Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1896, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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' ONAiIA IAIIV tiN1)AV , .JUN1 .14 , 1898.
_ _ _ _ _ i
1eoplo ! Are All Busy Preparing for Tboir
? flp1&Iinti-FCott itfr' Vrdst Iia ls tn lie
tite I'etat of lie CflinIiig SVeclc
_ : ii. ' , t'iiieii 1 II il ' % ' 1I C1C
1 % IUIt N ,
Likn Lent. t1iI IH ft cnson when society
1in(1I littli ) to do In the way of furniiiIng
cnterninment. It Is the s'ason of the
year whcii almost every man , woman iit1
child fceia tn duty boutid to hoard away
every spare loIiar of c1iane , hoping to
necd tt' ! same in aIstIng to make Home
outing i4etisatit. Of eourw , not all of the
rcsIdeiit of a great city 111u Omaha can
take an outing each year , but still they
all look forward to a few dayi of rest at
Bomo cool alit ! hai1y rrsort and this feeling -
ing of hope IIIlIICe ( tlicnt to lay aside all
desires to go out and mliiglo In society
clicles ,
Last veek was barren of anything that
was liitt'ucletl to attract the attention of
the society goer. in general. There were
a ( ow quiet veltlIngs ( nnl the usual nuni
bor of nilnor tunetlons , but on the whole ,
L aclety was in a leclle. Next vveIc there
L IS iiothiiig In store for those who have
not hceii invited to the weddings , of which
there are several , anti so It 'slit hi' until
, the return of autumn , which vill bring with
It COl&'l weather , longer cvcnItigi and oiw
continual round of pleasure.
Owing to the prominence of the whole
family coneerned In social circles , the
Nlcholson-lCountzo veltling vili 'be one of
the most aotahW event of the season.
The event Is to ho rather quiet anti
but a Ilnilted number of invitations have
been aent out. IL is tintierstouti that the
church anti also the handsome home wlhh
be heatufully decorated for the occasion.
The ceremony , which vill occur at high
non" at alnt Matthlna , ltlght ltov.
Ilishiop Vorthlngton olflciating , vhll be fol-
1ovctl by a breakfast. Guests will be
present ( roni Now York , Indianapolis , Denver -
ver , Chicago and zoany other chtIe.
It. Is Understood that the hrotltors of Miss
Kountze ill be ushcr8 , ( lie sister her
maid of hailer.
The Crofoot-Nash wedding , which is to
occur Jtiiio 25 at 12:30 : oclock , is to ho a
home wedding and a beautiful at-
fair. It hs to be a green niitl
white wedllng. The mauls are to wear
higiLt green satins. with 'hite organille
orerthiesses. while the itiald of honor , Miss
Atieline Nash , will be all in white. The
reccittion , 'ihilchi Is to folloW tile cereinolly ,
will , no doubt , ho aim of the hianilsoinest
ever glvcii in Omaha.
One who has traveleti In Paris cannot
help hut notice the peculiar nianner th (
cabmeii have of using thchr whips , not
that they beat their horses ; oh , Ito ! but
they hit their whips aiaiiist the shaft so
( hint any one rkllng behind them imagines
they are encouraging thielr horses to their
, utmost. Such was the case when one of
tue vohl known society women was Lravehln
abroad quite recently. It scents that this
woman had one special slang word which
she used on almost all occasions , It being
I "morcy. " io that every time the cabman
beat hits horse and she cried "mercy " ho
looked around smiling as though lie thought
, she , hlko all other Americans , was In a hurry
ahici WILS thanking bios ProfUsely for trying
to hurry. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Oiiiiilin ( lrl'i 'I'rhip to gut' ) Iut , n In I us.
As vacation time comes again one hears
on all shIes. "where shall I go ? " Why
not go vest , boys and gtrhs , and rough It ?
I , like many. had thieIdea that a city bred
woman could not stand a rough trip through
the western hills. A trip last season coil-
; vinced itto that such was not the case , but
there were both health anti enjoyment iii
We left hero one hot afternoon in .Juhy ,
arriving in Sheridan the following noon ,
where we loot a party PrePared for a trip
through the IlIg horn mountains.
All frills and ruhlieswore laid aside ;
heavy lioos , leggins atiti short corduroy
iiitsvero donned , and with light wagons
and saillo ( POnieS ( dear , sagaciotis little
anlniahs ) we started out , making a dItancc
of twenty miles before going Into camp , all
tired and hlungr ) ' . After a hearty supper
tents were erected and a big campfire was
highteil. One must sit by a pine cantpilre
to really appreciate it. When the green
boughs are thrown on volumes of sparks rise
high in the air , remindIng one of fire-
Our big guide "Chilcntt , " in whom we
bad already great confidence , told tales of
his experiences in meuutalii Ilfo. Jokes were
heard oti all ald anti genuine gooti fellowship -
ship established. At an early hour we
roiled ourselves in blankets , siid , worn
out front the first day's ride , the camp was
80011 sIlent , but bright anti early the to- !
lowing morning nih were clamoring for
breakfast and eager to continue thin journey.
Iach mile in tito lulls the scenery became
snore wild anti beautiful. In the distance
rose graM JllCS of rock with the COSSOOS
of age and shadows , reminding one of seine
old castle , and the rushing mountaIn
streams seemed almost endowed with life ,
crystal , clear and ice cold. \\'hteii approached -
preached cautiously large numbers of bright
Spotteil trout could otteli be secit darting
to aiitl fro.
\Vo traveled heisurehy along , stopping here
anl there to view 501110 Point of beauty anti
interest , which our golda would plnt out.
Striking an unusually pretty anl ( liatiy
SOt ! we paused for lunch , antI I can assure
you itoini ever lackeil appetite. here tue
gliltin lift us , going aiieii to select a per-
inaiieiit Cititip. All ere Impatient for his
return auth to be oft , to foil he hail judged
s'ohl , a pretty space between two high lulls ,
surrounileti by lull jtines , with a small
streani itcar at hand. Wo at once pro-
ceetleil to nuako ourselves at haute.
Then how qulebly the days came and
% vont-sorno uinys fishing , gohii for uuuiles up
the canyons , and what IIitttltitiCfl ! of fish
were caught ! I must confess thin girls
vere not a stic'ss at fishing-thu alt !
trouble-they could not kOep still , but
how could they Itoip trout oxelajiuiiig at
the grand scenery that siirrouiided them , or
front calling out to hear the celia coitue
back. lotiti and clear.
Long iide ti , different points aiid whole
days upent ho gathering flowers at many
variot it's ft ii ii I niiucnso qu a ii t i t Icti ; mi re
white water lilies , dear little blue for-
get-me-Hots. 511(1 311QHY others , the beauty
of which unite can describe ,
July 23 so took a iitio to 'Iew ( hi ,
perpetual anosv , twenty-two miles troni
camp , through heiiso groves of Iilctllrestiiio
pines , hiuto the rushing streanus , climbing
mountains of barremi rock , by clear mirror
lakes , pi'turt's at which t'ero yellow with
large water hOflhI lilies on anti * III until we
began to feel ( ho chilly hureezes ( ruin stuow-
eaIpci Iteaks. /thl was eceleiut ) , whuemi
the guitlo shuouetl "snov ahit'ath. ' ( lien a
race to lie first on snow. After resting an
hour or so , eating lunch bvIde a nrent
fire , not toii fcet froitu ( lie simow banks , we
starituti back to cenup , reaching it about
sundown , without accident and ( blighted
with time trip , all sounthimig luralses of our
guide for his eflhcleney anti klutiness.tutl ,
when we siokt of ( lie WoUlitlerful freaks
of nature through which ve had lassetb , hue
stutil mill ( lila would ho tame could we iass
through ' 'Yellowstone , ' ' tIme ' 'womiderlaumil
of America. " lie deserhlted his trips into
the Park frommi different points , aitil the
woiutlers therein , It would require columns
to wrIte of all time numusing incIdents of
our camp life. Many a hearty laugh vent
ounth at this of that ommo's expeilBe , mummy
uap shots takoit of amntisiug situations
anti pretty bits of scenery. Time laased all
too quickly , four weeks scouting scarcely
more than so mmu ny days.Vo left the
fllolmutmuiims with a sigh of rerot , roturmulmig
to Shieritbumn in torn garments , uiimlburiit 511(1
tanned , but with healthy anti light spirits.
_ _ _ _ _ _ I. . 11.
Miss I'iniua F. Stiles , datifhter of Mr.
Smith Mrs. John \V. Stiies , and Mr. Arthur
I. ICulht of Irylngton , Neb , , wore married
tVeihii ' 15Y imo.n at tl rei'teni of lime
hrl.1's pirt tts 4222 PaiI' au'cttmme
The cerelmomly , was ici toimnesi by 11ev.
? . 'sIic' l. I lank tf the limst t ? tt"i Pi.'shy-
, lerlamu ihiutmehi homiiutze liar , It wp : ; a
! , r ( , I ty haute weilti mig . l t C : ' d. 1 nr ! .tr by I be
I fmiuihie of time enmtl rat' ? lag part t'u and Mrs.
.1. 1 ! . hstio of Iloston , M's. ; 11ev 1111(1 trS.
ii. 0. tmmotv at Ii vlngtoii.Ir. . Itmtlmer Abbott
of Liliroin. Mis. SI llc . 'intl iIs s.izl.m hmn.
luree of limilaitoba. Ia. ; Mr. mt1 , Mrs. It. E.
Stewait antI l. M. Net in , Oiimnha.
Mr. atol Mm-s. I'Ciiight left on time
train for a I wo weeks' tmi' to $ alt h.nke
City , amid will be at home tim mmiafly
friends at. It'initoii aftel- July 1.
I t'i'-fl mat c'hilim' a ii.
