rVArATTA TiATT.-V A V .TTTT.-V 10 1 irbo I of .do . ho ) St ho ng s : 1 Sfl IB ; m-1 ea , v.i ; BO. in- inho ! mo of ma UK ire 'iy ' , ; In lob h- ilio sad/ ura | IM * mU 13501 Vll-1 ure , < | IndiJ (3AXT ( , tem > turcl nchg Delink nclie nclie S , LAWYERS COMING THIS WEEK Elaborate Preparations Have Been Made to Entertain Them , TO BE INITIATED KNIGHTS OF AK-SAR-BEN HP .Slum 11 the Clly nn.l the .Se M I on to Cliini * v\llli n llniiiiiet Mnrolii to Ili-ocltu a VlNit. Tbo Annual meeting of the Commercial I > aw league of America will tic liehl In Omaha thin week and the Indications point to otio of the largest and most Interesting conventions cvdr held by the organization. The proceed Ings will begin Tuesday morning and occupy four days , and the regular ses sions will l > o agreeably Intcmpcrsed with the numerous social enjoyments which lm\o ticcn provided for the entertainment of the These have been largely In charge of Mr. n. M. Ilartlelt of this city , on whom. ns chairman of tlio executive committee of the league , the main hunlcn of the prepara tions has devolved. The bard work neces sary to properly work out the arrangements for the reception nnd entertainment of fully 1,000 Blasts has been practically accom plished , mnl Mr , Uartlett and his asslslatiU nro enthusiastic over the result. They as sort that the lawyers nnd tlielr wives nml daughters vvlll meet with more agrccahtc entertainment than has been provided In any city that has been visited by the league , nnd which v\lll do much to add to the prestige that Omaha already enjoys ns a convention city.Wblle Wblle the proceeding of the convention will not begin until Tuesday , a large num ber of the delegates will arrive tomorrow. The Hpeclal train bearing 1'restdcnt Sprnguo nnd the delegates from New York and some Intermediate points Is scheduled to arrlvo nt 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The mem bers of tlio Commercial club and other busl ness men vvlll meet nt tlio club quarters nt 2 o'clock and go to the union depot In a body to welcome the guests. They will lie accompanied by the Twenty-second regiment band , which has been engaged to furnish brass and siring music during the conven tion. Piom the depot the entire party will proceed lo the Icnguo headquarters at tbo Milliard hotel , where all delegates , Including the local members , will reglhtcr and receive their credentials. ALL JOIN THE KNIGHTS. Tim remainder of the afternoon will be devoted to rest and the cultivation of mutual good fellowship , and In the evening vvlll occur the Initiation of the visitors to the mysteries of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Icn ) at the den on North Twentieth street. A line of street cars vvlll be In waiting at Thirteenth and Dodge streets to cairy the party to thn den , and they vvlll bo accom panied by the band and by the ollkers from Kort Ciook , who have received a special In vitation to attend and be Included In the jollification. At the den tlio guests will be made honorary members by simply talcing the oath , nnd then they will bo permitted to witness the Initiation of the regular camll dates , of whom there will be a largo number The Initiation on this occasion will be of an exceptionally Interesting and uuln.no char acter. The invitations which have been Issued by 'he knights are elegantly tn- Kravod souvenirs , and they will bo dis tributed among the delegates on their arri val. A largo' number of lawyers nnd bus iness men from Council Illufts , Lincoln and various Nebraska cities are also expected to bo present , nnd the first evening , which the guests will spend In Omaha will bo made an occasion to bo remembered. The remaining delegates will arrlvo on special aud regular trains Tuesday morning nnd the convention will bo called to order nt 10 o'clock. President William C. Sprague of Detroit will preside nnd Mnyor Broatch will deliver tbo address of welcome on bo- lialf of the city. John I ) . Green , president of the Now York State league , will respond nnd 1'iesldent Charles F. Wollcr of the Com mercial club vvlll contribute a greeting on behalf of the Commercial club and of the business men of the city. H. S. Gray of San Francisco will respond to Mr. Woller's greet ing and the speeches will be varied with selections by the Elks quartet and a uolo by Thomas Kelly. Mr. Kelly will slug "They Are All liarred Out , " a song which has been selected as especially appropriate for HIP occasion It rcfcis to an Imaginary contro- > orHy between Satan and St. I'eter in re gard to the boundary between tbo worlds celestial and lladcan. They finally agrco to refer the dispute to n Jury of lawyers aud separate to bring representatives of the legal profession fiom their respective abodes Satan rctutns with a small army of law yers , but the good St I'eter comes back weeping and declares that not n lawyer late to bo found In heaven , During the cere monies Mnvor Ilroatch vvlll present the vis itors with the key to the city , which In tills CBSO is a largo bronze key handsomely deco rated with Ak-Sar-Ilon colors. COMMENCE BUSINESS TUESDAY. The afternoon of Tuesday vvlll bo devoted to thn regular business of the convention , but In the ovenliiK the delegates will be en tertained by a literary und musical pro gram nt the Crelgliton theater. Tlio pro gram for the evening has not been definitely arranged , but among these who will par ticipate are Thomas J. Kelly , Jules Lom bard and Miss Myrtle Coon , vocalists ; Olaf 1'oders.on , flute soloist , and llano Albert , violin soloist. The Twenty-second regiment will furnish the orchestration , After the entertainment a boclnl hop for the younger delegates nml their wives will bo given at Crolghton hall. The Twenty- Hccond regiment orchestra will furnish the dance music and the ball Is expected to be un Important feature of the untcitalnment On the fame evening those of the visitors who nio devotees of the wheel vvlll be taken on a tun to Florence. The party will leave the Mlllurd hotel at 7 15 o'clock , re turning In tlmo for Iho dnuco , nnd the ) will bo ncccmpanled by a large representa tion of thu local wheelmen. On Wednesday afternoon the delegates will hu taken for n trolluy rldo over this city and Council llluffo and In the evening will occur tlio reception at the residence of lion. Qoorgo W Llnlnger , The orchestra will fur- nlsh ' music at the reception and Mr. Lin- lusor's magnificent art gallery will bo thrown open for the Inspection of thu gueuts. IIANQUET THURSDAY NiailT. Thursday evening tbo gruicl banquet vvlll occur , Thin U In charge of J. K. Murlcel and It hat > not been definitely decided vvholber It will be held u ; thu Mlllard or elsewhere , Among the speakers who vvlll respond to toasts are : John 1 ] , Gruen of ' Now i'ork , Judge J. H. DouovaiJ of Deliolt , Aimiunl Uonmlii of Now Orleans , Hon. U M. Lainburtson and Hon. WIHlam J llivnn of Lincoln , nml Seim.jr John M Tluirston , Qencr.il Charles F. Mnml > reon and .lolin L ' Wchslur of thin city , The arrangcni"iit With Mr , Ilryan was ma-lo pluvious to Ills nomination for the piosldoncy rnd It Is hcped that thu event will not prevent him from fullllllng his engagement. On Friday the entire party will bo tiilicn on an excursion to Lincoln , where tVy vvlll be received by tha citizens nnd taken to the slate house. Hero there will bo * peeelirs , muilo and refreshment ) ! , after which the party vvlll bo tnk-jn for u tiolloy rIOci ov.