Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1896, Image 1

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    L'IT ' . THE OfAHff& DAILY BEE\ .
- jStlj11IS1IEI JUNE i , 1871. OMAhA , MONDAY MOWUG , JUNE 2 , iSOG. SIGi4E ( QPVJfy.E OJNTs.
cviii Be Scttled at the General Election
lezt Week.
l .Vo ( . ' I.Iki.1 to lie JCeIlItlgb
' ( _ IO.4. , mit I II NImaetLI
I , / ) MIItII I flji..t'te.L
W Ii * .
OTARIO , Out. , Juno 21.-The general
ttectIoflR which take place throughotit Can
aIa next vck lnoh'o an ttio w1ich ha
iigltatwl tni ) country for the paiit five years
The election s the nature of pkbIscite t
I wttlch the one question , Shall 1'arIIanen
Ilass the remedial bill forcing schools on th
unwtlltng provtnce of Manitoba , or shall i
fl By separate schools Is meant a pro
vlson for two systems of schools , one foi
Homan Catholics alone and both malntalnc
by public funds under a double yste1n o
" 1 ManItoba In 1S0 declared for a singli
.1 nonseetarafl system for WIIC1 ) % all \verc
r taxed alike anil from which nil might do
The equal benefit. In Quebec the govern'
'p mont has reason to hope Its policy 01
? retnedtal 1egsIatlon will lie held as
province Is overwhelnitngly CathoUc. Ther
are sixty-five constttueneks In the provInce
atiti wtth the exception of two or three , the
Itave httherto beefl regarded as a corporati
Vote Oil UflY question Involsing rellgloii.
i In Ontario a rdUgouo ( cud has beer
1 waged since the campaign opened. Tin
parliamentary champions of noiilnterferenci
and national schools arc DAlton McCarth3
atiti Clark VaIIaco. In the province ther
are ifincty-two consttuonctcs. nearly all o
whtch ate controlled by l'iutestants. Ii
I the other provinces the Catholic and Protes
tent populatIon Is more eveilly divided. bul
mUCh the same CoUditloil prevails , CatholIc
constittieneics running candllatcs pledge
to the governnlentN policy of remedial hegis
latlon and the Protestant counties brIngtn
out candidates the majority oC whom arc
pledged agaInst the lohicy of coercIon.
The tariff polIcy In thIs campaign Is flUl
a material factor. The conservative prt
* ctIhl adlcerci to the policy of protection
. The liberals favor closer trade reintloin
; wcth Great Britain and the UnIted Statel
4 nod a inoihlilcatlon of the tariff laws. D'Al
tOn McCarthy goes bct\een the two policies
lie would have the freest possible trath
with the mother country and a tarift foi
revenue agaInst the rest of the worlU.
GA'1'iiilt I ( ; ( ) liIllI'lEN ' A' ! ' l ) ill ) '
Al.lic , cl Ii t. Nt YorI Cuic U ccc.etI
CcIIMiItc. ' 1iic1i ( ' , , Iit.
4 h LONDON , Juno 21.-There was a largc
\ gathering of firemen and the public toJa
\ to meet the forclgn deputations to thc
international fire brigade tournament
which Is being held in London. From tin
Charing Cross station they were conducte
vIthi bands and a banner ' the tournaiflen
icall. France. I'orttcgal , italy , Qerncany inn
the United States arc represented. Tin
tournanient is held under the auspices 0
the National Fire Brigades union of GrOal
britaIn acid Ireland. It. was Intended t
flave till ? New York fire department rep
Jrcseicted by a hiielell team , whose drill anc
- / V work with thC apiaratus , it was expected
would be a irinciPaI feature of the tourna
Aniericans. hovcvcr , will not
' n-.ent. The
' ; take part In the totirnanlent , acid much .lis
satisfaction Is expressed on tills account
. . I ConilnIssioller 1occtic , who scent to Acneric
to arrange for the Canadians and Amer
leans to take part , saul on the matter
. .I ant sorry to say that through no fault
have not come
or their CWI1 Lice Americans
their reason being Jealous3 on account of i
breach of etiquet on the part of the Lon
' - I don fire department. which Prevente ( tin
American department from having spacc
for Its apparatus for its particular iork
that all the besi
, I cannot say
fire conipanIe regret Its absence. "
Colonel Stevenson of Montreal hoped tin
' , . meetIng would Irovo the efficacy of inoderi
appliances. "I am sorry. " said he , "thai
tile conditIons dlii not allow our brethrel
from New York , whom we highiy esteem , t
conic. " Captain Syinonds , chief of tin
London firemen , expressed regret at tin
absence of the New York representatives.
iiis sfl'iII Is ( 1112' ! ' ' _ tl {
3t. loiils ConVeiiIofl S.'tit I unt'n t PtI
S to l'r't'ccMt liii JctrIy Coiiliit't.
LONDON. June 22.-A dispatch from Mad
rid to the Daily Mail says : The platforit
adopted In St. 1ouis causes great uneasi
ness in SpaIn and it is teared a conflict
with the Ur.lted States has now almost i
fixed date. The government ha hastenet
to buy two 100-ton ironclails at Cenoi
whose price a few days ago was thought tc
be excessive. .t great part of the hoar
of 100.000.000 pecetas mache by flothschikl
on the Almadeci qtcicisiiver ) mines will
probably ice immediately applied to such
nr shlipl4 as are now for saic. The gay-
crrci1ent. responding to the undoubted na-
( lanai sentiment and trusticli ; probably tc
the help of other powers , seems resolved
to resist Ainc'rican ilnicositian.
F3IIiitiit ( II' CIiIL.i iN MUL'lINIX (
Iilcer of I lit' Ii iii a'r Iencl A her ut ci
tvc'cit fuci Life.
I PEKING , June 21.-The mother or 11cc
I emperor died Friday. The 4owagerempresc
' of China , Tbou-hIsi , was boric in 1S34 ant
became the wife of the onuperor , ln-Tschou
_ 1 reigcccd ( rota S50 to 16l. his son , Em
peror Tsat-Tchou , reigned from ISGI tc
1S75. tpon his death the present ecuperoc
succeeded with the title of Kuang-lisu , he
Inc then 3 years old. lie Is a nephew 01
Emperor I-Tsc'hou , anti was adopted by thu
latter's wItow. Ellihdi es Tau-hlsi , upon liii
succession Ito reigned under his adopted
mother's regency until 18S9 , wiucti be ns
sumed the sovereignty. The dowager-cm.
press nevertheless continued to be a powex
in China arid so contiuuedup to tIcq mast
recent inforunalion.
itiiiii. 3i.SliON.tS ( lU ) % 'IXG 1101.1)
i.o.u i lIl. ciiuI llcrIeri .c lc- t Ii. citcil 'i'rccuclie tic i'ciireii ,
LONDON , Juice 21.-Tlio Times will hub-
hish tomorroW a dispatch from Capetown ,
. s'blch says : The rebel Mashonacc around
' lahIsbury arc burning ant looting wherever
they go saul are killing all thit' ciatives vhio
have worked for tile whites , Unlcs the
rising Is promptly checked it will tIevcIoi
. Into a general uprisicii of all Mushocialaitd.
It Is routiored that the 1liabltonas around
Victoria have risen and arc massing.
S dcci 11 Sil rice I..hat'shic CIIJIII.