One of tIme prettiest of the . Tumim vetI-
( I logs was t'oleltiate4 last Thitirsdtmy evenitiR
at the hotumn of MiS. J. 1inroln linker , 1S5
S.a'arl strrct , in Orchard huh. The cart-
tlaetitmg larties weio Miss Atmgtlsta I'
hltitchlnrou sistir of Mri. flskei. and Mr.
Charles E. Vili Icr , at young mnenmhmem of the
bar of Douglas county.
'i ito liamatisumimmu htom'rt , i.mnd gt otmatis were
brilliantly ilitiminteb , the hMnbn being
trarsformneai iimli ) ml lower of ltt'suty by
xtcnsiVe decorations termed of iutt flowers
utmiti srnllnx. At tIme hour set ( 'mm tIme cero-
maine y , I ) 1) . Iii. % Ii I hat I ho st ra I us of a veb -
tl itt g march float i'd an t tu Pun I Ii e e eu lug
air , Master Ma Winter and Mi.ts Olive
linker , n 'pituw amisi itlere. rm'speetivehy. of
the groom nmitI Itrimi ' ' , imimil chmc ii tb Wit time
bread sift Irway a lid furmnud an am isli' neros
( hue itti thor \ it 1 % bt'a'1 'u hi I ( a' mhlthttmn s leati-
lug to a lenu ) $ itoh liomab artli ft nun whim-h
" as HllShlCmltlCI It floral lmarseshmet' . Iollow-
lug the usimema came time Imiltaister. 11ev.
, Tt'htn ( .1 , . Whhilts of Fort Madison , In. , fol-
lOWC(1 by little Jean Winter , niece of the
ii I''tlt , lt'ari , mig tit e vci1 ml I ng mi mu g upon a
satin 1)1110W. ) Last of all canto the bride and
gi coin.
The bride wits attired in an elegantly fitting -
ting gown of white brocamieth silk , daintily
tmintiitcd with chiffon , the s'lioIe covered
with the tramiitionai Initial veil of white
tulle. TIto veil was htt'ld In place with
roshtmds of delIcate shite amut ! the bride
carrieti a botmqtmet of thai' salute heaimtlfuml
flowers. The youthful atteimdanl. MIsS Olive
ilaker anti Miss Jean Winter , were attired
iii dahitty gowns of white.
The ccm'einony was that kmtown as tlm
ring service of tito Methuotlist church , Miss
Olive liaker auth Master Max \\'lnter act-
lug 115 brIdesmaid and best nina , rcspcc-
After time cereitmony a bridal supper SVaII
served , a striking feature of whuichi was
ml monster wedding cake , which tite huritle
miividL'i ( arilong the guests with umusthitteti
111111(1. ( Tue repast was a mmtost bonittifiml
( ) IIC amimi was served in a inosto tasteful
man it P1.
Alter the supper the bridal couple were
escorted to thin tiepot by a host of friends ,
Itero they took tIme train for Deitwer amid
the mnountaimis. They will return about
July 1. and vii ! be at hiommue to their frleitIs
at their home , 220 North Nlnctcemmthm
About seventy-five guests were prcseitt
at thin ceremony , amnommg them being the
fohlowlflg llomt. nmoh Mrs. Eugemmo Moore ,
Lmicoln ! Mr. anal Mrs. L. 0. Chuitbock ,
Carroll , Ia. : Mr. amid Mrs. A. I ) . 1k'emner ,
Captatim anti Mrs. J. 13. Taylor. Beemer.
Nelj. ; L. Itosenthtal , West j'oimmt ; Mrs.Vil -
11am'imitem , MIss Pauline \\'inter , Ir. F.
w. WInter anti wife. Mrs. F. M. Kauffntan ,
\\'ymtiOrC h. hi. Whiter. Curtis ; Rev. Johimi
C Willlts aild wife. Fort Tlaiisoim ( , Ia. ;
A F.Vimitm3r amid wIfe , Illume Iltiltids , Knit. ;
Ilmt ; : A. S. r.lmurchtllh and wife. George W.
Covelt and wife. Jiige I. F. Baxter anti
wife , harry Nott amiti wife , llemmry M. Mor-
ro' : Mrs.'oo&i , Ed , Will arid harry Shamilt ,
Charles \Vi'uit amid wife , II. H. Corycil anti
vife H C. lirotno mind wife. Misses Alice
'mu Juliw Brenle , Miss Manic 'oder , Alias
'lose Aiacuniher , G. ii. Paymie anti wife ,
i F Emuglisli anti wife , J.V. . Vail amid
vlfe Zade ilium' and wife , G. it. Grlswmulmi
and wife. Julius Kesaher and wife , Dr amid
Mi-s. MeClanahan.
A. beautiful home weelding occurred at the
residence of Air. amid Mrs. Johmi n , nuthi ,
on Georgia avenue , Wednesday afternoomi
'tt 2i0 : o'clock , wheat their daughter , Miss
iddmua Ruth was muarrlcd to Mr. Frank McCoy -
Coy The house was vrcttihy decorated
with pink amid white roses. smuliax anti
ialmtta. The mtiandoiimi climb played Aleui-
delssohimfS wedding march anti tbe bridal
party came down the stairway into the
drawing roomna. Tim bride's attendamuts
were sluc pretty little gimis , who compose
her Sunday school class , and vhio wore
quaint little white frocks.
Alice witzher amid lichen Ircy were ( lie
ribbon hearers , and formed ami aisle for
thto bridal party. 'rime others wore Nellie
Krelder , Floremuco Deverci , Vivian McDowell -
Dowell nuti Maitch Henderson , each of whiomn
carried a large basket of fragrtuaut pimuk
sweet peas. The weddimug rhmig was carried
in emi a chiiflon vlllow by Florence Olmnstcad ,
a cute little maths of years of age ,
dressed in a daimity little whIte swiss
The marrIage ceremnony was performed
by 11ev. John Gordon , tinder a bower of
roses auti pahmmis , iii tbo mnldst of about
sevemuty-five guests. The bride , who is a
r'retty blonde , was charmnlmug in a gowmi of
rhite sthlc organdie , made over white bro-
catied taffeta , trimnmed in point lace , amid
wearing orange biossomius in her hair. She
carmied a bomiqiatut of white sweet peas ,
which. when tosscmi over the banister , sop-
aratemi in three parts anti was caught by
Alias hamilton , Miss JCmtox amid Alias Corn-
Mr. anti AIrs. McCoy left In the after-
naomi for a western trip mmd viil return to
Omaha early iii July.
% i a IiIrtlailii1'aart- .
Thtmrstlay ( Item-c was time blrthmlny aniii-
'ersary of Mrs. Henry Lieciami alit ! Mr. Lie-
cian' enuploycs lrescmiteti hem' with a beautiful -
tiful umuibrehla ammh a handsome bouquet of
flowers , After a very hue htmnchmeumi time
guests were eamtortaiiiei by solos train
Alessrs , 4'mdelmmtauin , 'iol1ii ; Lutz , cornet ;
Pt'mieromi , flute. Speecltes were mmmamhe by
the fohlowumug : Mr.Viliimnan Manning act-
lmmg as toastmaster , Air. Ilerimuan Scimumlzo ,
Cliturlcs hiaclcimmami amuti Aim. hiiltz. Ilcmmry
Glade favoreti the tiummilemice with a sommg.
Mr. OlIver W'ellimtgtomi jum'l ' Mr. Wilson
saimg a mitmet , entitled "Call Mo flack Again. "
Mr. ! Iemmry Linemi tolmi emma of his orlgimmnl
stories amid Mrs. Limmemi sniug a solo , " \Vlmere
Is \Vaimmlerhmtg flay Toimight ? " Mr. James
Cramer was imiaster ( if ceremnomiles.
Time following were Itresemit : Misses Ocr-
tin Liiicmm , lila ltnse , hattie irlebus , Airs ,
henry Leilmemi , Mr. amuh Airs , 1)reibus , Air ,
sum ! Airs.Vorthm , Messre , Zehler ,
\\'agmi em , \ ' ink I or , 0 I itie , Salt milztm , I I II tz ,
Mammuimig'Ilsoti , Lutz , Pedt'rnon , I.ttimsky ,
Athehitiamin , Vt'llhmigtomi , Muller , Jomnsomi ,
Cramer , Stonetruck and mmiany others.
l'hm'a'iaim t list lice 111111 i' i'ui ri )
iii honor of her coumsimi , Miss Gertrutle
Fuller , Airs. J. 1' . Johimisomi gave a very enjoyable -
joyable dance amid porch party \Vc'mlmmcumtlumy
oveimimig at imer Pretty liommio on Setmthm
'Fwt'nty-iilmtth avenue.
Three rooimnm vero ( 'Icamemi for tbaiicimig anti
( Ito muusie vam * turnlshuc'tl Li ) ' a harpist anmi
violinist. A merry timmto was spout by all.
Those lmiritemh vero .Mr. amid AIrs , S. A.
Megeath , Mr. anmi Airs. Harry Jormlaiu , Miss
Fuller , Atlas North , Miss Ilaniilten , Alias
hello hamilton , Alias banker , Miss Cathy ,
Miss Kimball of ChIcago , Alias liurgesa , Miss
Knox , Miss Sloan , Alista s\lexamttler , Mitts
Siiimiretm , Alias hlohllmbay hlmlrgmtss , Miss \hiemi.
Miss lralue. AIr.'lteoler , Air. hittli. Air.
Hartley , Ale. Gootlrhelm , Air. Vlckers , Air.
ltaymmutmltl ) , Mr. l'ratt , Air. Ceckrell , Air.
Burgess smith Mr. l'mirvls.
Airs. Johmmisomi was assisted in receiving her
guests by Aiiss1'ullur and Miss North.
S.iela't . Omit nil % 'lat-eis.
