by Henry DeLong. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening , led by Hev IIe nry Cokcr. FIrbt Presbyterian , Corner of Wllln Avenue and Seventh Street Hev. Stephen Phelps , pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 10 30 a ra. ; Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Pews free Everybody welcome No evening service , Christian Tabernacle , Corner of Seott niid My nster Streets It. W. Abberloy , pastor , will preach nt 10 30 a. in on "Tho Voyage of Life , " and at S p m. an "Christian En deavor and the Coming Convention. " Sun day school at noon ; Christian Endeavor meeting at 7 p. in Everybody welcome Second Presbyterian Church , Cornnr of Hainiony nnd Logan Streets Preaehlng ut 10 45 a. m. nnd 8 p , in. , by Hev Alex Llthcr- land. Subject for the morning , "Christian Leadership ; " evening , "Closing of the Old Score and Opening the New Account Noah. " Sabbath school at 12 m ; Christian En deavor nt 7 30 p m. You will be welcome Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church , Coi ner Fourth Street and Ninth Avenue. Conrail - rail Hooker , pastor. Preaching , 10 30 n m , by Hev James Sims followed by bap tismal hervlris and reception of probationer Sunday school at 11 15 a m ; Junior league. 3 p in : Epwoith league , 7 p. m. ; preaching by pastor , 8 p. in Special grounds for private picnic parties at Grand Plaza. The annual discount Bale of the Durfeo Furnltuio company will last from July 15 to Augubt 1. Every nrtlele In stock Is In clude In tno sale , 330-338 Broadway. Mill I'll } In theVlon.j The United States Masonic Benevolent as- Bocla'lon yesterday filed In the district court an Oilldavlt and notice of compliance with the order of the court In connection with the a | plication of George J Crane for the ap pointment of a receiver for the association The court's order was that fl.ZW be paid at oiiee Into the mortuary fund of the as sociation The notice filed yesterday con tained the atlldavlts of the officers of the association to the ifleet that the money had been so paid In cud that the older of the court had been compiled with to the letter For Sale Family hortc and phaeton ; cost summer ' 91 , $375 , will take ? JOO cash. Ad dress Ike ofllce , The patrons of Grand Plnza , Lake Man aw a , are pleased to note that no Intoxicating liquors are sold lu the grounds. The train "eivlce to Lake Manawa U ab solutely perfect this seatoa. No detention at either end of the line. \\OUICIMJ Tilt : HAII.ItOAl ) MP.N. 1'rctty YoniiKoinnn Tilth a Ilnliy f nnil 11 Siul Storj. A woman with a young baby In her arms visited the Union Pacific round house yes terday nnd told the men employed there a sad story of her destitute condition and her anxiety lo reach her homo In Davenport. She was n pretty little woman , nnd the story she told fell so naturally from her lips that the sympathies of the big-hearted railroad men were deeply touched. A proposition to raise a purse sufficient to send her home was quickly acted upon , and within n few minutes the round house men had placed $10 of their hard earnings Into the woman's hands Their kindness did not stop with this generosity They took her to the street car nnd paid her fare up town and gave her n note to the ehlcf of police asking him to assist her In procuring a ticket and helping her on the right trnln. To make It still more ccitnln that she would receive all the assistance possible from the police depart ment , the chief's ofllco wns called up by telephone nnd the Information given that the woman was coming. When she left the round house she \\tis profuse In her thanks nnd shook each of her bcnrfactois warmly by the hand An hour passed nnd she hnd not called nt the police headquarters Within another hour a telephone message came from the Hock Island round house announcing that the employes had contributed liberally to the snmo woman for the same purpose The police heard of her ns late ns f > o clock last evening still working her scheme , but- thcy weic unnblo to find her. Sonic Ci'oiil .VHi ncdoiiM nt Vliitniuii. Iike Mnnnwn , commencing tomoriow , will hnvc the best list of attractions ever given nt this popular resort. Miss Coin llcck- wlth , the champion female swimmer , mnkos her Initial bow tomoirow at the Grand Pln7n nnd will remain one week , giving her exhibitions of fancy swimming. The Hill family will also open tomorrow for n week's engagement. The Hills , John and Lrota come from the cast heralded by the pro s as glv Ing the best comical , musical act ever given In this pan of the countiy. The two Hill chlldicn , ngcd 3 and G years , will please the little ones with their catchy songs and dances On July 20 for five days only the famous high diving horse , Powder face will make her headlong dive from n forty-foot tower Into the lake. This Is the only horse ono earth that has been taught to do thts difficult feat. With the high diving hoiso Dr Carver , the cham pion shot , Miss Lllgenthorpe , the Swedish water queen nnd high diver , nnd several other celebrities will give two exhibitions dally at 3 nnd S p. m. Mi'Mftli'i VnllHo Itcootortil. A satchel that evidently belongs to C. C McNlsh of Wlsncr , Neb. , wns found yester day afternon among the lumber piles in the yards of the Hex Lumber company The grip was bent to the station nnd opened , Me- Nlsh's name appeared on several papers and severnl collars were marked with the same Initials. Among the papers was the last will nnd testament of Nathaniel L Pcnfleld of St Edwards. Boone county , Neb The en velope also bore the name of Penfleld , attor- ney-at-law , Boone , la. Among the other papeis wan a land wairnut , yellow with pge , dated Januaiy 20 , 1875 , and bearing the signature of U S Grant There were cev oral volumnlous copies of abstiacts of evi dence and arguments In cases appealed to the Nebinska supmnc court. Other Inter esting things were n quantity of cigars and an uncorked bottle of good llquoi. The grip hnd evidently been stolen and thrown Into the lumber piles when tbe thief found that It contained nothing of value to him. We are turning out the whitest , cleanest , best laundry In the state the only kind good enough for you. Postal or telephone 157. Eagle Laundry , 724 Broadway. Cera Bcchwlth , the charnpiop lady swimmer , will bo at Lake Manawa tor ono week , commcnc'ng ' next Monday. II r > ii n ConiliiK < < > the HlulTs. W. J. Bryan , dcmoctatlc nominee foi president of the United States , will visit Council Bluffs on Wednesday next nnd hold a reception at the Grand hotel and make a speech. Judge W. C. James and Ira Hendrlcke went to Lincoln on Friday and ycsteulay . visited Mr. Bryan at his home and Invited him to meet the people of Council Bluffs j Mr. Bryan agreed to visit this city on I Wednesday. At a meeting of local de'tno I ciats last night n program for the occasion ' was partially at ranged. Mr. Biyan will re ceive the public nt the Giand hotel froiv 1 " 0 to 3 o'elock , nnd during the aftcinoou will deliver nn address from n platform to bo erected on First nvenuc , nt the corner of Hay lisa park. Further plans for the event will bo announced later. A splendid hay meadow of ICO acres for rent. Four miles of post ofllce In Council Bluffs Will cut two tons to the acre Only $250 per acre Apply to Leonard Everett , Council Bluffs , la , Wall paper cleaned , new process , with patent right , at Miller's. 108 Main btrect. YOIIIIK AVonimi lliull.i Hurt. The Jersey bull that killed J. C. Metcalfe last winter came very near killing Mrs Mctcalfe's sister , Miss Minnie Dunn. When the animal killed Mctcalfc , It was not thought that the attack was meant to be vicious , but that the Injuries Indicted upon the man were more the result of nn acci dent. Thuisday evening1 the brute inado an attack upon Mlbs Dunn after she had been stroking and petting him as ho was quietly standing tied to a post. Ono of his horns caught her just below the left breast and the other In the right side , Indicting