Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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    n T3T73 OMAHA DATLV TllSML. WEDN KSDAY , J1TLT S , 1800.
waistcoat , made hi * way to tlio platform
and began to say ( ionic-thing which merely
brought upon Iilm a titorm of "Louder "
Ralnlnit Ills voice Sir MrDcrmott spoke
of New Jer ey no llio only state north of
the Mason ami Dlxon line which had alwaj-s
cant ltd electoral vote for tlio iiomlneo of a
democrntlr convention
"I pay tribute to lion. John W. Daniel , "
ho dcrlaiod , and then went on to praise the
services of the man who know no faith ex
cept "I am a democrat " The partisans
of Senator Hill sent up a shrill cry when
the New Yorker's watchword was flung
across the convention The ilomorrary be
lieved In the rule of majorItlrs , Mr McDer-
inott continued hut wo nre IIPIO In re
sponse to precedent , and he hedged the
democracy not to heRln hy vlolatlns a tra
dition. If It had a slant's strength to save
It for the No\i > mbir da > , and temper Us
BtrciiKtli I" the convention with inolerntlon
Rx Governor \Vnlltr stepped to the front
of the platform when Mr. McDermott sat
down He had n toiind , red fnco with
glasses and n blorfc frock tent buttoned up
about a stout chest. Ill * first vvoiel quieted
the ( IcloRfllcfl , but ho soon Inspli-e-d a shout
by the declaration that the names of
Daniel nnd 1II1I would bo elieeied .to
gether He advised the eleellon of 1HI1 as
temporary chairman nnd Daniel es per
manent ehnlrmnn. "Are there other ar-
rariKements made' " ho asked , snicastlcylly.
"Yea , sir. " shouted Congressman Money
from Mississippi , waving n broad brimmed
straw hat from the block of scats directly
below the pintfoiin.
Mr Whitney nnd his fellow delegates
from New York applauded the declaration
that IIIH nnd Daniel should be cheered to
gether , and then- was an attempt at n
demonstration when Waller shouted that ho
would bo the last man to bolt nnd would
stay with the Janitor when every other man
had left the contention hull , but the de
termined slhor men were chaiy of glvlni ,
applause nt the conciliatory advances fioin
the gold men They Roomed to fear the
Greeks bearing gifts , and the southeiii and
western delegates sat stolidly like men who
had fixed thcli program , as In-Iced they
had , and were Impatient of this prellmlnatj
sparring which was postponing the gnat
When ho appealed to know If the conven
tion was going to turn down David II Hill
after another tillmto to him theio were
lauihlin ; ; cries"Wo aio , we arc. "
Adroitly be worked up to the climax of
his when ho asked who It was pro
posed to tuin down a man who had fought
all his life for democracy ? "Turn down
David II Hill' " hi ! asked "lu ( Sod's name
la thin a dcmociatlc convention' "
He tried to appease the nilvci men by
Intimating that the speech Mi. Hill would
deliver would not bo offensive , but when
ho asked "Will > ou turn him down ? " there
were erica of "Wo will "
"Very will , " ho shouted defiantly , "turn
him down and wo will fight jou hero and
olsowhcip "
This unmasking of the position of the
gold men was met with a storm of hlsbcs
and ono of the silver men shouted : "One
vote for McKlnley "
Ho flnlnlud with an appeal to tbo ma-
Jorltj not tn use their brute foiro
Mr C S Thomas , the national comiult-
tccman fioni Cnloiado , wns then introduced
amid the plaudits of the silver men. llo
declared that It wna an unheard of pro
cedure for the national commltteu to at
tempt to foice upon the convention In op
position to the ascertained will of the
majority. This was the icnson that
no minority lopoit had over before
been piescnted at a national con
vention. An ho proctcded the silver
delegates cheered and cheered , cspcclallj
when ho openly declared that he and others
of the wci > t had long becoino Imlitlerait to
what the national committee did He made
a strong point when hn told the convention
that four yeais ago ho had b"en hero ad
vocating Mr Hill's nomination for president
and he and othcis like him hail been refused
a hearing They had been cried down
Senator Daniel had been cried down be
cause Mr Hill's opponent , Mr Cleveland ,
had contial of the convention The majoilty
of , the convention had a right to name the
tcmporarj chairman I appeal to you , " hu
concluded , "to otahd by the minority report
Lot It not he said that in the firbt skirmish
our pickets have boon dilveii In"
The Impatience of the silver men vented
itself In tilcM of "Vote" when Thomas
finished , but Chairman llunity called for
Chaileb C. Wallci of Alabama Mr. Wallet
proved himself to be a fiery southcrnei and
ho showed feeling when ho told how he
had been mndo to swallow the bitter mcdl-
clno four years ago when another Now
York democrat had been thrust over the
head of Senator Hill This was the llrst
rofeienco to I'lcsldcnt Cleveland and was
uufi loudly and passed without notice at
the hands of the convention. Mr. Waller
had something to say about the rule of
majorities , and turning to Chairman Har-
rlty fiercely demanded to be told how the
ciealuro could bo above the master
William T Taiplo of California followed
In favor of the minority leport "The
money question , " said ho , "Is the onlj
question In which the demouacy of the
country has an Interest in thh campaign
AVe want the tempoiaiy ehaliman of this
convention to sound the keynote of the
situation and wo want his address to go to
the country as a declaiatlon of our views
Wo are determined that the Kejnoto shall
bo a silver sneech In haimuny with the
views of this convention "
A volley of checis gieetcd this bilef and
outspoken cliaiactcrlzatton of the Issue on
which the light against Mr. Hill vvas being
After the Callfornlan had finished the gal
leries arose to peer over Into thu pit to dU-
cover * the meaning of cheers that began
sputtering like flieei ackers TUuy sa\v a
short , round mar Mt'i a led , ( hubby face
It is often elilUeult to eojniiK-e
pie their blood is impure , until diond-
fill cHi-bnni-les , niVeecs , boil , , seror-
ulu or salt iliciiim , : uo painful pront of
tlif fact. II \\i-siloiii novv , or when
ever them is nv iiidK-ntioii of
blood , to lake IloodS &irnpnrillii , nnd
pi event Biicli iM' htifMing.
"I bad a dreadful carbuncle abaec-hs ,
red , tlcry , tierce and sere , The doctor at
tended mo over suvcn weeks. Whun the
abscess brokothoialns ] were terrible-and
I thought 1 Hlioulii not live tbroiifh it. I
hoard and ruul no much about Hood's
Saraapirilla , that I decided to tuko It , and
my liuibind , who was Buffering with
'jolls , took it also. It hoou puritlcd our
built mo up and restored my health HO
that , although the doctor hald I uould
not bu able to work hard , I have Hlnen
done the work for VO people. Hood's S r-
napailll.i cured my husband o ( the bolN ,
nndvo regard H a wonderful medicine. ' '
MILS. ANKA I'mhr.sox , Utlmer , Kansas.
Ii the Ono True lllooel 1'nrifler } t.
l > ill < - Cllrc liver llheuy ( to take ,
FjIlS easytuopuju.
JTOH " 1OI NO WO1IPN. Alitiirni al . Sluaa (10
nilKfi m Iknton ) llu Uui l ni1nr l of cliul.
rtlilu unit conduit of life , with ailvnnUKM of
iiFultliful MCIJ beautiful -Mfiiref i , Uic
. iil r Umint tn
bt Musical > .na Mttratt *
Umtrn mil convenient UOCWH to rlaw * of Lin-
lorlo lnr r < l Hol"K Mini ilmtl'iz ' " flimUn
river Jl ' 'f ' lrjr 8aii > ' . s > mna lum l " lut.
and curly gray hair puMiing his way out
from a group of New York delegates In the
corner where Whitney , Hilt , Twoy , ( Irani
and Shcehan sal Ho was Colonel John H
fellows , the old democratic wnr horse , whoso
customary reception nt conventions in HIP
past had bren friendly and not limited to a
faction , a southerner transplanted to Nmv
York , a ono-tlmn poliller of the south vhnio
old comrades now ittiived th"lr npcuo'onu.l
rhrers The reception Tellowfi was gettliiR
was tame compared w ih the erithusli.ji.ii
v/hlch ho had stirred In the gold mrttlns
Saturday night , and his llrst sentences wont
umheerid The eheors wire static 1 nlietl
be fluiiK at the- majority the tnunt tliat It
proposed to begin the convention by a'.npt-
Ins n lepui'llcan precedent , "dlsowntd , d.i.
honored , Haunted by dcmociats ( .Iwajs an 1
everywhere "
The convention had a precedent , Mr.
