S OMATTA DAILY , JULY 10 , 1800. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S ' TRADE General Business Quiet a * Usual Luring Mid-Snlnmor Season. SMALL GRAIN WILL BRING IN SOME MONEY Co in | i n r I in it of Viilnci ni M % Stm ami 31mI * llrl erii TlilM > " mill Iiiiot Lot-ill ItniiU Cli-nr- IIIUH Miow An usual nt this senHon of the jrnr. the volnmo of new buslnens In u Jobbing way contlntitH of v ry mudernto proportions , end yet It 1st * ? .ifc to siiy tlmt If the * notuttl HgiircH WIMO lielil up to the KIIZO of the public , many ho think lhein clveii vc\\ \ \ Informeil would bo surprised nt the ex- ccllonrc of the showlinr. An Inellc.Ulon tlmt the volume of business netunlly elolng Is Im KIT thnn would iifipenr on the .snr- fnco li to be found In the b.tnU deal Ing * ! , which continue to Khovv law ftnlns over u jcnr nno One of the best fentute * nl- tcmlliiK Hit1 purehntieH at Jobbing houses mnde from liny to ilnj Is tlmt the-y me the tcslllts of 'Beipp'J-ed uants for the piesent dcmnnOs of e-onnumeis No one Is buying , PO fnr ns ran be leniiud. In niitlelp.ttlon of vcntH , but Hiich Boods as nre lenvliifc' the JobbliiK houses uro very IniRiOy fet Imme diate 01 lie-in by consumption Money In the. countiy trlbut.uy to thl- clly IB by no means plentiful , but still tlicic bus bei-n n nli-iuly stream How Ins Into Hlli'h BtctloiiH of tin state as hud totli ] a t Benson In i-xelniiiBO for fat I'little ThcMo tattle ate How about all tniitkcliel nml the money from tlmt Kourco will be Cut off , but the hnrvestlni ' , of uniiill Kmlii IH now uniletvay , and money will soon be comltiK Into the- state In exchanite foi wheat and out In Iho northvvestein portion tion of the Htnte , known as the Handbill vonnliv , the run BO cattle- ale * coinmtncliiR to rom'o forward quite freely , and ns price- on that cln of e.tttle ale Kooel , the ranch owneis nee in likely to realize n Rood deal from their stle , which oilRht to hell bUBlness In tlmt part of the mate Local retail business Is ernlcl , mill till general chat niter of the trade H not sueli us to e-xclte special comment QIMJSTION or piticns The Hlntement Is ni-qtiently made bv consumerH that while the pi Ice of live Block Is lower , meat costs ! them just as much ns ever. An meat foi nm a law , iarl of the diet of all classes , consumers vvnte ! prices ver > closely , and any disposition 01 the part of butchers to bold values ubovc \\hiet would be considered n fulr tniirRli of ptollt Is promptly icsciited In view of tlmt fact , n comp.ulson of prices nov unil a ytm nt.o will be of especial Interest On the South Omah i muket the bes ( native Hteeis are now hclllnif .it about * ( cents pet HO less than n year aeo , bu there aie very few- cattle of that Kim Koliitr Into consumption Irom this point The demand calls feir cheaper meat , am that has tended to hold up prices on tin cheaper cattle such as Brass steers , cow nnd heifers. In consequence there Is neBO BO much dirfuenee- between the prices pre vnlllUK the middle of .Inly this > cnr a1 compared with last , on Hint kind of cattle Good medium might Hteers are all th < v..iy from 20 to C. > cents per 100 lower nnt the common to fair guides are brlnglnt nlmost ns much ns a year aRO. Quotations on good cows .are n very llttb lower , but common cows are hlRher thai n j-cnr ago Western range c.xttlo are COf SO cents per 100 lower this season It must be borne In mind that the growe sells Ills cattle live -weight , at a ccrtali price per 100 pounds , whiles dressed meat I1 sold by the pound Thus a ileellne of 7 eents per 100 In the prlee of cattle mean' only a elrop of yt eent per pound It must also be borne In mind when com pnrlsons aie made between the prices 01 live stock and dressed meat tli.il there nn n peed many other Items besides the men which enter Into consideration of thosi \vlio arc llgmlng protlts on the slaughter Ing of anlmnls. There are- the hides , bones horns , glue stock , fertiliser , etc , whlcl have to be looked nftei , nnd an iiilv.iiici In the pi Ice of ll\o cattle , which was no followed by a corresponding advance Ii values on these by-products , would hnv to bo made up by n greater advance 01 the prlee of meat For that rciibon th' ' price of meat and the price of live anl innls do not nlvvays holel the same rclatlv pobltlon. 1.1 Vn CATTLi ; AND HCCF. The following re the quotations on Hvi rattle - t South Omaha for the middle o -tuny. UDG , as compared \vlth the corre apondltiK date of IS'J'i : Declln IWO ISO' tier U. Host cornfed btecrs .53 SVfi 4 10 ft 40fT4 10 3-r,54-r , Oood med'm wt xtr 3Sflffl ID 4 00 14 7.1 1-G { | l-r > Common to fulr sir 3 IT.fiJ 7r > 3 2" i [ < 4 40 3-r Good to cholro oowa 2 rui3 3" , 2 SOii 1 SO 1-5 Common to med eowH 1 S0ii2 35 1 2 1t2 fcO Common cows are helling higher thnn : year ago The quotations on meats at the Soutl Omaha packing houses sire ns follows : ISM ] V > 3 I.lKht western Bteern . Oood cows und heifers . . . .lUfifc Medium eows nnd helfein fi fiVbc 45 ( < 3ood fore-iiuurten * , eo\\s . . . . 314IU ( Inoil lihidiiuiirterp , cows. . . 7 j(7".c Tow rounds . 5i.c 5 fifio Cow- chinks . SUflt'ic 3s4firo hteer chuckH . 3)4c 6 { 160 lleef tenderlolnx . 22e Ifo llecf rolls , lionelefH . MC Hlrloln buttH. lionele'HS . . . . IG l.oln ImikH , bonelesu . 'ic 7V Jxiln bnekH . 7140 Cc" 'ow rllii . . . . , . . . 7e Cow lolnw . . 7Uc It will bo noted from the above figures thn wholesale i rices on beef arc not muc different from what they were a year age In some Instances they are Identically th same. In others lower , nml In still othe cases higher. UVI3 HOGS AND PORK HOFM nrc selling at the present time o nn nverage $1.M ) per 100. or 1 4-1 cents pc pound lower than a year ago The dresse product also shows n heavy decline , n will bo noted from the following whole : sale quotations : IfcHS ISO" . 1'ork loins Spare ribs 3i7c 1-oik tenderloins Do" 12" . 1'ork KlioulderH . 4'c Co 1'ork Hhauldeis , skinned CHc , , , . MesH pork , re-sulur , per bbl { S 00 $13 00 Hhort clears 4c "c Clear bellies ( 'HiT-l'i.c ' "flT'X. Leaf lard 4'x.c ? , { ( > 5 Ciood Hheen nro no lower thnn n jear ng nnd cholco Iambs are higher , HO tlmt ther lias been no deciiiiHiIn the vvholesnl prices nuked for mutton. OMAHA ( UCMOHAL MAUICUT. CniiilHInn nf Triuli- mid ( liinliitlou on St.iplinml Kiuic-y I'riiilucv. KOOK Ciiolco stock , T' dbc , IHJTTiil-Common to fair , 7V4cj cholco t fancy , country , lOCUc VKAIr-UhoIre fat , SO to 120 ILs , , U quoted a ( Vic : large nnd coarse , 4jSc. CIIiisi : Domestic brick , 13oj Kdam , per daz. 19 M ; chili house , Lib. lurx. per doz. , 13 Wj Llm bercer. fancy , per Ib , I3o. Ho iuefort , H-1L runcyl'Tllic ! ' " M > Y ° UnB Amerlel" > . 1 : ° : wl" ' I'OULTHV Live IIPIIS Cc ; cocks , 3c : tut keyB , Cc ; old duels , Cc , spring chlkcna , 11O1 ! IH1IXN8 Live , 11,00 1,13 , dead pigeons nc vunlcil. . IIAV New Imy. | 5 CO , upland , J500 ; mldlane 14.60 ; lowland , (4 (0 ; rse straw , | 4 CO. color makr Ihe price on hay. Unlit bales sell the teal , on ! lop KI tides brlnt ; top prices , HUOOM COHN-ixtremely slow salenei crop , delivered en track In countr > . choice Rree EclfworkliiKi'uiiet. . per Hi. 2'c ; choice greer runnlni ; to huil , ; ijc : common , Hie. NiW : ONIONS-Kouthrrn ktin.U , per Ib . l lc. LIMA llIJANS-IVr Ib . 4c. JIIJANS llund picked nuv > per bu. , Jt 40B1.5I 1'IIJ 1'I.ANT-ltonw Brown , per Ib . Ic. eAlM.lKr.OWiI'er doz. , 75c C'AllllAdi ; llonm Kronn. per Ib. , liil'ic. CKI.KHV l' r do . , tWt r. rui'iTS. ariAl'ia : Southern , per S-lb. hatd > eU. 40c. BT1IAJIUUllIUlj None of uny conkeiiurnie. 