- - - , - - - - r - - - - t S ' # t ; SI 10 TIlE OMATLA DA1L1EE : SUNDA'C , TUNE 14 , 189t3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wS IN WOMAN'S DOMAIN. . S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ listilisi ti I. tMIIlO\M. , of Iii tIIIiti.'i ) . 14N IP * & . II Il III , r V iii i . 1AIUS. June 2.-Cn1or nfll color corn- b nat Ioii ha ye' grow n I n I t Portanco si flco Warm weather btgaii. 1)resi In the country IR SeVII at a dHtanCo ! , wherQ ether details ard lnort or less lOst , but where a shot of ' , olor agaltist t1ii horizon telI for all It Is worth. lvIdlnce of tlil has for weeks been coiiiing out from Ioucot's , alul l'atiiIIli's , nail Iteilfern's , aiid Laferrlt're's In the shape ot gray go'ns , bet' trimmeil soinetinies on the 1)0(11CC. ) ( but for thu most vart simple entitigh , vith nil their effect gIven by col- ( dredi ribIdons , say a big bow iii front at ono Ido the belt , andl another at tIde hack of the neck , of yellow or green or 1)111111 ) ; is abos'ii alan by a contrasting lining in the skirt Of 50100 gJWIIs , 230 that the skirt be- lag raiseil. as odit-of-dIour sicirta iiearly nI- vays ard , there apiear 1nler the boquet ot plaIts graspcil by tide II&U1I1 & a mass of dig- aizniiar color. ay In passIng , that such I' I" . . . . ! COSTUM1 OF ALPACA AND SATIN Ill II LIONS. S linings lutist be delicately manageti , as too strong a contrast xviIi be a mistake. . COLO1t COMELINATIONS. Light green , the rage of the spring , will CohitlUhle tO 1)0 WOdI , as rich Confectlong iiiaile for rnIiI-suinrner iittest. Two tints 5ldeeiaIIY P1dndI1inate : .sap green and a S bitter and newer One called water green. . . I3le last is conspIcuous in nitilinery ; I have seen aIo a 'dinner' gownat Wotth's5 in S this tint. Violet Js in ( Illite as flBlch favor at ; ever , particularly a reddish vIolet called Prune of pliiiiis. Of combinations the most faSllIOllallo are plum Atid green. 811(1 ( pluiii and dark blue , Plum Is comblnet ! also with Sovres blue , 85 for example a gown of the blue wIth ribbons of pitini. All colors go with cccli anih gRay , noutrais which forni U favorite foundation for gowns. l'iuin with black Is coushlereil elite , as with a black set gtY , a 1)101150 hi frrnit of pluni tulle. . There are lastly the combinations of black A 0A11)Y GO\VN. anil whIte , ' cliaotleaiiy old and yet vld'u In fashion eteriiaiiy new. I have sCCII Ido go % , fl ninde I ii I 'flri S i Ii ii ; ) ar dJI)11i ) chaint- lug than n ( ertaid , one of black lavn. en- biolihirel wi t h dot s of hi I t o. 'ride blouse bdail ldto chtirfijit set in ilown the front anl cover&ilVi thi a dl e L I I ug In ha rgo nieshes of bi ark , a IIII I Ii i't % IIS III ) oth cc t il III in I ii g. A vhiI I 0 Pt I t was fast eneil at OO ( ' siil e w i th a bow of p1 u iii ribton ) a ad Valenclen ites I.LcoVas In the iicik aint sicevis , This LOVH , ( if all ttilIiliIddbiO simplicity , is stii- , hiid'Iiit'Ii I (41 aeeorii I ii t ii t lit iiiotle w I th a lai'gt' bat of il a ii LI I a at in w ui in iiied on the top v i t Ii black lihli in a iid groin and tiiidei the bri III v I t Ii n Ii I I P fLowers lt\flT iit I1IIILIONS. Itihboii Is sti iii a fac toy I a t rlni Lii I iigs thi is ( ? A 0 ! ' , _ . , -w @ \3\ S : 11 / fr\ 4k , ' \ Lfrf i :9- SI1l { /J ) MtillN C.SNO (1O\VN. ) ( ifl. as It has lint been for smite titue Lie- fore. It seivts 1114 only as a color note. but is t1IIYII In ilat baiids that traverse skirt iIIId bodice In iarahiel vows in unexpertiul thireution , looking ( itit $ us If oven 111)011 ) the inatelal en which it Is sd'veJ. Thus I have seen IL sarah bfoiiti of ciii insti that with the sleeves Is lattIced all ci er s ith siarrow satIn i Ibbon in blackliv aibo - - - - lie dpsiriheil a gown made for th beach or navy hiluo alpaca. trimind ItIi navy hI on sat i ii ri 1)1 dOll I t is made w I Ui a loose jacket. basing a box Plait turned iiniler behind anil slightly loiigvt than the vnIst. The jacket Is entirely striped with bands or ri bhon vu a a iii g ran nil a I woI I a i hi st ri e alternating with a tiarrow one. Tue sleeve Is si riped ron a d In tlit sanie a a d t he skirt has the annie bands nut an In groups at Iroper intervals round the bottom , the hands In each grotiti shortening one above the oOier. to form truncated iyratnIds. 'fhie coiiar and CUlTS are faced wIth green. With the gown goes a blouse front of black niiil hIte Brussels net. aiiil a hint of rough blue straw , tritulued with blue tulle , green l'arnihise tails and flowers. Taffeta ribbon is iroduceih In all the effects of piece taffeta , in flowers , stripes , , hilaills and so forth , nail the convenience of niatchiing Piece silk with rihbon Is shown In a gnwn of navy blue alpaca trininleil with shot blue and green silk. The sleeves at e silk and the 1)101180 antI skirt are al- paca. with an alpaca t'paulette failing nut tiver the sleeve. Narrow ribbon bands run routid tii skirt In three clusters. the dipper aide lucre tliaii half way up anil two chits- ter.s run rounil the blouse , oiie belos' the armholes nail one at the ileptht of a yoke. ilanils run round the opatilettes. Orgaiiclt skirts hitive tiit' front anil slde covered with flat bands of ribbon set on in various ways , as for example. In thie form of an apron , baitil outside of bainl , till ( lie whole SPIICd' is covered. \\'ido ribbons are one half in plain color. titid ( lie other half flowered or piaideil , with the edges In black , and these fancy rlblons are gathered or piaitt'il along one ethge to forni ru flies a nil qu ii I ed boss S v i I Ii novel cltcct. Sotnetinies such plaiteh ribbons are act on below the lelt ) to brat a little basque , as In thifl example of a Sevrcs blue veiling maihe with a blouse that has such a plaiting - ing at Plalli blue satin ribbon edged with black. Tue saiiie ribbon garnishes ( ho neck iiitl ( lie cihge at the skirt , the bhack ehgo at ( lie bottom. The gowi is finIshed with appliques of black . guipure on the front. \Vhl1N USING LACE. 4 % little breath of favor hrns blown on ileil- cate laces so long displaced for heavy cotton - ton guipure , nail Valonclennes nail darned tulle are once again vorn. 