- - - . . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - . - - . - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - ' ( ; TIlE OMAJTA DAILY 13EFfJ SUNIAY JUNE 14 1896. - - - - - , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT r--- = . : - _ _ _ : = _ - - - Irolt ILNI'1ON. 7l8 ? MttUI Cavn left 1at evening fm a hurt vhIt with rnlatlvcs In St. Louis , Mo. Mo.Fre(1 ( Stoiio wan nirotd laEt night , charged Ith running a crap tnrno In a Lowrn Ilroaihvtty barbcr shol ) . 'fun Graii'l hold , CouicI1 flhttiTs. High class itt every respect. Ifates , 2.i'3 ' ier day nd upward. I , P. Clarke , proprietor. diss IdIt1i I'osttr has returnC from Trke uriicrilLy arid vIli ain4 her vacation - tion with Iir parenta on Oakliuul avenue. 'There vi1I be an lInjoltant inecting of the Musical club et the residence of SIrs. Dr. ? s1atiae , jr , , on Tucs4ay aftcrnoon at 3 o'clock. Itay. L. P. McIonald an4 family leave 4 thIs evening ( or a viLt in the easteril Part of tIio state. No inrv1ce exeapt UlihlflY 14C11001 at 1t. l'nul'a church after today until the flrHt Sutiday in July. John H. I&lchnrdsmi of the Union I'ark chtircli , ChIcign. W ho sang at the liradVaY ) Mctiioliit IpIscoal church last Sunday eveiiiiig to a audlelice.VIII sing RI the satno church again tlta evc'rilng. All ) flClflbCI8 of Washingtoli camp No. i2 , Patriotic Order of Sons of America , are requested to )11L'et In the hail at 2 p. in. today. to take nart In memorial aervicca at W'itJ'iit 11111 cemeterY. By eider of the committee. Chuldrtit's day seiice wilt be held at St. John's iiiglili I.utlicrnn church at James' hail , 37 Peal ! strcnt , itt 1oO : it. : in. Sunday clioo1 at 12 HI. anil 'i cuing I'coijlu'H iocioty at 7 p. in. No church ervIcen iii the evening. " ( linger" Field. a colored man , wanted on : a charge of htti oii' , was chiscovoreti by Ofileet ( 'mar last night near the Miiwatileo roiiit hiotist' . Ginger ioiig1it refugn In flight , anti the olllccr gave hiltit a race forever over a iiilie , and finally caught hint. C. IL Vinyl Co. , female remedy. MttlIcaI consultation free \'edncsthayi , health book furnished. iine Orahid botch. The Chicago Ladies' orchestra vihl give their f.rst concert at thio Grunil Plaza. Lake Manawn , this afternoon , at :3O. : Tralus tvcry thirty inhitutes. SelIe4IIh4 fi' the A tIiletit ! CoiitrN. Following arc the cvcittR and entries for the athletic contests that will take Ithaca between the Onatha and Council fluffs I I 1gb school teams at the Field club park next Sattirtlay , June 20 : Fifty 3lrt dtoh : Ointthia , Powell , Cohlett Coil neil lilu ff , I'lain inn ii t , Sn ii ndcric. One-quarter intk bicycle : Ontaitfi , IJar- Iflun , Dolalt ; Council Bltiff4 , Bonhain , i3nyiet ; . 1tuttt. Ittinniflw high Jump : Omaha , FvahiS 1rIel1 ; Councdh HhtiffM it. Iaiiev. harnitid. ) Shot 1t11 : Ornthut , .heCehi. CowgiIlior - riFoil ; C ( ) tiit-ii fliuffa , Uoultlintiier , \ ( ( . Otto htindred ) 'tirl ( hitHil : Oinahttt , Leon- nrtl , ( "ohhett ; Council l3iuff , Flaininant , Iauitdcri. TWo hundred itntl t enty ) ar hiirdic' : Orniliut , Cowidii. Evani ; , Fields ; Council flitiff4V. . Iai'.ey ' , Barnard , Gould. ' Base lath throw : Omaha. icFehl'o - iica ; Council 13Iuff'hihiUtfli4 , GOUItI , Dati 'slUn U. . hhle rita : Otcuthin , Voting Sptfford : , I.h- mer ; Council Bluffs , IL laiicy , V. Johitaon , U. Knox. hammer throw : Omaha. McTehh , Morg- man. Cowglii Council BILIIU , Gould , Welch , hiitiier. Ofle utile bicycle : Omaha , Barnum , Dolan ; Council Bluffs. lloiihiitrfl , Suyie , Duttt. I ttiiini ng broad J U nip : 0 niahal cTc11 , Fieldt. Cowghhi ; Council Ilhti1f4 , Saundera , ) t. Dailey. Four hundred and forty yard dash : Oniuhul , 9'owne , Leonard , ? it'1ei i ; Council 131111TS. Flantrnaflt. \ \ . Dailey , Jobiutoit. One-huh f he vahk : 0 nut itti , \ teb ( uOit , Young , Neilson ; Council Jiluffs , Knox , K vu it tandinr broad jump : Omaha. Towne , Debug. Cowghii ; Council DluffiV. . Dailey , D. Spencer , hIownrt. ( 'ziiihi uiiI Loiv Prl'es. The grocerY store of J. Zehler will ho fllOVCl on Juito 16 to 100 and 102 East Broad- be changed to J. % vay. and the firni will Zohier & Co. The tiow firm hiati Purchaseti the grocery and hardware store of John Clausen. anti \hhl do a strictly cash bush- itcss , leading all in low prices. Speaking of expositions and exhibitions , see our germ proof pressure water filter. Only $3. Stcphtan Bros. Keepa sand out of your teeth. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VIt'I'I t le tO aluithsit ( titil Betichi. Lately Charics S. Lefferty of this city has commeitced suit iii the district court of Sarpy country , Nebraska , against the Man- hiattan Beach Improvement company , } 3atcltelor. Skinner aitti other as squatters , tlto object of which Is to establish and quiet his title to lot 1 , in fractional section 8 , township 14 , range 14 , and all accretions formed against said lot. The contention of the plaintiff is that all the land formed against lot 1 , and within the heitd of the ? hissotiri river , as it flowed at the time of the cubiT iii ISSI. became , and now Is , part of lot 1 , and within the jurisdiction of the state of Nebraska. These accretions , under the rule established In East Omaha Land company against Jefferes , 134 UnIted States , 178 , became a part of government lot 1 , unti the cutoff of 1881 left lot 1 and Its accretions within the jurisdiction of Nebraska - braska , as ileteritilnod in Nebraska against Iowa , 143 UnIted States , 359 , and 145 United States , 51'J. Tim doctrine of these cases snakes the Manhattan Ileach Improvement company and the other occupants of the accretcd lands lucre squatters , and without any rights as against Lafferty , the owner of lot I and its accretions by title derived from the United States. The ladles of the Broadway Methodist EpIscopal chiurclt will serve meals on Thursday - day and Friday , Juiio 18 and 19 , In the building recently vacated by Mr. Ilushinohi ( Ut MaIn street. hot lunch at itoon anti dinner front 5 till 7. The Lake Maiiawa track has beeti put In perfect condition and tralits vlll ho run strictly oh tinto this season. I'roiii I lien t II iisIuIH , . . 3lnzi lii 'l'roiiblt. . Ati Information has been flied with the clerk of the federal court charging a well known business iiiait of this city with tisitig the malls for the PttlOSO of extort. lug inoitey. The ittatter is a peculiar one anti the Information huts been referred to Judge Woolson for hits Instructions as to 'whether to Issue a warrant for the arrest of the offender. 'Phie tiatno of the aecusetl has not been divulgeti by the authorities. 