'AI.IIXHNIA fllKUIHUS No sxilppn | utocl HOMi : ( JHOWN CHUIIIllKS-Nonu. OOOSmiUUUir.S None. ] l [ < ACKIiiUUiH ! : 1'rr - . ' ejt. cane. I2.J3 . HI.AClv JUhl'IIKIlllinH 1'er ! -iit. ca eS.ii rvu.iroiCNIA Al'Ille-orS None- CAl.U'OHNIA l'l3ACHis Ilnle'a Karly , pi bnx , Jl.10 : 1U box lots. II W. C'AIJrOUNlA I'U'MBJ'er box , tl Wfll 75. rt'HHANTSNone. . Al'I'I.KS Cooking. i > er bbl , K.ii eatlni ' " "oi'TUIIIlN ri.UMS-IVr I4-qt. cnr . H.J5. BOPTHBliN I'lJAlllKS-l'-rH-bu box CAl.IKOU.NtA I'lJAUS-UarUfU' * . TllOl'ICAI. rilt'lTS. Ill coiniiienlliHT on Ihe lemon market the Nt" Yoik Jouinul of Commerce ( M > s that u wee nca the market wns In a demorHllzed e-ondltlot tie supply belnu heavy and the demand eomi-ui Btlvfly light The hot it.w Jn the Ii terlor bus euuted u marked acceleration of ill movement of ttucks Into conminptlou , nml th supply liu bee-n inuteibilly nilured , * > thut thi present lime tlie vlU > lo stoek In lefs tha u uuat u t-euscn vvhen the ion uinptlon I heaviest , Tlie orders come from all tectlom but the eiuallty of tm > Hull us u rule U uc u tP preJlilblt free tlilpmeiUH la distant polntj U U tuld t.mt Iho iffect of Onierul Nc nl , ordtr prohlbltlnif ttie ahljuusnt vl IIA.IH * from all except reKiibfr ports of entry in Culm lm n t thus fir Intii H rcMous us vtni Krni-rall ) ' mitlc-lpnled by denier * At the time wlifn the iidfr n rirrt nulhorlred It wax gen erally e helmed Ihnl the KTeet would be lo prnc- tlcBlly stop the exiortatlon | nf bnn nnii from Ptilm. for the reason that there were no fncllU He * for tiMtisiiardnff the fruit to ( llbirii , the ncnrest rcjtulnr port of entry , It Is understood , however , tlmt llRhters linve been procured , nnd that Iho fruit Is ln > ln brought to Ulbnra In considerable quantities , FO that the steamers engaged III the tfnde Are loading ns UMml \Nli'fl-Mnlen ( : SI 00M 2B. LUMONP Mes lnas. fanes' , $125 : choice , (4 ( Ctj rnllfirnla lemon * . 14 00 1IANANAS Choice IAIRC slock , per bunch. l2iW12Sfi , medium-filed bunchc * . J1M00. ) ? IMNKAl'I'LHH 1'cr crate of five to seven dor. , $7 ffiit" 'to , ' 4 erule 11.75 MISCELLANEOUS. IIONP.Y fancy white , per Ib . He ; choice , 13c ; lallfornla , amlier color , lOc MAl'l.i : SVIH'I'-rivo gal cans , eaeh , J2.75- gal cans , [ i'-r doz , 112. ' 4 Knl cnnn , 1C 25 : quart CH'li _ : ! Clarified Juice , per half bbl. , 3 , per i'fli : > iiilVi:8-A : : iOrted. ! 20-lb palls , each , $1 40. rum Impnrted fanes crown , 30-lb. boxe . Ik , fholce 10-lb boxes 3 crown , flfllOc. Nl TS-Almonds , California , per Ib , medium tde , lOc , TnnaRfiiin almond * , per In , laige. 12'4c , Itrnzllc per Ib fc , Hncllsh walnut * , per Ib , fanes Mil sliell , 12c , medltitn size , 10c ; nl berts , pel Ib , Ifv , pecans. polUhed medium , SCj large. lOc. peanuts , raw , Cit57c , roasted , 7'4c 11ATI31 * Halloween , per Ib. , 5c , finds , 10-lb boxes , per Ib 7e. imnssniJ MRATfl. HfJIJP nr * r d st ers , 400 to COO Ib * . CffflHc : westein steers , 5isif.e , KOW ! cows nml heifers , CV4 BCc , medium ce > w nnd heifers , BWri'tc , BI)0 ( | foreiiuailers , cows titid helfeis , 3 4J4c ! good foremiartels , native steers , 4'45i < ie , good hind- iiuarliis , IOVVK nnd b"lfers , 7y7'4c , peed hind- iliinrte-r * . slcu * . S'ir , cow lounds , CHe , cow plate * ? P lionclp s ( hntl , 4c , Cow chuclex , 8'4ff liic , sleer chucks , SHc , beef tenderloin * , ! ! c , liter lolls , boneless , 9c , sirloin butts , boneless , Oc , loin lurks , boneless. So. loin ba < k * . 9c , cow rib * , No 3 , 7e cov\ loin * , No. 3 , 9He , beef trim- mliiKs , 3c , rump buttx , fc , shoulder clods , f > c , fiii/iii. Ii. Ml'TTON I > reneil lamb * , 7'4e , dressed million , Cii < , raeks 10e , leR , Sc , saddles So , Blews , 3c , sb i'i plucks He , sheep toiiKUeH , per doz . 2"c I'OHIC lJici" . i | IIOK" . 4'tc , poik loins , S'Je , Fpnii * lib * . 1'4c , ham Fnu aKeB , butts , 4cj porn shoulders , 4'je , pork "houblers , Fklnned , 4'fcc ' , p irk trimming * , 3c , leaf lard , not rendered , 4Hc IIinn ? AND TALLOW. The Shoe and Ixmllier Hevlew of ChlcaKo sast that ( beteIs no animation 01 excitement In the country hide inaiket , although all llxdenbrt have udd conildc-rable qunnliilcH of hide * The geneial condition * of trade are not favorable tc peculation or booming pi Ice * 'Ihe Chicago packet * are miking no cppcclil cfforlH to bolster up the hide mil Ket The * , rinllre tlmt the time Is nnt auspicious for f bull movement. Hide * are In sm ill suppls uii' doulitrdls but the demand for tin m seems t ( hive- almost completels abated 'Ihere wan n piictpltoiK deellne llil * week In the stock of the I lilted States Leather compans. bised eiitlrelv on the dull lent ler inaikel All Hie Indilslrlil stoc-ks sulTered scverels , but not In the same degree IIH Icntlier TnKliiB all tie faclK Inte eonslli'i itlon prudpnt tanners me llkcls to con llnue thi-lr pollcv of caution and conservatism Leatliei In all the miikclx of the world Is It Its * ( hail usual suppls and the quantlts Ii liroecsH of tnnnlnur l far below the norma capielts of tin- tanneries On the other hand the stocks of hides both foielRn and domestic arc far below the standard of other sears Ir v lc\v of these conditions the leather trade w ill < for the moment dull , 1 * III mis Intrenched am th tannero can well afford to remain passive ( Jiiotiillons. HIOI H No 1 Rreen hide * . 4e No 2 creer hldBe Jc. No 1 green salted hide * 5Uc , No. ! green salted hides , 4140 , No 1 veal calf. 8 to i : Ibi , fe , No 2 veal calf , S to 15 Ibs , 4c ; No. : drs Hint hides , ' ( fie. No 2 dry Hint hides , 6i7c | No 1 dry Balled hldfa , Go , part cured hide * , ' 51 per Hi less than fully cured HHinil * I'lILTS Green salted each , 23gfOc green halted fhcarllngs ( short wooied calls skins ) , eaeh , IV , dri phearllnRS ( short weiolei carls fkln * ) , No. 1 , eacl. , lUc. drs shell ling ! ( slioit wooled earlv skinNo ) 1 each , fo , dis Illnt Kansas and Nebr.isKa butcher wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight 45c ! , dry nint Kan-sa- and Nebrn kii Murrain wool pelts , per Ib , act ual weight , 3@4c , drs Illnt Colorado butchei weiol pells , per Ib , actual weUit. 455c ! , drs Illnt Coliniido Miinaln wool pelt * , per 1U actua weight , SSTIc , feet cut oft , ns It Is useless t ( pay Height on them TALIXJW AND ailiA.SR Tnllovv , No. 1 , 2Uc tallow , No 2 , IHc , gre.i--e white A , 2'4c grease white It , IVic , Kivae , Sellovs , l c , gre-ate , dirk 1'ic ' , old butter , JT2'ic , beeswax , prime , 15fi 22c rough tillovv , 1'ic. HONKS In car lots welRbed and delivered Ir Chicago- Dry buffalo per ton , $1 ! OOW14 00 , drj country bleached , per tern. flO 004T12 00. drj countiy damp and meaty , per ton SC000SOO WOOL Utuvnsied fine lu-avs C57c fire 1'ght ' Ffi"e. ( inarter blood , 10fT12e , seeds burrs am chaffy SfJic , cotted and litoken coarse , 700C- cotted and broken line. GfTSc. I'lccceAvashtd - Medlum KifTlSc , line 14&1CC , tub washed , lfi ISp , Iduk f > c , bucks , Cc , tag locks , 2J1c ; deai pulled , DQCc Wool MurUct. LONDON. Juls1 If. At the wool auction sale ted ij11,191 bales wereoffeied , of which 1,00 were- withdrawn Competlllon was keen Keoiired were dearer nnd Capo of Rood Hope ntv Natal wools were ( Inner. Following aie th Kile * In detail New South Wale * . 2,20 > bales scoured. SVidfils 4d , ( .rcass fiftm/id Queens llind. 1.R10 bnles , scoured , lldls ( 2d , grenss Cfi'id Vlctoila , J.320 balcH , scoincd b dfTSs Wcl trei y IHdft.'s CV4d South AuMiall.i , 10'Ad IH 2'/.d ; greass4'iflld Tnsmanl i , 132 bnles scomed. lV4d , grea s. S'iflSd New Zealand 2814 liales , scoured , lOdHls 3d grensj6iflOd C'.ape of Hood Hope and Natal 1WH bales scoured ddifl3d ( , grenss' , I'lfiJd I'untn Arcna 150 biles , greass , ! 'ii W Next week's offering amount to 2M&G biles , a * follows : New Soutl Wales , 9'C2 ' bales , Queensland. 1.COO bales , Vic torla. 4,440 bale * . South Austrilln , 2f20 bales West Australia l.CGJ bales ; Tasmania. 1,50 bales , New Zealand C.4C2 bale * , Cape of Oem Hope and Natal. 