Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1896, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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    - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - .j _ = = ' -
. Q TILE OM.AJTADAILY irj sUNDAY , JUN1 T , 180G. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ _
It Waa of oM too1 flfl(1 Woighea Mi
S'nrkntcn Cii'nh , ' ii hit TItrIr 1.1
. . . -I'eflhlh' 1IuiigIsl It ' % % 'npu n
ehiiii' flt Ihi ii tnt I Iu. 'Iielil' _
liruke Through Itni.e' hunt.
t.iiit Saturi1y ft ilI ho rememberel tti
ul mt : n1 rain torrn pod over I
tity hut a little previous to thnt an Ii Iookhng tnve phpo uhut more am
to one man hb Omaha titan ithi lb
wiuI.rniti , anti cac.In have occaslone0 I
\'orktnen wro busy putting tIfl thin nu
moth t.'cI moko tick tixt ) connects
the tnrnaccuu tjt the I'axton IuIItIng nt
tcvnth and l'arnatn , nnh ( ho McrcThantt ho
The boUen are hji the , jilot acre
nhley torn hIopo'a intilc tOro. itt.
moment wheri th great pIe wau all
) hUIh ) the mnnntor hook atut c1ian wh
hieht 11 In PIRCO puiaiipcul oft i.hort nntl o
Itlc cn1O % Ith tuch nn tiierthly noIc , n
entin overyhoiy to 1eert thO p08t01
btiuiUng , a block nay.
The workrnnt capeuI Ith ( heir lit
one lu'or fellow having a leg o ba'BY ' I
ratet thAt ho nrny logo It. lie wn. tIrng
to tli very IMIgO at the root , hero ho nu
ngct to hang inttl niltnnn rnime.
The iioco ilnck ltlt Is over four
ncro4j RIkI Iiu IIuotIhuk'l ot luuavy te'i , wci ,
ing tniuiy tone. . It tell aImot ita tiII leni
% Ilon the root of IlOSpoR Alt store , I
eras boil in t ho hu I IJ I n I Ike o ni ucli k I
ling woo1. Just ImagIne tls ? tflte of
fairti In IIopos tore. There wau
ianlc-.hut , 1ortIIflatcl3 no one 008 III
hrnigh the pIano antI organ room bcII I
nCIIatCIy uner tim Ialleii root. dit lint
oft eaSIly. Pictureiu oil thu nail ca
I1OVfl in ; eaiully i a tirootu Cotilit R'CCfl C
Webs off a ccIIIlig Tim crali w&ts terrific
hIlt ItIu nil o'cr now ; the carpontcrR
plat rers Lifli painters ; vlll have the litil
Ing nIl In goo.i oriler by Mnniby , and all I
ilaiunge4 goola vilI he brought iip fr
I Inpo'i Izard itrcot factorS , where they hu
a tliorotlidi overhauling. .
The contractors who cro erecting t
lingo pnioko tnck have alloneti llopo
IIiOIL liberal aiiiotiflt a lainageo , anti I
gOO.IR vIl ) go On talc Monlay inornIl
heretofore thought
Thoco who have
touilil not ha
couihi hot afford a Piallo ntiil
any 110k58 It tvn neu % , vIhI ifiul this thu
opportunIty. lh'Caule Of tutu lowflCo of I
Mr. Ilo5pe lochIuie to hot
1)rice ! , hioi ever ,
PreviOll9 tratlo contraet9 or pay any co
Stahuul tiu foe N4'lraNkui.
I Industry Iflnncr given by thin lau
of IIIII5MO Couigrcgattunal church , at Y.
C. A. hnhIVcdne8tIay , Thursday and Fritl
Juuio 10 , 11 and 12.
. -
A Turn' 'l'ruihuu fur liuiffolo , S. .
For teachers anti frlcnttuu en ronto to
antutial meeting of the National l1uicattoi
nccIattouu wilt leave Omaha via
At ' 44t p. flu. Saturday , Jully 4.
Itouliul trip tlcket8 ( goo4 tuuttil Septeint
I ) . 2G.75.
be ninute
Steeping car recrvatIons may
any tinto at city ticket office. ltiOZ Farm
aftcct. .1. B. ItEYNOLDS ,
. City l'a8eengcr Agent
IlanthltonVarrCn , M.1) . , eclcetI anil un
nc'tlc I1IIYPICIaO ; 'ICCiaI attention to 1tea
of women aiul children and all obscure a
long.tnniltng dIFeare. 119 N. luth ; st. , It
No hluurr ) 'I'Ihl lnu Stnr ( .
Sponut itI ulay In Oiuiala anut learn
C1I1AGO SPEtiIAl4 at G1O ' p. un. ( dInt
car. )
Then thCr&8 jcotuu4derablo blurry , for
trAin arrtvc\ln hIc.igo oarl1ncxt iuiorohu
'rhihu train hi i\hIpiie4 with 1IVEILYTIIIN
and words are very hard to find that ito
jiithce , It you titlist leave earlier , hoqul
about the 4 :4i : P. 01. Overland LhuuIteJ.
City office , 1401. Farnain St.
The Davia & Cowgfll Iron Works at II
and JnchcrOn u'trcet ham .ndded to thu
plant a conujuheto bicycle repair chop. No
hut flrt cas work turn d out from U
htnIhvn % iIi'M unit l'eruuiiiils.
A. II. iCing , superintendent of brhulge n
huulktlngs on thin \Vyonitng dlvhion of
Union PacIfic , went through the city ye.sterd
enroulto to Canandatgna , N. Y. Ito Is goI
to vttt itt ! old hiouuio auth cxpectiu to be go
evcrnh veks.
General Manager TMclctnson and Getter
PaFtejuger Agent Lomax of the Union 1'
ctflo have returned froni Denver.
h'rohu1ent S. II. II. Clark of thuo Uuilu
I'acillc luau returned front St. Louis.
FreIght Traffic Managar Monroe of ti
Union Iactflc Ia In lCaucas City , an L
tere.tcd listener to ( Ito raeeedIngs befo
the Interstate Commerce coutinuisIon titer
He Is aCCOnip.lniNl by Mrs. Monroe.
i3upcritttcutdcnt NichoI of the Union I'
cUte is on a trip of tnspectton over ti
Nebraska hIxs.
