THE OMAHA DAILY BEE- SATURDAY , JULY 11 , 1890. A Yarn Without a Moral. ( Him rls'it ' If'1' ' Vj < R Men iffrv > ) It was III the early clays of lake traffic vvhcn vessels won ? small , discipline lat , and when cadi foicca lle might contain one or more part ounni Dunkirk Sam. Hill Tubbs nnil Starboard .lark , composing the crow of llio llttlo schooner Alnn , held no Midi diitil lelntlons with tliclr cnptaln ; they drew wages , not profits. Hut , as tholr tap- tain was old Long Tom TucUei of their own town , whom they loved and "gassed , " nnd mlvlscd , and obeyed ns they pleased , their treatment of him was In no way calculated to Imprest strangers with any other belief than that they owned the whole vessel and Captain Tom , too. At Kingston , after discharging cargo , they had put on their shorn clothes and selfishly gene to the theater , leaving Captain Tom to keep ship , or go achoio with hlnibelf , or the cook , as he 111 cd The mate , licwly shipped , lived In Kingston , nnd cnrly In the moiling had flul to the bosom of his family. The captnln sulked for a while tinder the. slight put upon him by his "bojs , " went ashore nlonc , met hit * agint , then hunted up bis mate nnd sent him aboaid for the agent had Ducurcd him a load fiom I'ort Hupo to Oswego - wego I hen he bled himself to the one theater ( if the town , bought tlcKct , went In nnd vainly coaxed thu thicc unicgeiieiatcs to hoed the call of duty Ubulcss endeavor They wno kind to hltn-nsKcd him to sit with them , but would not budge until the peiforniiinre ended Captain Tom coaxed , orduicd fuiiiul and Himlly s.voio ; then was collared by a scandallrcd fat pollciini > ii and cast foitb Into oute'r durkne-bs , followed by the limitless thre.U of the three to tell his wlfu nnd the minister when they got home' , for Captain TucKcr was a sturd > pillar of the church Killed to the brim with "aggravation , " he returned to the wharf uhcie his vessel lay unequal to the task of dtatingmsh'ng ' be tween daylight and the flicker of n llahted mitrh showing thiough the jhlr.ka In the forr-castlo door Or It may be that ho un derstood and merely expressed appiovnl of the light shed on 1 Is darkness Ho give vent to a hearty , long drawn crow , whleh , reaching the ears of Captain Tom on the weather bow , mulllcd and Indistinct , teamed to him to come from the l"tf bide , where there should be nothing but or > n w.iter "Great snakes , where are we. " he shouted ; "hear that , Dunkirk ? Did jou hear II ? Light up the- Jib Hheets. Ilard-n-lee There's land over there " Around went the llltlo vessel Stnrboard Jack hemrd with dismay the sounds beneath and above and started up to forestall any ftirthci mischief by an hone-it confession , but the sight of Dunkirk Sam's round face , shaking with silent , unholy glee as ho peered down the hatch during the tianslt from jib sheet to Jib oheet , sent him back Dunkirk Sam returned to the lead , while Captain Tom tooted the- horn from the v\cathcr bow , now , of couise , the other side When a lonely looster begins to crow It Is hard to guess when ho will stop The schooner had been Bklmmlng along straight for the shore for five minutes nnd Unnklik Sam had Just called out 'mark twenty , hard bottom , " when Cnptaln Tim distinctly heard another looster not the llrst , they were leaving tlmt nstern Thlo ono was on the lee bow ns be fore , but In another direction. 'Oh , my good Lord , " ho groaned , "where In Sam HIM nro we' Unrii.vnids all 'round ; we're goln' up some river Hard up. 1)111 ) , " ho jelled , 'hard up Slack off the main sheet an' get her 'fore the wind. " Me ran nft to look at the compabs and call the mate If neee-ssaiy , waving his long arms nnd shouting. Dunkirk Sam Jerked the lead Inboard and sped to the forecastle hatch "Starboard , " he called In a hoarse wills- per , "jou awake ? " "What' " "Hlug his neck , the old man's goln' IT WAS HIS SOUL'S TIHHUTn TO LIHURTY AND HAPPINESS. BUT IT and helped the mate loose the canvas , vow ing to pay off the three "bogeia" at the first American port. I The three left the theater at 11 o'clock nnd leisurely made their way to the vessel Had they been a restnurant they would have satisfied their slight hunger before putting themselves under Captain Tom's domlna- ] tlon not that they anticipated Increased peril from the weakness attending emptj stomachs , but they knew that the cook , as Indifferent to nautical etiquette as them selves , had turned In for the