2O00 to loan on au Iowa farm or Council fluffs suburbait property ; $100,000 to loan In large alnouiits on desirable farm or city security , L , W. Tuhleys , 102 MaIn street , Council Bluffs , ha. hint hull Iii SIi.thst. The rejuvenated Athletic base ball team will meet the hayden Bros. teaiit of Omaha this afternoon at time Flehti club parlc , The home teamit hiss been greatly streugthmeimetl anti vIIl make the visitors iday winning hail If they get a victory. The Athletics will PlaY as follows : Stevenson , short ; 130w- luau. catchier ; liughitty , pitcher ; Kletfner socanti base ; latesniau. left ; Frick rlgbt Davis , middle ; Arnobi , first , 14 % h e tIii nit iii 'Frit Iii. . Trains for Lake Manawa will leave Council Bluffs as follows : 20 a , mu. , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 13:30 : 7:30 : , 8:30 : P. itt. Last train lkl'Vc the lake returning at 9 it , in , CommencIng Sunday Juno 14 , traIns viIl leave every thirty n4mtutes after 2 p. in. For Sale-hotel Falrvlew , Thrown County Ean. ; iood building , just painted and pa. pered throughout. Will sell with furnIture at bargain ; only hotel lit thirlvug town. Ad. dres J , J. Gravalte , Council hlluiTs , Is , % 'il1 Fhi't't i'e'nelit.rs Monthil ) ' It Iii expoctotl that the hoard of 1tluea. tion 'ill , Ott Ionday night , elect teachers for the ensuhmig year. In Preparation for this ove'nt County Superintendemit Paulsoit yesterday ltehil an exammitmiation In which fifty-six teachers lartlvipateth , All of them 'ero eIther teachers or apphicaitta for 1)081- tiolts In the schools. Conimncncbmmir al 2 p. rn trains wIll run evcry half hour to Lake Manawa. We offer you only clean , crisp , snow white laundry work and best delivery service at LaIo laundry , 724 Broadway. Telephone IGT. Davis , drugs , paint. and lase ; tel , 29 , \ OF TIlE siiov Entire OiLy Turns Out to Cieobrate the Affair. ThOuSANDS GREET TIlE MANY SPEAKERS All .tWre'e hint lite , , " . % 'IhI lie alit htiterumnt linmim I .timuir of ( reiit : IiigiiI I itsi mmliii liitcres. Where did all of the people route from ? Not a father , mother , son or tlauhmtcr of thou cro left In the homes in Council Bluffs bait the mnultitutlcs gathered on tIme streets last night , but the thousands that blocked anti packed every street surely thitl not Collie fromit Council Bluffs alone. If thmuy did ( lien Councli Bluffs macst be tie- corded tin. ' Paint for aim enthitmaimismn that traimacemids auythhimg Iii that line and dis- thmtgtmishes it front all rivals. lImit theic . . \.em.u mutiny strangers , anti they Cntercd hue the tthmil'it of the ocenslumi lit time samiie lmemirty mnmtiimiem' that characterized everybody iii Council ilItmiTs. Omaha was here , nil that could get here , In every scm t of modern 'eiticlc. livery muotor car front 6:31) : until 8 o'clock ias jmtmnmmit'd iiitii Outalma 1)001)10 ) , antI If the muotor company could have operated mimic tmnimts the crowd would have beii stilt larger. The bridge People report that at least 2,000 bIcycles crosccd the bridge tiuming the ovemmiug. Tin' long and time short of It is that timere has miever bcemi a gretter out- potmrimmg of lt'oIlL' iii the history of tlm& ' city to attest their aPProval of amiytlmhimg that was Itmilversally PoPtmIni' . The imra&ie was hot what It simuld have bctit. Its elomnetits lacitecl organIzatIon. T1m'ro vas mnmtterlal cmiotighi to have imimide a Parade that wotmid have hcemm mullen long , but In time short timflfl that WflS gIven it iis Impossible to organize It. It fat ) long enotmgh , however , It ) tire otmt ( hose who 1)011)0(1 ) ( to get it Into hin ( . 'flmo line of mtmarclm was chiamiged some. what amid extended to lJpct Broadway. Amnottg the transparemcjca carried In the pnradt. 'yore : "llurrab , for Iavo Mercer , Send lIlmim hack Agahmi. ' ' "IS9S--Ixitoi. tioti-hS'JS. ' Time 'fwhii Cities : Popmmiatlomm 600.000. " "Westward the Star of Inipire Took Its W'ny-Ammti Stopped here. " "East Oninima W'ill Suit Everybody. " Time fireworks comnmnitte'e ( liii its work ad. mirably , anti was at the iolnt vhere the line was forming with a full wagomt load of firororkm. They supplied the crowd with several litmmmdrcd dozen gIant firecrackers anti htmmidreds of Romnamt camidies. Every bimsimiess street 1mm the city was packed wIth ieophe , in somne IltiCCs so tlmlckly that it was muarly impossible for the Parade to get througlm. 'Time wagon of I1reivorls was drivemi along the line and time crowti sup- Plied. At S o'clock there was a COntInUOUS boom and bang fromn one cmid of time city to time oilier , amid a steady blaze of roman camt dIes. Wttemt the parade had covered the tern- tory mnarketi out tom' it , It disbanded In a blaze of fireworks on the corner of I'eart and First avenue. hone a big platform had lteon erected for time aecomnmnotlatlon of the SlOakers. ) Time manciming cohtmmmms melted avny imito the cnowd ammil helped to swell the ocean of faces that were already focused upomi the Platform. The mayor , flienibers of time city council , county officials , prom- immcmtt muon from Omnaha occtmplecr time chairs on the platform. Time Odd Fellows' amid Ialbey's hamids furnished music durIng thu first part of the program , although timey wore mmeanly tired , out with the long mnarch mmd comitimmuotms playing.'hou time speakIng COmmnenccci Ilayliss park antI the adJaceimt streets were jainmuod vItlt P001)10. lion. George F. Wright presided as chaIr- mnami , amid immtroduced the speakers. Mayor Carson was tite first , and , in his mmmost fellci- tous strain , lie welcomed time guests front binaha amid congratimlated the peojlo of Cotmncil Bluffs upon their splenditi enthimsi- 115mm ) . Time great otltpouring was time best possible immdicattomm thm4t titeyvero fully alive to the Iinportammce of time great event they were celebrating. It would be takc'mm , lie thought , as an earnest of vhat tIme people of time twin cities wIll tb when they come to time real work of time great exposition itself , They wilt not make it as great as the great World's fair , but they wIll make it greater timamm army oUter exposition that has eveit been held on the American comm- tinent. lion. Leo Estehlo of Omaha was the next speaker. lie frankly confessed that ho was too nearly overcomne by surprise at time mag. miitUle of the demonstration to do Justice to time subject. The greatmmess of time en- thustasmmi of time Peopho of Council Bluffs would be reflected 1mm the greatness of theIr effort to make the exposItion an epoch in American history , lie recalled reading once in a Congressional Globe a speech by Gcn- eral i' . . C. Dodge of Burlington , who was the delegate in congress for the territory of Iowa. That shL'ecit was ( lehivercil in 1837. Thu speaker said tite utmost western iinmit of civilization was at Fort Des Moines. To. day time Twin Cities are in time center , and the western limit is time Golden Gate. G. M. ilitcimcoclc of Onmaima was almost earned - nod off hti feet by time great Popimlar deimmon- station lie had witnessed , It