Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1896, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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S TTIE OMAJTA DAILY nj SUNIAY.TUNE 11 , ISOn. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - - -
A GrapElo PorLrayal of the t. Louis
Cyclono's ' Deadly Work ,
Onlr AulIietiflc IlI tinu 1'tt1IIM1Iet1
tili'ti VirI. of ittial Cntiiirit
itisti 'I'Iie Ik'e Stt i , ri ( I * ( Vurk
. for 1 ( SubscrIPvrM.
Tour hunilrel kIIle(1 an 1,200 nJure0 I
the record of the cyclone which Rtruck St.
1Mlh ; anI Eaiit St. 1otiI at F o'clock on the
afternoon ot May 27.VItiln ) halt an hour
tiousantls ) of families were rentlercl horny-
tesi and property tfl the vahie of $ O.0DOOO0
deRtroyeIt. It was the most disastrous
torrn of modern tunes , far lilore appalling
luau any eartltiako or hurrheane that lia'
occurred in thila gciieration. Ilundretis of
nhles of electric a'irv and thousands of
telephone and telegraph poles were dasht'l
to tile grotliid hilco so many iiinpliis. Trees
were tiiirooted atut liurleil a distance of
Boveral h1oe114. heavy Iron fences vcro
twisted ii though they vero so much titi.
'The masonry at the approaches of the great
Eada bridge was blown away , steamboats
vore ( lnslIet across tile river , 1)roken ) into
fragineiits anil hurled Iligli tlpOfl tile opposite
banks. There was Ilotiling either on land or
afloat to withstand the Pitiless fury of the
awful wind , viic1i ) attained a velocity of
Igiity llliiCl flu hour anti brougflt with It
llavoc ruin aliti death.
Itight upon the heels of the storm came
Strauss , St. Louis' leading photographer ,
vIio itiade perfect views of nil the most liii-
portant ruins , whieh Included some of tim
city's most substantial iuhldings aliti
churches. These views , together with a
iraiiIiIc descriptloii of the wreck froni the
PCfl of cite of St. Lotii' iflost itoteti newspaper -
paper iiieii , have been hnndsomeiy engraved
and printed on stipershi.ed anti caiendercd
laper aitil hoUliti Iii book form , after the
atyie of the \Vorid's Fair \'iews , which Tue
11cc scattered broadcast in 1S94 , making an
Interesting aibtint of the great storni which
Is amiDst vriceiess , as It Is the only nu-
thentic edition , photographed direct from
actual life or eat1i that vht1 be published.
The flee has exclusive control of the production -
duction and olfers titis complete work of
fifty pages , Including forty-three full iage
views , to subscribers of The Ialiy Bee for
the Insignificant SLIm of 25 cents and one
advertisement. on another -
cotipon cut. out of the
other page.
Sco ativertisement printed on another age
for directions for sending or bringing In
coupons. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ - _
.tttt.itltiit t1Ii'rtt % ' 4lDh1llle1l.
Neighbor E. Matson , of Beech camp Mod-
cmVoodinefl of Anierica , ( hell at 8:30 : a. in. ,
June 13. Funeral viit tnke 1ace from his
: late resldeiice , at 221 Cedar street , at 2 p.
in. . Sunday , June 1 1. Intermelit at Latirci
11111. Members of Beech camp are requested
to meet at camp hail at 1 p. in.
A. 11. VOSfltJIWII , Consul.
JOhN S. K1rc ; . Clerk.
Beech Camp , Odd FCIIOWB New hail.
Grzttiti Picnic
Of the TJnItcti Brewery Workmen's union
? ; o. 9G vIii be hiehi today at hlibbier's park.
Forty-fourth andVest Leavenworth
streets , for the benefit of the
locked-out members. Transfers given
oil all lines. Fare 5c. Itefresli-
ments of nil kliids served on the
grounds. Good union music by 'FIdel's
orchestra. Dancing aliti various gaines will
be PlaYcti. Tickets 25c. Ladies and cliii-
dreli free. i'rizes to be contctcd for were
kiiidiy donatetl by the following firms :
0 malta Ten t ani A vn iii g coin paiiy , lint-
breiia ; Mrs. J. hienson , lady's iturse : lCd-
Icy , Stiger & Co. , boy's sweater ; Frank
l'armalee. fishing rod : Wilcox & Draper.
lady's shoes ; 0. K. Scofleid , ladies' shirt
valst : 99c Store , ball anti bat ; Frederick ,
the Hatter , boy's cap ; Thpntpson & Bet-
( heit , gent's sweater ; Samuel Burns , cup antI
aauccr ; Arthur Ihriggs , straw hat ; J. Lewis ,
box of good cigars ; Morrbj ICarpeles &
Bros. , cash irize of 2 and other prizes.
Ozimnlin-ChICfl g u-SpccittI.
Train to
travel exclusively.
6:30 : every night.
Bicycles stored. 109 S. lhth , opp. P. 0.
We check bicycles for 5c ; special rates for
Telephone 918 orderIng case Schlitz beer.
1icNlC A'I' St1tPY 'lIiid.S '
Stilitimi y , .Yiiie 1.1.
The Young Mcii's hebrew Benevolent
Society holds Its annual vicntc at Sarpy
Mills , Sunday , Julio 14.
Special train for Sarpy Mills vill heave
the union tlelOt ) itt 10:10 : a. in. , stepping at
South Omaha at 10:15 : a. m.
Tickets iiiay be Purchased front members
of the comnnilttco at the depot on the morn-
leg of the excursion.
Dr. Carl G.Swcnson , who has during
the last two years been house surgeon iii
put ; , of tue great iiospital , the "Augustamiit"
of Chicago hits now returned and taken
rooms sot ; 110(1 ( 307 ICarba'lt building.
A VIIi r , , 'PrnI ii l. IluiTtilo , N. .
For teachers auth friends en route to
the annual meeting of the National Edu-
catlonai association vihi leave Omaha via
At 4 :41 : i. in. Saturday , July 4.
Itolimiti trip tickets ( good until Septoiti-
her I ) , $26.75.
Sleeping car reservations may be nialo
at aiiy time at city ticket 0111cc , 1502 Far-
siam St. J. B. IIEYNOLDS ,
City h'assoiiger Agent.
It you need bottletibeer , order Schlitz's.
I-jet' ( rI ( ' ii ' ( ' ' Lii iii its
Chealtest cmiii best on earth ; they dis-
couiit nil ) ' oil ianips. 'i'oti can't afford to
be without one , Ccii auth see themmi. Mc-
ar-hlen Cycle Co. , 319S. 15th street.
1 % Cool Ii t.'t.i , t i I ) ii
Awaits tue vise jnirchaser of a Spirit Lake
ticket s'lti time Northwestern line. Acconuno.
datiomis there better ittiti inoro reasomiablo
titan ever. Therntoineters not allowed to go
abova 68 degrees.
City otlico , 1401 Farnam street.
Alt evening of must cmiii fun with Miss
Fuiimiy hates , assitetl by local talent. Toes.
( lay tivenimig , Jtiite 16 , 1S96 , givemi for the
benefit of United States Grant Relief corps
] iyitio bali , Continental block , Adinissioii ,
: s cents.
' ( ilimalait-Chi Icimiro Lici fled , "
M111\\'AUICEF1 ht' . ,
hiulit for speed.