A receiitiy orgaimizemi club which bids
Promise of zutaiy , jolly evenings Is a wlmeol
chub wlmichi is Commiposeth of a niumber of
young society Iteolilo. It will meet twice
a week , wimemi a mimIc to seine idace of Iii.
tereat whll Ito taken , after which will follow -
low a supper at ( lie houuuti of seine one of
the inemnibers ,
These. who CiiOhiOSO the club are : Mr.
amiti Mrs. George W. Mercer. Alias l'almtier ,
Miss Webster , Miss Margaret lirowni , Atlas
Cronmiso , Miss Ailemi , Alias Taylor. Miss
Iloagianmi , Mr. hlautlahi Brown , Air. Gannett ,
AIr. l'ainicr , Mr. Idgar Moramami. Mr. Neth.
orton hall , Midtmhhen , Mr. Carltan , Air.
hialmillton smith Mr. Cuwimm.
it ' ri aml ' 1'iais I l"i ye Yeas rs.
Some relatives aimti friends of Air. smith Airs ,
Tlmonias Latmr atmrprimieAi ( hoot last Friday
uvemilmig ( ifl tlmclr twenty-fifth mmtarrlago aniil.
versary. anti lti-ought with thiemit some useful
articles. After seine niusic , speeehimmiakiimg ,
etc. , a line luncheon vss served. Aimmong
those present were ; Mr. sod Mis. James 0.
- - - - - -
- - -
! Ainrton. Air. amid Airs. Low Stearns , Mr. mmtimi
Mrs Will VIlt'it , Mr. niumi Airs. A T 51.1-
wamll. .lls Sarah Martin , Alias \iomiita Latir ,
t Atlas Alamy Alice liiweh1VlmiO l.aur nitmi
Lotmmlice Simiwell. V1ir'ni the ( line caine for
snviiig good imlgimt all wlalmc'd time 1ridal ,
coimple of a lmmarter or a century age litany
huapl' i etmirmis of tIme day.
.t I'Iiak flirt i.sliy I'zmrt ,
A iiummk lilrtlmmlay liarty was gIcii at the
rm'nitleiico of Mrs.V. . flnrchmimiore Imi hemmer
( if her tlaumghitcr , Marerno , cmi Thursday , Jumuc
I , at 2 p. in. After ( lie little folks lmath a
geol ( romutlm ilmey Partook of tIme lmianiy gooti
tliimigs iii Store for tlmenn. Everythmlitg went
oft plcasammtly , ammml Ains. I3mmrclumnorc was
lmntmnhinoimsly voted ( lie queen of hiostesss.
Aittomug thee vresemit were : Misses Madgo
rhomtipsoni , hazel Hartley , Viuht ihuireli-
lucre , I.tmcdo hiacomi , Normies ( itmllen , Itise
lltiichituuoro Masters Artte Guilimi , Norniami
Tiourke ; Aiesbamvmm hour'ce ! , 1Ctmlmn , Gulla'ii ,
I lmurtluy , J. Ilumrchmmiorc and F. 11. hiurchi-
Usminil'iOi % Smn.liai Cimala ( ' ( , - .
Last Saturday cvemming tIme Grand \'I'
Social club gave an emitertalmimnent I ital W.s
gmcatiy appreciated by all who were fortu-
imttC caitnmghi to he presemit.
F'ohlewuitg were time articlpamite : Aliases
Fvcrmm , Nicuwortlu , A. llownrml , I , . litiwarti ,
i.iarta , Climie. Itasmussen , It. Ahattermi , M.
Mattormu , Iteihegard , Schmroetlc'i- , Blazer , A.
Kessler , 'F. Kessler , hhihdebranmtl , Soul ;
MesMN C. C. Summdbhui , Meyers , W. C. South-
blmiti , htyberg , Joimimson , I tilthehjraitti , Cuhil-
soil , Ahachommaitl , Kiossmuer , Nelson , Soul ,
0111 'er , Spoustiahit , Kt'sumhi'r , Llcikert , C.
Swtnusomi , U. Swamison , Liiudgren.
: 'i Is'4I'rt'c"4 11 usiemil.
A very emuJtiyalle imiusheal was glvcmi by
Miss Free last Satum'tlay aftermtoon for her
sister , Airs. L. 11. hull of Denver. Mrs.
\Valter \'lihiamiis momutlereti several selec-
ttomis front Sousa ; AIls. J. J. AlcMumllen sang
a miummmmbcr , a imegro iitelothy ; Alias Mary Sac-
gout exectmtcmi a Piano nmiimtber very beau-
tifuhiy ; time Misses Comnstock sang "lIen
felt , ' ' which was emmthimmsastically received ;
Airs. Wichersltamo executed a vocal number ,
smut ! Miss Free a miumlmiber of Alexicami seme-
nathes on tle guitar. The decorations \vc'ro
iii luink alit ! white , ( lie colors beiug carried
out iii ( hue refreshuinciuts.
1V'ml ml I iiiM It liii I ii I gl'llm ( 'ii Is.
The wetlthinmg of Miss } umgcmulo C. hCoummtzo
amimi Mr.heretllth Nicholsumi wIll oecuii
'l'tmestlay at high noomi at St. Alatthias church.
Mr.V. . J. Cahvimi of Onmaha wits mnarrleml to
Atlas E. A. Beers , Jumie 1 , at Carroll , Ia. ,
anmi viti be at huotmto to their friends at 1S22
Chicago street , after June 15.
Mr. anti AIrs. Janmies Herbert Corbctt have
issumemi iiivhtatieiua tom' tIme iutarrlagtu of timeim'
daughter , Nellie Irene , to Mr. lticluarth Edward -
ward Wilcox , Julie 17 , at 7:30 : at itu ? I'lnk-
miey streeL
The engagement is announcemi of Alias
EhizahtctiiVarimmg , tiaumglmter of Captain Johimm
K. Waring , anmi Dr. ICieftor of the saute
post. The woddimig , whIch will he a very
quiet affair , is to occur Jimmie iS.
Invlatiemis ( were receiveth iii town last
week fm-ama Cedar Itmipids , Ia. , aiunoumtcimmg
tie marriage of Miss Lillitumi Canticle ,
daumglmtcr of Mr. anti Mrs. Isaac W. Canmuicie ,
to Ahr. Samuel Juiites Itummuel of Omnahma , the
wedding to occur Jumue 24.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwartl Watroums Nash have
lssmueti invitations for the mitarniago of their
tiaumghten. Alias Mary Nash , to Mr. Lodowick
I"itclu Crofoot , oil Thursday , Join , 25 , at
12:30 : o'clock , at "I'Ieasamit 11111. " A nccep-
tion from 2 to 4 will follow thin marritugi-
cerernomty ,
Iuvitatioiis vero rccoIvcmh in town last
week , alumiouneimig the mitarrlage of Miss
Fredreka Shiaw Barnard , tiaughter of Au- .
anti AIrs. Johmi Fremicrlchc ilarmmanti , to Mr.
William Arthur liowland , W'eihmtesday mtoomu ,
Juute 24 , at the bride's home , 921 Ciiicmga
avenue , Aiimtneapolis. 'I'ltmi weddimmg lou , mue
will be taken abroad ,
One of the jmrottiest honto v/etldiitgs of the
season took place Wednesday evening at
8:30 : o'clock. at the nesidemtce of Mr. amid
Mrs. Joimmu Iale , the occasion beIng the mar-
niage of Mr. Ehlery Robert Iitmme auth Ahhs ,
Grace May Packard. The affair was stnicti )
private , only ( Ito linmetitatu fantilies of thu
bride amid groom being presemit. Mr. amid
Airs. hiunie will be at hionie to their friends
after July 1 , at 9013 North Forty-ninth arteet.
I'I'mtsii ic's I'mist ,
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. ilervey emitertaiutec
a number of their friends Friday evemulum ;
among whomu were Mr. and AIrs. Case , Wag
mien , Horn , Etiwards , McCiamuahian , Fhemnimug
i'arkeu , Thmontpsomi , Ziuuiuni'r , Cowgili , Aumu ,
tlmi , liutclmlnaon , Gardner , W'Ilsomi , Damon
Lease , Miller , Smmieaon ( , Dr. amiti Mrs. Softens -
ens , I'm-of , anti AIrs. Omug , 11ev. and Mrs
Tango , Mr. htegamu anti Airs. Campbell.
A very enjoyable umturprise party \vzlm ,
given Mies Mabie McCormnick by the T
W _ L. club at her Itonte Friday evening
Proscmmt were' .Misse s Amble AlcCormnic'k
Aummia Itichardsomu , Louise litmrt , Kathortmtc
Phelps , Dana Thatcher , flulda Joimmmsomi
? , lanie Knocke , Myra Kirk. Lytla Ellis , Jo-
umoplilmuo Ilurlen , Laura Jackson , Maudi
Meek , Mabel Ilay ; Alesars. Curtis Eaton
loniucthi Jack , Harry Burmtctt , Ciaumlc
Luice , Dave Goldmuaii , Framik Searl , Jahut
Kirk , Jim-nt. Cumue. F'neui Flrowmi , lloy Her
aid , George Meskor , Enmuest Oidscn , Harr )
The F'rltiay evening ( lances now being
given at Idhowihmi Imahi are very well at-
temided auui thtortnmghiiy enjoyed by all.