IIA\'ANA. Juno 21.-As a result of skic- .
mishes in Pinar dcl Itio and Santa Clara
provinces , the insurrents have sustained a
loss of nineteen killed , eleven voundvtl anti
four prisoners , while lice troops had three
killed antI fire wotincled , In the districts
' t , Dr Ias Minas , Caliego and liacurauctiti. near
havana , thu insursecils have bvgi making
raids to secure horses. On account of ai-
. leged outrages colnunitted ticrocighuocit the
country , many families arc moviug into the
towns. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
% 'ec1d Sr I th. titi , 'rneule-hcc cc . % ttstIr
LONLJON. June 22.-Tho Daily News ( hib :
eral ) has an article this morning in which
' It again strongly dirges upon lb. , govern.
xnrntaprompt settlement of the Yen-
Muccy Arciciticc iui.igj-cl ,
LONDON , Juno 21.- , Constantinople die.
patch to the Chronicle says a fresh fuSS.
T.1.IC 01. , ' 1't'lIItMit ATIIOCi'VtIS
.tc1sieec I nd Iu'cc I Icicrihun I Snicuc' rerri
bie IgiMlter'M liii VP Oet'llrrCIi ,
NC YORK. June 21.-The Aulvertiso
tomorrow wili say : Information receive
in this city today direct from the scene o
the Cretan revolution acaiflst Turkey b
Solati Vhico. editor of the Greek newapape
Atlantis , hiows the Turkish troops arc re
sorting to atrocities whIch etiial in polo
of bloodiness their terrible barbarities ii
the Armenian war. According to these ad
vices the Cretan revolutionists , who numbe
about 15.000 men. all vehI equipped. ar
tiaiiy gaining in stcengtii and with the alt
they are receiving from Greece the proba
bihitles are that the Cretana will be sue
cecusful In gaining their ilicic'peflulenCe. Tic
Inst cucassacre oceurreil May 22 In Canea
the princ'ipal city of Crete. In this fanatica
crusade against Christiatcity an attach
of the Russian consulate anti another of tii
Greek consulate were unordered by thit
Turks , although they were In no vay con
nected with the war. The massacre be
gan at noon , when a false rumor was sprca
by the Turks that a Turkish family had beet
unordered by tile Crettuns. This rumo
caused a panic anti ( he Christians closet
their shops acid ran bomt' for safety.
The firing could be heard outside of tiic
town. The gates were closed to prevent thc
escape of the inhabitants anti a mihitar :
Patrol was at 011cc estabiiccheci by the Turk
aciti in the massacre which followed it i
estimated 1,000 persons fell.
hiitiIiii' t'.t % IC IN Iiltit'lSIL GU1.N.'I
Stiheitie of it hiciikI're..iclcct Start'
a itun ccii tic , ' IlciciL.
NEW YORK , Juno 21.Tue'orhl toda
publishes the following correspondence
dated liridgetown , iinrbadoc'u. June 10 :
"Iluigit Sproston , sr. . tue leading figure Ic
business circles of l3ritIsh Guclana , drownoc
himself hy jucunping front a steamer into thic
Deciucrara river. lie was largely concerned
corned In gold mining , anti was chairmar
of the British Guiana bank. Tue rumo
that as chairman of the bank he had ac
CCPICt1 overdrafts to a large amount , ant
that his financial affairs had been left In
most unsatisfactory condition. caused a ruti
oil the bank anti the panic becanie so grca
PeoPle sold British Guiana $5 bank notes fo
3. To restore public cocititienee the gov
eminent unicuinonecl the legislatule , which
after discussing the cilatter with closet
doors , ageet1 to eanction a government guar
anty of all bills of exchange drawn or Ac
cepteci by the iJrItIsh Guiana bank. payabii
b October 31. lr. Sproteoui'S hiabihitiet
are said to have been between $2,00,000 ant
3,000,000. Both the British Guiana banl
have large business trans
anti Mr. Sproston
actlon with the United States.
Fdcc'tlcr ) ' liii 11dM at. II Strilc' .
ST. PETEIISIJUItG , June 21.-There ar
4,000 factory hands now on a strike. Tite :
are quiet anti peaceable , but determined t
obtain their demands. It is stated tica
10.000 workmen in tice province of Tve
have resolved to go to the railway when tb
czar returns to St. I'etershurg and sto
the train and throw themselves on thel
knees to Induce the eniperor to receive
memorial of their grievances.
iccc.Ihslc 1clcizcti'ccc Hill .tIitii,1oic.q1
LONDON , June 22.-TIco Times says : Tht
government on Saturday decided to abandoc
the education bill in Its entirety , as it i
obvious that the scheme proposed to hant
up the bill till next session would provc
' . 'oc1l Cei'.tc rt' ( li. ( cc I tech Szt ( . .
MADRID , June 21.-The liberals have in
troduced into the senate a motion cenaurin
the United States and its attitude toward
It.tClIVi'I'I [ AN IXt9tESS 'Vlt.tIN
'ritree Meit lCIlle.Lund ! llIjuI't.
ict Atinittie Cii ) ' .
ATLANTIC CITY , N. J. , Juno 2i.-Thre
men were instantly killed and a fourU
probably fatally injured in a grade cross
log accident at Abscort today.
The dead : - -
GEORGE hUllER , aged C0
FIlED IIUBEII , his son , 32 , of Germanla
this ccucnty.
IIARItY IIENflELER of Philadelphia.
The Injured man is George Sub ! of Gal
The men were crossing the tracks In r
wagon drawn by a pair of spirited horsec
when the accident occurred. Nearing th
tracks the driver attecnpcetl to beat the approaching
preaching Camden express train across tin
track. The train ins running at lIce rate
of sixty miles an hour. The wagon wal
partly across the tracks when the train
struck it. The Iluubers were thrown undei
the wheels and ground to pieces. ilenbelci
was thrown against the station with a honsu
on top of lcizn. Said fell UpOn his sidc
upon the platform , brcakiccg an artci in twc
places , fracttcnlng three ribs anti punchin1
a hole In one of his lungs.
, ,
, iIltNLihIs IN .i'l'iX.t1. CON VflNTION
'i'Icrt'e 1)cti' Sec.shois Called to Or,1i
at 1.odlINvhI It. .
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Juno 21.-The North
Macrican Turnerbund society , which met
In this city for a three days' session to.
day , lucId its annual business meeting thic
morning. National Speaker liraun of St.
Lcuis called the meeting to ortler and do-
hiveretl the annual address in which he
stated the numlcer of societies as 505 , representing -
resenting a membership of 38.851. The
value of halls owned by the society is esti-
cnatetl at $3,500,000 , anti other real estate
at IG00,00O. Atlolplt George of Indiana
tras then electeti hienlnancnt chairman anti
Otho Jansen of Lake Crie secretary. Tlcf
cucceting athjourneti until tomorrow morning
after the appointment of the usual commit.
tc'es. The clay uus spent at I'hoonjx 11111 ,
where a inotister picnic was lucId. Soete-
ties from all tlit larger Cities of the country
are rci resented.
I'4) Vt ) it IN .tNI ) .t I.1 N IIt ( ) 'N nil ,
Si. hf CIlItMit ( ' $ I Unhiflic it , Streitni is tlcl
'I'Irt.t- Ic.t.
ZANESVII.LE , 0. , Jcicie 2L-irant liar-
vol. Miss Ecnnia Collins of South Zanes-
vhlle acid Miss Luehla Evatis of Maysrille
avenue , this city , sere drowned in the
Muskinguni , south of the city , this afternoon -
noon , After walking down the river on tlcc
welt sub for about two miles they at.
tempted to cross tIle stream icc an oltl skiff.
