Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1896, Page 7, Image 8

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Heavy Ecceipts of Now Wlicat Had Much
Influcnco ,
III ( lulu Thorp Wit * n l < 'nlrl > * Hooil
Ucitiiuiil mill n Hlluli < l > - tlctlur
1'Vi'Mnn ; Sluirp Doc-line In
I'rovlNliiiin ,
CHICAGO. July 10. Heavy receipts of
now wheat , which Is beginning to como on
the market , together with the political
Hltuiillon , miiilc n rather weak wheat mar
ket today and September closed % c lower.
Corn lost He. Other markels acted Inde
pendently. Oats und provisions both showed
In wheat dullness was again the chief
characteristic , very little Interest being
mnnlfesled. The opening showed a con-
tlntmtlon of yesterday's weakness , with th'o
lit Hi Jirlco from Uc to Me below the prlco
at thu close yesterday. A discouraging
feature of the early news was the heavy
rocelptH of spring wheat , 153 of the total
receipts ) of 2S : cars being new red win
ter. September opened at from oC4c ! to MU <
mid after Borne coiislderublo trailing be
twcen that niul SCc , the prlco went down to
DS'/ic. Hut thereWHH hardly nny dlsposl
linn to truile. There was some reautlon
( luring the last hour , mainly on covering
by shorts , nnd by u report that 40,000 bu.
of No. 1 northern pprlng had been taken
for export ; September Hold up to from G.YHe
to Kc , where It closed.
Corn was slow and weak on the heavy
feeling In wheat , the excitement and dull-
liens In the east , anticipated Increase In re
ceipts , The Increase. In oustbonml freight
rates , however , exorcised a steadying ef
fect and prices changed. September opened
Uc lower at ZG lo nml after touc.hltiE 26"
closed easy nt the opening prlco.
In oats there was tv fairly good demand
nnd a slightly better feeling was notice-
nlilo , prices ruling firmer the greater part
of the session. September opened a shade
easier nt liilic , touched from lulic to loHc
nnd closed steady at JIW- .
In provisions the sharp decline of the
past two or three days encouraged a little
more buying , which stimulated a little ad
vance In prices. Opening prices were un
changed , but under the improved demand
soon nilviinced and closed steady ; Septem
ber pork closed lOo higher at M.Gfl ; Septem
ber lard , 7'Ao ' higher at $3.Cm ; September
ribs , 7'XiO higher at J3.r,7'/2.
Kstlmutes for Saturday : Wheat , 1GO cars ;
corn. C30 cars ; oats , 1GO cars ; hogs , 11,000
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Artlclus I On in. I High. | Lo.v.
July Hit r > 5 S4M
Si < pt cox Jf. ? |
Ct ) > tin 67
Corn. No 2. .
July 2I ) ! (
Sept 2(1)1 ( SUM son
May 29 > a 20M
OatH. No. a. .
Sept K.V < IftH
May 17X 17 > s
faept o nee n o.- ii no no
Oct o co U 674 (1 ( 50
Jan 7 35 7 42h 7 3i 40
n no 3 07H n r -
Oct y 70 3 7. ' > h : i U7M 72H
Jan . . i eon 4. 1)7 ID 4 oo 03
Short Rlba-
Scpt. . . . n so n GO 3 BO 57K
cOct 3 ( II ) : i ui ) OR
Jan 3 US 75
Cash quotations were ns follows :
1-'LO1JU tomy ; patents. 53.40W3.CO : Ktralnhts.
J2.90fili.iO ; ; pprlnt ? patents , M.'JJ5i3.7u ; bnUers ,
WHEAT No. 2 cprltiB. C4e ; No. 2 red , K i
CORN No. 2. M'.Je.
OATS-NO. 2. NO. 2 white. ic ic ;
No. 3 white , IS
n YiNO. : . 2. sine.
IJARLIIY No. 2 , nominal : No. f. o. b. ,
2-c : No. 4 , f. o. li. . 2lc.
KLAXSEED-No. 1 , 71c.
I'ROVISIONS-Mess pork , per Mil. . JC.50iJO.53 ;
Innt. per 100 Uw. , JS.571 : short ribs , Hides , loose ,
} 3. if3.W ; ilry > - Bnltitliihuuldpcn. . boxed , J3.75ffl.CO ;
short clear Bides , boxed , J1.ICVifP.1.7 ; .
WIIISICY Ulstlllers' llnlshed goods , per gal. ,
HUfJARS Out loaf. J3.37 ; granulated. J4.93
1'OITl.TUY Miuket steady ; turkeys. 7C9o ;
clilfltens , spring , 12VSfJ'I31jc ; ducks , pprlng , 11 ®
lH = e.
The following were the receipts and shipments
today :
Article1) . Uoeolpts. Slilpmenti.
Flour.bbls. .
CornIm. . . .
OutH , bu. . . .
Rj-t-.bu. . . .
Darloy.bu. . .
I Oatbe I'ro.Iuco uxuhinird toJiv the biittor mar
ket wnf > Hlendyt crcainury , lOOimc : dairy. 11 *
OVtO. KISSH. steady ; fresh. Ukc. Cheoau ,
7d 7e. !
xisw YOHK : I < : M < : UAI < JIAI
Quolatloiin of ( lie Tiny oil Various
NK\V YORK , July 10.-FLOUR Receipts , 17.400
bbls. ; exports , 14,803 bbls. ; dull ant
lower ; Minnesota patenU , t3.35ift3. ? : > ; Mln-
neHota bailers , $2.Idtf'J.SO ; sprint ; low Rradcs ,
H.10Q2.30 ; winter patents. 13.5003.00 ; southern
tlour , itulct nt (3.23. Rye Hour , ijulut ; superllne
.S04J.70 ; fancy. J2.70S2.9w.
1IYK yulet ; No. 2 western. 37437Hc.
CORN SlUAL-Uulet und easier ; yellow west-
cm. Cfo ,
I1ARLDY Quletr western , 39'iJWc.
11AHLUV MAIVT Steady ut 4jf53c.
W1IKAT Receipts. tO.100 bu. ; exports. 43.5C2
1m. ; ci > ot. weaker ; No. 2 reil , 03140 ; No. 1 hard.
( Hitfe. Options wen * dull and weak all day. M
cept for a sllKht rally In the late afternoon an
coverlnif , ami were Htf io ncT lower ; July , C
Sl'/jU , closliiK Cl(4c ( ; September , 61 7-16eCM > e ,
cloHlmr. Cl'ie.
CORN Rerelpts , 18,900 bu. j exports , 127.037 hu.
upot , Inactive ; No. 2. 32c. Options were fairly
active and \\euker , owlnt ; to IncreasUii ; receipts
and rains In Kansas ; i-lned UW'ic net IOIMT ;
July. 32 7-P' fi32i4c , closing 3J c ; S > pteiHber , 32V
tf33c , ulnxliiK SiYic.
OATS Receipts , 171,300 bu. : exports , 72,111 1m. ;
ppot. Hteudy ; No. 2. 20HSi'OVe. Options rub- . :
ilull and nominal without n.iles ; closnd un-
cliiiniteil ; July. 20'io ' ; September , U > ! , c.
llllis : Klrm ; Unlvrston , llwlUio ; Iluenos
Ayieii , dry , ICe ; Texas , dry , ! ) o ; Callfoinla , 13c ,
JIUTTnil Rei-elptit , 7.0IK ) pliKS. ; stoady.
.MIMICSI- : Receipts S.UOO pUss. ; nulot.
3(5(1S ( ( Receipts , 0.700 pkKesleni. ; . lHT12a
HOI'S ( Julet ; state. IbSI crop , -Jia5j3' < ic ; 1S55
crop , ; : iS4 : ; j'aclllo coast , 1S9I crup , SUU4 a ; ISO ;
crop. 3W7c.
KilOS Steady ; western fresh. lljiic.
I'ROVISIONS IIeef. niilet ; family. Jf.50ffD.00
Out meats , Ilrm ; plrldml hams , Slj.M'i/KW
Lard , steady ; western steam , JJ.MWI.oo. Tal
low , lower ; city , 3'jc ' ; country , 3 > ic. llacon ,
IxiMod Khouldeis. 51.10 ; toiiKUcs , J3.75 ; ilia. 11 :
h4 > rts , tl.2 ! > 4. I > ry salt iiu-ats. Iroxed nhoultler'
uml IIIIIKS , J.l.TJ ) ; ribs , $3.73 ; shot Is , J3.S7U.
TALLOW Kasy ; dull ; city , 3\4o \ ; country , 3 > ; .
OILS I'ctrolfiim , dull ; Ilnlteil closed at II.1C.
Konlii. quiet ; strnlned. J1.70. Turpentine , quiet ;
25VjjSC > i c. lullons vd oil , Inactive ; prime crude
fOl li : off grades , liifliH ; ; pi line summer yellow ,
* ' '
Miil'\SSiS-Stoady ; Now Orleans , :3f37c.
lUCII-Stfady ; domestic , fullto extra , "
14 Jaimn. IrtlUc.
KRIIMIHTS To Liverpool , quiet ; grain by
n\ \ etrnm. 1'ie.