Poll own said , and began "Four jears
asove from the it < st and some other s ttlons
ot the United States met here to oppose the
inn lldacy of the president of the fnlted
Stale ) , " but he was Interrupted at thli In-
dliert mention of the president. Then he
sal'l that the- New Yorkers doubted whether
two-thirds of the convention four jcars
ago had been for Orovtr Cleveland This
first dlipct mention of thp name of Mr.
Cleveland brought down nn outbreak that
srnmed really enthusHstle tt proceeded
for two or three minutes with manv people
on their feet In thn galleries , wavlm ; their
handkerchiefs nnd hats The- enthusiasm
was noticeably conduce ! to thn galleries
and there was the unusual sight of the
audience round four sides of the > hall e-aiis
Ing an enthusiastic cheer , whllo the actoin
ranged un-'cr ' tl-e stale banneis
nil ciulct Three Hags were wavrd
from the slates of Michigan. Minnesota and
Mississippi , whoso delegates shouted shrilly
without rising fiom thcli kcats , but tin'
New Yorkers never lalsed a yell , and si
lence pervaded the greater | art of the dele-
Kates Then with a llaih of his old llro
Mr IVIlovvs shouted "Cnlnrn lo Alabama ,
California Jft It ring UKia coronation
hymn that although vou gave us the ean-
clldatp. New York pave > ou th only demo
cratic president this young count r > had In
thirty yeais I make no tin cats ; I shall
make noneVe are democrats \Vo dcnlre
to match with our party nnd do what we
can to make Its perpetuation and ascend
ancy successful , but we do not want > nu
to inlllct this punishment upon us. It you
must select a victim to drag to the altar ,
at leant do not select ono so hallowed to
the people and so loved by the demociacy. "
Mr Mnrston. who next appeared on the
platform In behalf ot Mr. Daniel , created
a storm ot amusement Ills opening sen
tence , "It la not that we love David 11
Hill less , but that we lovu dcmociacj
more. " dellvcitd In stentorian tones , set
the convention wild He went on to de
clare that the best blood of Massachusetts
coursed through his veins. This was more
than the convention could stand and It be
gan to cry him down His reception resem
bled Eomewhat that frequently accorded
the ccltbiated comedian , James Owen
O'Connor , who was on one occasion obliged
to play behind a net. Cvciy time lie es-
sajeel to speak the crov/d howled and while
the din and confusion wore on the I.ouis-
ii'iinn paced up and down the platform At
the pud ot each round trip he poured out
and gulped down a large glass of Ice water
The delegates In the pit , though they took
no part In the demonstration against him ,
roared with laughtei After repeated cIToits
ho was allowed to complete his speech
John M Duncan of Te\as was bi ought
forward but met with another storm of
Impatient shouts , demanels for a vote and
calls of "louder. " Mr Duncan began by
asking the question , who was most guilty
of slaughter , those who slaughtered or
those who led to the slaughter ? but was
Intciiuptcd by Chalman Harrlty , who
pleaded for order , while Mr. Duncan stood
back and ran his hand through a mass of
hair suggestive of Roscoe Conkl Ing's fa
mous brow , with a gesture that also sug
gested Colliding This time the chairman
prevailed and Mr Duncan announcing , "I
will begin over again" did so and soon
Aftei Mr. Duncan came C. K. Ladd of
Illinois , whoso speech was also hi let. All
this time , while the name of David 13. Hill
was being lauded and praised and tojed
with the New Yolk senator sat with folded
aims In his delegate's seat , flanktd by Wil
liam C Whitney nnd John IT. Follows , with
his sphinx smile occasionally cropping out
when some point was attempted foi or
against him.
"No one doubts that his speech would bP
a good one , " said Mr. Ladd , speaking of
Hill , "and no one doubts that it would be
a Now York speech , " and at this sally Sen
ator Hill himself was forced to laugh out
right , while Mr Ladd went on to declare
that such a speech would have to be ex
plained to the republicans throughout the
whole campaign.
General JV St Clalr of West Virginia
made a stiong speech In favor of sustain
ing the majoilty leport. Ho Is a conspicu
ous and Imnresslvc figure nnd his woids
fell hcavllj on the silver foices. He was
a dpinociat. ho said , who believed in .fice
sllvor and the nomination of a rock-ribbed
ficc silver demociat , but hn was of the
opinion that It would bo a Rieat mistake
to overthrov. a time-honored democratic
pieccdcnt anil leiuse to select the man sug
gested by the national ronnnlttce. Much
as he would regret voting against John W
Daniel whom ho loved and reveled he did
not bellevo the convention could afford to
"tutu down David I ) Hill , for what harm
could David n Hill do' " IIP asked. It was
undemocratic The mlnoiity had a light
to be heard , and the olive branch should
bo held out to them. Mr St Clalr'a speech
aroused the gold men to a high pitch of
enthusiasm ,
National Commltteeman Clavton of Ar
kansas clo'cd the debate In favor of electing
Mr Daniel with an allusion to Air Marston's
penchant for lce water ns undemocratic
This of couroo la'lsed a laugh He paid
a glowing tt Unite to Senator IIIH "I was
In'io tour jcai.s ago , " said ho. "when the
antl-suippeis wera condemning and de
nouncing him U that time I pialsing
him. He was my champion I learned
democracy with Ml. Hill and If ho had
clung to his Rlmlra delegation In favor
of fice coinage , ho woulel today bii my can
didate fur president. "
The vottf was then taken The convention
was vpiy quiet when the roll rail beqan
llreaks were shown In tno ot the southern
states. Alabama and Kloiida. The chair
man of the first announced , that but for the
unit itilo Alabama would give llvo votes
for Hill , and Florida was equally divided
botwi'en Hill and Danlul , with foui ayes
and foui navH The announcements that
Illinois and Indiana caut solid votes for thu
subtftltuto was cheered. The vote ot Iowa
was i hnH ined and the convention had an
opportunity to applaud Qnvprnor Stone of
.MIiMunl a tall , thin , smooth faced man ,
who roio to maUo a patllamentaiy Inquliy
which biought fiom Chaliman Haiilty the
lUlhiB that when the votu of a state , act
ing under the unit inln. was questioned
a roll eall mljht bo had to determine ) whethoi
the will of the majoillj had been conectly
Thn insult of the loll tail on the adoption
of thu minority ii'porc fiom the national
lommltto to suhBlltutn Daniel for Hill as
temporal y chairman -/as an follows :
'u'11 * < '
Alnlumu . , . . . . . . . _
. , . . , , .
Catlfiirnln . j $
c ninici ileut . . . , . . . . . , . 5
I > 4l nara . , . i :
riinlila . . . . . 4
. .
ItlHltO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I !
Hiiii.ii . . . . : , . .
InillHim . . . . . . . . , , , , , . ri )
Muliio . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . , . . , , , * ifi
MarjUiul . , . , . . . , „ . . I 12
Mmtju , u clt . . .M . . . . art
. . .
MlmiOful i . . . . . . . . , . 7 I )
UlulMllipl . , . . . ] S
Mbttuuri . , . . . . . . . 31
* ! ' " " "I" . . . . . . . . . 6
Nt lif iukn . . . . . . . , , , . , . . * , . . . . . , . . . 16
Nem Humi'hMlo. , , . . . , , , . . , , , , , , , , , , , 8
N . v te-rn-y , * , < . . . 20
Now Munlcti , , , , , . . , o . . .
X m Vuik , . , , . , . . , . . . , . . . 71
Nrutli Citipllaii . . , , , . , , . . , S3 . . .
.V - rill Dakota. . . . , . . , . . . . , . , . „ . . , .
ohto ; . , ; . . , ; . , , „ , .
Olfjleill . , . . . „ , . , , . , . . . . , . . , , S . . .
IVlihuJ luml.l , , . , , , . , . , , , . . . Ct
HhevliUl.uul „ . , „ . . . 8
S.ulli c'arollDil 13 . . .
mi III DalioU. . , . . , . , . ; 8
' ' ' ' ' ' '
Texai . . . . . . . . ! . . . . , . . . . . . , . . SO . . .
I tali . . . , , . . , „ . . , . , 6 . .