Aniomug those Presemtt last Friday evenliug
vero : Misses Lela Ghimies , Nellie Lilndcen
Amina Valicn , Marie \'ahien , Ails Whipple
Nellie Cherry , Ethic ! Cherry , hiessie Alor-
ton , Nettle Glbsomi , Ola Morgan , Lena 130w-
era , Maggie Lyomms , hose Lyons , Nessim
McIermott , Lottie Simehly , Flo McDermott
Abilena Gould , Mohlie Neieomm , Maggie liami-
soii. Lilile CIai'k ; Messrs. Ernest Olsomi
Fred Martimu , Tom Etiwards , Sidmucy Kitapp
George Mclh'rmuott , EuVoberg , Janucu'
Davi , Simon flubimison , iiumgh htobinsomt
Geougo McNeece , Dan \\'hitney , Don Gor-
nuamm , hails Petcnmoo , George itmissiter ,
( Jimarles Kimmimnell , Fred Stilea , Torn Diver ,
Harry Stamidard.
1'rii'imil l- ( u ams-ti , ,
Mr. J. K Boyd has gone to l'ortlamtd , Ore.
Air. WV. . Marsh has gone to 1)eadwooui ,
S. I ) .
Alias Era Ifeminarti netunna this week froni
St. Loumi ,
Dr. Itoy Cnumnmmter returned from Chicago
yesterday ,
Mr. John L , Webster went to St. Lotus
yesterday ,
Mr. Ammgtmsttis Kountzo annived tram New
York yt'stertlay.
Mts Ella Cotton will spend ( he sumnmuior
at Lake Okobojt ,
Air , Joseph flam'ker neturnted fnoni Hot
Siirimigs Timcsday ,
Liouitonammt and Airs , Arrownmnithu are in
Hot Springs , Ark ,
Aiiss Soimuia ilc'hlmuami i'etunmied Monday
train Notne Iamne.
Aieiuarn. llmurnnaii amid Luther Koummmtzo will
return train Yale , Aiomimia ) ' .
Air. Joseph Aliliartl aittl Alias Jessie Millard
left ycaterilay for St. Louis.
Mrs. J. J. lielcey mimi Mrs. harry Jorulami
vemut to St. Louis yesterday.
Ir , amid Airs. Moore have rcmnoveti to
their olmi hommie emi I'ark avemiuc.
M1m03 Fiorcmmeo Kilpatrick hiatt returuueti
fnomn Miss Ely's school , New York ,
Air. and Airs. Victor WhIte buave time W.
Lyle Diekoy cottage for ( hue sumummier.
Airs. L , 11. Korty , who lisa been umpcnmiing
two weeks in Chicago , returneml Tuesday ,
Alias Gertrutho Kouutzo , who has been at-
teitmliiug school Iii ( be east , returned i3untbay.
Mr. Itussoh ! hurt wemit to Faribault , Ailnu. ,
last wevlc to attend Shattuck comumuienco-
Juilge amiti Airs. Framik Inwimi are receIving
congratulations oii ( lie birth of a daugiier ,
Juno 6.
Airs. Robert E. Wilsoy front Houston ,
Toc. , is visIting her uitother , Mrs. Rosette
Mr. 'hlllarn I. liattin , who graduated last I
week at Swarthuiero college , is borne for the
Mn. amid Mrs. J. hi , Evamis heft for St.
Louis yesterday , whucre ( lucy will spend soy- I
aural days.
Mrs. Charles ( laruimier amuti cbmildreiu left
Tuetiay for liayiloiuh , whore they will pass
time summer.
Mrs. F. W. Richard anti daughter heft
Tiummrstlay afternoon for Iiostou , where ( lucy
vill spend the summation.
Mr. Juuines Wallace liroatchi returns front
'aie mumult sneek , where he baa been taking
a Past gratluatmi course ,
Airs , W. 11. Millard , children amid nurse ,
Miss Amy Silver , Air , and Aim's. George I'at-
- -
ter.on , k t ( elut ( 5t % ' for a maslt1e
iIrI , mum-ar whcte they will spotul ( ho
Airs. Umm' 'l'til men , Airs. ilolllit anml Miss
Lillian'il ivoii will leave early lii July
for U kim ututiPtnimigs. . ( ' 010.
Air. mummmb , Mt. (1.V. . 'atles left Tlmurs-
mlay miftermu'h'tm' ( Ilot Siunings , S. 13. , whom
they will ttfuitutl several tiays.
Airs , Jantra Ii. Mt'iit1t nmid chlhlremt 'eiit
to Clean hikkei Is. , Tbuursmiay , where they
wIll rcmmiaimi.t liii time t'atly fall.
Atls Louise' icorty , shto hiss been attt'mitl-
iiig school at , iift'kfontl , Ill. , miuirlmig time Past
year , s'ilh reImfm , hunmuit' Tlutinstla } ' .
Air. Vim-toilcaewnter sPout several days
in hinuctilmi last. ; week nmid muttomidt'al ( he gram- !
umating exercises at the university ,
Airs. K l' lm'ock eaimio iii from Calltoun
Timui'stlay to meet hmer tittugliter , Miss ik'lemi ,
viio retunm'meml front Miss GraImts school ,
Airs. F , A. Greemi left last week for
1)eiiver , Ghc'nwooti Spm'ings amid Salt Lake
( 'It ) ' , Oil Recount of Imer iiealthi , to ho guuue
mtmitii Atmgtmst 15.
Mrs. J. 5. Sykes leaves tomorrow for aim
extemmmletl trip to S'cstenmt , l's. , where slut'
jnliis friemumhim anti relatives for an oumtimig
iii the Ahleghienties.
Mr. Chmirles George returned from Galmus.
burg Motitlay mutom-milmig , where lie wont to attend -
tend the iruttiumutlon exercises of his sister
mit ( Ito comiservatory.
Mr. George Ii. Palitier anti Mr. Itay Welch
of Liiurnimi slIl still .ltmly 18 for Emirope ,
where they will spemiul several miioimthts tray-
ehiimg iii Gerinmiiuy amil F'ramuce.
Mr. amutl Airs.V. . \V. Uinusteml nutd semi have
mettliliet ! train a six veek's trill through
Cab itnumnla aitd tIme l'umget Soulmumi country ;
ioliig as far north as Victoria , 11. C.
Colonel Pratt nimul Miss Aluirgaret Pratt
IaVO ) jmmst retumrmteml fioimi Etmrnptu mimi are
stemimhlmig a wet'k itt hlemiliiimgtami. Tlmey go
in a few tiays to Colommel Pratt'sVyomning
Out-nf-'i'ii'it V 1st tapes.
Mrs. A. Al. Goomiwlhlie of Chicago is the
gtu&'st of Airs. L. 11. Korty ,
Alias Clara flanker Amumii'rsomi Itt the gimest
of her sister , Airs. Jobii Francis ,
Mi's. l'erley nmf Empenia , Kami. , Is visiting
her daughter , Airs. F. A. ihrogan ,
Mr. Alert-auth Nlch'.olsomi aiim ! AIrs. Nlcltei-
son of liidiamtaiuolis arrived in towni ycstor-
Airs. Kurtz liryan hare of Chicago is
visiting Airs. ' 1' . B. Eilingwooti of this
Mrs. Rollius and Miss Lillian iiackvoath
ot Wasluittgtomi are the guests of Mrs. ( Joy
iiartoii ,
Mr. anti Airs. Harry L. Creiner of Chicago
im'c visitimig Mrs. George it. Grhswolmh , 4619
iouiglas ) street.
Airs. J. 1 > . citzo of Kansas City anti Airs.
Ware of Iflair are the guests of Mrs. Wil-
ham A. i'axoo. (
Miss Minnie Schall of Chicago Is visltimig
luer commaimi , MIsS Sttssim Stratmuianmm , 964
North Twenty-fifth avenumo.
Miss Matthews was ( be guest of Mrs.
\Vomthiington ummitih Thuumaulay , luemi idmu lolL
for her borne iii Cineiminati.
Airs. Charles Fortl Scovil of Comimmecticimt
is the oxpecteti guest of liar sister , Ahrs.
\Vihliamn S. Rector , this week.
Alias hello flragdomu of Auburnulalo , Mass. ,
nrni'ct1 yesertiay from Denver to be the
guest of Miss Crace Allen anml Miss An-
, Jreesen. ' -
Miss Emma. Sharp , who has beemi the
guest of Airs. ' . 1' . Kirkentiahl for the
last year , left Wednesday for her home iii
Airs. 0. T _ Eastman arid tiaumgluter , Ifelomi.
arrived Sunday Ito attenud ( ho wedditig of
Allss Kotmmitzu anti visit with her parommts ,
Mr. anti Mra. Samuel Liumrius. Ahr. Eastuinmi
will arrive hiorthy.
iiit'iil lc'(1ii % ftlii' % % 'ee1 Gal liered
at imiiaila' .
Mrs. h'ominock. mother of Mrs. Leavitt ,
visited her tiauighter tiurimig the week.
11ev. LcaiLt ' , i'Ciit to Lliteoin ( a be prescuit
at the graduationu Of his soul Item-bert fm-em
thuo Statms umiiverslty.
Phd ! Joblisba celebrated "his littli blrthuL
day aim Friday by inviting a ddzemu of luis
little friemuds to enjoy the day u'lt1i bun.
Inmmmleo school closemi for the vacation on
F'nlmlay. Tue teachers , Miss lCato AleDuuumi
amid Mistt Ida Butts , gave tue children au
ice creuni and cake trial for closing core-
momi icum
Gui Wcmliucsday evening at the hiomime of
lien father , flavimi tecmi , Miss Jane Iteed was
married to Leroy Coriiss of Omutaha. On the
samiie evomuimig Mr. Eilei'y lhuume was mar-
rieti to Alias Grace Packard. Petit couples
have the wishes of mutamiy friemuds for a lommg
alit ! happy life.
im-lortiit.p ,
Ir. I'anlmcr of Ottuaha has remited the
ltroiwrty kiuowmu as ( lie Cetlar auth us'iil live
there clmuriiug the simnimner.
TIme water works ptmt a large force of
mcmi to work ( louilay niormiing iayimig p11)0.
furnishing work for severs ! idle mmmii ,
J. C , llartweli of Clarks , Nutb. , is iii
own orgamuizimmg a A1o.1ern Woodnian lodge
anti is meeting with 'cry good success.
