- - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - _ . _ - - - - . _ F ' : ! ; 'TiIENAii4 ' DAlI V : : -tND 'V , dt'NE i , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - I AFRESIIET OF SU1Ell ) ! SPURT omttbig Abont the LtdRace Meet aini Ornalnt s Mo1e1 A FIELD DAY AT RIVERVIEW PARK . i.lti , t7i. 1,1nnqrM : iiiil (1i. ( ' ' ) ' : JII ( . % , SMrju Iliiii ( ' - - - - " ) Suirt' ( HhIIIti'4 , ( In' I'rlze itiiil Micli. O13O1)V thought ' Ikn hIrtih wotthti 'i' ' 1 btat Prince Tet , -1. L for th.e 13tick3'e r-9 : . . ' utakcs down at 2r. . _ _ , Cinetiuflati last Sttt- . uurtlay , Ijilt lie (11(1. ( , r . . Thc hloinri ) oii of ; -iL lurninbie .niush hisu ncteul zhui. atiI uote at t1uc ) . Un tire utItr huanil. Prince Llcf vau Uhe a tioulhiuug gaz.Ili' . and ho wauu phiiyi' . for big uiiney , , whuihe Ihiuu1u wa touii hu..l vrry gingerly auuh Itanuirn and Lak. , thy aIo r's' of tlic tyclut , wcrnt thought of snv' by the IIkers , " It was a great I i. e : lntl many think that It was JokQy Strus nut I not hlru3hu th1o won It. uu va' a I11ufl hhlci'iit ofltrst betwceti 3-year- ol-IM ha not been witnesseul on any tt.lch Uts vauoji. \ % hlh the * oii of Itrantlule vtIl'd , ! hhtn5jf like a ucnret rabbit , tt (8 I ) t h' .Ieii k(1 ( ho t vhl1t S I ins ued guca t gejwi ahhlp. Thifl t1Istiiuce is a mile 00th ( un ( hhuthI , nnih wai' inatle In I : hj Ikt Finishing but two lengths bchliuti the leadeus nail Itanuiru three. Spahhiig about irnuu' gleat rhilug roinlails hTIP t l.at I i o oh ti 0 IaI . Chin rI I a 'I'hlorlh' . 5 making a healthy hid for the ueisou's 1e1utriI in th s.uhhic. far. at OthilC ) , 1e Is in the heath , clonhy ( nhloured lf Joe Scherr& r , who rode at Union l'ark two years Ihiring the meet int the vx-Oiiuahog has rldkn ( twciityshviatieru , tveflty-one phace hoiu iiiil aloe thIrk , vh1tc Scherrer has eoppv'l Lwenty-thrce W1fl. nineteen see- onis out tifleen tIltI415. Au eiterI1 writer iii sieaklnt ) ; of Cli rhi ! say : Tluorptfs geol ruling Is not a matter of nuance. Thorpe rides to gocal torn because he Is always ilu geofi f'uiu iIIYSICOIIY. ) No prize fighter on the eve of b.UtIe ever took Letter care of I.iu1h'elf I han l'h irpo ulnea nil the time. lie Is as inueh of a n en thus ma I on conti It lou and traiutuug as evr Jatns J. Corliett was , and Is alvays inuuiIgluug In some sort of ath- Ktlc excicte. lie Is a splontilul boer , and udiouuld lie tutu to the u lug for u living he % ruuiul iuuaku luo best 10S-pound nuaui In the world look vehl to huts laurehu. lie is a fair i ( hod of ha I I ildyuxan ti a u enthusiastic 'a hieclXiunuu. 'L'Iiorpo is as hard as flails all thut t tune. and is never at a loss for wind. lie is always In condition to make a vigorous - ous lluulblI. There are eviulently hut few veop1u ill Ouuiuha who realize the full import of the great trotting meeting held at the new fair grounds a week ago. There are few who have the faintest Idea of the value of this meeting as an aulvertlseinciut for Ounahuas matchless track , and fewer athhl who have the slightest conception of the marveIouu flour made. It I should assert , without first giving the figures , that in the history of flue light huarneas turf there is nothing to be compared with what the 1)001)10 uvitnesseul lucre a week ago , there are a good many peopie. no doubt , who would think that I was talking through my hat. lint I ani not. Taking into consideration that the seconul week In Juno L ostremely early for the trotters and iatcors to le at anything like their best form , and that Omaha's track Is now and not yet suspectiblo to its chiuuac of speed , the achievements of the meeting were truly remarkable. For tuistance , on Tuesday , the opening day , there were four- : teeuu hueatui trotted and pacc4 , with an average of 2t : 6-I I ; on Wednesday there were fifteen huats. with an average of 2:1T : 11-15 ; eu Fri 'ay there were fifteen heats. : t with an aveu tC of 2:19. : and on Saturday seventucii Iut.tu , with an average of 2:18 : 4-7 , unakluuu the genera ! average of the hcat : trotted. and paced 2:17 : ) . Think of it , you luorseunen and lovers of great racing. think of it ; sixty-one heats In a four ilay's session , trotted and Paced 00 an averauo of 2:17 : to the heat. Uave you ever heard of such a meeting ; iu there an individual who can produce the ! tstory that will beat , aye. even the this record ? If so let him bring It up. Thic flee vhhI give him unlimited space to exploit it to the world. While on this sub- : Jeet hi uuuight he veil for the racing as- nOclatioiu. which is certainly contemplating future meetings , to take all the fntlunceuu Into consideration which brought about this u great record for their track. Surely it was not alone the wonderful ability of the differ- cut horses , who worked here. for vhiiht their L preformanco was extremely huigh-chass and Pro-eminently satisfactory. It must. be ac- Unowhodgcil that there wasn't a John If. Gentry or an Azoto among the whole con- gregntioo. Still. as a whole , it was a high class lot , and the ohul cauuupaigners would hare host no cast In the company. Largely contributing to the wooderful facts above noted was the superlative condition of the track. Ever since It hiss been in the hands of J. Scott McCoy It has been steadily improving. until today it rivals the oldest nut ! best trotting tracks in the United States. McCoy is an old reinsnian , trainer and owner of large aluul varied experience. Ho has fallen lii hove with Omaha's suierb course. auiul is expeuudiiug the efforts of his hife in making It thue best track in the country. lie guards It vlthi the jealousy of a rat cf her Icittens. lie works upon nuuuh at it ccii- stantiy , and vhhI undoubtedly att.In the u iuiaik lie is alnuing at. horsemen say thiu'y r never saw a Iuev track In such condition as was Omaha's during the meettiuu. The tremendous rahuis of Thursday luau un effect uioui its eomlactness or ciast ichty. fly PcI- day afternoon It was all right again , niul by Satuiruhuiy uuioi'nin Manager McCoy hind it hike a great. broad , brouvn ribbon winding rotund a sea of green.s hiu been said he- fore Omaha 'is'Ili become one of the nromier trotl hog centers of the world , and It wont k be long before the kings cmi queens of tIit turf vIhi all be seen hiero. That Is what McCoy is working for. The great Huuiflifler meeting Ojeuis at Latonia next Thuuirsuhay nod vIiI he signsl- izeul by the greatest of all American Tcrbies. r This ) 'enr thin Latonla Is a geituilne Derby. one nod a half. without pelialties or allowances , Every other race in the triuitcul States cahiuI a lerhy thin year either laud weight oh- lowatices or Penalties or is at a shoiter uhisintiec' than the historic English race thiat gave thue name to all Iu'rbyuu. 'hue Latonia Jockey club uululs T5OQ to thiu' lerby this year. uuiaking It worth between $1 1.000 and I5OOO. There were V70 original entries auuul about sixty colts reuujain ebigible Aniang these an' utearhy all the hiluhi eIas 3-ycar-ohuls. luucluuhing lien Eber , lieu bluish Lok I. Seuntuer Fguu ; , Ibid w iii's Ilanuiro nih ! Latideniaii'ui colt of flue siue onion.uu1ohhuh ' ' ' Shireckks' 'I'euuncity , Corrlgaiu's Cahiforiula viuiners , l'at huuno , , Captive. the Erie tahiles' Aiibegate , I leadbey , bican Ideol Ii. . auuul lii tulVt thou very ercuuin of the turf will innko this race a Jaelnou-ahuIl. , e't'uit. It is 1urul to gt a hue on it frotu the 3-ycr- ohul races that have been run thuna far. for a untie auid a bait 1u .i crucial tcst , 11101 ucuie of thieuui us yet have hiatt it. The 'uustrahiait crit'kcters. while they have cxpu'rlenueui one or tu o uuhlgbit tuaehcuuvts. still CIutilluiO to iiiiie IL exceedingly tropicul ( or their vu ritais luugi islu opponuii Is. I ) u t , n k hhuIssiht , luc ( ore gohuig ( Lurther j vishu to return my lumut bhneei-o thiarik to the Omaha Crfrket chili for a luelflbershuip ) card F reeciveul with the chub's coulpbiuuu ) ilts a ( tiw days ago. IL Is an liouior fully op. pre'clatcd jiflul Secretary harry Now will picaso tender my acknowleulgnwits to the club. 'I'o go butcic to tht u - trallsnn. they gained a brilliant victory over Yorinuhuire at Shielfield by an inning sulul t eight ruils , while their contest whIt ' \uu Eitvuuui of the South. " iuicntlont-ul In last Sunday's chat , resulted in a draw. 