berlous wounds. A physician was promptly called and the young woman's wounds dressed. The physician reports the wounds us being very serious , Hoffmayr's Fancy Patent flour makes the best and most bread. Ask your grocer for It The lust two weeks of the famous Chicago Ladles' at Grand Plaza , IliiNi * Hull Thin Aftrrnoiiii. The Shamrocks of Shcnandoah , the crack ball team of southwestern Io\vn , will bo In Council Bluffs today and meet the Athletle association team nt the Field Club park at .1 o'clock. The teams will line up as fol lows : Shamrocks. Position , Athletics Farr c.itchi-r Hayes Hunnysuckle pitcher McAullffo lyers llr t Arnold Powers second . . . , , Hughey Dirnpse } ' thlld HilKlics HcllouH hliort Luwler Sltntns left Datctunun T Hyan middle Jelen C. Hyan right Brown SI.VTTIU i-noi'i-i : LOOK FOII A IIOOM Strainer I.liuto .Inpun ivic | > < -lfil teA A < T niillNli | Much. SEATTLE , July 18. The onno'incTnent from St. Paul that a contract has been signed between representatives of the big Japanese steamship line , the Nippon Yuscn Katbhl , and President Hill of the Gieut Northern , whereby Seattle Is made the American terminus of the btcamer line , has ranted great rejoicing hoc. The Nippon YUECII Kalshl Is the royal mall stcambhlp company of Japan i.nd | as In the neighborhood of fifty vessels , repre senting 50,000 tons eariylng capacity , They are building In England ten ships of 5,1100 tons each , with a total carrying cap icily up to about 100,000 tons , The first ships to come to this port will be the regular veubcls , but suitable ones designed for this trade are being built In England. The coming of this line to Seattle settles for all time the dUputo as to what city will bo the Pacific eoast terminus of the Great Northern The steamers of the North ern Pacific line wilt also roino here and enlarged docking facilities are already under way , The contest to secure this , irUe was between Seattle , Tacoma , Portland , San Fianclsco and San Diego. lli'iiv > HnliiH IV11 III CONCOHDIA , Kan. , July 18 The heaviest rain for years fell here last night and this morning , measuring four and one-half Inches. The rain was general over this section of the state and will greatly benefit corn. Manhattan Lake Manawa , Council Bluffs. HE finest fresh water bathing beach in the United States HE best place for camping and outing parties in the west HE largest and most complete toboggan slide ever built. Will be operated every Weclnesdiy and Saturday even Including diving- rings , trapeze , swings , trolly slides. ing's and on all special occasions. Law 11 Tennis and Croquet Grounds. Refreshments Served in the A good restaurant under the managemen of the popular French caterer , L , Renard. < lf Ply between Manawa and the Beach every Twenty M mites. CAMPING TA lAiinnr' n r nrT r nT 4 Tn 10 DIVIDE A LAM ES1A1E Sensational Suit Commenced in Iowa In volving Many Thousands. BUTTERFIELD HEIRS OF WATERLOO SUED "Hum Farmer * Who I'lireluiMtril I.nml from ( lie rainll > Iiullrfctl > Iiitrr- vNtfil , Considering tlic ItoincN- tl < ! lluIlltlllllN Of DeCCilNL'll. WATERLOO , la. , July 18. ( Special Tele gram. ) A fccnsatlon vas sprung here toda > when Mary Ann nutterfielil of Courtland , N. Y. , through her attornejs , ( lied suit against the heirs of the late Almond Hut- tcrfield for a third Interest In the estate ot $100,000. There will bo about twenty suits In all , many faimcrs to whom Butter- field hail tianstcrrcil land helng made de fendants Almond had been married three times. Mary was wife Xo 2 Tor more than twenty years Almond ll\ed In this county with wife No. 3 , and not until Ills death vas It known that wlfo No 2 Btlll ll\cd and that no ilhorce had been decreed. OP A 1M2VSION OPKICU. IilNt HUH IlicrcllKi'd Vi-rj "Much In ( lie I'liHt 1 i-nr. ! > ES MOINHS , July 18 ( Special. ) The annual leport of the Ucs Molnes pension of fice for the jear ending June 30 has just been made public. The ofllce here Is one of eight In the United