'the lattei' seems (0 ( OWe ita revival to the popularity of Piece tuhie. ( ] iiipures continue to be used , but It is to flat aIIlihiiCS that they are uitcd whIle net laces are used for i utlles and ruchics , and have quIte a different expression. liothi kinds are used in thie followIng Casino gown itiado by Nlcnud. Thin materials are strawherry i eil taffeta and ecru hattste. Over the gown of taffeta Is a skirt atid low- necked , sicevelias blouse of the batisti' , making a. transparency. The batlste has gilt- pure in Irregular patterns apphiqiied on the front , with ( lie batiste cut out from tinder the lace , and Is hiordereil with a net lace roche about two lIngers wide. The ruchie borders the tieck and armholes , the bottom of the skirt , and outlines sonic of the gill- flue litsets near tile foot. All ( lie lace Is yellowed to ( lie same tone as the batiste. Tabs of batiste bordered with ruching stand out front the top of the collar band , aiid ruehiipt borders the wrists. 1 % great success has fallen to 'cern ha- tiste. Its function is to act as a traits- parency over color and make a backgiouiid for ribbona. It h1arz1lon'.es ' wIth over'- thing ; is the color of tue tashionahile Ma- niila hats , nail fornis a most refined coIn- hlnatlon vithi black. It is to ho had not only plaIn , but clotted wIth white , and in stripes and bars , thicsc' last suiteil to gowns for morning wear. A pretty batiste gown that can be made l ) , ' tile antateur huts a iloiis nh lii ( ticks running round , a wide tuck ai- ti'rnating wIth a cluster of narrpw ones , The sleeve Is tucked round In ( lie satan nail the sklit has a three-Inch black satin ribbon round thie bottom , with .t llarioiv come ribbnn seived upon the black near tli hnwcr edge. 4 wide sash ribbon , halt ych- low and hiaht rod plail , with black edges , brats a neck 1)1111(1 nail belt with large (1Uiliel ( bows behInd , aiul sashi einls. This gown is made over a pale violet lining , POPIJLAIt STUFFS. Polka dotted foularti is inatle into sun- 1)11' goiVils for morning nail ( hut house. It is made wIth a bhonse and fulh skIrt , without - out aI' trimming , though it may have ribbons laid on flat , or rufiles of Valenci- CEltics or darned lace. or ( lotted 1)10cc ) tulle. It should be reinetitbereti that thin skirts of soft or thin materIals are made iooso front the lining , and usually fuiier , having either phaits at the sides or gathers all round. Shot taffeta Is worn more than It wag last year , its sPecIal nihice apart from its seivlro as liriliigs being to mingle he favor- I te cnl ors of Pl Ii III 1 * nil green an U Ph ii tO anti blue. A Itttlh ( of phittit taffeta shot with green aiiii tililiniod with sap green chiffon is thins inatle. A little jacket bodice , litteil Phi short basque , is cut low iii ( lie neck nail . olt'il itt flout , Marie AittOIiiettt style , ovei. a high iieckeii hitter bodice of the chiffon. A wide chiffon : 'ittlle cilgeil with ii narrow phuni ribbon bor'Iuts the top of tIle Jaket , falling mit on the sleeves withi a 11dm suggestion. A Lniils XVI. sleeve etids at ( lie elbow with a chiffon i'ttlile. The skIrt Is jlain. TIlls gown Is inoileheil after one tuatle by faulT ( or the ijiiehit'gs of Coti- nanghiL Thin gown of the Ihitthiegs Is tiC faititest ititik silk , with thio blouse and rut- fit's of white poInt il csprit. IlES ( FOR SCllOOI GIflI , The forms ( or young girls are a modification - cation of ( lie dress of adults , but thorn is a (1101CC. Certain of the season's moilols suit t lii'in bet ter than othwrs. 'file blouse , for tixitinhtle , atid not the itasqun ; the skirt loose trout the ilning and full ; thin flchiiis the mesa coats , all these look eii on gltis vhiostl figures are not yet forinc'tj. Anti the profusion aini variety of ribbons ought tq nialco tIm girl glad. forso far as I kiiow hut' lal't icil I at' penehia a t is ri htloit. \luuilg thin tolois in vogue those ( hint b15'lll iliost stilted to youth are I lie blues LI liii gleells.9ol et , vl t It I I ii ittorah annie- gieg leaiiIiig o salitess tutu expeileitce. gi vi's an I nilliess iou ii ot qu I I ii In llai'ineny with young life. Ierlt hooks vcJI auth a gown of cern hiatlsto on a girl , over brown , iv I t hi it I full i'IhJiOll 5 , hookg cell ileil nail "til I - mcii. \'hlte got's , of course , anti white avei' ( clot' , hut lint vhiito juhiti black. Alpaca aniiiig tIle iliatt'rituis has its ad. vaultugu's ; it is durable auth cheap , On tsthietle grounds , perionaily , I fInd It do- eatable : it Is wiry tutu ift , anti much less gru'tuijIe titan thin canvas woven % ooI or irgui. Crep'in does net suit. the young , hint _ ( , i I I it g IICIII g suit ll ) I II WItVO heroines them ivehi ; hunt tiifftta Is too coinliex. hut ( intro s free choice Of tafleta Plain , ellecktl or : daiiled , thiich becorno thltilti to a chtariji , ati lot's also taffeta lIon ereil. provIded the pat- era Is siinh'lc. A al nothing Is nioro the. I c lou s on ) ttlil ) g girls t ban a hi fl'eta niatlo Ip with slicer vhito muslin einbroiilei'y , say I II cii ii of I Ii a 1131151 in t Intl lieu huh ti I t Ii s liort hiilS. Di' a sleeveless llussian blouhe ( it tilt , nustlit , lov-ncckcil . , anti making a ( runs- lnroncy OVI. the silk. i'rlnted fouilarils mike admirable gnwiis for ( lie school room , ill ii ci dot t cil S ii Iss tan iii in has Ed ) gi il ishi alt xItresslun that ulil women in it even look fouii g lILMg MADE FflOClcS. Tim irI of ( rotti 12 ( ci 17 whose gowns urn itiatie by this 