'flue Aitlpouleusns , have Ihually iiuado their or- raiigeuuients ( or coi'uhuig to this country. but Just who'ji they vhhI leave AhIJiolt's shiorcuu his luuit yet been 'letermitied. This brluigs III bark to local affairs. 'The fear of tue : ( iniaha Cricket club. in the event the torebguuerus OUIh ( be induced to utop off bert wht'ui cusroute to the coast. that ( lucre Is no grouinul suitatule for such a uiuue as ( lucy woo huh pu t U p. I gron liii less , i % ii Itehi , UuustItjuaseul In surrouuuih huu advantaieuu couiIti lie Iurchlareut inilube ( hue new ( air grouiid race track , utilizing the custero cud , thaut . - . . - , - w I tunuill u rn u 07" fa era ii y s I I Ii I hi b. ci Iii I t ) ' . uIIntr 'flint th i' ' er.tuui.ls efuhlul I , ' 0 ¶ i ' 1 uhIuru' l hUh or tie uhoulut. ! .ui thu. ' 5'1. ( Ill of suirhi ft tuuuttd li.1 . of auuIutuu ! anI gu tuTJeuuu'n , hut thur uusrnhlsu , it k.t. u' 'euuiu1 ielniuuh , n ni"uhi to the i utyuu ui u.hlt unul at t ns eff.'etlvu'ly nu au Rui % trtisenuerut as anythbn that could hue lutovl.It'ul ( ti flue way of A SilflhlflV'I' attraction. A gruuit crowd could ua'iiy hu liidtuceul to nttenul no aftfllf of thula Icitid. Just vhull sort of a guarantee I he huihi-totied ceuiujulerots from the soutbtii bieunuphuero would demauuul of course I u-nil forni Tue idea , butt uvhutte'or It Iuiay hue I thInk the Omaha Cricket chub , tiy a little eitei'gtite huuuthlttg. couhul eoally raise the utmount. It niut Ut' remetuibored that thutug ( * ate coIning ( ) bnahn''t vay just now tnu1 % U can't get too much ui too ninny while they ate CuflhlIlg. taven't read a line from Sata ustln of evi'ork. . Joe Iouavan of ( luiengo , hlarry \Veluloiu of Cincinnati. AIOII7A ) uIel'lflZifl of boston or John U. MeCormich of lhrookhyn sinet' Ilohi tltzshuninoiis' ourival iii England. These are flue raiurcsentatl VI' geiuthoinanly suiortin histoilan' who were gollig to luavu' the titled dead gaines oiu the other side gruth ; flue uneoiuuiucru'.l 1angzuIoui by flue nape of ( lie uiek umi thut' Inck of thug bboolnors titid chuck luhnu back Into the chauinl the tnoinebt lie dare. ! touch the toe of his Trihby to the tight. little Isle. This dire fate was to he visited upon my ft'it'iuul lbolwlt rI't-ll'ahled and vtenr'd sliflIuly because 1w wouldn't toni right around after huuoeliuug : out hock Conni'hlyuu big Irish counterfeit aol give JImmy Cur- bu'tt another uuhuuw to advert iso luluuusehf to the world as tIut' greatest newspaper nail telegraph blank tIghter flout ever trout the iiiuiiubaiio glohaihe. . \ new uet of articles atted 'J 110111) ' III every city hue ittd , and h'e couldn't Jab his hint In the bottom of them fast enough. The huanihuonmo ciort- hug editor ( if thue Police Gazette had one of the ftuhlu'st utnul heat assortmeltu * of ' 'artt- rIca" train all the bIg Luuiuulon ( 'hubs flie.i away fluiwulig the canned goo's in his olilce ever i'nyuorteI , and as 50011 55 Jimmy struck ( ownhiuS huu.-uuigutc.l 'ciii all , not a gtitity aitlele was uuhiowe.l . to carape. Then Iii' proelalmcul huh readiness frouuu theater stage. newspaper chico uuuutl bau' rcouu to light my speckled friend on a tuomeult's ulotico for 5ti.OOO a hde-in coflfederatC 10000) ' . hurob- ably-on flue spot , In a tweuity.foum' foot rln , a ten-acre lot or a cistern. ho uli.hn't Austin-\'ehlOfl- , care a rap which. And then - hJonavnhmMeNeum7-ie-MeCi1UlcI of ai , who make so uuuany frlhtq to itununy's skill , got. right up ( lit their humid lcg antI saul that Fltaslunnmouia should not go to Europe and hue slmnu 1(1 ( tal I I ii vi I hi J lununy's disgusting sehienie. But my rusty-headed ( ricoh uhil go to 1UrOPC' , and lie did not. auiul I hope vlil iuot , give Jbnhiny U chance to get 1nocke.h . out null hi Jimmy ' 'got's and umuakes a reptutatloui , ' ' whichi lit' can't do by four- roulnl goes with tuba of guts lIke Toni Shuarkey , either. Thusum tlmink of ht. Austium- Vehulon-McCOrlflick et at pu'oiuouuuecul my friend with the iuuIlRinlUatOI'Y curls a coward. a ruohtroon nd other noxIous vegetables - tables , and commanuteul th royal reul-hots of Luinuuhun to kick him off the earth as soouu as he' got over there. But what do flue loyal Eogllshuneui tb ? Why. they receIve nuul rIth such a Itobert % 'ltht onen arms hurrah as a fighter has seluloun knowul over lhero. 'Fhe donrs of the swell clubs are thrown open to him. and instead of beIng roasted as Amutin-Weldon et al saId lue unjust be , lie Is toasted. wined , dlumet and unauhe a hero of. Anti they voulthui't let \Villle Brauly oven peek through time fence. and forthwIth hue cables across to Jtmflniy to take oum all the Shiarkeys who come omit : ' the swamp. that there is no cluance oh gettIng neIghborly with FhtzsIunuimOhiS. Jack- soil or any one else in that bloody country. anti thuero's a hard wInter comlnm on. Let's see , hasn't CharlIe MItchell challenged Jlinuuiy again ? I thuluik so.Vehl. . then , \Vihhie , there's your ehauuce. Match Jimmy with CharlIe. You reuimen3ber how foully he whipped him at Jacksonville , and ho can do It agaIn. Sandy Griswold Is a man whose friendshIp I enjoy. whose reputatIon as a conscIentioUs. honeat chronIcler of happenings I heartIly endorse. as an able , fair and Impartial crItic I much admIre , but it Is a delusion to pre- Shinto that a man can always he correct. especially it lie has not had flue opLortuflitY of personal observation , and thIs affords me a chance. just this once. to differ with the sporting sage of the great northwest upon a little matter that might otherwise escape hits attention. In a recent Issue of The Omaha Bee , whose sportiPg columns are so ably looked after by Mr. Griswold , the following appears anent the recent sI-round bout between Jack Everhart anti Young Griffo : "It was one of those split-the-money-bath- on-thuclr-feet I Imited-rounul affairs. whIch club managers will persIst In makIng in favor of skin gamblers. Of course they were both there , hut the boy with the 'cauhl- flower ear' went round the tuopical repre- sentatlre hike a canine In pursuIt of hIs caudil appenulage. " Which I take to mean that Grit punched tIme indomitable Jack all over the - shop. Now thuls is all wrong. for the consensus of opinion anuorig thosa who witnessed the go was that the caullllower.earcd Antipodean was extremely lucky that the route waa not longer thaum six rounds. The gent from Louisiana rubbed some of the luster off his opp000lut's reputation by demonstrating that it uioesui't take an especlahly clever man to hand on hIm. Everhiart makes no preten- atone to beIng a hhuniteul-round boxer , laut It uliuhn't take longer than six three-minute ineetiuig'4 for him to convInce Grhfto that ho Is a pugIlistic "lalhah. " Ills offer to macct the Australian lum a bout ot twenty rounds has since been thankfully declined , WIth tbeso few remarks. Sandy , I remain , to t1uote the vords of tlue hunmuiortal John L. , "your warm and personal frIend , etc. , etc. " The above I clip rrnni Sam AustIn's department - partment Iii the I'olice Gazette , and It is not in u'eolprocntloui for fbi' nosegay he has tcssed nie that I say that I know of ho man ( nini whom I vould appreciate siuchi a counplluuient more fully thrum I do from hIm. Mr. tttitin. however. slunohd reuneuuuber that tluc' tel.'graphic reports we receIve some- flutes out lucre on the prairie of events happeuulng In the cast are devilIsh ule- ceivin' things , antI thmet one froni which I gained my Idea of the jverhart-Grlffo go Iuducateul that Jack wall just sImply rututs for thou i'untlpodean nondescrIpt. I aiim glad to be corecteti anti glad tluat Eveu'luart deuumou- strateul that luo waum the best oman , ( or I am indebted to huhuui for favors at El Paso and I iike him. Anti Austin , too , I met luhmn down in that little cIty on flue cactus border anti Iii ut trip to Las Crucca with him I tras given abotit as correct a line on thu flghutt'rs of tile ulay as couhul have bet'iu attained by uuontlua of liOS''l4llaler study. I ronut'umuber one thing hue saul to met as we uuepnrate'i on that little depot platform , atud that was : "Well. Sanuly , if Peter and litz ever get together it will be nil over in a round ci' two , and Fltz will win. ' ' In a sIghed article in the 'Frisco Chronicle Jhinniy Corbett says tiuis of his exhibition eith Sailor Shuarhucy , vhmiclu Is slateul for nest Veduuesubay muighut : "I conic to San IruumucIscti