JIKTAUS Pli ? Iron , quiet Copper , quiet
nHt lirc.liers. Jll.37'4 ; exchanse , JI1.2JQ11.W. Lead ,
Ht ttulet ; linikei-n. J2.UO ; PxetiiuiKc , J2.97W83.02U.
Tin. steady ; straltH , JI3.W1 plates , ilrm. Spel
ter , fair ; domestic. 51.10.
St. IiOiilH ( iuni-riil
BT. LOt'lH , July ID. KI.OUR-Qui-t | , easy nnd
unchunged ; patflnls , X3'Jif3.10 ; fancy , $ . ' .00tf7.70
extra fancy. (3UO T > .II ) ; choice , J2.30ff2.)0. )
WHEAT Showed but little chungo from yes
terdurutiirfM being a slmdo easier and apol
lower : No. 3 led. i\i h , elevator , MVJo : trade
MUfcJI'tcs "w. D34c ; old. CCoj No. 3 hard. S/e
Md ; July. 5.1HC , naked ; August , SSUHMHc ; HIP-
tcnilH > r 53 ifiM1io.
t.'ORN l-'uturm , i > aty : September nt'lllng lower
tliun ever. Spot , lower ; No. 2 rash , 2lie : July
2l 'i2l | c ! Heptembor , Z3 > ii' , bid.
OATS-l''utui s , aulct and utronKer In tone ,
Biwt. stonily : No. s i-nsh , 15 io. bid ; July , 15 > 4o li'sc , bid ; Ma ) , 17I d"I8ilP.
RYIC--390 , bid , traclj.
11ARLEY- Nominal ; commercial , 11.50.
ItllAN Hull ; vulabla at .11 o. east track.
riAXSEKU Nominal : 67o for July delivery.
TIMOTHY Siin--Prlme. : J1.H.
HAY Strong fur diolcti : prnltle , new , H.yn
7M ; timothy , JS.OOGH.OU , this side.
1III1TKH- Quirt and unchanged ; creamery
lOfflto ; dairy. WJllc.
KOUS-Klendy ut Co.
1,1'AO Uulli heavy , ! .78 , seller * , with no de
HPHLTBR Nominal at ftJS.
I'ORK.-Steady ; utniularU mess. Jobbing' , J0.409
LARD Higher ; prime Htcom , JJ.37M ; choice ,
f3. IS.
rnOVIBION'S-Porlt. steady : standard inees
jobblnx , J&40jj6.U. Lanl , lilglierj ] irim tmm
| 3.57 > , ; choice , J3.4t.
I.lvuriiool 31 n r I ; i1 * .
LIVKRPOOL , July 10. WHKAT-Spot , firm
demand poor : No. X n-d , winter , 6s Id : No.
Imrd. Manitoba , ktocks exliiiurtrd ; No. 1 , Call
furiiU. in 3V J. 1'utures optnnl quiet ; cloned
ilrm , wltli Dtvvmber unchanged and other post
tluu * Ud lower ; bu lnfsa about equally dU
trlbutud. -
CORN Spot , quiet ; American mixed , new , S
lOiid. I'utuic * optnrd weak , with near nnd dl >
tain poiltliuuid lower ; cl l dull , with near
l > o-IUaiia V.GUJ l.nver. and dlatanl position *
unubaiiKwl to Vid lower ; builiiku nbuut equally
WJUn-DuU { dsuiaud poor ; St. la\t\t \ fancy
PRO VISIONS n..con. tasy ; demand poor
Cunitwrland out. li * . short ribs , :3i , loiif clear ,
MBit. Slu > u > it tij > Ldji I. * * * * , vi. tx
, squnro , K . llam , short cut , Kit.
Tnllow , nn < > North Anr-rlcan , ndmltul. Il * f ,
prlm mc ii , 37s ftt 1'nrk. prime m , nn *
western. 4r ; medium western , 35 0.1 , Iwird ,
CIIKESB-Oulet ; ilrmnnil poor.
1IUTTKR Klncst Amcrlenn , " < ! Rood , 43i.
RKPRKIERAIXJR HBRF rorenunrter. 4 4d ;
hlndiiuarter. : > Stl.
HOPS At london ( l oclflo toast ) . El 15 .
Tli receipts of wheat during th < i last three
days were 191,000 centnli. Including 131.000 centals
Th receipts of American corn during the
last three dayii wns 8S.200 contnls.
Weather line. . _
OMAHA < ; lC.tilALMAHICl'.T. : .
CotiilUlon of Trail c unit
tin Sl.ipltnml Kiincy I'roiliicc ,
JX1OS f'liolcc Moclt. 7V4 | 8c.
IlL'TTKIl Common to fair , So ; choice to fancy ,
country , 10fM2e.
VI2AI , Clirilrp fat. SO lo ISO Ibs. , Is quoted nl
6',4e ; lurfjo nnd coarco , < ® c.
( JIIEUS1J Dcimesllo brlek , 13c ; Kilntn , per doz. ,
$9.60 ; club houi-o , 1-11 , , Jars , per doz. , J3.0 ; I.ltn-
liergrr , Inncy , per II , . , I3c ; Ro < iuefort. ' .4-'b '
Jan , per doz. , J3.CO ; Young Americas , 12ci t tr > r ,
fanry , 11 He ,
I'OIJI.TRY Llvi lirn * . ftcocks ; , 3e ; U-
keys , Cc ; old ducKs , Cc ; spring chlkens , 11812e
per pound ; spMmt ducks. lOo.
PlillXJNS-Llve , Jl.00tfl.25 ; dead pigeons not
HAY NVw hay , J-.r.O ; ; upland. $5.00 ; midland.
$4.80 ; lowland , Jl.iO ; rye straw , JI.W ; color makes
the price on hay ; Hutu bales nell the best ; only
top Kiadns brliiK tup pllces.
IIROOM I'ORN Kxtremely flow Rale ; new
crop , dellveied on track In country ; choice green
Molf-wnvklnR rarpi't , per II , . , 5'lc ' ; choice green ,
running to hull , 2Uc : common , I'.ic.
WATHRMIILONS-lVr doz. . J3.50.
CANTKIXjri'US Per H bu. basket , C037Gc.
i(5O ( PLANT I'er doz. , 73c.
TO.MATORS I'er 4-basket crates , 83c ; ten-
crate lot ! " , TT.r.
CUCUMRURS I'er do . , ST.e.
OlH'fMIIKRS Per doz. , IvffSCc.
NKW ONION'S Southern stock , per Ib. , l ie.
IlKANH Iliitiil picked na\y. per bu. . $ l.4001.(0.
PIH PLANT llome Brown , per Ib. , lc.
i'.M'LIKM\VKll Per dnz. , 7rc.
CAIlllAQIJ Homo grown , per doz. ,
CI-LIRY : : ivr doz. .
STRAW11ERRIE8 Ninie of nny consefpicnce.
CALIFORNIA CHERRIES No shipping stock.
_ r110MH GROWN UlIERRIES-Ptr 10-lb. basket.
' ' '
IILACKIIERRIES Per 24-at. case , Sl.7u02.00.
I1LACK RASl'llERRIICS Per 21-nt. case$3.00.
, > er | MX. , J1.25.
SOUTHERN APPLES-Per ' .i-bu. box. , 33JIOoi ?
' -bu. boxes , COe.
SrjrTHEIIN PLUJIS Per 21-nt. cnse , $1.23.
SOUTH L-KN PKACIIES Ptr i.i-bu. lot. COffOOc.
ORANOES Jleillterranenn sweets. Nos. 126. 1HO ,
170 , 2K ) , 210 , 11.50 ; larger nnd smaller sizes , } 1.2 , " > .
LEMONS MesslnnH , fancy. JI.CO ; choke , JI.OO&
4.2. , ; California lemons , Jl.
1IANANAS Choice large stock , per bunch ,
12.00f(2.l' ( . " , ; mcdaim-slzcd bunches , Jl.MJj2.00.
'INEAPPLES Per crnte of live to seven doz. ,
HONEY Fancy white , per Ib. . 14c ; choice. 13o ;
Callfornln , nmber color , lOc.
MAPLE SYRUP Five gal. cans , each , J2.75-
gal. cans , per doz. , J12 ; VS ( 'al. cans , JS.23 ; quart
cans. J3.W.
CIDER Cinrincd Juice , per halt bbl. , J3 ; per
bhl. , J > .
PRESERVES Assorted. 20-11) . palls , each , JI.40.
F1C.S Imported fancy , C < crown. 30-11 , . boxes.
He ; choice , 10-lb. boxes. 3 crown , 'JiflOc.
NUTS Almonds , Callfoinla. per Ib. . medium
size , lOe ; Tarragona nlmonds , per Ib. , large ,
12y.e : Rr.i7.ll * . per Ib. , Sc ; English walnuts , per
Ib.r fancy soft shell , 12c ; medium size , lOc ; 111.
berts , per Ib. , lOc ; pecans , polished medium. Sc ;
large. lOo ; peanuts , raw , C'jffl7c ! : roasted , 7'4c.
