THE OMAHA DAILY 1J1313 : SUNDAY , JUTA" 10 , 1800. 15 ? PEQmi. NOTICES _ Ailtrrllm-iin'tilmi f' " " HIPKP column * IIP Inkcn until 13iMI ! v. in. for tlir liiK tinil until N ] i. in. for ( lie morning ntiil Siinilnj ( Million * . AiMiTllirrs , by riM | iMtliiR : n " "i- 1iiT Ml I'lifck , run IIIM r MIKWITH mt- < lrpN cil to n niimlMTi'il Icltcr In pure Of 'I IHH M' . Mill IIP t on | irpnpiilnll > f tin1 U < inlj. M-Up n fir * ! liiMpHlnni II Nnllilnit InUpii for ten * Hi u ii BTii- for tin * llr t IIIMPI-- lion. TIIPHP nilvprllsi-iiipiilx IIIIINI IIP run < 'iiiirriillv i-l > . AVVI IJI SlTltA'l ION. WANTED POSITION v AN F.xpFRiENCED nil nnintl prlntci In n country < tllcu Ilm wotknd in clly oince for n number f veirs , tint on tiFcounl < > f hli licnllli deslris lo locate In H country town Address T 2. . . . A -t--kO BIT ! \1IOV WANTED nr t > i : krrip | | with wli'ilffwl' ' lmn c or InnklnK , tin veirx e' | i rlence , reference * fiitnlslud Ailli.ns T 17 Itce A M35 < 20- MME HMI1II 1121 DOUGLAS. HF. ( OND Hour room fi , massage , steam nlcohol anil mil phuilnibaths. . T MMO 2 \ \.vrni > MAM ? IIIM > . WANTED , AN IDEA , WHO CAN THINK OP rotne hlmple thing to patent7 Protect Jour Ideas they m ly bring you wcnllhVrlle lohn vVcddfrburn * Co . Dept. V , Pilent Attorney * . Washington D. C. , for their J-l.SfO prl/e tn-.r nnd a list of two hundred Inventions warned \VANTED-HALESMAN POR A NEW LINE OP Kim Is for Nebraska , almi side line men lor full particulars nildress California Cldi r Co WANTED SALESMEN TO 8KLL GOODS ON commission as side line for n Chicago rubber e-jods and belting bouse to hardware nml ngrleulturnl Iniplemi lit trade Referent es re- qulrnl. Address N 3 , cure of Lord K Thomas t hlcago It M2 < 2 .0 * SALESMEN , TO SKLI. OUR PULL LINE OP 5 nnd 10 cenl cigars , tf" 00 weekly and expenses. Nntlonnl Consolidated Co Chicago HI H VAN rED7 CAF.\TlLi : MAN TO MN U5E branch olllce. JCCH ) requlrtd. sal iry II 200 , goo ! chance for rlghl person Manager , 200 Monon llloelc C'hlcngo U \ \ ANTUD-UCMADLn AND COMIT.TEVT MAN who cnn manage branch titHlnem or district agency for well estnlillshe I manufacturing com iiany on hlKh grade article already Introduced nnd can Invent J810 to (1 .WO In sjme ti > he cir- Htd nt hlu hindquarters Salnrj 1100 nnil slmrt of profits on b iiliiedom. . Address "llrunch " care of Chan K fuller AiU Agency , Chlc-igo S\ ANTED M1N AND WOMEN TO 'VVOllK for UH day nr evening nt their limnes nke lilciiant work no emivuislng experience not ince snrj "VVV | > i > Hilno Stncl us your ad < lres Slnndnrtl Mrg Co 112 W 23d New York IV ANTED. A OOOD MAN WHO CAN CUV ! lion 1 to art us our ngtnt In Douglns Cod ilrem with r < fereneM , The Toledo Illeych 1'rotectlvo Co 321 Huron , st , Tolido Ohio SALESMEN TO SHOW OUR ClGARrt TO tlealois } 10 weckl > halnry nnl expenses , Intx- pcilcnettl men less Polk , Ritchie V Cti hi Louis. Mo 11 SOI 19 * COI LFCTORS WE PAY J7 PER 100 OR 7 ( nch for your neighbors' nddiesses r 00 name blink book wllh Instrucllons for lOc Rowel Jt Pg Co , 37S Hnmlln , avenue , Chlcagn. It 30" > 19 * WANTIID \NORI.ADV I3V13IIY COUNTY HjxMlal clerlctl work , something new , m Ixioka or canvTsslng. siHry ami expenses , en close Htamp Nntlonnl .Mfg. Cu , St Iouls Mo U303 10 * jvNTCD , ixrruiiNcit : : : ) SPIH'IAI/M salosimn to devote exclusive attention pell Ing nur Hue to geneial m Isu tnd < * high com mifHlon , exclusive terrltor > , excellent oppor tunity for bustlers. A II Zlehme . Co Chk iito. III 11 3J3-13 * WANTED AOl'NO MEN VVISIIINC TO TVKL cliII service exumliuitlons. which incur soon li Omaha for 1' O clerks and carriers to write foialnnhle Information ( free ) U S llureai of Inform itlon , t Inclnn itl , O 11 311 19' BAUrsMI N MAKE ' 200 A MONTH SEI.I INC our mnihliui for cooling refrigerators Ouar nntetd rheaiier than Ue I'roiluces a dry colt tltttkMpH pcrlahablo MI tick n Indellnltely. Writ for turns Antic Ktfrlsirutlng Co , Cincinnati O U .AOrNTS STItEirTMEN AND IIOVS TO SEM new McKlnle > and llrvan portraits two colors 22x2H sample lOc , W J5 p * r hundred Iluttons SI "i pel hundred Order quick. IlircUv .V. C > 1'uh'iH Cincinnati , O II 320 21 30.000 ADDITION Uj I'llSllIONS UECEN1L.A pUiot'd under civil service Examinations wioi in this elt > Write the Nntlonil Correspond ence Institute of Washington D C for fie < plrllLiilnrM as to po ltlmis il ite , etc l-323-19 ! t\'ANTii > IIY I.EDINO HANiTcrtmu of ladles wear Hal sman cnlllng on the thj Kouls and gents furnishing truUs to hnmllt nn nssortmint of tin Ir leaders n n si le line haniple tan be carried In tie hand Addres ! O Lock llox 2 > i Detroit , Mich 1I-2971J * AOENTS Ot'H HANDSOMIJ POItTItMl CAM pah.n Inittonu of llijnu and Hrjnn , V hewal nre big sellpm In this tirrllorjPell foi fl\ < cents each and show handsome prollt \V i IIHVB MelClnlcr nnd .Mc'Clnley \ Hotnrt hut tuns nlso Simple hiitttns nnd on re relpt of four two cent stamp * Tile Ensli-r Novelty 'o. , New Iluvtn Conn II 29. ! IVANTl'D llllinilT MAN OH VVOMVN M e\tr > tlt > In IlllnolH Missouri Kunsas um Tit braska toutnliilng w itu works to tntto tluie Automatic IVrtlllrlng Lawn I'tcler plcDsunt v\oiK riilitulol pa > , no i ompetltlon jou < nn earn JIUK ( ) n daj for the next Hire months , npplj at onci' Autom itle Iwi IVelerVorks lllmimliiijton , HI II-31T 19 * MEN TO HEM. CANIU TO THE HETAII trnile steaily cmplovnient. experlenio un nectssnr ) ; J7"i 00 nidtithly s.ilar > nnil t xpensi or commission If offer sitlsfactory ml.liess with purtleulam coni-irnlng > onr > * lf Ciinmill rtnted Candy Co. Chicago II IIS 19 * WANTED HESI'ONHIIII.E , ENEIlflirriC Mij to handle our line of innvusxlng samples must be nble to furnish references peopl hiving handled clothing prtfernd Tor par tlcuhuu , jildu'sx 'lullor-M ide Clothing Co 731 and 737 bouth Hnlsted street Chicago III II Mill 11 * \VANTED MEN TO I.EARN II MlllER TH VDE enl > eight v\eiks nqulnil line outllt of toil glien t ach htudent more practice In t\v montlm than In n shop III two jcaiN , citi louiies free hi I.ouls llarber lollege , SIS Nort 9th st , St I.oills Mo H-M3M fl * WANTED A TEW OOOD SHIRT MAKER' ut Mire Oato Clt ) Shirt & Uinndr ) Co JOV Noilli Hill C Mil's ' _ JMOO VNEI'M.Y NO O VNVAvnNCJ WANTED Indkx an I kenlH to luiin oil pilntlng on can vns i hin i i'li Anj one taught perftctl In one houi urlloiiH J10 00 Unt r col orlius intiBht free this wieU onlj to Introdiic oui new culms I II Snell Wotntn's lx ! rhiilige IWI Douglas slrtet C M2M 2J * HTENOOn.Vl'HER POIt A STEAD' plate mate hnlnry