It began to till with water so rapidly that
when they ere in tlto mhtidle of the
stream Mr. Collins , who accoinpanleil them ,
Jumped out to push the boat , while Mr.
harvey rowed tlo boat. The ladles became
frighteneti anti rushed to Mr. harvey , capsizing -
sizing the boat .Mr. ( ohms being unable
to lenti assistance swam ashore and cahletl
for aid. The three drowni'd , clinging to
each other.
ilIY1liiIt 31011 fl.tNC.S A. XiiltO.
r.iuIit of lehiiccacplisr a Child iiiiii
( 'rIiciiiiculI . % , .Ndccclthllg hhtr ,
CIIAT'FANOOGA. Teun. . JUnO 21.-A ape-
hal to the Times frocui flirmicighanu ,
pays : On Friday night last. Ilesle. the
) .year.old daughter of Gwynr. I'uckett , a
irornillent farcner living near hlartseile , Ala. ,
yes kiduc.cpc4l by Leon Ocr , a negro farm
aborer. She % aS found later in tito soods.
rhere the brute had assaulted her and left
let lit an unconscious Comiition , fatally in-
ureci , Orr was capluretl near Ianvllle antI
oatlccecl Icc the curt buuse. .11 an early
tour this morning a ziiali lrokc Into tiue
ceclitllng , btraltled the negro to a horse anti
eel ; hhcui to the scent' of his crime. where
hey hanged him anti riddleti his hotly with
tuhlets. 0r coufcscd his guilt ,
1lrcol's l'erltcile.sI Cctnt Locgc ted.
CAMUI1IIGE , Mass. , June 21.-A cable
nessago received from the Eucojean Union
'C Astronomers , by Messrs. Chandler and
Uithit' , ccnnoucuce thu discovery of J3rook'c
'c rl ttlc-i COdlit ( in Its return Icy Javeiltu of
ic at Nice.
Dec1arc a Free Coinage Declaration Wil
Disrupt the Party.
hid len I t- \ VIpreSocc citl 1occclleict
ht-rs fit tIle l'ctrt 'tIiMt 'h'ucrcu
Jr ( lie Cl. ii'ng , . C , , , . % t ictiiit icc
U ticcii t I cc fac t or.
NEW YORI , June 21.--Whihlam C. Whit
fey today made ; ncblic a statement in which
he defines the political slticatioccs , niake
his position clear as regards hIs decision I
remain in this country instead of going ti
Europe and concludes by saying that ho i
not a presidential vnsslbihiti ; that he "wool
not run If noculnatetl , and votlhtI clot sers'
if elected. " The full text of the statemen
is as follows :
" 1 flntl it necessary to cciake a public statement
mont embodying coy views on the situation
to correct misconceptions anti save time iio
occupied In arguing tluestiocls. Far to
mucic lnuportance has been attached to in :
decision to go to Chicago.
"I have been practically out of politic
for four years anti there are now man :
eastern democrats who can do much mar
than I can for the party. I shall not as
some any PosItion f leadership. My de
cision to stay as sicnply based on the dut :
of every person ssiio believes in the part :
anti for its PricleiPics to stay by anti lent
his aid and take his chacucea when the grea
crisis Is upon the Party. IucicIacneclta
differences of principle exist inidc tb
party , marketl almost by sectionalism.
"The great question to may mind Is whethe
the Party meets in convention now. as it
1P0. with issues anti differeciccs that art
for the moment irrecocmetiiable. For tht
Iast fifteen years headers of public opinloc
in the south anti vcst have been advoca
ting as the great remedy for existing liii
the free coiccago of silver at 10 to 1. witii Oi
witicout the co-operation of other nations
It has come to be behievetl in by these quit
generally and consclcntiously. A large mit
jority of the delegates to the coming con
ventton have been elected by the ieopie foi
the purpose of incorporating that tioctrint
into the platform of the deunocratic party
"Our peoPle. on the other hand , cntireh
disagree with these views anti believe al
most generally that it will bring genera
ruin to time business anti proslierity of tlit
country. It is deecneti a new doctrine whom
proposed to be incorporttteti into time platforci
of the national democracy. It is true tha
in no previous olatformu of the party car
it specifically be adopted. Consequently. cit
party obligation heretofore assumed obligc
thexn to subscribe to it.
"Under thce circcccnatacices. If time re
suIts of the democratic ronventlon should bc
to establish as the isnue of their caznpaign
the free coinage of silver at a ratio of It
to 1 independent of oIlier nations , In the
intensity of feeling likely to arise it. is tn
be reriously aIlrehelm'led that a disruption
of the party cuight occur. Certainly a sub
stantial following would be secured for thim
doctrine among the eastern tltnocrats
They cnight not vote the republican ticket tot
other reasotis ( believing that the republican
party stands for other issueS that are clot.
rirrental to tile country ) , but tice demo.
crats in the east would not , in my opinion
vote for It.
"This mot'enient for free coinage purports -
ports to have for its object the establish.
nient and maintenance of gold and silver
as the money of the country on equal
terms with each other anti at a parity at
purchasing power. If by the proposeti
measure that object could be secured. therc
woulti be no substantial disagreement iii
time party. Every natiocai clemnocratic piat-
forni that has heretofore spoken upon the
subject hiatt declared for both gold and au-
ver money. It Is our traditional policy
But the maintenance of the double standard
at time present time is not a question at
desire ; it is a question of ability.
"The commercial value of silver has do-
cllciecl greatly in the markets ot the world.
'ltatever time causes are anti whoever Is
to blame , the fact is that silver has de-
dimmed and free coinage now at 16 to 1 is
time same as our offering for all the silver
In time world about twice what it is sell-
log for in the market. International ox-
chmarcges Icave to be paid in gold. And it
wouilti seem plain that if under these
conditions , open our mints to the free coin.
age of silver anti goltl at a ratio of coin-
parative value whIch is largely at variance
WIll ) time cocncnerciai value of time two metala
we mntmst take the entire slier surplus
ourselves , maintain its parity with gold or
else we shall drop to a silver basis.
"France in 1S73 closed her minis against
silver amtl ahandoned this cxperlrument , deem-
tng hmerself unequal to time task alone , and
at that tlnie it was much less ditilcult , for
silver was then at par with gold , at tht
ratio In use , anti even Englancl'mm mints in
India were open to the free coinage of sil-
ver. If time experiment of maintainIng the
parity of time two metals at a coinmtge stand-
arti was tlliflcult then , it would seetmi to be
positively hopeless now witlmout interns-
tlonal agreement. Germany , France , I3ei.
giuni , Italy and Austria believe in a double
atantlarti and desire to establish it , but ne
0110. tWo or three of them deem tlmemnselvei
able to cmiaintalci the tioubltm stantiard. even
with time co-operation of time United States.
"If the result of time Ineasurca jmroposed
would be to carry us to a silver basIs , It is
imot. felt timat such a proposal womclml be in
line with the principles of time denmocratic
"It is not tbto Joint stantlarci with time pmmr.
chasing vower o ( time dollar at Jarity with
eacim other , but it is changing from one
standard to another anti that change being
due to a depreciateti coin. Anti it. Is also
felt , aside from 11cc abst'nce of any democratic -
cratic principle to sustain it , that you cannot -
not have a tlouble standard of valUe as
would cocumo from a golti to a sIlver bai
Witilotlt such shock to commerce , the imoamd-
log of gold and contraction of our avaiitbie
circulating nuediunu as would bring. in tice
oltiXciotI of our Icninehlihe , time panic amid
distress ste have eser aeon icc the cotimu-
try. Time creditor class is Prepared for it.
"Time obligatiocmmc , lcmortgages , railroad and
cthmrrwlae. are quite generally payable in
gold. Iebts ) would St Ill have to be Irnid in
gold. but wages in silver , the sufferers , us
uumtmai , ielng time , poorer classes.