DATES Halloween , per Ib. , Cc ; turds , 10-lb.
boxes , per Ib. , 7c.
REEF r > ros-ed steers. 400 to BOO Ibn. , GfflC c-
western steers , fie ; good cows nnd heifers , B' JJ1
Bo : medium cows nnd heifers , OftoHc ; good
forctiuarters. cows nnd heifers , 34ff4'ic ( ;
good foreqtiarters , native steers , 4V4f3c : good
liliidfjuarters , cows nnd heifers , 7HSc ? ; good
Jilnd < iunrter , steers , 8HfI9c ; cow rouniN , u'/jc ;
cow plates , 3o ; boneless chucks , 4c ; cow chucks ,
3Uc ; Hteer chucks , 3&c : beef tenderloins , 22c ,
beef rolls , boneless , PC ; sirloin butts , boneless , 9c ;
loin backs , boneless , 9o ; loin backs , 9c ; cow ribs ,
No. 3. CMic ; cow loins , No. 3. Sc ; beef trim
mings , 3e ; rump butts. Be ; shoulder clods , Ge- ,
frozen , 4c.
MUTTON Dressed lambs , Sc ; dressed mutton.
7o ; racks , lOc ; legs , Sc ; saddles. Sc ; stews , 3e ;
Mieep plucks , 3c ; sheep tongues , per doz. , 23c.
PORK Dressed hogs , 4c ; pork loins , 5Hc :
spare ribs , 3i.ic ; ham sausages , butts , 4c ; pork
shoulders , 4Vle ; pork shoulders , skinned , 4(40 ( ;
pork trimmings , 3c ; leaf lard , not rendcivd ,
4'ic. '
The Shoe nnd Leather Review saya the hide
market rules wry quiet and on the surface
seems considerable weaker , but there Is nn
iindurcurient ot strength. There are few If
nny eastern orders to buy nnd westcin 'tnnners
evince very slight Interest , but the supplies
are. known to be limited. The country kill
Is small this year nml nllhoiigli the tanners
are more cautious and conservative than usual
the hide situation ret.ilna an clement of strength.
Indeed , hide quotations nre several points higher
relatively than the leather that Is made from
them. Quotations :
HIDES No. 1 green hides. 4c : No. 2 g een
hides , 2Mio ; No. 1 green suited hides , SUc ; No. 2
green salted hides , 4'.ic ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 12
Ibs. , fie ; No. 2 veal calf , S to 13 Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1
dry nint hides , 7tSc ; No. 2 dry flint hides. 6fGc ;
No. 1 dry salted hides , Cc ; part cuied hides , ' , < , o
per Ib. less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Oiuen salted , each , SjScnc ;
green salted shearlings ( short woolcd eaily
xklns ) , each , lie ; dry shearlings ( short wooled
early slilns ) . No. 1. each , lOc ; dry shearlings
( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry
Hint Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool iieltn ,
per Ib. . actual weight , 4iJSc ; dry Hint Kansas
and Nebraska Murrain wool pvlt.i , per Ib. , act
ual weight , SJflc ; dry flint Colorado butcher
wool pelts , per Ib. . uctual weight , 4J3a ; , dry
Hint Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
weight , 3tf4c ; feet cut off , us It Is useless to
pay freight on them.
TALLOW AND OREASE Tnllow , No. 1 , 2Hc ;
tallow. No. 3. HJu : grease , white A , 2lo | ; grease ,
whlto II , IHo ; grease , yellow , 1'ic ; grease , dork
l'/ic ; old butter. 22'4c ; beeswax , prime , ISffl
22c ; rough tallow. Hie.
HONES In car lots , weighed and delivered In
Chicago : Dry bulTaln , per ton , J12.001714.00 ; dry
country , bleached , per ton , JlO.OOfflJ.OO : dry
country , damp and meaty , p r ton , t6.ooitJ8.oo.
WOOI * Unwashed , tine heavy , 6J7c ; fine , light ,
8i89e : quarter Mood , lOttlZo ; seedy , burry and
chaffy , 8J09o ; cotted and broken , coarse , 7 90 ;
cottcd and broken , lino. GOTc. Fleece washed
Medium , UWISc ; line , lHllCc ; tub washed , 1W
ISc ; black. Sc ; bucks , Oo ; tag locks , 2ff3c ; dead
pulled , SSJtJc. _
CoflVr MiirlCft.
NEW YORK , July 10. Total warehouse deliv
eries from the United States , 7.721 bags ; New
York stock , 1S2,4I > 3 hags ; United States stock.
211,711 bags ; alloat for the 1'nlUvl State : ) , 158,000
bags ; total vltdhln for the United States , 399,711
bags , against 007,211 bugs last year.
SANTOS. July 10. Firm : good average Santos.
11,300 lets ; receipts , 15,000 bags ; stock , 122,000
ItAMRUItrr , July 10. Steady nnd unchanged ;
sales. 3.0"0 bags.
RIO , July 10. Quiet ; No. 7. Rio , ll,4r,0 rols ;
exchange. IWlil : receipts. 10,000 bags ; cleared for
tlio United Slates , 2.COO hagn ; cleared for Europe
2,000 bugs ; stock , 13S.OOO bags.
HAVRE , July 10. COFFEE Closed quiet at
l > ( rio net decline ; nulrs , 14,000 bags ,
Dry Comix.
FALL IHVER. MUSH. , July 10 The cloth mar
ket closeil at 2 o ; demand light ami almost
wholly for odds ,
NEW YORK. July lO.-Morn visiting buyers
were In the mnrket , hut their chief attention
wns given to chopping nnd making memoranda.
Illeaehed cottons continued In good order , and
the aggregate sales were of lltlli ! Importance.
Pitntlng cloths were In fair demand und steady
at 2im e.
MANCHESTER , July 10. The cloth and yarn
market Is very steady.
Kiiurar Market.
NEW YORK , July lO.-SUOAR-llaw. easier ;
fair rellnlng , 2 15-10o : centrifugal , 90 test , 37-lCc ;
sulca. 13,000 bugs Cuba centrifugal , 96 test.
37-lCc. ox-store ; 29,100 bags Cuba molasses , 89
l t. t 11-lOc , ex-store ,
LONDON , July 10. SUGAR Cam , very In-
octlvu ; rrntrlfUKul , Java , Us CHI ; Muscovado , fair
rennlntr , 10 * 3d , Uert sugar , quiet and linn.
Nti TV VorU ( iritln Sliliiii < iitn.
NDW YORK , July 10. Tlio New York urain
stocks are as follow * ;
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour . . . 3 , i iw bills 4.000 1,1,19 ,
Wheat . bu. 13,000 Im.
corn . 5.o bu. 8.000 bu.
Oats . . . . . 2.WO bu. 4.000 bu.
NEW ORLEANS , July 10 COTTON-Qulet ;
middling , OHo ; low middling , < % c ; good ordinary ,
' '
'Nl'W YORK , July -COTTON Uuil ; mid-
dlliiB , 77-160. _
Cr | i lloiiiirt
WASHINGTON , July 10. Agilcultural depart
ment July crop report ; Average condition of
earn , 9X4 ; winter wheat. 75.H ; * prlnir wheat ,
$2.3 ; combined spring ; ; nd winter wheat , S3. ( ,
ts.3 ,
oalH , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tive ; December , 97HC.
Korrluu I'lniiiiulal.
BERLIN. July 10. Kuchunge on London , eight
da > a' fight , 20 marks U pfg.
PARIH , July 10. Three per cent rentes , ICJf
for thu account ; exchnnno. on rxindon , vlflit days'
night. 2if ICije for checks.
LONDON. July IC.-Oold Is quoted nt liuenos
Ayres today at 1S1.GO. at Madrid , 10.23 ; Lisbon ,
ZSii ; Athens. 114 ; Home , 1QT ,
\Vltlnlrnrv Cnlil fur Coiintrr L' r.
NEW YOUIC , July 10.-Tbere Wa3 wltli-
drawn toilny J120.000 In gold from the nub
treasury by a 11 nu of bullion brokers. The
linn luia nil told withdrawn this week $300 , .
000 uml saya It ncoita told ( or counter use.
There la no premium on Hold. WllhJruwnls
thus far today UKgregntB (620.00) ami bring
the treasury tree gold below the { 100.000,000
WASHINGTON. July 10. Today's statement -
ment of the treasury anows : Available cash
luliuiiw. Cfi3JM0.77 ! > U sold rts rvo. UOtf.2Sa.6SS.
Ohicago Convention lias a Bad Influence on
the Country's ' Business ,
i Arc Much
Tlinii fur tlir Ma meVitk nf L t
Year , nml KorclKii llemiiiiil
IM Not ( SrotvltiK.
NEW YOHK , July 10. It. G. Dun & Co.'s
weekly review ot trade which issues to
morrow will siy : : With a political conven
tion In progress directly antagonizing' the
position taken on the money question by
the convention ot last month it Is natural
that there has been uncertainty about the
future to Intensify dullness expected at
this season.