simoweti that % vo were mme longer front Omaha anti Council ilitmffs , but we are flO % % ' alt Trammsmississip. plaits. In behalf of the ieoplo of Omaha , more now thami ever time sister city of Council I3iufTs , ho wammted to timaimk time Iowa p001)10 timrommgim the People of timls city for their Slleildti response whemi they were called tiiOit to aid imi carrying torwarti the great exposition scheme , Council Bluffs was tIme first city thmat sprang to time aid of Onmaima , amid Iowa was time very first state to respond with favorable legislatlomm. It time PeoPle of Council Illuffs had both mfloVel PromliPtly anti with irresistible emmtimuslasnm , Iowa w ultl have remmmained inert , amid with. out time aid of time great state of Iowa coim- gross would have refused to act , amid the Oximositioit would have been a failure , Time first credit for time success , whatever It may be , belong to Cotmmmcii hlltmffs anti Iowa. ho SPoke of tue great benefit time eXlOsition ) wotilti be to the great west. There were tens of tlmousantls of discontented people seokimig or ready to seek mmew locations , amid this expositlomm will do for the vest vimnt the southern exposition did for Atlanta arid lImo south , direct to us time footsteps of thmouamidmm of hmomneseekers. Time atlvemt of immoro Imeoplo to Council lilufis and Omaha mmmeamms better tinmes for nil kinds of trades , business anti classes of people. hero vilt be focussed the wommderftml resources of these tweimty-tour vesterim states , and by the decree - cree of congress mint ommiy time eyes of the oaatermm anti vestermm worlds iilI Ito turned upon us , bitt time eyes of time whole world , for time exposition wIll it a miatiommal one , Prof. I I.V. . Sasyer immadu orb of thu most brilhiammt talks of the evexmimmg. lie said time "tlmne's greatest offspring is time last , " is as true of oxpoimitloims as of republics. Phil- atielphmla , Now Orleans and Atlanta have lied what they called expositions , but , conmo to thmimmk of it , wlmat did they have to cx- imibit , tXCOIt sage fields , rabbit tracks and wooden mmtmtmegmm ? Timese People lived before time revolutiomm , ammil their country hiss grown gray anti rhmeunmatlc. Not so with us , A few years ago the silence of these hills and valleys was unbrokomm , save by time inthiami's warwhmoop or the pammtimer's scream. I..ess thaim halt a century ago , upon time very spot whmcro the crowd stood , the sinmple child of time forest himilt his eammiplire. O'er time murky imtters of yonder atreaimm ho pliomi Imis light cammoo , tooiimg hIs dusky mate , while on yommler bluffs time war clmief assent- bled his tribe In couimcll. Marvelous growth ! The wilderimess muamlo to blossom as tIme rose. hut it requires a higher order of ability to live here tItan in lImo either social aimd cont- ittorcial realms , I'hio tremendous energies that oilIer imito the developmeimt of limo sPlemlhiti civihizattomi demmiand the best lmmi'- yers , time best doctors , time best divines , time ablest 1mm alt lines of 1mhmsieal amid Intel. le tmai labor , 1"our thousand years ago time Orient cloned not dreammm of time fertile valley of time Missouri , the Garden of lmemm ] of the wt'stenmm hemisphere , ' 'time ultlmmmtmte Utopia of mankind , time climax of the centurie. . " SkIrted on eIther aide by majestic vood- atmetcimes far away to time setting Thmls will 1,0 the greatest exposition of all time , because there is more to exhibit. Once get time Europeatm anti the Mongolian here to 'iew tIme prochmets of lhis mntrh- hess 'aIley. and they will go home amid tell tlmeir people thmat wimeit the Lord gets timrctmglm witim all timings earthly lmo will simply vimrimlshm over time Twimi Cities and call time vlaco iaraliso. ) This is time realum of King Corn , and his royal majesty will ie ) at time Transmnississippi exposltiomm in full dress. Time rose may bloom for Englntmtl , Thu lily for France ummfold Irt'lanml I)1t % honor tIme shmimmtroek , , eot lit nil It or I It I st Ic hold ; 11mm 1 1 lie sit kId of titu great republic , Tim. ' glory of time veSt Skull hear a stalk of time tmtseied corn , of nil our ivealthm limo best. Tile mmniimmtmms utah the goldenrod , 'I'lme heart of the north tnmty dicer , ttmti time mnotmtmtrtin laurel for ittryfnittI its royal clusters rear ; Anti Jatinmimme mind rnagimohimt Time crest of the south adorn ; Itmt the witle republic's eniblein 114 tlte' boUnteous , golden corn ! -EdnmL Dean Proctor iii Seimti'mnbcr Con. tury , ( lcimcrmil Clarkson of Otimalma , in a very Imappy Veiii , comigratulatctl the iic'oItle of the , Ii % in Cities iipomm their ability to do tlmlmmg'm amut do thmemmi well. lie tlmotmghmt time people of Council ihlulfa were the most unmmmivctotms ltOPIO ) he ever saw. lie canto omit for a little ride cii hits bicycle last ovenimig. amid got into time crowd tlmat was flowing over time big bridge Immto Cotitmcli hhImmifa. "hommg before - fore I got here , tIme crowd swallowed mmmc ill ) , Thou they stole umy bicycle ammil my girl , and 1mm spite of alt I could do , they stole mmmc bodily antI carrIed mmmc to this pint- forum. ' ' lb felt sure frommi what lie st'timig amid hcarimmg , tlmat sommmetlmlmtg , imail dropped in this country , lie cotmiti see a clmmimmge omm tIme clotmils , timrouglm which the slim ) of prosperity was btmrstiimg , timat would shine upon ims all. lie believed timat from this year cii these western hills aitti valleys amiti fertile plalmms would be the mecca of timctmsands vlm were timed of beiimg simut up in eastern cities and slaIcs , time P001mb of Couimcii Bluffs and Ommtrmltn , mntmst stammd mulmetiltlcr to simoulder , as % .o mire doing itow , and have been for time past ten years , and we will simoiv the world that wc caim build great oxpositiomma as w'cli as great cities. I sav ott omme of your tramispareneles tonight the legemtd , 'hurrah for Dave illerccr , Scud Ilium Hack -.aImm. ' \'e want to send imimmi back , and we will do it , for se Want to got our fimigers into Umtcle Satim's pockets agaimm , amid we mon't ! inow of ammybody vho can help tms hike Iavc Cr : ) lie thammketi Iowa's mmingimiflcent statcsmmmo. Senator Alhisomi , for the splemidid services lie remmdered the exttositiomi proJect in comi- grcss. The allusloim to Iowa's delegation in cht'ors. coigrcSS ! was greeted with hearty C. S. Momitgommmi'ry was introduced as con or time members of time board of directors of time exlOsitiOmt association , amid whomi he arose to speak , he ias given an ova'lcn. lie said lie was surprised at the immmmnemse outpouring , amid the nmngnIficemmt demnonsi ra- tiomi , ' 'It shows , " said lie , ' 'that time itettp1e c Coumicil Bluffs are imioro alive to the Im- portamice of time great exposition thami time tCOPIIJ of Oniahia timemnseivcs , and your demonstratiomi wilt outdo amtythimmg we can