110100 eanIstrvss and soul to tier at achool , cut by measurements of Boliie eight luonthis back , stands even chances of hieing dressed either In the Cash. ion or In a fit. The scallistress 5)10111(1 ) citeoto tht sort of inouhul that does lint do- penil for tts ehtio on a careful fit anti flint I cuii llavt' Its h'orh.is ' easily enlarged by tIle lniprovlt.ed lOlthti. Thin Pleselit fashion of Iitltiilt Li libbon Itatiti rotititl the foot of the skirt bhioulti not escape her , tot EuCli a tiatlil Call ito lowered at a Pinch. Sashes lift , 110W lnpi by quilling the ribboti at one cliii of the belt littutead of nilding on a separate bow 1Iiulhiing I mean plaitIng the ribboit along nun C1IO into a rattle. which Is f0I'mt'il Into a rosette and trout \A which the coils fall. Suchi a belt is easIly uiilatgt'ti h)1' letting a quIll or two out. l'hio heck ribbon is similarly arranged. The following French nioduis Iniliente nearly all the w'ardrohtc' a school girl needs. For thin street a gown of navy blue at- iaea Inatie sitli a loose jacket. The Jacket hiaitgs straight , but without fuilncss. There is a scam behiintl. Thin front turns over In wide , , straight revers , anti the collars and cuffs are faced vithi green. hilouse assorted. Sailor hat. A gown of green veilIng made vIthi a h ouse. Neck antI belt ribbons flowered. For wear over this when traveling a long full plaited coat vlthi bishop sleeves , of ecru batiste , fastetied with penn buttons and a broad ribbon at the throat. hiroad- brimmed hint of Manliia straw. trlntincd with black and green tithe anti roses. IIIMlIY VO3iEN. Siili , . ( ' $ * 'IiI'Ii iIti' 'I'i'iiii ( I ) II i'iI lld'l' ii 'hii'h I iliuM Au I 11(151' . There are a tiuinber of ( ILsaivantagcs which befall hick' ihto hoses in middle life thin lIthe , agile , symmetrical figure of early womanhood , says the New iorlc hedger. One ot these is very patent to the eyes of the observer , who secs a curve In the wrong itince as the t'yn futhiows vhiut. should be a straight line from the bust to ( lie floor. lint greater thinit the cotisciotisliess of visible loss in sytniiictt'y Is the growIng sense of In her , ieaitfnong ; the btittcrflles With keenest Joy. ThIs Is oiTh itif the sports , iiltitphIy for which a tflo4Fat'ely ' filled voe'uefl , tIc wiil furnish fortht the' whterevIthtaI to iiit'est lit an outfit. O1 And ont'-itnhf iloliars htiyn a hot , with a hkkjtifiii , butterfly painttd oti ( lie top , and Ivithin are cork mounts. C3 1101(10 hiottlo , flarr&4'hit'flps of paper , Pins tnd a glass case ; 2'bifLs for a ttet , rutul there you are-nil but A eolieetlolV1 o nets scents nlrnnt as attractive - tractivo as thte"titterflIe thieiitlves , in gay colored gatlzY ? 'ilo yellow , heavenly bnic , dehivate tnattve attd orange hntrs. flut aboiittlt PreY ; one soon ! eiris the art of capt rii 'these gossarn.r-wlneiI creatures by ii' ' tiever turn of the net ; whtcn cayght thin b terfly must be gently sE'.7ed ( raIn outside the gauze with the wings hack ( ii hack to prevent its strtigghliii ai&tl bruising Itself. The best way to kill it is to take a glass Jar witlt a large tuoilthi which can be hottet1 I Ighitly wIth a liii. . Into tltis rect'ptti'he Pitt four or five sitiall humps of that dcadly noison , cyanide of PotassitlIll. cov.'r ' .1 sithi ettotight Plaster of paris. dissolved to ' 81cr , to form n hard surface. After PittLIltg the batterily lit the jar cover closely niid h ave It for ahmut five hours. 'ts sOIl al tjl' n out ( lie butterfly titlist be placed tIt a ctit'k tuount. lit titotinting a liecilnefl , ( lie wings anti nlttcnttae shioukl be spread out evenly and cottfluietl with the narrow strips of paper fastctich dOWil by itlus , whiclt stIck easily iii ( lie cork. . tIost convettient. and htrctty for preserving a collection of btttterllies are the little plaster of Paris blocks. which sonic cohiec- tor has recently Invented. They are of varIous sizes ; iOtt bUy the blocks. 20 to 40 ccitts each , according to ( lie size of yottr specimen. Tue block Is an inch or two thick of plaster of paris , chiettiicahiy prepared , with a groove itt ( Ito center. itt which the body of ( Iii , litsect fits ; a glass cover , like the hitl of a box , lastetis closely over it , so that thte specimen is hermetically sealed and forever protected front dust ; against thIs sitow-witite background , a itutterily shows ofT to the best possible advantage , especially one of bright metallic blue or those with gaudy orange wittgs. FOhLO'ING'ITiI ThhI NET. To learn ( lie retreats of the butterfly antI thin faot'ito flowers of dIfferent speciitiens is hart of ( lie training of nil exitelt hunter. a fear are very hltiiited In tim sciec- . ' , ; * ) .fif\P ( .cTcz ; a : 4 t ir TFNNIS AND GARDEN PARTY DIESSES FOIt YOUNG GIRLS. - . clumsiness and helplessness that creeis over (11W as tint accuirnitiatitrn of adipose , Instead of being utnifortnhy distributed over ( lie body , PlIeS UI ) iii the abdonten. The center of gravity is thrown froiti Its normal position. LIgiittIei4s Oh the feet becomes a thing of the itast , and an inertness and disincltuatioit to moving about iticreases constantly , and makes the troubho grow by what It feeds upon. Tile reined ) ' for thus state of thiingn is within the reach of every one who has ( him ttl resolution to spend ten or fifteen inililites every uia' in certain exercIses vhiicht will he given In detail , aitti which require flhSOlUtCly iiothing else but tittie aitI ( persistence. Tue best time for taking these exercises is lii the morning , Immediately after iea'- hug oiie's boil , and before any garments that compress the figure In aity way are hUt ( iii. Tile aIr of the rooni slioulil be jiuro aiitl sweet , so that the lungs may he beite. fited no hess titan the abdominal tnuschos and thio bhood 1)1 ? purIfied. 