"TIlls movement , purtorting to be in the
Interest of the joicct standard , comes at a
most inopportune time. in coy Opinion. There
mas never been a ticimo when the prospects
) f international action favorable to the
olnt stantiard were at all as promising as
It time present unornent. But an ihl-aciviseti.
mncuccesstul attesnpt here would discredit
he cause the world over. From time dis-
: uesion of time past tvent ) ' years It hmas Cotrme
o cass that among the persona in Europe
who are traIned , recognizeti scifltist upon
monetary antI economic questiolma , scarcely
me is not at the present moment advo-
ating the amiviccalcility of the joint stantiarti
Is the solution of time monetary difficulties
cC the wonimi. Title inclcmtlea every professor
ngaged in teaching or lecturing on these
ubjects to the subjects of Great Britain.
rhcey are agreed upon the desirability of
1 antI that it Is entirely practicable , it es-
abhishect anti maintained by agreement truth
ime principal commercial nations. It would
me expected tbcat with .ucht a general con-
census of scIentific OIllmiOn as Is to be
ound abroati upon thIs subject it would
tome rapidly to bo the generally received
ipinlon of time nations , to be effected by a
rise settlement of the problem.
"Or time ConVention cit nations Ger.
usd1 ti'as the one that in 1892 practIcally
iroke up time conference wimirim tact at the
uggestion of the United States , She In-
tructeti her delegates to nieet and talk
ut to state to the conference that she
could not change her imperial standard.
I her standard was gold , that announce-
. - - -
- -
mont cntletl all posibihity n any practlc
results from tlce conference. Since thm
time anti within time last year her legic
lative assenibiles hare cpeclt1cnlhy , by votu
of Instruction to her ministers. changed bu
attitude upon that point ; so that the apt
ciflc objection of Germany encotmfltered h
the conference of iS92 has been since car
slulereti anti withdrawn ,
"At the present fimocnent Germany , Franci
Italy , Austria , holland. Belgium anti th
United States wish to co-operate for the e
tabhishment anti maintenance of the join
standard by international agreement ten
( a niost important circumstance ) Great lInt
aiIm baa recently. within three monma , I
fact , matic a most icnVortammt concession.
"Site tins said : 'Ve will do for you a
much as yomi can do for yourself.e wil
mmiake this great contribution to a bimetalhi
system. We will go back upon our dc
llberately arranged inetiuotls of lmrovitlitir
ctmrrency for India ; we will reopen tim
Incllacm mints ; we will agree that they shal
be kept open antI tse shall , therefore , imre
title for a free coinage of silver within th
ihnits of the British empire ( or a popuis
ticn greater iii number than the itopuintion
of Germany , Fracmce and tnenica put te
gether. '
'Into ucla intense , and now jicat about
to he aticccssfiil strmcgglo for the establish
imment of the joint c'tanulartl. it is propose
timat we almotild intervene by assummuin.g
establish it shone. Agalcmst this propose
action on our part earnest workers for tim
catcse strermmmotmsiy lmrotest. They say to mum
you canflot sticceeti and your failure wll
discredit time cause.
"The recent article of Dr. Aimnentit ii
time North Anmerlcaci itoview shows ver
clearly time view taken by our friend
ahroaci upon this subject. lie has don
niucim anti prolabiy mono tlmarm any hivicu :
man to atlvocato amid bring to its clocuina
( ion in Germany this catcse. lie Is entitle
to be called one of the leamlers of imubhi
opinion in time Prussian Cimacnber o
Deputies. lie says that the posi
tioci at Gerniacmy iota been mnodi
fled within the last year. lie expresse
time oplciioci thmat frco coinage unclertakem
by the Urmtted States alone wocmld slnip1
enti In silver mociocumetalhism acid tllscnetll
amid Put back the cause of the double stanti
anti the world over.
"It is not a question as to m hat we ttishi
but tticnt WI' ace able to do. A strong mat
may undertake a task too great for imi
str tigtii armd break clown. It cannot b tie
nleml that time feeling among our peopi
is that this free coinage by time t'nitet
States alone tvhil not give us the goltl ant
siluer money at a Parity witim each other
whicim is the assumption Ulton whiclm it i
taken , btmt tvlll htrim'g us to silver mnono
rnetaliiscn antI a silver standard of value
anti timat cimange , it is believed , mneamis Ito
mnediate rtcimm to our intlumatricit and no per
micamient good to any one. This feeling b
general and intense.
" \'hetPer tlmeae cllfferent'es carm ho recon
ciletl it is iinposiblo to anticipate. Tin
democratic party stands for lrinctples tie
sirnbho to be maIntained for the goad of tim ,
country. Most any sacrifice might be ask't
of democrats for the take of the pmtrt
and timey wouiml cheerfully make it. But I
the delegates fromn this locality shaulti gc
to that cocmvecmtloti and represent that hit
macik anti file of the party would fallout
the lead of our .southmem-n brethren anti vet ,
( or the free coiciage of sliver , by the Unite
States alone. they would be misrepresent
icig tice state of public opinion here
\'iietiier it Is so or not , It is consi'Ierec
a Itropositlon to dehase.the existing stacmd
and of value.
"And time same feeling of ' intllsposltior
to compromise the matter for vote
or an tIming dee is as active anti domimia
lucre icm otcr panty as It vas found in tin
republican party tvimen It btoke clown ant
ovorpowec-eti the McKInley machine.
° Pcrsonally , it Is my opinion it time .1cm
occatic pnrty goes on ( hat platform at hum :
time it trill meet with the zno3t disastrot.m :
defeat that any panty 1mevor had In timi :
country. I understand tt is honestly he
lieveti in anti people think It will brunt
relief from their present troubles , but be
tweejm now anti election clay It will be pm-ett
thoroughly sifted and time people of tin
country trill not face the disturbance a
values , the loss of confidence , the genera
distress anti ruici whicim tvoultl come to the2
business interests aic would arise from site !
a change. It will overwhelm time persont
who undertake it. It ought not to be neecs
utary for me to say anything of a persomma
"I finmi myself , howeve ? , spoken of bert
anI ticere as a possible eantllmiate ; not ver
senitumcly or prorninc'ntly , but sufficiently tu
attract attccmtion. if I shoulti fail to notict
it. It sormieticoes affects one's lnfluemmce it
cases like the present. I have no persona
motive in entering this fight. I have sait
that I would not be a candlmlate. I wil
atiti , copying time emphatic language ocuet
used by the late General Sherman ( I thuin1
I remember it correctly ) . 'I wihi not run I :
ntonuinateti nor serve if electetl. ' I ace not
foolish enough to suppose that any eastern
man coUlti he nonminatetl by this conven
tlon , cmmucch less that I could. I sympathmiz
thoroughly with the fe.fling in the south
that has caused this uprising and will tint
its expression at Chicago. lmut as to thu
principles which time tmpri8ing has brought
fortim anti time issues being framed , I en
tirely disagree.