get tip , umiless we bestir ourselves. " lie time formative perioi gave a brief history of o the exposition. \\'lmen tue first atigees- thou was made there was not a dozemt people believed time schemne to Ito feasible , bitt Ctiumi- cii Ihittffs believed it , ammti took the lead Ln caihiimg Its mimeetlog ammd giving its dntinraa- muomit. lie tiweit at length upomi time great bemmefit that tIme vcst , auth jiarticuharlY the two cities , woohti derive fromu time e'loSition. its educational Influemmees amid ativaimtages \ucre toitcited upomi. limit hmo thought this was miot a tlmmie to teli wimat thf exposition % .as going to be. We know wimat it will be demnOmmstratlofl , hut vhiemm We Sec thus great it is the time for numttmai congratuiatiofls. At the conclusion of the speaking , Chairman - man Wright ealleti for three cheers , and they vcre givemi with a will. SUING AN JNStJhtANCl CoMtAY. JIeiltt ; : : -"i.lflllllI1I lii a GL't'gt ? Cimse. Original notice has been filed in time dia- tnict court of anotimer suit agaimmst time Ummitcd States Masonic Ijemievoleilt associa- tioim , timat already has enough sprimig suits on had to be a leader of fashion. him the case to ho filed , George "iT. hewItt is time piaimttiff. lie ahicgcs that lie paul as- scssiiiciits as a member of the association amid now wants damages In time sum of $5,000. of time association - lie charges that time officers sociation have grossly mtcgiectcd their duties to time association ; have imuisappro' priated time funds of the association , and have done all those thmimmg tlmey should not have done , amid have left undone the duties they should have perfornied , Tue hearing of George 3. Crane's ap- imilcation for a receiver for the assoclatloti was contimitmed before Judge Smitim yesterday. tevart Goodrehi was mtho first witness called in time forenoon. Goetirehi is at the head of time insurance departinemit of time state auditor's office and has been for mnany years. lIe testified that time action of the presemit ofliccnmt of time association was the best timimig they could have ( lone under the circtmmnstanceS , and that they were pursuing - suing the best plait to get mit theIr present difliculties. Oim crass.oxamhitatioit by Shea lie testified that the books of tIme comnpany verc mmot kept in mimi up to date niamumuer , situ that help should be emnployetl to Put the books and records In proper shape in some respect , while for the macst part time hooks and records were better titan time average books of such associations. Gootirell also testified timat time report of the company for the year 1895 haul not been lassetl upon by time auditor. It was simpiy hieing held witlm time idea that an- otimer report would be necessary before time state would Issue a certificate aiiowtimg the conipammy to seek mmew bimslneits in the state. At present time associatiomi hind ito authorIty to seek mmciv business. In regard to time expeimse of management of the associatlomi , Goodrehl testified timat he thought it WS rather high , but that the efforts of time association to settle its tlc'athm claims imati entailed an expemmae that ho was not in a Itosition to estimate. As to time salaries and field expenses , ho testified that time amounts were large , but it all ulopeimmled upomi imo' time field mitomicy was cx- pendeti as to wlmetimer time appropriation for timid purpose was excessive or not , Treasurer Mitcimell amid some of the former olhlcers of time association , includiimg Dr. Lacey anti Judge Reed , were exanmimuetl as to time formnor record of time association , butt nothing umnusual wait developed by their exanmimmatten. it is expected that the case vill be COmflIlcted on Monday , Gas ranges mind service connections at half price for flftcemm days. Call at comnpany's omc for full particulars , 210 Main and 214 Pearl streets. Manhattan Ileacim Panic ( Lake Mammawa ) ivill ito fonmmmahhy opened Suimulay , Juimo 14. Stoamnertu will mnake twenty-nmimmute trips. Good niusic in attemidamico. Ilotmselceepers are tim cmespair when timey visit the Dunce Furniture company , All the new tiilmugs are so handsome and so cheap ( bitt lucy want. time whole store , Seyut'r l'ipI'ire lJr1t'l , Ilelliag , Wholesale and retail , J , C , hiixby , 202 Main Street , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \'aIl paper cleaned , now process with patcmmt right at Miiler'e , 308 MaIn street. hiofimayr's Fancy Patent flour mnakea the lcst and mmmost bread. Ask your grocer for It , iii OFt : A11ER : PRESSURE OiLy Council OomdiUoTrks the squirting Capacitf the Plant , WATER WORKS COMPANY DOES NOT JOIN NoItlt'tm I Ittmm I liii t Fire l'resMmirt''nmmld : .tt Ili 'I'm , i'uieil Oh Igi. ort'tt 1t- t lie Cotimmiti t I cc I ii Cliii rge of Ilium 't'Otl , TIme promised test of tIme capacIty and lmressmlre of the vater works systemmi was immade yesterday shortly after 9 o'clock. Maim. ager hart of tIme conmpany was notified Fni- day evemmimig that the test woumlul b mmmdc , amid Ito again askel for more time for time itumritosc of enabling time company amid time city to comime to a clear understammdtmmg of time ortiiimammce until time contract timimler which time coimipany sins ftmrnishmlmig time city water for fire hmrotectiomi. There are several Iteliuts of serious differeimce , amid time commtentiomm of time coumpammy was tlmat no test could be satisfactorily mmmdc ummmtil timeso diffc'remmces u'ere settled. Time requmest for further time lulls ticmmlecl , and time commmmny immmmediatoi3' served time following imotico tipomi tlio city : rot'Nc'ii. II1AYFFS , lii , , Jtmtic 13.-To limo ' ' \'i'itt'r Commimnittee , CIty of Council htlmmffs : ( loll I h'ntenYou a re Ii crt'I my tin t ihhi I Ii iLt tIme Cotmnr'il ihhttffmu ( 'ity W'itter'orlcs comn- Ia'ly ' will imot timimi omm ItS mlr ( ' pr'ssmir ( ' for hit' ltliilOS ( ' of mmiaklmtg a lmrcsstmn ( ' test imt ) ' mioimgim t t 0 ia3 litmidi' by yemm r commitmuittet' imim ill tlmt' fohlouviimg quiestlumus tile settled or agreeti mm iiomi I. \'Imet him' lIt immalcltmg tumid teat the corn- linmiy is legally rcqtmlrt'tl to timrov more t Imttmm six itt meum his of imi tot' iii limo I ta imeously out of ont'-immch imozzieg to it lmt'ight of 1A ( ) feet a t tummy Part of the mmumuin irnrtlomm ( if thu city , mimmtli'r itrovislomma of section 4 , of time ( 'it ) ' Om'tllimnitc& ' . 