'rho MIchigan Central has Just dlstribult
solute of the flneat advertising matter Issu
recrittly. It is ItitcIlutOut for tito sctio
( t'cChlurs who expect to attend the neethutt
of the National 1u1ucatIonal assoclattoti i
At the utcxt tutcettng of tte Western Pa :
cngr assoclatiwi's eastcruS comnulttco ti
sutujeet of redutcoul rites for cohhogo stutlen
returul fl t ; . to t lid F hoinetu for t heir stuuutin i
vacations Will be thin princituul matter di :
Jatttes Morton. geaerah uaaseuger agent
thin Iturhington , Ceitar Itaphis & Northern , v
In thto city ye.torday front Cedar Ihapds , a
coutipanted by it party of friends ,
\ \ . II. Crocker of the Stuuthu'rn Pacific % er
through the city yesterilay in ( Ito Southern Pt
ethIc iuhvatc car , ° iacrauticItto. " lie cani
In over the Union I'achflc and went cast vi
the Itock Islauuil.
Joseph A. Conner , a grain daier of thul
city. was iii ) tanuua City yotcrda
before the Ibterstato Commerce con
nulesion. lie a3iegeuu that thto Mu
, uourl I'Mifle has beeui charging huh
unreasonably high rates for the sittpnier
of graIn out of Ontahia. The local frehgi
ofliclalo of the road declare they hAve ailupi
adhered to Itto tariff approved by ( ho nth
tcnu1 tttutt think Mr. Conner xviIi not be suc
ccufuh In his cao against their mail.
A one.fare rate for the round trip baa bee
dcctareui by the \Vestern Pasuteuger aasoeI
lion for the Chautcuupua assonubly at Ihatrbc
Juno lil.28. Tickets wIll be sold on Jun
26 and IT at Nebraska antI Kansas point
" itbuin 1O inIIca of iheatrico.
Where Are Ytuus flOIIIIT
Never befu'ro hati tiuclu an excellent oppor
tunity been given for nialcing a trip to th
many points of interest in the weit , reachci
via the Utilon Pachtle.
A. glance at the list below of meetings t
whIch special rediurcd rtes have been nu
thorited , wiI couivinco you that the advan
tages for a wcaterlt trip thIs year Are cx
crptlonal ;
hiorneseckera' Excursions , June 9 and 3
july 7 and l. Rate , one fare for the roun
trip , plus $2.
Junior OtJer Ilnited American Mechanics
Denver , Coin. . June IG.20. Rate , one tan
for the round trIp , plus 12.
National ) clectic Medical Os'ocIaiien , l'ort
land , Ore. , June 16-18. Rate front Nebrasict
or Kansas. $ G 3 for the rotund trip.
American Society Civil IngIneerF.
Francisco. Cah. June 20. hate. $60 for thu
. round trip from Missouri river autil 'vest.
iletahi Cierka and ldiuI Teachers , Ucover
Cola- , July Rate- one fare for thu
round trip. PIn4 2.
rho Chiefs' Convention. talt ! .nkci Cfly ,
Aigu't IO14. iIuute , coo tare tar the rhtln
trip. IlUI $ .
Ssnraer tours to. Denver. Colorado spring , ,
Utatton ci Paebo. Miy 35 to Sqtcniber O ,
jelaI reduced rates from ICansa.a and Ne
emmer tOur , to Salt Lake City or OarSieh
13aaeb. May U to September 20. SpecIal
rt'duted rates from all principal ; iointis.
For Still lafornualion as to until of ticl.ctu
atl t4iClrLr privilege. , tic. , call at th
V&Ian $ 'irlftc city ticiet office.
1303 larnam Street.
l'or llrduuvd IliLtri ,
73 al &uicaaar rejrtu call at itoek Lahau
4iy 7kke * Qce. 1 Farsuarn St.
Olodng Out the Cream of Wdnbc
Stock Thl $ Week.
hcrthtItig Cut luiuiuu' niu.I flue M
i'hi i' it nun cli * I un CJfl I II S Icr
% ntsiul i ) nut cnIu Mon
uhui 3lnruiIlIl. . I
Ldies' thirt vaiats , nicely launilci
choice goods. to Oc and TGe kinul , go for
LauinIeteit shirt tvalsts that soid for I
atit 11.25 , go for fiOc nail , c.
All the vereaie aruih caice wrappers
huao been selling at $2.00 auid more , go
The chhiIo and rilk wrappera , "ulio
thurin good sellers ordinarily at $20.00 , go
$2.8 anti $4.00.
The flgulroih and luisin black mohair s )
of the regular $13.00 quality on nile at $
lilack mohair anti serge rktrtr. tue t
that Vehniiorg could buy. in three lots
ChlOOso front , at $3.00. $3.25 anit $4.00.
I'crfectiy &Cgltlit iluck stilts nul W
4ressus that Vchuubcrg Intended to mcli
$5.00 , go at $1.75.
1)uek ) nuts antI wash in a rr
variety of liatterlu' , regular $7.00 and $ I
goods , ( or $2.00.
tottetl l3ttiu' . , trimmed in lace anul i
boIh , licautiful crea tIon , that \'eIntierg
toutiled to sell for $15,00 and $18.00 , our pr
% 'einhuerg's spring jackets in black ini
tIrovn antI navy blue , the $10.00 kind ,
75c : the $12.00 i'ort for $1.00.
All of Welnberg's tvnsh ihrcseo , luck u
ilimlty sUits , that lie iitl for as high
$7.50 , PUt In 000 lot to close at $1.75.
Alt of ehtibcrg'n $0.50 and $7.98 v
( Ircaica. a complete line of stilts , new EtYl
iii ( 'ItO lot at $3.95.
ittnckltitoahvri , unit price. '
\Veinticrg'n capes worth up to $25.00 , go
$2.50 , $3.50 anti $5.00.
1511 Dougla& Street
, $ I' 'l'It.tlX4
u ) vntrtlrnundu.
The Mit'FourI 1itcIflc wilt run Spc' (
trains to ( Ito tilt grounds on Tuesd
Juuto 9.
Leave 'ebster street depot 1 p. flu.
2:30 : P. III.
heave fair grounthi S p. ni. and 0:30 : p.