night. Hence , there would be no night lunch prepared and It was a long tlmo until breakfast. Discussing the matter made them hun grier. Starbo.iid Jack suggested the ad visability of turning back and hunting for an eating house , "for , " ho said , "the skip per won't turn the cook out for us tonight , but he'll get his own nibble from the gal ley/ ' They agreed to this , and Cnptuin Tom's prospective selfishness condoned their own mutinous behavior , giving the balance of Injury to them. They became out rageously hungry and halted vvhcn n rooster , aroused by their voices , arose to full stature , clustered at thorn nnd settled down again Fatal mistake Starboard Jack testified later that v Islons of n chicken pot pie , partaken of at homo , entered his brain and the savory odor seemed to ho In his nostrils 1)111 ) Tubbs ndmlts that his wayward thoughts serenely reviewed nn oft-regiettcd early dissipation , In which he had dlsgiUcefully attitided n cock fight. Dunkirk Sam never committed | himself , but It Is on record that Dunkirk Snni was the first to sneak "Mighty fine rooster , Shanghai , too , " ho said. said."Nice "Nice nnd fat , " remarked 1)111 ) Tubbs turning square the other way , thus putting temptation behind him. Why discuss the devious course of crim inal thoughtH through the doubts and fears of noncrlmlnal brains ? Ten tarry digits closed around the neck of the drowsy bird , Etlfllng the Indignant outcry ; live were later removed to the struggling dawn , threaten ing to ruin Starboard Jack's now "go- nEhore" coat , and three guilty marauders fled through the darkness. It wan blind , Illogical crime for crime's sake alone Their hunger may have hug- gcsted the abduction ; thu abduction could In no way satisfy their hunger. Hut this did not occur to them Guilty fear possessed their souls , excluding other thoughts , even of their empty stomachs , With the rooster snugly Imprisoned under Starboaid Jack's arm , they tumbled over the Alma's rail nnd down the forecastle Blairs , unheeding the tirade of reproach launched at them by Cnptaln Tom Hero a hurried confab resnlled In the raising of the trap-door and the unceremonious bund ling of the nearly choked fowl Into the Inky ilarkncbs of the fore-peak. Ono protesting squeak arose from the depths. Then they changed their clothes , went up and mad * call , meekly taking the seoldlng they liac : earned , but Captain Tom's wrath finally gave way to iibtonlshmcnt at their sub- rnlsslvencss and ho desisted , for they hm Riven him not one word of "back talk ' How could they ? Captain Tom Tucker was a Lake Erie navigator and had brought his little schooner down to glean BOIIIO of the lucrative barlej trade of the loner lake Know lilt ; nothing of Lake Ontario , hohad hecured a mutu who did , and this was enough for summer sail ing nt least. Ho had no use for chartr would not have one aboard or any other pal \\ater methods Ho bcllcveul In cnrrylni courses nnd distance's In his head , vviiern hi could get at them when needed An hour after the mate hud given the course up the north shore and turned li the fog ( shutdown , moist nnd thick , blotting on the patch of blacker darkness that loomti up as land to the northward and making the voice of Dunkirk Sum , heaving the lead u the le-qucst of the anxious captain , toum hoarse and resonant , as ho called out , "No bottom. " Captain Tucker wished , not foa rl.ait hut that ho know that shore bcttir and. no curing to call the mate , took > . ! bland u the weather bo\v. tooting iho fjl'oin ( am straining sUht and hearing Into thu we blanket ahead The wind wan nff the bun at an angle which just allowed Dili Tubbs a the wheel to lay his course. In bis bunk In the forecast ! ) was Star board Jack , making the best he could of tils watch below , and beneath htm. b < < It re mo in bered , was the confiscated roo-tuT Kltho his conscience , or his empty stomach , or the foghorn above kept Starboard Jink awake1 and he rolled out to enjoy the usual caller' relief from Insomnia be lighted hU pipe. It was not daylight , nor 11 HIM for It and the occupant of the fore-peak had no legltl mate right or reason to think so , but be was. no doubt , ratter uptet by the night's adventure < iud IiU ixivveri at dUc ruineu daft. He near beached her. " Dunkirk Sam's sense of humor had left him when his lead reached bottom. Captain Tom steadied his vessel due southeast and had partially recovered bis wits when from straight ahead