Vnniemt 8
Vlrfcliilii 21 1
\V thliiKton . . 5 3
WV t Virginia 0 3
\Vif-c--u lu . , , . , Zl
" " ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' " '
AU "u"f . , . . . . , . . . , , , . . . , . ! . ! ! , . . 3
The challenge of Iowa's vote rcrulted In
a showing of 17 ayes and D navs , so that
the 2fi votes wcro recorded nye This Iowa
roll call necessitated the onnoutiiement of
the name of Horace Holes , who Is aecredlted
as a delegate , but the Holes men missed the
opportunity for n demonstration nnd no
enter was heard A moment later the call
of J. S C DlncKburn of Kentucky was fol
lowed by enthusiastic cheer * for Kentucky's
fa01 He W H StticMiciitsp. collector of
Internal revenue at HurlltiKton , had chal
lenged Iowa's annoumrment and the same
service was perfonncd for the Kentucky
gold men by Mr. llaldeman who rllod
"Tl rrc are two delegates from the Plfth
congressional district who deslru lo vote
fou David H Hill "
* 5lr. MeKnlght of Michigan clmlleligccl
the announcrmrnt that his Btotc votes nny
nnd the roll call showed 12 ayes and 1C nays
When NPW Yoik was ripehed , thn c hall man
pxplalned that Senator Hill did not vole , so
New York ecst 71 nays
Senator Daniel of Vliglnln was made to
score a point upon his opponent Senator
Hill , for Congressman Jones , ehaliman of
the state ilrl.'Kntlcm nnnouneecl that all the
votes of Virginia were ca t aye with the
exception of John \V Daniel \vlic voted
nav The Virginia Fcnator's paitlsans were
quick to selro upon this bit of chivalry
and rcwardid It with a shtlll shout
When the territories were.1 i cached Chair
man Harrlly announced that the territories
anil the Dlslilct of Columbia would bo en
titled to two voles eaih. The roll call was
eomplc'ed at 3 2r The announcement cf
the vote , fiGG to 34" " ) , was received with a
brief demonstiatlon hy the silver vlclors
Delegates waved their hats and the spcc-
tatoiH In the galloi les elieeied
Mr. Harrlty announced that unless ob
jection was made lie would rejnrd It as
the sencc of the convention that the ma
joilty repoit had been i ejected and Mi
Daniel selected
Senator Jones of Arkansas , It. 1' Keating
of Nevada and Senator White wore ap
pointed to escoit Senatoi Daniel to Iho plat
form. As the committee appealcil on the
platform with the Vlrglijla senator , the
demonstration of the silver men V..IH IP-
nevud Senator Danle-l has the uppcar.cnce
of an old-time statesman. Smooth-shaven
with clear cut featuics and taven black hair
and wealing the conventional black fiock
coat of the old dnvs , he looked .IB If he had
stepped out of some picture of the senate
oi the past , llo bowed profoundly In re
sponse to the ovation ho received and talked
easily to Chaliman Harrlty until the noise
subsided When ordei was restored Mr
Hanlty said "Gentlemen of the convention ,
I have the honor of Introducing as jour
temporaly ehaliman lion John W. Daniel
of Virginia "
While the delegates and everybody else
in the house wcio jelling and cheering
CliPlrnian Harrlty passed the gavel over to
Mr Daniel , who took It and spolio as follows
Mr Chairman of the Democratic Com
mittee : In re-celvlnjc fiom vom hanelH this
savel. us the tcmpoinry presiding otTiet r
I big lo Ae to i-xptebs sentiment which I
am sureIs unanimous , that no n.itlonil c 011-
Miitlo'i vv.m evei presided over with molt
ability or with moio fiihncs'i tb in by jour-
self ( Cheers and ciles ot 'ii.niltj llar-
ilty" ) I can express no Utter wish foi
mjselX than that 1 m.iv be able In some
feeble vvav to model my conduct by join
model and to practices bj' j'our cMiniplc
( Cheers )
The high position , gentlemen , to which
j'ou have chosen me InvolvcH both a gieut
honor nnd a keen ivponMbllltj
Vcibonal honor I thank you The usponsl-
bllltj I would bo wholly luaeUquatu to be.a
did I depend upon myself , but jour gri
clous nld will make It e-asy nnd it- ) burden
light That aid I confidently Invoke from
j'ou foi the Fake of the gieat canso nuclei
whose binnei wo Imvo fought so in.inj
battles , eind blch now dem.inds of us
such staunch devotion and nuch lojul si rv-
I regret that mj- name should have been
lnought In even the most c-ourlois eompli-
atlon with that of illitliinulshe'd friend
the Kient senator fiom New York ( Ap
plause1. ) Hut the very f tct I hiivo p < M-
mlttt d It to be done Uifutes the suj ; etatloi )
that baa been Improvldrfntly madeon tills
lloor , that either I or those whom I have
Uie honor to loprese-at would OVLT heap
IndlRiilllei upon that hitivo and Jllustilous
head ( Gicat applause ) No dUpasslein.i'e
judgment , gentlemen , can i ver mlslnterrirt t
your meaning. The enntor from Ni , v York
himself knows , a I know and s vou know ,
that there Is no person.illty in the pic-tor
ment which has been Iven to mi. You
must Know , and the w nolc countiy th it
watchin these proceedlng-i muit Unov/ , that
It Is solely duo to the piinelple that this
gient majoritjof democrats stands foi
nnd that they know I st.inil with them
( applause > ) , and that It is Riven In tne spirit
of theInstiuctlons locelved by these icp-
resent.itive-s of the puople. from the people-
whom all d mocrats vslll ever bow to as
the purest uml original pourc" of all power
The birth of the ilemociatlc pally v > aa
coeval with the blitn of the t > ovuii ignty
of the people It eau mvci dlu until the
Declaration of in IndependciiLC U
forROttc-n and tint 'JovLielgnty Is crushed
out ( Oic-at applau e )
"I am happy ge nllemcn , to know that as
the majority- this convention Is not per
sonal , not In any sense is It aectio' It
blends the pa'me-toe-i ' nnd theplnea In M line
nnd Sou'h Cuiollna. It bogiiui v Ith the-
sunrise ; In JIaijland and spieiicla Into n sun
burst In Louislant and Texas It
stretches In one unbroken column aeiois
the Ameiienn continent , from tln > Atlantic
shores of the Old Dominion and Ucoiriin ,
and It sheels Its silvery beams over the
golden gate 'itio of Cal'foinli ' ( Applause )
It sends foith Its plonee-rs fiom I'lymoulh
Koe-lc upil waves over the golden vvhe-at
tields of Uakot , > It bus UH strong hold in
AIub.ini.i. and Mlsnlsjipi.1 anil Ha outposts In
Minnesota , Klorld.i ancl Oregon ( Applause )
It stli l > s like a Tnrhcel ( appliiusx ) down in
thu Old noith state and It v. rites 1C to 1 on
the saddlebags of the Arkunsaw traveler
( Loud ) U pours down Its ilvu-
loti from the mountains of West Virginia
nnd makes a great lake In NI w Mexico ,
Arizona , Wyomlnj , Idaho , Utah , Nevadi ,
Montana unel Coloinilo. It stands gu inl
mound the national e-apltol in the Dis
trict of Columbia ( cheois ) , and It camps
on the fronllc-is of Oklahoma It sweeps
like n. m.ilrle tire over low.i and Kanjis
unl puts up ci red light on the conllnes of
Nt-biaskn It mm Chills Ita massive b it-
tnllomi In Ohio , Indiana. Illinois and Mis
souri. Last , but by tur from least , when
I sco this grand array and thlnlc of the
Urltlsh f.olil standard that was lecomly
unfuileil OVIM the inlns of lepiiblle-an piom-
Isc-s at St. Louis , 1 think , too , of thu Imt-
ile of Now Orleans of which It was said :
Them stood John Hull In mailliil pomp ,
but theie was old Kentucky' ( Applause. )
nrethien of the cast , there ) la no nonth.
there Is no noith , there Is no east not west
in this uprising of the people for American
emancipation jiom the conspiracy of Ku-
ropenn Kings led on by Great Hilttiln , which
.seeks to dcstiojonehalf of the moncj' of
the voild and mnl.o American manufac
turers , farmers and mechanics mere heweu
of wood and clirvwers of water
Theio Is ono thing golden which , permit
mo In the same good humor which has
eharacteiized your conduct , to commend to
j-ou hero It is the golden rule , to do unto
others as j-au would have them do unto
j'ou Korget not the pic-ed of devils and
that nn absolute ucqulesc-enco In the will of
the majority Is the vltnl principle of the
republic Democints us you hiuo been ,
clemocratH us I trust you will ever be , ao- giacefully In thn will of this great
irnjorltj- jour fellow democrats and only
ask to KO with them , aw they huvo often
gone with you ( Applause ) Do not foigct
gentlemen , that for thirty j'ears wo hnva
supported the men that yon have named
for picsldont , Sejinour , Qreoluy , Tlldon.