This is tue best way to get to the I
grounds. _ _ _ S _ _ _ _
Gnooine ) stoves repaired. stove storage ,
icr fronts. Ont.Stovo flea. Wks. , 1207 Dough
ieclnL Itestliceul ttuitcs In hluutTiulo a
Via the Lake Shore & Michigan Southu
raliwft ) . Juihy 5 and 6. lxtrenie return iii
Seiteluibcr I. Stop at Chautauqua on retu
trIp it desired. A plendtd opportunity
naiL NIagtra Falls. Circular giving full
torntatlon % ili ho sent en application to
I , . humphrey. T. P. A. , Kanaas City , Mo. ,
C. } C. W'ihber , A. C. P. A. . Chicago.
lt.tIittO'.l ) ii0 % TO ilIi P1tIiS11 ?
Conululet Iiii . % rrnuigenicnl for 4
Funeral at Colonel Iiiiotcr.
The death of "Colonel" Fdward 1' , Ilool
was the irincIiai aubject of conversat
among iohal railway men yesterday.
rangeinenta for tliq funeral , which s1lI ta
idace from the residence of his daughter
lka Memos , have not been fully compici
The 119t of ; alI bearers will contain t
lames of litany men prominent in railrc
utth exprca cIrhes. The names have i
ret 1)0011 announced , hut M. C. Keith
orth Platte antI Joaeph Shepherd of C
agO , of tile tluuitcd States Exprema eompai
both of vhom tvero asmcIated with 'C
DOd" Iteoker ( luring tue Iioncer days
Lhi conipany. III tie among the numb
A feature of the funeral irecesslon , witi
romi&'es to be a lengthy and notabic oi
'viii ' be an old time overhanil stage eoau
It wilt be OcCUflied by the pall beareru. .
S to be furnished by James Stepheson
huts city and Is one of the atage coac
lacil by ( ho veteran atager in the SOs.
Vfl9 rent from this city to Des Moines yi
erday afternoon over the Itock Island.
via 4hie VIl1lflMhi Iluitirnaul ,
ONVENTION thin Wabash will sell tick
A lI.LF PAItE , l1.5O. The Omaha and I
. .oub Lilniteil.
Leaves Ontaba ( unIon depot ) daily 4 :
I. fit.
Arrives St. Louis ( union station ) daily 7 :
L. iii.
I"or tickets. sleeping car accommodations
convention folder giving hit ot hotels sri
ates per day and other valuable inform
Ion , call atVabasiu office , 1415 Fame
treet , or 0. N. CLAYTON ,
N.\V. I' . Agt. , Omaha.
SutHs .tgnlnuut
Judge A. N. Ferguson , who was retained 1
ho hoard of County Counniissionera to pros
titd ( ho ciainw of the county against e
otinty oflleiala for fees alleged to ho at
00 the county from theo officials , Oh
uits yesterday morning agaInst all of the o :
filcials except ox-Sheriff Drexel , The su
t Cich Instance is agoinst the ex-officlal n
is bondsmen , ( Ito amounts sued for beir
II follows : Kx.Siserlft WillIam Coburn , tIc
rm , 13.039.81 : aecon4 term. ; e
heriff John F. lloyd , 14,323.571 ox-Siterl
ennott , $1,751.65 ; cx-Itegttcr of Deeds
, Megeatit , $192.
Sticelal Trninlo. tile Itnees ,
On account of the races atthe lair grouni
Ito Union i'acittc will run special trains , i
IIows :
Tuesday and VedncIay heave-
Council hlluffs. 12:15 : P. in. anti 1 p. in.
Omaha. 12:30 : p. in. and 1:15 : p. ni.
South Omaha , 12:45 p. In. and 1:30 : p. at.
Ariving at lair grounds at I p. in. ar
45 0. in. hieturnlng traIns will heave In
rolulude at S nOit C p. in.
The Union Pacific sviII give the beet servic
twcon the city and the lair grounds. Ui
citets at 3302 Fclmnam street ,
Lutulles' * IU ) 'lU ) Vhiei'1.
It yfl % watit a strictly up-to-date moor
p0 cash svill buy one of l' . M , Ituasehi , Si
) . IMit. Guaranteed to be equal to any $1
heel on the market.
Situ Nessus fur 'i'cnehuerpu.
Olice utinre the \\'Cstcrn l'assenter aasoii
n has blocked the way to reduced rates to
its territory of the association , The Unto
sciOn wanted to put in a one-fare" to
c round trip from Salt Lake City to th
unsourl river and return trotn Juno 17 ante
to Soptenibor Ii , for the benefIt of cloc
achuers. 'lio itr000sition baa. liowevei
ten itegativ d.
' , friuuiu illuihuop ewunn.
A vrominent member of the First Methoti
t Kiulseepa ) church ycoterday morn
g recelveil a letter trotti l3iho
din P. Newman. ssho is now a
ratoga Springs , N. V. Among othie
itgs the bishmop Fald : ' 1 Cannot cx
.es to you my sincere regret that Omab
:5 : heat its episcopal residence. I ( eel deepi
tcbetl to the city and especially to ou
CilOdist friends , but Portland came in a
* ial antI carrIed the day. I intend , hewer
er , to inalo : Oputhia my hall-way house Ii
aveiitugtbesueett tile east and the west , an
0 SulIl , ee time about tsicc a year. "
I A Np %
. Itsuouurt i'sueiflc , lInlIwny ,
Oily ; ilno. without change of cars.
I. ave Webster street depot S45 p. as.
Arrive at 5 ( , 1.ouhs union station 7:20 : a. m
N , I. Corn.r Thirteenth anti Farnam Sta
- S
Ahks fus' n lleeelcr.
Attoray Geceral Churchill saa In JucIgu
Ott's court yesterday morning am
urcd an orilr requiring the of
hal , cit ( be defunct Globe I.oan tat
Oct ouuipzny's Savingi buik ( o appeal
it Moudsy , mornlng and show cause shl
ecelyer aheuhi not be appointed by tin
urt to t&lj ctars cf tImi bank sad wIu
I Its aalrs. . - - - - I.