he heard another rooster. The misguided fowl In the fore-peak bad proclaimed his third defiance just ns Starboard Jack raised the trap door o descend upon him. Loud and clear came the clarion note to the ears of the per plexed skipper , to whom It seemed not three lengths ahead. ! ! do"n : " llc snarled to the grinning "ill. " bard down , man ; down with that wheel ; we're golii abhore ; what you laugh. Ing at' Down with it. " He seized the spokes and ground the wheel over. "Hrlng her up nnd shake her , " bo shouted back as he raced forward with leaps Get that anchor ovci. Dunkirk , call Star board. " Starboard Jaclc was forced to come up and the rooster enjoyed a reprieve. Hurriedly under the supervision of the frantic skipper' they pried the big anclur ol the bow , low ered and let It go as the sclnoiirr shot up Into the wind , bhaklng her salh Dill Tubbs now lay himself on the dee-k near the wheel and lolled in convulsive laughter but the two worthies foiward rut fully watched the skipper Insanely pay out chain until , with thirty fathoms out , the anchor caught. Tbev anticipated the heaving In Ordering tbo foiesall and Jibs lowered In n tone which admitted of nn protest he stalked around the deck. Throostoi possl. bly frightened by the dear-nlug din of the ihnln going out , remain.d silent , and the ; ullty ones hoped for a cli.inre to tllenco his voice forever , ns Captain 'loin was In no humor to take n Joke. Put Captain Tom stayed forwaid , blowing the hoin ut Inter vals , and looking anxious. Daylight came' , and wltn It a change of wind which detached niahs n of smoky shapes , showing the north shora fi.lly two miles away and not a f.irm , bainyaid or rooster within range of tbu astounded lap- tain's vision. Ills fncj was a study. With open mouth , puckered forehead nnd bulging eyes , his gaze waiide-rcd from the shore to the water each bide , to his Innocent- looking crew , to bis own long figure which ho scanned from his feet up ns though doubt ing his own existence , and back to the shore. The mate and the cook were called and all hands manned the windlass , the cuptaln holding slack and earnestly explaining to the mate the ghostly Intel Terence of the night "What you grlnuln' at , you three ? " ho sud- de-uly demanded. As ho spoke , the rooster , encouraged by thu faint diffusion of the mornrng light In his prison , crowed again. It was a startling enthusiastic crow , long and weird In it ho expressed his appreciation of the kindly light , his disgust at his treatment and de fiance to his enemies , his hunger , his thirst his memory of the happy barnyard homo and bib di-slro to get back. It wub his soul's tribute to liberty and happiness , but it was his death knell It was followed by an uproarious burst of laughter , and Cuptaln Tom. with a re- proachfu glance at his men , descended and w ung his neck. Then be reappeaird ad with legs apart and arms waving , declaimed .Nothing would excuse an exact repetition of Us language. Chicken thieves , scoundrels liigrates miserable , low-down "whltlln's of notliln , Nero some of the names ho calleil thorn , we-11 sprinkled with shocking plrat ca profanity "Might ha' Known somctl.ln' . w Y "iP'n .C ° "CVUC | | ' " > ° u'vo been BO nll-flrei civ I After - ' bu-akfabt , whl'o steering Dunkirk - kirk Sam ventured to expostulate "Wo lifted him. cappen , 'cause wo don't irct much fresh meat In your vraso ] Now I'll tell you what we'll do If you'll let'thu cook tu him up for a potplo dinner , and you 11 piomlso yourself not to pay us off as you bald , why , we'll all promise , every one of us not to tell the othc-r eappens 'bout It and wo won't tell the minister 'bout the way you cusbpd , neither" Without answering Captain Tom bbume-facedly went below Ten minutes later the cook asked lllll for the This story has no moral Not that In I0 Tl" ! 