wunltd Aildien > i T S llei C1 M77 U _ WAN'IBD. A TEW LADIES TO TAKK OR iltis fiom fnmllhH , n iiultli seller uolnry , n rnmmlsHlon Cull belwein 1 and 11 n m i-uiidijr or Momla > moinlnt ; , loom 31 Ilote l'a\t n lake elevntoi . C ZSJ 13 I MKi : Hill WAOES AT HOME and want all to hive the same opM | > rtunlty thn work U vi i > pleiiKanl iiml will easily pa JHeikl ) . this Is no deception I want n in. . mo. mi'l " 111 K ! nils Keml full parllculnr to all ending Htnini ) MU'H M , A titchhlna LilVMtlUf. .Mich 0 307 I ! ) ' _ LADIES EARN MONEY KIMt'KCT'AHI.Y A' home Si nd four red xtiunpi ) . & Law I'.i change , HuiT.ilo , New \oik el 3.M 19 * ' ' " ' : ! ) onjou i HOUSE two In family 2112 Locust St. C-2931D WANTED OllU. FOH JIOUHKWOUK AT 131 ChluiKu Ht C 2JS-19' IWANTI.DOINd Olltl. NOT OVER EIHH ( en to eaio for fcureurold boy uiul uiil \\ltli kecond work , Apply ut ! N1 HouthJt uvenutt ut unct ! O 2 6 I'J * roil HI\T IN AM. 1'ARTH 111 * THK CITY IHt O , 1' UavU Compaii ) iMo ramani. D M ) 1IENAU.V CO. , JOS N ISTH ST U 501 MODI JUT HOUSEd. C , X BTjLlUl. S NT. UKi D-SM JlOt'Sr'H WAI.I.ACi : , UIIOIXN HLlv. 16 JL Deus t ROOM DETACHED , MODERN HOUSE } 2 ! Eimulia tSil Capllol uvenue , H , H , RobUon RobUont.Ql I > -t.Ql TWO FINE HOUSES , ONE S ONE 9 ROOMS : 117 anil 124 & . 3olh t. : all mtulcrn cunven Knceii , IK-SI roldenre part of Ihe city Inqulr V.M N y l.lfo , telephona l x ) . D MS06 8TH M H13ATED STORES AND FLATS ll.nwid Runek , mjcnt , 1610 Chlcagg utiei-t. 1 > MS07 TOR RENT. MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE A' t.11 Purk live Inquire at Puller's drug utors lllh nd Douiflu * t , D-JlkOS MHT or HOUSES. THU iiynoj Uced Cu , : i * S , 14U ) st. D-MSOJ FOR IU-NT. MODERN KUAT3 , I.ANQ1 eiM & utu ! . rou nr. > T1101 sr.s. ( Continued ) CHOICE lIOt'SKI AND COTTAOKS FOR RENT nil over the clly , V. to 130. ridcllly. 1702 Pnr- nnm D SS8 HOUHES I' D UKAD , 16T11 AND DOITOI.A8 D IQiiO a8 lOl'SEfl I'Olt RENT IN AM. 1'ARTI OP THK clly. llrrnnnn.Mive Co , 1'nxton lllixk ROOM MODERN HOt"E , LAROK I.vWN ISlh soulh of MnndfMon 10DERN HOffIN , TWO REVEST 11OO.M % J12W. on * live room. J nnd Mrholnn _ _ _ _ _ D-M20S 19' 'OR RENT ELEVEN-ROOM liotNE , 1'fR- nlsheil or unfurnished at 21st nvemi" nnd Howard si Urge > rd nnd barn W Pfeston. D 2f2-23 v NICE O-ROOM HOI-SI : run RENT AT w So 2l t stteet D27311 * TP.N-ROOM HOPSK Al.I , MODERN IM- provcmenlB Owen McCnffrej 22m > Hnrney si D-M2S1 \ii.ii RENT rou ONI : OR TWO YEAIH , AN elegantly furnished nlne-nvm hmiw. In best residence part ot ilt > Addnm T 11 lice D-niS lt _ _ FOR RENT EI.EOANT S ROOM HOUSE \V1TH nil modern Improvements No 40 ? N ! 1d st , D-S12 20 OR RENT. MODERN 1IR1CK DWFI.I.INO 10 rooms 2701 Pnrnam Mnet Possession Sept 1st , with or without stable Herl > ert M Rogers B12 N Y Life D-3r-U IVE ROOM Horsu , MODERN , NEAR PAHK IVll S 2Mb si D 314 NINIJ-ROOM MODERN 1IR1CK , NHWI.Y P V- perrd , overlooks Haiiscom jinik , } 22.i < lart l Hums Chlnu Slore , or 721 N \ I.lfe D 311 19 * MODERN TEN-ROOM HRICK . ins r I.OCA- llon In Omaha W P Clark Z.'OTi Douglas itlreel D13V1 20- _ 'OR IlKNT , A MODERN 8 ROOVl UOPHn" 2IUI Capitol nvenue Enquire nt 2I01 Capitol avenue D M3.1I 20 * II.l.OANT DETACHED HOt'siT'pOlf HK.NT , near llnil'com Park lllcki , agent , Wl N \ Life Hid g D-3TS I9 NEW tOlTAOE 4 ROOMS. SOTH AND , SA11- ler sis , JO 00 Inquire 1118 Pnrnam D-3il 19 1IUOMS AM ) IIOAHD. SOUTH PRONT ALCOVE ROOM , HOARD 2310 Dougl is P-MC07 J > 20 ) \ ELY ROOMS , OOOD HOARD. Jt V AND l CO week. tl N. 19tb P-M22S X" ROOMS. WITH HOARD. TRANSIENT Ac commodated Utopia , 1721 Davenport St P 2tu ! 2J DESIRAULK FURNISHED HOOM9 1919 > 0''Ke ' U M270 J3 ROOMS ran LIC.HT HOUSEKEEPING1919 Dodge , jj M271 1 ' 9U , ' ' , : : ' NICELY ft UNisiinT ) ROOMS for llghl hoti-ekeeplnB , 01 single rooms , nt 4l < Vorth 18th street E MJS5 20 * DESIRAULE I'URNISHED ROOMS 40" . N 1 E-321 19 * > uoi > ns. 0 CHAM11KRS I OR RENT. MAN AND \V1PE clly water , wasle pipe 319 N 17lh street 0-X10 PURNISHED ROOM. NICE LOCATION WITI or without bonnl 240-1 Capitol nvintic P M2BH 19 r ° IliUIVST ' -AHaEl NICELY PITRMSHP.D , south front room will good hoinl. rales v rv reasonable , If lakin Imme-dljlels 111 1 jrnam st P " , i j 19 * N'rl ! HOOMH VMTII HOARD. 1RANSI ENTf , nT. ? J nlLHl > nite > l reasonable The Rose 20.0 Hartley P M3IG A2 rou iinvr icsFiJHMsiinu utiovi- , . UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT on llrsl lloor ensulle , motlcrn conveniences 710 S. 18th st it 3VJ 1J * roil m\TsTiuins AM oKricis. CLAbH I1RICK .STORE HU1LDINO , 1011 Pnrnum , three htorles nml biscuit nt. will alter to sull lenunl , low rent. 311 1st Nat'l II It bltlg 1 611 POR RENT , THE 4-STORY 11R1CK HITILDINC al 910 1 imam st. 'llils building has n Mreproo cement basement , complete steam heating llx lures , water ui all lloors , gas , elc Apply u the olllce of The Hce I U10 J75 TO S1W A MONTH AND EXPENSES PAII salesmen for clguis , experience unnecessary standard boodi , Little CltrU clgir mtchlni * flee to each customer. Illshop 4 Kline St Louis A3- AGENTS WANTED TO TAKE ORDERS PO1 our celehnteil SI2 00 J15 00 and $ JO 00 hulls im J3CO. flOO nnd J" 00 custom pants < hlcagt I'ustom 1'ants Co , 20J Plfth n\c , Chleogo _ _ _ _ _ _ J AI2 > 9 . > . ! W\NT ED 5 000 AGENTS 1 OR 111 SSEL.I. S AH tliorl7 < > il "Lives of McKlnley nnd Hobirt' I > iO piges. elctnnll > Illustuited Pike enl > $100 ihe hcl and He cht ipesl uml outbell all others GO per cent to agents nnd fiel ht pild Hooks now re lily Save time bj semi Ing TtO Lenta In stamps for nn outllt nt once Address A D. Vorthlnston & Co. lluilford Conn J M2M-A1I * _ AGENTS MAKE 10 TO $18 A D VY INTRODUc" Ing the ' Comet ' the only $1 snap shol c uner made The greulesl gilltr oC the tentur > , gen eral and total ngenti v\.inteil al ] ovtr Hi world. Exclusive teirllorj Writetotlu ) fo l ums nnil samples Alken-Gleason Co , j WANTED \GENTS TO SELL SASH LOCK' nml door holders Sample sash lock free by mall for 'o Htamp Ut- sellers ever Imenlcil Hest welkins , J1J 00 n dn > Writeuulek Ilro luril & Co , llox 77. PnlKdelphla J SALESM\N , $1 A DAY , NO CANVASSING , NC deliveries , no collections , samples free , sld lineor exclusive Mfre , 3911 Market St Phil J AGENTS PROM J3 TO J10 PER DAY GUARAN tctd to s < ll the "Ituslness Gultle" Oler 4K pagts. 