1. Iraw In ( lie abdonien as far as 1)0551- ble , fill thin lungs with air , tutu theti raIse ( lie arnis above the hteati till the liand.9 itiectV ithtou t tnovl a g or bctl i ii g ( hi e kit cog ; beitil the body as far back as possible , amid thou , allowing the air to escape front tIm lungs grathitahly , beau ( lie botly as far for. ward as POssible timithl tile hiantis approach thin tlonr. liepeat this ten itlIlles , following exactly tlte dIrectIons for breathing. 2. 1 'lace t hilt ha ii ds ii pun t Ito hi I its , ak ittibo , draw air in the hiltigs as before , and immitl forwarti , first to tite tIght as far its possI- lilo , allowing the air to ( scuhe from ( lie lungs , anti ( lieu , titter flI hag the lungs again , to ( lie heft. htepoat thti exorcise ten tlittes. : i. Place ( Ito hands lightly on the breast , ilcaw' iii thte abtiottiezi , fill ( lie lungs , antI tutu tile hicatl anti htody , vIthioiit titovlmig ( lie 1tlt'es Cl' feet , as fai' . first to tile right , tiiitl , after fIlling thin lumigs again , to ( Ito left , as itosslbie. Repeat ten times. . .1.Vlthi the armus at tile sitlo , tirav ill thte aitthtiiion , liii thin lungs vlthi air , iuritl ralsu the atnis to their heIght nhtovc tltn head , iceclilitg thin humtgs fully expalitleil. ( lien , breathing out , allow ( lie arms to fall slowly to the sitie agairt , Iieln'at tills ( elm ( lilies , These exercises str'ilgthltnt all thin muscles of ( Ito ( tbtlllltell , hull cause ( heat a gralunl contractIon , whIch. as it iticreases , restores s'JliiiIt'tt'y of ( anti , t'estores the center of gravity to Its proper ltosltloii anti gives the exerciser a comlimilanti of liemiteif iii move- ltitn I I hint Is s'ery (1 oh I nh t Cu I. itr tlto SeilOtl room a tinvy htlun polka ti itt I oil fouhard , niatin \ I thi mu Cu I I ltlouse , slurred at ( Ito 101) to ( Ito ileitthu of a yoke , itul a filll gnhieretl skIrt shirrett two Inchtt'ti iecp 'roitnti tIle toll , 'fhin bottom Is hteinincil liliOfl the outsitlo with' little fold of i'iilto ) t I I iii i'tl II it der , a ott t'paiii et to ni files over the sleeves have thto edge hiernitteti up with1 tIle white folti to mnatcii. For afternoon a gown of cern htatiote : rilnnlefi with bantis of narrow Iloworoti 'ilibon. It is tilaule vithi a blotite antI a titleitl a I I ed sh I it , 'fhie liloitse is oiteii down lie front over a wide flowered ribbon flint 'orms ' a ihltstrolt , anti thin gletis'es , full to tear the waist , are gathioi'od Into a while 'tIlt Itand of ( lie ribbon. hlaittls of thin urrow ribbon t'un 'roullti tIle llttliie amId iliP IIII thin lt I it . a t regular I n I erval s , froni 01) tO hiottoin. lint thin sleeves are left plain rite cci lar hit mid a mid leht ? 111(1 ( of I Ii e viihe 'iblton. ' flutishicit with bows. 'ntis is a pretty notlel for a tonmils gown. hmlsleah of the lowered ribboli check or ulaitl coumiti be For a garden liarty nit cern batiste ( lotted l'itlt w'ttite , rondo up over green. It is natie with a ruilleil flchiu of the same. rossed Imi front antI tied beiiliid. rhto riifllo S iitratghtway of the thread anti lIne limIted , tad edged with a narrow white ribbon. three of such ruflhes , overlappln , are eti lie skirt. For coinmiiencemnent a dotteti Swiss muslin tiatte with a tlehtu alttl trlmmetl with bias uittles. edged with Valencinilnes lace. A white veiling Illatlo with an ae:9rdton thalteit skirt and htloilBe. I lIgh w'fiIilued ) Cit of white satin hooked behInd. _ _ _ _ AI ) . . CONE. - 1lt'I9'lllIl'l.Y Ill i"l'ii. dl mmd CIiiiiiiil ii 1)1 versI umm fort his ( 'o.lmltr ) ' $ llmuiIl.'r ( IrI , The summer girl-that is , the real country utmamer girl-has a brand hew fancy. It Is nttterlly huttiltlg , the Pastimtle aillusitil her 0 tuuvb whoa a child ( but sim I alttLiptt. thou of thtolr haunts ; gorn ureter the green foils , pastutros where thlistles atid various Weeds abound attract others , shrubbery beside - side streams or rivulets , sheltered. valleys or even ( Ito tolls of rugged hills ittay be visited in search of specintetis. Red clover , luigllonetto tutu heIiIOx are favorite ilowers Cot' these dainty insects. One of the Iflost cosmopolitan of butterflies - flies , being fOUilI in almost every quarter of tile globe , is tIle painted lady , or thtlstle butterfly ( genus vanessa ) , may lIe lookeii for about tite ntlddle of Jitly , whten ( lie first brood files forth , anti again thin last of August - gust , whIch another brood appears. Its wings are a hihackisht browit , marked withu oratige , white auth gray also appear in its colorIng amid thIstle Corals tile citief of its ii I lit New Eitgland. most dehightfitl ( sped- tacos cait be caugilt. The tiiorniiig cloak atarked with mdlver slots anti hovers over beds of MWCC-SCCfltOd violets , pansies atiti lilacs. 4o nOt1 place wilt 3'iehti much over 100 poc'iea atiti , it the rarer kintls are ontltted , not tiearly so Illaity. If one is anything of a traveler , ft butterfly diary will be fountl a great help anti a fascimlatitig volume to refer to year by year ; anti if really an cnthitslast On tIle iiilbJect , nohthttg less thami a visit to the Amazon next winter will sntIsf her ; for thtere thtt' flIOst beautIful specimens in ( lie ivorhti are Iletteil. They are so 5110w ) ' and fly n such multi- tulties thAt in many places they compeiiate for ( lie absence of flowers. Another Interesting experience In one s bttterfly career is going to lie ( lie ulsrk lantern episotlos ; the prowling arottnci by tllglit vithi net and ( lark latiteril , Iii search ( if 1110(115 , tilatty of which are equally as bcntltifttl filth ( Ititte as interesting as butter- flies. flies.The The PrehimnhtmarY Sf01) lIt ( hits iirigamlliithl ( pro.cccthing Is to set forth , just before (1115k , with a Pot of sugar atiti treacle anti a little miii or attisecil oil antI smear over leaves