IEMClt.t'I' ) 'I''tlIC O1' TiL1h'iL
tlIgimt Sciiiirt hit. , at the' Clmiegsgc
( 'I , . , ut'cl I I all for i'resIies t ,
IUSTIN , Tex. , June 21.-Some of the sil-
ter delegates to the state democratic con-
ention smimicit umiects nest. Tuesday arrived
: n this city. Timey stated that imutlivitlually
; l ey were not at all averse to the endorse-
nent of Teller by the democrats ; timat as
he issue of the campaign was to be aim
diver anti goltl they believed all factious ,
ruespeetive of party lines. woultl affiliate
0 wIn the lmaLtio ; that Teller would poll
I strocmg republican fohlowlccg. anti that
f time democrats elliorsel his canvass aol
tupponteel him thcmmt lie woulti undoubtedly
me time next president. Time adclremcs Issued
my the PoPtmhistS In St. Louis yesterday en-
horsing Teller Is leamneul anti caused ninny
If the silver democrats who arniveti to say
boy wotmlcl work In time state convention
rmcsmiay for an entlou-secmmecit of Teller , antI
hat they believed they would secure time
'hicago delegation ( or hilni. Time cmotmoti
mioney convention , which also meets lucre
ruestiay , will , of course. endorse Cleveland
intl Carlisle.
i.t'I'lS'I' Ml ) VII ( ) I' SIlYEht'S i'It IiNfl
[ ) u'gc. ii I zi , c 1 II ) . , & , cclu fo r tV. , rl
.1 III.II ImuJrlsmi ) lti ,
ChiCAGO , Jtiimo . silver men
Lno organizing a lmrolmagantla inovemmient for
york ahmuong time laboring PeoPle of time
ast. Time first delegatiout has reached Cici-
ago anti will give time next SIX weeks to
gitation acnong time trades unions of the
ity. it was sent out by the Tnatio anti
.abor assenmbly of Butte. Mont. Its leader
H M. J. EllIott. a member of the executive
ominittee of the Amneniran Hallway Union.
time spccmt three month. in jail with fobs
nti hmis fellow officers at 'i'oodstock. The
timer mneunimers of time propaganda are Dui-
ci Mcfloumald , B. M. Lindsey amid M. J ,
eiger. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
; .tvs l'uio'l'Ecl'ios 'is 1'liI tssii ,
arre'tt A , lIoldtntSi-ti I hicut icc % 'Jciut
I lit' I't'iuii4' A re ( mu i I I uug I'or.
NEW YORK , June 21.-The World this
naming says : lion , Garrett A. Hobart told
, World reporter : "I think the issue will
e protectIon on an equal footing wfh ( sounmi
oney. The masses do not uuderstantl the
money question , The band money ilaok of
ore , while very important. of course , is
oh the most Interesting declaration of pnin-
iples. From what I have Katbered of the
encral drift of sontlcocat In 1iml country.
can sect nothing but McKinley sad protec.
Ion. "
Speaking of own candidacy , ha was
cry modest. anti said with a laugh , I a.
a more than a Sly on a big wheel , ap-
arently. McKinley represents the big
- -
- -
TeUs How Senator Teller Failed to Bo
Years Ago
Chiticut of ( ; .il .u Ct.ui.nrt-ui "SI ( ii Sit
% i'r lIcceumscc.i iii ictciii mmmil l-i-
cIeIut' ' l'guarmu tile tic t i u , 'u'ci -
Iccum ietuu 1 .tiItluutol.
CINCINNATI. June 21.-In view of Sent
ton-Elect Forakor's relation to the makimi
of the platformmi at St. Louis and his nehi
tioume with Senator Teller four years ago I
a similar cahmacity , lila utteramice on tit
subject of gold antI silver last cmlght in lii
ratiilcatiocm simeechm beconmes of at least popi
lar Interest. lie said :
. .I want to take advantage of this opio1
temne ticmie to say a word about the effoc
being muade to make it appear that the ru
publlcan imart declareti In its inocmey ilan
for something new at St Louis Timat I
not true. Time cleclarntiomm of the republics
panty , as emnbociivti in its ilciancial lilUcik , th
flumes exactly wimat imas lmcen time positiomm C
the republican Party through all the year
with respect to this silvcr qtmestiomi. Slime
was deinnmnetlzetl imi 1S3 Anti ever sine
tlmemm we have been on a single gold standard
About tIme ccammmo tilde several of time leadimi
nations of Euroime decnommetized sliver an
ever aimmee that timno every effort icas bee
mnade to get back to the stncmtiard. We ham
Scott intennatloumal eocmferences , the oh
ject of them being to agree witim time tie
tiona empoci an Intenciational ratio aceordlu
to which we coumlcl imave tIme free coiuuag
of silver. But all timese efforts have failed.
"It hiss been constaumtly amid nepeimtedl
doclaremi by botim lartiea that hlcnetalhisct
was desirable 1cm preference to gold or alive
mnoumometnlhism. Both varties Imavo agree
thmat we coumld maintain time imarit of the tw
nietais anti hiring about binmetahtism agait
lmy an intermmatiouial ngreemmcnt. Somne imav
icislateti in the nieaimwhmile timat if we couh
not tie it in that way. we could tin it alomm
withocmt regard to what other ciations migim
m'ce lit to cIa. Time republican party ima
constantly , consistently anti hcerstrtemmtl :
stood against timat Plea.
"Potcr years ago , wimemm we held the con
vemtiomi at .i Immneapohis. it was uny fortimn
to be cimalninan of time conutmuittee emi neito
lutiocus , as it was at St. Louis , anti it wit
my fortumme to he associated iii that comn
inittvo wltlm Semmator Teller. lie and iii
associates from time silver states came t
that convention anti before the conimitte
salting us to icmsert a plank pledging thu
republican party to thti free coInage a
silver. We refumcti to tin it : we declare
that we were in favor of intermiatlomial bi
cmictalhism. hull unmtih thmat was brought cbou
it woulti ho our Policy to unaintalum silve
at a verity uvitim gold by Issuicig tin moor
of it than could be mnaiutaineti at a pant :
with gold.
"Tlmey accepted the result anti nemnaine
in the' republican party. That declaratiot
was sicmiply a tleclaratton , as the cue atlopte
the otimer clay , that we would stand pro
clsely where we umere 'until we could ti
were annoyed that we could no
safely undertake to have bimnetalhisni P
international agreement : we were unwilIin
acid refused to attempt it by free and mdc
penclemmt coinage. Thmey dlii not feel calle
umpoum to go omit of the party then. Timel
consciences tlld not seem to trouble then
so mmmuclm as now. They remaimmed in tic
ranty focur years longer. When time las
session at congress comnrnemmcetl , as a no
suit of thus democratic free tratle expani
ment , the government was foumid to hay
deilchent revenues-not enough revenues t
meet its current expenses. A bIll was prepared
pared In the house anti passed that hod :
without partisan division almost. provitlimit
for an Increase of reveDUe.
Tlmat bill was known as time Dhngley bill
It trout to time senate. The ciatiocmal credit
time national honor , time national life wam
at stake. These gentlemen said time bil
watt tunobjectionable , but timey refused tc
vote for It ( that is , cclx of these gentlemer
fronm silver states did ) imnless the great
majority , who ( lid not agree with them
would sacrifice their own convictions atmt
vote ( or the free , unhimitc-d anti unrestricted
coinage of silver. The great majority In
tile senate tm'ouitl not be coerced by that
"Timat action upon time part of these pee
pie directed the atteimtiorm of the countr3
to timat subject as it imatl not bceui before
And , thmeretore , when we Inch at St. Louis
we were not for a different stand to b
taken by time republican party , hut ( or more
explicit declaratIons of our principles thaut
we had heretofore nmade arid Inmmsnmuch am
they hati thrown down the gage of battle
by demanding free silver and seeking tc
coerce us to accept , we concluded that that
was a good time to meet timeun half wa'
join issues anti let hue battle cottue atm.
They appeared before time counnuittee acid
were part of time cotmimittee , just as they
were four years ago. They imiade the same
demand , we made time same answer did
fomir years before , hut uvicen we came te
write the platforrmm we said we would mak
It so plain all would understand , anti sn
we declared thmat we trere umccalterahmly op.
posed to time free anti unlimited coinage ol
silver until we can lmavc an international
agreement. and ium flue meantime we trill
preserve time existing gold standard.