12 mo , cloth. Belling- price $1 Outtl free to huallers Per particulars address J L Nlthola X. Co Naix > rvllh , III J I.AD1 AGENTS A DIIKSS PATTERN HAND pome Iriinli silk umbrella , etc. , given free Send stamp for particulars Ladies hupplj Co 311S Porest nve e'hb ago J AtSENTS CANVASSING AGENTS IN EVER\ town to sell puent kettle , wonderful sellt r excluslui teirltoi ) particulars of It II Van duburg & Co , Chicago J 310 1J > AOENIS WANTED , TO II VNDLE A PATENT hllch-rtln hoi.It r. nolhlng like it ever on Hi maiket before no morn tjlng the hitch rein Urlte. for sample , itc 1hi Hllch Rein Hohh Co. , NohleHvllle Ind , J SO'i ' 19" AGENTS POR THE REST AND MOST COM plete campaign book , parlies , men nntl lusue of IS96 , ' * < > per cenl commission outtlt free Pub Co Lakeside Hldg , Chicago J 301 19 AOP.NTS AVANTED-OLASS PHOTOS OP Me Kfnley or llr > an Honanza for agents Sam pla doztn , II fcO , sell for fiOc each Lord Storey & Co , IM E Klnzle St , Chle-ago . J-J3I-19' PORTER'S Al'THnNTIC LIPE OF M KINf.ETi anil Hol > art Wo will for 10 days mull n com plete outllt fno ( worth SO cents ) In any. on who will agree to do faithful work on ou hooks , I Inhesl nnd blggt-st book , KI pairs number of original Illustrations price ) IIM beware of Cheap John booKa tlnlmlng to Ix ' authorized , " the ) arc not nuthorl7 > d b McKlnley. our la. his autograph lellir s n with oulllt proven It ; Ihls book leads the fielt nnl ouUellx ull olhers , positively het.t ttrnm frtltrht paltl ami ire III Mu n The N. < ! llumllton Pub Co , 3W Arcade , Cleveland , O J-3J2-19 * CAMPAIGN AND MOTTO Hl'TTONS HADQKS Cluulurs free , Loweal prices llest asaorl ment lluy from manufuclurera Sample. 11 lunilnatecl portrait bullon , llvu cenls The Ja > Gleuvon , 20J l-'runt SI , New iorU J-32S 19 AUENTS-HRIM.IANT AUSTRALIAN DIA monda , rlegnnl U & 1 gold plaled watches Tre mendouH sellers llu > our gooiU Catalogue I'nlonateh Co , 177 Droudwny , New York J 322-U * AOKNTH EVERYWHERK CAN MAKB IM nienriprottts Our summer peclHltlea , ju * out ell at night AVrlte for catalogue fu 'nfonnntlon Sample lOc Aluminum Novel ty Co 335 llrcadway , New York J AGENTS (1REAT LEADERS IN NATIONAI Issuts of U'K ! Cu > ) pakeu 100 Illuslrultons Ltres uml portraits nf ull the can.HJuten nn nil the great leaders of all parties Gold mi Silver , Tariff ami all the Issues ilUcuvbcd b Sherman , Teller. Holes Rrol , Wllxon , mi other * Outllt flee. Teini * liberal 1 c Winston & Co. , SS Dearborn St. , Chicago , J-JJ9-I9 W13 START YOU IN BUSINESS POR IOC * Quick seller , lady or gent , used extensively HO a day vastly made. bampl and term * lOc ( liver ) . iiavonelle Mfi ; . Co , DIM Hudso St. . Jersey C'lty , N. J , J 501-19" AGKNTsFwANTEO FOR QUEST'S QUICI Clean , the ntvttvt and beat polish ( or silver nickel brass , elc , , send lOc for sample botll l > > mall Addresa Qut-st's Qulik Clean Co Waterloo , lu J-M313 K "URYAN" " 18 TO 1. " AND JJ'KINLEY BUT tun hiuici1 * at factory price * I > . II lleemer manuractur rg aemt , 1I.-3 Dodge ntree Omaha J SJ3 IS' AOENTti. Ut'bTLKllS , J5 DAILY , 8ELLJNC only revolving grMJle cake turner : tainple :0c O. Mlckcl. nuinufucturer , linverlilll , Max XD ) TENANTS SKft'lim FOR VACANT houses pluced In our charge. PUelllj , 170 } Pnrtmm K SST VANTED. 11Y OENT1.KMAN AND U1PE , three or four plfTsanlly flUmted unfurnlnhed rooms within walking dlslnncc of poslotllce , Address T II Ilee K41 19' VANTED. HY OPNO COPI'LE , A NICK 7- room cottage nil modern wltiln 15 inlnules walk of Uth nnd Douglas s't Rent not to pxeied J2000 AtMress 101 St. 2Sth St VANTED. HOPSE OF AHOPT EIGHT OU ten rooms In good location , give full imilleu- lars T 16. lice K VANTED TO RENT 2 OR 3 PNPl RN1SHKD rooms for fatnllv of two , ctnlrall } locnted. Address T 19 Ilee K-3C.I 19' STOHtii : . ACIPIC STORAOE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , WS-910 Jones. Uenernl slorngo nnd forwarding M SH STOlIvGE TTlANIi"EwlTllS. . 1211 HARNP.Y" M MJ OM. VAN A STORVOE 1115 FAR'.M TEI. P > 53 M 871 M AVI'IJO TO IIUV. VA"NTID TO RPY CORNER I/DT WITH on vvllhout Improvements , vvlthln live blocks ot IS nnil Center , must be a bargain Address T 1. lice. N-223-1V WANTED TO RPY. PtREPROOP SAPE AND fireproof safe vIth burglar proof chest time lock. Enquire 911 N \ Life llltlg N-247-11 * WANTED , 10 III \ . V GOOD CARRIO1 : horse welghltm" about 1 400-lbs , must be per- feetlj safe for a lads to handle ami drive mnt must not Feinnt the sluel cars , or locomotive - motive slate lowesl cash price Atldres ; T 18 Ilee N M3Vt 21" WANTED. A GOOD ROV.D U AOON AM ) SIN gle harness must be e it ip for cash Allrts" D 12 Dee , Council HltifTs N-3C'i 19 roil SVI.1J I'l'llMTl ' IIIJ. ELEGANT PlRNlTtRE OP A SECRP.T SO clet > for sale al n jreal facrlllte Athlrtss A 15. Hie olllfC. O MJ31-20 KOIl SAI.I' HOIlsnS AMVACO.Ms. . NEW OR OOOD SECOND-HAND CARRIAGP' nnd buggies , cheap , 1411 Dodge P 810 WHT WILIi YOU C.1VE ME POR OOOI clly carriage Uam th it cost J100 00' Ail Ires- P O llox 478 P 311 19 * rou SAII : _ REST \RD\VOOD HOO AND C ICK fence , nlso "all wire" C. R Lee , 901 DougHs CJ 81S 2D-HAND I1IC\CIES. $10 J13 ft $20 RIO CLE : rented , repalrtd , Oin llc ! > . Co , 323 N 13th si IJ-S19 POR SALE. Ti FAMILY COWS 4111 ERSKINI SI CJ-27VJI POR SU.H , \ SI10N1NOER CYMRELLV OR gin as good ns new , al a bargiln Cnll o addrens , JC11. llurdetle si Q 311 19' POR SALE AT IIALP THE COST PRICE OM 2'4 II P "Kane" gisollne- engine In p'rfee order Address lohnjts , Supirlor , Neb CJ 3.'J 20 * POR S\LE , FIREPnOOP SAPE DOUI1L1 carriage single lop buga > double i irn * rollei top desk , Hat top tlesk revving machine i lectio thereputlc sttnin bith antl hTltei > , al In good tondltlon Address T 12 , Ilee Q-J9I 21 POR SM E. OAK ROLLER TOP DESK PINI vsatchmaker s btrti , che ip Addie s T 2r lite Q-3" 19 MAS.SAti : , llATIIb. I3TC. MMI1 AMES , 11VTHS , MASSAGE T07 1111 si. room 3. T M231 cr- MRS DR LEON , ELECTRIC MASSVOE PAR lors , refreshing ami eurallvu , ile-n'l fall to call 117 S llth st , upst ilrs T MJbJ 21 I'lJHSD.NAL. MISS VAN VALKENltUKO DESTRO\S PER manently bj eleelrlcily , bupeilluc/us h ilr , mole warts , etc Room 41B N Y. Life lllOUU U 822 RU1TUP.E CURED. NO PAIV ; NO DETL'N tton from business , we leltr to h'Jndieds c pnllenls cured. O i : Miller Co. , 307 N Life building , Omaha. Neb U S23 VIVVI , A HOME TREATMENT FOR UTERIN ] tioublen Ph > Blclun In attendance Consultc tion or health booh free 316 Ilee bide. U-S24 I1OSTON DRESS CUTTING ACADEMY , R " 0 : Karbnch blk , learn the best system , no rellttln , teach'rs wantetl , circulars rent Mrs. G Shelle : U C3I MV.KE MON'EY RY SPCCESSPPI. Sl'ECUL V lion , Ftntl for our free guile , "How to Speculate lateen Small Capital In Gi.iln nml stocks , gootl n rv It * * gunrantt t d Comstock , Coates t Co Rlalto llblg , Chicago U SITPERPM'OUS HAIR RITE TOR PREE LN form itlon how to remove h Ir ptrmunnll without slightest Injury loMn supeiloi t ilectih- needle Curtis Co. , 15C SJnd slree Chicago U pnivvrn HOME POR LADIPS IIP/PORE AN : durlmr < .ontlnemenl reasonable Urms goo inre. 1870 llninlllon St Omaha P 310-U' GHNHRU STENOOR M'HPIl ROOM 27 NI br.iska Nallonal It-ink Hhlg rates reisomblt LT 331 IS * DRAWN WORK AND EMI1ROIDERY TA1 Oil nnd executed No 142"i North 17ti , Thursili afternoons Time-hour lesson , M cents P 300-U' MOMIY TO I.OAY im.VL USTATU. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO , 315 N Y. 1 Quick monej at low rates for choice farm lear In Iowa , noithern Mlsi-c-url , eastern Ncbraski % V 825 CITY LOANS C. A. STARR , 925 N. Y. LIP ! W S26 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAII. real eslatc. Drcnnan , Love Co , Paxlon bloc ! W-827 LOANS ON IMPROVED . UNIMPROVED CIT properly. W , JTurnam Smith & Co , 1520 Farnin W-S2S MONEY TO 1OVN ON IMPROVED OMAII property at G 614 , 0 and C' , per cent Pusc & Thomas , ro < m 107 , First Nntloanl bank bbli W-S29 MONEY TO I/UN ON CITY PROPERTY JMO 00 up to J0,000 ! 00 Fidelity Trust Compan : W30 MONP.Y TO LOAN AT LOW RATES TJI O P Pav Is Co . 1505 Farnam st , W S3t WK WILL IIWE A I.AHGE SPECIAL PUN to loan or . .nproved Oimhn projwrt ) In Jul ami Augusl al lowest rates , apply now , don wall until your old loan expires. Fidelity Triii Company W M127 LOANS ON IMPROVED CITY AND PAR : property , low rates H. n Irey , 801 N Y Llf W-978-A5 F. D. WKAD. LOANS. 1CTH AND DOUGLAS 998 llS aio.vuv TO I.O.CIIATTII.S. . MONEY TO LO N. 30 , O > , 00 DAYS. PURN ; ture , pianos , etc. I > uft Green , room 8 Dirkcr bll X-S31 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANO' ' horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rate Itl clt ] nn removal of goods , strictly confidential , yc cnn pay Ihe loan nff nl ony time or In nr amount OMAH MORTGAOE LOAN CO , 300 So ICth st X 831 HUSIMSS en \ \ FOR SALE-AI1OI1T 2.000 L 3 MINION TYPI 700 Ibs n pate , COO Its brevier type , 150 pa two-third cases 40 double Iron elands for Iwi third cabta This material was Uked on Tl Omaha Ilee and U In fairly good comlltloi Will be old cheap In bulk or In quantities suit purchaser ApplJ In person or by mall i The Ilee PublUhinn Co , Omaha , Neb , Y 71J J2oOM 1NVESTKD EARNED APRIL $30b W May , J5 ? 00 June , J37400 1S91 averaged JS5I weekly ; proofs free. F Dally , 1ZW llrondwa ; New York. Y M9S5 A6 FOR SALE , A RICYCI.K FACTORY IN CH rage making high grade wheels ( with caps lly for alMiut 2GMr | jcar ) can be bougl on reasonable terms EnmblUhetl Ihree tear AdJrts * N 13 , Lord & Thomas , Chicago 1-M2G9 19' FOR SALE. COMPLETE JOH I'llINIINft Ol lUe , In acllve operation , al aboul one-fourl Its value. App ! ) C > N. Y Life building YM.'l > 7 19 WANTKW PHYSICIAN OR DRUGGIST. OKI man. with > ! > 00 cah to buy onc-lmlf in ten In gQO'l pa j Ing drug store iihjslclun preferrt. . Tit one of Die l > esl clllea In Ihe staleVrl ill N Y Life Hide . Omaha Y 3J4 19 > 110 TO M A DAY MADE IIY OUR NEW PLA of speculation Address Price & . Co ROOM 3 and 4. M Ilroadnay , New lorl. Y-8U 19' WANTKD PARTNER WITH JNO TO 1500 CA1 llul lo buy Inlerent In gotxl vaylnic butlnei ( barber's aupplle * ) and travel AitJre a T lite. Y-310 ; o FOR RENT. A GOOD I\KERY , TO IUQH party , with MOD. Addreiu T U , life.T . T J49 l * in ( CVinllnu il ) VANTED PARTNER H'JIVE , FOR OFP1CK work In pulling on thp niatket n lien medi cine , demititl imlversnUljfen Ihoroughlj twletl for 10 years , Wi pef < f nit profit , only Moo re nulrei ! J H Hond , > , ? ! - Itundolph st R 24 thleao ) , 111 Y-MJ : STAHUslED NKWVO'KR THO TOWN , close lo Lincoln Qaiti opportunity for i llrynn pHper ! OfO Jiaif. rish Address "T 11 , ' Ilee. 1-MM7-2.1 'OR SALU-HAKHRY > < PF ( TIOMJIIT AND Ito cream parlor In ojw < ) t , the liest low us in Nebraska Doing goo < l biii > lness Everjlhlng llrst class H will pn > ) oti lo Investlgnto this Per particulars address T 10 , Ilee ntllce , Y 329 Z3 J1017REALPP.D ttf ONI : U P.EK ON AN Investmenl of I2" > oo rnnltnl Heller results rannnt lie expected rlte for piirthnlnrs Conden & Co Commission ( linkers Covlnuton Ky -29-iia * T' cTl"E\P \ \ ILL IH \ STOCK OP HOODS J2 Wn to fSOOfl Address J H , 2-.06 nvenue \ 3. > 2 19 * roii n\cn WANT OMAHA RF.AL ESTATE for cle-ir farms Vnnt house , will give lot or n first mortgage ns pirt pn > menl Oarv In llros 1013 Parnntn y. 317 ! > TO TRAlTE KO ACRES OP LAND ADIOlNiNl ) Ihe town of Cozail Dnwson Co Neb. for a clean stock of .tnernl meichandlpt ; of nbnit tl 41x1 Address all leltcrs to lames Pnlterson Paten Iowa X 311 2S * WANTED TO TRADE A L\DIES lllcCLE new for tihietnii or lop bUKg > Address Mrs Ctalcsnshlnnlon Nth / 1. , U > 'Oll SALK ItHAIKSTAI'U HEAIj ESTATE AND LOANS \ \ Illhini II Lrnry. CIS N Y. Life bbV 1OH SALE. LOTS OR ACRES ALONGSIDE Ihe lalhond stitton and near the governmcnl bulldliiK-s al the main west entrance lo Port Crook , pilcis low , terms eas > POTTER A aiORGE COMPANY S \V , Cor 16th und Fnrmm ts , RE MS77 31 , \lSTRACTf J11E HYRON REED COMPANY. RE-S35 FOR SALE SIX GRAIN ELEVATORS IN Gage county , N-b on the Union Piclflc rail vvn > , eisy terms nnd chetp Address J Q Shea , room C20 N. Y. Life bl lu RE 973 FARM LANDS. I- 1' . HARRISON 912 N Y Life RE M712JJ7 M'KINLEY-M'COLL MERCER lou know the uct A beautiful collage In Walnut Hill worth $2 500 for SI 900 Monthl ) pi > mtnls lo full Don't ben tenler nlwuy * . tcl u home , when It Is just as ens } Omaha Real Estate nnd Trust Co , 211 S Pith HE Mill A Fi : , \ RARE MIDSUMMER HUIGAINS l lne full lot , within n block of tht * motor line to Soulh Omaha , $10000 cish bu > s It , one sold for J700.U ) $20000 will buy n fO-fool full front lot In tie' north l > irl of Ihe till , will be worth $ < ! 00 If the Exposition goes to Miller Park $1 , CO DO for n line eorntr , stieel piyetl with as- philt. one block from Mr dates' res'Knee ii foot fiontifce , wet Hi 53 010 00 Ea"l fiont seven loom houte bith cloct itc 50-foot lot with line nutuml lri.cs , line b-ir- galn nl J2 000 00 New six-room coltnge with modem Improve ments , well located within walking distance for JJ OCO U ) A btautlful residence nnme Inrdwood IhiUhed nml evei > minlein Imiiruvcmeiit virj slghll ) nnd line lawn nnd Bhad- worth $ .00000 , e in be had foi J3 3CO TO Huve some line lols In the nort i pirl of the clt > on gootl stucls. among prclls homes on month ! } pajnients of $10 TO , encli nl from $2iO.