anti trutiks of trees witlt ( lie tnixture , shilehi is certain to attract hordes of ntohs ; ( helm , after suiiiset , steal forth with dark laiitern aitil net anti reap thin rich harvest-pretty entcrald nlohls ( , thIn htltitlen star tnoths , early ( iiorii anti lrlhIlant scarlet tiger. It is Ititheed fasdillatiug sport , especially If the COllihfltlY be a coilgemilal atmtt a nierry 0110 , auth. most important , if evet'y girl of ( hit' party has llrovlrletl herself with a Ilk' tttrcsqtte costume ; full , rather short ilrcss , hiigli-lacetl boots to Iirotei't one trout the ( low ailil uhantii , amid coqun'ttisht little cap , as witle- iii'iititned hats are nltogethter out of place in 1110(11 or butterfly liutttittg , i'll'IIlllI : The craze for tithe , both in dress and tall- lhner % . is unite as great as ever , TIm collar band is tIle special point of attack - tack ( hits seasoii so far as decoratIon is coti- ceracd. The feature of tile 110w gingham dresses is the s'ide collar of whIte orgatidic trimmed s'Ith lace. A novelty in nlaorhal ( or waists , sleeves amId yokes is Iluguenot milling of net , mus- hit , batiito auth chiffon , Alpaca , brihilaittine anti F'renchi nlohair are ( Iii' loathing inliterials for stylish utility costumes for vacation uses. Pure und.'ed silk , with a weave reseiti- lihlmig canvas , anti rathier coarse in texture , is cahid Arabialt silk. It is used for taIlor stilts alid skirts. Ilrovmi falls. which resemble a bulrush sihiemi closed , amId tuatie of brOvn gauze painted with fascinating hittlo figures , are one of ( he sitecial tl0'eltIes. Amnollg the novel sleeve designs is one 'tvlii a iluteti frill lItled with white silk , amid atlothor with a mitt balltled through ( ho ittltltlie to give thin butterfly effect , The fashionable evemling slipper is manic to tiintch ( lie gown , of the Santo materIal , amId the ugly poilited ( ne is supplanted by 0110 of more reasotiahle proportions. Tile really tip-to-date dresses are all fitted out with the close sleeves , antI in thiti nlae- rials they are slurred and puffed with tIny lIttle ruchlcs up and dowil the arm. Dress skirts are cut slIghtly shorter titan tllose of last season , butt they are quite as full frotn the knees down , and fit the fIgure closely oii the front and sides below' the waist , GlItter scents to be ( lie special feature of 1111n ) ' of tile fans antI spangles are a very cotisplctlotts part of the decoration. Many of tile paintings are enclosed in medallions , bordered with sequins. InsertIons of lace , set in crosswise , up and dowtl , in squtares , poitits , or dlagotialiy , are one of the distinctive features of ( rlrnthing thIn dresses this season , and any variation of ticsigtt is in order. The fine straw saIlor has a narrow brim and a higher crown than ( ho one worn last season , and the pretty rough straw sailor. with a wider brint atid a low crown and tritunleil with ilowers and rIbbons , is one of the prettiest hats worn. Willow patterned ribbon In ( lIe prevailing shade of blite is one of ( he latest poveltles , antI it Is used extensively for hat trimtnlng. Alpaca ribboti is another variety , which is so called bccattse it resembles the dress fabric , yet it is uiiilnltehy more glossy. Costumes of nure vhtItc , front the plain taffeta silk or crepon parasol to the tip of the shoes , siIl be one of ( lIe prevailitig Cash. tolls in sutlntitc'r dress , amid ( hey will be worn tnornlttg , noon , nIh night in all the varying graties of elegance or siittpliclty. Tight Iacittg is lIrophIesIetI again with thio advelit of tIght sleeves , and all because tIle large sleeve has a teittlellcy to make the waist look stnallc'r tItan It really Is. Thin close sleeve will reverse this illutsion , antI make It look larger. So it must be pinched into a fashionable proportion. Alt initileuso amll000t of expense Is lavisltel on belts this season , and the most elaborate are those of white kid , Je'.s'eiletl with ( or- ( lUoise. Ilrightt red belts are traced with black sequins and black kid. Russia leathier nih pean in suede play a leadhtlg Part in ( lie varIety of leather belts. For some ittexphicabho reason , Alpine hats are on ( ho lIst of fashIonable headgear oitcu ' l.iyY.4s , T ' I _ ( ( f I 9' /f / % - . ' , ' ; - - . : , r:4 ; , /44u I yy/ r3r pp EWia. . , . It . , . j.- / , , : : . . . II - iYAIl1fl , I I . . - . . 11 c : : . ; ---tj . . ti ( ft ; , TEANIING hlIM 1115 TRICKS. - _ ) - - - - - tiitvutitd8'i ) , for lnstatico ; in thu \'h1te notintatftWit should be soughtt for lit Attgiis ( , altIioiti.cis it alilears Itt J1t110 anti Septelttbeis IiI stuttihiern Ntw Ejtglaittl ; Its cqiors arc itark maroon , velvety black amiti straw ) 'L'lloi % ' , with dahies of hum. 'fun s'io- let lIlt , ( lie 'leirey and thin Indian hiespetIti are other lmitnretiiig butterflies of that ro- gion. iii July atttl 4ugtist the swallow-tail ( genus euplloeaties ) , with dark brown wings , shtnti- lag to lIsle hub-green , svitli metallic lihuto itistiug. is found lit l'elImIs'lvanla , also ( hit , orumtge dog or glamit swallow-tail , one of tite lai'gest of bulterilles ; it line an expanse of nearly ( Iwo IncItes. Thto ilop ntutrchiant ( poly- gonla coultna ) antI the gray etttpt'ror ( chhori- ittie coltls ) are alsQ interestitig epoch's found lii l'etuisylvanla. SVEsTEIN SI'ECIMENS. A butterfly seemt 0111) ' through tile mouth of Juito and In mlleat.lovs , IlyIlIg swIftly and close to tile ground , is the Mortnomi gemtua atrytotlo ) . It lii dark cinnamon brown , ilecked wuthu lilac , anti has an espamiso of ottly one and one-half Inches , This curiosity nutmued butterfly Is at hicinu Iii the yes ( Tile ' sictstl is found ruddy sliver-spot urg'ttmtle ) only In western stnte. It Is cbarwInly more , aiitt an occasiotlal Wottlati line tile courage. or enough disregard for her good looks , to appeal' iii omIt , ; but if itlie could tin COtlViticdl ( of their extretitchy itutlmcomnitig qualities. thiuty would ho sooti banleltod , xiut'er to bob up agaitt. 