States from \\hlch pin- bions are dlsbuiscd , and It Is Intended to pay pensions of all persons who secured their allowances an residents of these slates no matter to what part of the union they may have removed. . There are BG.CCS persons on the roll of the ofHce , They recelvo annually f8,210,358.87 Of the number of petitioners .14,311 arc res Idents of Iowa , 14,032 of Nebraska , 1.14G of Kansas , 453 of Oklahoma , 621 of Colorado , 7 % of Illinois , and a smaller number of nearly every state and territory. Although it Is over thlrty-ono years since the war closed , the number of pensioners lu this territory has Increased In the last year by three. During the > uar Intro v\cro 1.6SJ enrollment ! ) , original , 203 restorations , 241 transfers , from other districts. The losses VNoroIly death , 1.295j marriage , 79 ; minors attaining ago of Incllglblllty , 85 ; failure to claim , 10 , traimferredr 37 , all other causes , 214. The smallest , jvdiBlou drawn Is $2 a month , the largosf. Jiop , which Is paid to John M. Thajcr or , Nebraska , under a special act. There r ion the rolls thirty- two survivors of ImMftp wars , who receive $8 a month each , ( ! 70 purvIvors of the Mex ican war who recejvolU$8 , 1C1 who receive $12 , one who recelv/s J25 , and emi who re ceives $30 There in onq survivor of the war of 1812 , General flyorgo W Jones of Iu- bun.uo. who saved at aidrummer boy In the second war with E/wajul , and receives $20 per month I Under the general law there are 24,905 pensioners ; under ilH'&t-t of 181)0. ) 22,807. IMU > IM : IOAMJ j Vr I'-i : i.oo.vrnn. llcv ( i , I' . S"M "j1" ' I' " ' * } ' Dorliin SlllIOWIMl | | 10 lie 111 Illlllllllll. WATKHhOO. la " "July 18. ( Special Tele gram. ) Hev G 12 ScoVt , pastor of the First Methodist nplscopal * 'churtli ' of Waterloo , and Miss Daisy Dorian , who eloped from hero two weeks ago , ' \vero today located at Lopansport , Iml. Sheriff Law this even ing received a telegram from the sheriff of Hlackhawk county. Indiana , saying "I have Hev 0 K. Scott and Daisy Dorian In sight Come at once Answer " Sheriff Law wired the Logansport oflicer to arrest the eloping parties at once and left at 7 o'clock for that place If the sheriff Identifies the parties County Attorney Daw son will at cmCG go to DCH Molnes ami have Governor Drake Issue requisition papers Scott will be Irought back anil prosecuted. Ilxlra SesMlon uf the limit IeKlnlnture. DKS MOINHS , July 18 , ( Special Tele gram. ) Governor Drake is out of the city , but It is announced that before he left he stated that he would call a special session of thr legislature , to open December 1. When the body adjourned last winter It was with the governors promise that he would call a special session for tbe coming winter to complete the revision of tbe code. At that time the governor stated he would call the tctslon to begin with January 25 Since then h < > has been convinced that De cember 1 would be a moic convenient date for the members , and has determined on the change. This announcement Is made to set at test the uncci talntlcs about the extra HCSS'OU. During the btate convention an effort was made to have the platform Include a resolution condemning the extra SPSblon Idea , but It failed flatly , and most of the legislators , as well na prominent men , declared In favor ot the extra bes- slon. IIAV SlIIITRHS MAICING A PKiHT. Determined ( o ll \e n > en Selieiliile of Hates I'reiuireil. DCS MOINB3 , July IS. ( Special ) The railroad conunlsbloneis will , on July 31 , hear the arguments In what promises to be one of the most hotly contested eabes that has conio before them In several years. It relates to rates on hay. Some time ago the commission issued an order which made effective an Inciease of about 25 per cent on all hay freight rates in the state There Kid been no hearing , and the shippers did not know till the order wab Ifasucd that it wab contemplated They have filed piotests against the action which they say is the first