Conifort and safety.
Short line ,
lilock ytemn , I
Electric light.
Fine Cuisine ,
city ticket ofilco , 15O I"arnam street.
: lit'lt iiihi' , Cliii , 'I'iiIi. Notice ,
A soon as Major McKinley is nonitmiated
at 131. Lottie , you wilt be called together
to arrange for a monster ratification miieet-
lug. lANIlt \VlIEELtIt , Chairman ,
ti , 11. IIEUFIELI ) , Secretary.
, .t E % ' 'I'ht.'lN ,
1flINolim'l l'fltlille hlsillwsiy' ,
Only iin.o without change of cars.
Leave % 'eIister street depot 3:45 : p. in.
Arrive at St. Louis union station 7:20 : a , in.
N. E. Corner Thirteenth and Farnani Sts.
A. Curd of 'I'hinmiks ,
To ( lie iiiany frientis who so kindly cx-
tended their sympathy and assistance thur.
lug our great licreavemnent in the death anti
burial of our beloved husband and father ,
1' . Ollcarp1 we tiestru to return our simi-
' cere tiiuiik , Mrs. Annie O'Ilearu and
lhat'ry O'Ilcarn ,
- - -
I.ndics' : ; t 'liii % 'hiec1 ,
it you want a strictly up-to-date mount
$ to cash wilt buy one of F. M , htuueli , 313
o. 15th , Guaranteed to be equi to any 90
hvel on the niarkot.
, I'fll SP.t,1'I CIAThi I % ( CO.
'I'll , ' Iii ( Veq'k uf Sd I I ng t I.e 1't'I it-
hirg Slielt ,
'Fhis Is the final call on the \'oinberg
stock of cloaks , suits and capes. All these
gootis will be closed out this week anti that
almost without regard to price. Lvery
waist , suit , skirt , cape or Jacket In the
house Wiil be rinoted at such low figures as
to ensure their speetly sale.
This move is iminile necessary because The
State are nitotit to begin niaking extensive
alterations to accomnotlato theIr irmimene
stock of new fine clothing for men anti
womneii , boys atiti girls , which vIIl begin to
arrive early In July. ThIs leaves but a
ery r.lmort time to get out of the way of the
carlientt'rs nitti Wasterers anti necessitates
501110 very effective measures in the way of
stock retlucing.
Time bargaIns to lie offered this week will
stiritass atiytliing ever shown in the annals
of the cloak anti suit business of this city ,
and their store at 1611 Iouglas street vIll
be crowtled froni the start to finish.
OIIiIS OP 'I'll II U YS'I'iG MihlLiil.
l'ilgrl _ % , , 1.1 ime ,
Imperial i'otentate Field anti escort front
Teniples between the Pacific coast anti
Omaha with accessories en route to Cleveland -
land , 0. . hiasses Omaha via the Union Pa-
cifle. Northiwesterii line , 5:45 : p. m. , Juiio 19.
lie vill be Joinetl at Omaha by a party of
nobles front Tangier Temple. Reserve
berths at 1401 Farnant street.
it. II. IUTCIIITI , ( lenoral Agent.
Take fair groumimi cars for Plattdtietscher
Volksfest anti Pieitic at Ituser's Park , Suit-
day , June 14th.
rue iteil % ic'tt ittites.
To all summer resorts call at Rock Island
City Ticket Office , 1602 Farnam St.
The Davis & Cowgili Iron Works at 15th
anti Jacko3n streets have adde3 to their
plant a complete blcyeio repair shop. None
hut first ca55 toric turned out from this
Telcpiioiio Ills , Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co.
, ( ) , . liii tI.4 S'Iii the ltirlhtii.ctiii ltiiiitt' .
St. Louis , Juno 13 , 14 anti 15.
San Francisco , ititie 15 , 16 , 23 and 2 ! .
Chicago , July 4 , 5 antI 6 ,
hltitl'aio , Jiil , ' 4 and 5.
Wasiiiiigtoii , July 3 , 4. 5 antI C.
Denver , Juiie 1 1 antI 15 anti Jtiiy 5 anti 6.
Salt Lake City , August 7 antI 8.
I lot Springs , S. D. , July 3 niid 24.
Yellowstone Park , June 1 to September , O.
Call at ticket omce , 1502 F'arnamn St. ,
anti get full inforiiiatioii.
J. Ii , REYNOLDS , City Pass. Agent.
Take fair grotiiiti cars for l'iatttluetschier
Volksfest anti jilciiic nt Ittiser's l'ark , Sun-
do ) ' , Julio 11th.
'i'i'xieli ( 'rN-TI ii ITo in.
' "North'cstern
Through cat' service via
Liiie. " Mamiy unusual jtrivllcges. Inquire
at the city 0111cc , 1401. Farnani street.
Gatohino stoves repaired , stove storage , wa-
her fronts. Out. Stove Ite.'lcs. . , 1207 Douglas.
% 'hit tii e 'itlttsIt Itmt i irond.
CONVENTION the Wabash will sell ticketi
at hALF FARE , $11.0. The Omaha and St.
Louis Liiniteil.
Leavet Oiiiahia ( union depot ) daily 4:30 :
p. in.
Arrives St. Louis ( union station ) daily 7:00 :
a , iii.
For tickets , sleeping car accommodations era
a convention folder giving list of hotels with
rates ier day and other valuable informa-
tiofi , call at Wabash 0111cc , 1i15 Farnait
street , or write G. CLAYTON ,
N. W. P. Agt. , Omaha.
hiantilton Warren , M.D. , eclectic and niag-
italic physician ; 'pecIal attention to iliseasso
of women and children and nfl obscure and
long-standing diseaces. 119 N. 16th st. , It 2.
iI.tNSON visi'cii DY 'I'IIIEV ES.
'I'Iiree IItmiinsmy iios Ciint'guiI iI ti ,
the Crinic.
Mark Hanson has lost $50 in money , three
certificates of deposit of $500 each , one of
$120 , anti $2,000 worth of mortgage notes.
The certificates of deposit are on the
United States National bank. Tile 1053 OC-
eurred On June 10 , but Hanson faileti to
report it until yesterday morning.
hanson lives at 2406 South Tenth street.
lie I ruiinlng the brick yard and terra
cotta nmnufactory near Grcenes forty. Last
Wednesday he hung his coat tip in the es-
tabltaliment and went to work. The coat
contained the money and papers. When he
put it on at the eonelLisloii of his labors.
money and papers wore both gone.
Three boys liavo been arrested in Boone.
Ta , , who are supposed to have committed
the theft. Their names are Martinsomi , Ilas-
nick anti Enalti , They all hived in the
iielghboriiood of Hanson's brick yard.
The manner in which the boys were connected -
nected with the case is somewhat
Peculiar. Detectives , after an Investi-
gatlomi. learned that the three lads vere in
the nelghborhiootl of the brick yard on the
afternoon of the day of the robbery. The
officers learned from the Parents that the
three had nm away from home together.
After a little questioning , it developetl that
the Parents llal ( traced the boys to Ihoorie
and a little prcssiiig brought. forth a tele-
grain received yesterday morning , In which it
was stated that the .bol's liatl been arrested
and held for the itarcfnts.