(0 to 55COOO , Ju t tie thing for the etio ihlt wheels Evil } one of the above Oejicilbed pieces of p op ert > can be hail nt n price th it will miku the pmchasei some moncv \\lll be plenstd to showou this propertj at anj timeFIDELITY TKl'ST COMPVNY 170J Parinm tl RLV-M2'i2 Jl WANTED. IXIH CASH. S TO 10 ROOM HOUSE must Ix. ' n gooil homtl and n lur aln Poi c i"li , ti lo s room nou e for K fin to $3 000. Per cash " to 7 loom ImUho for $1 W ) to } 2 "iOO \Ve have the bikers If you have i b irnaln M 1 Kennuil A. Son , 310 Drown blk MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE ON M FEET OP Kiound fronting H inbcom paik nil tjieelil taxea pibl bj city only HIOI on < isy pi > ments Win H. Crarj CIS N Y Life blttt , H Evai . ( J * FOR SALE 8r house mar Hanscont narki J4 nco 00 Luge lot neir f-ainam vtrr choice , n snap e\trdl vacant low > .f to $ ri)0 ( jt ) IInue and lot COxlSS rcnteH 524) Pilee. $2 000 00 House- and lirge lot on paymenls l 10010 VVanled Improve ! nml vaeanl propel 15 , bir- galns enl } Garvln llros 1 11 Pirnim RI3319 A 1 K\V CHOICE HAHCiAIN" CHOKE lot , neir JJd nnl Dodie rplendh ictlilem.0 nelghborhool , lor uulck t-ale a $1.310 HANDi-OME nine loom hrupe , nil motlem Improvt mints , If aohl uulck , onlj $5 Ow CHOICE bu lnes3 lot , best Incited lor trieknge v\ht ltsile or warehouse purjioses In Omaha $14 OM ) LARGE LOT CO feet south fioiitihe , with C room collage near Hanscom Park $37 > 0 HOUSE ind lot near new stile- Pair grounds good for boinlimi house , fM SUV ACRES In Cmtril Nebraska , ifootl soil , run ninj , water , enly Ji per atic POt IUEEN LOIS In hsbt Itsldcnce neUhbor hood , and clo-e lo business icnler of Oin iln SiSO'O ' will take two-thlils In I'ind Gtoigt N Hlllts , 30j N Y Life Hld'gRE RE 3" 19 THE PFOPLE S DISPENSARY 132i DOUGLAF st. . Is ihe only place Khere 1 idles nre eureU be relieved of nil their tioiiblckomt * iMsiase peculiar to their sax. This Is tne- oldest dls penury In the clt > Don t licaltite , prociastl nation Is the thief of lime und In anothe month > our ailment may he Incurable , nil tie layed courses and Irrcgul irltles restored , n ( matter from whit cause , we have a fine bom If jou need prlvaij all letters enclosing stain ] nnswercil nnl medicine forwarded confine ments. J10 00 nntl up M 2.12 3l LADIES' CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNY loyal 1'llls ( Diamond brand ) are the best Safe reliable Take no other. Send 4u btnmps fo purtliulars , "Relief for Lmllea" In letter bj letuin mall At drugtists Chlchestei Chemical Co , Phil idelphla. Pi Mention Ilee TO THE LADlES-The WORLDS GREATEST tllteoven , Ililm of I Igs , positively cults al forms of female diseases. All tullln-t Ihls wee ! will > , el a samtde fiee TheWoman's Mutua IltnelltCo , 1324 Capllol Ave J30 1U UHTUCTIVU AOINCV. CAPTAIN P. MOSTYN , DETECTIVI2OENCY all detective work carefully and promptly nt tended lo , 110 Knrhach block , Oin ilia , and 51 ( Roinoke Hhlr. ChltTgo MS-.8 31 111 ILIUM ; AM > I.OAV ASSOCIATIONS SHARES IN MUTUAL L & U AfcS'N PAY C , 7 S per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 years old , ulwajs re t'eniabl , 17C4 Parnam et Nalllncr , hec. 833 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOr Interest on savings. Apply lo Omaha L & H Ass'n , 1704 Farnam , G M. Nultlnger , Sec. ii via THE PALACE HBAUTIFUL , FIRST CLAS1- hair diesslng manicure/nnd massage parlor * 1015 Douglas 2S7 A17 ir MAROwrrz IXJANSMONEY. . 4is N. 10 ST II lull' ' 8)0 ASTHOI.OttV. THE WONDER OF ifill ' AGE , PROF A Jlnsery , the greatest slr toger and palmlste In the worll , pist pftf < nlj future lold or n charge 190S PurnamtS , I il2 m , 2 SO lo 9 3 P m ] , , , 971-2J * MlhlC , AIIT GEORGK F. GELLENI1I1CK. UANJO ANJ. gullar leacher R 41 " Ite Hlds Tel. .MS 100 WEST'N HICYCLK tS. UUN CO. , 2116 CUMING < i 536 LOST. LOST A PENSION CKUTIPICATE. FINDEI will please it-lurn lo Jnd Italley J7-0 Ohio st Lost 2SS 2 < j LOST. DIAMOND SHIRT STUD , HETWEEf Heo Hull.ling ami Florence , liberal rcwutd fu leturn J 41 Da > , Ji-wcltr Hee llluldlni ; Lost 319 19' UI'II OI.STUH IN O WllITUIin. . FURNITURJ3 PACKF.D , WINDOW CUSHION tnd tnatlresvea made and renovuled , tel ou Iirkes l > efofv placing > our urder. M , tiallt In. Sill Cumlng st tel. 1331. S3 ? SIIOHTIIAM ) AND TYIMJU'ltlTIAf ! . A. C , VAN BAN1-S SCHOOL. CU N. Y. UVl 841 IlOllSUij P.\STIIHii ) , GOOD GRASS. HOARD FENCE. 8PRINC water. A , W. Fbclpa & Bon , 201 N. Y. Lift 1HOUS EDITORIAL QUARTET Tour Americans Who in Their Day Made and Unmade Presidents. GREELEY , BENNETT , WEED , RAYMOND rMomil lli'ciillpctlnn * itf Tliplr Mclli- tittw , I'ntlclpii mill I'lmriiPliTlH- tli-K IMItorlnlnrfiirp mill Aniiisi-iiifiit. ( Copj righted l < n li ) the s a McClure Co. ) O ( coii'so rrcilerlck Hudson's "History of Vnierlcnii Journalism" 1ms inntle the world cqunlnteit with those Washington rtllturs. Juff. Grci'ii nii'l ' Fniicli 1' lllfllr , sr. , who latk1 or immaclo presidents In nntp-belluin lines , jet more cons'ilcuoiislv than they In rc'slilrnt-makltiK nnd unmaklnR were the icinbers of what may 1)0 ) let mod New 'orlc's Ricat cdltoilnl qntrtut Tlitirlovv Vecd , James Got don llennett sr , Horace Orcelc > nnd Henry J llaytnnnd llrfore referrlns to them personally In do- all It can bo prefaced that political history takes Thtirlow Weed entire ! } accountable or the respective nominations nnd elections t William Henry Harrison Ztchnry Taylor. Illlaid Pillmorc and Andrew Johnson In heir respective campalmis Thurtow Weed H the manager of their parti mnchlno In \ow York stito and through his Influential .eltRatlon and personal magnetic Infltienct his more potent because he never snugM political preferment both Webster and rinj. ho real party favorites In 1840 and ISIS , vcro set aside In favor of Harrison , tha icro of Tlppcoanou , .ind Ta > lor. the hero of Jtiena Vista Although both Klllmore and 'ohnson were electtd vice president and succeeded to the whlto louse by deattu , It \ns Mr Weed who selected the former nnd airly forced him on the nominating convcn- lon , and. In the case of Johnson , set aside he Incumbent , Hannibal Hamlln , against micli s > mpathy and political strength Dddly enough l > v the deaths of Harrison and Tajlor and Lincoln , Ml , Weul vastly lost lolltlcal prestige , because Tailor , his own lomlnce , rillmoro and Johnson vvcio no soonei In white house power than they lurteil political company with Mr. Weed Dddly enough also two of his candidates , jcncral Hcott In 1S5J and General