for uuo urpoo but to see my fohica no.1 . nuy friends. , auth I loire takeuu cii I his tight it ) luow iuiy auimnire'rs flint I ani not it. ltlusicah wreck , but flint I am just as puck auth clever as over I was. I hunytu golto Into training aIu'a.iy , hut out I conic here for pleasure I am ant going to but . inyitelf in training uItIarter. . lle.ihules , I tie not ivalut to tralum unysclf to di'ith. : hart ! traInIng ages a man quIckly. I uumay have to meet Fitzmulinuuouus moon mind I do not vutit. to vcam' myself ottt. I am nct over- lookiiug thiuffact that Sharlwy is a luarl 111811 to koek out , however. I couluIer luau one cf tue con- lug Iueavytvelghts of the country and I uion't thmiuuk any cue bait a license to knock hum ( flit lii tour rouuui.Is however , I will guarantee that tI'e ' I cuijulo ivill see a l'cti-huot highut. Under thin articli'a hell , of us' must act cii the aggressive utulviso i li ) ' friends not to bet that I will knock bhiaruccy tutu , in four rounds , though I uuuim going to try to 410 it. I canliot tell how I ivhhh unniuu , nuy light , I wauulul Lu foolish to thu ito. hk'sldcn , I iuiay chiauuge my tactic's after I get in thu ring. " Wotuhuln't that utcablynu ? Jimmy is go- iih : to tuhiow hula ( rlentis that be ha just as hood as he .vauj when hue knocked ou Olul . an , IitchoIJ. lie tloes't want to veai' uuiuumsu'If out-ho nusy have to meet Fltz- b Iuiluiolis spoui. Whun Is going to make him mulLet I' its ? lie etuiSlulers liarkey cliii of ( tiuuuhiug hut'avvehuIhmta of the couunti-y. . hat is ouu a with all his pugilistic iihtk.ifltIoij. And thuoo abumormnal articles I uut'y are going to conupu'l Shuamkey to walk into Jimuuuy auth get knocked out. Who vrot euiu ? And Jluuuuny wou't tell bow : ' - - - hi' is gamut to tight.llk lIe it a gu' ! in tul aftOt a tumaf ii Ibuhu George .f. Cntui nmoiu . t lie oh i. I I ii : t' i I I'll v sport jog infun , gilt Iii from ' hen Tuehuy smut ! mnio , me' a huh'flu.itt call. ( lecu-ge hiss ht'n muiking a book at the CMhhOi'IIIa tracks anti hit , must hiutve lihihiCul Otit a nice little huunuhie"of thu' long green. hit' hooks hike realy mnuiey , tlresc'd to kill. sal with ui inch on hula cai't big enough to MInk a siuialh shliu. lie lnt t lot at mining 5fe1 ( up In Momitnuumi and bias guile there tiJ see huov the ohul thing work.u . but will be hack on hireerarker day. ( leorge saw the Chuo-uushi-Siuaikc 3 ? uuiauihing unnicli , ntmtl h en'uu h't' never saw a iiunuu get a more fearful heathuug than flue , ( 'ahifernisul gOt. lie says I.e Is a big lubber who knows about as much about fighting as a hog knows about algebra , but that hic grows fat on haiti lnimueht's. George unluled that Cot- heft wotmiul be all the mooney all the time Oust Thuutratlay iulghut. 'flue t'nuth Side Improvement chub Is unak- lug elnlrnrato lreiaratlons for an old-time colehuintion of the ! "oturthu. Thue' su'euue of the ( Lull Ruth festivity will be htieu'iev ark. as lornant he amuml beautiful a t'pnt nut eaui be tntind within a day's journey of the metropo- his. I have been requemtcs1 by thm coin- nilttee to prepare a chueululv of events for au athletic cart ! , In fact , I have l'ceui nmad a i'iee' lurcahhent , so , Tuulgc lstelln uunul Dr. llauuehiett informs mc' , aiuul tluis niorning I hiul to use a shoe-horn to get muuy lint on. hlowu.ut'u'r , I ulouubt may ability hI supply thue ticuireth caud , anti time job would have uuuuehu hietter hueeiu let to Lyshu' Abbott , Fu'aiuk Crawford mud Assstauut ! ( 'ouuity Attorney Juffi'Ies of the Uiuivcrsity club , the Young Memi' ChrIstian nssoeiatbomu , or to thu' 111gb School Athuhe'ti assocIation. They could not omuly ftuuuilsh a most Interesting program , hit flue talent to pull It off. hut by way of smuggestion I uuulght say , tlmat is. if thuert' i time' euuoughu left for lueluaratton. that eouutcst.4 hetweu.um the representatives of tlut' diuTvrcuht natiouus , lii gnomes Pectihifli' to their uiatI'c land , wouldn't h a bad idea. Of course nuily p limited scope is attou-uhu'tl to gaines of this uleseriptioli , but it could be made a special auth attractive feature of the Ihay's pleastuu'e . .ly iuiea Is to utilize local talemut as far as possible , hut to learo nil eouuupetltiona open to athihctcs gnneralhy chuu , care to conic and inalce a try for tlit' prizu'S. Thit' Euughish could give us erleket , wrestlIng and bnxluig , while Gaelic foot ball anul huurl- liii ; couhul hue supplied by th Irish ; the Scotch couhuh tOSS the catuer and ' 'cuurl ; " the French could ft'lucc , antI thiere are molly cairniuIe i'xptuiciits of the art in this city , irhiosut skill itu carte auth tierce , parry and thrust , womuld bt'whhtler auth delight the eyes of bcliohder. 'ttlu tluc different turnverelums to draw from. there is no end of events luCetuhfar to the Germans aulul hiohemnlamma that could ho ProvIded for. Thuen thic'mme couh&i ho gurnishicul vlthi base bali , bIcycle racIng. running , jumping and walking , with a plontitutle that a cold give one of tlui' most corflpleto clays of spork ever attempted here. lint who is going to ulo all this ? A nuet'tluug shouid be called nuuui a IOtuI1 big cumuutuuittt'e , appointed and set to work at once. There is only tuo more weeks alit ! thue ghorlouus day irlhl b lucre. The Fort Omaha band has bcu engaged for the occasion anti lion , J. 1' . lolilver of Toiva ivull be thue speaker of tbe clay , no.1 altouether tb treat vhli be a great one. Isn't it about time the feathuerweiglits took a tumble auth quIt trying to put Chuam- 1)1011 iixouu cult ? lie seems to atauid alone , invincIble In lila class. it Is all ight enough ( nu' thio scratupy boys to shy thou' bouunets inside the relIes , get Iii thucmoives or' girt' tIle hlttle Ilallgonlan a little exer- else. but these constant declarations about at last atlnihuuisterin a narcotic are get- tiuuu a trifle stale. Whuy , one reading the llo3ton patcrs of three veeks past uouilh have imagined that Martin Finluerty wn'.u going to walk right into fioorg..i at their meetIng last Tuesday night ar.d hianimner the eternal lime juice out of hulni. But he didn't. He wasuu't micar no ferociout as lit' has been lctureti antI sient most of his tiuuio during the ti'enty rouuuda keeping away from the champion. But the fun is all over in tIle Itoh now and Martin ran get back into the brick yard ju ut as quick as he pleases. It.tiu. IAYS IN .IUNE. . % . flnnullu vitmi l'lloM- 'luu ) iUVt' the 1'It-hui uuiuii Strcsuiu , Notwithstanding the unusual spring freshuet whulehi enveloped this country throughout - out the month of tla ) ' , it has been many a long year sluice the flahermen enjoyed such sport as they arc experIencIng now In the early sumnmer-tiuuie. Whulle In the Immediate vicinity , at Cut-Off and Manawa , there is literally no sport at all , It is to be found In abundance almost anywhere cisc , At time Minnesota resorts thie June run of bass auuui lithe is saId to be better than for years , while at Qulnnehogg , Noble's hake , West Point and Langdon they are having royal run with the bass , cropple , pickerel amid sun- tish. Grass frogs are the most kilhimug bait for black bass at thus seasomi of the year anti % 'ihi continue so up to anti throughout tile dug days. Thu spoon , too , will be fouuuuti qtulto effectIve , but not micarly so as time frog. or where the combinatIon of both spooui and frog are practiced. By tiuls , however , It muuzst not be coumtrmucd that the iuibnnow has lost its powers of attractiveness , for it. has not , antI while a black bass greatly prefers a uuice little emerald frog , the "shuluier" auth "cimmuh , " are still rated among his most tempting morcean , antI lue is not above snappIng in ami occasional grasshopper or cricket , Casting ( or bass , as I have asserted In a foregoing article , is the most artIstic iiio'lo of bass taking , amuti I believe far tIme moat successful. 