The social given by time Christian churcim
Wodiit'sday miighut vas very wclh attended.
Time orocm'eds go to defray the oxoemiceS of
the ltastor.
Airs. Mary Barrett was called to the bed-
umitie of her daughter , Airs. Gaymior of
Loavemiwonth , ICamu. , Tuesday oveiting. Airs ,
Gaynor is mmot expecteti to hive.
Lnst mmighmt was ( lie last meeting of the
Mmisleal tucion , comiducted by Mr. Lower.
Comusiderablo progress ltatu beemi mmuatio by
the ummulon iii givimig euitcrtaimimnemmts ,
'l'lie W'oodmnc'mm of ( lie Wom'lml camp miecided
to Imuive a juiciiic time Foumrthu of Jumiy and
preparatiomis are muon' being inamlo for a
iig ( limb Oh thmat mlny , as there is a large
camp hero. A JOOi timne is nmiticipatetl.
Jouiatlmami lodge No. 225 , imutlepentleuit
Ormler of Otiti Fellows , Iii electing ohlleers
for tIme term comiimnemieing in July elected
J. It , Gibbs , N. 0. : It. Va' . Coivan , V. G. , aiim !
J , F , Tracy as m'epresc'mmtatlve to the gramid
Mm' , 11. T. Freemamt anti semi , s'lmo have
lucen visitimmg J. F' . Tm'ac'y's family for time
past mnomttii , retumneti home Thursday to
Ottawa , 0. AIr. Frecmtian was lucre for
tlo bemiefit of hIs son's Itenltlu , but it did
umot ccciii to iuuprove yen ) ' matmeli ,
Mrs. Ilealy of Ileliovue , ha. , was lii town
tlmmm last week looking tufter hmeu' property
interests hero. 11cr graiuiitatlmer laitl omit
time town a good mmiany yeturmu ago anti owmtemi
uieariy all the town. limit Airs , llt'ahy has
lost two.tluirJum of her vroporty thurough 11th-
gatlomi amid other enumses.
IiPmia4fni ,
Air. C. Wilson ( I ! Pierce passed through
flenuton last wpeis ,
The Jumiio , eq1ue Iwlui a humslmim'sa meeting -
ing at tIme chimrlu , last Monutlay aftoi'mioomi.
Airs , Ii. Groves reimrmued ( froimi lter 'islt
to her uitert rpmt last \Vedocsday ereuiimug.
Miss Ous'cmiumm of Omnalma was time guest of
Mrs. 0. 11. WEliatnum tlurimig the past week.
Alias IlerthiaOhroy of Omaha silent last
Smimimlay in .ittmmomi visiting sommie of lieu'
Mrs.V. . Cma'dullfomd anti E , E. lioftialan
spent last Satuurtlay imi Council Bluffs visIt-
lag with frleimJa.
Airs. ii , . 8uflorii tieliartell last Fritlay
niionuilmug for Ia. , wlmero she will
tue ( Ito gImest yf luer brother , J. Munson.
Arthumir I ) . , ilghuL of ! u'viuigtomu , who is
well humuowni fn this place , was muiarriel
bust week nj0 1 MIss Emuilly A , StIles of
Dniahma , u eu
11ev. F , Tcnig'l formerly pastor at the
Methodist l'Qi1ttPilll chuurchu iii this place ,
how of the LoweAvcuiuo church In Onmiahua ,
visited friemitis In hleoseii durimug ( lie last
Clihltirou'mm day exercises wIll be observed
Ity the Sunday school muL thu Aiethmoihit
Eidscopal church ( hl uveuuimmg , takiimg ( hue
tour usually himumi by ( ho Epworthi league
ror devotional nuectitig.
A called miieetlag of ( lie Epworthi league
was liciul at time church last 'l'uestlay even.
lug far thu punioae of ciectinig deleatea
10 the commferemico eommveuitloii to be lucid
it Freiuoutt Jimmie 16 , 17 anal ig. This league
is'aa well reprotiomitoti by ( ho mnonibors ,
rmiakiimg it tin InterestIng busIness niectimig.
sir. Ehmuier AicGhmiuitum siuui George \V. 5(1.
ei' were elected by aeclatiiatioii.
Air. auth Alma , Ii. Mooiiey lmlessantly en-
ertaimietl time "tubing Party" anti ! a utumn-
or tuf their triemmuls at their home last
haturday evenmimig. Time roomumi were larut.
; ily mlecorateti 'tthi roses arid forums. lIe.
uosbmnentu were serycal at antali tables.
) u catch was a large bouquet of roses as
- - - - - -
a eemiteritl'ee. Among thuntt in'ile'l vero :
Ailses Meflill , hioriuilmmni. Silger , affom 1 ,
I hlilyarti , amid Messrs. Simet'ly , SafTmurtl. Sti-
gem , Young antI AhcOlninis.
Instead of the iegmlar iiiitl-et'k il'am'r
imet't lng of ( lie Atllmomhtst Eiiis'oiii elimireli
time stilmjc'ct of "At Issiomiam' ' svas talmt'mi up for
tIme evemilug for special PraYer. 'lhi limeet-
lumg was let ! by Airs. J. A. Morgan.
The mutemeoptienmi enertniiimic'umt ( , , which
eoiiualttted of about fifty views at Lon'hciti
amtii other secmtcs iii Eumrope , % att given by
thmo Junior league at the Imahi F'ritlay C' ° ) i'
11mg , June i2. It was w cii attetitleti anmi a
SiicCCSm ; flmtanclally , which will he domiateti
by ( he league to thio chitmm'ehi. 'Flils emiter.
talmitnent will hue relwateai Iii ( lie hear In.
( lure , as time louis was lti'oki'ii , wiilchi Pr-
s'enutt'tl Pau't of time scenes from bt'liti ; tteeii.
II1'I.'M SiJ1 A I , SI Il.
LINCOLN , Jumno 13S.iuccial.\Vothiics ( ) _
slay aftcrutooii at 1 o'clock At' . Eulwiurtl Il.
Itamisomuu'as mimarnicil to Miss Mmimmtie May
MeCalo , tlatugiitt'r of George 11. MeCain , l5i6
\'hmmo sti'cet. Dr. Lnsby Iterlonined ( lie ea'r
rnuiomiy , which wittiesse'i by relatives
aiiml a naitiutll iiti'nber at intiitiato friemids.
Air. htnimsom is ( lie nsistaflt eushmier of the
i.imicoln Street ilailwtty comnhiafly aimmi is
well kitotii lii ( lie social circles of the cily ,
whulo thic bride is au exceetlhiigly llOIuilar
3 otung Italy. After ( lie ccreiitoiiy au imifomnital
recelitiomi was lick ! Prior to time tlelarttiro )
of thin youuig cotiphe ( tin 1)euivcr aiim ! Coloratlo
11ev. C. E. ilraiialt , time retiring Pastor of
( lie t4ecomuh h'rcabytenialu eluuuili. was ( i'll-
ulereul a fl'ceiitlomi iy ( ito comigregmitiomi Toes-
tiny tuvcmiiuig at ( Ito clumii'ehi. Over 000 people
were lrescmit. The i'eCClltiOil eomniiiitL'i
couisisttml of Airs.'altcr liege. Mrs. Mary
Johiumson , Airs. S. I ) . Wootiley , Mr. anumi Airs.
'l'hommins lai mid I , I in I ith E. J olunsomi . lte' .
arid Airs. I lenry 3 ! . lumimiimig of i'awiiee City
vei'e also iuresc'mtL Ale. lummiiimig luas hucemi
rahleti to time Pastortute niimi is eoiisidenliug
the ofTen.
A mitumuber of Lhmieohmi lathes attenmied ( lie
meetimig of ( lie Feulciatlomu \Vomuiemi's
Cluhms in Crete Saturtitty aftci'iuoomi. Mrs.
Ii. hi.Viisomi read mu vaimr em ) ' 'Architecture
frommi mimi Artistic Saiiahiioimit. ' ' Airs. A. Va' .
Fiehml , nresitieuut of the Nebraska fetleratiomi ,
aimimotuticed tIm ormier of exercises for
Va'ommmeni's chili ( lay at the Crete Chautauqua
July 11.
Captain amid Mrs. Guuihfoylo gave a cart !
panL' oil Tuesday evemilmig anuml amtohmer ant
Thutmrstlay eveiting. Thu-re vero five tables ;
( he game \v.ia s'hist-tbo nuirtli mimimi sotithu
kiiitl. Mr. It , J. Greemue , AIrs. Laulmi amid Air.
Ogden took prizes ioi rapitl anmI souiuuui de-
tituctive reasomiing Tuesday cvonimmg.
'h'liumrstiay evc'iiimug Air. alum ! Mrs. George J.
Wootlm , Mr. auth Mrs. Mmiric Woods , Air.
Mattaumi lialtlwimi amid Alias llinehiart left
for hot Sprhmugs , S. 1) . 'lhmey wili reunaimi
till ( hue latter part of miext week.
Airs. A. S. itayniemud hiatt a kemisimigtomi on
Moiiday mufternoomt. It was for ( lie special
emutertahiuitiemut of Mrs. llrown , whuo is visit-
lug her inothuc'r. Airs. Aitkimi ,
Mr. antl Airs. George Fawell , Dr. smith
Mrs. C. 11. TeiTt anal Alias Oerrtmmlo Aiar-
quett were cmitertaiuimiti at mummer at tIm
CapItal luotel Sunday by 1)r. George 11.
Alias Aiice Dross left 'l'tiestiay evemiing for
l'ortiand , Ore. , whucre sue will spemimi the
sumnutmer with her brother , Erimest 11. Dross
of the Oregoniami.