Krcmont n IS'iU , were unsuccessful and again lost ilm political prestige His cherished alms n ISGO to give the presidency \Vllllam 1 Seward whom ho had made governor of Now York state In 1SIO and placed on the road to great statesmanship were also un successful and ever thereafter his political prestlqe as a pair ; manager slowly faded James GorJon Dennettv iilu an editor of u great party organ , the. N'ew York Courier and inquirer afterward absorbed Into the New York World did much toward the election , in 183G , of Martin Van Huron , and again in 1853 greatly aided the fortunes of President 1'letce by his sarinslic sallies ngiUnat the Weed candidate , Gtneral Scott to whom ho gave the sofoi Ici'iot of "Old TUBS and Teatheis , " that disadvantageousj ! clung to him tluoughout his disastrous campaign Hut In 1S3R , when I'lcrcc de sired renomlnatlon , Mr 13cnnett turned against him ami practically .unmade him while strongly favoilng Huchanan In Ills then powerful newspaper , the New York Herald Horace Greelcj shared with Mr Weed the making of Harrison In 1S40 , of Ta > lor In ISIS and of Lincoln In I860 , but sadl ) failed in 1STIn his endeavors to iinmaKc President Grant in , x second term Henri J Raj mend had Ills full share in the making of Generals Scott and Fremont candidates and In the of Lincoln after he received , against Raymond's influ ence , the nomination and alto of General Grant In his first term When Mr Weed and a laigo section of the party of Andrew Johnson deserted him Mr , Raymond's pen was that president's support In what might be termed his remaking Uut Mi. Haj- mend unlike the othci three of the quar tet , never had a share of unmaking nnj president rouNDiNG or rotiR GRJAT DAILIES Although all of this famous editorial quartet arc dead , each lives to a market ! extent In the jouinala that each founded the Albany evening Journal , the New THUULOW WCED. York Herald , the New York Tribune am the Now York Times. It was my good for tune to know personally all of them , ti have been on Intimate terms with three of them. Mr Dennett was a natlvo Scot , Mr. Grce- loy took birth among the granite hills of New Hampshire , Mr Weed under the shadows of thu CaUkill mountains about the time Hip Van Winkle was still sleeping there , amf Mr. Raymond's Infant ejcs Ills opened on thu Croon mountains of Vermont Circumstances strangely throw logcthei tlu > quartet at the veiy commencement of their jouinallstic careers In 1840 Messrs Weed and Grecloy were cdttoi tally cooperating ating for the cause of "Tlppecanoe am Tyler , too. " Air. Hennett had been serv Ing foi the same cause an sub-editor to the Courier and Enquirer. When Mr Dennct quitted that employment to found like Greele/ one or two minor and compara tively unsuccessful Journals , and next , it 1835 , to originate the New York Herald Mr Raymond succeeded him In the Courier some years later , and next leaving tha post took employment under Mr Greeley on the Tribune Thus Mr Raymond , whet starting the Times , had acquired rcmlnls cent knowledge of both Dennett and Gree ley's journalistic trends , as had the editor ot the Tribune of the newspaper methods o Mr Weed Nevertheless it Is notable tha each , In early as well as in later newspaper conduct struck out on original methods Imbued with puisonal Idiosyncracles A the time Mr Ra > mend , In 1S57 , In con nee tion with the Into George Jones as buainess partner founded the New York Times , Mr Weed had already become recognized as a political Nester , and Messrs Dennett am Gieeley had also been already acknowledge ! an potent inonarchs In the lealms of jour nullsm EOITORIAL WARFARH Messrs Weed and Greeley had then alreadj become acknowledged makers of governor and piesldents and Mr Raymond had taken rank as an Albany legislator at an era whei a new radical state constitution had callei for the serv tees at the state capllol of the most capable politicians In both whig am democratic parties Mr Dennett then , a alwa8 afterward , utood without active po lltlcal affiliations , but with tendencies name what antagonistic to the whlggery of tti other three Ills favorite editorial amuse ment vaa to pit one paity on Monday , fo Instance the other on a Wednesday , amen on a Friday knock their heads together ii mischievous and piquant editorials In him ii strong tendency to mischief makin always existed. Enemies had called iilu malicious , but never a grain of malice wa In his heart. They simply mistook mis chief aud practical jocundity for malice Doth Messrs. Weed and Greeleyveru vei serious editors , but Raymond combined slight love of mischief and satire , with preference for serious views of life and It vicissitudes The personality of each edl tor wan no strongly infufied Into the news paper directed by each of the quartet tha until their dcatha the sayings by any on quoting either paper was "Dennett , o Weed , or Raymond , or Greeley , nays HO ant so thin morning. " New York City finally became the journal Utlc workshop of the entire Quartet by the removal to U of Mr. Weed on the purchase ot the oldest dally newspaper In the state-- the Commercial Advertiser -whose eonserva- the history stilted the conservative Jennings of Mr Weed In his declining 5 ears NONASSIMILAT10N OF THH OHOU11 Although one vvotihl surmise tlmt co-op erntlon In similar grooves of occupation might he calculated to drnw the member * of the quartet together In personal friend i ship the singular fcatuie was presented ot \ their iioiiasslnitlatlon While Messrs Weed I and Hajmond renmlned upon the most | ] amiable term- ? throughout their editorial en- j i recrs. the utmost personal antagonism ensued - I sued between Messrs Weed and Oreeley , nnd between the latter and Mr Hnjmoml ; whllo Mr nennett who had inner except iv JAMES GORDON DENNETT , SR. casual ! } met anv of the others constantly vagcd n guetilU waifaro upon all three vlth Ills editorial pen Tor thorn he pro- lured nicknames , thus Weed was to him and Herald readers the "Allnnv dnini- llpr" | n alluvion to the enlistment of the \lbnny editor during the war of 1812 as n mylsh drummer For that service Mr Weed jcarly received n pension to the date of his leath and which went Into the conduit of its well-known and sjstematio charities Mr Rnvmond became In Herald verbiage Ahelard , " In allusion to some correspond ence had with a Indy contributor ( Helorse ) vhlch had been surreptitiously obtained nnd lubllshed In a garbled form MrGreiloy was similarly referred to as the "whlto- coated