2,033 bales. I'ollow Ing nre th at rivals up to date for the fifth series : Ne\ South Wales 22 7C2 bales , Queensland 15 42 bales , Victoria , I'l,3'i2 bales , South Australia J.Of'J bales West Australia , l.rB bales , Ta-- muni i , 1172 bnles. New Zealand , S0.075 bales e'ape of ( oed Iloiic and Natal , 27,301 , malting i total of 17b 511 bales , Including 29,500 luilcx Th Impoits for the week were. Victoria 3'181 bales South Australia. 29 bales : Ne\v Zealand. 700 bales. Cape of Good Hope nml Natal 3,211 bales India , C ! , bales , Singapore , 109 bales ; I'ersln 101 bile * : Spain , (0 ( biles. Trance 138 bales Holland , 154 bales , Helglum , 30 bales : Germans S bales nnd West Indies , 14 bales viw YOIIK I.IMUAL ( luotntloiiH of HIV Hay oil Varlou CeiiUHioilltlcN. NHW YOUK , July -FLOUH-Ue celpts , 10,700 bbls. ; expoitx , 23134 bbls market quiet , but steads , Mlnncnpoll pntents , J13'i375 , Minnesota bakers , f2.40iJ2 60 sprlnK low Kradta , J2 10GJ 30 , winter patents } 3fO(3CO. ( Southern Hour , eiulet nt J3 23. llj Hour , quiet , superllno , JJCOQ270 , fanes , J2 70ii 2 ' (0 ( (0UYIJ UYIJ Nominal ; No 2 western. 37037140 COItN MiAI < - ulI. sellow western , ( , ( , c. IIAIILI3V Steady , No 2 western 3JU i33c IIMU.iV MALINominal nt 45Mc. | WII13AT HecelptH 3I.9CO Im , exports 7491 bu Spot , dull. No red , 64' c , No 1 Im'nl G7Hc. e > ptlons were weaker todiy In the fne of hlKher enble-s blK weekls exports and smnl wlnt < r and sprlnK wheat receipts , the fcelllnir mo live liehm the weakness In corn , IOMM | ! ' e nc lower. Juls closed at C2c , September C2 11-lCc elosed nt C2 > 4c. COUN Hecelpts. 49,700 bu exports , 01 803 bu Spot , wenk , No. i , 32c Options fair , nctlv and lower. O | IIR to excellent ciop nc-vvs. close VjffWc net lower. July eloseil at 32c : Septem ber , 33'4 33 9-lCc closed Ht 33'4c OATS Hecelpts. 117.100 bu , exports CC 510 hi Spot , dull , No. 2 , 2H4c , Options steaihnt Mr * on bad crop ne B , but later declined with corn UosliiR ' < c lower , July clotc-d at 21sic ; Septem ber elose-d al SHic IIH'rnH Uieclpts , 490B pltgs , quiet , wester dairy , ! ifl2o , western creamery , llV-iil.lo. ii Bins. 15e ntrlillt" > IicSl'u. ! ! ' llM4 lll'BH ( 'ulct' ' " ( . 6' < small ' fiC\c , , 6'4W7c KejS ! ItecelptH r , 2(12 ( pkrs . steady , state an IVnnss Ivnnla , 13'iffillc ; western , Ilftl3c. LHATHKIt StroriB , hemlock sole , Hueno Asre-s , IlKbt to heavy welKhts , I'oiiJlc. ucli 20JT2JC. 1-ltOVIHlONS-Iteef , aulet. extra luffs. $7 C 67 2"i , beef hams , 115 W Cut meats steady , shou ! ders , J4.37H&4 SO. Pickled hams , J9 23 Jiv 75. Till low dull , city , 3'ic , couiitr- c Union boxe-d moulderH J4 40 , tonnues , (3 76 , rllis II shorts , 14 1214 Dry salt meuts , boxed shoulder nnd IOFIRS , (3 60. ribs , J3 75 ; sliorts , J3.S7I4 Ltiri ] nomlnalls weak , western steam closed lit J3 W 3K Pork dull and easy , OILS Petroleum nominal. United i-lopel ntll 0' Hoaln iiulet , Htralned , Jl COW1 C'u Turrentlne dull , 24'4 . ' 5i4e Cotlonseed oil , nominal , prim ' . . MOLABSLK-fi'teudy ; New O-Ieiins , :9j37c. ItlCII Qulel , domestic , fair to extra , 3i < . TCc Jnpun 4i4' c. I'HIJIOI'TS To Liverpool , quiet : crnln b steam , i 4c. MIJTALS Plir Iron , v.eBk. southern , fl ! neirlliern , J10 75f 12.50 Copper , ea j , lake brokers. $1123 , exchanRe J11.25iIl 50 Tin. mm ket quiet , straits H355fti3Cu Plates nnnki firm Spelter dull , donic tie )4 eo Lead. tie. idy brokers , J'S. . exctmnri' , f * M KIIIIHIIH l'II > MurUi-lN , KANSAS CITV. Juls -WHIUT-Actlve prices iiuolaldy unchanged , No 2 liard 4Jl ( 4Jiio. No. 3 , 4tff4 o. No . ' red , U < &l ta. Ne 3 , 474750C COHN rrnctbmalls1 lower , slow. No. 2 inlxei ! 2iViSi2ic , No. 2 white. 23fj23'vc OA'IS ririn. No 2 mixed , nominally ICc ; Ne 2 while , nominally 19c HYi : No 2 nominally "Ml Me. 1IAV Tlmolhs lower , choice. J6 5007 M piulrle. iholre , new , H&flii'JCO lll'TTIIH Creamery unchnnKed. demand Rrow Inc fctroiiKer , crnmfr > , 12iiUc , dnlry. llSjl2c. ) und unchanged , C'ic. . Ni\V : > OHK , July isA timal for the ha ! bolldtis Milunlas there was B little business doln e > urs ! In the das In response lo special oidtri but otherwise thr market rellected thil quiet di main ! usuul to Hie das * . Prlmlntr cloths inik nt JHc. mien for the week 62l0 pieces. TALL 11V1-U ! , Mat > . , Juls IfTlie curtail mem of 40,000 pieces of print cloths from th full wetk'n production lm > not served lo inuti flails Improve the tone of the market. Tti dillveilex were 3.1 , COO pieces In excrsH of th production , but there Is se-t o' ' InrKe eiuantlly e cloth In the hand ! of the manufacturers , Murki quiet at S'io. _ _ Tuli-ilii Cirnln , TOL13UO. July -WIIHAT-Dull. . No eas-i new. C0\4c \ , qld , 6litc , Aucust , COiio , He-f temlier. CU c , ruUN Dull , steads. No. 2 mixed , 2Sc OATS Active , ca le-r. No. ; mixed , cath an July und beplemlier , li'jc. ItYi : Dull. No. 2 cu h , SlUc , CLOVKH BEKD Dull : prime casli , Jl M ; noir Inal. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Board of Trade .Markets Were Weak Al Day , BULLS IN CORN UNLOADED RAPIDL\ \ inrl > In the Scxxliiti OnlH Wort * Kirn iiinl Pt-liM-M \ VirtIllitlur Tluiii The } CloTd Prlilii } .Stocks mill lliiiulN. CHICAGO. .Tilly IS. The Hoard of Trntli markets were weak today. The \\eiikncu1 In corn was nn Incentive to ihoit Hollcn In the vvhcnt pit.Vhcnt declined He ; corn ic ; o.itKc ; lard. 2Hc and ribs 5e. 1'orl Wheat for a minute or two at the open nj ? \\a * ? nrm at about ye ter luy's closlnt irlcci , but people * who hail lone corn were ill In that market , pressing It for suli upon nit unwilling crowd and the hold TH of wheat began Imitating that exam lie rioodt In Kiinini apneatid to be con sldered all that win needed to cllneh tin irevlously HattcrliiK pro pcctH for a RICH yield The price had > pilot dity run aheai of Iho foreign busing HinltH for export , am ilthoilKh It was claimed that bleH froti iliro.id had been raised this moinlng , thi > eople who usually receive them refusoi lo confirm such statumi'iils. Soptembo opened unplmiiRpil at fiom ri"\e to fron "ii'tc ' lo riT'ic- ' and worked down to Wf. < In the first half hour of the session. Tin week'K shipments of wheat anil Hour fioti both coasts were equal to 2 , ! > G 1,000 1m rontpatcd with 2187,000 bu on Ihoweol before and pnlv l.fiyj.OOO bu on th corresponding week of the year before The Minneapolis and OUlulh reeelitH vve-r galn eomparatlvely light , 210 cats agulns 412 cars on the piovlmis Saturday and rvi cms on the conespondliiK day of the yen before. For the llrst time since hist > cnr' crop got fairly under movement have th tecelpts for a day been smaller than fror the light crop of the lire-coding sea or ChlcaBO le-cciveel 2" > 2 cats , 21S of wlile ! wore new and l"U of them guided No : The quantltj Inspected out of stole wii 121,011 bu i\porl cloainiii.es from Atlantl ports reporleil lodnv nn > equal In whea and Hour to H70000 bu Some o\poit bllsl ness was done when the price of Septem ber dropje-d to f > Gvfc and under The las decline was near the close of the miirke and .WsC wns asked nt the close Heavy rains In Kansas and Mlssoui yesterday nml prospective hetuy shower n the remainder oC the corn belt In th next thli tv-slx hours caused the bulls I corn to tumble over each other In thel haste to unload. September opened ' 1 lower nt 27'Ac and declined all day , wit only a fractional rall > on small purchase bv shortH , closing at 27c , the lowest prlc of the day. The e.itly market for oats was firm an prices wore higher than they closed ye * terday The cash articles showed sign of strength Inllnenced by small offoiltiK1- and shorts were disposed to cover. Sop lember opened 'ic lower at I' e and ad vanced to from 177 < | C to ISc Later In th session longs were free sellers , prices to eedlnpr to the lowest point , September be Ing ofte-reel at 17'ic nt the close Still lower prices than befoie were re corded for provisions during the ilav" session , but the changi-s ifuotcel at th close weio very little under the lln.il price of the dav bcfoiu. September pork opene unchanBed at $010 , w imllng up at $012 after selling as low as JO T > Scptemlie lard opened 2V4c lower at $ li > 2 , sold a ? ! "iO and reacted to the opening pi Ice. Se-i : lember libs opened 2' ' c lo\\ei at $ ) S2V : sold oft to $ H.'i and reacted to J3 CO ill th close , a net loss of 3c. Estimated receipts for Monday nrr Wheat , 2"i ; ears , corn , 310 cars ; oats , 21 cars , hORs , 23,000 head. The leaning luiures langcd ns follows : Cash quotations v\ere as follov\s : PLOl'U Steads , v\lth winter wheat pntenti J17rif 330 , spiInK wheat patents , } 2.r,0ir3 55 , bal ei s. tl r > tiz 20 WIIIIAT No 2 sprlm5505CHc ; No. 2 rei ri7'nii5Sc. COHN No. 2 , 20\c. No 2 yellow , 27c OATS No. 2 , 17'iilRc ; No. 2 white , 18ii10'J ( No. 3 white , nyiftlS'/iC. HYi : Nei. 2 , 30Vc. llAULn'i No 2. nominal PLANSnnD-No 1. 