The wheat market advanced a little ,
while other speculative markets were stag
nant or slightly declined , but Its small nd-
vnnco was mainly due to reports of for
eign crop reports. There are many
who believe that a decrease In the
yield this year haa been underestimated
nnd part of the dispatches withered by lun'
review last week lends tu support that view ,
though practically all the returns from what
ale now the chief wheat growing stales Were
checrlni ? . Lew favorable accounts appear this
week from Minnesota and Dakota. H wns wlw
on Ikith sides to icmcmlter that In the spring
wheat Hlates , which have this year to make up
for some loss elsewhere , the crop will not be
out of danger for some weeks. Actual move
ments continue to Indlratc very large supplies
In slijht , the neaterit receipts for the week hav
ing been 2,923,409 bushels. against 1,033.631 bush
els last year , while the foreign demand does
not at preient cause very large Atlantic ex
ports , which were for the week. Hour Included ,
1,2'JO,73G bushels , against , 1,121,631 last year. Corn
and oats promise sii well thus far that prices
do not advance , although exceptionally low al
ready , ami some meats have made new records
for cheapness.
Not much can be said ot a market BO Hat
nt that of Iron nnd steel products , but part if
the Inactivity Is strictly seasonable , part Is duo
to still unsettled questions about wages , nnd
much more to a Kem-ral disposition to defer
ordeis until the future Is cleared. Whether
prices for finished products nre too high or
not , they average relatively at least 10 per cent
higher than prices of pig Iron , which necessarily
causes Inaction when plj ? Is going lower. Ues-
si-mer fell this week to $12 nt Plttsburg. and
grey forge to $10 , but some contracts nf Im
portance have been placed. ( Quotations for tin-
Ished products me not lower , but are some
times cut.
AufKrcuulc f UIINII | > > NH Trniimiotcd by
the ANNOcliitfd llinikH.
NCW YORK. July 10. The following table ,
compiled by llradstreet's shows the total clear
ances at the principal cities und the percentages
of Increase or decrease , as compared with the
week last year :
1'LAona. Clearings , f Inc. Dec.
Now York . 10.0
Itoston . . . . . . . . . . . ! > 2l4IS.filS ! 34.0
Clilcaica . SO.C01.832 23. :
Philadelphia . C7.4Si.99l 20.4
St. Louis . 19,731,9'J.I 2U.7
San Knmclsco . 20.4
Italtlmoro . 14,517,901 12.1
1'lttsburtr . lt.HC.S73 19. S
Cincinnati . nr,3 < ice 3.3
Kansas city . S,2C5r.31 17.3
New Orleans . G.111,117 10.9
lUilTnlo . 4,240,353 20.7
Milwaukee . 4.732,031 22.3
Detroit . 5.1120,713 20.1
Luulsvllle . 4nu'crs ) 20.C
Minneapolis . 791,47 20.9
OMAHA . 3.831,302
Providence . B.34 1.100 2.1
Ulovelnnd . 7.1SI.379 4.C '
Houston . 3.435.MJ 'soii
St. I'.iul . 12.7
Denver . . . . 1,183,244 3C.3
Indianapolis . 4,221.212 15.0
Columbus , O . 3.419.WO 12.6
Hartford . 3.424,031
Richmond . 3.054.38S 16.9
\Va.slilngtOTi . ! ,021.77S
Toledo . 1,484.115
Dallas . 1,975.7X0 3.6
St. Joseph . , 1,150,103 14.S
I'eorla . ' ' 2S.5-
Memphis . . . . . . . . 'is.'i
I'ortlnnd , Ore . , . . . . iiosr,7i / . . < .
Rochester . . . . . . l.BSZ.TIu 7.8
New Haven . 1,750.403
Savannah . S3.
FprltiKtluld , Mass . 1.4 18.8
Worcester . . . l.SI7S7l 12.4
T'oitland , Me . 1.4 ) .r > 74
Atlanta . 1.31S.652
Kort Worth . 9U3IU1 2.6
Waco . . . . 014,718 43.1
Syracuse . ' ' ' 11.0
Des Molnes . 'sfi's.'wJi 13.3
Cirnnd Itaplds . C9fiS'J6 | 21.3
Seattle . 534,470 , 6.2
Dayton , O . cei.jco
I.owpll . (502,210 ( 31.0
Wllmlnuton , Del . (541,600 ( 16.6
Norfolk . 852,3S3 13.5
Sioux City . 411,238 17.4
Los Angeles. . . . . . . . 1.032.4371
Taeonia . 577,730 4.1
Davenport . 831,474
Spokane . 427.368 7.1
Jacksonville . . . . . 33.1.720 23.2
Lincoln. . . . . . . . 3JS.932 5.2
New Hedford . 440.177 3.9
Wichita S00.67f
Hlrmliih'ham S79.429 4.9
Topeka . .x 43:1.31)1 ) 31,6
Lexlnnton. Ky 414.6SO 10.
305.000 33.3
Knoxvllla . 457.443
Hay City. Mich . 2II.COO
Full Itlver . 731.S93 3.4
Akron , O . " 200 25.7
Springfield , O . 2I2.5C1 12.7
Canton , O . 173,900 '
Sioux Falls . 79.8T7 2L5
Fremont , Neb . C9.82H
Hasting. Neb . 70,722
Chattanooga . 229',411
Varga . 212.0W .s
NnFhvllle . 1.003,474
CrMlvcston . 2M3,600 37.0
Salt Lake . 9CO.S17 23.8
Scrnnton . S : .071 1.2
Helena. . C4I.9BC S.4
Kalamazoo . 234,946 14.9
IlocUford , 111 . 211.100 32.
Augusta . . 337,176 34.9
Totals TJnlted Stntefl. IS 9sr.244.n7 : 14.0
Exclusive of New York. I 410,656,190 19.2
Montreal 11.3K107 25,6
Toronto . . 0.187,381 3S.O
Halifax . . 1.K10.397 13.9
Hamilton K2S.176 1.61
Winnipeg 1.140.S84 20. 4
I- 1
Totals It 24.130,8851
Clearlmts nt Hay City , Kail Itlver. Akron ,
Sprlndleld. Canton , Sioux Fulls. Hastings.
ChatnnooRn , F.IIKO. Nashvlllo and Galveston not
Included In the table.
-r DllIIlll-MH KlIlpllllNlxtMl
! > > AVfiitlKT iintl I'olltlcN.
Niw YOIIK , July 10. Itradstreet'n tomorrow
will say : The usual midsummer dullness In
Keneral merchandise markets has been empha
sized by unfavorable weather , by uneaslnew at
the attitude of the Chicago platform toward
the nuances of the country , nnd by the con
tinued conservatism with which merchants con
tinue to supply their wants. The volume of
business appears to Im smaller than last week.
Mercantile ) collections are more unsatisfactory
and there Is u disposition amoni ; jobbers to
look mora closely after credits , Wool Is itlll
further depressed , with not enough business to
eitahllah quotations. Thera Is no Improvement
In the demand for full business In woolens.
Notwithstanding rains In Texas , the cotton crop
la KUfferliiK from the eftccta oC drouth , whlln
In South Carolina too much rain has fallen
for the good of the crop.
I'lltshurK. HI. 1'uut and Savannah all report
n smaller volume of business , and complaints
are heard as to the prospect of the wheat crop
on the 1'acino coast. Among two dozen staple
articles. Ilia prices of which form u KUUHU of
the general tendency of values , unly one , print
clothn , shows n n ndvanre over lust week , coffee ,
petroleum. Iron , steel , coal nnd lumber betns
conspicuous union if the the prices for which
are unchanged. Th Kenerul tendency of the
prlco movement , therefore , was downward , the
udvunou In prints bulnir the result of a shut
down In tlia eait.
ICxpoits of wheat , Hour Included as wheat ,
from both coasts of the UnlU-d titatea and Mon
treal this week agxregale 2,107,000 liualiolx ,
against XCOl.ono hualiuU last week. 3,317.000 bush
els In the week a year ugo and about thu tame
uuantlty In the correspondInif week of 1821 , und
as compared with 4,131,000 bushels la tliu like
week of 1891.
The total number of business failures through
out the United States In 319 this week , a mailer
number than In the corresponding period In
each of the three preredlnj ; years. Tliu total
number of business failures rvportBd from the
Dominion of Canada la n this week , against 25
last week , SO In the week ono year ugo. and
31 two yars. OKO.
Luiiilou linn \ > i ( llet-ii 1111 Actlvo Kuc-
tur iiivVuIl Stri-et TliU Week.