-i the city Hi" retuiu to OmuUa will lie made In the afternoon. Thu local romtnlttoo ha rngngod l < oth the Cretghtou tbea'or and Iwll for the ac commodation of the convention. The ven tilating arrangoimnu of the building ar guaranteed to keep 'ho temperature fet net moru than 70 degrees nn the hottest ni < y end \ this Is H consideration which will doubtless bo appreciated before the ronv-Mtlu.l Is over. Another very nltm&nt feature U the engagement of Uio Twenty-second regi ment orchestra to pl.iy at the Mllltrd hotel during the dinner hour each - layvhllo the delegates are here. Tbi > sessions of 'to convention vvlll be open to Iho public an < l following U the pro-jnw cf | h bualncrj ae ! ons. ThU Is correct with tbo o\c.ioii | ! that judge U. S. Dakor vvlll deliver un ad dress on "Our Jury Svatum In the United SUteu and Suggestions fur Its Improvement , Boine tlmo during the convention. Tl'iS : AY , JULY 21 , % O'CLOCK P. > 1 Annual address of the president. \ \ . C , Spniguui umuiiil report of convupondlnK i > um < tury. < & . \ > uoruu Hull ; annual it-port I : of tri'-iRiiri-r. l dwurd 1C. Sunu-rrtull ; tiiiiiuu l report uf uecutvo | committee , lion , 11. M , Uurilftt. Theme , "Tho Commercial Ijivv Practice" j-Addrt-Bs , "i ; ih Ira of Coniiiierelul lllll ' MoiitiiKUw. Hlobmond. Vu.i 'Til * Commercial Luw 1'ructlce ; Ita nml ruefulness. " J pHurke , Milwaukee , Wli , ndilrpM , 'Tommerflal l xvv n n Spp- clnlty. " i : K. Wellington , Hoc-lir-iter , N , Y. DHeUBslon , Mlipllanoous Htmlncss. KDXraDAY , Jt'tY 22-0.30 O'CLOCK. Annual report. Committee on L"gnl IMu- rnllon nml Admission to tbf liar , Cbnlr- man Mnrtln Clark , Uuffnlo , N Y. ; nddiess. "Soino nefei-ts In Our System of I-ogal i : dtiontlon , " Crllllth Ogden Hills , Detroit , Mich. ; nnnunl report , Committee on Qrlov- niieod , Chnlrman OhnrlM it. Miller , Cnnlon , O ; annual report , Commltteo on Member ship , Chnlrman J. 9 Lelsonrlng Altooni , rn. ; nnnunl report , < * ommlttoo on Judlcl- iiry , Chiilnnun U C. Perguson , Chicago , 111. Discussion. APTHUNOON. , Control of Trusts nnd Monopo lies. " UonjHinln llutterworth. rinclnnatl , O ThPino. "Necdid Law Reforms , Stnto nnd Nntlonnl" Address , "tlnfnvornldiSymp toms nnd Ili > nicdlc3 Prescribed , ' J N Uax- ter. Denver , Polo. : iiddn-ss , "llprorm In Judli-lal Procedure , ' ' A J illr pil. | Chicago III , address , "Tbn nnforoement of ( "rod- Itors' IllKtils ) In Indiana. " Louis Novvbergi-r , Indianapolis inil ; nddress , "Tho Vlt Ions Systrni of I'rofrrenocfl In Insolvency , " C. A. Dudley , DCS .Molnes , In. : midrpss. "ffppdi-d Amondmi'iitH of DIP Aitsleimipnt LJIWH of Kiiiisiid , " J. V. Dougherty. Wich ita , Knn. ; nddrvFS , "Some I'o < 'iilliirltlcs of tbo Civil Law of Louisiana , " K. T Floranep , New OrlpiniM , 1,11 , nddrc'ss , "The Attach- niPiit nnd Insolvcnny Laws of Massachu setts , " .1 II liutlcr , Uoston , Muss ; address , L If 1'ostpr , Detroit , Jlleh : address , "Up- form 111 Lpclslntlvp Methods , " O. H. Fleti'hrr , Minneapolis , Minn ; nddiess , "Pn-ferentlal Asslijiiments via Tnist Deeds , " Clinrles L Simmons , St. Joseph , Mo . address , "Ileelprocltv Itetvuon Slates In Insolvem-y , " F.V Know IPS , Newark N. J ; nddri s. "Tho New Yorlc Code of Civil Procedure , " C' . H. Moore Plattsburg , N. Y ; nddrtst. J. II Cotteral , authrle , Okl.i nddrtss. "The Anslgntnelit Law of Pennsylvania , " J S. LelspiirltiR , Altoonn , Pa ; address , "A Needed Herorm , " V. S. O. Cherry , Sioux TalK S D , nddr < < , "Texas Trust De ds and Kxemptlon Lawn" C. A. Keller , San Antonio , Tex ; addtews oiniillons , 1'referenees and Jiu Notes , " C. D Merrk-k , raikeisburg , W. Va. DIseiiSHlon. THtrilSDAY , JULY 2.1 , O.V ) O'CLOCK. lieport of Spec lal Committees. Addresses by Collection Managers "t'p-to-Date Meth od of Handling Ituritl Colltotlons. " 12. W Oans , with Aultman & Tavlor Manufno- tuilntr c-ompany , Mansfield , O ; "Courtesies Duo n Client by theAttorney. . " G H. Me- Cnll , with JlUHsell & Co. , Masslllon. Oj O. P. Ilirly , with Gnar , Scott & Co. lllch- mend , liul.j "Cvlls to Overcome n Judged by tbo Forwarded , " A. H. t'rion. with Ar mour .t Co , CIllfitRO , 111. ; C. C. Kltkpat- rlck. with 1' P. .Mast * Co. . Spilngilold , O. ; "Model HeportH on Claims , " A T Van Sroy , with Milwaukee Harvester company , Milwaukee. Wla ; J. S. Smith , with 3eud- der-Gale " Grocery company. St Louis , Mo , "The Commercial Law j or , the Secret of His Success and tbe Cause of His Failure , " O L. Sadler , with Aultman , Jllller & Co , Akron. O. Discussion Address , "What the Claim Forwarder Has to Contend With , " A H. Gleasoii. Ne\\ York , N. Y. ; address , "Judgment Notes as a Factor In Commercial L-xvv. " C. A. H.irnes Jacksonville. Ill ; address. "Lnvv- vtrs as Sponges , " D. K. Teliney , Chicago , 111. 2 O'CLOCK P. M. Theme. "The Mercantile Ajronoles , Their Use and Abuse" Address , K. J. Whlteheid Nt vv York ; address , "Handling' Commercial JJutilnoss Old and New Method" George Cl.ipperton " , Grand Hnplds , Mich ; nddress , "Itelatlon Hetwceii the Country and City Attorney , " Frank Llndloy , Danville , HI ; address , "What an Agency Ilepresentatlon Should Mean , " Walter S Sllllnian. Coun- L-ll HlufCs , In ; iiddresH "The Itelutlon lo- ! tv\een the Agency and the Hiiilness Man , " IJnu'St S. Moe , Milwaukee , WIs. 4 o'clock p. m. , special sessions In vnil- oiis balls , viz : Section A. "Uniform Commercial Laws" Address. K. C Fergus-oil , Chicago , III. ; address , It. Y. Prlgmoie , Fort Woith , Tex. , address , Kmll Now man. Savannah. Ga Section n. ' noqulioments of the Modern Law Olllce" Address , W. W. Watts. LotlH- vlllo , Ky ; address E. O. Ilennott , DCS Moines. In. ; nddress , O. P. Cobb , Cincin nati , O. Section C. "Fraudulent Failures Their Prevention nnd Remedy" Address , Joslnh Cratty , Clilcngo , 111. ; nddress , "Some Meas ures of Safety , " W. T Stevens , Lincoln , Neb. ; address. D. C. Corley , Decatur , 111 ; " address , "Necessity of Compelling