Hancock and twlco drover Cleveland Do
not forget that wo huvo submitted cheer
fully to your compromise platform and
to your repeated pledges of bimetallism
and haves patiently bornu repeated disap
pointments us to their fulfillment Do nut
foigot that at the last national convcmtlon
of the domociatle party In 1WJ you proclaimed -
claimed youtsolves to be In fnvor of the use
of Loth gold and t > IIv r ns standard money
of the I'ountij ; for tlv eoinaije of both gold
and flivcr without dhorlmlnatlon auiiiiiHt
either metal : and that the only question loft
out wan the latlo between the metals Do
not foiec-t , and I lefer to the fuel In no
Infcilor sense- that Just tour years use In
u dcmociatlc convention In this city the
New YOIK delegation otood here holldlj nnd
Immovably for a c-andlihiu committed to
tlio fre and unlimited eulnagu of sllvu
and gold nt th uitlo of U to I And If wo
are still tor It , let It not h > foiuotten that
vvo ewe It In sonia nicutniio lo their teach
ings ( Applause . ) That vvo ewe you mue-h
Kcntlemen of the east , is readily neknoivl-
edge-el , and wo aio grateful. Wo ewe you
much , KUitlomc-n of the convention , und for
what vvo ewe you of the east Is the force
bill unel the Mc-Klnlcy bill and the Sherman
law , the tiiple Infamy of republican leisls-
latlon. The llrst yai ulmcd no moro at
the south tlun at the meat cities of the
oust. Hiid chief among them the great dem-
oci tlo city of Neiw YorU. with Its mnBiilll-
cent patronage. That bill got Its death
blow In the senate , but there was not u.
single democrat In New Yoilc or Now Kntc-
lunel to vote against It. If It , gentlemen
lian helped to save tha south , it also bus
holneii to ave j-ou In the east ; but whether
the south should bo saved or not , those
irrcat republican senators from the we-st.
Trllei Wolcott unit your Jones und j'our
BtaisfoieJ of California sank their partisan
frellnp In the nrdor of their rttrlotlim
mid came ff > lfvixil lo the rescue of the
American In.-ill'uuons No matt , gentlemen ,
In this high noon of our country's frcitcr-
nllj' ran revive fort-e lillls In this ri-c-
oncllcd rind r > nulled n pulitle onr opponents
fbive iiluiiulo d thini There
Is none Ihiitliuii s.tnnil iictvvein the union
of he-arts ntid the union of bunds that U.
S rjrnnt In hl iKlnj , ' vision HII > V was eom-
IIIR on nnpets wings to nil tin- sons of onr
eommon cnnntrv When Chicago dreflo'-d
Honlliprn i l.iv'rs In Howe rs Hhe burled cc e-
tlonnllsm uiielo- mountain ot fnitrnnce. (
Whin sontl.rrn noldli rs on jpsteidnj-
chrered the v.oundid hrro of Mie noith In
lllctimonif thp iuth nr vvn-d bu-k "Lei
us hnve pentfipnc'e. * . union nnd liberty ,
now nnd foi t r "
NOH , ) 7lj Tltn , CLASSICS
As the mnjoiltv of the demctetntle pirty
Is not * i > ftiuniil , neither docs It wtnnd f < r
nnv prlvllcKed or c-m H leitlslntlon The
nellve liuilnc s nun of this eonntry. Its
mnnufiu IUIPIM , m < rehnnts , farmers , SOIIH
of toll In thi' eotipMn mom , faetot-y , field
iiml mine know tluit tonttaellon of the
ruimiey sweeps nvvay vvlth the silent and
ieslstU"w foiec of jtnfv llntlon , the nnnunl
piollts of their tntiiprlHo und Invc-.stmcnt
Tli'j know too , nl the g-o'd standnrd
menus eonti iclfoli nnd the orfrnrli'uHoii of
dlsnster What hop" Is there for the eoun-
tiv nnd wh it hop * 'or democ raev unlii the
views of the imtjorltv I cro shn I b ndo tul *
Do not the people know ll at It l not sil
ver legislation , but the It-Uslntlnn dictated
by the iidvpfi'tei of the ipld stntidnid that
bus mused nnd nuvv coiitlnti'-s the llnnlii lul
ilepresslon ? Do they nm know that when
their elemunds upon demui rnrv vu'le ; compiled -
piled with In l < 3ianil ! the Sherman low
reppnlod without n substitute- , that the very
Htale of the enst Unit di-miil'dcd It till in d
npiilnst the eli mm niry who i-ranted It und
swept jivvnv theli maJoiltlcM in u toin-nt of
Im'ilots ? Und the Hllvvr men bud their way
tlun Instviid of. tin- gold monoiin tnlllsts ,
v\lu > t stolina cif alms- ' would hcie toiliv 1
emptied upon their heads lint the people
nppljtng the povv-i-i of memoir mid iinnlvals
nllke to dl"eove - th" c'nusrsi of theli ur
ns ted prespiillv did not go fur to llnd
them Thej do not forget whin demne-
latj eami Into power In U'H It Inbnltid
from Its republican tired -ees ers the tu\
svslem nnd the currency Hj-ste m of which
MelClnlevunel the Hiermnn laws wen- the
culinlnutlns aliocltlis. U euno to powei
nmldst n pinle vvhle-h Iltb followed upon
tl.elr emu-Inn lit vvllh utilkes , lockouts ,
ilots ninl e-Ule e im.iiotlonwhile the
scoiiefl of iipiicefiil linlustrv In tVnnsrlvnnla
hud beeo'ne mlllturj' cumji-i li-slilp- >
mini old oppressive leiituips the MeKlnlev
lnw luul tin own nvvay J'fl.OCOO * ) of levenue
lU-ilveil finm yygni under the special plea
of n fice bnakfist table , and hud Hiilisll-
tuleil bountlps to SIIBUI plnntin , thus
dceienslni ; nnenup nnd Im-rouslng e\pendl-
tnres , thus buinlUK the eindle at both ends
nnd milking the people pnj at for the
allc-ge-d fie < -
1'iom the joint opeiatlon of the MeKlnlej
law and tin Sliinnnii Invv nn advii-ie bti'- '
ance of Hade vnis forced ngalnst us In IVJT
A Mil plus of SlUOWoroi In tile tieisniv was
coin PI teil Into a delicti o [ ) lu ] vt |
mil tngrnvid bonds propnied by a icpub- secietnry to 1 orrow monev to suppoi t
the fovi inriH-nt were the Ml oninns of ) iie-
oip.inl.'pd inln tint nwnltPd the Ineonilni ;
democ r.icj and a iU > pleteil tiea-iuij Mine
sltmilli ant Hllll , the veiy uithoiltlos of the
Ill-sliitied Slieiman law inuki shift weies al-
nacU . "t eoufi'sslonal on tlu- stool of peni
tence und weie br-gRlni ; democrats to help
them lei put out ; tin * coulliifrntlon of < lls-
tintci that they hnfl tln'niHi-lves I'lnclleil
Fo far as n venue to suppoit the govern
ment Is com ' uiexl theilvmonalle pally
vUth but a Hlenelpi maioilty In the spnati . not long In prodding It and hud not
the supii'ine com I of the United Stall -
leveisi-d Its Fetjle-d iloctllnp of 100 venrs ,
the Ineomi tax lncon > ut it id In the tnKf
bill would long since hnve abuiul-iiulv sup
plied it.ALI.