NEW YOHK , July 10. llrudatreet' rvvlcw of
the New York stock market tomorrow will
nay. * > London has been , much less active In the
market ilurlnir the present week. Borne dlspo
lton | wus shown by Its representatives here
to renew their purchases when the market ex
hibited any symptoms of weakening , but on the
wliolo the two market * were much' more closvly
upon , : k parity and the opportunity for arbitrage
dealing * between them was lessened. A notice
abl fcaturu of this situation hm be n the In
urllvlty of tilt investment market. LurK * cor-
porutlons , as a rule , ur entirely out' of the
bond market for the present , and speculative
railway share Issue * hnvo display * ] a weak
Und ncy. 1'ticru 1 , liowcvcr , u dimauJ tar
prime Investments , iTOstliut ! ! nf which nrp nb-
rnrbed by dealers nl 'VAncesolon upon recent
> ] tiotntloni ! for this iflnn * nf yecurltler Th >
weakness of tlir e c | ui , ; ( ) mnrket and the nli-
nce of Bold fhlpmcritSLAre favorably rcKarded ,
hut had tittle or no nttilatlvo effect , nml the
i > ame thlnt ; may lie > * ld' f the crop pro'prcts ,
all rciwrts RS to thci mtiiatlon in that rwpcct
bclnff of a milTlclentlv1.fii"urnKlni ) | { character to
hntp created under oriuniiry clrcuiiKlsnces more
or less bullish feeling. The actual trading In
the mark t diirlnp tli4'iri ' | * > cnt week has len on
n roitrlctrd rcnle nnd In ormllnrd mainly to small
professional Interests , , , , , , A
Trailing In MecntltHnVnn of llolliliiy
rminirjroni-.All Day.
NHW YORK , July , \0-Th ( . trading In utocks.
today wns of holiday Bioporllons , ordinary mar
ket Influences being n Jecondnry consideration
to the sensational political development nt Chi-
cngo. The movement cf prices wns Irregular ,
but nn Improved tone was Imparted by higher
prices for American securities In I indon and by
tKe expectation of mo < lpratp buying orders for
thnt account In this nmiKi-t. The Industrial
shares were the feature. Si. 1'ntil being the only
rallronil stock that OMil.l lie tenneil nctlve.
The opening wni dull nnd fractionally higher
under the Influence of the Lnndon ndvnnce , and
some covering demand from the short. . Sugar
rune \ per eent nt the outset to 10V > 4. In the
ensuing denllngs further general Improvements
occurred. Sugar advanced to I09'i. Chicago Ons
gained 1 % per cent : Mnnhnttnn , 1 > i per cent ,
New Jersey Central. l nul vllli > , % Nn hvllle and
C.enernl Klfctrlc. I per cent , nml Western t'nlon ,
1 per cent , and the grnngers , * , per cent.
The vulumn of husltirii * wns not lalgo , nnd
about 11 o'clock the unexpected engnKeni"nl of
J.'iOO.fKio In gold for export tomorrow nnd rumors
of Impending large Hhlpnients resulted In n re-
nctlonary movement , In which the extreme losses
were In Leather preferred , 114 per cent , nud Chicago
cage ( Ins , IHi per cent. The downward move
ment wns of only brlff duration , mid prices soon
steadied under the Inlluence of moderate forelitn
buying , chlelly of LimlsIlle . Nashville. The
slocks named were bought cm the favorable nn-
nual report of the llrst mentioned , published yes
terday , and on the good showing of the St. 1'nul
for thn llrst week In July , reported today. Soon
nfter midday n marked weakness developed In
the Industrials group. In the last hour the
speculation came nlmost lo n standstill. The
closing was Iriegular nt Blight gains generally ,
lliislness In railway bonds continued exception
ally dull , nml n sagging tendency was noted.
The Important declines were In the usually neg
lected Issues. The Hales were $07.000. Govern
ments were dull , but weak and lower : particu
larly the 4s , which Ragged to 116. The Kales
were JTp.riOO. Silver certlllcates reacted to 09 tm
realizing orders. The dealings aggregated
The livening 1'ost'a London llnnnclnl cablegram
nays : The stock markets were stngnnnt today.
Americans wenn trllle above the parity , but
there was nothing doing , pending the settlement.
Tin * continental market * were correspondingly
dull. The it-port of the Union IJank of Austra
lia Is Just Issued. It states thnt In consequence
of the great deprecation In value i > f all classes
of securities In Au tralln following upon the
bunking crisis In 1S93. and of the great dllll-
ciilty In arriving at those values with any degree
of accuracy. It has btcn decided to nsk permis
sion of the shareholders to withdraw from the
banks reserve funds In a contingent account n
sum of 250.000 ns a provision for contingencies.
This sum Is not nsked for In connection with
realized losses , but ns tlio result of what the
directors term n revaluation of the whole of the
bank's business down to what the directors be
lieve to be values of the present day.
The following were the closing quotations on
the lending stocks of the New York exchange
today :
Atchtson 13H dopfd 140
Adanm Ex. . 14.1 N. Y. 1IB
Alton. T. H r,8 N. Y. , t N. E. _ . . . . 48
Am. Kxprosn. . . . . . 110 Ontario AV 1 S
Baltimore A Ohio. 174 ! Oregon Imp H
Canada I'aclflo. . . . HUH Oregon Nuv 12
CanndaSonthom. . 43 < { O. S. L. AU. N 1UU
Central Pacltlu. . . . 1451 P.icitic Mall i2)i ! )
Chei.AOhlo : : ! ! Peoria Dec. &E. . . . 1V
Clilcneo Si Alton. , l.V , PltlHbunr 1 4
C..II.AO. 715li Pullman Palace. . . HO
Chlcairo ( ran B7W Keadltiir
CoiixoildaliHl Oas. It. G. W 13
r. . O. . 0. ft. St. L. . . 2HH RG. W. pfd 40
Colo. Coal A Iron. . l ! niocK Island "J'JH
Cotton Oil Cert. . . . ' ( lUISt. Paul 74H Iliitl. . 133MI do pM 127M
Del. . Lack. * W. . . 1ST' SI.1 P..t Omaha. . . . : IU
I ) . & It. IS. pfd 4(1 ( . 'dopfd ' 122
U. &C. F. Co l ' < 'Poiitliorn Pacitie. , laH
K.-ibtTeiui 14 ? < ISinrarIlennery. . . . 1DS ) ! <
Krlo 83H Timn. Coa. .V Iron. 2DH
do 2it pfd IMx.iiPnclIlc .
Fort Wayne llil ) T.VO.Coat. nfd. . 70
G. Northern pfd. . . 110 Pllilun Paclhc . .
C.iE. I. pfd. . . . . nuj. I9. . Kxuros1 * . 40
Hocklnir Valley. . . W. St. L. , t P .
llllnoln Central. . . . W. St. r , . A P. nlU. 1C.H
St. P. ADuluth. . . . IS. iWulls Fariro Ex. . . JO
K.AT.pfd W-Btrrn Union. . . .
Lake Krlo & West _ Whuellnir & L. K. .
ilonfd OrlWri"o pfd 3t l ,
LakoSlioro 147 | > L.VSt. L 10
Lead Trust lilS D..V It. 0 12' '
Loulsvlllo AN. . . . 48H
L. AN. A
' ' ' ' ' ' " '
Manhattan Con. . . . S8" aV.A'i ! . . . . . : ! ! . - o
' ' ' ' 5iido pfd 12
Mlchiiran Com. . . . Sdai
MlHHourt 1'aclflc. . T.St. L. &K.C. pfd 10
Mobllu.t Ohio 1SH 9..H. II .
NaehvllloChat. . . . UXr , S.U. Riifil. . . . 23
Niitlonal Co rdaira. 4 ! Am. Tob. Co . 41
Nat. Cordaeopfd , . 8 > i do nfil
N.J. Central 100't Am. Tol. A C. Co. . .
N.AW.pfd ll ! Com'lCabloCo. . . . 141) )
North Am. Co -Iti Am. Sugar nfd 1H ( ) (
Northern Pactllo. . 7j U. S. Cordajo ( 'td. . 17
N. Pacltlu iifd 154 U. S. Lualhor pfd , . 6(1 (
U.P. U. * G 2 U.S. Rubber. 67H ,
Northwestern..Oa.'il '
Tue total sales of stocks todny were 93.rSr >
Khares , Including thu following : American Sugar ,
24,800 ; American Sugar , preferred , 7.200 ; Hurllng-
ton. 3.700 ; Louisville & Nashville. 5,500 ; St. Paul ,
16,1JO ( ; silver certllllcntvs. 84.000.
Nuiv Ytirlc Jlont-y.
Kasy at HtGi per cent ; lust loan , 2 per cent ;
closed , 2 pur cent.
STERLING EXCIIANCin I'lnn. with actual
business In hankers' bills nt J4.fHn4.8SU for
demand and Jt.875f4.S7V for Klxty days ; posted
rates , | 4.SStt4.63Vi and $4.&S' ' , > .fr4.t > 9 ; commercial
bills , S4.E6 { < -4.tC'i.
GOVERNMENT I1ONDS Weak ; state bonds ,
dull ; railroad bonds , easier.
Closing quotations on bonds were as. follows :
' offered.
Sail FriinulNCO Mlnliiir lii < > tatloii .