'rho season for tiltuido Imats is at htantl agaiml. antI large heghuorns appear with their untutal regularity. 'rltey are caught up at tIlts back Itt flutes , i'hticlu are gotueroitsly filled witlt flowers. hoses , lilacs. clover , colored tulle and black velvet are thin In- vorite trjtnmttlmlge for tltese largo hints , but lions of taffeta rIbbon In light tluta are also used. The very useful and comfortable iticycilmig glove , miintlo lit silk or lisle , fits thin itIlt ! perfectly ; ( Ito gloves have a reinforced leather vahnl , alIt make a practical anti yet easy glove for the puu'poso Intended. It has three mnetal chaBlIs Ott sizes foi htuthit ' vear , and omm or two clasps ott gloves Ccl' Iltoti. 'I'ito colors are znostty Ia rod , brown , ( alt , seal , and dust-gray , Comblnatlomt gowtitu of shitu dintity itret- thy trimmed with lace are one of the now uut'ditlons itt the underwear department , Thu full cored skirt with lace-trIuuivd ruffle is attaciteti to a baby tsalst with shtort PliffCti sleeves by a belt of niteit work ( 'ill- broitlery , through which m'Ibttomt is run. Tins sleven and tIeckS are trlntnted with lace , and thtn u'hiolo is a lretty utiderdrcss for thin nitislin gowmm. The 'cry latest tioveity In silks for sttmn- mtter gowmts lit ( lie l'erslan fotilard , withm a s'htitc groummiti anti either dark hue or black design all a. cc i ( . One dress of the black anti whIte has a witle bolt of black .atin , nail a frill of green silk at the mteek antI wrIst. , whim another gowmt lit white nhli blue has a ttmckti waist , with inscrtIomts of yellow bruigi's lace between ( Ito groups , atmil at the neck anti belt white satin ribbomt. The lavish aittl artistic use of lace tItle cr115011 malice ( lie siltiplcet ulresees ntrat'- the. atmi lace vests , collars , meyers anti frills add chiarat to mmtamy a gown vhlich has I I t I I o t'In to recoin mtu'tttl it . 01 ii - tashl loiteil lace sa'qties art broughlt out amid utilized for stitSts over \illC ( or a color , aimih ( lie Ohti-tiuill ! Irish crochet , sottietimmies eahletl ' 'imtiiaion Irisim poimtt , ' ' is revIved agaiui for botlices , collars ammtl zouave Jackets. New uieck scarfs to be tied in soft bow's at ( lie throat , separately , or Colltitletimig large Vamidyke cohiarcues or collars , arc variously itatneti liii' lltcro'able , the Al- satiaml , amid tile SaIls Ou'mie. They ate mitatle of very sit ocr I it d Ia tit u I I , tithe , silk hot , plalit nut ! famicy eltiffoil In ilohicate tints , nmtd of jtoint ( i'eslirit. Thin scarfs are lilt- ishieth with i'itds of sery handsome lace , antI shieit tIed In bows are itearly as lomig as the citils. On accotltlt of the remarkably how Price of siik .s , hot it pin I n amitl I Ii OVC ) ' mt ag lltiihle fancy devIce amId eoiitblmiatiomt , a silk season i upoti its-silks for entire sttmilliter cos- tuimites amId cvemting toilets , silks for separate - rate skirts , ailti a host of separate vaists , for capes iltlltitlleraltle , for dressy coats and roditigotes w'ithi elaborate shoulder effeets for elderly sstinen ; sIlk petticoats and night- tirosses , itlid stitittner limlgerie , silk foumuda- ( ion iiiaterials In palo delIcate tints , amid iihi silks for tmtttls , traveling , etc. Eiitpiro falls tIIl continue to lead the fashtion lit ( hint sigullfleant little accessory of ( lrcss shlichl Is such nit atitiltion to a sunutter costtittte , aimi the relative beauty and nterlts of ( he larger-ilium useful as to htrceze-pro- tiilcing quahltk's-Spalllsh , Chinese attil hal- ian fatis have mm weigiit besile ( ito fasclmlat- illg chltrili.s of tins sntaller variety dangling at the ciii of a long gohtl chtaill. W'liether (110 fail is strictly of ( lie eltipire thestgn anti decoration or not , it mittist be sittall and dainty iii cohorilmg to be quite up to date , Pi-IIIIIIIIII' 0trM. The I'rlncc'ss Louise , mnarchioness of home , ss'tIl open ( he mow buIlding of the London Vohttneer Mntilcal staff. The lady tnayomess of Douglass , Isle of Man , will La a few days present ( lie mayor wIth ( lie first gold chain of ohlice. Mrs. E. D. Gillespie , the great-grand- daughiter of lienjalnin F'rankhitt. is vice presitleitt of ( lie Natlottal Society of Colonial Dames. Miss M. Steward has Just won ( lie matbeniatical prize at Somerville college , Oxford , Eng. , which Is valued at 250 Per year for three years. Mrs. Fearing Gill , Mrs. Cornelius Van- derbilt's sister , has off anl Oil for more tItan a year been elaboratlttg a story of Ilimiuioo life. Mrs. Jane Robertson , who has just tile.l at St. ilyacinthe , Quebec , at the age of 9 years , was a cousin of Longfehhow aid of Noah Webster , Frau Eva Nausea has been successful Itt her concert tours throughout Scamtdhitavia. Site has a most sympathetic voice amiti reti- ders the sotmgs of Grieg and Jansen charmingly - ingly , Mine. Melba is residing In a paiatiah man- slon In the Rue de Prony. The house Is furnished umpon ( Ito model of Trainon. as it was prepared for Marie Antolnete. Christine Nllsson , the Conttesse tie Caa Miranda , has Just purchased "Diane ai hlaIn , " paInted by Watteau. Site pafd 1' - 000 francs. Title was ( lie Iticture that offered to the Louvre museum for francs. MIss Lillian Hamilton is court physician in Afghanistan. She has Written back to hair itonte In England tlefetidllig tile tanner as innocent' of allowing atrocities , and Insisting - sisting that he has treated his toes with httmnanity. 11cr majesty Queen Victoria , on ( lIe occasion - sion of her recent birthday , conferred lwr- ages ilOtI tile marquis of Gmatiby. Colonel Malcolm and Mr. Edward Ileutagn. Site tiit- Poi -toil h'rof. Max Muller a tnt'inbnr of tile ltriv' coumtcil. Lady ( TIrIca Duttlcoutbe , ( lie lilttst beautti- Ciii of tile earl of Faversilam's daugitters , has omititreti Newithtanu college. 