"To concicccio with a word , tu'hcn Senator
Telit'r antI hmis associates bolted the party
at limo St. Louis convention they imad no
rause for it wlmatever that did not exist
focur years before at time Mlimcieapollit convention -
vention , anti when time republican party
immmitio tIme declaration It duti make at St.
Loumis it ulitl imot change its position one
Particle. but simply mmmade It absoltmtely
certalim in artier that there could be a
settlement of that qimestion ticat the proposi-
Liomm for free , intlcpendielmt and umnllrmuitetl
coinage of sliver lie not entertained. We
illti not ecmtertain it becauo in our jutig-
macnt it does mint , as Senator Teller antI
lila associates clalumi , mean imirnetahhisnm ,
but ainuply sliver mcionourmetahiisum.
, . \e go into this , timerefore. tvith our
trallant atamidard-itearer repre.enting to the
teopie of Aimienica protection to Anmenicaum
Industries armti Ainenlc'an labor and an abso-
Iucteiy soummti dollar whim wimlch to do our
bUsIss. An abboitmtely sounti dollar , not
cimply ( or the merchaut anti time bammker ,
ut for time wage-earmier as uvell.'hen a
nan does a full clay's work he Is euititled
L0 have a full 100 cents iui tiuc dollar with
rimicic imo is paid , and we propose timat ho
cimail imave It. Ve propose timat the dollar
me puit limb clrcuimm&ion-tho nmetahllc dol-
ar-shall be worth 100 cecmtcc In gold all
) Vt'r the world , no matter wimether It caries -
ies time eagle and sultenscrilutiouma or Imot.
"Take a silver dollar antI pound it into
ulllon anti It icc trortim 54 cents ; lakes a
ioiti dollar anti Imound it into bullion anti
t Is worth 100 cents all over the worid.
obe1y is cheated by th&t dollar ; nobody is
mmisled by It : no mlistruat is excited ; every-
iody has contitlenec In It macmd when Goy-
rnor McKinley shall lmmmm'o been elected
trospenity will at OflC8 conic again , because
hat will immure a sound tariff , reciprocity
nd a sound currency. "
) . 'ulluc'rtI t it' I'r-ccilcuu I ii , I I'i.stcl hhJllit.s.
WIChITA. June 21.-lion. David Oyer-
meyer , democratic candidate for governor
f Kansas tuvo years ago , arrived here to-
ight. lie Is a delegate'at-large to the
'iticago convention. At a meeting of demo-
ratio lawyers attending the federal court
0 aprurmg the nacnes of Allen W. Thur.
mall and John It. McLean , both of OhIo
S available candidates ( or vice president ,
ice suggestion was so well received that It
as tacitly agreed that Intluence would i.e
rougbmt to bear on the Kansas delegation
:1 : go to Chicago to boom Thurman.
M.tJOlt M'ilNl.EY . ( 'rL'ITh. r"It'lici
( reptci iii the lliuIlciiuu . . . c-re II
I'i.rcnc'rl' 'I'uuuapaiit cc cc" .
CANTON , 0. . Juno 21. 'Z lay ha
lcrotmgimt teniporany peace a oh to tim
citizens of Canton. Aside U , ae profus
decorations that greet tim ' Oti ever
imanti. there hma been no si he stirnin
sceclea of the past truck. bright an
Lmeautifui this morning mm j vernor M
lCiciley anti Mrs. ilemseel mmgs abeam
pammleti by Captain hleisi the major
right imanch mmman , drove to time F rat Methotlb
Episcopal cimurcim , a bacmtlsonme structure tim
blocks frocn tIme public square. Govermmo
McKinley , thirty years ago. was auperinten
tiotmt of thy Suuiclay aciutuol of this church :
tvhilo his mi-ifo was Sunday srhcool teacime
in time First i'rt'sby'teriacm ehtmrehu , two block
treat , ium imicim lucy wene marrieti ttvemity
five years cugo. lIce r'hmurch was crou'tletl cn
Governor McKinley's fellow chturchu mmmenmber
gave imiumm a tranmmm greetilmg. Fifty mmcmi a
IcaP'r relmorters were hresemmt. The imastoc
fl. 1' . Etluumtmnmlmu , chose for his text , ' 'Mak
Your Calituig acid Election Stmre , for if \
Do Timt'se 'Fhicmgmc Ye SIdall Never Fail. "
Dr. Eulnmtmnds lummitle imia ae'rnion lmcrsonall
aPimilcabie and he referred , in a Itapi. ) ' moan
imer. to the nesimit of the St. Louis convecu
110cm last tvt'ek.
1cm his sercnoum were these tiiougtutsV :
imave just itasseti ticrotmghm a ti cek whios
aigmiiflrance none are dlislmosed to imuitier
estimate' . Tiuc icigimemut attainune'cmt of ftc
goverimnient tuas iliustrateti amid time sacuc
Prlviiege of AcmmerIcaum citizenshIp exercIse
in tIme clmoice of men amid cmieasures repro
scimticcg a mast cmunibor of our fellow dli
"As one of tIme first comuilitions of havini
a sure electiocu , we must announce nu
cantiitlacy. No milan woulti be credited will
IOiltieal ) sagacity wlmo imopcs for time suffrage :
of imimc fehlotv citlzemi in attaimmlmcg 0111cc , ye
allowed Ito anmmotmmmcetmmcnt beyond the un
expressed desire of hl iueart.
"A second requIrement of a sure dec
tion is to have a platformum anti timt'ui stain
upoli it. It is youcr privIlege ; it is youi
neccssit3' to bet abaohuteiy fearless In tlmi
worimi of everythmitmg save the disfavor a
Gotl. True cotmrmm5e comes fronm right lmelnt
acid right doing. Two other conditions o
sucecasful Chmrlstiamm candidacy I group mmmi
tIer one head. They are cauttomi armti en
"Otving to his position as a eauitiltlat ,
there rests upomi him a respomusibility o
carefuhimess tvimich lie Is in duty' bound b
megartl. Men Imut forwartl act staumdard bear
ers by all political parties recogmmize timim
obligation aimfi tm'ith stutlied care , guar
tvord amid act that tlueir cause may not stcf
fec.Vlmat on the pant of other mmmcci trommit
be lrmconsequential. frocu hlni would bc
stnntlimmg acmml tiirnstrous. You liate yet ii
mmmlcicl a Imarty trimicim attributes Its presitlen
tial'atenioo to three words tmntllmiel3
aitokcn. but tIme tloctor tiltl mmot utter tin
words "ltum , Itommiaumlsmn and ltebehiiomm. ' '
At lice commclmsiomm of tide services Governom
McKimiiey gave his arcn to his cigeti mother
uvho , at Si , is a regular cimurcii-goer , aumd
escorted her to h r umodcmt carriage at tlmc
cimtmrchm door. ills wife's health does not
iturmuit her attendance at church. Totlay
houu'evec , itime ilstcmmed to the services b
'I'imis afternoon Governor McKinley ant :
wife , accounpanicti by General anti Mrs
Hastings. took a short drive. Tiuey just
escapeth a terrific wind and rain storumu
which destroyed many hauidmuocne decora.
tlons , blew dotm'n trees anti burned out trol
icy motors.