'flue moduus operamudi was dctalletl In flue previous article referred to anti I s'iil not repeat here. Next to black bass fishing in thus partlcu- har region of time country , comes cropplo baitIng , antI while tlue sport is not so lively 01' thrilling , it hut suutllcicuithy so to wam'ui elf all temutlency to euIlmul , amiti flue fIsh Itself Is such a beauty. antI such a palatable umuomutel , that even the ohulet anglers eon find a surcease - cease froruu eauthly cares In Its inurouht _ Thue cropple is ltnowuu in tllffereuut localities hiy different muamuics ; lii fact , in no two places very widely iteparatc'ul vliero I have cast uimy luappy hines , from Eu'le's teuiupestuous depths to the gcmnhiko P0010 of the vt'ttcm'uu santllulils , are they known by thue saint' name. here , as uuaual , we have hinu chuItu correct , for wIth us he is olther crappIe or cropplo. III OhIti hue Is thu Lake Frhe bass , on thuc Icnmulakce : lie Is the goggle-eye , oui the ihhinels. tIme strawberry - berry perch or thmmiher shaui , amiul iii oIlier localities Is known by still other appohlatlolus. 'I'o oiviato utmuy pomuihIhity or conftusiouu , however , we Professors call huh l'onioxy anmiularlum. ScIence is a ruuthuleuus sliatterer of all time- hmouuored niythus , umuul we have suichi a uleep- rooted utuuspiclomu Of anythIng of a rojuamith' ratmure that we have cuutuenchc'ti ourselves bu'luhuuul a ulefeulse of classifying terms of such mu ppa I I I iig corn plexi ty a s t a lau a I uiuo as awelmuspirlmug ii ) thus rest of poou huuu _ niauulty nut amuy miu'uliaoval huucantatlnn. So It uu viil jtuuut renmuuulbeu' auth cull flue ei'oppic i'ouuuocycu anuiulam'ls after this you ivhll have flue satisfact Ion of humnwiuug that thuero vIll be umonc so bold as to uilsiuuute youu , 'i'luero Is a Ihslu eatuglut In rnuu' local waters 130 nearly like the crojupic that lie is uuni- % 'ersnhl ) called cuoplultu , nut ! It is Just as svei I I luuu t hue is , ( iii' I hero iii uiot oil : ' Ilahinu'- uuismu iii tohi thiouuuuuuith who iuuows thu differ- enccu , amuth that is the callctu bass. Tlit'ru Is a certain way to tell them. huowoviur. 'rite c-topple Is longer and uiarrnwt'r tluamu hue bass , anti huuus aix sphmics in thu dorsal , while thin calico l'a seven. Iii size xmuuui lialuituu time P.shu are ahuumost ltlcuuticah siud largely ( to. quciut the name suatore. itt Lake \\'ashuluug- ton calico haute are fully as Plentiful as crappIe , but they are exclusively known by the hatter term. These fish , tro abuiuulauut tlui'ouughiout the Missouri Valley. in flue large amith smuiali adjacent lakes , anul flue larger I streauuis. They are ext'cualingiy urohhhic anti e'naily prouiagated , aol again I uu'gc that mit' better flab could be namc4 for No- hruala's lurivate PIid2 alit ! lakca. As to flue lumPer uueaaouu fur crluiulm fIshing , we are Lii its very muuiduut u'Ighut uuow , although it ivlli couitiuUo ( miii now on until flue chilly I tla'u of hate autumn or early ivlncr. ( lii thu latter aeasoiu they arc to 1)0 foumutl iui deep water , 'rhey vhhl tItilo time hook , iualtcd ctthutur wltlu a arms or nulnuowa. but lurefer I thit hatter. They can also be taken trolling with a suoon , They arc exceedIngly veracious - i cious , but not Very galuuey ; mnakiuug up in beauty and cchiblo qualities tar their lack of pugnacity on thuo liiue. A lIght roul slIould I ho used on ly. as it is ' ; I I lu t ii ha alon tu that short is to be imuuuh. They have email ruuauthms anti tioohcs should be tueul accou'dingy. ! They comugregatu Lu schools , and are found , gen- - - , urallv in tlut ef.cut tufl r 'f a 1' p 11100 % I ( 't u ci I' , t , ' ( .It ? .tiuki'ut , l'nv4 auth ( )1i ttiuuj' . it , i , lsi' ci l..lgriuC.ut' cut ' 'rift- ' uvorl islur. ' ihit' a at or Is deep shunuir nutd cool tiul , r Ii.ruuutdi' lullS. cull ( urIc ill thies ltr.'tzs' .ttuuut' eeuulngs. with ulut' luithtt'st trotit rod niuul ulitiSi ulehleate hue , fishuitug for crop- 1110 thither tii' npbntxeotma chins nt Wash- lngton. or at West i'oint , is a sport that nu trtl atugler ' ill % ' 'hhhifugly 'lutss lull. ' ' Iltut gnsshuqhmug . offishi amiul fishing , nih- nlng streanis nuiu cool laki's. rcmiluuha cue that now ium the grauuut awl 'ecological cli- macten" of the , twelveumuoluth , lovely , ttu- t'omnpnrahh , ' .Ttuiue , tikles \'uu.'tlan . blue , yu'ithu theIr lazy drift of silver hrtco-it'ork , woods a tuiasut of green and fleitia an expanse of celor amutl fragvanct' , wIth thuu sluiununcrlmmg ShluIutSitit'tt of river antI streauuu curving iii auth out nmmmong auuil hut'tweemi thuc'uuu , iiashing lakes Iii tlu"Ir settings of enueraiti niud the vhuole vaioranma 01 t'uurtiu anti audi at their highest phiunacle of stinuihatlog hcumtut. how thur soft bu-c'czc coax you lueuiec , niud huow flit' auuglc'r sighs anti mogmuit as hue turns a thoaf car to the nhiturlng u'uutu-eaties. ' ( lucre is ilcnty abroad shiehu hmoclc will lint vumtehi or basket hold , aluti it Is but httuuuuauu to fret in ( lie fetters The air is u-etlolet with flue sensuous breath cit the wthtl grape. tIut' lulumul tmmuul thur crabapple ; time brook babbles lii softest rhi tlunu , yet in imerfeet chord with tIle stir of thue bucezo , the ulrouuo of flue cicadae , the' ituiug of birth itlol Butte of riupho. Truly , thi"re alv lie clays so rare as tluose of Juune. So luerfeet nrc they that tluert. Is a thuugo of umuelniuchuoly in their hut'witehulng beauty , nn4h u'hihe souuie hear iumud rcspouuui to flue ahluuuhuug call from lreezy voud niud thmuuueiuug wave , nuuti revel in the thellgiuts ( lucite days nfforuh , others llatcuu but eauimiot hucar. Then' Is iuothlhlug to tlucimu Iii flue juer- fmunic'uh brt'atlu of thue ( tuIl-leafeul woods. In the irnttle of running \aters or t1uc silvery cau'ihioui of brt'eze , bee utiuti lulrd. Lauuueuituu- hle , Iuudeetl , ulutmat It be to uuossess a uuatuuo tub Poor that it respomiuhmi tu no call or caress of Jtlumo wIth her muetwork at woods anti ii'aters , wIth their music , their ( 'olor auuul their uuiatchuli'ss swec'tuuess auuuh heaven-like baIrn. Cohuuuieh Frank l'armeice was In attemuti- 1111cc at the big sluoot at Cievelmumud ulurlng th Ihist week nod will be at l'lttsburg all this week. Thuu. , Oumuahua ehuaumihuloum was iii fine form at flue Forest City antI huls work was Oil a stnnulau'ti u'ithu tIuo leathers. If [ 'armelee doesn't lead the bumicli at l'ltts- burg It will be becatise there are better idiots thuere than hue. Ito Is out for flue star average amid he 'lhl not be niuclu below that mark when the suuioke clears away. it Is flue lrutoiutioru of the local gumi clubs to iumtretiucc a large nunibor of Momugohiaru luheasants In the nearby comititles uuext sprhuug. Tiio3' are being llutrotituceul in a large numumber of states and everywhere yet whuere the exluerimeuut luas beemu tried It hiss provt'um eminently stuccesaful. I'reslulcnt Fl G. Gay of the Maine Gaumie ffluui Protective lissoelatiotu says that if pure-blooded Maui- gohhauu pheasants can be obtained they nu'e a valuhhe' ocqtulsltloui to the game of a state , but that crossbred birdS are ferocious anti destructive to other game birds. Mr. Gay greatly Prefers the enpercailzie nuid bliek gauuie frommi Nort'ay and Sweden If ne , % ' births are to be hntrnducetl hmuto hIs state. Theolore'ist man's ErmiiIshm pointer bhlcim , Nellie fly. Is the mother of one of the largest canIne famIlies on record. She whelpeti Jtrie S thulrteelu dogs amid four bitches , uhl of tlut'uuu good auutl strong , slid as ivcll a iookhuug' litter as dog fancher ever gazea Upon. , . Accordllugi' to it reliable statlaticlami tIme amount shuet ntualIy on trap sluootlng In Engiaumtl reu4hut'shue enormous auto of $2S- 750CO ) . in this country an inimense amotunt of Inone ) ' is kurncd up hum powder and shells , but we must take a back seat to our beet eating cousins. j John J , Sumpcr , jr. , secretary of tIme Arkansat Sttt" Sportsmen's association , has my thanks forThn invitation to be present at thmelr annual shoot , which will bo belch at hot Springs. July 3 antI 4. .3. A. It. Elliott of Kansas CIty killed 103 straight at the recent Milwaukee tourna- moot , anti then cmergeui from the fray wIth five "cases" to the gao-i , There are heaps of fun in trap shootIj. , but as a moumey nuahcor it Is not a vhuuuer , Chuarhie Ilud I. ohul 'Chuippy" of Des Moiuucs , is valhing nrouund with a chip oh hula shoul- tier. He wants to sboot WIndy Dr. Carver a lIve bIrth match for nmau'bles , money or elualk , but tiue Demon of the i'iains iuumag- inca he's too busy to make an' matches. In aumy event. hue lund better not fool with ' 'Chulpu ) ' . " 'flue old champ Is iii ss'oiudci'tul forni anti shooting out of sIght. By tlt way , why Is It that Dr. Carver dislikes Omaha ? In a recent letter In u'efcreiuce to shooting a hIve birth mnatchm with