71 71 > 4c. TIMOTHY SiniD Prime , . ' Si. PIIOV1SIONS Mess poik , per bid. , } C 32V4I G3T Lird , per 100 His. . J1 45ftJ 47H. Slioi i His bides ( loose ) . Jl 4JV45J3.41 Drs salteil shou ders ( boxed ) . Jl 7504 00 Short clear side ( bo\ed ) . fi Tfl3 1 > 7'/ . WHISKY Distillers' llnlslied Boodx , per sal POt'LTHY Steady , tnrkess , 7iS9c , chicken ; sprint , ' , lO rilc , ducks , spiln , ic The followIntf weie the receipts and fihlpmeni lodav ; In SeiMirllU'K AVllM AVeillc an I'V % c-rlNli YeKte-nlaj . NiW YOHK , July -The stock market todn wns a purely professional affair , 'Ihe tone wi wenk and feverish und after monctar spurts nt the opening and at the end of tl llrtt hour prlees tteadlly receded to the clos London was not u factor to nns * nppreclnlde ei tent and the feeble rallies wt-re enllielj di to coverlne bs shorts. Tlie volumeof buslnei wns modernle v\ltb BuRiir nnd St Paul le-adlr In iKibit of uctlvlts 'Ihe other shares recorder * \er > slim totals , with tlic exception of lu HnKton and Tobacco , 'J here was no nev beurlne upon values aside from reports i further cuttlni ; of railroad rates nt v.arloi points 'Ihe opcnlni ; was strong and fni tlonully hlKher wltli the Intcrimtlonal shun icspondliiK Indifferently to Impruvement In tt London iiuotullons. A selling movement soc developed nnd tlio active ! stocks sold off ull Heick Island seorlni ; nn early exceptional d ellm ( of PJ per cent. St Paul and the Indu trluld weie also under pressuie by the trader A sIlBht tally occurred before noon , which vvi iiulcklv followed by renewed bear ucllvltj nr 11 decline entued , which continued lo thu clos Lake Shore broke l' ' j per cent , Tedmcco , Pi pi cent , Missouri Pncltlu and TcnnesKte Coal I pi cent , and fractional losses weiu recorded In tl other thiires. . The inaiket left off weak at Iho lowest price ; showing net declines of > .G2 per cent. T ) ; drift of the- market for tiltwed. . was Imun a | ovv levcd , and at Intervals the speculative le , sion was extreme lliu Inlluenees bcnrlnir upc prices Included npprehenslon of Mr Vundei bllt , whleb was Improved to the fullest poi slide extent bs the bears , not onls upon tl Vimderbllt Kroup but on t le general inurke u break In Ihe Kovermninl i.und market , an advnncliiK tendency In the foreign excnunf market , and the exports uf KOld , UKgri'Kutln J3.J4lUiO ( In addition Ihe deals made caplli out of tlm extreme depression hi the prict of farm proilucts , the dullness of Rencinl bus ness nnd wholesale euttlim of railroad rates I various directions London was alternately buser und seller durlnt , ' Iho week , but on tl whole exhibited less apprehension o\er the slti Ktlon than th local liufftors and n > fcululur The Kolil exiorts | In reullts fell several nillllc dollars sboit of tie bear eiitlmutcs , but the coi tinued stieiiKth of the exchange market WHS bi lieved to foreshadow further shipments carl next wtc-k An advance of Ic In potted rul quotallc-ns for sterling to ! 4 kfc'j und J4 (9 was Kfiurally made bs leudlni ; draivrrs nr actual rates rose to } 4.fc9 for demand and > 4 lo ( I t-8'i ' fur slxts-das bills. The market ( low Him nl isolations noted An extreme di Clintof 14 per cent In the government 4 * , coi lion , excited u decldcdls unsettling Inltuence. In heavs Imerluifnt buying- the bonds , both I und outside of the exchange followed , und vu uttcndcd by un ubstantluli-d rumors of an In pending new government bond Issue This la report served temporarily to rails Hie inurke Tliu bonds left off ut 113 , us compaied with I u week ago. Then declines In prlees , coierlr the entire mnrket ranged from 1 to & pi cent , tie lowest level being reached Thumb ] forenoon In the later dealing * u recovery of HU2 p cent occurred , bu ( thecloslnu was onls " "ai ubuve tlie lowest of ( lie week The uKgretrai sale-a were 1 % per cent , 100 thnres. Itiillrot bonds during the week ssmpatldzed with tl Heck movement Salen were > 5 61700. Tl more note-worths net losses lire In Chicago Northern Pacific Ut , certltlcutes , C' per cen Atchlron udJiulnuiUD. 7U per cent , Atchlse general 4s , 4 per cent , Northern Paclllc cun * 5 . cprllflcatet. 5'i per crnt , houthcrn Itallivt t > . 5' ! per eent , uud Heading Ut , Income , 4 per eent The either di-cllnes were less mat rial Government bonds ncre unuiuaUs nctl und v\er Irrrgulorly weak Tlie mlfb aggr nated JS92MO. chlelly of the new 4s tempo Thete bonds sold down to ll1 * . n compared v.1 UC. the llnal tale of the prevloua week , rallh to I1JS nnd closed t't'Ai There w " f mml- crnle trftdlnit In the5 nnd nld 4f r-Rl terc.l. In silver cerllllcHt * * itbvinEKreRftte le were mooo nt vino- , . The loans of the NMv fork banks , while nnw Bt the hlubcft point rip the > enr , nre Mill I27MAOOO less thnn nt 1tn > time last senr , but It : to lie noted that itll < < 1ncron e lust jenr dlil not culminate until lilte' ' fn September , when nn additional Increnfc of Itfioootxx ) was mnde. If : hls jenr repent * th * T-xTOrlcncc of last senson , the firmness of the nlftiMmm ket would seem n Mired Since talk fer Another lnntl l uc If popular , It might be V.HI lo call attention to the r.ict that of Hie millions tlmt have been taken from the trensurs since Pebrunrs S , little , If ( ins of the nmounl , ban 'found ' Us wns Into New York Imnks their tntnl jfiecle holding * nt pre- ent belnR onls JViWUxw more than Ihe low > olnt reached after tl > lr pasmenta for bondf luid been completed The financier snjs this week The statement of the clenrhiK hou o bank * of New York City 'or the week , ending luls IS , show * nn expansion In loan * which Is distinctively a favorable feature- , but since the 12 ( * X ) oen ) withdrawn for export Trldas Is not Included In the totnln tlic lent rcniilllloii of the bunks I * not shown nt the elo e eMu lnes * Satiirdas The fall In dome- lie exchange * tale-s whlih bns been a proinlnenl reaturo of the week nl nearls evers Ititerlot H Int of Importance Is a certain Indication thai tlm henvs Jlon of mnnes to this point I * nt nn end , nnd nn opposite movement Is to be expected , espeelallv toward the eolith nnd west The iinnkn gained i-omeUiing like Jl.OOO.WO from the Inteilor movement for the week ending * nttir- Ins but with exchange nt n lienvy discount II Is not llkels this addition to excess casli will 1 * continued On the otliir hand , prepaintlotiR fm the- fall season nte under was. nnd tills slioulil ercalia demand for mones from mercantile The livening Po l's Ixindon llnanclnl cable gram sav : The stock market * weie Idle te'dav , but n shade llrmei on n light Improvement In Americano. The following- were the closing quotation * or the lending stocks of the New York exchange today ! Alclilnoii . ll l ilontci 146 AelaniHK * : . 