SAN FUANCISCO. JuU lO.-Tho odlclal oloslns
quotations for mliilnHtJ iitol y ware ua ( ul-
Alta . i ) r.ould ACurry . 83
AInhaUou . 1 1 Haiti ANorcrom , . 12.1
Aiinos . : ( ll .Iiill-i . . I )
Ilfk-Iiur . 44 JllHtlCO . , n
llenlA Ilolohor. . . . US Kentucky Con. . , . , >
IlodleCon . 41 Mnxlcun . 1) ) ' }
Itiilllon . ID Mono . , 1.1
DulwurCoii . Ji ! Occidental Uou , . . , DO
( ili-cloina. . 11 Oplilr . 105
Challcngo Con. . . . : u Overman . , 18
Chollar. . . . 24S potoil . lift
ConnUftncG. . UU S.ivairn . ,
Con. IMI. A Va. , , . 17.T fi
Con , Inurarlal 1 Sli-rro Nisvadu. . . . OS
Con. Nuw York. . . . 4 Union Con . 47
Crown Point 4S Utah Con . 11
C Yellow Jacket . 43
bir4.ilHe : Moxl < ; i-i ilulUrj ,
Slehttlrafts lllj ; tolOjrhtfmie. 1'J o.
IlllNtOIl StlX-l l ( lllOtlltlllllN.
noSTON. July 10-Cal''lonni. | ' .T 13 par cent :
llmo loans. 395 par cnnt. Cloaln ; prlcoi for
A.T.A8. F AVcstlnirh. Klcc. . . ,
Am. Smear lofTH VV. Eloo. nftt 40 > ii
Am , Surnr pfd. . . . \VlH.C3titml HH
liny State Qa . , , . jiiBiej. nn. 133
IBell Tulophone. . . [ Oil. Kloo I'M
Boston A Albiny , Xtchlson in 77 K
HoMtoni Malna , . Now Kni/land On , . irai
U.D.AU Allunoz MlnlurUj
Fltchbiir ; Atlantle
Oen. Klostrlo 'Uotiton ' A Montiiil
llllnoln Stool llatloA Iloston. . . .
Mexican Central. . /nulimiRt / A lloal. % . . JO I )
Old Colonv .Vranklln 10
Ore. Short Line , . . . Koarsiri'o 11
Hull nor. Usroola so
duuicy 114
Union Paclllo Tamarack 72
\VeutKnd IVolvnrlmi
Xutv Turk .Mining UnolntloiiN.
NEW YORK. July lO. Tlio folloivmara tin
liif quotation :
I.uiiiluii SI < i < < U ( tiiotntloim ,
LONDON , July 10.-4 p. ni.
CoiiBolu. m'v 11:1 : % Mexican ordinary. IM'l I1IU : St. Paulconi 7Ui
Can , Pacific tliJi N. Y. Central OS"
Erie 1ft Pcunuvlvania 34
KrlnlHtufd 44S llcadtni ; 7
111. Central 93HMux. ! Can. uw 4afltl
MONKY-UQ'i IT cent.
The rate uf discount In the open market for
ulioit bill * la 9ID per cent , tlireu months' bills ,
9-1BUH per cent.
NKW YORK. July 10. Clearing * , | $ U11.069 ;
baluicc * . Ji.iai.CHL
Fairly Liberal Receipts of Oattlo and the
Same of Hogs.
lleef Steer * OfT r ( i > to On < i mill lion *
n IKillMore , with Tritilc
nt tin-
pin DAY , July 10.
Cnttlo. Hogs. Sheep. Horses.
July 10 2,271 4.714 DOl
.Inly 7M ! 4'JIO 3
July s i.fiso 4ii , i.csi . . . .
July 7 2,110 4,487 828
July r , usis : iiw : 4ftt 874
July 3 757 4,219 177
July 2 1391 7,270 1,210 1
July 1 2,3:11 : 0,7'iO 2:1 : .0
Juno 30 2073 5.S33 275
The olllelal number of cars ot slock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle , Hogs. Sheep.
C. . M. & St. 1' 4
l ) . & St. 1 , 1
Missouri I'nt'llla . .
Union I'aelilo system ! G 21 1
C. .t N. W 1
H. .t M. It 22 IS 2
C. , H. & Q II I
C. , U. I. P. . east I
C. , SI. P. , M. & 0 3 10
P , 13. , t M. V 18 I ! ) 1
Total receipts iS 7S -I
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , eaeh buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Ituyers. Cattle. HOKS. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co I OSO
(1. It. Hammond Co 201 7li :
Swift and Company isr ic > 2 W
Cudaliy Packing Co S73 1,575 393
H. IJeeker & Dogaii 14
Vansant & Co 32
J. It. Carey is" . . . .
W. I. Stephens 22 , . . . .
Ileiiton it Underwood . . . 210
Hill .t Lewis c. >
PlankltiKton Packing Co. ,
Milwaukee , WIs 1S3
Other buyers 170
Left over 100 300
Total 2,2in r > , r > or , &oi
CATTLE Yesterday only 7SO cattle were
received , and today 2,271 , llrst tv famine
and then a feast. Yesterday not enough
cattle were received to make a good market
and today there were too many. Over half
of all the cattle hero , however , were feeders
and stoekers.
The supply ot dressed beef consisted en
tirely of corn fed steers , and there were
plenty or that kind of cattle In the yards
and some of them right desirable stuff The
market on fat cattle was a llttlo slow to
open , the receipts being largo enough so
that buyers could afford to take their time
in looking around. When the trade wns
once under way , however , it was fairly
acllve nnd the most of the cattle changed
hands In reasonably good season. The
most deslrnblo cattle did not sell much
different from yesterday , but the general
tendency of the market was easier and In
extreme cases KIlOo lower. One bunch of
handy little cattle sold up to $1.10.
The offerings of butchers' stock were also
libel-ill , there being twelve to fifteen loads
of cows and heifers on sale , about half of
them westerns. The demund was pretty
fair and the most of them sold early The
market was weak to lOc lower
The yards were full , but the demand was
good and they soli ! freely at about steady
lirices. Ileprescntatlve wiles :
Av. 7'r.
.1:00 J3 S3
.1351 3 M
3 M
23.1..1421 340 ' . ' . ' . ' . \ 373 (2""i' ( ' . 2 iH ]
19. . . . . . . . . . 4 00
42..11W 350 1H..H45 3 S3 87. . . .1113 410
20. .
71- r-
lOO ; > "ST.
; 933 2 70
1100 270
.V.O 270
S3" > M
Wf. 3W ,
1047 303
.10TO 343
330 3 ,0
.1010 3 (13 (
. WO 370
190 400
94 400
SO 500
ICO 300
-M 523
SS2 340
017 343
451 343
SW 343
S7fi t 47U ,
5,5 3 47U
707 350
651) 350
. . . . . . . . .MO 350
L. . . 900 315 7. . . . f > 04 340 2C..1037 355
12. . . . 870 320 21. . . .1123 340
No. Av. I'r. No. Av I'r
1 cow . 12SO JJ 25 20 lielfcrs . 7C4 12 fcO
2 cows . 113.1 2 25 S stra. tlir. . . KH " 90
2 cows . 1100 2 CO Icnlf. . . . . . . 140 BOO
23 cows . 9 ! 2 60
AV. L. Mllla & Co.
< COWB . 1053 273 IS feeders. . . .1020 340
1 cow . 1330 3 37VJ
John K'aland.
1 COW . 940 200 5 BtaB . HW ! > rn
J. McKiiro.
1 feeJer . SCO 2 00 C2 fcoUeru. . . . 813 3 25
1 tl . SSO 200 ChrlfcrH . 7Tl | 203
lB' ' B . 12iO 225 Sofi-wlcra. . . . MS 320
l.llity of .lemniliiB tbe . m l ni u ro , t
. c
IOOBJ. , -nrly In the , lny. As u confetiuonpo | ic
iiiarket was fairly actlvo ut the decllno
IIUKS solil In Booa Bfaswi. aii 1 the
Cliolco IlKlit lioga roll ] us hleli n J3.10 which
was the top im nKaln t J3.13 jiterilay uiiS
frnm that iiriee , lown tu J3.00. Soma llBht
mixed louila went ut JS.93.
oed heuvy hoK sola laruely nt I2.SO and DIM
mlxcil mill mcilluiii wolBht lu.nls Ir.rirelv at I * si
Thu hulk of all the hosa t > elI to.lay . at J2.7o $
"Today's ilecllno narrleK the mnrket to the
lowest iwlnt tnuehei ) | IICB June 4. The lowi'ii
point reached wan on June 2 , wh.'ii thu nvcraee
price paid for tiiign on Ihla muihet wns kjii
anU loiloy's uverHKO WIIH not morn than 'c uliut-a
* a
that llsure. Hepresentatlve * ap | :
No. AV. Sh. IT. No. Av. S'i ir
CO 333 . . . } Z75 Cl .278 ICO 85
53 318 120 2 17U 03 31 ? 2M
61 S21 SO ISO B3 2(7 ( so * "
57 174 SO t SO S3 273 . 5
Cl 20 . . . 2 SO 74 277 l&i 2 S5
M 315 . . . 210 ! 2M so SX5
M JS9 . . . 2 SO 71 248 . . . 2 U
61 ZW SO 2 iO M 205 . J K5
53 31 | . . . 2 SO 02 2SS 50 2 SI
72 277 . . . 280 M 271 . . . 3 g ?