Miss \\'ilia Cathier of lIed Ciotuti is in time
city. Sue came to town to ho ircsemit aitmriuig
time aiuuitial comnncmiccmteuit oxciCiuieitt.
This evening Alias ilomirleta hiohlowbuish
gave a party for Miss Houston , Airs. F , W.
lirowil's guest.
Flavol L.Vmiglut , whuo was In the university -
versity hast year anal is now dupmmty yost-
) naSttJu at Gerimmg , was imi ( lie city Wedmies-
day.Mrs. . E. L. hlolyokmi amiti chihdremi luave gone
to Provideitco , It. I. They will Spend the
surnniucr visiting in New England.
The State umniversiy Youuig Mcii's Clurima-
tinmi associathomi receIved the senior girls at
r'ailadian halh Monday aftornoomi from i to s.
Jainics Ijeaton was in Norfolk this yeok
attt'miding ( liii meeimmg of (110 State Fumueral
Directors' associatiomi.
Airs. J. C. Seacrest amid children left this
week for I'emimisylvania , where they v1hl
aluend the sumiuumier.
Alits l3esmIe Kuhn of Ottawa , 1Ciii. , is the
gutest of her sIster , Airs. Burt V. ' . ltichtirtis ,
2603 J street.
Airs. Ethel Alarsianmi Drain of Spokane is
thie gtmeut of her itarciuts , Mr. aiim ! Airs. T. H
Nelson Sawyer entertained ( lie senior nut
Junior classes of tile high sehuool Thmturiuda3
Charles hi. Chandler of Omaha , who was
tlio gmmeat of William Iteeth Iummroy , has not -
t urmietl hiomito.
Di' . Spahr left Momttiay for York , h's. , hIs
mututive place , where lmc will r 'sitle iii ( hut
The wetitilng of Miss Lihile Gillespie to
Robert hlyard of hCauisas City , is anmioumiced.
Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Lamlal emitertained a
niunihuor of friends \Vednestlay evening.
Airs. Foss Seacrest anti mlaughter have ye-
tuurmueai from Hiawatha , lCan.
Miss Mae Colsomi has gomie to Freniomut to
spcmimh thie suurnmner vacation.
Will 1aymond anti Alias Eleanor Raymnond
huava renrmued froni school.
John Dorgani visiteti Denver this week.
Aiis Lotta Lawrence of Pitmaburg , h's. , is
tile guest of Mrs. J , J. Pyle.
Misses Joumophuino anmi Mary Tremaimie left
Thursday ( or Perry , Old.
Mr. nmiml Mrs. A. Al. Trinmble have gone to
Princeton and Ottawa , Ill.
Air. amid Airs. D. 11. Wlmeeher , jr. , of Omumalma
was in ( hue city thus week. .
Mr. niutl Mrs. Wliliammt 1argreaves visited
ileatrico this weok.
Air. amiti Airs. Traphagoni luavo returned
from a visit east.
George E. Wuikely of Oniahua was a Limieoln
visitor Momiday.
harry Shears of Ommtahma is time guest of
ltalph I1agard.
Alias Mamuto Carson has retuurmied from Des
Aioiites ,
It. C. Outcalt huas gone to Mexico City ,
Alex ,
li1tt'Niil,1 ) , ILt 11 _ tXStTA L 1i IISIC. % I. .
Itoapia. l'II lea ! ) ( ' 1)oors 'mail ii ma
lIlglil , Aipiraa'iitlva , . % msllt'a'a' .
Time assembly room of lirowuiehl hall was
cu'owmiei ( to ( hue doom-tm last evening ritlu
tIme luau ) ' friends of thue fair graduates of
tlls : year , the occasiomm beiimg ( lie amiutumal
iuimmsleal , It was a spleuitliti autlic'nce aiim !
thmtm uuumncrous light guwuus anal tIme shun-
thamuco of ilowers iuuade
( hie asumemuiblago a
mutest attractive omuo ,
A lrograimi of m4o'oitcen uutmmhaerma , In.
eluding both vocal mmd iimstrtmmnejuah ( so-
lectionum , was given. All of them womo u'oll
ra-miderod utnul it wouulai be mhifllctult to miauiio
the most lmraiseworthiy mjlTortmi , Alias II C
Ihurmiham sang ' 'Gay Gitana' ' in a lilminluer
( limit won buor muich lucarty alplammse. Of
euimiah unenit was Alias hioweuu'pu remuthitiomi of
'Tlut F'iower Stumug' ' from 'Fatms ( . " 'I'Iuo
niumetmt by Mittumes I'eu'ry amuml Aiael'herson ,
nhiti by Misses Lammuhi anti 1.ammmaliig ticst'rve
eape'cial umwntion. Miss Luirshu tulsa samig
' ' 'rhue Sluiminuiiug Sonug' ' in aim athmnim'abie utuamu-
mu-n , amuti Miss hivzel's pinimo solos ilumil-
t'lt'ti ( it great anmomunt of sumdy , comithainoal
with no little talent. TIme work of Ahlattes I
Slmm'lalon , MeCaimltay , Lytlo unumi lohmeu-ty was
huigiuhy cu'etlitmublt to tIme youmiig lYOli3mi )
( hicunselves utiud to time iuitusicut ! depau'muuont (
of tlueir school ,
t rsiua'pi Iii.
Next Tiuuirstiny evenimig , Juno IS , ( lucre
svlll be a , mtercoptlcnmi lecture on Arzuuenuia
nit time First. , Aletliomhist Cliirchi. Time vIciva
are salt ! to be uunusmimilly fume amid realistic ,
amuti are quite uii to date , as Limo phmotttgrapha
% vere all ( alceiu last winter. 'l'luo price of
atimuiasiout will be emily 25 cenuts.
JInI'uiftry % 'iilt'rs' i'iumnle.
Aleuiibi'rmu of the United Jirewery Work.
niieui's tuniamu will give mu picnic ut Ililaler's
iuark. i"orty.tommrthi maid lmilt'alimwortlm
utreetmI , this afternoon , at % vhichm tlut'ya wi'l
b vocal utnmi tmtctnmimemmtai nmiusku unit ! mull
kimumis of uitliltmtio sports. A zuuunlmer of thu
( : . eonnlbutvti lumizt'S to be
Light of the riitliro AibMitly Illumines t1o
sluops of' the Wizards ,
Ulni' of lIsa' flla'eI rl'n ! U , ao'.Itioma-
l'osu or Vl I Ii amlt Steit t't'.ii r-
lug Catipalhe l'aaii em'tlpa.r
le e liaput'ma Is.
The tiusater muiimh. ofmiterlc'am electrIcal
do'elaiiitiemit , Ale. ' ' . Et1Iomi antI 'fesl.i , smith
Mr. D. A1acFrhami Moore , , ait liiventem' of
great lmrommtIse , , igree in mieseutluig hunt thin
Prt'semmt ineanmlezet'mit electric lIght imutitat gibe
Way to the vacumiiii ( Ohio lighting. Each ha. '
Iiiatlo exuei Iniemits wliii'hi scorn to almow tiumtt
thim : ' cost of highimug cali be greutly retituced ,
aiiti t'am'hi is now worluimug to inaime his 1mb-
vemttlomi conimnercimilly Practicable. Air.
Moore miuttl Mr. 'l't''l. , . aulit'sr tm ) Ime fifloa lag
thun same gmiiioi'utl Ilmie ; Air. Eilsott coats lila
hun'b with a fimmorcsceuit suib.atanm-a. Thu liumr-
post' of all three is to produce a "coith" light ,
or one w'huicfu tioe mutt wtuso energy In heat.
Air. Moore itas givemi mu public tlemuiontruitiomt
of his ability to lIght a Iuumblic luall , amid time
lntlicsions mure that mm fair tlogrce or econommty
Ivat ; tuttalnoti for a hot exuerinteuit , AIr.
Moore uises glass tubea 7 feet lomug anti i
imteites imi thlamneter , which cami ho disposeul
aloitg tito t'ormuict , of a room so tutu to give a
; 'e1 I d i iftuseth , tliu'otuglu ui at bni I I Is itt , I 1gb ( .
Thin effect is rather that of uumoo'milght ( luau
of daylight. Mr. l'cela aummus to uualmo a
Imiuuch brighter lIght , butt lmatu uuot , showiu hula
imivemmtion ; fu lmas , however , exhibited itroto.
graluha tnimemt " , liii thin llglut , .uvhmlchu jmuulgumsg
huy the timiie of exposture , closely i'eaemtmbhes
smuimhighut in iiti active properties. In
vacuiumn tube ligbtiuug there is ito liiaimioibt
( hum ) light fat lirohtuccuh by rapid vibrauiommum
of the ether. The huuuliis are , in fact , smib-
stammtlahly ( lie ssmmto as Croakes' tumbe. Air.
Tesla ha hecn niutihmig to umiako oxceedimugly
raiuiul s'ibratioius , but little Is kmiowmi of Limo
mleyices Ito tuses for this ituriloso. Air. Moore
huas imiventoti a coumuparadveiy situiplo appar.
atmi.s , vIilchi. is thu key to life systemii ho
hias put mimi erthluimury fornu of vibrator in a
vacuum tube , where it is almost Imufimiltely
mono etliciemit thuan liu air. Mr. Etlisomi's
Invention follows his investigatfomu of X rays.
liii appears to use tbo X rays themuiseives to
render luminous tIme interior of a Crookes
tube lined wIth a fltmore'cemit simbstammco moore
elflclont thmmm ( lie tumngstato of ealciuiui.