philosopher , " In allusion to the tra- lltlonal light colored overcoat that the Tribune editor had adopted during his Now England youthful days nnd always were In after life Upon one occasion Mr Groeley's ion termed Mr Weed a "leper of the obby" alluding to the lattor's persistent nterest In the doings of the legislature ! ) n another and notable occasion Mr Oreo- ley In an editorial denominated Mr , Raymond mend ns the "little vllliiln " IN PERSONAL APPEARANCE. Allusion has just been made to the poren- trlclty In diess of Ml Greoloy Throughout life he was addicted to loose and Ill-flttlng garments Indeed one of his biographers iave an Instance of Mr Grcoloy's losing n job as a printer because of his alleged slovenliness In attlro when he came asking employment Ills enemies who declared Diogenes to be really n coxcomb In affecting odd costume contended that Mr. Greele } took cs much pains In making himself neg ligee as Raymond did In obeylnp , the cole- iirated lines of the English poet 'Tho vviong the mode , comply , more sense Is shown By following others' folly thini your own Yet Mi Greoloy wan always neat and there was never about him the Grille street air that belonged to the literary men of Dr Johnson's era Mr. Greeley was , ns Carlyle has phrased It , "Internally clpan" nlso for he abhorred wine , spirits and to- DOCCO , and prefei red a vegetarian dle-t Mr Weed to an extent shared Mr Greedcv's distaste toward dress and his gray shawl intl slouched Kohsuth hat became In time a portion of his personality In public Mr Bennett wns except tonally well dron ed at all times , and perhaps his immaculate long tailed fiock coat was a reminiscence of hla priestly youth , and his stereotype trouseis of Shepherd's plaid a tribute to his natlvo Scotia. In tjeneial appearance the quartet widely dineied. Mr. I'enueit was Romanesque tall , and of distinguished appoarame ; not nt all marred by a tendency in one of his piercing eyes to strabhmus Mr Raymond icmlndod a tourist cf some dippei habltuo of the Champs Elysee of Paris. Mr Weed although naturally tall , became shambling 'n ' gait lie was strongly featured and his eyes were peculiarly searching under shaggy eyebrows Ho might have been taken by n stranger as the personification of a trained police detective , oven watching and "want Ing to know , you know. " Mr Greeley often suggested in his ap " peaiance a Mohammedan "pilgrim fresh from a mosque Mr Weed had hesitancy of speech often of great /aluo v ; hen ho desired sired to weigh woids ard ho was a com blnatalon of Sphinx and Aigos Mr Greoley novel laid aside the Yankee drawl of his boyhood but always spoke to the point and often with Impolicy. Mr Dennett when excited or Interested , would ielapse into Scotch accent , and although unusually reserved In conversation was when he talked as when ho wrote , lucidly epigrammatic Mr Raymond was gifted . \ith a melodious volco and a discreet volubility which In creased his oratorical powers when ho be came n lieutenant governor , a speaker ot the assembly and a congressman. EDITORIAL METHODS. Doth Mr. Dennett and Mr. Raymond knew how to keep the editorial linger on the popu lar pulse and allow the newspaper columns to beat witli It , when and how to administer news and to prescribe Its proper quantity and quality ; how to acquire It and to suit ably use It , how to use fertility of sugges tion to assistants , how In the news hopper tc volt clnff fiom the grain ; how to some times fuse news In an appropriate crucible how to weigh news In the odltoilal scalet with discretion while adjudging whether tr employ as It wore troy or avoirdupois weights according us the demands of the day selected weight. And , Dually how to gradu ate news 01 comments to thu many men 11 many minds who composed newspaper reac , crs. Doth appreciated that news and nvcntt needed to bo assorted like as the proprlcioi HENRY RAYMOND of a bazaar of aleitness , and what wlsdon was Implied In the Latin saw , curpo ulein They editorially practiced upon the maxln "tho law fuvom the vigilant and not sleep orx" Each possessed journalistic cnthual asm and diffused it among their staff Whll thuy believed In dlvUlon.of labor each fel the necessity of an Impress of the one-nmi power Mr Dennett was the greatest editor of th quartet because paraphrasing the line o Edward Dyer , an English poet of the uix tcenth rantury "My mind to me u kingdoi U , " ho felt "My newspapci is my king dom " The Herald from the flr t day of hi founding It and then becoming in his o\vi poison Ha editor , Ha staff , Its Imslne * manager and Ha Haleanmn , aud from th very hour wlicit he published hlu small ghee in n Wall street basement until the day t his death , when Ills scepter wielded then I on editorial marblu palace was pasted to hi namesake son , remained as a kingdom fa big exclusive regard. Mr Dennett * thoughts , alma and puipoaea were con centrated upon that kingdom , while th other three of the quartet were morn or lee nlso Immersed In political management an were using the nword of partUan organlza tton therein In company with the mlghtle ren. When tendered by President Llncol tha post of a foreign uiUnlon In tippareii acknowledgment of the editorial nervlce that liU pea bad rendered during the tar ! dark days of the civil war , Mr Dennett re * marked to me "Who hn a greater ftcopa for diplomacy itmn the proprietor of a dally American newspaper * " When fore he de clined the mission In this turn , thiirlow Weed during half a century of his eventful participation In political movements declined many tfiulerpit o1U-i" < , various nnd honorable In sropo. Ho preferred to bo a Warw Ick to being a cro\\nrd political monnrch Hut at the Inception of the civil wnr he accepted along with Roman Catholic Itlshop John Hughes nnd Protestant Hlsliop Mellvnlno n dcslgna- lion ns n private commissioner to the EHR- llsh and Trench governments towards avert- tig their presumed Intention of proclaiming itenmtionnl belligerency between the north- rn nnd southern foreos INDIVIIH'U. TUA1T3 It may bo observed that Mr Weed's por- onal magnetism became peculiarly nollce- blo bv every ono brought In contact with ilm They nil reeognlreii what we now call lie hypnotic eyes Hint shone so caressingly ml the mngnetlr habitual touch of his Ingers on the arm of him whom ho col- oqnlnlly addressed "How iiiiild I resist him , " unld on ono xenslon n candidate at n political coilvcn- Ion , who withdrew his name to the con- tarnation of his supporters "for when h irossed