1 ir > N. Y ( Vnirii II. Al'on T 11 . . . . ( is N Y. .V N. K H7 Am UxpresB . 107 onl.irlo . .1Y 13 n.illlinorc.VOIilo. lu'1" "On-Boii Inin rnimd.i Picltlo . . . fdiH Oregon Nnv O.tiind.iSoutliurii. . 1.1 ( > s i , , e _ u. N. . . . 111 Central I'uclllu . . 11 I'ac-ltk-Mall 1H < 4 rhoH A. Ohl . 15 ! ' * 1'ioruliic. A.IJ. . . I' , Chic ice .V Alton. . 1.1U iMMItubunr 104 U. , H .vj . dil'liil'iillmin I'.Uaco. . i4m , Clilc.lL-o 'Jan . . 01 Ite-.itllmr ii Consolidated O 13. 34.1 ' -K. OV C r 0. .VSt L . Witt , O W pfd 41) Cole Coil .V Iron. . * s HOCK lulind S',1 ' ? ' rottonoil Con . . . > ISt. IMlll , Ucluvarul Uuil. . US dopfd i 8 $ Del. Lick .V. U' . . . 1CW SI I'.AOinihl . . . U felt O pM . . . . H3 ! dopfd Ls 1) . , VC 1' Co . 1 M Southern IMctno . IS KiHtTemi . . . . LlHisucni Uotlnury . . . ltli ( ) < Kile I I ITOX.IHPacific ilopfd . . . IS I r. & O Oei-t. nfd 7(1 ( KortW.iMio . . . . 1UI .union . Paclhc ( ) Northern nfd. . . 11)8 ) IJ S l-XnrjSS . . . $ C .VK I DM . . . Kin I\V St L .VI' . . . Hockhnr Villov. l.l'i W.st L A. IMifl ini Illinois Contril. . . UlVollHPinro H * . . . i'o SI P. A. Uiiltuh . . . IS iV. i . Hte-rn Union . . 7s K. > t T pfd . . ! ! > ' $ Wlice-lbm A.L K. . LakoKrloXVoat. . II I in pfil ? Illl DM il IM-tM A si L ! Laketsiioro . 1 H'xiU VU O i U > ad rriist . . . . lO'Jhj h 52H ! LotitHMlio .V.N . . -til1 1 N L ir.i ) L AN A . . . fi' < ; C. P .VI 17 Maiili.iUiin Con . . . 114LI 'do pfd Kill MeimihlH.v O . . . . LI T. M L A. 1C 0 . . 44 Mlchltf.mCe.nt 1U T SI L AICC. pft 10 Ml > ( Hoiirl IMelllo . Hill S UK Mobile ! .V Ohio . HH4 H llnfd N.mhvllloCliit US Am Tob Cede fn > M.itlonalCord ii.- ' ) . 4 do ufd ui Nat. Cord.uepM . 47'n ' Com'l C.iblo Do . IHO N. J. Central . . . UI J Am. SUIT ir pfd . . us N .V\V. pM . 11 IJ. S. Corn ! " eld . is NoilliAm Co. . . , IJ < IT. S Le.it rr > 'l ! < Koi them l .iclllo. . U U. S Hnbl.r . N. 1'aclllu nfd. . . . 3 Si , elo pfd. . . . 1'l , 7n ! U. 1' D liQ . 1 ! IS ) L S .V \ \ , 1 .IU K NorthwcxieiM. n < e ' .ISktHl t.lll .IHHOMlllrt Itl | ) ill ! The total sites of stocks today weio 118.7U slmrci , Intludliiff tin * follow In , ? American I'c- bicco , S WlO. Atchl'-on , 4SUO , Aincrlcnn hun'iu iJ.SOO , ItmllnKton , 9,700 , t'hlcniro COM 4fcOO LouliMllo & Noslnlllc i\700 , Mls ntirt I'uelllc 4,1100 , Hock Island , 4,000 , tjt I'aiil , 19,100. Ynvlf llont-y. NP\V YOIIK Jul > , . ON CALl- Knnj at t pel cent , hlst loin 2 per cent clo'-ed , 2 per ei.nl . . . . . . i ig'K. pc cent STRHLIKG IXCIIANGJ : riim. witii nctu.i business In binkeis' bills at 14 S 34jri ( si ) fo demand and HAilffl Sd foi sl\tv davpovtei i.atis } 4 Wifil MU , ccimuic-iclal bill * , $4 S7. SILVI2U ' . HAH ts'u. i MiXIC\N DOLLAlt-S C".V STAT13 IIONIiS milI railroad bondn , steadv new 4 * . reg , 1U , coupon , 113 , 5s , leg llu1 * coupon , lll'i , 4s leg 1IIGV- , coupon , 107 , 2s , rtg 9T , 1-acillc Cs , 100H. losing quotation * on bonds were ns follows : 41U OOJ balunces tlr- * ? > - CHICAGO Juls IP Clearings. J1S I09ii0rt bal unces Jl 47H.WX ) Sione'l nn cull , steady ut & { | per tent , New ork exchunge , II discount sterling exchange on Ixmdon , M 6S H6187 ? posted rates. | 4.'J'iO4 ( fS. NIJ\V * 'iOUK Juls l Tm > exports of specl from Ihe port of New York for the wee amounted to J3.SU S78 In sold , und tl iut.KB I silver. The Imports weie. Gold , JI7.175 , sllvei J1SS73 drs goods } J 19 " 0" . general merclmndlsi } 5 613 237. Clearlne , flOI,611.3SC. balances , J4Wjl , 477. 1'orcliiii l'liiniielal , linitl.IN Juls IS Kxchange on Ixjndon , elgh days' sight 20 marks 3S pfg I-A1HH Juls 15 Tlire per ce-nt rente * , 101 U'&c for the account , exchange on Ixmdon , K lC"c for checks LONDON. Juls -Afnount of bullion gone int the Hank of Ungland on balance today Is 2W > ( MiO Uold U eiuoted at. lluenoi Asren todas a U4 80 , Madrid. 19 M. Lisbon , 28' , , Athens. 174 Home , 107 20. _ Sun n r MurU . NRYOHK Juls IS hl'CIAII Huvt l.are-1 steady , rules. 2.US bag * ; Trinidad inolafscH i leit , Wc. landed , M lilids , und 42 bag Jamaica Muecovado , U test , spot 2TaC l.Oe lidtsu Cuba inolanK H. aliout , i ic , k'J test landed LONDON , July IS. SUOAU Cun , dull an heav-s rentrlfiignl Tnvn tin 7Hil , Mu , fnlr rcflnlnir , 1C * . Peel sugar , wenk nnd lower ; July , 9 M , August. 1 > 7'td St. LeinU ( ie-iirrnl ST , IXJt'IS , July -mUMl-Qulct niul Mends , eiuotntlonii e > n new patents , J30rtff1IO ! evtrn fnncsJ2 70JJJ JO , fnncy , JZ.tOfl'S.M , choice , tVIIIJAT AiUnnceel enrly nftcr n. lower openIng - Ing , ns the busing was tatteri the decline In corn hfid n depressing effect nnd the nrtvnnec wns lost Putures eloped ' f'tO under tcster- dny and spot was firm on enll. No 2 red. en h. elevator , f. HM\c , tnick , f.rifiriiHe , No. 2 bald , * r . 'ie bid. Juls & &V , Atigu t. 15ie , Peptembd. r.lc r.lcCOIIN COIIN lleavs repelpts , benvy rnlm In Hie northwe t nnd favornble crop reports entl ed n deollntIn the Fpeeulntlve miirkel , which closed He blphfr for luls nnd Ho lower for September > esterdn > S-pot , hlKher ; No 2 cn h S5o nskedj lulS 2SHc nskedepteniber , 2'i'tc ' bbl OATS Putin es strong , but Irreftiilnr nt the rln r , spot , Rtl-emR , No 2 cash , KUe bid ; luls. fii c , August , Uc , September , 17\e , Mas 20'4o n kcd HYi-ne , trnt-k COIIN MIAI < tl fo. l"Ot 1.TIIY Steads , ehlckcnx , old , 7c : spring , fi'ic , turkev * spring , 10012c ; duck" , old , fitf'i'ie ; spring.ffi7o. . geese , spring , MV&r ) < rLAN4in.ll We TIMOIIU SP.lID-l'rllne K C' . in : s . erenmers , ti 12c : dalrs , WHISKY l 22 LiAI-J2f7i4il270 spii.Tiu-i7o : P11OVISIONS Pork , Rtnndard mess. Jobbing J1 37i,5C , ! 7'i I.ni-il , prime steam , } 327n , c.iolce tl.37'4 1lnce > n , bo\ed houlders Hurt longx. J4 , libs. } 4 21 , shorts. 14 37H Drv nlled mcnts , boxed sliouldern , > 1 W ) , longi , * 1 ( 214 , ribs , 3S7't , FllOllR. (4 IIKCiiPTS Plour , 8.000 bids ; wheat , 10,000 bu . e-oin. 2foOfl bu ; emls , 11 000 bu SlIIPMnNTS-PIour , 1 000 bids ; wheat , 9,000 * m. , Corn. 7,000 bu ; oats , ft 000 bu. Ll > e-riiliol MnrUrtN. LlvnitPOOL , Jills ISWII HAT Spot , Him. Fpol , No 1 stnndnid , California , per cental , Ts 4dT"is 4Hd ppnt. No 2 led , winter , average prim per rentnl 6s 2d , spol. No. I northern , splint nveinRO price per rentnl 4s itl'id : 'utute , ft ndv , rurrent peiond and III id inoitlu 4s lid , fouilh nion 111 , 4s lid , llfth month 4s 1114,1. nil Ud lilcher. COItN Spot llrni , American mixed , per ceiilnl 2s ll'4d futures iiiiiet. iiirienl montli , 2i 11'4d second month , 2s ll il , fourth month Isd llfth month 3s VI sixth month , Is tijd. PI.OPll riut bnKeis , Mlniienpolls , per sick of 2--0 Ibs. , ir.s id PltOVIKIONS Ilicon , dull : demand poor , Cumberland cut. 2H to IS His 21s. short ribs 2S His , 2"S , long e tear , SS to 4 > Ilio. 24n , long clenr heavs , T"i Ibs 2ls , short clenl bniks light , IS His 23s dl , short middles , he.ivs 23s 01 , clear bellies. 