npsnoctlnij UieMJnance- - iepul'k-ins )
populists iii l > dumoerats while diffiilni
upon almost all dlh r subjects , h-ul united
lu IS'U lu di-I'liO-lm ; foi the ustoi i-ioii nf
GUI American sv-Hem of bimetallism Hv
n public-ail aiM ele iocritlc eToit" < ailko the
Sherman law I wan > swept from the stntuti
bookb , the < Oi/et mjss to ild the eounliy o ! lepubllciin nuibiis being su gieat Ihi'
no rrtldent e/Toili"wa& / made to provide a
substitute Ij ) the * verj- act bj' which IN *
Sheiman l.i.v "vvas'iepoaled It vvas deelaied
to be the poilcjf the United St.ite-i of
Ameilca to continue the use of both gold
and sliver as standard tnone-j and to coin
tl-e-m Into clol'.u-j of equil latiinslc and
e\tl'.ili.e nble.1 % Uije The- republic in p irtj
has now renounced the crceel of Its p ) it
form and of our pledges and pro
se tiled to thecomitry the ibiurof hlvhei
taxes , molebonds'and less monejIt has
proelilmed ati 'asb. ' throwlutj fiw.iv Ihe dis
guises , for tlweJJnUtsh gold UancUid We
can only e--mee } * , , \fi \ siu-ceeO. mj ! )
mun a ipccfmoi of.uattlc and a lout ? pro-
lomjed peUoil hf ilCirsRion Do not , ask tis
to join tHem'.wWTy W IWr' proiSositloii C
Least of all a- * , ? lib norto loin them upon tin
monij' question ind llaht . .1iliam battl"
over soitlod tariff : oi the- money question
is the { ,11 amount lsiue bcfo'.eth.e Ameilcin
people , and It Involves true'
moie- than nny eeono-nlo lo = siie th-U ever
was piesrnted to a pri-sldent it a pre -l-
dontlnl election The existing gold stand
arel , whence conn > s the Idei that weare -
upon If In evtij demoeiatle platfoini of
1-U2 was the piomUie to hotel to both golel
anil silver It hns not been fiom the last
enactment of congress upon the snblec't ,
which In repealing the Sheiman law pledged
the vvholq countiv to the continuance of
the double stndard , not from any stitute-
w'hat.-.oc-ver now In force In the United
States No , we mo not u'jon inv i-old
strinelaiel lint we have n dlsordoieii and nils-
cell ineous cum -v of nine vailftles tin 'e
metal anel s > ix p" r 'h" ' nioduet for the
most rurt of rable in 1 , rl-lillon , reu-
elcied vvori-o bj f-e trcrstny piac-tli-e bc-ijiin
by republican tn.ibineib anil unfortuimtelj-
copied bv the dc.-mocia.lic sue e' soi ( Ap-
pliu e ) Thi-n eorMilor these facts , pentle-
n'en The leilei. I , ttnte * aril mnnlelpil
tnxca in this eoui.tiv arn asscsel and paid
by the starilaid cf the whole miss of money
In elieiilatlou. No . .nithorltjhns ever been
confeired bv conctre-ss fen the Issue' of .1115
bonds p.uable In gold , but It Is dlstlnctlj-
ufti'ed The spvcl" lesumntlon of 1ST" ! gave
the- surplus revenue In the * tiiMsurj' , not
gold onlv , i' ) HIP money of ledemptlon Pro
vision mnelc bvf the fJlaiiel-AllIson act of
1S7 added to oui e iroulatlon some $ ! 300CO-
(00 ( of standard bllvn money , 01 paie-i b ise d
upon It , anel all tint mass of sllve-r mom y
Is sustained at pailtv with sold bj' noth
ing vvhatevei on e irtli but the silver in It
and the teuilei function imparted to it
by law ( Applause ) We have no outstand
ing obligations in the United States except
thn i.mall sum of Sliooonoo of go'el co -
tlfleutes , which -ire specifically puj'ablo In
sold , anil tlu j' , of course should be so paid
All of our Fpecle obligations are payable In
coin , which mi ans silver or gold at the
governme-nt option , or In sllvei hpeelllenlly
anel onlv. Time Is moie silver , and piper
bn id upon silver , In circulation ted ij- than
the re Is of golel or paper l > eseel on gold ,
and Hint tl'e rolel dollar Is not the unit
of value is dinionstinted by the fact that
no fold dollar pieces c-an now , under our
laws , be minted
If we should go upon the gold standard
we must change the existing bimetallic
standard of pavment ot all public debts ,
tuxes and appropriation" , ciivlnq ; nlono those
spe-e'llle-u'.ly payable in gold. AH wo have
twenty billions of public and private elcbt ,
It would takes mop- that thno times all the
golel In this country to pay even one years
Interest upon It We should bo compelled
hereafter to oontrnet thn etiucncy by paj--
ing of $300 ( mow of grconbicks and Sin
notes in KOld , vvhlcii vvonjld ncaily c-xhaust
the entire' Ameiican stock In and out of the
lii-asinj' , and the same ! policy vvoulel re
quire that the JIH.cnn 000 of s'lveicertlllcitcH '
should bn paid In i-old , also as foreshadowed
by the present diaft upon the countiy'R
stock of soM This means an Inoieaso of
the public debt by JjOO.OOO.WiO with the pros
pect of $ ! U,00 , OOl'iinore The dlsaMions
eonscauentert iet snu-li a policy ate appall-
liiKly contomiilnttil nnd thu only altermito
suBgestcd Is tni > free eolnago of silver at
th ratio of IftiCoiil ( applausu ) and the com
plete re.itoniflon of our heiedltary and
Ilnancial jyste-m of American money Wo
pray yon no moro makeshifts nnd straddles
Violate not thb' country with your
prophecies of aiiiooth things to como from
the Hrltlnh republican propaganda. ( Ap
plause ) The fact that thu European nu-
tlons are solni ; to' the gold standard , ron-
cleis It all the more Impractical that vvo
should do HO ruf iHe limited stock of sold In
the world uouhtti vo longer divisions and n
smaller share ) for each nation. Previous
predictions lmyebec'n punctually refuted
when prosperity1 as piopheslcd to c-omr >
upon the uncfimrmonal icpual of the Sherman
man act InBtlitilof protecting the tieun-
nry resi'ivco.ij , H .was prophesied It vvoulel ,
nn unprecendwityd rnlil was promptly maele
on it and th < T3-'fc,000J000 of boirowed gold
Imvo been IntfiTinclcnt to guarantee UH He-
cuilty. Insteiulio' causlnir foreign coin to
Howto us It Ivi * HtJmulated Iho How of gold
to Kuropo nnd greenbacks nnd the Sherman
notes , which are- Just as much paynblo In
silver ns In sold , have been urfd to clip the
colel out of the treasuiy of the United
glitlea and to store It In the strong boxes
of the lords of Uuropo Instead of iovlvln
business this foU } has further depressed
It Instead of Increasing vvascs , this policy
has further decreased them. Instead of
niultlpIvliiB opportunities for employment
this policy has multiplied Idlers Instead
of Increasing the prices of our produce
this policy has Iqvverod , It la estimated ,
about 15 per cent In threei years Instead
of restoring confidence this policy has ban
ished confidence , instead of bringing re
lief , It has brought years of misery , anel for
this reason It has contracted the currency
of the United States $1 a head for every
man , woman and child since November 1 ,
U93. And with this vast Aggregate contrao
lion the price of land nnd of manufactured
Boocis und of nil kinds of ucrlcuttural and
mechanical produce has fallen , but taxes
and debts have grown tn burden , while on
the other hand the means of their liquida
tion have beun cjlmlpyhcd ,
In the meantime , gentlemen , commercial
failures have progressed with devastating
pffeet north , Houth , east and weit In this
nvtlon The dividends on 1 > ink stocks Imve
nhrunkcMi Three-quarters of the railway
mileage of the United Htntes Is now In th"
Imiiels of n-eelvsrs and the county has
received a shock from wl teh It will tnkn
v ars to roe river Y < > t In thli ellstnsi el ami
eontraeteel e atnllllmi the in-w ited ed miino-
rnptnlllslB ink us to cl i-luto for a gold
staiidniil and to w tit for n-llef upon Kome
ghostlj- dream of an Intel national agree
ment Hut the people- now too well Know
that the eoil'-pltaej of Hnrnp > nn monarch
led bv Great liillnlii. has puiposes of UK-
Ktatieilrenie-nt to snbsirve In the war upon
Ainerlcin .silver money and stand In the
w < v of mie-h acjipitnint. With their en-cllt
tl..v nec-k to c-iihanec th pnrchnMnij power
of tlousiinds of millions v.ldih Is owing