Traders to Keep Hooks of Account , " A , V. Can non , Cleveland , O. Section D. "Tho Uuslness Organizations Among Lawyers' " ' Address , IT. C. Ulalte. Cedar RnpliN , In ; address , K. M Coflln , Lincoln , Neb. ; address , J P. Hornaday. Somerset , Ky ; addie u , T. Moultrlu Alorde- c.il , Charleston , S C. Suction K. "Special Session of Collec tion Manager * " Address , "How Can We Get Attorneys to Thoroughly Acquaint Themselves with tbo Peculiar Detail of U.ioh Particular Kind of Collection So ns to Unable Them to Do riist Class Work' " A. J. Parlln , president Kenton IJaklng Pow der company , Cincinnati O ; uddre-g , "How to Get the Ilest Seivlee from Attoi- noys , " M J. Stoll. with Thomas Mamifac- tuiliiff companv , Spilngllelil , O , and \V F Miller , with Tennont-Strlbllnff Shoo com pany. St Louis , .Mo ; address. "How Should Tees lie Measured ? " W W Haggard , with Uumoloy & Co. , La Porte , Ind , and D. D. Chamberlain , with Clmmbnilaln Medicine company , Des Moines , la ; address , "NeRll- Koneo on the Part of Attorneys In the Col lection of Debts Itcmedles , " If , T. Stolle , with J S. Meirlll DniK uompinv. St Louis , Mo , nnd Udwln J. Fisher , with Winston , Fanlngton & Co. , Minneapolis , Minn ; ad " dress. "An Ideal Chattel Mortjrige Law , " F. C. Stlllson. with Nichols Ac Sheflard company , U.ittlo Creek. JHeli ; Charles E. Walters of Charles 12. Wallets & Co , Omaha , Neb FRIDAY. JULY 24 , 9'SO O'CLOCK A. M Selection of next meeting place election of olllcers , lenolutlons reported by com mittees and special sessions , closing exer cises. II.COITO U.Vl'imTAlN IiAWVIJKS. Oniilliii'H Convention VIxltorN AVI 11 Mil Inii KIIII to tinCapital. . LINCOLN , July IS. ( Special Telegram. ) The local committee which has charge of iirrangements for the reception of members of the Commercial Law League of America held n meeting tonight at the Commercial club. Subcommittees each made favorable reports , and the woik Is well In hand and subscriptions to the enterprise are liberal Thursday or Filday. during the forenoon , an excursion for the accommodation of the league will run down from Omaha. It Is utpocted that the train will convey about GOD visitors to Lincoln On arrival they vvlll be given a trolley rldo by courtesy of Hon. Diad Slaughter followed by a lunch at the Lincoln , Capital and Llndoll hotels Then the visitors vvlll bo taken through the various state Institutions. A band conceit will be given In the government square. Thu visitors will return to Omaha in the oven- Ing. I'nil.SO.VAI. J-AUAfiUAI'lIH. ( T , L. Hall of Yoik Is In the city. S. N , Fitch of Custcr , S. D. , Is In the city. city.H. H. Stt'inson , Chicago , Is registered at the Darker , L.V. . Snow of York was nn Omaha visitor yesterday , John J. O'Brien , Sioux City , la. , Is n Barker uucst. It. F. Kloko of West Point was In the city yesterday. C. C. McNIsh of W-lsner was among the yesteiday arrivals W. C. Strohm of Sheridan , Wyo , , was In the city > estoiday. j. C. E. Mngoon of Lincoln spent B few bl hours In the city jentenlay. F. A. Cameron of Tekamah came down to the city on business yesterday. Ii. W. Smyth and W. H. Simons are St. Louis , Mo. , arrivals at the Barker. A. B. Gay , B. 0. Spencer and C. H. Word are registered at the Barker from Kansas City. Guy C. Barton has gene to Denver In con- , . iiectlon with business of the Omaha and * Grant smelter. | * William Davis of the Burlington left for a Falls City last night , where ho will visit friends for n week , C. C , 1'opo , jr. , has gene to Jollet , 111 , , where ho vvlll rejoin his wife , who has been lulling friends In that city for some time , J. Y. Callahnn , general passenger and freight agent of the Nickel Plate , loft for Denver labt evening to bo gene several days. Mrs. Wanner , wife of Charles Wanner of thu Hock ] laud. left for Chicago yesterday , vvhore she will visit relatives for a fortnight , T. M , Patterson of the Denver News wa in the city for a few hours yesterday , while un route to the populUt convention In St. Louis. U. M , Morsman of tha 1'aclllc Express company. In company with 0. K , Yost , left for Chicago ) eaterday to bo gone for a short period. U. J' . Carter , general agent of the Union Pacific , with headquarter ! ) at Sioux City , baa been In tha city for several da > s anil left for homo lust night. K. Benedict left for Denver and Cripple Creek last evening on a trip of several Jays' Uuratlou , lit which he expects to visit a number of other Colorado poluts. Pnt in an Enjoyable Day on the Banks of Do Soto Lake , FINE PROGRAM OF SPORTS CARRIED OUT Clnii Cordon ntnl Its Prlcmln Attain ! to tbe Number of About : tOO _ Country Pcoplr .InIn In ( lie Mcrr > i About COO Omabn Scots nnd their friends and ns many more farmers filled tbo grove on the shore of Do Soto lake yesterday , the event being the animal Caledonian games of Clan Gordon , No. C3. The first train , which left the Webster street vlcpot nt 8:30 : , carried tbo majority of the picnickers , many more following on tbe 12.30 train , The only scheduled events were tlio series of contests which began shortly after din ner In n well ariangcd clearing In the cen ter of the park. Tbo winners In each were ns follows : Tlnowlngquoltsf H. Suttle first , G An derson second , O. A. Cowles third Putting shot : D. P. IJaldwIn , 30 feet ; D. O. Wnll.ice , ? l feet. Hop , slep and Jump : D. G. Wallace , Si feet 5 Inches ; D. 1' . Ualdwln , 31 feet II Inches. Throwing hammer : D. P. Ualdwln. fll feet I Inches ; William Home , S > 2 feet i IneheM. Polo vault : William Hampton , S feet 2 Inebes ; D. O. Wallace. 8 feet. Hnnnlng- broad Jump : Thonms _ Mcnzlo _ 13 feet n Inches ; William Hoio , 13 feet 2 Inches. Sack nice : Arthur Fnleoner , first prize ; Thomnx Menzle , second prbe. Scotch reel ( women ) ; Mrs.VntMoii , first prize ; Mis Falconer , second prize. Uoys' Highland fling ( In costume ) Hurry McDonald , llrst prize ; Aitbur rnlconer , second prize. nirls Highland fling : Jennnlo ralconer , llrst prize. Uoys' race ( under 1C ) : llermun Jtotz , firm prize ; Albeit Goldsmith. Heeoud prize Hoys' raee ( under 10) ) : Willie. Crosby , flr.st prize , George O.Hborne , HOCOIII ! prize. One bundled yard nice ( clansmen ) . Thoinim Falconer , Jr. llrst pilze , William Hampton , second prize GUIs' nice ( under 10) ) : Stella Williams , llr.st prize ; Goldle Cashlln , second prize. Married women's rare : Mis. Matthews , first prize ; Mis. Ilutberford , second prize Quarlei mile race , open : J. 13 Williams , first prize ; Kietl Johnson , second pilze. Gills' rnce ( under 10) ) : Jeanette Ander son , llrst prize ; Magglo Mackenzie , second prize- . Hnnnlng high jump : D. G. WtilHee , ) foot 10 Inches ; U. 1' . IJaldwIn , 4 feet b Inches. Uest dressed Highlander : Thomas Tnl- coner , sr , lltst prize ; William Homo , see end prl/.e. l"lve mile blcyele race : Will Cook of Ulalr only one to finish Uest dressed boy ( Highland costume ) : Ol- Ho Falconer. , At the conclusion of the contests an clab- | ornte collection of prizes was presented to the various wlnneis. The only drawback to the enjoyment of the day , enhanced by plenteous shade nud boating , was the non-oppenranco of the train ad vet Used to leave De Soto at 0 o'clock , only the lata train being In evidence. The com mittees In charge of the day's pleasures were : Committee on Arrangements H. M. Mur ray , chief ; Thomas Falconer , sr. , Thomas Mcldrum , sr. , J. W. McDonald , A. Patullo , J. C. Duchanan , William Gavin , William Home , A. M. Henderson. Commlttcp on Qaolls William Gavin , Wil liam Hoberston , George Anderson. Committee on Haclng , Jumping and Heavy Events William Home , starter ; Charles Mc- Adaras , Hobert Heath , John Paul , James Cutblll. Committee on Platform Thomas Mcldrum , jr. , Thomas Mcnzles , Thomas Falconer , Jr. , Harry Wallace , A. M. Henderson. Judges Thomas Meldiuin , John Paul , An drew Patullo , < l- - ' . if.i > .V. < J..Y. , , , v.u JJ.5 is wy * > M"V. . < . .v.i'-.n.T..ivi ' I j ti $ South Omaha News . | tfFSWZxZFF Ex-Major Johnston has prepared a lengthy addiess In reply lo the rer-ent message of Mayor Ensor in which he defends the action of previous administrations , including the ono of which ho was the head. Ho reviews the financial condition and history of the city at great length. Music Clly fioNNl ] ! . J. B. nrlon has returned from a trip to St. Louis. John G. Baldwin has gone to Kansas City ' on a business trip. Cd Johnson leaves this afternoon for St Louis , wheio he will spend a week. Kev. E. D. Gideon will preach this after noon at Grace Methodist episcopal church. George K. Jonte went to Valley Fulls , Kan , , to visit D. W. McCoy , who Is very sick. sick.Miss Miss Ethel Honey leaves today for Wllber , Neb. , wheio she will spend a couple of weeks. John Griffith returned yesterday from an extended trip through the Dlack Hills country. James Hlnsey of Denver Is hero visiting bis sister , Mrs. E. Wilson , Twenty-sixth and Q streets. Tbo Stewart base ball club will play n game with the Fort Ciook club at the fort this afternoon. , "Disturbing tbo Peace" Is the topic of Key. Irving Johnson's morning sermon ut St. Mai tin's Episcopal church. All Modern Woodmen are requested to meet at the ball at 1 30 o'clock this afternoon to attend the funeral of Thomas Heath. Mrs. W. L. Holland , Twenty-fourth and G streets , rctmncd last night from Green wood where fclie has been visiting her par ents , Miss Nellie Plcrco of Tllalr , who lias been visiting Miss Dale Gardner , & 1G North Twenty-fifth sticet , jeturned to her homo yesterday. D. A. Harilngton and Mies Mamlo Mc- Devltt of Cincinnati will be married Tuesday { morning ! nt St , Agnes' church by Kev. Father McDevHt. Dr. Wlnshlp will preach tills morning on "Christ the Only Savior , " and In the uvcnlng [ " on "Ulomcnts of Success as Illustrated In the Life and Character of David. " Tbo Daptlst church Sunday school will picnic Tueaddy at Falrmount park , Council UlufTs. Specially chartered cars leave .at 9:30 : o'clock. No transfers will bo made. Communion services will be held this morning at the First Presbyterian church. Dr. Wheeler will preside. "Tho Dosottlng Sins of Presbyterians. " la Dr. Wheeler's evening topic. Mia. J. J. Smith , Twenty-seventh and M btroets , reported to Chairman Vnnsant of the council committee on charity yeutcr- a day that she was In destitute circumstances and that she had a baby at home sick with tbo scarlet fever , The matter was Investi gated aud nld furnished. Mr , Reuben Martin has been In the gen eral merchandise business at Barnltz Pa , , , for almost fourteen jeais. Ho nays : "I have . never sold any medicine that gave Mich good satisfaction as Chamberlain's , I tell . every bottle on a guarantee' , but know I take no risk , for my customers coma back and praise it. I am often troubled with bowel complaint and would not think of to leaving home without a bottle of Chamber ' lain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Ilemedy. to For sale by all druggists. IlnlIilliiKN In There has been a slight revival In build ing operations during the past day or two and several permits for residences havu been Usued. The Fidelity Trust will build 9. two-story frame dwelling company at 27GJ Burt street , the Heese Place syndicate will erect a similar structure- 1G28 South N Twenty-eighth ttreet and Joseph L , Movrln tc vvlll build another at 2973 Jtorcas street , ki None of the contemplated buildings aio of ni alahoiato construction , but they will bo dl substantial and of attractive appearance. ui ' m Arlllt'll fill IVI' , The best salvo in the world for cuts , bruises , sores , ulcers , ealt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped bands , chilblains , corns , and all skin eruption * , aud positively cures plleu or no pay required It Is guar anteed to give perfect nntlbfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Kubn & Co. , \ IMDto : muu 'Hi 1:111 : TICKIJTS. i An n Coiinninrncn llft | > ( IM MlnlMors Ciiniiot i f ! HOIIIIlitn TlujWish. . "More than COO Ind/goant / ministers hold council nt convention hAll this afternoon COW wrathful ! at railroad * JH general , " says the Evening < Wisconsin of Milwaukee , under date of July 17 "And the same GOO and nil anvlous visiting pastor vijfll buy a full faro return trip ticket If th,4v' expect to get back toTl their flocks for n Sunday morning service. The reduced rate llc ts. to the llaptlst Young People's union jcon\cntlon cannot be used ! for faro until Monday. Delegates will stay In Milwaukee over , Sunday or get to their : various homes nt a rate ot 3 cents a mile. "When llev. Frnnk Carpenter of Omaha had bidden farewell to convention scenes | jjj nnd got down to the station this morning In fair tlmo for bis train , ho found that the long yellow slip which was expected to take him homo was so much vollow paper nnd no more , nml would stny so till next Monday. Argument was vain and llov. Car penter bought n full fare ticket to Omaha nnd went liotnc. K E. Olivers of New York , district secretary of mission unions , thought to get back to bis post In good tlmo for Monday morning and met with the same unflinching ofllclal nnd paid full fare. "When the 9.000 delegates now In con vention assembled bought their 9,000 tickets most of them forgot to take a day off nnd rend the discourse thereon printed. In fact , only n model ate number got beyond the first clause