Colonel Parnielee luo saId hue would shoot auiywhere cli God's earth but hum Omaha. Yotung squirrels are reported In unurece- cleumfeti nuumubers in tIme lower Mlssouurl 'ah- Icy. anti some fine bags have been brought to this cIty durhuug the past week. Squlr- rd shooting , vhieri there is enough of It lo entitle it to the term , is a sport luard to beat , and a half grown squirrel will kuutuek frog legs Iuuto a cocked hat when It conies to a delicacy for the Lble , Fred Gilbert of Spirit Lake took thuo loss of the Dupont cmuuu much to heart , lie tune ahreatiy chahlemigeui 1)eiteu' of ? thllwatullee for a return shoot , anil if it takes julace It's dollars to cappers hue gets the cump back. Garmiet C. Porter has rettmriucul from a tie- llghitfuul anti suuccc'ssfmul trout ' 'lishi" omit iii the niouuuta1ui of Utah. Ihe was gone a week , but haul cnouighu sport. so hut' says , to bu'ldge huhmui over until tIme fall duuck uthuoot- ing opeuus ill ) , Thue i'luiladelpluia l'ress says it iu'rnuld lIke to see Freti Gilbert , Charlie himutlul , Chuanlucey iuoweus , Chunrhht' Griuumni , IIck Merrill aumd Toni Marshall shoot against ammy clx miucui iii the country , 100 hive birds nuiul 11)0 ) targets each , fuw a 3000 poise.Vvhh , hunuig mull the hiurse , Mr. Press , auud I'll lirotitict' a tualu tlmat 'n'ihl dciii your tuucuu. amiul hmeu'u they are : l'au'iumelee , Elliott , lhulkes , Fuih- forth , Jiclcey untl rtlcLituu'chuy. Illily Nason caught a fouur-pnuunul hun at Nolule's hake omie day host week , rhilclu is tluo biggest catch imuatlo ( room thue waters of that lnudtlhe for It bug nunubor cut years. At tluc last nmectllug of the iuupomut Guru chub it 'Vfltt tiechuloul to lucid time llrst regmular club ShOut of the rc'iusuurm today at its tcuuu- poInty grouuuuls imi East Onuahia. Suitable lurizes have been lurnvhtleh , mmd tiuc club shutuot will be precedeti by several special mmuatclucs. Tlamuchuuuunn Jolun J. hlardln vns hum iumy of- flee yesterday. ' 1k. relutuu'ts it great CtOl ) of nickht'-blhled emurtoii' , and rureuhicis great sport on these Ii uu a bi rds It 1111)11 I Ii hucuucu. Jul iii baa Invited 0. V. Loouuuie auud Frank Pauiuue- ice cult to luls u-uuciu thuis ( till to tahle it ft'a Icuisolus lim duck utllontilig. tIr. I lardimu he 0111) ) Of thin uuuost xuert ) Ilehul shuots Iii the cotuntm'y. ON 'J'lI Il II. ' . II. J'h I' 1,1) . Vhihs ( ' , ' ' 'I'iiIt' ( 'i'uuk' ( uuui ( lii' "liii' , . ' I uu I hu o Nt , Iomuuul I en guo I hi tu lull t I I V'il xe'l hu hotter auth moore , ileu'ee , uuuuul hue is truly aim uurutlito il/ ilo CZiih at this etagu' of flue ccliii let put Ii is fin ger ( ulu tluo iv I ut no r. J much rue , , the ( 'alltOi'ii tca'uuus utuc lirost'euutluug the row cli ticr , nwp gnumimutltu umuuth flue weatc'ruu cuutimigcnt is tlimmig the utaunc emu tiuciru. Time inn In nm'tiu liiCU t , howutvt'r , I im be I uug St I I I cal'- rhoul mu by Cht.velamiul , uialtluuorui anti Cm- It ti , IV It Ii Itostoo , 1 'ii i I atiel lull ha antI Wamuhmluugtoui aciilml as a mehuy reauly to atu'l ) In fIb lulact. of army of tluo leathers ( hue uuuo uncuit tlry evInce that tired fuiehimig ire Iumti e nil becoriutm no ( mumnlhiar witlu in Patent Iuitihc'ulO ( mnlvertiscmneiuts. To lueid uhlhei' moe of the leadiuuc trio , ( rain the sImIle of ilmings just muon' , whil rcqulro a whole lot ) t lulglu-cbasa ball playIng , antI ( or solumu Lime It Is huigluly Imitrotauble that there ii'lli Ltt nmuuch chauigo Ill the posithouus. Cinchu- irath may itass Ihnhtiruuoro this week , but ries'oIaumui line too dram a eltutehu on flue eatl to be sorely distubcd , at le'auut huetor.u lieu' host trIp east. Chicago Is Iuouuuul to do troll on her hiuruic groumimdt , mud will suirehy ucrnmuubhc Into the tiutuer ulivisiomu w'htluhuu the Iu11xt Iwo aecks. St. Louis aliul 1.oulsvhile utihl rouuiiumuo theIr muiouuotonouuuu Kihlcenuuy crnhu ( or taih-euitl houuors , witit hIm ( iiuiuutuu if New York always 11 * huahhmmig distance. In thue'estern league thu se'coumul edition ) t' flue Cineiuna'i t'lub anti Ounaha's ( titore opo , Iiutliauupohis , is itt lust wbere she bo- 1 lags hy t'irtuue of bcr streuui'th , ut tlu , 'I of fbi' ptlc' , is liii Jfmiunuy Mauuntng I ' ; .uishiing ! lettuIt hurl for mu. . 'cm. flu' ' :0. : ' .1 is a 0(10th ( one a ad nmuu lu s'ui I Ii musiuu suuu is muu ii mu itcat tlirnuughunuut thut' i ( r'uit. , In the uumnkehtelteie'em'tirn scuc'ltinn lily oil , lt'-u'atitug frhen.i.'thlk' . hill Tu-aflhc'y , t chili guuluhimug flue lnimmti wagomi. whlhi lun ; tos1lu't' clunmum'e to Iuenuh huiuui nit. iIu' only hnt se'c'uu gRuuiee flits ee'ttPuIu , Piutl three' tuf lucite wruut by forfeiture. Tlucy say over hut Des Moines thAt V.'lhlie"s . luIs- kers have all comae cult again elm flue tOil tul lila heath , nuid flue cull ) ' way lila own toothier c&ti luntv nceognie huiruu is huy fluum tttra % ' . ' berry uuuark timu ii l au'iui , I t 1 lotitee 1101cc tiorsmu'L ivnlit flue free silver uuoiuulmiatiout for' the luresithc'uucy , it is as good asVllhie 11111's. lES MOlNl. hum. , Jtunc' IS.-To tlut pnrt- tug I'thltor of The 11cc : The Cychluilt Chub ball Learn , one of flue streuuigest amuiatcuu' cluhmuu In the city , would lue very glulti fuu PlaY iii Oruinlma July I. The te.tuul Is ifluttit' cli ) imu lart withu 11l53'Crs ( rota flue buuiver- sities of Chicago auth heirs , nuiti thu. ' Cuileges of Grinneil mumuul AuuicuuV& ' will ho greatly old hgetl to yuu If yoU wIll ftuu'muisht lie titlu the mmmc or ilalmitnu of 1e'aulhuug amumatetul' clubs of your city , toeethut'r vIlhu any olluci' lnforumuntitun flInt it'llh luelp us to nrrauigu ) suchu gamut' . Tltuuuiluing youi In auls'nuucC full' tluo favor , I aiim-Jaunt's MeCheisty. The different Olmuahun tealute desirous of a gauumu' for thutu Feaurthu will tb well to coin- 'null ' icate with Mr. , leChuristy , Thuc're mire souuue omInous tlui'eats nlOtit huttsthlmtg flue hoau'd of ( hirectors togc'tluer amid takiuug a ( nil out of Fret'uhuuunmu thui'ourgiu the hihisic cOSO. TIme unngmuatcs evidently feel thuat thu' cuuuls jumetify tIme umicamus. anti thucue lu umo hcumgth to is'Iiich flit' Aunt'fleuilu autOcia- thoU C'COii or the llyrrue-htruisu ) faction would lint go to get flue trouuhulesoumit' "et Yorker hub flue Prs'esluu ( ' InishuiesS , or amuy other old htushuleSs tuSh luase lush , I Itiglu , leuuuuirugs , hal tiuuiore's lute'rless shortstop - stop , has at hutat ltrouughut the carpimug critics tu ) tlut'ir gmumel. A isiiulo hot of thuerru 1usd as gnoti as ulr'js'cn I lughuey tim flue svuods this sprliig , hut uuoiv flue ) ' are all uulngluug lute praIses. Trim , t'hevemu amud a uloccuu chances iuu stuccesslS'c galmies vltluomit a muulsem' , auth crackIng smashes 'huu'n utunautlies art' muuost ivnmutt'tl. is liuglucy's style of PIn ) ' , Oil. yes , there sue shortstops loud sltortstoju , but ruuhghty few Ilughey Jemmuuiumgs. Fratuk Selee Is thinking seriously of seuuul- I uu g lu Is hiuluman cloth espin , ych eptV I I I to Muutum.s for shuort , oil a bear lutulut up lii the wiluls of Maliie.'hhlk' huas lnntlti divers atteluuluts to huelp time llostouuuu utut , but seeluus to have had about as untichu luck iii locating flue hIatt' 05 St. Louis hhtl on tuer recent eastern trip. Give \'llhie a good shuaru ; ax amiti Put huiuum to i cr's on a big , towerIng Norii ay , nmiui he'll ivimu out every time. Amid tItle is the \vay the Chicago poet slugs to LouisvIlle : \'heum flit' rooters nun a-roollui' Alt' dt' itlt'achuers am n-hootimu' , 1)eui I htjv . rout , mah base-hilt- 'Dccii I do. I'se thilullla' of yotu tially , iuotlnttimu' in uiei field so gully , For 1 loves you , muuah base-hIt- 'Deed I do. Oh ! Linger longer , Loocyvihle , Linger longer , Lee ! Linger long enough for us To get three gmmmes from you. Linger longer , L0003-vllle , Linger iomuger , Lee ! Linger longer , anti we will Not do a thing to you. Tebeau , King , Joyce and O'Connor were uniltihy guying one another abotut the anmouat of nuonoy each bad saved from his salary recently alid It developed that O'Connor has $ . ,0ocu worth of property ho St. Louis and a flourlshlrg business. KIng has real estate valued at 10,000. Tebeau owns property in Clevelanti , but his poaession is largely in cash. Joyce owns sonic property In St. Louis and has a fat bank acequnt. This is a sam- pie of the thrift that exIsts among the latter-day ball players , a contrast , Indeed , to time players of ten or fifteen years ago , who , as a rule , lIved up to every dollar , and often dIscounted the future by drawing lIberal - oral chunks of advance money. "Chuarley Ifellly was the 'Peek's Bad Boy' of base ball , " says Jack Croolus. "lie was always orm the still bunt for a victim. Oace wlutiu travelIng from Columbus to Brooklyn \'e bath supper at a station ta Ohio. After supper Chuarley struck up a coni'ersasion with a Rube wIlose ( ccc iiae fenced in by a set of cyclone bluuffers. As the traimm ias puuhlluug Cult Charhey seizeui huts Iletulueru ac- qijaintance by tile whuiskers , niuti attaehueti a wati of tcll uuuasticatetl chewiuug stun Iii 'cmii. The Rube c'huasetl hini to the eumd of a 1)1st- ( curIum , aumul Cluarhey barely beat btuuu out.