the com mission has ever taken to Increase any rate from that fixed In the commission's schedule adopted several years ago. There have been various reductions , but never before an In crease of a rate The shippers of hay In western Iowa annually ship thousands of carloads of hay to the eastern part of the state , where not enough hay Is produced to supply the local demand. The shippers say that under the new rate they w 111 be unable to bhlp any bay In the state , and will be compelled to send It all out of the state under the Interstate rates , which remain unchanged Frank T. Campbell , ox-rallioad commissioner , has been engaged by the shlppeis as council , and a long hard fight will bo made. WIFIJ siciitnii Tiiitoi'an coi nr. ill llrllle UeleiiHed from Cuu- ItiicniiMit on HnhetiN COTIIIIN. DKS MOINES.July 18. ( Special Telegram. ) A v.rit of habeas corpus was Issued today and on a hearing the district couit ordered that Mrs. Clarence R. AVarren bo turned oxer by her mother to her husband , to whom she was married Tuesday. The court held that the marriage was legnl , although the bride was only 17 and the groom 19 3 ears old. The bride had been kept In con finement by her mother after the manlage , and was not released till this afternoon , when she left the court room with her youthful liiibbaml. Soon as the couple had been released the court kcturcd the mother of the bride , then ho directed the district attorney to have the joiitliful groom and William Hush taken before the grand jury on the charge of perjury Hush went with the couple to secure the marriage license and uuoro they were both of age ; as also did young Warren , Hush cannot bo found , and It Is believed the name was assumed for the occasion. 1'Vnucl In Sioux Cllj Tux IHN , SIOUX CITY , July 18. ( Special Telegram. ) Wholesale charges of fraud In the prepa ration of Sioux City tax lists were made to day by Wearo & Alllbon , hankers hero , and an order of court asked setting aside the entire list The u&bcssmcnts on the Sioux City banking Institutions vary , eo they say , from $4.COO $ lo $50000 , except In thu cabo of the Sioux City Na tional and Sioux City Safe Deposit company , which were fraudulently. It If claimed , omitted altogether Complaint Ib also made of the action of the board of equalization In subsequently reducing the assessments of several banks to the preju dice of plaintiffs , wlioso asbessmcnls urc thereby relatively Increased , and In quickly adjourning , after taking this action , to prevent protests on the part of the Injured parties. An injunction Is pra > ed. restrain ing the collection of taxes until the suit Is decided , \Vlieri * a AViiiiiiui'H < ! rU Countx , WEI1STI3H CITY , Id. , July 18 ( Special Telegram ) I'rof. D. A. Kent of the State Agricultural collide at Ames , who drained Lake Cairo of the water and paid this county $4,000 for a quit claim to the land , which be brought Into view , was on the eve of abandoning his project this week The wet season has washed out the seed and completely discouraged him Ills wife , a prominent woman In society , came to her husband's rescue , Yegtoiday morning early she commenced seeding un eighty ecru tract III millet aud drove the teams herbflf , fln- ntty acres before night. Today ebe Is going on with the work , nnd duclaics If her husband has not the grit to bave the 3,000 acics , bbe will do It herself. .Noiel Siilmlle of l.iuid JEPFEHSOX. la , July IS ( Special ) Land bharks arc woihlng a new and no\cl racket In come parts of western Iowa , and have landed several innocents Their plan Is to get a list of farmcis desiring to dispose of their pioperty ; then obtain permission to list the farm and to receive a ccitiiln com mission In case of sale The offer seems bon a fide and peifectly honorable , but there Is a fine print clause In the contract which the farmer Is icqulied to blgn that piactl- cally makes of It a mortgage. The agent has the Instrument leeordcd and then the farmer discovers