on the official looking docu ment which leads as follows : " 'Going passengers must lenve on date of sale as stated on the back by the Is suing agent , and they must bo used to Milwaukee prior to midnight of the date cancelled In the left band corner time no later than July 17. ' "They took their trains therefore prior to July 17 , as specified , and omitted to no tice that coming passengers could use tbe tickets no earlier than July 20. There Is no help for It now , therefore , nnd tbe of ficials have It In blnck and yellow and cannot bo blamed for this not having been lend. And late today , after n good deal of coaxing nnd enumeration of personal reas ons , a compromise was made on Sunday afternoon , and the office will be opened then. "This , however , does not help the clerical delegates , who nro expected to preach ser mons In several hundred pulpits day after tomorrow. There Is no expense account to fall back upon nnd those who cannot wire for supplies will give their charges vaca tions next Sunday or buy a full fnro ticket home. " The convention for 1S9S will meet In Denver. Omaha men were on hand nnd mode n fight for the convention , In common with Minneapolis and Chattanooga , but the Mountain city won. LOOKS WITH FAVOR ON OM VIIA. I'Mi'pjiiiMi'N ' llrntlirrhooil Olllo'nl SpiMilCH lit Its Convention Inv Mutton. C. W. Maler , third vice grand master of the Diotberhood of Locomotive Firemen , . delivered ' an address to tbe members of the local lodges last evening In Patterson hall. A good sized audience greeted Mr. Maiden - on this , his third visit to this city , and was well repaid for attending. One of the main features of Mr. Maler's visit Is to look over the ground with a view to having tbo national convention of tbo Brotherhood take place hero In 139S. Ho was driven about the city yestb'rdaj' and expressed himself as well pleased Tflfh Omaha's claims to bo nmong the foremost among convention cities. He stated Indirectly that he would use bis utmost Influence , consistent with bis position , to advocate' locating the meeting here during the great Transmlsstsslppl Ex position. The matter Is to bo settled at the next convention' ' of the body , which takes place at Galveston. Tex. , September 11. Mr. Maler says Ofnalm has an excellent chance of securing tbo plum. The speaker was introduced to the au dience by Local Manter Hugh Graham of the Brotherhood Ho confined his address largely to the many benefits accruing from a membership in his organization and Inci dentally outlined Its Jnception twenty-three years , ago and progress slnco that date ) The si > cnkcr cxnressod''hlniself as not an advocate of strikes nnd stated that the time was not far distant when such labor distill bailees would bo relegated to the past by tolling humanity. Hraln power nnd not brute force was the policy of his organiza tion and this method was rapidly bearing fruit In the form of a better understand ing between the cmplojer and emploved A class of sober nnd Intelligent men were filling the ranks of the old time railroader , who In former days was given too much to convivial pleasures in which the bar took an important part. Politics , the speaker hinted , would shortly take a more promi nent part in the laboring man's fight for his rights and prove a much better sys tem of fettling differences than that of riot and bloodshed advocated by many agi tators. The speaker concluded with a short reference to the benefits derived from the benevolent Insurance which Is an Important part of the organisation and rounded out the evening by exhibiting a number of stercoptlcon views taken from the lives of , ralhoad men. I i.oc.vi , iiunvi'i'ius. Homer Mooro's pupils will give a free concert at the Crelgliton theater tomorrow evening. A store at 2102 South Twentieth street was entered Friday night through a window and a box of cigars was stolen. I 1 At 3 o'clock yesterday morning five Italian peddlers were ancsted for obstiuctlng the btrcot at Sixteenth street and Capitol ave nue. They had arisen earlier than the law allows In order to get choice positions for their wagons. John Swunson , a 14-year-old boy , went to sleep Filday night In the tent of the Volun teers of America on North Thirteenth street Ho was arrested on the charge of trespass , but was discharged yesterday morning on ac count of his voutb. Mrs. E M. Line of Perry , la. , who came to this city on a shopping trip , reported to the .police yesterday that while in tbo Bos ton htoro she missed a purse containing a draft for $40 and about ? 5 In currency. She thinks It was stolen by a pickpocket. George Cole , living near Tenth and Center streets , baa been arrested at the Instance of Mrs. Doia Sergor on a charge of disturbing the peace. The trouble arose over the lay- lug of a sidewalk In which Cole Is accused of having assaulted one of Mrs , Serger's children. Mrs , M. Brady of Jersey City has asked the chief of police to Icurn whether the Jennings killed 111 tbo Logan wreck was Walter Jennings , her brother. An effort will bo made to do so. The body of Jennings was sent to Missouri A'alley , where ho Is $ said to hava resided. Joe Rogers , a notorious negro woman of the town , was arrested' last night nt the Instance of a farmer named William HarrK Ho says he visited hW tflnco curly in the ovenlng , and that upW leaving he missed $10 bill , Harris w'K ' $ also locked up as complaining witness , Mary Hall and Anua Cowiolly , two women who visited HayJen . .brothers' store &omo to time ago , were tried .beforo Judge Gordon on a charge of shoi'lhujB | yesteiday and fined $15 and costs dacj j , The case was appealed A new Information charging lar ceny lias been filed against tbe parties. Filday evening some h rjty stole a now $00 bleyclo from In frqnt ftf tlio Nebraska Ulcyclo company's ator i Jit Fifteenth and Harnoy streets. The utorb had been loft In chaigo of a boy wbtli ) tllf 'proprietors went supper. When theyllrWurned the wheel was inlying. The inatKrJaa ) been reported the police. ,1 - , , „ D. Smith , living near Twentieth and Ban croft streets , stated to the police vest unlay that some tlmo during Friday night a burg lar bad entered his ttoiu by removing a window glass In tbe rear of the building , and had taken a box ot clgara and a. key belonging to the trout door. Tbe ctgam were valued at $2 , Sam Knrdoskl , barkeeper In a saloon near Ninth and Capitol avenue , got Into an al A tercation wlht "Boston" Green , ji well In known police court character , last night and both were arroxted for disorderly con duet. Kardoskl attempted to eject Green and thb precipitated a tight , in which tbe negro came out second bent. Tain Collins and A. D. Adams , two men who hayj been