TO 1)1 SCPSS i'KIITI i1T TO 19 C
J'roImnnt for the Quarterly Meetiti
at I Ii t'otnieretih Chili ,
The regular quarterly meeting of II
members of the Commercial club ssiii 1
I hueld in tha club rcoms next \Vednec'day , Jut
10 , at 7 o'clock. The following program hit
been prepnretl :
Introductory remarks1 % 'erk of . the
Chuili II ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cliarhes It.veil
Fuittlre Vork of tue Chub. .3. 11. lumoi
The IthttIona of the rhicago , hilt-
illtaton Qulincy tysIetit to Oniahma
'rratsuuulssiRuIlul , ; Nxpor'Ition . , . . . . . . .
( L \ VVattli
Onmhxu l'nir antI Speed Amocintion . in
ltPO. , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'IV. ' It , lienne
The Itelntiona of the Union . Pacific
Syciemut to Omaha..tV. It , } CcIU
Nelurnm'ka I3tnto Fair in P'PI3. . .71V. . Fuirut :
Commercial La'nguin of Anserica
in CottVcfltiofl Its Omaha in ISPO. . . . . .
1. hlartie
Knlgittui of Ak-Sat-lieu iii lSO. . . . . . . . .
U , F. W'ulcc
Kffeet of the Silprenin Court IecIion
lit the tJniofl I'acilIc liridge Cni'es
on ( tinahin..J. M'noiwort
Our Jobbilug Trade , Prcm'eiut Outlook. .
K. I. lirmn
Onumiia l'oiutnh I3ystent..Euclith Mar11
OtH' tittiOlt DCiOt..K. Itosewatu
The Urenter Omnahuru , , , , . (1t. . llitchcoc
ttuiiisters ,
Thin enornuous engines that haul "Ti
Northwestern Line" OMAIIA-CIIICAG
SI'ECIAI1 cast at 6:30 : every evemuing ( Unic
Pacific depot ) anti into Chicago at 9:30 ne
morning-well worth taking a little ( into I
ace thein-nothuing itt tlti country like hId
-noarhy as high as the Union depot , but uui
quite so lommg. City 001cc , 1401 F'arnam at.
i.lU.tI. T1IA1S 'i'i ) F.tIII GiUtII
% 'lhi hum Iuriullrthu' hIiuhtui of ( ii
itnu'itumr 5ii''t.
Tue Omaha Pair and Speed associatio
has inilticed the Union Pacific and thin Mic
souirl Pacific roads to run special tralims
the fair groundu , for time races which will b
Iiehth there mtext sveek. Th Union Pacitl
will mu trains on Tuesday coil \'eiInesda )
the ( hays when thue largest crowds turo ec
ptctcih , as lotion a : The first traiti svihI bay
Council UltulTa at 12:15 : p. ni. ; Omaha , 12:31 :
South Onsatta , 12:45 : , arriving at the lai
grotliuta at I o'clock , Tue schedule of tlt
second train viiI be just one htaur hater
Tue firet. train returning svlII heave tim
grounds at 5. nitit the second traiti at
oclock. On Tiutlrsdny mimI Friday , only , tim
second train , lcavlnr Council Bluffs at ihli
arriving at the grounds at 2 , and returnhu : :
at 0 o'clock , will him rout.
Time Micaouri Pacific has made arrange
moats for two special trains ott Omaha tIny
They still leave this city at 1 and at 2:3' : '
o'clock , returning at 5 and at 0:30. : Thu
officers of the mcmii are considering the ad
visability of running pecini trains on tim
other dayn of time men meet.
UIIOOKS C.ti'TliIEL ) ) AT liLt Ill
'l'ltc4VIhI ltchIehuI for Purtlici
iticti E I lieu t lot , .
Local authorities are of the opinion timmi
thue illair site-rift has morn titan orilloar :
crooks in the persons of the two mcmi sviuu
were captured. there last Thursday , In con
seq5ienco an atteiuipt svili bb mmmdc to ldentltj
thueni by corresponding with time tiohice o
other cIties.
One of the utten gave time nante of Timomat
\Vuhiintmts. lie is about 24 years of age am
weighs 135 POundS. lie is of daric cons
plexion and is inarkeil with scars on ( in
back of the head and uniter the eyes. liP
left arm and linitd Is tattooed. Tue ethel
nuan is also scarroh and tattocul. lie hr
abotlt 2S years ohil and weights 163 paunds
lie gave the name of John Ohesoim. 110(1
say thud ) ' cattte traits the Iflack hula
ilesides time property found itt theIr isosses
abut , smimielt is stipposed to have beim soleum
the nt rt humId three drills. This leads thu
police to believe that ( lucy intended to craclu
IL afo before leaving the country.
hiciiu ) of tue Isli Ciuse.
Thin came of Ilrailley & Dalaunatre , attor
pcs , against Matimn. nndTninos C. lslm oi
$300 for hwofesaiofli m'erviccC wus tried t (
court yesterday. Thu
( a juicy in tIme comunty
rervtces svI-e imilegeit 'to have tiedit renuheret
In connection svith time suit brought agnitisi
the Ishes by Mm. W. IL Chiipple for ilant
ngc9 015 flccotiltt of tIme kilhilig orhor hiia.
band. Tue jury returned a verdict llittilmm
that time atterumeys were etutltled to $240 tc
be recovered froums James C. lab , but find.
ing that noutiitg svaslue ( coin Mrs. Martito
IsIs , time toothier of James Isit.
Muirrlngis i.leensu"u.
Permits to wed have beeti isauieti to thic
following Parties by the county judge :
Nnntc nnui dulrqsa. .
Albert r. Atiderson , Onmuhta..V .
nroiina Nel1on Omnnh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ii
. .
Peter Martins , Qrnnha . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .
iini Anderr'on. Ounah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
utlimertV. . Anderson , Omahti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iIIMnht S. Newupuist , Onsiuhi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V
. .
ictCt II. hggnr , Omnh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ntiuarino Frnst , Onmalta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
losopime Sttiimma , Onmnhta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
tugusta Koinrofaki. Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
. - .
Oninlia-Chi icng.-Spec I iii ,
. . . A
. . . . Special _ . , . . ; ' . ,
- . Train to
. ' ' Chicago . - .
. for . -
. I mpha .
travel exclusively.
6:30 : every night.