2. That it first i , Iegnhly tietermitimieml Imofei' ' nmalciimg simt'lm teat tlm iImnits or lieu mmdii Vh'S 1mm 1 he ci I y tI client imimi ted ' 'Iii mLny ezirt of tite ntnimm huimsintti : ; Portiomi of tltu' cIty , t ( Used iii tutiti soctioti 1 of aiti erdimmim lieu' , :1. : Timat alt OXpemises of every kititl iii. cmi rrvti l tiut I ti comiijmany mi rmtl it rlsi mmg front tilt' nialcimig of : t1cl test he mmiii by time tity em' lti'Imietmt therefom' first gmmaranteed before mitni-cimig simeim test. COUNCIh I3LI'FI'S ( X1'Y VATEit'OflKS COMI'ANY. ED\VAIID W. liAliT , Geim- oral Mn'mirtger , Desjmlte this protest , Chief Temutimletomi was ordered to go ahead with tIme tests. Time 10- catiomm of time itydrants was kept a profotmmmd secret , for it was feared lust time eommipammy mmmlgimt cut oft some of the surroimrmtling Air- ritory smith thus make tIme test show better titan it simoulul. Box 39 was pulled , ammul tIme signal glveiu the punipimig statIon , call- tug for fire htrc'ssImro. While time depart- imiemmt was making tmthe rumi to Graimamn av- cone , where timobOx'is , located , time waterworks - works people telmiplmpocd to fimmti out if there was really a frc. Timreo imytiramuts were opened , with 100 fed of imose attached to each , ammd the ttcpar1meimt waited for time ircsstmre that mmever vuiume. Ommiy time reset'- voir Pressure ws avitiiable , but time lhmree streams at that hlgimimplmmt svcrc thrown tea a imeigimt of thmlrty1 ( eq. One stream renclmed sixty feet. Time test yas nuade iii the pros- emmc of time fire . , c9pmjimittee of the council. Time water workmpeopie imad no representative - tive present. tnI The mmext test : as made ott Louver Maimm street. Six hittesm haiti mit various points between Tenth alit ! Sixteemitim avenues , The big hook and ladder. truck was statlomicti near time Itock sltumpi depot , nit extension. ladder apflhletl mntl tjmen run imp to a' chis- tamico of eigimtyl1ve feet. Pressure was agaIn called for , but the commmpammy (11(1 ( not respond , . .First . % .singip , trgari. was turned omm , and the watpr suet up above time top of the ladder fully twenty feet , Themm tIme ether strcanms were ttlrnel on , one aftem' ammother , and with1 each aduhitiommal stream time height of tlm first stream was reduced , When six streams were playing they averaged - eraged sixty feet. Time departimmeut thmen moved imp to time center of the city. Four lines of Imose were laid on Maimm street , one on I'eani , one on First avenime amid two at Sixth street. Wimen all eiglmt streamims were playing the imighest streamn reached the top of time Shugart block , armd when sIx streams were playing lucre was bitt little differommee. 1mm time meantime - time the imelght of the Grand hotel had beemm taken as cigimt3'-soveu feet , and the corn- nuittee figured timat the six streams averaged sixty feet. A nummiher of out of town insurance imion s'Itneesemi the tests antI expressed themmu- selves as pleased. A. siigimt accident occurred when the big aerial ladder was being how- ored. Otme of time chmaimus on the upper cx- tension ladder sliipel oft anti time heavy ladder shot ( IOV'n 111cc a pile driver , Imar- rowly missing a couple of the men who were operating it. _ _ _ _ _ vliti : : SL.tL'Ghl'I'flmtEl ) Ill' SINNEIIS. 1M. . C , A. hiu'sfroiim Oimmztin. Get it iosc of lIONtilts. . It took alt time roommi in omme of those big band wagon carryahls to accozmmmnotlate time nimmo 'oommg Young Mcmi's Cimrlstian aesocia- tiomm boys that caine over frormi Omnahia yesterday - terday aftermucoim for a halt game with Trey- nor's Simmmmers. On time way back there was room for a Sunday scimnol excursion in time baud wagon , Time Salmmts were nIh curled up on time nmourners' bemich , and there vas room to spare. 'fimat mmtamt Troymmor is a lim'slclalm , you know , us welt as a base ball crank , anti nfem' the ocimrc lmlmtyimmg of thmo teamu a week ago imtl beemu brought to his attentioim he took time boys in hatmti anti dosed them vith Troynor's sarsaparelery compoummid , for that tired feeling and other old things , aimti the gamig vent out yesterday 1mm a reJtmvemmateti coumujition , like a lot of colts , in a ti'ech Lamsturc , AntI lucy did not do a timIng to time Saints. Timey comnieimcecl in time llrat inning , and niatle runs when they iteetled themn , anti few whemi timev didn't need timent , to the coin- itlete discomimfiture of time good youimg mncn from time bath town across time creek , A detailed story of ti'e tlefeat womilml imot make the itropr kind of Summtlay mmmormming reading ( or the Young Men's ChmristIarm association boys , armd time score of lImo game wilt hay" t ( , tell the story , Hero it is : COUN9Ii IILUFFS. All. It. 1111 , 511. 513. P0. A. E Stt'v'ntu'mt , its. . S h 0 0 0 1 0 hhowntnmm , c. , , 5 , t ii :1 : 2 1 4 . . 0 Kleftner , t. . . I 3 , ( I 0 4 1 2 1 hiiigimey , 21) . . . G,3 4 0 3 4 2 1 lattutmtuan , If. 1 2 1 0 0 . . 0 0 Davis , cf , . , . . r ; t102'Am ' o 0 1 0 0 0 hughes , lb. . , 5 1 2 1 1 3 2 0 Shuart , rt , . . 5 V ) imo 1 0 1 0 0 2 Arnold , lb . . 4 . 2 0 1 12 0 0 . Totals i ' ' i. ; 2 13 27 13 4 y M. C. A. AD.l)1bt3111 ro. A. i Bowloti , If , . . . 1- , 1 0' 0 0 3 1 2 Young , 2h . . . . 5 I 2 0 0 3 4 2 hunts , rf , . . , 5 s.i I 0 0 0 0 0 honey c . . . . 5,131 1 1 1 7 3 0 lh'rr'gimmm , lb. . 5 , j'I 4 0 1 10 0 4 Evans , ef . . , : i , o , 2 0 0 0 0 1 Mmmrrtty , 3b , , . 4 0 0 0 3 4 2 hiopkimms ' ss. . , 4 ; m o 0 0 0 1 (1 ( Murphy , i . . 4 .U0.0 0 ! trt , _ . . . . Totals . . . . j 12 1 2 27 17 13 Coutmeil liltmtfmm m I 0 3 2 3 0 0 0-16 Y.M.C.A. . . . . 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 38 Etmrnel ruins ; , qUiieIl Bluffs , 6 ; Y. M. ( ' . A. , I. 'J'wo.batue hits : Datesntln , hunts. hiaseum out itallmt : off ! ulumrdmy , 4. hIlt ity bull hly Mtmrmlmy , 3 Struck omit ; 11) ' iClt-fnei' , 5 ; by Murphy. 1. 'I'Iniu of game : Two hours. UmpIres : Mi' . Ely aimti Mr. iCmmtme. PII.lS A IA11i .hi Sill' . Ma r , liii a vu Sisilt Ii ( 'Ii It rge I Ito StMters ot' Meru's u Itli Crtmt'ity. A daimmage suit , filleti iithm semisatiommal cimarges agatmmst St. hherimarul's Imospltal , was filed 1mm time circuit court of the ljmmiteil States yesterday afterimoon. Tue stilt is eimtitled Mar ) ' howard Simmltim against the Sisters of Mercy - of Council iihtmffs. Mrs. Hayward was at ommo tiimme aim 1mm- musIc of St. lh'rnartl's imospltni , smith timereby hangs time tnle. Slit' is a resident of Cimadromi , Nob. . anti th principal owner of the big ( hey goods house of M. E. Smuttim & Ce , SIte alleges in imer petitloim that imi ititme , 1894 , RIme % as iimdticed to enter time imospital tmmmticr time pretemmso tlmumt It % , ftR an Etmromcami ; imotei , anti tiiat timero site would Ilimul the rest lust her broken health uieitiaiidctl. Site says that It was not ummtli after site hmad oimteretl time instltmmtiomi that she diseovereil that it vns a hospital antI that site was ummmlriwfuhly detaimmed there front Jumme IS , 18P1 , timmtil July 7 , follow- log. Tlmemm comnes time scmmmmatlommai Part of the ltOtitlomI , alt follows : 'i'httt for time lmirIuose of securIng hmer lilt- erty time itlilmitlIf tlmereimpoim nttt'mnptvd to I trenle , a s'mm I rommm smm rim it's I rim I im t , him t site \ttit seIzed by tlmi' tith.'imthtmtit of mmcii Itmitil- tilt 