Edlsomm has progressed so far tlmat emia day
last week ho gave a public cxluibhtloii of a
11011' Iflmtil ) , tli rauuult of lmls iimvo'tlgatIomis of
thus ltoemttgen ray , u'hilc1m gives Promi9e of
workimug a COluiIlete ravolution iii electrIc
llglmtlnig. Tluo ligiut has clear aiimi wluite ,
amid , thuotuglu salti to be of less tluan bum
ciutthis hiolvers'as ! muuh..tliigulslmabho iii Ihlu-
imuimmatimtg ( lumailty frommu a ten.cuumidle iower 1mm.
cauuilescemut lamiip , vlmicui wes displayed alter-
imuutely with it.
Time new lamp is a. Crookes tumbtu of Limit
uusmmal ehape , aboumt five inicimes long slid two
iuichiC imi diamuieter. Aim. Edison explained
that tlmo difference betwoemm it amid time or-
thinary Crooktuum tmube is duct to tIme iimerlor (
beluig coated , mi tlma making , with a film of
crystals of a muew snbstaiice , su-lilcim lue i-c-
ftmi ? < i to muiiiiO , ouuly sayiiig that it is a
mmatmural mnimteral , very abuindarut amid 'ery
cimmap , omul posaesslntg nearly tlurea tiumies the
fltuoreeuenmt ProPerties of tummgctae of caicium ,
'rflL inner coating arrests the X rays amid
pernuits mmono to escape , as proved by thorough -
ough tests.
The remmiarkablo feature of thu& nois' lamp
lii its econoniy of c'hectricah omuergy. Mr. Eali-
soum IVaS surprised tat the results of tina tosits
anmi dLumrusted lila imistniiimie'tut.s , Altem trying
savrah sots withommt iindimag a chusuigo In time
records , lie realIzed what an enmorluuoue sav4ng
of eutergy luami ba'emt effected. Time larmip of
tiurcus alit ! onc'-iualf or four camidlo power con-
eunet1 only tlmlrty-milmte foot liommmuls of elm-
erg ) ' , while time lmicandet'cemut kummup as miow
owl requires about 150 louiuds of energy per
candle ilower. Another umnportaot qumeatloit
was o1ve'd in ( miio discovery that tiut new
lamiups ivork as well or better In multiple
arc circumits tlman sfrgly. There are semite
nrther eLep to bc tnkemi before the comimmimer-
: al va1u of the ltglmt can b deterniirmNi. Time a
ot , uuuti uammmuammeumcy of the lammips lmavo yet
.0 be tested en a harger scale.
The electrcal simon' lit time Gramid Cemutral
palace , Now York , closed emi Saturday evenI I
ing , after amu exhibition of twemity-fouur days , a
during whtiii about 250,000 pem'on hooked mit I
tlm vomuders of time mnighmty force whIch ic
trautumformimig imimiustry amid social life In niammy
ways. The simow baa been so succeasfumi that
it huas been decIded to conduct a lerunammemmt
eximibitiomi in the same buiidummg.
There hmavo hee sonic curIous gajus in
tIme exhibition ; but tlmcse are miot witimout
( lmeir leasomu as to time condition of ( hue art ,
auid Limo poibiilties tlmat still oxmst in uiu-
cultivated tiomutaina of time acieuce. : For Instance -
stance , it Ic regarded by electricians tlmem-
selves am iiotltimug less tham lhtunomnemial ( hunt
after half a comitury mf elfert muot a single
( hienumtoimilo was slmowmi , altlmougb tIme fact that a
eturromit coil be obtained fronu appiyimug heat
to tWO t1isainliar imuotals has beoum knowmi a
slmmca the historical oxperimuenta of Socbcek ,
mutarly " 4xty years ago. Mr. Euiisoni has '
workoJ li timla fleltl. and huas pyromnagnetle a
ntotcrum amid gemtc'rators. Mr. Tesla has not
diafalneul it , amud there imavo beeui niunicrous a
muteuuiptum ( to intromiumco thionimioplles witimin tIme
last few years train which current him corn-
muorcitil quantities Is actually ohitalnalmie.
But at ( ho pre."ont ( hum ammo cn obtain suiclu
apParatmus iui olul hiardwmire slmois. or fimni it j
in thme laboratories of time sclmools. ammth so
( hue electricians go On obtaiuuing their cmur-
rent after it Imamm already tuosmu couuverteti
tlmreo tiumies , by bader , eutglmto anti mlymiamno ,
uvitli wuustefuml losses at each stage. Aumother ( I
t'imtgmuiar Imiattil , at thus show tins tIme abeaumce
Dr searchullghits. 'l'hioro Is mutt a lulmll ) in ( hue
( Jimitod States imav' , amid lmardly a steamuieluip :
Iuu ( lie i'lvcrs anti coast i'tters vithiomi ( a mu
aarchulIght , himit ewIng to time couiforunatinni
) f the m'xhlbttlen btalls It. was dechtleal thma (
Lo lUt ommo omm 'ious' ( lucre woulmi Itavo
jhintlo'3 tIme public anti hmave ulestroyed tIme
) lfect of ( ito hmarunommluius Ilhuiminatiomi tine
:0 : ortlimiary arcs amiul Iimcammtiescens.
llrlcf muientiomi w'as unade imu tiuuto calumiinum
3 fo'u weeks ago of time imivemutious of ir. 'IV.
IV. Jacqumos of Newton , Alasa. , who lmas me-
mmmtly patemlei a process luy wbuieii hue goner-
utes electricity tiireciy , aliepoumsimig entirely
vithu Limo tiso of ( Ito steam emmgino. The In-
movation lisa attracteti wldcspreaui Interest ,
mini tIme W'cotermi Eloctriciamu pnimuta In Its mat
sstuo atidllonah iuierestimmg facts umhxuut time
) rcmces. The essential featmurti of the pro-
mss , m'aya tiuutt journal , is thus ilecriicsi :
"t'lue lmnce conc'aisum comiverting ( ho yej
, oniai ( energy of earbomi or carbonaceous mmia-
enlal into electrical energy by chioumulcauly
omnbimiimmg oxygomi u'ltim thmo carbamu or car-
) OiiaCeOiis muiaterisl timrougti au imttor'tiniiig t
'Iectrolyto. ' ' Time lmrobleimm wlmlch this lii- H
, 'omititmn clalniim to hun'e solu'auh is oumo timat
mas occupieti mnauty brilliant imiintle. It luas
teen staeti ( by i'rofessor O.twaltl ( hat "luau
vua a coil 1mm which olectrit'.ml emiergy was limo. b
lured by tite direct oxidation of carbomi ,
I lli ( an otititut aitproacbiiug ( lie theoretical , S
ye sluouhil hua oil ( lie minim of an industrial
'o'olumtiomm , comiiiuareti with ) % 'huicii ( ho imiven-
ioru of ( hue ( eamn emmgimio umlulca into lnsignilfl-
alice. " This is vliat lr. Jacqumos clalmus to si
maYo accoimipllumimed , smith Imo Is sumpruortell in .
his iuo1lti3iI It ) ' nmtamiy cumilnuomit lulmyalcisbu
rho hmave ivitiucaseti ( ito resmilta of hmia cx-
merfuuiolitS anti examined hula Invention.
'rime idea of time widespreaul imiterest thuat u
uas boomi awakened imu this discovery mnay
Ito gaimied ( noun thuo fact ( hat lrmuniocliaoly
oliowimig the publication of thue patent ,
vhuicli suas iemuuued orb Alarchm 3 , the patent
iflctm has lueeigeui w'ithu Imiquilrlos about ( hue ui
muvemitioui. smith dommiammds for couiieu of tIme ii
peciflcatlouus wore so numerous that time sup-
dY was maui oxlmausod.'a ( , '
'rho imiventor of thIs hmrece , Dr. WII-
lammi Vu' . Jacqtuea of iiostouu Is mimi dcc-
ric'lan anti clmemimk't of high stan'iinmg , who
mirausti his studies at Jolmuiu hopkins and In
tmrOpo , and lmaui been in the employ of ( he .
- iii
Highest of all in Leavening Power-Latczt U. S. Gov't Report
Q akthg
iv Powder
ThE i'
- -----e
Aninrl"mt Dcii Tek'phinca cemliany us ifs
eiecttlImu frommi time begimining , lie wits
l'oetiilitb' flttt'd Amiti equiippetl for wetk of tlj4
kluuul rt'qumlreti in tieveleplng thin cArbon ele.
tnic gt'neg'aor , as imo iimt hmath long experIence
in reseau'clu amutl oxierlniomtt , lie Is sutlul
to b a 'ery aec'ommipiltthieml gentlemnan ittitt
the attontioni which limo amiutomumientomit of hula
hIsca'ery in the slentlfld uorltt
allows ( hint he enjoys mini exeeiic'iut roputatIoii. '
EtFcT1Ll'Ih W'lEli 1(1 LLE11.
\'I'eethtt often grow' est hIgh along this rail-
rtati , ( rack5 In tIme scmmmth that they inter.
fern 1 % Ithi the matting of tm'aiuts. The tomiti-
beul of mmamiy at time aumitaller hlmues are mint
cou crc ! with chmmuhore or soiues munml tIme
luecads grow mutt luhgh besIde tIm tracks as
( lucy tb 1n time opemi fields. Timis itmakes
It Imseessary for the crops of weeds to bum
iimowetl o cry * Emmmtimiur.
Omt of tIme slmigle track iimic'mm ulowni oul thto
ieia ) mire i'emulnsujla ceases rmmnmiimug traimma
1(0' t'i % 0i t'm'ks every summnnu'r whmIl tim omit-
liloycs ttiruw a pameage far the traltmmm.
Ati electric veeti.kIIhemwhteii 'viii de-
stm'oy wecuha by tIm wholesale is about to
hill Imitromiureti on aomno of thet' . ' llmmes 'rime
mmclv imiventian vIii ruin mit exprous train
xiinel uiittl cut invn every bit of vngetmil Ion
Cii or umcar thm tracks. Weeuliuig ha always -
ways beeti comb'i&iereui very loin ! wmk , bu
wIth tIme mild of ( Imo c't'cniu-al ( w t"ler a
maui hits emily to touch a button aunt ( lie
rectls vamitsht.