- -
The smuunmuer school of tIme Omaha Corn-
iscrelal college for Isuibibo chooh children.
eacitors and those desiring to learn short-
and and typewriting begins tomorrow
morning at Sixtecnth and Douglas. Tuition
educed for three rnontbs. New classea in
II branches.
Time regular nmontttiy nmeeting of the Mit'-
innary mociety of the First Christan ! church
ilil be held in time church Parlors Tuesday
Iternoon at 2:30 : o'cboclc. A special prograums
as been prepared for the occasiOnS ,
lien 11(1 flIt rI'rs
'Or steanmahip tickets-1502 Foment St.-
ho lurhington city office. All lines.
So far as this city ii concerned. the thee
rical season smill prnetJcally Intl stith ti
coining week , tus.j Until the latter part
Auguat both of the Iacaj housM wilt be dcc
unless they shouki osiooahiy be opeumi
to companies ttrlftirmj ta 0mm their way fro
ocean to ecean ,
While ( hue lo.1 houses have not msuu
bushels of money iltmrbmg the P.1st 5eflc )
they have domie better than they expeete
anti ( lie ntcnagers declare ( list their balanc' '
are ott ( ito right side of ( ho ledger.
The Crelghtoa roof arlets closed its uIoo
thuring the early hart of thuo week , anit th
imuembers of the company who store phayir
( hero departed for other chitmira. While ( I
roof garden wes contutimitig new in Ortmnh
it was apparent frommu the first that it
somumethting that \stts not appreciated. Tins a
tractions itere fair , Imut the p031110 uiitt it
svant ( lust kindt a c'how.
Cuutnt IIV'itt' .
'T'umo Pohitician , " a satirical COutetl ) itt tot
acts by the late Iavld L Lloyd attil Sdn
hioscimlelt , is time IshaY that Itolami lieu
mviii produo at Boyd's theater toinorro
evening , whichu will conatititte hui secor
engagctmsent at this imlaco of atnusciueltt tim
Thin scene of time play is laid in a anma
tosris itt Illinois on thlo eve of a convemutic
to mm.csimtiumate a candidate for comtgrcsa. Gel
oral l.hnmber , a practical politician , who hut
been Senator Liniber , Speaker IAttsber , Liet
teimtnt Governor Limber amid Major Goner
Linuber , is a catmtiidato before thie convemmtiol
autO as titcu us is tmstueh ospositiomt to hums I
caetn about for a coimiprornise cattdhttate , xiii
flimsIly imcoka one I tim un.sophisticatc
coultstry gentleman , l'sder'oaloy , whi Itt
paid ixtere attention to time cultivation of hi
garden than ito hums to ohhtiCB.
Thin first two acts of time play are uievot
to time orelmarations for tile convention , xiii
itnittedistehy Limmuber has to combat the ci
dtnvoro of a young woinals tvitit advattcc
Ideas ( Cleopatra Sturgeca ) , who tm tryiisg I
' piattk added to ( ii
have a StoimSait's sutfirage
imiatforits. lie finally sviima by tmiakimtg ios
to her. The third act Ia time cnnvciuttom
urhuichi mckee an exciting scene. V'ooley I
belly nontitmated uttidst the sluouta of tii
masensblage antI the blasts of a brass haiti
rho young iMvyer Is nommmhnated by ( lie opp
u'itibmt convention. The bet act is tltu evel
in wlticit occurs ( hi
tag of clction tIny ,
rcadiitg of ( lie returns , tvhticit flumally resiti
atisfactorily. Running through the 3113
love eptscde , aim
ire acvcal iuttcrcsting
he couttplicathoets arc clover in constructic
intl the dialogue is cxeeedittgly bright.
wilt b
Time reason' mit the Crc'lgltton
roughtt to a close with ( ho third appeam
what is considered b
115CC tttis year of
msauty thin uttoSt cimarmiimg play.of ( ho tiutci
tI'tidd'tmhmcadViison , " in which li'raimlt 5.ttty
success of lila long att
las made ( ho great
troapcrotis career. Tite causing appetiraute
If Prank Mayo anti his company is au
moummeeti for four nights , corntmmcticlimg Tuica
lay , June 0.
Time rarb Itnunor of TwaIn has imeelt pro
orveil in tIm tlrarnatiaattout atmil eumougi
ibertics have bceui utmiken with thus story
take time play itutcaitely dramatic front star
0 finIsh , "Puuthi'nlteatl'iison , " It will b
emetsubered by those svluo witnessed tim
tiny during its former appearances hero , I
Ito maim who devoted his life to tUutyin
ho llttes on PdOPl&S thumbs.
The story is mm prologue ammul too
closely so ufar a
eta. and follows the otory
lie fllot is concerned , buut mtuumscrotts eltange
mayo beets made iii aminor immeldoutta an
haraeter leVeiOltttidflt. In tue prologue thi
: '
550 babIes are citangoui and the slavc'e aol
S accepted as thuyulmohr of timfu house. Tim
tnt act begits when the cimlldren liar
; rown to manitocd.'r The rightful white so
ins boom teared as a. shave , aimil ( lie negre
ritit only a aiiglttta4flt In lila blood , live
immaster. They are tim
a his Iualt-brothsera
outs of the simile father.
zo : ph a gambling : debt tile negro , die
tilted : onacs. an' '
10 motIciY\4hh1'has T19 retmne4. 4o 1uei olu
0200 tO8QO him ; Is snaitected. ot the crib
nd accused by her son.
Thto suspicion falls afterward.out the wlmiti
AM U S E i INTt.
3OYD'S MOSOAY. .T11r4fl I
ml lila 1eeilcnt COmpany. to time Satirira
L'eimscily , ty m ) . I ) . Lto.t nnii SutmuCtP
fli.cnelti , entlleh.
Oil , P1112 'OM.t'S I'i.Ai.
Usual prices.
TUE. ANt ) WEt ) .
iLfl'it 9 and 10
mmmcd OpenIng of tue Tngaietutcnt on Onmahta
tiw or the Spring Hace Meettn
Tue AttunowiaIgct Leaders of ultnstroity.
A Gosgeouts , atngnIflc4nt niu.l Spectacular Pro. .
iction , pul tipo:1 : time Stage at mm enorulouuu cx.