11cr oltht'r sisters , ( ito late dutchiess of Leltister , Latly Vincent 1111(1 Lad ) ' Graliani of Nt'tilerb ) ' . \vel.e till fanlotts beauties. Frati Ir. Jur Emttihii' Keinpiit , vhto began to practice law In liemIlu about sIx iltonile ago , is doIng an excellent busittss , tatti tins lately heemi altpoiittetl olilclal litterpreter at ( lie lterhiii law courts. Thotigh she is Gerlltan by birth , she studied in New York City. City.Miss Miss Catherine L. Bruce. wIle a short (11110 Igo presented the howard Astronontical ob- ; ervaory s'itli funds for a twcny-four-iitcit telescope , to be devotetl to phiotogmapltlc york , line now placed a large sutit at thin this- tosal of Dr. Max Wolff of Ileudelborg , for a t I itt ilar Itli rposn. MIss Jamto Stone , a Pitliadelphia gin , has ; olle lute tile oil butsittess in the miewly- iisco'ered Petroleumu flelils itt east Ten- It'SSCO. She makes her owmt leases. It is icr ituiriose to drIll tell imtchles before flh , Intl alte has contracted for 100,000 feet of utllber for derrIcks. Mrs. T. II. Ilolulles of New Otleatts me- 'emitly iit'eitteti aimti patetitoil a collt'lViiflCe I (1 cleati cistertis anti keep ( htemn cleani. The U mi'emltIofl grew edIt of her owl ) iteeti as a Orheatis housekeeper , for itt ( hInt cIty ioust'ltohtls are ( leltemlilent 1111011 cisteri's or their water supply. r Mrs. Slisiumi Gates Youmtg Is a pmogessl'o , , loritiont wotniiml. Site is tile ctiitres' r.Z t lie 'ott II \'omttait'tt Jaunt al , P11 hI isiuc'i at Piovo , it Jtahi , titlti , itesitles i'tlititig titut ; apem , at- t emitis fa it hifu I I y t o ii cm d ontestl ii 1 f It's. g hits is a daughter of llrigilllmti Young , unit ! l S devoted to her father's tuennoty. MIss Carey May Carroll is about to gradc tate from ( lie law ( ieltartnll'nlt of the MIs- ourl State umtlvi'raity. She iii'u ( alcott ( tb I 1111 legal cottiso. with no hIm of htraci he- rIg , bitt svl I 1 b'C.itte ( Lii let St emt ogi.-t Ph "r lIt lcallsas City law ilitit. She it ti thte iintlor Ii f imliig tile ilrst wontlan laywr o gr.itlt- C to In that state , Sonno (1mm ago tIle stIfirelIle eiirt of htio ( lCCitll'tI tit'tt ' % liss Nellie i , rue' : 11th , St lawyer of Clii iniiati , coil I not hrn ui- iii oltiteil a notamy PUblic. Site lt.is ncv itiihletl to ( lie suupt'cttic cotii'L. at ( hit ) Ullicil tales for a ulticiion on tile qttcstloti , anti tn case tilil be t.omtsitierc'ti l'3 , ' Juiio Ilir- Iii , A lug goiialre ilanlontl of nnttchtless utrity , woltt cml certaIn sItito occaiuiomts by me. Vatt llcnsselaer Cruiger , rejtrvsnlite a tc artiomt of tile Proilts already accruiitig to hici' g ' ' ' ' Iter itiost dabr , ' ( tilt tilt , sale of 'Poititana rate itoyci of New York socIety. Mrs. ' ' niger Itt a gmantiuilece , of Wasitington lrv- 1g. In d eorresloIttlOitt , svhio recently vIsIted tile initress Eiigemtbt , rotitraulfelli tile reports as Cli I Item Ill hietultit. 'ritu' cillpress , svhto Is now ) , was ltOkiflg exceethtuigly t'oll , and 'ery amitisoune for a womnait of her cams. 11cr atttrt'S still Itresorve thou' cIcarcut Jiow are 0 FWurcyd 0 Does Your Back A ciw P e 0 DHobbs ! Mukethekbl.0 O px.J : : " ecldnuclotlmcr AM yPi1s -w- tile blood , Healthy l < ldncy3 amaku , puru blood. tIr. Ilobbip Sparagius Ildnsy PIlls Cure IHII'UllIatillI , ( lout. llCieInu , AiiivmnlaPIomptes , liidIiIoodlJriiIit'5 ll.ctisti. ht.IirIj1 liackaclic , Kidney ti I I'alnstutpiyPului 10 tlpe4bdomcri . Prcqucnt Urination , Inflanmnmation ciO Kldney. ( ctc , Eadorseil by I'ltysi. O ciaits anti IJriiggists. o cents ml box Sample Pill. nd V.luable Ilook lice , . . Usbb.lU.dC. , , CImua.4 5 * . ftMt.i. 0iOaO0iO * 't4 K4 1LL ( ad.rii , Ir , hubS. tlIt1 L4w.r .t'fU if.it' irfpc , 0"v ( 'eiil , a l'tzI. bCatlty , her eyes are bright antI Iter hair , 'I which is tlliito wltlte , niltis IntuIt to her air of ilislmtctioim. _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - 'I'll E mhh.INI ) S'EA' Eli , - i'outli's ( 'otapanian , A blind i103P stood 1n'itill ( the lenin Auth wove it fabric. To nmiti fro Iteuteatit hIs timut tutid ett'uiy ; mitch T I It. 11111(111 ( Ito busy shuttle go , , uiil oft the teacher Passed tltttt wtiy A a ii gtus't' t lie colors , I hi read It ) ' I it ictiti But ( (3 , ' the boy tue ; tatterit fair \at ; uthl tlltSett , Its iities'eme dead. ' 'howenmt you Weil'C ? ' we , pityIng , crlctI The hmhintl boy stnilt'ii , " 1 (10 itty ht'gt ' I iminke flit' fabrIc Iirmn laid etron. , , .Aitul omte who sees dot's all tue rest , " Oht hni1tpy thnimcht I ii'iitln life's 1oCt11 h imttily Si rit'e ntmr ht'gt , to tin , Aiitl iii' t ito inarketi thin lttltteimt uttit . , ll ti hiohihs tie t it mpttilg , s , I I I mtltikc I 'I trtio , LIfe Is so short. Cook's littperlal lxtra lry Chtaittli.tgiie will hi'llt you tO ( 'mtjtiy It. I t a I tie d igt'st Ion a nil w ill prolong t ( ; ouI ) ' ' ON A t'uIi'I , - 'I'll , ' ltiiiirhiJI , , ' SIuiiifiir , ' IIf II imts 'bn ( , iIidl % Ot 'rift' , \'olt liltiesthite ' vIio tllel at hot Sprlitgs ( lii tItI' 2is ( tutu' % vai * htiril ( Itt 1 hoimsititi. 'h''x , , itt till' to omit ii go tu vt'ry tint it imt hs , ; , says tii& ' ( laivestoli News. II. t'gtmt ( tnt'rehtlutuhislulg. tuittl htihi' item , ' a , qi'tut't ' a en 1 I tt I i'st I tint tttl it t htt'tvl''tt $ 'o ' tiit ti nil $ . ; : ios ( ) . I I & ' LOtil11 mit'ltht or miti ii tilE w ti I s.d. t Ii ( ' sstt 14 ii tllitr'l I it 111(11 t it I a ci ( ii Ott It. i'rit cli otis mtor I ii I l'r's t iittl tutty ha rI p1. , ii I it t hemtt ftti' hi I lIt . I I t' olT'rc'I I lie , rl ii , 11th I tif I It c ci I y school s it I I It is hla ( ' ( ' $ no I C hiii votihtl ( ( 'hilt Iiitmt to tlitt' ills tWit tlltillts 551 t Ii I mm it year. 