10mm uimd violeim t ly t Ii rsim back itm to her room or cell arid tlmt' iu'strtiint till time mmmnnt' rigid I v comm t I imiled . I'lm it I I tin i ii t I if mt t t emmipted It ) ( 'ill I t ii Item' rusemmu' solo m' I aissers-by it mud ( 'midt'ttvorel t imt'mu'ty t 0 opt'tm ( 'omit mimumm Ira t I on witit hun fniemmtls , lwlieviimg thmmt evil Lie. sigmms veit' hmtmd upoim bet' lift' tilmth la'romt tmlton tIme Itmmrt of ui'fdlmdtmtmrm4 np't'mmts ; that I Ii i'retmpumm Ii ) , ' 01 mulx ni ml t. ' femm ultu im L's a gcmm Is itimul itt t cmi dint to limsumemi I mm t o Imlal itt I if's eel I , thirt'v item' tipumm lmu'r lieu , Iiltt'ei Iter 1mm a at ra IgIt t itteleet , st ra Irtel it en a mitts I mu t Itt' inomm Itethstetitl with gren t lemitherim stnirpum It ) t igit t I y mt 5 t 0 I mitlPt ) It' ci neil hat I out ii mmd to CZLttfle itt'r , ' rca t botl I I v I et I it , 'hit itt t Imty timt'im stnmtltpvti hmer aiiklts to tIme foot of I ii t' lmcd ii' I tim itt re e I CU timetim st limps ito t 1gb t ly it mmd d reiv imer ou t it t utticim len gt It its to imL'emmt itr front mnovlmmg her body I I mm t It t' leim st ii imd uI imm eat tl Isi O'a ( to ii or J ohm is. 'fIt itt tim cy t hemm hemt t PItt I it t I IT vI t It IL Itt rg. ' 8 tmii I ) amid ti t hiervIse imitil I temtted item' ii mu t II sIit' vmts I mm gi'cum t botihly a mm d mtmt'im t ii I mum ITt' r- I tug. Thin t slt I I e I ii t Ii is Imel p1 ess I tosi t 10mm tiie' ul rmm ggeui liltu I mm t I IT it mmd fonel a ti ima lit I I of drtmgs doivit pinintiff , altitougim site strtmg. gleul viol elm t I y it git I mist I t. 'l'ha t hut i mm I I ft it it I im ml H kept 1)1 ) it bit cii do ii fctt' six ty hiotm is vi t It out t footi emit t t emt I ion . 'I'Im mm t d tiring cm II of thilt tIthe time Ihtiltttifl' vits mtutiij.ctt'ti to HIitLItefmil trctmtimueitt stud when she vns ohhlgcuh to ei'y out with palim by retisoim of time svelleit comiditloim or hu'r Imitmititi 011th turin it t lie mm ttmmtlitlt ts 1tp'atetl ly sItu a mmii heitt her immmd otlm'mu'ise mttmmltreateti imer. 'I'lt it t a I t er Iii ! mmg me'lcn sed , mm lion mtthchmmg it secommd ttttemitpt to immfonimm imet' fniemids of lien trea I mum &mmmt ithme wits liga I mm t hi mosvii I mm to tue t4tntmigimt Jacket , stt'ttppud to imer it'l ) iLtmd subjected to IL muecommul torture siiiuilar to the lirat. Mrs. hayward also cimarges timat a friend of imers , viio was aim mutate . of tIme place , tried to imitenfere , imi imer ltehimtlf , amid was also placeth iii a mutraigiit Jacket ammd ( his- ciphimmed. Site also cimarges that imer food was drugged , and that , in orier to save hienucif front heiimg stupefied , she s'as cant- pelted to abstain front footh , except Jtmst enoimghm to sustain life , aimfi that she was penimianentiy miffecteti , both hmysIcahIy and mentally , front the effects of the treatmnemmt sue received at time imoiltital. Sue asserts that her bimslmmess uns dmtmmmaged , anti timat she suffereci great loss by reasomm of her tietetitlomi at time hospital. For these rca- seas she asls clanmages Iii time sumum of $10- 00) . lien rmttormtey is 0. 1) . W'heeicr. Tue nmammagera of the hospital are not worm'ied over the otmtcommme of time suit , but are , of course , ammnoyed that imcim a suit almoimid have been flied. They assert thmat there is not time least shadow of fommndation for the charges made. Mrs. Hayward was regimiamly lhILcCd ) in time immstitution. Sue wait. Oxcitable at time tiimie , and was most unruly. Slut wnmmted to flglmt , and created such trouiiie that it was imecessany to keel ) attendammts in comustammt chmarge of her , anti at one time , in order to keep lien from doing injury to herself , itlie was placed 1mm mm traight jilekot for a few .hours , Timeit sonic of imer fnieittls became Imiteresteti aimil causetl an examination of hior condition , 1)r. Thomas , a nmeinber of the Board of himsanity Conmmissioners , examined the wommiami , and rtronoummced imer insammo amid imm mmeed of treat- moot. Thmemu Mother Vimicent discovered that Mrs. Hayward laud lmad troubie with hmer imusbammml , and she refused to longer keep her under restraint. Mrs , Hayward no- mmiaiimed , of her owmm volition , in the hmos- pitai for some tinme , anti dually disappeared on July 7 , 1894 , and tIme sisters hmeard mioUm- lug further from imer tmmmtIi the eoinnueimcc- ntent of time suit for hamnagcs yesterday. It appears that Mrs. Ilaywarth had been itt trouble with her imusbamud anti hind separated - arated front 1dm. lie secured a divorce , ammul sue charges that imo was placed 1mm time hospital at his imistigatiomi , for time itumrpose of giving hIm opportunity to secure control of her property. The Sisters of Mercy regret time stilt only for the reason timat time cimargea made are of such a sensational chmaracter , anti in lmro- noumnced OpltclJitlomi to time emiviabic reputa- tiomi that they imave established for time meat huniamme treatment of time umnfortimnate patients vimo have come under their charge. The local mimedical gemmtlemnemm _ seimo have con- imectioli witim the hospital are unamilmoims 1mm timeir dcmmlal of every ahlegatiomi made by time petitioner. _ _ _ _ _ _ SOCIAL UVliN'1'S OI' 'i'lIll W1IEK. itII1L School . % limiml lhimtmquet a Most tiijutii1Ie AffaIr. There were several very pleasant social events in Council illuffs during time week , ammd the brIghtest anti mnost enjoyable was time High schmooh alummmnl itamuqumet \Vednes. . tiay evenimig , The Woodman imaii presented a scene timat wouiti imave dehlgimtcti time eyes of a painter and the heart of a lOet. ) Filled as it s'as with the fairest flowers from "the rosebud gardemu of girls" anti their mit- tendarmt cavalIers , Time gradimutes of ' 96 occupied the jdaco of honor imu tue cemmter of time room , where tile ) ' wene seated at bug tables. 'fito dainty amiti berommilng gowims of the girls , eommmblned with tIme sweet ( aces antI time spatkliimg eyes , forimmed such IL pleasing liictune mme wommther Emnmnet Tinley recelvcti inspIration fiolo it to make time eioqtlemit atldress vithi which he opemmetl time program. Ills retimarles were recetvetl with prolonged imimplaulSe. Tue bmtmnoroummi recitation of Miss Ada Stevemison was en- timtmslaaticahiy received. Miss ! ulclmmtyro aaimg "Doria" 1mm a very artistic mnanmier. "Time Spinning WImeel , " a reeltatiomu givemm by Miss Ammmuie Ceymme , wait stmtmpl } ' perfect , A , cr } ' Interesting and entertalmmlmmg pant of the programmt were time selectiommit given by time 111gb School nrc.hestra. Sumpeniimtentlent Sawyer Prof. Eastntarm and Dr. Robertson gave interesting talks. Time class of ' 115 timon servql refreshments , after wimicim the doom' vaS cleared anti dammeing Indulged in umitil time "wee sins' imotmns. ' ' Time Lathes' RevIew climb fiolsimeti time year's course by intlulging in a Iticnie Friday - day mornhimg at Mynster SprIngs. It was a titsappointmnemtt to those who attended tlmat only clevemi respoiuilc'cl to the immvlta- tio,8 ; , Stomie eiiterttuiimed a delightful ICemmaimmgtomi omm Frills ) ' afternoomm at imc'r residence 01i ilarmnoimy street. A lange miurn- her of ladies were itneseimt and they were splendidly cimtertaincti by their chmaimning hostess. _ _ - - Young mothers dread time aumnmer niontita on account of the great mortalIty anmong chill- drencaused by bowel troubles. Perfect safety may be assured those who keep on hiamid De. vitt' Chollc and Cholera cure , and atlnminls- ten it promptly , For craimmim , bilious colIc , dysentery and diarrhoea , it affords imistaot relief. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4t lo lii. ' it'rnimlimghi Our prIces are right ! Our goods will please you. hi , Ij. SMITh & CO. You MIGHT JUST AS WELL Ti-y to drive it Ilog tlli'otlgll it eet'tnlu hole In a felice flS to help sotite people by ti'yliig to cdiicmtte titelt' tlIStei4 to sothumJtlmlng hotter titan they lhitvc bcemi istied to , 'I'Iiey W'Oli' S' ' It. Even If you pi'ovc to tIiiit that It's the hcst tlit.y SWll't bo cohi'll1cm'J , ' 1'liuy semiiu to tliinlc thu tlit nulutite you litflkil ' 'a talkt' uhoilt liii : supet'Ioi'lty of ( ) hte cl:481' : OYuii' OtllCl'ii Iii colhIpt.itltioii tll.it It'S SlllIIy IL CtSII of "htllic ( ) FteCliiug" foi' gulit , Hut this Isn't so w'lth iii 1. It'H ouly a ten' , cltlpLtt'uttis'cIy , % tCuI , ( . not coiiipliilittng. 'I'Iiei'c iti'c tllOhisttlldH of liltIli Who llIL'ca gi'ascU the opportillilt3' of ltetturIt ! tllCItttP.'i'CS by HltiOkllhg our ' 'StIltIthirt , " Qutccmu of nIl Cigurs-gitid to 1iuos' tlittt ti cigar o ittloll cXouptiulttI : (1ULlIitkH 'I'LIIi reoont. suentled to tltciti , i"Iost " IliCli don't iiccd ilitteli uIIghtg s'lieii tile ) ' 11111) ' tiiidcrstiisid all the beiim.ilit itild delight light that coiiies frolul slitokimig our peerletis ' 'Sthltalhn , " MOORE & ILLIS , Sole Agents. . . . - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1c'iPF ; A UNiqUI (3.tfl. t'Oi't'l.Ilt , ItWt % Mat , Intuip.tIt tlmttt ito IIii oic.l I Im l'rohhrni. JRFFEI1SON , Is , , Juno i3.-Speeltul.-- ( ) George I'ettttmgiii of this city , a iuehl known inventor , baa perfected a ear coupler that is a commipiete tlepmptumro frorti attytimitig in time coupling line that imntt colmue to time at- tetmtlon of railway oflicials. It appears timid heretofore time dimculty huts been to eoniblite the necessary Theelmatmical points to make a eommmiilottm , atitomnatic' device ; that is. mimic that tiIl atijust Itself to Cars of varyiimg imolgimt , Permit of coupling or utmeutipling without gettliig between limo ears , atmi. at titu' i'atmte tlimte , allow that freetiotmm of motIon tlmmit iii Itceessary to prevu'mmt time breaklmrg of time pin. Mr. i'ettimmglll imas lrotlmmced a iii'- vice that aceommiplishies all of these. Timt' car tmia' ht cotmplt'tl or ulmeoumphetl either front tIme side em' top of time ear , vithmoumt time exertion of very much stroimgtlm , anti at the Itahtie time will permit of tIme coupling of ii high nmttl low ear witimoimt ati' ehaimge of lull , link or amm3'tlm'.n else. It also allows time side tmiotlomm ( hut occumrru In rotimiding a aimarp curve. Thmemo are mme spnimmgs ot' room- lihicatlomis of nit ) ' iort , tititi eumhul weatlem' or shots , sIhl imot affect it. liailroath uncut who imave exaimilmmetl time coupler say it muo'vC't time probieimi , atmil I hat I I I s timorommghm I y Itra ci I en I. l'ettiimgllt hiss taken steps to Imnoteet his 1mm- veittion , auth within a few tittys will go before - fore I he ra II road coimmmim its lout' nit mtiid al I ( mis' them to iass 111)011 time nmerits of time device. Itm'mi ( A tiioumtc mmiii : tii , mnm' , , JRPFRflSON , In. , Jimmie l3.-SpeIal.- ( ) flxtemtsii'e IirePtiratleims are iii progress fat' time obsenvaimce of St. Joimtm'ti day amnommg tIme ultisenlc fmatc'rmilty iii thus iteetlomm. Au associatloim hiatt iteemi foumned , kimowmm as hue ( ' , reemme Comimmty uiasommlc nimsocimitlomi , itmuti dim time 24thm of timls mmmoimtim a mimommster Iuicmmic , to wlmlchm nil Masoim Iii the comimmty , or mmii- jolmmtng couimties , mire itmvited , uIlI be hmeltl In a fine grove near this city. itosootmr.'s frormi teim lodges 1mm time cumummutl' have heeum received , sayimig tlmat tIme nttemmtlaimco fromn each will I ) ) ) large , amid it is exitecteti 500 Masomms siiI he prt'semmt , Etmcim nuemmiltem' iii expected to brlmmg Imls fanmlly , if lie hiatt cite , situ also vehl tilled itaskets for the relIef of thistressetl , wortimy stommiacims , Ammiomig the literary features vlhi lie a symmipositmmn , 'The Masomi , " respomideti to as fohinwa : 'As a brother , ' ' Joitim Stevemuitomm of Ila'artl ; ' 'As a Neighbor , ' ' C. I' . Vu'alkeu' of l'atotm ; ' 'As a Cttizemm , ' ' ity hloim , I' . A. Smith of Sernimton "As a Ileutefactor , " by W. T. Machmeseimy of Daghey ; "W'lmnt time i.odge Owes hlImmi , ' ' by Ii. G. Alberts of Grammti Jmmimctioim : " 'uVimat ' lie Owes time Louhge , ' ' b3' 11mm. 13. F. Osbormu of ItIitpey. It is commfltlcntly anticipated this uiil be time most mmemnorable Masonic cvcimt of the year. Ci remms liu1 Ca ii'iu' 'I'rnuimhm' , WATERLOO , ha. , June I3.-Simcclai ( Telo- gnanm-1u\'ntenloo ) is at presemmt euijoyiimg tIme luxury of a really circums war. hinam'tis have beemm erected and bills hosted for hiiimg- Itimg limos. , Jumme 16 ; ICirkimart & Itynim , Jimmie 17 ; flluckmnami & Mackey , Jimmme 25 , antI himuf- falo Dill's , September 26. Two of tIme zig- gregations have itcc'n billhmmg heavily , niuth time comnpetltlmiim cuiiiuiimated last muiglut 1mm time uhestruetion of about 400 feet of Iiuffalo hut's boards. Arrests will follow. Iu'fimiu't ( 'oiiiiit ii y to Iii' SolmL SIOUX CITY , June 13.-Speciai ( Tele- ' gnam.