It has iteen iearnctl further that at the
time of the arr st th boys were on their
\v.y to Chicago , and that each hind a ticket
for that city iii his possession , An omeor
.iut be sent after them.
% 'laeri , .itre 'bit tlihmif
Never before hia such an excellent oppor-
tuiiity bee : given for making a trip to the
nianh points of interett in the west , reached
via the Iiiilon Pacific.
A glance at the hitt below of meetings to
which special reduced rates have been au-
tiiorized , ttt.l convince you that the odvan-
tages for a western trip thii year are cx-
ccutioiial ;
hloineseekers' Excursions , Juno 9 anti 23 ,
July 7 and 21. Itato , one fare for the round
trii' , Pills 2.
Junior OrJer IJnitcd Ainorican Mechanics ,
lenver ) , Cob. , Juno 16-20. Rate , one tare
for the round trip , ithis $2.
National Eclectic .ledical association. Port-
land. Ore. , Juno 16-18 , hate frOm Nebraska
or lCani'as , $6) for the round trip.
American Society Civil lngineors , San
Francisco. Cal. , Juno 30. Rate , $60 for the
round trip from Missouri river anti % vest ,
Retail Clerks and Music Teachers , 1)cnvor ,
Cob , , July 7-10. Itate , one fare for the
round trip , plus $2.
Firu Chiefs' Convention , Salt Lake City ,
August 10.14. Rate , one fare for the round
till ) , plus $2.
Slimmer tours to Denver. Colorado Springs ,
Manitou or Puebo , May 15 to September 30.
Special reduced rates from ICansac amid Nc-
Summer tours to Salt Lake City or Garfiolti
Beach , May 15 to Septcmiiber 30. Special
reduced rates froiii eli principal points.
For full Inforniation as to lintit of tickets
anti stopover privileges , etc. , cult at the
IJoioii I'acitic city ticket office ,
1302 Farnani Street ,
- p
0 suit Ii a i ii I ttS.
Drs. W. 11. hianchiett , I ) . A. Foote and
0. S. Wood of this city will leave Monday
for Ietroit , where they wilt attend tim
annual mueettiig of the American Institute
of Iloiiivopathy Its delegates ( rein the Nebraska -
braska society. As this is tim centennial
year of Imonicopathy the ( -omivention Is ex-
Pccted to be one of the largest yet held.
The Nebraska delegation go prcparctI to
use alt possible efforts to bring the cuaven-
tloii of 1898 to Omaha ,
Six 'I'ltlriyi' , .i , Train ,
of the
Heat service.
Inln ! car.
City 019cc , 1504 Farnamn ,
1)1111) ,
M\TSON-Etmer , ngctl3l years , 3 months
nmul 1 day June 11. 1S1O. Funeral to take
itiaco front family residence , 221 Cedar
street , SumidtLv aflcrnooii , Juno 14 , 1bt6
at 2 o'clock , hmiternteiit Laurel 11111 coin.
I'ter ) ' , ZtIt'inbera of Stoto lotigo No. 10.
I. 0 , 0 , F'auth brothers of oilier lodges
are rrqiitsleth to modeL at Odd Follows'
hail , Fourtectith and 1)odg streets , at I
o'clock to attend funeral of our late
brother. imtr Matson.
I'iro anti Polic9 Oommissionor Review the
Case at Length.
A.Mert 'l'hiea' No Notice of time
'I'rinl of time CliNt' iii ( lie .htmMtIoc
Court-No Stlmimmimitloil iii Ito-
guru to ( .1 I her Clii imiis ,
Captain II. IL Painter , na chairman of the
finance committee of tue Ihoard of Fire and
I'olice Coinnmtssioiiers , has itrehtaretl a cent-
municatioii. asserting the itosittoil of the
boarti in the Leetler case , which will be pro-
sentetl to the city council next Tuestlay
night. The communication bears the ap-
itroval of the other inenibers of the board ,
and is self-explanatory.
First-At the Ineethmig of thio Board of Fire
antI l'oiico Coinntissloners helti Jiiiie 18 ,
1S94 , a conunittee , consisting of Conhmnis-
siotiers liartmnan and Cohnirn , was aiipoiiitetl
to visit , on Juno 19 , 1S94 , time several engiiie
liouse. for the nurnose of explaining to the
iitemi the necessity of reducing the oxpelises
of time tIre departineiit , auth to give an eu-
lmrttmmiity to cacti inemtiber of the departiitemit
to vote iiutomi two mtmestiops : First.Vhethier
they woutl nreter to have a eertaimi number
of men tiisiiiissed froni the thepartinemit , or ,
secoliti , 'hether they woulti Prefer ft rctitmc-
tioii of salaries , On June 25 , 1S91 , tue coot-
inlttee reported to the hearth that four iiieni-
hers of tIm department voted in favor of a
retiuctiomi of salaries , sixty-four in favor of a
reductiomi of iiiemi , auth twenty-three declimieth
to vote at all , but rttqtiestctl thie ioard , in
writing , to tb wliatevei' it thought hest.
Time origimial ballots cast by the men upon
tim proposition , as above stated , are on file
iii this 0111cc.
Oii June 19 , 1894. tIme iiiciiihers of the fire
tiepartmnent subnilttcti the following propo-
sititilt to the boarti , which was signetl by
eighty-eight nicinbers of the tiepartinent :
' 'OMAhA , June 19 , ISOl.-To thio Ilomior-
able Hoard of Fire antI l'ohice Commission-
ers.-Gentlememi : W'e , the understgiied ,
members of tile fire departniemit , beg leave
to submit thin following llroposttioii : 'Flint
each inemiter of the department take a
leave of absemice of twenty days without
iay , and , if iiecessary , thou , for further
retrcmichmmnciit , to take an atiditional heave ,
saId leave to he gtvemi at the discretion of
your liotiorabit' body. Chiefs not Inciutied
iii this rtroiosition. This ProPosItion to he
in effect until the next gemieral levy , January -
ary , 1895. "
The original proposition with the signa-
tiires of the itten Is also on file in this
0111cc ,
On June 25 , 1S94 , the board adoptcti the
following rcsolutioii :
1t.solvet1 . , Thitt : owing to lack of funds
to inaimitniri the presemit. force , twcmity-tvo
111011 of the lire departinemit be laid off front
duty without PRY twenty ( IlLYS elicli tiiitll
further orders of the hoard.
l'rovided , however that the mcmi in the
theiatrtimieiit be iermnltted to sicep itt their
ciigimk iioliites ; and ,
1'rovitied , 'rhitt iiom of the mcml laid oft'
ho perinitteti to iit'e : the city without
specIal orders fromu the boaril , neil that
such mcmi ahisu''er alt lire alarms s1iyn they
are u'tthin heurimig , timitl that a failure to
tb so shalt be cause for dlsniinsai without
formal trial : anti ,
Provideti , 'runt such teen shall be umitler
the tzinie rtilei : ttitl shutout to the Sante
discipline Its these not litid off ;
I'rovltled , 'l'luut the c1tIef , assistimnt
cliieftt , stiperintentlent of lire and police
iiIitm in Sl'Steiti , captitimis , mlrh'ers of engines ,
timivers of chiefs' viigons anti cmtgineerti
auth stokers be not Initl off. but stifler re-
ductiomis in so that 511011 reductions in
PitY litil : hire rate whthi the reductions in
the 1M1" of the other members of the the-
parintent :
l'rovithed. That ihiQ committee on men
anti discipline tntI the Quiet of the lire ( he-
PLrtrnemit : designate the men to be haitI off
ettehi month.