C 251 0 2 80 D'j KS . . 2 S3
54 3W ! .SO 2KO 67 237 . . . 2 ( .5
02 2fc3 XV 280 Cl 313 . . . 2 M
S4 337 . . . 280 M 271 . . . } R5
55 5' ' IM 2 SO BS 257 . . . „ 85
3J 262 60 2 fO C4 2SI . . . 2 kj
BR 2C9 . . . 2 SO 51 271 . . . t S714
M 322 W 2 SO 73 241 4' ) 247(4 (
C4 SOI M 2 W S * 241 . . . ZM
I" 36J M 2 SO 67 272 . . . 2M
07. ; SOt 60 2 fO C2 247 SO 2 SO
M 230 HO 2 fS'4 ' 71 553 8' ) J TO
M 292 iO 2 S2 > , 10 270 . . . 2 ' . ' 0
65 283 SO 2 t2'.i ' n J21 . . . 2W
68 2M . . . Z S2'.i ' 58 211 0 S ! M
64 2SI M 2 821i 31 233 . . . 260
51 2H . . . 2 M i f'J 243 2 M
CO 29 0 2 S2'i ' 67 246 3W 2 93
9 212 . . . 2 if
77 S15 < 0 2 M
7 243 . . . 291
' 5 S3i M 2 SI
d 2M . . . 2 ! > - ,
CO ! W 30 S W
51 : tUT , ) 3 ftj
U IM [ 0 : i 03
. . 310
. . 310
. . 2 75
. . 2 U
. 2 ' 0
. 2 S )
2 U
2 M
SHEEP Tlifrc w re four cars of i ! : ep in lli
ynnl * tcwlnyMoh mild rMtUljnt Rooit ,
nrlrrs. llrprortttnllva Mlmi
Nn. Av. I'r.
7 native nethcru , US JJ CO
M native wethers IM 3
9.1 nntl c wcthrri M 3 43
13 lumus M 400
( nit-Ado nvn STOCK.
lilKli < .Siiiit.v | | of CildlU'n. . . Sillllclflil
to .M.-rl All liiinii l.
I'HIi'Ano. July 10.-A light supply f cnttto
wn siilllrlent tu meet the ( loinnn.l , nml rrlrrs
were 110 lietler. The bulk of the native steers
) M nt from t.LSO to X.10. the extreme rnnif < > f
prices tieltiR from 11.40 to J4.DO fnr common to
Mrlclly choice. Stwkem nnl feeders \vero III
tno'leiat' * tlftujiinl. sales ttelne prlnrlpnlly At
$1.50. | l , . > t rnlves solil at 11.35. Terns cattle
winIn full ileiimiul , with sales larsely nt $ J.10
niul iimler.
In I'.CKH th < < llRht supply failed In Impart any
Irlsilircs : , ti the in.irl.'t , anil ptlrrs sufforeil u
further reduction of Co. Heavy IIORS soKl at
frini IS.Ki in J.t.lfi , mpilluin nt from J.i.lo in
$ . " . n mii. . nt from 13.10 to J.1.40 , llshls nt from
> . ! ! > J.t.A !
The finnll ivrrlplx i.f fliicp loilny were solil
promptly al unelmtiKco1 prices , fheep pohl nt
from JI.SO tu J2.M ) fnr Inferior tn mmtnnn , lip
to from $3 SO to 14 for coed to prime , Tesalis
felllm ; nt from $2.40 to S3.70 , nml numerous
wostiTtiiTs at from } 3 to Jl. t.-xmlis s ld nt an
I'Kireme rniiKo of from Ji SO to $6.50. the bulk
Koine nt frnm > , vur 10 in.
llcrrlpls : Cnllli3.000 heiul ; IIOKS. 15,000 head ;
heep , f > ,0 < IO head.
KIIIINIIM Cllj Llv < - Slni'U.
KANSAS I'lTY , .tllly tn. CATTLlJ-HecflptH.
3,800 head ; shipments , 1.1WI head ; inniUrt Mendy
to ft roll . Texan Hirers. J2.2.lf3..3 ; Te\a OIIWH ,
11.5592.50 : beef steers , Jn.StWI S.'i [ native rows.
tl.C09a.2T > : vtoukrm nnd feeders. t3.20)f3. r , ; bulls ,
t2.20 3.00.
HCKlH-lleoelpts , 9.70(1 hend ; shipments. l.ftX )
head : i'tiinlower ; bulk of sale * . J2 ? HB. . . 10 ;
heavies , J2.50H3.PO ; iiaeUers. JJ.50ir3.IO ; inlvrd.
f2.vifl3.2.1 ; llalits , M.ljy.1.2i ; jwrkcrs , J3.l5if3.20 ;
plKS. t2.25W3.23.
HltViKP Hi'celplK , fiOO head ; RMpnients , none ;
market itleiidy to BtroiiK ; Inmhs , Ji : . .0 if ' , . : : . ; mut
tons , J2.00W3 75.
\-u VorU l.lvo Stuck
Ni\V : YOUIC. July . | 0.IIKKVKllMH'lli ( | ! ,
t.3'J7 ' head ; clew ; native sterrs. Jl MfH.fiO ; stasH
nnd oxen , M.rOTi4 , 05 ; liulls , } 2 "rr/2.W ; vxpnttx. to
morrow. ! K > 4 becM'.s nnd iiinitirs | of beef.
SHKii : ANU LAMUS-S4.2.iaf4 ! ; > i.
Iioas-Ilcci'lpls , 2,673 , head ; easier nt $3.r,0tji
6.00. _
Sliifk 111 Slulit.
llcenrd of recelil | nt thi- four mar
kets for Kilday , July 10 , ISM :
Cattle. Hoes. Sheen.
South Omaha . 2.271 4.G3S tiiio
( MilniKii . 3.PM n.Oifl
Kansas City . S.WW y,7CO MO
St. Louii . 3. ( 0 S.OOO 1.0(10 (
Totals . 12,171 2.p > . ,133 7,000
In tinThlrUrit of ( Inllndlc ivllli Hit-
( Ooiyrl ) ht , 1S9I5 , by 1'u-ss 1'iibllshlni ; Company. )
CAl'RTOWN' . South Afrlni , July 10. ( Now
York World CablcRrnm Special Telegram. )
Cecil Hhodcs was in the thickest of the
fight with the Insurgent Mutubeles at
Amamba , near nnluwnyo. llullutH whistlcil
within a few Inrhos ot him. "Hy Jove ,
they are close , " he cooly remark oil once.
Three hundred rebel natives were killed In
the battle , though the British hiss wns only
nineteen. Thuro Is lighting along the line
in Matabeluland.
IMnttr County 1'olltli-M.
COLUMHUS. Neb. , July 10. ( Sneclal. )
The campaign In 1'latte county may be
said to he fairly 011011 nnd little else hut
politics Is beard. Among the possible can
didates for congressional honors in the
Third district is J. N. Klllan of this city ,
nt present county judge of tills county , lie
Is at present being groomed by bis friends
and should the Judge decide to shy bis
caster Into the political arena his chances
are very good for the nomination at the
convention in this city In August. Ills
nomination would mean his subsequent elec
tion beyond a doubt , for his friends are
legion throughout the district. Mr. Klllan
was elected county judge last fall in this , a
strong democratic county , by over SOO votes.
The judge la a young man , a German thor
oughly Americanized and of liberal views.
1'oiililit Ovrr HitClillilrnt. .
A hurry call wns turned Into the police
station last night from the bo.ttoma near
Thirteenth and Charles. The olFlcerH found
the families of Dick Hooch anil Fred Hires
In an Indiscriminate muddle with clubs and
bricks Hying' In every direction. Mrs.
Heoeh at length succumbed lo u well dl-
n-eteil blow from tin- crutch of Hires nnd
Mrs. Hires signified that Him had , 'iiougb ,
when a Hying brick cut u large gush In
her forebPiul und placed her out of the
light. The quartet was taken to the sta
tion , where th lr wounds were .sewed up.
Mrs. TJeech had been visltliiu n Hick friend
In the person of a Mrs. Moore and the
trouble arose over the alleged mistreatment
of the children of Mrs. lleech. All were
locked up on a charge of lighting.
I'mposeil Moot a < Fi-cinoiiL
PIIKMONT , July 10. ( Special. ) The
League of American Wheelmen meet to be
held here July 25 bids fair to be very suc
cessful. A fine line ot prizes 1ms been huni ;
up for the various events , both amateur
and professional , nnd the managers are as
sured that many of the good riders of the
state will take part. II. C. Frcdrlckson
will enter several events.
Holt AVI1I llffll4 ! < Ml 1'l-OlMltr.
WASHINGTON. July lO.-Jmlgo Cole of
the district supreme court today refused
probate of the alleged Holt will , naming
Josephine Throekmorton of New York City
and Miss Lizzie HyncH of Kentucky ns
beneficiaries. An appeal was taken to the
district court of appeals.
South Diikoln l'oi > n PlfiiNi'il.
IIUHON , S. 1) . , July 10. ( Special Telc-
Eram. ) Bryan's nomination was received
with rejoicing by democrats and silver re
publicans. Some populists declare that their
state convention hero next week will endorse
dorso his nomination and ask their national
convention to do likewise. Bryan Is per
sonally known to many hero and throughout
the state , nnd arrangements arc already un
der way for an excursion to Omaha to call
on him.