Tlmo Idami of time railroad ueeler Ia siuiile.
, 'I ii ormh I mis ry tin ( car itt eqmi I PPCIi a' it h umieta I
hummahes wimlchm extt'imth omIt over cam-li skin
of time car. Timeir huighit Is regumlauci so
that thmi'y wIll Liruu."im I ito tap ef t ime vr'm-'la
as the car umioves aloun. A dyumammvu mi the
ear , ruin wimllo ( lie tra'n ' Is In mmietlen Is
( 'omiuuecto I with time imietallic brmit'hies. ittl lu
i'ect'is'o time lumhi force of time cur-emit . 'l'iuo
circuit is thuen groiummtied through time whueel.a
to ( lm ti-mack.
W'luemm time cuirremit Is mmmncd cmi it 1ases
front time nim'tni brmmsltes tlmrouughi time w
to t hi ti g mum mud , ( ii mus co mu lii , ' 01mg lIt , ' ci mcmii t.
TIme currommt is so liuut'rfuuh tlumit ( lie weeds ,
u'lmlclu serve as a coutulumetor. mire imuelmumutly
shriveled tim , . It Is mmm'eenary to wet thus
weeds Iii oruler to mumuike thuemmi good dc ti-i.
cal comiduetors , si , thmt iiiowt'rmm IS alt until -
after a mImi.
The electrical womimler ( lees its w'u'rh utiore
ci eamuly amnh t Imoromiglu ly t ii a ii num y umi owIng
ummaclmlno , fcr tIme IsCeds are literally buirmut
up.'u'imeii thicy are cumt of ? ( lucy aoo sprout
mip agalui , hmmt after titey hia'ai bm'eum totmchmcmi
by the electrIc currant tlmey mmmc tiestrayed
down to ( hue ends of ( heir roobu.
iii ormier to roliut time fn'equuently iiistium chiiimi
tiumit a hocoimiotivo cant inaimo as great a untIe-
age mitt an electrhc mmmotor , \ \ ' . Ihaxter , Jr. ,
simowa what to dommo iii muctumal pruucttce , muiuii
at time sammie timmme umimmkes time dislimmet stimie-
mutsuit ( hunt such a .commtp.mimy as the I'smuuiysl-
vania railroad coumld effect a i'mvtuig of over
$6,700,000 , om 16.4 11cr cenmt , of its oporatimig
expemisea , by tne uudoption of electricIty. Gui
( Imo railroad namimeti tlmere are 1,103 freIght
emmgtmics , givimug a mmiilesge of 20.400,358 itmunu-
ally. 1mm tIme pas-semiger service thucre are 478
locomuietivee , amud time total miimlci i-mimi Per year
by lasseiiger tratmms is 14SOSSOO. Figmuming
on a bmusimu of ¶ 30 ier cent of time eutghmie. In
muse , ( lie iiilles ruin per year vomuld be 34,670 ,
aumui emi amu SO jier cent basis , 39,000 tuilles.
Trolley cars mmimmkiiig cmi aver.igc' sheet ! of
ices titan ( em ) imillea i)01 hiommi' rummi frommi 15.000
to 75.000 nuilce per year , At timfe rtute , imintor
cars drawIng freiglmt ( rains at ilfteen mIles
her hour commid easily cover 65,000 to 75,000
tidIes iier year , anti these used for passemigor
work , amid inciting aut average ump ? emh of thirty
miles uter luour , coumltl rue. over 100,000 muilas
p5r year. If so mmiumchi greater yearly mmuileage
couhd be mmmsde by electric muiotors , it follows
that limo wages of motormiten wcmuld he very
iiimucli ieue iTman tim rages of emigtmnummisui per
traimu mile , the daily comumpemmsa'hon not beimug
huiglier , mud the uhistamico covereth beiiig far
greater. After going fully Into every cost of
Operatlomt mind miiaintenamtco of the live sys-
temne , Mr. Baxter established the fict of time
superior ecomiomny of electric propumision for
trmink himues.
Time official Journals of the raIiroai brother-
lmoDds are dovotimug coitsiderable space to a this-
cmissomi of time po."sible effects of electu'uc power
muLlen time fuitmmro of cmtiuloyo miow 1mm time railway -
way servico. 'l'tio rapid otlyancemnemit of Iec-
trhcal seii-utco ts appilcatiouu as a umioUvo
liouver luau' shown ovCr ) ' obaem'i'imig niami OuSt
if time locommiotive is not ahlogetluer disphmced
Sf cixcoetituigly aluau'p coiiIeiitiomi , i'it.i tIme
hmmumices iii favor of time motor. and it. Is this
ract s'it1cii gives amuxiety , The Traiuumnemu'o
Iouniiah ciJ3'ti ( hunt the amloptioum of time' imuotor
uteans time loss of cmploymiiemmt to one-halt
lmo mcmi in ( hue emugine servIce , or , if singio
uiglnes or care are rummi in passenger service ,
t. nle'aii.s tIm onn.huiiatiomt of timit train crow.
'rho futmure is omut of dommbt as to wlmat sviil
) o fLit' outCoiuie of time ) mmauiy sclemices and their
piltcatiouu to tIme different trades. There itt
i certaiuity timat vithu every imimpi'overneiut there
a loss of cmuiployrnent. Otlmer hues of
rado hmavo been commipehlc'm.h to smmccuuumib before
Limo labor maavlumg moclmimie , amid time ramiroani ,
mien have been ferctttl to do more work thuan \ .
orimterly bscamuse of the greater power of
he stoammi locomotIve and the Incroaceul ca-
acity of ( lie ears , but time cluaumge lmaa been
raduah , auid hmas net been felt to ( lie s'imiie
txtenit as it has hteemu in other occupations.
With the rapid ativamiceuiiont of the mmiotor
us a macsLims of transportatiomi , time ratlroati
mleau will be iiiade to pprcbttci the raplui
tnti discouragn ; clmango of cudikan ( for
ito worst' , of which mnan3' trachea coutiphaio.
rliere i'u nothimig allumnimig 1mm the promIse of
I uniformneul emugtntier , imicloeod hiohimid glass
Ioonua , for ( 'tiero appears tIme accomopanyimug
lmadow of want iid Imoor wmigemt timat attenda
hue imitroductiomi of labor - saving umiaclilnery ,
'l'lio % 'uit a'r's ii esi ult'in'r ,
CI1IPI'LE ChEEK , Cob. , Jmumiuu 6.-'ro time
lulitor of ' , l'ime Ounrtimn iiee Several of ulmi
) rualma ii'OulO humtVo humid umu imrgmmmnemit ra--
umrtiimig mu inaui'ii right to vote whore his
utmmuiiy does hot resiube , 'Ftma cmmmt'stlomm is
luita : A man nmud fnniily resiule iiu lenver
mmii hue guies to Omilmilimu , lemts'iimg hIS us'iftu
, iuul elm lId men beli I miti. 1 mi hi a mu I . 'gai " 0 t a' r
II Oflimu Ii mu mu ft or it m't'sl 1 t'im cc of si x nloii I immu
lucre ? 'rho nnmmin issue Iietweeii mis itt :
) oi'S mm Imiami's fummily govern lila ntgiuts as
Voi'm' Imu tiny wmuy' ?
' ' ' .
Amimt. It votild mieludmuui umpouu his Imita.'mutiomi.
I hi ii ira t emutiu'tl ( mm muiaic c ( ) unmm humu I mitt pci'-
rimulmen t mulioul a' utummi bri mug luima ( mm lim I ly ii e i-tm mis
Comm litt c'omuvemulcmmt hue cummu vote.
.atiies' _ ' Vrapjci' ,
75 Emucli ,
You bmutvo Iimuiui i.50 for ( hose no hueLter-
li.'I' commit' Iii light gn'oimmudum with zietut
tripcs--demairahule eoior.
hli'tTuiistu.m ,
Vomu huuivo tact-n ShIrt Waiats at ( hula iirico ,
lit muot mitt flood tue tiico ,
iiii't Waists ,
50c Each ,
in nt'tit , futahmlomahilo iii mlp'ma. mietmit-hueti or
ttuu'hmctl coiltum' ; c'qmmah to army 1.2j'muist
m 0 IV ii.
) VClt } ' Shirt a\m-tiist , ,
S 1 . ' 25 Eucli , 1
You inmiy Ionic utnywiuerma minul see ; iothiimmg /
t i.75 to Ciiiul tlut'mau , imi beauty or qualIty.
imiemi Simit ,
Jmtuiuty blazer jmmckeH ( , ltoumutl scums , ( mull
tuitet't humiuglnig skIrt , mttdu of line lmonniu.
) , timi linoum.
s\'o hmui'u J.Inieni Stilts as lois' cmi ZL9.
Ouitliig Stilts ,
$8.tS. )
Nr'mtt brown niiui whmllei checks , box coat
lOu velvet colltmr , 5-ymtm'mi shirt all lined
umi tum hi Ito I lu Itt iimuvmu sold mmii to $14 (0 unmmI
t're thought chuetup ( imomu-3.'J8 buys auto
: iw.
uditis' Ciupes , $3.08
lip to $10 each ,
Ainaolutely tIme greatest hargnintt over
Tereml iii Omnmuha--uull mmow ( huts year's
yb's muniti sold mit two mmiii ! thn'eo tinnes our
: tciit lirlees.
iiieii Crash Sk his-
Chmeuuiuemmt suit ! bust Iii tluo city ,
axton Bloclc , 16th & 1sirnutn *
, ' 0
Iihi Iit
( ii
( ha
ho te