'l'hl ( ' tmo t'ssttr , Untlt'rt ook I in' Jol ) It diii % vtirk'il w I i Ii gt''Ii t , 'n nmgy , hui ii Iscot'erei ( It tu ( on ( 'Ii cIt ih outti a y mutotti I tig ( ' % 'l'ry ( iii ( 'I' of ( hit' PtVlfltls sstek'g work lied cmtirnly failed frituti ( lie mutinti of htls pupil , ittlil lifter live tiOittlS ) of clog , ' atIcmi I ion to his it itilert tihci m g. ti ittt ttlonl ( I t ( I'I a hlo'l . , ( ' 85 , east' . in't Ii I Iti ily ( tilt t to I nil ' 'lix . ' sltg ( lit' tt'fll'eSI . ( lItroacii In' ov'r tttalt ? to Itcil Iltutisht I p. htui t t ha t shj , ' ha t tilt , Is a ( tnItti to tint ii y vt ; I it title ii tt'tilmt'tit ii itow' of mec'orii itt titi ( ' ( tilmity , tiith lttus ftmr SUSulitl years lttSSt'ti cturritt ( It' htimtkg lit New' York , ( alvt'gtittt timitl 1 ) rtuflj' , . , oftt ii for Inrgi' stuns of inotuv. it wes tttlitc Its il I lhiett it t o Ci ) Oil I t'rr , 1 t I it , ' ( 'ii a iii ' tt'rs as aihixed liv hiluti its ii w itoh lie to sue- ccssttihl3' imnliate thin slgnutiir , ' , Y1e Beaity 4L _ ir : ' . $ . Young Girls Old Girls Mothers aiict G r a ii d iii o t Ii e r s te.a. ' o'.ir beauty ailil retlew ' 0tlC with Mr.e. Yaie's S.cientitlc C'oiimplex- j _ 5 si Tlet : h'reptmattoils. i ! - ' np-xicns anti wrinkles tire 'ery S.- _ _ . ag t' s 'U. lIeu ii t will Itleasti , y al. ' ,1 nat' . tile is tuitxiils I' ' ltiLtt eS'erv wenian in the \.oiII Ill alit by item great titSO\ ring. They are nil the rage. ' \'om'ld's Fauim iIcIuIs tumid hilouttati of Ilonor tt'at'dcd. Miiie. lfl. Yule's Toilet Preparations lot' Ptitity nut 11 i'ht-Cltuss 'LIemit. Yale List. itti" Sl I ii 1'OIi r mot'es svrinkheq 'immii tlt traces of age. Restores youth. l O attd $ i 00-two sizes. % 'IllC' " Ahiiiiiisl IiIn.tsiii ( ' , , , ( 'math Increases tii ltenttty of tue eiintilex- bit C u'nry ti tile i t Is altiIh'ti ; hinallil g , tool 111g. sootililig tutu heaul Ifyftig. i'rk'c $1 lien' jar. / SlI In's Lii ui-the only lOSltit' ( ' . ' itre \ Cot' frt'ekles ; removes thietit itt ( mciii ( itute to iiine dave anti hi ayes tile skill poles , Ititik tuimd vliiO. $ l.t ( ) . it. In's Smi'i'IliI Lntlnii-a sure cLime fr blll'Iilt.'iitls. $1 ( it ) "r bottle. 'tlIl'N , ' ( ' ( ) iiitiiii'iifsure cutme for imlmntples tind all kttnsvmt kiti dli' . ItSOS. $1.0) per jar. . 'u.ii I ( ' $ I I ii i I I' to Ii - etel epa a ntl mu kes P1 tI mll ) t Ito 110mb , arltls lilt ii bust. $1 50 It iitl Vii h it's it I I I' ( I f It a'il ml I y-a 'it' nttlerfui skI it tonic ; nIti 1 < es a It 'I gI vt's mm a ( It rts rosy dow' of yotntii 10 tll ( ' skIll. $1.0' ' ) iiie's ( ! , uIIiIe'i.itlil Imi'neII-a perfect ieaitser of ( lii' sklmt ; it pt'rnnaite'uttl3' memiiVeH : iiiil CU IL'S tilt ) t ii ita he ie'i , sa I iosvli i'sit a ulti eademi hues , ext't'ssts'O retliless ilmlI till kttotvti I'fit , IIsc'olortitlolis. l'rice , $2.00 iier bottle ; I fr $5.00. VIII C'S liii iil ' ' ii I f-ier tOfIoitS attil nakes tin ? lintitls ll % s'hlte. Every latly ieetis It as a toIlet artIcle. PrIce , $1 00 P ° ' tot tIe. Yi iI' $ Ee-Iii H Ii : i iid E ehi i'osy I.ltv'I' niakes ( bitch. long lashes tinti lox- Irlatl ( eyebrows.Voillerftll. ( . $1.00 per Jar. YiiI''s .liio imitil % 'i.tt ExurlI4'Ir xtritets moleS amiti warts without immlui'v. $3 , I'll In's ( i'iit ! ' ( ' ( kilts iiitti cures hairs ItlU grow' ott tile titce , n'ck or luring , tetitovet utos and all iii tWo mnhntutes , $5 00 i1'r box. YnI''s IIiir 'l'OiII-StCttig lttilr fiilhiitg in I hiourit brings btuck time on ttirni color to r.'iy ii air , I net'eutees I tS colirhitg tan ( I e t' , i'l tiglti g I t I n to dec11 in thou ; lInt IL tlyo lilt ( a rinle ; finest hair uliessitig hut tilt' svorl'l ' ( or eiieral use ; ntiukes dIr ) ' , itnrsh Itair sift aitil lossy ; inicrt'ntt.'H its titltlCtteg , tnlmket3 ft m Ots' tilote mit Ii I y t Ito ii a ii ) t hI I rig ci so ever I ti rtr CVI' I' II I II ! for bltiii th t's em hi nttn't I tH , . hii'iieut ' tumId adults. $ l,00 iter bottle , i-tx for ' 1,00. 1' ii I t''s I I I n ( I ii II I ( I umamcil 05 thu t' 1 i toil ' flnl eittk'ltftig It It roji by drop , ittlrif3'illuc ( cts 011 tIle iCh(1t103'I ( anti liv"r , rt'stotiuig Iiuoso rgiulls t , lt'ufCi nttlon ttitti sOttitti it.itltil , L is a ' I fe-gl vi il g II u hI I ha t mtmen , vcitti cii II II ti ii Ihti rca tiecti to t Oil 0 II it ( ltt'l I' 5i4 Icing a mttl uriC ) ' their blood , $100 per bottle , Ix Inc .00. l'ii in's mi'rii I tt'im ni is the nnstser to Lieu- tails of Woiitl'tt'S pmn'er 4 Ehit'eniY ctii5e ( or I forms of l'mtliile veiu It ii ( 'ss. A ( Ill I t t 0 tile , II 'lOi ( S I 0 I Ii be a miii cx it I I li in I I ng itt effect , tile. Yiule itt ( 'SiC'lithhY utiuxlotts to have oil i'Ic wouileii ti' ) It , $ L00 per lttic- , six for 00 , Vii ic's l'ti ( ( ' l'oiytl . ' r-thrco itltati'ti ; ititik , ii I I e itmt .1 itrltn It t I' . (0 cemi te. VtiIe' $ COhiIIlI ( ' lOll Snuil , , .iI ( ' ( 'mltN. 1S'IulI hJ'I'lO % S. Inqimlre of druggists itmiti dcalerg In dIet article anti Ijatemit tfl'tilcfileit fir tlut'so 10(15 , and It yetI eatituot flail thit'uit Slilti di- ( .t I 0 ! t1 ii ) 0. i'uho a mlii shin vf I I t'itd I bent (0 ( ) lt by express thin tiatun day ( lint your or- 'r Itt tore veil. ? tlmttn. Title's ' 'Otmitln to Beauty' ' vhhl lie aIled to nil u'hlo retluest It , S ( tiMli. .5d. YALE , 'rettpio of Ileauty , ( 'hit- Igo , Ill , I. . . . S _ COLLAR % VII.L1E' C01h1'EIJND rN3Yo ! pjjL tafeaud f(7hIf ( , Aiwsuye reltabi . Tetci I.Clttbltltut5 , Ecreieiiy ntilruigglsle. 2.tiO. * 4tttl 4e. , for tibiic' s 6eJegi'ard'I u.COX hl'ECI FlU ( _ o , , 125 UU'It LI ) fl'lL b'.l'h1H.AD4 " JoRMORPHINE HABI ? PLI1TX.1ILT ZIAiihTLT C2Z0 DF. . . COLLINS' AINLESS OPIUM ANTIDOTE QRIOIHAL AND OIILY UEHUINE REMEDY. ilseovetedin 1860 , "THERIAKI" Book Fru. lilt. 31 ? , 78 Monroe street , , CIIICAOOtj ! ! . 0. R&Wt ( Ii. _ _ , :