The resolution went into effect July 1 ,
1894 , and coiitinuetl iii force for two mouths.
It wilt be obsert'ect that by its terms thu
salaries of all the mcmi % 'ero reduced ,
Sonic of thieni were Pcrmiiittetl to leave their
emigiiie houses , but were to be considered as
on ( lilt ) ' all of the time , anti were requiretl
to resitomiui to all fire alarms anti to be
tooler the santo disciplimie as though they
were required to remain at the engine
houses. No nine vas givemi an uncontiitional
leave of absence. The presence of the engineers -
gineers , drivers , stokers amid superior oil-
cers was necessary at the engine houses ,
anti for that reason they were required to
remain at their respective houses , but were
required to stiffer the sante reduction in
iay as the others. Every member of the
fire ( lepartmnent acquiesced imi the abo'e ar-
rangemnent , amid at the cnti of each of the
two mouths that it remnainetl iii force they
aeceited the warrants for their salaries as
reduced. No claim was ever made by any
mnoiiiber of the departinemit for any other
or thifferemit conipensatiomi for those two
months umitil January 28 , 1805 , whemi Edward -
ward Leetlcr , who lint ! then ceased to be a
mnemnber of the department , presenteti a
claim to time hearth ( or $46.68 , that being
tiio amnotmiit of the reduction of Ida salary.
Time board unanimously refused to pay the
hihi , anti suit was afterwards brought by
hint against the city thereon. No other
claim has ever heemi matle upon the board
by any member of the departmnemit.
2. Your coinmimittee further reporis , that at
the timiio these tramisaetlons occurred , the
Board of Fire and I'ollce Conimissiomiers
\.as imivestcd by law with absolute authority -
ity to fix the salaries of time mnemniiers of time
fire department. The matter st'as entirely
within their chiscretloim , 'rhicy could at any
tIme order a reduction of salaries anti there
coumiti be no appeal front their decision.
\Ve are tlwretore of the opimiion that when
the boarti liasseti the resolution on Jumie 25 ,
1894 , ordering a reductIon of the salaries
of tIme muon , lImIt were not emily acting
within the scope of their authority. . but
they did ttIiat was , in their opiniomi , noces-
anry to be domie lii order to preveiit a tidbit
iii the fire fuuitl. It ts'aa the right of every
mactIther of time tbepartimteimt to heave lila
employiiiemit when the board ortlered the re-
duictiomi in salaries ; but it was iiot iii the
jouver of ami' uterson to stiitntit to such re-
duietiomi at time timne , amid when lie finally
left the dopartinoiit to then claim from the
city the tlitTeremice bettt'cen hils fernier salary -
ary and that to which it itati been re-
3. Your comnnilltt'e ( tirther reports that
lie mtiemnhier of this boarti was notified of the
trial of the I.eeder case in tIme district court
anti we are imitormmteti that no memober of
the former board was notified tvhieii the
trial would occur , anti for thud reason aiomio
diii nof ntteuid aliti give their testimony.
In view of ( lie foregoing facts your corn-
mitteo reconintenti that this board refuse to
atmthinrizo the paymnemit of any portiomi of time
claim referred to in ( lie report of time
fimianco committee of ( lie city coumtcil , for
thio reason tbatsaid claim is umttist and Is
not duo and out'liig by time city of Onimihia ,
anti foi' the ftmrther reason that the salaries
in qlicstioii twere fixeth liy the tomnter Ihoard
( it Fire and l'oltce Conintissioziers , which
had solo authority to act In the preniisea.
Voile comiiiiiltteo believes that this board Is
without authority to review the action of
( ho former board for the uturpose of iii-
crcaiiimig that salaries of meat entployed by
The suit of Edward Leetler , the only claim
conteateti , t'as brought after ho loft tIme fire
tbepartmnemit , October 22 , 1891 , anti after lie
hati aeccittoti without h1rotes lila salary for
.idiy and August , 1894. 'FlIts suit was first
tried iii Justice cotmrt on July 15 , 1895 , and
was defemuheti 119' AssIstant City Attorney
Cornishi. vhio states that there was po agree.
mont or stiptilatioti to ( lie effect ( hint ( lie
Loeder eao bould be uiadeor considered
a test case , - '
W'iten the case caine up for hearing iii
the district court. Aitrii 25 , 1896 , it was
thefentied by Assistant City Attormiey Leo
Estcie , st-Ito advises us thiat lie hail to take
up the case without ureitaration anti tvithi-
out knowiiig wlion to call as witmiesses ,
Tiio muain urgurnemit of thai claimanmit , that
work was verformued without full pity ,
amounts to nothiing vhien it can be easily
proven ( bat the contract was fairly imiado
anti accepted , The city has a good detcuise
and should bo protected.
A Fish Story
with elements of truth , easily possible by
using the Northwestern line to some of the
litany lakes north , Cost you $2.00 to lO.000
Depends on the 'flnauichal question. "
1401 Farnaun Street.
, i,00IC hifl'l'hI M(1NE Ai ) Ch.OTIIIG.
Mrs. ( . 'iiMC ltnIiq.g'iitie lhiimithiig tier
Ih'tqc ii .1.
Mrs. Close arriveI In the city I"ritift ) '
anti spent the nht ) with a friend who
hives in ( lie ncigiihorhoomi of ilansconi park.
llright anti early yestertisy morning alto set
out to look up an acquaintance named Allen ,
who dwells soniethere near \\'cst Leaven-
worth street. Shot ; as far as Tiiirty.thirti
anti Leavenworth trvets vhien she met it
negro anti of hint site mnado Inquiries. In
answer to her question the negro stateth that
Allen hived at Thirty-aevemithi amid Masomi
streets and kintily offered to escort her to
the house. On tile way lie politelY offered
to carry Mrs. Closes valise and hie grate-
fuiiy aceepteti ( lie offer , as she was tired.
The two iroct'eded several blocks atiti
flmiahiy reaeiieti the house whore the iicgro
altl that Allen lived. The dwelhiiig flui
Peared to be vacant.
"I'lh go anti kmiock , " saul Mrs. Chose , "auth
you stay hierm' . "
Mrs. Close rappeth for several iiiimiutes as
barth as she could , but failed to arouse any
omie. She turiied arounti to imiform her coin-
lianion of ( Ida fact. lie vns gone anti so
was tue valise that comitaineti hier clohiiig
anti $15.
Thin case has been reporteti to time 1)011CC
' have been detailed
antI a couple of detcctit'es
oil ( lie work.
Jaiuies Sniithi was arresteti during ( lie after-
noomi oil suspicion ( lint itt'as lie tviio eonfl-
demicetl Mrs. Close.Vhicmi he tvas tmroughit to
the station it was noticed that lie stnmnmereii
consitierably more than lie miocs at othier
times. Alt iuivestigatioil of ( hits fact devet-
oped ( hint lie tvtis lioluiing soinetliiiig betweemi
his teeth. lie refused to oiicit his jatva and
it was only after lie hiati been choked almr'st
to uneonseiotismidss - that hme cougiied up $15
in hdiis.