Postcnaster Moumcmott imas hmati a largc
dnatver. as large as several ordinary corn
partimmonts , act altart for time lmrcmiidemmtla
nommuluce's mail. Today , tm'imen Freti , timt
colored atten.lamit at time Market street imonic
mm emit for tIme mill , ito fotmncl more thaum lit
eccmld carry' and iced to Imail a carriage It
come hionie iii. As he undertook to gatheu
time tlgimtly tied bundles of letters 1mm imP
arms anti stop frotmu the carriage to tin
stone curb , his strengtim failed him.
thousanti of time letters anti more tm'ent he
time paveunent and lie imati to make two tnipm
to carry them icmto the hoemse. anti when the )
'were sorted amnong them was this one from
the other Ohio statesman trlmo imas been z
presitictitimul candIdate several times iminu.
self , but wimo is a devoted frieumtl of Governoc
McKinley. wimo stood so loyally for hum :
anti refuwed to stand as a candidate in the
convcntiomm 1cm ISIS :
MANSFIELI ) , 0. , Jumne 20.-To lIeu. Wil
Ibm ! mlcKiumley. ( 'anton : My Dear Sir-I
have Imot imurrIeti lid scntiIng my tongratu
Itutions for your miomninmetion mms the mmcxi
prt'aiclcnt of ( h. ' Unit 'ti Stmttcs. but they nr
miot less hmemurty anti sincere. I trill gimitily
(10 miii I caum to aecmmue your tnltmmnphant dcc.
tion. ( Ilte to Mrs tlvKirmli'y my good
uvlshes , lb whmlcim Mrs. Shr'rmmtcm Joins. Very
truly yours , JOHN SIJEItMAN.
Senator Cusimman K. Davis of Minnesota ,
who wltimdrew as a presitlecitial candidate
time day of his state's republican cocmren-
tlcm. also wrote front St. I'aul. saying :
lion. William Mcl'inhey , Canton : Dean
Sir-Permit to multi mny' congratulations to
the mmtny you are receiving. Your nornirmmt-
tion is mi ( ulflhimc'rmt anti realization of re-
pmmbhieun principles .it.cre 'el by the people
tbemselt'mt. I feel sure that history will
date ( rein that mmominmttioum tile greatest
epoch of prosperity for the American pea-
plc they' ever enjoyed. Sincerely- ,
Other notable congm'atulationa mt'ere read.
J. Id. Dabbing , president UnIon Veteran
leagtme , Minneapolis , wired : "Ytumir cormmraties
of time Ummion Veteran league of timis city
tender you theIr hearty congrattmlationcc ,
pledge thmeir earnest cmtmpport and say our
north star state will give you next Novcnmber
50.000 cnajority. "
Time son of Abraicani Lincoln's political
opponent In olden days in Illinois , Stcpimemm
A louglass wired : 'McKicmleyism , onigi-
miateti as me tenimi of reproach , has become tin'
ommhy slogan of success. "
The Com'lxcgtomm , iCy. , Repicimlican club sent
IL is reportetl that Mark hianna , the chair.
nian of time republican national commvcntion.
accornpauiiecl imy hcimc wife , will arrive In
Cantoum tocnorrow.
Colonel and Mrs. Fred Grant , it is said ,
trill also arrive to pay their respects to
Gom-ernor Mclciuclt'y' .
hJ.tNN. & flN.J'S A iIitiIi lIES'S' ,
cuuic'sl- lmt.'i'tcuiuiiuc.n a Numuul'r . , f
I'ciititcil 1'rIt-c.It ,
CLE'ELAND , Jim110 21.-Mr. M. .1. hianuma
spent Sunticiy at Imis Imotmie here , enjoying
a tmmuch needed rest , Amnouig his gtmestc
ivero : Colonel Freti Grant , Ifoim , ii. C.
Fvans of Tennessee , and Gc'nem'al William
y , Osborne of Ilostocu. Mc , henna was
maketl thus afternton where the heatlqtmartcrmt
if time commnlttee tmoulmt ito establIshed.
lie said he luaci not given the nuatter touch
Uiougimt as yet. lie saltI , however , timat be
toiglut spend- seine time in New York uluning
he campalgum. % 'imen asked if he knew what
iovernor McKIniey's luhans for tIme caumm-
aign were , Mr. Ilanuma saId ito Imad not yet
ouiaulteml time governor. lie did not lemmom'i
vlmcthmcr Governor yIrlinley would snake any
.peeclmes or not. Mr. Jlanmma will go to
'anton tomnorrow morning to sco the gor-
S.timmtl i.tcmu' ' % 'iuus act CIi-'t-imiui.l ,
CLE''EL'uNI ) . 0. , June 21.-Time demo.
ratio commnty convention resulted in aim
cvc'rmmheimiog victory for goimi. Time jilver
norm , lmowever claim that timi result was
argely tiUe to Ilium unislea.iicmg heading of time
told ticket , anti they will go to the state
ocivention at Coltmmbumt wIth a protest.
II aic'isiv.cls ci C ( ) I'cmm cccccct.lcc , Jim ume ii I.
At Iiavro-Arnivul--I.a Tourmmine , tronm
; ow York.
At Southampton-Arrim'ed--Satle , from
etv York.
At Queenstown-Smiiled-Lucania , for Now
A t Sout hampton-Arnim'ed--I'aria , from
At New York-Arrivetl---Cuflc , from LIcr-
At Baston-Arnivi'd-Ct-plmalonia , train
.lverpool. Smmlled-I'eruviarm. Imom Giamm.
:0mm' : .
At Paht'rno-Sailed.-Cahiongmla. for New
At llrernen-Thtiicd---Muncherc , for New
At New York-Arrived-Taunt ; train Liv'
: i : - - 11'ILLIAS ! COES TO JAIL
Blue mnings Bank Wrecker rails to Secure
( :0 C Cuuu cm t y l't'uui. Jo llt'l irve.l II I um
( humlI ty uf I'zi i'i fyI ut t i.e ilcckc
of tlic' iiiuik itutti fl&'eeli lug
time l'utllie ,
Li EATI1ICE. Net , . , Juice 2t.-Speclat Tele.
gracmm.-J. ) C.'illianms , tIme Blue Shmrltmga
bacmk Icresiclecit , tvhuose couit'lctloci of it..I-
tying time ttacmk'a icc'ok mm as exclusively no-
ported in this imiorcmimmg's lIce , faIletl to secure -
cure bontls muiti muas taken to jail shortly
after nmitlmmiglmt.
Time verdict ctt'enis to give geumerai satla-
faction , \'llllacmms was generally looked
Ujmomm as gtmuity of time frautl , altimotmgim there
urns qtmlte cm stnommg feeling that a t'ertlit't.
of gimihty mvoumitl miot ho obtaluieti.Vihllamuia
trill prolmattly receIve his semmtccice tu imen
cotmnt recommrecmes the last of time ttL'k.
'hl V .tL'ItI.iIN II . &S 't ( ) l'i.i'l )
leiu.ll.n'k ll.'tiu , .t'i SI.3lauynr cilicI liii'
( 'ciuudc.i I flu er II CIiI.'l' .
AUIIIJ1N , NeIm. , Jumme 2i.-tSpt'u'ial 1-
Frocuu time begicmuitcmg of tIme present muemmuici-
pal year iii iay , Mayor J. Vt' . Darralm anti
time city' cotmncll imavo Itetum in a tieatlloc'k over
time appolumtuneumt of cimlef of Pollee. So far
time mmmayor imas nlcpolumtetl successively Vt' .
ii. Lorance , A. Vt' . Ilutchmimmsoci amid 14. D.
\Vimeeldomi , anti the coucmcll has refused to
couuuirni eltlmer oume of them. The coummell
tmmt't again last milgimt auth tIme numiyor imlaicihy
tolti time cotmcmcilmmiemi that ime nppoiumtetl three
goomi nmemm for that ; rnsition , acid imo uvoulmi
fllmhmOiflt mb mimore Time coumnell is jemat as
set nit time nmayor , anti the city is left with-
otmt polIce vrotectiomm.