to UIMII nil over the vvoilil cinel whle-h vnn
owe to thrm Thej clluvv npon the United
Slates of Anieilea for their food .sup < I les
and raw material vvpent , corn oil , eotton ,
Iron , lead and other like staples , and thej
nek to get It for the least moil" v Hesld' "
thin Gti-at Itillnln has laigeol.l inlni-n
In Konth Afilca unel Soulb America and
bj * closing tlip silver mines has prently
elihaneecl tl'olr ptuifuets and their vtlite
llopput nillHh ngrtiesflon In Viiuzueln and
In the settlemctita of Koutli America wns
inovcd bv the desire lei po ncas more of
those gold mines , and by inonopolMng the
metal , ns fnt as possible , toisscrt Jlrllls i
c ommerelnl Miprrmnev over the world t\o
nation calls Itself free nnd Indcm-tulrni
that Is not great enough to establish and
maintain n llimncla ! t-yilim of Its own
( Oitat applausp ) To pretend that ttiK the
foietnost , rlclie't and most powerful nation
of the weiild , e-innot e-oln UH ovvn money
without suing foi an luloinational niice :
ment at tlf coin Is of nnronenn nli'.oemls
Who have nore but prlmnrv Intereiitrt tci sub
serve' , the 1'oi'Iu of an Intel national uifrce-
metil has foi ninny jnus been he-lei out
nt eve rjpi evidential election They have
made u"p of such an agreement , anil they
hnve follt d It afleiward. and we- have ii"Ver
In all out hlutoij had an Intel national
niripemint upon a money svstein and none
of the fouiieltiH of this le'iubllcever
elieamed that sui-h an ugiceimnt was es
sential We have had three Intel national
emifeiencis In order tn obtain It. anil to
w ill loimer upon them Is to Ignore the In
tel ests of oui own people and diguide * our
national elirnltj and to ndveitlse to all man
kind oui Impotcni e und out follj- . The con
cession th it i onies from the golel st mel ml
nn u of all Kin ope foi restoration of tin-
double slai'darel Is the only solution of the
tllianclal elllllc-nltles that we win llml In tin-
outlook before us The ilc-elii itloiis of the
KiiLllsh pn mli-r and Hie I'reneh mlnlslet
anel the Hu slati gove-rnmeiH which IUIVP
leeeiltlv been expiessed , show that If H
sueceiels at all , It will sneeeoel against Hie
slnlstci I'owel of untoernc J' , which has been
used igalnst It An Intel nation il iiKne-
me nt for the lestoi.itlon of themetals to
an e-quallty would be' ti bond of mankind
which would e-nable ns to I emulate the
value of moae-y and bilng thu tvvo metals
upon a parltj
ui.MirrALLiSTS or OLD
Alexande-i tlamllton , the great s.oeietaiy
of the innsurv under Washington undei-
stood this eiuistlon He- funned the tiisl aet of this countiv , which 'vvas
passed In IT- ! ' , Using the nnltv of oui cut-
u-iie-y upon both ui'-U'ls lor u double louson
Hist , that to exclude one vvou'd ' 1 educe It
to in-ie morcliandlsi- and the othci Hint It
would Involve the difference between a
-ciulj and u full circulation Thomas
.lettelson Knew this when he endorvd t he-
work of Hiiiiillton and rje-oige > Wishlngtnn
Knew this when approviel It I.mill
Webster Knew this when hi ? de-el-ind that
silver nnil sold me the legal stindnrds and
that iie'Itlui congt ss iieji any state has
the ilfiht to establish any olhei stnndiud
or to dl-iilaio this one Oeneial Giant
knew this when he looked to t-llvi-i is a le-
souice of pa j mint anil loliud to his aston
ishment that a lepublltan eoiigri-ss hail dc-
moue-tli'iel It and Ihnt he himself had un
wittingly slgni-el thebill. . The wliolu people-
of the U-ilteil States now know this and
thc-v know also that If they would fiee
tlKiTifce-lves they must stiike the blow.
( Pljeeis ) Themnjorltj of this convention
whim I luive the honor lime to iepr si-nt
nialiitab- that thi-s pre-ut American nation ,
vilh .i nutuial base ot llxeel empire * , lichcr
teiiltorv and ir.oieptodiictlvo eucrgj' than
Guat ISiltalu , riance and Oermanjcom -
blne'd , without clepondiMice npon IJuropcun
n.itloiis for aiivthlng thej piodnce and with
nuiop"j.n . nations depc-nde-nt upon nuie-b
that vvo pioduco , Is fullv capa
ble of ie storiiig this constitutional
money sj.stein of gold and silver at eqn lUlv
with each othei ( Applause ) Auel ns
our fiitheis III 177(5 ( elecliied our
Indepc'iideiu-1 of all the woilel , s > o todiv has
thekrcit demoeratie pnrtj- , founded by
Thomas Je-fteisou , the author of that decla
ration , annealed In Chicago to the
financial Independence o [ the United States
of all other nations and to Invol'e all line
Vii'erlcans to assort bjtheli suffriges at
the polU that oui countij may be pluoeil
vhe-re sbe Uy light belongs as the fice-st
1nd foremost , as the' most ptoapeious and
happiest nation that e\ci ble'ssecl the life
of mankind upon this globe1.
During the progress of Mi. Drillers speech
Senator , Tillmi'ii ot South Carolina and Sen
ator Jones of Arkansas , moved around and
coaferied with the silver leaders of several
of the delegations Goveinor Altgeld of
Illinois , Goveinor Stoii" of Missouri , Sen-
rtor-elect Money of Mississippi , Senator
Bl.'ckbum of Kentucky , and others were
consulted. The gold leaders awaited the
next move ot the silver men with seemlnp
When Mr. Daniel finished and announced
that the convention was ready for business
theio were loud cries for Hill The Nev ,
Yotk senator sat quietly eating a sandwich
and showed no disposition to respond. Sen
ator Jones of Arkansas announced that on
behalf of the silver delegates In the house
and at the request of many of them , he
would move the adoption of a resolution of
thanks to Chaiiman Hardly for the Impartial
manner in which ho had presided over
the convention It was adopted unanimously
as was another resolution offered by Senator
White of California , making the iiilea of
the fiftj'-thlrd house of representatives go\-
ein the deliberations ot the convention
The roll of states was then called under the
cu-tomary practice and the fcelrctions for
mcmbeishlp on the various committees were
The committee on rcbolutlous as an
nounced follows : Alabama , J. H Dank-
head ; AiKansas , J. 13. Jones ; California ,
Stephen M. Whitu ; Colorado , C. S. Thomas ,
Connecticut , Lyndo Han ( son ; Delaware ,
George Gray ; Florida , H M Davis ; Georgia ,
Evan P. How ell ; Iilaho. . N Hillard ; Illi
nois , W R Woithlngton , Indiana , James
McCabe , Iowa , J K. Muiphy ; Kansas , J D
McClebeity ; Kentucky , P. W Harilin ,
Louisiana , S M llobluson ; Maine , C V
Holnian ; Maijland , John Pientls Poc , Mas
sachusetts , John I' , Russell ; Michigan ,
Thomas C Weadock : Minnesota , J. K
O'lJtlen , Mississippi , J 7 George ; Mlssouil ,
T M Cockiell ; Montana , R. D Mott ; Ne-
brabka , N S. Harvvooil ; Now Hampslilic.
Iivln W. Drew ; New Jersey. Allen 1 Mc-
Dermott. Now Yotk , David H. 11 111 ; Noith
Carolina , J.Y. . Webster , Noith Dakota ,
W. N lloach ; Ohio , Allen W Thurman ,
Oregon , M A Miller ; Pennsylvania , Robert
R Wright , South Carolina , Hen n Tlllman ,
South Dakota , \V. 13. Steclo , Tennessee , A.
T McNcnl ; Texas , John N Hcgan , Ulah ,
J , L. llavvllns , Vermont , P. J. Pan el , Vir
ginia , Caller Glass ; Washington , H. C. Mc-
Cioskey ; West Vliginla , William Klnkald ;
Wisconsin , William IVllas , Wyoming , C
W. Uramel ; ArUona , W. JJ Dames ; District
of Columbia , Robert R. Mattlngly ; Indian
'r/rrltoty ft. L Owens ; New Mexico , A. A
/mrs ; Oklahoma , M L ntxler.
The committee on credentials Is : Ala
bama , L > T Goodwin ; Arkaiibus , S , M. Tay
lor ; California , William R Dourko ; Colo-
lade , J , T. O'Connell ; Connecticut , R. G
Coogan ; Delaware , II. C. Horriington ;
Florida , K I ) . Tunkenslll ; Gc-orgla , R T.
Lovvls ; Idaho , T. Reagan ; Illinois , A. W
Hope ; Indiana , RH Marvin ; Iowa , \V , A.
Wells ; Kansas , J. II. Atvvood ; Kentucky.
David R. Murray ; Louisiana , H W. Ogden.
Maine. I 13 Deasey ; Maryland , Rdward A.