-Tho ) federai cotmrt lmtts ordered time sale at nuctiomm Montlay morning of time Slotmx City Stove works , a Plant which passetl imito a receivem"s hantls 1mm isoi. : 'rime liabilities , aim ahmowmm by time receiver's flush m'cport , Cx- ceod the assets by $ iTS,000. E. A. Commway. a Icadumig coal dealer here , failed tO(1a4' ( witim liabilities of $ iS,000. s'INti.ls ( ; 1'tNt 1)hiiNiIiltS. Forgemi t.imbels i'lnet'tl nit (11,1 lint f I e P1 ulm'ml iitl it CliemmuVl lbs. ' ' 'brands' and mmiak- 'If people who follow - cr5' names kmiew of liaR time swintlles per- petrateti wItim labels they'd be astounded , " said a celebrated Emighishi wimie mnerchmaimt. " \\'huy , I know of a man , an ex-engraver , tube camm forge the brammd of any vIume iii existermce. This Is hIs solo occumpatloim , anti working in league witim him are a cliqtme of rogues uvimo bumy tip qtmauutitles of emmipty wimme and ciianmpagne bottles front hotels and restauraimts. "Seine of thus gaumg imave beemi 'irme incr- chants' asslstamits aumtl ummitlenstaiuui bottlimug , anti timey fill time bottle witim a low-pniectl , but drlimkable , tiort , claret , chtaimmpagimo , etc. , ammd aliix cleverly forged labels of time mutest expemisive brands , beanimug time uiaunes of foreIgn growers. "Not only are the bottles peculiar to each grower umsetl , btmt they even procure time proper gold amid silver foil froumm Frammee , anti as to corks , they kmmow hmere to ( Intl a conk cutter to time trade uhmo wilt siiptiy army shape atmd kimid requlueti. "Seals are easily mutated by taklimg aim Impression , anti pimttImug cobwebs omm port slne bottles is nit old dodge. They plant these sImimmious wines at certain restaurammts amid clubs , time vimme htmyer 'mutammdlng in , ' I know more timaim one hmigim-ciass restauramit ihero these inuitatiomms mire comustaumtly sold to people thinimmg lucre as geimumiumo Iii ammtls. "So iterfeet are thme forged habehut timat a milItary olilcer actumahiy paid these aharpers over $500 for sonic Matleira worth abotmt $50 , which timey atlvertlsemi aim dating from time battle of Waterloo. "A very welt kumowmt nohlcnuati , too , was - - - - 1 vlctinuired oter nnmo preteuthetl I'omme'ru- I to the tune of $1,000 , cml I eouiti give ymj time mmanie of a big firmum of ms'Ine muuereluatmti uho were Kusindled for nnnly $16,000 ( a few bottles of genuine wimmo being lmroctmrc1 auth ( tICui'Il for thicimi to iSitte ) , Auth mlrd ) iot prosecute , for it womilt.I Pimtuluiy lms' rumineti timclr inmaImuc'ss erc it to beeomO knotu mm Unit tile ) ' imad immiimtlrc'tls of falsely lbc'let1 'vInes 1mm their cellars. sommic of wiiIeim they lund ovemi resold to timeir cus. toimmers. " - - - 0'i'I A SIAS'll , oV A iti1sl'o'V. httmlnii ( , p'u I Iltitthir It tihimig ihsisl Ito , , ' . tutu Mtilt'it ii lug Sism'u''ms , lirmtlJ . % rfuuti , ii enravuumu trailer , iimo ima S1)ettt five years lit Ihoritu , unit fimrmiIlmcti lietiter's eorrcspontlctmt at 'l'i ipolt with aoni Paul icuilars of time career of liabaim , formerly time slave of 7.obelin l'nsimg , In hIom'mtu , htnhah selanmutetl frommi obclmn I'amuima lit Parftmr , atmul fIrst mumatle imimutiteif tmiastt'i' of CutI. After eommtiitmious ivan lue iumiijeetel ( hit' umeigimbom-- lug simhtnutitte , tlefemitiimg with 2,000 mutim a fomee of 121)00 ) semmt imgumlmtst hint at iCuthim. amol sobsc tlti Cii I 17 , i mm a Its It I o I it st Itu g fm-omit 3 p. mit. till summiset , rotmtiimg aim ammuuy of 5uu,00Q muon Itlm gnt'tut loss of life. Near I mkwi , wltem latmaim is mimi titatioimetl-hls force of 9.cQ macn vas dnivt'mm front its eiitrii , ii- timetits i' sit tiniity of 50.000 strong tmimtlr limo ttt3i % srttml ( 'imief hIani , till ltltt ( slimily taken lurimeliens. tuitti huts stones nmiti trensumes t'ich. ltuubaum escaltetl. At tmlghmtfail lie , 1 z' I I icul hi is immemi , alt ticketi IC Itmui it cx t mimonim. leg amid alter a Itloothy battle of live hours' duratiomi tlu'fm'uted : amid took hulmmi hmnusoumur aumul recoveuel hmls fimmuily , ftmllowem' aluti tremtsumre. Klan szus belmeatieth two days later. imiittmii { Is micsciibd by haul ) Aifaum as tail , 511510 mmcgio , betit'eii 05 antI 70 , at situ Ithe I mutut S : it e ml m.esmemi I I ki' ciii' of t ho tht'm'Isimcit , vhmose cause lie utuptimiecs , Ills tltOItt ) titO hot until , intl live by luhummider. 'i'lie3' are diilhcti like Etiiopettimuu. All ivory , oitrichi feathers mmimd gold thust bclttimg imy tight to ltnbah ; prisoners amid ihaics arc dtvithed , - ' 'Old Gimmi ' ' lim 1I'tnl , Time item of tIme expeimse of leeplmmg ' 'Ohi Glory" iloatimig every day ovem' ittultile htmilith- hugs or sehmoohimoumies w imere tltt' tinily tils- tlzty of time luaU oimah ha mm nec is uc muulereul alt. . . ligiutor3' , is muot a smmmali ammo. lit iast St. lotmlmm , Ill. , a coumipammy itatt heeiu fonimmetl witlt a capital of $100,000 to go Imuto time mimitimfac- time of muimeet maim , zinc auth uttimer umietimi Ilags. Time unateninl front wlmicli time ilagti nouv imi mimic' ane ummatle Is umot sony thimble , amid in time soft-coal bmmmnlmug mutates of time umniomi hue bammimer lasts at itest but a few weeks , nil depemmthlmug emu time veatiter , miuti after a 'ii eektu misc it becommmes so thIrty as to ahummost lose its itleimtity. Time siam-mi mmmiii stripes , duly waving aiiti nlqiauemitly flutter- imug , will be palmmteui aim time itli'tmuI aimul timemi enamumeheth.'Iicit thirty time flag camm lie low- emed situ vasited. Sucim llztgs viil withistammul. time gales ihmichi so readily ivhiiim those miow iii use imuto nibhons. Is it Worth Trying TO flihT tPIANO t\ \ FOP NOTHING ? To brlmig time millie gmm'r Lhiy him oloml t'miitttCt wltiu ums we irooosc a Comutest. or , limo wortis , Royal Harclniatt Piano Auth glvo time witummer one tt these 50 I tt't r mm timeiti ii , u ii mmmi y ftimtt'y uvocal I' Ii i E oi , ' CliAtiGE , For Pirticumlari muuidress lime M118116r Piao & Ora Co 1522 Parmiam , Omumniun. Net , . . or 103 S. % St. , Coztiult ltltmff4 , Ia. GRAND 1LAZA , LAKE MANAWA. Comnmeutciiig Summdny , Jet" 14 , tim popular Ciulcmuio [ ADIES 11'A1 ' BAND 0 RGH ESTRA. for two seeks A ( mmli orehmi'stra of It lad Iemt , i mm voca I cm imti I mus t ntm immeim hr I mntmsic , mimsiteti h)3 tIle 1)ezelimt. Iomm't ( mill to mmcci tim Is eimtc'mtti itt Ifl'it t ; tl Isa 1)czel I , time a- mimotmim httm ni t omit' , mm mud I 'rot. Dczei I , wit ii lmimi. lectutre zuith time tllomamna. - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - . - - . - - - - - . . 4 When Yoi Buy a It pays to buy the best ; It pays to buy wheelsof honest value ! You want something for your money , Do not bemisled-youcan't _ _ affovcl it ! You will make no mistake when you choose a wheel covered by our guaranty It pays us to offer the best for the money , and riders now appreiatethef ct. T ribune Bicyclesstuuhtt iiloiio its titta rep. i'cscittumtis'c II igli G mdc Wimeci oftite dity-$100.OO _ ' imokito wledged Jemidet' o D eere IIod.e1s'b0 . Ilueditllu prioci. ! hilglu gi'adcs $90,00 u ghItti'flIhtCCl timId iIIIIt S 3rT11rTai1 , toride . . $75.00 % ,1 J\ flue iest lois' pl'Icetl s'hieel oft , .1. oliiie Special lmifll'lcet , 'l'libi WllCt.'i IS 110 ' 'stool J'tIgCOhi , " but it boitri tide bkyclc nod s'lii stitiud ii ji6O.OO We carry the largest and IuioSt complete line of Suiuiries and Supplies in the mid-west , We arc general western distributors for the famous J-Iercu.'as ! 'I'ood Ri//i , the wonderful "Jteform" Saddle , and the U S , Cyclometar. Liberal discounts to Dealers and Agents. \\Trjte for catalogue. . DEERE , WELLS & OO , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . - - IOV.A. . J. 1. . FINDLEY , Local Agcnt for Council Bluffs. WILL BARNUM & BRO. , Local Agents for Omaha - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - -4 _ _ _ I