working tlio "short change racket" about the city were arrested > ea terday morning , A large quantity of iilckoU , dimes and ijuaiteia were found In their possession and also a dozen boxes of ciga rettes upou each. It U gupposed that they few obtained the boxes ot cigarettes when they worked their "graft. " TIMELY RAINS IN NEBRASKA Corn Crop Conditions in the Stnto Could Not Bo Better. SHOWERS IN MANY COUNTIES FRIDAY Small ( irnln Sonierrlint Danuiurd liy tile 12x 'i wl\ < Mi > li < ttr < * , Imt In Otlier lle | icet I'liriiii-rn Arc SndHlleil. SCHUYLEn , Neb. , July IS. ( Special. ) A most delightful rain fell hero during yester day afternoon and freshened drooping vcgo- tntlon nnd cooled the humid atmosphere. There was not wind enough to move n single lenf , nor was there n flash of lightning or sound of thunder , which was considered something very unusual for n July rain. While those who were engaged In the work ot harvesting nnd threshing will be deln > cd with their work nnd some damngo done grain nnd liny , there Is good feeling among tbo farmers , because they feel that corn will mature without more rain. It Is now much In advance of this time In former \oars nnd ptomlses one of the most prolific > lelds ever mndo In tbo Platte valley In the vicinity of Schuvlcr , there me many failures of tbo smalt grain crop , tvo nnd wheat having suf fered from the ravages ot the army worm nnd rust having destrovcd some fields of oats , one field Just across the river having been set on fire by Its owner , Iteuben Black. Garden produce Is a drug on the market , some farmers who have been In with po tatoes , cabbages and other products now mature , bavlug been obliged to return with them. MLVDEN , Neb. . July IS. ( Special. ) Farmers are cutting grain every minute now. Oats arc light. JUNIATA. Neb. , July 18. ( Special. ) Har vest Is mostly over here , with the exception of spring wheat. Some fnll wheat has been threshed that averages from twenty to thirty bushels per acre. The corn crop never wa so fine. Pen cannot describe the Im mensity of It. With nn occasional light shower It will mature In extra shape. BENNET. Neb. , July 18. ( Special ) Over an Inch of rain fell hero last night. It came without any storm or wind. This will almost Insure a corn crop. Much of the i corn Is tasseled out nnd In silk now. Farmers nro Jubilant. ' NEBRASKA CITY , July IS. ( Special. ) A heavy rain ot several hours' duration foil early this morning. The corn Is just In tassel and silk and will bo greatly benefited , STnOMSBUUG , Neb. , July 18. ( Special. ) Another fine rain sot In Friday night nud lasted for some time , thoroughly boaklug the ground. WINSIDE , Neb. , July IS. ( Special. ) The heat of the past few days has been excessive 102 degrees in the shade nt times , but last night a gentle rain moistened the ground and was followed by a cool wind , which gave renewed vigor to animals nnd vegetation alike. Farmers nro beginning to harvest their grain , but many fields ot oats will not bo cut at all , having been ruined by too much rain ; the growth of straw was e- markable , and the grain bad lodged and become rotten before ripening ; many of the oat heads are empty. There never was a thriftier or stronger stand of corn In this vicinity than now ; pastuics and hay-lands arc In splendid shapo. OSCGOLA , Nob. , July 18. ( Special. ) Polk county Is having n heavy rain. The corn crop was needing It badly , though It never looked better nt this season of the year. With this rain and another In a week this county Is sure to have a big crop. TECUMSEH , Neb. , July 18. ( Special. ) Johnson county was visited by a timely rain last night and today. Precipitation , 1.30 Inches. Corn Is benefited. HUMBOLDT , Neb. , July IS. ( Special. ) A fine , gentle rain commenced falling last night , aud It has been raining all of this forenoon , The Tall Is estimated to bo about two Inches. Jt was most needed at this time , and will insure most of the scorn. I.OOKIM : AFTCH virrs AT Ai Cm nil Army VlnltlnK Committee N ii .loiimcy to tinHome. . LINCOLN , July 18. ( Special. ) The Grand Army of the Republic visiting committee was at the Grand Island Soldiers' and Sail ors' home yesterday and today Is visiting tbo homo at Mllfoid. The committee com prises Dr. S. K. Spauldlng. Omaha ; T. H. Elghmy , Long Pine ( who is department chap lain ) , llev. O. R. Bcbee , Mluden , and Absls- tant Adjutant General Gage of Lincoln. The committee will make its leport to the depaitmcnt within a few days. On the requisition of Governor Stone of Missouri , Governor Holcomb today Issued an extradition warrant for William L. Ford , who _ Is wanted at Green Ridge , Pettls ' county , Missouri , for obtain ing goods under false pretenses. Ford la now under arrest at Superior , and Sheriff John C. Porter of Pettls county has SIg SIC < after him. The property In question consists of n stock of merchandise ot the valuu of $900. VIP B. D. Caldwcll. chairman of the Western Passenger association , has granted to the Nebraska populists a one fare round trip rate to their state convention to bo held nal alS Hastings on August C. Tickets will be sold ( on the -Hh and Gth , good to return until ! August C. The governor's private secretary , Henton Maret , nnd State Oil Inspector specter J. H. Edmlsten left Lincoln today for St. Louis. They will meet with the Blmettalllc league of that city , and do what they can toward completing the scheme for fusion between the Bryan democrats and the pops. Piomlncnt populists are now sporting the ofilclal pop badge , which bears a picture ot Bryan and the words , "Wo nio for Bryan. " "No Crown of Thorns ; No Cross of Cold " Company E. Second regiment , Nebraska National Guaids , North Platte , yesterday elected Hcrboit O , Evans captain , Howard F. Jeffry fiist lieutenant aud John F. Giau second lieutenant. Omaha peoplu In Lincoln : At the Llndoll F. S. Lewis , H. C. Rountiee. At the Lin coln Myrtle II. Crow , 0. M. Hitchcock , R , E. Payne , A. Barnes , Charles Wlland. fliool Mlllterx. STROMSBURG , Neb. , July 18. { Special. ) At a meeting of the school board Monday night a reorganisation took place and the election of the corps of teachers for the coming year , The unlades of all the teach era have been cut from $5 to $10 a month , making the average wages paid the teaphers $35 a month. The salary of the principal wan reduced last year from $100 to $75 a month , and It was not further reduced this year , This la the lowest saloiy ever paid the teachers In the local schools nlnco they be came graded. Much dissatisfaction Is man ifested on account of It. Ono department ol the school was cut out. The board Intends send the nine members of the graduating