- \'ashmIngton Post. flilelimess mnuust be slow arid mmcii's pam- gmaplus few In ceu'taln sections iii tIme vest- crum clrctilt these days. Thue old argument itlOtit tIme superiority of Irish or Gernmaui ubayt'ms Is beirug spIlled , coluuuumn or so at a tiluic , tupoiu tIme Inublle.Vlmat's time mnutter witlu flue superiority ofmuuertcan lulayers ? Nine omit of tout of thouui lim time lt'umgut' houla > ' oxt'rclso the right of emlitrage ium , tuierica , amid tIlls thuimug of tracing thmt'ir arurestry back to l'l'nuotmtlu Itock or flue sefIle'ruut'mut of Muuum- irattaum isluinti In order to ulett'ruuuiume thuelm mumeihts is getting uuwuty froruu base ball auth iuuto tLueosouhiy , or solume oilier occult utcicruce , 0. v. Cai'lor thinks uhuat ' 'the iueumuunnt macu' wIll hot huet a i'alkuvcr for nruy club. hialtirumore luits. fruuuiu view of tIlt' uutrug- gI ut t lie hut'st t'luuu uut'c , iv Ith Cl t'vola mud omutl hiosfoum uuext iii order nut muuumuit'd , hurt I hut' ii nox luct CII is al wu ye hun hulut' Ii I mug. A Ii uicct- ul CII t II Ci'C or f lucm't uuuut ) ' humit thut' uitost iumoium- isliug tenrum omit uuf tIle u'uuco iii two iveeks , amutl usouuue tt'lllui whult'hu setiuus to tutu au him- possible factor muuuiv talt : up one of those rem nuuu'hcn blo 'uthitu ui ' conu uuion Ilu hast' huall immuti u'uushr right to flue' ( rtulut iii a umuouufht's timuic. 'i'luo fuic't flint 1110 best iuiteluems Iii tIme i'uiglle , utmuch as 'oulig. Cii utiuy , N Ic luol it. \i t' ieee , 0 r I lb I hu , t1&'iIaIio ii. 'ruuyl or , Clau'ke. .l cob t ii , Ketu uut'dy , Ii me I toil - stehlu anti 1)wyei , uire lultcllirug hut uuuul oult bumi i-ui cut rig vt'l I oil ii lilt ) ' nuutl Ii I t ha nI uuu'x I go riue-uuiakes f hue uruost miii reivti lmroulut't lies hIll t e I ru iurt'tl he f h ri g liii al realm I I ii. l'hit' Ii1'flSli is iuot t iS'O lii(1 it I hus zols'amui't'ul ii utl tluu t 0 uuioul flue anti a hut I C 1t'luull I mu. A gm't'a thi'ai ( if sill'lui'itut' cliii Ciuliul' Quit. of tlutu su'vt'um- e'leverithus of flit , uut'uusoiu ii'biclu renualuuut miii- iulnyetl , " liuthi lulal't're ore as seuusithvc IhM lumllua , tiozi lults U hut Iteutil I hti uma pt'm'a a ( for ) t gui lilt , lull ciusuly nut Mui.i. io Fhyt' , uit'hmmt , solug- stress , loses luerst'lt iii luor mueuu'siimrper uuimui ciglu roth (1 t hi c mrut.ruu big foi I 1)11' I lilt 11cr lurt'nuier uu'rfurumuuu lure. 'rhO' limos I scum a I I I t'c iulzu y'rmi 111(1 gt'lit'rniiy flit' miutief couist'he'ilt toils , lulutl t huust , , iv hun duuui ' t I'll me it bul I t cIt tu bitt t ui sum hi cut fhutuuuu itmu gt'ul'u'uuiI ) ' tiisiiult'roitle'tl iii tluu sluouvllig ( ut thlelr tt'llmtu. 1.1(1 553'S Jute tullill- belt. Now \'orltt'lut a i'em ge I I hug rio ti y I o its ) ' ffllt'S''it to . \ mitt hfuu.uh , ' . huh ( 'uuu'fhs , ill thuti 1 ft't'ou'ittu' , tlt't'l It I t' $ : ' ' I f Ii I ilk 1 t'auu set' tlureiigiu lm l.tmu . of gittss. uilutl fom' fhtuut I.Laioul I imuiuutIuut' I ( 'lull hmufuiuuu huluuu ivtuut ii uuuetulut , 'i'Iuu , iii 11cr chiilt ill thut ht'uuguitu , htueornimug , itlumtuieit : uti hut' lui'tislue't of ball htthog lilheul huu thihut rhiy , uls iii hul'st'uit eeiuthticteth , hiuti'ui du't'Itittl ho uit't , huh thti' achiomu ( If thu. muuuu lolutil lutunmul iu'iuuu hut tilt' Sftmuliti I mig of ti II Ii iariuu , I C h"rt'tutl muma mu w.'u't' lult uvhtiu a turhIt lie i1l'tuttlLhl ) ' ivotliul mutut ( tel it , hilt luu thuhs imuuutumuuctu hue still be lilt vi Itli a I liousuttud hiriclitu ii II less lit' gil s off x huts htight lInt t.O. \Vu are goimtg to see j ulaf ice doito to A urucus I I umut it' , a nil uholi ' t yomu forget If. Fl ) iiii amiiferctl , but butte had u I Ito ii tr'o , I tu rumako a tight I . h'ooi' Ociub 1(1 u Ph yuu ii ' 5 iiuoi lieu' d lcti , umiutl fur UtfClltl tug f lIe tturuu'rumi tue % , 'as docket ! fault uia > 'uu' iua. It was New York club justice. Ohu , what a muuockery ! " u ( flit-MI hurts amid % uIsmm'rs. C MARQUET'l'E , Nehi. , Julio l.-'ro the Spomthrug lldltoi' of 7110 Bitt : Iliaso aiuswer iii yotur uiext Stiiutlay'uu issue of lice : First , \\'aS thu'rei hot Ii bill JaSSfti last seeshon of this etate mluitkluug tiogut property ? Second , EhutOuld they not bet uuusessu'tl nut oIlier her- tunal property ? Thilruh , Is there any pro. teetlon for a valuable dog that ha jteact'ohule whucuu u-uuruthng at large ? If so , iuleaso state. Fourth. bias fhmo towmu or village board any right flu kill a 'u1uuable dog or molest clue when poaccalulo at Itouuue , iooute or uruinuuzled-'f. A. W. Auis.-Ycltir qtieutflnile arc doggone lmufri- eate. ( I ) Nt. (2) ( ) Valuable dogs. yes , for ihue stmluleimuuu coumi't huauu lucId flInt they are iercnah Iurollttrty (3j ( i'ut ii. fuui ; oil 111111 , (4) ( Not eli your life , IV11'll \ i'IIESJiEX \ BLIF ) : .t Vi-ttret9 Rciu1 in tim 'fioytl pen ot BOwiig. QUADRANGULAR RtGA'rTA O4 TI 1IUbSO , t I"url't'usMt if I iic hlmu.us t--i uthu" I I ii ii I I ii g I u y I 1 u it I I it ii g u' r 't.-l' Iii' I ' I' I ) ft's N I i t ii iu I ( ' hi lu i II i i I . , mu s hi I mu nuid % 'uht' lit hhi'tiIc. rL : _ ES , there is rio qtles- \ A1-I tlouu flint time big- I ; g-t umnatunur 0(11 : hitie u tent of flu' l year u'Ihi tin the 4 , il ; ruiintlrauugmular it'gat- f , , i/ ; ( a on fire hitutisoru 9 - l'l betweeui C'currueil , ( ' 0- ltimubluu , IIau'vam-ii 01111 PuflflsyhuuflIt 'Flit' . - ' M : phuet' lrlday umuuti fh freshumiman u'ace W't'tiuueiitiay. Tiuco wili be enetmglu t'YCS fixed ouu the shells at Pouighu. kcc'psie to furnlslu a tosu'mu almost flue size of Oiuuaiuut i'lthu tulutlcs. All Greater Nu'w Yolk , frolum ( lrceuuwuotl celuuL'ttury to hiau'lc'tmu , trill huoumr fou'thm its uuulgluty lulugut for ( 'oluummblt antI l'hhlntieiuhuln ; trill lift its voice lou' tjuc m'etl ummiti hultue of l't'mummsyls'auuia : 1 inrvorul hips hiottumm huneking iit'u' eight , while Coriuclh hiss a tuost of loyal sultluorit.u's In Ilmuilalo , ( 'hut. engo , Cleveinnul anti ilu every towmu amuti huaiui- let lii tIme Eumuptre slate' , Of course , every 'euuierlcan he anxjotus to see Yale' tii'Ist flit' tall of thu. Ihrittshu lion at llemuit'y but Yumle Is not a 1110110cr In heartling tiuc lhi'Itlshi lieu lii ifs owmi ilcmi anti flut' Interest Imu that event is completely ovt'rshaulowcd by flit' bhg event hluat hum arotuuubmmg stuchu Intense interest , lint only tuuuder ( hue olin tree rut flue campus , but iii all the great cities of time' inst. As mm race , the frt'shuunamm rac'i' will prolu- ably be the urettIer event et thou two. it ti'ill umot be so rnuuchu of a prorrsaion soil all of the crews trill be rutrhctiy iii flue garmuc. l'enuuuuyhvanta has hecit paying a lIttle more attention tlmuuiu uisual to Its freshman arid at ColuruubIa lnt year's victory has ereatel , a general revival of enthusiasm In aquatir.uc. Thue hhiirvard freshmen tiara already haul an extraordinary victory over the oIlier class crews and If they don't go over the line lirat is'ill push the whiner hsu-tl. At Cornell "Courtney's babies" receive almost as mmmcli attention from time coach as the 'varsity. A Cornell freshman crete has never iot a race , nun ! "never" Is a big word. Hut walt for the 'varsity , No ouevhuo has not followetl the mazes an.i hntrtcacles of college dIplomacy anti athletic rupttons can realize the Intense Interest wrapped up in flint race. Iharrarti has broken away ( roam lie ohil ally , 'aie , anti to establIsh a new poultion In the aquatic world mnust vin. WIth rennsvlvaota , after Its 101mg serIes of defeats , it will be a struggle for