'u"cbs ' of thl" 8 tllls houia be It ought to go on record that the potplo ! ± ia'rV'1 " 0tl" B of the " 'rV'1bVl ' ha1 lit'I ) I'll 1 Mi > ift In tin * n . , , . ! _ A . . . taptaIn Tom steered , as was his habit while the rest mustered around the cabin table The cook divided the potple Into six bcctloiid and ate his share In the galley Thu mate finished his dinner and went un lo relieve the skipper , who , not having quite forgiven his "boye. " waited until tht-v had tliiUbcd before going elown an unwise delay Three pairs of eyes lifted from three well emptied plates and gazed longingly at the remaining kluro of uotplo. Glancci ami FROM Tiir. RrV. OR. HOWARD t , . CURK , " Patter tf tlit 1'ltll CtnsrtfithritlClMltt , I > , 'ttei > , Atitr , "I luvc used Ripins Tnbulcs vviill so much satisfaction that I now keep them nlwajs .it liniul. Ilicy ate ( lie only remedy I use except tiy n physician's prescription , Tile ate all they claim to be. " CDVVARO L. CIARK. FROM REV. FRHOHRIC R. MARVIN , /V lf f f/ffffJt/nt MtiHtrfalCAutrt , Gittl Raninftt * , .1f < ilt. " I regard the remedy ns an excellent tonic and i mOH valuable family medicine. " FREDERIC R. MARVIN. TRADE HARK. OST people hardly realize that headaches and dyspepsia , and forty other miseries or more , all come from one cause , and that taking a separate rem- ecly for each symptom is like picking the leaves off an obnoxious tree instead of striking at the root. Headache , or sluggishness , or disordered stomach , or constipation - tion , or offensive breath show that either the stomach or bowels , or the liver , arc not * doing their natural work , and Ripans Tabules go to the root of all these difficulties and many others , at once , by immediately correcting the stomach and gently stimu lating the liver and bowels to healthy action. These Tabules are the accurate prescription of a regular physician ; they are a perfectly harmless , simple remedy , as mild , yet certain , as nature itself. To people of sedentary ways , professional and business men ; and particularly to women , these Tabules insure a regular habit , comfortable digestion , and a clear head ; preventing many a serious illness with its long train of suffering and expense. Lay the axe to the root of the tree In the largest hospitals in the world , presided over by the most skillful ofliving physicians , the ingredients of these tabules are prescribed daily more than twice as often as any and all other prescriptions put together , anil in three cases out of four where a physician is called , his prescription will be substantially the same , but the cost will be much greater , and the compound prepared by the local druggists is likely to be inferior and far less convenient in form. As the two most important processes of life ( assimilation of food nnd elimination of waste ) depend almost entirely upon the stomach , liver and bowels ; their healthy action , as maintained by these tabules , dispels a long list of ailments , including headaches , indigestion , dS- pepsia , biliousness , constipation , rush of blood to the head , dizziness , ri fluttering of the heart , sluggishness , poor sleep , loss of appetite , de pression , heartburn , nausea , bad taste in the mouth , pain in the stomach or abdomen , female complaints , calarrh , jaundice , sallow skin and skin eruptions. A box of Ripans Tabules ( price 50 cents ) contains six < miall vest- pocket vials , each vnl holds six tabules (3 ( ! ) in all ) and each tabulc is an exact close. Sold by druggists , or sent by mail on receipt of price by THE RIPANS CHEMICAL Co. , 10 Spruce Street , New Yoik. DBEIQNED AKD IXIEHTED pen TDK PnmrEita' IKK ADVSHTISIHO ItuitEtu , 19 SmucE ST , NEW Tone. grins wcro exchanged , then thrco spooni reached toward the platter and tliu captain's dinner was removed. It was ahoracful. A IIMNJ ) BIAN'S FH.Vr , WnIUi > il from \ < -n York to riilciiK" mid Uncle Without Acclili-iil. Aaron I'rovost of New Brunswick , N. J. , who Is totally blind , ban just completed a wonderful trip to Chicago and return , alone and unaided , uajs the New York Journal. Ho Is 35 yeats of ago , and Is known and esteemed by many , and Ills familiar faeo has been missed for over a year , I'rovost has been blind since ho was 9 months old , the result of attacks of dlphi therla and scarlet fever , which left him Blghtlcfcs. His mother , Mrs. Sarah E. Pro-1 | I vest , became bis tutor and gave him a fair ] education until ho reached thu ago of 13 , when she tent htm to tbo Pennsylvania Institution for the Dllnd at Philadelphia. Hero lie spent two jcara of his life , and among other things gained an excellent knowledge of geography , and aUo learned his ttado of chair cleaning Ho dovclope-d a roving disposition , and bccnrao especially fond of walking. Ho niado bis way about town with tbo aid of a cano , and succeeded better than ono would Imagine. Confident of his ability to travel , ho determined Iat > t jear to take a trip to Chicago , to se-o , as uo says , what be could accomplish. Ho went over the entire route on foot , going through