my arm and whispered ( o mo 'for ho good of our party. ' I became the un- FMstlng victim of his wilt power" 1 That possession of animal magnetism wa ndoubtedlv the groal secret of his unvary- ng success as n political leader He hail 10 mod to take election as a governor , for lolltlral tradition embalms the fart that urlng the gubernatorial terms of four chief nagNtrates of Xcvv York state lie was the guiding power behind their choirs Thli ame tradition narrntis that William Henry toward when first governor , and almost boyish In appearance , was on one occasion masongor In n Binge conch seated beside the river who wns Ignorant of the rnnk of his iox sent neighbor That In the course of KIX talk1 Mr Seward delicately hinted 0 the cimhnmn that ho himself was gov- rnor Whereupon John scornfully laughed nnd contemptuously nicking his whip rc- nnrked "No , no that won't go down Any 001 knows that the nnmo of our governor s Thin low Weed ' N'ono others of the quartet possessed lorsonal magnetism Mr Greeley was apt a become nggreislvo in manner Mr Den nett's lordlnllty was restrained by a habit of suspecting motives ; Mr Raymond wns irbnno nnd popular , but never magnetic mong men Men of mature years may bo generally Ivlded Into yesterday or tomoirow men. Ono class for Instance , fond of memories ml reminiscent t's , and another addicted to ntlclpatlons Ono class to quote the tltlo of n popular novel looking backward ; ami HORACE GREELEY. ho other looking forward In pref.crc.nco. Messrs Wocil and Groeloy were to a largo ! xtent yestciday men ; but Messrs Dennett nnd Haymoml ile.clde.ill > were tomorrow men. very editor must of course be both a omorrovv man nnd a yesterday man whllo 10 views a today. His vocation and his lowspaper so demand. Hut Mr Weed and Mr Greeley were habitualv ! prone to tofer o the pist , whllo Mr Dennett and Mr Hay- . mend seemed to Ignore It and pay gieat attention to thu future In private convcr.sttlon the two first named lingered on the "what has been , " nit the other two on the "what la to be " To n certain extent the two first named iv ere inclined to pessimism , but the other two were optimists. Mr Dennett was cs- icclnlly given to odltorhllzlnB upon ex- icrted events and to prognostications. Ho tailed novel scheme" ] In nodal progress , nventions and scientific udvancc So far as his potent penis concerned he may have " ) pnn said to have laid thu Atlantic cable , n Its rtaiKest hours he persistently com- nendcd and advocated It Doubtless , youth ful memories of his sire's enthusiasm on tha matter Inspired the namesake son to create that European cable sjstem with which the i-imc of Bennett Is Imllssolubly connected , ind that became the admitted champion > f low ratea for International messages. I heard Mr Dennett peru predict that great ivorldly gains wc-re in progress from the use of electricity , and In his mind's eje ho 'oreshadowed the Idea of the telephone. Hut ho did not live to see the marvellous fulfillment of his crude predictions , under thu almost magical genius of Edison. IDITOIIIAL. I'oucins. The quartet varied In their estimation , of the requisites for editorial life Kor Instance - ' stance , when Mr. Haymond believed that i lie who had no convictions was the best 5 editor , Mr. Giceley awarded thu palm to i the editor who held stiong convictions , t The Ideas which Messrs Weed nnd Dennett shared on the subject vvoio that the best ' editor was ho who followed the trend of \ popular convictions In the majority upon pending questions They each put great 1 editorial reliance on vex popull Hut If Mr. ' Giceley did not appiovo of that vex ho lion- > * cstly endeavored to hush It A favoralilo expression of Mr. llennett was that onn province of an editor was to put scencH of life Into the minds of rcadeis without requiring them to think much as they 3 rc'ad. \ Knrh of the quartet became popular with ' 5 his staff 4 Mr. Greeley for his frankness , qtialntncsa 1 and simplicity , Mr Raymond for unvarying wlunlty and consideration for the feeling * v of others , Mr Weed by rcnhon of his per- ' Bonal magnetism and his recoi-iil/cd good j Judgment about men and events , and Mr. ' Dennett for his grave , ( ourtcous dignity anil his valued sententious and marvellous spread of Information Ho was gifted with a Walter Scott life im-moiy , and was to his Btaft what I may term n peripatetic en cyclopedia Mr We < d ami Mr Orei-Iey shared dlstobte for details , nnd left these wholly to subordlnatis but the other two editors , while believing In division of labor among assistants , rtadlly grasped details In newspaper management and to a largo erf- tout shared In arrangement of tin HP With that most necessary adjunct to n successful Journal thu business ofllce , Messrs Weed and Grruloy held no connec- tlon or supervision Mi Ha > niond enjoyed the co-opeiatlon In the business depaitmrnt of the Times of his partner , the lat George JOIICB , who was In his day undeniably the most capable newspaper publisher that any country ever knew In the business de partment of the Herald Mr Dennett look palua to employ men who In thu slang of thu present day are felicitously styled 'hustlers" but ho personally suppivised thu buhlncbis details of the Herald until his son and namesake came into the necessary ma turity for relieving him of such attention. It vvaa u misfortune In Mr , Giteloy'a ' life that he never had thu fillghttut aptness for huslnefcs In Its commnrilal sense. Upon a particular occasion ut one of the well known ovenlng salons that the literary Carey ulu- UTS weekly held In Ihelr coney house on Lexington avenue , whcro the representative literate , artists and music lovers of New York Clly assembled , the topic arose whether Dlcktns really drew the character of Mlcawber from tils own father ; and Mr , Grecloy said ' My paternal wuua veritable Mtcavvbcr himself Ills love of eiulomlnt : notes for neighboring farmers In our vl- | lago of Amlierst reduced htm to bankruptcy and compelled his emigration to another state " Oddly enough this same trait crept Into Editor ( irrcloy's career Ho lost Urge sums throughout his New York residence by endorsing commercial paper that hu was compelled to honor. Ha was the only Im pulsive member of thu quartet , and im pulsiveness in business matter * is not a desirable trait. So It came to pats that when Mr , Grcclcy died ho owned ouly nix share * of the capita ) Block of tha New York Tribune out of thu very largo number of share's that be once possessed. A. OAKUY HALU