Warfleldj Massachusetts , J , C. Crosby ; Michi
gan , M HruuUer , Minnesota , C L Daxter ;
Mississippi , Governor McLuurln ; Missouri ,
M R llenton ; Montana , W. G. Downing ;
Nebraska , Charles J Ryan ; Now Hampshire ,
riinrlcs A Sinclair ; Now Jersey , R. P.
Moaney ; Now York Smith M Wead ; North
Carolina , W M. Turner ; North Dakota , J.
H Hot , Ohio , U Sloan ; Oregon. M. F.
Butcher , Pennsylvania , J. H. Cochran ; South
Carolina , W H Rllerbco ; South Dakota ,
S A. Ramsey ; Tennessee , T M. McDonald ;
Texas , J W. lllake , Utah , S. II. Thunnau ;
Vermont , S. C Shurtlett , Virginia. C A
Swaiibon , Washington , Tnomaa Malonej ;
West Virginia , W. R Hyrno ; Wisconsin ,
J H nrennan ; Wyoming , J. W Summon.
ArUona. J. P Wilson , District of Columbia ,
John 13oyle , Indian Territory , James Wood ,
New Mexico , J. T. Hewitt ; Oklahoma , W.
W Bcnton
The committed on permanent organi
zation follows Alabama. Robert R. Sprag-
glns ; Arkansas , Charles Coffin. California ,
J. n. Coleman ; Colorado , n Sweeney ; Con
necticut. T Aldls Thomas ; Delaware , J. F.
Saulsbury ; Florida , T J AJiplcyard ; Geor
gia , Rvan Dow ell ; Idaho , J C. Rich , Illi
nois , William Prcntlss , Indiana , John Ober-
meyer , Iowa. Richard F. Jordau , Kansas ,
J M. Love , Kentucky. G C Gilbert ; Louis
iana , 0. O Probsty , Maine , C L. Sjiow
Maryland S , C. Jouea , Massachusetts , U
F. Maxwell , Michigan , S H Saubury. Mlu
nesota , J It. McGovern , Mississippi. U. Can
sldyj Missouri , 0 , F. Cochran , Montana
; Nebraska , 0. I1. Ilolfo ; New Hatniv
shlrp , Gordon Woodbury ; New Jersey ,
George H Im. New York , r It. Condert ;
North Carolina , R. II Jones ; North Dakota ,
H II Hart man , Ohio. R. H Klnlev , Oregon ,
J t' Welch Pennsylvania , C M No > oi ,
Ponlli Crrjlinn , AV. I ! Rllerbee ; South
Dakota , 0. 0 Culver ; Tennessee , ;
Texas , M Dune-mi ; Utah , David Rvans ,
Vermont , Wells Vrlftitltie ; Virginia R S.
K Morrison , WashlnRton , James R Ten-
ton ; West Virginia. K 1) . Talbett ; Wlscnn-
Rln James 0 rini'dris ; WvomltiK. T Dyer ;
Arlronn. II. Uainpbcll ; Ulslrlrt of Colum
bia , Prank P Morgan. Indian Territory ,
Wlllam Thompson. New Mexico. W. S. Hop
penwell ; OklnhomR , U 15 Mitchell
The delegates nnd Rpertatora be-
Kan IpnvliiR mplellv nt this Juncture , as
II was we-ll understood that the convention
[ would adjourn Imim-ellatelv General Till-
[ lev of the Ohio delegation protested against
! the splecllon ot coinmHtron by i-ontosted
ilt-le Rfttlons. but Mr. Dflnlel ruled that
until the permanent oiganlzatlon was per
fected , the temporarj loll was respected.
At I 11 p m , on Senator Jones' motion ,
the convention adjourned until tomoriow at
10 o'clock
IN nnnn'rruij ON rnu.nnvn vis.
Sllvi-r Ueli-uiilliins rriiin It
umlclirtiHliii Arc- Sea It-el.
CHICAGO. July 7. The committee ) on
credentials met this afternoon after the ad-
joutnment. J 1) Goodwin of Alabama was
made temporal y chairman , John IJoyle , Dis
trict of Columbia , secretarv. Without pel-
fee ting permanent organisation the commit
tee adjourned until S o'clock When II
met again theto was the utmost confusion.
It was ! > o'clock before order could bo ro-
blotcd and Iho committee could piocced to
the election of o permanent organbatlon
Three candidates were presented tor chair
man Smith M. Wead New York ; John H
Atvvood , Kansas , ami John 0 Oiosby , Massa
chusetts Mr. runby tried to decline So
did Weed , hut the eonfuslem was too grent
and the loll call proceeded. Weed got 2
votes , Crosbj , T ; Alwood , Uf > Some of the
gold membera e-asl votes for Alwood.
The temporary hceic-tary was replaced by
Henbon of Missouri Ciosby of Massachus
etts offered a le'M > lullon to take up the e oil-
tests from NebranKa fhst and Michigan
second Weed moved to have Iho loll called
and the contests voted on In alphabetical
order. The amendment prevailed. Rach
contestant \vas given half an hour to
present his cnsu.
The commlttco adopted an order bailing
delegates from states having contests from
voting on questions pretalnlng to those
L W. Anson of Virginia renewed his
motion for the admission of press icpre-
bentatlves Aftci stiong speeches bv that
gentleman and Governor McLuurln of Mis
sissippi the motion was unanimously adop
'Iho Michigan contest wns Hie fiial one
called F A. Detioll presented a
of four bllvc-r
piotcst dclegates-al-largo
against the seating of the gold dele-Bates
Iho arguments made wcio largely those
laid before the national committee. 'Ihej
deall vvllh thu alleged manipulation of th"
pilmaiies by fedeial olilie-holdeis. 1 lie-
head of the movement , Ilaker asseited , was
Elliott G Stevenson , law paituor of Don
M. Dickinson Ho claimed Stevenson pur
sued this couiso after n convocation \\Uh
Piuslclcut Cleveland In Washington A mu > s
of allldavits vvas piodueed in buppoit of
tin * clmreres.
Rlllott Stevenson said the afildavlts pio-
senled weie got within the past few dav s
and that there was no itlca on the part .of
the defense that they w c-i o In e.xlsto ice
They , however , weie of little value Steveii-
son closed with the slatemenl that one con
testant , II J Iloit , had assured him that
ho had not authoilzed any one to make a
contest In his behalf
The committee decided to scat the four
contesting silver delegates from Michigan.
The vote was 27 to 10 In favoi of seating
thu four contesting silver delegates , Mc-
Grath , Fibber , Illack and McKnlshl.
The btates votliu ; toi the bllver faction
were Alabama , Aikansas , California , Col
orado. Delaware , Idaho , Illinois Iowa , Kan-
sa'S , Kentuclij" , T > ouislana , MlHsisaij pl , Mis-
bouri , Jlontana , Nevada , North Carolina ,
South Carolina , Tennessee , Texas , Utah ,
Washington , West Virginia , Wjoming.
Arizona , New Mexico , Indian Tei-
illoij , District of Columbia. For
the gold faction : Connecticut
Maine , Maijland , Massachusetts , Min
nesota , Ne btaska , New Hampshire , Nov
Jetsey , New Yotk , Pemibylvanli , Rhode
Island , South Dakota , Vermont , Wisconsin.
Alasl.a , Oklahoma. These states reftibc-d to
vote on the giound thai Iho evidence was
iUbtiHlcienl. Florida , Georgia , North Da
kota Oregon , Virginia.
This vote revel sed llio acllnn of the na
tional committee , which seated Iho gold
delgatcs As Michigan was Instructed by
the state convention to follow the unit rule.
twenty-eight votes. In the convention will
bo changed from gold to silver by the ac
tion.The commlttco then voted unanimously
to se-at the 111 3 an contestant i.
As no ono wad piosent to piesent any con
test from Nevada , the committee decided
to reeognl/e none of the delegations fiom
that state. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ltM Inml's 1'Ietnp - Vfierll. .
CHICAGO , July 7. 'Iho last feature ) of
decoration to bo put up within the conven
tion hall was the pictuio of dcmociatlc
president. It vvas clue to some question of
the propilety of exhibiting the pictuio of a
living man , It being urged by some that
portialts of living personages should not bu
put in public places. As Mr. Cleveland la
the only living democratic piosklcnt the
question applied moro partlculaily lo the
hoiolc representation of him It was dually
elctlled to put up thu pictures of both living
and dead , but the work was not e-omplctod
until a few houis before tbo convention as
sembled It iclleved the dccoratots of a
long suspense. _
Mnllii- Mini leuVlee I'i'i-Nlileiil.