many towns and cities , tbo following being the most Important New York Iluffaio , Cleveland , Columbus , Cincin nati'and Chicago. At the last named place the J. Curllo upholstering establish ment cmplojed him as a cEalr cleaner ami mattress maker on the day ho arrlveit November 4 Ho remained In their serv ice until May C of the present year , when ho stalled homeward On Ills re'turn trip be took In the follow ing cities Irving. Ill. Michigan City. U Poiti > Manatnh , Ind , . Indianapolis , Ports mouth , Columbus and Kant New Concord At this place ha became quite friendly with James G jJdntjro , and they have par- tlallj arranged to meet again next jear and take a long trip In company. After leaving East New Concord Provost proceeded to Wheeling , w. Va , from tlicnco ho traveled to PIttbburg , Ilarrlsburg , Lebanon , Heading , Philadelphia , Trenton end New Ilninswlek , arriving here Saturday night. During the entire trip ho used the cars for but a eomparatlvely few miles Ho left homo with enough money to pay for his meals and other wants , Ho carried with him a parcel of clothing , nnd this , with his cane , niado up his intlio outfit. His Journey was entirely devoid of accidents He sajs ho was courteously treated by all bo met , and his knowledge of geography , aided by his tongue , carried him through his Journey safely Although his route 6ften lay parallel to them , he avoided rail roads ns much ns possible. His main cnte-rtalnment was the stories of "globe trotters" whom ho met Ho has papers to fchow proving that bo took the trip ho ba > s ho did. CliiinilM-rliilirH Colic , ClioliTii mill IllnrrlHM'U Ilomeilj. This Is the best medicine In the world for bowel complaints. U acts quickly and can aluaja be depended upon. When reduced with water It is pleasant to take Try It , nnd Ilka many others -you will recommend It to } our friends Fo\ \ sale at 25 and CO cents per bottle by all druggists. 1.0 MJ 11HAWN OIT. A T T % n < > -Slx-l'iii'l hniiU'inllli mi A gentleman residing out In Mar ) land near Hattsvllle has been reading snake stories. The other day ho came to town and announced that stories were stories , but that Maryland was the possessor of the biggest snake ktory of the country. The etatcment , ho said , was easily proved , and then he spoke to the Washington Star man ns follows "Last Saturday as I was walking up the Little river from Illverdalc , looking for raspberries , I noticed at a point about half a mile- north of Collins' Station a tlock of ducKs making a terrible racket In the ctrcam. I looked carefully and noticed something that at first appeared like u small stump floating In the water The stump In a minute , however , resolved Itself into a big snake , and In a second opened 1U mouth and seized ono of the 'ducks , In starting off with thu duck the body of the snake came to thu surface. I have came In contact with a great many snakes In my time , but ncve-r before saw ono like this As near an I could Judge It was about twenty-nix or twenty-seven feet long It was striped In bands about two IncLes in width , running lengthwise of the body , the stripes he-Ing from a bright gold bronze to n light orange color , vvl.llo Just back of the eyes wcro two largo diamond spots of a vormllllon red color As the snake left the water It passed up tbo cast bank , which was about six feet high. It glided aver the ground an fast as a man could run. I hud no desire to follow It Just then , but shortly after I crossed the river and took Us track , which was very cany to follow , as where the ground was bare It looked as If a log had been dragged along I followed thu Hack about thie-e-quarterH of a rnllo to a bluff , and there I found his den In walking by > ou would fiom seeing tbo hole at once- say It was a fox's den , but I tell you right here In that hole there la the biggest snake In this part of the country. " MII'OHT.VVr IP Till n. All loun Man' * I'liiu of Vfiil.liiK Hmielil Iliitlt-r IVfHli , A nurllngton , la , paper of recent date contains nn Interview with Ur. Jean Cou- molgt , In whleh the latter talks about the discovery he claims to have made of a process by which rancid butter ean be madu frebh The doctor worked In this matter In collaboration with i : A duller. He said | "Every one knows that butter Is composed of a mixture of fat , olelne , margarine , stcar-1 inc. palmltlne , butyrene and the fatty acids known as caprlc , caporlc , butyric , In varl-l able proportions , which