he has a plaster on his pioperty. The game is for the shark to accept a certain amount of money , depend ing upon the subject , as blood-monej , and then get out of the countiy As a general thing farmers will pay It rather than stand a law suit , which Ib threatened. > evv NiHiper Mi'ti I2xoiiornte < ! . CRESrON , la. , July IS ( Special Tele gram ) Alderman John Hall , proprietor of the Dally Xews , and his managing editor , Peter lioesbpn , tinder nncst for criminal libel , vvcie acquitted ihls afternoon by Jus tice McKee , who held that the new < ) aper men were Justified under the evidence In criticising Sheriff Davenport , who brought the suit. The News bald the sheriff was piesent at Lent's circus when shell games were run and made no attempt to stop them The case created more excitement and animosity than any that has been tried hcio for > ean. . Constable Scofleld knocked a witness down and the attornejs came near fighting. _ Out Crop In IIMMI IN 'I'll In. JBrrUHSON , la. , July IS ( Special ) Re- p&rts from the oat crop In this section are anything but encouraging A very few farmers say they will harvest an average crop , but the great majority assert that between high winds and lulns that have lodged the gialn , and rubt , they will hardly bo Jubtlficd In putting the machine Into the field , considering the low prlic of the Kialn and the probable poor quality of the oats Corn , on the other hand , Is look ing well , having made wonderful gains the past week , and spring wheat and rye are albo In fine condition , _ ill n > 'n Itiltex , DKS MOINHS , July 18 ( Special Tele gram ) The loua rail load commission will soon begin woik under authority of a law of the last legislature to prepare a schedule of cxpiesK rates that may be charged In the state. There has never been any state In terfcrenco In Iowa with rates charged bj express companies and the new law provides that the commissioners may prepare and en force a schedule of reasonable maximum rntcs , They will begin on this at an early date. _ _ llellli < | iieii < VterelmlK'M Hail DelitH. HASTINGS , la , July IS ( Special ) The amount of debts contiactod by Frank ridd ing , who absconded some tlmo ago , still con tinues to grow , and It Is thought thny will reach between ? 2,000 and $3,000. Most of this money was obtained by false reprebonla- tlons to outbldu firms. Thu authorities an looking for him , but as jet have had no trace. _ _ WcliHler Cltt'H Ai' I'nnlor. Wi : STfiH CITY , la , July 18 ( Special Tclcgiam ) Hev. W. A. Moore of Lewis , la. , has accepted a call from the Christian church of this place. Ho ls 27 vcars of ago and hla wife Is a fo.-jner Kvangelibtlc slngi r. Hev. Mr Moore also having boon engaged at ono tlmo In evangelistic work for the Christian church. _ Slileml ! < l Itlllll lit HllHllllKM. HASTINGS. la. July 18 ( Special ) A beautiful rain set in hero yesterday after noon and continued throughout the night , doing the con crop u vast amount of good as the weather of the pabt three weeku has been very hot and dry. I. MM I iieiiiiHtKutlonnl lint Viillil. MILWAUKEE , July -There will bo no need of n FP < clul Bcsslon of the legis lature to euro the defects In the organ ization of seventy-four vlllageH In the t-tuto that were tncoiporuud under the law re ecntly held by the HUpictnu court to be unconstitutional nnd void In disposing of th Wauwuutima citso In thu clreult court today Judge Johtmoii held that while the orgimUutloii I wof thu village might be unconstitutional mill all paitleH , liieludtiiK thu suite , are dt burred from attacking II. cxpc-clally when no wrong In complained of a ml wheru only hunn would rcuult from such attack. ItUCOVRIM.tO STOtIMIOPKHTV , CMi-iiKo 1'ollec Get After ( lie Men \Vlio Itolilieil ( lie MtNi-r , SeliriiKe. CHICAGO , July IS. With the exception ot $12,000 In bonds , the proceeds of the lob- bcrj of the Jencrson btrcet miser , Christ opher Schrage , which occurred last March , hnvc been rccovcicd through the confession