class to the Bryant normal university of thin city. The teachers elected nro : Prin cipal , Prof. K , Cllpplnger ; flrst primary , Mm. A. II. Iledbloom ; second primary. Miss Kmma Fellmau ; third room. Miss Sopha Morgan ; fourth room , Mlus Stella Wllllts ; fifth room , grammar , Mlba Bertha Warner , u HUHCllj C'liii Do. KBARNEY , Neb. , July 18. ( Special. ) In spite of the bard times and the closing of factories In the east the Kearney cotton mill Is running on full time and to Its ut most capacity. Last week there were 1,705 bolts ot cloth of fifty > ards each and Ml bolts pf double width goods , In all 110,950 yards , taken from the looms , At 4 cents per yard this would make $1C78 , which Is considered a pretty good week's output. WurKiut'ii Uiieiirlli n Mtli > ( oii. KEARNEY , Neb , , July 18. ( Special. ) few da > B ago while/ workmen were engaged making an excavation at Watsoii'u ranch they unearthed a complete human skeleton , Hotv It came there , how long It had been there and who tlio Individual waa , aru mat ters pf coujectuio. It was In a very good btate of pru er > atiou , but had evidently been there a long time. _ I'dllunut DIIIMMIII. DUNCAN , Neb , , July 18. ( Special.-H ) , R. Smith came here caily this bprtog and opened a small stock of groceries and a dry goods , ihoeu , etc. Ills family con- Mated of a wife and one small child , who wcut cast to DOB ton some weeks ago ou a visit. Smith gave out word hero that his wlfo had left him , and ho continued In until last Tuesday , when he took No. 3 for Columbus , saying ho would bo back In the evening , but ns jet tie has failed , to' return. Ho sent word to Hogatz of Columbus - bus to take the stock on what hu owed him , Smith has left several small accounts un settled , which will be a dead loss to holders. SA1.VAT1O.V AHMV l'\MI * MHIVTIM ] . Fremont ( "Itlrptm Much Iiili > ri" > liMl In ( lie Mcrvlcrn ill Cliiiiilnuiiiit | ( JrniuiiN FREMONT , July IS ( Special ) -Tho tlist camp meeting of the Salvation army of this division opened nt the Clmutaun.ua grounds last evening. Owing to the damp and threatening weather , the attendance wns small , but what It lacked In numbers It made , up , In zeal aud enthusiasm. The opening meeting wns held at the auditorium nt S o'clock The red , while and blue bunting and flags were draped around the platform and over the corners of the speakers' stands were two flags The singing wns accom panied by nn orchestra of cornets , gultnrs nnd tninborlnes. Adjutant Harris nt Omaha conducted the meeting , find nfter singing by tbo Army , prajed was offered by Cnpt.Uu Carlson of Omaha nnd Captain Wood tf Lincoln. Captain Scary of St. Louis tVii sang "Yesterday , Today , Forever , Jrsus Is the Same. " the audience Joining In the chorus. The song wns n new one. but thev took hold of It and snug with n spirit and energy that showed their earnestness Sboit addresses were then made by Captains Hunter of Hustings. Cunningham of Sioux Falls , S. D. , Slnnock ot Council Bluffs. Deck- man of Missouri Valley , Watson of Blair , nnd others , ntter which there was n short ex perience meeting. The services were choiacterlstlu of the army. Adjutant Harris said : "There are not many of > ou hero , but the Lotd Is hero and cverybodj is having a good time. " Services were held today , both forenoon nnd afternoon , commencing with "knee drill" at 7 a. in , , and closing with a general meet ing nt 8 p. m. Theio nro about twent } tents ou the grounds , nnd some will occupy cottngcs. Quite n good many arrived at the grounds today nnd others arc expected next week. Brigadier General and Mrs. French of St. Louis are expected early next week , and will conduct the meetings the rest of the time. The army has the sym pathy nnd encouragement of people ot all denominations , nnd largo crowds nre ex pected on the grounds tomorrow. C'lillil Kllleil In u lltiiinmiy. BEATRICE , July IS. ( Special. ) Laht evening ns O. P. Ralston , n prominent farmer . residing In the southwestern portion of the county , -wns returning home from Beatrice , accompanied by his wife and three children , the team became frightened nnd started to run. The cnirlago tongue com ing down was run Into the ground and broken , n piece flying up and striking Rose , the 12-v ear-old daughter , across the temple , killing her Instantly. Mr. Ralston wns thrown from the carriage and seiiously bruised. The other occupants escaped uninjured. O A. It. Hi-union lit lloriltMHiY. BORDEAUX , Neb. , July IS. ( Special. ) Ono of the most Intcicstlng re unions ever held In the north western part of the state Is being hold In the grove at this place this week. About 1,000 arc In attendance. Captain J. H. Culver , department commander of the Grand Army of the Republic , addresed the reunion jes- tcrday. Mrs. Condon Is expected today. VIiiNlcul lit llell.-vilc. BELLEVUE , Neb , , July IS. ( Special. ) The musical and elocutionary entertainment given last evening by Misses Baker and Trucsdale two pupils of the Institute for the Blind at Nebraska City , was well at tended. At the close of the program Miss Truesdale explained the method of Instruc tion used , and spoke a few words for the Institute. TociiniMcIi'M Cur few Orilliiiincc. TECUMSEH , Neb. , July 18. ( Special. ) The city council has passed a curfew or- dlnonco and all children under 1C years of ngo nro renulred to go from the public streets to their houses at 9 o'clock each evening , unless attended by piient or guardian. For ilio < IIKC Co a ny ( Fair. BEATRICE , July IS. ( Special. ) The of ficers of the Gage County Agricultural bo- clely are putting fioth every possible ef fort to make a signal success of the annual fair , to bo held September 15 to IS , and the prospects aio decided encouraging there for. I.UIUfilrl Shoots Her SIsler. MINDEN , Nob. , July IS. ( Special. ) A llt- tlo daughter of N. B. Roberts In this city found a revolver lying in the sink at her homo this moining , aud took It nnd stalled out through the door. She met her 12-year- old sister , nnd , by accident , dlschxrRcd th weapon , the ball piercing her sister In the j right i side of the face Just nboro the tcpth , ; passed ; over the roof of the mouth niirt came out under the left rje U made a ftcrlons wound , but the llttlo girl Is ( resting well nt this time. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' I'nr Plnlle Countj'n 1'oor. COLUMBUS. Neb. , July IS. ( Special. ) ' The Pintle County Board of Commissioner * In I examining bids for thn locution ot A poor farm , after hnv'lnp Advertised the past two months. Many bids were filed , but tha boaid hns jet m de no selection uml may peisonally view some of the offers. U Is thought , however , that one ot the several tracts of land In tbe beautiful Shell Crrck valley , famed for Us artesian wells and. pleasant homes , may bo chosen. IMre nl AlllniuT. ALLIVNCE. Neb. . July IS ( Special Tele gram ) The general merchandise store of \V. D. Hunter wns discovered on fire vosier- day while closed , nnd nil of the dry goods stock was damaged or destrovcd. The In surance Is nmple. The fire cannot bo nc- counted for. Vett-rnn * ( > Mrpt nt 1'nlN Clly Vloiuln FALLS CITY , July IS. ( Special V Kvcrj- thlng Is In readiness for the Grand Army of the Republic encampment , which wilt be gin nt Hlnton's park Monday nnd contlnuo until July 25. Many noted speakers nro booked to bo present. Pnss the good word along the lino. Piles can be quickly cured without nn operation by simply nppl > ing Do\Vltt's Witch Hnrol Salvo. - . . _ > I'nels ColH'ernli4r ! luirilllmis , OMAHA , July IS. To the Editor of The lice- Having been asked n great many tlmcn In regard to the number of acres of ground necessary for the use ot the pio- posed Transmlsslsslppl i\posltlon : to be held In Omaha from June until November , 1S9S , I herewith give the dntn taken fiom the Annual Hiieyclopcdla and other sources. For much of the Infoimutton I am Indebted to Cluirlett H Marple. The first eight expositions named show only the number of ncre.s covered by the buildings. All others show the number ot ncrcs occupied by the respective cxposl- lions. 'Inoe. Year. Acres. Dnyn Attend. .ornlon 1S31 21 144 IhOTMSi alls KV > 2IV4 200 r.lC2,330 .ondon 1M ! . ' LIVi 171 fi.211,101 arls 1 7 37J17 10.200,000 Vlenni 1S73 411 ISO 7.2.l > 1i7 'hlliidelphla , . . .1S7 < ! GO . . . O.SlO.fl'W ' ails 1S7S B ) 1PI 13.000000 arls 1SVI 7"i 183 nj.Xil.Ill Chicago 1W3 OGT , 3S3 27529401 Atlanta lS > ' .r > IS'l ' . . . 1 , : ! > ,7NG3 Now Oileaim 2l"i Antwcip IS"I " 00 ( "uliroinl.i 1S9I 1ft ) Centennial SV PHI Is 1S7S 110 Nashville ( proposed ) "JO "JOZ Z T. L1NDSEY. It would bo hard to convince a man suffering fiom bilious colic that his ngony Is duo to n miciobo with nn unpronounca- bio name. But one dose of DoWItt's Cello and Cholera Cure will convince him of Its power to afford Instant relict. It kills pain. Illinium it Kal led in Support Her. Helen Fair has commenced null for dl- voice against John C Fair on the ground of non-suppoit. She alleges In her petition that 'ho w.is married to Fair In Council Uluff.s In November , 1S77 , and that they have ono child She charges that her bus- band , allhougb nhundanlly able to do no , has failed and refused to provide for the support of herself and child She thurafotu asks for 11 divorce and the custody of tha chile , u. girl aged 9 years. NO. 10 TRIUMPHS OVER Indigestion ; weak stoiunoli ; bud tristo , coated tongue , ollcnsivo bronth , loss of annotitc , und dull , heavy btujiid fooling ; rising of vvntor or food uflor eating cur ed by Humphreys' Iloincopatriio Specific No. 10. Abit your druggist for a Manual of all Diseiibos , or mulled free on icqucst. Soldliy driiirirists , orniMit prnp.ild upon receipt of pilee. ' - ' . " , uenlH. bl IK ) . llliinphr.'VH' Medlvlu * Company , Cor William i. John SIB. , New Yorli. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OK KI3W VOB1C. RICHARD A. McCURDY , President. Statement for the Year Ending December 3fst , 1895 Assets 8221.21.1.781 H3 LinbiUUoa 194. A7.157 58 _ _ Surplus 820.866,568 , % Totallnoomo 348.597,431) 61 Totnl Pnid Policy HolderHII 1805 82i,12G.72B : 45 Insurance nud AiuiuitioH In force . 389 ! ) , 074 , drill 78 Net Kniii in 1895 . COl.647,045 6 Insurance moiely written IH illBcunlwl from tlil BUU'ineiil aa wholly misleading , ami only lnsuriui.e ( iicluully United und paid for In < .UHI ! la InUU'lnl. ' I luivo c'lirefully \ninIn < Ml tln > rore oliiK Statement nml | | ui tlu > name In InCMirrcrl. . < ; ilYHIr.S A. ritKJ.I.i : ! ! , Auditor * Trom the Surplus a dividend will be apportioned UH usual. Rcpnri of the Examining Committee , VJ f Ollli-n ol tlie .11 n tun I Jlfi liiHiiriuiee Coni | > iui > - of Nv VorK- I'Vliriiai-j- , 1N1)J ) ( At a im-i-tliiK of tinllonril of Trout.-en of HIN | ronipnii ) In-Ill mi tinISIh ilny of O i'i'iiil iT IiiHt III.uoili > rHlKii < - < lvvtri' niipolntril it coniiiilllff In rxnmliir tint Aiinnnl hliili-niriil for lli < > > i-nr < > ni ] l > eciiil > iT nt , 1KI 3 , nml < o vi-rlfy tinHIIIIK - li > coiiijinrlHon vvltli IIHHI-IH of tinonipiiii ) . Tin * i-oinnillli'u linvc run-lull jifrforine < l ( lie iluly iiMnltcnfil lo tin-in , nml liiTi-liy eerliry that < ) , , NII | < > IIK-II | IK In nil iinrllciiliirN forri > i > l mill Unit the IIHNI-IH nneellle llu-ri-In ar > - In | > OMNI-HNOII | or the iMiMipan } . In niuUli'K tliln i-i-i-tlllenlc ( lie coiiiiultleiliear | I-HIIIOII > - tri tli < : linmi'liT of Iliilin I'HCuifiilN of tli < Mull < - i < ijiiian v anil ciiiri-xn llu-lr iipiirutul of Ilin H | fiii , oriler neil aecurar > nltli ulili'Ii tlio itfc-ountM nmlv oiiKlii-rM linv , | M.i licjil , nml I he | IIIMIII-HH In KI-II- vral trnitHiii'UMl , L'll ) II , V. VO.V I'OST , IIOIinitT OliVl'HA.N'l , ) ClIAS. It. lir.MHIHSO.V , WM. I' . DIAO.V , } . UoniiuUlfo. .IAAIIOS C. lltHJIII.V , .1 , | | . IIKHUICK , r JJOA1U3 OK TUUHTI3HS. Bamurl D. KnbcocU Jullen T Iuli'a Hluyvesjint rish ( leorBB H ( Viu Itobrit He Mel I AiiKUbluH \ > . Julllard lllclmrd A. JlcCurrty H. V 11 Cruiser Chin lea j ; . nillt-r lame * U. Ilolden Oiuilm It. Ilinde U'nlliT li , ( llllctto Ilermnnn C. vun I'ust llufuu W. 1'ccklmm II. Waller Webb | lA-nla May J Ilolmrt Urn Id ; George fj. Haven Oliver llarrlmnn Win I' . Olxon Adrlun I lln , it. | W. .Sinlllv IloKrt A. Henry Oraimlsa ( ( ortc H , lluwduln lliilicrt Olyphanl Henry II Hoxeia Then A Havuneycr ( leoiKu K linker ' Jivj.V. . Authlniloaa AVllllam * O.VWtney Dudley Olcolt 'Ilinxlore ilorford William llotlafellcr ' 1'luderlo Cromwell William ROJHiRT A. OKANNISS , Vicc-Prc.sidcnl. ' - WAI.THll n , dlljUyrri : , General Manager. Juaac I' ' JM > yn , M VIc I'r l < leiit. IIKNHY U. DUNCAN , Jr. . Cor. flccy. ' ' W1I.UAM J. KAHTON. 8wr < tar > . AI.HUHT KUAMHOT1I , AB t. Htcivtury. t I'HUDKIUU CIIOUWKU * Treasurer I JOHN A. FONDA. Awlftftiit TreuHUrt-r. JAMIIS TIMI'HON , 2d Aunt. Treanurnr. WJI'UAH I * . SANUH. C'unhler. JJDWAUD. I' . HOr.DKN , A l. Cashier , KMOUY McC'UN'IXX'K , Aeluary. JOHN TATMKIK , Jr. . AnaUtant Actuary WIII.IAM W. ItlCHAIlPH , Connitroller. CHAHl.Ud A. l'ItKIV > iit. Auditor. 1IKNUY ft. HltOWK. A Hut. Comptroller , JOHN C , in.I.IOlT. Pui > erlnfii | < lwit vl Itanientlu Aguiclon. ii\VAHI > 1 Ail AN HHOltT , Oeneral tiglkltor. ( ' Medlial Ulrtt-tom : OUBTAVUS S. WINSTON , JI. 1) 1II.IA8 J JiAHHH , M , . J ( JUA.NVILU : St. WHITK , ii. J > . I KLRMINQ BROS. , for Iowa und Nchnibkii. . OMAHA , NIJIJ.