give the color , odor and taste to butter "The cause of the rancidity of butter la the action of the oxygen of the air , which gets the fatty acids at liberty I need not go Into this peculiar ehcmleal change Since the discoveries of Pasteur on the subject of fermentation everybody knows that It Is microbes which fix the oxygen of the air on the alcohols and case-In matters of butter to transform them Into compound ammonlcal and fatty acids , which , net at liberty , cause Iho rancidity of the Wutter. "Ml Gutter and I set ournelvea the tabk of finding a means to neutralise the buthy- rlluinliie-s and fatty acids which cause the rancidity , and our efforts have mot with a complete success. After having melted thu butter and having neutralized It with an appropriate base , It Is submitted to suve-ral waHhlngs , after which It presently becomes as bweet and clean us when It first left thu dairy "You would ask mo'Does It lose any of Its original properties by this ope-iatlon ? ' I answer , No. On the contrary , by our pinccxn wo can tell Immediately whet her a butter Is natuial or artlflelal. And thn loss Incurred Is BO insignificant as to be almost Imperceptible. " Mr W II Smith , editor of The Argus ! U > nton. Pa , ieeominemln a remedy for d'arrhoea ' which ho bus used with magical effect "Several weeks ugo , " ho tays , " 1 purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemed ) , and after using less than one-third of thu contents the irsults were magical effecting an cntlie cure I heartily and cheerfully re commend the remedy to all suffering from diarrhoea " This remedy Is for sale by all druggists. Tin * llorxi- Hair I'/ul. A maiden lould not bo found who would wear n switch of horse hair , writes a Paris correspondent , and yet the hats of most fetching style are woven and Interwoven with the coarse hair of the beast of burden Ilorbo hair has been tibcd In plaited strands to give airy bowe-d effects among ( lowers and fathers , and also up ehunlllu hats. Tbo fad 1-as grown until now thu young women send a bunch of their favorite mount's hair and It Is returned woven In shapely style , with suitable trimmings The odd shadrs of hoi EOS' hair work up beau tifully The roan or gray gives good effect If gowns , gloves and all are ensemble , "Wake up , Jacob , day Is breaking ! " no said DevVltl's Llttlo Early Illseru to the man who bad taken them to arouse his sluggish liver. JIY TIM : niiiio\ . if Ilic Work of flu- denial KiNh CoiiniilNNliiii. Very few people have nny idea of the mag. nltudo of the work of the Notional Fish 1 coinmftifllcn It has planted thl year In the waters of the United Stales I 207CCI,000 , fish , which , without taking Into convlilcra * tlon the natural Increase Is mifllclent to furnish seventeen fish for ovr-iy man , woman and child In our beloved country This la an Increase from 081.335,000 during the piovions Reason 'Iho largest number of any ono vuilcty was white Hull In thu lakes 231 . 000.000 against 171,000000 for last year- 170.000.000 shad , us against IH.000,000 In 18S9 ; 138,000,000 codfish , which was about the Hume number as the year before 'Ihero wus an enormous Inireaio In lobs tern , for llrlco has planted 200,000 000 , as against 81,000000 last year Coimnnmlei Drlro thinks that 04 per cent of the fish that are planted by tbo commlbslon survive , and ho ran BUiely count upon 80 per cent The commissioner of fisheries has Just ruohfd a letter from friend who con- gratulatcs him upon his appointment nnd tays "Now , If you can succeed In pro ducing a breed of shad with a reduced number of bones without Impairing Ita diameter and structural strength , arid will alto Induce the Spanish inuckerel to abandon Cuban waters you will merit the thank * of thu great American public as a bcno * factor and patriot ' MlilMrlnilM lli-HiillN. I'rom a letter written by Kov J Omidor- man of Dlinondale , Mich we are permitted to make this extract "I have no hesitation In recommending Dr King's New Discovery , as the results were most marvalous In tbo case of my wife While I was pantor of the Iluptlst church at Hives Junction shu was brought down with pneumonia , succeeding la grippe Terrible paroxybins of coughing would last houia with IKtlo Interruption and It bccmud as If she could not turvlvo them A friend recommended Dr , KJng'tt New Discovery , It was quick In Its work and highly tmtlsfaclory In results. " Trial bottlia free at Kuhn & Co.'s drug Kegular alzo 60o and 11.00.