Grand Cake Watk ClutntpIonhip Contc.t
Stil.Oil . rats Mnntay at txstialuiees.
Tel. IMI-P.axtoafRurgcss Mars.
Tue Cetetiraie.t Spiritual Mathlutns. hue
rrenting 1
_ 1t A NEW LIGhT.
'HP ' rlPII'IIPA Tel. 1531.
II14 U1tJ1bI1LtftPaxton ituracas ,
. -z. tcitagcrs.
JUNE 9 , 10 , l , 2 ,
PltAlC lIAY ( )
.And tite Itentid Otuare Theater Co. , In
treatRonuinie _ _ lTOi' 9 a , us. l'rlcts , 2te ; , SOc ,
At Bicycle Park , 17th and Charles1
'ih1 grczuest six-day race ever seen here. 'Fhc fast
CSt long distance men in the United Statcs arein it. $500.oc
In cold cash for the winuicr ,
Litdlcs to Grand Staiii 2Sa.
AdniissioitGcittbeiiit ts-t1mu1L1 Stand1 50c.
' 1'o IWetaigliers , 25i.
4c Seasonable
1 '
4c ' I . - iecreatIon goods of ovctkInd-tlio oily
4c I. ' . conipleto stock in tito cIt4o select Ir as ,
4c - . . Huiiiiiioclcs-
Mexicams liamumsocks , 13 t'iet long , 49o in.
stead of 11k ) .
4f 4\ \'oven hammocks , full cctlored , 79e ; the
kind usually iioiut at I.Oa. i
4 - 1lii 1'riutged liatnnmockmtll.19 . , that were
4c $2.00.
4c Croquet aud Teuiiis-
4c I $2.00 and 3.00 Tennis Rickets at 99c-
new frames , oriental gut.
4 c Croquet set of , hard ittaple. linely finished ,
, 1Olt FODIt I'LAYEES , 69c.
4c volt EIGhT PLAYERS , ti9c.
" ° 1 all limo conditintis for wiicht ) they werdo-
: Victor Bicyc1es" , They are light. , they clxi last. they are
id. l'rice 5100,00. Wbccls flout 10 up-on easy iiayntcntwit youwaut them.
' All the new stiles ,
I Ladies' Leather Be1ts-5A ocanul 40c.
: c The ' 1319
4 Store. Street.
slave , when Puuhth'nheatlVilson's uliscoverl
of ( ho uinmntstakbto thuunsb mark conyicti
thou guilty noun.
Th Inst act describes it trial , witereir
l'tlltl ithead wins hula first eascu sail imrovci
the % irttio of his ( huumitb theory by conyIctin
the villain anti viutilicating thin character ol
the noble , sclf.eserlfleing Y000R alan Stiuc
haul for co long been deprived of hula rights
Mr.izuyo i supported by ( ho caine coin
fletont Company as earlier during ( ho season
Seats for ( lie touting engagement still bc
placed on sale tomorrow at 9 o'clock.
The Miller nrosT ; ; gtve a spiritual
utenisce at the Crelgittolu ttmitight , deliver
lug au interestIng thlecouirse on theosophy
innterlalint anti eptrituunlisni , during white ) :
umsaimy uttysterious iusanifostatlona will in
given ,
Primrose and Westwlil give two porforumt
funces at i1Oyil' tlteAter cii Tuesday anti
\'etln.estlay tmex ( , epenltmg on Tuestlay even.
log. OnVedttesday evening the special
feature of the oertoriuienco % % Iii ho limo
cltnniphonshilp cake walk between George \V. .
Gilmore , champion cake smalker of Omnalma
atob James ltuirselh of New York , ehniuupior
cake walker of the world. Time almow is a
imoveity in the fullest seumee. Tue isrograni
wiuicht mviii be presciuteil I niti to be cii
illustration of nuhnetrelby froumi Its birth tc
Its ltrescitt ilay , etmtbcl1ihteu1 with till thm
best of the Olul-tilime feetures anti tttntl
ornate i ) ) ( lie additIon of ( lie very latest
novelties whttclu active brahms atmul xi vel1
stocked treasury coulil ilevise. Thifl ; er.
fcstimtanco Is really two great blg utttttsrel
eltosra iii otto evening. The Primrose & \Vcti
orgisnizatioit boasts tie lens titan three brass
hauide , has a list of fantous vocahlals , which
includes \Villinums II. \ ViimdmttV. . lluuliuc
Arthur \'ihlIautss , Wiiliatms llishuep James W.
Reagan. llertrnnm Miilar aitti Johmu 31. lavis
a bunch of iounetiinuue , headed by Primmoac
anil'et , George \'ilson nusd Messrs. Howe ,
'aul nnd McLeoui , anti a FiteC1aht ) program
in which the Millar brothers' faumsous
"Diorautua , " an exirentely utovei scenic cud
mechanical feature , is tlte greatest lilt. Ttc
imttlsic throughout tIme show Is of ( ho latest
anti ( Ito songs , daitces , darkey pastimes-
oven the jokes-are cciii to ho of a utmohti
whIch ltritmgs them so closely in ( ouch with
current events Gmat the oliict playgoer will
be enabled to alt. through ( lie Icrlormmtauulo
witlmout growitsg remmsiutlscctmt ,
Sutnuxuer icuit smuts to Coinraulu.
The "hock Islattil Route" has now on sale
tourist tickets at greatly reduced rates tc
ienvcr , Colorado Sltrlmtgs anti Pueblo. Ito.
tneimtimer this is time only iuse ruusmming un owit
trains without change lrdmuu Oxumnuma to all tIme
above isoirite. Far full itmforuitatiomt call at
Rock hslanti ticket ctmce , 1102 Farimarn street.
Union aunt National bicycles are ( lie lead-
era. Sold on e.ssy Itaymnents. l"lncst line of
ladies' schools in the city. A. L. Doano &
Co. , 1116 Farnamn , Open evenings.
Sl TIIrt I' , M. 'l'rnl , , ,
of the
& ST. l'AUL flY.
Ilest service.
Dining car.
City office , 1504 Farnant.
Pit 11.tClt liltS I ) I ! ut't'Ss ' Fl (
tltmeutinhull Urtuitptit1tetnre' the Sis euiIli
luuthernu 5 iiui.