Honor * fur X. V. . ( OIM-H.
PAIIKBH. S. D , , July 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) On his return homo today S. V.
Jones , republican nominee for attorney gen
eral on the state ticket , was met by a
largo body of people headed by thu mayor
of I ho city and n brass band. Cannon were
fired. Rtcum whistles blown and a rousing
reception given.
liM--illon | to Mm-Ooll.
Thursday evening , July 1C , from S to 10
o'clock , Hon. J. II , MacColl will bo tendered
a public reception In the rotunda of the city
Movement * of Ooi-aii Vt-XNi'lH , .Inly IO.
At Queenstown Arrived Lucanla , from
Nuw York for Liverpool.
It would bo hard to convince ) a man
suffering from bilious colic that his agony
la duo to a microbe with an unpruiiounca-
blo name. But ono dose of Io\\'ltt'a ) Colic
and Cholera Cure will convince him of itu
power to afford Instant rnllef. It kills pain.
I.VSTHU.MKNTS placed nn record Friday ,
July 10 , 1S90 :
John Lynch to I' . J. Lynch. Jr. . lot
5. block 2. Shull'H iHt ailOj lot 22 ,
Ileillck'H - ' < . mid * -
H. C. lirownleo and wife to Kbt-m-zer
Kliiiu-y. Iota 0 and 7 , block 25 , Car-
tbiigti add 1 , ( 0
J. SI lluchanaii anil wlfri to 8. J.
lliirhttimli. lots 10 nnd 11 , block 9 ,
Bhull'H 2d add ; lot IK , block 8 , Hans-
rom I'lai-i- ; lot 19 , block 20. I'opplo-
ton paik ; lota 7 and 1U , block 3 ,
Cottier , ft A. ' add r ,000
II. K , Healcy loV. . H.nll , various
loin und tracts In riorenco 2.0W
W. H. Wall and wlfii to Auijual 1'etor-
sun , umUv A same 1)00 )
Sumo to V. UT.lo'oy. wjinu ; ; . . . . . 'M
W. T. Bonrnnn ami wlfo to 15. h.
Prowltt , lutti 13 and 20 , block G.
tfaundrra & H.'fl add 1
C K. TCollctt nml wlfo to I' . 11. Kcl-
Intt. n > ? HW SO-IS-U. . 1
J H. Ulckvy to W. H. Wall , lot 19 ,
block 110. Kloi-unce 1
W H. Wall t-t al. to August Petcr-
KUII. iintllv * , ! > of lot \ , block 51 ,
Florence ; ; ;
AuetiHt Petersen and wlfo to V. H ,
wall et ul. . undlv Wi of lot 1 , block
Cl , Kami- 1
J. M. Kllborn and wlfo to W. II.
Wall , lot 5. block 37 ; lot S , block -1:1 : ;
lot 1 , Mock . , f ' jg" } 1
Special muHtT to H. 'A ! flurr-nt , lot
3. block I , 1IOKK3 & U.'H add . . . 81
Hpt-clul master to J H. Dryunt , lot K.
block ! * . B.ilnn'3 add 3,400
Total amount of tranBfcr.s. . . . , JI3.7SO
Vlrllnm of the Deilillr
AIIIOIIR tinI'onr lliitulfiMl ,
The latest aristocratic vlco In New YorK
Is morphlno rfttlng. The practice ha * bcrn
more or less common for yrars , but It has
not until quite recently received thu sanc
tion of society. A number of well known
s nnd phyalcl.-ing throughmit tho.
city stated to a Journal reporter that their
experience led them to believe that the con
sumption ot the drug had Increased at least
30 per cent within the past l\\o mouths.
Until recently the practice was rnrcly
taken up voluntarily. It generally resulted
from the use of morphine llrst to alloy pain
or secure freedom from the horrors of In
somnia. According to the form In which
the drug wns llrst prescribed It wns con
tinued by the patient , though the days of
Its usefulmss were over. U was then , and
Is yet , generally obtained by prcsorlpllont
mailo out for real Illness and carefully
copied by the recipient later on. L.itely iv
large number of mot phlno- constituent have.
been discovered who cannot octi ndvauro
the excuse of former Illness. They took It
up out of pure curiosity , nnd continued it
ns au IndtiluiMico.
No one < fall to recognize the dcvotco
of the ding. \ sallow , nluuist yellow , com
plexion , ghiMty eyes. with the pupils con
tracted to an almoht Infinitesimal point.
stooped nhotildeiH and n gencial air of las
situde betray the absorption of either pills
or powder. The Hist rlTecls of the drui ;
are Kllmnlatlng. rendering the victim gar
rulous , jubilant , optimistic nnd at llmcn
even billllnut to a degree. This may account
for its popularity among the debutantes
nud belles of more mature years. With the
reaction , however , comes that "tired feel
ing , " \\hlch sooner or later ends disas
trously. _
.lusl \ VhlltsiMileit
Kxclalms thousands of people who Imve
taken Hood's S.irsapnrllln at this season oft
the year , and who havu noted the success
of the medicine In giving them relict from
that tired feeling , waning appetite and stale
of extreme exhaustion after the clone con
finement of a long winter season , the busy
time attendant upon a large and pressing
business during the spi Ing months and
with vacation time yet sumo weeks distant.
It Is then that the bulldlng-up powers of
Hood's Sarsuparllla are fully appreciated.
It seems perfectly adapted to overcome
that prostration caused by chaugo of sea
son , climate or life , and while It tones nnd
sustains thu s > stem It purities and vitalizes
the blood.
A -new diamond field has been discovered
near Tnmworth , New South Wales.
Krish finds of gold nnd silver continue
lo be reported from New South Wales.
There are In New South Wales 378 works
for the treatment of metals , employing
7,373 hands.
In 1S25 the Inward and outward shipping
of New South Wales was 47,217 tons ; In
1S ! > 3 It was G.SfiO.038 tons.
The capital value of the rateable property
In New South Wnles Is estimated nt nearly
1)0,000,000. )
The Australasian banks have In their
strong rooms nt the present time nearly
C2S.OOOOCO in gold nwnltlng Investment.
The total Import and export trade of Nuw
South'Wales in 1825 was estimated nt 400-
0001 In ISO. the value was C37)27,200. !
Sydney , the metropolis of Now South
Wales , estimated by the annual value of
its rateable property , bus heroine- the second
end city In the British empire.
The Hour mills of New South Wales In
1894 made 118,33'J toiin of Hour from rGSO,272
bushels of wheat , of which 5,120,202 bushels
were grown In the colony.
In New South Wales during 1S01 there
wore three cases of triplets , comprising
four males and four females , onu child
being still-born. Twins numbered : ! C3 cases ,
comprising 3li2 males and 3C7 females , in
all 720 children , one Infant having been
still-born. The fathers of the triplets wcro
natives of Now South Wales , as wore two
of the mothers , the remaining parent holnp ;
a native of Ireland. Of the mothers of
twins , 22S were horn In New South Wales ,
20 In Victoria , 22 In the other Australian
colonies , CO In ICngland and Wales , 15 In
Scotland , 19 In Ireland , and 5 In other
countries. Of the fathers , 170 wcro born
In New South Wales , in Victoria 25 , In the
other Australian coloniis 11) ) , in Kngland
and Wales S3 , In Scotland , IS , In Ireland
21 , In other countries 10.
IMKI ) .
TSBX Annie , G o'clock a. m. , July
10 , 1SOT , nied 31 yearn , wlfo of G. L. Ueb-
hiimien , 1K'2 ' Chirk street. Itemalns will
leave residence nt 2 o'clock Saturday
nfternoon. July 11 , ISWi , for Informant : it
West Point , Neb. Friends Invited.
Photofrrnphic Views of the Ruins
sx of tlio Great
This graphic mid authentic rcsumo of
the pyclonu's ( loudly nml cluRtnictlro
work , by moans of tlic lion nnd caincrn ,
can only bo obtained at tlio business
ollliro of Tlio Jlce , for tlio low price of
ii5u and the coupon below. , CaJl at tlio
ollk'o nnd examine the work , which la
not offered for sale nt any other place
In the city.
The lieu lias sucnrod llio cxclimlvo
for Omaha , South Omaha and
Council JllnlTs. Out-of-town Htibscrlu-
er.s can ai-curo fh.H work by cuttln , , ' out
the coupon and mulling It to the Cyclone
View Ucparfinunl , Omaha Ilee , nnd cu-
closing L'5c Jn coin , with the uaiuo uml
Crm be sccurnd at
13co Building ; , Oninhw ,
10 North Main Street ,
To Hucuro this Interesting set of
vlowa cut this out and hrlntf It with
25 cents lo tlio HuHlncfls Olllco of
The lieo In Omaha or Council
lihlffH. or mall It with 2S nnnlw In
Telephone HKH ) . Oinnliu , Nub.
Hocm lll'.i. llunnl of Trade.
Direct wlrea to Chicago und New Vork.
Coircxpoadcnli ; John A. Wmto A Ov