CHIC\GO , July 7. A movement nas been
Inauguiatcd In the luterest of Hon. Arthur
So.vell of Maine for the vlcu presidential
nomination. The suggestion is said to have
been favorablj accepted by many sllvet men
because ot Ml. Sow ell's iccord on the finan
cial quistlon and because It Is believed tint
hh nomination would go far toward reliev
ing the ticket of the charge of having b ou
Ec-lccted on bee tlonal grounds ,
I'l-i-si-iitei ! tin * liie-v Itiiltlcla . ! .
CHICAGO , July 7. The travel used by
Chairman Haiilty In opening the conven
tion was pii-seuted by Osslan Guthrlu of
Chicago made from an oak timber taken
from old Fort Dearborn. The block house
fiom which the tlmb rvns taken survived
the Chlcigo HID and was pin chased by Ml.
Guthrle and othur phllaiitlnoplirllUcns
and iu-er c-led In South pink , Chkago , UH
a leiiilnder of the city's fiontler days.
Olioson by Organization Oommiltco as Por-
Tun-'l lilreN niiel full Itlil.-s to lieUee -
iMiinu-iiili-el feut'se "I tetll Piir-
tlier 4H-ilei" " _ ( KlieiOtlleeis
fenIn ( * CJenev culleiil ,
July 7. The commlttco on per
manent orgnnlrnllun met In the Coliseum
Itnmedlately after the adjournment of llio
convention General R 11. Klnloy of I'li'o ' '
vvas made eliairman and .1. 11 1 trow a ot
Geoigla scerelar.v. A recess was t'Jtc-'i and
the silver men letlred and bold n cum tin
at which tbo permanent ingaai/atloii was
fully agteed upon. Tbo commlttco tbon ad
join ncd until s o'clock , when It reconvened
at the Sherman houtie. In the > ) V ° ntuc thu
silver slate went through as 'ollons :
Permanenl chairman , Slep.ien M White
of Callfoinla.
Rergcant-at-arms , John I. Martin ot Mlo-
Secrctaty , Thoniaa J. Cogin ot i.'l.n-ln-
uall , 0.
Assistant secretary , Louis I ) . Mershol'iier
of Clilraiso.
Reading clerk , R. 11 Wade of 1cnnoa < ife
Asalstaiil reading clerks , N U Walker of
Plot Ida ; Chut les Nlckell of Oiegon ; .left
Pollard of Missouri , ami Lincoln Dlxon of
The name ot Senator Hill of Now York
was picseiited by the gold men for perma
nent ehaliman , and he tecelvcel U votes
to 111 foi Senator White The icmatiider of
the organization as presented by the silver
people went tluough by acclamation , the
golel me-n inaklnt ; no nomlnatUms Judge
Prentlss of Illinois vvas the chairman of
the silver cam us R F. Jordan was named
as chairman of the connnltlc-o lo notify Peu-
ator White.
The committee on lilies met after the ad
journment and clccte-d J. D. Richard-ton ot
Tennessee ehaliman and F. 1) ) Cattei of
Florida secictaiy and then adjourned to
meet at 8 o'clock tonight at the Illinois
hcadquartcis at the Sherman house At
the meeting lu the evening Senator Money
moved thai the rules of thelasl convention
and Iho riftvMhlid congiess under which
Ihe convention worked today be continued
until further ordeis. Mr. Pcott of New
York moved as a substltulc lhal thu same
lilies be made permanent. This would Include
cludo the two-thirds and unit uilcs The
silver men voted down the substitute by
25 to 10 and adopted Senator Monej 's mo
tion This leaves the rules in biich a posi
tion thai Iho committee1 can leport a change
at any time It Is deemed
nocessaiy for the put poses ot the majoilty.
A subcommittee appointed for the purpose
reported the oidei of business for the con-
vc'iilion as follows 1 , call to ordei , 2 , prayer ;
J , leport of standing committees ; . report
of ui cclal commltle-e.s , R unfinished busiii'MS ,
G , call of loll for presidential nomination. ! ;
7 , balloting ; 8 , tall of loll for vlco picsl-
dcntlal nominations , 9 , balloting.
C.IMUVI/ ; WIMj PI ( . I IT.
li.-ille'iim-el IM a Spai sli Captain mill
Has in-lit Mix
( Cop ) right ls > ] bj ti e Ap'nvliilcil t'nis )
HAVANA , Julj 7 General Ilradley S.
Johnson , conespondent of a New York novvs-
paper hero , foimerly bilgadlcr general of
cavalry In the service' of the confcdtrato
states , has accepted the challenge to light
a duel madu lo him by Senoi Manuel Am
podia , formeily a captain in the Spanish
army lloth named their seconds today
ami the meeting takes place ; In all probabll-
itj tomoriow. .
A ic-portor of the Discussion this morn
ing Interv loved General Johnson regarding
Sciiur Ampcdia's letter challenging him to
light n duel 'Iho general bald
"I icceived tlio letler through the hotel's
postman , and I also sav. It published In a
newspaper. It Is signed by ono claiming to
have reason to light me , although I nnd no
ono to answer for that party , nor has ho
s nt any one to me in the usual way. lam
not acquainted with him , but I know theio
aio brave men In the Spanish aimy as well
as in all aimies Uraveiy is not a monopoly
ely of this nor ot auy other place. It Is not
customaiy for gentlemen to challenge each
other through the ncvvspapcis. However , It
I have offended any ono , I am ellsposed to
maku good my word Mj addiess Is the
Hotel L'nglataira , whcio I bhall bo until
July L
The cxeltrmcnt caused by the approachIng -
Ing encounter is Increasing every hour.
It Is u-porlecl from Santiago de Cuba thai
Josu Maeeo , the well known liibitrgent
leader and brother ot Antonio Macco , had
been killed Insistent rumors have been
circulated thai Jose Macco elied In the last
engagement In which he took pait In San
tiago do Cuba ,
TAMPA , Pla . July 7. Colonel rigueredo.
Ihe rcpicsentalhe of the Cuban Junta at
this place , today received a telegram from
the Cuban age nt at Key West paying that
the Three Pi lends had successfully landed
her expedition In Cuba.
UIIIIH I -Vu.ilnsl i ii llrlllNli Winshin. .
GLASGOW , July 7. The Allan line
steamer , Stnto ot Nc-biaska , Captain Ilrown ,
from New York , had an accident loday
in colliding with the wai ship Dliln at the
liter's mooting Uoth vcsbels had suxcial
plates bhocd.
Ii- | > iilhi-il tlieHM lee lic-li'H.
UULUWAYO , July 7 Plummur's column ,
nflci suvcial hours of lighting on Sunday ,
Ilnally lepulsul a Natabelo force The lat
ter Ion 100 killed. The IlilUsh lost twenty-
tin . * c killed and wouin'cd '
Di-iinl.i'ii tlitu Sleoeil * Ills VV llf.
URTIIOIT , Mien , Julv 7-T , II. Otten , n
diunkeii hoiiisliotr this moinlng shot lili
\.Ifo , the biilli-t lodKliijj In hci Hhouldi r
He- also shot Mrf ll'-nrv UcHc-inlsse- ,
at whose house MIH. ottcn Is sluylii' ; Mite.
J.IIHC nil4sinti.i ihot In the uudoint-n.
Uoth wume-ii will piubably ice-over ,
VllM I'llll-lltM llf Ol-l-illl * > e-HNI-lH , , llll > 7 ,
At New Yoik Ai livedKoulhwaik , frejm
Antvvorp i-'illeel-Lahn , liom I'teimin via
Honthaiiipton , L'lvle , fiom Llvc'ipool ,
Ainaiilii , fiom Lhirpnnl ,
At Llvupool AilivedSeivlii , from lus- !
ton , Ccphrilonlu , fiom lloston , Cuile , fieim
Nc-vv York
At Vokoli iina-Aiih > d Rmiiitsi ol Japan ,
f 10111 Vaiuouvei.
At ( jlaHfow Arilvcd-Anchorlii , fioinN'v/
* . * *
Von it HI Jlnil IHIB rouimn
Illktele cuch two uuiice l ) h'i
itllel Iv u colepollH lllktdr eeiill
fuiir cillllld Inig of IIIucU-
v ell' j Durliuin. IIuy u linn
of Ililt trlcliraleil >
nnil nel lh fcuuiion vtiilcU
a lUt uf > aliiiiblc | icr - *
nnil lei'VV to