Jaimies Smith hias attniiietl comisitlerable no'
toriety iii local Police circles. lie has lCeii
arrestetb at least four ( lines for smiatehiimig
PoCketbooks from woiiien or steaiiiig articles
front thieiii. lie was houmid over to the ibis-
trlct court on a cotiple of these cases , hut
in eachi ease lie was dismissed on ( lie plea
of .
imtsniiIty. _ _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ _
itlil'Ilt'I' ON 'I'll Li I'flOhI l"AitM C.tSES.
A t ttrmey Al'is.N Con , iii INMIiI'rM I Ii iii
Ill ! ' CiiM ( ' i' ( tit 1)istoMemi ( if.
The Board of Coumity Comnniissioners hiehth
a brief husimiess session yestertba ) ' mnornlmig.
at which all of ( lie iiieinbers were presemit.
\v. 1)m hbeciett : , the nttormmey ttlio was
emaploycti by tile cotinty to dcfcuiti ( lie poor
farm cases in ( lie coumrts , informiied the
boartl ( hint the decIsion of ( lie stiprenie
court in those cases was not himmi , as the
miiatter hind not been finally ilispozeti of , anti
lie advisctl ( limit no action be talmeui iii thi
matter of votimig bonds to iia the jutlgnicnts
uimitil such hunt action hiatl beeii tak.jii by
the coumi t. lie also advised ( lie hioar'i that
the ciaimns against the coummity which had
not beemi hut iii the form of jumigments were
otitiaweth antI tile ciaimiiniits were therefore
iiot entitled to payment. Refei'rctl to the
finance committee.
Moses ICuhins preferrcti charges against
Sammtuel i'd. Crosby , Justice of tue peace , for
malfeasance in nibice , lie charged that
Crosby bath coilecteth mooney front a
garnishee after the ease iii tvhlch said
gai nlsliee was suiunioiieti hind been reiiiovcd
front the court bf Crosby on change of
venue. The ntatter was referred to the
Judiciary cemniittee , ( lie papers net beimig
in proper fomni.
Tue bomitl of the Merchinmits National bank
iii time sumii of $250,000 for ( ho deposit of
cotimity funds , with 'Frank Murphy , hi , 11.
W'ootl antI Luther Drake as sureties , was
The bomid of the Packers Natiomial bank
of South Oniahiatin the suiii of $100i)00. ) with
Amos Gates , A. 'IV. ' Trumnbic , Fred lIvers ,
John F. Coad anti C. M. hunt as sureties ,
was also passeti.
The contract for grading roati SSD , lead-
imig to Sel'moumr park. was let to J. Ettimiger
at 6.7 cents per yard.
. - - -
'I'O ( ) 'MANY tJIt' ( iN 't'iIli S'I'ItING.
OlMenritemi Sweetiieiirt.ihJL1eM.'J'rOuibie
, . , fnr il.lort ! Itoht iisim.
On account of marrying , Robert htoblnson
appears to have gotten..hiumiseif into a heap
of trouble. His muatrintonial act has drivemi
another womiman to seek revcmtgc , and she
hias sworn out a warrant for hiis arrest.
It Is said that for seine years past Rob-
iimson anti Alice Culiigaui have hicea living
at Sixteenth amid Leavenworth streets. All
tu'ent tvell uiitil several tseeks ago s'lien
Robinson su&bleiily departed , taking all the
househiolti goods with hint. Thus occtirrctl
during the absence of ( lie woman from
The woman caine to the conclusIon that
matters coulti net be helpeti , end took tip
tier residence en Righteemithi street , near
Learentt'orth. About a week ago Itobhmi-
son rettirricti lie saiti that his consceiicC
would not allow hint to leave her and begged
her to ierinit him to renew his reiatioiis.
Sue forcave hun and the two lived together
Fritlay ( lie woman picked up a newspaper -
paper anti read an anmitiuncement of tIm
marriage of her lover to a Council Bluffs
woman , This drove her to desperation , anti
yesterday niormiing bo swore out a ceniplaimit
against Itoblnsomi.
'Fhie womami was almost in hysterics while
telling thin story. anti prusented a pitiful
picture. She alleges ( hint Robimisoii hind re-
peateilly lirontised to iiiarry her through
all ( lie years that they have lived together ,
and that iie placed imnpiicit faith in his
words ,
Itobinson also appealed to time 1)011cc , saying -
ing that the \t'einami bad been hiumiting for
hint with a revolver. Slat demiles this state-
, ( iuiiliii I'iiiiifiiil' immJiired by it Iiivy
( 'ill ltiIt'i'
The scorcher scorcti another knock-tlown
Friday night. It was on Sherman avenue ,
tshere the mnoothi hia'crnemit offers an irre-
simitilibe teiuiitatioti to ( lie scorchtimig instinct -
stinct , A woman alighted ( remit a north-
hiotiiid car at Shierwood avenue. The
scorcher was riding at a breakneck iiaco
iii ( lie opposite directiomi. lie struck the
woman aiiti kiiochcetl her down , 'Flio con-
dtictor moatie a dive after the cycicr amid
siucceetieti lit getting hold of hiimn , hut he
broke away before his mmmc was ascertaiiietl ,
amid , mounting lila wheel , tsos soon out of
reach. The wommi.ami , s'hio was painfully
imruised , was assisted home anti the mitami
who was responsible for the titiahap Is still
scorching. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' 1'itii Fo nil hi , . , , mm t ( I ii tim.
Tue Firsts and the Sorensens , two families
living in Clifton luLl , appear to 1)6 at omits
at the presemit : tiuito. Friday ( lie First
boy , who is 14 years of age , was arrested
on the charge oftiassatmlt amid battery , it
being alleged by'thio Soremisens ( lint lie
cruelly thirew their 7-year-old scion ( a the
Pavemmient amid bruiseth lila face. The case
\as tlismnistioti imli ( Ito afternoon.
It is ahlegoti how that the Soronsons were
very sore over thur defeat iii police court
antI Friday night ivialteti ( lie First hiousehiohtl
iii a body. On thistittatcmnent time head of ( ho
First family yesterday mmiormilmmg siicceedeil in
obtaining a vlLrrant for ( lie arrest of ( lie
head of ( Ito Somencen family ,
'i'imllclmiie Ne-i lliiililliigs _
Building huisportvr hiarte is net particti-
larly crot'dctl wlthJ busimiess at present. One
lermnit , for a two-sor ) ' reahtiemice , is all ( lint
hiss been issued Zbts veek with ( lie exeep.
tion of numiierotiliPermnits for small immiprove-
iiicuibi smith aiterations. Ihtit huillulers amid
comitmaetors are taikimig more contbdeuitly
anti qtiite a mitimiiber of lilamia for creditable
buildings are In oomitemnplaiou.
is. . lvIsm'iiri mi' leg.i1 ,
Miss hlerthia Leiseiiring , dauglitei- Dr.
p. s. Loisenring , formerly of ( bits city , died
Friday at San liege , Cal. Miss Leisemi-
ring lived iii Omaha for fourteen years
iircceding her remmioval to CalifornIa In 1892
anti lisa many warm ( rientla hero whoa will
be saddened bythiu news of her death.
lnoOhvmier a mmmi lie uriii5 19.00.
Juiie 14 amid 15 ( lie Rock Island Route
will seli tickets as above , good for return
until July 15 , Call 'at city ticket olilce ,
1G02 F'aruamii street ,
it hill Not I'ais.i.