'rim Swedtsh l.utiieran symmod was yesertay
morning attended by a large number of dole.
gates , despite the warni weather that pro.
railed. Time question ( hat ccttpieul ( lie sUen.
(1cm of ( hue delegates during the entIre morn
I log sssiomt stat' the utmost effective means for
proviuiing better financial 5Upor of ( Ito
echools , colleges anti semlmsary of ( ho denonil.
It was elated that thuring th last year
thieao smorthy iitr'tiuttons ( hail felt attet keetuly
( lie effects of the hard tiimtei' , There sync a
lengthy dim'cuasloit of the financial status of
each of the eitucntinnnt iimetltiitiomm , onuier
time directIon of the synod nntl of means for
bettering their financial condition.
S hintcs VIn ( lie hinriiuuglott flout
Portland , Ore. , Juno 10 and ii.
St. l.tiis , Jtittus 13 , 14 and IS.
Stun l"rctuucieco , dime 15 , 16 , 23 and 24.
Chicago , Juily 4 , 5 numil 0.
iluitalo , duly 4 runti 5.
\'ashixmgtott , July 8 , 4. 5 antI 0.
iSenvor , ititmo 14 anti 15 and imuly S anti 0.
Salt l.ake City , August 7 amuti S.
hot Spritiga , S. I ) . , .lutime 12 , July 3 antI 24.
\'chlowstnmte park , Juime 1 to Scpteimsiucr 30.
Call at ticket otilce , 1S'3Z l"nriuaiut St. . cmi
got full inforimiation. J. 11. ltfl'i'NOLtS ,
CIty Passenger Agent.
iteturuts uif ( lie .tssessumru , ,
TIm i3orui of Comuitty Conimulesioners still
sit at , a hoard ttt equtallanticin on the returns
uttatie by ( lie aseotimars of thin county , coma-
nsenciimg Ttmca..lay mnorimhmmg at (1 o'clock. Tito
books of the nmwqsaors are requlretl to be
ictttrited to tIme county clerk tin or before
uuext Moitday , and FOtttt' of thment have alreetIy
tteit rotmirumod. No footings of ( lie booke
hiave bccn ummatlo. so that it is ilmtltosalble at
this ( line to mmtake .immy comparisotmo with thso
arc'seximcttts of former sears. although It Is
gctteraily taken for granted that ( lie as-
L'cssmmsemtt ' for South Giumalta svili shosv a
marked increase over foritter years.
" ( mutintin-Cluteuujsuu Itniicut , "
M11.\'AUlEE ltV. ,
liutilt. for speetl ,
Cotmulort mmii safety ,
Short iine.
Block systemmi. '
fliectric hlghmt.
Finn Cuisine.
City ticket otilce , 1504 Parnnmn atreet.
. Out' iiu yx' Ith 1Ie Seuts.
Clan Gordon , thie local lodge of the Order
of Scottish Claims , will give its annimal picnic
at le Seta hake , abmut sIx umuiles from Cal-
boon , Juil ) ' iS. As is cuisommmary with ttis
nociety , athletic gaines will form a prommmimtent
feiture of thin occacion , anti a large umuimmtber
of prizes still lie offered for various tess of
iskili in athletics.
ClII.Iu p Trnvollnr. . . . . .
TIme hmoinescekcrs' excursIon rates of-
feted by tire lltiriiimgtoit floUe ( Tuesday ,
Juno 0.
Poiuits otith antl west.
Call at city ( icket ofiicc , 1502 1'armmarn
street , amid get full Inforntatlon.
Our spccialty' selected wedding gifts in Gorhaln's
Sterling Silver and beautiful Cut Glass commend them-
sctvcs to everyone who wishes to make a lasting present
! . . - - .
. .3
, . MRs. J. BENSON ,
A Prices Out
, : . For Monday
and Tuesday
Witito Skirts , lace and embroidery trimmed , worth $1.25 , will be soki for 79c.
Skirts worth $1.50 for $1.15 and OSe. ,
Phyihl Vests , low neck , no sleeves , hand fintalted in milk anti fuubl regular imsatie
thmo $1.50 quality , we will sell for S&c. Santo. quality iii Tlghtsblack or cern , regu
Tar mince 12.00 , imo'v $1.38.
Embroideries iii Ilatlste , Nninsook , Swiss and Cambric ; colors. linen , ocrtt anil
wIite-soimte of thcst thtat soul fur $ i.3S now OSc-l.O0. itossi GPc-4c , nosy 2Sc-35c ,
. ' , h2e-I&c , imow l0c-I21'e , now 9c-Oe ,
isos' 22c-2.e ' ; , now hlc-SOc , now 'lOc20c now , -
now Ge-Ge , now Se.
A. Silk Lace. 9 inches svitl , for 2Sc ; Svorthu be.
hianti made Linen Lace ( or colinrettes , tide , lSc.
Very handsome Laces for collareucs , front 25c imp.
This Week
. - . ' -
; - - = -
- -
j , - , / : ; - - 's SALE
I ' T ' 75 Genuine Leonard Ctean-
, able Refrigerators. I3est in
; I the world , \\Tarranted to use
. ' . ' . iS J the least ice. Movable tines
- ,
. - - - for Gleaning. Si walls , I-lard
S wood. prices from up ,
I' ' , nu1r according to size , Save fl1OflC
. . - and save ice.
r1ONDAY , _ '
, .
\\re phtcc on sale xo Beveridge'
Maryland Automatic steam Cookers f :
Niiiety-fivc Cents Each , _ _ _
. They can be used on any ga3 , gaso' _ _ _
lcnc , coal-oil or coal or wood stove _ 7
or range. Requires less fuel saves
one-third the food , Impossible for
anything to burn.
EW GOODS Rccei'liig n New Stock , _ _ _
1.owcst l'rlces In tjlo City.
. Co 14th * nd I''nnin Bta
in MlscnutriI'nlflc. ltnilyn.
Only line to St. Louis. Mit ,
\\'ithcut change of ears.
i.vave * Oxmsaha 3:45 : p. mu ,
Arrives t. Louis , Mo. , 7:20 : a , as.