of John McLean , who has been undergoing a scvcie cross-examination at the hands ot the police for several da > s. This morning ; McLean weakened and consented to lead the detectives to a house In Shields avenue , where , neatly wrapped In a tin box , all but $12000 of the stolen securities weio found burled In the cellar The victim of the robbery , an old man with the habits of a hermit , lived In a little tdiauty at 71 South Jefferson street. Each night after hiippcr it was his custom to take out his hoatdlni.a and count them over. While he was thus engaged , March 24 , two men called at the house and told the old man they were In ( iiiest of a room When the old man's back was turned the bandits threw him to the floor , bound and ganged him , unil lelsnrelv made oft with $40,725 in money and bonds Over f 10,000 worth of mortgages were , however , overlooked Six men nro now under arrest charged with complicity In the robbery Thej are : Ed II Smith , piopili-tor of the road IIOIIHO In Klfty-fiist street , who It IH alleged had $10,000 worth of the stoli n bonds which he claims to have bought , In his posseshlon : John McLean and Joseph Goiclon , notorious cracksmen , Christ Stiook , "Sleepy1 Ilurko and Darney Hunt The live later are charged with being Implicated In the rob bery. Chief Hadenoch Is bald to have $ J7- 000 of tl-e recovered bceuiltles now safe nt the central btatlon. JUMOHS HAVI3 A I AY OK Til 131 II OWJ llantlHt Vtiunic 1'eople'w Ciinv enlloii In ( lie Iliniils of Hie ( liililien. MILWAUKEE , July 18 Today was junior day at the Haptlst Young People's conven tion. The afternoon meeting was the only joint session , the morning being given to department rallies and the whole program consisted of Junior work The elilldrou were all there departmental children In general and Ma-Tlm-Wa In partliular , the llttlo Indian girl who blood before the vast audience and bang In her own tongue so prettily jfsteidoy The department rail lea this morning were all silccebsful Hev S C. Wallace of Toronto presided at Summerflehl cliuitli ovir the department ( if the lied HIV. J W Conloy of St I'uul led at Plymouth ( hiireh , Charles Ness of Iloltlmoro at the Tirbt Haptlst church. The only sensation of the Ilaptluh ounK People's Union convention was sprung to night , when formal announcement was mudn that Chattanooga , and not Denver , is to have the convention In U18 This do- clhlon was leached by the board of managers this nftirnoon At agers at a session held tbe saino time It was decided to iiv ; < > the 1809 convention to Denver The action ot the managers was ratified by the conven tion , _ _ _ . _ HIIIIKIM ! fur KIIIIiiK- llnllnn TOLSO.M , rnl , Juj ! ISJohn E Ilownrcl was hanged > cHtndiiy for Killing n In- offi iiHlvc Italian , Mai tin de Lilrm , when deputy town tnuiHliiil of Tulurc' C.il , In JuneIV.'I ' Ilowanl die lined to makn u hl.itime-nt anil nfiificd lellgloiiH ccuiHola- llon. Tlio murder grew out of a political Tor Ilif riillelren. Laht summer wo had a child buffering from bloody llux , when we came Into POB- bcxslon of a bottle of Cbambeilaln u Colic , Cholera ami Diarrhoea Hcincdy I gave some of It to the child according to dlrec- ; tlons It afforded almost Instant relief unilj effected a permanent cure Gee JonUlnaM Cedar Creek , Tancy Co , Mo. i\-iei > i > rneir Antlioii ) Vrr > I.eiM. TQI'EKA , July 18 Ex Governor GcorgQ L-.J thony of Ottawa la proitratccl at a hotel ! hero with kidney disease Phjsiclana c-x-l prcbs little hope for his recovery Ho Is 7l | jears of age He was governor of Kalika | from Januaiy , 1877 , to 187S. A Hennirl.Hltle Cure if Iljitenlery. John Pcterbon of Patoulvlllo , La suffered with il > scntery for eighteen ycaru and tiled three of the best doctors In New Orleans ; also half a dozen or more patent medicines. Very little relief followed until ho began t , ' fa I lib' Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera anil Dlanhoea Ueiiudy , whlth effected A petit turn , ill 'iirmiTi