14 to IP. Ibs. 21s fid SlioiddiMft. siiuaii12 to IS Ibs 2Js dl. short cut 11 to 1C Ibs , 4 > Tallow , line Noith Anuil ean , Ifis Gd. lleef extra India mess , 47s C l inline mc s 37s Cd Pork prlmi- mess , line veslein 4"s , meillum. weftein , 'isq fd Laid dull , inlinewcFctrn , nominal , ledned. In pallx 21n CIII2I Pi : Steadv , demand moderate , while nnd colored , 11s id HPTTIIH Plnest l'nlti-d Stnlcs 70s , good 41s OILS Cottonseed oil , Liverpool refined IGs Id l.liiMed oil 17 10'jjd A'IOIl IliiP-Porefiuiuters , 2'id , HOPS At London ( Pacific coist ) , 1 l' Colle-e- NP.W SOUK , lulv -CePPnP Options opened quiet nt unciangcd pilcis to n points lovvei , iiiled falilv ucllve , with ueai ptisltlmis about oteiulv nnd dlslunt monthrelntlvcls We ik undei I'uiopcan Kelllni , closed steuls nl fi to 10 points not ib rllne snlt-s 14 2"id IIIKB cloned luls nt Jtl 41 i 11 61 . September , ? IO 4"Ji 10 TO bpot coffee Hlo dull , mild quiet. SANTOS Jills IR COPJ-nn Mrm. good nv r nge Santos 1J.OOO rela , receipts. IS (0 > ) bags stock 14 COO bags. iiAMiifiin lulv is rorrnn-Qidot nmi unclmiiKed , sales , 14K * ) bigs HAV11I3. luls IS COrril2 Opened "tends and uncbaiiKod , closed lit noon at 'if decline , sales 11 Ono 1ng . mo , lulv is corrnu Hueiv stcmu , NO 7 lllo. ll.roo lels , e\ebnnge 11S2d ! , receipts 1C 0(10 ( bags , cleiied fni the I'nltiM States 700(1 ( lugs clcaied for Kuropc , 4000 bags , stock PC 000 b IKS _ _ _ \ < M1 iipK AVc-e-Kl5 HuiiU stiilfiiiviH. NiW OUK , Tills IS The weekh built state- incnt shows Hie following changes. Ue"ci\e decie.isc , 5114,2V ) , loans. Inciense } i iss 0"0 , specie IncieT-e. J3S2COO , legal tender dteitise , Ji'l ICO deposits Increnre $25010(0 olrciilu- lion Inrna e. ? 3 ( W Tlie lunks now hold $21 5il,02" In excess of the 2 > pel cent iiili- Colltui Nl'W YOUK luls 11 COT1 CJN ° pot closed sir-ids . middling u | lind. 7' e gulf , 7\c silos (5247 ( Inks Putuies closed quiet sales ffl ( or biles lanunrv. JH22 , I'ebruaiv tf.21. March $ C 11. Tuts G 78 August , tf 7'l. septemlici J02J , Octobei , J 23 , November , $517 , Decemlici , J0.20 llliiue-iiiiollH Ahelit. . MINNEAPOLIS IlllS -WHP.AT-H isj No 2 Julv , rr e Seplcmber M'/dc Decemliei rn-He On track No 1 northern , M'tkc No : nn them , ri37 c. No. 1 hard " > % c Hecelpts , 14- oa | s. _ . 1'i-orlli AVblslij < liiiltll < Ioiln. I'nOIUA Julv IS WHISKY On the basis en Jl.U for hlBli wlncB. _ M'rlxeoVlienl ( liio < filoiiN , SAN I'llNCISCO Juls IS WII iAT Steads IJccemuei , OS4c. DuiInK several jears residence In the fai west I had many opportunities for observ ing the wonderful clfects of Chamberlain's Colic , Choleia and Diarrhoea llemedy. It ! e-dlcacy was demonstrated in the alkali ro Bions , where theater produces \lolcnl pursing It allaved the attack when al other remedies failed I repeatedly saw the Krcatest distress and diarrhoea cured In t few minutes. I used the remedy mvBeli w Ith the most satisfactory results , and car leeommend It for the * complaints for whlcl It is Indicated. II. Y. GIllliiRham , editor o the Republican , Phoenlxvllle , Pa. This leni ccly Is foi sale by all druggists. Tim rmss oiASHHSTOS. . UH I'llnlillH.i mill I ii.li-MtriK-U-M-iK-N MnU > It ViiliiiilMe- Mimj U'II.IH. With tlie development of clectiIcily , as bestos has become quite of much greatei Importance , sajs the New- York Times. Tin friction In electrical machinery and tin passage of the electrical current througl various paits thereof , and through tin wires , often causes such Intense heat tha much damage would bo done if these parti were not piotcctcd by some substance whlcl cannot he affectert by heat. In these casci asbestos Is used It Is combined with rubbei and other gums that are noii-conducton of electricity and thus safety Is assured Asbestos ib also used on ( .team engines. Clothing , inulo almost wholly from as bestos fiber , is now worn by the firemen o London and Paris. With sponges to protc-c ; their faces , they can now- brave the worsi Ilames. Fire-men's gloves are also made o this material , Theatcis , to guard agalns the spread of a lire from the stage to tin lobby , liavo asbestos cut tains , which wll Insure bafety to those In front. Thedangei of flic , whloh was once the great dread o venturesome balloonlsts , need not bo hob when asbestos balloons aie provided. Ono of the most Important uses to whlcl asbettos Is now put is packing for stcan pipes , It re-tains the heat , preventing it ! dissipation by the supply gas This hai been found of the mott importance on rail way trains , where the speed Itself wai likely to carry away much of the heat fron unprotected pipe-H. It IH also used to keci frost from water and gas plp'-g , nml te cover boilers One of the first uses to vvlilcl asbektos was put was fireproof roofing. A roof with asbestos covering Is not en. dangeied by a ( Ire In a neighboring build- Asbestos can be reduced to a pulp am' ' from It can bo made a very good quality ol writing paper. Invaluable for deeds , records , chaiters and such things us must be kepi for many jrars Heavy caul board is alst mnde rioM-s made from cardboard con be used for the preservation from flro of valu able papers Ono of tlie latest applications o | asbestos IH to tlio manufacture of wall plaster. This docs away with the tcdloui lathing and plastering. Ono coat of the asbestos plaster laid on the brhku them selves and smoothed over will glvo t smooth , hard wall , through which told can not penetrate Decorations for ceilings an also made of asbestos. Manj designs an now obtainable They arc found In manj large ocean steamships , where It Is dc elrablo to secure beauty with Immunltj from flre In the lioupehold also on maj HBO an asbestos curtain for a blovvci on the open fireplace It is much more convonli-iil and beautiful than the heavy Iron blower. Asbestos webs are used for straining matij things , where ) metal or cloth strainers wouh ; bo melted or buined b > the litat or con sumed by the acid Molten metal , saccha rine juice In beet sugar factories and tin strongest acids In chemical laboratories an strained by its uee Ta clean the web It it ncieBsary onls to throw It into a hoi nre until all the foreign substanceb are consumed. Jesse L Test csq , an old resident and highly respected citizen of our town , rallee this morning and after purchasing a bottl ( of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diar rhoea Itemedy , said "If anyone asks > oi If thlu remedy will do what IB claimed fo ; It , tell them > cs , and refer them to mo" H Alexander Stoke , Heyiioldsvllle , I'd N ( one can doubt the value of tills medlclnt after giving It a fair trial Then It li pleasant and safe to take making It rs < peclaUy valuable for childicu , Tor tub by ull drugging , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKE'I ' Just a Fair Run for a Saturday in tbo CaltK Pens. PRICES ON BEEVES A LITTLE STRONGEF iisliu-ss fur Hip lii > ( lirdlj- T - ( or Hit * Triulo.lidKHi'iittits Pull Ult In HONIIOIISO | llronlc III I'floox. SATfltnAY , July H. The ollle-lal number of cnrs of slot ) l > i ought In toelity by caUi ro.iil vvii-s : Cattle1. llOs ' , * > O & 81 I , , rallvvny .Missouri rnelile lullvvay : I'nlon t'aelllc RVHtcm 0 ' 11 & M , 11. nilliu.ul fi V c , H , * ; Q iniiwny 1.1 ; ( ' , 11. 1. .V 1' . lullvvay , cast : C. , H. I. .V. 1' . i.illvviiy , west 1 r. St. p. . M .1 o. tallw.iy 2 : I" , 13. , < t M. V. riillioml 1 11 Total locclpl1 ? SO I1 The disposition of the day's lecclplH vva' n follows , each buyer put chasing the nuinbci of heiul indicated : llnvirs Cuttle. HOJ.S Omaha P.ic'kliiK company "V " -1 O H Haninioiid i-omi.iny | 17 Mi Swift and Company SHI i.v CiKlahv I'acKIni * i-onipnny is 1'r.l ' J LJ. Cnicy Til W. I Stephens Til . . . . III1I Ai Le-wlH compinv "i" Hammond from KniiMis Clly. . . , r > 2 Cmlahs , fioniKansis City v > > Other buyers 4'l . . . . Left ovc-l 100 Total M2 4 II' ' CATTU-Only MS cuttle of till Kinds won tc-portuil In theaiels , a ftilr run for n Satur day , and lie-ally , ! 00 mote * than were hue n week IIKO Of the c-attlo heie " ! 7 we-ie coiiMlKiied tlln ct to packet * , km lug : onlj 4S1 he id on sale There vveie % u fe-vv loads of cornfeil bepve < some of them right wood e-attle , which sold u littlestronger. . There weie so f < > vv lien- however , that It vva hardh a test of tin market. One buiic-h of choice ilehomec cattle , put of them white faces fold al $1 2.1 Theie were live 01 six loids of lu-lfem li the * yards , but the bmcis illil not eem tc want them unless they coilhl net a ble ; re- ( luellon In prlee-.s Sale" > nien tlalmed thai the bids vveie nil the way fiom 10e * to ak low el , anil In eonsequenic- the trade wa- dull. Tho-p that hold weio fully lOc lowei than yesteulay. Only a veiy few Rtorkeis and feeder' were- received , but tlieic * weie qnlto n num ber In the hands --peculatois Koi i Satin day the elemaiiil VMIS KOOI ! , there beini several luifii * bujcr.s In fiom thu country and the mat ket wns fully bteiuly. Hepie sentatlve Hales : iinrr RTirns. : No Av Pr. No Av Tr. No. Av. Tr. < 0 . 