OMAhA , Jumie 13.-To thai Editor of The
hIect I'ienso let inc know thirotmghi your
Siunthity issue if the bill to raise the salary
of letter carriers pitased , as it will decide
a controversy. IIIJBSCRIIJEII.
Time week just past marked ( lie enti of
the local theatrical seasomm. The doors of
one play-house were premiiaturely closeti by
ticatit ; thi other fulfilleti its final nmimtnjince-
imienta anti dimly liresemitcil ( lie last of its
regular bokhmigs. , , 1)arkumess , intorruiited
only hiy mu few scatterIng events-concerts
amid the like-wIll prevail iii both until the
stimnnier Is past antt ( lie early atittimnii ( hays
shall tmshier iii a new auth lierlialis a iiiore
liroslicroims year.
' 'All say , 'how 1mm-ti It is that we have to
die'-ut strange eoiiiphiihmmt to c'omimy ( ruin ( lie
iiioimtiitt of People % Vlio hitve to live. "
" 'hoever hmii hit't'tl bug enough to fimiti
out tvhmitt life is , knots's hiosy (11(1) It tlt'itt
of gratitude we otto to Aduni , tli , ' iiritt
great ii'ii'fflctoi' of our race. lie hirouglit
, lt'it t hi I ii t o t hi e % ( ) iil ( . ' ' - -
' 'Lot us eiitit'ii'mir ito to hive I lint when we
commit' to ( Ill' t''ii the tmiitl&'mtnkei' vili be
sorry.l'tulti'niieamh \'lison'im Cnlemithtir.
The sutitlen news of ( lie passluig of Vrnnbc
Mayo caine a ( en' hiotims before lie lmiimiscit
was exliectctl to arrive iii Oiiiahmuu to opemi
lila ( bIrth eimgiigeuncmit of thm preseiit sea-
son. It. carried a shock to miiany hearts
tvhiiehi Imati beat iii tmmiisoii vitii hits , anti
brought tears to many eyes which hmati
watciieti his triumphs emi time stage. To a
few whose privilege it limo ; been to kimow
huiuui ( ammiihiaily iii his everyday life , the
tidimmgs of his death eamne tvlthi the bitter
hiniui of a Persomial tiereaveimic'mit , A little
girl tvlio hind sat umpoii his limict , in ( line
past , anti called hlmn her ' 'other grantbpa. ' '
tveiit vhien iie hn'aril of it , itmiti tvotihtl lint
lie comforted , amid sought mit his ; mrtrait
amid decked it with ilouvers in sweet re-
mnemnbrnmice , Such was the ltvc whIch cliii-
dien hiore hint , whose hieait was as a little
ciiilti's. There were mnourmiers goiiig alitiut
the streets ! ast Tuesday , vhiuse hints showeti
ho claim amid tvhiose sleeves tllsphayetl iione
of tIm traIiplngs amid the suits of wee , but
rlio walked with bowed hieaths past the bill
boards which still nmiiiouncctl the tbyaii
lilayer's coniing , and who looked at lila
, Ic turctl lace through a veil of tears. lIe
lay , mneaiitvimiie , siceimiitg lila last sleep , in
( lie liuslieth amid daikemietl hiail of ( hint fra-
termial order which watcheti over lila re-
niaics ; amid it said of litni ( lint be looketi
like a Viking in repose. Great srciigtht
was always his , auth a great gentleness ; and
( lie smile with which hue hail aiistverctb lila
final stumuiiiona yet hiimgered about hits dead
To those whit ) himiew Mr. Mayo veil in tie
later years of his life , when chamigimig for-
ttiuies hatl mncliowctl him aiiti iiiamiy sumis
amid showers hail ripened lila genius aimmi his
goodness , lie scemiieti a staimiless nian-Sir
Galahad grown old in knightly deeds , Tue
noble presence. ( be strong , kimid face , ( lie
tvlnning simiiie , the warm grasp of ( lie hiamiti ,
( lie clieei'y , synipathietic word-which of his
friends does not recall all these and moore ,
with a pang of regret that their like shalt
miot be sccii agalui ? Open and clean as ( lie
sunlIt tiny , lie stcoii above ( lie Petty baseness -
ness anti foul wromigs ( lint vex ( lie ways
of lesser uiieii. hits long years of trial anti
appal-cut failure hind bred in hum a humility
as geniuiiie as it tsag surprising. Here an actor who hiatt llayetl in his time
almost every part worth playimig in the so-
called "legitimate' ' drama anti IilaYei them
all tvehl ; who hiati bath ( lie worltl at bus feet
oil moore ( lain one oceasiomi by reason of
womtderfimi successes iii roles of his own ereat-
log ; anti tvhio durimig the year last past hiatb
reached nmietv a height of fammie which it is
givemi to feit' to attain. imitl yet lie was
moore niodest iii speaking of liirnself-whemi
he could be imiduced to speak of himself at
all-than many a youngster with mint a tithe
of Framik Mayo's achievements elthimn- behind
or before hint , lie was not fomitl of his
haptismnal name , tvhichi scenieti to others to
fit hint soveiI. . "Frank ! " lie said once ,
w'lthi tvhulmiisical scorn smith that ttu'ist of the
mouth whmichi all lovers of "I'utbti'nheadVil -
son" remnemnL'er ; "did you ever know ammyhody
st'hio anioumiteub to anythiimg , who was
weIghted ( boWn with ( lie name of Frank ? "
A master of stage-craft , anti nectistolneti to
walk with sure feet tiltomi ( lie highest itlamies
of artistic success , lie was always reatly to
accept suggestions lookIng to ( lie hetternic'nt ,
of his performances. It Is salti that lie evemi
mnatI an iniportaiit permamiemit cliammge in the
entlimig of time seconti act of "Pimdtl'milicnil' '
at the im'istnnce of a young newspaper malt
In a western ( owmi , who , havimig offered his
Itlt'it. wan aghast mit hits own teimtemit9' , tttit
was reassured flhib tliaimketi by Mr. Mayo
with ( lint hearty sincerity which loathe nit
much his frleiiths ,
No characteristic of Mm- . Mayo was moore
constantly ( lisltla9'Cl , mummIng ( lie iast year
of him life , thiaii lila absoltite tiiiseiflsiiiiers
amid unceasing care for ( lie hiappimiess of
others. It was this. iuiore ( line nih ehe , ( lint
emmtit'areti hiiiii to lila associates in aim timi-
usual .icgre'e. No omie tviin saw thin miiemn-
hers of hits cnmmitnny gotiig about ( lie other
ilay like ehilidremi bereft of a lather anti
nmnkimig no effort to little thmeit' grIef , couhti
( itiem'tloii the closeness of the ( it' just set'-
erL'ti , TIn' kiuiti olti loan ttas lonkimig
foruvarti to Omaha as to au oasis in a wears'
It I Igri iminge. 1 1 ( ' hi ati in t emititl to cal I the
cnimtltaimy tngethier iii ( lie liarior of the Mer-
clients' hotel , as it was assemnitleti last
ChrIstmas nIght. anti tlieie to celehimate ( he'
chose ( if ( hit' fortumiate season anti tteiitotv
iiitliviihtinl liit'Eeuits mis remlmitlera of a ideas-
nut nssmclnttoui.