existence. Columbia Is still elated with lant year's victory and Is eager for continued - tinued honors. Cornell hooks bai'k on seventeen uninterrupted victories and feels that last year's first defeat must be wiped oui t , Who will be the winner ? Pennsylvania has haul all kInds of hard luck , but has plenty of pluck , No doubt it will try to push Harvard into last place harvard is luandicapped by a ractIIatlmmm POlICY lum aouatics and coostant chiangc.s in Its coach , They have flume material , however , and are rowing In good form , but the odds are against her for first place. Columbia has her' old crew of last year alciost to a man : they poll a powerful stroke and are in splendid form , with plenty of brawn behind tIme oars. They have the heavIest crew of the foir , whIle Cornell has the lIghtest. Perhaps the greatest element of Courtney's success is the thorough training his men get In the freshman shell , and they always row in perfect form. The courtney stroke has established the wOrld's record in eights for Cornell for the mile anti a half aod three-mile courses , and whether it Is adaptable - able to a four-mile race v1Il be shown to this regatta. If the water Is hear ) ' Column- bla's weight will tell agaInst a lighter crew. but It will be a race as Is a race from the start to the finIsh. But there is sometbing more to come of all this. There is going to be an Inter- colhegiate rega'ta , an Arumertean henley. cut- tabhIshett before the men In the freshnuaum boats get tlmelr abeepakins. It wIll be an e.'c'lit that any crew can enter. aumd the Vt'- gattat'thi he the big sprIng event of tIme year. TIuts quadrauuguiar regatta uncaums sotmietluins' . because It is the bt'giunlumg of a iueiv t'llOCht ha Anmerlean rowing. Oumee agaluu has it bcc'mi time good forttune of tvesft'rui collegIans to tlelmioristmate to their uiromld eastt'rmu brothers that all the gocul ithiht'tCs in flue college world tie not resltle 1mm the stl'iI ) of haluti alouug the Atlantic coast. Time Wiscomlsin oarsmen have just accon- phislueti In aqmratics what Michigan did uI foot ball on Its trip to CambrIdge last fahi , anti t'huat Iowa tbrouuglm its hieet-footctl sprinter. Crmum , iliti a year ago in track ahhmlt'tics. No one is'huo has ivafchueui thue I progress of intercollegiate athletics caum deny i fhutt Its course , tatjut'Ciall ) ' tltmrlumg tIme' last tit'c.tdt' , hiss been away front New Eumgiaumtl. There ivas ( inert a tiruue whuetu Yale aumul harvard alnmost coummpletcly monopolIzed all flue hollers Iii the college world. Then conic l'rluucetolm. arId in huothu base ball auni foot ball shuowe'tl tlut ) Sour Eluglummutlers that Jerst.'muut'lu eouuht.i huow thuenm a flrumug or two. Later c.uuui& ' l'ciumusylvuuntn and Cor- uit'lI , steadIly prt'uouIumg thucir chainme for recog- luifiouu to thu froumt , \\'ithuln flit. POst fett' years Michigan , Miriuuesota. Clulcago uuiutl otlci' western colleges have takemu thueii' Places alouugsido of tle : athmlethe tnsLItuutioIus it huse walls are covrc'tl iytthu Ivy uurud trum- ulitlons of uuuert' thlalu 100 3't'ars' gl'Owtli , Suur&'l ) ' flue ovcr'wluelmlmug defeat of flue i'zmk' frt'sluuuuu'um eu'eiv by flue W'lscomushui boys C liuuluuis izes f lie a I at u'muut'li I ( lust in I ci'coi I egh- uu I t' sti uuu'e'nmzucy Is I'll iul dl y ci mit thu g beyouutl tIlt' htorJt'rs \'utuukeetioimm. . Telu lolrgtlus' distance hetwe't'ui two uuluchlmu itt thuti t'liti' of tvt' ( ) uuulhcuu Is one of flue Iliost uihsgruuceftil th'ft'imts thutut ally college crew hiuuuu hutuil uudruuhmuhstelCtl It ) It for lnnlm3' years. % uuhui'hl line for souuie save' i'huolo flit' losIng l'ellttouu or utli or btut'um cciii liii I e'tl I a cease uuiwtmug. 'Fluls Is flue druiblutlug that ViuuCOiu- semi guru to tIlt , hmmutigllfy boys of Yale oIl Thuuirstla' last at LIthe Suulfoiustiuhl , auutl it c lutist bet corufe'uus'ul ( lust joy over flue result is tuummlluued iuot aholull to tile college macmu of hi tlmt we'uut. Yale enuuluot ivitlu s'em'y geoul gr'uutu' argue , nut soruin of Its eliutappointeul a u'hllt iii Ii 11)115 5 rd u ruiht'uivoli rug I o do. I uui t i t wuts IL race hut'w.'Cui a freshummut'lt amuul uu 'varsIty I , lt't , ii uutl I lint it' 0 liS t 0 lue cxuucc I cil I luat i hut' fu't'shu mint mu ert'm % ivoum lii be' ii tutca I t'uI. if ii ) ' - S tIme ii Iltu hiutun ut ii fluiuug uuhouuh athtiuiics imt A iuut'rit' Il cci logca It It flIt'S I hi it t i lIe 'tuh e freuthuulummul u.'reit' receIves luumlut'rior ti'nhmuilig. 'liJub'I4 tar moore' t'xrehlerit slltluctli turud is fi h lu ttveu'y it'll ) ' luet t or t'i II hiupu'tl t ha ii a muy cm'o iv SI ' ' other ss't'utlerim crew , ever \\'IcouutuImu , or till ) Iuu.tmoluu.m lb nuuuchuworehu iluC'ui blob Cook Tel ha' 1111 t ! the - a'tms Ill Eluglluuitl tit tIle' ' thuuitt tuf the , rare , but hi Ic haul g I teuu a hP > 01l 11111 Ii y SPa IC ill I ml iu t u-s I o II 'onelu I ott t lie tush iii ( 'Ii henri' hi et sa I he'tl ( nu' A 'tuc'igum shuort'ui. Amuti since flue sailhiug iuf thuc' 'tilt' crc a I tutu fresh iiuemu bus i' ' hji't'uu rarefuu I I y S in I viut'tI hI ) ' nil Ilicrotie olul boa t muucum wluo hut ye v , iuatit ! thuclr rcputntioius lull cuuui'utlumPml ho ( lit' Ii 'luehiti uf thltl hluuc. ( jruumuthumg thuat 'nlu huns gu loin uuonuewhilit tluumluiicnppetl , ( lucre Is nomme vluo ciumu guuiruusut ) ' ( hut W'isc'oiuatim has beeuu Ci miorn sturltiuisly hualithlCalupcuh. 'Fmainetl in aim ur ii st I t ( I t itn ii lucre boutf I iug Iuu oh inos t. a xu u ru- ( nuWui sport aruti wbucro thueru art lie troth- tolls of atiuuutlc victories fo sltmr thou oars it mien lull , forced to ulevehop a crew with duly s ukewaruri smipport , chisectuIrageti by sickness ii immuomig theIr nutumu , worn omit ( miii ltummgtbmy n retch , liii mutl Ice Itimeil by hue 1mm g on I y uti 1gb t I y b cquuaintcil mu'hfh flue rouuu'seu over whulchi thut'y bu veto fo race , flut Wlttconsilu oarsuuutuu lou 1" hue Ymuleumsiauis oy'r thct latter's owuu comirse tust as ( lucy pleaseul , oyrrconuluig olusfacleus I ) lint wouild stagger mumost uumuy other t'rt'w aiuul I' Hit uiunmuy of thlt'uum omit of the buishlicuts , - ft It Is to be huoptul ilatu' thuat acqmmatie rommto ests luctwft'mu IlIum east anti the seest have Ii : ) ot.iu S talttd t lucy t'i I I be ectu t huu ucti a uutl that sI nortu rates between Vlscouililim aqul Yale may iuh to ari'umngcti. Yet it nuusf be comufesuseul ( list in f 'ulu is rumuuuiuuteuit it will refuse to ro' at lie wc'sfernels tummy snore. That was tilt ) way t treateui ( 'oriuthi. After flit' fuemumouutu Saragu oa J'e'gaftatu of iS75 tint ! 187G. whit'uu ( 'orpe'hi he ccli the fresbulutuu , the 'varsity alit ! the : " ; : - ; ; sIieh ' : t .u a1u' 1:1(11:1' 1 t t ' 'u C IC t'il\ " . Ihi' l'u , , ' , uiuuy imuoi u I 1'tti' use tour' t't'Pltt.fl Ili 1SlO ( 'ufluu hI lu.i , ! n'u ttpmmuemttlv hitilit tutu I uteli Otle' ' , : t Ii It' . 'tilt' ulluulgiut ' a ltttt Olul.Crttifihty to rttrleve uuttiuuu' of 1 .1 hittmm'el and a uac.t' traIl nu tnuugc'tl 't'tuu . aunt' Iii tour I "a gihus b'hu in II , iUlti Yfi Ii' lun u a tudhuereti him it ult't.'lutt'utflniu flut it wr'uuhI titO'ei' rott' another Coruurhh c'i.'w. imttumymu failing , lmwc'vc'i , to nttil , auuy u''ns"ns fet its tieu'ilniutlnuu tut tt'pCflft'tI citfeus. Ther ttir It tifltitl bti no great m'uulIirisc. hntuhul 'u nIt' hey' retmuutt' to hunu'c' numytluirug rmunre to thu wu'h ' the 1uoy train \Vist'nuusluu. limit tlurt-e are othu'r t'uet a huu'hdn thoust' frtuuuu Ne I mi cli aiim ] l'trhumps Ilu \'icuiisiuu iuluys liufly get 111(0 ( tb ) of ' ' eOluulatuy lhumu'vutrtl , t.'oruut'hl Co Ituumubhi nuud h't'lu uuuuyit-aiu ha. There Is ttllishtleratult , llufcri'st lurIng en' gt'tuiIerc-i in ( hit' seuml I hug hunt uhi hem wee'mu Stamlsbtui'y of Atlstraliuc auth hlaruhhng of Emug ' In mutt ti' tlte elm iii ii I oumalu i p cut t Iii ts'orlth 'I Ills Is iii areortinuiet' tvltiu ilit' gull , u'al t'f Fort to u'ei ire oqtint lt' , mouth mthtomul,1 'aIt' it lit at lleuuhisy ire will Ilave thur spnrt guilou'u. , him ntuothuem , yesm' , luot iu nuuun taut' utmuul llrofessiotmal. Titi' Iurori's stouiiul cvc'mut nbov u't'term&'ti to a lit tat , . ' lmlem' On I ii e 'l'lualiiPS J til y 1 II s t a tee ! u'v lit tIle irest'uut ( 'Iliuuuliululi , lit' % titt lu t' , . ' , ( rain hairy St'au'it' ilu iSt0. 