1303 fl * > ' < < . 1C 1340 Jt 21 COWS. i. . f * ) i a" 2 wo 2 r S2. iie 2 r.o 1 .1070 I,1 I t 1100 2 20 . ' . . 1101 2 50 5. . . ' .HI 2 Ofl 3 HG1 2 20 J. . . 013 2 00 2. . 1001 2 11 1 K20 2 21 1. . . ffl 2 41 L. . . 510 2 43 5. . . . CSS 2 73 L. . u'O 2 41 HULLS. L. . . 1JO 171 1. 1110 22) ) 1. , O'n 241 1 . . 12CO 211 I lire 221 L.110 n 23 2. . DIO 2 20 1 140 2 21 CALVES L. . . ' ) 100 1 ICO GOO L. .240 321 1 . ICO 4 71 srociinns AND rnnnnns. 1 . . . I'O 2 r,0 21 IV , 1 20 11 . . . G'lO 3 21 8. . . . 77S 3 00 21 . S-JO J .0 IJ . . MS 3 4(1 ( Nt.liUASKA. No. APr. . No. Av. Pr. 1 cow ViO $1 - , : S ccms 110. JJ 40 1 bull 117(1 ( 200 5eown . . . " 'H ! 27(1 ( 1 HUH nw 210 10 hLircrsso 270 2 COHH 10.10 j ir. ir.NnWDA. NnWDA. 1 bull 1180 200 C co s. . . . _ 041 2 r,0 1 co ' 'CO 2 10 1 ftcdor . . , f.KO 2 71 14 in\\f. . . . K'J 2 10 3 fieil.-rs S2J 2 73 IIOOS The lue.ik In ( lie lie mnrKct H.IS fel toiiny In n-iluc-eil rcitlpl" . lint \\lille the rui \\nn H ht , Itns laiKr than n week nKo. Ir atldltlem to the fresh rtcolptH thcie weio nlinui I 100 curried o\er fiom } teii.iy ! , miklni ; i totnl nf aliout 3iOO ! IKIKS nil salt- The dein mil \\nx Roml enrlj nml the inarhol opt neil icaMinnlilj ncthe nml nt aliout steadj price * * . IJujuH all ni'p < * aroil to ha\i > llbeia onlcrs nml the most of tlu > IIOKS sol'l early then Die market lliitttnc.l out , with CCO or 701 left un lil nn < l with no erne ti > lmto Imy tlinm At tlic close } . ' 0 was Mil for heaiy , but tin liujits illil not want them f\tn lit that price 'I litre wire no Unlit IIOKH here eijual to tin lielonili ! > n tenl s "o that the top , ? 3 13 , iloti not Rhoup wi well toilii > . 'Ihu heahoRfl FeM In nliout the inme nntLl IIB jestenl.iy. the most of them nolng at 12 % nltll thu mlxcil anil incillum weltht at > . ' Klfl 3 01 The weelc dopes with tjio liotr market alioui wheic It was nt the opening n MomluJ IIOK" Folil IniRcl ) at (2 .nil ! 00 ami.dues ail \anccil steailll > until on 'Iliurstlay whin tin liluh point of the > wioU an touched. In fnc the lilKhi-st point since lune IS On rrlil.i ; tlie bleak ramc which wlpeil out the most o the iiiUnnre. In spite of the ileellne the will closes with the market Cc hlwher t.inn the tlosi of Intit week Kepichcntntlvp tales No. ASll IT. No. Afill IT (1 . . . .ISO 12 ' 10 f > . . 261 . | 2 ill fl . 31J fO 2'10 (2 ( . . .J'17 M 2 < > 'i OJ . . 3Hi ( 120 2 'ill ffl . . . "II SO 2 ill V . 27S 40 2 L ) 03 . . , .2'I4 M 2'II rO . . .310 ICO 2'10 124 . . , i e M 2 T TO . . .IS1 . . 2 ! lO C.I . . . .2fX SO 2 11 70 . . .07 Ml 2 ! ) M . . . 0 bO I. ! ll (0 . . . 27S 120 2 W 03 . . . 201 . , 2 HI K . . . 271 IfO 200 fl . . . .212 . . 2 ill 2J . . . 27r. M 2 ' 0 57 . . .233 120 2 ! ' "i 57 . . .322 . . 8 M 41 . . . . .114 M 2 .II II . . . 173 H > 2 ill ) 04 .Ml 40 2. 91 .11 . .310 M ) . ' ' -0 04 J74 M 2 HI n 3-1 K > 2 C)0 r,7 . . . .2:2 40 2 91 21 . . . .271 K,0 2 ' 10 (10 ( . . . .218 . , 291 49 . . . . 342 NO 2 M'4 ' CO 2.U SO J 00 el . .I'll so 2 iiv. n . . . . ro so 3 ( o 73 . . 211 fcO 2 ' 1 14 77 2JG . . . 1 00 fO . 204 . 1 'II H J18 SO 3 00 M . . IfO SO 2 9"i M 'C4 . . . J (10 ( TO . . . 21-2 SO 2'II fl . . 211 SO 1 00 fi ( . , . .301 . . . 2 HI 7S 234 . . . J 01 r . . . . 2S4 . . . i. ill 03. . . . 243 . . 301 ' 'II S'l . ' 0 SO 310 r.8 . . . ! 'I4 . . 2 CO StjJ SO 2 1C 20. . .101 . . . 3 15 PIGS-ODDS AND iNDH. : 1 2 0 . . . 200 C. . . . 270 . . , 2 ! I5 ,1 . 130 . 2 SO HIII3IH1 There were no sheep here to make i market , . ruiCA < io i.ivi : STOCIC MAHKHT lliiNliifMH A VMM Alinuil nt i .SlniiilNtlll Ilitrlngr UK' Si-MMliiii , CHICAGO. July 18 , C'attle bunlncpH Mas iil > most at u standstill. IA-PH than TOO lii'iid ur- l\eil | , ill Ili'lil A loail of S77-lh wrstiin lulf- i rH nt ti SO , nml n fuiv scatterlntr ! ot of low- in Ice il niuhi' rnttle * eonstltutcil the bulunic , nl fuse ft\v weie ( .on lilercil KOOI ! The witk eloseil with prlcen for liatlwH UH goocl IIH uni w eek ni o Of IIOHH the run foil aliout 4no < ) | i nil lieluw thu popular estimate , 17 ( KM lieail 'lliere way utroiiK ilLiiiuiuI at the start many KOOI | IIOKU sold lit fiom .1c to 10 ( hlKlier i.vrll In the dn > , Not ninny Mr imr wclplil III/H hold nbofl 21 rholee miillum butchers' lurtiely niouiul } J it. and clmlee. llKhtH at from 13.10 to ) ' . f.O 'Hie muiket elosed dKlileilly weak , ntid about lM he'iid were left In thu jiens unsold In Hifop there wus muc.'i stale stock on the marUit dut no better tletmmd than the day before nnd more than 1,000 KOOI ! western milt- tons went o\er to IKUI ) In Monda > ' nuppl > Illds on lluse stale westerns riuiKe from 127 ! to } 3 Mont fcood to choice native t > UI at from lle > etlpls Cattle. r,00 In ml , calves , 04 liead , IIOKS , I3.CKX ) heid , flie-ep 2100 liead KIIIIHIIH Cll > LltiSliifl. . - . KANHAH fIT > . Jul > ISevn l.i-ltcelpls : , 100 huiil. fblpmcnts. l.teKi tieiid m.iikit mini inall ) sleail > , ure-lptB too fmall to make more ! than KtaM market IJH Receipts , 42(1 lieiul shipments , 3.IM lu.ul market nomlnall } uncliunued , bulk of Lalis H < K ) J11. heiules ti7S&30D , pjckem , [ > ! i5 310 , mixed , M ( J06J.0. Units MOSD320 , Voikern JJU320 / piss. JllOf(32 ( BIIP.illtcelpts : ! 1XI ( head , shlpminls 3kW head , maikcl sternly , luml.s , } 3 OOili IS. muttons , $2 $ 0003 & _ _ Slue'U III hlulil. Itetord of re-eelpts at ( he four principal mar- ke > tH for Halurduy , July 18 , IW : Cattle. HOKS Hheep honth Omaha . MS 2 WS t'hleuuo . "oa 1 * WW 2 ! > ( X iCansas City . H" # * > i hi ? Kills. . .J.SW i'KO ' _ UW Totals . . . 2,618 21.008 Z.W St. LmilN Llto Sloi-U. BT IJOl'lH. Jul > -CATl'LIJ-lle-ctlpts , 1 2 ( lend , market flc.ldj , on the few | salen made , only ri-lull IrHdltlK HOh ( llecelpts. 2000 heart , marketer > ( | Ul t Ill-lit , tJ'-'ltlJW mUe-0 , | 300il3K , liu \ ) , J3 SOii Klliir : lltcelptK , l.SOO head , markett and unchanged _ OIT or THI : OIIIMVUIV. The German rinprcbi posBe-HSPB a unhtuc tea service Tlio tea tray dan be-en beatrii out of an olel 1'ruualan Imlf pe'imy. thu let put IB made out of t * Gcrm&u farthing uut tlic lln > ciip nto mnde from roliu of ilIN ftunt ( Irriiinii iMlnclimlltlrn. Tlie cktltnnUit t > upu1ntlan of tlio world la 1S-3. maitr * Inrlndcda l.BOO.OOO.OOO per * sons. Onlj slprrpniiM out of cncli 1.000 llvo to be 75 jrnrs olel , nml only ono rcnclica , HIP tcntnij murk. In Uic liumnii family inoro males ihnn fc nmles nro born Inio Hie wurlel In Kuteipn tlio propoitlon h 100 lo 100 A Oanglitir of James Mtlllln of Miami. S.l- llite totinly , Mo lins illnl from c.itliiK m\\\- \ beirles that h il been sttinr ; by locusts Killiiburgh lins Juit received through Its lonl provost nn offer of $ " , 00,000 tow are ! bnllil- IIIR n lown hnll , fiom nn iinonjmotit prlvnto pel son In Hie Insl few > rnrs the clly haA leteiveil JI.UOO.OOO In gifts. The. ptenmor Vlundnvhlch locrntly ar rlveil In Halifax from Llvetpool , encounteieit nn rnorinotis school of porpoises pnrsncel by nbout tweulozen large whales , Just before U I'linu * to port. IIva estimated that them wt'io ovei 1,500 poi poise ? In the school. Thev weio seen about sKtecn inlleu cast oC Halifax , and Jumped about tlio vessel's slilca In evident teiror eif their purnucrs. Thn RC.I wns black with Ihein. mid they tuiiheel thtough the water like mnd , with the Ricnt pulling whaleK elosc In the re.tr. Uld mlta say they never saw iinjthing llhu It on thei Ameile'iin ions ! . 