licaitle's , lie was tireti , anti wamiteti ( lie
rest which was to comiie mifter Onmmilma. lie
wrrin a few wceka ago : 'I think I nut
gettimig lily patti untier comitrol , but it gives
Inc a teclimig of umicertaiiity in uiiyseif when
it coimieml tti tvritimig or iii fact doiimg ammy-
thiimig ( hint druimantis a sittIng tiosture. I
have iintl those severe attacks cnmmie on
ofteuler wh'mi I have t'ssnyeti to write tliami
at aiiy other time , which leatis mite ( mm hte-
hove ( lint It tuna emigemmthereth hi ) ' iii ) ' writ-
log on ( ho ida9' . I shall ovcrcomiie it , lmouv-
ever. I am tryimig a simple reniemly non'
( bat I believe is favorably affecting miic-
uiothimig btmt a little vasehimie lilaced cii tim
tongue nmiti washed tlnwn with a cup of hot
wner-tlils before breakfast. I have beemi
comistant to thIs for a tveek anti feel ( lint It
lit .loiiig good. * shall lie ito glati
( ( I hiavt' tIm season close , for a few sveek'
rest will do moo moore bemiefit ( unit nil ( lie
mirtugs or stuffs. I have host thirty ilotimitis
of tlesli since I saw you , not from lllmiess ,
but by abstaimiing front beer , breath anti
Potatoes , iii fact , nil ) ' of tim starchy diet. ' '
Anti iii another place lie speaks of 'thie
daily lettem' to toy imivailti wife , ' ' tvhilehi hit'
mitivor oiiilted , amiti which he wrote im.i his
ttresslmig-roomn dtmrluig ( lie itlal' , stamitilmig up ,
because the sitting liosture aggravated his
paiii. Thie forltutbe of ( lie uitan , lila timi-
fahlimig optimism auth hits ( euttiemicy ( o timi-
derrate lila ot'mi inflrnilties mthmimie nut in
every hue of ( lie extract just qiinteti. lie
'thmotighit lie tas gcttiiig lila Pahmi umitier
control ; " it was severe , but lie woulti overcome -
come it. ( lie brave clii hero , with his vase-
hue and water ; lie hind lost. thirty potimitis ,
hut "nnt ( remit ilimiess ; " aiitl lie woulti be
'iso glati to have ( lie seasoii close. "
No omme but Framik Mayo's self cotmlti have
ct doivit the history of those last few
months' fight for life. lIe cannot un it
iiott. anti. If he cotiid. would be the last to
tie it. Those who were with him con.stmtimtly
tell of ( hc otutn'ard marks of agon ) ' which
ot.eii hil iromi will coimiti not bide , ( lie
clemichieti hiaiitis , ( lie cold sweat , ( Ito drawii
features , ( lie slow and paimifui walk to tim
hotel after ( lie pin ) ' , wlieti , as an observer
put it , lie "miiado a bluff at lookimmg into ( lie
shop wintlows as lie passed , hioltilng to ( lie
rails. because lie coulti miot go cii. ' ' limit
ho never comnplaincd , nor mnari'eti the hiappi-
miess of the young peopie about hint by me-
ferrimig to his on'ii sufferIng.
So lie struggled cmi , toward the end of ( lie
season , amid rest , anti his invalid wife. i\iitb
so it befell , cmi a morning in early June ,
while ( lie light of a new day ihluiiiimied ( lie
vast plains , clad in the green of ( lie mttriiig- ;
lug corn , ( hat Framik Mayo , gcntlemnaii.
knight anti hero , closeti hits patient eyes and
fell asleep , to awake in a land where " ( hey
neeti lie caudle , micither light of ( lie sun ; "
where ' ' ( lie iimhabiant shall not say , I am
sIck ; " where ' ( hiere shall be no more
death , neither sorrotv , nor crying , neither
shall there boany more paIn. "
Schlitz bottled beer Is famous.
Like the
Woman Chopping wood-
\Vc arc not doing this for fun.-we are paying for
this space to auncunce the fact that we have a spe-
daily selected supply of Wedding Gifts in Gorhani's
solid silver and in Cut Glass-besides many
'C1 osulo. Out
: Baby Buggies
4Te'rC bound to clean out
e c cvei'y baby eam'I'inge in the house-
cost amid u'ahuo at'e not considered
in this tri'ettt sale-
' 6 Eightstyles of cabs worth \
amid $10 cmtciiahi of
r them tinoly impltolstoi -
-5 ; 00
c cd , n'ltii satimi iiaias1 i - ,
. s c Eight styles worth i 2 , $ I
flimi $ :0-tIl)1ioistoi'el : ) Iii the best
e iosSiIJi0 manner
8c - jtuti'&isois tt'itli hue at satin $10.00
tc t-Iatv of these cabs are
s from 10 to 25 pet' cent below cost-but tvc mmiust got rid of them.
The 1319
99-Cent Fai'iiaiti
4c Store. Street.
. -
- - -
Mi' . J. Bensoll
CU" I'RICE Blouse :
/ . .
- - - - - - - -
I - , , , , nud
, a , Ii jt ) Shirt Waist
( I \ ' 1 i
- Sale--
\ 1- ' - -
.t :
. ' ' White llhousos for Children ,
i :
" - : 68c to $2.75. -
/ st ' Colored Blouses for Clitlcluen ,
' . - , . - - , 38c to $1.25.
'Pill' ) r : F-\'Is'r 'l'IIINC ; ou'r--Lliieti Blouses , In linchi coleus , wlll ( W'hlItC
hhtii'ii sailor collar auth tie , for hioyi , 2 ½ to 8 years , $1.50 ,
himthuihieimiie Colored Lnw'n Ihiouses , ts'Ihi ( large sailor collar , for girls and
11118SC8 , from ' 1 to ( i yeats , ( iSe ; would be c'htenl ? at $ i,00.
Now' Shirt \\'tiists cooling In evel'3' thut3' ,
Moi'o of thin liiit'ii colors auth navy blue just III.
For 1omuiiity tt'o s'ihi sell some tine Lawn nial FIPIICII ( iIllgliaul W'atst ,
with irlilto collars uttaclied , never sold for less ( haii 1,50 , for USc.
IIXCVlt1O'I ' I '
'in % tlsimonril'nrllie hIniltny
Only line to St. Iuis , Mo. ,
Without ehtamige of cart' .
Leaves Omaha 3:15 : p. in.
Arrives St. Lotiki , Mo. , 7:20 : a. ma.
\'ery low ratt's for ( lie rotund tilt , , 4
To St. Louis , Mo. , Juno 13 , ii , 15. "
To San Francisco , Cal. , Jtimie , if , 16 , 2 ,
To Washington , P. C. . July 2 , 4 , 5 , 6 ,
To liuffalo , N' . 'i' . , July 4 , 5.
hiomneseekctrs' t'xcuratomim , ( t'oiuthm ) , Juno 9 , 23
Missouri Pacific ( ruins leave ii'ebster stre t
depot , Omaha.
Arrive at ( minion station ) St. LouIs , Mo , _
City oflices :
N. l. Corner 11th anti Farnam sreetl1
Take.fair grotinti cars for Piatttluctscher
Volkmitest anti picnIc at Itumsers l'ark , SUt.
thay , Jumie 14th.
i'iiiiiiii.'i' "Iiiim ii , ( 'mii.rnilo.