\ 'erylow rates for the rotund trip ,
' 70 St. Louis , Me. , dOne 13 , 11 , 15.
'To San Francisco , Cal. , Juno. IS , I , 23 , 24.
'I'O Waoimington. Ii. C. , dimly 3 , 4 , 5 , 6.
'Fe Iltiftalo , N , Y. , July 4 , 5.
iiotneseckors' excursions ( pauith ) , Juno 9. 23.
Missouri Pacitlo ( coins letya Webster strect
depot. Omaha ,
Arrive at ( union station ) St. I.ouuia , Mo. _
CIty offices :
N. U. Corner 13th and Pamnans streets ,
STAND ii ? FOlt Nl.MIRASKt. Petronla ,
llomito intlustry dinner. June 10. Ii and 32 ,
Y. M. C. A. itch. Price , 25 cents ,
.tti.h tlil Tile ) . Cuuite.
lvery day snore are added to our $1 per
month contract for cleanIng amsul taking
care of bicycles.Ve ketp ( hens Iocktng
like new , Call anti investigate this. Full
line of sundries. Ak-Sar.IJen Cycle Cci.
Th Trnnsuntsslppi iapesithon hili is likely to
he 'duel l.y Kent , If he'll call st our stnre sism ,
I t us gis e hlnu come gtxI ) tahtlt ut m'.II.
( int'-.on,1 t ' 0 .lou't kntck him tnmt1attune ,
as me ttR these x4 pets-we'il agree to the on
nilatfa tin' tnirnee of our days.
iltrTteuI CaMth Cimt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C5ttistnti Siiruit-i Snlt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.0
l'nlne' , ( 'chary ( omNtmnd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
sIOn helatrxt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
\5n1tmer's iafo Cure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UniTy's MaiL 5'iuiskcy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.
hood's Sorsaiserihla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I'lcre ? , Favorite I'roserlptien. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.i.a
Mennn's Talcuni ) 'oah'r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIe
l'inaumtt's Exit do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anti ISo 5
i'end'u l.t.trnct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
l'oulerat tternx , Puttilid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIe
Moth halls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so
Zeil's t'erftmmmmrs , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
i'enrs' ( ont'.t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lIe xinti l.o
JuvOntie Soap . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIe
i'zzc'ni't' t'nitdcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ttlt ( itliti ( lmiomtgo ,
\\.e ivrittt ) otir tmiIetiunts Wit ) 5e ittake thmesi
11(1Cc. :
'rsvo 'l'Ec : t'ty'i's ei"is i.'iutt Inc.
lOut' Toharo. it.flilutt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
i i.tiaealie TOlitiCil. tound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
halIte Ax. PtiItii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'ilititix , mtcflmtit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISo
1. 'F. , ; iuittti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
N tsi.ty , tIOttilit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 , )
ISniti lttlti' . ltttnui. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
! ttil3 Tar , ituni. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ttechnnica' iiIiit. iount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
S3ttIC1XC 'i'hl.tCCUS.
¼ 1'eraeiintmxu. , ittxmut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020
Iuknq lit I , .utir , ' . uiouxt.t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie
lreeiui.nek. iuituni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lit )
0 iii i'itt'it , utotini. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ltitti Sitmui , pouxtit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
&ls.y. Ptit1I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3o
lucky. t'ttimt&i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tine
ilium Jirtinirt , PtIIxth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
tuI1 ( 'tire. ! , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42ts
reai of North tSlroulnap3unim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coo
( it trailIng tirTiflulS itt ii ( 'lgnn.-7 toe. . . . . .
tut lendIng I'raiiis of toe Chars-i ft.r. . . . . .
I , The
, l iI IaIIIDsJ Cutter , 4
14OG Faiimiuiuu Street.
The mimati Gmat sells Cut hirulirond Tickets.
Teeth xtrget ! abrctlutaiy without pain ItOUti
oral anatatlictic. 11arnmi. . is naten 2
Dlii AMEEY [ oadI fleolisi ,
omce. Titled Floor , rsxto ock. 16th an
'arn3mn street. Tdcphtone. u3.c.i. Gernu.r ,
polcen. lAdy attendant.
rail Sct at 'l'ce1lt , l'erfeci Fit ,
jet anl bept Teeth , per set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iumlnum i'late . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .h1.OO
vctht W'ltiiout l'lntea 4 Moderate Coa4
Teeth , toomh and nttac7mnunt . . . . .
ciii ridge Ci'own 2 ! per . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) (0 31.151
ichnmoflut &own . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.03
Teeth flile.h without pain anti at pricci corre.
tending with time atioto. All work guarcattetl
I represented.
Elaycjen Bros.
; ome Bargains anc
Low Prices for
Monday ,
t is it pritle of our Cl'C ilcpartnsont t
ow none to give better lmoet' far les&
ne ) ' , tiiUt multoctu of all styles anti kinds ,
lithtu the mcccli of nil piurseu.
'ry thu and he conviusceul of what we say.
'Inc llicycie Shoes , Ii.t0 to $2.50.
rho0 luicytu Jet4rlngs , OS ; $1.25 anti
IS.adies' Fine Oxford Ties , lit ilongola anti
i , 7Cc , fuSe , siic , 11.50 and $2.00.
tissea" Oxford Ties , 7Iti to $ i.0.
ltiltlren'iu' "Fine Xiii Iluttomu Shoes , $1.00 ,
% ) and 11.45.
huihilrcit'i. ' Oxford Tics , ( Se to 11,25.
lets's Flue Shoes , $100 , $300 , f2.2 anti. , ,
to.o)3' "FlOe SheeP , $1.20 , * 1.50 and $2.00.
Hayden Bros. 1
Foil. ShIOhIS , I
0- Scnrccl to
: /
E:12 :
SU3lSlHit hI1SOhtT $ ,
Colorado Noun1fn Summer ilesorl
I Ii. . SI , 'iIn liii.r 0 malls , from Denser.
erlistic paradlI. at au times , Usceilent hotsL
le ( . 'nsurpssasd llili1ttg Plenty of .isa4s.
uresipi. actitury and spiradid aeoommo4aciss
families Vt iaoimt4e ( sims. Take uin-1 ,
ton ill tlts All mall to 'I
' $1. .t , ' 1LC11 ,