'FIt'u . itIuq' hit'e ii au y very gm'ent ii tumoimmu t of I uu t crest I It h.roft'ssioumnl . r'ouvi lug mtl luSt' flit' this's tm'ltt'mt Neti _ I I a ii iou . .1 um it 1' ( itt mutinu u' , J'uhu uu 1' . ' mit ' \ a I ha cc' llos niuti cut Ii ci ti i'm'm'a tttl mt uu ilu a lutli ti luim' lIullnIilcti by tuWiuii1 thtt' aunt. ( 'it' I lie Logi laim liuttu. 1'Imut t isuu s bumek I mm I lu t ut u i'o t mi's ho t t Imert' itum a I no uuiuuchu gold lurtuht t ut cu it I lu. luast tImme umfter ( hunt fluid It fri I Itit , ults m u'utlite , emil flue lul'ufcsstouual lot. . m 1' u u I I lit' itputiu t rtuuu mu eu ouch of lucu' u.huel t go nut ' . cei't's in tlucir uuuiirehu into olullsluuu I it how , ttlteuu ( lucre Is shunt a lltmluuular I1tt' tilt hieIng imv akeult'tl 1mm boating by flue hug . .i legu's aru.i auiuatt'tur uhtub ( hut' ltr'r , ' , iuI , itrouum lace to sprotu t , btui a luil 1 1 . ' 'mum aa LII 'l'Is tte'hI t'nnuglu if ' hue u'enmt , lit' a ii htu'oPer hotmuuds This year is uuleu iiuim , ' a cycle of sports uuupre'euleuuttMi ummil ut ollir. ing uumany au effete sport a eiuuuit , ' fu' uc vlvilicat tori. Stauu.qhuuirv hugs ulorueevrrytlmliuu i lint hina lueerm amtkctl of hllnm , antI at'ciuluu 'I ' i'll , I it wit lieu t a ii y iluutl bt'I mug sI'haulu uuui I hue' I CSti I t , I I a rti I mug hums soft I t'il flu. ' itm't t , 1 .sioiis of wluat fetv sctilleruu of auuy ae'omuof at all are to be ( annul in EuuglanI , \'huether tiut'y are gooti t'uuomuglu trial IlcIracs I emains ( mu hue seeuu. T1IC Cniut m' ist but ii , , iu thlo twa mmmcii is ' rt'rmimtrkahtltt , Stauuluuir' it lun luopes to get thii'i'li to i ' 0 poumils , " iglt.ul 217 a svcok ago , it'hlle hiarultuug .lruti q time beanu iii tIme uuetgiullnrhlool , of I ' ) huttuuutlut Ilaimian In his best days was a nuuh. t by thue uuldo of Trlc'ke'tt , Laycock Cliiit'ahla , ltoss. hut harding gives lulnm talk antI SPades in this reShect , TIle Vale crew made a stuccesfuul Ii rtlimi on Euiglhuihu soil last Tuiesthu3' , aol i lii' t II. Ilashed bark hut' iatchhhgpmmce that ull I " , ' in utplc'rmdltl Ih sht'ml ) conulttion , lint , , itt r'oimfitlemut of ( hue snmtles of tlue fleitcf Fortune In threhr ( ' 00111mg coin. iii ut Ct hlu'luley. It Is to be ardently ht.u . ' I ti . Yale iv II I aecomo 1)1 1511 I h is coin h u e umu , ' t lu usllat tilt' stmong-arrmmeul Ilors from , it iu t of flue eagle have fouunui lunposit ) imuatty iseary , laggillg years , Ii flu , ' . itlu cii til ( ' 3' retti rn I It e Yale a I mini a I s I I I mmuu ' tht'n Ouit a uiectl for the earth. nmuI it in i eu liutantllfli' , enrs 5 fotuiud to bc huului'ui ' 1 , they v. I I 1 1 richllule a sI lee of thuat plo u u t t t ) t ) . ' -ehl ! lucre's to flue brawumy sons of I ill 11l. anyway ! ( mmi'sthcunut ucumel \isii , 'r't. PAULLlN. , Ia. , Jtlno 13-To ( hitSi' ° u t - lng Editor of Time lice : \'thi you Ii"ai' i llslu an answer to the followiiug quest .u : 7 W'hthi three macli on bases ant hot. ) y out , the batter hilts to first buuetltialu . without attenmhmttng to rtln , walks to ttmtc bench TIme first basexuman , withuotut toulcltin his base , returns tile ball to tIme plate' The base runners having held their bases , who is out-George W. HarrIs. Ans.-Thuo batter anti the runner ( rein third. If the catcher had returned the luall to third base it would have been a fuhple play. O'NEILL. Neb. , June li-To the Sport- log Editor of The flee : Will you please Inform mae through tIme coltimnos of TIme Sunday Bee who Is the champion rlt'e chit of the worli , and nanmo somne of the good shots-D. H. Cronhiu. Aus.-There Is rio champioum rifle shot , , , of the world. Tile best shots of this coon- tri , today are In time army , anti Lieutenants Norman and Partello starmul very high OMAhA , June iS-To ( be Spouting Edi- tom of Time flee : In ulayitmg tile g.inie of pitch. eieveum Poilil game , A huas debt ani ii 1dm. B niakes hIgh , A makes low , jack arh ganme.VlIi ) is out ? A usa time bIdder if A or the bithier Is out , , Is tlumre any established or tritteli rule on pitch. Please 0050Cr the alove In Suuutiay's lice amId F oblige a suluscribt'r.-1ulcK , Arme.-Tlioy lllay it. lucre "bIdder goes ' ) Ilt , ' ' btut tluat Is contrary to time fiuuiin- umuental ruulc's goveriulnug goon's of ear's of a like' character. Yes , there are i'egtmlar cstaluhlshetl rules. SIOUX CITY. Jumne lh.-To tile Sjmorthmmg Editor of Tlue lIce : i'Iease give tIme trotting records as they stand today Iii tile uilfi'ereiut couuitrles , where light. huaruies racing is practiced anmd oblIge utrmtl olti uuuubscrlber.- LN.H. m Aims-United States , 2O33t : by Mix ; Atis- trails , 2i4 : 1-5 ly Fritz ; AustrIa , 215 9-10 by Stopfforel ; hfuiiusla. 2I5k : I ) ) ' Mhi'I oil a Iwo-nub track : Italy , 2i7 : by t'umlkyr ; irance , 2:20 : luy Kepi ; Eruglamuti , 2 24 , tuy Rowley ; Norway , 2:14 : 2-5 , by Alt. GItANI ) ISLANI ) , Jumluc' H-To flue Sport- lug Editor of Tile lice : l'leutst' give muic in urutiay lIce' . flue uuamumes iuuul adtiress of soillo mewspaPers that are devoted to flue' tluor- ugluiuretl ( rumnnhiug ) huorutes , ( riot trottilug ) ilso tIle minnie of somuitu luouk ouu trahuuing anti lttiog ( ho above class of Iuorat's for rae-log , tuiti tt'hucu'o to gut the book inud uumlmu'hl oblige - C.V. . NchiIl. Aems.-'flun 'rlmoroiighbred itecorti puluhishe'i ' L ( Loichiugtoiu , ICy. : 'l'hue hlre'i'tler anti Sports umaum , Saum lrauucsco ; Bruce's Amiuem'lcaut Stuth bolt , Nesi' York. ELK CIfEEIC , S. I ) . , Juuu1e 17To the porttuig EdItor of Tile lice' : A amid II are ulayhiug a garmue of clmmeh ( sliugic' luetirot t S twemity auth Ii Is tW'Cllt ) ' , twcutty-oimt' iii hue gaune. Now A Iuids three cmi hearts nul h t' umuakes ii Is 1101 uu I s , I bIn t Is lu I cli . Juck ; ruth flue gaunt' . hIlt Oil tile tlrsi Icati Ii plnys lIe Inn'Vhuo goes cuumt ? I aiIm a stmltuurrilui'r iiltl tvouuhui be well luleulsel to liiuti out who ellis ( tue galiue.P.V , Morhil , Aumuu.-A , LlNCOl , Jima lhi.-To tluc Suorthlug I V'iIl luie'ase au- lu.lltmur of The lice : you tver hI thue ; uext issue of Time lIt e ttt ) tIe tile mm bet ) It fire t'ett'u'an lthlo'llllilu llalu ( leo is doatl ? . If so , uthmelu Itilul wliture ( ii 0 tiht"A , J. Ii. Auus-IEtt is mInt drod , buit still remultlcuu t II is Cl Ii luouumo Iii 0 I rut rd , I's , lfSTINGS. June 16.-To tIn , Sortiiug tiiior of 'J'huu hii'e : J'I'aae ito so kintI an 1 l1lili ( ' a few of your foot racers ilu iloxt mimuducy's paper. 'flutuse ( rota ( hit' I ugh siuooh tomurmiuumuieuit or any OlIC uuuutltm' 21 ( 'arc of age. I ilium dt'siruuut cut kutowliug ' lueso umuen , as I urn a focut racir hIt'Itst late , it luosslblo , ( lie date of ( hut' New 'ork I : uuruuaruut'umt ( or htoyuu mmuuuler 2l.- . ( 'onuutauuf ' ruttIer. Arie-l ( ) Oardnmur , Collott , Jammulson Ito uluh Jft'ys , Goulso , he'll , Leouiauuh , l'oivi'll , Iopkiummu , CowgIll , 'l'oivuio tHud utli's. ( I ) tmgumnt hi ? , hittstoui , lhlfOlcEN i3OV , Nob. , Juno lii - To ( hue , porthiug 1tIlfor of 'i'htut hiect : 'r titi lilt , a ager , trill yeti answer In next Sumiulay's ce : 110w many cards art , ulealt Imu liutu , q some calleti 'luoomu-cuuiu' ' multi oblige IL 11. Auts-Ten to tiurhu llinye'r , ilriut tlureu iruis hbo'mu fltrt'o noure' . 111dm ( ( JIlt ai'mlui makIng twenty caidut uleitit nut ! ieumvimug vemuty on flue tattle to hue , dratt'n from. OM/ellA , June 19-To hue SuortImig Itlil' ur of 'I'luo lieu : ifhmmdly answer huu uue'xt uuntitty's lIeu it ( lore lIt 8tt better Oshumig I bet ( emu utl w I I Ii iii I ( IC ) Iii h ics itt Ouuua ha t ha ii L iutnguloui , , Mo. If ito , girt' bocahiomu emil ict % % 'IIY of gelihmlg there. \'lticIu : is thus Ctter itlaulu , I.aiugtlon ou' l'lielps CIty ' E , . Hoper. Amus.-Ycs , at 'Fekannahi. 'ralco flue luitulltt liii. , . Iomu't kuiew amuythuhog ahtout hutultus City , OMAhA. Junut 17.-To ( lie Slotting Fthl ur of Time lice : \\'iil yeuuu lulease ilulturili I tlui'ough yotir colunumus wliefhti'i' a pemsumu I cltakiumg ltftkCi' ellen must thurtuiv lute fiirco uniucs to beat a tie ? Eutattiple : Thttti iakeut ( or a huorute ; tlrst nmaiu luahe8 ace'S iumh tuixe's I n tluu'et , hops , seconti nit.uu Still It Cli Lull amid sixes 1mm two 110115 auth callut it a the , ow. muutlst hue shake huts oilier 11011 If first Iaui wants him to to beat thum ( It' , or eu. . u are it stanch ? y Amu.-hbu caum leave it sfaud i - - -i : L