The "fleck Ipintiti Route" lta now on sals
tomirist tIeket at greatly rothmced rates t
lenver , ( "oloraijo SPrIligs aimd l'1ieblo. Ito.
miim'iiihier ( hits i" ( ho eel ) ' I ma' running tin own
trains without chnuig front Omiiahin to al thm
ttbot'o hioifltt' . F'tr full imiformimaion call al
hock Isinmiti ticket olhice. 1602 Farimamu street.
I I "ti iii wo icmi , r Igli I -iii- , ' iic t ; i , en ltoidtnt ii a situ tim lit , ' i'gi.'hatt , , , itttiihi , ' s tc the
n.t - ic ng nigiti tt 1 ILII rsr hit' lmuters
of titi gleam sttt .N'l'rIta , titti te i'umtle o
I his coitta--.ttnal tili rtt n ttmli , , , , ' , ' . . t It thk
lit' , iioiti tlt % ii hint , , ' at LIits'mttr il itt.
iIi ( 'htl'tM SOi ) . ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
i'ttlmi"ti ( 'elery ( 'otnitoumni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ole
Allrwks l'In.'tets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ilti'ii t"arsam'armlla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
tVilliamns' m'Ink i'IlI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
83miiut ct 1'ig" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
liirnc'y't.t ( 'timtrrtm ( 'tim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 .
iufly's ) 'ttttlt W'htii'ky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
% 'inc ) h'iafrit , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, tt.r's unit Vigor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
italI's ( 'aiiirrb ( 'tin' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
M'-iimini'ti Calciimti I'ot % tltr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
( 'ttt k-tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
, tNi ) Aii OTii ilti IN i'uttl'tirurlcN.
r. t'ttm--- ( or. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10" (1r-4 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I ( ii Ii tutu ( li lt.itL ) ,
- -
lianti Made , It , eat-li , 7tOr
- - -
- - -
- - - - - - - - -
F'ttil wt'igiitmt. 4t etieli , for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
omli ( 'aitinett' , c' tali I ( or . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Attiilet'ttt't. 4c cacti , for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
( ; ttmd ( 'rqs. 4i citrit , 7 t"r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
llerciatits , ( Itilt. ilqtmet. c taim. I mr . . . .
tiertianis ( 'lttb-i'erftct , ' . 5 , ' ptlt. : t fr . . 240
I i , tImiiait I I , 'tmi'e-i : mcga ittet' . c , qtcit , I 1 'r . .
I IoiTiiiaii i I ttiseltoi iiciiiid , , k' cant , 8 for . . , Iii ,
lm-18h t1iri-imiitritto. c etcit. I for. . . . . . . . . . .
Irish ( i1I-hiitt'rmmios , ic , 'ncht , 3 fo. . . . . . . . . 21o
\ \ , . .m. i'imemtce-iiitiottiatieo , , t , t'tt'lt. I for 25
\v. .1. ilom-emio-NevaIIn. . each. a for. . . . . . 24
Toni ioorelmoqie ) . ( . 7c each , 4 for. . . . . . . . . . .
iiW'EST ( loOm s.
Gatot-Citoncita ibpecmai , 7c vat-i , . I fr. . . . . ISo
Gatos-i'a trite' , St ntcit , S for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sin
Gnttst-i'trfe , to , , eocii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lIlt
mctmlys ( 'onetma Ispeciai , t' eticit , 4 for . . . . . 25
iCeilys i'tiiitano , , te each , I fo-------------- - 24u
'l'wo lOt' itltmgs of Cliewlmig 'i'ohacco. . . . . 15
4-ounce iaCklg ( ' ScePter Stiokitig T'ineco. . hOe
1.ottiiee ltaCIttinO of 1)1 Ii tt itet. I Sitiui5img Tobacco -
bacco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie
WI JI NOREfiS , Cutter , I
1(106 Viiiiiamii St i'eet. (
The mmiii who ell cut rate rulirontb ( icket.
W'm. It. hialcocIc , Cou -
r : TS elIom ot l'itt'mi ( Law nuiti
Solicitor of U. S. aiitl Fort'lgmi Piiemit ; etc.1
709 G street , N. Vt't'mishiiiinton , U. C.
F'omnerly Exm. . muter In I'mtemit 0111cc. 'l'tvemtt5t
years lii t'oiitimitioUt practIce iii the itamne
1aee. FEllS IN U. S. ( 'ASES ShN'P
btnlNr. .ht'Nl-i AN1) Jt'lX NEhIl ) NO'I
1111 lAlj ) l'N'i'fh ALLO\\'ANCfl. \ % ritO
for particulors.
' ' ° ° tier' yvomiti-iituiti 'vhpt'lA
B i 'CYC' _ ES mniist he closeti out. Agcnt
tvaiiteti. Senti for lists. 11 , 0.1euu , Ss
l'remitis. hiiciuo ,
Teeth extracted absolutely wliliotit pain by u'
hoc-ni anaesthetic. IiUimlils'S5 as water , ZJe
cocaine , .4 -
Ijilt IIftEY , odiA AtiS
Oflice , Third Floor. i'nxtoi. Jhock , iCtti
Famnani street. Telemiione , toil. Oerjq4
iipoitn. Lady attendant.
ii'uhl Set of Teeth , Perfect Fit ,
Finest sn host Teeth , per set. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ' $7.
Aluminum I'Iate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Teeth IVithtout PIntc mit Mocleritta C
nrhlge Teeth. per tooih and attachment. . . . .
C.oid C'iowfl , 22 kt. . . . . . . . . . . 1. ' 00 to I
Itlciimnond frown U ,
Teeth filed without pain amid at prices colte.
spending with the aboic. All work guarantj
IL , represcated.
, ,
It iii a hiritho of our Shoe Dehtarment
110w comic to give bottom' Shiocit for I
ncmiey , amiti Siioes of all styles and kin3p ,
ithimi ( lie reach of all tiumses. Itead th
eV samflhtlc birices : p
Coiiie Tomorrow.
Try us amid be convlnceti of nlmu ( u m sag' ,
Fine Bicycle Shoes , $1.63 to $2 0
Flute Bicycle Lcgings the. $1 2 amid $1.4
Lmidies' hue Oxlorth 'I'Us , iii tiomigola ap
tn , TSc , Ote , $1.21 , l.50 and S2O0. f
Lrtthie' Ilmie iCiLh iitmtoii ( Shoes , iiew styles , -
i.75 , $195 , $2.50 amid $1 ( ii ) . -
Misses' line Kid hJutomi Shoe , : ' . now stYlcp
1.20 11.60 amid $200.
Misses' Oxford TIes , 75c to $1.0.
Chiildremi'ii Ohio Kid liuttoii Slices , $1.00 ,
1.20 mtmitl $1.45.
Ciiiltlreii's Oxford Ties , CSe to $1.25.
Mcii's 11mm Satin Calf Shoes , Onto ut-ilcd ,
IJ'O , $2 $ CO. $2.23 amiti $3.00.
1103's' liltu Satimi Cult Shot's late etylC
1.25 , 11.50 auth $2.00.
For ShoeB
Perfect _ - HO ! I OW
I ' Neittly
, CroWils