Lice'umaecu to mccli hidluors were last night
gracmtetl to .tdol pim lCuhhucman acmcl Anclrew
Kmmlhto aumti imoum' tIme timirsty ones imm Ammbtmnmi
cmtmi get aomethmiumg stronger thacm trater.
About two years ago time commumeli passctl
alt occtcitatiomm tax of $20 iii acitiltloci to
tIme regtmiccr license on all saloocms amid matle
the gettimmg of a license eontimmgcumt empon
lmaYucig this occupation tax. Noim' time barth
of Edutcatioum is tit.'mmmaumtllcig froimm time cIty
some $1,200 talcemm in by the city as sumeim
ocetmlcation tax since time ortllcmammce ttai
icassetl. There is likely' to be a legal bat.
tie to determuuiime tvimich ( ielmartmncut is entitled -
titled to the nioney
Scai.hct' ut tin' ll&'silu'it'Cidmiaatmmu.iuul. .
IIEATI11CE , Nd , . , Juice 21.-Special ( Tele-
gramn.-Today ) has been an cceetlingly
lively one in lleatnlco , the iirst iutmday
of time Beatrice Clcautauqtma asacimilny , bring- .
hrmg large dciogatlomms of Gage county tartmm-
ers and their faimmilies. besides a goodly
mmtmnmber who cacmie by time railroad excursion
trains , two of smlmichi tvtmrc run by time
Ummion Pacific ammtl three by the Itock Island.
Time crowtl fromuc time south over time Union
l'acitic was somewhat dlsajmpoimmtetl , owicig
to an lnmcnonmte raimm along time line. Thu
mrmormmicig seriumon tias tlellverctl by 11ev. John
IoV1tt Miller of l'lmiladelpimia , wlmo never
fails to iummlmrl'ss imis audience with his an-
peniority as a lmreachmer. This em'emming , after-
a rmmumttcal prethtutle , participated in tmy I'rof.
Caae'mc spienciiti chorus , asitisted by Mine.
halley aumcl otlmer talcmmt , Dr.V. . L. Dat'hml-
son game a imalt-itour scnIptumre readicig
trithm stercOicticon illmmstratiozms , Time mcmancmge-
umient. turonmises mumnumy good timings for time
coimmimig week anti as time attendance is stead.
ily increasing timose tinnimelally interested
feel greatly encotmraged.
Suie of tha 1t. C. & 0.
YORK. Nclm. , Jummo 21.-Special.-AIl ( ) the.
Property of tIme Kansas City & Onmaima Railroad -
road commircany , incitmthlumg time lines of railroad -
road ruimnlng from Fairfield , through the
cocmcmtit's of Clay , Fihlumioro and York , to
Strommushtmrg , anti also the lines runulcig train.
Fairhury to McCool Junction , anti time llmmo
front McCool Jtmnctiomm to Alma. a total of
ninety-three mIle's , acid all of time appur-
tetmatmees belonging thereto , will be aol I at
ptulchic auction 1mm this city on time Slim of
July' . Time sale is time result of a foreciostmro
anti tiecree of the property in time clrcumit
court of time States in Omaha on
time 4tim day of Marcim last , In time miotice of
sale , pulmlisheti in acme of time local papers
hero. it is Provimled timat no bhmi for the
property shall be of a less aimlount timan
I50,00O , aumd timat in artier to hare a bid
recognizemi there must be deposited by the
bitlder , with the special itmaster. Etlward
imonton , the surmm of $ luiO.000 or a certified
: imeck orm me imatlonal bank for that ammuount ,
ill to be approveti by the special mnmmster ,
lit-I claret mu I It , ct'n.
ROCA , Nob. , Juno 21.-Special ( Telegram. )
-A imeavy rain began fallIng here at a
fcloek aumd continued ( or two hours. About
lhree Inches of water feil
\VALACH Nob. , June 2i.-Speelmil ( Tele-
raumi.-Omue of time heaviest raimma of ( imus
ceason tell here last aught. Tlmis imiccurca.
it least a bait crop of small grain antI.
will ImlacO corn , of wimicim there Ia a large
ecreage , tveli to time trout ,
ELSIE , Numb. , June 2i.-Sjmecial Tele-
racmm.-Two ) amuti one-fourth itmelmea of raia
'elI here inst nigimt and tiula morning. Wimeat
ias uuufferecl for rain , due to time extreme
mat weatimer of time last few tlaya , Icut there
viii now be time largest crop of wheat ever
tarveicteti in eastern l'erkina coucmty. Cora
cc farther advanced thmaa ever at this tune
) f tb rear.
( rt't ciii iliglm Se'luoul ,
QhtE'i'NA , Nc'b. , JImmie 21.-Spcclal ( Tele-
rarn-Tlmu ) first animual commumcncement
txorclses of time Grctna Ilighm choal were
meld Friday evening anti tt'cro cocmceclcti by
iii idre > tent to be tar above time overage in.
ivery imarticular. Time mmmwdc trait excellent
md time orations of the graduates were fan
ImpemIcir to time storage efforts of 111gb school
Iradiumates. The grmcdtmatemc tm'ero Ella I'al-
nor , GumrtlmaVaiumwnlglmt. . Tiuma Rybeng arc !
m'anlt Cmmriey. Ehutluemmt addresses WI-IC do-
tvcr&'tl by John Sjtce'ticr , eommmmty atmimerirm-
untlent , cmiii I'rof. John F. Saylor , superb-
enderit of the I.iumcohru scimools.
l'ttii mi..I I , . thu Ilklmurui ,
GIIE'FNA , Neb. , Jumio 21.-Speclai ( ) -
ruult F'reot. a mumecumber of a flaimlmig party.
yes drowmmetl In time L'iklmommm river just
vest of this cIty this aftenimoorm Irm time imes-
iimcu of several otimer mmu.mbcrs of thmu Imarty.
km tmumc a faramu Pain ! c'mmmployed by C P.
ltmmmmltimrey ammd mtecummmltatmieci a liarty to tIme
Ivec' iishmlimg titus niormulmig aimci got lmeyoumd
mIs clejitim unti umas earned umntiou' by time
urrent. 11mm lii it liolmeinian about 27 years
tt age anti lmmmmu no relatives here. His hotly
as Imol yet lmecmm ( oummcl armtl limo river
Id hielzmg tlrecige'ti to recover It.
% 'lS llslu's II riM ii t l'r.Nll.'e'l , , .
WA USA , Nd , . , Juice 21.-Spcciai.-A. ( )
eavy raIn tell hhil nmorning , lasting several
eumrmm. Notimlaug was suffeubuig for im-ammt of
simm. Timu crops never looked better au'i the
astuies are In flue simape.
'fime slmilmnenta , of lIve stock imave been
eam'y frosmm here of late. Time eluvatora are
ull at graimu nun ! itl',00 ( ) buaimeimc of comim are
ii crib intro. hieIng Pelt ] for htettei imrimcs :
'limit ireatmmery : here , Ittitlem' time ucmauago-
eimt of J. C ; . Ilacca. tic rurmeming to its tuiL
ajtaelly armci time butter is selliuig for thus
Dli price on. the casterrm market.
i'roc.i.c'riIj. : rouuuil III , it.'ga ,
MINIIEN , Numb. , Juao 21.-Special.- ( )
) uite a rainfall ( eli imere Friday night ,
reps are tine all through thIs section , but
little help woultl be fcmumntl In rain.
Minden Is being drebsed out new wltis
: iectrlc lights , _ _ _
Usc Ibiccim liecit I.'riiouci I'ieuiu- .
I'ESE.MONT. June 21.-Special. ( ) ' 'the Dan-
thu Iirotiderlmoodl societIes of Omaha arn1ve
crc 'ju a Locciat train this foreuon saG