'Iheio Is a boy In 1'eniiivlvanln who can lay claim to having n dimmed life , If any such thing e\lst Two > c.us ngo n church was blown down upon him , bill he came out nut much the woise for wear Three weelis iigo u hoi so fell upon him , but tlm notldont did him no material Injurj. On Satnrdnj n Intge pole * fell upon him nnd It wan supposed that he wns Killed When the doctois got tliumgh with the boy It wns found that he had a InoKen Jaw nmV wns covered with bruises , but he Is nrontid no\v \ about UH llvelj as ever The nnmo of this luckj joungEter Is Kllas nunUlo nnd lie Ihes nt Ik'llcfonte. Hid the slgnldi-anco of tlic ellffoictit inoeloa of salutation of the dllletent nntlotis over stilkojou' The Oeiman s-.ijs " \Vlc geht'u. Ihiien ' Ittixv goes Itlth vou' "It goes slowly komctlmcs , my Teutonic filend , " Rays Johnii ) I'inpuinl. "Commentotis porlca \OUR ? " llovv do > ou enirj jouidclf , how do Jim appear. 'Ihe Italians Imiulie "Cinno slate1 ? " How do jou Bland ? \VlillothoUns- slam ask"Knk paglvhetje'i ' ! " How do ) o > i live * ' ' Ueliig aiming the high livers of the wotld. Hut Anglo-Snxons say "How do jou do ? " A not Inslgninc.int iiucstlon ; for while the othci.s nic going , cnrrjlng thoin- belves , stnndlng nnd living , \\o nrc doing. Several dnjs ngo Asn llrondstreet of Mill Creek township , Putnam county , Indiana , dug n well eighty feet deep nnd btcurcd fiom It n clear , spaildtng bcvei.ige neatly as cool us , Ice wnttr. but having n .peculiar * tnste The men eh auk f reels of the water and all became moic or less Intoxlc.itenU Mr. Hioadstiect then drank the water nml felt the same effects thai follow liberal po tations of whlslty or btandy. Others drnnlc of the water nnd had the same cxpeilenco. Samples of the wnler were tnken lo De- pnuw unlveisily lo bo annljzed , but nothing was dlscovetcd to explain the nnstcty. TIII2 ItllVLTV MAItlvKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on iccoril Satin day , July Ib IbWAHUANTY DI2KUS \V 12 Hoekvvell nnd wife toV II Glitch , lot 3 , I'ruyn's subdlv . . $ S50 Ouen .V Hi.ilnanl trustees , toV J Oiecn , lots 7 anil S , block ; , Mulsh's adil t I ! H Itellei and wife to Lyman Uleh- aidson , lot " , . block 13. West 12ml. 10 Hotmail K 01111170 to S J Iliyiiiil , lot Ii. block 12 , Kouiit7i * I'laee 3,50ft I'assumpsie Savings bank to Doiothy Pioctor , lots II nml 1.1 , block 1 , Monmouth - mouth paiK . I Thomtih 1'ioctor nnd wife to Passump- Me BnvliiKt- bank , ,1 acies In nvv no 3-14-1 , . t W II Gates anil wife to H P Hen- bow , lot l , block I , Plain * , lew nilel. SCO * I.vman Hlchaielson and wife to J W Thomas , lot 12 , block 9 West 12ml add 10 J C. Smith and wife to V H Lady , lot 5 , Isaacs S. G's add , and Htrlp adJoining - Joining 1.900- Total amount of transfers $7,07i RAMAyiMJ CARD Leaven IIU'IILINUION A. MO ltlUlt ( Arrives _ OiiiiiliuUnlon | Depot , lOlh tt Mas-onJjlB | Oinalia "s.30-iin . . . .Denver Express 9:53um 4 < 3pm.Illk Hill ! , , Mont A. l-UKCt bnd E-c. 4 OSpni 4.33pm . Denver i\picus. . . 4 01pm 7 03pm.Ncbr.ihka Local ( except hiimhis ) 7 15pm. . Lincoln Local ( except Mmd.ii , ) llJDam 2.tlipm. 1'att Mall ( foi Lincoln ) dally. . . Leaves | C-III"Aao ( , IIITRLINR ION it Q .Arrives Omalialnnlon Depot , 10th A Masnn Sts I Omaha 5.00pm ChlcuRo Vestibule . . . . s.uonm. 9 4Mm Chlcngo Kxpiess 4.15pm 7 50pm Chlc.iEo nnd bt Louis ixprcsi ! . S.OOum 11 35um . . Pnclllo Jiincllon Local . . C.lOpm ri Past Mail . . . . . 2.50pm I Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL AST PAUL lArrlv ta OmalinlUnlein Depot , 10th A. Mason His | Omnlia G 20pm Chicago Limited . . 8.05nm * 11 Wain ClilcnKQ Uxpress ( ex hundas ) 3.25ptri. ' Leiv7s ( CHICAGO & NOUTHWUSF N.lArrives OmnlmlUnliin Dtpol , lOlh & Mason fats | Omahiv. , fo 35im Eastern Express 3IOpm : e 4 45pm . . . .Vesllbuled Limited . . [ i 4"pm ( i 15pm . . . . SI Paul KxprcsH 9'30an CHOam . . . St. Paul Limited 9 03pm , 7.30 nn . Cnrroll & Slojx Clly Local II 10pm 0 30pm. . Oinnhi Chlcnpo Spiclnl * OOiini , Missouri Vnllev i.oc i. 9 30am ' Lenves ( CHICAGO , II. I K Pi IFIC * JArrlves OinahulUlilufi Depot , lOlh & Maton Sla I Ornulin. IAST. lOMOnm .Atinntlc Kxnrit-s ( c" hundns ) 5'35pm 7 00pm . . . . NlKht I3xpre6 > 6-lOuni 4 50prn Chicago Vestlhuled Limited lulpni. 4 50pm. St Paul Veytlbuled Limited 1 ; 3pn > WIST : G 4rpm Oklahoma & Texas ix ( ex Sun ) 10 35am l'40im. | . . . Coloiado _ Mmlled _ . _ _ _ Ul 2 I7en\es I C , ST P. , lT * T"o lArrlvrs Omnlinl Depot , 151 1 and \Vibsitrt5tg | Oitiaha. 8 15 nn Sioux e-lly Accommodallim 8 JOpm 12 30pm. Sioux City I'xpress ( ex. Sun ) .ll : 5nm. G.lSpm. . . . . St Paul Limited _ . _ . _ 9 ; 10am L av rj lC' & MO VALI.CV ( Arrives Omalinl Depot , 15t i and Webster Sis I Omaha Vooimi . . . " . Past Mall and Kxpress . . . . U.OOpmi 3.00pm ( ex Sat ) VV'sei. Ux. ( c-x Mon ) , , S.OOpin 7 Wain I'remont Local ( hunilas Onls ; 7 fiOnm. . . .Norfolk Express ( ex Sun ) . ,10.25am G.15pm . Ht Paul Lxprets . . 'J luum Leives I K ( ' . . SC J * C II jArrlves OninlmlUnlon Dipol. lOlh .1 Mnum Bis | Omalin. . . Knnsns City Day llxpnus GMOpni 10 OOiim.lC C Nit ! lit Hx v lie 1 T _ PTranB _ C.30nm JSlBhmJIH PACIPIC ( Arrives Depot , 151 and VVtbsifr fltr ' Omiihn. " " 3"o"pm .Ntliravka & Kansas Llmltnl 12 2.rprn 9.20pm . Kansas Cits llxpriws . . G.oonm S.OOpm. , .Ncbraeku Local ( ex. Sun ) , . . 9'OOum. Leav < s1 MWl < lwr& \lrlI''lC ( ArrlveB OinahaJDepot. 15th nnd Webster His ( Omaha. "G.lCiun . . . . St Paul Limited 9 lOiim. L uvcs I HIOIJX flTY & . PACIPIC lArrlves Omahal tJiMon _ Depot , 10th ti Mason Hit | ( Jrnnha- C40im. ; T , St. Paul Passenger 11 10pm 7 loam . Kloux City PusseiiKer 9 03um 6 5'pin . hi Paul Limited _ a 20am Leaves ! UNION"PACIKIP JArrTves" OmahallJnlon Depot , mill A Mapon fits Jp'nalia "g.lOun . Kearney llxpress . . 4 10pm S,20im . Overland Limited 4 43pm 3 .JOprn lleut'ce A Slromsb'K I' * ( ex Hun ) 11 OSpnv D 45pm Grand Island Ilxiiress ( ex. Hun ) 12 05ini . Paul Mull Qw > jjopni _ _ _ _ Leaves I WAIIAfiirilTlLWAY _ lArrlves OnittliiilUnloii J" lir'l'i51 | ! ' " His I Omaha ' 4 JOpm HI Lniils rannon il.ill _ 11 CA"S V ' * > A TIMIMAh. A t ( orne'j , Kiirliili'h Illeic-U , SII12IIIP1'"S HAIvI Ily vlrtun of u writ of execution IRSUCC ] out of the ellHlrkt court of Doughm county. N ( braHka and to me directed , I have levied upon the followIIIK Kood and chuttdH , the piope > rty of the Gooilman Drui ; company it corporation , to-wlt Ono lot of io ( > Knijih- lial and civil criKlncci'8 ItiHtrumenlH and u KUieral htock of eliiiKU ( a complete Involi" of which halil Kood und chnttrln may be exnrri - nvnt urnr-o of John \V MiUonii1' of UoiiKlnH counly , NibruHliu i. on Monday , thn ZOth ilu ) of Julj , i . too hour of ten (10) ) a. in , at xtoro numbered 1317 and l.tll ) DouiihiH Htrcct , In the illy of Omaha , DOUKJUH county , Nebraska Hell at public auction , to the lilKhcHt , lilcl- dtr for cuBh. thu pioticriy no luvlud upon ami iibovci ilBi rlbcil. to H.itlHfy tlio Hum of one thouHaml foui bundled und thlr- t > dollaiH and llfty ccnu ( Jl.lJOM ) Judg ment , and the Hum of thlitteri dollars ! and elnht ctnta ( MOV ) COSIH herein which Ijy the Judfinent of the ) dlHtrln court , wit bin and for mild county , ut thu Ktluuuiy , HWJ. term thereof , the. rllanduid Oil c.omjiany , u. corporatlon. rerovend nuulnHt the Bald Goodman I > rup company , n corpoiutlon , and O P Goodman , with Interim tin reoa ut t > i\en (7) ) per cent per nnnum from Keb ruury 3 , IMS , until paid , und thu accruing ( ) l at Oinulia. Ntbra ka , this 9th day of July. l&M JOJN | w McDONALDi Hherlff > f DouBlas County , Nil Cuvumigh & ThomtiH. Attorncya. Appeurunco docket M No. 3(0. ( Kx ! cutlon docVetV " I'nso SOO fitnnelard OH Co. v. Goodman Drue Co , t ul. July 9 X > ana S-llt